Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK

Page created by Veronica Harper
Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK
Proposed Alterations to ‘The Venue’ Conferencing Facility to form
‘The Pancake House’ Restaurant.

at Elveden Forest Holiday Village, Brandon, Suffolk.
for CENTER PARCS (Operating Company) Ltd

Design & Access Statement
Date: April 2021
Document Reference: 20 / 2315 / DAS
Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK
Design & Access Statement prepared by:                                                                                  0     INTRODUCTION
                                                                                                                        0.1   This Design & Access Statement has been prepared to supplement a FULL planning application to Forest
                                                                                                                              Heath District Council by Center Parcs Ltd for the alterations to ‘The Venue’ Conferencing Facility to form
                                                                                                                              ‘The Pancake House’ Restaurant at Elveden Forest Holiday Village, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0YZ.

                                                                                                                        0.2   This statement has been prepared under the requirements of the Town & Country (General Development
                                                                                                                              Procedures) (Amendment) (England) Order 2006. The structure and content has been informed by:
Latimer House, Latimer Way,                                                                                                   •   The Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) (England) Order 2010
Sherwood Energy Village, Ollerton,                                                                                            •   DCLG ‘Guidance on Information Requirements and Validation (March 2010)
Nottinghamshire. NG22 9QW                                                                                                     •   ‘Design & Access Statements – How to write, read and use them’ (CABE 2006); and
                                                                                                                              •   Secretary of State Appeal decisions on the role of a Design & Access Statement
Tel: (01623) 863222 Fax: (01623) 863555                                                                                                 0.3   The Design & Access Statement provides important and detailed information about the scheme and has been
                                                                                                                              written for a wide target audience including the Planning Authority, local residents, statutory and non-statutory
                                                                                                                              consultees and elected Members.

                                                                                                                        0.4   The document takes the reader through the various stages of the design of the scheme and specifically
                                                                                                                              provides information on the following elements:

                                                                                                                              •    Assessment
                                                                                                                              An analysis of the application site and its surroundings, and, where applicable in physical, social and economic
                                                                                                                              terms. It is also important to consider the planning policy context relevant to the sites development.

                                                                                                                              •     Design
                                                                                                                              Once the development options have been evaluated and any potential conflicts resolved, the design solution
                                                                                                                              is developed.

                                                                                                                              The information provided within the Design & Access Statement is in accordance with Forest Heath District
                                                                                                                              Council’s Validation Lists for Planning Applications, and specific topics are addressed in the Supplementary

              Author                                         Matt Rowbottom MCIAT
               Status:                                 Date:                              Checked by:
           PLANNING                                 April 2021                                  LH

© 2021 This document is the copyright of Jackson Design Associates and must not be copied or reproduced without prior
written approval of Jackson Design Associates. All rights reserved.

2 : Design & Access Statement
Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK


                 Design & Access Statement : 3
Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK
1.      ASSESSMENT                                                                                                • Approx area 400 acres
                                                                                                                   • Capacity 4216 guests per break
         Site overview – location and context.                                                                     • 11 restaurants and bars
                                                                                                                   • 6 retail outlets
 1.01    The application site is located within the Center Parcs Holiday Village at Brandon, Suffolk. The          • Nine-hole, par 3 golf course
         total village comprises an area of approximately four hundred acres. The application is for               • Forest themed Aqua Sana
         alterations to ‘The Venue’ Conferencing Facility to form ‘The Pancake House’ Restaurant.
                                                                                                            1.04   Center Parcs Elveden Forest covers some 400 acres of the brecklands, an area with light soils
 1.02    The Venue is located in the centre of the Village, adjacent to and overlooking the Beach & Lake.          and less rainfall and higher temperatures than most of Britain.

 1.03    Elveden Forest was the second Center Parcs village to be opened in the UK.                         1.05   The Village was originally dominated by a single-species conifer plantation planted in the
         • Opened August 1989                                                                                      1950s and managed for a timber crop. A small part was an intensive pig farm. There was one
         • Approx 900 units of accommodation.                                                                      windrow of older Scots pine and grassland edges which were preserved but otherwise the

                                                                         Centre Buildings

                                                                                          The Venue
                                                                                                                             Car Park


  Figure 01 - Elveden Forest Holiday Village, showing location of The Venue.

