Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek

Page created by Joel Howard
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
                                                      The Pre-Pandemic
                                                      Debt Landscape
                                                      — and Why
                                                      It Matters
                         23FÉVRIER 2021
                            JUIN 2017                 L’HEBDOMADAIRE       DIGITAL GRATUIT
                                                         L’ HEBDOMADAIRE ÉLECTRONIQUE GRATUIT


  Democracy Index
   2020: In sickness
    and in health?
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                             3

                                                                 LA TOUR
                                                ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE UNIT REPORT

  Democracy Index 2020:
In sickness and in health?
  The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index (which began in 2006) provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide in 165 inde-
  pendent states and two territories. This covers almost the entire population of the world and the vast majority of the world’s states (microstates are
  excluded). The 13th edition of the Democracy Index, released on Wednesday 3 February, records how global democracy fared in 2020. The main
focus of the report is the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on democracy and freedom around the world. It looks at how the pandemic

    resulted in the withdrawal of civil liberties on a massive scale and fueled an existing trend of intolerance and censorship of dissenting opinion
         n the 2020 Democracy Index, 75
         of the 167 countries and territories
         covered by the model, or 44.9% of
         the total, are considered to be de-
         mocracies. The number of “full de-
mocracies” increased to 23 in 2020, up from
22 in 2019. The number of “flawed democra-
cies” fell by two, to 52. Of the remaining 92
countries in our index, 57 are “authoritarian
regimes”, up from 54 in 2019, and 35 are
classified as “hybrid regimes”, down from 37
in 2019.
   As recorded in the Democracy Index in
recent years, democracy has not been in
robust health for some time. In 2020 its
strength was further tested by the outbreak
of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
The average global score in the 2020 De-
mocracy Index fell from 5.44 in 2019 to
5.37. This is by far the worst global score
since the index was first produced in 2006.
The 2020 result represents a significant de-
terioration and came about largely—but
not solely—because of government-im-
posed restrictions on individual freedoms
and civil liberties that occurred across the
globe in response to the coronavirus pan-

The global average
score hit an all-time low
  The deterioration in the global score in

                                                                             2020 was driven by a decline in the average       “flawed democracy” category to be classified as
                                                                             regional score everywhere in the world, but       “full democracies” and one country, Albania,
                                                                             by especially large falls in the “authoritarian   was upgraded to a “flawed democracy” from a
                                                                             regime”-dominated regions of Sub-Saha-            “hybrid regime” previously. France and Por-
                                                                             ran Africa and the Middle East and North          tugal experienced a reversal, losing the “full
                                                                             Africa. Their scores declined by 0.10 and         democracy” status they had regained in 2019,
                                                                             0.09, respectively, between 2019 and 2020.        re-joining the ranks of “flawed democracies”.
                                                                             Western Europe and eastern Europe both            El Salvador and Hong Kong were relegat-
                                                                             recorded a fall in their average regional         ed from the “flawed democracy” classification
                                                                             scores of 0.06. The score for Asia and Aus-       to that of “hybrid regime”. Further down
                                                                             tralasia, the region which has made the most      the ranking, Algeria, Burkina Faso and
                                                                             democratic progress during the lifetime of        Mali lost their status as “hybrid regimes”
                                                                             the Democracy Index, fell by 0.05. Latin          and are now designated as “authoritarian re-
                                                                             America’s average score declined by 0.04          gimes”.
                                                                             in 2020, marking the fifth consecutive year
                                                                             of regression for the region. The average         Sub-Saharan Africa:
                                                                             score for North America fell by only 0.01,
                                                                             but a bigger decline of 0.04 in the US score
                                                                                                                               Only one ‘full
                                                                             was masked by an improvement in Canada’s          democracy’ - Mauritius
                                                                                In 2020 a large majority of countries, 116        Many of the nations in Sub-Saharan Af-
                                                                             of a total of 167 (almost 70%), recorded a        rica are concentrated at the bottom of the
                                                                             decline in their total score compared with        Democracy Index rankings. The continent
                                                                             2019. Only 38 (22.6%) recorded an im-             has only one “full democracy”—Mauritius—
                                                                             provement and the other 13 stagnated, with        and six “flawed democracies”. The number of
                                                                             their scores remaining unchanged compared         countries classed as “hybrid regimes”, at 13, is
                                                                             with 2019. There were some impressive im-         two less than in the 2019 index, as Burkina
                                                                             provements and some dramatic declines, as         Faso and Mali slipped down the ranking to
                                                                             discussed in the “Highlights” section, with       become “authoritarian regimes”, alongside
                                                                             Taiwan registering the biggest improvement        22 other African states. The overall average
                                                                             and Mali the biggest decline. There were 11       regional score fell to 4.16 in 2020, down
                                                                             changes of regime category, seven negative        from 4.26 in 2019—by far the lowest score
                                                                             and four positive. Three countries (Japan,        for the continent since the index began in
                                                                             South Korea and Taiwan) moved from the            2006.
                                                                                                                                                             Cont’d on page 4
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                    4

