Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021

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Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021
07 I 21

Management Suite 11.0
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0

based                                                                                                      Quelle:

by Dr. Christian Knermann

With its modular structured Deskcenter Management Suite, the
German manufacturer of the same name has started to
implement comprehensive client and IT service management.
For software deployment and patch management, the focus is
particularly on Windows endpoints. IT administrator decided to
take a look at how this versatile suite fares.

       nder the heading of unified        The service desk licenses Deskcenter     The software management area is a
    U  management (UEM), the              for each support employee based on       focus of the suite and therefore of
Leipzig-based provider Deskcenter         the concurrent use principle.            our test, too. Here however,
is compiling its portfolio for            Deskcenter offers all licenses either    Deskcenter      is    restricted      to
comprehensive       IT    operations      as a one-time purchase, plus annual      Windows endpoints. Management
management.              Deskcenter       costs for support and maintenance,       Suite handles the initial rollout of the
conforms to the IT Information            or through leasing. For leasing,         operating system and drivers,
Library (ITIL), and thus to the           support and maintenance as well as       packaging and deployment of
internationally recognized de facto       the DNA software catalog are             applications, as well as patch
standard in the IT service                included.                                management. The suite also
management domain. In its                                                          requires the proprietary SDI Agents
maximum                configuration,     Windows, macOS and Linux                 on the clients. Deskcenter handles
Management        Suite    therefore      Inventory                                Windows updates autonomously,
covers all ITIL core areas. The suite     In terms of inventory and asset          i.e. without requiring Microsoft
has a modular structure, and the          management,        Deskcenter       is   Windows Server Update Services
system’s core forms the inventory.        proving to be highly flexible and        (WSUS). However, the suite can
In this case, the manufacturer has        ensures agentless recording of           also integrate with an already
decided on the one hand on                Window clients and the software          existing WSUS installation on
managed assets, thus end devices,         installed on them. This works as         demand. In terms of the backend,
which      blend    into    software      long as the clients communicate via      Deskcenter also relies on Windows.
deployment           and       patch      Windows                Management        As a basis, the servers use a
management, and on the other              Instrumentation             (WMI).       Windows server with Microsoft
hand on unmanaged assets.                 Deskcenter officially supports           SQL Server and IIS, and they
Deployment of operating systems,          Windows versions from Vista and          synchronize user as well as
of software and of patches is             Server 2008 onward. Furthermore,         computer accounts with an Active
available as individual building          since the earliest version of            Directory.
blocks, licensed per managed asset.       Management           Suite,       the
The same applies to license               manufacturer has also integrated         Scalability and multitenancy
management as well as the                 Apple macOS via Mac Inventory as         The suite’s architecture is scalable
application metering, AppCloud            well as various Linux distributions      and can map both organizationally
and     DNA      software     catalog     by means of a component called           and        geographically      larger
functions, which we will come back        Script Inventory. Both detect data       organizations (Image 1). At least one
to soon.                                  about the hardware and the               Data Service instance forms the core
                                          software locally on the client and       of the system.
                                          send it to the Deskcenter server for
2       Extract from IT Administrator Julyfurther
                                           2021 processing.                               
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0                      Te s t s

