Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino
March 2019                                     www.psneurope.com

      Meet this year's MPG Awards
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PSE84.cover.indd 1                                                                                                                                              22/02/2019 17:39
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino


    • Twitter.com/PSNEurope • Facebook.com/ProSoundNewsEurope
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                        Editor: Daniel Gumble
           daniel.gumble@futurenet.com • +44 (0)203 871 7371

                   Staff Writer: Fiona Hope McDowall
          fiona.hopedowall@futurenet.com • +44 (0)798 3168221

            Group Content Director, B2B: James McKeown
          james.mckeown@futurenet.com • +44 (0)207 354 6015

                      Designer: Sam Richwood
           sam.richwood@futurenet.com • +44 (0)207 354 6030

                Managing Design Director: Nicole Cobban

               Production Executive: Matthew Eglinton
          matthew.eglinton@futurenet.com • +44 (0)1225 687525                                                                                     DANIEL GUMBLE
                      ADVERTISING SALES                                                                                                           @PSNEurope
Head of Advertising and Brand Partnerships - Music: Ryan O’Donnell
         ryan.odonnell@futurenet.com • +44 (0)203 889 4907

                Senior Account Manager: Rian Zoll-Khan


         Managing Director/Senior Vice President Christine Shaw
                  Chief Revenue Officer Luke Edson
                   Chief Content Officer Joe Territo
                 Chief Marketing Officer Wendy Lissau                                                    n the wafer thin slithers of time that connected    All of which signals an exciting future for the market
             Head of Production US & UK Mark Constance
                                                                                                         the NAMM show, ISE and our March print              in general. Both shows have been registering record
To subscribe, change your address, or check on your current account status,                              deadline, the team here at PSNEurope towers         breaking visitor and exhibitor numbers for several
   go to www.psneurope.com/subscribe-to-newsletters-digital-editions
                   faqs or email subs@psneurope.com                                                      has endeavoured to produce a magazine that          consecutive years, suggesting the sector is in the
   Digital editions of the magazine are available to view on ISSUU.com.
                                                                                                   comprehensively reflects on the two biggest trade          very rudest of health.
    Recent back issues of the printed edition may be available please
            contact lwilkie@nbmedia.com for more information.                                      shows on the professional audio calendar (would             Quite what this means for the next big trade
                 LICENSING/REPRINTS/PERMISSIONS                                                    another week or so between them not provide a             show on the calendar, we’ll have to wait and see.
       PSNE is available for licensing. Contact the Licensing team to discuss
                              partnership opportunities.                                           welcome breather)?                                        Prolight+Sound has endured a tumultuous few years,
         Head of Print Licensing Rachel Shaw licensing@futurenet.com
                                                                                                      Irrespective of the hectic schedule that ensues at     following various changes to its infrastructure, but
                     Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, NP12 2YA
                     ISSN number 0269-4735 (print) © 2018                                          this time of year, I can honestly say I don’t remember    endure it has.
                                                                                                   the last time I met with such positivity at a trade         While the huge success of NAMM and ISE may
                                                                                                   show/s. As you’ll find in the NAMM and ISE reviews         set alarm bells ringing, it could also signal a
                                                                                                   mentioned above, the overwhelming praise lauded           strength in the market that could go some way
                                                                                                   upon both the LA and Amsterdam gatherings by              towards supporting what has historically been a
                                                                                                   exhibitors and visitors was virtually unanimous.          vital and much loved event. Ultimately, the pro audio
                                                                                                      The heaving halls and claims of significant business    community will vote with its feet, and the organisers
                                                                                                   being done at the booths across the board certainly       at Messe will be going all out to deliver a show that
                                                                                                   provided cause for optimism. NAMM’s new audio             can go toe-to-toe with the competition and offer
                                                                                                   village seems to have given the show a new lease of       something unique.
                                                                                                   life as far as its pro offering is concerned, with many      As has been the case for a number of years now,
                                                                                                   hailing it as the event’s best outing in recent memory.   the next Prolight+Sound will be considered one of the
                                                                                                   Meanwhile, the halls of the RAI o en felt gridlocked,     most crucial in its history. What we can be certain
                                                                                                   such was the vastness of the crowds, making its           of is that come April, the gaze of exhibitors past and
                                                                                                   move to Barcelona in 2021 all the more welcome.           present will be firmly fixed on Frankfurt. n
                                                                Chief e ec i e illah Byn - horne
                                                        on-e ec i e chair an ichard n in ford
                                                         Chief financial officer Penny Ladkin-Brand

                                                                                                                                      the dialogue noise suppressor that anyone can use

                                                                                                               CINEMA AUDIO SOCIETY

                                                                                                                                                                        location studio live


Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

                                                                      In this issue...
                                                                      P6    Kenton Forsythe
                                                                            Returning EAW co-founder Kenton Forsythe tells PSNEurope why
                                                                            he is rejoining the company three years after his departure and what
                                                                            his ambitions are for the future of the brand

                                                                      P14 Chris Lord-Alge
                                                                          The legendary US mix engineer talks us through his partnership with
                                                                          Waves and the newly launched CLA MixHub plugin

                                                                      P17 NAMM 2019
                                                                          With the sun now set on another NAMM, major exhibitors reveal why
                                                                          they believe the show’s audio offering is better than ever before

                                                                      P28 Reinventing Harman Pro
                                                                          Harman Pro president Mohit Parasher takes us inside the company’s
                                                                          ongoing reconstruction

                                                                      P35 Normal Not Novelty returns
                                                                          The monthly Red Bull Studio initiative returns for 2019, as our
                                                                          columnist Katie Tavini reports

       ISE 2019
                                                                      P32 Dani Bennett Spragg
                                                                          The winner of this year’s Breakthrough Engineer of the Year MPG
                                                                          Award discusses her route to becoming one of the UK’s most exciting
                                                                          studio talents

                                                                      P44 Michael Dugher
                                                                          UK Music CEO Michael Dugher gives his take on the increasingly
                                                                          complex reloationship between the tech world and the music industry

       ON KALL


PSE84.contents.indd 1                                                                                                                       22/02/2019 17:21
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

Holistic growth.
The KSL System line array loudspeakers employ a combination of techniques to
accomplish seamless broadband directivity control. The low frequency geometry
uses cardioid technology with a driver and port layout producing a coverage
matched perfectly to the coaxial arrangement of an extremely efficient midrange
horn and waveguide mounted high frequency drivers. In total harmony with the
system’s usability, an extraordinary performance delivers sound exactly where
it’s wanted. Just another true adherent to the holistic d&b approach.

