DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk

Page created by Louise Robinson
DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
DBS Strategy
  2020 - 25
  Making Recruitment Safer

‘The DBS is an
with a clear role
and remit, and
ways of working.’
DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Our Purpose

                                                                       DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                 Protecting the public by helping employers
                 make safer recruitment decisions and by
                 barring individuals who pose a risk to
                 vulnerable groups from working and volunteering
                 in certain roles.

                 Our Vision

                 Making Recruitment Safer. By being a visible,
                 trusted and influential organisation, providing an
                 outstanding quality of service to all our customers
                 and partners. Where our people understand the
                 important safeguarding contributions they make
                 and feel proud to work here.

‘Providing an
quality of
service to all
our customers
and partners.’

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Chairman’s Foreword
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                he Disclosure and            to the strategy. As a result, we
                                Barring Service Board        have a strategy that reflects a
                                began the process            very strong consensus on our
                         of producing this five-year         purpose, vision, values and
                         strategy during the summer          priorities. This is a considerable
                         of 2019. It was important to        achievement and one of which
                         us that the strategy would be       we are rightly proud. To ensure
                         ambitious and focused on            we deliver on our commitments
                         quality and people.                 we have also introduced new
                            Through the delivery of          governance arrangements
                         this strategy the DBS will          that will equip us to lead the
                         ensure that the organisation        implementation of the strategy
                         continues to develop and            through to 2025.
                         thrive, provide services of the        Quality is at the heart of
                         highest standards, and thereby      this strategy. Everything we
                         make a real contribution to         do over the next five years
                         the national safeguarding           will contribute to playing our
                         arena. At the outset the DBS        role in ensuring that, through
                         Board took a major decision         our products and services,
                         in deciding that we would           employers have the necessary
                         ‘cocreate’ this strategy with our   information to make safe
                         staff and partners, embarking       recruitment decisions. Our role
                         on a wide-ranging set of both       now is to make sure that we
                         online and face to face ‘Big        deliver the strategy and we will
                         Conversations’ that resulted        work tirelessly to ensure that
                         in over 40,000 contributions        we do.

                         Dr Gillian Fairfield,

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Chief Executive’s Introduction

                                                                      DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
        he DBS is a national       processes, and use
        organisation undertaking   technology to enhance our
        a unique role. We issued   work. We cannot deliver this
6 million certificates last year   plan on our own and we
and maintain two Barred Lists      will work closely with our
of over 77,000 people. We          partners, both strategically
employ over 1,000 staff            and operationally to make
to deliver these services.         recruitment safer. We will also
    Our work provides              create the conditions through
significant protection to the      smarter working, better staff
public. Quality must be at the     development and a more
core of what we do; quality in     inclusive and diverse workforce
the products we supply and         to improve our performance.
quality in the decisions that we       This strategy has been
make. Our strategic plan will      written at a point in time. It
further improve an already well    outlines the direction of travel
performing organisation.           and the key priority areas
It will modernise the services     we will focus on. Each year
we provide, the way we work        it will be refreshed through
and the way we interact with       the production of an annual
our partners.                      Business Plan which will
    The strategy contains a        describe how we will take
number of practical actions        the actions that deliver our
that will enable the DBS to        strategy for that year.
make tangible improvements             I will focus my efforts to
to our service to the public.      ensure we deliver this over
We will improve the way our        the next five years on behalf of
services are accessed, the         the Board, our workforce and
speed and efficiency of our        the public.

Eric Robinson,
Chief Executive

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Our Strategic Priorities
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                             Quality                               Profile
                                             Provide high quality, reliable,       Raise awareness of the DBS
                                             consistent, timely and accessible     and the services we offer,
                                             services for our customers.           keeping people informed
                                                                                   through our communications,
                                             Embrace technology to drive           to increase public understanding
                                             improvements to the quality of        and confidence in our
                                             our work.                             organisation.

                                             People                                Be a respected and trusted
                                             Develop a talented and diverse        organisation, working with our
                                             workforce that understands how        partners to play an influential
                                             their contributions help to achieve   role in the environment in which
                                             our objectives.                       we operate.

                                             Build a flexible, vibrant and
                                             contemporary workplace where
                                             our staff will be able to do their
                                             jobs using modern ways of
                                             working that are smart and which
                                             promote OneDBS.

                         ‘We respect
                         and value
                         everyone, and we
                         recognise and
                         appreciate each
                         other’s efforts.’

