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concentration, funding and public policy issues.

Dr Roberto Suárez Candel

SENIOR MEDIA ANALYST                                         DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNICATIONS
Dr Florence Hartmann		                                       Rachel McGowan                                    

SENIOR MEDIA ANALYST                                         SENIOR MEDIA ANALYST
Francesca Cimino                                             Alexandra Brenkman                                      

SENIOR MEDIA ANALYST                                         VISITING RESEARCHER
Dr David Fernández Quijada		                                 Riikka Lätti                           


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DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                               2

Digital distribution has been an issue       This project builds on the EBU’s              Obviously, national contexts are
for the radio industry for about two         Recommendation on Digital Radio               significant in the radio market. General
decades. While digital is a reality for      Distribution in Europe (EBU R 138),           social conditions such as each country’s
platforms such as the Internet, mobile       which suggests the deployment                 wealth or its citizens’ ICT awareness
devices and even TV, radio remains           primarily of DAB+ services and, only if       affect the uptake of digital radio.
analogue in the most cost-effective and      DAB coverage is not possible, the use of      Other specific issues play an important
primary distribution platform for free-to-   DRM as a broadcasting alternative. As a       role, such as the level and nature of
air services, terrestrial broadcasting.      further step, this report offers guidelines   competition, the relative strength of
                                             on how to launch digital terrestrial radio,   public service media organizations,
To build the case for digital radio, the     based on the experiences at the three         the co-existence and share of national,
EBU’s Radio Unit commissioned the            countries leading this process in Europe:     regional or local networks and stations,
Media Intelligence Service to examine        Norway, Switzerland and the United            the size of the advertising market, or
the key success factors for radio            Kingdom.                                      policies and regulations.
digitization. Entitled the Digital Radio
Toolkit, the research was carried out        The report focuses on good practices          Even taking into account the specificities
with the collaboration of various radio      for introducing digital radio; however,       of each national context, the experiences
industry stakeholders (see annexe) and       there is no one-size-fits-all solution.       analysed in this report can be helpful
this report details the results.             Consequently, it describes various ways       when introducing national policies and
                                             to handle the main digitization issues by     broadcasting strategies for launching
                                             highlighting 30 factors that contribute       digital radio.
                                             to positive acceptance of digital radio
                                             by listeners. Each of these key success
                                             factors is illustrated with a specific
                                             national example.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                 3

                        THE SIMPLICITY
                        OF RADIO

                        Ytre-Arne (NRK)

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                     4

6                         20

7                         22

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DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                5

This research project was designed for     between May and July 2014. The              and the car industry. As many aspects
EBU Members and other radio industry       interviewees included top and middle        are interrelated and boundaries are
stakeholders in response to the growing    managers in public service media            increasingly blurred between areas, there
momentum of digital radio in some          organizations, commercial broadcasters,     are frequent cross-sectional references
countries.                                 network operators, government               throughout the document.
                                           departments dealing with radio issues,
Following a first phase of desk research   regulatory authorities, industry trade      Finally, a terminological consideration
to define the most relevant markets,       bodies, and car manufacturers. A            needs to be clarified. In this report, the
Norway, Switzerland and the United         complete list is provided as an annexe to   term digital radio is used as a synonym
Kingdom were chosen as national            this report.                                for digital terrestrial radio, as it is
case studies, as they are forerunners                                                  commonly used as such by industry
in launching digital radio (in offer,      The report is divided into eight            practitioners. Nowadays, digital radio
penetration and development of             sections, each of them tackling a           services are also available on other
regulation).                               key element for the digitization of         platforms, such as the internet, mobile
                                           radio: institutional structure, policy      and television networks, but terrestrial
The bulk of the project was based on       and regulation, content and offer,          delivery is still (and is forecast to remain
34 semi-structured personal interviews     technology, switchover process, public      so for the coming years) the main
with relevant stakeholders conducted       communications, consumer electronics        distribution platform for radio services.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                 6

Terrestrial radio is the only       Coverage                                    Collaboration
radio distributed universally       At the end of the process, digital radio    Led by broadcasters, all the stakeholders
and free at the point of use.       coverage must be at least the same as       must work together in the technological
At the same time, it is also the    analogue radio, including along major       and communications sectors. Their
                                    roads. Listeners will not accept losing     involvement may vary according to the
only platform that guarantees
                                    coverage in comparison with analogue        stage of the process but all of them are
the delivery of public service      services.                                   necessary. This relationship must be built
content and its associated                                                      on trust and confidence.
democratic values. In its           Content
current analogue form, there                                                    Communication
                                    The content needs to be strong, with
seems to be no more room            clear added value when comparing            Public communication is essential
for development in most of          the digital and analogue portfolio of       to make citizens aware of the new
                                    services. This means more services but      platform and its associated services.
the European countries. The         also more diversity, targeting unattended   It is also a central tool in involving the
future is not just broadcasting     audiences.                                  related industries. The message must
but broadcasting will be                                                        be consistent and avoid confusion in the
the backbone of this future.        Costs                                       market.

This is why a switchover to         The launch of digital radio has
digital transmission is highly      associated costs, mainly distribution
                                                                                This 5 Cs formula leads to a sixth:
                                    costs and production costs for new
important.                          content. Carefully planning and
                                                                                commitment from all stakeholders. This
                                                                                commitment clearly shows the goals
                                    building economies of scale will help
                                                                                and ambitions of the industry and sends
Summarizing, there are 5 Cs         broadcasters deal with these additional
                                                                                the strongest possible signal, helping to
that digital radio needs if it is   costs. Returns are not immediate. If the
                                                                                generate momentum among listeners.
                                    process is managed successfully, these
to succeed:                         costs are outweighed by long-term
                                                                                For them, digital radio represents an
                                                                                expanded offer of services, not just
                                                                                limited to traditional programming but
                                                                                as a driver of other audio innovations in
                                                                                broadcasting and on IP platforms.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                       7