More art. Less noise.
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

                         hat a busy year it’s been for EAW. Since
                         the US loudspeaker manufacturer
                         was acquired by Italy’s RCF Group in
                         2018, the company has been investing
     heavily in new staff and a fresh infrastructure that will
     bring all of its operational and administrative operations
     in-house. All the while, the firm has been spreading
     the word that it has a renewed sense of purpose and
     a mission to tackle the European market head on. In
     January, the company made the headlines again when
     it revealed that co-founder and former VP of strategic
     engineering, Kenton Forsythe, was returning to the
     company on a part-time basis, aŠer three years away.
         Forsythe's design, the mid-1970s vintage BH215 dual
     15-inch bass horn, became the basis of some of EAW's
     earliest products, while its KF850 was the model that
     helped put the brand on the map.
         Here, he tells PSNEurope what coaxed him back into
     the business and his ambitions for the next generation
     of EAW…

     What made you decide to return to EAW?
     AŠer a year of tending to my wife and I's “honey-do” lists,
     I was ready to get back into speaker work. I talked with
     a few organisations, then following the takeover of Loud
     by new investors, [EAW president] TJ Smith gave me a

                                                                    Homew a
     call one day in late March 2018. We cut a deal quickly
     and now I am back where I belong.

     A lot has changed since you le the company.
     How have you found the process of returning
     to the fold?
     Easy. The core group here is very desirous of returning
     to the days of greatness through technological designs

     and strong marketing.

     What will your responsibilities be now?
     I have the very good fortune of basically reporting to
     my son Jeremy, now manager of product development
     at EAW. I also work closely with Geoff McKinnon, who
     is doing a brilliant job as engineering director. We are
     currently working on three new ranges of installation
     appropriate designs.

     What are your thoughts on the RCF
     acquisition? Did this prompt your return to                    AŠer three years away from the company he co-founded over four
     EAW?                                                           decades ago, Kenton Forsythe has returned to resurgent US
     I have known and respected Arturo Vacari [RCF CEO]
     for 20+ years now, having first met him at RCF. I find the
                                                                    loudspeaker company EAW. Daniel Gumble caught up with him
     work he has done miraculous, following pulling RCF             to find out what drew him back into the fold and where he sees the
     from bankruptcy by Mackie Designs/Loud. People love            brand headed in 2019 and beyond…
     to work with him, as do I.

     RCF has made many key pro audio acquisitions
     recently. How beneficial is it for EAW to be
     part of such a fast growing organisation?
     The RCF Group has a very entrepreneurial leader in Mr.


PSE84.EAW.indd 1                                                                                                                     22/02/2019 17:33
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

                                                     Vacari, who made an additional strategical aquisition
                                                     with EAW. Appropriate new resources have become
                                                     available to use for advanced product development that
                                                     will enable lower cost manufacturing and advanced
                                                     technology, particularly on the electronics side.

                                                     Outside of the US, EAW has been perceived
                                                     as something of a sleeping giant in the
                                                     loudspeaker market. How do you plan to
                                                     remedy that this year?
                                                     New products with advanced technologies. Several new
                                                     product ranges are under development, and they will
                                                     continue to move the state-of-the-art in loudspeakers
                                                     forward. Several are based on the technologies we
                                                     already possess, such as Adaptive, while others are
                                                     more advanced implementations of more conventional
                                                     techniques. We continue to look into improved
                                                     manufacturing technologies as well.

                                                     How crucial are trade shows for spreading the
                                                     word of the company’s rejuvenation?
                                                     Major trade shows are very helpful in exposing EAW to
                                                     current and potential users. We will continue to support
                                                     such shows, with a noticeably larger presence than in
                                                     the past. However, we may have a smaller presence in

w ard
                                                     regional shows, or pass them by as others are doing.
                                                     We do anticipate having regional EAW-focused events to
                                                     bring our products to a wider audience.

                                                     What are you ambitions in 2019, both
                                                     personally and for the company?
                                                     My personal goals are to complete the three ranges
                                                     of new product within 2019, and to bring them to
                                                     the market. I will be working with consultants and
                                                     contractors to get exposure for the designs.
                                                        We see ourselves on a major growth cycle, eager to
                                                     regain ground lost since the first acquisition in 2000 and
                                                     years of investment group management.

                                                     What do you perceive to be the biggest
                                                     opportunities in the market for EAW in 2019
                                                     and beyond?
                                                     EAW continues to see many opportunities in the pro
                                                     audio market. We see room for growth in our current
                                                     market segments and in additional aspects of the
                                                     market. High performance with advanced technology is
                                                     always welcomed, even at the somewhat premium price
                                                     such products must command.

                                                     And what are the biggest challenges?
                                                     The main obstacle is fighting to achieve aggressive
                                                     growth targets.
                                                     Hiring new key people is a great opportunity, however,
                                                     it is also a challenge in finding the right people. We
                                  Forsythe returns   are fortunate in recent hires to have gained some very
                                                     talented and skilled people. 


  PSE84.EAW.indd 2                                                                                     22/02/2019 17:33
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino

     Movers and shakers
     Stay in the loop with the latest job appointments and movements in the
     professional audio industry...

      Joe White appointed as Nexo business development
      manager, south east Asia, India, and Oceania

     EFFECTIVE from February 1 2019, Nexo has                   strategies are solidified across these regions and worked
     appointed Joe White as business development manager        on collectively by distributors.”
     for south east Asia, India, and Oceania. Since 2011, he       When asked of the challenges of the role, and
     has been running his own business in Indonesia, but he     how he will approach them, White explained: "It is
     desired a return to pro audio.                             important to understand that the brand’s message and
        Of what he will bring to his new role, White            methodologies can be easily applied to these cultures,
                                                                                                                            A CENTRAL MESSAGE AND
     commented: “Having luckily worn the Nexo hat for a         so as to have a unified message across this vast region.
     number of years and been based at the company’s HQ, I      My challenge will then be to make myself as present
                                                                                                                            STRATEGY IMPLEMENTED ON
     quickly understood how a central message and strategy      as possible across the region so that our distributors      A GLOBAL SCALE IS NOT ONLY
     implemented on a global scale is not only important for    and their end users see that everyone in the region is      IMPORTANT FOR A COMPANY'S
     a company’s brand presence, but also directly for the      working together using the same methodologies.              BRAND PRESENCE, BUT ALSO
     company’s end users.                                          "As the countries in south east Asia become more
                                                                                                                            DIRECTILY FOR THE COMPANY'S
        "A big part of my approach to growing the brand         receptive to multi-culture, we can see huge growth
     in these regions is to ascertain that all aspects of       potential in the entertainment and worship sectors. This
                                                                                                                            END USERS
     communication, education, and product and business         is a very exciting time to rejoin my friends at Nexo.”      JOE WHITE

                                                                 Active Audio names Eric
       Allen & Heath selects Markus                              Grandmougin as marketing and                                EAW names John Mills as
       Sinsel as sales director                                  customer support director                                   senior applications engineer