                                                                     LA TOUR

Democracy Index 2020 highlights
Pandemic dilemmas: life, death,                         However, the negatives outweighed the                “full democracy” category to the “flawed
                                                        positives, and the US retained its “flawed           democracy” one. Thirteen countries in the
lockdowns and liberty                                   democracy” status. Increased political               region are now classed as “full democracies”
                                                        participation was the main positive: Americans       (down from 15 in 2019) and seven as “flawed
 Across the world in 2020, citizens experienced
                                                        have become much more engaged in politics            democracies”, up from five in 2019. Only
 the biggest rollback of individual freedoms
                                                        in recent years, and several factors fueled the      three countries improved their scores in 2020
 ever undertaken by governments during
                                                        continuation of this trend in 2020, including the    (Italy, Turkey and the UK) and 18 recorded
 peacetime (and perhaps even in wartime).
                                                        politicisation of the coronavirus pandemic,          a decline. The most significant downwards
 The willing surrender of fundamental freedoms
                                                        movements to address police violence and             score changes were in the category of civil
 by millions of people was perhaps one of
                                                        racial injustice, and elections that attracted       liberties, for which the aggregate score fell
 the most remarkable occurrences in an
                                                        record voter turnout. The negatives include          sharply, and in the functioning of government
 extraordinary year. Most people concluded,
                                                        extremely low levels of trust in institutions        category. No country recorded an increase in
 on the basis of the evidence about a
                                                        and political parties, deep dysfunction in the       its overall civil liberties score, as lockdown and
 new, deadly disease, that preventing a
                                                        functioning of government, increasing threats        social-distancing measures used to combat
 catastrophic loss of life justified a temporary
                                                        to freedom of expression, and a degree of            the coronavirus pandemic curtailed individual
 loss of freedom. Many critics of the lockdown
                                                        societal polarisation that makes consensus           freedoms. Nevertheless, countries in western
 approach accepted that some form of social
                                                        almost impossible to achieve. Social cohesion        Europe account for seven of the top ten places
 distancing was necessary to contain the
                                                        has collapsed, and consensus has evaporated          in the global democracy rankings, including
 spread of the disease, but they failed to put
                                                        on fundamental issues—even the date of the           the top three spots, occupied by Norway,
 forward convincing alternatives to the policy
                                                        country’s founding. The new president, Joe           Iceland and Sweden. The Nordics are kings of
 of enforced lockdowns, and the question of
                                                        Biden, faces a huge challenge in bringing            the rankings, with Finland and Denmark sitting
 how many deaths would be acceptable as the
                                                        together a country that is deeply divided over       in sixth and seventh place.
 price of freedom was one that few lockdown
                                                        core values.
 sceptics were prepared to answer. That does
 not mean that governments and media should                                                                  A tale of two regions: democratic
 have censored lockdown sceptics: attempts              Taiwan: the year’s biggest winner                    backsliding continues under cover
 to curb freedom of expression are antithetical                                                              of Covid-19 in eastern Europe and
                                                        The star-performer in this year’s Democracy
 to democratic principles. The withdrawal of
                                                        Index, measured by the change in both
                                                                                                             Latin America
 civil liberties, attacks on freedom of expression
 and the failures of democratic accountability          its score and rank, is Taiwan, which was
                                                                                                             It is hard to say whether the recent democratic
 that occurred as a result of the pandemic are          upgraded from a “flawed democracy” to a
                                                                                                             backsliding recorded in eastern Europe and
 grave matters. This is why the scores for many         “full democracy”, after rising 20 places in the
                                                                                                             Latin America would have continued without
 questions in the civil liberties category and          global ranking from 31st place to 11th. In a
                                                                                                             the coronavirus pandemic. What is certain is
 the functioning of government category of the          year notable for having few winners, Taiwan’s
                                                                                                             that the public health emergency provided
 Democracy Index were downgraded across                 performance was spectacular. The country’s
                                                                                                             cover for abuses of power that have become
 multiple countries in 2020.                            score rose by more than any other country
                                                                                                             familiar in recent years. These two regions
                                                        in the 2020 index. Taiwan went to the polls
                                                                                                             contain only three “full democracies” (all
                                                        in January 2020, and the national elections
Asia rising: a shift eastward in the                    demonstrated the resilience of its democracy
                                                                                                             in Latin America), but they share half the
global balance of power                                 at a time when electoral processes,
                                                                                                             world’s flawed democracies (26 out of 52).
                                                                                                             Eastern Europe has always lagged behind
                                                        parliamentary oversight and civil liberties
 The symbolism of Asia gaining three new                                                                     Latin America in the Democracy Index,
                                                        have been backsliding globally. There was
 “full democracies” (Japan, South Korea and                                                                  but both regions suffer from similar flaws. A
                                                        a strong voter turnout, including among the