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Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK
future Village supported virtually none of the scarce and    The Venue
       rare species typical of Breckland.
                                                                    1.11   Center Parcs provides a truly unique and inspirational
1.06   Since Center Parcs purchased the site in 1987 over                  alternative for conferences and meetings at all its UK
       500,000 deciduous trees have been planted to create a               villages.
       mixed woodland to increase biodiversity. They have also
       created 32 acres of lakes and waterways and created          1.12   ‘The Venue’ is home to flexible spaces which can be used
       open habitats around villas, buildings and lakes, near the          individually or as one large event space and can cater for
       Village entrance and in a special wildflower meadow.                 conferences, smaller meetings and breakout sessions for
                                                                           as little as 10 up to 600 people.
1.07   Now Elveden supports more than 14 rare and
       endangered plant species and no less than 160 species        The Pancake House
       of nationally scarce and rare insects associated with
       open Breckland habitats as well as the woodlands and         1.13   ‘The Pancake House’ is a Center Parcs institution
       waterways. The special Flower Meadow supports many                  and all-time guest favourite. This popular restaurant
       of the scarce plants and insects and is the keystone of             (currently at all UK villages) serves sweet and savoury
       Center Parcs’ involvement in a priority species recovery            pancakes in traditional Dutch style on a griddle, as well
       programme with English Nature and the Suffolk Wildlife              as freshly cooked omelettes.
       Trust, but many of the plants and the great majority of
       other species occur naturally in other habitats over the     1.14   Each restaurant has an outdoor terrace which provides
       whole Village. Even the car park is the breeding ground             external dining overlooking either a sports lake or
       for eight rare insects.                                             stunning woodland.

1.08   The birdlife and waterways are also strong contributors             Image 1 - Top
       to Village biodiversity although Center Parcs cannot                Woburn Forest Pancake House
       refresh the big lakes often enough for maximum
       diversity because this could take water resources                   Image 2 - Middle
       important for other areas. Even the European rare                   Longford Forest Pancake House
       woodlark, a Breckland speciality, has bred on the Village.
                                                                           Image 3 - Bottom
       Biodiversity Action Plan for Elveden Forest                         Sherwood Forest Pancake House

1.09   Each Center Parcs village has its own Biodiversity Action    1.15   The scheme is part of a wider ‘The Pancake House’
       Plan (BAP). The Action Plans were published in 1998                 facility upgrade across a number of villages, bringing the
       and then updated and re-published in 2019. The Elveden              standard in line with the recently developed Longford, &
       BAP is closely linked to the Suffolk BAP where plans                Woburn facilities and the recently refurbished Sherwood
       have been written for local and nationally scarce habitats          Forest restaurant.
       and species.
                                                                    1.16   Use Class:
1.10   Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and Preliminary
       Roost Assessment (PRA) Surveys have been carried out                The village wide use class was D2 until 1st September
       and are included within this planning package.                      2020. It is now E(d) – indoor sport, recreation or fitness
                                                                           (not involving motor vehicles or firearms). There is no
                                                                           change in use class proposed and permission relates
                                                                           entirely to the proposed external alterations.

                                                                                                                                        Design & Access Statement : 5
Design & Access Statement - Planning Alerts | UK
Images 04-12 - Existing ‘The Venue’ and surrounding area.

2.     DESIGN
        The Proposal:
 2.01   The application seeks to gain planning approval to convert the largest of
        the conference rooms within ‘The Venue’ into a large open plan restaurant
        with display kitchen, dispense bar, banquet seating and childrens soft play
        area which will become ‘The Pancake House’.


 2.02   The Pancake House will be entered via a new path created from a
        pedestrian walkway to the north of the beach. A number of trees and
        some vegetation will need to be removed and the relevant reports
        accompany this application.


 2.03   Internally, an entrance lobby will be created with adjacent ancillary area for
        WC’s, Buggy Store etc. The layout will generally open plan, with the final
        seating positions being designed by an Interior Designer.

 2.04   There will be a ‘Display Kitchen’ to the rear of the restuarant where guests
        can watch the Pancakes being made. This provides some theatre for guests
        of all ages.

        Scale, Massing and External Appearance:

 2.05   There will be no additional internal floor area created by the works. Internal
        alterations and removal / creation of walls will be required.

 2.06   Externally, there will be a new south-facing terrace area with low level timber
        balustrading which will provide stunning views over the lake.

 2.07   The long south-facing elevation to the entire ‘Venue’ will be upgraded with
        cedar cladding and grey curtain walling (new glazing to ‘The Pancake House’
        and existing glazing retained and decorated elsewhere).

 2.08   ‘The Pancake House’ frontage will have a modern brise soleil to help prevent
        any potential overheating and internal glare from the south-facing glazing.