If multi-tenancy is required, and        However, anyone wishing to
therefore            organizationally    attempt installation should not be
                                                                                       Management Suite 11.0
independent units want to manage         discouraged by this wealth of
their IT operations partially or fully   information. Both demonstrate that            Product
independently, then they can each        the manufacturer has painstakingly            Software for client and IT service
                                                                                       management, oriented towards ITIL.
use a separate Data Service              documented all aspects of this
subordinate to a central instance. In    complex product suite.
                                                                                       Deskcenter AG
such a structure, sub-tenants are                                            
playing their cards close to their       Furthermore, the manufacturer                  management-suite/
chests, but the Master Data Service      supports the first setup with regard
maintains an overview and can, for       to a proof of concept (POC), so in            Prices vary depending on the modules
example, centrally manage licenses       our case too. A complete setup right          selected, the licence model (purchase or
or make pre-packaged applications        through to the first feeling of success       rental) and the number of clients. clients,
                                         with the initial deployment of                the prices vary. For example, for 500
available      to     all     tenants.
                                                                                       administered clients the purchase of a
However, if this only involves           software on the clients is achieved in        "perpetual licence" for the basic licence
managing          a        distributed   half a working day. SQL Server and            costs 13.40 euros, operating system
infrastructure,    additional     Data   IIS served as a basis. We had already         distribution 5.50 euros, software
Services are not required. The Data      prepared our domain controller, and           distribution     9.80    euros,      patch
                                                                                       management        4.50   euros,    licence
Service controls one or more             also another server, which should
                                                                                       management 7.10 euros, application
instances of the Worker Service,         provide all Deskcenter services and           management 4.00 euros, DNA software
which is responsible for the scanning    the database. For productive                  catalogue 4.90 euros and the AppCloud
and inventory of clients and the         operation,      the      manufacturer         4.90 euros. All prices are per client;
                                         recommends at least the standard              annual maintenance accounts for 20
deployment of software and
                                                                                       percent of the basic price. Alternatively,
updates. In this case, Deskcenter is     edition of the database server and
                                                                                       we recommend using the rental model,
addressing the trend for distributed     from 350 clients upwards on                   which includes maintenance and the
work. Provided that there is an          separate machines: one for the                DNA software catalogue. Scale prices
installation of the Worker Service in    database and another for the                  for a larger number of clients are
                                                                                       available from the manufacturer on
the DMZ and the SDI Agents on the        Deskcenter services. On our very
clients, new software packages and       small scale, a VM together with the
updates, also those from outside the     free Microsoft SQL Server 2019
                                                                                       System requirements
corporate network and without            Express edition sufficed. Per
                                                                                       Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2012
VPN, can find their way to the           Deskcenter guidelines, we had                 or newer, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or
endpoints.                               installed the database server and the         newer, Microsoft Internet Information
                                         web server (IIS) role with all                Server (IIS) incl. .NET Framework 3.5/4.x
Ready for operation within a             required role services and features.          and ASP.NET functions.
                                         In addition, we configured Windows            Clients: SDI Agent for Microsoft
few hours
                                                                                       Windows Vista as well as Server 2008 or
As part of the test, we installed        firewalls on all systems per the
                                                                                       newer; Invento-ry for Apple macOS 10.7
Deskcenter Management Suite in           Deskcenter specification. In this             or newer as well as for various Linux
our own infrastructure with a            case, too, we could refer back to the         distributions (Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS,
domain controller and a server for       manufacturer’s         comprehensive          CentOS 7/8, RHEL 7/8, Debian 9/10,
                                         information. The required port                Fedora 31-33, openSUSE 15, SLES 12
the Deskcenter Services, both in
Windows Server 2019, and clients         scope relates, on the one hand, to the
in Windows 10 20H2. Furthermore,         SQL server, to which only
the manufacturer granted us              Deskcenter Data Service and
access to its test environment so        Management Studio (but not the
that we could gain an overview of        clients) require access, and, on the        Clients with SDI Agent installed
the functions also in a larger           other hand, to Deskcenter services.         typically access the Data Service via
environment.                                                                         TCP port 81, but they only require
                                         We configured the firewalls of the          this as a fall-back option, in case the
The PDF guide for setup and initial      clients centrally by means of a group       responsible Worker Service is not
configuration comprises 76 pages,        policy, for which all ports and             available.      The     latter    uses
and the comprehensive user               protocols from the file and printer         configurable TCP ports from 7000
manual is 942 pages long.                sharing,        remote       services       upwards for the TLS-encrypted
                                         management          and     Windows         communication with the agents. In
                                         Management            Instrumentation       this way, the clients transmit their
                                         (WMI) groups are only required in           inventory data to the Worker
                                         the case of an agentless inventory.         Service and receive software jobs.

                                                                                   Extract from IT Administrator July 2021            3
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021
Te s t s   Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0

The installation files and patches
themselves call up the clients from
the    points    referred   to     in
Management Suite as software
shares. In the simplest case, a
software share is an SMB share that
can naturally only be reasonably
used in the internal corporate
network. Alternatively, the agent
obtains software from software

                                                                                                                           Quelle: Deskcenter AG
shares also, which are accessible via
FTP(S), HTTP(S) or WebDAV.