     SINSEL has joined Allen & Heath with a wealth of           ACTIVE Audio has selected                                   EASTERN Acoustic Works has appointed renowned
     experience in the pro audio industry as sales director,    Eric Grandmougin as its new                                 audio engineer, John Mills as senior applications
     having worked for Allen & Heath distribution companies     marketing and customer                                      engineer. Mills is an industry expert of 25 years, having
     in Germany and the UK for the last 18 years, and as a      support director, effective since                           most recently served as VP of Nashville's Morris Light
     sound engineer for almost 30 years.                        January 2 2019.                                             and Sound, where he worked for the past eight years.
        When asked what he brings to the role, Sinsel              Grandmougin has a strong                                    Mills has mixed front-of-house at virtually every
     replied: “I believe I bring a good understanding of the    background in sound; he                                     major arena and stadium in the continental US and
     needs and demands of our distribution and customers.       pursued an engineering degree in acoustics, and an          Canada. He is most recognised for his FOH work with
     More importantly, I understand the product.”               early career as a sound engineer, later graduating          stars such as Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster, Shane and
        In terms of the challenges of the industry that the     to the pro audio industry. Active’s CEO, Régis Cazin        Shane, and Paul Baloche, as well as for being systems
     company faces – most imminently the threat of Brexit       emphasised that “Eric has a very strong reputation in the   engineer for country musician Kenny Chesney.
     – and how to approach them, Sinsel explained: “Allen &     world of pro audio and acoustics in France."                   Mills commented: "EAW is moving forward with
     Heath is rapidly growing. With Brexit just ahead and the      Grandmougin will provide Active Audio's senior           innovative, forward-looking solutions. The future
     new import duties in several                               management and strategic committee with insight into        looks bright with an
     countries we face some                                     market trends and technologies, as well as proposing        engineering team under
     challenges, but with our team,                             new products.                                               Geoff McKinnon, and Kenton
     that is working very hard, and                                Grandmougin commented: “AŸer spending 20 years           Forsythe's return.
     the support of the Audiotonix                              with users, designers and investors, I can provide             "It's a great time for me to
     group, I know we will be able to                           good feedback on user experience and use this in our        bring my experience and skills
     find smart solutions for all.”                             communication and analysis of product applications.”        to EAW."


PSE84.jobs.indd 1                                                                                                                                                            22/02/2019 17:33
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino
Dani Bennett Spragg - Conservatorio Torino
Versatile instrument mic

           Executive decision
                               Fiona Hope recently caught up with Colleen Harper to discuss her new appointment
                                             as executive director of the Audio Engineering Society…

                  olleen Harper was selected as executive          requires a skill set specific to associations, and I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                               Colleen Harper
                  director of the Audio Engineering Society        been able to hone those skills – such as membership
                  on January 21 2019, and now reports to           engagement, marketing, budgeting, and so forth –
                  the executive committee of the AES board         throughout my nonprofit career. I believe my past
     of governors.                                                 positions and experiences will help a lot as I work with the
        Despite being relatively new to the pro audio world,       team to move AES forward.
     Harper has extensive experience in running associations
     of similar stature, most recently working as the COO          What are you bringing to the role?
     and interim CEO of the American Society for Parenteral        I think my background of focusing on membership and
     and Enteral Nutrition. Other associations that Harper         member value will be a significant contribution to AES, as
     has served in senior roles at include such vast and           well as the experience of running the business operations
     varied organisations as the National Investor Relations       of a nonprofit professional society. My career has also
     Institute, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating     included working with younger professionals specifically
     and Air-Conditioning Engineers, and the Geoprofessional       and increasing their involvement with the organisation,
     Business Association.                                         which I think will be a great fit at AES given the high
        Notably, she has been a Certified Association Executive    number of student members and student sections that
     (CAE) since 2012 and was formally recognised with an          we have.                                                       now have to learn new skills – such as networking, video,
     Association Forum of Chicagoland’s Forty Under 40 Award                                                                      gaming, and streaming – in order to keep up with the
     in 2014. Not only does she have an array of interesting       How do you define the importance of AES?                       interdisciplinary nature of their jobs and carve out a viable
     experience, but she brings a fresh perspective as a           AES generates critical information in the form of              career. Additionally, the way people consume audio now
     woman in a highly male-dominated industry.                    standards, journal articles, and other technical content       is very different than it was 10 years ago, and that can be a
        Harper tells PSNEurope’s Fiona Hope about her actions      that is presented at our European and US conventions.          challenge as well.
     to develop and propel AES forward, using her wealth of        For example, AES3, AES10, and AES67 are monumental
     experience with nonprofit societies and associations and      standards that have changed and improved the                   What will AES be bringing to 2019?
     passion for the cause to assert it as the top professional    business. The members and volunteers who work on               We expect to explore and generate more collaborations
     organisation in the pro audio world...                        this important research keep the whole audio industry          with manufacturers and like-minded organisations, with a
                                                                   up-to-date and operationally efficient. We have a diverse      strong focus on providing stellar education.
     What are the biggest opportunities your new                   community made up of both academics/researchers and
     role offers?                                                  practitioners, and the vibrancy of the community makes it      What makes you passionate about pro audio?
     AES has such an incredible reputation and has done so         a necessary part of the career of anyone in pro audio.         I have never seen a community as passionate, energised,
     much work on behalf of those in pro audio. Now that                                                                          and familial as the pro audio community. I have the
     I’ve been on the AES team for a few weeks, I believe the      Why do you believe in AES?                                     utmost admiration for all of the AES members and
     biggest opportunities my role offers are to increase the      We live in a world than can change in the blink of an eye.     volunteers who have given so much to the Society. Now
     collaboration between traditional and emerging specialties    Absolutely everyone benefits from ongoing professional         that I have a greater understanding of the importance
     within the Society; keep us up-to-date with technological     development and education – if you are unwilling               of the pro audio industry, I want to do whatever I can to
     developments in areas such as virtual reality, gaming, and    or unable to learn about current issues, trends, and           drive it forward and provide even more to the people who
     streaming; and solidify AES as the professional home for      developments, your business or career can suffer greatly       comprise this unique community.
     the pro audio community.                                      from that. AES is 100 per cent committed to leading the
                                                                   education and training related to pro audio, and making        What will your day-to-day look like as
     How is this role different to your past                       sure that audio’s contribution to so many other industries     executive director?
     positions?                                                    is both respected and celebrated.                              Honestly, I’m still figuring this out! I expect my day-to-day
     The largest difference is the industry itself. While I have                                                                  to be a combination of business operations, membership,
     worked with engineering societies in the past, I have         What do you think the biggest challenges                       and content generation. AES has so many wonderful
     not been this closely involved with audio specifically.       facing audio engineers in today’s market are?                  opportunities in front of us, and I’m excited to spend my
     Otherwise, there are actually many similarities and           I think the biggest obstacle relates to audio not being such   time working with the excellent AES team to capitalise
     overlaps to my past positions. Running an association         a standalone discipline anymore. Many audio engineers          on them. 


