The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club

The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
                   The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart’s Melville FP Club

The school at sunset, taken by Kelly Denness,
Marketing Manager, ESMS
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
2   Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
FP News 2019   3
4    Editor’s Introduction
5    President’s Review
7    FPs in the News
10   Principal’s Report
11   ESMS Sixth Form 1999-2019: The Director’s Cut
13   The Black Brothers
15   Melville College Trust Update
16   Jason Clarke - Genius Brewing
18   Tales from a Land Rover
20   Melville Class of 1963 Reunion
20   Branch Clubs
22   Norman Rough
23   Catching up with Hodgy
24   William Carmichael Peebles
26   Sports Clubs - Cricket
27   Sports Clubs - Golf
29   Sports Clubs - Rugby
32   Sports Clubs - Curling
32   Welcome to the Class of 2019
33   Jim Tigar
34   We Will Remember Them
35   Obituaries
38   FP Club Council 2019-2020
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
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Editor’s Introduction                         year. I also have to give special thanks    check out some of the fantastic pieces
                                              to Bob Young for all his help – Bob         written by David Clarke, some of which
                                              edited this news magazine for a fair        acquire heightened importance as we
                                              few years until this year, and his advice   pass the centenary of the end of the
                                              and encouragement have been really          Great War. The school itself has had
                                              helpful. I also have to thank everyone      a good year – read more about it in
                                              who contributed to the magazine – the       the report from Principal Linda Moule.
                                              people who actually write the thing, be     One recent success not mentioned
                                              they club captains, branch presidents,      in her report was the victory of the
                                              or the authors of the features and          1st XV in the U18 Schools Cup – so
                                              stories contained within.                   congratulations to them. Perhaps a
                                              2019 has been a year full of surprises,     number of them will be playing for the
                                                                                          FPs before long. Find reports from the
                                              and hopefully this magazine reflects
                                                                                          sports clubs in the second half of the
                                              that. I’ve tried to gather features that
                                              reflect the variety of lived experiences
                                              had by former pupils of Daniel Stewart’s    Coming to the end of time at university,
                                              Melville College, or the schools that       getting involved with the FP Club has
                                              merged to form it. Have a read of the       been a rewarding and fun experience.
I’ll start with an introduction                                                           Staying somewhat in touch with a
                                              interview with current Edinburgh Rugby
– my name is Fraser Maclean                   player Jamie Hodgson, or the profile of     place that still means a great deal to
and I left SMC in 2017.                       Jason Clarke, the Creative Director at      me has been enriching, made real by
                                              Genius Brewing. Be sure to have a read      the opportunity to get back in touch
I’m a finalist at the University of Oxford,                                               with the people that made our time at
                                              of the profile of the late, great Norman
studying History and Politics. Doing the      Rough, or the Land Rover adventure          school so enjoyable. Wet.
FP News this year has been great fun          story submitted by FP Richard Scott.        Anyway, thanks once again to
– and I’m thankful to Charles, Lindsey        Read my interview with the recently         everyone who helped with this, and
and the rest of the FP Council for all        retired Iain Scott, the legendary former    thanks for all who support the FP Club
their help in bringing this together this     head of Sixth Form at ESMS, and             as a whole. Here’s to the next decade.

                                                          Letters to Editor
                                                          Good morning Fraser,
                                                          My name is Adrian Graves and I am one of the coordinators of the
                                                          Stew Mel Lions mini rugby section.
                                                          We are currently raising funds for the mini club and Wooden Spoon
                                                          Charity. One way is by the selling of merchandise, in particular Stew
                                                          Mel socks. I have already sold a few pairs to FPs who I work with
                                                          and was hoping you could be kind enough and spread the word
                                                          through your membership please?
                                                          The socks are in sizes 3-6, 7-11 and 12-14 and are
                                                          £7.50 a pair or £14 for two.
                                                          Any support would be hugely appreciated.
                                                          Best regards
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FP News 2019             5

President’s Review...
Outgoing Club President Charles Wilson gives us an update from the FP Club
                                           off and the guests departed. In the          I also attended the quarterly meetings
                                           short service that followed in the TFC,      of the ESMS Governing Council and
                                           the Principal’s address recounted            the Annual General Meeting of the
                                           the stories of some of the young FPs         Melville College Trust.
                                           whose lives were cut short by hostilities,   The Chairman of the ESMS Governing
                                           or disease, during the Great War.            Council, supported by the Principal,
                                           The Principal always extends an              wishes to raise the profile of the
                                           invitation to the President to attend        Governing Council within the schools.
                                           the Senior School Sports Day. This           This may be achieved, in part, if the
                                           year the weather was slightly better         Governors, including the Honorary
                                           and I enjoyed watching the prowess           Governors (the Presidents of the
                                                                                        DS&MC Club and the MES FP Guild),
                                           of the individuals taking part in the
                                                                                        are present at Open Days and attend,
                                           track and field events – there are some
                                                                                        where possible, the many plays and
                                           outstanding athletes in both schools.
                                                                                        concerts that are staged by the pupils.
                                           The Commemoration of Founders and            I responded to this by attending the
                                           Prize-giving follows a tried and trusted     Junior School Carol Concert in St
                                           format. The musical interlude, this year,    Mary’s Cathedral, productions of “A
Reflecting on my two years
                                           was an excellent rendition of Simon          Christmas Carol” and “West Side
as President, it has struck
                                           and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled        Story” in the Mar Hall and concerts in
me that much of what the FP                Water” sung by the SMC Upper School          the TFC and the Usher Hall. All these
Club is about has to do with               Choir. Following a stimulating speech,       events showcased, to the full, the
the school. In the past twelve             the prizes were presented by former          musical and theatrical talents of the
                                           pupil Kydd Boyle, Entrepreneur and co-       pupils and were well worth attending.
months, I have attended
                                           founder of Horizons a social enterprise
most of the major events in                                                             At the Melville College Trust AGM, the
                                           “built to inspire, educate and connect       Governors were given an update on the
the school calendar including              future leaders who want to positively        commemorative plaque to be installed
Remembrance Day, Sports                    impact the world in which they live”. It     in Melville Street to mark the location of
Day and the Annual Senior                  was a pleasure that evening to co-host,      Melville College; the school occupied
School Prize-giving.                       with the President of the MES FP Guild,      part of No 1 and Nos 3 to 13 Melville
                                           a reception at Inverleith for leavers from   Street from 1920 to 1973. The plaque
As 2018 was the 100th anniversary          both schools with around 180 enjoying        was unveiled by Margot Christie on 26
of the signing of the Armistice, both      the BBQ food and welcome drinks.             April and, following a photo call, those
schools attended the Remembrance                                                        attending were taken down to Inverleith
Service held on the Queensferry Road       I was represented by Past President
                                                                                        for lunch.
