DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia

Page created by Jesus Benson
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Reflection                                                                        CONTENTS                                                                       2020...
           ~ by Anne Muirhead

                                                                                                                                                                                       a year like
           For God loves a cheerful giver…
           ~ St Paul
                                                                                      Message from the EO 

                                                                                      Global Project Snapshot

                                                                                                                                                                                      few before.
                                                                                      Supporting Empowering Projects                                                                    ike me, you potentially spent much of                               lasting legacy of Mary Ward, the power of
           It is in giving that we receive…
                                                                                                                                                                                         it glued to all manner of screens as                                our global network, and the role of all who
           ~ St Francis
                                                                                      Generosity Makes Life                                                                              fire ravaged across our country, only                               are a part of it. All that has been, and will
                                                                                      and Hope Go Round                                  6                                      to be surpassed by a virus that itself spread                               continue to be achieved, is a tribute to each
           Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous,                                       By Sr Margaret Mary Flynn ibvm                                                             like global wildfire. This year has led many of                             of you who contribute in so many ways.
           to give without counting the cost…                                                                                                                                    us to introspection, to rethink our individual                                  The seeds of our community are often
                                                                                                                                                                                 purpose and what matters most.                                              planted and nurtured within the Loreto
           ~ St Ignatius of Loyola                                                    113 Years of Connection                            8
                                                                                                                                                                                      For some, myself included, it has led                                  classrooms. I congratulate and thank our
                                                                                      By Madeleine Carter
                                                                                                                                                                                 to new opportunities. Joining the Loreto                                    Loreto students, teachers and alumni
           As we approach Christmas, the great                                                                                                                                   network has been a joy and a privilege,                                     for their incredible fundraising efforts,
           season of giving, these three wise men                                     Something More Than Ordinary 9                                                            picking up the baton from Kim Nass, who                                     particularly while in lockdown! As the young
           highlight the gift that is giving.                                         By Francesca Torcasio Barberis                                                             continues on new adventures. I have been                                    so often show us, we all have a role to play as
                                                                                                                                                                                 greeted with warmth, generosity and                                         we work toward a common vision. To quote
                                                                                      Amphan Devastation                               10                                       awe-inspiring smarts and resilience from all                                anthropologist Margaret Mead: “Never
           In a year that has seen front-line
                                                                                      By Sr Monica Suchiang ibvm                                                                 in this global community.                                                   doubt that a small group of thoughtful
           medical workers give their very lives to                                                                                                                                   This edition of Sustain demonstrates                                   committed citizens can change the world.
           care for those afflicted, we are invited
                                                                                      Thank You for Caring                              11                                      the breadth and impact of this community                                    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
           to ponder the paradox of giving and                                                                                                                                   of which you are part. Deeply engaged in                                        I thank you all for so warmly welcoming
                                                                                      Pandemic Response Impact by Michelle Gale
           receiving in and with love. We continue                                                                                                                               both MWIA and Loreto Kirribilli, Madeleine                                  me into your community, the Loreto and
           to receive so much from unexpected                                                                                                                                    reflects on this bond, which for some, like                                 MWIA family. I wish you good health,
                                                                                      Mary Ward Health
                                                                                                                                                                                 the Victorian family featured, has been                                     happiness and love over the Christmas
           people across these pandemic days                                          Centre Rumbek                                    12                                       “a consistent thread through their lives”.                                  period, and I look forward to all that we will
           and are humbled by simple acts of                                          An Interview with Sr Orla Treacy ibvm                                                      As Sr Orla shares from South Sudan, it is                                   achieve together in 2021.
           generosity.                                                                                                                                                           this sense of community that has kept her
                                                                                      Schools in Solidarity                            14                                       strong when faced with adversity.                                           Warmly,
           It is to you, with gratitude for your                                      By Anne Muirhead                                                                                Both Srs Orla and Margaret Mary, while
           giving, that all of us at MWIA dedicate                                                                                                                               living oceans apart, share stories of how
                                                                                      Donate16                                                                                  this generosity of spirit, which is at the core
           this edition of Sustain.
                                                                                                                                                                                 of this community, directly translates into
                                                                                      Help Make a Better Future Possible this Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                 tangible impact and positive change in                                      Hannah George
                                                                                                                                                                                 people’s lives. Their stories demonstrate the                               Executive Officer