PSE84.AESapt.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                     22/02/2019 17:36

MAUI® P900
Imagine a modern art audio system. Imagine a pure design, pristine   elegance into a l oudspeaker system that breaks new ground.
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set out to combine state-of-the-art audio technology and sleek       P900 is a vision come true.

                                                                                         Expand your horizon at:
LD Systems is a brand of the Adam Hall Group.

       The vinyl frontier
         At NAMM 2019, Audio-Technica introduced a brand new turntable and cartridge duo to the market, highlighting the
        company’s ongoing commitment to the DJ sector. Joe France, Audio-Technica UK’s DJ specialist, tells PSNEurope
                                     why the world of vinyl is still ripe with opportunity…

                   ack in January, Audio-Technica unveiled                                                                   and always have been, we’re seeing guys who have
                                                                                                              Joe France
                   its latest offering to the DJ market at                                                                   learned on controllers, but are looking to spice up their
                   NAMM 2019 in the form of the AT-LP140XP                                                                   skillset by playing vinyl. Evidently, the demand is being
                   turntable and AT-XP3 cartridge. Designed                                                                  driven by both types of DJ, which is really encouraging.
     in Tokyo, the fully manual turntable features a high-                                                                      Vinyl still offers DJs a unique world of rare,
     torque direct drive motor, ensuring quick start up, and                                                                 underground music that you can’t always find or
     an anti-resonant, mass-damped, die-cast aluminum                                                                        purchase as digital files. Some of the record stores we
     platter for stable, on-axis rotation at 33, 45 and 78rpm.                                                               partner with, such as Phonica in London and Rush Hour
     Its S-shaped tonearm allows adjustment for height,                                                                      in Amsterdam, sell limited-edition records from around
     tracking force and dynamic anti-skate control, while                                                                    the world that might not have been played for decades;
     additional features include selectable quartz-controlled                                                                that’s part of the reason that vinyl sales were up 14.6 per
     pitch lock and pitch change slider (with +/-8%, +/-16%,                                                                 cent in 2018.
     and +/-24% adjustment ranges), stroboscopic platter
     with a speed indicator and a retractable plug-type stylus                                                                  What are the biggest opportunities for A-T DJ
     target light. The product is available in black or silver,                                                              products in today’s market? Are there any key
     with DJ-approved features such as a start/stop button,                                                                  markets where you're pushing the new product?
     forward/reverse play, selectable pitch change, a stylus                                                                    In today's market, people are looking to match the
     target light and more.                                                                                                  sound of high-end hi-fi systems, so if they can achieve
        The AT-XP3 cartridge, reflecting Audio-Technica's                                                                    that in the DJ booth, they’re happy. Audio-Technica’s
     leading innovation as a phono-cartridge designer of          I'M REALLY EXCITED BY THE                                  origins are in the design and manufacture of hi-fi
     over 50 years, comes with a V-Mount dual magnet                                                                         cartridges, so we have the opportunity to build upon
                                                                  NEW PRODUCTS AND THE FACT
     construction, carbon fibre-reinforced ABS cantilever and                                                                decades of experience and a reputation for delivering
     nylon wire suspension for precise tracking.
                                                                  THEY REFLECT SUCH A HEALTHY                                high-quality sound to the DJ sector.
        Here, Joe France, Audio-Technica UK’s DJ specialist,      MARKETPLACE – IT'S A GREAT                                    Given the market’s increasingly demanding
     explains why he believes the future is bright for the DJ     TIME FOR VINYL AND THE DJS                                 consumers, Audio-Technica’s recent DJ cartridges – the
     sector and why the ongoing rise in vinyl sales in the UK     WHO PREFER TO USE IT                                       AT-XP3, AT-XP5 and AT-XP7 – are really designed for
     represents a serious opportunity for the market...                                                                      audiophile DJs. These guys are very selective, and by
                                                                  JOE FRANCE
                                                                                                                             pairing the cartridges with the likes of the AT-LP140XP,
     At NAMM 2019 you released a new DJ turntable.                                                                           the quality of the turntable is fully realised by ensuring
     How important is the DJ market for the brand?                Vinyl has become much more accessible than it was          the signal path isn’t compromised. The fact that the XP
     The DJ sector is very important for Audio-Technica, and      even a few years ago, with more and more artists           cartridge models deliver audiophile quality while also
     turntables are still a big part of the DJ world, which is    releasing on vinyl only and chains like HMV stocking       being robust enough to withstand back-cueing means
     why we see continued development in this product area.       records again; specialist shops are thriving and even      they’re ideal for the rigours of the DJ booth.
     Audio-Technica’s previous DJ turntable, the AT-LP1240,       supermarkets sell vinyl these days.
     is widely recognised as a major player in the sector, and       There has been some innovation in DJ turntables         Tell us about the new turntable. What was
     the release of the new AT-LP140XP, plus high fidelity        themselves, although the tried and tested design might     the production process and what has feedback
     DJ-oriented cartridges, reflects the commitment the          not have changed that much, what is noticeable is the      from users been like?
     company has to DJs and their product needs.                  improvement in the components used, and a better           The AT-LP140XP launched at the beginning of 2019 and
        For many, there’s still no better feeling than opening    understanding of how to get the most out of recorded       isn’t available for retailers as of yet, but it has been really
     a brand new piece of vinyl and playing it out to wow a       material. As such, I think DJs who play vinyl and buy      well received by the trade and those who saw it at the
     crowd. As a result, there still remains a real desire and    turntables are much better informed and discerning         NAMM show this year. Designed in the heart of Tokyo, It
     demand from DJs for high-performing, great-sounding          when it comes to the hardware they rely on.                was conceived as a pro-level, fully manual turntable that
     turntables and cartridges.                                                                                              gives DJs all the control they need. I’m really excited by
                                                                  How much of an appetite is there for                       the new products, and the fact that they reflect such a
     How has this corner of the audio market                      traditional DJ turntables in 2019?                         healthy marketplace – it’s a great time for vinyl and the
     evolved in recent years?                                     Interestingly, alongside DJs who are strictly vinyl-only   DJs who prefer to use it. 


