Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN

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Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the
                  European UnioN

           Deliverable D5.1
        5G-CARMEN Pilot plan

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
Project Details
Call                             H2020-ICT-18-2018
Type of Action                   IA
Project start date               01/11/2018
Duration                         36 months
GA No                            825012

                                  Deliverable Details
Deliverable WP:                  WP5
Deliverable Identifier:          D5.1
Deliverable Title:               5G-CARMEN Pilot plan
Editor(s):                       Michela Apruzzese (CNIT)
Author(s):                       Mauro Dell’Amico (CNIT), Filippo Visintainer (CRF),
                                 Ana Cantarero (BMW), Panagiotis Vlacheas, Andreas
                                 Georgakopoulos Vassilis Laskaridis, Orestis Zekai,
                                 Charis Kalavrytinos, Kostas Tsagkaris, Vera
                                 Stavroulaki, Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS), Dimitri
                                 Marandin (CMA), Orestis Mavropoulos (CLS),
                                 Joachim Hillebrand (VIF), Gianfranco Burzio (DSEC),
                                 Zarrar Yousaf (NEC), Silvia Capato, Thomas Novak
                                 (SWARCO), Peter Utasi (QUALCOMM), Ilaria De
                                 Biasi (BRE), Juergen Knapp (NOKIA.,
Reviewer(s):                     Seilendria A. Hadiwardoyo (IMEC)
                                 Roberto Fantini (TIM), Marco Liebsch (NEC), Juergen
                                 Knapp (NOKIA), Filippo Visintainer (CRF), Seilendria
                                 Hadiwardoyo (IMEC), Andreas Haider-Aviet (DTAG).
Contractual Date of Delivery:    31/10/2019
Submission Date:                 19/11/2019
Dissemination Level:             PU

       The information and views set out in this deliverable are those of the author(s) and do not
      necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union
    institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the
                                       use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
Table of Contents
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................5
LIST OF FIGURES ..............................................................................................................................................................6
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................................6
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................7
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................9
2 REVIEW OF THE RELEVANT PROJECTS FOR THE PILOTING ACTIVITY ................................................10
         PROJECTS WITH RELEVANCE WITH 5G-CARMEN USE CASE TESTING AND EVALUATION.........................................10
         OTHER RELEVANT INITIATIVES ...................................................................................................................................13
         LESSONS LEARNT ........................................................................................................................................................15
3 OVERALL METHODOLOGY USED IN USE CASE TESTING .............................................................................16
         OBJECTIVES OF 5G-CARMEN USE CASES TESTING ....................................................................................................16
             Cooperative Manoeuvrings ................................................................................................................................16
             Situation Awareness............................................................................................................................................16
             Video Streaming..................................................................................................................................................17
             Green Driving .....................................................................................................................................................17
         5G-CARMEN KPIS....................................................................................................................................................18
         DRIVING TESTS............................................................................................................................................................19
         LAB TESTS ...................................................................................................................................................................20
         SIMULATION TESTS .....................................................................................................................................................21
4 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS .......................................................................................................................................22
         COOPERATIVE MANOEUVRINGS: COOPERATIVE LANE MERGING ...............................................................................22
             Overview .............................................................................................................................................................22
             Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................22
             Cooperative Lane Merging Pilot Plan ...............................................................................................................23
         SITUATION AWARENESS .............................................................................................................................................27
             Overview .............................................................................................................................................................27
             Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................27
             Situation awareness Pilot Plan...........................................................................................................................29
         VIDEO STREAMING .....................................................................................................................................................36
             Overview .............................................................................................................................................................36
             Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................36
             Video Streaming Pilot Plan ................................................................................................................................37
         GREEN DRIVING ..........................................................................................................................................................39
             Overview .............................................................................................................................................................39
             Deployment .........................................................................................................................................................39
             Green Driving Pilot Plan....................................................................................................................................40
5 DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................42
         VEHICLE DATA COLLECTION .......................................................................................................................................42
         ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE DATA COLLECTION ..............................................................................................................42
         5G NETWORK DATA COLLECTION ...............................................................................................................................43
         COMMON LOGGING FORMAT .......................................................................................................................................43
6 VALIDATION METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................................................................44
7 EXEMPTION PROCEDURES AND SAFETY ISSUES.............................................................................................46
            Italian pilot site ...................................................................................................................................................46
            German pilot site ................................................................................................................................................48
            Austrian pilot site................................................................................................................................................50

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................................................................52
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................................53

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Term                      Description
ADAS                      Advanced Driving Assistance System
AMQP                      Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
API                       Application Program Interface
BSAF                      Back situation Awareness Function
C2X                       Car to Everything
CAD                       Connected and Automated Driving
CCAM                      Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility
C-ITS                     Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
C-V2X                     Cellular Vehicle to Everything
emV                       emergency Vehicle
EPC                       Evolved Packet Core
ETA                       Estimated time of Arrival
ETSI                      European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI ITS G5               Peer-to-peer Communication Standard based on IEEE802.11p
FOT                       Field Operational Test
gNodeB                    5G Base station
HMI                       Human Machine Interface
IMM                       Identity Management Module
IoT                       Internet of Things
KPI                       Key Performance Indicators
LTE                       Long Term Evolution
MANO                      Management and Orchestration
MEC                       Multi-access Edge Computing
MNO                       Mobile Network Operator
NS3                       Simulation Tool Used in Telecommunications
NSA                       Non-standalone
OBU                       On Board Unit
OEM                       Original Equipment Manufacturer
PC5                       Peer-to-peer Communication standard interface in LTE-V2X/5G
PLMN                      Public Land Mobile Network
PPP                       Public-Private Partnership
RAN                       Radio Access Network
RNIS                      Radio Network Information Service
SAE                       Society of Automotive Engineers
V2N                       Vehicle to Network
VNFs                      Virtual Network Functions
VS                        Video Streaming
VSSS                      Vehicle Sensors and State Sharing
WP                        Work Package

