Delivering the 2019 Federal Election - SERVICE PLAN

Page created by Lance Espinoza
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election - SERVICE PLAN
Delivering the
2019 Federal Election
                FINAL / 5 April 2019
Delivering the
2019 Federal Election
Agency purpose                        3
AEC Values                            3
Election timetable                    4
Election delivery                     5
The federal election story            7
AEC service standards                 8
Achieving the AEC Service Standards   12

FINAL / 5 April 2019
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is committed to delivering
trusted, reliable, high quality and high integrity electoral events and services.

The AEC has continued the important change journey started in         The 2019 federal election will be contested on redistributed
2013, delivering a series of improvements to ensure it meets the      electoral divisions in the Northern Territory (completed in February
expectations of the Australian people and the Australian Parliament   2017), Tasmania (completed in November 2017), Queensland
in delivering safe, trusted electoral events. These have resulted     (completed in March 2018), and the Australian Capital Territory,
in the delivery of multiple highly successful electoral events,       South Australia and Victoria (all three completed in July 2018).
and the AEC will continue to build on this framework through
enhancements for future events.                                       The AEC is committed to continuous improvement. This service
                                                                      plan outlines the key election services and standards that will
A significant body of change is still underway as we continue         underpin the AEC’s delivery of the 2019 federal election.
to foster the AEC’s reputation as one of the world’s truly great
electoral administration bodies.                                      Should you have any comments on the service plan or feel the AEC
                                                                      is not delivering on these commitments, I would ask you to take the
The AEC has also further refined processes, policies and              time to let us know through our online enquiry form so we can use
procedures following the passage of a number of pieces of             your feedback to continue improving the delivery of election services.
legislation. These include:

• Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017;                 Tom Rogers

• Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and              Electoral Commissioner
  Disclosure Reform) Act 2018;

• National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign
  Interference) Act 2018; and

• Electoral Legislation Amendment (Modernisation and other
  Measures) Act 2019.

These changes can all be viewed on our website.
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   3

The AEC is the independent statutory authority responsible
for the conduct of federal elections.

Agency purpose
The purpose of the AEC is to maintain an impartial and independent
electoral system for eligible voters through active electoral roll
management, efficient delivery of polling services, and targeted
education and public awareness programs.

AEC Values
The AEC values and commitments are an essential component
of our operating environment and frame how AEC staff work.
The AEC’s focus is on electoral integrity through the values of
quality, agility, and professionalism.
4   Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan

    Election timetable
    A number of essential steps are involved in conducting a federal election.

    These steps, according to the Australian Constitution, the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act),
    and the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 begin with the issue of the writs (a document commanding
    an electoral official to hold an election) and end with the return of the writs after the results are declared.

    The federal election will be conducted according to the following timetable.

     Activity                                                    Timetable

              Issue of the writs                                 Writs are issued within ten days of the dissolution of Parliament

              Close of rolls                                     Rolls close at 8pm, seven days after the issue of writ

              Close of candidate bulk nominations                Candidate bulk nominations close 48 hours prior to the close of candidate nominations

              Close of candidate nominations                     Nomination close at 12 noon, between 10 and 27 days after the issue of writs

              Declaration of candidate nominations               Nominations are publicly declared 24 hours after nominations close

              Early voting commences                             Early voting (pre-poll voting) is available from the fifth day following the declaration of nominations

              Mobile polling commences                           Mobile polling commences up to 12 days before election day

              Last day for receipt of postal vote applications   Postal vote applications must be submitted by 6pm on the Wednesday prior to election day

              Election day                                       Election day is fixed between 23 and 31 days after the date of nominations                                Note
                                                                                                                                                                           a) Public holidays may have
                                                                                                                                                                              an effect on the election
              Last day for receipt of postal votes               13 days after election day                                                                                   timetable
                                                                                                                                                                           b) The election timetable will
                                                                                                                                                                              be made available on the
              Return of the writs (latest date)                  Writs must be returned within 100 days of their issue                                                        AEC website after the issue
                                                                                                                                                                              of the writs.
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   5

Election delivery
The election delivery principles underpin delivery at the next election.

