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                                                                                                                                                                                         TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                                                                                      Andhra Pradesh l Telangana l Tamilnadu l Pondicherry l Karnataka l Kerala
                                                                                                                                                                                      Vol-13 Issue-6, Krishna, January - 2019, Pages-16, `40/-
NEWS IN FOCUS                                                                                                                                                      ASSOCIATION

                                                                                                                                                                    Ease of Doing Business for Power Bank Manufacturers,
2019 predictions for the Indian IT Industry                                                                                                                               GST rate of 18% is clarified by GST Council
                                                                      Padmanabhan-Iyer, Managing Director, Global-CEO, 3i-Infotech                                                                                                      Pankaj Mohindroo, Chairman, India Cellular & Electronics Association (ICEA)
                         In an era where advance-      push to implement machine learning and artifi-        of organisations today across industries, which                                                                ium-ion power banks fall under HS 8507 60 00          2,000 crore. Currently, most of the Power Banks
                         ments around technology       cial intelligence into smart devices.                 improvises business processes and optimizes                                                                    and post accepting the illumination from TRU,         are imported and can be easily substituted by
                         have leapfrogged expo-        As per a recent industry report, AI will boost        operations. Presently, it is estimated to be $2.71                                                             ICEA as the summit body of the mobile handset         Power Banks made in India. Keeping this in view,
                         nentially, the year ahead     India’s annual growth rate by 1.3% by 2035. Some      billion annually in revenues, which is growing at                                                              and component industry has effectively drawn          ICEA has proposed a Strategy for a making India
                         will see the Indian IT        of the major growth drivers of AI/ML in 2019          a healthy rate of 33.5% CAGR in India, as per a                                                                out the business players out of the superfluous       a global hub for manufacturing Power Banks to
                         industry charter new fron-    would be – specialized chip optimized for speed-      recent report. However, 2019 will bring a modern                                                               agony. ICEA additionally needs to highlight that      the Ministry of Electronics & Information Tech-
                         tiers, driven by innova-      ing up the execution of AI-enabled applications       version of big data analytics which has evolved                                                                even the US and European Union sentiments             nology (MeitY). Given the right policy prescrip-
                         tion, speed and accuracy.     and Industrial IoT, making it the biggest driver of   through adopting modern and breakthrough                                                                       likewise recommends that the Power Bank fall          tion, by 2025 the Power Banks can be built into
                         The IT industry would         artificial intelligence in any enterprise.            technologies. Speed and efficiency are the major                                                               under HSN 8507 6000.                                  Rs 18,000 crore industry, generate 80,000 jobs
see enterprises move towards Industry 4.0, the         Internet of Things (IOT)                              benefits that big data analytics will bring to the                                                             Commenting on the clarification, Mr. Pankaj           in India & exports can touch Rs. 5,800 crore”.
convergence of Internet of Things (IoT), cloud         IoT is no longer viewed as a wonder but an            industry.                                              India Cellular & Electronics Association (ICEA)         Mohindroo, Chairman, India Cellular & Electron-       Before the clarification received, the GST author-
computing among others will enable them to be          enabler. The year 2019 will see incremental use       Data and data value management is something            has dependably moved in the direction of the            ics Association (ICEA) remarked, “We welcome          ities were insisting that power bank should be
future-ready.                                          cases of IoT in the Insurance space. Telematics,      that is going to dominate our industries over the      enhancing the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ and              the move that the GST council has clarified that      classified under: “Electric Accumulators, includ-
Driven by technological advancements and data          wearables, voice assistants and home control          next few decades at least. Estimates peg that the      decrease the cost trouble on the portable hand-         the rate of GST on Lithium-ion power bank is          ing separators thereof, whether or not rectangu-
security at the core, we foresee all sectors in        devices will mature further and will be increas-      analytics, data science and big data industry in       set industry to make it increasingly relative.          18%. It has been ICEA’s technical interpreta-         lar (including square) – other accumulator” – HS
the Indian industry in for exciting times and the      ingly adopted. There will be a continued rise in      India is expected to reach $20 billion, by 2025.       ICEA is happy to report that their endeavours to        tion that Lithium-ion power bank merits clas-         8507 80 00, whereas most of the industry clas-
Banking, Financial Services, Insurance (BFSI) and      the demand for wearable devices and IoT.              Prescriptive analytics driving proactive decision      give illumination to the business on GST rate on        sification under Lithium-ion accumulator (HS          sifies it under “Electric Accumulators, including
Healthcare segments will be no exception. Com-         The convergence of IoT and AI will create new         making, cognitive technologies reiterating busi-       Power Banks has yielded an outcome.                     code 8507 60 00) and GST @ 18% is applicable,         separators thereof, whether or not rectangular
plexity brews herein, fuelled by regulatory chal-      opportunities for insurers and better and more        nesses, increasing adoption of cloud-based plat-       Power bank industry was facing severe classifica-       although it was attempted to misclassify Power        (including square) – Lithium-ion” – HS 8507 60
lenges, uncertain economic cycles, risks, part-        customised premiums for the insured. It will          forms for big data analytics by major enterprise       tion challenge from the GST authorities, which          banks under HS 8507 80 00, GST @ 28%. At least        00. The implication of this classification maize
nerships and alliances, talent management and          enhance process transparency and service deliv-       and start-ups are some of the future trends that       could have disastrous & grave consequences              now the path for the future is clear & this will      was that the GST rate applicable on “Electric
above all ever-increasing customer expectations.       ery.                                                  we can look forward to, in 2019.                       for the industry. The GST authorities have con-         allow the industry to function smoothly”              Accumulators……. – Others” – HS 8507 80 00
With this backdrop, the top technology trends to       Robotic Process Automation                            Blockchain                                             ducted surveys at a few power bank manufac-             Mr. Mohindroo added, “India consumes about            is 28% whereas the GST rate on “Electric Accu-
watch out in 2019 would be –                           The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is seeing         In 2019, blockchain will bring some enterprise        tures. ICEA considered assessment was that lith-        33 million power banks a year worth about Rs.         mulators…. Lithium-ion” HS 8507 60 00 is 18%.
Intelligent Digital Mesh                               traction in the IT industry. The robots have been     applications into the main stream. The most inno-
Intelligent digital mesh, the combination of           modernizing our way of administering business         vative corporations will start using blockchain to
humans, devices, content, and services is going
to emerge as one of the major trends of the year
                                                       processes, IT support, workflow, remote infra-
                                                       structure and back-office work.
                                                                                                             improve collaboration. Blockchain will also see
                                                                                                             itself out of cryptocurrency transactions and will
                                                                                                                                                                         NASSCOM’S PRODUCT COUNCIL ANNOUNCED THE
2019. Businesses have already started adapting
this innovative technology to convey advanced
                                                       In the upcoming year, the improvised RPA mod-
                                                       els will show some dramatic progress in accuracy,
                                                                                                             become an integral part of the business platform.
