Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

Page created by Sidney Ellis
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University
Reopening Plan
 FA L L 2 0 2 1
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University


                                  Letter from the President ............... 1

                               University Operating Status ............... 3

      Campus Reopening Preventative Health Protocols ............... 5

                                           Resurgence Plan ............... 11

      Health and Safety Precautions Operational Matrix ............... 12

                             University Responsiveness Taskforce
                 Committee & Sub-Committee Members ............... 16

                                                  Appendix ............... 20
                                                     • Covid-19 Student Re-entry
                                                       Steps ................................... 21

                                                     • Covid-19 Student Re-entry
                                                       Protocol Chart ................. 24

                                                     • Covid-19 Positive Student
                                                       Flow Chart ........................ 25

                                                     • Employee Covid-19 Health
                                                       Protocol Chart ................ 26
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University
GOD First!

A Letter from President Pollard
Greetings from your Oakwood University!

    It is 2021 and we are still fighting a global pandemic! At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis
in February 2020, I organized a 40-person team comprised of faculty, staff, administrators,
and students. The team, known as the University Responsiveness Taskforce (URT) provided,
and continues to provide, daily monitoring of the pandemic environment, and makes
recommendations designed to safeguard the health and safety of our campus populations.
By the grace of God, URT’s work has helped us keep our cases at a minimum. Faced with
operating during the challenges of an international pandemic, we have been diligently planning
with intentionality for the protection of our campus community. Our prayer and plan is for Oakwood University to be
the safest campus in Alabama!
    To that end, we have taken many important measures that are in line with the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Alabama statewide health orders. These measures include enhanced and
increased cleaning and sanitation protocols; plexiglass shield installation; required masking and CDC-defined social
distancing; routine temperature checks; reduced class sizes; facility reconfiguration and space management limitations;
modification of large group gatherings; carryout meals from the Dining Hall; contact tracing and testing options; de-
densifying the residence halls, as well as other living and learning spaces; and academic calendar modifications. Thanks
to more than $350,000 in 2021 grant procurement, required testing is available as well as a recommended vaccination
opportunity for all students on campus, including qualifying middle-school and Academy-age students. We have also
contracted with a third-party provider of hygienic products, and personal protective equipment. Sanitization stations
are strategically placed and maintained across our campus.
    Our plans to reopen for the 2021-2022 school year are set to begin on August 2, 2021 with Employee Colloquium.
The Fall semester has been shortened to end immediately before Thanksgiving (Nov. 24); the Spring semester will
resume after the New Year, on January 5, 2022. We have learned over the last year that the “new normal” affects
everything from how we conduct intramurals to how we stagger dining hall entry. Be assured that the University will
continue to identify medically-appropriate measures for the protection of the most vulnerable and those at greater risk
within our campus community.
    The information that follows here represents hundreds of hours of planning and analysis. We invite your prayers for
the unique mission of Oakwood University. And please check the University’s website COVID-19 page for continuing
updates at:

Very sincerely,

Leslie Pollard, Ph.D, D.Min, MBA
President, Oakwood University

                        Office of the President                   7000 Adventist Boulevard, NW
                            Huntsville, Alabama 35896
                                                                  256.726.7334 • Fax 256.726.8334
                                                                  W W W. O A K W O O D . E D U
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

                    PAGE   2
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University


              akwood University’s primary
              reopening plan for Fall 2021 is
              100% On-campus operations
              (100% Face-to-Face Learning
and operations with social distancing proto-
     The University will officially begin the
2021-2022 academic year, and fully reopen
its campus, at 8:00 a.m. on August 2, 2021.
     The University has continued to fol-
low CDC and the State of Alabama Health
Recommendations and Guidelines. While
Governor Kay Ivey reopened educational
institutions in the State of Alabama on June
1, 2020, the University has continued to                           negative COVID test result taken within 10
monitor the national transmission of COVID-19.                     days of August 1, 2021.
Updates to the operating scenario will continue                  • Although COVID-19 vaccination is encour-
to be instituted depending on the trajectory of                    aged at Oakwood University, vaccination
COVID-19.                                                          is not required for administrators, faculty,
     The following description provides the                        staff and students.
framework for the full campus reopening plan:                    • Face-to-face instruction and final exam-
     • Oakwood University administrators,                          inations will end at Thanksgiving break to
       faculty, and staff are required to present a                allow students to return home, avoiding

  2 02 1           U N I V E R S I T Y                       T I M E L I N E
  August 2-3            Faculty & Staff Colloquium

  August 4-6            Registration and Orientation for New & Transfer Students

  August 5-6            Registration for Returning Students

  August 9              Fall Semester Classes Begin

                                                      PAGE   3
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

  additional travel costs and exposure, and                  • OU Athletics is preparing for socially dis-
  reducing community spread.                                   tanced training, practice, and competition
• All academic, administrative, residence                      in accordance with all University health
  halls, athletic buildings and facilities will                and safety standards, as well as guidance
  be open with adjustments and/or restri-                      from the CDC and the United States Colle-
  tions to reduce density.                                     giate Athletics Association (USCAA).
• The shuttle system will function under                     • All official University travel continues to
  modified operations to ensure physical                       be drastically reduced.

