CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses
University-quality English language courses

Make tomorrow better.

CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses
Why Curtin?

                                                                                                                                        Curtin is Western Australia’s largest university and is a forward-
                                                                                                                                        looking, vibrant institution with award-winning teaching staff,
                                                                                                                                        innovative programs, modern facilities and more than 50,000 students
                                                                                                                                        across seven campuses in Australia and South-East Asia.

                                                                                                                                        Global university ranking
                                                                                                                                        Curtin is ranked among the world’s best. It is
                                                                                                                                        ranked 25th in the QS World University rankings in
                                                                                                                                        2013/14 for universities under the age of 50 – the
                                                                                                                                        only WA university to make the list – and the only
                                                                                                                                        WA university to be given five stars overall in the
                                                                                                                                        international QS Stars ratings 2014.

                                                                                                                                        International student community
                                                                                                                                        With nearly 16,000 international students from more than 125
                                                                                                                                        different countries in a student population of 50,000, Curtin is Western
                                                                                                                                        Australia’s most multicultural university and the university with the
                                                                                                                                        third largest international student population in Australia.

                                                                                                                                        Many academic choices and industry relevant courses
                                                                                                                                        Curtin has a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral
                                                                                                                                        programs across the disciplines of business, arts, languages,
                                                                                                                                        education, physical sciences, engineering and health sciences. Many
                                                                                                                                        Curtin degrees are nationally and internationally accredited and
                                                                                                                                        industry relevant, combining theory with applied work placements,
                                                                                                                                        helping you to graduate career-ready.

                                                                                                                                        Excellent support services and facilities
                                                                                                                                        The Learning Centre’s academic support programs and the fitness
                                                                                                                                        facilities at Curtin’s sports stadium allow you settle into a new
                                                                                                                                        academic environment and fully enjoy university life.

Contact us                               Contents                                                                                       Welcome from the Director
CURTIN ENGLISH                           About Curtin University........................................................ 1              Hello, and welcome to Curtin English.
Curtin University                        About Curtin English............................................................ 2
                                                                                                                                        In 2012, I arrived in Perth for the first time to take on the role as Director at Curtin English. I settled in quickly, with a
PO Box U1987, Per th 6845                The Curtin English advantage.............................................. 3
                                                                                                                                        professional, warm welcome from our staff and I fell in love with the beautiful city of Perth.
Western Australia                        English Pathways................................................................. 4
Tel:   +61 8 9266 7617                   Our courses                                                                                    I have been here for a couple of years and I am really enjoying working on the attractive campus of one of Australia’s
Fax: +61 8 9266 3186                       General English......................................................................... 6   largest and most dynamic universities. I come to work with a smile on my face every day and the feedback I get from our
Email:     English for Academic Purposes (EAP).................................... 8                    students suggests that they feel the same way.
                                           English Language Bridging (ELB)..........................................10                  Our success is built on providing high-quality teaching and a supportive learning environment. We will help you improve
                                           General Professional English (GPE)......................................12                   your English language skills both in the classroom and outside of it, so that you can achieve your goals and have a great
                                           Cambridge Preparation (FCE & CAE)....................................13                      experience at the same time. Our teaching and social programs and our support services are all designed to help you to get
                                         Customised programs........................................................14                  the most out of your stay.
                                         Teacher training..................................................................16           Whether you need English for work, travel or your further studies, we will prepare you for a successful future in today’s
                                         Accommodation..................................................................17              global environment.
                                         Campus Life.........................................................................18
                                                                                                                                        I look forward to welcoming you to Curtin English.
                                         About Perth.........................................................................21
                                         Course dates and fees........................................................22                Associate Professor Simon Winetroube
                                         Application form.................................................................23            Director, Curtin English
CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

About Curtin English                                                                                                               The Curtin English advantage
Providing quality English language courses and a supportive learning environment.                                                  Why selecting Curtin English is the best choice you can make.

Curtin English is the English Language Centre of Curtin           Snapshot of our courses                                          Packaged courses                                                    Free classes to practice your English
University. With more than 40 years experience in teaching
                                                                  COURSE                    LEVEL             DURATION             If you are planning to go to Curtin University or Curtin College,   Opportunities to practice English can be taken through free
English to international students, we can provide you with
                                                                                                              FULL-TIME            our English language courses can be packaged together with          classes conducted with the Cambridge teaching programs at
a course that’s right for you, and a rewarding learning
                                                                  General English (GE)      Elementary to     5-40 weeks           your chosen undergraduate, postgraduate or diploma program          Curtin English. Free classes in skills such as pronunciation are
                                                                                            Intermediate                           to streamline your enrolment and visa application process.          also offered periodically.
Curtin English is located on the beautiful campus grounds         English for Academic      Intermediate      10-20 weeks
of Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. As a Curtin     Purposes (EAP)            to Upper                               A pathway to an academic program                                    Confidential advisory service
English student, you will have access to the excellent campus                               Intermediate                           We can help plan your study pathway using your English              The services of a full-time student advisor are available should
facilities and support services available to Curtin University    English Language          Upper             10 weeks or 17       language test results or the Password placement test so that        you need guidance and support for any personal or welfare
students.                                                         Bridging (ELB)            Intermediate to   weeks                you can take the best and quickest route into your next course      matter.
                                                                                            Advanced                               at Curtin University or Curtin College. We also monitor your
The range of well-taught, quality English language courses        General Professional      Upper             5-10 weeks                                                                               Social program
                                                                                                                                   progress during your study to ensure you’re on track to meet
enable you to successfully learn and use English in everyday      English (GPE)             Intermediate                           the requirements of your chosen academic program.                   A program of leisure time activities including fun-filled
situations and academic environments. Our courses are             Cambridge First           Upper             10 weeks each                                                                            excursions with our student experience co-ordinator will help
interactive, engaging, well-structured and informed by best       Certificate (FCE & CAE)   Intermediate to                        Quality teaching and accredited programs                            you to make friends and explore the beautiful city of Perth and
practice. You will receive individual attention and regular                                 Advanced                               You will receive quality language tuition in a certified English    its surroundings.
feedback on your progress. So, whether you need English for       Teacher Training,         Advanced          4 weeks full-time    language program. The teachers at Curtin English are sensitive
work and travel, or to advance to programs at Curtin College or   CELTA*                                                                                                                               Come and experience Curtin English.
                                                                                                                                   to students’ needs as they are English language professionals
Curtin University, we have the course for you.                    Teacher Training,         Customised to      As requested
                                                                                                                                   with specialised teaching qualifications. Curtin English is
                                                                  Customised Groups*        demand
Curtin English is a great place to study and make progress                                                                         accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards
                                                                  Customised Programs       Customised to      As requested
towards your goals. Come and join us and experience what                                                                           Agency and the National ELICOS Association of Australia for
Curtin English can do for you.                                                                                                     teaching English as a foreign language.
                                                                  *Not available to off-shore international student visa holders
                                                                                                                                   Technology-assisted language learning
                                                                                                                                   At Curtin English, you can develop your English language
                                                                                                                                   skills in language classes that use new technology to aid
                                                                                                                                   interactive language learning. In some courses, you may have
                                                                                                                                   opportunities to use mobile devices and digital applications
                                                                                                                                   to share content, reflect on presentations, improve
                                                                                                                                   pronunciation, develop listening skills, and write and edit

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Curtin English prepares students for success
                                                                                                                                                                                                       within a quality environment where people
                                                                                                                                                                                                       love to learn and work.