 Taiwan) in 2020 and western Europe losing                                                                   weak political culture, difficulties in creating
                                                        younger generation, to elect the president and
 two (France and Portugal) was apt, as the                                                                   institutions aimed at safeguarding the rule
                                                        members of the Legislative Yuan (parliament).
 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has                                                                   of law and persistent issues with corruption
                                                        Overall, the country seems to have concluded
 accelerated the shift in the global balance                                                                 create a difficult habitat for democracy. The
                                                        that a well-functioning democracy represents
 of power from the West to the East. Asia lags                                                               deterioration in both regions in 2020 revealed
                                                        the best means of safeguarding its future.
 behind the West in democratic terms, having                                                                 the fragility of democracy in times of crisis and
                                                                                                             the willingness of governments to sacrifice civil
 only five “full democracies”, compared with
 western Europe’s 13, and the region also has
                                                        Mali and Togo the big losers in a                    liberties and exercise unchecked authority in
 seven “authoritarian regimes” while western            dire year for African democracy                      an emergency situation.
 Europe has none. Yet the Asia region has, so
 far, handled the pandemic much better than             Measured by the decline in its score, Mali,          The Middle East and North Africa
                                                        in west Africa, was the worst-performing
 virtually any other, with lower infection and
                                                        country in the 2020 Democracy Index, being
                                                                                                             retains the lowest score
 mortality rates and a fast economic rebound.
 Having learned from the experience of                  downgraded from a “hybrid regime” to an
                                                                                                             After Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and
 SARS, Asian governments reacted decisively             “authoritarian regime”. Mali does not have full
                                                                                                             North Africa region recorded the second-
 (albeit deploying coercive powers in some              control over its territory, and rampant insecurity
                                                                                                             biggest reduction in regional average score
 cases), benefited from well-organised health           precipitated a coup in August 2020 by military
                                                                                                             in 2020, mainly because of the impact of
 systems and retained the confidence of                 officers aggrieved by a lack of progress against
                                                                                                             coronavirus related restrictions on civil liberties.
 their populations. By contrast, European               jihadist insurgents. A military junta has since
                                                                                                             That score has declined every year since 2012,
 governments were slow to act, some health              established a transitional government, nullifying
                                                                                                             when the advances that followed the onset
 systems came close to collapse and public              the outcome of parliamentary elections
                                                                                                             of the pro-democracy “Arab Spring” uprising
 trust in government declined. Europe’s handling        held in March 2020, which were broadly free
                                                                                                             in December 2010 began to be reversed. The
 of the pandemic was not a good advert for              and fair. Because of this, Mali has dropped
                                                                                                             region suffers from a concentration of absolute
 democracy, something that authoritarian                11 places globally, the second-biggest fall
                                                                                                             monarchies, authoritarian regimes and the
 China did not fail to point out. The pandemic          in rank in Sub-Saharan Africa behind Togo,
                                                                                                             prevalence of military conflicts, and it is the
 has highlighted the widening gap between               which fell 15 places, further down the ranks of
                                                                                                             lowest ranked of all the regions covered in
 a dynamic East and a declining West and is             “authoritarian regimes”. Overall it was a terrible
                                                                                                             the Democracy Index, with seven countries
 likely to further accelerate the shift in the global   year for democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa,
                                                                                                             of the 20 in the region featuring in the bottom
 balance of power towards Asia.                         where 31 countries were downgraded, eight
                                                                                                             20 in our global ranking. The few bright spots
                                                        stagnated and only five improved their scores.
                                                                                                             included increased political participation
                                                        Burkina Faso, which, like Mali, faces a jihadist
US democracy under pressure                             insurgency and does not have full control of its
                                                                                                             in Israel, as shown by the high turnout in the
from rising polarisation and                            territory, was also downgraded from a “hybrid
                                                                                                             election in 2020, despite it being the third one
declining social cohesion                               regime” to an “authoritarian regime”.
                                                                                                             in two years, and tiny moves towards political
                                                                                                             inclusion and transparency in the Gulf states,
                                                        Western Europe loses two “full democracies”
 The US’s performance across several indicators                                                              where authoritarianism nonetheless remains
                                                        In 2020 two west European countries—
 changed in 2020, both for better and worse.                                                                 entrenched.
                                                        France and Portugal—moved from the
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                                                         5

