Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities

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Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Politics &
                                    Volume IV • Issue X text
                               October 2019 • Pages 40 • Rs.40/-


Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
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Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
CONTENTS                        Politics & Democracy
                                      Volume IV   n   Issue X   n   October 2019   n   Pages 40   n   Rs. 40

                              Editor & Publisher : Tarsh Sharma

                              Director : Babita Sharma

                              Group Editor : Vedika Sharma

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                              Graphic Designer : Mayank Chauhan

                              Photographer : Ganesh Kapri

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      Uttar Pradesh:          Manager Circulation : Himanshu Mudgal

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Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
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Unedited Footage of Mahatma Gandhi
National Film Archive of India (NFAI) has discovered 30 reels of unedited
footage on Mahatma Gandhi that amounts to almost six hours of duration.

       hese 35mm celluloid footages, unedited and
       stock shots with title cards in between, are taken
       by several prominent film studios of the time,
such as Paramount, Pathe, Warner, Universal, British
Movietone, Wadia Movietone etc.
   “It is indeed a very wonderful discovery for NFAI,
coming at a time when the entire world is celebrating
the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. There
seems to be some rare footages in this collection while
many visuals are now part of available short films and
documentaries. Some of these shots have been used but
some visuals seem unique”, said Director NFAI, Shri
Prakash Magdum.
   The major highlight of the discovery is a rare half-
an-hour footage that has visuals of a special train
carrying Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes from Madras to
Rameshwaram. The stunning visuals show thousands of
people thronging to stations like Chettinad, Sivaganga,
Chidambaram, Manamadurai junction, Ramnad,
Pudukkottai junctions in Tamil Nadu, with folded hands
and tears in eyes to have a glimpse of the urn carrying
the Mahatma’s ashes.

Railway stations into
Digital hubs
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd a body
behind transforming Railway stations into
Digital hubs by providing public Wi-Fi at
major Railway stations held its 19th Annual
General Meeting. Currently 4900+ stations
are live with RailTel’s RailWire Wi-Fi.

        ailTel has achieved a turnover      Chairman and Managing Director       cities of the country and several
        of Rs.1017 crore and posted a    Shri Puneet Chawla, addressing          rural areas. Along with a strong a
        Profit before Tax amounting      stakeholders gave these details         reliable network of 52000+ RKM of
to Rs. 179 crore and net profit of       and apprised them of the latest         Optic fibre RailTel has two tier III
Rs.110 crore during 2018-19 on           developments and future plans of the    data centers as well, RailTel is at the
standalone basis.                        company.                                forefront of providing nationwide
   Total dividend payout for the FY         RailTel Corporation is a “Mini       Broadband Telecom & Multimedia
2018-19 would be Rs.64.20 crore          Ratna (Category-I)” PSU. It is one of   Network in all parts of the country
(including interim dividend of Rs.18     the largest neutral telecom services    in addition to modernization of
crore) which is 58.36% of PAT as         providers in the country owning         Train operations and administration
approved by the shareholders in the      a Pan-India optic fiber network         of network systems for Indian
AGM.                                     covering all important towns &          Railways.
6 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                  October 2019
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Address: Good Wood Estate, Lower Bharari Road,
   Bharari Road, Shankli, Longwood, Shimla,
           Himachal Pradesh 171001
             Phone:0177 265 9012
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
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Youth Co:Lab
    n a latest initiative to recognize   and investors, who will help equip      will focus on six SDGs: SDG 5
    young people as critical drivers     them with entrepreneurial skills.       (Gender Equality), SDG 6 (Clean
    of sustainable development,              The initiative will also convene    Water and Sanitation), SDG 7
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM),           a series of youth dialogues across      (Affordable and Clean Energy),
NITI Aayog and United Nations            several cities such as New Delhi,       SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic
Development Programme (UNDP)             Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai         Growth), SDG 12 (Sustainable
India launched Youth Co:Lab              to promote entrepreneurship across      Consumption and Production) and
which aims at accelerating social        India.                                  SDG 13 (Climate Action).
entrepreneurship and innovation in           AIM and UNDP, as part of               Sharing his views on the
young India.                             UNSDF signed between NITI Aayog         significance of youth led
   To mark the launch, a Letter of       and UN India, are collaborating to      entrepreneurship, Mission Director
Intent (LOI) was signed between          spread awareness about different        Ramanan Ramanathan said that
AIM, NITI Aayog and UNDP India.          issues pertaining to youth, the         “youth entrepreneurship has immense
   Through Youth Co:Lab, young           future of work and the Sustainable      potential benefits and the most
entrepreneurs and innovators             Development Goals (SDG) through         significant one is that it creates huge
will get a chance to connect with        Youth Co:Lab.                           employment opportunities in the
governments, mentors, incubators             The first phase of Youth Co:Lab     country.”

First Indigenous Fuel Cell System
       he President of India, Shri       Mumbai exemplified exploiting           conditioning. This system will also
       Ram Nath Kovind, unveiled         materials of science developments       meet the requirement of efficient,
       the first Indigenous High         at CSIR laboratories into practice by   clean and reliable backup power
Temperature Fuel Cell System             Industry. The 5.0 kW fuel cell system   generator for telecom towers, remote
developed by Council of Scientific       generates power in a green manner       locations and strategic applications
and Industrial Research (CSIR) in        using methanol / bio-methane, with      as well. This development would
partnership with Indian industries       heat and water as bi-products for       replace Diesel Generating (DG) sets
under India’s flagship program           further use; amounting to greater       and help reduce India’s dependence
named “New Millennium Indian             than 70% efficiency, which otherwise    on crude oil.
Technology Leadership Initiative         may not be possible by other energy       The developed technology is world
(NMITLI)” on the occasion of CSIR        sources.                                class and the development has placed
Foundation Day at VigyanBhawan,            The Fuel Cells developed are          India in the league of developed
New Delhi.                               based on High Temperature Proton        nations which are in possession of
  A unique example of Public-Private     Exchange Membrane (HTPEM)               such a knowledgebase. The Fuel
Partnership (PPP) among CSIR’s           Technology. The development             Cells fit well in India’s mission of
three Laboratories [CSIR-NCL,            is most suitable for distributed        replacing diesel with green and
Pune; CSIR-NPL, New Delhi &              stationary power applications like;     alternate fuels. The development of
CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi (Chennai           for small offices, commercial units,    fuel cell technology is indigenous
Center)] and two Indian industries;      data centers etc.; where highly         and carries immense national
M/s Thermax Limited, Pune and            reliable power is essential with        importance in terms of non-grid
M/s Reliance Industries Limited,         simultaneous requirement for air-       energy security.