 2.09   Cladding: Cedar Cladding (Vertical)
        Aluminium Curtain Walling / External Doors: RAL 7016
        Render: Terracotta or similar.                                                    Figure 02 - Proposed ‘The Pancake House’ Layout

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Figure 03 - Proposed Visualisation

                                     Design & Access Statement : 9

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3.     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                                                                                                             demonstrated by its environmental policy and adherence
                                                                                                                                             to a third-party accredited system of environmental
3.01   In accordance with the requirements of Forest Heath                                                                                   management, to ISO 14001 standard. The Center Parcs
       District Council’s validation schedule the following                                                                                  UK Policy for the Environment is as follows:
       information is provided in support of this application:
                                                                                                                                             “Center Parcs UK is the leading provider of relaxing and
       Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Survey                                                                                       exhilarating, all year round short breaks at four UK locations.
       and Report (Including Bat Surveys):                                                                                                   The forest and natural surroundings are a key factor in our
                                                                                                                                             sustained success over many years.
3.02   A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal has been undertaken by
       EMEC Ecology and is included within this application, the                                                                             We have always recognised and accepted our duty for the
       most up to date Biodiversity Sensitivity Plan for the Village                                                                         responsible management of all of our sites, but in particular the
       is shown in Figure 05.                                                                                                                management of our impact on the environment is of particular
                                                                                                                                             importance. In addition to complying with all relevant legislation,
       Economic Statement:                                                                                                                   our key objectives are to protect, maintain and wherever possible
                                                                                                                                             to improve the environment of our villages. As an organisation
3.03   The proposal is not for a major employment-generating                                                                                 we are committed to managing all environmental aspects in
       development, but supports the vitality and viability of the                                                                           conjunction with the wider Sustainable Development agenda,
       existing commercial operation.                                  Figure 04 - Environment Agency Flood Risk Map                         in that, we endeavour to provide short break experiences in a
                                                                                                                                             way that benefits the Environment, Society and the Economy,
       Environmental Statement:                                               Flood Risk Assessment:                                         both now and in the future.

3.04   The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact             3.07   The site is not within an area designated as being at risk     While we organise our activities to give priority to the
       Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 set                   from flooding as shown on the Environment Agency Flood          avoidance and prevention of pollution, we also set and monitor
       out the circumstances in which an Environmental Impact                 Risk Map (above).                                              progress against quantified objectives for all key environmental
       Assessment is required to enable the Council to give                                                                                  aspects. To include sourcing materials and services from third
       proper consideration to the likely environmental effects               Landscaping Details and Landscape and Visual                   parties and to proactively manage our operation to minimise
       of a proposed development. The extension does not fall                 Assessment:                                                    our wastage of natural resources. With a particular focus given
       within either the Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 categories and                                                                             to energy conservation, thereby continually improving our
       therefore an Environmental Impact Assessment and an             3.08   Proposed landscaping works involve creating a new path         environmental performance.
       Environment Statement is not required.                                 to the main entrance of the restaurant, and a south-
                                                                              facing terrace overlooking the beach. The impact on            In accordance with national and county biodiversity plans we
       Foul Sewage and Utilities Assessment:                                  existing landscaping, including trees, is covered within the   will endeavour to protect and restore ecological features native
                                                                              arboricultural and biodiversity report accompanying this       and appropriate to the locality of our sites. Where appropriate
3.05   The proposed WCs will connect in to the existing foul                  application.                                                   we will encourage improvement in the overall diversity and
       and surface water infrastructure of the Holiday Village.                                                                              capacity of each site for native vegetation and species of
       Further information can be provided, if required, at the               Site Waste Management Plan:                                    wildlife.
       detailed design stage if a Planning Condition to this effect
       is needed. Utilities are also present within ‘The Venue’ and    3.09   The proposals will, if applicable, be supported by a site      To ensure that this responsible management is consistently and
       the existing capacity on the village is suitable.                      waste management plan of the type required by the Site         universally applied across all its areas of operation, Center Parcs
                                                                              Waste Management Plan Regulations 2008 which came              has developed and will maintain an ISO 14001 Environmental
       Land Contamination Assessment:                                         into force on 6 June 2008.                                     Management System.

3.06   No contamination issues are foreseen.                                  Sustainability Statement:                                      Center Parcs will communicate this environmental policy and
                                                                                                                                             any related local initiative to our employees, to our guests and
                                                                       3.10   Center Parcs has a strong environmental ethos, as              to the wider community.”

                                                                                                                                                                            Design & Access Statement : 11
Figure 05- Biodiversity Sensitivity Plan

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Jackson Design Associates
               Latimer House, Latimer Way
                     Sherwood Energy Village, Ollerton
                        Nottinghamshire. NG22 9QW

                        Telephone: (01623) 863222
                            Facsimile: (01623) 863555

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