Page created by Lillian Fernandez
Real-WorldApplications of P hysics of Failure Solving Today’sTechnologyChallenges

     DfR Solutions Design for Reliability Conference
     Monday March 19, 2018 - Wednesday, March 21, 2018
     Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor
     • Monday: Conference Sessions
     • Tuesday: In-depth Tutorials
     • Tuesday – Wednesday: Sherlock Technical Training

     4 Reasons to attend the 2018 Design for Reliability Conference:
     1 Learn the latest insights. Learn more about the hot topic impacting electronics design —
       Physics of Failure (PoF). This technique leverages the knowledge and understanding of the processes
       and mechanisms that induce failure to predict reliability and improve product performance. Return
       to your team with information that can result in more robust, reliable products.
     2 Network with experts. Meet electronics design experts in aerospace, automotive, battery, data
        storage, defense, semiconductor, hardware and other fields. Engage in discussion with keynote speakers
        Alexandre Barbosa dos Santos from Embraer, Keith Hodgson from Ford, and Dave Peters from HP
        Enterprise. Build relationships that can serve as a resource to you in the future, and share your insights
        and expertise in return.
     3 E xpand your understanding in just one day. New this year, we’ve added a full day of
        in-depth tutorials presented by the experts at DfR Solutions. Learn how to successfully implement
        Physics of Failure into your organization and best practices in qualifying and preventing battery failure.
        You’ll receive a wealth of knowledge in a single day of training that you can share with your teams
        and improve your designs.
     4 S herlock technical training designed with you in mind. If you are a Sherlock
        Automated Design Analysis™ software user, you won’t want to miss this hands-on training with our
        Sherlock experts. This year you will get to choose the technical topics and modules that best meet
        your needs. Participants will increase their Sherlock user skills, learn more about critical features,
        and earn a Sherlock user certificate.
     Whether new in your career or an industry veteran, the 2018 Design for Reliability Conference will arm
     you with the knowledge to implement tools and techniques to enhance your product development and
     improve customer satisfaction.

     Hotel Information
     Discounted Hotel Room Rates Available until February 28, 2018
     Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor room block: aws.passkey.com/go/dfrsolutions
     • $189 per night, King, Queen, or Double (availability per night variable)
Real-World Applications
                                                                                                   of Physics of Failure Solving
                                                                                                   Today’s Technology Challenges

Monday, March 19, 2018
2018 Design for Reliability Conference: Presentations
Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-design-for-reliability-conference-

Monday Conference Pricing: $99* for the full day.
Early Bird and Group Discounts available. Discounts cannot be combined. Please see below.
    *Paid Tutorial and Sherlock Training attendees get conference sessions for free. See discounts and
     codes below.  Please use the appropriate discount code when registering.

 Promotional Code                 Discount %             Who can use it
 NewYear                          15%                    Register by: February 28, 2018
 2018Multiple 30%                                        Buying 5 or more conference tickets or
 		                                                      3 or more Tutorial sessions or
 		                                                      3 or more Sherlock Training sessions
 FreeConference 100%                                     Free conference pass for paid customers
 		                                                      of Tutorials or Sherlock Training

Monday, March 19, 2018 Agenda
  8:00 - 8:45    Registration/Breakfast
  8:45 - 9:15    Welcome                                                           Dr. Craig Hillman,
  			                                                                              DfR Solutions
  9:15 - 10:00	Keynote: Physics of Failure in Aircraft Development                Alexandre Barbosa
                 Process: A perspective of how to integrate PoF                    dos Santos, Chief
                 electronics simulation into the Airframe and                      Engineer, Embraer
                 Systems Development Process
  10:00 - 10:15	Break
  10:15 - 11:00  Top Causes of Lithium Ion Battery Field Failures                   Dr. Vidyu Challa,
  			                                                                               DfR Solutions
  11:00 - 11:45  System Level Effects on Solder Joint Reliability                   Maxim Serebreni,
  			                                                                               DfR Solutions
  11:45 - 1:00	Lunch
  1:00 - 1:45    Keynote: Applying Physics of Failure Methods to                    Keith Hodgson, Ford
                 Functional Safety Hardware Reliability Assessments                 Jim McLeish,
                 in ISO-26262                                                       DfR Solutions
  1:45 - 2:00	Break
  2:00 - 2:45    Keynote: Insight into Physics of Failure through                   Dave Peters,
                 the Commercial Supply Chain                                        HP Enterprise
  2:45 - 3:00    Break
  3:00 - 3:45    Housing Design: How to Shock and Waterproof                        Dr. Nathan Blattau
                 your Product                                                       & Michael Blattau,
  			                                                                               DfR Solutions
  3:45 - 4:30	Form, Fit, Function and Cost: Selecting the                          Randy Schueller,
                 right connector for your application                               DfR Solutions
Real-World Applications
                                                                                                     of Physics of Failure Solving
                                                                                                     Today’s Technology Challenges

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
2018 Design for Reliability Conference: Tutorials
Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-design-for-reliability-conference-tutorials-

Tuesday Conference Pricing: $129* per 1-hour tutorial. $359 per 3-hour Battery Tutorial
Early Bird and Group Discounts available. Discounts cannot be combined. Please see below.
    * Paid Tutorial attendees get conference sessions for free.  See discounts and codes below. 
      Please use the appropriate discount code when registering.