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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

English Pathways
Look ever forward.

COURSE WEEKS                           IELTS                IELTS             IELTS      IELTS        IELTS           IELTS              IELTS                   IELTS                              IELTS
                                      3.0                  3.5                4.0        4.5         5.0             5.5                6.0                      6.5                                7.0
Each General English and
English for Academic
Purposes level is 10 weeks
in duration. You need to               ENTRY                ENTRY             ENTRY      ENTRY        ENTRY           ENTRY              ENTRY                   ENTRY                              ENTRY
complete 10 weeks and
achieve the required pass

mark to move from one
level to the next.                                                                                                                                     Direct

                                      GE2                 GE3                 GE4        GE5        EAP1
                                                                                                                     17 weeks
                                                                                                                                        ELB            Direct
                                                                                                                                       10 weeks
                                                                                                                    CURTIN                                       Curtin
                                                                                                                    COLLEGE                                     University

                                       10                   10                 10         10          10           EAP2
                                       weeks                weeks              weeks      weeks       weeks                                                                                      University

                                                                                                                      weeks                                      ELB               Direct

                                       ’B‘                  ’B‘                ’B‘        ’B‘         ’B‘                                                        10 weeks

                                     grade to             grade to            grade to   grade to   grade to          ’B‘               ELB                       Direct
                                       pass                 pass                pass       pass       pass          grade to                                      entry
                                                                                                                      pass             17 weeks

                                                                                                     GPE                      FCE                                                CAE
                                     GE2    General English 2
                                     GE3    General English 3
                                                                                                     10 weeks                 10 weeks                                           10 weeks
                                     GE4    General English 4
                                     GE5    General English 5                                       Satisfactory   Two entry points into this level.                  Two entry points into this level.
                                     EAP1   English for Academic Purposes 1                         completion         Progression based on
                                     EAP2   English for Academic Purposes 2                           grade to       Cambridge Exam results
                                     GPE    General Professional English                                pass
                                     FCE    First Certificate in English
                                     CAE    Certificate in Advanced English
                                     ELB    English Language Bridging

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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

General English                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3.0                GE2
CRICOS Code 081750B                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ENTRY
Develop your skills and confidence in using English.
Who studies General English?
You should choose this course if you would like the enjoyment
                                                                 General English 3 (GE3)
                                                                 Listen for specific information, skim and scan simple texts,
                                                                 produce simple speech with some fluency, and write a short,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.5                GE3
and stimulation of improving your English while studying in a
                                                                 structured paragraph with basic sentence patterns and
modern university environment.
                                                                 spelling and punctuation that is generally correct.
What will I learn in General English?                            General English 4 (GE4)                                                                                                                                                         IELTS
The General English course develops your confidence
in using English when living, studying or working in an
English-speaking environment. It is designed to assist you
                                                                 Listen for gist and specific details, use contextual clues to
                                                                 guess the meaning of words in longer texts, maintain a flow of
                                                                 speech using an appropriate range of vocabulary and organise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4.0                GE4
in developing your English communication skills for use in       ideas logically using paragraphs.
everyday contexts, with language teaching and language skills
integrated throughout the course.
                                                                 General English 5 (GE5)
                                                                 Use a text as a basis for critical thinking, demonstrate basic
Who will be in my class?
Curtin English has a wide mix of nationalities in each class
                                                                 note-taking skills and predict information using contextual
                                                                 clues when listening. Express reasons and explanations for                                                                                                                      4.5                GE5
giving you a true international experience and the opportunity
                                                                 opinions when speaking, and write about a topical issue giving                                                                                                                  ENTRY
                                                                 the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
to learn English in a multicultural environment.

Levels                                                           Assessments
                                                                 As a General English student, you will be assessed in five
General English is offered from elementary to
                                                                 areas: writing; reading; grammar and language; listening; and
intermediate level.
                                                                 speaking. All assessments are based on the content and skills
What will I be able to do after completing a                     that you are taught during the course.
General English level?
General English 2 (GE2)
Understand simple conversations and short texts, participate
in conversations in a range of situations, and use a limited
range of vocabulary and basic grammatical structures to write
paragraphs on a range of familiar topics.

                                                                                                                                  Sample General English timetable
                                                                                                                                               MONDAY                   TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                 FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                  AM           Language                 Practical English        Skills                   Skills                   Skills
                                                                                                                                  (120 mins)   Grammar: tenses          Scenario: a study trip   Taking notes while       Preparation for          Fluency activity:
                                                                                                                                               Present                                           listening                essay 1: writing a       going on a journey
                                                                                                                                               Perfect                                           Students share emails    biographical profile     Library session and
                                                                                                                                               Past simple                                       in groups. The teacher                            activity
                                                                                                                                                                                                 collects them and                                 Submit essay 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                 marks the emails for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 key words and useful
                                                                                                                                  PM           Language                 Language                 Skills                   Practical English        Individual tutorials
                                                                 The General English course develops                                           Job related vocabulary   Expressions connected    Listening:               Scenario: taking part in Review of units 1–3
                                                                                                                                  (120 mins)
                                                                 your confidence in using English when                                         Skills                   with time and work       understanding details    a job interview.
                                                                 living, studying or working in an                                             Reading:                 Grammar: tenses          Language                 Set up learner journal
                                                                                                                                               understanding the        Present                  Grammar: tenses          activity
                                                                 English-speaking environment.                                                 main idea                Perfect                  Present
                                                                                                                                                                        Continuous               Perfect simple
                                                                                                                                  Homework                              Write an email           Grammar: p.11            Essay 1: finish the      Revise vocabulary
                                                                                                                                                                        summarising the five                              profile.                 lists
                                                                                                                                                                        best suggestions                                  Learner journal activity
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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