                                                                                                             Blockchain enables transactional transparency
                                                                                                                                                                            SECOND BATCH OF THE DEEPTECH CLUB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Debjani Ghosh, President, NASSCOM
results, where technology is embedded in almost        cycle-time and increased productivity in transac-     across a variety of business functions. Blockchain
every facet.                                           tion processing. RPA will be efficient enough in      will also be present at the core of business inno-     As part of its efforts to encourage the niche indus-    built phenomenal use cases for several verticals      in evangelizing and mentoring India’s latent,
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning             providing answers to the queries in a natural lan-    vation in many industries.                             tries and ensure they flourish, the Product Council     including healthcare, manufacturing, marketing        untapped talent in emerging technologies. We will
With AI and ML already playing a critical role in      guage which will be a superior way to conserve        According to a recent report, an approximate           has introduced the second batch of the NASSCOM          and customer experiences, cyber security, public      continue its drive towards catalysing deep tech
the assessment and treatment of business KPIs,         resources for large call centres and for customer     of 56% of Indian businesses will be making the                                 DeepTech Club. This is a pro-   safety, transport infrastructure, eGovernance, etc.   start-ups, build category leaders and support start-
the IT operations are further set to undergo           interactions. We will see the further adoption        blockchain technology a part of their core busi-                               gram intended to promote        The program was conceptualised by Mr Subinder         ups to create not only for India but also scale up
transformation. In 2019, there will be continued       of tools like chatbots, straight through process-     ness. Blockchain adoption will depend on regula-                               the creation and evolution of   Khurana, MD, Sage Accelerator and member of the       and solve for the world.”
progress toward the integration of AI, ML and          ing and robotic process automation for routine        tory concerns being addressed. The government                                  world class DeepTech compa-     NASSCOM Product Council and is now co-led by          Speaking on the occasion, Anupam Saronwala,
deep learning in business applications. AI and ML      repetitive processes. Chabot will be integral to      and the regulators should take an active role in                               nies which have been identi-    Mr Milind Hanchinmani, Director, Asia Pacific &       mentor and advisor to many startups and former
will enable working with large swathes of data         websites and mobile apps.                             making this happen. In certain countries, we are                               fied and will be recognized,    Japan, Developer Relations, Intel Technologies and    Country Leader, Business Development of IBM
and help converge isolated or distributed data for     Big data and analytics                                already seeing action in this space, whereas most                              nurtured and promoted by        member, NASSCOM Product Council and Anupam            Research under aegis of NASSCOM Product Coun-
more informed decisions. There will be a further       Data and analytics have become daily aspects          are yet to take their step forward.                                            NASSCOM through their var-      Saronwala, mentor and advisor to many startups        cil said, “I am delighted to engage with innovative
                                                                                                                                                                    ious programs, platforms and events. There were         and former Country Leader, Business Development       companies that are leveraging state-of-the-art
                                                                                                                                                                    initially 22 companies that benefitted from this        of IBM Research under aegis of NASSCOM Product        technologies to build products for global markets.

    Vivo bolsters its manufacturing in India, announces additional                                                                                                  program for 3-months and they each received 1:1
                                                                                                                                                                    mentoring, connects and exposure to enterprises,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Council. The program is chaired by Mr Atul Batra,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CTO, Manthan systems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It is an excellent initiative by the NASSCOM Deep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tech Club to engage mentors who share their rich
                                                                                                                                                                    investors and the global ecosystem.                     Expressing his delight on the development, Mr.        experience and mentor startups by strengthening
             investment of INR 40 Billion for New Plant                                                                                                             NASSCOM has always focused on cutting edge
                                                                                                                                                                    technological advances. DeepTech would involve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Milind Hanchinmani, Director, Asia Pacific & Japan,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Developer Relations at Intel Technologies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  their technology offerings, shaping go-to-market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategies and sharpening their fund-raising pro-
                                                       Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath welcomed the      plant will offer a major benefit to the surrounding    working with artificial intelligence, machine learn-    Member, NASSCOM Product Council, said, “It was        posals. We have had key successes with the first
                                                       initiative and congratulated Vivo for the upcom-      area through high-quality job creation and train-      ing, immersive technologies such as augmented           fantastic experience working with a diverse set of    batch of companies and are looking forward to
                                                       ing facility.                                         ing opportunities.”                                    reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, robotics,   companies and such unique and innovative tech-        launching the next batch of 22 deep-tech start-
                                                       The new acquisition has been acquired near the        All Vivo smartphones sold in the country are           natural language processing and similar such            nologies and more than that it was an amazing         ups.”
                                                       existing 50-acre manufacturing facility and will      manufactured at the Greater Noida facility which       other technologies. DeepTech is a futuristic area       learning experience interacting with the founders     Speaking on the occasion Subinder Khurana MD,
                                                       help expand Vivo’s manufacturing capabilities         is one of Vivo’s four manufacturing facilities glob-   and requires a lot more attention as compared to        themselves. It is going to be an exciting phase for   Sage Accelerator and member of the NASSCOM
                                                       and support Vivo’s continued growth in India.         ally.                                                  a conventional tech startup. Resources and exper-       startups in India over the next 5 years and we will   Product Council has found the Deeptech Club to
                                                       Commenting on the announcement, Nipun                 Vivo’s new manufacturing facility will help achieve    tise need to be provided to DeepTech startups in        continue to engage with them and be part of this      be an enriching experience for himself and said, “It
                                                       Marya, Director-Brand Strategy, Vivo India said,      its vision of providing best-in-class mobile phones    both the theoretical knowhow and their practical        journey!”                                             has been such a pleasure working with bright and
Vivo, the innovative global smartphone brand, is       “Vivo entered India in 2014 with a commitment         with an affordable pricing in addition to the facil-   hand holding to ensure their success.                   Sharing her thoughts, Debjani Ghosh, President,       enthusiastic founders working on innovative solu-
excited to announce the initialization of their sec-   to bring product innovation, focus and value          ity already existing at Greater Noida. The existing    The second batch of the DeepTech Club includes          NASSCOM, said, “Prowess in deep tech and arti-        tions. I learn about new technology developments
ond manufacturing facility in India. The company       to our consumers. India is a key market for us,       manufacturing set-up, which saw an investment          a very diverse set of companies that have amal-         ficial intelligence will be one of the main drivers   in every interaction. Engaging with the startups
has acquired additional 169-acre of land in the        and today we have fulfilled this commitment by        of INR 300 crore already functions at a capacity of    gamated multiple deep technology areas such as          of economic competitiveness in the near future        and watching them progress rapidly has been a
Yamuna Expressway region in Uttar Pradesh with         entering the next phase of growth in India, all the   2 million units per month with more than 5,000         artificial intelligence, natural language processing,   and deep tech startups will drive innovation &        very satisfying experience.”
an estimated investment of INR 4000 crore (not         while aligning ourselves with the ‘Make in India’     workforce.                                             immersive technologies, Internet of Things, com-        spearhead the broad structural transformation of
including land cost). Hon’ble Chief Minister of        initiative. Additionally, we’re proud that the new                                                           puter vision and quantum computing and have             the economy. The DeepTech Club reaffirms efforts

      T VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                         2                                           KRISHNA, January -2019                  CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                         15                                          KRISHNA, January -2019
                                                                                                            with reputed organizations like Cisco, Ingram
   D-Link charts growth strategy for                                                                        Micro, Savex, he bring with him vast knowledge
                                                                                                            and expertise in setting-up enterprise channel
     its SMB & Enterprise business                                                                          network. In his last assignment Chetan was part
                                  Chetan Sabnis, Principal Consultant, D-Link partner community             of Savex, and was responsible for developing
                                                                                                            channel for Aruba, Ubiquiti and Huawei.