Data Service, Management
Studio and Webfrontend
Thus equipped, we could begin to           Image 1: Deskcenter Data Service and Worker Service map organizationally and
install the Deskcenter infrastructure,     geographically distributed environments.
starting with the Data Service. In the
process, the setup routine requested       In Studio, a wizard guided us             Optional time frames with daily,
a license file, which Deskcenter had       through the total of 16 dialog steps      weekly or monthly intervals give the
provided for 100 clients and for all       for the initial configuration—a           time plans a framework, thereby
aspects of the software deployment.        comprehensive list of working             restricting execution to defined time
This also included Application             points, some with additional sub-         frames.
Metering and AppCloud functions.           points—at the end of which,
The former helps with cost                 Management            Suite        was    Comprehensive online
optimization and also determines if        immediately ready for use. After the      Software catalogue
and for how long distributed               welcome window, we specified a
                                                                                     The optional DNA catalog is an online
applications are used. This happens        default user for remote access on
                                                                                     database that helps Management
aggregated in terms of data                the client. Inventory and software
                                                                                     Suite identify, on the software installed
protection; the system only records        deployment also use the context of
                                                                                     on the clients for the inventory, license
the usage duration within the last 90      this account, which requires at least
                                                                                     management         and     also     patch
days without an exact time and             local admin rights on the clients. In
                                                                                     management. Per details supplied by
anonymizes usernames if desired.           the next step, we created an initial
                                                                                     Deskcenter, the database recognizes
AppCloud is an online service with         Worker Service, to which we
                                                                                     1.5 million fingerprints of individual
which Deskcenter makes ready               assigned all inventory tasks via IP
packages available for numerous                                                      files belonging to 400,000 products
                                           scan and AD Sync as far as the
applications (more on this later).                                                   from 16,000 manufacturers. To
                                           endpoint for SDI Agents. Depending
                                                                                     activate this option, we had to assign
                                           on the size of an infrastructure and
Then we installed Deskcenter                                                         one of the previously created time
                                           logic or geographic segmentation,
Management Studio, which is the                                                      plans and opted for update
                                           Deskcenter alternatively allows the
central management interface of                                                      compilation of the catalog once per
                                           tasks to be distributed on multiple
Deskcenter Management Suite,                                                         day.The following dialog step
                                           Worker Services on different
followed      by   the    optional                                                   prompted us to create one or more
                                           servers.Next, we defined two time
Deskcenter.Web. This ASP.NET                                                         inventory groups. At least one such
                                           plans for hourly and daily execution
web application forms the basis for                                                  group must exist, since Management
                                           by way of an example, with
the Servicedesk system including                                                     Suite automatically assigns all
                                           Deskcenter proving to be extremely
Knowledge Base and for the self-                                                     recorded systems to a group. How
                                           flexible in this respect. The system
service for the installation of                                                      can there be multiple groups? The
                                           can execute tasks on a one-time
applications. The web application                                                    inventory group determines which
                                           basis, or according to minutely,          method is used for the inventory,
setup also took care of the REST-
                                           hourly, daily, weekly or monthly          either the agentless recording by
API inventory.
                                           intervals. It can be set to use either    means of Worker Service and WMI
                                           universal time or the clients’ local
Wizard- guided initial                                                               or the SDI Agent. In both cases,
                                           time. Each individual task, such as       deviating from the global default
                                           synchronization with the Microsoft        user, we were also allowed to enter
 Now we were able to log in to             Update Catalog, download of               the login information of a different
 Management Studio using the initial       updates, or also patch scans of clients   account.
 admin account that we had created         and servers, runs on demand
 during installation.                      according to its own time plan.
4      Extract from IT Administrator July 2021                                              
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0 - 07 I 21 - - IT-Administrator Juli 2021
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0              Te s t s