English for Academic Purposes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               EAP
CRICOS Code 081751A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5.0                 1
Focus on your English language skills for academic study.
Who studies English for Academic Purposes?
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) develops your English
                                                                     What will I be able to do after completing
                                                                     EAP course levels?                                                                                                                                                                  5.5                 2
language and academic study skills and is useful if you wish to      English for Academic Purposes 1                                                                                                                                                     ENTRY
study English at a higher level to meet entry requirements for       Identify main ideas, details and the writer’s purpose in
Curtin College* or prepare for Curtin University courses.            academic texts, use note-taking techniques effectively when
                                                                     listening to lectures, engage in conversations on academic
What will I learn in EAP?                                            topics, and write an academic essay using simple sentence
Our EAP courses teach you academic writing skills, reading           forms together with some complex sentence forms.
skills, listening and note-taking skills, and presentation
and discussion skills. You will also be taught the academic          English for Academic Purposes 2
language you need to succeed in a university context. The            Distinguish between main ideas and specific details in
course also prepares you for the English Language Bridging           critically analysing and evaluating extended academic texts,
Program, which leads to direct entry to Curtin University once       understand and recognise language used in lectures, give an
you have successfully completed the program.                         academic presentation in a clear and concise manner, and
                                                                     write an academic essay using a combination of simple and
In our EAP courses, you will learn from regular guest speakers       complex structures.
and have additional time with your teachers in weekly
small group tutorial classes. You will also learn more about         Assessments
Australia with Australian lifestyle, culture and history content     As an EAP student, you will be assessed in writing; reading;
integrated into the courses.                                         listening; grammar and language; and speaking.
                                                                     All assessments are based on the content and skills that
Who will be in my class?                                             you are taught during the course.
You will study alongside other students who want to further
their education at University or other tertiary institutes. Curtin   * Curtin College is an integrated pathway provider to Curtin
English has a wide mix of nationalities in each class to ensure      University, offering an alternative entry point if you do not meet
that you get a true international experience and learn English       Curtin University’s minimum entry requirements. Located on
in a multicultural environment.                                      Curtin’s main Bentley Campus, Curtin College offers university
                                                                     degree transfer programs across a range of disciplines.
Levels                                                               Specific English language courses at Curtin English can prepare
EAP courses are offered at levels 1 or 2. If you have a lower        you for direct entry into Curtin College courses.
grasp of English, you may need to study General English
before beginning an EAP course. Your starting point will be
decided at the application stage based on the results of a
recognised English language proficiency test, or the Password
placement test.

                                                                                                                                          Sample EAP timetable
                                                                                                                                          WEEK 4       MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY                 FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                          AM           Lecture Skills 1           Lecture Skills 1 cont.    Reading              Homework review        Practice Essay 1
                                                                                                                                          (120 mins)   Pre-listening skills and   Vocabulary: key           Understanding the    Listening and speaking Process writing: final
                                                                                                                                                       strategies                 expressions               main ideas                                  draft
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Reaching consensus in
                                                                                                                                                       Listening                  Pronunciation             Vocabulary           a group
                                                                                                                                                       Listening for detail       Abbreviations and         Hedging
                                                                                                                                                                                  symbols in note taking                         Pronunciation

                                                                                                                                          PM           Writing                    Homework review           Homework review      Language                 Tutorials
                                                                                                                                          (120 mins)   Language for writing:      Language                  Writing              Organising questions     Check journals
                                                                                                                                                       how to express cause       Articles                  Paraphrasing                                  Supplementary
                                                                                                                                                       and effect
                                                                     Our EAP courses teach academic writing                                                                       Language                                                                activities:
                                                                                                                                                       Language to report         Nouns                                                                   pronunciation
                                                                     skills, reading skills, listening and note taking                                                            Phrases                                                                 grammar
                                                                     skills, and presentation and discussion skills.                                                                                                                                      vocabulary quiz
                                                                                                                                          Homework     Complete task using        Complete grammar          Write a summary      Write a short report     Complete
                                                                                                                                                       the language for           exercises: articles and   using the notes on   using the information    pronunciation and
                                                                                                                                                       writing                    nouns                     main ideas           in activity 9.6          grammar worksheets

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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

English Language Bridging                                                                                                                    Entry requirements into ELB courses
                                                                                                                                                ELB 17 WEEK
CRICOS Code 003896G                                                                                                                             University entry requirement of:      IELTS 6.5 w/min 6          IELTS 6.5 w/min 6.5          IELTS 7.0 w/min 6.5          IELTS 7.0 and above
An accelerated academic English program to prepare you for degree study                                                                                              IELTS            5.5 (min 5 in each band)   5.5 (min 5.5 in all bands)   6.0 (min 5.5 in all bands)   6.0 (min 6 in each band)

                                                                                                                                             English language test
                                                                                                                                                                     EAP (10 weeks)   EAP1 (grade B overall)     EAP1 (grade B overall)       EAP 2 (grade B overall)      EAP2 (grade B overall)
Who studies English Language Bridging?                                    writing tasks related to the texts that you are reading.
                                                                          There is also a focus on improving speaking skills to assist you                           TOEFL ibt        Overall 51                 Overall 51                   Overall 66                   Overall 66
The English Language Bridging course (ELB) is an accelerated                                                                                                                          R: 4                       R: 8                         R: 8                         R: 13
                                                                          in participating in seminars. The next 10 weeks follows the
academic English program that prepares you for degree study                                                                                                                           W: 15                      W: 18                        W: 18                        W: 21
                                                                          10-week ELB program curriculum.                                                                             L: 4                       L: 7                         L: 7                         L: 12
at Curtin University if you are from a non-English speaking                                                                                                                           S: 15                      S: 16                        S: 16                        S: 18
background.                                                               ELB 10 weeks
                                                                          The 10-week program focuses on producing an academic                                       Pearson (PTE)    Overall: 44                Overall: 44                  Overall: 52                  Overall: 52
Through the ELB, you can attain the English entry score required                                                                                                                      Communicative              Communicative                Communicative                Communicative
                                                                          research paper. You will develop the skills to use library                                                  sub-skills: 36             sub-skills: 42               sub-skills: 42               sub-skills: 50
for most Curtin degree programs provided you successfully
                                                                          technologies, access research materials and practice how to
complete the course and meet the required exit score.                                                                                           ELB 10 WEEK
                                                                          incorporate others’ ideas into your own academic writing.
Choose this course if you:                                                There is an emphasis on referencing conventions and                   University entry requirement of:      IELTS 6.5 w/min 6          IELTS 6.5 w/min 6.5          IELTS 7.0 w/min 6.5          IELTS 7.0 and above
• want to develop your use of academic English to enable you              academic style. You’ll also acquire the oral skills necessary                              IELTS            6.0 (min 5.5 in each band) 6.0 (min 6.0 in each band) 6.5 (min 6.0 in each band) 6.5 (min 6.5 in each band)

                                                                                                                                             English language test
  to work more effectively during your university studies                 to participate in seminar discussions and academic
                                                                                                                                                                     TOEFL ibt        Overall 66                 Overall 66                   Overall 84                   Overall 84
• have a conditional offer from Curtin University which                   presentations, and listening and note-taking skills.                                                        R: 8                       R: 13                        R: 13                        R: 19
  requires you to attend the ELB course and obtain a                                                                                                                                  W: 18                      W: 21                        W: 21                        W: 24
  satisfactory English Language Assessment and Academic
                                                                          How will ELB help me succeed at University?                                                                 L: 7                       L: 12                        L: 12                        L: 20
                                                                                                                                                                                      S: 16                      S: 18                        S: 18                        S: 20
  Language Report.                                                        ELB helps you to:
                                                                                                                                                                     Pearson (PTE)    Overall: 52                Overall: 52                  Overall: 61                  Overall: 61
                                                                          • raise your general and academic English to the required level                                             Communicative              Communicative                Communicative                Communicative
Which program is right for me?                                            • develop your academic reading and listening strategies,                                                   sub-skills: 42             sub-skills: 50               sub-skills: 50               sub-skills: 58
The English Language Bridging Program has two entry points.                 listen to authentic lectures and take useful notes
You will either join the longer 17-week course or the shorter             • use appropriate academic language and organise academic          *Entry requirements: entry into the ELB 17-week program is 1.0 IELTS band below the University’s entry requirement overall and
10-week course depending on your current English level and                  essays effectively when writing                                  in each band. Similarly, entry to the ELB 10-week program is 0.5 band below.
the level of English required for your degree program.                    • communicate effectively in discussions, seminars and             For more information on either ELB course please visit:
If you are one IELTS band (or equivalent) below university entry            presentations
for your chosen academic course, enrol in the 17-week full                • undertake research projects and use library technologies to
semester ELB course.                                                        access research
                                                                          • learn about academic procedures, rules and conventions and                                                                                                                               IELTS
If you are 0.5 IELTS band (or equivalent) below university entry
for your chosen academic course, enrol in the 10-week ELB
                                                                            become accustomed to Australian university life before your
                                                                            degree starts.                                                                                                                                                                          5.5                 ELB
course.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17 weeks
Your offer letter from Curtin English will indicate which course          Assessments                                                                                                                                                                                ENTRY
is appropriate for you.                                                   The graded assessments include a research project, a critical
ELB 17 weeks                                                              response, an individual presentation, a group seminar                                                                                                                                      IELTS
The first seven weeks focus on grammar and vocabulary,
                                                                          discussion, a listening and note-taking test, a grammar and
together with intensive reading and writing skills development.           vocabulary test, and a portfolio presentation.
You will study from a set of course books and produce weekly                                                                                                                                                                                                                             10 weeks