PSE84.AT.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                    22/02/2019 17:33



                                                                                             s anyone present at this year’s NAMM will
                                                                                             attest, the overriding spirit across the LA
                                                                                             show was one of warmth and positivity,
                                                                                             and not just because of the glorious
                                                                             sunshine in which the Anaheim Convention Center was
                                                                             bathed for its duration. Throughout its four-day run (as
                                                                             you can read about more in our post-show recap on

                                                                             p17) NAMM 2019’s pro audio contingent was virtually
                                                                             unanimous in its praise for the show.
                                                                                A vast and varied array of new products and
                                                                             innovations were launched over the course of the event,
                                                                             and among the most notable studio-related releases
                                                                             was Waves Audio’s new CLA MixHub plugin, developed
                                                                             in close collaboration with Grammy Award-winning mix
                                                                             engineer Chris Lord-Alge. Indeed, the mood was no
                                                                             more upbeat on day one of the show than it was at the
                                                                             plugin giant’s booth, with company executives hailing
                                                                             the product as one of the most important additions to its
     At NAMM 2019, Waves presented its new CLA MixHub plugin,                portfolio in its history.
     developed with Grammy-winning engineer Chris Lord-Alge and                 The partnership with Lord-Alge is certainly a
     described by the company as one of the most significant releases in     significant one, with the engineer having built a
                                                                             reputation as one of the most successful exponents of
     its history. Daniel Gumble caught up with the man himself to find out
                                                                             his cra‹ in the business. With multiple Grammy Awards
     more about the collaboration and why he considers the Waves team        to his name, he has worked with the likes of Green
     ‘part of his extended family’…                                          Day, Muse, Sugarland, Keith Urban and many others.
                                                                             The new CLA MixHub is the culmination of a lengthy
                                                                             collaboration with Waves in order to capture the essence
                                                                             of the engineer’s studio style.


PSE84.waves.indd 1                                                                                                              22/02/2019 17:56

                                                                 signature series. And every step of the way we worked
                                                                 together on the CLA MixHub. I give the credit to Mike
                                                                 Fradis, my product designer and friend; we spent a long
                                                                 time bringing this workflow to a plugin. I went to Tel Aviv
                                                                 and worked directly with everyone there and Mike came
                                                                                                                                 I WANTED TO MAKE SURE IT
                                                                 to LA to continue fine-tuning it right up until its release.”
                                                                     Crucial to the product was its ability to convey Lord-
                                                                                                                                 HAD FEATURES THAT WERE
                                                                 Alge’s signature touches, not to mention the ‘mixing            IMPORTANT TO THE WAY I WORK
                                                                 in buckets’ feature, which has been so central to his           CHRIS LORD-ALGE
                                                                 approach in the studio.
                                                                     “I just wanted to make sure it had features that were
                                                                 important to the way I work,” he continues. “It was
                                                                 created from scratch emulating my console and sound;
                                                                 dual compressor flavours and a super gate that is
                                                                 packed with features.
                                                                     “Mixing in buckets is what I have been used to for
                                                                 30 years. It gives the user the ability to see and make
                                                                 changes quickly because you can see eight channels at
                                                                 a time and up to eight buckets on one screen, making
                                                                 it possible to see 64 channels of EQ or Dynamics or
                                                                 Meters. It lets you see your whole song and adjust
                                                                 settings rapidly as you hear them.”
                                                                     According to Lord-Alge, the sound and style he has
                             Chris Lord-Alge doing               cultivated over the past three decades has been shaped
                              what he does best                  largely by problem solving in the studio, making the
                                                                 ability to adapt absolutely essential.
                                                                     “All the key moments [in developing my style] were
                                                                 solving problems that are easy now, but 30 years ago
                                                                 were a challenge… SMPTE, synchronising , flying vocals,
        The CLA MixHub allows users to mix up to 64 tracks       using drum samples, tuning vocals, punching in record
     – all from the same plugin window – using channel           with no way back, cleaning noise from tracks… endless!
     strips modelled from CLA’s personal console. According      I have seen 16-track become 24-track then 24 become             CHRIS LORD-ALGE’S TOP 5
     to Waves, it is the first plugin to work in ‘buckets’ –     48-track then analogue become digital and Pro Tools             SOUNDING RECORDS
     groupings of up to eight channels, in up to eight buckets   become endless. And everyone becomes an audio
     in total. By mixing tracks side by side in buckets, users   hoarder. The biggest thing that created my style was            Back In Black, AC/ DC
                                                                                                                                 Produced by Mutt Lange.
     can gain a mixing perspective that allows them to           attitude – positive and confident.
                                                                                                                                 Do I need to say more?
     immediately hear how one track’s processing affects             We then went on to discuss how the role of producer
     others within a song. The channel strips were modelled      has changed over the years, and what his approach is to
                                                                                                                                 American Idiot, Green Day
     directly from Lord-Alge’s personal console.                 making a record.                                                Produced by Rob Cavallo.
        Once CLA is inserted on the channels in your mix,            He posits: “The songwriter or artist becomes the            Sound and performance at its best.
     you can assign your tracks to buckets and begin making      producer and everyone can record in their home. My
     adjustments, such as mixing dynamics, EQ, saturation,       approach is still old school. Rehearse the band; go to a        Thriller, Michael Jackson
     and more without needing to switch plugin windows in        great room and get great sounds; then do the overdubs           Produced by Quincy Jones.
     your DAW. While mixing, you can flip between two plugin     however you can to get the best performance, and mix            Timeless recording that is not over compressed, and
     view modes: Bucket view, with control of up to eight        as you go.”                                                     simple and concise production that is Quincy Jones.
     channels at a time, or Channel view, focusing on a single       As for his preferred set up in the studio, he offers: “I
                                                                                                                                 Hysteria, Def Leppard
     channel’s processing chain. Each channel consists of        have so much gear it could make a book! But I use all
                                                                                                                                 Also produced by Mutt Lange.
     five sections: Input, Dynamics, EQ, Output, and an Insert   the tools I can – analogue and digital. I have a 72-input
                                                                                                                                 Again, Mutt changing all the rules and stretching the
     point. Each processing module can be expanded to            SSL G desk; SSL Automation; a 64-channel Pro Tools
                                                                                                                                 boundaries. To this day it’s a big rock record.
     reveal additional functionality.                            set up loaded with every plugin; racks of outboard gear,
        Speaking to PSNEurope, Lord-Alge explained that his      compressors, EQs, delays and reverbs. However, the              Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles
     relationship with Waves has been a close one, spanning      most important gear are my ears and my discipline.”             Produced by George Martin.
     several years.                                                  On the subject of the future and his relationship with      Geoff Emerick and George Martin, four tracks and a
        “Waves approached me about presets for the SSL           Waves, he confirms there is strong intent from both             lot of imagination. This was where we began and the
     plugin some 12 years ago, and once I started using that     parties to continue working together. “I look forward           path was struck for the future.
     plugin I became a believer,” he says. “We then went on      to making more products with them. Waves is like my
     to create my CLA classic compressors and the CLA            extended family, we have fun together.” 


PSE84.waves.indd 2                                                                                                                                                              22/02/2019 17:56
Put the spotlight
on your brand content.