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Our Values & Behaviours

We Work Together
We collaborate, we actively

                                       SUBJECT TEXT
listen, learn and share
information with our colleagues
throughout the DBS and with
our external partners.

We respect and value everyone,
and we recognise and
appreciate each other’s efforts.

We are transparent, we
communicate clearly, openly
and with transparency in all our
interactions at work.

We Act with Integrity
We are accountable, we take
responsibility for our actions
and decisions and follow
through on our promises.
We make sure that we treat all
our colleagues fairly.

We behave with professionalism,
seeking to do the right thing.

We are customer-focused, we
put the needs of our customers
first in all of our actions at work,
making sure that we deliver the
best possible service for them.

We Pursue Excellence
We challenge ourselves to be
creative and explore new ways
of working so that we can
provide the best possible service
to our customers.

We always seek to produce
our best quality work,
consistently and accurately.

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Purpose of this document
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                he purpose of this strategy       focusing on the activities
                                is to set out the direction for   planned.
                                the DBS, identifying planned         The strategy is aimed at our
                         activity to improve the effectiveness    partners, customers and our
                         of the organisation and our              people, so that everyone has a
                         contribution to Making Recruitment       clear understanding of our route
                         Safer. Each year we will produce         of travel and the changes we
                         a more detailed Business Plan,           plan to make.

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Our context

                                                                                                   DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                                 he DBS is an established        improving our use of
                                 organisation with a clear       technology this must now
                                 role and remit, and long-       be accelerated. Many public
                         standing ways of working. The           and private organisations
                         world around us is changing             operate smarter working
                         rapidly and we must now                 arrangements resulting in
                         respond to this context and in          retaining staff and attracting
                         addition, sharpen our processes         new talent to their workforce.
                         for horizon scanning and gaining        Research also shows that such
                         insight, to ensure we embark            arrangements result in an
                         on a continuous journey of              increase in productivity. The
                         improvement over the next five          DBS is quite traditional in its
                         years. The DBS has a lower              current approach and must
                         national profile than our role          address this.
                         requires us to have. This ranges            Whilst there are
                         from a lack of awareness among          contextual issues that are
                         employers of their duty to refer        known, some are not,
                         certain cases to Barring, eligibility   for example, what the
                         for disclosure certificates and         Independent Inquiry into
                         a low strategic profile with key        Child Sexual Abuse may
                         stakeholders. It is important to        recommend, how government
                         rectify this to ensure we capture       policy may change or what
                         all relevant referrals.                 new technology could become
                             Technology continues to             available. However, we have
                         evolve, and the public now              attempted to futureproof the
                         want to access services digitally       strategy by concentrating
                         and hold information on their           on delivering significant
                         smartphones and tablets. The            improvements to the quality of
                         DBS technology is dated, our            our work. Our annual review
‘This ranges             services are hard to access             and annual business plans will
from a lack of           electronically, and our Disclosure      allow us to be able to adapt to
                         certificates are still produced on      any significant changes in our
                         paper. While we are continually         operating environment.
among employers
of their duty to
refer certain cases
to Barring, eligibili-
ty for Disclosure
certificates and a
low strategic
profile with key

DBS Strategy 2020 25 - Making Recruitment Safer - Gov.uk
Who we are and what we do
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                                  he DBS delivers Disclosure      protect people in our society
                                                  and Barring functions on        while ensuring proportionality
                                                  behalf of government. This      and protecting the rights of
                                           includes DBS checks for England,       individuals. We do this by
                                           Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and the        providing relevant information,
                                           Isle of Man and Barring functions      and where necessary, making
                                           for England, Wales and Northern        barring decisions to help
                                           Ireland. We carry out this work from   employers make safer recruitment
                                           bases in Darlington and Liverpool.     decisions. The DBS issues four
                                               The DBS was created in             levels of certificates of criminal
                                           2012 under the provisions of           records, known as disclosure or
                                           the Protection of Freedoms Act         DBS checks, and we operate a
                                           2012. We are a non-departmental        system of updating certificates
                                           public body (NDPB) accountable         through our Update Service. We
                                           to Parliament through the              also bar individuals from working
                                           Secretary of State for the Home        in certain circumstances. Our
                                           Office. We provide an important        work is funded by the fees from
                                           service helping to safeguard and       our disclosure customers.

                         ‘We provide
                         an important
                         service helping
                         to safeguard
                         and protect
                         people in our
                         society while
                         and protecting
                         the rights of

Basic DBS Check
This is available for any position
or purpose and will contain details
of convictions and conditional
cautions that are considered to
be unspent.