Sample ELB weekly timetable block 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ELB
                MONDAY                    TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY               FRIDAY                                                                                                                                             6.5                  10 weeks
 AM             Unit 6                    Presentation             Grammar Unit 6         Computer lab           Speaking                                                                                                                                            ENTRY
                Reading /                 practice                 Collocations           session                Discussion practice:
                Language                  Presenting graphs        Cause and effect       Using library          language of
                Presenting and            and charts to the        structures             databases for          agreement and
                interpreting results in   group                                           research               disagreement;
                graphs and charts         Peer feedback on                                                       Interruption and
                                          presentations                                                          turn-taking

 PM             Writing workshop          Writing workshop         Writing workshop       Writing workshop       Individual tutorials
                Analysing an essay        Preparing an effective   In-class essay         Peer feedback on in-   Grammar and
                question                  essay outline                                   class essay            vocabulary review
                Effective text                                                            Lecture                quiz
                annotation                                                                Australian Culture                                                                                                                                                 You will join the 17-week
 Homework       Prepare to present a      Complete essay           Extended activities    Error correction in    Start searching                                                                                                                             course or 10-week course
                chart                     outline for in-class     for cause and effect   essays                 databases and reading                                                                                                                       dependent on your current
                Review Unit 6:            writing                  structures: online     Reflective journal     for research project
                vocabulary                                         practice               writing                                                                                                                                                            English level and the level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of English required for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             your degree program.
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CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

General Professional English                                                                               5.0                GPE     Cambridge Preparation
CRICOS Code 081752M                                                                                        ENTRY                      CRICOS CODE 081753K
Enhance your business English skills for global work and travel.                                                                      Gain higher English skills and recognised qualifications

What will I be able to do after completing General Professional English?                                                              Who studies the Cambridge First Certificate in                       Who will be in my class?
In general and business situations, you will be able to engage in conversations on business-related topics, and write a CV            English and Certificate in Advanced English?                         You will learn with other students who are preparing for the
and cover letter using an appropriate style. You will identify main ideas, details, and the writer’s purpose in a variety of texts,   Cambridge Preparation, offered at FCE and CAE levels, will           FCE and CAE exams who want to acquire higher language
and listen for topic-specific information and details within monologues and dialogues.                                                prepare you for the First Certificate in English and Certificate     communication skills for professional and academic purposes.
                                                                                                                                      in Advanced English exams. You should choose this course
                                                                                                                                      if you want to acquire the language skills necessary to
Sample GPE weekly timetable                                                                                                           communicate effectively in both professional and academic            Cambridge Preparation is offered at two levels:
 WEEK 2         MONDAY                 TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                FRIDAY                  environments.                                                        • FCE is available to students who have a minimum language
                                                                                                                                                                                                             proficiency at intermediate level.
 AM             Language Focus         Workbook                Skills focus           Focus on functions      Review unit A           What will I learn in the Cambridge First                             • CAE is available to students who have minimum language
 (120 mins)     Talking about the      Additional practice     Developing more        Starting a working      Review and
                past                                           natural sentence       relationship.           reinforcement of        Certificate in English and Certificate in                              proficiency at upper-intermediate level.
                Practice               Grammar Speaking        stress.                Communicating by        Unit 2 content and      Advanced English?                                                    Each level is a total of 250 hours, with 20 hours of structured
                Grammar Speaking       Vocabulary              Using signal words.    email                   skills
                                                                                                                                      Cambridge Preparation aims to ensure you’ll be confident             teaching per week and a supervised interactive online learning
                Vocabulary                                                            Telephoning                                     to deal with a range of reading and listening texts, write           component of five hours per week.
                                                                                      contacts                                        effectively in a range of genres. It will help you develop           * courses are run subject to numbers
 PM             Wordpower              Corporate               Communication          Communication           Reading                 communicative competence for face-to-face interaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                           A free on-line test is available on the Cambridge website
 (120 mins)     Motivation:            weekends                strategies             Reading blogs           Online supermarkets     and good control over grammar and vocabulary at upper-
                vocabulary                                     Motivation:            Writing
                                       Listening:                                                             Language focus 2        intermediate and advanced levels. Exam techniques and exam
                Word building 1 pp.    main ideas and          Listening              Creating your CV        Talking about the       practice are integrated into this course. The delivery is flexible   Take the test to check your current level and see which exam
                20-21                  supporting details      Announcements                                  present                 to suit different learning styles, including the use of a learner    (FCE or CAE) is right for you.
                Motivation:            Speaking:               Speaking:                                      Practice                journal to develop reflective and critical thinking.
                vocabulary             participating in a      discussing and                                 Supplementary                                                                                For more information on the Cambridge Preparation course
                                       discussion              presenting ideas                               practice                                                                                     visit:
                Word building 1
                Teachers Book
                pp.108-109                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IELTS
 Homework       Workbook
                                                               Prepare short
                                                                                                              Write a weekly
                                                                                                              journal entry                                                                                                                   5.5               FCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10 weeks
                practice with lesson   practice with lesson    presentation           practice with lesson
                activities             activities                                     activities                                                                                                                                              ENTRY
 WEEK 3         MONDAY                 TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                FRIDAY
 AM             DVD Lesson             Interaction:            Focus on functions     Unit 4 – The Future     Hand in writing
 (120 mins)     Unit 3 – Tesco         Making a good           A phone conference.    Language focus 1        assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10 weeks
                Materials from         impression              Turn-giving and        Exercises 1-4           Workbook
                supplementary texts    Supplementary           turn-taking pp.36-37   pp.38-39                Exercises 1-2, p.24                                                                                                             ENTRY
                                       lesson from Lifestyle   Teacher’s Book         Practice                Practice
                                       Upper Int. pp.12-13                            Exercise 1 p.40         Exercises 2-4
                                       Setup Assessment                                                       pp.40-41