The radio market includes a variety
of stakeholders, each with particular
                                              Ideally the long-term benefits of the
                                              transition should outweigh the initial
                                                                                            COMPETE ON
interests. Conflicts and divergence
are therefore common among these
                                              investment and interviewees repeatedly
                                              pointed out that the cornerstone of
players. Any uncertainty arising from         their whole strategy was ‘competing           COOPERATE IN
technological transitions creates             on content, cooperating in technology’.
additional tensions, so understanding the     This approach enables broadcasters to         TECHNOLOGY
logic of the radio environment is crucial
to achieving effective coordination
                                              focus on creating appealing content for
                                              audiences while outsourcing non-core          IS THE SHARED
among all stakeholders.                       tasks to other stakeholders.
                                                                                            VISION BETWEEN
The digital switchover is not an issue that
broadcasters can tackle individually. As
                                              Similarly, tackling digitization lets
                                              broadcasters manage their own
                                                                                            PUBLIC AND

it affects the entire industry, it requires   transition while limiting the opportunities
coordinated actions. Yet often the            for a disruptive new entrant.
difference arises less out of differing                                                     BROADCASTERS
needs for digitization but more because       Finally, public service broadcasters have
the players involved cannot afford the        the opportunity to broaden their remit
costs involved.                               and better serve their audiences, while
                                              commercial broadcasters might obtain
Public intervention in this area must seek    additional revenues from expanding their
to create win-win situations in which all     activities. Governments and regulators
players can find incentives to embrace        can also benefit from this transition
digitization. To that end, three main         by simplifying standards or correcting
actions are necessary:                        misalignments in the market. Obviously,
                                              network operators, manufacturers and
– identifying benefits for all stakeholders
                                              retailers are keen to offer new products
– foreseeing risks and uncertainties and      and services, to expand their business
  managing their potential impact             areas. Balancing these opportunities will
                                              help to promote digital terrestrial radio
– creating opportunities for everybody
                                              and generate momentum.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                        8
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                          KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Involve all stakeholders                     Set up an industry body                       Unified message to the
Stakeholders need to see an achievable       As an example of collaboration,
benefit for their involvement in the         creating industry bodies involving            Once cooperation is established and
digitization process: better serve their     key stakeholders has proved to be an          strategies aligned, a single joint message
audiences, expand their coverage,            effective tool to drive radio digitization.   needs to be sent to the government
broaden their range of services and          These organizations usually focus on          and the regulators, so the appropriate
business, offer new products and             non-core activities for broadcasters,         regulations and policies can be drawn up
services, reduce costs in the long-term,     such as enabling coordination among           (see section 2). A unified and coherent
etc. Collaboration among public and          stakeholders, public communications           discourse makes the case for digital radio
private broadcasters, network operators,     (see section 6), marketing and                stronger, and it is then more difficult for
regulators and governments needs to          engagement with retailers and                 the authorities to ignore the industry’s
be established before the launch, during     manufacturers.                                approach. The sooner there is consensus
the planning stage. Once launched, this                                                    and the stronger it is, the more effective
commitment needs to be extended to                                                         this approach will be.
other stakeholders, such as retailers and
manufacturers in related industries.

                                             NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2
                                             Digital Radio UK
                                                                                           NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
                                             Digital Radio UK is an industry body
                                             set up by broadcasters and the
                                             network operator Arqiva. It includes          In Switzerland, a working group called
Business case for commercial
                                             representatives from the automotive           the Digital Migration (DigiMig) was set
                                             industry and radio manufacturers.             up to make recommendations to the
Commercial operators might feel              Its main goal is to boost digital             Swiss government based on the radio
uncomfortable with opening up markets        radio listening. Its activities include       industry’s views. It comprises public and
to new entrants. While competition is        coordinating public communications and        private broadcasters, working together
already increasing on other platforms        public relations campaigns, activities to     for the first time, and chaired by the
(streaming services, internet radio, apps,   engage with manufacturers and retailers,      media authority acting as a facilitator.
etc.), broadcasters could retain control     and managing the Digital Tick Scheme          Between 2013 and 2014, DigiMig
of the terrestrial digital radio market.     (see section 6). It also collaborates with    studied technical, legal and public
This is the approach in Norway and the       the government in several key areas           communications solutions to promote
UK, where the incumbent operators            of the Digital Radio Action Plan, the         opportunities for the success of digital
have been allowed to increase their offer    roadmap for digital radio in the UK. In       radio and propose a route map to the
in digital radio, creating more choice       Norway and Switzerland, Digital Radio         government.
for listeners without creating more          Norge and MCDT play a similar role.
competition for broadcasters.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                               9

The traditional reason for broadcasting
regulations and granting broadcasting
                                                 – nature of the licensing regime
                                                                                             IT IS ESSENTIAL TO
                                                 – criteria for allocating licences
licences was spectrum scarcity and
the need to organize airwaves to                 – renewal or expiration of analogue
                                                                                             FIND THE RIGHT
avoid interference. Thanks to digital              licences (with different durations        REGULATORY
technologies, this scarcity has become             depending on the country, including
less acute and so the licensing system             indefinite duration)                      INCENTIVES TO
has shifted focus towards content
delivery issues: what content is seen by
                                                 – possible uses of the analogue             FOSTER THE
                                                   frequencies being released
                                                                                             INVOLVEMENT OF

the legislator as essential for a healthy
democratic, diverse and pluralistic              – need to maintain, amend or introduce
society. In the analogue era content
requirements were part of the licences
                                                   a must-carry principle for some public
                                                   service radio stations
awarded in most countries. Now they
                                                 – public subsidies for digital
have become their core element.
                                                   transmission or for specific stations
                                                   (typically local or community stations)
Digital radio policy aims to enable the
radio industry to take advantage of              – decisions regarding stations deciding
the new opportunities provided by                  not to migrate to digital transmission
technology and give its listeners a better
service. This is crucial if radio is to remain   Policies and regulations can foster the
relevant in the digital age. As the FM           deployment of digital radio by providing
spectrum is saturated in most European           appropriate incentives for broadcasters,
countries, digitization is also the only         which are highly sensitive to regulatory
option for growth.                               conditions.