                                                  PAGE   4
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

Campus Reopening Preventative Health

                   akwood University has                       required to present a negative COVID test
                   established health protocols                taken within 10 days of campus arrival to
                   that are in line with CDC                   enter the campus, complete in-person
                   recommendations/guidelines                  registration, and enrollment into classes.
                   for Institutions for Higher
Education (IHE)* and the Alabama Department                    Face coverings/Personal Protective
of Public Health (ADPH).** Campus-wide                         Equipment (PPE)
sanitization and disinfection protocols apply to:                  It is required that all students and employ-
    • Residence Halls/Campus Housing                           ees wear masks. Individuals who do not adhere
    • Bathrooms                                                to the mask requirements face penalty. There
    • Instructional Spaces                                     are a few special circumstances that would
    • Offices                                                  excuse a person from wearing a mask.
    • Library
    • Weight Room                                              Hand Washing/Sanitization
    • Other community spaces                                   Requirement
    All the recommendations/protocols estab-                       Hand washing signage will be posted. Hand
lished by the Public Health Committee and the                  washing is strongly encouraged, before and
University Responsiveness Taskforce in 2020                    after eating, and whenever in contact with
remain in effect. Details and protocols can be                 personal body fluids. Sanitization stations will
accessed on the Oakwood University website.                    be located throughout the campus for use when
                                                               handwashing is not available.
Campus Re-entry for Students and
Employees                                                      Students Returning to/Entering
     Health Screening Approval will be required                Campus
prior to arrival for all faculty, staff, and stu-                  Moving Into Campus Housing: A stu-
dents. COVID-19 vaccination is not required;                   dent may have no more than two persons to
it is encouraged for all administrators, faculty,              assist with move-in, totaling three (3) members
staff and students.                                            per party. Individuals must wear a mask and fol-
     Oakwood University administrators, faculty,               low safety guidelines while in common spaces.
and staff are required to present a negative                   Move-in will occur by appointment only. Stu-
COVID test result taken within 10 days of                      dents will be provided with reservation infor-
August 1, 2021.                                                mation and schedule notifications will be given
     All Oakwood University students are                       by residence hall directors.

                                                    PAGE   5
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

Common Areas
    Mandatory masks indoors, signage on the
floor and walls to indicate physical distancing,
frequent disinfecting of high-touch surfaces,
and sanitization stations will occur throughout
the campus.
    Library: The library will maintain special
ongoing sanitization/disinfecting procedures
to ensure facility health and safety. This will in-
clude cleaning multiple times daily. If a person
with a confirmed case of COVID-19 was found
to go to the library during an infectious period,
the library will be closed for 24 hours for deep
disinfection of all surfaces.
    In-person Classes and Laboratories: If
a student (or professor) who is infected attend-
ed in-person classes, students and/or professors
who attended the class should be quarantined                       • Sanitize hands before and after touching
and monitored for symptoms for at least two                          surfaces (sanitizers must be located at
weeks. Due to the highly interactive nature of                       entrances and work areas).
labs, most laboratories will be held virtually                     • All must maintain 3 ft. distance from oth-
through simulations.                                                 ers and follow traffic flow guides.
    Dining hall and other food service
spaces: Traffic flow signage will be indicat-                    Guidelines for Residence Halls
ed on the walls and floor to promote physical                      • Residence hall lobbies will operate with
distancing. Associates will serve prepackaged                        reduced occupancy, maintaining a social
meals including a prepackaged salad, dessert                         distance of 3 ft. between persons and the
and beverage (can or bottle). All utensils and                       use of face coverings.
plates will be for single use. Seating occupancy                   • Sanitize hands before entering and after
will meet CDC dining guidelines.* Food service                       exiting the elevator, and limit 2 person per
to quarintined students will follow same proce-                      ride and again after entering room.
dures as last year (meals picked up by Resident                    • Each occupant is allowed one guest, i.e.
Deans and delivered to students).                                    double room = 2 residents + 2 guests = 4
                                                                     max. If all 4 people are vaccinated, they
Protocols for Accessing Buildings                                    are not required to wear masks. Student
and Enclosed Spaces                                                  gatherings consisting of four or more per-
    • Individuals must wear masks when enter-                        sons must be held in common areas with
      ing buildings and enclosed spaces.                             all participants remaining 3 ft. apart and