                          COVER*                        ABOUT US                                                    Mary Ward International    MARY WARD                                                                                     ACCOUNTABILITY
                                                                                                                    Australia respectfully
                          Children learning             Mary Ward International Australia is a
                                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA                                                                       AND ACCREDITATION
                                                                                                                    acknowledges all
                          in the Brickfields            registered charity and is the Australian      Traditional Custodians of the land and   PO Box 4082, Auburn South, VIC 3122                                                           MWIA is a full member of the Australian Council
                          school project.               and global development organisation           waters of Australia. We pay respect      Ph: 03 9813 4023  E:                                               for International Development (ACFID). We are
                                                        of the Loreto Sisters. Our Mission is         to their Elders, past and present, and B V F                                                                         committed and fully adhere to the ACFID Code of
                                                        to support the development works              young leaders of today and the future.                                                                                                 Conduct, managing our work with transparency,
                                                        associated with the Loreto Sisters and        Mary Ward International Australia        Executive Officer:               Hannah George                                                accountability and integrity. MWIA is an approved
                          *Consent for all imagery of
                                                        their colleagues as they empower women        commits itself to the ongoing work of    Ph: 0448 393 479                 E:                               organisation under the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction
                          children and young people
                          used in this publication      to transform structures and systems that      reconciliation with our First Nations    Art Direction &                  Les Hallack Creative                                         Scheme (OAGDS) and endorsed by the Australian
                          has been received.            keep them oppressed and marginalised.         families and communities.                Graphic Design:                                                   Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TICK OF CHARITY REGISTRATION (REGISTERED CHARITY TICK

    Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                      Sustain is printed in Australia on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, using sustainable printing practices.                                                                  VISUAL BRAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Global Snapshot
                                                                                                                                                                                             PROJECTS 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                             FUNDING NEED

                                                                                                                                                                                             AUSTR A LI A :
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Eliminating Forced Marriage
                                                                                                                                                                                               (ACRATH) | $46,200
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	The Bourke Men’s Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                               (CatholicCare) | $20,000
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Right Bite Program
                                                                                                                                                                                               (House of Welcome) | $4,000

                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Darjeeling Mary Ward Social
                                                                                                                                                                                               Centre | $50,000
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Kolkata Mary Ward Social
                                                                                                                                                                                               Centre | $45,000

                                                                                                                                                                                             K E N YA
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Termination of FGM | $27,500
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Nyumbani Tertiary Scholarships | $8,030

                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Tailoring Project | $6,900

                                                                                                                                                                                             SOUTH SUDAN
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Loreto Health Care Support
         PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS                                      TIMOR-LESTE:                                                                                                                  Project | $25,000
                                                                 Loreto Ostico Building Project
                                                                 A new building project will commence to enhance                Kolkota Mary Ward Social Centre                              TIMOR-LESTE
         Z AMBIA:                                                education initiatives in the village of Ostico. A Community    Houses have been repaired or built to assist those           •	Ostico Community Centre
                                                                 Development Centre and a Loreto Sister residence will          whose homes were severely impacted by Cyclone                  & Loreto Residence | $1,214,240
         Lunch Feeding Program for School Children
                                                                 be built, further enabling the Loreto Sisters in their long-   Amphan in May. Cyclone Support Kits were distributed
         This new project is feeding orphans and vulnerable
                                                                 lasting commitment to the people of Timor-Leste.               to families in need. The contents of a kit included food,
         children attending a local school in Lukulu. This                                                                                                                                   VIETNAM
                                                                                                                                clothing, cooking utensils, essential personal items
         may be the only meal for the day for those from
         impoverished homes. Some pupils camp in shacks in
                                                                 SOUTH SUDAN:                                                   such as soap, detergent, and bandages, and various           •	John XXIII Training Scholarships | $5,000
         Lukulu township and try to find work after school and   The Mary Ward Primary Health Care Centre
                                                                                                                                emergency shelter items such as tarpaulins, mats, tin        •	IBVM Hostel Scholarships | $4,000
                                                                                                                                sheets, and mosquito nets.
         on the weekend to pay rent and buy food. When work      The Health Centre in Rumbek provides essential health
         cannot be found, hunger is evident during lessons.      services, particularly to vulnerable children, women,                                                                       Z AMBIA
                                                                                                                                K E N YA :
         Some students opt to miss school in order to pursue     and the elderly. MWIA is investing funds to ensure
         odd jobs to survive. Providing students with a meal     that community members can access free medical                 Nyumbani Scholarship Program
                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Lukulu Teacher Training | $11,550
         at lunch time will reduce truancy, improve academic     consultations, testing, and treatment, despite the             Two candidates supported to attend college to receive        •	Baby Milk Project | $15,928
         performance and prevent nutritional related illness.    current local and global pandemic challenges.                  tertiary diplomas in Social Work and Guidance Counselling.