Among the various policy tools,
regulation has proved to be the most
suitable way of driving the digitization
of radio. The most relevant issues settled
by regulation include:

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                         10
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Provide regulatory incentives                Rethink your licensing system                  Correct regulation
Broadcasters mainly avoid digitizing         The appearance of multiplex operators          The transition to digital radio represents
radio to protect their analogue business.    in digital radio has forced regulators         a unique opportunity to correct
Regulatory incentives are therefore          to rethink the licensing regime. In the        regulatory misalignments in the
necessary to encourage them to do so.        countries studied, digital terrestrial radio   market or to introduce new regulatory
There is a wide range of possibilities:      licences are awarded to the multiplex          modalities. Together with the incentives,
                                             operators instead of the broadcasters,         the authorities can strengthen the
– extension of analogue licences (as in
                                             as was traditionally the case. This            democratic, social and/or economic
  Switzerland and the UK)
                                             means that the broadcasters need to            value of radio and act on sensitive areas
– protection from new entrants               reach a commercial agreement with              such as pluralism, diversity or universal
                                             the multiplex operator to be included in       service. A public debate on these issues
– reduction of the licence fees paid by
                                             its portfolio of services. Consequently,       might help as well.
                                             there are no broadcast licences (or they
– relaxation of the current regulatory       are awarded without a public tender, as
  regime (local content requirements in      in Norway) and therefore no chance to
  the UK)                                    lose them. This also reduces the cost of
                                             regulation since the number of beauty
– direct subsidies for rolling out digital
                                             contests (comparative selection) is            NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
  networks (Switzerland and partially in
                                             reduced to a minimum.                          Swiss key regulatory areas
  the UK)
                                                                                            In its recommendations to the Swiss
– clear and early calendar for the
                                                                                            government, the DigiMig interest group
  switchover, which offers certainty for
                                                                                            suggested that several issues needed to
  the required investments and reduces
                                                                                            be resolved as a result of digitization:
  the cost of simulcasting
                                             NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2                          – use of analogue frequencies no longer
                                             Norwegian licensing regime                       operated by radio broadcasters
                                             The licensing regime in Norway                 – adapting the must-carry principle
                                             comprises three kinds of licences:
                                                                                            – need for public subsidies for digital
                                             spectrum (right to use the spectrum),
NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 1                                                                         transmission or for specific stations
                                             facility (right to set up transmission
British regulatory incentives                                                                 (typically local or community stations)
                                             facilities), and broadcasting licences
In the UK, regulatory incentives were        (right to broadcast). Facility and             – status quo for stations that decide not
provided at the very outset of radio         spectrum licences were awarded                   to migrate to digital transmission.
digitization. The automatic renewal          together in an auction (jointly held by
of analogue licences for broadcasters        the Media Authority and the Postal
launching DAB services was one               Authority). Broadcasters interested
of the first measures implemented.           in DAB must contact the holder of the
Furthermore, regulation was relaxed,         facility and spectrum licences to reach
for instance reducing local content          a commercial agreement on renting
requirements. A third incentive was a        capacity. Once this has been obtained,
funding hub set up for the roll-out of       these companies can apply to the Media
local DAB transmitters, including partial    Authority for a broadcasting licence.
public subsidies.                            When the agreement is terminated the
                                             broadcasting licence is also revoked.
                                             The broadcasting licence has no content
                                             requirements but needs to be obtained.
                                             Content requirements can be included
                                             in the facility licence for the multiplex
                                             operator, so diversity is ensured when
                                             the latter negotiates with broadcasters.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                11

Offering an attractive radio service is a
challenge not only in terms of creativity
                                            Strong content, capable of engaging
                                            listeners, is a requirement for avoiding
                                                                                           A BALANCE
and marketing but also of costs. At the
same time, the increasing number of
                                            the funding issue described above.
                                            Simulcasting on analogue stations is
                                                                                           IS NEEDED
competitors beyond broadcasting makes       necessary to ensure that no listeners          BETWEEN AN
it tougher to find a relevant audience      experience a loss. But this is not enough:
niche.                                      listeners need to perceive digital radio as    ATTRACTIVE
For digital radio to succeed, its content
                                            more and better radio.
needs to be different from analogue
radio. Something new and valuable
                                            Together with specific research, a
                                            knowledge of the internal market and
needs to be added. This can be achieved     the lessons learned from other countries       AND ITS

not only with new radio channels and        can help broadcasters design a new,
programmes but also with visuals,           attractive portfolio of services that is       ASSOCIATED
multimedia, metadata, sound quality,        not just a secondary platform but is
interactivity, etc. By combining all        integrated into the station’s overall offer.   COSTS
of them in an increasingly hybrid           In this section, the various key success
environment, digital radio can provide      factors are closely related and in many
greater value for audiences.                cases several of them have been applied
Investments need to be scaled over
time. The return on investment will
not be short-term, as it rarely is with
new technologies. Consequently,
broadcasters have used various
strategies to avoid a chicken-and-
egg situation, in which new cycles of
funding are not provided because the
return on the previous ones has not
been satisfactory. There is a difference
between seeing this funding as a cost
and seeing it as an investment, between
short-term and long-term management.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                     12
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Add value to your offer                        Find unattended audiences                    Rely on familiar and well
                                                                                            positioned brands
The feature of digital radio listeners most    Broadcasters may find audiences that are
appreciate is the availability of additional   not catered for with the analogue offer.     Existing well positioned brands are a
stations. A good, varied portfolio of          Society’s changing tastes, behaviours        huge asset for broadcasters. Relying
channels is the pillar of a strong content     and habits, together with the limited        on them to drive audiences to digital
proposition. Sound quality is also seen as     analogue spectrum, mean that there are       listenership has proved to be effective.
relevant although it is not a clear driver;    minorities that are currently not being      At the same time, this strategy also
it is more in terms of the stability of the    served. This represents an opportunity       favours the broadcaster, as it can market
digital signal compared to analogue,           for broadcasters to find an audience         its new services more efficiently.
especially in-car.                             niche.