campus. An eerie silence hung over         Bert Barclay at a Commemorative
                                           Event at Daniel Stewart’s graveside in       Turning to the Club and Clubhouse.
the quadrangle; as the invited guests
and wreath laying party filed out of the   Old Calton Cemetery, in May, as I was        The Club is financially sound and
school and took up their places; as the    on holiday. David McLeish, the School        has a robust membership base.
wreaths were laid; while the Last Post     Archivist, is in the process of seeking      We are continuously reviewing the
was sounded and the lament “Flowers        opinions from the Melville College Trust     effectiveness of our communications
of the Forest” was played; while the       on how to recognise the founder of           with the membership; in addition to
two minutes silence was observed; as       Melville College, the Reverend Robert        our website and Facebook page we
Reveille reverberated off Old College      Cunningham, as his grave is in the           have opened an Instagram Account
and while the colours were marched         Necropolis in Glasgow.                       and are considering opening a Twitter
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Account. Please note that for the Club        sports clubs make use of the Clubhouse        It has been a privilege and an honour to
to communicate effectively by email, it       facilities for their social events.           serve as your President for the last two
is imperative that members advise us if                                                     years. It has not been smooth sailing
                                              External lets are part of the life of the
they change their email address.                                                            all the time but, overall, it has been an
                                              Clubhouse; corporate events, funeral
I have had the pleasure of attending          teas, birthday parties, anniversaries,        amazing experience.
The Merchant Company’s Court and              Pilates, Weight Watchers, Gentle
                                                                                            However, I would not have survived my
Charter Dinners, the Cricket Club             Exercise and stamp auctions are the
and Rugby Club annual dinners and             mainstay but we also attract lets from        tenure without the help and guidance
our branch club dinners in Glasgow,           the SRU and East of Scotland Cricket.         provided by the Council and the
Aberdeen and London all of which              To enhance the letting experience, we         Management Team. In particular, I would
were very sociable and enjoyable              have installed a digital projector and        like to thank; Laura McIntosh for keeping
events. Unfortunately, Borders did not        remote-controlled screen downstairs.          me on the straight and narrow when it
hold a dinner this year and we had            The upgrade to the intruder alarm             came to spending the Club’s money;
to cancel our dinner due to lack of           system has been completed and all             Lindsey Geddes for liaising with the
interest. Unfortunately, I was unable to      staff and users of the premises have          Bar and Catering staff and providing
attend the Watsonian Jazz Jamboree.           been issued with fobs programmed              secretarial services; Denise Mitchell and
I continue to attend the End-of-Month         with their personal access rights.
                                                                                            her staff for their friendly and welcoming
and EROS lunches as it shows that the         Unfortunately, the upgrade to the front
                                                                                            manner both “front-of-house” and behind
Club is taking an interest in these events.   door hasn’t taken place but it has been
                                                                                            the bar; Joyce Waterston for continuing
                                              resurrected with Estates Department.
On the business side, I have attended                                                       to provide great fayre and her staff for the
                                              The car park has been re-surfaced
meetings with the Bursar (rent review),
                                              and patching was carried out on the           courteous manner in which they serve
with Brewin Dolphin (investment
                                              driveway but the latter was not sealed        the food and wait on our guests. I think
portfolio review) and with the Treasurer
                                              properly and it is disintegrating. This has   it is safe to say that without the bar and
and Secretary to discuss the day-to-
                                              been brought to their attention, along        catering staff, Inverleith would not enjoy
day running of the Club.
                                              with the need to replace several broken       the patronage that it does.
Following a recruitment drive, the            paving slabs. Estates have said that the
Club appointed Fraser Maclean to              paving slabs will be dealt with at the        Normally, at this point in the review the
replace Bob Young as Editor of the            same time as the repairs to the patch.        President would wish his successor
FP News. Fraser left school in 2017           We continue to work with Estates on           every success as he takes the helm
and is currently studying History             a Planned Maintenance Programme               for the next two years. Unfortunately, I
and Politics at Oxford University             (PMP) for the Clubhouse; we recently          have been spectacularly unsuccessful
and is Editor-in-Chief at Cherwell            met to review the 2019/20 PMP and to
                                                                                            in appointing a Vice-President and, in
Newspaper – Oxford’s oldest and most          produce the 2020/21 PMP.
                                                                                            turn, my successor; a time-honoured
popular student newspaper – having
                                              In conjunction with the Melville College      tradition bites the dust.
previously been its Music Editor and
                                              Trust and Estates, we are looking at
Deputy Editor. Fraser came highly                                                           The Council will continue to look for
                                              installing a lift in the Clubhouse foyer
recommended and we are delighted
                                              with a view to making the whole               a President and Vice-President and,
that he has accepted the position.
                                              Clubhouse accessible to all. A feasibility    as soon as someone accepts either
Inverleith is home to the affiliated rugby,   study concluded that a lift could be          position, the Council will, under the
hockey and cricket clubs. Despite             installed and an architect produced           Terms of the Constitution, call an EGM,
participating in increasingly competitive     detailed drawings for the install together
                                                                                            for the appointments to be ratified. I’m
environments, they are still able to          with 3D Images of how the foyer would
                                                                                            sure any volunteers would be made
devote a great deal of time to coaching       look following the installation. Having
                                                                                            most welcome.
the pupils of both schools and others in      studied these documents, we have
the North Edinburgh area; this is starting    had a re-think on the actual location of      In the interim period, the Treasurer and
to pay dividends as several of them are       the lift and we have asked the architect      the Secretary will continue to manage
now playing in the senior teams. The          for revised drawings and 3D Images.
                                                                                            the day-to-day running of the Club.
Curling and Golf Clubs, although not          Depending on the final costs, we would
based at Inverleith, are also involved in     hope to have the lift installed in the        Charles Wilson MBE
coaching youngsters. All the affiliated       2019/20 financial year.                       President
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FPs in the News
Martin Chamberlain –
High Court Appointment
                                              charity envelope draws and a pre-event
                                              Digital Auction where people had the
                                                                                           hauls. Batting-wise his top score was
                                                                                           115 not out against Stenhousemuir in
                                              opportunity to bid on everything from        1975. He was Captain of Melville FP
1991 leaver Martin Chamberlain has
                                              weekends away in the UK to trips             in 1967 and 1968 and was the first
been appointed as a Justice of the High
                                              overseas, original artwork, a host of        Captain of the combined Stewart’s
Court in London. Martin was called
                                              rugby memorabilia and opportunities to       Melville FP in 1973 and 1974.
to the Bar in 1997 after studying PPE
                                              play golf on great courses.
and a Bachelor of Civil Law at Oxford
University, with a Diploma in Law at          The BBC’s Jill Douglas spoke movingly
City University in between these two          about the vital work of the My Name’5
qualifications. He took Silk in 2013, being   Doddie Foundation, followed by Doddie’s
appointed a Queen’s Counsel, the              own address. He delivered an inspiring,
highest-ranking position of a senior          humorous and emotional speech where
barrister in the British law system.          he referenced the fact that he had tried
                                              to take the drive he had in rugby and
Martin’s work ranges from human rights
                                              apply this to his own personal battle with
claims on behalf of individuals and                                                        Eric progressed to the Scotland team in
                                              Motor Neurone Disease.