In recent times D-Link (India) Ltd. has made           Sharing his thoughts on this new appointment Mr.     “We stand committed to our partner centric busi-
some extensive plans to strengthen its Enter-          Rohit Purushottam, VP – Enterprise Sales, D-Link     ness approach. Developing a robust enterprise
                      prise business segment.          (India) Ltd. said, “Enterprise business remains      partner network, engaging & synergizing with our
                      From expanding its product       crucial to D-Link’s growth strategy for 2019. SMB,   existing partners, devising a strong go-to-market
                      line, to establishing a dedi-    project business, large enterprise, Telcos are       strategy are some of the key areas that I will be
                      cated vertical specific team,    some of the key areas that we are focusing on and    focusing on.” said Mr. Chetan Sabnis, Principal
                      to investing in enhancing        for which we have dedicated resources to deliver     Consultant – D-Link partner community.
                      its support infrastructure       results. Chetan with his rich industry experience    D-Link enterprise business encompasses proj-
                      for enterprise customers –       will be responsible for driving overall enterprise   ects, stock-n-sell, and large enterprises. Telcos,
                      D-Link has brought about         business, while creating an exclusive network of     ISV’s, SMB’s, large enterprises are some of the
                      significant transformation       system integrators. I wish Chetan great success      customers D-Link caters to through its enterprise
in its enterprise business operations. In line with    in his new role and look forward to seeing him       solution portfolio. D-Link is also working closely
its enterprise strategy to enhance focus on part-      contribute to our enterprise growth story.”          on government initiatives like Digital India, Smart
ner/ system integrator engagement, D-Link has          Chetan is an accomplished professional with          city etc. and is actively present on GeM platform.
now appointed Mr. Chetan Sabnis as Principal           experience spanning 25 years in channel &            At present D-Link has a strong network of national
Consultant, D-Link partner community.                  end-customer enterprise sales. Having worked         distributors and 80 plus business distributors pan

                                                                                                            store we are extending our sales channels reach-
 Realme partnering with 20,000 partners                                                                     ing out to our offline customers in every region.
                                                                                                            This is the extension of our sales strategy and
   in 150 cities to improve offline sales                                                                   ultimate target of ‘Realme for Every Indian.”
                                                                                                            Previously, Realme got in to an exclusive partner-
                                                       REAL Partners and will give a value addition to      ship with Reliance stores for offline sales of the
                                                       customer experience.                                 products. Realme smartphones have been getting
                                                       Realme will start with ten cities across the coun-   sold at more than 130 cities across 1300+ Reli-
                                                       try in January 2019, eventually adding 50 cit-       ance Digital & My Jio stores.
                                                       ies every quarter. With the city expansion the       The brand has been successfully performing on
                                                       smartphone brand will establish 20,000 outlets       e-commerce platforms from May 2018.
                                                       throughout the country. The retail outlets will      Realme has secured the position of No. 1 Emerg-
                                                       have all the models of that the smartphone brand     ing brand in the country as quoted by CMR and
                                                       has launched.                                        according to Counterpoint, Realme was No.3 in
                                                       Commenting on the expansion, Madhav Sheth,           overall market share during Diwali, and specifi-
Realme is expanding the offline sales to 150 cit-      Chief Executive Officer, Realme India said,          cally No.2 in online sales.
ies in the forthcoming year. The young brand           “Realme as a young brand is committed to deliv-      The latest Realme U1 sold 2 lakhs during its first
will start with top cities of the country, gradually   ering the best consumer experience to our cus-       sale. The 3+32GB variants of the SelfiePro are
moving towards 150 cities phase by phase.              tomers. Strengthening our commitment, we are         open for sales on, while 4+64 vari-
The “Proud to be Young” brand has partnered            expanding our footprints to meet the rapidly         ants will be open sales every Wednesday at 12
with offline retailers which will be known as          growing customer demands. With the new offline       noon onwards.

                                                       Corp. will further strengthen Xiaomi’s home          nifies the arrival of a dual brand era for “Mi +
                                                       appliance business in areas of supply chain and      Redmi”. Mi will strengthen its presence in the
                                                       OEM, especially when it comes to air condition-      mid- to high-end smartphone markets and new
                                                       ers and washing machines.                            retail channels, while Redmi will continue to
                                                       Consolidate leading position in the smartphone       focus on research and development of extremely
                                                       markets across the world                             cost-effective smartphones with superior qual-
                                                       Smartphone business has been Xiaomi’s core in        ity, and accelerate the pace of global expansion.
                                                       the past years since the beginning. “Before the      In addition to the two main smartphone brands,
                                                       proliferation of 5G technology, Xiaomi’s success     Xiaomi will adopt a multi-brand strategy includ-
                                                       in smartphone business segment lies in striving      ing Black Shark, POCO and Meitu to better tar-
Xiaomi has started incubating its ecosystem            to consolidate its leading position in the smart-    get different user segments.
companies with smartphones at its core since           phone markets across the world,” said Lei.           In the third quarter of 2018, Xiaomi’s interna-
2013. Within five years, it has become the             In 2019, Xiaomi’s smartphone business will con-      tional revenue accounted for 43.9% of its total
world’s largest consumer IoT platform, connect-        tinue to focus on innovation and quality, as well    revenue. In 2019, Xiaomi will continue its global
ing more than 132 million smart devices (exclud-       as to optimize its product portfolio.                expansion with focus on the European and Latin
ing mobile phones and laptops), including more         Xiaomi announced on Jan 10 in Beijing that           America markets. Xiaomi will continue building
than 20 million daily active devices as of Sep-        Redmi will operate as an independent brand. It       an efficient new retail system by continuously
tember 30.                                             also released the latest iteration of its popular    developing efficient offline channels while
Xiaomi’s recent strategic cooperation with TCL         Redmi Note series—the Redmi Note 7. This sig-        enhancing its online channels.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                       14                                         KRISHNA, January -2019                  CELL IT,
                                                                                                                                                                        T VOL-13, ISSUE-6   3   KRISHNA, January -2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       UK announced a new 2 per cent tax with effect
   Brick & mortar retailers to get a                                                                          EDITORIAL
                                                                                                                                                                      India’s Tax Policies                                                                                             from April 2020 on the revenues of certain digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       businesses which derive value from their UK users.