                                                                                  ACTA PUBLICA
                                                                                            AXYS REVIEW

                           The ‘January effect’
                           did not materialise
The first month of 2021 could be resumed, according to stockbroking firm AXYS’ review: The vaccine-induced momentum was dampened; select
           illiquid stocks were boosted by corporate actions, and Ascencia rallied to multi-month highs while peers were highly volatile

T       he Mauritian Bourse’s freshly found
        momentum – following the vaccine
        announcement in early November
– ground to a halt in January. Indices – ex-
cept for the DEMEX (+6.5%) boosted by
                                                          10 Januarys when the market closes in neg-
                                                          ative territory.
                                                             Select illiquids were boosted by cor-
                                                          porate actions. Moulins de la Concorde
                                                          (+42%) and sister concern Livestock Feed
                                                                                                            sue” which included 250k shares offered to
                                                                                                               The emergence of new highly contagious
                                                                                                            Covid-19 variants and subsequent re-con-
                                                                                                            finements as well as heightened travel re-
                                                                                                                                                           to close in positive territory.
                                                                                                                                                              Conglomerates were a mixed bag. Alteo
                                                                                                                                                           (-2%) and Medine (-10%) experienced a
                                                                                                                                                           cooling-off following their respective sharp
                                                                                                                                                           rallies during Q4-2020, whereas construc-
Ascencia’s rally to multi-month highs – lost              (+11%) peaked at record highs following           strictions in developed countries, appeared    tion materials heavy Gamma-Civic (+8%)
between 0.3% and 1.5%. The “January Ef-                   their “bonus issue” of shares. Similarly,         to negatively impact hospitality stocks        and United Basalt Products (+5%) experi-
fect” in Jan2021 did not materialise, accord-             United Docks (+33%) sky-rocketed to its           which shed a combined 3%. LUX* Resorts         enced strong performances. Property com-
ing to AXYS Stockbroking’s report released                highest level in months. It began to do so        (+3%) – which has already published Q4-        panies were highly volatile whereas illiquids
on 3 January, and was among the 3 out of                  after announcing the results of its “rights is-   2020 interim results – was the only hotelier   recorded the sharpest drops.


  L’Union européenne investit plus de 240 millions
  de roupies à Maurice
    Le National Parks and Conservation Ser-               ainsi son positionnement comme l’un des
 vice (NPCS), Reef Conservation Mauritius                 partenaires centraux de Maurice dans ces
 et la Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF)                domaines. Il s’agit notamment de promou-
 s’engagent avec l’Union européenne en                    voir cette approche novatrice selon le princ-
 faveur de la protection de la biodiversité et            ipe de Ridge to Reef qui fait le lien entre
 de la lutte contre le changement climatique.             pollution terrestre et marine et la nécessité
 Ces actions s’inscrivent dans le contexte                d’agir de manière intégrée pour préserver
 des engagements pris au niveau mondi-                    les écosystèmes qui sont interconnectés.
 al au titre de la Convention sur la Biodi-                  La Convention de financement et les
 versité Biologique et de l’Accord de Paris.              deux subventions, attribuées suite à des
 Elles s’alignent avec l’esprit de la nouvelle            appels à propositions, permettront au Na-
 stratégie environnementale du gouverne-                  tional Parks and Conservation Service
 ment qui est en phase de finalisation. La                (NPCS), qui opère sous l’égide du Ministère
 cérémonie de signature a eu lieu jeudi matin             de l’Agro-industrie et de la Sécurité alimen-
 à Pointe d’Esny dans le cadre de la Journée              taire, et aux deux organisations non gou-
 internationale des Zones humides.                        vernementales, Reef Conservation Mauri-
    L’Ambassadeur de l’Union européenne                   tius et la Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, de
 auprès de la République de Maurice, S.E.M.               mener des actions en faveur de la reforesta-
 Vincent Degert, a déclaré : « La Convention de           tion et de la protection des écosystèmes ma-
 Financement que nous avons signée avec le NPCS,          rins à Maurice (dans la Réserve naturelle de
 et les contrats de subventions signés avec la Reef       Rivière Noire, à l’île d’Ambre, Bel Ombre et
 Conservation et le MWF ce matin témoignent               Roches Noires) et à Rodrigues.
 d’une consolidation des liens qui unissent l’UE et          L’UE, l’Agence Française de Dévelop-
 la République de Maurice dans le domaine de la           pement (AFD) et l’Antenne de la Région
 protection de l’environnement et de la lutte contre le   Réunion à Maurice, regroupée au sein de la        tection de la biodiversité à Maurice. Très     mis en œuvre par l’AFD. L’UE signera
 changement climatique. »                                 Team Europe financent et soutiennent ac-          prochainement d’ailleurs, l’UE signera un      également au premier semestre un contrat
    A l’image de son engagement pris dans le              tuellement la mise en œuvre d’une dizaine         nouveau contrat de 6 millions d’euros avec     de 2,5 millions d’euros avec l’Université
 Pacte Vert adopté par la Commission Eu-                  de projets nationaux et régionaux de lutte        la COI sur le renforcement de capacités en     de Maurice portant sur la recherche sur les
 ropéenne en décembre 2019, l’UE confirme                 contre le changement climatique et de pro-        matière de météorologie – projet qui sera      écosystèmes marins.
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                                                   6