NGOs, to commercial and regulatory                                                         1965, his first game being against Ireland
judicial review claims and appeals                                                         in Dublin. In the Irish second innings he
in financial services, environmental          Eric Thompson Inducted                       took five wickets for 11 runs, helping
law, aviation, healthcare, pensions,                                                       dismiss Ireland for 25. This was the
pharmaceuticals, tax, telecoms and
                                              into Scottish Cricket Hall
                                                                                           first of six 5 wicket hauls in a 41 match
transport. On the defendant side,             of Fame                                      Scotland career which stretched until
he has appeared for governmental and                                                       1977. Eric was a regular choice in an
other public bodies in pubic law cases                                                     era of far fewer games, and before the
of all kinds including in the fields of                                                    days of one-day cricket for the Scotland
education, local government, equality                                                      team. This meant lengthy bowling spells
& discrimination and professional                                                          against County and Test Match standard
regulation. He has also worked                                                             teams and surely one of his highlight
within the European Court of Human                                                         was taking 6 for 55 against the West
Rights, both for claimants and state                                                       Indies in 1966.
respondents, and the EU Courts.
                                                                                           In all he took 107 wickets for Scotland,
                                                                                           during the course of bowling just over
                                                                                           1100 overs. Standing just over 6 foot
ESMS Dinner for                                                                            tall, he had a superb bowling action,
Doddie raises over                                                                         his most dangerous delivery being the
£87,000 for Charity                                                                        ball he would bring back sharply to
On Friday 1 February ESMS welcomed                                                         right-handed batsmen.
over 700 guests to a glittering charity
dinner in the National Museum of              Eric Thompson became the 4th Melville
Scotland in honour of Doddie Weir, to         College FP cricketer to be inducted
raise money to be shared between by           into Scottish Cricket Hall of Fame in
the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and           May 2019. He follows Douglas Barr,
Access to Excellence. All 72 tables           Ronnie Chisholm and Bill Laidlaw - a
were sold out within an hour!                 remarkable statistic for a small Club.
On the night, guests had the                  Eric started playing for Melville FP in
opportunity to bid on a Live Auction,         1957 primarily as a bowler but was
compered by David Henderson, BBC              also a more than useful batsman. From
News Presenter and contemporary of            1957 to 1978 he took over 700 wickets        Eric’s family gather at Portgower
Doddie at Stew Mel, and Bryan Lewis.          for Melville FP and latterly Stewart’s       Place in May alongside Willie Donald,
The auction was supplemented by               Melville FP. He took over 40 five wicket     President of Scottish Cricket
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Alasdair McDowall                          John Alexander
Queens Birthday Honour                     Cruickshank VC
Congratulations go to Emeritus             On Thursday 16th May I had the
Professor Alasdair William McDowall        privilege of representing the Parent
AM (Melville Class of 1972), who was       Club at the “Piping Lunch” held at the
recently appointed as a Member of the      Royal Northern and University Club
Order of Australia by her Majesty HRH      in Aberdeen. This event marked the
Queen Elizabeth II in the 2019 Queens      culmination of the “Tune for a Hero”
Birthday Honours list - ‘For significant   competition, sponsored by the RNUC
service to Science, particularly in        and organised by “The Piping Times”, to
the field of Electron Microscopy.          compose a pipe tune in honour of John
His research included performing           Alexander Cruickshank VC, a former
key experiments that culminated in         pupil of Daniel Stewart’s College.
the awarding of the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry to his supervisor Professor
Jacques Dubochet and two of his
colleagues in 2017.” Alasdair’s
supervisor graciously shared the                                                        there until the summer of 1941
accolades with him and is now proud                                                     when he transferred to the RAF. He
custodian of the Nobel medal.                                                           underwent flight training in Canada and
                                                                                        the United States, earning his wings
                                                                                        in July 1942. After further training, he
                                                                                        was assigned, in March 1943, to No.
                                                                                        210 Squadron piloting Catalina flying
                                                                                        boats, from RAF Sullom Voe, used by
                                                                                        Coastal Command in its battle to keep
                                                                                        the North Atlantic and Arctic sea lanes
                                                                                        open for supply convoys.
                                           The competition offered a single prize       John was awarded the Victoria Cross,
                                           of £1,000.00p for a pipe march of any        at the age of 24, for his actions in
                                           time signature and of any duration, but      sinking a German U-boat on 17 July
                                           one that would be uplifting and reflect      1944. The manner in which John won
                                           John Cruickshank’s home city and his         his VC is well documented and the
                                           bravery during his time with the Royal
                                                                                        details are easily found on the internet.
                                           Air Force Coastal Command. The
                                                                                        However, his citation reads as follows: -
                                           winning composer was David Mason of
                                           Cincinnati, Ohio. David spent his prize      “This officer was the captain and pilot of
                                           money travelling to Scotland to play         a Catalina flying boat which was recently
                                           his winning tune, aptly named “John          engaged on an anti-submarine patrol
                                           Alexander Cruickshank VC”, in public,        over northern waters. When a U-boat
                                           for the first time, at the “Piping Lunch”,   was sighted on the surface, Flying
                                           and in the presence of John himself,         Officer Cruickshank at once turned to
                                           now in his 99th year.                        the attack. In the face of fierce anti-
                                                                                        aircraft fire he manoeuvred into position
                                           John was born in Aberdeen and began
                                                                                        and ran in to release his depth charges.
                                           his education at Aberdeen Grammar
                                                                                        Unfortunately they failed to drop.
                                           School. Following a family move to
                                           Edinburgh, he spent some time at The         Flying Officer Cruickshank knew that
                                           Royal High School before moving on to        the failure of this attack had deprived
                                           Daniel Stewarts College.                     him of the advantage of surprise and
                                           On leaving school, John was                  that his aircraft offered a good target
Order of Australia presented by HRH        apprenticed to the Commercial Bank in        to the enemy’s determined and now
Prince William Duke of Cambridge,          Edinburgh. However, within a year, and       heartened gunners.
19th November 2019 Buckingham              at his father’s suggestion, he joined the    Without hesitation, he climbed and
Palace.                                    Territorial Army, enlisting in the Royal     turned to come in again. The Catalina
Photo taken by Robbie McDowall             Artillery in May 1939. He remained           was met by intense and accurate fire
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                                                                                                highest traditions of the Service.”