                                                                                            NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 1                          NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2                        BBC’s extra channels
Oslo digital offer                             P1+ senior target
                                                                                            Three of the new digital-only BBC
In Oslo, the 27 FM services have become        Through its research, the Norwegian          stations are extensions of analogue
40 digital stations; half of which are         public broadcaster NRK identified            brands. Like BBC Radio 1, BBC 1Xtra
exclusively digital. The increased offer is    growing disenchantment with its main         targets young adults, although it focuses
even more apparent in terms of airtime         radio station, P1, among seniors as it was   on black music and ethnic minorities.
since several stations that previously         becoming younger, especially in style. As    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra extends
only broadcast a few hours in FM have          a result, they created a more traditional    the news and sports focus of BBC Radio
expanded their output in digital. As a         channel, P1+, to target this unattended      5 Live. Finally, BBC Radio 4 Extra was
result, the added value in comparison          audience. As a result, one week after the    originally branded BBC Radio 7 with
to the analogue offer is obvious for           launch it had become the sixth largest       limited success. After rebranding it
listeners.                                     radio station in Norway.                     Radio 4 Extra, the same type of content
                                                                                            achieved a 37% increase in weekly
                                                                                            listening hours in just six months.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                              13
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 4                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 5                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 6
Exploit economies of scale                   Design a product strategy, not a             Drive people to digital
                                             platform strategy                            listenership
Broadcasters can limit the costs of new
digital services by exploiting economies     The biggest incumbent radio players          Broadcasters are developing various
of scale. Examples include producing         try to bundle a comprehensive portfolio      strategies to drive listenership to digital
the same output (a radio programme           of radio stations throughout their           platforms. As their main asset is the
or station) for a larger distribution or     various distribution platforms rather        content offered and valued by the
sharing the costs of production among a      than providing a platform-based              audience, these strategies mainly involve
larger number of stations (e.g. by airing    offer. Bundling leads to synergies and       moving this content onto digital radio.
the same radio show with customized          therefore cost savings. At the same          This can be done at different levels:
music for each network).                     time, it allows commercial broadcasters      stations, programmes or even DJs and
                                             to maximize advertising revenue by           journalists.
                                             offering a more attractive range of
                                             outlets for advertisers.

Imported content from other                                                               NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 6
platforms                                                                                 Musikwelle’s move to digital
                                             NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 5
For many years, Swiss public broadcaster                                                  In German-speaking Switzerland, SRG
                                             Absolute Radio’s bundled offer
SRG SSR had jukebox-like radio services                                                   SSR had to shut down its traditional
for satellite and cable, with major          In the UK, the commercial group              AM music station MusikWelle due to
penetration in the country. Making these     Absolute Radio has bundled an offer of       environmental issues. In order to keep
channels available through broadcast         digital-only music radio stations that       the service broadcasting, SRG SSR
networks for the first time emerged as a     accounts for most of its listenership. The   decided to transform it into a DAB
natural option for filling part of the new   segmentation is clear and covers most        channel. As the station is aimed at senior
DAB offer at zero cost.                      of the radio audience. The stations are      citizens, this decision encouraged a
                                             organized in decades: Absolute Radio         group that was usually behind on new
                                             60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and Absolute         technologies to adopt digital radio.
                                             Radio Classic Rock. This portfolio
                                             enables listeners to clearly identify the
                                             output of each station while helping the
                                             commercial team to market the services.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                              14

Unlike analogue, digital technology
evolves rapidly and media organizations
                                               In this context, broadcast is still seen by
                                               the industry as the backbone of present
are therefore faced with constant
innovation. The multiplication of delivery
                                               and future radio services, which are
                                               becoming increasingly hybrid. There is
                                                                                             RADIO BRINGS
platforms and receiving devices makes          no longer any room for purely broadcast       TOGETHER THE
this situation more complex, especially in     strategies: broadcasting is cost-efficient
terms of distribution strategy. In addition,   for the broadcaster and for the listener.     EFFICIENCY OF
the enhanced capabilities of digital
devices, such as additional screens
                                               In addition, reception devices are energy
                                               efficient, even though in today’s media       BROADCASTING
or their increasing multifunctional
nature, pose challenges in terms of
                                               environment they are also relatively
                                               unsophisticated. Broadband can add
                                                                                             AND THE

broadcasters’ traditional services.            sophistication, including personalization.    SOPHISTICATION
Relying purely on analogue technology          IP delivery does not appear to be a           OF INTERNET
limits radio’s ability to innovate on its      suitable replacement for broadcast
main distribution platform while digital       transmission. The potential audience
transmission allows local stations to          for IP in national markets is still smaller
expand their coverage. At the same time,       than the almost universal coverage
broadcasters do not want third-party           provided by broadcast. At the same time,
operators to become the gatekeepers            broadcast delivery is 40 times more
of their services. This is why digital         cost effective than broadband because
broadcasting is seen as the logical future     once a broadcast network is up and
of the radio industry.                         running, the cost of adding listeners is
                                               zero. With IP distribution, each additional
Broadcast networks are the main                listener also means an additional cost for
platform for radio services, even in           the broadcaster, and often also for the
the markets where online and mobile            listener.
services are more developed. It is the
only free-to-air, easy-to-use platform
that is available everywhere. Its coverage
still outpaces mobile networks and
will do it for many years to come, also
because of the robustness of its signal.
This is why it is still considered an
essential resource for communication in
emergency situations, for example.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                         16
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                            KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Ensure good coverage                           Reduce transmission costs                       Extend collaboration to all
                                                                                               technical platforms
Good coverage is taken for granted             Transmission costs are lower for digital
by most listeners. The minimum                 than for analogue broadcasting because          The technological cooperation agreed
requirements for digital terrestrial radio     the network is shared among many                in Norway, Switzerland and the UK (see
coverage must therefore be at least the        stations. To fulfil this attractive incentive   section 1) is not only based on broadcast
same as for analogue transmissions.            for broadcasters (see section 1), during        technologies but is being extended to
In this sense, network planning and            the simulcast period they need to pay for       other platforms such as internet and
geographical flexibility can help to           both analogue and digital transmission.         mobile networks. The collaboration
control costs, especially at an early stage.   Investment in digital radio can therefore       is not only reflected in specific
The roll-out of digital radio typically        be seen as a long-term savings strategy         developments but even at institutional
starts in the most densely populated           that also depends on additional factors         level in organizations such as RadioDNS,
areas and along major roads. While a           such as coverage requirements, the              focused on coordinating technical
slow extension plan keeps costs low, it        topography of the country, the amount           standards for hybrid radio.
also shows limited commitment, makes           of services in a multiplex or available
public communication more difficult and        public funding, for example.
prolongs the transition period.