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
List of Figures
Figure 1 5G-CARMEN Pilots...............................................................................................................................9
Figure 2 FESTA "V" Diagram............................................................................................................................14
Figure 3 Lab Trials set-up ...................................................................................................................................20
Figure 4 Cooperative Lane Merging overview ...................................................................................................22
Figure 5 Cooperative Lane Merging use case deployment.................................................................................23
Figure 6 Cooperative Lane Merging: communication between the MECs ........................................................25
Figure 7 Cooperative Lane Merging use case testing areas................................................................................27
Figure 8 Situation Awareness use case overview ...............................................................................................27
Figure 9 Back Situation Awareness sub-use case deployment (AT-DE border example) .................................28
Figure 10 Vehicle Sensor and State Sharing Awareness sub-use case deployment ...........................................29
Figure 11 Situation Awareness use case vehicle schema (note: vehicle model is not indicative) .....................30
Figure 12 DSEC wearable solution for security credential, applicable to emergency vehicle drivers...............33
Figure 13 Back situation Awareness use case testing areas ...............................................................................35
Figure 14 Vehicle Sensors and State Sharing use case testing areas ..................................................................35
Figure 15 5G-CARMEN Video Streaming use case HMI overview..................................................................36
Figure 16 Video Streaming use case deployment ...............................................................................................37
Figure 17 Video Streaming use case testing areas ..............................................................................................38
Figure 18 Green Driving use case overview .......................................................................................................39
Figure 19 Green Driving use case deployment...................................................................................................40
Figure 20 Green Driving use case testing areas ..................................................................................................41
Figure 21 5G System Layers ..............................................................................................................................44

List of Tables
Table 1 Linked Projects ......................................................................................................................................10
Table 2 Use cases target KPIs.............................................................................................................................18
Table 3 Use Cases core groups ...........................................................................................................................19
Table 4 Data to be recorded (initial plan) ...........................................................................................................43

Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot Plan

Executive Summary
This deliverable illustrates the methodology used in piloting, the addressed KPI’s, the design of
experiments and a detailed plan of the tests along the 5G-CARMEN Corridor Munich-Bologna,
according to the Project Milestone MS28 “Detailed pilots test plan ready”. In addition, it includes the
exemption procedures needed to test Connected and Automated Driving, as required for the Project
Milestone MS27 “Preliminary security and exemption procedures plan ready”.
5G-CARMEN aims at achieving worldwide impact on future cooperative, connected and automated
mobility by conducting extensive trials across a 5G-enabled corridor from Bologna to Munich,
spanning 600 km of roads across three countries.
This document reports on the activities of tasks T5.1, which takes input mainly from T2.2 “Use case
definition and requirements analysis”, from T4.4 “Use cases Integration and Testing” and from T3.6
“Services and applications for CCAM” and collaborate with T5.4 for exemption procedures and safety
issues, to deliver a viable plan for T5.2 “Test execution” and T5.3 “Test validation and use case
The pilot plan set-up performed in T5.1 has required the following steps:
    •   Definition of technical KPIs;
    •   Design and plan of the experimentations;
    •   Define data and meta-data recording methodologies, procedures and management;
    •   Design and plan of the subsequent evaluation.
5G-CARMEN pilot sites involve different areas of the highway connecting the cities of Bologna,
Trento, Innsbruck, and Munich with the goal of creating a smart mobility space, encompassing all road
networks. Pilots will involve automated vehicles in real scenarios, with an efficient cross-border
handover of connectivity and services. Prototypes of connected and automated vehicles will be tested
exhaustively in the target use cases. Cross-border testing is included to address service continuity and
prove the concept of a 5G European corridor, serving road users across member states. The 5G-
CARMEN experimentations will address WP2 target use cases in real life and simulated environments,
in order to:
    • Evaluate the performance and trade-offs of 5G and C-V2X enabling technologies developed in
    • Demonstrate how 5G connectivity can greatly expand the automotive services offer
    • Validate the use cases in different driving conditions, focusing on cross-border scenarios
    • Demonstrate complementarity of PC5 and the Uu interface
    • Evaluate how 5G contributes to fulfilling the requirements of autonomous driving, towards
      highly automated driving
The main structure of this deliverable can be summarized as follows:
    • Chapter 1 introduces task T5.1;
    • Chapter 2 contains a review of projects and initiatives that are relevant for the 5G-CARMEN
      testing phase and for the evaluation framework that will be adopted;
    • Chapter 3 contains an overview of the 5G-CARMEN evaluation framework, including the use
      cases’ testing objectives, the KPIs that will be monitored and the methodology for testing,
      focused on real life piloting and supported by laboratory tests and simulations;
    • Chapter 4 provides the actual plan of the 5G-CARMEN use cases’ tests, along with detailed
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D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot Plan

   • Chapter 5 gives an overview the data collection methodology, addressing both in-vehicle data
     and infrastructure data;
   • Chapter 6 contains the evaluation methodology, to be followed when analysing collected data,
     laboratory and simulation results;
   • Chapter 7 reports the exemption procedures needed to test Connected and Automated Driving
     along the 5G-CARMEN corridor.