                                                                                                Following war service, John returned to
                                                                                                his career in banking and subsequently
                                                                                                retired to his home city of Aberdeen.
                                                                                                The “Piping Lunch” was attended
                                                                                                by 70 people, this number being a
                                                                                                combination of RNUC members and
                                                                                                guests. The top table guests included
                                                                                                representatives of the Victoria Cross
                                                                                                and George Cross Association as well
                                                                                                as Wing Commander Gavin Davey,
                                                                                                head of the RAF Benevolent Fund
                                                                                                in Scotland. The programme for the
                                                                                                afternoon began with a welcoming
                                                                                                address by RNUC Vice Chairman,
and was repeatedly hit. The navigator/         Cruickshank insisted on being carried            Don Shaw. This was followed by David
bomb aimer, was killed. The second             forward and propped up in the second             Mason’s performance of his winning
pilot and two other members of the             pilot’s seat. For a full hour, in spite of his   tune. Grace was then said by RNUC
crew were injured. Flying Officer              agony and ever-increasing weakness,              member Bill McCall. Lunch was served
Cruickshank was struck in seventy-two          he gave orders as necessary, refusing            and this consisted of three courses
places, receiving two serious wounds           to allow the aircraft to be brought down         accompanied by a selection of wines,
in the lungs and ten penetrating               until the conditions of light and sea made       all to the RNUC’s usual very high
wounds in the lower limbs. His aircraft        this possible without undue risk.                standard. Following lunch, the loyal
was badly damaged and filled with                                                               toast was proposed by Don Shaw after
the fumes of exploding shells. But he                                                           which there was a comfort break.
did not falter. He pressed home his                                                             The afternoon continued with
attack, and released the depth charges                                                          introductions by Bill McCall followed by
himself, straddling the submarine                                                               the presentation of the competition prize,
perfectly. The U-boat was sunk.                                                                 to David Mason, by Robert Wallace,
He then collapsed and the second pilot                                                          editor of the Piping Press. David was
took over the controls. He recovered                                                            also given a framed copy of his winning
shortly afterwards and, though bleeding                                                         tune as well as one of a thousand limited
profusely, insisted on resuming                                                                 edition models of John Cruickshank’s
command and retaining it until he was                                                           Catalina produced by Corgi. Framed
satisfied that the damaged aircraft was                                                         copies of David’s tune were also given to
under control, that a course had been                                                           each of the three judges.
set for base and that all the necessary        With his assistance the aircraft was             Official proceedings were then brought
signals had been sent. Only then               safely landed on the water. He then              to a close with a vote of thanks by Bill
would he consent to receive medical            directed the taxying and beaching                McCall.
aid and have his wounds attended to.           of the aircraft so that it could easily          John Cruickshank is known to be
He refused morphia in case it might            be salvaged. When the medical                    a humble man who shuns publicity.
prevent him from carrying on.                  officer went on board, Flying Officer            However, following the end of the
During the next five and a half hours of       Cruickshank collapsed and he had to              official proceedings I had a suitable
the return flight he several times lapsed      be given a blood transfusion before he           opportunity to introduce myself to,
into unconsciousness owing to loss of          could be removed to hospital.                    and shake hands with, this remarkable
blood. When he came to his first thought       By pressing home the second attack               gentleman. I told John who I was and
on each occasion was for the safety            in his gravely wounded condition and             how I came to be present at the event.
of his aircraft and crew. The damaged          continuing his exertions on the return           My mention of Daniel Stewarts College
aircraft eventually reached base but it        journey with his strength failing all the        brought a smile to his face, making a
was clear that an immediate landing            time, he seriously prejudiced his chance         very pleasant end to what had been a
would be a hazardous task for the              of survival even if the aircraft safely          thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.
wounded and less experienced second            reached its base. Throughout, he set             David Fraser
pilot. Although able to breathe only           an example of determination, fortitude           President
with the greatest difficulty, Flying Officer   and devotion to duty in keeping with the         DSMCC – Aberdeen Branch
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Principal’s Report
                                           squad journeyed to Manchester for           TFC, lending their support and proudly
                                           their annual tour with fixtures against     wearing their House colours. Other
                                           Bowden Hockey Club and King’s               musical events included two Award
                                           School Macclesfield. In rugby, the          Holders’ Concerts held in our wonderful
                                           U16 XV played in the final of Scottish      new venue, The Dean, a fitting venue
                                           Schools’ Shield at Murrayfield. The         which was able to accommodate the
                                           conditions were testing but the squad       acoustic demands of the pipes, organ,
                                           were declared worthy winners, with          guitar and strings followed by the Junior
                                           a clean sheet result of 41-0. The 1st       School and Senior School Chamber
                                           X1 football team finished the season        Concerts as well as the ESMO Concert
                                           in style by winning the Independent         held on the eve of St Andrew’s Day in
                                           Schools’ Cup with a 3-1 victory over        the TFC. Following the performance of
                                           local rivals George Watson’s College.       the Band and Dancers at the ESMS
                                           In March the boys senior swimming           Ceilidh in September, the Solo Piping
                                           team headed down to London to               and Drumming Competition was
                                           defend their Bath Cup title. After          keenly fought at all levels from Chanter
                                           outstanding swims from all the boys,        through to the Senior events. The annual
It is my very great pleasure               Stewart’s Melville College came away        Grandparents’ Tea Party hosted by
to write my second report for              with not only the Bath Cup and record       S6 students was greatly appreciated
                                           but also the Otter Medley Cup and           by all attendees. We rounded off the
the FP News Magazine as                    accompanying record (the boys beat          term in our traditional way with our
Principal of Erskine Stewart’s             their own record from last year by          two Carol Parties followed by both the
Melville Schools.                          over a second). This achievement is         Junior School and Senior School Carol
                                           unprecedented as the Bath Cup is a          Services held on consecutive nights in
In 2018/2019 boys at Stewart’s Melville
                                           UK-wide competition and so to win           St Mary’s Cathedral. During term two we
College worked with determination
                                           both events, and break their respective     were astonished by the high standards
and commitment to achieve strong
                                           records is a remarkable feat.               and fun generated by the Sl and S2
examination results at National 5,
                                           The school calendar was filled with         ESMS musical Bugsy Malone; by an
Higher and Advanced Higher levels.