                                                      PAGE   6
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

    wearing masks at all times.                                     ft. distance and compliance with CDC
    NOTE: Restriction to no more than 2                             Guidelines.
    residents per room applies to all residence                   • Wireless microphones provided for each
    hall rooms.                                                     instructor’s use during lectures with masks.
  • Protective physical barriers between beds                       Mics will be sanitized after each use.
    should be sanitized daily and as needed.                      • Virtual/remote teaching option offered for
    NOTE: The recommended protective bar-                           instructors who are considered high risk
    rier will be utilized unless all occupants of                   faculty (or who live with persons who are
    the room have been vaccinated.                                  high risk). High risk persons are defined
  • Shared personal items such as micro-                            by the CDC.
    waves, refrigerators, and hair tools, are to                  • Reduce number of paper assignments and
    be sanitized after each use.                                    advise use of D2L.
  • High touch areas (light switches, door                        • No sharing of equipment in classes and
    knobs, faucet handles and toilet handles)                       labs, if in-person.
    should be sanitized frequently.                               • Virtual lab mechanisms to be used when
  • Bathrooms and all fixtures should be                            social distancing is not feasible and when
    sanitized before and after each use (toilet,                    students would otherwise be required to
    handles, and shower).                                           share equipment (preferred setting for
                                                                    larger labs).
Protocols and Guidelines for                                      • For large class labs, consider use of
Classrooms and Instructional Spaces                                 alternating virtual labs to allow for deep
  • Sick students, faculty, and staff must stay                     cleaning (i.e. Labster - Biology Dept.).
    home as deemed appropriate and directed                       • Course staggering system will be imple-
    by the CDC.                                                     mented in spaces that are used heavily or
  • Faculty, students, and staff must wear                          back-to-back to ensure classrooms can
    mask before entering, during, and while                         be properly disinfected, as determined by
    exiting class.                                                  department Chair.
  • Hands must be sanitized before entering                       • If students are in quarintine, they are NOT
    and after exiting classroom and after                           to attend classes or any school functions.
    touching surfaces (sanitizers will be locat-
    ed at entrances and in work areas).                        Gatherings
  • A distance of 3 ft. from others must be                        Campus Organizations: Student clubs
    maintained at all times.                                   and organizations should be hosted in person
  • Public Health signage will be posted to                    ONLY if at a 50% reduced room capacity re-
    reduce the spread of COVID-19.                             quirement can be met while maintaining social
  • Group activities held only when required                   distancing of at least 3 ft. All persons must wear
    physical distancing can occur.                             a mask and use sanitization/disinfecting proto-
  • Classrooms vary, therefore class capac-                    cols (sanitizers) when entering and leaving the
    ity has been reduced to accomodate 3                       meetings, and follow CDC guidelines. Inability

                                                    PAGE   7
Reopening Plan FALL 2021 - Oakwood University

to meet these guidelines will require that virtual                   Common Symptoms of COVID-19
sessions should be the method of meeting.                                Many persons may not display symptoms
    Choirs: There are special guidelines for                         (asymptomatic) or display very mild symptoms.
choirs. In general, choir practices must be re-                      Those who are asymptomatic or display mild
duced to no more than 50% room capacity with                         symptoms are still infectious. Typical symptoms
MORE than 3 ft. spacing between individuals.                         of COVID-19 can include all or some of the fol-
Rehearsal should take place in well-ventilated                       lowing:
                                                                         • fever or chills
                                                                         • cough
                                                                         • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
                                                                         • fatigue
                                                                         • muscle or body aches
                                                                         • headache
                                                                         • new loss of taste or smell
                                                                         • sore throat
                                                                         • congestion or runny nose
space to prevent the spread of pathogens. Spe-                           • nausea or vomiting
cial masks and face-shields are to be worn.                              • diarrhea
     Residence Halls: Student gatherings                             Severe or acute symptoms include:
consisting of 4 or more persons must be held in                          • trouble breathing
common areas with all participants remaining 3                           • persistent pain or pressure in the chest
ft. apart and wearing masks at all times.                                • confusion
                                                                         • inability to wake or stay awake
     In it’s commitment to campus health and                             • bluish lips or face
wellness, Oakwood University requires proof of
a negative COVID test for entry onto its campus.                     OU Students/Employees and Close
Through grant funding; Oakwood University will                       Contact While Wearing a Cloth Face
provide COVID testing and COVID re-testing                           Covering
for its students and employees during the Fall                           According to the CDC, you are still consid-
semester, based on the availability of funds.                        ered to have made a close contact even if you
The Alabama Department of Public Health has                          were wearing a cloth face covering while you
provided a list of COVID testing sites (https://                     were around someone with COVID-19. Cloth In addition, students              face coverings are meant to prevent someone
and employees at Oakwood University have                             from transmitting the disease to others, and not
access to testing through the Huntsville Hospital                    to protect someone from becoming infected.
Physicians Clinic, 1863 Sparkman Dr. Hsv,
AL 35816, which provides on-campus health                            Protections for Personal Information
services to students and employees of Oakwood                          All names will remain confidential. This
University.                                                          means that personal and medical information

                                                          PAGE   8

will be kept private and will only be shared with                   All students will be monitored for 14 days
those who may need to know, such as a health                    for symptoms. Those who display no symptoms
care provider. The name of an individual who                    and test negative will be able to leave campus
tests positive will not be revealed to others who               and go home on day 15. Students who become
may have come in contact with the individual.                   symptomatic and/or test positive will remain on
The Oakwood Health Services will only notify                    campus until they are no longer symptomatic
your close contacts that they may have been                     and test negative for COVID-19. Once students
exposed to COVID-19. How data are collected,                    are confirmed negative, they can return home.
stored, and shared are specific to each state or                This is to ensure that the students do not carry
jurisdiction.                                                   the virus to their home states and families. If
                                                                the student requires hospitalization, expenses
Suspected or Positive Cases of                                  not covered by private insurance will be the
COVID-19 at OU                                                  responsibility of the student.
    Residence Hall Response: If a student
(or dorm staff) who resides in the dorm tests                   Important Definitions***
positive or is presumed positive, they will be                  Isolation separates sick people with a conta-
isolated in the designated quarantine housing                   gious disease from people who are not sick.
(the Annex). Contact tracing will immediately
be done by Oakwood University Health Ser-                       Quarantine separates and restricts the move-
vices to determine any possible contacts of                     ment of people who were exposed to a conta-
this person (details found in contact tracing                   gious disease to see if they become sick.
section). Students will remain in isolation for
at least 14 days. Meals will be provided for the                Exposure to COVID-19 and Contact
duration of a student’s isolation. Health Ser-                  Tracing at Oakwood University
vices and residence hall professional staff will                    Contact tracing is an important tool used
monitor the student’s well-being throughout the                 by health departments and facilities to identify
duration of their isolation, following extreme                  individuals who may have been exposed to
safety protocols. If the symptoms worsen, the                   COVID-19 to prevent the spread of infectious
student will be transported via ambulance to                    disease. In contact tracing, trained health
the local hospital. If symptoms persist, or if the              officials will identify person(s) who have been
infected person tests positive after 14 days, the               infected and their contacts who may have been
student will remain in isolation. The student                   exposed. This is essential to interrupt disease
will be allowed to continue courses remotely if                 transmission. Procedures for notification, isola-
physically able.                                                tion, quarantine, and monitoring of symptoms
                                                                and/or testing is important in preventing the
Symptomatic Residential Student                                 spread.
Isolation/Quarantine                                                • Interviewing people with COVID-19 to