September 2019: 91,916 crore GST
       he total gross GST revenue        for the month of August up to 30th      crore for the SGST.
       collected in the month of         September, 2019 is 75.94lakh.              The revenue during September,
       September, 2019 is 91,916             The government has settled          2019 is declined by 2.67% in
crore of which CGST is 16,630            21,131 crore to CGST and 15,121         comparison to the revenue during
crore, SGST is 22,598 crore, IGST        crore to SGST from IGST as regular      September, 2018. During April-
is 45,069 crore (including 22,097        settlement. The total revenue earned    September, 2019 vis-à-vis 2018, the
crore collected on imports) and Cess     by Central Government and the State     domestic component has grown by
is 7,620 crore(including 728 crore       Governments after regular settlement    7.82% while the GST on imports has
collected on imports). The total         in the month of September, 2019 is      shown negative growth and the total
number of GSTR 3B Returns filed          37,761 crore for CGST and 37,719        collection has grown by 4.90%.
8 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                 October 2019
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Democracy Politics & - Uttar Pradesh: Challenges to Opportunities
Cover Story

Uttar Pradesh:
                   Challenges to Opportunities
On 19th September 2019, Adityanath Yogi government of Uttar
Pradesh, completed its 2.5 years. In the past two-and-half years
UP was pulled out from a state of identity crisis by converted
challenges to opportunities.
• Tarsh Sharma

T   he state has created a record
    in the implementation
of various central schemes,
                                       strengthening the nation under
                                       the dynamic leadership of Yogi
                                       Adityanath, The Chief Minister
                                                                              ups. Uttar Pradesh is surrounded
                                                                              by Uttarakhand and Nepal in its
                                                                              northern parts where as Delhi,
including the Pradhan Mantri           and his pro-active team. Uttar         Haryana lies in the western
Awas Yojana, Saubhagya Yojana,         Pradesh, undoubtedly is a state        areas while the eastern part is
Kisan insurance.                       which is abundant in natural           surrounded by Bihar and Southern
                                       and mineral resources, perennial       by Madhya Pradesh and it
   Uttar Pradesh is the
                                       water resources with major rivers      assumes strategic importance for
perfectly blended envisage of
                                       of states like Ganga, Yamuna,          Indian defense. The state surely
India’s history, heritage, art
                                       massive manpower resources of          unfurls great potentials in terms
and culture and a flash of the
                                       working age, vast agricultural         of building a better tomorrow and
growing economy, technology
                                       based regions and the growing          opportunities for workforce and
and development. Now, the
                                       service and manufacturing set          investors both.
state is taking an edge over

Uttar Pradesh has over 4,800 km of national highways and over 10,000 km of state highways.
The industrial park in Noida has about 4000 functioning industrial units with the state-of-art physical
The latest Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) data for registered manufacturing industries for the year 2013-
14 show per unit invested capital in the state at INR 11.72 million for its "UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL
FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH" of 45, 14,463 units.
Uttar Pradesh has about 1,500 ITIs and ITCs with an annual intake of approximately 0.18 million students.
There are about 350 polytechnics, both government and private, with an annual intake of about 100,000
students. In addition, there are nearly 800 degree-level institutions, mostly in private sector, with an annual
intake of 250,000 in technical courses (engineering and management).
NSDC estimates that 11 million jobs are to be generated in the state between 2012 and 2022.

10 Politics & Democracy					                                                                           October 2019
Cover Story

Focal Industries            Skills &                       Manufacturing
Uttar Pradesh accounts
                            Opportunities                  The State of Uttar Pradesh
for major Focal             About 82 per cent of           has potential to produce
industries that include     males and one-fourth of        more than 4000 MW of
Cement Manufacturing,       females in the age-group       Biomass power.
Vegetable production,       of 15-59 years form
                                                           Uttar Pradesh accounts for
oils production, Textiles   the labor force in Uttar
                                                           28.03 per cent of India’s
crafting, Cotton, yarn,     Pradesh.
                                                           sugar production.
Sugar, Carpet, Brassware,   After agriculture,
Glassware & Bangles                                        The state has the longest
                            the other important
production industries as                                   network of rivers and
                            industrial sectors in
well.                                                      canals at 28,500 kms
                            terms of employment
                                                           fostering the agriculture
The chemicals' sector       are manufacturing and
has shown growth more       construction, with each
than 100% in terms of       employing about 13.2 per       Uttar Pradesh is the largest
production.                 cent and 13.6 per cent of      producer of electronic
                            the workforce respectively     goods and is the fourth
Adobe Systems India                                        largest exporter of
                            in 2011-12.
Pvt Ltd, Computer                                          software products from the
Sciences Corporation        Literacy rate is of about 70
                                                           country with more than
India (CSC), Dabur India    per cent in Uttar Pradesh.
                                                           US $ 900 million worth.
Ltd, ST Microelectronics    In the span of next ten
(STM), Birlasoft Ltd.,      years, the NSDC estimates
Jaypee Group, Cadence,      show maximum demand
Ingersoll-Rand India Ltd    for skilled workers at
(IRIL), Delphi Automotive   37 per cent of the total
System, LG Electronics      incremental demand. This
India Ltd (LGEIL), HCL      is expected to be followed
Technologies, Indo Gulf     by semi-skilled workers at
Fertilisers Ltd, EXL        35 per cent, and minimally
Service Holdings Inc,       skilled workers at 28 per
Honda SIEL Cars India       cent.
Ltd, are among the major
industry giants who are     According to the latest
already contributing and    Sixth Economic Census,
manufacturing in Uttar      there were 6.7 million
Pradesh.                    enterprises in Uttar
                            Pradesh where, in these
                            enterprises provided
                            employment to 13.75
                            million persons in the

October 2019                                                                 Politics & Democracy 11
Cover Story

                                              In the past two-and-half years UP was pulled out
                                              from a state of identity crisis as we converted
                                              challenges to opportunities.

                                              On March 19, 2017, the BJP government was
                                              formed in the state after a 14-year-exile and our
                                              biggest challenge was to change the perception
                                              that people had of Uttar Pradesh.

                                              We have set a benchmark for good governance,
                                              development and faith.
                                              The condition of farmers in the state was very
                                              bad and they were forced to commit suicide. We
                                              gave a number of schemes to the farmers. Crop
                                              loans up to Rs. 1 lakh given to 86 lakh farmers
                                              in the state were waived off and record purchase
                                              of crops was done. UP has the highest number of
                                              beneficiaries of Pradhanamntri Kisan Samman
                                              Yojna in country and 25 lakh houses were given
                                              during our tenure under PM Awas Yojna.