                                                                        POST SCRIPTUM
                                       IMF BLOG

                                       The Pre-Pandemic
(IMF) FISCAL AFFAIRS                   Debt Landscape —
                                       and Why It Matters
Xuehui Han, Economist
Paulo Medas, Deputy
Division Chief
Susan Yang, Senior                     Many countries entered the pandemic with elevated debt levels. Our new update of the IMF’s
                                       Global Debt Database shows that global debt—public plus private—reached $197 trillion
                                       in 2019, up by $9 trillion from the previous year. This substantial debt created challenges for
                                       countries that faced a debt surge in 2020, as economic activity collapsed and governments act-
                                       ed swiftly to provide support during the pandemic

                                              ur data show that the global average          market economies and advanced economies              immediately restrict the ability of many
                                              debt-to-GDP ratio (weighted by each           outside of Europe. In low-income countries,          countries—especially the advanced econo-
                                              country’s GDP in US dollars) rose to          total debt rose by 1.3 percentage points of          mies—to borrow to address the crisis. But
                                       226 percent in 2019, 1.5 percentage points           GDP in 2019—mostly driven, in contrast, by           some highly indebted emerging market and
                                       higher than in 2018. Most of the increase            higher private debt.                                 developing economies are starting to find
                                       came from higher public debt in emerging             As shown in our chart of the week, a dive            it more difficult to borrow to support the
                                                                                            into the numbers reveals that the 2019               response to the pandemic.
                                                                                            global public debt surpassed its 2007 level          High and rising private debt may also be
                                                                                            by 23 percentage points of GDP. This is              cause for concern as countries try to transi-
                                                                                            primarily driven by the higher levels among          tion to a solid recovery.
                                                                                            advanced economies, where public debt rose           In the lead up to some past financial crises,
                                                                                            from 72 to 105 percent of GDP, and to a              we have seen private debt accumulate at a
                                                                                            lesser degree by emerging market econo-              rate far exceeding GDP growth, so this phe-
                                                                                            mies (from 35 to 54 percent of GDP) and              nomenon can be a warning sign of rising
                                                                                            low-income countries (an increase of 14              vulnerability. Past experience shows that
                                                                                            percentage points to 44 percent of GDP).             following credit booms, economic activity
                                                                                            Higher debt can potentially reduce the               tends to suffer. If private debt of house-
                                                                                            ability of governments to react to the COV-          holds, firms, or both proves unsustainable,
                                                                                            ID-19 crisis as forcefully as they were able         it can result in large-scale bankruptcies,
                                                                                            to respond to the global financial crisis (see       which might require government inter-
                                                                                            the January 2021 Global Financial Stability          vention in the form of bailouts of critical
                                                                                            Update). However, many countries benefited           sectors or government guarantees on private
                                                                                            from much lower borrowing costs in recent            loans. Private sector debt can therefore
                                                                                            months, partially because very low inflation         pose an additional risk to governments that
                                                                                            rates have allowed central banks to keep             are already highly indebted. Moreover, as
                                                                                            interest rates at record low levels. Compared        public finances are further stretched during
                                                                                            to 2007, the average interest bill as a share        the pandemic, elevated private debt levels
                                                                                            of revenues was 0.3 percentage points lower          before the pandemic can leave governments
                                                                                            in 2019.                                             with less room to maneuver in promoting a
                                                                                            Indeed, the high public debt did not                 healthy and robust recovery.