 PM             Wordpower
                                       2: Presentation
                                       Skills focus            Check HW               Workbook                Students present                                                                                                                6.5               10 weeks
 (120 mins)     Verbs of
                                       Linking words
                                                               Assessment 1 –         Skills focus            summary of second
                                                                                                              chapter of graded
                                                               Writing (20%)          Exercises 1-4, pp.
                pp. 32-33                                                                                     reader
                                                               Writing a CV and       21-22                   Write week 3 journal
                Teachers Book                                  cover letter           (Leads into writing a   entry

                                                                                      cover letter)           Week 3 Tutorial
 Homework                              Finish ex. 6, part 2,   Work on Writing        Finish Writing          Read Chapter 3 of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10 weeks
                p. 20                  p.35                    assessment             assessment              graded reader                                                                                                                   ENTRY
                                       Write a short report                           Prepare summary of
                                       on findings from                               chapter 2 of graded
                                       discussion                                     reader
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The delivery of the course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is flexible to suit different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        learning styles, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the use of a learner journal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to develop reflective and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        critical thinking.
12 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       13
CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

Customised programs                                                                                                                        Sample Study Tour timetable
                                                                                                                                            Week one
Curtin English can customise programs to suit the needs of any group.                                                                      TIME            WEEKEND         MONDAY          TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY        FRIDAY            WEEKEND
                                                                                                                                           10am–12pm       Arrive Perth    Orientation     Integrated        Integrated      Integrated      Excursion:        Free with
                                                                                                                                                           airport         Welcome         English class     English class   English class   Fremantle         homestay
Programs can incorporate English language classes for a range       Program support services                                                                               to Curtin,                                                        walking           family
of levels and incorporate cultural activities, Perth sightseeing,                                                                                                          refreshments,                                                     heritage tour     OR
                                                                    In addition to tailoring a program to the needs of your group,                                         transport                                                                           join in Curtin
university lectures and workshops, and specialised excursions.                                                                                                                                                                               Learn how
                                                                    Curtin English is able to offer a variety of services and facilities                                   cards, campus                                                                       English social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to play the
English classes can be custom designed in closed groups or          to the group participants. Services include:                                                           tour, Curtin                                                      didgeridoo        program (if
integrated into existing English language classes. A minimum                                                                                                               University                                                                          scheduled)
                                                                    •   accommodation                                                                                      computer                                                          Visit historic
of 4-5 weeks is recommended if your group wants integrated                                                                                                                                                                                   Fremantle
                                                                    •   airport transfers                                                                                  log-in
English language classes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Markets
                                                                    •   internal transport services                                        12–2pm                                              LUNCH
Program types                                                       •   free access to computer labs and internet services.                2–4pm                           Australian      Integrated        Integrated      Integrated
                                                                                                                                                                           culture and     English class     English class   English class
English for Specific Purposes                                       Program fees                                                                                           language
This program combines English language classes with
                                                                    Each program is tailored to the needs of your group,                                                   class
workshops, lectures, seminars and excursions related to your
                                                                    so program fees will vary according to the number of
group’s field of study.                                                                                                                     Week two
                                                                    participants, program length, number of teaching hours and
Study Tours                                                         types of excursions.                                                   TIME                            MONDAY          TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY        FRIDAY
This program combines English language study with a variety                                                                                10am–12pm                       Integrated      Integrated        Integrated      Integrated      Excursion:        Free with
                                                                    For program fees and schedules please contact                                                          English class   English class     English class   English class   Rottnest Island   homestay
of fun activities and cultural excursions to places of interest
                                                                    the Customised Programs Coordinator                                                                                                                                      (swim, ride       family
around Perth.                                                                                                                              12–2pm                                                       LUNCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and discover      OR
                                                                                                                                           2–4pm                           Integrated      Activity:      Integrated         Integrated
Program areas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the history of    join in Curtin
                                                                                                                                                                           English class   Sporting/      English class      English class
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rottnest)         English social
Curtin English can develop customised English language                                                                                                                                     exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               program (if
                                                                                                                                                                                           activity with
programs over a range of study areas across Curtin University.                                                                                                                                                                                                 scheduled)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Curtin Stadium
Popular areas include:
• health sciences                                                                                                                           Week three
• science and engineering                                                                                                                  TIME                            MONDAY          TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY        FRIDAY            WEEKEND
• arts and culture                                                                                                                         10am–12pm                       Integrated      Excursion:        Integrated      Integrated      Integrated        Depart from
• business.                                                                                                                                                                English class   Swan Valley       English class   English class   English class     Perth airport
                                                                                                                                           12–2pm                              LUNCH       tour, including                      LUNCH
                                                                                                                                           2–4pm                           Integrated                        Integrated      Integrated      12–2pm
                                                                                                                                                                                           Wildlife Park,
                                                                                                                                                                           English class                     English class   English class   Graduation
                                                                                                                                                                                           Margaret River
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Awarding of
                                                                                                                                                                                           Company and
                                                                                                                                                                                           The House of

                                                                                                                                           Sample customised timetables can be provided on request. Contact

                                                                    Each program is tailored to the need of the
                                                                    group and can incorporate English language
                                                                    classes for a range of levels as well as cultural
                                                                    activities, Perth sightseeing, university
                                                                    lectures and workshops, and specialised

14 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
CURTIN ENGLISH 2014/2015 - University-quality English language courses

Teacher training                                                                                                                Accommodation
Prepare to become a teacher of English to speakers of other languages.                                                          Select your accommodation and live comfortably in Perth.