                                                                                               NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
                                                                                               Shared Radioplayer
                                               NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2
                                                                                               In the UK, the BBC and the main
NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 1                          NRK’s transmission planning
                                                                                               commercial players agreed to share a
DAB coverage in Switzerland
                                               NRK has an obligation to cover 99.5%            common internet platform. This is the
In Switzerland, outdoor coverage was           of population with its 14 digital radio         entry point for the audience to the UK
prioritized and nowadays reaches 99%           services (DAB+), just as it had to do with      radio stations, just as they have in their
of the population. Indoor coverage             its FM offer, in a large country sparsely       traditional radio set. The Radioplayer
is also very high (96%). Additionally,         populated by five million people. To fulfil     is run by a jointly owned not-for-profit
commercial stations have expanded              this requirement, 762 transmitters are          company. The service has been extended
its FM coverage and for the first time         needed. Digitization has enabled NRK            to connected devices such as PCs,
will be able to cover nearly all their         to reduce its transmission costs and            tablets and mobile phones, and has even
linguistic areas. This represents a clear      increase its offer. Currently about 2,000       developed a prototype of hybrid radio
improvement for listeners.                     masts are required to distribute three FM       adaptor for in-car use that also enables
                                               channels alone.                                 users to receive FM and DAB/DAB+

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                  17
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 4                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 5                          KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 6
Make the case for local radio                Be flexible with the quality                  Use digital technologies in a
                                                                                           digital way
Local radio is a relevant player in the      Along with the receiver, bitrates define
radio industry, probably bigger than         the quality of the audio for the listener.    Digital technologies do not only mean
its audience figures show. They often        A common practice in digital radio is to      a change in the transmission signal;
represent one of the few local media         assign different bitrates to radio stations   they also open up new opportunities:
outlets available in many cities and         according to the type of content: lower       some typically digital uses of broadcast
towns, are key for local commitment and      bitrate for talk-radio than for music         technology include the supply of
participation, central for local news and    stations and, among these, the highest        associated metadata, the creation of
indispensable for local advertisers in the   bitrate for classical music. This allows a    pop-up stations, the use of electronic
case of commercial stations.                 more efficient use of radio spectrum.         programme guides or the distribution
                                                                                           of visuals to enrich audio content.
                                                                                           This provides broadcasters with
                                                                                           opportunities for business development.

DAB+ islands                                 NRK’s variable bitrate
Backed by the regulator, DAB+                NRK varies the bitrate of its transmission
                                                                                           NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 6
islands trials have been conducted in        depending on external and internal
                                                                                           Pop-up stations
Switzerland. This is a low-cost software     factors. The external factor is
solution for local and community radio       transmissions from its regional stations:     Norwegian and British public service
stations. Local radios want to share the     they rarely transmit 24 hours per day,        media have experimented with
distribution platform with big stations;     freeing multiplex capacity for other          temporary, or pop-up, digital stations.
otherwise, they think they will eventually   services at certain hours. The internal       NRK created a new channel for the
lose their audience. As DAB was              factor is the kind of content offered.        Christmas season, reaching 13% of the
originally designed for large areas rather   This is a result of negotiations between      audience. During the 2012 London
than local communities, as is the case for   channel strategists and the Technical         Olympic Games, the BBC aired BBC
FM, these islands may be a solution.         Department. In DAB, bitrates vary from        Radio 5 Live Olympics Extra, with a total
                                             a maximum quality of 192 kbps, typically      reach of 1.6 million listeners in two weeks.
                                             for the classical music channel, to a         In 2014, it bundled its coverage of the
                                             minimum of 16 kbps for the weather            Eurovision Song Contest with the four-
                                             channel, which is primarily aimed at          day station BBC Radio 2 Eurovision.
                                             fishermen at sea. In DAB+ the highest
                                             bitrate is 80 kbps.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                18

Converting analogue to digital radio,
i.e. the switchover process, creates
                                             The switch-off is usually the key element
                                             of the whole switchover process.
                                                                                         IN THE
uncertainty about the best strategy and
pace for achieving the goals. Uncertainty
                                             Actually, one of the key decisions of
                                             the process is whether the goal of the
is not good for the management of            process is to achieve analogue switch-      PROCESS,
any activity so the radio industry tends     off or not; AM and FM services have
to avoid it. This creates an additional      coexisted for decades in many countries     STAKEHOLDERS
challenge for the players involved.          although AM has now been switched
                                             off in several European territories. In     MUST REDUCE
To address this issue, planning is
essential. It enforces commitment, sets
                                             the event of a switch-off, criteria play
                                             an essential role, giving certainty to
guidelines and sends a powerful signal
about the commitment of stakeholders.
                                             stakeholders, setting the milestones to
                                             be achieved and thus guiding the steps
                                                                                         ABOUT THE
One strategy used in some countries          of the stakeholders. These criteria must    FUTURE BY

has been to differentiate between pre-       be clear, well-defined and measurable.
launch and post-launch. The pre-launch       Additionally, a permanent data collection   SETTING
phase lets the stakeholders set the          is necessary to monitor the progress of
technical and regulatory conditions that     the process.                                GUIDELINES
will enable digital radio to be launched.
This means that broadcasters need to         The experience of the early adopters
work closely with network operators, the     will help newcomers to digital radio, as
government and the regulatory authority.     many of the challenges have been faced
In the post-launch phase, the focus shifts   and solutions tested. The learning curve
onto consumers, public communications,       therefore accelerates for everybody.
retailers and manufacturers. Here, the
specific digital radio industry body and
the related industries take on a more
central role alongside broadcasters (see
section 1).