                                               There has not been a single incident of riot in the
                                               state in the past two-and-half years. The dreaded
                                               criminals have either fled from the state or are
                                               in jail. There has been a sharp decline in dacoity,
                                               rape, extortion, loot and riot cases. As many as
                                               41 new police stations have been opened in the
                                              In the past two-and-half years 50 lakh children
     Yogi Adityanath                          have been enrolled in government primary
     Chief Minister, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh   schools.
                                              The branding of the Kumbh Mela was done at an
                                              international level and 137 countries were invited
                                              to attend the event.
                                              We have built roads, connected airports and now
                                              we are set to start the Purvanchal Expressway
                                              from next year.

                                              20 to 25 thousand crores will be invested in
                                              coming months in defence corridor and it will
                                              generate more than 2 lakh employment.

                                              Our government is working towards making
                                              the idea of Ek Bharat-Shreshtha Bharat’ a
                                              reality. Women’s dignity is being honoured. The
                                              infiltrators are being chased out of the country
                                              through NRC (National Register of Citizens).

12 Politics & Democracy					                                                           October 2019
Cover Story

Transforming Uttar Pradesh
With the upcoming reforms in         the state being the most prefren-     the 4th largest state of the country,
“Ease of Doing Business in UP”,      tial choice of investors for their    Uttar Pradesh is the golden quad-
“The Industrial Investment and       FDIs in India. Currently, the state   rilateral mapping almost 250,000
Employment Promotion Policy          contributes to 8.4% total GDP of      kms road network, around 9000
2017” and special incentives         the nation with nation’s largest      kms railways network and higher
to SCs/STs and women section         working population constituting       altitude of air connectivity to the
will be the major key factors for    as much as 56%. Uttar Pradesh         all parts of country and major
transforming Uttar Pradesh and its   state aims at providing a transpar-   international destinations to cover
scenario in the longer run. And,     ent framework for the investors       in the couple of years.
with these master moves, Uttar       so that it is an easy road to map
Pradesh goverment is taking up       with rewarding experience. Being

Industrial Investment & Employment Promotion Policy
The newly framed policy by the government in the guidance of current chief minister of the state for indus-
trial investment and employment prospects to be generated is striving on to leverage the growing potentials
as well as back front economic dynamics of the state. This policy is eyed on benefiting majorly those indus-
tries whic h are lacking investments and wherein the skilled youth of the state can be best utilized and ben-
efited as well with employment for t heir livelihood. The industrial investment policy aims at bringing the
largest share of investment from national and international market making Uttar Pradesh prime choice of
investors providing them most liberal, lucrative and easy going policy and industrial framework.

  Do you know?
  (Achievements of Yogi Adityanath in 2.5 years)
  •   Yogi Adityanath became the 22nd Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on March 19, 2017.
  •   Work started on the Poorvanchal expressway and progress has been made in the Bundelkhand
      expressway plan. Another expressway planned from Meerut to Prayagraj has been named Ganga
  •   Till 2017, Uttar Pradesh only had two airports but now there are six airports functioning. Work
      is in progress on 11 more airports and two international airports are being developed by the state
      government at Jewar near Greater Noida and in Kushinagar.
  •   The first waterway in the country has been set up connecting Haldia in West Bengal with Varanasi in
      Uttar Pradesh.
  •   In the last two-and-a-half years, the state government has given 2.25 lakh jobs to the youth of the
      state. 20 lakh people have got employed indirectly because of the investment. 4 lakh youth have
      either been employed in the MSME sector or have started their own units.
  •   The state government paid more than Rs. 74,000 crore to sugarcane farmers.
  •   In the last two years, the state government has succeeded in getting investment more than Rs. 2
  •   A defence expo is scheduled to take place in Lucknow in February 2020.

October 2019                                                                               Politics & Democracy 13
Inside Track

Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra’s Dance
       he Vice President of India,        described the Ramayana as a heritage
       Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu             of the entire mankind and called for
       has said that the epics like       efforts to preserve, propagate and
Ramayana reminds about ones pious         deepen peoples understanding of
duty to perform in the larger interest    this immortal epic. “As we know,
of the society and the country. He        tradition is best preserved through
asked everyone take a small step on       constant re-creation,” he added
a daily and regular basis on issues           Saying that the epic of Ramayana
of common good such as controlling        reminds people of their duty towards
pollution, saving water or preserving     the world, society, and family, Shri
the environment and others to make        Naidu said that the epic also defines
the world a better place.                 the relationship of human beings
    “The Ram Rajya is waiting to be       with each other, and with mother
realized. Our smallest contribution       earth, nature, birds, and animals.
will help in realizing the ideal Ram          Talking about the core values of
Rajya – a truly enlightened ethical       the Ramayana and its essence, the
democratic society.” he added.            Vice President said that Ramleela        give the audience, but it makes
    Addressing the gathering after        was not meant only to recall and         people actually realize the message
inaugurating Shriram Bharatiya Kala       recreate the episodes in Lord Rama’s     that life story of Rama and Sita has
Kendra’s Dance Drama ‘SHRIRAM’            life and enjoy the taste of different    for all humanity.
in New Delhi, the Vice President          Rasas that the performance would

Aadi Mahotsav

         adi Mahotsav (Tribal
         Festival) organized by Tribal
         Cooperative Marketing
Development Federation of India
(TRIFED), Ministry of Tribal Affairs
went off to a colourful start at Expo
Centre Sector-62, Noida (UP).
    Smt. Renuka Singh, Minister of
State for Tribal Affairs inaugurated
the festival. Shri Deepak Khandekar,
Secretary, Ministry of Tribal
Affairs, Shri Ramesh Chand Meena,
Chairman TRIFED and many                  tribal artisans a platform to showcase   plans to tap this premium niche
dignitaries were present on the           their artistic creations to a bigger     market. Thus, ensuring that the
occasion. The festival will continue      and wider mark. She spoke about          benefit of higher prices accrues to the
from 11 am to 8.30 pm, daily till 8th     the unity which can be seen in these     tribals.
October, 2019.                            kinds of events.                             Secretary, Ministry of Tribal
    The Minister took a round of              Sh. Ramesh Chand Meena               Affairs, Shri Deepak Khandekar
the Mahotsav and interacted with          elaborately explained that apart from    expressed his happiness to have
the tribal artists and lauded their       handicrafts, the tribes gather from      successfully launched the event.
significant role in the protection,       the forests a range of forest produces   He briefed the public and brought
preservation and promotion of the         which include various tree-borne         to light the schemes and activities
rare folk art and craft of the country.   products like flowers, fruits, seeds,    of Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Trifed
She said that TRIFED is doing             barks and leaves and various insect      is doing significant work in this
an excellent job by holding such          produces like honey. All these are       direction and have now embraced
purposeful programmes across the          hundred percent organic products.        e-commerce and digital platforms to
country for connecting people and         Knowing that organic food products       take the business forward, he added.
integrating India and for offering        command a premium price, Trifed