      150-200 bps topline boost                                                                               EDITOR: Dinesh Shyam Sukha
                                                                                                              CO-ORDINATOR : Siddhi
                                                                                                              PRODUCTION & OPERATION: Ramayya
                                                                                                              POSTAGE & PACKING: L.N.Rao
                                                                                                                                                                          Rajiv Memani, Chairman, CII National Committee on Taxation & Regional Managing Partner – India, EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In this context, matters such as characterisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of income while taxing digital transactions, imple-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       mentation of provisions relating to ‘Significant
The Department of Industrial Policy & Promo-            of 17% for fiscal 2020.                                                                                      At the time of forming a new government in 2014,         services’. This would ensure that the place of sup-      Economic Presence’ and issues such as attribu-
tion’s recent clarification on foreign direct invest-   The top two e-retailers, accounting for about 70%     ADVERTISING SALES: V.K.Gupta                           India’s Hon’ble Prime Minister and Finance Min-          ply of the aforesaid services is determined on the       tion of profits to PEs are emerging as significant
ment (FDI) policy by e-retailers restricts equity       of the e-retail industry revenue generate about       DESIGN : Dikshit                                                                 ister shared a vision for      basis of the location of the recipient. Certainty in     areas where taxpayers look for clarity on India’s
ownership in sellers, caps the percentage pro-          half of their sales through group companies. Fol-     CREATIVE DESIGNER: MKVS                                                          India’s economic growth,       taxation is crucial for this sector that has played a    approach.
curement for sellers from e-marketplaces, and           lowing the restriction on equity ownership in         ACCOUNTS: Murthy                                                                 good governance and            significant role in the country’s economic growth,       The changing shape of tax enforcement is another
puts curbs on exclusive partnership with brands         sellers, e-retailers will need to make changes in                                                                                      reforms for crucial sectors,   by bringing precious foreign exchange and invest-        significant outcome of the global tax changes. Tax
                                                                                                              MAGAZINE CUSTOMER
or providing favorable services to a few vendors.       their supply chain and may alter business model                                                                                        including the manufac-         ments, and more importantly, generating employ-          administration has now become more stringent,
Further, the requirement of reporting compliance        in several ways, including adoption of franchisee                                                                                      turing sector. In February     ment.                                                    backed by technology and digitisation. The year
                                                                                                    , 9246402144
to the Reserve Bank of India on an annual basis         model, thereby leading to increase in the cost of                                                                                      2019, Mr Jaitley shall be      Many other issues concerning the determination           2018 was the first time that CbC reports were
would mean stringent implementation of these            compliance as they strive to adhere to revised                                                                                         presenting the final set of    of place of supply, input tax credits and refunds        automatically exchanged between governments.
guidelines.                                             guidelines in less than 40 days.                      All products, brands, service names                                              economic policy proposals      continue to be work in progress and will hopefully       These will be analyzed by tax administrations
“Nearly 35-40% of e-retail industry sales, amount-      Between fiscals 2014 and 2018, e-retail in India      mentioned may be trademarks of their                   of the current government, ahead of the Lok Sabha        be ironed out soon.                                      using data analytics routines. It is expected that
ing to Rs 35,000-40,000 crore, could be impacted        grew at 40% a year to reach Rs. 1 lakh crore, way     respective owners                                      elections. While doing so, he would undoubtedly          On the direct taxes front, India’s next reform mea-      this will lead to a significant rise in the number
due to the tightened policy,” said Anuj Sethi,          faster than B&M’s growth at 13%, during this                                                                 be reassessing the reform measures undertaken in         sures will need to take into account the global tax      of questions asked by tax administrations. With
Senior Director, CRISIL Ratings. “The impact on         period, that scaled to Rs 3.2 lakh crore.                                                                    the past years and those that need renewed focus,        developments that have impacted both businesses          that, there will be an increase in the compliance
e-retailers would be largely in the electronics and     “The strong growth in e-retail was driven by                                                                 for India to achieve its growth potential.               as well as tax authorities. Perhaps the most nota-       burden for the taxpayers. It may also see a rise in
apparel segments, which account for a bulk of           deeper market penetration and attractive pric-        quently, discounting by e-retailers may see mod-       As compared to the rest of the world, India con-         ble global tax trend is the acceleration of corpo-       tax disputes.
their revenues.”                                        ing compared with B&M retailers,” said Gau-           eration in fiscal 2020, providing a more level play-   tinues to witness steady growth and is the fast-         rate income tax cuts. The year 2018 saw larger           The digital infrastructure being set up by the Gov-
CRISIL’s estimate suggests that if B&M retailers        tam Shahi, Director, CRISIL Ratings. “Robust FDI      ing field to B&M retailers. However, long term         est-growing major economy. That said, this might         economies like the US and traditionally high-tax         ernment and the new reporting requirements have
lap up even a fourth of the impacted sales of           inflows of over Rs 95,000 crore in the past four      growth potential for Indian e-retail continues to      fall short of the earlier expectations of 7.5 per cent   economies lowering their corporate income tax            led to immense tax data being generated every
e-retailers, it would lead to topline gains of Rs       fiscals have made this possible.”                     remain strong driven by increasing internet pen-       or upwards and end somewhat closer to 7.0 per            (CIT) rates. In 2018, eight OECD countries reduced       year, making it almost compulsory for businesses
10,000-12,000 crore. That, in turn, would mean          Given tightened regulatory policy and a proba-        etration, growing household private final con-         cent. This is largely due to the impact of crude         their statutory CIT rates, with an average decrease      and tax administration alike to leverage technol-
revenue growth would be 150-200 bps higher at           ble moderation in revenue growth for e-retailers      sumption expenditure (PFCE) and convenience            oil prices and challenges in the financial services      of 4.8 per cent points. These countries include          ogy. Technology also means that tax authorities
~19%, compared with CRISIL’s earlier expectation        compared with the past, FDI inflows and conse-        offered by online shopping.                            sector. The government is determined to adhere           Argentina, Belgium, France, Japan, Luxembourg,           are now in a better position to spot potential
                                                                                                                                                                     to the fiscal deficit target of 3.3 per cent of the      Norway, Sweden and the United States. Some               high-risk areas, thereby enabling them to move
                                                                                                                                                                     GDP, but it will depend upon the movement in the         countries have been pre-emptive in announcing            quickly to analyze potential high-risk transactions
   External Storage Market Witnessed an                                                                         Foxconn to assemble                                  crude oil prices. Growth in indirect tax collection      rate cuts e.g., United Kingdom proposes to reduce        and propose adjustments. Indian tax authorities
                                                                                                              Apple higher end phones                                during April-October FY19 was merely 1.2 per cent        the CIT to 17 per cent by 2020.                          too should increasingly use technology to plug tax

     Exponential YoY Growth of 23.1%                                                                                   in India
                                                                                                                                                                     compared to the budgeted growth of 2.2 per cent.