4   Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                                                                                    Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
       makes life (and hope)
        go round

                                                     in Ostico, Timor-Leste
         ~ by Sr Margaret Mary Flynn ibvm

                 uco Ostico is a relatively          funding for the community to develop       infectious, as children, teachers, and
                 small village of approximately      an agribusiness. This disappointment       families observe the transformation
                 2,000 people, roughly 15            led to a very generous donor hearing       in amazement.
         kilometres southwest of Baucau,             of the dream and assisting with funds           All   involved    consider     this
         where the road climbs towards               for the purchase of a tractor, training,   renovation to be a hugely significant
         encroaching, barren mountains.              and horticultural supplies.                development, giving witness to
         The land is mainly flat and very                The saying ‘generosity makes           the importance of education and
         fertile but has until now only been         the world go round’ was starting to        bringing life and colour to the school
         used for subsistence farming. The           become a reality within a circle of        environment.        These     refreshed
         village still bears many reminders          relationships connecting the Ostico        classrooms will serve as a symbol of
         of the ravaging of Indonesian               community, Loreto Sisters, MWIA,           hope in a country where educational
         forces in retaliation to the vote for       several incredibly generous donors,        resources are few, and standards
         independence.                               and our Loreto schools. Over the           of education so low (37% illiteracy
              It was two years ago that the          last two years, our Mary Ward circle       among young people). We trust that
         Bishop of Baucau Diocese, Bishop            has gradually expanded its support         this injection of new life will serve to                                                                             2
         Basilio Nasciamento, asked the              of Ostico with generosity of spirit at     inspire levels of teaching and learning
         Ostico community if the Loreto              its core.                                  that lead to bright futures for many
         Sisters could move from their rented            Right now, a major donor is            young people in Ostico.                    Timor-Leste, to families, friends,
         accommodation in Baucau to live             funding the building of the Sisters’            The community is so proud of          and Loreto schools in many parts of
         within their community. From this           Community Centre and Residence,            this development, it is planning for       Australia. Donor families receive great
         moment, a mutually supportive               the agribusiness is going from             an inauguration festival to which they     fulfilment from visits, and we hope
         friendship began with a warmth of           strength to strength, and the Primary      will invite the Minister of Education.     when travel is once again possible,
         welcome and a generous offer to             School, well, that is another story!       Meanwhile, community leaders are           that we can welcome all those who
         freely give land to the Sisters to build        Some of the school buildings           thinking of ways they could further        have given such life-giving support,
         according to their needs.                   were destroyed in 2000, and, as            advance access to education in such        so they too can feel the joy and hope
              So, the planning began, with the       a stark reminder, their unsightly          a life-giving space.                       that their generosity has created.
         Sisters’ desire not only to build a house   foundations remain a hazard within              The Loreto Sisters teach English          A big ‘thank you’ to all in our Loreto
         for the training of young Timorese          the school grounds. Over the last          to members of the community, and           and MWIA network for this story of
         women who wish to become Loreto             twenty years, children have attended       thanks to several donors, they are         kindness and hope, which I believe,
         Sisters, but also a Centre for the          school in the two remaining blocks         training women to develop business         has many chapters still to come!
         Ostico community to use for various         of classrooms that visitors describe       and cooking skills to support the
         development projects.                       as being ‘fit only for demolition’.        agribusiness project with the sale
              In 2018, in response to the            Again, a very generous donation            of products.
         generosity of the Ostico community,         from an Australian family has funded            From the beginning, generosity
         and in consultation with its leaders,       the renovation of one of the blocks        has indeed made ‘life go round’            1: All but the windows
         Loreto and MWIA tried unsuccessfully        and brought such joy and hope to           across the Timor Sea to include a          2: Before renovations began
         to attract Australian government            the community. Their happiness is          wide circle of friends from Ostico,        3-4: Newly renovated and ready for students   3   4

6   Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                                                                        Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Helen (Healy) Marron, front row middle, of the 1942 Jubilarians

                                                                        years                                                                                                                                         Something
                                                                            of connection                                                                                                                             more than
                                                                        ~ by Madeleine Carter

               n a year of isolation, it is important                   Provincial. Helen recalled her mother
               to reflect on the bonds between                          telling her, “Mother Gonzaga Barry
               the MWIA community and the                               was revered, she was a presence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The UN through the lens
           Loreto Sisters.                                              at Mary’s Mount on Sundays where                                                                                                              of a youth representative
               Whilst for some this connection is                       she would have afternoon tea with
           new, for other families the affiliation                      students in their final year and share                                                                                                        ~ by Francesca Torcasio Barberis
           spans decades and weaves a                                   social behaviour etiquette lessons.”