Integrity of the result
• safe custody and handling of ballot papers

• maintaining integrity of a person’s lawful right to vote by providing a wide range of voting
  services nationally and internationally for all eligible Australians
• Ballot paper formality



• all electoral processes undertaken in compliance with the Electoral Act

• recent legislative changes, which include changes to the nominations process, implemented
  according to the requirements of the Electoral Act

Good customer service and positive customer experience

• provide an improved voter experience at the election

Efficient processes and procedures

• continue to build staff capability and provide an improved experience for AEC staff in delivering
  the election

• further integrate planning across all levels of the AEC

• maintain the ability to mobilise and deliver electoral events whenever they are called

                                                                            6   COMMENCES
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                                                                                                                                       PREPARING FOR
                                                                                                                                   7   POLLING DAY

                                                        BALLOT PAPER
                                                    5   PRODUCTION
                                                                                            8   ELECTION DAY
                                                                                                                               SEATS ARE
                                                                                                                          12   DECLARED

                                                                       11   SENATE VOTES
                                                                                                               13   DAY THIRTEEN

                                                                                                                                   THE WRITS
                                                                                                                             14    ARE RETURNED


                                                                                                                                                       15   ELECTION PACK-UP
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   7

The federal election story
01   FEDERAL ELECTION ANNOUNCED                     07   PREPARING FOR ELECTION DAY                    12   SEATS ARE DECLARED
     Federal election announced and the writs            About 7,000 polling places will be open            After polling day, polls will be progressively
     are issued.                                         on election day staffed by over 80,000             declared as candidates achieve a clear
                                                         temporary workers.                                 majority of first preference votes.
     Election information provided to all           08   ELECTION DAY                                  13   DAY THIRTEEN
     Australians through a range of mediums              Polling places are open from 8.00am to             To be included in the count, ballot papers
     and languages.                                      6.00pm local time.                                 must be received by the 13th day after
                                                                                                            election day.
03   VOTER ENROLMENT                                09   ELECTION NIGHT
     Eligible voters can enrol or update details         After 6.00pm on election day, ballot papers   14   THE WRITS ARE RETURNED
     before Close of Rolls. The certified list of        are counted, scrutinised, packaged and             Once all seats are declared and the Senate
     voters is then prepared and distributed.            securely transported to central counting           results finalised, all writs are returned and
                                                         centres.                                           the new parliament can be formed.
     Close of nominations is followed 24 hours      10   COUNTING HOUSE OF                             15   ELECTION PACK UP
     later by random allocation of candidate             REPRESENTATIVES VOTES                              All 50 million ballot papers (used and
     order on the ballot paper.                          Votes are counted and verified within              unused) are stored securely and all other
                                                         each division with candidate appointed             material is either stored or recycled.
05   BALLOT PAPER PRODUCTION                             scrutineers observing.
     Ballot papers are designed, printed and
     delivered across Australia following the       11   COUNTING SENATE VOTES
     declaration of nominations in preparation           Votes are scanned, counted and verified in
     for early voting.                                   a Central Senate Scrutiny (CSS) centre in
                                                         each capital city with candidate appointed
06   VOTING COMMENCES                                    scrutineers observing.
     A range of voting services commences five
     days after Declaration of Nominations.
8   Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan

    AEC service standards
    The AEC is committed to upholding four key service standards.