                                        SUBJECT TEXT
Standard DBS Check
Standard certificates are
available for specific roles outlined
in legislation. They show unspent
and spent convictions, cautions,
reprimands and warnings held
on the Police National Computer,
subject to filtering rules.

Enhanced DBS Check
This is the highest level of
check available to anyone
involved in work with vulnerable
groups, and other positions
involving a high degree of trust.
   Enhanced certificates contain
the same information as the
Standard certificate, with the
addition of relevant local
police force information.

Enhanced with Barred
List Check
An Enhanced check with Barred
Lists, shows the same as an
Enhanced check plus whether
the applicant is in the lists of
those barred from working with
children of vulnerable groups,
where the role is in Regulated
Activity. We make informed
decisions about whether an
individual should be barred from
engaging in Regulated Activity
with children and/or adults and
maintain the Children’s and
Adults’ Barred Lists. We make
informed decisions as to whether
it is appropriate to remove a
person from a barred list.

Strategic Priority:
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                         Quality, Objective One

                         We will provide high quality, reliable, consistent,
                         timely and accessible services for our customers.

                         Why is it important?                    compliant with any revised
                         Quality is at the heart of everything   legislation.
                         we do. Our partners and
                         customers want us to improve            3. Introduce Barring and
                         our delivery so they can rely upon      Safeguarding Improvements
                         a fast and accurate service. In         We will continue to develop and
                         order to fully meet the needs of        enhance our Barring service
                         our customers we need to make           ensuring our robust and timely
                         accessing the DBS easier and keep       decisions are made accurately.
                         them informed. Our staff have              We will deliver changes
                         said they are keen to understand        to improve the way Barring
                         what it is our customers need and       is organised, its profile, our
                         want so they can help to improve        relationship with our partners,
                         all of our products.                    the way the service is
                                                                 accessed and the processes
                         How will we do it?                      for dealing with all cases.

                         1. Develop a New Vision for             4. Develop our Insight and
                         our Customer Journey for all            Intelligence
                         Services                                We will consolidate all our data
                         We will understand who our              within our new data warehouse,
                         customers are and the journey they      bringing together all of our
                         go on in accessing our products.        business, management and
                         This will allow us to develop a         performance information into
                         plan to improve the quality of our      one place.
                         service and modernise the way              This will enable us to develop
                         those services are provided. This       insight and intelligence to identify
                         will include significant product        trends, advance our research
                         development and improved access         programme and help the DBS
                         through assistive technology, easy      continuously improve.
                         read, and for people where English
                         is not their first language.            5. Introduce a new
                                                                 Barring Portal
                         2. Implement Legislative Change         We will redesign the barring
                         We will carry out the necessary         portal making it more user-
                         IT and process changes to be            friendly for our customers to

DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                    access, ensuring we receive       We will know we have
‘Quality is at      good quality barring referrals    succeeded when...
the heart of        and a reduction in the volume     We have developed a new
everything we do.   of paper referrals.               operating model for the
                                                      services we provide and have
Our partners and
                    6. Introduce a New                delivered this over five years.
customers want      Approach to Marketing DBS
us to improve our   We will produce a Marketing       Legislative change is
delivery so they    Plan for the DBS to enable us     embedded into what we do.
can rely upon a     to better promote and develop
fast and accurate   our products.                     Improvements in performance
                                                      for all our services are
                    7. Enhance our work on            tangible and sustainable. Our
                    Equality, Diversity and           complaints and appeals are
                    Inclusion                         reduced, and our performance
                    We will enhance representation    metrics have improved.
                    of relevant groups in the
                    changes to our work. We will      Our insight and intelligence are
                    reduce the language barriers      being used to help us improve
                    to our service particularly for   our service delivery.
                    those where English is not
                    their first language.             Quality metrics have improved,
                                                      and error rate decreased.

Quality, Objective Two
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                               We will embrace technology to drive improvements
                                               to the quality of our work.

                                               Why is it important?                  How will we do it?
                                               Our customers want easy
                                               access to services using mobile       1. Transfer to new Technology
                                               technology. Our current IT will not   and Customer Contact
                                               meet this need and we will need       Centre Suppliers
                                               to improve our technology to          We will transfer to two new
                                               enable us to speed up our             suppliers, one to take over our
                                               processes and be able to adapt        technology contract the other to
                                               quickly in the future.                manage our Contact Centre.
                                                  Our people want us to                 As a result of this change, we
                                               embrace modern technology and         will control the architecture of our
                                               ensure they have the right tools      technology platforms for the first
                                               to provide excellent services.        time in our history. The transition
                                               Our current systems require           of these services will initially be
                                               significant modernisation and there   on a like-for-like basis in order to
                                               is a heavy reliance on paper rather   preserve service continuity, with
                                               than digital products.                the ability and intention to iterate
                                                                                     and improve in the near future.