           consistent thread throughout their                           Mother Gonzaga would impress on                                      Helen (Healy)
                                                                                                                                               Marron and
           lives. For one family this connection                        the students to be Mary Ward Women                                          family           ver a year ago, I wrote an article for Sustain                                       Even though I returned home to Melbourne
           extends over four generations (113                           and contribute to their community.                                                           anticipating my internship with the Loreto                                       two months early due to the aggressive COVID-19
           years) with a living connection to                                In 1914, Dossie travelled to        warm women. Our nuns were gentle,                   United Nations office in New York.                                               outbreak in NYC, I was able to continue my role as
           Mother Gonzaga Barry.                                        Melbourne to train as a nurse,           wise and impressed on us that we                Now, a year on, I reflect on the four months I                                       youth representative through Friday night online
               Helen     (Healy)     Marron      and                    graduating as the Spanish Flu            were loved by God as we are. Loreto         spent in New York, from November until March                                             meetings with Cecilia O’Dwyer in Spain, Cynthia
           Elizabeth (Healy) Callanan’s mother                          took hold. In 1918 she married Dr        is my family in so many ways”               this year, leaving earlier than planned due to                                           Mathew in India, and Janet Palafox in Sydney,
           Kathleen Tunbridge, fondly known as                          Michael Healy who was training at St         Helen    recalled    her   Jubilee      COVID-19. I remember waking up on chilly NYC                                             hosting webinars with young panelists from all over
           ‘Dossie’, was born in 1895 in Ballarat.                      Vincent’s Hospital and they had five     celebration      where      graduating      mornings, catching the crowded subway each                                               the globe, and even jumping on a Financing for
           Dossie and her siblings Alma, Nancy                          children Margaret, Tony, Ian, Helen      students were crowned with a fresh          day from Brooklyn to Grand Central Station, and                                          Development Zoom call at 3:20 in the morning.
           and Jack attended Loreto Convent                             and Elizabeth.                           garland of flowers made by Mother           walking to my destination - either the IBVM/CJ UN                                            The Mary Ward family extends globally, beyond
           Dawson Street for their junior years                              Mother Michael Gibson contacted     Andrew. This tradition continues for        NGO Office on Third Avenue or the United Nations                                         the familiar ‘Loreto’ we know in Australia. It was truly
           and then Mary’s Mount from 1907                              Dossie and encouraged her as an          Loreto graduates today.                     Headquarters in Manhattan.                                                               an honour to represent such a vibrant, passionate,
           to 1913. Despite living 500 metres                           ex-student to send her daughters             Helen’s connection to Mandeville            As a youth representative, every single day                                          and diverse network at a place like the United Nations,
           away, they were required to attend                           to Loreto Convent Mandeville Hall.       Hall continued when she started             looked different. Some days, my role was to                                              and, especially, to represent the tens of thousands of
           as boarders and were allowed one                             Mother Michael wanted the Loreto         teaching Year 6 in 1960. Sister             represent young people within the IBVM and CJ                                            young people connected to Mary Ward.
           family visit per month.                                      Spirit in the school and organised       Ruth Winship welcomed Helen                 network, particularly sharing stories about the                                              The IBVM/CJ UN office provides an opportunity
               Dossie was at Mary’s Mount when                          bursaries and subsidies for many ex-     as a teacher and shepherded her             experiences of young women and girls across our                                          to take the stories and experiences of women in the
           Mother Gonzaga Barry lived in the                            students to facilitate this.             through her first year. Helen taught        global network. On other days, I advocated for                                           smallest communities in India to the global stage
           community and was Loreto’s Mother                                 Helen started at Mandeville Hall    at Mandeville Hall until 1977.              youth more broadly.                                                                      and advocate for a better and more equal world for
                                                                        in 1935, Helen remembered, “Sr.              The association continued with              There was little youth representation at                                             women and girls.
                                                                        Tarcisius, Mother Claire, Mother         Helen’s daughter Sally (Stagg) and          the UN on many issues. I aimed to challenge                                                  This year the United Nations commemorates
                                                                        Francis, Mother Francesca - all the      granddaughter Jessica (Stagg) who           speakers, presenters, and decision-makers to                                             its 75th anniversary. The UN is prioritising ways for
                                                                        Loreto Nuns were our friends, and        both attended Mandeville Hall, with         consider the perspectives and experiences of                                             every global citizen to engage, sharing concerns,
                                                                        we loved them. They were wonderful,      Jessica graduating in 2004.                 young people, particularly in circumstances                                              challenges, and hopes for the UN.
                                                                                                                                                             where young people are highly impacted or put                                                COVID-19 demonstrates exactly why global
                                                                                                                                                             at risk by policies and decisions.                                                       collaboration and connection is essential, and why
                                                                                                                                                                 On other days, my role was to engage young                                           the role of the UN in uniting countries against a
                                                                              When I started teaching at                                                     people within the United Nations and IBVM/CJ                                             deadly virus that affects every human being is
                                                                              Mandeville I felt at home, I was                                               networks. This was my favourite aspect of the                                            critical. If not the UN, who could do this? I encourage

                                                                              back in the world I grew up in.”                                               internship, having now made connections with
                                                                                                                                                             other Mary Ward women from Kenya, India, the UK,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      everyone connected to the Loreto community to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      share your hopes for the United Nations here:
              Kathleen (Dossie) Turnbridge and family                                           ~ Helen (Healy) Marron                                       and beyond.                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                             Image: Francesca Torcasio Barberis at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City
                       If you would like to share your family connection with Loreto please email:

8   Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                             for Caring - Pandemic Response Impact