 La reprise du commerce des services
 n’est pas encore en vue
    D’après les statistiques publiées par l’Or-      Les statistiques les plus récentes confir-
 ganisation mondiale du commerce (OMC)            ment les attentes antérieures selon lesquelles
 le 26 janvier, le commerce mondial des ser-      le commerce des services serait plus dure-
 vices a chuté de 24% au troisième trimestre      ment touché par la pandémie que le com-
 de 2020 par rapport à la même période de         merce des marchandises, lequel n’avait per-
 2019. Comparativement à la baisse de 30%         du que 5% en glissement annuel au troisième
 en glissement annuel enregistrée au deux-        trimestre. Les dépenses non réalisées con-
 ième trimestre, cela ne représente qu’une        cernant les services marchands pourraient
 légère augmentation qui contraste fortement      être réorientées, les consommateurs les re-
 avec la reprise bien plus nette du commerce      portant sur les marchandises.
 des marchandises.
    Selon des données préliminaires, en no-       Légère amélioration
 vembre, le commerce des services était
 encore inférieur de 16% aux niveaux de              Selon des estimations préliminaires, le
 2019. Les perspectives de reprise restent        commerce mondial des services est resté          rapport à l’année précédente.                   ses recettes d’exportation de services chuter
 médiocres car suite à une deuxième vague         déprimé en novembre, en baisse de 16% en            Les exportations de services en novembre     de 57% par rapport aux niveaux d’avant la
 d’infections liées à la COVID-19, de nom-        glissement annuel, sur la base de données        ont baissé de 24% aux États-Unis, de 15%        pandémie. Les exportations de services de
 breux pays ont dû prendre des mesures de         provenant de 39 économies représentant           au Royaume-Uni (dans les deux cas sur une       la Chine ont également ralenti (-1 %), ce qui
 confinement plus strictes, accompagnées          plus des deux tiers du commerce mondial          base corrigée des variations saisonnières)      traduit les résultats d’octobre. Les services
 d’un durcissement des restrictions visant les    des services. Cela marque une légère amélio-     et de plus de 20% dans de nombreux pays         financiers et les services informatiques ont
 voyages et les services connexes qui a été       ration par rapport à octobre, période où le      d’Europe. L’Ouganda, pays dont l’économie       respectivement dopé la croissance des ex-
 maintenu au premier trimestre de 2021.           commerce des services avait perdu 18% par        est fortement tributaire du tourisme, a vu      portations du Luxembourg et du Pakistan.
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                                                                      7


Un nouvel outil pour promouvoir
 la culture agricole à Maurice
 Avec l’entrée en opération de la Centralised Digital Land Bank of State and Private Agricultural Land, ce 2 février 2021, les Mauriciens ont désor-
   mais la possibilité de louer des terrains de différentes superficies exclusivement pour la production alimentaire. La première phase de ce projet
 démarre avec 350 arpents de terre mis à la disposition de Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd par le Ministère de l’Agro-industrie et de la Sécurité alimen-
                                        taire. D’ici fin mars, 100 autres arpents seront disponibles aux planteurs

  L        es agriculteurs souhaitant louer ces
           terres peuvent identifier et choisir
           les lopins qui les intéressent à
travers le site web de la Centralised Digital
Land Bank. Conçu et géré par Landscope
(Mauritius), ce nouvel outil permet à ceux
désirant cultiver la terre d’identifier des ter-
rains non-utilisés où démarrer leurs projets.
La création de cette plateforme, développée
dans le cadre du National Agri-Food De-
velopment Programme, avait été annoncée
dans le discours du budget 2020/2021.
   La Centralised Digital Land Bank s’inscrit
ainsi dans la volonté du gouvernement de
faire se rejoindre l’offre de terres cultiva-
bles non-utilisées avec la demande pour la
location de celles-ci. Dans le cadre de ce-
tte initiative et afin d’augmenter la superfi-
cie de terres disponibles aux cultivateurs,
Landscope (Mauritius) a obtenu le mandat
d’acquérir des terrains agricoles appartenant
également à des propriétaires privés. Cela,
avec le soutien de la State Investment Cor-
poration (SIC).
   Lors de la deuxième phase du projet,
Landscope (Mauritius) lancera également un
appel à manifestation d’intérêt à l’intention
de promoteurs privés disposés à louer leurs
terres cultivables pour une durée minimale
de 10 ans. Ces parcelles intègreront alors la
Centralised Digital Land Bank et seront mis-
es à la disposition des planteurs intéressés.
   « Dans le contexte économique actuel, cette initia-
tive permet de revitaliser notre secteur agricole et no-
tre économie. Elle favorise notamment les projets de       tion de la sécurité alimentaire de Maurice en rédui-      Les lopins de terre mis à la disposition        seront tenus de respecter. Ces conditions et
culture vivrière à grande échelle, permettant ainsi la     sant l’importation de fruits et légumes », souligne     des planteurs à travers la Centralised Digital    objectifs sont définis dans l’Electronic Data
création d’emplois. Plus globalement, la Centralised       Naila Hanoomanjee, Chief Executive Of-                  Land Bank seront loués/sous-loués selon un        Management System (EDMS), conçu exclu-
Digital Land Bank participe aussi à la consolida-          ficer de Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd.                     cahier des charges précis que les cultivateurs    sivement pour ce programme.