14 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                  October 2019
Inside Track

eDantseva Website and Mobile Application
         r Harsh Vardhan, Union           and Ministry of Earth Sciences stated
         Minister of Health and           that these significant initiatives have
         Family Welfare launched          taken inspiration from the importance
the eDantseva website and mobile          given to digital platforms for people’s
application, the first ever national      knowledge and information by the
digital platform on oral health           Hon. Prime Minister, Shri Narendra
information and knowledge                 Modi ji. “e-DantSeva is the first
dissemination.                            ever national digital platform that
    This marks an important milestone     provides oral health information both
as e-DantSeva will reach out to more      in the form of a website and mobile
than one billion people with one click    application,” Dr Harsh Vardhan said.
in the form of a dedicated website and    He further added that oral health is
mobile application. The Union Health      indispensable for the wellbeing and
Minister also released the Braille        good quality of life. “Poor oral health
booklet and Voice over on Oral Health     affects growth negatively in all aspects
Education for the visually impaired       of human development,” he said. He
individuals, along with the oral health   further said that dental caries/cavities   other stakeholders aims to sensitize
posters for pregnant women and            and periodontal disease remain the         the public about the significance of
children.                                 two most prevalent dental diseases         maintaining optimum oral health
    At the event, Dr. Harsh Vardhan,      of the Indian population and dental        and equips them with the tools
incumbent minister at Ministry            infections have a potential for serious    and knowledge to do so, including
of Science & Technology (India),          diseases/infections. This initiative       awareness on the nearest oral health
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare     of the Ministry with AIIMS and             service facility.

Day at Sea

             he Indian Navy is ready to                                              the Navy has been able to achieve
             defend the country against                                              credible deterrence by maintaining
             all threats” - Raksha                                                   a very high degree of preparedness
Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh said while                                                 through regular training, quality
addressing the personnel of Western                                                  maintenance and strategic situational
Fleet, during his “day at sea” onboard                                               awareness. He also termed naval
INS Vikramaditya off the Goa coast.                                                  deployments as an important tool of
     After witnessing the prowess and                                                diplomacy which is essential to build
fire power of the Western Fleet first     the Western Fleet which was                bonds with friendly nations.
hand, Raksha Mantri said, “I am most      immediately deployed in a strong               Describing Navy as the key
impressed to see the professionalism,     posture in the northern Arabian Sea        enabler and guarantor of the India’s
commitment and spirited approach          when the Government effectively            maritime security, Raksha Mantri
shown by the brave sailors of the         responded to the Pulwama attacks           said, India’s economic resurgence is
Indian Navy. I am reassured that          through strikes on terror camps in         directly linked to its overseas trade
the security of our nation is in safe     Balakot. He said, “Western Fleet           and energy needs, most of which is
hands”.                                   degraded the ability of our adversary      by sea. “About 90 percent of India’s
     Emphasising that security of India   and ensured they did not attempt any       international trade by volume and
relies a lot on being strong at sea,      misadventure at sea”. Shri Rajnath         about 70 percent by value are carried
Shri Rajnath Singh lauded the multi-      Singh termed as most significant           by sea. As we move towards our
dimensional approach adopted by the       the role of Indian Navy to have a          goal of 5 trillion dollar economy; the
Navy to ensure safety and security        credible “second strike” capability as     volume of maritime trade will only
in the country’s areas of maritime        a Nuclear deterrent.                       grow in times to come. Thus, I firmly
interest. He said, the Navy’s Mission           Saying that Indian Naval             believe that the role of the Indian
Based Deployments at critical             ships are continuously deployed            Navy in general and the Western
regions of the Indian Ocean have          for anti-piracy operations, Raksha         Fleet in particular is also critical in
strengthened the maritime security        Mantri commended the Navy for              ensuring the energy security and
environment in the region.                demonstrating and re-affirming its         economic growth of the country”, he
     Raksha Mantri also commended         role as a Net Security Provider in         added.
                                          the Indian Ocean Region. He said,
October 2019                                                                                          Politics & Democracy 15
Inside Track

Dasna-Hapur Section of Delhi-Meerut
       nion Minister for Road             by more than 1 hour, and bring               Shri Keshav Chandra Maurya
       Transport & Highways Shri          significant reduction in pollution       assured that the State government
       Nitin Gadkari inaugurated          level. He said, highways and             will accord priority to solving the
the Dasna-Hapur section of Delhi-         infrastructure projects are directly     problems before the highways sector,
Meerut Expressway (package-3) in          related to the development of an area.   as these are important for upliftment
UP’s Pilakhuwa.                               Shri Gadkari announced that the      of people in villages and suburbs.
                                          Ghazipur-Dasna section of this road
    Minister of State for Road            (package 2) will be completed in next
Transport & Highways Gen (Retd)           three months, and the entire Delhi-
V K Singh, Deputy Chief Minister          Meerut Expressway will be ready for
of UP Shri Keshav Chandra Maurya,         commuters within six months.
Lok Sabha member Shri Rajendra                Gen (Retd) V K Singh lauded the
Agrawal, Rajya Sabha member Shri          efforts of engineers and construction
Anil Agrawal and several MLAs             workers in completing a strong,
were present on the occasion.             wide and very useful road in such a
   Speaking on the occasion, Shri         short time. He said, the government
Gadkari said the Delhi-Meerut             has embarked upon an ambitious
Highway will bring prosperity to the      infrastructure development plan for
region, and will help in decongesting     the NCR, which will change the
the National Capital Region. It will      development scenario of the entire
also lead to reduction in travel time     area.