                                           special events and occasions, including     outstanding Pipe Band and Dancers’
The pass rate at National 5 was 97.6%
                                           Remembrance, The Pipe Band                  concert and the Spring Concert, The
with an A rate of 70.7%. At Higher level
                                           and Dancers’ Ceilidh and excellent          Senior School play, A Doll’s House,
boys secured a pass rate of 94.2%,
                                           performances of Dickens’ A Christmas        marked Dr Iain Scott’s last directorial
with an A rate of 63.6%. At Advanced
                                           Carol over three nights. The production     undertaking for the schools. He has
Higher level the pass rate was 92.7%
                                           took place in the Mar Hall, with each       directed a remarkable number of plays
and the A rate was a staggering 59.5%,
                                           scene exquisitely punctuated by             and musicals over the last 30 years.
an increase on last year’s figure which
                                           performances from the Chamber               The term came to a climatic conclusion
had been the best on record.                                                           with the Usher Hall Concert, at the
                                           Choir. The inter-house ESM Challenge
Boys not only distinguished themselves     began in earnest with The House Music       end of March, featuring the combined
on the academic front in their             Competition. 700 pupils from S3-            choirs and orchestra of more than 500,
SQA examinations but also in their         S5 took part in the six House Choirs        performing Mozart’s Requiem.
classroom learning and in their co-        which were masterfully prepared and         Over the past year boys have had
curricular activities throughout the       conducted by S5 pupils. The soloists,       the opportunity to participate in
year. They demonstrated commitment,        chamber groups and choirs performed         various curricular and sporting trips.
perseverance and resilience in all their   to a very high standard and rightly         These included CCF camps to Barry
endeavours.                                impressed our external adjudicator. The     Buddon (Army) and RAF Shawbury
On the sports field, the boys’ hockey      House Rock competition followed on a        in Shropshire; the annual Stewart’s
sides at U18 and U15 levels reached        few weeks later, it was a rousing evening   Melville College trip involving S5 boys
the national semi-finals of the Scottish   full of energy and spirit. Both events      working in three schools with which we
Schools’ Cup. The S2 boys’ hockey          attracted a full house of students in the   have links in Malawi; a 1st XI cricket
FP News 2019          11
festival at Hymers College, Hull and
a 3rd XI cricket tour to Liverpool; a
very successful trip to Bisley, and a
                                           ESMS Sixth Form, 1999-
Geography trip to Alberta, Canada; a
trip to the German Aeronautics Centre      2019: The Director’s Cut
in Cologne organised by the Physics
department, a walking tour in the
                                           Fresh from retirement, Iain Scott chats
Sierra Nevada in southern Spain and        to FP News about life after ESMS
the Chamber Choir tour to Venice.
During the February break, the RMPS                                                   of their school career and preparing
department led a successful trip to New                                               for the future. It is a key time in any
York and Washington and during the                                                    person’s life and I cannot imagine
same week Mr Brown led his final golf                                                 a more worthwhile job than helping
trip to Portugal. Modern Languages                                                    people through that. There were sad
exchanges and work experience                                                         moments as well as good times, but
opportunities to both France and                                                      I actually rather enjoy dealing with the
Germany gave boys the opportunities                                                   problems of others. I made sure that I
to immerse themselves in the language                                                 treated my final year exactly the same
and culture. Boys participated in all of                                              as all the ones before it, though at the
these trips with enthusiasm. I am very                                                end I could not help but reflect that in
grateful to my colleagues who gave                                                    many ways my own life had come to
up their time to lead these exciting,                                                 mirror the students’ – they were the
educational ventures.                                                                 leavers of 2019 and so was I. We were
                                                                                      both leaving school bound for a future
The Development Office welcomed
                                                                                      that could not entirely be predicted but
over 700 guests to a glittering charity
                                                                                      had promise. The difference, of course,
dinner in the National Museum of           I recently caught up with Dr               is that they have their entire lives before
Scotland in February. The ESMS
                                           Iain Scott, who has directed               them and infinite possibilities!
Dinner for Doddie raised over £80,000
for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation
                                           Sixth Form for the last 20                 As regards the future, I have had
and Access to Excellence. It was           years. Many FPs owe him a                  a period of ill health over the last 6
a memorable and moving occasion            great deal, and it was great to            months but seem to be better and
and I am immensely grateful to the         hear what he had to say about              am looking forward to being more
generosity of school families and the                                                 active again in 2020. I wrote a study
                                           his time at SMC, and what
wider ESMS community. The ESMS                                                        of the rise of modern China a couple
Pipe Band, ESMS Big Band and school
                                           he’s looking forward to after a            of years ago and I hope that I will be
choirs all performed although the          successful escape – Fraser.                able to write another book soon, as
undoubted star of the evening was the                                                 well as help with a charity and do a
remarkable Doddie Weir OBE whose                                                      bit of travelling. I have always been a
                                           How was the last year in charge
courage in the face of adversity and                                                  great reader and film-goer and I love
                                           of the Sixth Form? What is next
unquenchable spirit left an indelible                                                 music so there will not be a shortage of
                                           for you now?
mark on everyone.                                                                     things to do, but I need to get involved
                                           I enjoyed the last session of Sixth Form   with others and have a purpose. The
At the end of the school year we were
                                           as much as I enjoyed the first one         job was my life, I have no family, and
delighted to welcome back to Stewart’s
                                           twenty years ago in 1999 and that was      so it is really important for me to find
Melville College, former pupil Mr Kydd
                                           very much what I intended - I wanted       worthwhile things to fill my time.
Boyle, to deliver the address at The
                                           to retire while I was still enjoying the
Commemoration of Founders and                                                         How did the boys change over
                                           job and was excited by it. For me, it
Prizegiving. Kydd is the founder of                                                   the years? Did they become more
                                           was the perfect role and it was great
Horizons, a social enterprise helping                                                 serious, more annoying?
                                           to be given the opportunity of setting
to inspire, educate and connect future     up the combined co-ed Sixth Form all       You will be surprised to hear me say
young leaders. He delivered a unique       those years ago and invent something       that in many respects I did not feel
and powerful address which had the         completely new, which many people          the boys changed at all. I always
audience spellbound. It was a fitting      at the time did not think would be         found them to be keen, enthusiastic,
way to round off a remarkable year.        successful. It has been a huge             full of good humour, thoughtful, kind,
Linda A Moule                              pleasure and privilege to work with        well-intentioned and great company.