                                                     PAGE   9

     identify everyone with whom they had
     close contact during the time they may
     have been infectious,
   • Notifying contacts of their potential expo-
   • Referring contacts for testing,
   • Monitoring contacts for signs and symp-
     toms of COVID-19, and
   • Connecting contacts with services they
     may need during the self-quarantine peri-
     od. Students will be monitored for symp-
     toms and receive temperature checks by
     Oakwood Health Services twice daily for
     14 days.

Contact Tracing at OU
    Generally, contact tracing includes the fol-
                                                           to others even if they do not feel ill.
lowing steps:
                                                               Self-quarantine and isolation on cam-
    Case investigation of student (also fac-
                                                           pus: Contacts will be isolated or quarantined
ulty, staff, administrators): Trained health
                                                           and monitored for symptoms. Maintaining so-
staff will work with the person to help them re-
                                                           cial distancing and wearing masks and gloves is
call everyone with whom he/she had had close
                                                           mandatory if the person must leave isolation or
contact during the time when he/she may have
                                                           quarantine. Resident Assistants and Residence
been infectious (before showing symptoms and
                                                           Hall Deans will enforce student adherence to
when symptomatic).
                                                           safety guidelines.
    Contact tracing on campus: Trained
health staff will begin contact tracing by noti-
                                                           Important Definitions
fying individuals (contacts) of their potential
                                                                Close Contact for COVID-19, a close
exposure. Notifications will be made as rapidly
                                                           contact is defined as anyone who was within 3
and sensitively as possible, not revealing the
                                                           ft. of an infected person for at least 15 minutes
infected person’s identity.
                                                           starting from 48 hours before the person began
    Contact support for persons: Persons
                                                           feeling sick until the time the patient was isolat-
who were contact traced will be provided with
                                                           ed (as defined by the CDC). Close contact may
education, information, and support to help
                                                           include friends, professors, staff, workers, etc.
them understand their risk, what they should
do to separate themselves from others who are
not exposed, and how to monitor themselves
for illness. In addition, they are informed of the
possibility that they could spread the infection

                                                   PAGE   10

Resurgence Plan

    As previously noted, Oakwood University has made the decision to safely reopen for the Fall Semes-
ter, 2021, on August 2. Over the past several months, we have been planning with intentionality how to
protect the health of our campus community when the institution fully reopens. Provisions have also
been made for the immediate transition to online instruction should future circumstances dictate.

                                               PAGE   11

Health and Safety Precautions
Operational Matrix
                           M AX IM U M                                                                    C L EANING /D IS INF EC TING
                                                      PH YSIC AL                  ENG INEERING
 ENV IRONM ENT            OC C U PANC Y                                                                        AC TIV ITIES AND
                                                     D IS TANC ING                 C ONTROL S
                           G U ID ANC E                                                                          F REQU ENC Y

                                                    Reconfigure room to         Mask required upon        Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
                          Maintain physical
                                                       achieve 3 ft.          entry. Remove or block         daily including high touch and
                       distancing of 3 ft. at all
Instructional Spaces                                separation between         desks and/or chairs if     horizontal surfaces before and after
                       times. Room capacity
                                                         desks or             necessary, to maintain        class. Provide hand sanitizer or
                       may not exceed 50%.
                                                       workstations.            physical distancing.                disinfection wipes.

 Student Common                                                                 Mask required upon
                                                       Reconfigure                                        Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
                          Maintain physical                                   entry. Remove or block
  Areas (i.e. study                                  common areas to                                         daily including high touch and
                       distancing at 3 ft. at all                               furniture to maintain
  lounges, Blake                                       maintain 3 ft.                                     horizontal surfaces before and after
                       times. Room capacity                                       social distancing;
 Center, Oakwood                                        seating or                                          class. Provide hand sanitizer or
                       may not exceed 50%.                                     consider closing staff
  Farms Market)                                        workstations.                                                disinfection wipes.

                                                                                                          Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
                          Maintain physical         Reconfigure room to        Mask required upon
                                                                                                             daily including high touch and
                       distancing at 3 ft. at all      achieve 3 ft.          entry. Remove or block
  Computer Class                                                                                          horizontal surfaces before and after
                       times. Room capacity         separation between        workstations to enforce
                                                                                                            class. Provide hand sanitizer or
                       may not exceed 50%.             workstations.             social distancing.
                                                                                                                    disinfection wipes.