Indian defence industry worth $26 billion by 2025
        aksha Mantri Shri Rajnath         ‘New & Strong India’. He hoped
        Singh has called for an           that the industry partners will come
        increased and active              up with concrete investment and
participation of the private sector in    technological intervention proposals
defence manufacturing to achieve the      related to defence and avail the
Government’s target of making the         business opportunities present in the
Indian defence industry worth $26         sector. He said, there is a need to
billion by 2025.                          make the system investor friendly
     He was addressing the captains       and create a conducive atmosphere
of industry at the 22nd India             for the growth of defence production
International Security Expo, 2019         with an increased participation of the
(Defence & Homeland Security).            private sector.
Shri Rajnath Singh reaffirmed the             Shri Rajnath Singh assured
Government’s aim of inclusive             the defence industry that the
growth and making India a $5 trillion     Government is open to new ideas
economy by 2025, adding that the          and remains committed to harness
defence sector will play a pivotal role   the entrepreneurship spirit and
in achieving this goal. “Our aim is to    energies of the private sector. “As
make a world class domestic defence       a friend, philosopher & guide, the
industry that is self-reliant and less    Government is ready to hold frank        in DefExpo 2020 to held in Lucknow
dependent on imports”, he added.          discussions, even on issues and          from 05 – 08 February.
    Raksha Mantri stressed that           problems”, he said. Raksha Mantri            Sharing his vision of making
in its present set up of ‘Minimum         expressed confidence that the Indian     India an economic powerhouse and
Government and Maximum                    Defence Industry will touch newer        global superpower, Raksha Mantri
Governance’, the Government               heights and make India a major           said, he wants that every citizen of
plays the role of a facilitator and       defence manufacturing hub. He            the country feels safe & secure and
the duty of the industry is to work       invited domestic as well as foreign      works for the progress of the nation
in tandem to realise the vision of        defence manufacturers to participate     to the best of his/her ability.
16 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                 October 2019
National Tourism Awards
Award Reward

Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu presented the National
Tourism Awards 2017-18 on World Tourism Day in New Delhi.

        total of 76 Awards under
        various categories were pre-
        sented. The Union Minister
of State for Tourism & Culture (IC)
Shri Prahlad Singh Patel; Secretary-
General of United Nations World
Tourism Organisation (UNWTO),
Mr. ZurabPololikashvili; Tourism
Minister of Paraguay Ms. Sofia Mon-
tiel De Afara; Tourism Secretary Shri
Yogendra Tripathi; DG Tourism Smt.
Meenakshi Sharma, senior officers of
Ministry of tourism and 82 interna-
tional delegates were among those
present on the occasion.
                                         learn about various facets of India’s     host country for celebration of World
  Speaking on the occasion, the Vice     culture, heritage, languages and cui-     Tourism Day 2019 by the United
President Shri M Venkaiah Naidu          sine and enhance their understand-        Nations World Tourism Organization
urged all stake holders of the tourism   ing of the unique cultural mosaic of      (UNWTO).He congratulated all the
industry to be especially mindful of     the country. The Vice President also      awardees and said that we believe in
their ecological foot print and called   underscored India’s tremendous po-        ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’and that is why
for more responsible and sustainable     tential in the field of medical tourism   our tourists are very important for
tourism practices. He further urged      and said that India must leverage its     us. He added that the Indian govern-
the people, especially the youth to      ancient practices of healing such as      ment is continuously taking tourist
visit at least 15 tourist destinations   Ayurveda and Yoga to attract more         friendly decisions like reduction of
within India by 2022 to give boost to    tourists who seek holistic wellness.      E-tourist visa fees, making available
domestic tourism, as per the sugges-                                               an extended e-tourist visa, reduction
tion made by Prime Minister Naren-         Union Minister of State for Culture     in GST on hotel tariffs being some
dra Modi. Shri Naidu urged students      & Tourism (IC) expressed his hap-         of the recent important ones which
to undertake ‘Bharat Darshan’ to         piness at India being selected as the     will go a long way in giving boost to
                                                                                   tourism in the country.

                                                                                     The Union Minister said that tour-
                                                                                   ism sector is a revenue generating
                                                                                   sector. But apart from revenue, we
                                                                                   also want to change the perception.
                                                                                   He added that in the last five years
                                                                                   India has improved its position tre-
                                                                                   mendously in world travel and com-
                                                                                   petitiveness index from 65 in 2013
                                                                                   to 34 in 2019. The credit for it goes
                                                                                   to the Prime Minister Shri Narendra
                                                                                   Modi who has proudly presented In-
                                                                                   dia at international levels as a brand
                                                                                   ambassador of the country.

18 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                  October 2019
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Air India introduce new routes
          ir India connected the city   finance capital of India, Mumbai.       connecting Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in
          of dreams Mumbai with the     The service also lend a fillip to       sync with the Government’s Regional
          dream tourist destination     Air India’s Connect India mission,      Connectivity Scheme to make flying
Dehradun and the temple city of         wherein the national carrier has been   accessible to everybody.
Varanasi with an Airbus 319 aircraft
from 28th September, 2019.
    Flight AI689 take off from the
CSI Airport at Mumbai at 1025
hrs and reach Jolly Grant airport
at Dehradun at 1240hrs. Then it
leave Dehradun at 1310 hrs to land
at the Lal Bahadur Shastri airport
in Varanasi at 1435 hrs. The return
flight AI690 leave Varanasi at 1505
hrs to arrive at Dehradun at 1630
hours. From Dehradun, the flight take
off at 1700 hrs to reach Mumbai at
1900 hrs.
    Scheduled to operate every
Wednesday and Saturday, the flight
fulfil a long-standing demand of
tourists and pilgrims to connect
Dehradun and Varanasi with the

Cathay Pacific: India's Most Admired Brands

        athay Pacific Airways has been    Leaders Conclave in Delhi for its
        named one of India's 100 Most     outstanding performance in delivering
        Admired Brands 2018-19 by         a popular, successful and sustainable
global brand consulting firm White Page   service, along with its positive
International, reflecting the ceaseless   contributions to the aviation industry
dedication Hong Kong’s home airline       and the wider Indian economy. Gautam
has to offering unmatched levels          Sharma, Principal Consultant at White
of service and an industry-leading        Ladder Consulting, presented the award
customer experience.                      at the grand ceremony to Cathay Pacific
    The airline was recognised at the     Regional Head of Marketing and Digital
annual Ideasfest 2019 – Thought           Sales for South Asia, Abhijit Abhyankar.

Anand Yedery ,Cathay Pacific Regional Head of Marketing and Sales for South Asia,
Middle East and Africa (SAMEA)

It is an incredible honour to be selected as one of India's 100 Most Admired Brands in
the Premium Airline category. Cathay Pacific’s focus has always been on providing a
best-in class passenger experience with innovative and unique offerings that elevate our
customers’ journeys. Our new brand direction, Move Beyond, perfectly captures our
commitment to cementing our reputation as one of the world’s greatest service brands.
This award not only stands as a testament to the hard work put in by all the teams at
Cathay Pacific, but also serves as tremendous motivation for us to achieve even greater
heights in the future. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to White Page
International, UK Asian Business Council and Live from Earth Media for this recognition.