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D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot Plan

1 Introduction
The 5G CARMEN project objective is to address the cross-border aspects of 5G communication
applied to connected cars and automated driving. Task T5.1 is dedicated to the pilot planning, and will
evaluate, in real life conditions and supported by synthetic environments, the use cases of Cooperative
Lane Merging, Situation Awareness, Green Driving and Video Streaming. For the real-life pilot trials,
5G-CARMEN has identified five locations along the Munich-Bologna corridor. The two cross-border
pilots along the corridor are located near Kufstein (Germany-Austria) and at Brennero (Italy-Austria).
These pilots are the focus of 5G-CARMEN and will show continuous service provision when passing
from one country to another. In addition, three in-country “integration sites” will host integration work
and collect data supporting the 5G-CARMEN evaluation: 1) the Munich pilot, near the BMW
premises; 2) the Trento pilot, motivated by the presence of CRF-FCA, FBK and the A22 traffic
management centre; 3) the Modena pilot due to the peculiar weather characteristics and the presence
of CNIT.

                                      Figure 1 5G-CARMEN Pilots
In the 5G-CARMEN pilots, cars will demonstrate driving use cases up to SAE Level 3 automation,
supported by 5G connectivity. The impact of 5G towards higher levels of automation (Level 4 and
beyond) will be derived from experimental data in the field and complemented by simulations.
Level 4 Automation means the driver can be completely distracted from the driving task, no need to
monitor what the vehicle is doing. This automation level is still forbidden on public road, and thus it
will not be possible to demonstrate Level 4 Automated driving along the 5G Carmen corridor.
Nevertheless, a manoeuvre like a lane merge is identical for both Level 3 and Level 4 automation. The
impact of 5G to Level 4 is important to anticipate any possible problem that will require the
intervention of the driver, in advance to give him/her enough time to take vehicle control (10-20

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Deliverable D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot plan - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN
D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot Plan

2 Review of the relevant Projects for the piloting activity
The 5G-CARMEN pilot planning requires, as a first step, a review of past and current linked projects
and a literature review. This step is needed to provide an overview of the most relevant existing
methodologies and guidelines for the evaluation of projects addressing 5G and/or Vehicle Automation.

   Projects with relevance with 5G-CARMEN Use Case Testing and
The table below provides an overview of a selection of projects that are linked to 5G-CARMEN due
to the nature of their implementations or for the evaluation methodology for some specific use cases.
                                       Table 1 Linked Projects

  Project        Period            Main Focus                        Relevance to 5G CARMEN use
 acronym                                                            case testing plan
  DRIVE C2X [1] EU Seventh        To implement tests in seven       The Back Situation Awareness
                Framework         national sites and creating a     use case in 5G-CARMEN is an
                Programme         harmonized             testing    evolution of the Emergency
                01/2011           environment      for     C2X      Vehicle use case that was tested
                - 07/2014         technologies.                     in DRIVE C2X along the A22.
                                                                    5G-CARMEN provides a range
                                                                    extension through cellular
                                                                    connectivity, and shows cross-
                                                                    border continuity of service.
 AutoNet2030        EU Seventh    To develop and test a co-         The technology developed in
 [2]                Framework     operative automated driving       AutoNet2030 has been validated
                    Programme     technology, based on a            through drive-testing in test track
                    11/2013       decentralized decision-making     and simulation tools. System tests
                     - 10/2016    strategy which is enabled by      have been performed at system
                                  mutual information sharing        level (use case definition),
                                  among nearby vehicles. The        vehicle level (real life) and
                                  inter-vehicle co-operation is     module      level    (simulation).
                                  meant     not   only    among     AutoNet2030 results are relevant
                                  automated vehicles but extends    for 5G-CARMEN testing of the
                                  also to manually driven           Cooperative Lane Merging use
                                  vehicles.                         case, although they are based on
                                                                    different standards and on
                                                                    convoy-driving        assumptions
 HIGHTS             EU            To produce advanced and           The set-up of 5G-CARMEN tests
                    HORIZON       highly accurate positioning       related to the Cooperative Lane
                    2020          technologies for C-ITS by         Merging and of all the Situation
                    05/2015       combining traditional satellite   Awareness use cases will
                     - 04/2018    systems with an on-board          consider the relevant HIGHTS
                                  sensing and infrastructure-       use case requirements.
                                  based wireless communication

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 COHERENT [5] EU                To research and develop a           5G-CARMEN Cooperative Lane
              HORIZON           unified control and coordination    Merging and Video Streaming
              2020              framework           for      5G     evaluation methodology will
              07/2015           heterogeneous radio access          consider the comparison with the
               - 03/2018        networks. It has implemented 6      COHERENT KPIs [6].
                                types of use cases.
 BrennerLec [7]    EU LIFE      To create a "low-emission           The                     BrennerLec
                   09/2016      corridor along the Brennero         experimentations are addressed
                    - 04/2021   motorway axis in order to           to     evaluate      the    system
                                achieve a clear environmental       performance       in    terms    of
                                benefit in the fields of air        environmental and mobility KPIs
                                protection, climate protection      [8]. The 5G-CARMEN tests of
                                and noise pollution.                the Green Driving in the Italy-
                                                                    Austria pilot sites will consider
                                                                    evaluating similar KPIs in order
                                                                    to allow a comparison among the
                                                                    two projects results.
 5G NetMobil [9] German         To develop a comprehensive          In 5G NetMobil, the validation of
                 Federal        communication infrastructure        the developed solutions and
                 Ministry of    for tactile connected driving and   concepts is planned by means of
                 Education      to demonstrate the advantages       simulations, system modelling
                 and            of tactile connected driving in     and demonstrations in real life
                 Research       terms of traffic safety, traffic    scenarios. 5G-CARMEN testing
                 03/2017        efficiency and environmental        of the Cooperative Lane Merging,
                  - 02/2020     impact         compared        to   Vehicle Sensors and State
                                autonomous driving based            Sharing and Video Streaming use
                                solely on local sensor data.        cases will be compared with
                                                                    results of the 5G NetMobil use
                                                                    cases in real life demonstrations.
 C-ROADS [10]      EU           C-ROADS has developed a             C-ROADS planned to pilot a set
                   Connecting   platform addressed to European      of C-ITS services in the 5G-
                   Europe       Member States and road              CARMEN pilot sites areas. These
                   Facility     operators for testing and           “Day 1” C-ITS service pilots will
                   2017-2020    implementing V2X in light of        contribute to the implementation
                                cross-border harmonization and      of 5G-CARMEN Use Cases
                                interoperability.                   testing from the infrastructure
                                                                    side (C-ITS-S) and also be the
                                                                    reference basis for C-V2X
                                                                    applications on the vehicle,
                                                                    especially Vehicle Sensors and
                                                                    State Sharing.
 AUTOPILOT         EU           To exploit the automotive and       The AUTOPILOT tests related to
 [11]              HORIZON      the IoT value chains in order to    highway pilots are relevant for
                   2020         develop IoT-architectures and       the     5G-CARMEN           Vehicle
                   01/2017      platforms that will enhance         Sensors and State Sharing use
                    - 12/2019   automated driving.                  case tests. In addition, the data
                                                                    logging      and      data    share
                                                                    methodology can be taken as

