Datix Cloud IQ The Future of Patient Safety - Innovating Patient Safety

Page created by Andre Welch
Datix Cloud IQ The Future of Patient Safety - Innovating Patient Safety

          Datix Cloud IQ
          The Future of Patient Safety

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Datix Cloud IQ The Future of Patient Safety - Innovating Patient Safety
                                        Datix Cloud IQ enables healthcare organisations to understand adverse events and generate
                                        and implement strategies to enhance the delivery of efficient, targeted and effective care.

                                        Datix Cloud IQ applies the Plan – Do – Study – Act           Datix Cloud IQ gives organisations a memory of what
                                        process of quality improvement to learning from              works and – importantly – why it works. It opens up
                                        instances of suboptimal care. It begins with the initial     learning and improvement to the whole organisation,
                                        capture of incidents, patient feedback and surveys and       encouraging all staff, at all levels, to share in this
                                        then provides a range of techniques focused on               journey.
                                        delivering insight, understanding problems and devising
                                                                                                     Datix is a global pioneer in patient safety improvement
                                        cost-effective improvement strategies and goes on to
                                                                                                     and Datix Cloud IQ is the result of our continued drive
                                        help organisations to implement those strategies and
                                                                                                     for innovation. It is a culmination of continuous
                                        measure their effectiveness.
                                                                                                     customer engagement, academic collaboration and
                                        Datix Cloud IQ is a profound shift in focus for a            research. Advances in software and cutting-edge data
                                        healthcare risk management application, moving               analytics mean we have been able to produce a range
                                        beyond the simple capture and review of data on              of new tools that drive forward our mission to help our
                                        adverse outcomes, towards a managed process of               customers protect patients from harm by creating
                                        exposing and resolving the issues that lead to those         opportunities to learn from things that go wrong.
                                        outcomes. As issues are uncovered and improvements
                                        are implemented, organisational procedures are
                                        updated to embed the changes, connecting policies
                                        and guidelines directly to the learning within the system.

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Datix Cloud IQ The Future of Patient Safety - Innovating Patient Safety
Insights                            Quality
                        Capture                                                                          Implement
                        Toolkit                                                                          Toolkit
                                               capture                                   implement       • Policies & Guidelines
                                                                                                         • Safety Alerts

                        •   Claims
                        •   Mortality Review
                        •   Datix Anywhere


                                               evaluate                                   assess
                 Evaluate Toolkit                                                                    Assess Toolkit
                 • Enterprise Risk Manager                                                           • Compliance Assessment
                 • Investigations                                                                    • Safety Rounds

                                                          Strategy Toolkit
                                                          • Recommendations & Controls
                                                          • Clinical Audit                                                          This toolkit gathers information that indicates where
                                                                                                                                    improvements can be made. It houses the Incidents,
                                                                                                                                     Feedback, Claims and Mortality Review modules –
                                                                                                                                     anything that can show undesired and unintended
                                                                 analytics                                                        outcomes following delivery of care. Datix Anywhere
                                                                                                                                   offers quick and responsive capturing of incident data
                                                                                                                                                   from a smartphone app.

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Incidents                                                                                                                  Feedback                                                                                            Cloud
          The active recording of events and near misses is fundamental to a learning culture.                                       Listening to patients and service users can identify areas where the quality and efficiency
          Incidents gives organisations the tools to identify mistakes and unsafe practice, encouraging                              of your service could be improved. Feedback gives you the tools to capture this
          a culture of safety in which staff feel safe to report concerns and protect patients from harm.                            information and put in place plans for continuous improvement.
          Healthcare workers, other staff and even patients and        With Incidents, your workforce can focus on improving         Encouraging feedback from patients and service users,     Feedback helps to identify areas of frequent concern
          relatives can report incidents on forms designed for each    safety rather than getting tied up with administrative        whether negative or positive, offers the opportunity to   and allows you to focus on these to improve services
          care setting. This cuts down the time spent filling in       tasks. The simplicity of data entry, the powerful reporting   learn. It promotes openness and collaboration amongst     and care for patients and staff. Feedback can be used
          information and encourages greater levels of reporting,      tools and the ability to fully customise forms are some of    staff and patients that can contribute to improving       in training, appraisals, ward rounds and executive
          giving a fuller picture of the organisation’s safety. The    the reasons why Datix has become an industry standard.        culture.                                                  rounds to embed improvements and encourage a
          powerful Datix Common Classification System aligns with                                                                                                                              learning culture.
                                                                       Incidents integrates seamlessly with the other Datix          Feedback gives managers full control of the complaints
          common reporting formats globally and reduces
                                                                       Cloud IQ modules and automatically feeds into                 and compliments process, issuing alerts when patients     Feedback integrates seamlessly with the other Datix
          reporting errors.
                                                                       Investigations and the Enterprise Risk Manager.               need to be contacted so response times are never          Cloud IQ modules and automatically feeds into
          Incidents encourages engagement by delivering timely                                                                       missed, improving the experience for patients. Datix      Investigations and the Enterprise Risk Manager.
          feedback to reporters and staff can see the resulting                                                                      Cloud IQ allows responses to be generated, saving
          improvements in practice with the Policies and                                                                             time and improving the efficiency of the complaints
          Guidelines and Compliance Assessment modules. The                                                                          process. This allows managers to dedicate themselves
          intuitive and simple to use Datix Cloud IQ reporting tools                                                                 to giving the best possible answers to patients.
          produce automated reports and management
          information tailored to every audience without the need
          to export data to an external reporting application.