    1. Voters and candidates receive timely and             The AEC has notified electors affected by the             The AEC’s online enquiry form will be monitored in
       accurate information                                 redistribution of electoral divisions in the Northern     real time and any enquiries received via this form will
                                                            Territory, Tasmania, Queensland, the Australian           be answered in an efficient and accurate manner.
    The AEC will support effective participation in the     Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia to
    federal election by ensuring information provided to    advise them of the electoral division they will vote      A telephone interpreter service is available in more
    the voting public and candidates is timely, accurate,   in at the federal election.                               than 16 languages, and the National Relay Service
    comprehensive and easy to understand.                                                                             is also available for voters (or any other person) who
                                                            For each federal election an official guide will be       may need assistance contacting the AEC.
    The AEC will conduct a national public information      delivered to households across Australia, coinciding
    and education campaign in three phases, to:             with the early voting period. The guide will provide      Prospective candidates will also be provided
                                                            information on where, how and when to vote, what to       with a range of information and services. The
    • provide eligible electors with a final reminder to    do if you cannot get to a polling place on election day   AEC website serves as a central information hub
      enrol or change their details on the electoral roll   and how to complete your ballot papers correctly.         providing candidate nomination forms (including
                                                                                                                      the qualification checklist), the Nominations Guide
    • ensure electors are aware of their voting options,    The guide will be translated and made available           and the Candidates Handbook, which provide
      regardless of whether they are able to get to a       on the AEC website in 29 languages and will also          guidance on standing for election to the Australian
      polling place on election day                         be available upon request to voters who are blind         Parliament. The AEC will also hold face-to-face
                                                            or have low vision in a range of accessible formats       briefings for candidates to raise questions and be
    • ensure electors are advised how to cast a formal      including Braille, large print, e-text and audio files.   given assistance in accessing and understanding
      vote as instructed on the ballot papers.              The AEC is committed to the provision of services         candidate information materials.
                                                            through a range of channels.
    The campaign will utilise a range of channels
    including television, radio, press, online and social   Should a member of the public be looking for
    media. The campaign also includes information           information, wish to ask a question, provide feedback
    formats for Australians with a disability, Indigenous   or make a complaint, they can do so online, on the
    Australians and Australians from culturally and         phone or at an AEC office.
    linguistically diverse backgrounds.
                                                            During the election period, the AEC’s national
                                                            13 23 26 telephone number will operate from
                                                            8am to 8pm local time.
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   9

2. The AEC delivers a high quality service                   Overseas
                                                             Eligible voters who are living, working or holidaying
                                                                                                                         All voters are able to
Enrolment services                                           overseas can vote in person at an overseas voting           check their current
Australian citizens, 18 years of age or older, are           centre or by post. Information on how to vote while
required by law to enrol and vote in the federal election.   overseas, including a full list of overseas voting          electoral enrolment online
The electoral roll will close at 8pm, seven days after
                                                             centres, is available at
                                                             If you are unable to vote you should complete and
                                                                                                                         at any time during the
the issue of writ. Voters are able to enrol or update        submit an Overseas Notification Form.                       election period.
their enrolment details, or check the progress of their
enrolment application online. Enrolment applications         The AEC will be providing postal voting services to
are also available at any AEC office. A full list of AEC     Australian Defence Force personnel serving overseas
offices is available on the AEC website.                     at the time of the federal election.

All voters are able to check their current electoral         Mobile polling
enrolment online at any time during the election period.     AEC mobile polling teams will visit voters throughout
                                                             Australia in remote areas, hospitals, and nursing homes
Early voting services                                        who are not able to get to a polling place. Details
Voters who are entitled to cast an early vote can do         regarding the locations that mobile polling teams will
so in person or by post. A person is entitled to an          be visiting will be available at Mobile
early vote if they meet the eligibility requirements         polling will occur at selected locations around Australia
listed on the AEC website.                                   to deliver voting services catering for homeless and
                                                             other marginalised elector groups. Mobile polling
Early voting centres will be located in each electoral       will also occur in prisons in a number of States and
division and the details of these locations will be          Territories.
available at Alternatively,
voters who are entitled to a postal vote can apply at or on a paper application available
at AEC offices. Postal vote applications must be
received by the AEC before 6pm on the Wednesday
before election day.
10   Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan

     Supporting people with disability and mobility                 Antarctic voters
     restrictions                                                   Voters working in Antarctica, or in transit to or from
                                                                                                                                   The AEC upholds sanctity
     The AEC provides assistance for people living with             Antarctica on election day, are eligible to register and       of the ballot paper in all its
     disability to ensure they are not disadvantaged from           vote as Antarctic voters.
     participating in the electoral process. This includes                                                                         forms and at all times.
     but is not limited to:                                         Fly-in, fly-out workers
                                                                    Early voting will be available at selected airport                 All ballot papers remain ‘live’ from printing
     Providing assistance to vote at a polling place                departure terminals in Western Australia and postal                through to statutorily authorised destruction.
     Voters who need assistance to vote at a polling place          voting services will be available to fly-in, fly-out
     can ask someone to help. Polling place staff are               workers across Australia.
     trained to assist voters, or a voter can nominate any                                                                             The security, integrity and accountability of
     person (other than a candidate) to assist. This could be       Voting on polling day                                              ballot papers must be preserved at all times
     a friend, relative or another person. If a voter does not      On election day, approximately 7,000 polling places                – including transit and storage by the AEC,
     nominate someone, then the polling official in charge          across Australia will be open between 8am and 6pm                  contractors, or other third parties.
     may provide assistance. In some circumstances, if the          local time.
     voter cannot get out of the car at the polling place, ballot
                                                                                                                                   These two maxims of ballot paper handling
     papers may be brought to the voter for completion.             Interstate voting                                              must never be breached and must underpin
                                                                    Voters who are outside their enrolled division, but still      AEC operations, culture and standards.
     Providing accessible polling places                            within their home state/territory, can cast an absent
     Following the announcement of the election a list              vote at any polling place within their home state/
     of polling places will be made available on the AEC            territory. Voters who are visiting interstate will be able
     website. Each polling place is given an accessibility          to vote at a designated interstate voting centre on
     rating to assist people with disabilities or mobility          election day.
                                                                    A full list of polling places and designated interstate
     Telephone voting for people who are blind                      voting centres will be available at           Declaration votes, which include postal votes and
     or have low vision                                                                                                          votes cast during early voting, do not get counted
     Any voters who are blind or have low vision will be            3. Votes will be counted in accordance with the              on election night; instead, they are counted in the
     able to vote via telephone. This service is operated              Electoral Act and the public and stakeholders             days and weeks following the election. The counting
     by the AEC and allows registered voters to cast a                 have confidence in the result                             of these votes takes longer than the counting of
     secret vote from any location, without attending an                                                                         ordinary votes. The AEC is required to wait 13 days
     AEC office or polling place. The blind or low vision           Counting the votes                                           after election day to receive postal votes before it can
     telephone voting service is available between 8:30am           The count of ordinary votes cast at polling booths           finalise counting. This ensures that voters in remote
     and 5:30pm AEDT/AEST Monday to Friday during                   begins at 6pm on election day. Polling officials count       areas and overseas are not disenfranchised.
     the pre-poll period and 8am to 6pm AEDT/AEST on                both House of Representatives and Senate ballot
     election day on 1800 913 993.                                  papers that night. After election day, ballot papers are     Candidates are not permitted to observe the counting
                                                                    scrutinised multiple times to ensure count processes         of votes for elections in which they are standing.
     Further information and resources are available on the         produce a timely and accurate result and are                 Candidates have the right to appoint scrutineers as
     AEC website.                                                   managed in a transparent manner.                             personal representatives to observe both the voting
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   11

and the counting of votes on their behalf at every        The AEC is committed to delivering processes that
polling place and scrutiny centre. Scrutineers in an      uphold electoral integrity and engender voter and
election must not wear or display in a Polling Booth      stakeholder trust in the result and to ensuring the
on election day any badge or emblem of a candidate        security and sanctity of the ballot paper at all times.
or political party. Scrutineers must not actively seek
to interfere with or attempt to influence an elector or   The AEC has in place, and will demonstrate at the
communicate with any person in the polling booth          federal election, clear and established safeguards for
except so far as is necessary in the discharge of the     the handling of ballot papers by AEC staff, temporary
scrutineer’s functions. A Scrutineers Handbook is         election staff and contractors. This is supported by
available to support the role of scrutineers.             the introduction of visual identification requirements for
                                                          AEC staff, visitors and scrutineers that provide for easy
Reporting the vote count                                  visual identification and consistency across polling
The election results will be communicated to the          places and counting centres during the election.
public in a clear and timely way. The AEC’s official
results centre, the Tally Room, enables the public,       The AEC is committed to treating complaints
candidates and scrutineers to follow vote counting on     seriously, promptly and in line with the AEC’s
election night and progressive results until the final    complaints management policy. Complaints received
outcome is declared.                                      during the election period will be managed according
                                                          to the principles and processes set out in the policy.
The Tally Room can be accessed on election night          Complaints about possible electoral fraud will be
from 6pm and will be updated as results from              managed according to the AEC’s fraud control policy
individual polling places are entered into AEC systems.   and procedures. Information on how to report any
                                                          suspected fraud is available on the AEC website.
Counts conducted in polling places on election night
provide indicative results only. As counting continues
in the weeks following the election night, updates
are made to the Tally Room as re-checked results
and ‘fresh’ results from declaration votes become