                                                                               Mask required upon
                          Maintain physical         Provide grab-and-go       entry, removed only to      Food service cleaning/disinfecting
                       distancing at 3 ft. at all   meals and takeout;        eat and drink. Remove      continuously and after each person’s
   Dining Room
                       times. Room capacity           no buffet/no self-        chairs and table to      use; high touch surfaces 3 times per
                       may not exceed 50%.                service.                maintain social                        day.

                                                                                Mask required upon
                          Maintain physical
                                                    Provide grab-and-go       entry. Floor marking for     Food service cleaning/disinfecting
    Snack Bar/         distancing at 3 ft. at all
                                                      meals or takeout         food service queuing;        continuously; high touch areas 3
 TreeHouse Bistro      times. Room capacity
                                                        orders only.             provide curbside                   times per day.
                       may not exceed 50%.
                                                                              pickup where possible.

                                                      Post signage in
                                                     elevators outlining
                         1-2 occupants per
                                                     one to two-person
                       elevator ride with face
                                                       limit, cloth face
     Elevators           covering (occupant                                                                 Routine disinfecting twice daily.
                                                     covering required.
                       limit based on size of
                                                       Provide “Stand
                                                          Here” floor                   N/A

                         Maintain physical              Provide floor          Remove/block desks            Routine cleaning/disinfecting,
                        distancing at 3 ft. at      markings or signage          and/or chairs to          horizontal and high-touch surface
   Event Spaces
                          all times. Room           to maintain physical        maintain physical          disinfecting after before and after
                         capacity may not                distancing.               distancing.                         each event.
                            exceed 50%.

                                                    Mark floor to identify
                                                                               Individual lab coats,
                                                    physical distancing                                     Routine cleaning twice daily. All
                          Maintain physical                                    masks, and goggles
     Laboratory,                                      requirements for                                   research, instructional, and laboratory
                       distancing at 3 ft. at all                             only; no sharing items.
   Research, and                                      workstations and                                      spaces must be cleaned at the
                       times. Room capacity                                    Lab equipment and
Instructional spaces                                 shared equipment                                      beginning and end of class or lab
                       may not exceed 50%.                                     reagents cannot be
                                                      based on type of                                                  session.

                                                               PAGE          12
               AKWO        RESPONSIVENESS	
   S I T Y •	
   R E O P E N I N G P L A N • F A L L 2 0 2 1
                            O D U N I V E TRASKFORCE

Health and Safety Precautions Operational Matrix (cont.)

                            M AX IM U M                                                                  C L EANING /D IS INF EC TING
                                                       PH YSIC AL                ENG INEERING
  ENV IRONM ENT            OC C U PANC Y                                                                      AC TIV ITIES AND
                                                      D IS TANC ING               C ONTROL S
                            G U ID ANC E                                                                        F REQU ENC Y

                                                                             Remove or mark chairs
                           Maintain physical                                                                Routine disinfecting twice daily,
                                                     Limit occupancy to      or computer terminals
                        distancing of 3 ft. at all                                                        including high-touch surfaces and
       Library                                        maintain physical       to maintain physical
                        times. Room capacity                                                                 horizontal surfaces, provide
                                                         distancing.              distancing at
                        may not exceed 50%.                                                                       disinfection wipes.

                                                                                 Mark as “Out of
                        Maintain 3 ft. physical         Mark floors to       Service” open shower       Routine cleaning/disinfecting including
                         distancing. Room             identify physical      stalls, sinks, bathroom     high-touch surfaces and horizontal
    Locker Rooms
                         capacity may not                distancing           stalls, and urinals to         surfaces twice daily, provide
                            exceed 50%.                requirements.            promote physical                  disinfection wipes.

                                                      Virtual meetings
                           Maintain physical              only, and                                      Routine cleaning/disinfecting daily;
                                                                             Remove or block chairs
  Meeting Spaces –      distancing of 3 ft. at all     accommodate                                       high-touch surfaces and horizontal
                                                                              to maintain physical
  Conference Room       times. Room capacity             employees                                          surfaces twice daily, provide
                        may not exceed 50%.           displaced from                                             disinfection wipes.
                                                      shared offices.

                                                                                  Installation of
                                                                              Plexiglass barriers to
                                                      Office should only     provide physical barrier    Routine cleaning/disinfecting high-
  Individual Offices    One person per office.       be occupied by one      between employee and        touch surfaces and horizontal work
                                                           person.              customer where            surfaces twice daily by occupant.
                                                                              physical interactions
                                                                                  are required.

                                                                                  Installation of
                                                                              Plexiglass barriers to
                                                       Reconfigure to        provide physical barrier
                           Maintain physical
                                                       achieve 3 ft. of      between employee and        Routine cleaning/disinfecting high-
   Shared Office        distancing of 3 ft. at all
                                                     separation between         customer where           touch surfaces and horizontal work
  (Open or closed)      times. Room capacity
                                                        desks and/or          physical interactions       surfaces twice daily by occupant.
                        may not exceed 50%.
                                                        workstations.           are required, use
                                                                             vacant meeting spaces
                                                                                as offices where

                                                                               Configure outdoor
                                                     Notify attendees of
                        Prohibit gatherings in                                events to discourage
                                                       outdoor event                                       Equipment, tents, tables must be
                          excess of CDC or                                      large gatherings
   Outdoor Spaces                                       precautions                                      thoroughly cleaned/disinfected after
                          Statewide Health                                      provide physical
                                                      (mandatory face                                                each event.
                         recommendations.                                    barriers between event
                                                     covering, physical

                                                                                  Installation of
                                                                              Plexiglass barriers to
                                                                             provide physical barrier
                                                     Reconfigure space       between employee and
     Reception             Maintain physical                                                             Routine cleaning/disinfecting high-
                                                     to maintain 3 ft. of        customer where
  Area/Information      distancing of 3 ft. at all                                                       touch surfaces and horizontal work
                                                     distance between         physical interactions
        Desk                    times.                                                                    surfaces twice daily by occupant.
                                                        workstations.           are required, floor
                                                                              marking as necessary
                                                                             to indicate appropriate
                                                                               physical distancing.