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Mortality Review                                                                                                  Datix Anywhere                                                                                           Cloud
          The retrospective review of deaths is an important method for improving the quality of                            Incident reporting plays a key role in a culture of learning. Datix Anywhere makes it
          healthcare. Mortality Review enhances the management of this process by capturing                                 easier than ever to capture incident data when and wherever it happens.
          data, simplifying workflows and highlighting learning points.
                                                                                                                            Datix Anywhere is an easy to use mobile app that             This revolutionary new application's intelligent design
          Mortality Review allows organisations to capture          Mortality Review provides assurance to the board that   enables anyone to capture incident details on a mobile       allows for quick entry of data, meaning the reporting of
          information on deaths and conduct the review process      the relevant actions have been taken. It connects to    device at the touch of a button. It can help increase the    key incident details can be done instantly. Data can be
          using a different workflow from incident reporting. The   other Datix Cloud IQ modules including Incidents,       number of incidents reported, support engagement with        captured on or offline, encouraging active surveillance
          workflow is flexible and can be configured to whichever   Feedback and Claims, creating a central database of     staff and ensure incidents are investigated as soon as       within a learning culture.
          methodology an organisation is using. Clinicians can      learning information.                                   possible. Staff working remotely can capture key incident
          review the mortality records, ask screening questions                                                             details as soon as it occurs, rather than having to wait
          and analyse and learn from any deficiencies in the care                                                           until they are on site to record the incident.
          of patients.
                                                                                                                            Once a reporter installs Datix Anywhere on their mobile
                                                                                                                            device, they can capture key incident details by typing in
          Mortality Review has been designed as a learning
                                                                                                                            details or talking directly into their phone. Datix
          system and helps to ensure that the recommendations
                                                                                                                            Anywhere allows pictures to be uploaded and uses
          from reviews are implemented. Staff can see the
                                                                                                                            sophisticated voice recognition software to turn speech
          resulting improvements in practice with the wider usage
                                                                                                                            into text, reducing the amount of time reporters spend
          of the other Datix Cloud IQ toolkits.
                                                                                                                            recording incidents, without the quality of information
                                                                                                                            being impacted.

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          Clinical negligence claims contain a wealth of information that can be used to improve
          services. Claims provides the tools you need to manage the litigation process for all types of

          claim, allowing you to deal efficiently with your caseload and track back to any incident or
          feedback data associated with a claim.

          Claims meets the reporting requirements of risk pooling      Claims keeps details of insurance policies and calculates
          schemes, insurers and government bodies. It keeps            your liabilities automatically. The Datix Cloud IQ
          track of the stages of the claim with a workflow feature     reporting tools allow you to produce loss runs,
          that can be tailored to your processes. A reminder           summaries and policy analysis quickly and easily.
          facility lets managers know when actions are due,
                                                                       Insights into the cost of risk can help you keep track of
          meaning deadlines are never missed. All
                                                                       your overall claims management costs. Combining
          correspondence and other documents can be stored
                                                                       Claims with Incidents, Feedback and Enterprise Risk
          with the claim and easily retrieved. Letters to solicitors
                                                                       Manager brings a comprehensive view of risk that can
          and other contacts can be generated automatically,                                                                            Having captured the information around the event itself, it is
                                                                       help improve services and protect patients and staff from
          saving time and improving the efficiency of the claims                                                                     necessary to understand that event and uncover the contributory
          process.                                                                                                                 factors which led to it. What are the factors that must be controlled in
                                                                                                                                       order to avoid a repeat occurrence? This toolkit includes the
                                                                                                                                   Investigations and Enterprise Risk Manager modules, each offering a
                                                                                                                                        set of tools which direct attention towards identifying those
                                                                                                                                    underlying causes and recommending changes to overcome them.

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Investigations                                                                                                       Cloud

          Robust, high quality investigations are essential to uncover the contributory
          factors that lead to adverse events.