Certificate in English Language                                    Customised teacher training groups                           Homestay                                                       If you choose to share a house, you will have to prepare your
                                                                                                                                                                                               own meals, as no meals are provided. Living in a share house
Teaching to Adults                                                 Update your qualifications and improve your English          Live with an Australian family, couple or single person and
                                                                                                                                                                                               is a great way to meet other students.
Cambridge ESOL Certificate in English Language                     language teaching skills.                                    learn about life in Australia.
Teaching to Adults (CELTA) is a 120-hour plus teacher              Curtin English designs and runs TESOL programs for groups    Most students choose to stay with a homestay family when       Rented accommodation
training course in teaching English for adults with little or no   of primary, secondary and tertiary teachers who want         they first arrive in Perth. It’s a great way to improve your   You can rent your own house or apartment to live in. If
previous English language teaching experience. It may also         up-to-date qualifications and improved skills in teaching    English and get to know your way around Perth.                 you take this option usually you will have your family
be suitable if you have some experience but little previous        English. The courses combine specialised English language    Your homestay family will provide you with meals on either     with you or you want to live by yourself without sharing
training. CELTA is internally assessed and externally              development, English language teaching methodology, and      a full-board or part-board basis depending on your choice.     accommodation with others.
moderated, intensive and practical, and well established           teaching practice. This enables you to improve your own
internationally. At Curtin English, the course is offered full-                                                                 Homestay full-board offers three daily meals, 7 days a week.   If you want to rent your own accommodation, you will have
                                                                   English language skills and develop your English language
time over four weeks.                                                                                                           Homestay part-board offers two daily meals on weekdays         to prepare your own meals.
                                                                   teaching skills.
                                                                                                                                and three daily meals on weekends.
To apply, you should be:                                           Courses can be run in Australia, in your own country, or a                                                                  Airport pickup
                                                                                                                                Important note: Curtin English outsources this service to a
• over 18 years of age                                             combination of both. All courses are designed according to                                                                  You may choose to be met at the airport when you arrive
                                                                                                                                recognised homestay provider.
• have a standard of education equivalent to that required         the needs of your group.                                                                                                    and be taken to your accommodation.
  for entry into tertiary education                                                                                             Homeshare
                                                                   Some of Curtin’s previous clients include:                                                                                  This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
• have a level of English equivalent to: CEFR C2 or high C1 or
                                                                   • Hong Kong Ministry of Education’s Teacher                  You can experience staying in an Australian home in your       through a Curtin English preferred supplier.
  IELTS 7.5 or above or CAE Grade A or B
                                                                     Training Program                                           own room with the independence of arranging your own
If you successfully complete the course, you will:                                                                              meals.                                                         Contact for more
                                                                   • Banking Academy of Vietnam’s Content and Language                                                                         information.
• gain knowledge and skills in English language teaching             Integrated Learning
   based on international best practice                            • China’s Dongbei University of Finance and Economics’s
                                                                                                                                Demi Pair
• receive a certificate from Cambridge ESOL and a report             Offshore English Language Bridging Program                 In return for weekly housework or babysitting duties, you
   from Curtin English                                             • English Language Support for Indonesian Teachers of        can receive a free room and meals as well as a small weekly
• satisfy the basic minimum teaching qualification                   Maths and Science.                                         payment.
   requirements for staff in accredited English language
   teaching centres in Australia and most centres worldwide.       For more information on teacher training courses,            Share house
                                                                   please contact the teacher training coordinator on           You could rent a room in a house that other people are
                                                                                 already living in. You may share the house with other
                                                                   Note: The teacher training programs are not available to     students or families who have a spare room. Most room
                                                                   student visa holders.                                        rentals are single rooms.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Live with an Australian family,
                                                                                                                                                                                               couple or single person and learn
                                                                                                                                                                                               about life in Australia.

16 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17

Campus life                                                                                                                      Sample activities calendar
                                                                                                                                  MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY            FRIDAY             SATURDAY            SUNDAY
Supportive services and first-rate university facilities.                                                                                             1                  2                   3                   4                  5                   6
                                                                                                                                                      Go to the          Buy tickets to      Visit Curtin        Late night         Visit the Swan      Watch Alice in
                                                                                                                                                      Alliance           the Lotterywest     Volunteers in       shopping in the    Valley with         Wonderland
Services and facilities                                        Social program                                                                         Française Film     Film Festival       Building 303        city               Curtin English      at Northbridge
Curtin English students have access to the facilities,         Engage in social activities, have fun and improve your English.                        Festival                                                                                          Piazza
benefits, support and opportunities provided to Curtin         What can I do in my free time?                                     7                   8                  9                   10                  11                 12                  13
University students. You will be issued with a Curtin          Join in the Curtin English social program and you can:
University student card and unique student number at                                                                              Drop by the         Get a free ice     Watch a             Late night          Visit Perth        Tour Perth Zoo      Lunch from
                                                               • participate in a package of exciting activities
Orientation, which will give you access to library services,                                                                      Curtin Stadium      cream              presentation on     shopping            Twilight Hawkers   with Curtin         Perth Food
                                                               • participate in weekend excursions escorted by our Student                                                                      Market             English             Trucks @ Perth
computer labs, buildings and other facilities on-campus.         Experience Coordinator                                                                                                                                                                 Cultural Centre
Some of the services and facilities you’ll have access to      • make new friends
                                                               • see Perth and its surroundings in a relaxed atmosphere           14                  15                 16                  17                  18                 19                  20
                                                               • practise your English in a friendly environment.                 Join a Curtin       Movie night        Visit the Curtin    Download the        Public holiday     Fremantle Street    See farm
Services                                                                                                                          Club                                   Student Guild       Lost on             Easter Friday      Arts Festival       animals in
• Curtin English Student Advisory Service                      You can also join in activities and events organised by                                                   Building 106        campus app                                                 Perth City
• Curtin English Social program                                Curtin University
• Counselling support                                          • Attend workshops organised by the Curtin Careers Centre.
                                                               • Participate in volunteering activities with Curtin Volunteers    21                  22                 23                  24                  25                 26                  27
• Religious and spiritual services
• English and academic support services                          and engage with the wider community.                             Public holiday      Curtin holiday     Outdoor movies      Late night          Public holiday     Organise a picnic   Visit the art
• Career help and Careers Centre                               • Join in sporting events at the Curtin Stadium.                   Easter Monday                                              shopping            Anzac Day in       with your friends   gallery with
• 24-hour security service.                                    • Attend fitness classes at the Curtin Stadium and keep fit.                                                                                      Kings Park         in Kings Park       your friends

Facilities on campus                                           Visit the Student Guild website for more information:
                                                                                                                                  28                  29                 30
• Wireless internet throughout the campus            
• Computer labs with 24-hour access                                                                                               Visit the John      Try some waffles   See what’s on at
• Curtin University library                                                                                                       Curtin Gallery                         the museum
• Curtin Bookshop and second-hand bookshop
• Medical centre
• Childcare centre                                                                                                               This calendar is a sample only and should be used only as a guide. Social activities will vary depending on weather and student interest.
• Cafés and mobile food outlets, including halal food
• Curtin Stadium, including tennis, basketball and
  netball courts
• Travel agent
• Banking facilities and services
• Bus-terminal with direct links to the city.

18 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19

                                      About Perth
                                      Perth offers all the qualities of an international city in an idyllic, laid-back setting.

                                      Perth, the capital city of Western Australia, has been            As a gateway to Asia and in the same time zone as Hong
                                      ranked as one of the top 10 most liveable cities in the world     Kong, Singapore, Beijing and Kuala Lumpur, travel from
                                      (Economist Intelligence Unit, August 2013). Located on the        Perth to these destinations or vice versa is convenient for
                                      Western Australian coast beside the Indian Ocean, Perth           international students. It is also easy to keep in touch with
                                      often experiences sunny blue skies and has a comfortable          family and friends via Skype.
                                      climate. People from more than 200 nationalities reside
                                                                                                        The strong, prosperous economy of Western Australia
                                      here including a number of international students
                                                                                                        provides opportunities for employment. As an international
                                      attending schools and universities who benefit from
                                                                                                        student, you will be permitted to work up to 40 hours per
                                      Perth’s well-developed education system.
                                                                                                        fortnight on your student visa and full-time during the
                                      Perth has all the facilities of a modern city including a         semester breaks.
                                      reliable public transport system, which offers discounted
                                      fares to students on the network of ferries, trains and           Perth weather
                                      buses that service the city and suburbs. Shops, food,             SEASON                    MONTHS              AVERAGE °C
                                      entertainment and services are available in the Perth             Summer                    Dec–Feb              17–30
                                      CBD and suburbs, and there are many opportunities for             Autumn                    Mar–May              14–26
                                      sightseeing, shopping and relaxing.                               Winter                    Jun–Aug              8–19
                                      A major attraction is the long stretch of clear beaches along     Spring                    Sep–Nov              12–23
                                      its coastline that are popular as swimming, surfing and
                                      snorkelling destinations. A 20-minute drive from Perth city
                                      centre is Fremantle, the popular port city, rich in history and
                                      known for its high-quality seafood restaurants and weekend

                                                                                                        Perth’s excellent standard of living and
                                                                                                        mild climate make it one of the most
                                                                                                        desirable places in the world to study,
                                                                                                        work and live.