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 INFRAMIX          EU           To design, upgrade, adapt and         INFRAMIX tests infrastructure
 [12]              HORIZON      test both physical and digital        technologies in Spanish and an
                   2020         elements      of       the  road      Austrian test sites: results and
                   06/2017      infrastructure, ensuring an           outcomes of the implementations
                    - 05/2020   uninterrupted, predictable, safe      are related to the 5G-CARMEN
                                and efficient traffic.                Cooperative Lane Merging use
 5G-ESSENCE        EU           Mobile Edge Cloud computing           5G-CARMEN tests of Video
 [13]              HORIZON      and Small Cell as a Service           Streaming implementations are
                   2020         issues are addressed by               related to the 5G-ESSENCE
                   06/2017      developing a platform able to         results, especially those related to
                    - 11/2019   support new business models           the testing and demonstration of
                                and revenue streams.                  the 5G In-flight Communications
                                                                      and Entertainment System use
 CLASS [14]        EU           To develop a novel software           Vehicle Sensors and State
                   HORIZON      architecture framework to help        Sharing      use      case     tests
                   2020         big     data     developers      to   demonstrations results will be
                   01/2018      efficiently distributing data         compared          to        CLASS
                    - 12/2020   analytics workloads along the         demonstrations of autonomous
                                compute continuum (from edge          driving     in     the     Modena
                                to cloud) in a complete and           experimentations.
                                transparent       way,       while
                                providing sound real-time
 PRYSTINE [15] EU               To realize Fail-operational           Vehicle Sensors and State
               HORIZON          Urban Surround perceptION             Sharing    use    case     tests
               2020             (FUSION) which is based on            demonstrations results will be
               05/2018          robust Radar and LiDAR sensor         compared to the relevant
                - 04/2021       fusion and control functions in       PRYSTINE demonstrations.
                                order to enable safe automated
                                driving in urban and rural
 ICT4CART [16] EU               To       provide     the       ICT    ICT4CART cross-border testing,
               HORIZON          infrastructure to enable the          which mainly focusses on data
               2020             transition     towards        road    exchange in the cloud, will be
               09/2018          transport automation in four          extended    in    5G-CARMEN
                - 08/2021       specific high-value use cases,        approach, which addresses the
                                which will be tested under real-      edge-computing aspects and the
                                life conditions at project sites in   vehicle-network connectivity
                                Austria, Germany, Italy and at
                                the Italian-Austrian border.

 5G-HEART          EU           In the transport area, 5G-            The transport trials are related to
 [17]              HORIZON      HEART       will     validate         the    5G-CARMEN           Vehicle
                   2020         autonomous/ assisted/ remote          Sensors and State Sharing use
                   06/2019      driving and vehicle data              case tests.
                    - 05/2022   services.

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        Other relevant initiatives
Several organizations committed to establish specific working groups aiming to develop guidance for
the set-up and implementation of connected and automated driving pilots and in their consequent

    •    In 2019, ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) has updated the
         Roadmaps for Connected and Automated Driving;

    •    The 5G-PPP initiative has established a working group on Test, Measurement, and KPIs
         Validation that have developed guidelines and recommendations, for instance, the “Validating
         5G Technology Performance” whitepaper (2019) and the Living document on 5G PPP use
         cases and performance evaluation models (started in 2016).

    •    The US Department of Transport has released a report in 2018 to describe a framework for
         establishing sample preliminary tests for Automated Driving Systems, with focus on light duty
         vehicles exhibiting higher levels of automation.

The most relevant initiative promoting the development of common frameworks for testing evaluating
connected and automated driving have been developed firstly by the FESTA Project (2007-2008) and
recently updated by the FOT-Net (Field Operational Test Networking and Methodology Promotion)
and CARTRE (Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe) projects (2017).
The FESTA methodology defines in detail the steps, the roles and the risks for the implementation of
Field Operational Test (FOT).

According to the FESTA Handbook (2017), a Field Operational Test is defined as “a study undertaken
to evaluate a function, or functions, under normal operating conditions in road traffic environments
typically encountered by the participants using study design so as to identify real-world effects and
benefits”. Typically, with the FESTA approach, the steps that need to be carried out during an FOT
are presented in the form of a V diagram (Figure 2), where there is correspondence between the levels
on the left-hand and right-hand sides. Additionally, the FOT implementation plan takes up all the steps
and integrates them into a detailed table, which can be used as a reference when carrying out an FOT.