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ by Michelle Gale

             Devastation                                                                                                                                               R
                                                                                                                                                                               ight now, our Sisters and project partners are operating in countries where COVID-19 infection rates are escalating.
                                                                                                                                                                               The levels of stress they continue to face, without knowing when this may end or when lockdown conditions will
                                                                                                                                                                               ease, cannot be denied. Despite these challenges, their focus on supporting those in poverty has been inspiring.
                                                                                                                                                                       None of this is possible without you - our supporters. Your generosity and selflessness throughout this trying time has
                                                                                                                                                                       been incredible. Here, we share some of the impacts your donations have made locally and globally, reminding us of our
                                                                                                                                                                       interconnectedness in this time of health crisis, and supporting those in our Mary Ward family and beyond.
                   ~ by Sr Monica Suchiang ibvm

                                                                                                                                                                       RUMBEK, SOUTH SUDAN                                                                                               Auntie receiving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          milk for orphan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LUKULU,                              baby Ngambo
                                                                                                                                                                       At the Mary Ward Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC), Rumbek, South
                                                                                                                                                                       Sudan, our nurses and interns are not only focusing on COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                       prevention and education, they are also extremely busy treating                In Lukulu, Zambia,
                                                                                                                                                                       malaria. One nurse states “When the rainy season starts, the grass in          the Integrated Health
                                                                                                                                                                       our villages grows tall and the area becomes infested with mosquitoes.         Care Support Program
                                                                                                                                                                       This leads to a massive spread of malaria. Malaria has been the                (IHCSP)       witnesses
                                                                                                                                                Mud huts repaired      biggest health challenge for our community in July and August. At              increased hardship for
                                                                                                                                              and families assisted,   the PHCC, we have treated over 700 malaria cases for this season”.             mothers and guardians of orphan babies.
                                                                                                                                                   recovering from
                                                                                                                                                 impact of cyclone     Recently, a truck filled with medicines,                                       The struggle to provide the basics for their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Boy being treated at Mary Ward
                                                                                                                                                    Amphan, India      medical equipment, personal protective Primary Health Care Centre              families is compounded by the prices of
                                                                                                                                                                       provisions and various supplies arrived                                        goods escalating due to the lockdown

          n May, while India was struggling                 On Sagar Island, anxious starving       for supporting us through food and                                 after a long journey from Nairobi, Kenya.                                      in Lukasa, including milk for vulnerable
          with Coronavirus and its deadly               children, women and older people            other aids.”                                                       Water tanks for hand washing have also                                         babies. Food hampers and milk have been
          impact, super cyclone Amphan                  waited for help. Amphan had ravaged             Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre                                been supplied, and twenty-five Loreto                                          distributed to families in need. The current
      ravaged the coastal areas of West                 their lives. In the village, women from     sends sincere gratitude to donors                                  Rumbek graduates have been working in                                          Program support vehicle assists the IHCSP
      Bengal. Lakhs (100,000’s) of people               the tribal community broke into tears       and well-wishers for extending their                               the community each day to educate and                                          to educate villagers about COVID-19, its
      were left homeless without food.                  and cried out:                              support which has enabled us to                                    deliver food and water to those in need.                                       prevention, and distributes soap.
      Livelihoods were snatched away as                                                             stand with the Amphan affected
      cattle and crops were destroyed.                  Why does God put                            victims during their time of crisis.
          Kolkata    Mary      Ward
      Centre (KMWSC) has supported the
                                                        us through so much                                                                                                                              SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA                             KENYA
      marginalised and migrant sections of              pain? He could                                                                                                                                  House of Welcome (HoW), Australia,            The Loreto Sisters in Kenya facilitate the
      Kolkata society for over two decades.
      Currently, it supports districts in
                                                        simply kill us.”                                                                                                                                located in Granville NSW, has responded to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the needs of refugees and people seeking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Termination of Female Genital Mutilation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (FGM) Project. Fears of curses, myths,
      Kolkata, West Bengal and Nawada in                Their houses crumbled on the night                                                                                                              asylum. Asylum seekers are unable to          and taboos related to FGM, discourage
      Bihar state.                                      of the deadly cyclone. Most were            Families homes                                                                                      access support from the government, and       many communities from abandoning
                                                                                                    provided with
          Cyclone Amphan left significant               clad in tattered sarees, the only piece     temporary roofing                                                                                   many are solely reliant on charities for      the practice, despite fines and the well-
      destruction in Kolkata and other areas.           of cloth they had. Many of the men          after cyclone                                                                                       survival, particularly during the COVID-19    known health dangers. Unfortunately,
                                                                                                    Amphan, India
      The roofs of centres and schools were             only wore a “Gamchha”, a local towel.                                                                                                           pandemic. Over 106 new clients have           due to the COVID-19 lockdown, there
      scattered and destroyed. Incessant                Some children had nothing to wear at                                                                                                            sought support – all are experiencing         has been an increase in FGM cases, child
      rains, power failures, and waterlogged            all. There were hardly any grains left in                                                                                                       financial distress; some have rental          abuse, pregnancies, and early marriages.
      streets and fields characterised the ill-         the remains to sustain them.                                                                                                                    arrears, and others face food insecurity.     The Sisters have focused their work on
      fated event.                                           In the words of Parbati Bhakta*                                                                           Preparation of food deliveries   In partnership with MWIA, food and crisis     equipping trainers, who will reach and
          The Cyclone Response team of                  a Lodha tribal mother of 2 children,                                                                           at the House of Welcome          accommodation has been provided.              support more girls and communities.
      KMWSC continues to provide food                   “My house has been completely
      packages in the village of Pathan Khali           destroyed by the cyclone. I have been
      and surrounding areas, to stranded                sleeping under the stars ever since. I                                                                              Thank you for your support of our MWIA global projects at this crucial time. We are privileged to address the
      migrants of the brickfields and to the            am thankful to KMWSC for arranging                                                                                   most basic needs of people, at a time when it has become far too apparent that they are without the same
      slum and red-light areas of Kolkata.              shelter for my children and myself and                          Solar lanterns provided for families                         economic and social safety nets as we have. On behalf of the people we serve, thank you.
                                                                                                                          in India to study, cook, sew and
                                                                                                                                    fish after-dark
      * Name changed to protect identity, privacy and safety.

 Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Mary Ward
               Health Centre
               Rumbek                                                           An interview with Sr Orla Treacy ibvm
                                                                                                                                                                                         SOUTH SUDAN
                                                                                                                                                                                         CASE STUDIES:

          never wanted to be a missionary       lives, their education and their dreams.   to access health care while in school.                                                        MAKUR MANYUAT, a father of eleven children
          when I joined Loreto in 1998, or so   In school you see transformation           Health education undertaken by the                                                            from the nearby village of Aber. He is grateful
          I thought. In 2004, as the Sisters    every day. I have the privilege of         clinic has improved public health.                                                            for the free medical care that his family receives
      discerned a new mission, I spent some     seeing our students come full circle. I    The community is largely traditional                                                          from the PHCC. He says “I am very glad for this
      weeks in India meeting many of our        have welcomed them to school, seen         – most illnesses and infections are                                                           clinic because it is saving us in different ways,
      older missionary Sisters. I admired       them go on to university, graduate,        the result of poor personal care and                                                          like giving us free medicine. In other clinics,
      their life and commitment – the           marry, work, become mothers and            hygiene practices. Health education                                                           medicine is very expensive and the distance
                                                                                                                                     Sr Orla with Mr Charles Yuga
      seed was planted. At the time, I was      return to help their family, community     for students and local workers in the     the Head teacher at Loreto                          from our villages to town is very far and most
      working in Dublin as a teacher and        and country.                               community has led to a dramatic           Girls Secondary School                              people walk there even when sick.” He also
      chaplain in a school with many social         The pandemic presented a               reduction in cases of diarrhoea, skin                                                         appreciates the health education from the
      issues - a great challenge, I loved it.   unique challenge at Loreto, as it did      infection and respiratory illness.                                                            clinic and the contribution the clinic makes to
          When our Sisters decided on           globally. Once active COVID-19 cases           The community is evolving. The                                                            children attending school. “The clinic is not only
      the mission to South Sudan, I was         were discovered in South Sudan,            years of support provided by MWIA                                                             providing us with medical attention but also
      drawn to volunteer. I love travel,        the government shut down learning          donors have made an incredible                                                                with health education that is always carried out
      new experiences and adventure;            institutions. Students of Loreto           transformation in access to health and                                                        before treatment. We feel so good that the clinic
      this was definitely going to be all of    Primary and Loreto Girls Secondary         education. Despite ever-changing                                                              is in our community because it is helping mostly
      that. The proposal to start a girls’      School were sent home. During              needs and communal challenges,                                                                the young ones who are studying here. We
      secondary school in an area where         this time, Mary Ward Health Centre         there is progress towards a healthy                                                           don’t get worried about our children falling sick
      girls weren’t going to school was a       opened its doors to the community,         and educated Maker Kuei community.                                                            because they get treatment for free and they do
      challenge. I was genuinely called         helping bridge the gap as the                  When we came to Rumbek in                                                                 not have to miss school because of illnesses.”
      to be a missionary, though I wasn’t       demand for health services soared.         2006 people thought we were                                                                   He finishes by saying, “Since this clinic started, I
      clear on what that meant.                 Monthly consultations doubled. The         mad opening a girls’ secondary                                                                have never sold any of my goats or cows for the
          I left Ireland five months after my   dedicated clinic staff of professional     school. They told us ‘the girls won’t                                                         treatment of my children or my wives.”
      Final Profession, volunteering for five   nurses and nursing assistants,             come’, but when we opened in                                                Makur Manyuat
      years. I am still going strong in South   comprising of former Loreto Students       2008, they saw the girls coming.
      Sudan 15 years later and loving it!       studying medical courses, ensured          The next comment was ‘the girls                                                               TABITHA DING MAJAK is 40 years old and
      Over the years I realise it’s not what    that the facility was able to meet the     might come but they won’t complete                                                            a mother of 13 children. Her household has
      we do or where we are, but that we        increased demand. The emergency            their schooling’, and then in 2011,                                                           21 members consisting of her children, her
      are fulfilled in our mission, and that    funding and support of donors such         we had our first graduation. Again,                                                           stepchildren and her in-laws. She remembers
      we keep our heart and eyes on Christ      as MWIA ensured that the clinic was        the comments continued, ‘they                                                                 the first time she visited the Mary Ward PHCC.
      in all that we do.                        well stocked with medical supplies.        may graduate but they won’t go to                                                             “The first time I came to the clinic was when I
          We have faced so many challenges          Since the Primary Health Care          university’. We currently have three                                                          brought my granddaughter who was just a few
      over the years here; war, famine, and     Centre (PHCC) opened in 2016,              of our graduates back on staff having                                                         days old. The child was not able to breathe well
      insecurity, but prayer and community      community health has improved.             completed their university courses,                                                           so I rushed her to the clinic together with her
      have kept me strong. A good sense of      The PHCC serves a population               and up to 85% of our graduates                                                                mother. The nurses discovered that the child
      humour and a flexible spirit have been    of     around    10,000      community     pursue university courses. 100% of                                                            was suffering from pneumonia and took quick
      important qualities.                      members who initially had to walk          the class of 2012 are now university                                                          action to save the child’s life. She was given
          I love working with young people,     over 10 km to access health services.      graduates.                                                                                    medication and after some days she became
      their freshness, courage and ambition     This limited access reduced the                                                                                     Tabitha Ding Majak   well.” Tabitha has since joined the Mary Ward
                                                                                               These girls are real Mary Ward
      consistently impress me. The students     community uptake of modern                 women, young women of courage                                                                 PHCC staff and works as a community mobiliser
      we work with come with their own          medicine. The PHCC facility has            who show us every day that the                                                                for the nutrition program, encouraging new
      tales of trauma and it is beautiful to    helped students stay in school and         impossible is possible. I believe these                                                       mothers and mothers with malnourished
      see their spirits grow. Many of our       reduced absenteeism, particularly          women will help shape a better future                                                         children to embrace immunisation and
      students have had to fight for their      for primary students who are able          for South Sudan.                                                                              nutritious diets.