20 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                     21

Course dates and fees
                                                                                                                                                   CURTIN ENGLISH APPLICATION FORM 2014/2015
Dates and fees 2014
                                                                                                                                                   Is your application through a CE/Curtin agent?                                                           Y              N
GENERAL PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH                                                                   Enrolment fee                       $230
                         Course dates                                    Course fees           Homestay (full board)               $275            Agent’s name:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Intake               Orientation         Course dates                   Weeks      Fees        Homestay (self catering)            $245
Module 1               3 Jan            6 Jan – 7 Feb                    5       $2,075        Airport reception                   $110            Agent contact: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Module 2               7 Feb            10 Feb – 14 Mar                  10      $4,150        *inclusive of GST
Module 3               14 Mar           17 Mar – 18 Apr                  15      $6,225                                                            Email address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2-week break                                                             20      $8,300        OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH
Module 4                2 May           5 May – 6 Jun                    30      $12,450       COVER FEES
Module 5                6 Jun           9 Jun – 11 Jul                   40      $16,600
2-week break                                                             50      $20,750       Months      Singles        Dual     Multi              Section one—personal details
Module 6                25 Jul          28 Jul – 29 Aug                                        duration                  family   family
Module 7                29 Aug          1 Sept – 3 Oct            Weekly           $415           3         $155         $354     $499               Student number (if any)
1-week break                                                      ELICOS fee                      4         $206         $472     $665
Module 8                10 Oct          13 Oct – 14 Nov                                           5         $258         $590     $831               Title (Dr, Mr, Mrs, etc.)                                                                                  Male                             Female                      Date of birth
Module 9                14 Nov          17 Nov – 19 Dec                                           6         $309         $708     $997
                                                                                                  7         $353         $818     $1,156             Family name                                                                                                                                                          Given name/s
ENGLISH LANGUAGE BRIDGING 17 WEEKS                                                                8         $397         $928     $1,314
                                                                                                  9         $440         $1,038   $1,473             Nationality                                                                                                                                                     Passport number
                         Course dates                                   Course fees
                                                                                                  10        $484         $1,149   $1,631
Intake               Orientation          Course dates            Semester        Fees                                                               Home address
                                                                                                  11        $527         $1,259   $1,790
Semester 1             26 Feb         3 Mar – 27 Jun              Total          $8,500
                                                                                                  12        $571         $1,369   $1,948
Semester 2             16 Jul         21 Jul – 14 Nov                                                                                                City                                                                                                                                               Country
Summer semester        15 Oct         20 Oct – 27 Feb (2015)                                   Note: fees are correct at time of print,
                                                                                                                                                     Telephone:                                                                                                                                             Email
                                                                                               but subject to change. Contact Curtin
ENGLISH LANGUAGE BRIDGING 10 WEEKS                                                             English for the latest fee information.               Aust. address (if known)
                         Course dates                                   Course fees
Intake               Orientation         Course dates             Course          Fees                                                               City                                                                                                                                           Telephone
Semester 1             16 Apr           21 Apr – 27 Jun           Total          $5,200
Semester 2             3 Sep            8 Sept – 14 Nov                                                                                              Emergency contact                                                                                                                              Telephone
Summer semester        3 Dec            8 Dec – 27 Feb
                                                                                                                                                       Section two—visa information
                                                                                                                                                    What type of visa will you apply for or
Dates and fees 2015                                                                                                                                 already have?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tourist visa                             Working holiday visa                               Student visa                             PR                            Other visa

                                                                                                                                                       Section three—course enrolment
                Course dates                         Course fees                          Course dates                         Course fees
Intake     Orientation       Course dates           Weeks Fees            Intake          Orientation Course dates          Semester Fees           Course/s I would like to enrol in:                            Package offer                       ELICOS ONLY                                            Commencement date
Module 1     2 Jan         5 Jan – 6 Feb             5    $2,075                             dates                          Total     $8,500
Module 2     6 Feb         9 Feb – 13 Mar            10   $4,150          Semester 1         11 Mar   16 Mar – 10 Jul                               General English                                                               5 wks                           10 wks                15 wks                 20wks                   25 wks                 30 wks                35 wks                  40 wks
Module 3     13 Mar        16 Mar – 17 Apr           15   $6,225          Semester 2         22 Jul   27 Jul – 20 Nov
2-week break                                         20   $8,300          Summer             7 Oct    12 Oct – 19 Feb                               General Professional English                                                 5 wks                            10 wks
Module 4     1 May         4 May – 5 Jun             30   $12,450         semester                    (2016)
Module 5     5 Jun         8 Jun – 10 Jul            40   $16,600                                                                                   EAP                                                                          5 wks                            10 wks                15 wks                 20 wks
2-week break                                         50   $20,750         ENGLISH LANGUAGE BRIDGING 10 WEEKS
Module 6     24 Jul        27 Jul – 28 Aug                                                                                                          FCE                                                                        10 wks
Module 7     28 Aug        31 Aug – 2 Oct                                                 Course dates                         Course fees
                                                    Weekly $415                                                                                     CAE                                                                        10 wks
1-week break                                        ELICOS                Intake          Orientation Course dates          Semester Fees
                                                    fee                                      dates                          Total     $5,200
Module 8     9 Oct         12 Oct – 13 Nov                                                                                                          ELB                                                                                                    Semester 1                                  Semester 2                                           Summer
Module 9     13 Nov        16 Nov – 18 Dec                                Semester 1         29 Apr   4 May – 10 Jul
                                                                          Semester 2         9 Sep    14 Sept – 20 Nov
                                                                                                                                                    Note: your application will be assessed as to which ELB course you are qualified to enter.
GENERAL ENGLISH, ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES AND                        Summer                      30 Nov – 19 Feb
                                                                                             25 Nov
GENERAL PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH                                              semester                    (2016)
                                                                                                                                                     Section four—level of English (complete where applicable and provide certified evidence)
                 Course Dates                        Course fees
Intake     Orientation       Course dates           Weeks Fees            ADMINISTRATION FEES                                                        Do you have English test results?                                                Yes                              No            if yes, please provide the following details:
GPE A         2 Jan        5 Jan – 6 Feb             5    $2,075          Enrolment fee                      $230                                    IELTS Academic score:                                  Date:                     TOEFL ibt score:                               Date:                      Other (Test name):                                     Score:                          Date:
GPE B         6 Feb        9 Feb – 13 Mar            10   $4,150
1-week break                                                              Note: fees are correct at time of print, but
FCE           20 Mar       23 March – 5 June             10   $4,150*                                                                                *Important Note: If you have not taken any of these tests, please contact Curtin English for a Password Test.
                                                                          subject to change. Contact Curtin English
FCE Exam: 6 June
GPE A         24 Jul       27 Jul – 28 Aug               5    $2,075      for the latest fee information.                                              Section five—further study
GPE B         28 Aug       31 Aug – 2 Oct                10   $4,150      *FCE and CAE exam fees are included
FCE           2 Oct        5 Oct–11 Dec                  10   $4,150*                                                                               After completing your course at Curtin English, are you planning further study at Curtin University?                                                                           Y                    N                    If yes, please complete below:
FCE Exam: 12 December                                                     in course fee
CAE           20 Mar       23 March – 5 June             10   $4,150*                                                                               Start date                                                                                                     Course
CAE Exam: 6 June
CAE           19 Jun       22 Jun – 28 Aug               10   $4,150*                                                                               Have you submitted an application to Curtin’s International Office for your University course?                                                                                 Y                    N
CAE Exam: 30 August
CAE           2 Oct        5 Oct – 11 Dec                10   $4,150*                                                                                  Section six—payment of fees
CAE Exam: 12 December
                                                                                                                                                    Details for payment of fees are on the Acceptance of Offer attached to your Letter of Offer. Payments can be made by bank draft, telegraphic transfer or credit card.