Principal                                  students as they were nearing the end      They have always been filled with
12            Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

ambitions and goals, and (while often         (very unwelcome) area of concern             boy was ‘destined’ for a specific career –
pretending not to work) in Sixth Form         and anxiety, with some students not          life is far too unpredictable and surprising
they did actually work hard. They were        realising that what they called ‘banter’,    for that. The Sixth Form year was often
always truly good people who looked           others might find objectionable              a time for questioning what was the best
out for each other and had a great            especially when broadcast to everyone.       route forward – sometimes at odds with
deal of affection and loyalty for the         However, changes in society have             parents or staff or one’s previous self.
school, even though it sometimes took         also led to boys being more open             Nowadays it is possible to have multiple
years for them to realise that they had       about how they felt - their concern for      careers and that is very exciting.
actually had a pretty good education!         others has seen charities in the school      What are you worried about in
Obviously, there were exceptions              blossom during this period. Also,            relation to young people now? What
of boys who made mistakes and                 as there was more focus on work in           is a threat to the younger generation
sometimes showed poor judgement               Sixth Form and increased struggle for        that wasn’t about before?
and wilfulness, but we can all think of       university places or apprenticeships,
                                                                                           I have already mentioned the dangers
examples in our own lives which do not        there was also a rise in stress and
                                                                                           of social media and the possibility of
make us proud. The most important             tension during term time – though boys
                                                                                           hurting people through casual remarks
thing is that we should realise the           seemed to miss deadlines and attend
                                                                                           which are then accessible by all. The
mistakes, learn from them and act             parties just as much if not more than
                                                                                           loss of privacy, in a world which is
positively, and in most cases they did.       ever before! And frankly, if you are
                                                                                           increasingly monitored and observed
Every year (usually at the Leavers’           17/18, why should you not want fun?
                                                                                           is worrying – the ability to bring people
Ball!), boys would admit their previous       Any personal favourite stories -             to justice through surveillance needs
stupidity, or apologise for causing me        boys that did things differently,            to be balanced against the loss of
so much grief – but they had emerged          made their own path etc?                     personal freedoms. My generation
wiser and that is all that counts.
                                              I can think of a number of instances of      has been wasteful with resources
Of course, society itself has changed         ‘boys who did things differently’, but I     and totally selfish in the pursuit of our
a huge amount in the past 20 years            don’t think any of them would appreciate     desires and this has cost the world
and this has caused changes in the            me publicising exactly how, though they      dear in environmental terms, and
boys, even though their fundamental           have all gone on to have very successful,    so for the new generation there are
qualities have been constant. In 1999,        happy lives. I am just astonished at         huge challenges related to climate
Sixth Form was still seen as a bit of         how well our students do in life after       change and the uses and abuses of
a luxury, a ‘year off’ before university,     school – and the route is not necessarily    our planet. I am glad to see that the
a time to relax and have fun before           through university. Everywhere I go, I       new generation seems much more
resuming academic work the next year.         meet FPs, often involved in jobs they        aware of this and willing to act. If I
As university places became more              never expected to do when they were          were to identify one thing that worries
competitive in Scotland because of the        at school, and sometimes also very           me now about society and has always
fee situation, more boys stayed on for        different from their university degree.      worried me, it is the focus on excessive
a final year to gain more qualifications      Since retiring, it has been really nice to   alcohol, as if it were a necessary part of
to get into university and had to work        be contacted by FPs who want to meet         youth. The students that I see in Sixth
very hard. The arrival of girls in the year   up for coffee and discover that their life   Form are fantastic young adults; they
group also boosted competition and            stories have been amazing - hopefully        are entertaining, interesting and great
everyone is keen to succeed and make          that spirit of adventure, that openness      company – they do not need extra
the most of the year. The increase in         to new paths, starts in the final years of   alcohol to make them attractive as
social media introduced a whole new           school. I tried never to assume that a       people – they already are.
FP News 2019         13
                                             The Black Brothers
What will you miss most about the
Everything – it was my whole life. If I
had to select one thing, it would be the
interaction with the students. I loved
talking to them, hearing about their
                                             – David Clarke
lives, their hopes, their problems – and     At SMC Archives, we are ever grateful (and always boyishly
they always made me laugh. I thought         excited!) by any addition to the holdings; however, in
about them all the time and often
                                             December, we received on long-term loan a tremendously
worried about them and was genuinely
delighted when things worked out. I          special family collection that encapsulated the story of
have never been very ambitious for           Stewart’s College in both world wars. The huge assemblage
myself, but I was fiercely ambitious for     of medals, diaries, documents and photographs of the Black
them, personally and academically.           family tell a story of service which is as extraordinary as the
If you could teach one weekly hour           generosity of Mr Duncan Black (DSC 1955-67) who first
to every pupil in the country, what          floated the idea of lodging the objects with us. Two items- a
would you teach?
                                             collection of medals and a diary, tell the poignant story of
Ah! At last an easy question! It would
                                             two brothers at war a century ago.
be Philosophy. The big questions
in life never change, but have to be                                                  put to bed by the performance of
addressed time and again. Who are                                                     the London Scottish in the Battle
we? Why are we here? What is a good                                                   of Messines. The ‘Cockney Jocks’
life? What is the truth? We all need to                                               were the first Territorials to meet the
confront these and, if you are 17 years                                               enemy in battle in a now-legendary
old, you have a real interest in those big                                            encounter on Halloween 1914, and
fundamental questions which should                                                    Walter Black was in the thick of it.
never be ducked. I think everyone                                                     On the 31st October, in the middle of
should be taught philosophy once a                                                    the do-or-die First Battle of Ypres, the
week – and many countries in Europe                                                   Scottish were sent to plug a gap in the
do just that.                                                                         British line on the Wytschaete ridge,
What book should every Stew Mel                                                       which was held by a scratch force
boy (or man) read?                                                                    of dismounted British cavalry and a
                                                                                      much-depleted Indian battalion. Black,
The Meditations by the Roman                                                          in F Company, was sent forwards at
emperor Marcus Aurelius – a very short                                                the double across the open fields in full
                                             Walter Black, born in 1888, was the
book with very short paragraphs that                                                  view of the enemy, to form a reserve
                                             eldest of his siblings and a qualified
can be easily dipped into and will guide     chemist. Moving to London, he            line. It was here that, paradoxically,
you to a better life.                        played for Saracens and joined the       he found himself in greater danger
Do boys’ schools have a place in             Territorial Force. By the outbreak of    than the men closer to the firing. The
the 21st century?                            war, he was a Lance Corporal in the      fighting was so desperate that there
Well, I certainly did not spend most         14th London Regiment, commonly           had been no time to dig trenches or
of my life teaching in one, only to          known at the London Scottish.            shelter scrapes- the Scottish reserve
conclude that I had been wasting my          Mobilised on the outbreak of war,        was literally instructed to lie down with
time. I honestly think ESMS has a good       the Scottish volunteered for service     no other cover than their greatcoats
                                             overseas though only bound by            for rudimentary camouflage. Soon
model – a few years of senior school
                                             their terms of enlistment to serve at    spotted by German artillery and
where boys and girls can be educated
                                             home. Thus, the regiment marched         coming under heavy fire, incredibly
separately so they can feel confident
                                             off to war high-spirited, well trained   Walter took the time to scribble down
and relaxed in themselves and can focus
                                             but badly equipped- still wearing        his experiences as they happened.