                         ‘We will update
                         our platform for
                         Standard and
                         Enhanced DBS
                         checks to ensure
                         that we are able to
                         continue to provide
                         a reliable and
                         efficient service
                         to our customers.’

2. Disclosure Platform Refresh
We will update our platform for
Standard and Enhanced DBS
checks to ensure that we are
able to continue to provide a
reliable and efficient service to

                                       SUBJECT TEXT
our customers. This work has
already started with the
current supplier and will be
completed by our IT partner.

3. Technology Delivery
We will change the way
technology is delivered across
the business. We will move away
from large, single outsourcing
arrangements which will see us
separate our technology estate
in order to remove the need
for large technology platform
replacement programmes. This
enables us to decide whether
an individual technology
service should be insourced or
outsourced, depending on the
suitability of a service rather than
the platform as a whole.

4. Our Target Operating Model
We will develop a new operating
model to equip us to provide
services in an effective way.

We will have succeded when...
We are working effectively with
new suppliers and are able to
deliver change collaboratively.

We have improved our disclosure

We are in control of meeting
our technology requirements.

We are a service that is based
on modern customer-focused

Strategic Priority:
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                         Our Profile, Objective Three

                         We will raise awareness of the DBS and the
                         services we offer, keeping people informed through
                         our communications, to increase public
                         understanding in our organisation.

                         Why is this important?                be raised for us to be known
                         Feedback from our customers           as a professional and trusted
                         is that they struggle to access       organisation. We know that not
                         DBS information and that our          all cases that require a barring
                         information is not always user-       referral to us reach us. We
                         friendly. While our customer          need to ensure our customers
                         satisfaction surveys are largely      know when and how to refer.
                         positive, we know we can improve      Internally we recognise the need
                         the information we provide about      to improve our communication
                         our services. Our customers want      which will encourage a OneDBS
                         to be able to access services         approach to support our staff.
                         digitally using mobile technology
                         and we want to provide a simple       How will we do It?
                         digital one-stop shop to access
                         all disclosure and barring services   1. New Website
                         and information. We acknowledge       We will develop an improved
                         that our profile with the general     website with greater autonomy
                         public and employers needs to         and functionality that is

currently available, in order        5. Internal Communication

                                                                                             DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                    to communicate effectively           We will design a
                    with the public and external         communications framework
                    partners. We will undertake          that ensures we communicate,
                    research to understand our           interact and engage with our
                    customers’ needs, ensure             staff so they are kept informed
                    the website is user-friendly         about all aspects of our work.
                    and that all our information is
                    easily accessible. The website       6. Staff Participation
                    will also facilitate transactional   and Engagement
                    services and the ability to refer    We will implement a new staff
                    to the DBS.                          engagement plan that will give
                                                         colleagues opportunities to
                    2. New Customer Technology           have continuous involvement
                    We will launch mobile                in how the organisation
                    technology that will provide         progresses. We will develop a
                    information about our services,      model that gives the DBS the
                    eligibility of checks and service    chance to have more authentic
                    levels, acting as a digital guide    conversations with our staff, so
                    to the DBS.                          they feel they are being listened
                                                         to and involved.
                    3. New Intranet
                    We will introduce an intranet        7. Image
                    that enables our people to           We will develop our image and
                    access the information they          strengthen our brand in order
                    need. We will undertake user         to establish our identity as a
                    research to determine what our       recognisable organisation in the
                    requirements are, work with our      safeguarding community.
                    commercial team and suppliers           This will involve using
                    to find the most appropriate         creative concepts to make our
                    product, and then develop it to      information more accessible
                    our specification.                   and understandable.
                       We will then carry out a
                    phased rollout, adopting and         We will know we have
                    driving a cultural change to use     succeeded when...
                    this new tool effectively.           We have increased awareness
‘We acknowledge
                                                         of the DBS and promoted the
that our profile    4. External Campaigns                role the organisation plays in
with the general    We will create strategic             ‘Making Recruitment Safer’.
public and          communication campaigns,
employers needs     based on information and             We have increased our staff
to be raised for    analysis, to target different        satisfaction.
                    areas and promote the DBS
us to be known
                    products. This will raise            Number of online and relevant
as a professional   awareness of the DBS and             referrals have increased.
and trusted         allow us to better safeguard
organisation.’      vulnerable groups in society.