                                                                                                                                                                     Also, disinvestment proceeds up to 8 November
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              In India, the reduction in tax rates for new manu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              facturing companies and those with turnover up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       leakages, widen tax base and reduce the interface
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       between the taxpayers and tax authorities. Initia-
                                                                                                                                                                     2018 stood at about Rs. 15,000 crore which is            to INR 250 crores has been a welcome measure.            tives, such as making tax assessments digital (e-as-
India’s external storage market witnessed a             both entry-level and high-end storage segments        Foxconn for the first time may assemble Apple’s        only 19 per cent of the annual budgeted target           However, the larger businesses continue to sufer         sessments and e-proceedings) need to be further
growth of 23.1% YoY (by vendor revenue) and             declined YoY in Q3 2018.                              handset in Sriperumbudur plant located in Tamil        of Rs 80,000 crore for 2018-19. Expenditure cuts         a high tax burden of more than 48 percent, if the        established.
stood at USD 81.8 million in Q3 2018. Increased         “The Storage scene in India is seeing growth and      Nadu. The assembling partner plans to invest           may be dificult, given the proximity of elections.       combined burden of corporate tax and dividend            The Department has been making positive efforts
storage spending from                                                         leading the Information         $214.2 million in U.S. dollars which comes to          Therefore, to avoid any slippage in the fiscal deficit   distribution tax (DDT) is considered. India needs        to reduce litigation and improve alternate dispute
professional       services                                                   Transformation. Majority        15 billion INR, on expanding its plant to make         target, the government may focus more on aug-            to significantly increase the rate of investments in     resolution mechanisms. The success of APAs is an
organizations drove the                                                       of the OEMs are focusing        iPhone production, according to related source.        menting non-tax revenues and continue its efforts        the economy and given the global trends, would           example of what sustained and focused efforts
incremental growth in                                                         on new technologies and         Tamil Nadu’s Industries Minister MC Sampath, in        to shore up the direct tax revenues.                     soon need to consider reduction of corporate tax         from the Department towards providing greater
Q3 2018. Professional                                                         innovative pricing models       a statement to The Economic Times said the proj-       Recognition of India, as one of the top achievers        rate across the board. Other associated measures         certainty can achieve. The total number of APAs
services, banking, manu-                                                      to ensure traditional exter-    ect will create 25,000 jobs for the local people       for the year 2018 in terms of ease of doing busi-        such as replacing the DDT by a classical dividend        entered into by the CBDT has gone up to 244,
facturing, telecommuni-                                                       nal storage consumption         which can be advantage to the state as well as         ness by the World Bank has been a warm addition          tax regime and substituting MAT (Minimum Alter-          which includes 220 UAPAs and 24 BAPAs. How-
cations and government                                                        in the market in the wake       country. Sources claim the state government may        to the reform credentials. India climbed another         nate Tax) with a far simpler AMT (Alternative Min-       ever, the initial progress in APAs is now slowing
industries contributed                                                        of increasing acceptance        announce the deal in early 2019.                       23 points in the World Bank’s ease of doing busi-        imum Tax) regime may also need to be examined            down. More efficient capacity building will help
close to 82% of overall                                                       of cloud storage solutions      Currently, Wistron, the competitor of Foxconn is       ness index to 77th place (as against 100th place in      for a more rational tax burden on India Inc.             strengthen these mechanisms further. Similarly,
external storage market                                                       across organizations.”, says    assembling only lower cost iPhones such as the         2017), becoming the top ranked country in South          Taxpayers also look for certainty regarding India’s      there are approximately 425 matters pending
in Q3 2018.                                                                   Ranganath Sadasiva , Direc-     iPhone SE and iPhone 6S. Also its known that           Asia for the first time and third among the BRICS.       response to the global tax developments as these         before AAR benches. Filling up of these vacancies
“Infrastructure modern-                                                       tor, Enterprise Solutions,      Wistron will update and do the changes in its fac-     Implementation of GST has perhaps been the most          changes are creating a ripple impact on businesses,      and timely disposal of the cases will help taxpayers
ization to improve agility and scalability is of high   IDC India.”                                           tory to put out Apple’s higher-end handsets, spe-      significant accomplishment of the government –           across jurisdictions. For instance, in response          immensely.
importance for today’s organizations. This trend        Dell Inc continued to be the market leader with a     cifically the iPhone X. This move would be similar     a sterling example of cooperative federalism that        to the US tax reform, many countries would be            The current focus on improving the quality of law
is compelling organizations to deploy/consider          30.3% market share by vendor revenue, followed        to Apple’s existing India strategy, which sees the     has given shape to the vision of One Nation, One         reviewing their own tax laws and introduce new           and providing certainty should continue. To take
new age storage solutions.” says Dileep Nadim-          by Hewlett Packard Enterprise with 18.0% market       big technology giant marketing older generation        Tax. There have been some bumps in this journey,         rates or policies. The new US tax law has also given     an example, there are many unresolved issues aris-
palli , Research Manager, Enterprise Infrastruc-        share in Q3 2018. Smaller external storage OEMs       handsets at more affordable prices.                    however, the fact that the GST Council held 30           rise to considerable uncertainty. The statute needs      ing out of Ind-AS application. Just to illustrate one
ture, IDC India.                                        witnessed a significant YoY growth due to large       Also, there have been a number of hurdles for          meetings in 2 years and took 918 decisions, (96          a lot of interpretation, but the regulations to give     of them; there is no alignment between the defini-
Organizational demand for high performance and          multi-million-dollar deals from professional ser-     Apple’s expansion plans in India, including a          per cent already implemented) is reflective of the       effect to the law have been slow.                        tion of demerger under ITA as opposed to require-
low latency storage solutions led to a triple digit     vices organizations in Q3 2018.                       recently decision to allow the country’s anti-         seriousness of the government to ease any transi-        Similarly, as more jurisdictions sign the multilat-      ments of Ind-AS accounting. There is, therefore, a
YoY growth of All Flash Arrays in Q3 2018. Major-       Forecast                                              spam app into the App Store to avoid a ban from        tion pains.                                              eral instrument (MLI), it is expected that the trea-     dilemma for a law-abiding citizen who wants to
ity of the vendors started offering NVMe based          The external enterprise storage systems market        the local cellular networks. An advisor to Naren-      There are important areas that still need atten-         ty-related BEPS changes will be included in a great      comply with both the provisions.
flash arrays to drive an incremental growth in the      is expected to grow at a single digit compounded      dra Modi also insisted the country should restrict     tion. For instance, there is considerable confusion      number of bilateral treaties as of 1 January 2019.       The government has implemented many economic
coming quarters.                                        annual growth rate (CAGR) for the 2017 – 2022         its import of luxury goods like the iPhone and tax     about the scope of the term ‘intermediary’ under         Countries are also trying to ensure that the digi-       reforms. Besides the GST, the passage of the Insol-
Midrange external storage segment saw an                time-period. Increased spending on digital trans-     them heavily, further hurting Apple’s outlook in       the GST law. Requisite clarification is required to      talized businesses pay their fair share of tax. Many     vency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and greater
exponential YoY growth and continued to lead            formation initiatives across industries would         the country for high-end sales.                        provide that the services provided by an Indian          countries, including India, are already assessing        liberalization of India’s foreign direct investment
the market constituting more than 66.9% of the          drive incremental revenues in the coming quar-                                                               company, under specified business models such as         their options for unilateral digital action. India was   (FDI) regime have been positive measures. It’s time
total Q3 2018 external storage market, while            ters.                                                                                                        call-centres, BPOs, KPOs and other similar service       the first to introduce an equalisation levy of 6 per     to put a renewed focus on measures for boosting
                                                                                                                                                                     providers are outside the ambit of ‘intermediary         cent on certain digital transactions. More recently,     investments and improving the share of industrial
CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                        4                                            KRISHNA, January -2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       growth in the GDP.