 Sustain December 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Schools in Solidarity                               ~ By Anne Muirhead

                                                                                                          ur     Loreto   schools    are   only spurred our schools on to more         performance, ran a virtual cake-
                   Loreto Marryatville                                                                    connected by shared stories,     creative ways of supporting MWIA’s          decorating competition and walk-
                   Verity Vinyl dress-up
                                                                                                          shared spirituality, and a       projects through prayer, awareness-         a-thon, recreated famous artworks
                                                                                                 shared desire to act in solidarity        raising, community activities, and          and held the old favourite ‘guess
                                                                                                 with sisters and brothers who are         fund-raising.                               the staff baby photo competition’!
                                                                                                 marginalised or oppressed. These              Loreto       Ballarat      supported    Community-building is always at the
                                                                                                 connections       were    strengthened    a     Timorese       income-generating      heart of Loreto Mission Days!
                                                                                                 by presentations from MWIA staff          mask-making project through their               Across the year, our schools also
                                                                                                 to 2020 Loreto student leaders,           Victorian Certificate of Applied            delighted in their MWIA outreach
                                                                                                 Principals, and mission leaders before    Learning program. Students ran a            efforts of previous years. Loreto
                                                                                                 COVID-19 lockdown number one in           small business to sell 950 masks            Toorak rejoiced with the Sisters in
                                                                                                 March. In this Year of Verity, we have    made by women in a community                Zambia as they took possession of
                                                                                                 been challenged by Mary Ward’s            development project in Gari-uai. Year       a new vehicle to facilitate support
                                                                                                 maxim to be seekers of truth and          11s at Loreto Normanhurst educated          to outlying villages. Loreto Kirribilli
                                                                                                 doers of justice. Our understanding       the entire school on the issue of human     was updated on plans to develop
                                                                                                 of truth has been shaken by the           trafficking in line with their support of   agribusiness, school refurbishment,
                                                                                                 extraordinary impact of COVID-19 on       ACRATH, an organisation supported           and accommodation projects in
                                                                                                 every aspect of our lives and world.      by Loreto Sisters and MWIA for years.       Ostico - a village near Baucau,
                                                                                                     In Australia, we have faced illness   The new principal at Loreto Nedlands,       Timor-Leste . Students and staff at
                                                                                                 and death, economic hardship,             Rika Andres, reported: we came              several schools continue to support
                                                                                                 fractured states, dashed dreams,          together as a school and reflected          the education of young people
                                                                                                 and extreme disruption to our             on the mission of Mary Ward and             in Vietnam, furthering the Loreto
                                                                                                 educational systems. On top of            the many wonderful MWIA initiatives         mission of access to excellent
                                                                                                 this, MWIA’s project partners have        that are happening around the globe.        educational opportunities for all.
                                           Loreto Kirribilli         Student made strawberry
                                              Game Show           sundaes were a popular treat   also endured the impact of malaria,       The students at Nedlands linked in              MWIA staff have valued the
                                                                          at Loreto Coorparoo    hunger, inadequate medical support,       with the experience of their peers          deepening connection with our
                                                                                                 Cyclone Amphan, and the prospect          attending schools in the brickfields of     Loreto schools via attendance
                                                                                                 of forced marriage as our students        India. Pilgrims at John XXIII College       at meetings of school personnel,
                                                                                                 at Loreto Rumbek returned to              described first-hand the impact of          input at the annual LSAC Student
                                                                                                 precarious village settings. Through      MWIA supported projects in Kolkata          Leadership Conference, and support