Our Profile, Objective Four
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                         We will become a respected and trusted
                         organisation, working with our partners to play an in-
                         fluential role in the environment in which we operate.

                         Why is this important?                 understand their needs, grow
                         Our success in delivering our          our profile and improve the
                         strategy is dependent on               quality of our services.
                         working with our partners in a
                         collaborative way.                     2. We will Restructure to
                             During our discussions with        Deliver the Partnership Plan
                         key partners, they have made           We will bring together
                         it clear that they want a closer       the different teams in our
                         relationship with the DBS to help      organisation that oversee our
                         shape the future of how we provide     work with various partners and
                         our service so that their needs are    create one function that can
                         reflected.                             coordinate and deliver our
                             From our outreach work it is       plan, ensuring our relationships
                         clear that many employers do           with partners are productive and
                         not understand their duty to refer     meaningful.
                         to barring and our data supports
                         this. Without the right referrals at   3. We will Introduce
                         the appropriate time we are unable     Regional Outreach Workers
                         to bar an individual and prevent       We will provide advice and
                         them from working with vulnerable      guidance on eligibility for, and the
                         groups.                                correct use of, the DBS products
                             We need to work with our           and services to employers,
                         partners to raise awareness about      voluntary organisations, referring
                         the duty to refer and enable us        organisations and those we
                         to fulfil our statutory function.      seek information from in relation
                         During the cocreation of this          to referrals.
                         strategy our staff strongly echoed        We will raise awareness of
                         this view.                             the DBS in each region and act
                                                                as the point of contact for all
                         How will we do it?                     things DBS.

                         1. We will Develop a new               4. We will Develop our
                         Partnership Plan                       Relationship with the Home
                         A new plan will be agreed to help      Office and other Government
                         the DBS better manage all our          Departments
                         relationships with key partners.       We will work with colleagues
                         We will work with our partners to      across government, learn from

DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                         them and share best practice       conference for customers
‘We will provide         in our work. This will include     and partners to showcase the
advice and               sharing our research outcomes      changes we will deliver and
guidance on              and where appropriate              any changes in safeguarding
                         publishing our findings.           that impact our work.
eligibility for, and
the correct use of,      5. We will Develop a Work          8. We will Develop and
DBS products and         Programme with Registered          Implement an Intelligent
services to              Bodies and Responsible             Client Function
employers,               Organisations                      We will manage our
voluntary organi-        We will develop an ambitious       relationships with all our
                         work programme with the            suppliers more effectively
sations, referring
                         Registered Bodies, Umbrella        through a new function to
organisations and        Bodies and Responsible             drive value for money from
those we seek            Organisations to improve the       these contracts and ensure
information from in      quality of our services to the     innovation in delivery of our
relation to referral.’   public and ensure they have a      products and services.
                         voice in the changes we plan
                         to deliver.                        We will know we have
                                                            succeeded when...
                         6. We will Develop a               We have increased our
                         Work Programme with the            collaboration and effectiveness
                         Police                             with our partners.
                         We will develop an agreed
                         work programme with the            The number of barring referrals
                         Police to optimise our working     have increased.
                            This will consider what work    Improvements in performance
                         we currently send to the police    for all our services are tangible
                         and how the work is managed        and sustainable across our
                         within the police, in order to     end-to-end process.
                         speed up the delivery of the
                         results of their considerations.

                         7. We will Host an Annual
                         DBS Conference
                         We will organise an annual

Strategic Priority:
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                         Our People, Objective Five
                         We will develop a talented and diverse workforce that
                         understands how their contributions help to achieve
                         our objectives.

                         Why is it important?                    2. We will Create a new
                         To successfully deliver this strategy   Human Resources (HR) and
                         we need to be an effective and          Organisation Development
                         efficient organisation. We need to      Team
                         attract and retain skilled staff to     We will build on the current
                         continue to develop our business.       HR resource and capability for
                             Our people have lots of ideas       organisation development, with
                         and suggestions and want to             the academy, and to assist the
                         have a voice in our future. They        organisational culture change.
                         recognise, that in order to be
                         able to do their jobs to the very       3. We will Implement a new
                         best of their ability. they need to     Pay Policy
                         continuously develop their skills.      A pay policy will be implemented
                             We need a new culture that          which allows us to address
                         promotes OneDBS, is open and            discrepancies in pay and then
                         inclusive, encourages innovation,       build a sustainable model for
                         creativity and celebrates diversity,    the future. This will result in our
                         moving the DBS forward year             people having the opportunity to
                         on year.                                move through pay scales as they
                                                                 develop their skills. We will work
                         How will we do it?                      with government to deliver this.