 Promotional Code                 Discount %             Who can use it
 NewYear                          15%                    Register by: February 28, 2018
 2018Multiple 30%                                        Buying 5 or more conference tickets or
 		                                                      3 or more Tutorial sessions or
 		                                                      3 or more Sherlock Training sessions
 FreeConference 100%                                     Free conference pass for paid customers
 		                                                      of Tutorials or Sherlock Training

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Agenda
  8:00 - 8:30       Breakfast
  8:30 - 9:30       Creating a Physics of Failure-Focused                            Dr. Craig Hillman,
                    Reliability Organization                                         DfR Solutions
  9:30 - 9:45       Break
  9:45 - 10:45	Establishing Physics of Failure Requirements                         Mike Howard/Ed Dodd
                for the Supply Chain                                                 DfR Solutions
  10:45 - 11:45     Implementing Physics of Failure into the Design                  Greg Caswell,
                    Process                                                          DfR Soutions
  11:45 - 1:00	Lunch
  1:00 - 2:30	How to Qualify Your Batteries to Prevent                              Dr. Vidyu Challa,
               Failures and Thermal Events Part 1                                    DfR Solutions
  2:30 - 2:45       Break
  2:45 - 4:15	How to Qualify Your Batteries to Prevent                              Dr. Vidyu Challa,
               Failures and Thermal Events Part 2                                    DfR Solutions
Real-World Applications
                                                                                                        of Physics of Failure Solving
                                                                                                        Today’s Technology Challenges

Tuesday, March 20 and Wednesday, March 21, 2018
2018 Sherlock Users Technical Training
Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-sherlock-users-technical-training-tickets-38628189956

Sherlock Training Pricing: $159* per module. (Up to 8 different modules available).
Early Bird and Group Discounts available. Discounts cannot be combined. Please see below.
     *Paid Sherlock Training attendees get conference sessions for free.  See discounts and codes
      below. Please use the appropriate discount code when registering.

 Promotional Code Discount %                               Who can use it
 NewYear          15%                                      Register by: February 28, 2018
 2018Multiple     30%                                      Buying 5 or more conference tickets or
 		                                                        3 or more Tutorial sessions or
 		                                                        3 or more Sherlock Training sessions
 FreeConference   100%                                     Free conference pass for paid customers
 		                                                        of Tutorials or Sherlock Training

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Technical Training Agenda
 Time              Track A                      Presenter          Track B                       Presenter
 8:30 - 9:00		                                     Breakfast
 9:00 - 9:30 Introduction                       Dr. Natalie Introduction                         Dr. Nathan
 		                                             Hernandez		                                      Blattau
 9:30 - 9:45		                                     Break
 9:45 - 10:45      Solder Failure Analysis      Dr. Natalie IC Wearout Analysis                  Dr. Ashok
                   with Examples                Hernandez		                                      Alagappan
 10:45 - 11:00		                                   Break
 11:00 - 12:00     Solder Failure Analysis      Dr. Natalie        ICT Analysis                  Josh Akman
                   with Examples                Hernandez
 12:00 - 1:15		                                    Lunch
 1:15 - 2:15       Thermal Mechanical           Dr. Nathan         Vibration and Shock           Dr. Gil Sharon
                   Analysis w/examples          Blattau            Analysis
 2:15 - 2:30		                                    Break
 2:30 - 3:30       Thermal Mechanical           Dr. Nathan         Vibration and Shock           Dr. Gil Sharon
                   Analysis w/examples          Blattau            Analysis
 3:30 - 5:00		                                    Q&A

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Technical Training Agenda
 8:00 - 8:30		                                     Breakfast
 8:30 - 9:30       FEA Integration		                                              Dr. Gil Sharon
 9:30 - 9:45		                                     Break
 9:45 - 10:45      Trace Modeling		                                               Tyler Ferris
 10:45 - 11:00		                                   Break
 11:00 - 12:00     DFMEA, Thermal Derating, CAF, VIA Fatigue                      Dr. Nathan Blattau
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