          The Investigations module can significantly improve       A comprehensive range of tools help you understand
          the quality of your own investigations, enabling you to   an event and its contributory factors. The event
          devise recommendations and implement actions to           chronology can be recorded, with process maps
          protect patients from harm. Datix Cloud IQ will monitor   offering a powerful visual display of the timeline and
          how well the actions are working, allowing you to         tools such as Five Whys and Fishbone diagrams
          implement new actions to achieve the best possible        providing intuitive means for investigators to analyse
          outcomes with the greatest cost effectiveness.            the event.

          Investigations helps you analyse why an adverse           Investigations has been designed to be as flexible as
          event happened, determining the contributory factors      possible and allows you to use whichever investigation
          and highlighting where improvements need to be            method is most suitable to the event being
          made. Tools for devising recommendations and              investigated. The ability to quickly process large
          controls integrate seamlessly with Policies &             volumes of event data while allowing multiple
          Guidelines to ensure these are disseminated               investigations to be viewed at once makes
          throughout the organisation and the learning from         Investigations uniquely powerful, helping to ensure that
          events is embedded.                                       staff and patients are protected from harm.

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Enterprise Risk Manager

         Risk registers play a central role in safety and quality improvement. Enterprise Risk
         Manager gives visibility of risks throughout an organisation and provides tools to

         monitor, prioritise and mitigate those risks.

          Enterprise Risk Manager builds on the best elements of       Enterprise Risk Manager ensures that the changing
          the Datix Risk Register to give a complete picture of risk   nature of risk is continuously monitored and risks can be
          across your organisation. Risk registers for each            controlled wherever they exist. The module gives you
          department or service can be monitored and aggregated        greater flexibility in risk profiling, allowing you to define
          to ensure visibility and oversight of risks at all levels.   an individual risk matrix and determine the course of
          Enterprise Risk Manager delivers information on the          action a risk will take.
          nature of a risk and gives you the tools to devise and
          provide assurance on control measures to mitigate the        Enterprise Risk Manager gives a consolidated view of
          risk. Seamless integration with other Datix Cloud IQ         risks across the organisation and provides decision
          toolkits can help you demonstrate the effectiveness of       support to prioritise and manage risks. This increases            Following the submission of recommendations for improvement, whether
          your risk management and mitigation strategies.              transparency by enabling the escalation and de-                 from internal evaluation or directives from external bodies, an improvement
                                                                       escalation of a risk through the organisational hierarchy,       strategy must be established. Which controls must be put in place to meet
                                                                       contributing to a culture of engagement and protecting            the recommendations and, vitally, which of the range of possible controls
                                                                       patients from harm.                                                  will offer the best return on investment? Use these modules to focus
                                                                                                                                           limited resources on delivering the most effective results, passing the
                                                                                                                                                          strongest controls over for implementation.

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Recommendations & Controls                                                                                            Clinical Audit                                                                                         Cloud

         Recommendations & Controls defines the improvement strategies from                                                     Effective audits deliver a snapshot of the healthcare
         contributory factors that have been identified from investigations and risks.                                          environment at any one time.

          Recommendations & Controls is central to the learning        Criteria by which controls will be scored are updated,   Clinical Audit helps you manage the audit process and        The findings from audits can be compared and
          process, where organisations can review                      ensuring the organisation will continue to evolve and    formally assess the value of recommended                     recommendations checked, with decisions made on how
          recommendations and define controls. Controls can            focus improvements where they will have the most         improvements. Multiple snapshots help assess the             to bring about potential improvement by feeding into the
          apply to multiple risks and investigations to ensure the     value. Recommendations & Controls highlights             quality of care that is being provided and implement the     Implement toolkit.
          contributory factors are managed.                            improvements to be embedded and allows                   right changes as part of an improvement journey. The
                                                                       organisations to adapt to future problems.               structure of Clinical Audit provides a detailed
          Recommendations & Controls provides tools to allow                                                                    examination of any process or task that needs to be
          improvement to be driven from inside the organisation by                                                              scrutinised.
          the people who understand the environment best.
          Recommendations identified through an investigation or                                                                Every audit will be different and Clinical Audit gives the
          review of risk can be broken into separate controls to act                                                            opportunity to ask open ended questions, seeking
          on those recommendations.                                                                                             numerical measurements or contextual statements. The
                                                                                                                                auditor can learn more about the process or event with
                                                                                                                                the goal of improving a system or process. An audit can
                                                                                                                                also assess the return on investment of a chosen
                                                                                                                                recommendation. Results are presented as a scorecard
                                                                                                                                or as a summary showing a list of graded actions to be
                                                                                                                                transferred to Guidelines & Policies.