                         1. We Will Develop a DBS                4. We will Implement a
                         Academy                                 new Reward and Recognition
                         We will develop a DBS academy           Scheme
                         that will focus on co-ordinating        A reward and recognition
                         all activity on learning and            scheme will be developed that
                         development. This will include          acknowledges and recognises
                         developing an accreditation             the achievements of our people,
                         scheme for specific roles and           making them feel valued.
                         ensuring continuous development
                         of our people.                          5. We will Implement a New
                                                                 HR System, Metis
                                                                 We will transition to a new HR
                                                                 system, Metis, which will allow

DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25
                       staff and managers to self-        work is managed efficiently
‘We will develop a     serve. Metis will also provide     and delivers the outcomes.
DBS academy that       new functionality to support
will focus on          learning activities, talent        8. Enhancing our work
                       management, and workforce          on Equality, Diversity and
co-ordinating all
                       planning. We will work with        Inclusion
activity on learning   government on this.                We will enhance representation
and development.’                                         of relevant groups in the
                       6. New Organisational              changes to our work ensuring
                       Structure                          our people have equal access
                       We will embed a new                to opportunities and ensuring
                       Senior Management and              fair treatment.
                       organisational structure to
                       ensure this strategy can be        We will know we have
                       delivered. Our senior              succeeded when...
                       managers will embrace our          Our overall staff engagement
                       new values and behaviours          index has improved.
                       to help us support our people
                       through the changes ahead.         Have a more diverse workforce.

                       7. New Business Change             We have a better trained and
                       and Transformation Function        supported workforce.
                       Set Up
                       We will create a fit-for-purpose   Our culture fits better with our
                       transformation function to         Values and Behaviours.
                       manage the exciting projects
                       and plans we have for the next     Metis is implemented.
                       five years. This will ensure our

Our People, Objective Six
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                             We will build a flexible, vibrant and contemporary
                                             workplace where our staff will be able to do their jobs
                                             using modern ways of working that are smart and
                                             which promote OneDBS.

                                             Why is it important?                     How will we do it?
                                             The DBS operates from two
                                             sites with most staff working in a       1. We will Agree a Smarter
                                             traditional office environment.          Working Policy
                                             We want to be an organisation            A new policy will be developed
                                             where flexibility is the default. We     to underpin the DBS moving to a
                                             will have the tools to allow our staff   fully operational smarter working
                                             to work remotely in a way that           arrangement. The policy will
                                             aids recruitment and retention and       include information on areas
                                             encourages increased productivity.       such as security and working
                                             We will have cutting edge, modern        hours, managed by outcome.
                                             facilities and accessible technology
                                             which gives everyone what they
                                             need to be effective.

                         ‘We will have
                         cutting edge,
                         modern facilities
                         and accessible
                         technology which
                         gives everyone
                         what they need to
                         be effective.’

2. We will Implement Remote
working Arrangements in
Darlington and Liverpool
The Smarter Working Policy will
identify the flexibility that each
member of staff will have in being

                                      SUBJECT TEXT
able to work from home, the
office or another building.

3. We will Redesign our
Darlington and Liverpool
We will modernise our spaces
to include collaborative spaces,
modern facilities and a better
working environment.

4. We will Introduce a Staff
Wellbeing Plan
We will develop an integrated
staff wellbeing plan to
support the new ways of
working. This will promote
mental and physical health,
and support staff to achieve
greater wellbeing.

5. An Innovative Green Plan
We will develop and
implement a sustainable work
environment which is cost-
efficient. This includes how
we can reduce wastage and
improve our workspace so that
it inspires and attracts our staff,
and the provision of electric
charging points.

We will know we have
succeded when...
We have increased staff
satisfaction with their working

Our productivity has improved.

We generate less waste.