22 | Curtin English 2014/2015 Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         23
Section seven – Refund Policy
Administration Charge: Any cancellation, withdrawal or transfer which is
initiated by the student or due to the student’s breach will incur an administration
                                                                                        When a packaged student withdraws post commencement because they have
                                                                                        met English Language Proficiency requirements to enter Curtin University or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Campus map
charge of $500.                                                                         Curtin College; The Administration charge will apply. There will be no refund of
                                                                                        tuition fees in relation to the level which has been started. Curtin English will
Non-refundable Fees: The Enrolment Fee is non-refundable in all situations              refund 80% of all remaining tuition fees.
except where Curtin English withdraws its offer or fails to provide the course.
                                                                                        Curtin English may, at its discretion, offer a greater refund than the
Tuition Fees:                                                                           policy dictates.
If Curtin English withdraws its offer or fails to provide the course offered:           Refund process
The provider default provisions of the Commonwealth ESOS Act 2000                       Application for refund
(Section 46) apply and a full refund of all fees and charges will be paid within        The Refund Application Form can be obtained from the Curtin English
14 days of the advertised commencement of the course.                                   website Please submit the form either in person
If Curtin English withdraws or terminates the student                                   to Curtin English Customer Service Desk in Building 208 Room 129c or email:
Due to student’s breach:                                                      
If the student breaches their visa conditions, fails to fulfil their course             How long does the process take?
requirements or otherwise seriously breaches Curtin English policies,                   Refunds will be paid within 28 days of Curtin English receiving the completed no refund is payable.       Refund Application Form with all required supporting documents.
Due to lack of progress                                                                 How will I receive my refund?
If the student is terminated for lack of progress, but has otherwise complied with      Refunds will be paid to the person who entered into the contract or,
visa conditions, course requirements and Curtin English policies: There will be no      if you enrol through a representative and give us written permission, the
refund of tuition fees for courses already taken. Curtin English will refund 70% of     refund can be paid through your representative.
tuition fees which have been paid for future tuition.                                   Refund Appeal
If the student is not able to obtain a visa                                             If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of an application for a refund, a
Curtin English may, at its own discretion, provide a full refund where the Australian   written appeal may be submitted to the Centre Manager by emailing: english.
Government authorities have refused to grant a visa, or a visa has been delayed                                                                                                                Curtin Stadium
and the outcome will not be known in time to commence a course, and the reason          If you are still dissatisfied, the Department of Education Services of Western
for the refusal or delay was not the result of the student’s own action or inaction.    Australia provides an International Education Conciliation Service (IECS), a free
Refunds will be issued in accordance with Section 47 of the ESOS Act 2000. In           and independent service which can assist in resolving problems between
each instance, the student must present independent documentation or evidence           international students and their educational institutions. You can contact the
of the Visa refusal or delay.                                                           International Education Conciliator on:
If the student withdraws after the CoE has been issued:                                 Tel:      +61 8 9441 1900
Withdrawal prior to commencement:                                                       Fax:      +61 8 9441 1901
Written notice received 20 business days or more before the course                      Email:
commences:                                                                              Ombudsman Western Australia, investigates complaints about Western
Curtin English will give a full refund of tuition fees, less the administration         Australian public authorities including State government agencies, statutory
charge.                                                                                 authorities, local governments and public universities. The ombudsman services
Written notice received 7 to 20 business days before the course commences:              are free to the public. The Ombudsman WA can be contacted on:
Curtin English will refund 70% of all tuition fees paid, less the                       Tel:      +61 8 9220 7555
administration charge                                                                   Fax:      +61 9220 7500
Written notice received fewer than 7 business days before the course                    Email:
commences:                                                                              The following definitions apply for the purpose of the Refund Policy:
For ELB, no refund is payable on the tuition fees for the first ten weeks.
Curtin English will refund 70% of all remaining tuition fees, less the                  Course: A course is an entire block of study which has one CRICOS code. For
administration charge.                                                                  example, General English; English for Academic Purposes; English Language
                                                                                        Bridging; General and Professional English.
For all other courses, no refund is payable on the first five weeks tuition
                                                                                        Level: A level is a block of study within a course. It is usually 10 weeks long
fees. Curtin English will refund 70% of all remaining tuition fees, less the
administration charge                                                                   IMPORTANT NOTES:
Withdrawal post commencement:                                                           All refunds will be issued in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000.
The Administration charge will apply. There will be no refund of tuition fees in
                                                                                        This agreement does not remove the right of the student to take further action
relation to the level which has been started. Curtin English will refund 70% of all
                                                                                        under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
remaining tuition fees. However, where notice is received fewer than 7 business
days before the next level commences Curtin English will refund only 50% of the         The University accepts no liability for any currency exchange fluctuation
tuition fees for that level.                                                            between the date the fee payments were received and the date the refund
                                                                                        is paid, or for any bank charges relating to the refund.

  Section eight —statement

       Students must send a copy of their passport with this                            I undertake to abide by the conditions of my visa including the requirement
       application form                                                                 to study on a full time basis and attend all classes. I understand and accept
                                                                                        the terms and conditions and the refund policy of Curtin English as stated
     		 Students must send a copy of their Curtin University                            on the fees schedule and website I authorise CE to use this
        Letter of Offer                                                                 information in accordance with the principles of the national privacy act
     		 Students must send a copy of their IELTS/TOEFL results                          and I understand that information supplied in this application may be                                                                                                       Curtin bus terminal
                                                                                        made available to a Curtin overseas representative and the Overseas
     		 Please complete all sections in BLOCK LETTERS in English                        Student Health Cover provider for administrative purposes.
     		 Return all pages of the completed form to:
                                                                                        Name:...........................................................................................................                                                            International Office
   Curtin English Admissions
   Curtin English                                                                       Signature: ...................................................................................................
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Resources and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Chemistry Precinct
   Curtin University
   GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 Australia
   Tel:   +61 8 9266 7617                                                               Date: ............................................................................................................                                                          Curtin College
   Fax: +61 8 9266 3186
   Email:                                              The information provided by the student to the provider may be
   Web:                                                       made available to commonwealth and state agencies and the fund
   CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW)                                        manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund, pursuant to obligations under                                                                                                           Curtin English
                                                                                        the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code.

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