4. The public and stakeholders have confidence
   that the electoral process is well managed

The Electoral Act prescribes how a federal election
is to be conducted. All policies, processes and
procedures implemented by the AEC during the
federal election are designed to operate within the
prescribed boundaries of the Electoral Act.
12   Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan

     Achieving the AEC Service Standards
     The four AEC service standards as outlined above will be achieved by:

     Standard 1                                                                          Standard 2                                                                           Standard 3
     Voters and candidates receive timely and                                            The AEC delivers high quality services                                               Votes will be counted in accordance with the
     accurate information                                                                                                                                                     Electoral Act and the public and stakeholders
                                                                                         Achieved by:                                                                         have confidence in the result
     Achieved by:                                                                        AEC staff will be courteous and professional in all
     The AEC will provide timely and accurate information                                their dealings with the public and candidates.                                       Achieved by:
     using appropriate technology and channels.                                                                                                                               After election night, accurate count information
                                                                                         Polling places will be inspected and assessed for                                    will be progressively updated on the AEC website.
     Details of voting centres (early voting centres and                                 accessibility. Accessibility ratings will be made
     polling places) will be published on the AEC website                                available for all polling places.                                                    Ballot papers (both used and unused) will be
     a minimum of 48 hours prior to being open to the                                                                                                                         accounted for.1
     public.                                                                             Enrolment claims received by the close of roll
                                                                                         deadline will be processed in time for the election.
     Information published on the AEC website about
     the location and accessibility of voting centres (early                             Postal vote packs will be dispatched upon receipt of
     voting centres and polling places) will be accurate.                                a valid and complete application (once ballot papers
                                                                                         are available), according to the following timeline:
     Preliminary results will be published as soon as they
     are available on election night.                                                    • Prior to the Monday before election day:
                                                                                          −−Paper postal vote applications – within 5 business
                                                                                            days of receipt.
                                                                                            −−Online postal vote applications – within 3 business
                                                                                              days of receipt.
                                                                                         • From the Monday before election day:
                                                                                          −−Paper and online – within 2 business days of
                                                                                         Voting locations (including early voting centres
                                                                                         and polling places) will open in accordance with
                                                                                         advertised dates and times.

     1. The AEC will follow the established process to account for ballot papers from the time they are printed, issued to an elector, placed in a ballot box (or discovered as discarded or returned as spoilt), counted and then placed in long term storage
        prior to statutorily authorised destruction. For ballot papers that are not issued the AEC will follow the established process to account for them from the time they are printed until statutorily authorised destruction.
Delivering the 2019 Federal Election Service Plan   13

Standard 4                                               For more information
The public and stakeholders have confidence              Visit the AEC website or contact us on 13 23 26.
that the electoral process is well managed

Achieved by:
The writs for the federal election will be returned
in accordance with the relevant legislation.

The AEC’s conduct of the federal election is upheld
in the event of any challenges to results taken to the
Court of Disputed Returns.

All instances of apparent multiple voting will be
reviewed and dealt with in accordance with
AEC policy and procedures and within statutory

All instances of apparent non-voting will be reviewed
and dealt with in accordance with AEC policy and
procedures and within statutory timeframes.
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