                                                                                                 our experience of COVID-19, our           and Timor Leste. Loreto Kirribilli had      of province justice focused webinars.
                                                                                                 Loreto network has connected at a         a Hoodie and Beanie Day and Game            The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly
                                                                                                 deeper level through compassion,          Show to raise much-needed funds for         highlighted the insight of St Paul:
                                                                                                 justice, and service.                     India. Loreto Marryatville raised funds     when one rejoices, we all rejoice; when
                                                                                                     As Director of Faith and Mission      for Vietnam by holding a groovy             one suffers, we all suffer. We are most
                                                                                                 at Loreto College Ballarat, Felicity      Verity Vinyl dress-up for Mission Day.      grateful to members of our school
                                                                                                 Knobel wrote in August: if our doors      Leaders at Loreto Coorparoo were            communities      including    students,
                                                                                                 be closed, let our hearts be open.        able to set a context for the mission       staff, parents, and past pupils, for
                                                                                                     Our COVID-19 landscape required       of MWIA in homeroom gatherings at           your support across this challenging
                                                                                                 great flexibility and generosity of our   the beginning of their Mission Week.        year, and look forward to ongoing
                                                                                                 Loreto schools, each of which had to          In true Loreto-style, community         dialogue and discernment around the
                                                                                                 make differing adjustments according      members across our land danced              needs of our rich yet raw, blessed yet
                                                                                                 to their location. Schools’ annual        at silent discos, held homeroom             broken, Loreto/MWIA network across
                                                                                                 mission days were understandably          challenges, pitched staff vs students in    Australia, India, Kenya, Peru, South
                                                                                                 impacted      by    social   distancing   online games shows, hosted a Loreto’s       Sudan, Timor-Leste, The Philippines,
                                                                                                 requirements and the experience of        Got Talent, reworked TikTok dances,         and Zambia.
                                                                                                 virtual community. These constraints      laughed through a Staff ‘Survivor’

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15
                                                               Loreto Nedlands
                                                               Mission Day Stall
 Sustain December 2020                                                                                                                                                                              Mary Ward International Australia
DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
Give this Christmas
      and make a better future possible

               t the time of publication, India had recorded 5.49                                                                           was dependent on the food provided by you, MWIA supporters,
               million cases of Coronavirus and was expected to                                                                             and distributed by the Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre
               become the pandemic’s worst-hit country. This, plus                                                                          (KMWSC) staff and Sisters.
      the devastation experienced as a result of Cyclone Amphan                                                                                 Support is now being extended to families to assist them
      in May, means families in India need our help to recover and                                                                          in rebuilding their homes. Sabitri shares, “I had no hope that
      rebuild more than ever before.                                                                                                        we would ever have a roof of our own again. Today, my son,
          Sabitri* had a house made of hay and mud. The house was                                                                           daughter, and family can live in our own house. Thank you so
      completely destroyed by the cyclone. Sabitri and her husband                                                                          much for helping us build a new home.”
      are daily wage earners, labouring under appalling conditions in                                                                           This Christmas, many families like Sabitri’s will be back
      Basirhat’s brick-making fields of West Bengal.                                                                                        labouring in the brickfields of West Bengal. Join MWIA and
          During lockdown, they could not earn any income to feed                                                                           KMWSC in helping these families impacted by the pandemic and
      their family and had no savings to help them survive. The family                                                                      cyclone rebuild their lives. Together, we can make a difference.

      *Name changed to protect identity, privacy, and safety.

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DECEMBER 2020 - Mary Ward International Australia
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