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                                       Figure 2 FESTA "V" Diagram

It is also worth considering the methodology suggested by the CONVERGE Project. CONVERGE was
a supporting project providing the essential tools for the management, co-ordination and exploitation
of the road, rail, air, waterborne and multi-modal activities of the Transport Telematics Applications
Program. The project provided a co-ordination and expert support platform to exploit key synergy
between projects in order to maximize the value, quality and range of Program achievements.

According to CONVERGE, “Assessment is the process of determining the performance and/or
impacts of a candidate application, usually in comparison to a reference case (existing situation or
alternative applications), and usually including an experimental process based on real-life or other
trials, often involving users.” In this context, validation can be defined as the process of verifying that
an application performs as expected, often based on assessment results. Within the project, two
important documents have been provided in order to set-up guidelines for project evaluation and
validation purposes: the “Guidebook for Assessment of Transport Telematics Applications” [18] and
the “Checklist for Preparing a Validation Plan”. Whilst the guidebook is intended to give more general
guidance and recommendations regarding the assessment or validation process, the updated checklist
provides detailed advice on how to produce draft and final validation plans. The “Guidebook for
Assessment of Transport Telematics Applications” defined seven key stages which constitute a generic
assessment process; CONVERGE focused on telematics projects, but they can still be used as a role
model for other types of projects assessment:

    1. Definition of user needs
    2. Describing the applications
    3. Defining assessment objectives: Technical assessment (system performance, reliability);
       Impact assessment (safety, environment, transport efficiency, user behaviour, modal split etc.);
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         User acceptance assessment (users' opinions, preferences, willingness to pay); Socio-economic
         evaluation (benefits and costs of system implementation); Market assessment (demand and
         supply); and Financial assessment (initial and running costs, rate of return, payback period).
    4.   Defining expected impacts: “Pre-assessment”
    5.   Assessment methodology: Selection and definition of indicators; Reference case; Data
         collection (measurement and/or simulation); Measurement or simulation conditions; Statistical
         considerations/sampling; Defining the measurement plan; Integrity of measurement and/or
    6.   Data analysis
    7.   Reporting results

Relevance is given to the way projects contribute to create a “European added-value”: in fact, the real
“customers” for the results of projects include both the direct participants and a broad audience of
potential users, purchasers, manufacturers and operators. For them it is important to know how the
various systems and applications perform, how much they cost to buy and to operate, and what impacts
they might produce if implemented locally.

     Lessons Learnt
5G-CARMEN overall piloting framework will rely on the FESTA methodology: this approach to
implement Field Operational Test provides the main steps to prepare and plan pilots in CAD projects.
In 5G-CARMEN, the “V” step approach defined in the FESTA Handbook is performed in different
project work packages and tasks. For what concerns the specific preparation of the evaluation plan,
5G-CARMEN will also adopt some processes from the CONVERGE Project: the 5G-CARMEN use
case testing approach will compare a baseline scenario with some “controlled” scenarios. The
“Checklist for Preparing a Validation Plan” will also be taken as a base for the test case definition.
However, the 5G-CARMEN project will not deal with large-scale users’ test.

Last, but not the least, 5G-CARMEN pilots’ set-up will deal with the experience of past and current
projects that have developed systems, projects or technologies that are linked to our use cases. 5G-
CARMEN will have a continuous link with the other European projects that are currently
implementing experimentations involving both autonomous driving and 5G technologies: 5G-
CARMEN goal is to adopt a methodological evaluation framework that will allow comparisons among
project results. During the project duration, efforts will be made to liaise with the other 5G-PPP phase
3 funded projects in order to measure, when possible, same KPIs.

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3 Overall methodology used in use case testing
Deliverable 2.1 provides a detailed description of the use cases which 5G-CARMEN aims to
implement, test and evaluate; these are:
    •   Cooperative Manoeuvrings
    •   Situation Awareness
    •   Video Streaming
    •   Green Driving
In general, the plan to implement 5G-CARMEN tests implies defining, for each use case:
    • Why we perform the test, i.e. the use case experimentation objectives and the related KPIs;
    • Who are the partners involved in the use case tests;
    • Where the use case is experimented, i.e. the exact location and the relation with other pilot
      sites, considering that 5G-CARMEN emphasizes the tests implementation in cross-country
    • When the experimentation is planned to start, the expected duration of the experimentation, the
      planned number of experimentations repetitions needed;
    • What is required for the test implementation, what is provided by the partners, what is missing;
    • How the experimentations will be actually carried on, i.e. all the practical details on how the
      tests will be implemented, and how the KPIs will be measured.
The following sections will cover the first bullet point and will explain the objectives and the KPIs for
the tests of the four 5G-CARMEN use cases.
     Objectives of 5G-CARMEN use cases testing
        Cooperative Manoeuvrings
The 5G-CARMEN use case addressing Cooperative Manoeuvrings aims to coordinate the trajectories
of a group of vehicles in close proximity, thus to share information produced locally by a vehicle, e.g.,
from radar, LIDAR, and on-board cameras, in a privacy-aware and secure fashion with other vehicles
and to combine vehicles’ information with precise positioning and traffic information to provide the
driver (or the autonomous driving system) with a more comprehensive view of the surrounding
environment. This allows to improve the drivers’ comfort and safety and to improve driving behaviour
(reducing emissions and fuel consumption due to avoidance of hard braking events and supporting the
drivers’ decision-making process). In particular, the use case tests will analyse the Cooperative Lane
Merging sub-use case that implies the coordination of two vehicles with the aim to provide a
sufficiently large gap so that a third vehicle can merge into the lane in a safe and efficient manner.
The Cooperative Manoeuvrings tests objectives are:
    • To enable and shape an ecosystem that allows safer and more efficient transportation
    • To showcase the benefits of different OEMs and MNOs cooperating in a cross-border scenario
      in the context of cooperative manoeuvrings
    • Demonstrate how different communication links (PC5 and UU) complement each other, when used in
        Situation Awareness
In 5G-CARMEN, the Situation Awareness use case considers two sub-use cases: “Back Situation
Awareness” and “Vehicle Sensors and State Sharing”. Back Situation Awareness implies providing
in-advance warning and information about the time of arrival of emergency vehicles and ensuring early
warning of approaching emergency vehicles to only those vehicles which are on their route. Vehicle