Deeper Economic Ties Envisaged,
as COMESA Accredits top EU and
Canadian Diplomats
   New Heads of Diplomatic                         “I cannot speak today without focus-     the importance of engagement
Missions of Canada, Germany                     ing for a moment on our goal of empow-      opportunities with key stakehold-
and France have been accredit-                  ering women and girls to become equal       ers, such as COMESA, in order to
ed as Special Representatives to                participants in an inclusive, prosperous    advance the ideals of inclusiveness
COMESA. Ambassadors Pamela                      and safe society which is at the heart      and gender equality.
O’Donnell of Canada, Dr. Anne                   of Canada’s priorities in Africa,” she         She said COMESA and Canada
Wager-Mitchell of Germany and
François Goldblatt of France pre-
                                                   She stressed the need to create
                                                                                            can share best practices, connect
                                                                                            entrepreneurs and ideas, and see
                                                                                                                                          Préservation de l’environnement :
sented their Letters of Credence                the conditions for women, and               the mutual benefits of increased              KFC replante ses sapins de Noël
to Secretary General Chileshe                   for the small- and medium-sized             economic integration.                            Ils avaient servi à décorer les restaurants KFC durant la période
Kapwepwe in a ceremony held                     businesses they own and run, to                On her part, the German Am-                des fêtes. 19 sapins ont été replantés afin qu’ils puissent, éventuelle-
virtually on Tuesday 2nd February               compete and succeed in order to             bassador, Dr Wager-Mitchell said:             ment, être réutilisés cette année. Cette initiative découle de la volonté
2021.                                           achieve development goals in the            “We are ready to support regional inte-       de la chaîne de restauration rapide de réduire l’impact de son activité
   In her statement, the Canadian               region.                                     gration and to share our own experience       économique sur l’environnement. Depuis les dernières années, l’en-
Ambassador expressed her coun-                     She added: “Public officials and         to regional organizations around the globe    treprise a mis en place plusieurs démarches dans ce sens – réduire le
try’s interest to work with COME-               business leaders must work together to      – either bilaterally or through the EU.”      gaspillage alimentaire, l’utilisation de panneaux solaires pour réduire
SA to advance shared values and                 advance policies and concrete actions to       Germany and France are mem-                la consommation d’électricité, les huiles usées sont entièrement re-
increase opportunities for inter-               further women’s participation and recog-    bers of the European Union,                   cyclées afin de produire de l’électricité, et bien entendu, la réduction
national trade. Specifically, Amb.              nize the crucial role that women play in    which is the biggest development              de l’utilisation de plastique depuis 2010. Plusieurs employés de KFC
O’Donnell identified gender and                 business expansion.”                        partner of the regional bloc espe-            Mauritius, en compagnie des membres du Lion’s Club d’Albion-Le
trade as one of the priority area                  Amb. O’Donnell who is also the           cially on the implementation of               Phare, partenaire de cette initiative, étaient à Gros-Cailloux le same-
that her country is keen to collab-             High Commissioner of Canada to              the COMESA Trade Facilitation                 di, 23 janvier 2021, pour remettre les plantes à la pépinière qui s’est
orate with COMESA.                              Tanzania and Zambia emphasized              Programme.                                    chargée de les replanter.
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
VENDREDI 05 FÉVRIER 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 328                                                                                                                                                   8

                                                                                                                            Dr Pravish Sookha :
      Proparco et la DEG signent                                                                                            « La laparoscopie doit être
                                                                                                                            l’option privilégiée »
       un prêt de 65 millions de                                                                                               Convalescence plus courte, séquelles moins lourdes… Les avantag-
                                                                                                                            es de la laparoscopie sont nombreux pour les patients. Cependant,
                                                                                                                            cette technique chirurgicale reste encore peu pratiquée à Maurice.

         dollars à la Mauritius                                                                                             Lors d’une causerie organisée le 26 novembre au Caudan Conference
                                                                                                                            Centre, à Port-Louis, dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale du dia-
                                                                                                                            bète, le Dr Pravish Sookha, Consultant en Chirurgie Général chirur-

       Commercial Bank Limited                                                                                              gie bariatrique et laparoscopique à Wellkin Hospital, est revenu sur
                                                                                                                            ce type d’intervention. La laparoscopie consiste à opérer un patient
                                                                                                                            grâce à une ou plusieurs petites incisions à travers lesquelles le mé-
   Un prêt de 65 millions de dollars a été signé entre Proparco (filiale de l’Agence                                        decin va introduire un petit tube muni d’une source lumineuse et
Française de Développement), son homologue allemand DEG et la Mauritius Com-                                                d’une mini-caméra ainsi que d’autres instruments chirurgicaux en
                                                                                                                            fonction de la pathologie à traiter. Cette technique permet d’évit-
mercial Bank Limited (MCB), avec pour objectif de soutenir les entreprises maurici-                                         er, autant que possible, les opérations ouvertes et les nombreuses
                            ennes touchées par la crise                                                                     séquelles qui y sont associées, telles que les douleurs post-opératoires
                                                                                                                            et les cicatrices.

                                                                                                                            Collecte de sang : Succès
                                                                                                                            de l’initiative organisée
                                                                                                                            par le collectif Moka’mwad
                                                                                                                               269 pintes de sang récoltées en quatre jours. C’est le bilan de la
                                                                                                                            collecte de sang organisée par Moka’mwad dans différents endroits
                                                                                                                            de Moka. En effet, le collectif avait donné rendez-vous au public
                                                                                                                            près de l’Agricultural Marketing Board, à Vivéa Business Park, à
                                                                                                                            Bagatelle Mall et au centre commercial Kendra du 21 au 24 janvier.
                                                                                                                            Fort de ce succès, les organisateurs ont d’ores et déjà prévu d’organ-
                                                                                                                            iser une nouvelle collecte du 14 au 18 juin dans la région.