        S O C I A L M E D I A • P R • C O N T E N T C R E AT I O N
  0 1 4 9 4 5 0 1 1 3 3 • W W W. S O U N D M A R K E T I N G LT D. C O. U K

                  NAMM 2019 served up a show to remember in January, with attendees and exhibitors across the
                  board hailing it as one of the best outings in recent history, while attendance figures soared to record
                  highs. PSNEurope hears from a ra of industry heavyweights to get their take on why NAMM is
                                   endearing itself to the pro audio community more than ever before...


PSE84.NAMMreview.indd 1                                                                                                      22/02/2019 17:56

     Top to bottom: Alan Macpherson (Yamaha Corp.
     of America, general manager), David Bruml
     (Funktion-One, sales director), Giles Orford
     (Focusrite, brand director), Joe Lamond (NAMM
     CEO), Mike Igglesden (sound engineer, Funktion-
     One), Miles Rodgers (Meyer Sound), and Udi
     Henis (Waves),

PSE84.NAMMreview.indd 2                                22/02/2019 17:56
NAMM 2019: 'The centre of the music universe'


                                                                            he blue skies and soaring temperatures that    be the premier event to launch products that will shape
                                                                            permeated Anaheim back in late January         how music is made, performed and recorded for years
                                                                            certainly set the mood for NAMM 2019,          to come.”
                                                                            matching perfectly the mood of much of the        Alan Macpherson, general manager of Yamaha
                                                              pro audio contingent at this year’s show. The NAMM           Corporation of America, was equally full of praise for the
                                                              show was a huge hit this year, with 115,301 attendees        2019 show: “Overall, we feel it was Yamaha’s best ever
                                                              flocking to LA for the event – the biggest audience in its   NAMM. It was gratifying to see so many people coming
                                                              118-year history. Numerous exhibitors cited it as one of     to experience the wide array of products that allow our
                                                              the most vibrant trade shows in recent memory, pointing      customers to create their perfect systems. Of note was
                                                              to everything from the daily breakfast seminars and          the global launch of NEXO’s GEO M12; the response from
                                                              live performances, as well as to the multitude of new        our customers was immediately positive.
                                                              products and innovations as major highlights.                   He continued: “The pro audio team worked their
                                                                  Held between January 24-27 at the Anaheim                usual market-leading magic as well. The new DZR-
                                                              Convention Center, this year’s attendance built on 2018’s    Dante speaker line up made its NAMM debut, and the
                                                              then record-breaking figure of 115,085, which at the         team launched the new Steinberg AXR4-T premium
                                                              time represented a 7.5 per cent increase from 2017.          Thunderbolt 2 interface, which features Rupert Neve
                                                              Meanwhile, more than 2,000 exhibiting members graced         Design’s famous SILK processing on microphone
                                                              the show floor in January, representing 7,000 brands.        preamps. The Yamaha Grand Plaza Stage, dominating
                                                              The show also saw significant gains in its global reach,     the NAMM Show, featured NEXO STM speaker systems,
                                                              achieving a targeted year-on-year increase of 14 per         and Rivage PM10 Digital Audio Consoles along with the
                                                              cent in international participants.                          NEXO GEO M12 speakers.”
                                                                  Notable news from the show included the much                David Claringbold of d&b audiotechnik was also
                                                              discussed launch of new company LEA Professional,            keen to highlight the benefits of exhibiting at the show:
                                                              a brand new venture masterminded by Harman                   “We launched the KSL System, the new addition to the
                                                              Professional’s former president Blake Augsburger and         SL Series, our top range concert line array series,” he
                                                              other ex-Harman execs. The new firm is an amplifier          said. “This was d&b's most significant product release
                                                              technology manufacturer, with its debut product range        outside of Germany in the company’s history. We chose
                                                              expected to come in the shape of a series of professional    the NAMM Show for a launch of this stature because
                                                              grade two- and four-channel amplifiers for small to          the timing and location of NAMM is so well suited to our
                                                              medium-sized applications.                                   global market. We were inundated with people wanting
                                                                  Waves also caught the show floor’s attention with the    to get up close to the KSL System and talk with our
                                                              release of its CLA Mixhub, developed in collaboration        people on the booth and had a packed demonstration
                                                              with legendary producer Chris Lord-Alge. The company         room for our d&b Soundscape immersive technology
                                                              told us at the show that it fully expects the product        presentations. We look forward to returning next year.”
                                                              to become one of the most successful products in                Andy Munitz of Sony Pro Audio added: “I love this
                                                              its history. The CLA MixHub allows you to mix up to          show, there are so many types of customers that come
                                                              64 tracks – all from the same plugin window – using          through, people that have used our products for years
                                                              channel strips modelled from CLA’s personal console.         and love them and people that also want to learn about
                                                              It is the first plugin to work in ‘buckets’ – groupings of   the new products constantly. We have videographers,
                                                              up to eight channels, in up to eight buckets in total. The   recording performers, engineers, singers, and
                                                              channel strips were modelled directly from Lord-Alge’s       musicians; you have quite the cross-section and that’s
                                                              personal console, which he has used to mix a number          great for allowing us to promote our product, and of
                                                              of hits, from Green Day, Muse and Sugarland to Keith         course at Sony, since we make so many different kinds
                                                              Urban and many more.                                         of products.”
                                                                  Other significant showcases included the launch             Meanwhile, Miles Rodgers of Meyer Sound explained
                                                              of Powerso’s Armonia Plus System Manager and T              why he believes that trade events with NAMM’s global
                                                              Series, while Neumann was busy revealing its first ever      reach are so vital to the industry: “The question on
                                                              pair of studio headphones, as well as a new KH line          everyone’s mind… are trade shows still valuable? With
                                                              subwoofer. d&b audiotechnik’s long-anticipated KSL           the addition of the Pro Audio Hall at the NAMM show
                                                              system was presented for the world to experience, and        we can now better focus on our market. This year was
                                                              NEXO finally lied the lid on its GEO M12 line array.        an awesome step forward, and we were able to connect
                                                                  Unsurprisingly, many exhibitors were quick to sing       with existing and new customers in the market.
                                                              NAMM 2019’s praises.                                            “The Pro Audio Hall was great as we could easily
                                                                  “For four days, the centre of the music universe is      connect with the other manufacturers that provide
                                                              right here at The NAMM Show, where we’re connecting          equipment to our customers. I look forward to the future
                                                              with our top customers and artists,” said David Glaubke      of NAMM!”
                                                              of Harman Professional Solutions. “This continues to            Giles Orford, brand director of Focusrite, reflected on


PSE84.NAMMreview.indd 3                                                                                                                                                     22/02/2019 17:56

                             The KH 80 DSP – Small. Clever. Neutral.