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                   20
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                          KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                          KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Plan the process                              Fix a clear calendar                          Set realistic criteria for the
The switchover is a long and complex          The industry bodies and the related
process. So careful planning, based on        industries in particular require a clear      The switch-off date is one of the most
lessons learnt elsewhere, can save a          calendar for the whole transition process.    sensitive decisions of the transition.
lot of time and money by setting out          However, broadcasters and regulators          Realistic and measurable criteria are
procedures and inspiring strategies.          tend to be more cautious to avoid a           needed, based on serious research.
Although with different levels of             situation where it is not possible to         Data must be collected systematically
detail, all the countries analysed have       meet the deadlines; this could be seen        in order to monitor progress; this will
set guidelines or action plans for the        as a failure and create a negative image      make it easier to take measures to
transition. Having a plan also generates      for digital radio. In any case, a clear       correct misalignments. Setting criteria
momentum.                                     calendar sends a strong signal about the      also generates interest in digital
                                              commitment of the radio industry and its      radio among listeners and sends the
                                              stakeholders.                                 strongest possible signal to retailers,
                                                                                            manufacturers and importers.

Digital Radio Action Plan
                                              NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2
In the UK, the industry and the
                                              Norway’s calendar                             NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
government worked together to produce
                                                                                            Norway’s switch-off criteria
the Digital Radio Action Plan. From           In an official white paper, Norway
2010 to 2013, information was gathered        proposed a calendar combining a clear         Norway was the first country to set
for a well-informed decision by the           commitment to switchover but with             criteria for an analogue switch-off.
government on whether to switch off           flexibility. Analogue switch-off was set      Three of them are absolute: digital
analogue broadcasts. The plan was             for 2019 but the possibility for an earlier   coverage of public broadcaster must be
built around consumer choice, quality,        switch-off was possible if additional         equivalent to that of its main FM channel;
affordability, accessibility and awareness,   criteria were met. The calendar included      digital coverage for national commercial
producing publicly available documents        additional milestones such as a date          broadcasters must reach at least 90%
in different key areas.                       for defining some of the criteria, the        of the population; and digital radio
                                              evaluation date of the criteria and a         must add value for the listeners. Two
                                              calendar to assess the situation of local     additional criteria could allow an earlier
                                              radio.                                        switch-off: 50% of daily reach via digital
                                                                                            platforms and availability of affordable
                                                                                            and technically satisfactory solutions for
                                                                                            in-car radio.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                 21

The average citizens are not aware of the
technicalities of radio. They just need to
                                              Broadcasters’ core know-how is in
                                              creating appealing content and not
know how to tune in to their preferred
radio programme or station and to be
                                              public relations. That is why all the
                                              countries analysed have created a
aware of the advantages of digital radio.     specific industry body (with different      AMONG THE
                                              kinds of stakeholders and ranges of
Public communication is a useful tool         activities). Public communication is        PUBLIC AND
for broadcasters and other stakeholders
involved in digital radio for two reasons:
                                              in all cases one of its more critical
                                              tasks and that’s why a specialised and      PERSUADING
first, to raise awareness among the public
about the availability of digital radio and
                                              wholly dedicated team is needed.
                                              They do business-to-consumer (B2C)
                                                                                          THEM TO SWITCH
its characteristics; second, to persuade
them to switch from analogue to digital.
                                              communication to inform citizens as
                                              well as business-to-business (B2B)
                                                                                          TO DIGITAL
                                              communication to inform the related         RADIO ARE KEY

This effort needs to be sustained over        industries. The most important message
time and scope, backed by evidence            for driving listeners to digital radio is   COMMUNICATION
and based on trust. Strategy can change       to show them that there is something
from one campaign to another but needs        unique in digital radio, a strong content   GOALS
to rely on broadcasters’ own outlets,         proposition (see section 3). For B2B,
including powerful tools such as cross-       the key message is to show the business
promotion from current FM services or         opportunity for them.
television services within the same media
group, or third-party media.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                      22
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Communicate a single, clear                    Plan promotion                                 Target the related industries
and accurate message
                                               To ensure consistency in messages about        The radio industry is not isolated from
Messages to citizens and related               digital radio across channels and regions      other businesses. Consumer electronics
businesses need to be straightforward.         and their effectiveness, promotion             provide most of the necessary devices
As people are attached to programmes           needs to be coordinated, perhaps even          to access radio content while the car
and not to technology, the message             centralized. This enables the promotion        industry provides one of the main
should focus on the clearly perceivable        effort to be sustained over a long period      listening locations. These are important
added value, such as new stations.             while sharing the efforts among the            players within the industry and need
Quality should be used as a secondary          various stakeholders. A coordinated            to be targeted early in the process of
feature or for specific purposes, such as      approach also ensures that retailers have      introducing digital radio in a country.
in-car reception. Similarly, it is advisable   enough stock and show it prominently           They include manufacturers, importers/
to promote ‘digital radio’ instead of ‘DAB’    while campaigns are running.                   distributors and retailers, where the key
or ‘DAB+’ as it is easier to understand.                                                      targets are marketing and sales staff.