                                                               PAGE         13
            OAKWO         RESPONSIVENESS	
   S I T Y •	
   R E O P E N I N G P L A N • F A L L 2 0 2 1
                            O D U N I V E TRASKFORCE

Health and Safety Precautions Operational Matrix (cont.)

                           M AX IM U M                                                                     C L EANING /D IS INF EC TING
                                                      PH YSIC AL                 ENG INEERING
 ENV IRONM ENT            OC C U PANC Y                                                                         AC TIV ITIES AND
                                                     D IS TANC ING                C ONTROL S
                           G U ID ANC E                                                                           F REQU ENC Y

      Weight                                                                  Reposition or remove         Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
                          Maintain physical         Configure space to
   Room/Athletic                                                              athletic equipment to            daily; users responsible for
                       distancing of 3 ft. at all    maintain 3 ft. of
      Training                                                                provide separation to         disinfecting equipment after use;
                       times. Room capacity         distance between
   Areas/Spaces                                                                 promote physical           physical plant staff to disinfect high-
                       may not exceed 50%.              equipment.
                                                                                   distancing.                      touch areas daily.
  (Gymnasium &
  Outdoor Gyms)

                                                                                  Installation of
                                                    Configure furniture       Plexiglass barriers to        Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
                        Residences – one to
                                                     in common areas         provide physical barrier       daily of common areas and study
                       two students per room,
  Residence Hall                                    and study lounges        between residents and         lounges; occupants disinfect rooms
                          3 ft. of distance in
                                                    to maintain 3 ft. of          where physical               per instructions provided by
                         common areas and
                                                    distance between             interactions are           Residence Life and Public Health
                            study lounges.
                                                         students.             required such as at                    Sub-Committee.
                                                                              residence hall desks.

                                                                                Block every other
                                                    Limit occupancy to
                       Occupancy is 50% the                                   urinal/sink/stall where      Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
    Restrooms                                        maintain physical
                         number of sinks.                                    possible, Remove hand          daily including high-touch areas.

                                                    Limit occupancy to
                         Occupancy is 50%.                                                                 Routine cleaning/disinfecting twice
 Racquetball Court                                   maintain physical                 N/A
                         Single players only.                                                               daily including high-touch areas.

                                                     Limit occupancy to                                   Routine cleaning/disinfecting including
  Shared Resource                                                               Block or turn off
                           Maintain 3 ft. of          maintain physical                                     horizontal surface and high-touch
 Areas (copy room,                                                             equipment if it’s not
                         physical distancing.       distancing based on                                    surfaces daily; provide disinfection
    break room)                                                               absolutely necessary.
                                                        configuration.                                                    wipes.

                                                                             Block alternate seats to
                                                        Mask wearing         allow riders to sit alone.
                          50% maximum                 required. Reduce          Load from multiple         Frequent disinfecting seats and high
                       capacity. No standing.       ridership to maintain       doors (if possible).                 touch surfaces.
                                                    physical distancing.       Determine entrance
                                                                                 and exit process.

                                                     Limit occupancy to
                                                      maintain physical
                                                                              Removal of all non-
                                                                               wipeable seating.           Routine cleaning, horizontal surface
                                                    furniture in common
                                                                                 Installation of           disinfection and high-touch surface
    Millet Activity      Occupancy is 50%.            areas to maintain
                                                                              Plexiglass barriers to       cleaning daily; provide disinfection
    Center (MAC)                                    physical distancing.
                                                                                provide physical                          wipes.
                                                         Mark floors to
                                                       identify physical

                          Maintain physical         Not required in swim
  Swimming Pool                                                                        N/A                 Routine daily cleaning/disinfecting.
                            distancing.                    lanes.

                                                               PAGE         14
            OAKWO         RESPONSIVENESS	
   S I T Y •	
   R E O P E N I N G P L A N • F A L L 2 0 2 1
                            O D U N I V E TRASKFORCE

Health and Safety Precautions Operational Matrix (cont.)
    Millet Activity
    Center (MAC)
                           M AX IM U M                                         provide physical        C L EANING /D IS INF EC TING
                                                    PH  YSIC
                                                     Mark       AL
                                                           floors to          ENG INEERING
  ENV IRONM ENT           OC C U PANC Y                                            barrier.                 AC TIV ITIES AND
                                                   D IS TANC physical
                                                                ING            C ONTROL S
                           G U ID ANC E               distancing                                              F REQU ENC Y

                          Maintain physical       Not required in swim
   Swimming Pool                                                                    N/A                Routine daily cleaning/disinfecting.
                            distancing.                  lanes.