Supporting Our Strategy
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                         Governance                             of applications for checks and
                         The Board will oversee the             Update Service subscriptions
                         delivery of this strategy and will     received each year. Fees for
                         work closely with the Home Office      Standard and Enhanced DBS
                         in doing so. The Board has set up      checks and the Update Service
                         a Change Committee which will          allow volunteer applications to
                         meet regularly to assure the           be processed free-of-charge.
                         strategy’s progress. Similar           The fee income generated from
                         arrangements are in place at           checks also funds our Barring
                         executive level. We will review the    operation.
                         strategy after three years and make        We will set a budget within
                         any necessary adjustments based        each annual Business Plan which
                         on our progress and external           will include the costs for delivery
                         environment.                           of this strategy. Over the period
                                                                of the plan we will regularly
                         Transformation and Programme           review our fees to ensure that
                         Management                             our costs are aligned, and that
                         A new Business Change and              we are adhering to the principles
                         Transformation Directorate is          of managing public money.
                         being set up to secure the right           We recognise there is a
                         capacity and capability to deliver     cost for our services borne by
                         this strategy and to ensure the        employers and individuals, and
                         right programme and project            we aim to improve our efficiency
                         management arrangements are in         so that we can reduce our fees
                         place to deliver the key priorities.   over the course of the strategy.

                         Finance and Funding                    Reporting on Delivery
                         We are funded by the fees from our     In each year’s Business Plan
                         disclosure customers. Our income       the Board will agree a set of
                         is dependent upon the volumes          targets and measures to monitor

our progress in delivering       products and services and the       DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

‘This DBS strategy     the strategy. We will report     range of actions we will take
is ambitious and       our progress through our         to deliver this. The next five
focused on quality,    Annual Report and Accounts.      years will be a journey of
                       Both our publications will be    continuous improvement and
profile and people.’   available through our website.   will see significant and positive
                                                        change. We will continue to
                       Conclusion                       look to the future and ensure
                       This DBS strategy is ambitious   that we never fall behind.
                       and focused on quality and       Our ultimate aim is to enable
                       people. It provides clarity of   employers to make safer
                       our purpose, vision, strategic   recruitment decisions. We
                       priorities and objectives, how   look forward to working with
                       we will behave and the values    our staff, our partners and the
                       we embody. It sets out what      public to ensure that the DBS
                       we want to achieve in order      plays its role in this important
                       to improve the quality of our    safeguarding arena.

Our Strategy on a Page
DBS STRATEGY 2020 - 25

                                                                                                               e have developed a                                                                                               reflect what we plan to deliver
                                                                                                               simple visual to show our                                                                                        in the remaining years of the
                                                                                                               vision, strategic priorities,                                                                                    strategy. A more detailed version
                                                                                                    objectives and our initial high level                                                                                       will be produced and published
                                                                                                    plan of work. Our initial focus has                                                                                         in our annual Business Plan each
                                                                                                    been on what we will deliver in the                                                                                         year showing our specific
                                                                                                    first few years of this strategy. We                                                                                        actions and changes that will
                                                                                                    will update this visual in 2023 to                                                                                          be delivered in that timeframe.

                                                                                      YEAR 1                                                    YEAR 2                                             YEAR 3 - 5
                                                                                                                                                          1.2 Maintain

                                                                        1.1 Develop a New
                                                                                                                                1.1 Implement a New
                                                                                                                                Vision for our Customer
                                                                                                                                                          Legislative Change.
                                                                                                                                                                                            1.2 Continue to maintain
                                                                                                                                                                                            Legislative Change.                                                                        Making
                                                                        Vision for our Customer
                                                                        Journey for all Services.
                                                                                                        1.4 Develop
                                                                                                                                Journey for all Services. 1.4 Continue to
                                                                                                                                                           develop our Insight                                                               3.1 Continue to                      Recruitment Safer
                                                                                                        our Insight and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DBS 2025
                                                                                                                                      1.3 Embed Barring and Intelligence.                                                                    Improve the Website.
                                                                                                        Intelligence.                                                                                    2.3 Technology
                                                                           1.2 Implement                                               and Safeguarding                                                                            3.2 Continue to improve
                                                Deliver reliable,                                                                                                                                        Deliver.
                                                                           Legislative Change.                                           Improvements.                                                                             Customer Technology.
                                             consistent timely and
                                                                                                          1.5 Introduce                                                          2.4 Implement our
                                              accessible services                                                                                                                                                      3.5 Continue to embed
                                                                                                          a new Barring                                    2.2 Embed             Target Operating
                                            for all our customers.             1.3 Introduce Barring                                                                                                                   Internal Comms.
                                                                                                          Portal.                                          Platform Refresh.     Model.
                                                                                and Safeguarding                                                                                                                              3.4 Continue to
                                                                                  Improvements.                                                           2.3 Continue to                                                     develop External
                                                                                                                            2.3 Transition to             Transition to Service            3.5 Embed                          Campaigns.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4. Continue to learn
                                                                                                                            Service Buy or                Buy or Build                     Internal Communications.                                        to learn from our
                                                                                                                            Build approach.               approach.
                                                                                                                                                                            3.4 Develop further External Campaigns.                                        partners.
                                                                                                 2.1 Transfer to
                                                                                                 new Technology and         2.4 Develop our
                                                                                                 Customer Contact           Target Operating                            3.2 Embed new                3.3 Itterate