on whatever subjects they want without
                                             Highland brogues, spats, full hair       ‘Shells are shrieking over our heads
any preconceptions of what is for boys
                                             sporrans and still carrying Victorian    while rifle and maxim fire is continuous
or girls; followed by a final experience
                                             rifles that were largely incompatible    in front of us- it is perfectly hellish… a
of co-education when both are more           with the ammunition they would           perfect nightmare of circumstances’.
assured and independent, but now             receive in France. The Territorials      After enduring an entire day of this
ready to interact and learn from each        as ‘weekend warriors’ suffered           and severe casualties, at 21.00, a
other – before the rest of LIFE begins.      patronising condescension from the       huge German attack was launched
Dr Iain Scott                                Regular Army- but any questions          on Black’s battalion, with Bavarian
Director of Sixth Form, 1999-2019            about their effectiveness would be       troops leading the way with regimental
14             Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

brass bands playing. The Scottish held           of his brother’s charge at Messines,
fire until the enemy were 30 yards away          was conducted in a landscape now
then simply poured fire into the dense           dominated by trenches and chemical
masses, causing utter mayhem and                 weapons. But far from being the
mass casualties. Lit by the eerie glow           stalemate- slaughter- stalemate round of
of a nearby windmill that was engulfed           attritional warfare commonly accepted
in flames, the German attack was torn            as the status quo on the Western Front,
apart and driven off by a spirited bayonet       the British were rapidly developing
charge- a legendary moment in London             a doctrine of dominating the enemy
Scottish history. French troops coming           in their own trenches both physically
to the sector a few days later counted           and psychologically- No Man’s Land
over 3500 German corpses strewn over             officially did not exist- and James found
the ground. General Allenby was moved            himself at the forefront of this revolution.
to comment that ‘In discipline and               He had an extraordinary facility for
tactical efficiency, the London Scottish         raiding, reconnaissance and intelligence
have been up to the standard of the              gathering- crossing the ground between
best Regular troops.’ Gone forever was           the trenches often on his own or leading
the myth that the ‘chocolate soldiers’           small parties of men, in the type of
couldn’t pull their weight…                      action now more commonly associated            back, then went out again. He was
Attached to the Guards Division, the             with the special forces. One such raid         immediately awarded a Military Cross
Jocks were sent into reserve near the            saw him lead six men into No Man’s             to accompany his DCM. Such was the
shattered village of Givenchy, where, as         Land and expend 33 grenades in the             pace of operations that through the late
rainy autumn gave way to snowy winter,           destruction of an advanced German              summer Black was in constant action.
Walter witnessed the dawn of trench              post and its unfortunate occupants.            On the 10th September 1917 the 9th
warfare. He commented ‘My head aches             Such was his nerve, that by August             were again in the starting line-up for
from the concussion of the earth. I am           1915 he was commissioned to Second             the continued advance up the ridges
about three feet down and two or three           Lieutenant and was awarded the                 away from Ypres. That morning, parties
feet in, so I feel every thud’. These early      Distinguished Conduct Medal, just one
                                                                                                of the battalion, slogging through deep
trenches provided pitifully little protection,   down from the Victoria Cross.
                                                                                                mud and under a withering fire began to
and his comments on them proved to               Returning to Edinburgh, James had              falter and the advance slowed. Within
be tragically prophetic. On the 22nd             perhaps hoped for a quiet period of            moments James Black, now the battalion
December 1914, Walter Black was killed           leave, and dropped by into the College         intelligence officer, was on the scene.
by a sniper. How James and Catherine,            to see Mr Milne, the notably austere           Swiftly the men were rallied, reorganised
his parents, felt that first Christmas of the    and reserved headmaster. Once the              and with Black at their head, charged
war hardly bears thinking about.                 boys apprehended that a popular ex-            on and secured their objective. Such
This was now a war to the finish- and            cadet and bona fide war hero was in
                                                                                                inspired leadership made a Bar to the
no recruit proceeding on active service          the school, matters rapidly escalated
                                                                                                Military Cross inevitable- it was confirmed
early in 1915 could dwell under any              into a situation closely resembling a
                                                                                                eight weeks after the first. James Black
illusion of what lay ahead on the other          riot! Lead by Milne, Black was carried
                                                                                                survived the war with a Mention in
side of the Channel. James, born in              through the school to the chapel
                                                                                                Despatches to add to his laurels and a
1892, found himself posted to France             amidst scenes of fearful scrummaging,
                                                                                                well-deserved promotion to Captain. Niall
the day after his 23rd birthday. Like            where he bashfully recounted
                                                                                                Gilhooley, in his newly published history of
Walter, James was a Lance Corporal               some tales of his prowess to a very
                                                 appreciative audience!                         the 9th, sums up James Black with one
in a fashionable Edinburgh Territorial
                                                                                                word- unstoppable.
battalion, the 9th Royal Scots, popularly        Back in Belgium, James was thrown into
called the Dandy 9th, on account of              the maelstrom of the opening rounds            These are just two of the many stories
their Highland garb. James, no doubt             of what is now commonly called the             that boys from SMC will be hearing about
full of apprehension on his deployment,          Passchendaele offensive. On the 10th           owing to the generosity of the Black
could not possibly have known that he            July 1917, with the British advance            family. To see their faces as they hold
was about to embark on a spectacular             going well near the Steenbeek, the CO          James Black’s medals is truly inspiring,
career as a fighting soldier, that he            of the 9th desperately needed accurate         and so his deeds live on. For them to
would survive the war and would also             information on the whereabouts of the          hear the words of Walter Black, written at
emerge as one of the College’s most              enemy. There could be but one man for          the dawn of the Great War, is to allow him
highly decorated officers.                       the task. James immediately set out on         to live again. It is said all soldier die twice-
By spring 1915, the situation in                 a close reconnaissance of the enemy.           once in battle, and a second time when
Flanders was transformed beyond all              Coming under a hail of machine gun             their service is forgotten. That second
recognition- the first full scale action         fire, he was very swiftly wounded but          death is completely reversible and will not
James fought, just six months after and          completely disregarding this pressed on,       occur as long as these objects remain at
a few miles away from the from the site          noted the German position, reported            the College.
FP News 2019         15
                              Melville College Trust Update
I feel somewhat privileged to
be writing this report, having
taken over as Chair of the
Melville College Trust at our
AGM in November 2018. I not
only follow Andy Scott (Chair
of the Trust on no less than
3 occasions) but also follow
some very distinguished
Melville College FPs.
During the School Year (2018/2019),
the Trust provided £230,000 in
bursaries to the ESMS Schools,
which has enabled 30 pupils to enjoy
the excellent facilities and education
                                               Former teachers Andrew Todd, Iain Dunn, Margot Christie, Ann Evans (Mair),
available. Also, to note that the bursary
                                               Paul Caton and Tom Fraser
provision covered 15 boys and 15 girls.