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Sensors and State Sharing implies making vehicles aware of external events (weather or traffic)
receiving a direct communication from other vehicles or through a Cloud Service (possibly running on
a MEC) which can merge information originating from different sources in the relevant area.
The objectives of all the sub-use cases are:
    • To assess the 5G potential to enhance C-ITS, through a combination of the air interface between
      devices (vehicles), the RAN and side-link interfaces, targeting cross-border scenarios and
      dangerous spots/events
    • To address efficient lane clearance and presence awareness for Emergency Vehicles (Back
      Situation Awareness)
    • To advance information for ADAS and Automated Vehicles safe operation (Vehicle Sensors
      and State Sharing)
      Video Streaming
The Video Streaming use case will explore different network architectures and configurations, aiming
to satisfy users’ Quality of Experience (QoE); it aims to test the prediction of the expected network
Quality of Service (QoS) and the proactive adaptation of streaming applications in order to avoid
interruptions in the service whenever possible, with the attempt of having the highest quality service
always available, even in cross-country border situations and inter-operator scenarios. To implement
it, the best mobile network options between LTE, 5G, C-V2X and other technologies are investigated
in order to guarantee not only the data rate requirements but also the needed coverage at all times.
The objectives of the Video Streaming use case tests are:
    • To propose a technical solution which satisfies the vehicle users’ Quality of Experience (QoE)
    • To enable a high-quality streaming service in situations which are usually demanding, such as
      cross-country borders and inter-operator scenarios
      Green Driving
In 5G-CARMEN, the Green Driving use case involves two sub use cases: “Electric Vehicle Zones”
and “Dynamic Speed Limit”. The overall intention is to monitor and improve the air quality in
environmentally sensitive areas. Examples are valleys in the Alps with permanent heavy traffic and
additional peaks during holiday seasons: due to the geographical location and special weather
conditions (e.g. stationary temperature inversions), these areas are especially affected by air pollution.
With the introduction of “Green Driving” modes these environmentally sensitive areas will be relieved
due to responsible and environmentally friendly driving, resulting in an improved quality of life. An
environmental analysis aims to influence the drivers’ behaviour by gathering environmental data to
produce descriptive analytics showcasing the overall air quality situation and initializing prescriptive
and predictive analytics facilitating the uptake of (further) actions towards the reduction of vehicle
emissions. The Electric Vehicle Zones sub-use case addresses the ability of 5G-CARMEN to
communicate with the vehicles on alerts to switch to electric driving mode (applicable to hybrid
vehicles only) for a specific stretch along the route (i.e. environmentally sensitive areas specified as
electric zones), on charging the battery and keeping sufficient power before entering an electric zone,
and on selecting an alternative route with less environment-related restrictions if the adherence is not
possible. The Dynamic Speed Limit sub-use case is meant to provide driving behaviour suggestions
by collecting vehicle information and optimizing the speed profile to target environmental savings.
The Green Driving tests have the following objectives:
    • To exploit current 5G and C-V2X technologies for fast data collection from vehicles nearby,
      as well as via monitoring sensitive areas by Road Operators and Public Authorities

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    • To provide high-quality data streams via a hybrid Cloud/MEC infrastructure for traffic
      management and emission control purposes
    • To demonstrate how green driving related advice and prescriptions can be distributed across
      the border via standardized workflows
In order to monitor and evaluate the impact of the 5G-CARMEN systems, a set of high-level criteria
has been established and the specific target impact of each type of use case (and sub-use case) testing
has been defined. The high-level evaluation criteria can be summarized as follows:
    • Mobility, i.e. the ability of the system to provide connectivity dynamically
    • Coverage, i.e. the ability to cover urban, extra-urban and highway scenarios
    • Bandwidth, which should be flexible according to the scenario needs (i.e. up to 100 Mbit/s per
    • Latency, i.e. the capacity to minimize the roundtrip time, keeping it in the order of (tens of)
    • Resilience, i.e. the ability to maintain the operations in case of noise
    • Reliability, i.e. the ability to guarantee ultra-reliable communications for safety critical
    • Security: in terms of protection of the vehicle systems’ and users’ data
    • Safety: in term of avoiding unacceptable risks for road users including vehicle occupants
According to this, before the tests’ implementations, 5G-CARMEN has clarified the specific target
which the experimentations are expected to achieve, in terms of expected KPIs:
                                       Table 2 Use cases target KPIs

 Use case          Use case target KPIs

 Cooperative       (Cooperative Lane Merging)
 Manoeuvrings      Agreed KPIs
                   • packet sizes of up to 100 bytes for the request to merge, request ACK, and safe-to-
                      merge/denial messages
                   • status updates take the regular CAM sizes of up to 588 bytes.
                   • exchange delay requirement of less than 100ms from generation time to reception
                   • accurate position information (within 1 m of the actual position)
                   • 90% reliability requirement for the negotiation

                   Other KPIs in discussion

                   •   PC5 communication range from 20 meters (traffic jam scenario with slowly moving
                       vehicles) to 1000 meters (highway without a speed limit) in line-of sight conditions
                   •   complete manoeuvre should take no longer than 5-6 seconds

