Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger

Page created by Todd Wise
Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
Developing HR Partners
  Journey to Great Nordea

Tiina Käsi
Head of HR, Group Functions.

Northern European Exchange Meeting
May 6th 2011
Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
Nordea’s position

    Diversification in products and geography
                 Sweden                                    Financial centres                                     Finland
      Branches 326                                    International branches in                       Branches 329
      Customers 4,023,000                             Frankfurt, London, New York,                    Customers 3,391,000
      Employees, FTEs 7,800                           Singapore and Shanghai.                         Employees, FTEs 7,600
      Total lending EUR 76.9bn                        Representative offices in São                   Total lending EUR 52.7bn
      Market rank 2-3                                 Paulo and Beijing                               Market rank 1

                 Norway                                                                                          Russia
      Branches 118                                                                                    Branches 50
      Customers 897,500                                                                               Customers 58,500
      Employees, FTEs 3,600                                                                           Employees, FTEs 1,710
      Total lending EUR 47.9bn                                                                        Total lending EUR 4.8bn
      Market rank 2                                                                                   Market rank 22

                Denmark                                                                                         Estonia
      Branches 295                                                                                    Branches 21
      Customers 1,758,000                                                                             Customers 122,200
      Employees, FTEs 8,600                                                                           Employees, FTEs 400
      Total lending EUR 75.4bn                                                                        Total lending EUR 2.8bn
      Market rank 2                                                                                   Market rank 3

         Int’l Private Banking              Poland                                    Lithuania                  Latvia
      Customers 12,000           Branches 203                               Branches 21               Branches 22
      Total AUM EUR 10bn         Customers 656,000*                         Customers 136,000         Customers 102,450
      Market rank 1 Nordic in    Employees, FTEs 1,700                      Employees, FTEs 300       Employees, FTEs 450
      Luxembourg                 Total lending EUR 5.7bn                    Total lending EUR 2.2bn   Total lending EUR 2.8bn
                                 Market rank 14                             Market rank 4             Market rank 3

2   Figures end-Q3 2010.
Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
Building Great Nordea

The journey to Great Nordea

                                       Middle of the
      Profitable organic growth                             Prudent growth
 07                08             09                   10             11                12

                                                            Next level strategy based
        Organic growth strategy
                                                               on stronger position

                                  Building the
   New Values,                      foundation              Talent Management,
   Leadership,                    Performance               Succession Planning
Employer Branding,                 Management               Coaching Leadership
    Coaching                      Development                Employer Branding

Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
Building Great Nordea

    Strong customer-oriented culture and values

                                       A Great European bank,
                             acknowledged for its people, creating superior
                                value for customers and shareholders

      Great customer experiences           It’s all about people              One Nordea team

               Foundation: Profit orientation and prudent cost, risk and capital management
Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
Building Great Nordea

    Values becoming part of Nordea’s DNA

            Nordea “Living the values*” score



                         2007                                 2008                           2009      2010

5   * “Living the values” measured through the yearly Nordea employee satisfaction survey.
Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
We are clearly Good but not Great yet

     Our vision is ambitious…        … but we are not Great yet

                                     • We can live the values even
      ”A Great European bank,
                                     • We can take leadership to the
      acknowledged for its people,
                                       next level
      creating superior value for
      customers and shareholders”
                                     • We can improve our technical
                                       platforms, products and

Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
What is Great leadership

                                "Great leadership at
                                Nordea is the ability to
                                engage and motivate
                                people to reach out for
                                our vision and the ability
                                to create the right team
                                to make it happen“

Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
What HR will do to support Great Leadership

                    "Great leadership at Nordea is     Continue to
      Develop one
                    the ability to engage and          support and
                    motivate people to reach out for   communicate
      model for
                    our vision and the ability to      best
                    create the right team to make it   practices on
      (APR, PDD)    happen“                            values and

                         Ensure people
                         discussions are elevated
                         to GEM and
                         consequences are taken

Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
HR Strategic programme


                               APR process
       HR Yearly Cycle


Developing HR Partners Journey to Great Nordea - Tiina Käsi Head of HR, Group Functions. Northern European Exchange Meeting May 6th 2011 Stavanger
People Management Year Cycle

4Q                                                                                       1Q
•    Consolidated APR Reports (levels 2&3)                                           •    Performance and Development Dialogues
                                                                                     •    Salary Review and VSP target setting
•    Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI)
                                                                                     •    ESI communication and action- planning
•    Business Objectives and People Strategy                                         •    APR process planning and kick- off

    3Q                                                                                   2Q
•    APR Follow- up in QRM                                                           •    Manager- HR Partner APR Dialogues
•    Follow- up of ESI action plans ,                                                •    Strategic People Planning Sessions
     development plans
                                                                                     •    Development plans from APR and PDD-s.
•    Talent Management Initiatives: Young
     Significant Talent (YST) and Group TM

•    Employer Branding and Staffing, relevant recruitments
•    Competence and Leadership Development (e.g. training, coaching, job rotation)
•    Mobilising, Differentiating and Motivating
HR: From foundation to natural partner

                                           Strategic partner
                                           Natural choice for
                                           Strategic people
                                            sessions on all
 Foundation                                     levels
                            Creating new
              Building on
              new People
People Strategy

     Focus Area: Develop and grow
     KPI/Target: 100% of employees have PDDs;
     ESI development index increased

               Q1 results                    Value to Business                       Q2 plans

     Focus Area: Leadership
     KPI/Target: ESI indexes and PDD scores of leadership competences according to set targets;
     succession plans for key positions done

               Q1 results                    Value to Business                       Q2 plans

HR: From partner to enabler

HR Academy, a visible framework
 To further strengthen the competencies within       2013
    HR and by that enable HR to deliver on
                                                 Value adding
                 business needs.                 contribution proven
  To focus on core HR competencies needed
           within the HR value chain.            Enable Nordea to
 To make development possibilities visible and   be Great
                      clear                          Learning is
To create academy environment on SharePoint.         something
                                                 we all do every day!
Learning at HR Academy

70-20-10 @ Nordea

The ‘70-20-10’ expression builds on the reasoning many people make about                             The Learner
different arenas where they learn to performance at work:
                                                                                                         I do it myself
70% from real life           on the job experience, trial and error, problem solving,
                             direct feedback                                                              someone is
                                                                                                         supporting me
20 % support learning        coaching, network, learning from role models

10 % formal learning        a learning process that is time-bound, and where the                     It is designed for me
                            progress is designed on the basis of pedagogy to
                            meet learning objectives. Formal learning is also led by an
                            instructor. We think that formal training only gives people a platform
                            for learning – it provides skills and knowledge, but formal learning
                            in itself never translates directly into mastery

   By informal learning we mean the many and different forms of learning that takes place
   independently from instructor-led programs; books, self-study programs, performance               I make the decisions
   support materials and systems, coaching, networks, communities of practice (CoP)
   and expert directories etc.
HR Academy on Sharepoint
                                                  The APR
     New structure                                 training           Current structure
                                               material will be
                                               taken from “HR
                                                yearly cycle”

                      HR academy
                        HR Partners
                          -ARP training material
                          -Relevant training offers - list
                        HR Operations
                          -Relevant training offers - list

                        Group Wide HR processes
                          -Relevant training offers - list
                        Competence Development
                          -Relevant training offers - list

                         Process +system support
                           -Relevant training offers - list

15    28 March 2011     HR academy on SharePoint
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