20 Politics & Democracy					                                                                              October 2019

Etihad Airways: 15 years of service to India

                                                                   tihad Airways, the      in September 2004.Three
                                                                   national carrier of     months later, flights were
                                                                   the United Arab         also launched between
                                                            Emirates, has completed 15     Abu Dhabi and New
                                                            years of service to India.     Delhi. Today, Etihad
                                                               Celebrating this feat,      Airways offers 159
                                                            the airline marked its         weekly flights spread
                                                            anniversary in the country     across 10 gateway cities of
                                                            by hosting a blood donation    Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
                                                            drive at its airport office    Chennai, Cochin, Delhi,
                                                            in Mumbai, in association      Hyderabad, Kolkata,
                                                            with a charitable trust        Kozhikode, Mumbai and
                                                            hospital, The Holy Spirit      Thiruvananthapuram.
                                                            Hospital. To mark this         Seeing India as a
                                                            occasion, the airline also     cornerstone market that
                                                            distributed sweets to all      holds a strong historic
                                                            guests flying in and out of    relation with the UAE,
                                                            Mumbai via its four daily      Etihad Airways will
                                                            services to the city.          continue to support growth
                                                               Mumbai was the first        in India by providing
                                                            Indian city to be served       consumers with greater
                                                            by Etihad Airways with         choice, convenience, and
                                                            the launch of daily flights    connectivity.

GoAir’s inaugural flight Kannur – Kuwait
The wait is over. GoAir, India's fastest-growing airline operated its maiden
flight from Kannur to Kuwait with a brand new Airbus A320 aircraft.

        he flight takes off from         to Kuwait. The flight takes-off from    of Kuwait, reveals GoAir’s robust
        Kerala’s 2nd Greenfield and      Kannur International Airport at 07:00   plans to expand its operations across
        4th International Airport that   hours (local time) and reach Kuwait     the Middle East region. In doing so,
is built on Public Private Partnership   at 09:30 hours (local time). The        Kannur has emerged as a strategic
in an area of about 2,300 acres.         same aircraft pushback and fly from     hub for GoAir’s domestic as well as
GoAir’s inaugural flight from Kannur     Kuwait at 10:30 hours and reach         international operations. Kannur is
to Kuwait has received fantastic         Kannur at 18:00 hours.                  a popular destination for both leisure
response and the flights are fully           With Kuwait becoming GoAir’s        and business travelers within the
booked.                                  4th destination in the Gulf region,     state of Kerala and the new route to
    Reinforcing its commitment to the    close on the heels of launching         Kuwait will provide more affordable
Middle East market, GoAir operates       Muscat, Abu Dhabi, followed by          flying options to the international
non-stop daily flights from Kannur       Dubai and now the princely state        travelers.

Jeh Wadia, Managing Director, GoAir

GoAir is pleased to share that the response to Kannur Kuwait flight has been
overwhelming to say the least. We are very enthused with the way things have progressed
and tomorrow GoAir’s inaugural flight to Kuwait will take-off. Ever since we started
flying international, GoAir has added 16 aircraft to the network in the last 10 months
resulting in 90 new flights. We have added 7 new airports to our network – Phuket, Male,
Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Dubai, Bangkok and Kannur. Tomorrow we will be starting Kuwait
operations – our 8th new airport operations. GoAir will be launching Singapore flights
soon (subject to regulatory approvals).

October 2019                                                                                      Politics & Democracy 21

Air Arabia: Weekly flights connecting the
UAE and Austria
Air Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa’s first and largest low-cost
carrier, now offers direct flights between Sharjah and Vienna.

       he non-stop six-hour flight     Danube, it is famous for its opera       from its hub in Morocco since
       to Vienna, will operate four    performances, cultural events,           October 2018. It currently operates
       times a week, on Sundays,       baroque architecture, coffee-house       flights to more than 170 routes
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays,     culture and vibrant epicurean scene.     across the globe from four hubs
and will be expanded to daily flight      Air Arabia has already been           located in the Middle East and
service as of mid-December.            offering direct flights to Vienna        North Africa.
    Adel Al Ali, Group Chief
Executive Officer of Air Arabia
and Julian Jäger, Joint CEO and
COO of Vienna Airport officially
inaugurated the new route at a press
briefing in Vienna.
    Vienna, Austria’s capital is a
historic and cultural jewel. From
immersive museums, magnificent
castles and palaces toart galleries
and festivals for all senses – one
can experience the diversity of
Austrian culture in Vienna. Dubbed
as the City of music, Vienna has
been associated with music for
centuries, and was home to musical
geniuses of all time such as Mozart,
Beethoven, Schubert and Johann
Strauss.Ideally set on the banks of

Adel Ali, Group Chief Executive Officer of Air Arabia

We are pleased to start our direct flights connecting Sharjah and Vienna. This new
service will provide our customers in the UAE and Austria with a great opportunity to
discover the beauty of both countries while enjoying Air Arabia value-for-money offers.
We thank Vienna International Airport for their support and we look forward to a long-
term partnership.

                              Julian Jäger, Joint CEO and COO of Vienna Airport

                              In recent years, we have seen a significant rise in number of tourists from the UAE and
                              Vienna is a popular destination amongst Arab travellers. The city of Vienna greatly
                              benefits from Air Arabia’s new direct flight connection to Vienna Airport. We have
                              registered close to 13% growth on flights to the Middle East since the beginning of the
                              year. We look forward to welcoming even more visitors from the Middle East to this
                              beautiful city. Furthermore, passengers from Vienna will get to visit and explore the
                              cultural diversity of UAE, courtesy the new flight service from Sharjah.

22 Politics & Democracy					                                                                              October 2019

Seven additional flydubai destinations from
Dubai International (DXB)
        ubai-based carrier flydubai     help improve connections between        to check-in for their flight at the
        has announced that flights      Emirates and flydubai with smooth       Business Class and Economy
        to seven destinations will      and quick transit times.                Class desks in the departures area
move from their current operating           The additional 07 points will       of Terminal 3. Business Class
base of Terminal 2 and relocate to      bring the number of destinations        passengers will be able to enjoy
Terminal 3 at Dubai International       operated out of Terminal 3 at Dubai     lounge access and fast track services
(DXB). Other flydubai services will     International (DXB) to 22. This         through immigration and security,
continue to operate from Terminal       move is part of the innovative          while transiting passengers benefit
2.                                      partnership with Emirates that goes     from faster connection times.
   From 27 October 2019, flights        beyond code sharing to several              Passengers who have booked
to Almaty, Basra, Dar es Salaam,        initiatives spanning commercial,        to travel to these destinations
Kilimanjaro, Nur-Sultan, Sofia, and     network planning, airport               from 27 October will receive
Zanzibar will operate from Terminal     operations, the alignment of the        communications from flydubai
3. Flights to these destinations        frequent flyer programmes and an        in advance of their date of travel,
before 27 October will continue         enhanced customer journey.              informing them of the update to
to operate from Terminal 2. These           Passengers booked to travel         their travel itinerary.
destinations have been chosen to        to these destinations will be able

  Alex Mackenzie, Senior Vice President, Airport Services at flydubai

  As our partnership with Emirates continues to grow, the addition of these seven destinations to Terminal 3
  builds on the success of last year’smove and provides more opportunities for us to optimise connectivity for our
  passengers. By working closely together, Emirates and flydubai are able to offer passengers even more options to
  travel and to connect from the world’s busiest airport.