 Situation         (Back Situation Awareness; Vehicle Sensors and State Sharing)
 Awareness         Agreed KPI
                   • position accuracy
                           o information: 10-20 m
                           o warning: 1-4 m
                   • relevance area (meters)
                           o information: 800-2000 (Back Situation Awareness); 400-10000 (Vehicle
                               Sensors and State Sharing);

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                              o warning: 0-800 (Back Situation Awareness,); 0-400 (Vehicle Sensors and
                                  State Sharing)
                     •   situation update (seconds)/refresh rate (Hz)
                              o in information relevance area: 1s/1Hz
                              o warning: 0.1s/10Hz (at highest relative speed)
                     •   95-99% reliability

                     Other KPIs in discussion
                     • predictive service interruption or discontinuity in advance at least 20s/700m to
                        guarantee safe stop in
D5.1 5G-CARMEN Pilot Plan

   Situation awareness      Back-situation awareness of an CRF, NEC, BMW, QCGER
   UC Leader: CRF           emergency vehicle arrival
   Deputy: SWARCO           Vehicle sensors and state sharing   SWARCO, CNIT-UNIMORE, QCGER
   Video Streaming                                              BMW, QCGER, DTAG
   UC Leader: BMW
   Deputy: DTAG
   Green Driving            Electric vehicle zones              BMW, SWARCO, WINGS
   UC Leader: WINGS
   Deputy : SWARCO          Dynamic speed limit                 BRE, SWARCO, WINGS, QCGER, CRF

In addition to these partners, telecom operators and network hardware/software providers need to ensure 5G
deployments in specific locations of the corridor, as well as other enabling components, as reported in 5G-
CARMEN deliverable D3.2.

     Lab tests
In order to explore and validate the use cases in the controlled environment before setting up pilots in
the corridor, lab trials will be conducted. It is very important that that 5G-CARMEN use cases are
tested and validated in the lab before the deployment for pilots can start. Lab trials aim to emulate the
pilot scenarios as closely as possible, for example by using as many real hardware and software
components suitable for pilots as possible, and thus validating the integration and interfaces of
components coming partly from different project partners. Additionally, the lab trials will allow to test
and validate 5G features which otherwise will be not possible to demonstrate in the pilot corridor e.g.
due to business and security constraints, limitations in the initial 5G deployment or a limited number
of vehicles available for pilots.

                                          Figure 3 Lab Trials set-up

Figure 3 shows the features considered in the 5G-CARMEN lab trials setup:
• Two EPCs to replicate cross-border aspects in the pilot where two different operators are involved
  as each operator maintains the separate EPC with different PLMN configuration in pilots.
• Two base stations connected to different EPC, replicating the situation in the pilots where base
  stations close to the border connected to EPC of different operators. The base stations in the lab

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    trials can provide real-time radio network information to MEC applications, e.g. over the RNIS
    API, to enable cutting-edge MEC applications. In pilots, MEC application will rely on the QoS
    prediction Cloud API while RNIS may be not available in the initial 5G deployment. The base
    stations in the lab setup can be modified to provide parameters beyond RNIS depending on MEC
    application needs.
•   Two MECs located at different operators connected for inter-MEC communication.
•   5G NSA modems replicating modems located in the vehicles and being able to provide connection
    to 5G NSA base stations
•   Test tool that generates V2X-messages and can log recommendations issued by MEC applications
•   MANO(s): MANO system, designed as part of the CCAM platform in WP4 which is shared across
    different MNOs, network equipment providers and research institutes. The MANO system will
    manage and orchestrate the services and resources e.g. instantiating applications on the MEC
Thus, this setup will allow testing the whole chain of components produced by different partners in
different WPs. It will be realized in distributed locations: RAN block, MEC, MANO can be hosted by
different partners connected over the Internet. This replicates the real situation as these domains are
typically in different geographical locations and need inter- and intradomain orchestration.
The remote access will be organized based on the need, e.g. for uploading, configuring and starting
new MEC applications, or to access and manage monitoring and test tools.
        Simulation tests
Although simulations are extensively treated in WP6, it is worth to highlight the objective and
usefulness of this complementary assessment: Simulation can complete field trials in all aspects which
cannot be tested in real life or are too risky or effort demanding to test, namely:
    •    Simulations can scale up use cases with several connected vehicles, to evaluate the overall
         network and system performance and effects on the driving experience. It can also take into
         account phase-in periods of mixed connected and non-connected vehicles, and also different
         technology enablers (which might not be available yet in the field) on different vehicle
         segments (premium, basic C-V2X).
    •    Simulations can forecast how the system will behave in relation to the planned 5G network
         evolution: while the corridor trial is limited by the actual technology availability (e.g. no 5G
         Core, no interfaces for a cross-border cross-operator network handover), different assumptions
         can be made for the future.
    •    Simulations can easily change the assumptions (set as boundary conditions) and evaluate the
         5G-CARMEN use cases effectiveness accordingly. Simulations can address specific conditions
         which are safety critical and cannot be easily replicated in the actual corridor, for instance speed
         limits/prescriptions on the production infrastructure back-end (Variable Message Signs), real
         emergency situations, assured protection of live traffic participants etc.