This would be practical in terms of       This      is  useful     for    large     As an additional source, Deskcenter
considering clients that do not           infrastructures, so that clients only     uses a Microsoft DHCP server to
belong to the AD domain. Also             connect to Worker Services in their       determine assigned IP addresses.
worth mentioning is the “Create           vicinity.                                 Finally, we were allowed to store
monitors as asset” option. With this,                                               SMTP configurations, so that
the inventory on the client records       We continued with the software            Management Suite can also send
additionally connected external           share, where we configured our            information via email.
monitors on demand in asset               previously created SMB scope. At
management.       The    file  scan       this point, we could also specify an      Well-structured complexity
establishes the directories where         alternative connection via FTP(S),
Deskcenter should search for              HTTP(S) or WebDAV. A third type           This     completed       the    basic
installed software and permits            of group, known as software groups,       configuration, and we were able to
inclusions and exclusions.                assigns the software share to the         focus on the well-structured
                                          clients.                                  Management Studio, which divides
In the course of the inventory,                                                     the complex scope of function into
Deskcenter can execute any further        Numerous inventory methods                logically traceable and, after a brief
actions as script in the system or                                                  familiarization, controllable areas.
user context on the clients. We had       The next points of the initial            The main navigation is arranged
to specify a script such as Visual        configuration serve to record, as         horizontally at the lower edge of
Basic, C#, PowerShell or batch code.      completely      as    possible,   the     the image, which leaves space at
                                          surrounding IT infrastructure for         the upper edge for one icon bar per
Management Suite uses separate            Management Suite. An IP scan              specific area. We were able to
groups for clients with installed SDI     searches by time plan in defined          subsequently change any decisions
Agents. For example, one of these         subnetworks         to      inventory     that had previously been made in
groups determines whether the local       endpoints. In addition, the system        the wizard in the “Configurations”
agent loads the optional user             synchronizes user and computer            area. Here, we were also allowed to
module, and therefore informs the         accounts with an Active Directory,        create SNMP groups, including
end      user    about     upcoming       on demand also only with a specific       version community, in order to
installations, or runs completely         OU. Furthermore, Deskcenter also          inventory SNMP-able endpoints
hidden      in   the     background.      reads hosts such as VMs from              such as printers and IP telephones.
Furthermore, the group assigns one        virtualization infrastructures and is
or more Worker Service instances to       compatible with VMware ESX/
the agents.                               vCenter, Microsoft Hyper-V and
                                          Xen-compatible solutions.

Image 2: “AppCloud” supplies ready compilations for numerous applications.                                                           Extract from IT Administrator July 2021       5
Te s t s   Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0

                                                                                          In     the     “Infrastructure”   area,
                                                                                          Management Suite had a pleasant
                                                                                          surprise in store with its wealth of
                                                                                          information about our environment
                                                                                          that Deskcenter had detected
                                                                                          automatically. The system had now
                                                                                          imported all our users and computers
                                                                                          existing in the AD, VMs existing on
                                                                                          virtual hosts, in Hyper-V and in the
                                                                                          Xen descendant, XCP-NG, and found
                                                                                          network printers not represented in
                                                                                          the AD by means of IP scan. All
                                                                                          objects were therefore also usable in
                                                                                          the      Organization      and   Asset
                                                                                          Management area. In doing so, we
                                                                                          were allowed to configure which
                                                                                          attributes from the AD correspond to
                                                                                          which ones in the Deskcenter
                                                                                          database. On demand, Deskcenter
                                                                                          can either synchronize in one
                                                                                          direction only or bidirectionally so
                                                                                          that information, for instance about a
                                                                                          user’s department or location, only
                                                                                          has to be maintained in one place.
                                                                                          Since we had already filled out these
                                                                                          fields in the AD, our organization was
                                                                                          quickly displayed in Deskcenter.
Image 3: The graphical editor also helps with the installation of complex applications    Deskcenter had used WMI to
including connection to license management and the helpdesk.                              determine which software was
                                                                                          installed on our clients. We only had
                                                  This involves a single installation     to enter the number of available
    This is the verdict of IT administrator
                                                  routine, thus an EXE or MSI file,       licenses in the license management
    Inventory                                8    such as an installation command         area.
                                                  for unsupervised installation. If
    Application recognition                  7    there     is  no    installer    with   New installation per mas
                                                  corresponding            parameters     Even the complete new installation of
    Software packages from the cloud         8    available, then Deskcenter offers       a client is by no means difficult. For
                                                  the option of purchasing a license      the installation, Deskcenter uses the
    Editor for execution plans                    for    Package    Studios,     which    common PXE method and also
                                                  supports the creation of an             installs a PXE Service on the Worker
                                                                                          Service. The clients find it by the usual
    OS deployment                            7    installation package. One or more
                                                                                          route, via DHCP Option or IP Helper.
                                                  of these packages form a
                                                                                          If neither is possible, then an ISO boot
                                                  compilation, which integrates the       image will help.
                                                  32- and 64-bit variants of an
    This product is suitable                      application, for instance. In turn,     Ready-made packages from
                                                  software bundles tie up multiple
    ideal for medium-sized and large                                                      AppCloud
                                                  compilations to larger units. We
    companies that want to establish                                                      After we had equipped out clients with
    comprehensive client and IT service           were able to understand how             the SDI Agents, we could finally focus on
    management in their Windows                   everything works in practice by         the installation of applications in the
    infrastructure.                               looking at examples in the              “Software management” area. Here too,
    conditionally    for  companies      that     “AppCloud      products”      catalog   Deskcenter Management Suite proved to
    primarily operate macOS or Linux clients.     (Image 2).                              be aimed at the requirements of larger
                                                                                          environments. The smallest unit is a
    not for organisations that do not operate a                                           software package.
    Windows infrastructure and Active