                                               NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2
NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 1                          Promotion calendar                             NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
Get Digital Radio                                                                             B2B activities in Norway
                                               In the UK, two big annual campaigns are
In the UK, the national information and        coordinated and scheduled by Digital           Communications activities targeted to
promotional campaign is coordinated            Radio UK. In summer, the first focuses         related industries in Norway include
under one single message: ‘get digital         on the content available; just before          garages, professional visits, speeches,
radio’. Originally it focused on DAB but       Christmas, the second insists on the idea      leaflets, articles in professional
this was later seen as a mistake and the       of radio as a gift, focusing on sales. Both    magazines, etc. Most of this activity
label used was changed to digital radio,       campaigns include commercial radios            targets the car and consumer electronics
including on other platforms. Digital          and BBC radio and television airtime as        industry. As an example, by mid-2014
is a concept familiar to many citizens         part of the broadcasters’ contribution         more than 80% of Norwegian car
and normally has positive connotations         to the process. The new car registration       dealerships had been visited by the
for them. With D-Love, they also               periods are also taken into account since      industry trade body Digitalradio Norge
created a popular figure to increase the       this is a period when car sales jump. Then     at least once. The focus then shifted
promotional effect.                            the focus is on in-car receivers. The effort   towards other car-related businesses
                                               is sustained throughout the year, with         such as petrol stations or tyre repair
                                               differing levels of intensity.                 shops, making them aware of the
                                                                                              business opportunity of providing
                                                                                              aftermarket in-car adaptors (see
                                                                                              section 8).

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                                 23

The role of the consumer electronics
industry in the transition to digital radio
                                              In order to address this challenge,
                                              broadcasters are joining forces
                                                                                          WORKING WITH
is to provide the necessary equipment.
While many different options are
                                              with consumer electronics and
                                              semiconductors manufacturers, as
available at professional level, with         they are all interested in consumers’       IMPORTERS
consumer equipment critical issues            purchasing new devices; broadcasters
need to be addressed. These issues are        to distribute their digital services and    AND RETAILERS
mainly related to the availability and
affordability of radio sets.
                                              manufacturers to sell their products.
                                                                                          FOSTERS THEIR
Clearly, consumption changes
                                              These manufacturers are international so
                                              the bigger the scale of the production,

matter. The way listeners can access
radio services is evolving with the
                                              the cheaper the devices will be on the
                                              market. A major effort has been made
                                                                                          AND THE TAKE-UP
multiplication of platforms and devices.      in pioneering countries but there is a      OF DIGITAL RADIO
In some countries a decline in the sales      need to target retailers and importers
of radio receivers can be observed.           in each country to create demand for
This does not mean that fewer people          devices. Working with them, normally
are accessing radio but that they are         through a common industry trade
diversifying the devices they use.            body (see section 6), will help to foster
                                              the involvement of these players and
In line with the EBU’s Smart Radio            consequently improve take-up of digital
initiative, the aim is to have free-to-air    radio.
broadcast in all radio-capable devices
equipped with both FM and digital
tuners in order to ease the transition to
digital radio. This includes domestic and
in-car radio sets as primary devices as
well as smartphones, tablets and other
digital gadgets.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                    24
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                           KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                        KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Make affordable devices                        Offer future-proof devices                  Ensure a good buying
available on the market                                                                    experience
                                               Citizens do not want to buy a radio set
Cheap devices are needed on the market         and realize that it has become outdated     Retailers need to keep three basic things
to provide affordable access to digital        after just a few years. Consumer interest   in mind: sales people need to be trained
radio. This will give low-income listeners     must be kept in mind when producing,        to explain main features of digital radio
access to digital radio and might also         importing and selling radio receivers.      to consumers; radios must be displayed
encourage undecided people to give             Otherwise, a bad experience will create     at the point of sale (and a prominent
digital radio a try given the low economic     a negative image for digital radio. This    position will boost sales); and in-store
barrier. Additionally, a range of devices is   can be done directly by introducing         repeaters should be considered an
needed at a variety of price and quality       mandatory digital tuners or indirectly      option for demonstrations.
levels to cater to all listener target         through information campaigns or
groups.                                        certification marks for tested products.
                                               This requires close cooperation between
                                               broadcasters, manufacturers and
                                               retailers. Consumer regulations can also
                                               apply.                                      NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
                                                                                           In-store repeaters
                                                                                           Some of the biggest British retailers,
Entry level prices
                                                                                           such as John Lewis, or specialist
In the summer of 2014, DAB devices in                                                      consumer electronics shops, such
the UK had an entry price close to GBP                                                     as Currys, use in-store repeaters to
                                               NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2
15 (just over EUR 20) in the main chains                                                   guarantee a clear reception of DAB
                                               Tick Mark Scheme
selling radio sets. Countries joining the                                                  signals for their demonstrations. This is
transition later will have the advantage       The UK’s Digital Radio Certification        done with the acknowledgement of the
of the economies of scale created by           Mark or simply Tick Mark identifies         regulator and consumers are reminded
the frontrunners since manufacturers           radio devices that meet minimum             to check coverage at home to avoid a
have international scope. The same can         requirements through a test, assuring       disappointing experience.
be expected for in-car radio devices,          buyers that the product is future-ready
including aftermarket units.                   and will enable them to receive DAB,
                                               DAB+ and FM radio stations. The mark
                                               can appear at the retail point of sale,
                                               on packaging, online and on other
                                               marketing materials. It is managed by
                                               the trade body Digital Radio UK (see
                                               section 1).