                                                  Reduce class size;                                  Continue regular cleaning/disinfecting;
                                                                          Remove furniture from
                                                   revise playground                                     removal and disinfecting of toys
                                                                            classrooms; where
                           No more than 10           schedule; limit                                  frequently throughout the day; regular
                                                                           possible, implement
 Child Development          people in each         visitors and parent                                   disinfecting of high-touch areas.
                                                                          car line for drop-off and
       Center            classroom including          entry to CDC;
                                                                               pick-up; health
                        children and teachers.     outline occupancy
                                                                          screening confirmation
                                                  limits on classroom
                                                                          of temperature of ____

                                                                                                       Provide disinfectant wipes to drivers
 University Vehicles    Maximum 2 persons         Seated on front and
                                                                                                       to wipe down high-touch areas after
    & Golf Carts             per cart.                back row.
                                                                                                                    each use.
                           Maintain 3 ft. of         Mask wearing
                        physical distancing for   mandatory. Provide
     Customer                                                                Install Plexiglass             Routine daily cleaning and
                         each staff member        floor markings and
 Service/Reception                                                         barrier dividing staff        disinfection of high-touch areas.
                           when there are            signage where                                       Disinfection wipes to clean any
       Desks                                                              from customer/visitor.
                        multiple staff persons       visitors should                                        material being exchanged.
                               present.                   stand.

  OU Hosted Events       No more than 50%          Masks mandatory.
     (OU Live,                                                                                         Routine cleaning, horizontal surface
                         occupancy (campus                                   Guided traffic to
                                                                                                       disinfection and high-touch surface
 symposium, athletic       tours available          Maintain 3 ft. of     prevent crossing paths.
                                                                                                       cleaning after before and after each
   games, campus              virtually).         physical distancing.

                          No more than one         Maintain 3 ft. of
   Office Hours &        advisee and advisor      physical distancing      Thermometer checks          Routine cleaning, horizontal surface
   Faculty Student       per meeting (virtual      and face masks          for faculty, staff, and     disinfection and high-touch surface
     Meetings.            advising and office     must be worn at all            students.             cleaning after before and after each
                           hours optional).             times.                                                         visit.

    Institutional            Virtual Only
 Meetings, University

                                                            PAGE         15


Karen Benn Marshall, Chair                     Carlos Cole
Vice President for Enrollment                  Director of Grounds

Leslie Pollard, Vice-Chair                     Sabrina Cotton
President                                      Vice President of Finance, Business Development,
                                               and University Advancement
James Mbyirukira, Vice-Chair
Provost and Senior Vice President              Brandon Dent
                                               Assistant Professor and Quality Assurance Director
Doug Allen
Chief Information Officer                      Sarah Faria
                                               Supervisor of Custodial/Budget Coordinator
Linda Anderson
Dean of Carter Hall                            UNIVERSITY RESPONSIVENESS
Jorge Bartholomew                              Jason Max Ferdinand
Career Connection Center Coordinator           Chair of Department of Music

Marie-Claire Boutrin                           Brandon Gamble
Assistant Professor of Biology                 Dean of Student Success

                                               Desiree Gunn-Price
                                               Assistant Registrar/VA Coordinator

                                       PAGE   16

Melvin Harris                                                 Prudence Pollard
Chief Director of Public Safety                               Vice President of Quality Assurance, Research, &
                                                              Faculty Development
Earl Henry
Director of Master of Public Health Program                   David Richardson
                                                              Vice President of Student Life & Mission
Merridia Henry
Telephone Operator                                            Clifford Jones
                                                              Dean of School of Theology
Sylvia Germany
Interim Executive Director of Employee Services               Delanrus Sharpe
                                                              Director of Enrollment & Registrar’s Office
Ramona Hyman
Professor of English & Foreign Languages                      Heather Rodriguez-James
                                                              Director of Library Services
Simon Jacob
Intramural Director/Facility Manager                          Shaunda Roach
                                                              Assistant Professor of Business, Faculty Senate
Audree Johnson                                                President
General Manager of WJOU
                                                              Donovan Williams
Camille Kibler                                                President of USM (United Student Movement)
Dean of Residence Halls
                                                              Woodrow Vaughn
Raymond King                                                  Dean of Edwards Hall
Director of Student Activities
                                                              Cheri Wilson
Kenneth LaiHing                                               Executive Director of University Advancement
Professor of Arts & Sciences
                                                              EMERGENCY CLOSING/
Adrienne Matthews                                             QUARANTINE SUBCOMMITTEE
Assistant Vice President for Student Life & Mission           Sabrina Cotton, Chair
                                                              Vice President of Finance, Business Development, &
Adana Wilson                                                  University Advancement
Administrative Assistant for the President
                                                              Sylvia Germany, Vice Chair
Tracy Moore                                                   Interim Executive Director of Employee Services
                                                              Prudence Pollard, Vice Chair
Lisa Dalrymple                                                Vice President of Quality Assurance, Research, &
Director of Healthy Campus 2020                               Faculty Development

James Mbyirukira                                              Doug Allen
Provost and Senior Vice President                             Chief Information Officer

                                                              Karen Benn Marshall, Ex Officio
                                                              Vice President for Enrollment

                                                      PAGE   17

David Richardson                                            Shalunda Sherrod
Vice President of Student Life & Mission                    Chair of Social Work

James Mbyirukira                                            David Richardson
Interim Provost and Senior Vice President                   Vice President of Student Life & Mission