Hahn Air: seven new Carriers
         ahn Air, the German airline    Island. "As a small regional airline,   to the good reputation and global
         and distribution specialist,   we are facing great challenges          reach of Hahn Air, we were able
         added seven new carriers       when it comes to getting visibility     to immediately increase our
to its leading network of more than     outside of the communities where        international sales”, says Jeesuk
350 airlines in the third quarter of    we provide air services”, says          Kee, Deputy General Manager in
2019.                                   Duane Emeny, Airline & Charter          the Commercial Department at
     The new partners are expanding     General Manager of Air Chathams.        Jeju Air. “We therefore decided to
their distribution reach with Hahn      “Hahn Air's HR-169 product puts         expand our partnership by adding
Air’s product HR-169. Travel            our flight inventory on the global      the product HR-169 and we expect
agents can issue their flights on the   market. We have joined the Hahn         that this will increase our sales even
insolvency-safe Hahn Air HR-169         Air network only a few months ago,      further”. As a Dual Partner of Hahn
ticket, even in markets where the       but we are already very happy with      Air, Jeju Air is available in selected
airlines are not participating in the   the additional revenue they have        GDSs under its own code 7C and in
local payment system (e.g. BSP or       generated for us."                      all major GDSs under the Hahn Air
ARC).                                       Another new HR-169 partner          Systems designator H1.
    Among the new HR-169                is Jeju Air (7C) from South Korea.          Five more new HR-169 partners
partners is Air Chathams (3C),          The low-cost carrier flies to 73        added in Q3 are Air Peace (P4) from
New Zealand’s largest privately-        destinations in 15 Asian countries,     Nigeria, Amaszonas Uruguay (Z7),
owned airline. They service eight       including China, Japan, Malaysia,       MAYAir / Aerocuahonte (5G) from
domestic destinations and just          Singapore, Russia and Thailand.         Mexico, as well as two regional US
recently introduced their first         “We have already been a partner         carriers, RavnAir Alaska (7H) and
scheduled international passenger       of Hahn Air Systems since 2017          Southern Airways Express (9X).
flight from Auckland to Norfolk         using the product H1-Air. Thanks
October 2019                                                                                     Politics & Democracy 23

Ayana Hotels: Festive Season Schedule
         oliday magic includes
         Christmas tree lighting
         ceremony, glamorous dining
under the stars, creative cocktails,
hand-delivered presents from Santa
Clause, stylish rooftop countdowns and
other exciting events across the ninety-
hectare resort.
    AYANA Hotels in Bali have
unveiled their impressive schedule for
Christmas and New Year’s Eve via
a line-up of festive events, brilliant
entertainment and exclusive amenities.
     In December AYANA will be
decorated in traditional red, gold and
bronze Christmas ornaments and              will accompany them while sharing        an Oscar chic gala evening with the
flowers since the 2019 season theme         the season’s joy with family and loved   five-course fiesta thoughtfully curated
is ‘Festive in Bloom’. Two giant            ones. There are offerings for every      to impress you with a contemporary
Christmas trees and the photo booth         member of the family and to suit any     selection of the best meat cuts and
decorated with the tropical flowers         mood.                                    seafood from all over the world.
from Bali will be placed at the lobbies         The festive magic will start on
of AYANA and RIMBA to add to the            7 December with the fruit soaking        New Year
holiday feel.                               ceremony and AYANA’s signature           On the last Sunday of 2019 everybody
     The Resort’s diverse 19 restaurants    Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at      will be invited to the Sunday Funday
and bars will invite guests to indulge in   RIMBA West Lobby.                        Pool Party at Unique Rooftop Bar &
the magical moments of the holidays                                                  Restaurant to enjoy the Mexican food,
through a range of festive menus that       Christmas                                spicy drinks and DJ mixes.
                                            DAVA Steak & Seafood will offer

Galaxy Entertainment Group introduce
GICC and Galaxy Arena
         alaxy Entertainment Group                                                   meetings, incentives, conferences
         (GEG), Macau’s leading                                                      and exhibitions, this ultimate
         integrated resort, hospitality                                              integrated resort and MICE
and entertainment group, officially                                                  destinationis the latest addition to
introduced Galaxy International                                                      Galaxy Entertainment Group’s ever-
Convention Center (GICC) and                                                         expanding integrated resort precinct in
Galaxy Arena.                                                                        Macau, which will set a new standard
    Galaxy International Convention                                                  for Macau, while supporting the city’s
Center, together with spectacular                                                    vision of becoming a ‘World Center of
events venue Galaxy Arena, is set                                                    Tourism and Leisure’.
to establish Asia’s most iconic and                                                      Galaxy International Convention
advanced integrated MICE destination                                                 Center connects seamlessly with
when it opens in Macau in the first                                                  multiple award-winning integrated
half of 2021.                                                                        resort Galaxy Macau™, with Macau’s
    Dr. Lui Che Woo, GBM, MBE,                                                       largest collection of luxury hotel
JP, LLD, DSSc, DBA, Chairman of                                                      brands under one roof – The Ritz-
Galaxy Entertainment Group, said,                                                    Carlton, Macau, Banyan Tree Macau,
“We are honored to introducestate of                                                 JW Marriott Hotel Macau, Hotel
                                            of diversifying the economyand
the art MICE and Arena facilities to                                                 Okura Macau, Galaxy Hotel™ and
                                            developing Macau into a World
attract new visitors and complement                                                  Broadway Hotel.
                                            Center of Tourism and Leisure.”
the Macau Government’s vision
                                               Creatively designed forbespoke
24 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                     October 2019