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KH80_220x290_AMI_UK.indd 1                                                            06.09.18 15:10

     this year’s NAMM and what he considers to be a new                                                   “The show saw the showcase of the V10 updated
     lease of life for the show: “Focusrite has been attending                                         Waves eMotion LV1 mixer, and it was a great opportunity
     NAMM for 29 years, and I’ve done 20 of them. It is the                                            to meet our users, learn from their feedback and show
     most important trade show in our industry and a good                                              intrigued visitors the benefits of our products.”
     platform to exhibit on, but we’ve oen felt like the show                                            Reflecting on this year’s outing, NAMM CEO Joe
     provided much of the same each year. This year was                                                Lamond concluded: “We live in accelerated times with
     unique as the audience seemed to have become more                                                 technological developments, and global business and
     diverse; NAMM as an association is clearly working hard                                           market conditions, which can create unpredictability
     to drive diversity in our industry, especially in the US. It     OPPORTUNITIES LIKE NAMM,         in any industry. However, if you take a look around the
     was a good NAMM, it’s promising for the future of the            TO MEET EVERYONE FACE TO         NAMM Show, one could find many reasons to feel quite
     show and the year ahead in our industry.                         FACE AND HAVE MEANINGFUL         comfortable about the importance of music around the
        “Opportunities like NAMM, to meet everyone face to            EXPERIENCES THAT CAN DRIVE       world and future of the music products industry.
     face, and have meaningful experiences that can drive                                                 From the exciting innovations of our exhibiting
                                                                      OUR INDUSTRY FORWARD,
     our industry forward, that’s priceless; we need to engage                                         members, the creativity of our retail members in finding
     with and support human interaction in an increasingly            THAT'S PRICELESS; WE NEED TO     enhanced ways to serve their communities, especially
     digital world. It’s not about a bunch of manufacturers on        ENGAGE WITH AND SUPPORT          music educators, to the expanded live sound, lighting
     a trade floor, but about sharing minds in our industry.          HUMAN INTERACTION IN AN          and event tech professionals and companies who
        ”In terms of highlights, I think the breakfast and AE3        INCREASINGLY DIGITAL WORLD       made the trip to Anaheim, the connections, business
     seminars were inspirational and well executed, whilst                                             opportunities, and education offered each the tools
                                                                      GILES ORFORD
     Gibson’s presentation as a brand was upliing for the                                             needed to succeed in the year ahead.” 
     entire industry, and the quality of musical performances
     were phenomenal.”
        Funktion-One’s sales director David Bruml noted
     the diversity and positivity that helped to define 2019 as
     a vintage year for NAMM: “With the new focus on pro
     audio announced for the NAMM Show 2018, Funktion-
     One supported this expansion with a large booth last
                                                                        Anaheim Convention Center
     year, which was very successful. We decided to return
     for 2019, and it was remarkable to see the development
     year on year.
        “NAMM 2019 was undoubtedly amongst the most
     positive trade shows in all my many years of exhibition
     experience. Such a remarkably diverse mix of people
     from all sectors of the music industry and beyond
     attended – from major musicians, through to top level
     entertainment venues, tour and event production
     companies, sound rental users and system integrators.
        “All trade shows are melting pots of potential
     connections, but NAMM excelled in this regard; the
     organisers clearly have a highly developed sense for
     how to choreograph and stage a great convention. I was
     impressed by all aspects of the show and there’s no
     doubt Funktion-One and Sound Investment both look
     forward to returning in 2020.”
        Mike Igglesden, Funktion-One sound engineer,
     agreed: “The varied crowd made it lively – it felt like it
     was full of people who are very passionate about music.
     The facilities are great, and it’s well laid out; even without
     a map, you could work out where companies were likely
     to be.”
        Udi Henis from Waves also conveyed the feel good
     factor that appeared to be so infectious at this year’s
     NAMM: “Waves had an exceptional NAMM this year.
     We benefited from a full booth, partly due to our artist
     presentations including Andrew Scheps, Greg Wells,
     Jack Joseph Puig and Chris Lord Alge’s presentations of
     the CLA MixHub, released on the first day of the show.


PSE84.NAMMreview.indd 4                                                                                                                                22/02/2019 17:56

                     ISE 2019:
                         THE PSNEUROPE
                           We found out from top pro audio exhibitors about what
                          made this year’s show special in its biggest outing to date...


PSE84.ISEreview.indd 1                                                                       22/02/2019 17:34

           n amidst Amsterdam’s inevitable darkness and          promotes standardised measurement of a loudspeaker
           drizzle at this time of year, ISE (literally) shone   system’s maximum linear output.
           bright with all of its AV attractions and audio          “As Meyer Sound marks its 40th birthday this year, we
           innovations. The 16th edition of the show was         couldn’t be more excited about the collaboration within
     the biggest, widest-reaching and most exciting yet,         our own team and with our partners around the world as
     as confirmed by exhibitors, and asserting it as the         we continue to innovate and provide solutions across all
     international destination of choice for AV professionals.   segments of our business.”
        With the largest ever ISE show floor hosting 1,301
     exhibitors – 17 per cent of which were companies            James King, director of marketing at Martin
     exhibiting there for the first time – the show closed       Audio, commented:
     with 92 per cent of the available floor space at ISE 2020   “ISE 2019 continued its strong year on year performance.
     having already been sold.                                   The show seemed busier with record numbers into
        As well as hosting 15 halls containing the latest        our audio demonstration room and a consistent flow of
     technologies and solutions for pro AV and systems           traffic to the Martin Audio stand.
     integration, the show provided a diverse professional          "Importantly, we received a lot of visitors that were
     development programme, extending its coverage of            new to the brand. Partly, this was due to the success of
     major vertical market sectors. Indeed, a key theme          the show and partly, because the momentum around
     of the show was how AV technology enables creative          the brand has increased exponentially in the last year.
     imaginations to produce rich experiences, which was         The recent launch of the optimised Wavefront Precision
     explored in its array of sessions and seen across the       Longbow line array, as well as the new cardioid
     show floor.                                                 subwoofer SXC118, created a real buzz, as did the
        Mike Blackman, managing director of ISE, summed          ADORN commercial series."
     up this year’s event: “As an exhibition, an unbeatable
     source of education and professional development, and       Genelec’s marketing director, Howard Jones,
     a destination for a global industry to come together        also illustrated the impressiveness of this
     and do business, ISE 2019 has delivered. Our Opening        year’s show:
     Address, Closing Keynote, and two projection mapping         “We felt that ISE 2019 ranked as the busiest ISE we’ve
     features were fantastic showcases for how event             ever experienced. In addition to the sheer visitor
     professionals and others can harness AV technology to       numbers involved, our increased booth traffic is a clear
     better realise their creativity.”                           reflection of Genelec’s enhanced presence in the AV
        Exhibitors made the most of the opportunity to           market. There’s no doubt that we’re now a serious
     launch new products and showcase their latest               contender in the premium AV installation business.
     solutions. Among the technology trends revealed were             “We had an amazing response to the unveiling of our
     8K displays; smart building technology; AI-equipped         Smart IP audio platform; it’s a unique proposition and
     devices; the continued progression of conferencing and      customer feedback made it clear that people are crying
     collaboration technology; 3D projection mapping; LED        out for this single cable solution that can deliver power,
     displays; and further developments in AV over IP and        audio-over-IP and flexible speaker management tools.
     audio networking.                                               “Our S360 high-SPL smart loudspeaker was also very
        PSNEurope spoke with top pro audio exhibitors to         well received. Again, visitor reactions made it clear that
     find out their perspectives on this year's show, and the    there is a market for a compact installation loudspeaker
     response was certainly positive…                            that offers high acoustic power coupled with Genelec
                                                                 studio-quality precision, which is great news for us as it
     John McMahon, SVP of marketing, Meyer                       extends our field of application still further and broadens
     Sound, reported on the brand’s experience of                our AV offering.'
     the event:                                                       He continued: “One of the things that we appreciate
     “Meyer Sound launched three new products at ISE this        so much about ISE is that it is a truly international event.
     year, creating a platform for one of our most successful    Many other long-standing shows that have served the
     trade shows ever. New products included the ULTRA-X40       pro audio market for years, although international in
     point source loudspeaker, the UPQ-D3 ultra-wide             name, in reality are becoming more and more regional.
     coverage loudspeaker, and the MPS-482HP power               That’s not the case for ISE. We see customers from
     supply. Within a week of the show, we already sold over     all over the world – it’s probably the only show that
     2,400 units of the ULTRA-X40, which also earned itself      has such an extended reach and has definitely been
                                                                                                                                                            Top to bottom:
     the Best of Show Award from PSNEurope.                      instrumental in enabling us to gain a foothold in AV            Adrian Hogg (Focusrite, European sales
                                                                                                                                  director), Chris Merrick (Shure, director
         “The preview demos of our latest in spatial mixing      markets beyond the Nordic regions, where we are                       of global marketing), Dave Haydon
     systems, Spacemap LIVE, already has the market              already very well established.                                   (Outboard TiMax, director), James King
                                                                                                                                    (Martin Audio, director of marketing),
     anticipating its launch later this year. ISE was also the       "ISE is an absolutely essential element in our             Johan Gunsing (Adam Hall, international
                                                                                                                                     sales manager), and John McMahon
     first trade show debut of M-Noise, a new test signal that   continued global expansion into the AV space.”                         (Meyer Sound, SVP of marketing)