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                              25

Although radio is closely related to
the car industry it is not one of its core
                                                As agreed by our contacts, both content
                                                and safety can be used as arguments
concerns. It is therefore important
to make the case for in-car digital
                                                to involve this stakeholder. The reasons
                                                for digital include the extra content (see
                                                                                             SAFETY AND
radio highlighting the added value for          section 3) but also the opportunities of     INFORMATION
customers. The international scope              using digital radio networks for improved
of the car industry, compared to the            information and travel services, such as     PROVIDED BY
national scope of broadcasters, is an
additional challenge.
                                                TPEG. This standardized traffic protocol
                                                enables more and more accurate               DIGITAL RADIO
Digital radio is not important to the car
                                                information and has already been
                                                launched through DAB+ in Germany. In-
                                                                                             IS ADDED VALUE

industry unless it is an incentive or a
risk: an incentive for customers to buy a
                                                car digital radio represents more quality
                                                and safety at marginal cost. At the same
                                                                                             FOR THE CAR
particular car if digital radio is offered or   time, it is the most reliable network in     INDUSTRY
a risk of losing them if it is not offered.     emergency situations and is capable
In this context, the radio industry’s best      of reaching a large number of listeners
partners are consumers, since their             without the risk of network congestion.
demands for digital radio will generate a
positive response from the car industry.        A final note refers to the connected
                                                car. In future years, radio will lose the
Given the international nature of the car       monopoly of the car dashboard with the
industry, it may be difficult to make the       wide availability of data connectivity.
case for digital radio nationally. However,     This can be a distribution channel for
countries adopting digital radio later will     radio but also for other audio providers
have the advantage of the awareness             such as Spotify, Deezer, Pandora or
and the economies of scale created by           Apple. Other entertainment options
frontrunners’ markets. Once the market          could also have an opportunity to take
starts to develop, there is also a snowball     over time traditionally devoted to radio.
effect: car manufacturers offer digital         However, at this point the connected
radio because their competitors include         car is not foreseen by broadcasters as a
it, especially those in the same segment        disruptive competitor. On the contrary,
or targeting the same type of customers.        as broadcasters see it, the real connected
                                                car combines IP with broadcasting
                                                offering a wide range of hybrid radio
                                                content and added value for drivers.

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                         26
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 1                         KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 2                        KEY SUCCESS FACTOR 3
Target the car industry early                Attend to the aftermarket                   Ensure a seamless in-car radio
The car industry works with long lead        Most of the current radio audience
times so it is necessary to target it        will not change their cars during the       One of the main concerns of the car
soon. Currently, there are no technical      transition period or will not have the      industry is to ensure digital radio
constraints to include digital radio, just   opportunity to buy a car with a digital     coverage of major roads, including
commercial reasons. There is a need to       tuner. This means that in-car adaptors      tunnels, a key challenge in countries
launch a dialogue with car manufacturers     for digital services need to be provided.   such as Norway and Switzerland. The
since broadcasters assume that car           The aftermarket can be served by the        objective is to guarantee that car drivers
manufacturers will install radios as they    manufacturers themselves or by the free     do not lose coverage during their
have traditionally done so but this may      market. It is a new business opportunity    journeys. Many digital receivers are able
be naïve when Spotify or Pandora are         for them so they will embrace it. Like      to switch automatically between FM
paying car manufacturers to be on the        other radio sets, affordable adaptors       and DAB depending on the quality of
dashboard.                                   with minimum quality requirements are       reception. Hybrid systems could add IP
                                             necessary.                                  delivery to this shared reception.

Car industry visits                          NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2                       NATIONAL EXPERIENCE 3
                                             UK aftermarket                              Tunnel coverage
In Switzerland, the industry body MCDT
heavily targets the car industry, mainly     The United Kingdom has been                 In both Norway and Switzerland, tunnel
through personal visits. Without Swiss       particularly active in targeting the        coverage is the responsibility of the local
local manufacturers, importers are a         in-car aftermarket. In the summer           roads administration since it is part of
key target to promote the installation       of 2014, entry-level prices started at      their safety policy. In Norway, it plans to
of in-car digital radio tuners. As a         GBP 50 (around EUR 65). Prices may          achieve full coverage in tunnels through
result, in 2013 DAB+ was fitted as           vary according to the quality of the        a bid to select the best provider. In
standard in 30% to 50% of all new cars.      product chosen, the antenna and the         Switzerland, where this administration
Dealerships are also visited and specific    cost of installation. Adaptors available    currently funds FM coverage in tunnels,
in-store staff training sessions are held,   include head sets, units fitted into the    negotiations are under way to keep this
providing them with brochures and other      dashboards, hidden units behind the         status for digital signals.
promotional material.                        dashboard and units integrated into the

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                                                             27

Øyvind Christensen (Kulturdepartementet / Ministry of Culture)
Hans Petter Danielsen (P4, WorldDMB)
Petter Hox (NRK)
Jørn Erik Jensen (NRK, WorldDMB)
Line Langnes (Medietilsynet / Norwegian Media Authority)
Svein Larsen (Norsk Lokalradioforbund / Association of Local Radios)
Torbjørn Østli (Norkring)
Jarle Ruud (Digitalradio Norge)
Ole Jørgen Torvmark (Digitalradio Norge)
Knut Henrik Ytre-Arne (NRK)

Juerg Bachmann (Verband Schweizer Privatradios / Association of Swiss Private Radios)
Daniel Gamper (Automobil- und Motoren AG – AMAG)
Thomas Gilgen (Digris)
Marcel Regnotto (Federal Office of Communications)
Thomas Saner (SRG SSR, WorldDMB)
Marc Savary (SRG SSR)
Rolf Schurter (SwissMediaCast)
Lukas Weiss (Union nicht-kommerzorientierter Lokalradios / Association of Non-commercial
Local Radios – Unikom)
Ernst Werder (Marketing and Consulting for Digital Broadcasting Technologies – MCDT)
Philippe Zahno (Radios Régionales Romandes / Regional Radios of Romandie)

Lindsay Cornell (BBC, WorldDMB)
Peter Davies (Ofcom)
Ford Ennals (Digital Radio UK)
Adrian Fitch (Bauer Media)
Mark Friend (BBC, WorldDMB)
Laurence Harrison (Digital Radio UK)
Glyn Jones (Arqiva)
Graham Johnson (The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders – SMMT, Connects2)
Lindsey Mack (BBC)
Ian O'Neill (Department of Culture, Media & Sport – DCMS)
Nick Piggott (Global Radio, RadioDNS, WorldDMB)

Gunnar Garfors (International DMB Advancement Group, NRK)
Patrick Hannon (WorldDMB, Frontier Silicon)
Bernie O’Neill (WorldDMB)

DIGITAL RADIO TOOLKIT                                                                      29
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