F      aible activité économique,        mentaire à trois ans, afin de faciliter   Africa’, Proparco est en effet parte-
                                                                                                                            Campagne promotionnelle Shell :
       problèmes de trésorerie, diffi-   l’accès des entreprises à des reports     naire de près d’une centaine d’in-       Daniel Ah Po remporte une BMW
       culté à faire face aux échéanc-   d’échéances, des restructurations,        stitutions financières qui irriguent
es bancaires. Ces difficultés touchent   des financements de trésorerie ou         les économies locales et les PME         à la veille de ses 60 ans
particulièrement les PME, dont le        des prêts de relance (reconstitutions     Africaines. Du fait des mesures san-
rôle est pourtant fondamental dans       de stocks par exemple).                   itaires en place, des pans entiers de
la création d’emplois et le dyna-           Il s’agit de la troisième opération    l’économie sont à l’arrêt et les PME
misme de la relance économique.          conjointe de Proparco et de la DEG        font face à d’importants besoins
   Le prêt de Proparco et de la DEG      avec la MCB, partenaire historique        de trésorerie. Afin de préserver les
(dont 50 millions pour Proparco)         des institutions de développement.        emplois, il est important que des
à la Mauritius Commercial Bank           Cette opération s’inscrit dans l’ap-      solutions de financement leur soient
Ltd (MCB), permettra d’aider la          proche proactive de Proparco pour         proposées via les systèmes financiers
première banque du pays à faire          soutenir ses clients confrontés à des     locaux. Pour contribuer à cet effort,
face aux besoins générés par la cri-     difficultés suite à la crise Covid-19,    Proparco envisage de déployer un
se sanitaire. L’objectif est d’octroy-   en particulier les PME.                   milliard d’euros de financements
er à la MCB de la liquidité supplé-         A travers son initiative ‘Choose       d’ici fin 2021.

LUX* ouvre son premier hôtel
ultra-luxe en Chine
   The Lux Collective poursuit son expansion à l’in-
ternational. Le groupe hôtelier mauricien ouvre, en
effet, son tout premier hôtel ultra-luxe en Chine.
LUX* Chongzuo, Guangxi Resort & Villas, situé
dans le Daxin County, entouré de jardins tropicaux
luxuriants avec une vue imprenable sur le majestueux
karst, a été officiellement ouvert et inauguré le 1er
février 2021. Situé dans la province du Guangxi et                                                                             C’est une histoire peu ordinaire qui vient clôturer la campagne
séparé du Vietnam par la pittoresque rivière Mingshi,                                                                       promotionnelle « Banané toute lané » de Vivo Energy Mauritius,
l’hôtel est à moins de deux heures de l’aéroport inter-                                                                     société détentrice de la franchise Shell. Grand vainqueur de cette
national de Nanning Wuxu et de la réserve naturelle                                                                         loterie, Daniel Ah Po, un père de famille habitant Baie du Tombeau
de Nongguan, qui abrite des semnopithèques de Cat                                                                           et membre du club de fidélité SmartClub, remporte le prix vedette
Ba, une espèce en voie d’extinction. Les visiteurs                                                                          et devient l’heureux propriétaire d’une BMW 218i Gran Coupé
pourront aussi profiter de la plus grande cascade                                                                           Lounge… à la veille de son 60e anniversaire. Le tirage au sort a été
transnationale de l’Asie – Detian – qui est à 30 min-                                                                       effectué parmi l’intégralité des numéros validés pendant toute la
utes de l’établissement.                                                                                                    campagne promotionnelle (septembre à décembre).

Ocorian nomme Leon Kruger au poste
de Directeur de clientèle à Maurice
   Ocorian, groupe international         Il a rejoint l’équipe à Maurice le        bilité de chapeauter la gestion des
de services financiers diversifiés et    1er janvier 2021. Avant de rejoin-        unités dédiées au service à la cli-
un des leaders mondiaux de ser-          dre Ocorian à Maurice, il a occupé        entèle. Son recrutement fait partie
vices d’administration de sociétés,      le poste de Financial Planner and         des initiatives prises pour la mise
de gestion de fonds et de services       Business Development Manager              en œuvre de la stratégie de l’entre-
fiduciaires, a nommé Leon Kruger         chez Sanlam Life Limited en Afri-         prise axée sur la clientèle et la per-
au poste de Directeur de clientèle.      que du Sud. Il aura pour responsa-        formance.
Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek Democracy Index 2020: In sickness and in health? - Bizweek
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