PRADESH. PUBLISHED AT CELL IT DIGITAL MEDIA, 54-20/3-11, PLOT NO. 3, GURUNANAK COLONY, VIJAYAWADA- 520 008, KRISHNA, ANDHRA PRADESH. EDITOR: DINESH SHYAM SUKHA.     CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                           13                                            KRISHNA, January -2019

    Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1 to be the                                                                          D-Link Presents Lat-
                                                                                                                  est Solutions with
  world’s smallest commercial 14” Laptop                                                                         Zigbee Technology
                                                        Today’s employees are more demanding of their
                                                        technology. Not only wanting portability and
                                                        connectivity without sacrificing performance,
                                                        they also look fora work machine that’s beautiful
                                                        and responsive,because work is where creativity
                                                        and productivity need to shine. In fact, in our
                                                        recent Gen Z survey, 91 percent of respondents
                                                        said technology would influence their job choice
                                                        when looking across similar employment offers.
Dell hinted that something big was coming in a          So we set out to create a work companion that
recent blog, and Dell is excited to finally pull back   was not only powerful and secure, but also beau-       D-Link announced their new DCS-8330LH Full
the curtain. Say hello to the Latitude 7400 2-in-       tiful and as close to friction-less as possible.       HD Wi-Fi Camera and newmydlink devices with
1. Their new Latitude flagship 2-in-1 represents        Latitude 7400 2-in-1 uses Dell’s new Express           Zigbee technology. The new mydlink sensors and
the best on-demand experience available to the          Sign-in to detect your presence, wake the system       smart plug works with the smart home hub that
mobile professional, and is the perfect conver-         in about one second,and scan for facial recogni-       is built-in to the DCS-8330LH. With the mydlink
gence of speed, security, mobility, versatility         tion to log you in with Windows Hello. Just sit        app, users can receive alerts from the mydlink
and productivity packed into the world’s small-         down at your desk and start working –without           sensors and trigger automations like recording
est commercial 14” 2-in-1 to be launched in CES         control-alt-delete or even reaching for the power      video clips to the cloud and turning lights on with
2019.                                                   button.                                                the mydlink Smart Plug.
                                                                                                               The DCS-8330LH supports Intelligent Video Ana-
                                                                                                               lytics (IVA) features such as moving object detec-
 Acer Reinvents the Gaming Notebook with                                                                       tion and human detection to reduce false alarms.
  the New Convertible Predator Triton 900                                                                      Additional features include Full HD Resolution,
                                                                                                               built-in IR LEDs with 5-meter night vision, two-
Acer unveiled two new Windows 10 gaming note-           “We’re excited that our new GeForce RTX 2080           way audio, a microSD/SDHC/SDXC card slot for
books, the Predator Triton 900, a 17-inch per-          GPU is helping Acer redefine gaming experiences        local video recording, and Bluetooth support for
formance notebook featuring a slim design and           on notebooks,” said Kaustubh Sanghani, Gen-            easy setup. The DCS-8330LH is also compatible
convertible 4K display — and the Predator Triton        eral Manager, GeForce OEM at NVIDIA. “With             with the Google Assistant, Alexa, and IFTTT.
500 — a 15-inch all-metal gam-                                             breakthrough       technologies
ing powerhouse measuring just                                              including real time ray tracing
17.9 mm (0.70 inches) thin. Both                                           and next-gen, and ultra-fast          GIGABYTE Unveils
gaming notebooks combine new,                                              GDDR6 memory, gamers can            GeForce RTXTM 2060
functional designs with powerful                                           confidently choose the Preda-
internals that rival gaming desk-                                          tor Triton 900 for a robust, fea-    series graphics card
tops.                                                                      ture-rich gaming platform.”
“We are pushing the envelope on                                            “8th Gen Intel Core H-series                               GIGABYTE, the world’s
what a gaming notebook can be with designs that         processors are designed as a complete platform                                leading premium gam-
offer more uses while still packing in the com-         that combines industry leading notebook com-                                  ing hardware manufac-
puting power,” said Jerry Hou, General Manager,         puting performance and technologies that are                                  turer,  announced      the
Consumer Notebooks, IT Products Business at             increasingly critical for premium gaming and con-                             latest GeForce RTXTM
Acer. “The Predator Triton 900’s one-of-a-kind          tent creation,” said Chris Walker, Vice President                             2060 graphics cards pow-
flipping screen allows for multiple gaming sce-         of Client Computing at Intel. “CPU performance is                             ered by NVIDIA TuringTM
narios and better ergonomics, while the Triton          key to the best possible gaming experience, and        architecture. GIGABYTE launched 6 graphics
500 offers superb gaming performance in a slim-         the new Predator Triton gaming notebooks put           cards – AORUS GeForce RTXTM 2060 XTREME
mer, all-metal body for gamers on the go.               this performance and robust platform on full dis-      6G, GeForce RTXTM 2060 GAMING OC PRO 6G,
                                                        play with innovative designs.”                         GeForce RTXTM 2060 GAMING OC 6G, GeForce
                                                                                                               RTXTM 2060 WINDFORCE OC 6G G, GeForce

Samsung Unveils Two New PCs with                                                                               RTXTM 2060 OC 6G, GeForce RTXTM 2060 MINI
                                                                                                               ITX OC 6G. These GeForce RTXTM 2060 graphics
 Signature Style and Performance                                                                               cards not only use overclocked GPUs certified by
                                                                                                               GIGABYTE, but also have real-time ray tracing and
                                                        delivering top-of-the-line features you need. And      AI that can be played smoothly in most AAA game
                                                        the trendy-looking Samsung Notebook Flash              masterpieces.
                                                        combines select premium features at an afford-         The top-of-the-line AORUS GeForce RTXTM 2060
                                                        able price point.                                      XTREME 6G graphics card, featuring ultra-lux-
                                                        “Our consumers want beautiful, modern devices          ury components, demonstrates AORUS’s pursuit
                                                        that let them do more of what they want, when          of perfection. AORUS provides the all-around
                                                        and where they want,” said YoungGyoo Choi,             cooling solution for all key components of the
                                                        Senior Vice President of the PC Business Team,         graphics card. AORUS takes care of not only the
                                                        Mobile Communication Business at Samsung               GPU but also VRAM and MOSFET, to ensure a sta-
Samsung Electronics unveiled two new Notebook           Electronics. “By offering two different PCs that       ble overclock operation and longer life. WIND-
PCs that combine style and power at the 2019            are modern and sleek, put a premium on design          FORCE STACK 3x 100mm cooling system is the                                                                                                               053©Cõ                                                    053©Cõ
Consumer Electronics Show: the Samsung Note-            and deliver Samsung’s signature cutting-edge           most innovative cooling solution that provides
book 9 Pro and the Samsung Notebook Flash.              performance, we’re offering our consumers even         the most efficient thermal performance for the                                                                                                                           053©Cõ                    053©Cõ
With its exquisite metal exterior, diamond-cut          more choices so they can pick the PC that is spe-      graphics card. AORUS graphics are dedicated to          7HUPV© ©&RQGLWLRQV©DSSO\

bezel and ultra slim size, the Samsung Notebook         cific to their needs.”                                 perfect quality.