The Prince Akatoki London
       he official opening of The           guests after a multi-million-pound           we have opened The Prince Akatoki
       Prince Akatoki London, the           refurbishment. The hotel blends              London. This new global brand name
       highly-anticipated inaugural         are fined Japanese aesthetic with a          bares our flagship brand "The Prince"
luxury hotel under the newly                unique sense of Western heritage,            of Prince Hotels and aims to raise
launched global brand.                      creating a one-of-a-kind urban               the awareness of Prince Hotels by
   Centrally located on Great               sanctuary.                                   making full use of the brand value
Cumberland Place in Marylebone,                Mr. Goto, President & Chief               of Prince Hotels in Japan. Akatoki
the 5-star luxury hotel, formerly           Executive Officer, Seibu Holdings,           is an old expression of Akatsuki
The Arch London now welcomes                said: “We are delighted to announce          meaning sunrise, before dawn, a
                                                                                         new beginning and speaks to a new
                                                                                         time for Prince Hotels and Resorts,
                                                                                         reflecting our international growth of
                                                                                         the business.”
                                                                                             Interbrand Australia together with
                                                                                         London based B3 Designers have
                                                                                         expertly applied The Prince Akatoki
                                                                                         brand design principles – natural
                                                                                         light, tranquillity, modern Japanese
                                                                                         culture and minimalism – to the
                                                                                         existing building layout. The timeless
                                                                                         facilities include: 82 beautiful guest
                                                                                         rooms and suites; TOKii, a Japanese
                                                                                         inspired restaurant; The Malt Lounge
                                                                                         & Bar, a sophisticated late-night

Third edition of its annual culinary
         yatt recently concluded the         Satya from Park Hyatt Hyderabad,
         Regional semi-final of the third    Chef Balaji from Park Hyatt Chennai
         edition of its annual culinary      and Chef Balpreet from Andaz Delhi
competition, The Good Taste Series –         were adjudged winners who will now
India at Andaz Delhi. The Good Taste         represent India in the next round at
Series, an annual competition since          Vienna in November 2019. At the
2017, is a testament to Hyatt Hotels         Vienna competition, three chefs will be
& Resorts’commitment to excellence           selected to face off with six other Hyatt
and creativity in food and beverage.         chefs in the global final – which will be
The competition which is held globally       held in the Middle East in March 2020.
cultivates emerging culinary talent              The India edition was judged by
at Hyatt hotels around the world and         an eminent panel comprising of Chef
celebrates cultural diversity.               Manish Mehrotra, Marryam Reshii,
    The 2019 India edition saw 21            Sourish Bhattacharya, Chef Anahita
participants from across Hyatt hotels        Dhondy, Chef Radhika Khandelwal,
in India, spend two insightful days          Sneh Yadav, Rupali Dean, Rajyasree
celebrating Hyatt’s food philosophy -        Sen, Chef Warren Pearson from Grand
“Food-Thoughtfully Sourced. Carefully        Hyatt Gurgaon and Andaz Delhi’s
Served”. The participants had to prepare     Chef Vikram Ganpule. The Good
signature recipes using the unique           Taste Series provides everyone from
ingredients presented to them in the         line cooks to executive sous chefs
mystery box.                                 with an opportunity to showcase and
    At the recently concluded regional       demonstrate their culinary flair.
area finals held at Andaz Delhi , Chef
October 2019                                                                                              Politics & Democracy 25

ibis Styles East Perth open its gates for guests

        he world’s largest high-rise         visitors, offering easy access to Langley
        modular hotel, the ibis Styles       Park with views of the stunning Swan
        East Perth, officially opened        River.
with a ceremonial ribbon cutting led by          “It is also perfectly situated for people
the Honourable Paul Papalia, Western         attending events at Optus Stadium and the
Australia’s Minister for Tourism and         WACA Ground, including the exciting
Simon McGrath Chief Operating Officer        Men’s and Women’s T20 World Cup
Accor Pacific.                               International matches next year.”
    Accor, the largest operator of hotels        Accor Pacific’s Chief Operating
and resorts in Australia, together with      Officer, Simon McGrath, said, “We are
Rehawk Property Group, teamed up             very excited to join with Rehawk Property
to build the new-build ibis Styles East      Group and the Minister to open the              travellers over the past 12 months, which
Perth which spans 18 floors and adds 252     new ibis Styles East Perth, and lead the        is encouraging, and we’re confident that
guest rooms to East Perth’s hotel supply -   charge on a new generation of design-           affordable, fresh hotel product like ibis
specifically geared towards the economy      led economy hotels in Australia, in key         Styles - alongside Accor’s new Tribe
travel market.                               locations.                                      Perth and upcoming Art Series Hotel, The
    “New, modern hotels such as the              “The past five years has seen the           Adnate, will work to continue interest in
ibis Styles East Perth are an important      economy accommodation sector shift              the city for interstate holidaymakers.”
part of Perth’s transformation, which        dramatically, both in terms of product and          Accor has a strong foothold in Western
has taken place over the past few years,”    guest expectations. Quality, comfort, great     Australia, offering 22 hotels and resorts
said Tourism Minister Mr Papalia who         aesthetics and genuinely warm service.          including 14 in Perth and its surrounds.
congratulated Accor on the launch of         These are all at the top of the wish list for   Ibis Styles East Perth is the 29th Ibis
ibis Styles East Perth and thanked the       budget-conscious travellers, and what ibis      Styles hotel in Australia, joining the
company for its ongoing commitment to        Styles East Perth delivers- at an affordable    global Ibis Styles network of more than
Western Australia.                           price.                                          260 hotels.
    “This hotel is in a great location for       “Perth has enjoyed a surge of domestic

Preferred Hotels & Resorts Welcomes The Londoner
        referred Hotels & Resorts, the       sustainability, and its appreciation            which includes a state-of-the-art
        world’s largest independent          for local culture, all of which are             6,092-square-footpillarless ballroom
        hotel brand representing             demonstrated through the hotel’s                that accommodates up to 864 guests
more than 750 hotels, resorts, and           architecture and interior design,               and can be divided into two sections.
residences across 85 countries, is           food and beverage outlets, deluxe               Boutique in feeling yet staggering
pleased to welcome The Londoner              facilities, and guest services. Home to         in scale, The Londoner will extend
as the newest experience within the          350 guestrooms and 35 suites, each              six levels below ground, serving as
brand’s esteemed Legend Collection.          with unique views of the cityscape,             one of the deepest buildings in the
With The Londoner set to launch              The Londoner will offer a layered,              world. Secluded and unique, the
in spring 2020 as the UK’s most              multi-dimensionalexperience through             underground space will offer guests
anticipated opening of the year,             its prime location, curated private             a luxury subterranean spa experience
this new partnership demonstrates            and public spaces, rooftop bar,and              and twoprivate screening rooms.
the company’s commitment to                  expansive meetingsand events space,
welcoming independent hotels that go
beyond well-appointed guestrooms
and best-in-class facilities by offering
one-of-a-kind, immersive experiences
that are reflective of local culture.
    Located in the heart of London’s
West End in the world-famous
Leicester Square, The Londoner
is set to create a new standard for
contemporary luxury hotels due to
its reflection of life in the city, green
building credentials, commitment to

26 Politics & Democracy					                                                                                              October 2019
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