                                                                                            book “History of Edinburgh Institution
In addition to the bursaries, the Trust
                                                                                            1832-1932”. This is now available to
has donated around £10,000 to a
                                                                                            view and searchable on the new school
diverse number of School projects. In
                                                                                            archive website https://archives.esms.
the Junior School outdoor benches &
                                                                                   Also available on this site is the
chalkboards for P3, the Malawi Club for
                                                                                            World War 1 and World War 2 Roll of
P7 and the Mindfulness & Yoga Club all
                                                                                            Honour. Do have a look around.
received support. Whilst in MES there
was help towards a new basketball                                                           Our website has been re-vamped
scoreboard and in SMC the Allotment                                                and the
Club, Darts Club and the Tommy                                                              Trust has moved into the world of
Memorial Statue (on display outside                                                         Twitter social media @melville_trust.
the Dean) all gained funding support.          Margot Christie unveils the Plaque           Please do visit our website and follow
For ESMS awards were given to the              alongside Alan Veitch, Chair of the          us on Twitter - in turn we follow all the
Shooting Club, Boxing Club, CCF,               Melville College Trust                       various FP Clubs and School Twitter
Music Honours Board, the purchase of                                                        accounts, so there is plenty news of
                                               career at Melville in 1950 before retiring   the ESMS family just a few clicks away.
an Eb Clarinet and a Snare Drum and
                                               many years later at Stewart’s Melville
harness for the Pipe Band.                                                                  If you would like more information about
                                               was able to unveil the plaque in front
One project the Trust had immense pride                                                     the work of the Trust or are considering
                                               of a gathering of former teachers,
in achieving this year, was the installation                                                a donation or legacy please contact us
                                               Governors of the Trust, School
of a commemorative plaque to mark the                                                       at
                                               representatives and FPs.
site of the old School at 7 Melville Street.                                                Alan Veitch
It is hard to believe it’s some 46 years       This year the Trust formally registered      Chair Melville College Trust
since Melville College ended its presence      for Gift Aid and this has already
there and whilst the Trust hasn’t taken        attracted donations, resulting in
that long to install a plaque (honest!), the   the Trust helping with the
engagement with the City of Edinburgh          purchase of a defibrillator
planning to make it happen was at times        for the Inverleith
arduous to say the least.                      clubhouse. One further
The Trust were most pleased that               generous donation has
former Primary Teacher Margot                  allowed the Trust to pay
Christie, who started her teaching             for the digitisation of the
16            Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

Jason Clarke - Genius Brewing
                                             Is ‘Smart Drinking’ the future?               sponsorship and brand ambassadors.
                                             In 2016, the UK Chief Medical Officers        In 2019, Gen!us was the Official Beer
                                             dramatically reduced the safer drinking       of the Ladies Scottish Open Golf and a
                                             guidelines to 14 units a week for men         sponsor of LET Order of Merit winner
                                             and women. Since then we’ve seen a            Beth Allen. Scotland’s rugby community
                                             huge change in Britain’s drinking habits      is a particular focus and we’re now into
                                             with 54% of consumers now saying the          our second year of running the Rugby
                                             healthiness of their drinks is important      Gen!us quiz in Scrum Magazine and
                                             to them and sales of low and no-              sponsoring StewMel Rugby.
                                             alcohol beers up 50% in the past year.        Are breweries concerned about
                                             The craft beer revolution has changed         alcohol being in the hands of young
                                             expectations of flavour and quality,          people?
                                             which is great, but craft beers and           All alcohol producers have a
                                             premium lagers often have high ABVs           responsibility to avoid their product being
                                             and a heap of calories. Gen!us is for         consumed by under-18s and Genius
                                             today’s smart drinker who wants a             Brewing fully supports industry initiatives
I talked to Jason Clarke, the                great beer but without all the ‘booze’        such as Challenge 25. Education about
Creative Director at Genius                  and the belly.                                alcohol is equally important. As Funding
                                             How does a brewer get attention in            Partners of Drinkaware, we promote
Brewing, and spoke about the                                                               their excellent health-related content via
                                             such a crowded market?
future of brewing, his time at                                                             our social media.
                                             The craft beer market is indeed
Stew Mel and in the army, and                                                              However, once young people turn 18,
                                             saturated – the world does not need
his partnership with Doddie’s                another IPA! But Gen!us has a strong          informed consumer choice is a real
charity. Thanks to Jason –                   USP as the UK’s first light craft lager.      concern for us. In the UK, there is no
                                                                                           legal requirement to display nutritional
and order some Genius in the                 While the brands of the global mega-
                                             brewers benefit from huge marketing           content on alcohol products. So while
new year!                                                                                  milk, Coke and orange juice have to
                                             and distribution machines, the success
What separates Genius Brewing                of start-ups such as Brewdog, Innis &         detail their calories, sugars, and salt
from rivals?                                 Gun, and Beavertown shows that there          etc, beer and wine do not. This has
                                             are still opportunities for a new, distinct   to change and Gen!us Craft Lager is
Genius Brewing was launched in 2018
                                             brand with a compelling product.              leading the way by featuring a full, food-
with a mission to make responsible
                                                                                           standard nutrition guide on our cans.
drinking a pleasure, not a compromise.       The 0% beers have been growing
Our Gen!us Craft Lager is the UK’s first     rapidly but they are a very different         How did the link with the Doddie
light craft lager, combining craft quality   proposition as most drinkers actually         foundation start?
with less alcohol and fewer calories.        want some alcohol. At 3%, ABV                 I played 1st XV at school with Doddie
We’re all about ‘smart drinking’.            Gen!us is only 79kcal and exactly 1 unit      and against him in regional U21s. The
                                             of alcohol per can; offering craft quality    news of his MND diagnosis was heart-
                                             while helping the health-conscious to         breaking and given extra resonance by
                                             stay ‘drinkaware’.                            my wife’s having father died of MND.
                                             As a new business, we can’t and won’t         When Doddie launched the My Name’5
                                             try to fight in traditional, above-the-       Doddie Foundation in 2017, we were
                                             line advertising: TV; national print; or      gearing up to launch Gen!us and so I
                                             billboard, etc. Not only does it cost         got straight on the phone.
                                             millions, in many ways they are dated,        Our #5p4Doddie pledge donates 5p
                                             blunt instruments. Genius Brewing is          from every can of Gen!us to Doddie’s
                                             more invested in reaching our specific        Foundation. We also support other
                                             #smartdrinking market via social media        people and organisations who are
                                             and experiential activity. For example,       fundraising for Doddie such as SAS
                                             sports teams and communities are              veteran John Davidson who aims to raise
                                             more health-focused and so we                 £100,000 by rowing the Atlantic, single-
                                             build awareness and exposure using            handedly. Genius Brewing organised a
You can also read