9 Pro lets you represent your sense of style while                                                                                                                    ƫ ƫ  ƫčƫ ƫġƫ.)+ ƫ/1,(0%ƫġƫĈĈĀĂĊĊāąāąƫĥƫ!*'0ƫ./ ƫ21ƫġƫĊąĊĀĊĀāăāĈƫ ƫġƫ(1,*ƫ.% $.ƫ! 5ƫġƫĊĊąĉĀāĂĉĂĉ

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                         12                                          KRISHNA, January -2019                  CELL IT,
                                                                                                                                                                           T VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                                                     5                                      KRISHNA, January -2019
NEWS IN FOCUS                                                                                                                                                             MOBILES

     2019 might mark the                                                                                            Two-Thirds of Orga-                                      Nubia unveils “Red Magic” smartphone,                                                                         Vivo Unveils Y91 with
                                                                                                                     nizations Intend to                                        targets India’s Gaming Segment                                                                             Halo FullView Display
  beginning of rapid adoption                                                                                       Deploy 5G by 2020                                      nubia, the global smartphone maker, announced          game loading speeds. GameBoost, the proprietary                              Vivo, the global innova-

     of new-technologies                                                                                           “In terms of 5G adoption, end-user organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the launch of its much-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 awaited gaming smartphone,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tuning software, propels your smartphone ahead of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the competition by freeing up memory-intensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tive smartphone brand, has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               launched the Y91 with a 15.80
                                                                                                                   have clear demands and expectations for 5G use                                Red Magic in the Indian mar-     resources to provide higher frame rates. Red Magic                           cm (6.22) Halo FullView Display
                                                            Ž Augmented Reality                                    cases,” said Sylvain Fabre, senior research direc-                            ket. The Red Magic will be       is taking the gamers to infinity and beyond with its                         featuring an almost bezel-less
                            Information technology might    Augmented reality is one step ahead of virtual real-   tor at Gartner. “However, one major issue that 5G                             exclusively available on Ama-    groundbreaking material innovation.                                          screen to provide an immersive
                            be on the cusp of its “water-   ity. In augmented reality, systems combine to give     users face is the lack of readiness of communica-                    starting Dec 20th at 12   Red Magic is targeted at the gaming enthusiasts’                             viewing experience for users.
                            shed” moment. 2019 might        you a real-time 3D vision, sound, haptics (the sense   tions service providers (CSPs). Their 5G networks                             AM for INR 29,999.               community. The phone comes with an ultra large                               With a massive 4030 mAh bat-
                            mark the beginning of rapid     of touch), location data and even other senses such    are not available or capable enough for the needs                             Red Magic is packed with         polymer battery and Full HD+ display that gives          tery and a dual rear camera setup, the device has
                            adoption of new-technologies    as smell. All this enable people to immerse them-      of organizations.”                                                            an optimised Qualcomm®           consumers a revolutionary experience to gaming,          been aggressively priced at INR 10,990 pan India
                            that are disrupting the way     selves in a created physical world, react to what’s    To fully exploit 5G, a new network topology is          Snapdragon™ 835 chipset with 8GB of RAM and            photography, presentation, editions etc. on their        across offline and major e-commerce websites.
    COO, Clover Infotech    businesses operate.             around them and alter their virtual environment in     required, including new network elements such           dual-lane 128GB UFS 2.1 storage, making the usage      smartphone. To make the Red Magic into the real          The Y91 will be available in Starry Black and Ocean
                                                            real time. Organizations are increasingly applying     as edge computing, core network slicing and             of Red Magic sail through intensive gaming and         gaming phone, the design team came up with               Blue color variants on Amazon India, PayTM, Vivo
Ž The Internet of Things (IoT) will become                  this technology across a wide spectrum of human        radio network densification. “In the short to           multi-functioning.                                     GameBoost Mode to unleash the inner beast. At            India E-store and all offline partner outlets. Like all
     intelligent                                            activity from art & entertainment to commerce          medium term, organizations wanting to leverage          The ergonomically designed gaming phone sports         the flick of a switch, this feature turns off any dis-   Vivo devices, the Vivo Y91 will be manufactured at
IoT is advancing and evolving with each passing             and education. 2019 will witness ground-breaking       5G for use cases such as IoT communications,            world’s first RGB strip that comes in 16 million       tracting notifications and stabilises the frame rate.    the company’s Greater Noida facility.
day. In 2019, a network of collaborative intelligent        work in this field to make it readily available to     video, control and automation, fixed wireless           colours. It has been optimised for 128 games for       One button to rule them all!The Red Magic packs          Consumers will also get attractive offers* on the
things will be created where multiple devices will          people on their smart devices.                         access and high-performance edge analytics can-         now to provide improved performance and faster         a 24-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a          purchase of the Vivo Y91, such as–
work together developing IoT to its full potential.         As per the Market Watch Study, Virtual and Aug-        not fully rely on 5G public infrastructure for deliv-                                                          8-megapixel front shooter for selfies.                   · Benefits worth INR 4,000 along with 3 TB Data
Connected to the global web and combined via                mented Reality market is expected to grow more         ery,” added Mr. Fabre.                                                                                                                                                  from Reliance Jio
wireless communication channels, things will turn
into a one big integrated system driving a major
shift in the human-machine interaction.
                                                            than US$ 117 Billion by 2022.
                                                            Ž Cyber Security
                                                            In this digital world, where everyone and every-
                                                                                                                   Status of 5G Deployment
                                                                                                                   Gartner predicts that, by 2022, half of the CSPs
                                                                                                                   that have completed commercial 5G deployments
                                                                                                                                                                            Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2                                                                                        · Instant Cash Back of INR 2,000 along with 240 GB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           data from Airtel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           · Additional INR 500 off on Exchange & No cost EMI
As per the Forbes report, global IoT market will            thing is connected, information flows through the      will fail to monetize their back-end technology         After the successful launch of the Zenfone Max Pro     running for 2 days, this phone is your gateway to        upto 6 months
grow from US$ 157 Billion in 2016 to US$ 457                speed of light. Due to our increased digital foot-     infrastructure investments, due to systems not          M1, Asus is out to enthral Indian audiences once       uninterrupted entertainment.                             Commenting on the launch, Jerome Chen, Senior
Billion by 2020, attaining a Compound Annual                prints, cyber security has emerged as the gravest      fully meeting 5G use case requirements. “Most           again with the Zenfone Max Pro M2 that promises        Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 is packed with dual              Vice President, Vivo India said, “We at Vivo, are
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28.5%.                                concern. There will be heavy investment in this        CSPs will only achieve a complete end-to-end 5G                                unrivalled performance in a     rear camera involving 12 megapixel primary sen-          committed to fulfil consumer demands across price
Ž Self-teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI)                field to adapt to new technologies to enhance          infrastructure on their public networks during                                 slick body. Equipped with       sor alongside 5 megapixel dedicated depth sen-           segments and have introduced the latest addition
     will be more confident                                 security.                                              the 2025-to-2030 time frame — as they focus on                                 the Corning Gorilla Glass 6,    sor. There are 13 scene detection available in           to our Y-Series portfolio – Vivo Y91 in the sub
Since the invention of the first artificial intelli-        As per the Zion Market Research, global size of        5G radio first, then core slicing and edge comput-                             the Max Pro M2 is easily the    rear camera. In case of front camera, the phone          12K category. The device has been ergonomically
gence, the field has witnessed some ground-break-           Cyber Security market is expected to rise to USD       ing,” said Mr. Fabre.                                                          most durable smartphone in      features 13-megapixel sensor with an f/2.0 aper-         designed to best suit the needs of young consum-
ing innovations. Artificial intelligence has done           181.77 Billion by 2021.                                Mr. Fabre added that this is because CSPs’ 5G                                  its price segment. Powered      ture, 1.12-micron pixels along with an LED flash         ers, equipped with the latest technology and sev-
some revolutionary work in assisting human in               Ž Robotic Process Automation (RPA)                     public networks plans vary significantly in timing                             by the fastest Qualcomm         module.                                                  eral innovative features at a competitive price.”