COMMUNICATIONS PLAN                                         Shaunda Roach
COMMITTEE                                                   Assistant Professor of Business & Information
Cheri Wilson, Chair                                         Systems
Executive Director of University Advancement
                                                            Elaine Vanterpool
Emile Parker, Vice Chair                                    Chair of Biology
Director of Alumni Relations
                                                            PUBLIC HEALTH
Merridia Henry                                              SUBCOMMITTEE
Telephone Operator                                          Earl Henry, Chair
                                                            Director of Master of Public Health Program
Audree Johnson
General Manager of WJOU                                     Lisa Dalrymple, Co-Chair
                                                            Director of Healthy Campus 2020
Debbe Millet
Communication Services Coordinator                          Marie-Claire Boutrin
                                                            Assistant Professor of Biology
Ron J. Pride
Graphic Designer                                            Sherine Brown-Fraser
                                                            Chair of Nutrition & Dietetics
John Anderson, Chair                                        Prudence Pollard
Associate Provost for Graduate Education & Online           Vice President of Quality Assurance, Research, &
Learning                                                    Faculty Development

Prudence Pollard, Chair                                     Elaine Vanterpool
Vice President of Quality Assurance, Research, &            Chair of Biology
Faculty Development
Karen Benn Marshall                                         Leslie Pollard, Chair
Vice President for Enrollment                               President

Dawnette Chambers                                           Karen Benn Marshall
Assistant Professor of Communication                        Vice President for Enrollment

Brandon Gamble                                              Carlton Byrd
Dean of Student Success                                     Pastor of Oakwood University Church, Speaker/
                                                            Director, Breath of Life
Dwight Huslin
Associate Professor of Nursing                              Sabrina Cotton
                                                            Vice President of Finance, Business Development, &
Ramona Hyman                                                University Advancement
Professor of English & Foreign Languages

                                                    PAGE   18

Judy Dent                                                  Earl Henry
Principal of Oakwood Adventist Academy                     Director of Master of Public Health Program

Melvin Harris                                              Martin Hodnett
Chief Director of Public Safety                            Chair of Psychological Sciences

Sylvia Germany                                             Rennae Elliott
Interim Executive Director of Employee Services            Chair of Communications

Johnny Holliday                                            Ramona Hyman
Superintendent of Education, South Central                 Professor of English & Foreign Languages
                                                           Lisa James
Adana Wilson                                               Chair of Math & Computer Sciences
Administrative Assistant for the President
                                                           Samuel London
Prudence Pollard                                           Chair of History & Political Sciences
Vice President of Quality Assurance, Research, &
Faculty Development                                        James Mbyirukira
                                                           Provost and Senior Vice President
Shaunda Roach
Assistance Professor of Business & Information             Gilbert Ojwang
Systems                                                    Chair of Religion

Cheri Wilson                                               Shalunda Sherrod
Executive Director of University Advancement               Chair of Social Work

FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES                                       Clifford Jones
COMMITTEE                                                  Dean of Theology
Kenneth LaiHing, Chair
Professor of Arts & Sciences                               Elaine Vanterpool
                                                           Chair of Biological Sciences
Karen Anderson
Chair of Nursing                                           Deril Wood
                                                           Chair of Education
Karen Benn Marshall
Vice President of Enrollment                               Andrew Young
                                                           Chair of Health & Human Sciences
Theodore Brown
Dean of Business & Information Systems

Sherine Brown-Fraser
Chair of Nutrition & Dietetics

Jason Ferdinand
Chair of Department of Music

                                                   PAGE   19






Oakwood University
Office: 256.726.7840 / Fax: 256.726.7471
7000 Adventist Blvd, NW, Huntsville, AL 35896

                                                                            PAGE         20

             Covid-19 Student Re-entry Steps
       1. Get	

       2. Complete	

       3. Complete	

       4. Email	

             ! Yes?	
               1. Email	

                   2. Did	

                                1. Go	

                   3. Did	

                                1. Do	

                                2. Contact	

                                3. Begin	

                                4. Retake	

                                5. Email	

             ! No?	

                   4. You	

                                                                          PAGE         21

                                                   Covid-19 Student Re-entry Steps

       1. Report	


       1. Students	

       2. Students	

       3.     Students	


              1. Students	


                      1. Registered	

                      2. Financially	

                      3. Photo	

       ! Yes?	

                      1. Go	

       ! No?	

                      1. Go	

       1. Complete	

       2. Go	

       ! Go	
                                                                       PAGE        22

                                          Covid-19 Student Re-entry Steps


     ! Yes?

                 1. Go	

     ! No?
                 1. Congratulations!	

     1. Move	

     2. Congratulations!	

     ! A	
  on scheduled dates and at	
  the semester.

     ! If	
       tracing will be done.	
  member tests	
     ! STEP 1
       • Get a COVID-19 test: All employees and students must provide documentation of a negative
       COVID test result.
       • Negative COVID results must be received within 10 days prior to accessing the campus.
       • Negative COVID test results must be submitted to:
           - Employees:
           - Students:

                                                                      PAGE        23

                    PAGE   24

                    PAGE   25

                    PAGE   26

                    PAGE   27

                                GOD First!

                        7000 Adventist Boulevard, NW
                          Huntsville, Alabama 35896
                               (256) 726-7000

                  WWW.OAKWOOD.EDU         |   WWW.GIVE.OAKWOOD.EDU

                      OakwoodUniversity       @OakwoodU   OakwoodU
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