6          Extract from IT Administrator July 2021                                               
Deskcenter Management Suite 11.0                     Te s t s

There, we found numerous ready                  The editor also builds a bridge to the       Conclusion
packages for software. For each item in         other areas of Management Suite. In          Very similar to software management, we
this catalog, we were able to create a          this way, license actions check              were able to create OSD configurations in
compilation in our system, select the           whether a license is free beforehand         the “OS Deployment” area. Such a
desired software share and also define          and     assign    these   automatically      configuration consists of the setup of the
whether the software should go only to          following successful installation. If an     desired Windows version, one input for
                                                installation fails, then the execution       partitioning and one answer file for the
the test group or be transferred
                                                plan will also create a ticket for the       unsupervised installation. It is worth
immediately into production as a
                                                helpdesk on demand (Image 3).                mentioning here that the answer file did
release. Once we had used the software                                                       not have to be painstakingly written by
rule groups to assign clients and                                                            hand. Deskcenter assisted us by providing
compilations to each other, we saw              Conversely, the web frontend of the          a generator, offering us input fields and
firsthand how Deskcenter successfully           helpdesk offers end users a self-service     dropdown boxes for all Windows setup
generated corresponding software jobs           function that they can use to order          settings, and it automatically generated a
and deployed the software on our target         software for installation. This requires     suitable answer file from this. Optionally,
computer.                                       them being entered as the main user of       we were also allowed to tie up drivers to
                                                the    target    system     in    Asset      driver packages and integrate into the
Installation per graphical                      Management. However, software jobs           process, execute scripts as part of the
                                                that do not run fully automatically, for     installation and also install the SDI Agents
execution plan                                                                               and other software.
                                                instance because the software is
                                                chargeable,    must     currently     be     Describing in full all aspects of Deskcenter
In the case of more complex applications,       authorized by an IT employee.                Management Suite’s functionality would
we were able to edit compilation and edit                                                    far exceed the scope of this article;
                                                According to the manufacturer, an
as we saw fit. One particular strength of                                                    however, this suite maps all the relevant
                                                upcoming version should finally offer
Deskcenter is the execution plan, which                                                      areas of ITIL-oriented IT operations.
                                                approval processes for superiors.            Hardly any assets were missing from the
controls the progress of an installation in
the form of a graphical editor. The ready-                                                   comprehensive inventory with its
                                                Regarding patches, Deskcenter uses           numerous methods—IP scan, DHCP,
made compilation of the popular source
                                                Microsoft’s Windows Update Catalog           SNMP, WMI, inventory—which makes
code editor Visual Studio Code then
                                                and downloads the patches required           Deskcenter an optimal basis for any
queries the architecture of the client                                                       additional modules. The building blocks
                                                by the endpoints. Patch groups, which
before installing either the 32- or 64-bit                                                   for deployment of operating systems,
                                                define the installation time and also
setup matching this. We were able to            whether users are allowed to move the        applications and patches are convincing,
upgrade such an execution plan almost           installation, determine the type and         yet they only address Windows clients.
arbitrarily, first checking disk space or       manner of deployments. Furthermore,          The tools referred to here are extremely
RAM hardware of the target computer,                                                         practical—particularly the graphical
                                                we were able to define a test period in
before or after registry key installation, as                                                editor for the execution plans and the
                                                days that is linked to the software
well as reading and also writing to folders                                                  AppCloud—and they simplify the
                                                groups in the “Configurations” area. If
and files.                                                                                   deployment of applications for admins.
                                                the test is active there for a software
                                                group, all clients in this group will
                                                receive the updates immediately. All
                                                remaining groups will only receive the
                                                updates after the test period has
                                                expired.                                                                    Extract from IT Administrator July 2021          7
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