PSE84.ISEreview.indd 2                                                                                                                                                  22/02/2019 17:34
P4                              P00
        DECEMBER                    MONTH
        2018                          2019

                         ISE as busy as ever

PSE84.ISEreview.indd 3                   22/02/2019 17:34
Future Proof / Reliable Solution / Safe Investment /

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                                                   accepts the
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      THAT...                THAT...                THAT...
        has a               has BOLERO,              loads a full
     SMARTPANEL           the state-of-the-art      configuration
       Concept             wireless intercom       in 2-3 seconds

     OutBoard TiMax, director, Dave Haydon, said:                                                           year running, reflecting our ongoing commitment to
     "Feedback from new visitors and existing associates                                                    customers' needs.”
     confirmed to us that our evolutionary TiMax
     developments continue to lead the way in spatial                                                       Adrian Hogg, European sales manager of
     reinforcement, immersive audio processes and in                                                        Focusrite, stated:
     ensuring smooth workflow."                                                                             “One of the great things about shows like this is the
                                                                                                            sheer variety of technology that you can get stuck
     Johan Gunsing, international sales manager,                      ISE 2019 RANKED AS THE                into. Members from many of our technology partners
     Northern Europe, Adam Hall Group illustrated                     BUSIEST ISE WE'VE EVER                were also at the show, such as Audinate, the Media
     the company’s experience:                                        EXPERIENCED. IN ADDITION TO           Networking Alliance, and the OCA Alliance. Having all
     “We are pleased to look back on a successful ISE                                                       those brains together makes for an interesting time, and
                                                                      THE SHEER VISITOR NUMBERS
     2019, where we announced a series of new product                                                       it’s great to be up to date on the latest developments.
     innovations as well as a new technology partnership              INVOLVED, OUR INCREASED                   “It’s a busy, busy show. Had I not been on our booth
     with Xilica, the Canadian DSP developer. As part of              BOOTH TRAFFIC IS A CLEAR              the whole time I still doubt that I would have found time
     this cooperation, the Adam Hall Group is expanding               REFLECTION OF GENELEC'S               to see everything. Some parts of the hall were solid with
     its installation portfolio within its pro audio brand, LD        ENHANCED PRESENCE ON THE              people, which is both a good and bad thing depending on
     Systems, including the introduction of the new IMA                                                     how you look at it!
                                                                      AV MARKET
     and IPA amp series, in order to provide AV planners,                                                       ‘There’s no new expansion planned for next year,
     integrators, installation service providers and end users        HOWARD JONES                          which isn’t surprising considering that the RAI was at
     with a wide range of integrated solutions for fixed                                                    full capacity this year and is guaranteed to be next year.
     installation. The Xilica partnership also makes it possible                                            I’m expecting a similar show next year with the really
     to further expand upon the functionality as well as the                                                big change coming in 2021 when the show relocates to
     Universal Control approach of Xilica’s Designer So®ware                                                Barcelona, allowing it to expand and hopefully reach its
     as the central control platform for installation projects.”                                            full potential.” 

     Chris Merrick, director of global marketing,
     Integrated Systems at Shure, expressed:
                                                                      The AV world coming together at ISE
     “ISE was an important event for Shure, not least because
     it was the first showcase of the company’s refreshed
     identity outside of North America.
        This new positioning now aligns the divisions within
     the company, to present Shure as one organisation.
     Importantly, this is a progressive move on our part as
     both Systems and Pro have many common challenges
     and solutions across both markets – and the rebrand
     will now allow us to showcase our solutions in one
     ‘common’ environment.
        “The increased numbers of end users visiting
     the show was positive, especially as many of those
     attending were from world leading enterprises looking
     for partners that they can work with throughout the
     value chain. This year, integrators bringing customers
     to the booth were greeted with a range of themed
     zones covering the likes of government, corporate
     and educational facilities. All offered a range of audio
     solutions that could be ‘physically’ experienced, plus
     spaces for mic demonstrations and event production
     solutions. It allowed us to bring all of our products to life,
     addressing customers' individual audio requirements.
        “The diversity of visitors to ISE this year was a real
     bonus, too, particularly with an increase in Pro end users
     interested in our Axient Digital offering, while we also
     enjoyed great conversations regarding the availability of
     MicroFlex Complete wireless for all types of government
     and international events.
        "We were also honoured to be named ‘Best Stand
     Design’ in the large category award for the second


PSE84.ISEreview.indd 4                                                                                                                                        22/02/2019 17:34
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