tasks such as decision making, recognition of               The ability of RPA to automate tedious and time        and scope. CSPs will initially focus on consumer                               Snapdragon processor, this      Going ahead, the phone has 15.9 cms large display
objects, emotion & speech, overall reinventing the          consuming tasks has made it the most sought-af-        broadband services, which may delay investments                                phone can take on what-         experience, FHD+ display with 2280×1080 reso-
customer experience. AI has been able to cope up
with these tasks better, faster, and cheaper than
                                                            ter solution. It can automate mundane tasks, assist
                                                            employees with the use of supervised automation.
                                                                                                                   in edge computing and core slicing, which are
                                                                                                                   much more relevant and valuable to 5G projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ever you throw at it. All
                                                                                                                                                                                                  you multi-taskers out there,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lutions and 19:9 full view having smallest full-func-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tion notch. There is also 94% NTSC color gamut                Fitbit Unveils
people. The capability of algorithms for self-learn-
ing brings us closer to implementing the AI into
                                                            As a result, companies can save resource time and
                                                            ensure productivity of the processes. In 2019, RPA
                                                                                                                   Gartner advises that, to meet the demands of
                                                                                                                   businesses, technology product managers plan-
                                                                                                                                                                           we’re talking to you. When it comes to its cam-
                                                                                                                                                                           eras, you could not have asked for more. Boasting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and 1500:1 contrast ratio packed in the phone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  There are two easy ways to unlock this phone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Charge 3
many areas of human life.                                   would enable small businesses, not just enterprise     ning 5G infrastructure solutions should focus on        of the best-in-class Sony Sensor, the Max Pro M2       either by facial recognition or fingerprint sensor.
Based on the forecast by Tractica, a market intel-          business, to leverage the advantages of a digital      5G networks that offer not only 5G radio but also       is every photographer’s delight. The Sony Sensor       Apart fromt this, the phone has triple slot conve-
ligence firm, the AI market is expected to grow             workforce.                                             core slicing and edge computing infrastructure          allows for stunning bokeh and low-light photos         nience like 2 sim card space along with 1 microSD.
more than US$ 191 Billion by 2024.                                                                                 and services for private networks.                      turning you into a maestro of the art overnight.       Asus Max Zenfone Pro M2 is also knowned for pro-
                                                                                                                                                                           With a massive battery capacity that is capable of     viding surreal and dynamic audio experience.

                           In 2019 public cloud security will
                                                                                                                                                                                   HONOR 10 LITE WITH 24-MP
                               become more automated                                                                                                                              AI-POWERED SELFIE CAMERA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fitbit Charge 3 Special Edition will be available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for INR 15,999. Charge 3, the latest evolution of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the best-selling Charge family of devices, delivers
The public cloud market is maturing, and we                 As workload migration accelerates to the pub-          in the year ahead because cyber criminals are                                                                                                                           a premium swimproof design with a large touch-
expect to see a huge appetite for cloud secu-               lic cloud, security risk professionals will need       getting better at finding compromised creden-                                HONOR, the leading smart-         In the last 12 months alone, HONOR has increased         screen display, our most advanced health and
                          rity in 2019. Busi-               to get more actively involved in their DevOps          tials or access keys and exploiting them. In fact,                           phone e-brand under the           its market share in the region by 378% in the            fitness features on a tracker, and is our smartest
                          nesses aren’t just                team’s processes, so they can automate the             Gartner predicts that by 2020, 80 percent of                                 Huawei Group, launched the        United Arab Emirates and 195% in the Kingdom             tracker yet – all powered by up to 7 days of battery
                          experimenting with                application of governance and compliance con-          cloud breaches will be due to customer miscon-                               HONOR 10 Lite, the brand’s        of Saudi Arabia – and is ending the year a high          life.
                          the public cloud                  trols. It’s not about dictating what tools the         figuration, mismanaged credentials, or insider                               latest flagship smartphone in     with its latest device, HONOR 10 Lite. Packed            Charge 3 continues to build upon the success
                          anymore, and now                  team uses, but verifying that controls are being       theft, not cloud provider vulnerabilities. Cyber                             the Middle East, off the back     with powerful hardware at an unbelievable price,         of the best-selling Charge franchise, with ini-
                          that more customers               met and helping the builders build securely.           criminals will also get more clever at using com-                            of what has been a hugely         the HONOR 10 Lite, is set to take the lead over its      tial pre-order sales indicating strong adoption
                          have critical infra-              After all, configuration errors can be easy to         promised accounts in ways that will be difficult                             successful year for HONOR.        competitors.                                             among both new and existing consumers. In fact,
                          structure and work-               make as people try to use new cloud services           to detect. Instead of using a massive amount of         Inspired by the HONOR 10, the HONOR 10 Lite            Featuring a bezel-less display and artistic colors,      54 percent of pre-orders are from loyal
                          loads on platforms                they might not fully understand. That’s why I          new resources for cryptomining, which causes            is set to bring together the best of today’s tech-     the HONOR 10 Lite packs looks that will make             and engaged customers who have owned two or
                          like AWS and Micro-               expect to see more teams embracing automa-             a noticeable spike in usage, they’re starting to        nology and set a new standard for smartphone           heads turn.                                              more devices before ordering Charge 3. This ini-
                          soft Azure, they’re               tion to continuously monitor cloud security and        use already-approved resources and stealing             design, with the stylish dewdrop notch on the          Boasting high end hardware with the most mod-            tial consumer demand is supported by IDC esti-
realizing they need purpose-built cloud security            remediate problems automatically.                      some cycles from those instead, which is easier         6.21” FHD screen and a body with vibrant gradi-        ern chipsets and cameras that can rival most mod-        mates, which predict shipments of fitness track-
solutions to help them protect workloads mov-               Providing these types of automated cloud secu-         to hide. I expect to see more attacks like that in      ent hues, and 24MP AI-Powered selfie camera and        ern smartphones, the new device provides users           ers will continue to drive a significant portion of
ing to these platforms.                                     rity controls will be more important than ever         2019.                                                   13MP + 2MP dual rear cameras. It also features a       with an extraordinary, stylish mobile experience.        the overall wearables category for the next sev-
                                                                                                                                                                           64MB internal storage.                                                                                          eral years.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                             6                                            KRISHNA, January -2019                   CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-6                                                         11                                            KRISHNA, January -2019
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