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Policies & Guidelines                                                                                    Cloud
                                                                                                                        Standardisation of healthcare provision plays an important role in safety and quality
                                                                                                                        improvement. Policies & Guidelines gives access to the most up to date documentation,

                                                                                                                        embedding learning in the organisation’s memory and helping to reduce harm.
                                                                                                                        Policies & Guidelines has been developed to guarantee        Each policy and guideline consists of specific information
                                                                                                                        that the strategies introduced in the Strategy toolkit are   to frame the focus of the guideline and a series of
                                                                                                                        disseminated throughout the organisation. Datix              controls drawn from a library. Any historic changes are
                                                                                                                        automatically tags identical processes, meaning that         highlighted separately, making information clear and
                                                                                                                        multiple guidelines containing the same process can be       easy to access.
                                                                                                                        updated by editing just one record. The audit feature
                                                                                                                        provides viewers with access to the history of policy and
                                                                                                                        guideline evolution, providing a clear understanding of
                                                                                                                        why changes have been implemented.

                                            This is the stage at which learning is embedded into the organisation’s     By identifying contributory factors in events which led to
                                              memory. Activity management ensures that change is put in place,          guideline changes, Policies & Guidelines gives an
                                          controls passed over for implementation are incorporated into procedures      understanding of the reasons behind the changes,
                                           and processes are documented within the Policies & Guidelines module.        increasing acceptance and adoption.
                                            Best practice is reflected at the heart of the organisation’s approach to
                                           delivering care, and the learning underpinning that change is presented
                                                   along with it. The organisation knows what works and why.

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Compliance Assessment                                                                                 Cloud
                                                                                                                           Measure the success of strategies and organisational compliance against
                                                                                                                           internal, local and national standards.

                                                          assess                                                           Compliance Assessment enables organisations to
                                                                                                                           assess themselves against standards and guidelines,
                                                                                                                           such as the CQC, NICE and local policies and
                                                                                                                           guidelines. It indicates gaps in compliance that must be
                                                                                                                                                                                      The same evidence can be used for multiple standards,
                                                                                                                                                                                      avoiding duplication and reducing governance team
                                                                                                                                                                                      workload. Documentation all in one place, grants users
                                                                                                                                                                                      the ability to instantly access any information, with a
                                                                                                                           escalated to ensure resolution of issues and highlights    design tool tailor reports to meet any presentation
                                                                                                                           where processes need improving.                            requirement.
                                                                                                                           Compliance Assessment features intuitive navigation
                                                                                                                           tools which combine with access permissions to
                                                                                                                           distribute standards effectively between board, senior
                                                                                                                           management and operational staff. This allows a
                            Once a change has been implemented, the question remains: is it working? A programme of        consistent view of compliance across the entire
                               assessment will answer this question and connect the loop of continuous improvement.        organisation, with focus on demonstrating improvement
                           Further insight can be passed back to the Strategy toolkit in the form of new recommendations   in practice. Action plans can be created and assigned to
                           for improvement. The Compliance Assessment module provides a single platform within which       staff, allowing them to provide robust evidence and be
                             the effectiveness of internal policies can be assessed alongside inspecting standards. The    more engaged throughout the improvement journey.
                              Safety Rounds module ensures success in executive and safety rounds, delivering much-
                                                      needed context to enable effective insight.

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Safety Rounds                                                                                                           Cloud

         Encourage collaboration and foster engagement by effectively preparing executive and
         organisation leadership for safety rounds. Provide context that informs discussion and
         forms a bridge to frontline clinical staff.

          The Datix Cloud IQ Safety Rounds module supports ward     Conducting the round is equally uncomplicated, with
          to board engagement by providing board members,           display and response capture enabled on a range of
          managers and others with key contextual information and   mobile devices and the option to print the round for
          focused discussion topics that enhance conversation and   paper-based completion. An organisation-wide
          underpin more successful rounds. Data held elsewhere      perspective and further insight on round findings are
          in the Datix Cloud IQ platform, such as performance       gained with the Datix Cloud IQ reporting and analytics
          dashboards and policy documentation, can be               functions, and recommendations for further
          connected for broader understanding. This background      improvement feed directly into the Strategy toolkit,
          intelligence enables executive and safety leadership to   supporting future improvement strategies.
          not only ask relevant and contextualised questions, but
          also to understand the value of the answers received.     Safety Rounds establishes a framework within which
                                                                    policies and procedures can be understood, reviewed
          A round’s content and schedule are built with ease and,
                                                                    and assessed, determining what works and what does
          where required, are reviewed and approved for use;
                                                                    not; what is succeeding and what is failing in the pursuit
          defining rounds becomes straightforward and responsive
                                                                    of safe, high-quality care.
          to changing needs.

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Get in touch
          Address
                     Swan Court, 11 Worple Road
                     London, SW19 4JS

          Telephone
                     020 8971 1971

           Email

          Website

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