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4 Design of experiments
This chapter aims to define the instructions for the implementation of the real-life experiments, in order
to have a detailed plan of the use case tests that will start in October-November 2019 along different
segments of the A22 highway.
The design of the experiments is “use case focused” and not “pilot site focused”: the 5G-CARMEN
project aims to implement solutions which have a cross-country relevance. For this reason, the tests
planning phase has defined working groups composed by partners from the different pilot site areas,
being each working group led by a “Use Case Leader”.
The following sections provide the tests plan of each 5G-CARMEN use case.
     Cooperative Manoeuvrings: Cooperative Lane Merging

                                Figure 4 Cooperative Lane Merging overview

In a lane change due to a merging of lanes, the vehicle performing the lane change needs to ensure the
availability of enough spatial gaps in the target lane. This gap can be facilitated by the vehicles
independently following some rules overcoming the fact that sometimes individuals’ behaviour could
lead to non-fluid traffic. Cooperative lane changing can help creating the needed gaps for a smoother
transition. This can be achieved either in a localized or a centralized manner. The former involves
direct exchanges between the vehicles, while the latter builds upon a MEC/back-end server and a
cellular network, which support the vehicles’ systems in determining the optimal behaviour to either
execute or pass on to the driver as a recommendation.

Figure 5 depicts the pilot deployment on Cooperative Lane Merging. A manoeuvrings service will run on each
of the MNOs MEC platforms. These will have a logical interconnection at application level to achieve cross-
border availability. The manoeuvrings service will send instructions to each of the vehicle`s manoeuvrings
management application. On the Italian side, a localized approach is shown, with direct exchanges between the

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                         Figure 5 Cooperative Lane Merging use case deployment

      Cooperative Lane Merging Pilot Plan
The tests will be executed for both localized and centralized approaches (D2.1 provides the description
of the two cases). A localized approach refers to the direct communication and information exchange
between two vehicles, while the centralized approach has a MEC/back-end service and a cellular
network which receives the information from the involved vehicles and supports them in determining
the optimal behaviour in this situation. Localized Approach
Vehicles from both BMW and CRF will be equipped with a QCGER C-V2X on-board unit for PC5
short range communication. This interface allows the direct exchange of Cooperative Awareness
Messages (CAM) which provide periodic status update messages on each vehicle`s current position,
speed and on their respective lanes - all required for the manoeuvring decision. Additionally, a
manoeuvre management application will be present in all vehicles involved. This will be the one in
charge of processing all the input and determining the best action to take.

The idea is that the current status between all involved vehicles is known, and when one intends to
merge into the lane of the other two, it signals its intention beforehand. This intention will be
represented by the blinker status, which will also be contained in the CAM messages. Before
performing the merging action, the vehicle has to wait for the acknowledgment that the necessary
actions for safely creating a gap have been performed by the other two. The algorithm details which
will run in the manoeuvre management application are currently being discussed and will be fine-tuned
in the upcoming months; however, the plan is to have the vehicle in the front coordinating the whole
manoeuvre. This will periodically collect CAM status updates from the other vehicles and send
necessary instructions. Due to the simplicity of implementation, we will show the scenario where the
vehicle on the rear receives the instruction from front vehicle´s manoeuvre management application to
slow down in order to create the necessary gap for the third vehicle to merge (DENM:
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LocationContainer à event Speed). For lower levels of automation, the slow down instruction will be
shown directly to the driver via the vehicle`s Human Machine Interface (HMI). For higher levels of
automation, the command will be sent directly to the vehicle`s ADAS system. After the rear vehicle
has slowed down, the manoeuvre management application in charge will double check all vehicles´
current status and determine if it is safe for a merge to be performed.

As this approach is independent of the location since the network is not involved, there is flexibility
as to where the testing will take place. The project decided to perform it at the Austrian-Italian
(Brennero) border. Centralized Approach
The centralized approach involves both BMW and CRF on the vehicle side. The mobile network
infrastructure will be provided by DTAG on the German side, TMA on the Austrian side and TIM on
the Italian side. A MEC platform provided by Nokia is placed in the DTAG and TIM networks (an
external supplier is used for TMA), with a manoeuvre management application provided by BMW.
This application will oversee computing the information provided by the vehicles involved in the
manoeuvre and determining the optimal behaviour. This is then sent to the vehicles to either execute
or pass on to the drivers as a recommendation, depending on their automation level.

In this scenario, the manoeuvre management application will receive periodical status updates in the
form of CAM messages as input from each of the three vehicles. These messages will include
information on their current position, speed and on their respective lanes. Additionally, the blinker
status information will be provided within the CAM. The vehicle which intends to merge into the lane
is expected to turn the blinker on. The manoeuvre management application interprets this information
as an intention from this vehicle to merge, and in which direction. After all this information has been
obtained, the application will calculate the distances between the vehicles, their expected speeds and
directions. It will then provide a manoeuvre recommendation in order to allow enough space for the
vehicle to merge into the lane. This recommendation could be for example an indication to the vehicle
behind to slow down to a certain speed. When the space between the front and the rear vehicles is
sufficient, the manoeuvre management application will indicate the third vehicle that it is allowed to
merge. In case the space between vehicles is not sufficient, even after the rear one slowing down, the
application will deny the request to merge. The communication from the application to the vehicles
will be handled through Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages (DENM). Specifically,
the instruction to slow down will be sent via the LocationContainer à eventSpeed field.

Testing will take place in both German-Austrian (Kufstein) and Austrian-Italian (Brennero) borders,
each with different MEC deployments on the network. Further details are explained below.

Additional details on Cross-Border Testing

The manoeuvre management application running on each MEC will also handle the cross-border
aspect. For this we can assume that there can be a scenario where two vehicles are served by a Service
on MEC A which runs in a certain MNO´s network and another vehicle served by a Service on MEC
B located on a network originated from the other side of the border. The final algorithm details are in
discussion, the goal for the pilot being that only one of these MEC Services will coordinate the
manoeuvre if required. This may be for instance the one which already has the most connections to the
vehicles or the least latency; however, depending on the network situation it may also be decided to
switch to V2V manoeuvre management via PC5. The CAMs from the vehicle which is currently on
the foreign network will be forwarded to the coordinating MEC through a logical tunnel at application
level. Only when all CAMs from all involved vehicles are available an action can be performed.
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