                                                                                                 Centre Suppliers.          Model.                                      Customer Technology.         Intranet.              4.1 Implement a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5.1 Continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            new Partnership Plan.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         evaluate and learn
                                                                                                    2.2 Platform Refresh.                        3.5 Enhance Internal              3.1 New Website.                 4.3 Evaluate our                                                     from our workforce.
                                                              Embrace technology                                                                 Communications.                                                                          4.4 Build on our

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Regional Outreach
                                                              to drive improvements                                                                                                                                                       Relationship with
                                                                                                                               3.1 Devleop a                                                                        Workers.
                                                            in the quality of our work.                                                             3.6 Continue to Embed                                                                 the Home Office and
                                                                                                                               new Website.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.5 Continue to work                other Government
                                                                                                                                                    Staff Engagement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with Registered Bodies           Departments to             5.1 Launch a
                                                                                                                     3.2 Develop a new
                                                                                                                                                 3.7 Develop new DBS                                        and Responsible               support policy.            DBS Academy.
                                                                                                                     Customer Technology.
                                                                                                                                                 branding.                                                     Organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4.6 Implement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5.2 Enhance our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a Work Programme
                                                                                                                             3.4 Introduce External Campaigns.                      4.1 Develop a new                                                           Human Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with the Police.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Partnership Plan.                                                         and Organisation                                   6.3 Implement new
                                                                                                                                       3.3 Develop a                                                                                                         Development Team.
                                                                                              Raise awareness of                                                        4.2 Restructure                                                                                                                          design of Darlington
                                                                                                                                       New Intranet.                                             4.4 Continue to develop our
                                                                                           the DBS and the services                                                     to Deliver the                                                                                                                           and Liverpool Offices.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Relationship with the Home
                                                                                          we offer by keeping people                                                    Partnership Plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Office and other
                                                                                             informed through our                                                                                                                                                                                              6.5 Refresh
                                                                                                                                                              4.3 Introduce Regional             Government Departments.
                                                                                          communications, to increase                                                                                                                                                                                          our Green Plan and
                                                                                                                                                              Outreach Workers.
                                                                                             public understanding                                                                                                                            5.1 Develop a                                                     deliver against a
                                                                                              in our organisation.                                                                                         4.6 Develop a Work
                                                                                                                                                                    4.5 Develop a Work Programme                                             DBS Academy.                                                      stretch target.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Programme with the
                                                                                                                                                                        with Registered Bodies and         Police.                     5.2 Create a new      5.5 Continue to embed
                                                                                                                                                                            Responsible                                               Human Resources        a new HR System, Metis.
                                                                                                                                                                                Organisations.                                      and Organisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                 4.7 Host an                       Development Team.    5.8 Enhance our work on                           6.1 Agree a Smarter
                                                                                               PR                                                                                                Annual DBS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.                Working Policy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5.3 Implement a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pay Policy.               5.6 Implement a new                       6.2 Implement

                                                                                                                                                   Be a respected and trusted                                                                                                                     Remote working      6.4 Introduce a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Organisational Structure.
                                                                                                     E                                            organisation, working with our
                                                                                                                                                  partners to play an influential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5.4 Implement a new                                                 Arrangements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in Darlington and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Staff Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Reward and Recognition    5.7 Implement a new
                                                                                                                                                 role in the environment in which                                                                                                             Liverpool.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Scheme.         Business Change and
                                                                                                                                                             we operate.                                                                                                                                               6.5 Develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Transformation                     6.3 Redesign           an ambitious
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Function Set Up.                   our Darlington and     Green Plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Liverpool Offices.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Develop a talented and diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         workforce that understands how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         their contributions help to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   our objectives.                                            Build a flexible and vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        workplace where our staff will be able
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to do their jobs using modern ways of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         working that are smart and promote

                         This document will be updated in 2023.

Find out more about DBS

Visit our website at: www.gov.uk/dbs

Find us on our various social media platforms:

Twitter: @DBSgovuk
LinkedIn: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Youtube: Disclosure and Barring Service

Contact us:

PO BOX 165, L3 1QY
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