Dilworth Senior Campus - Year 10 Option Choices 2021 - Dilworth School

Page created by Todd Clarke
Dilworth Senior Campus - Year 10 Option Choices 2021 - Dilworth School
Dilworth Senior Campus

         Year 10
   Option Choices 2021
Subject Pathways
                  Year 10              Year 11                Year 12                 Year 13

                                      Accounting      ®     Accounting        ®     Accounting
                 Studies        ®     Economics       ®     Economics         ®     Economics
                                                                              ®       English
ENGLISH           English       ®       English       ®       English
                                                                              ®       English

                  French        ®       French        ®       French          ®       French

               Te Reo Māori     ®    Te Reo Māori     ®    Te Reo Māori       ®    Te Reo Māori
                                                            Advanced          ®    with Calculus
                                                      ®    Mathematics             Mathematics
MATHEMATICS    Mathematics      ®    Mathematics                              ®    with Statistics

                                                      ®    Mathematics        ®    Mathematics

PERFORMING        Drama         ®       Drama         ®       Drama           ®       Drama
ARTS              Music         ®       Music         ®        Music          ®        Music
                 Physical              Physical               Physical                Physical
                Education       ®     Education       ®      Education        ®      Education
PE & HEALTH       Health

                                      Transition             Transition              Gateway

                                                              Biology         ®       Biology

                                                             Chemistry        ®      Chemistry
SCIENCE           Science       ®      Science        ®    Earth & Space           Earth & Space
                                                              Science         ®       Science
                                                              Physics         ®       Physics

                                      Geography       ®     Geography         ®     Geography
               Social Studies
                                        History       ®       History         ®       History
SCIENCES                                                  Classical Studies   ®   Classical Studies

                                                           Media Studies      ®    Media Studies
              Design & Visual       Design & Visual       Design & Visual         Design & Visual
              Communication     ®   Communication     ®   Communication       ®   Communication
              Hard Materials        Hard Materials        Hard Materials          Hard Materials
                Technology      ®     Technology      ®     Technology        ®     Technology
                                     Digital Design        Digital Design          Digital Design
                                     Technologies     ®    Technologies       ®    Technologies

TECHNOLOGY                                                  Hospitality       ®     Hospitality
& ART                                                                               Electronics

                                                                              ®       Painting
                                                      ®       Painting
                    Art         ®         Art                                 ®     Printmaking

                                                      ®    Photography        ®    Photography
Business Studies                                                                                     Year 10

This course is designed to provide an introduction to Accounting and Economics, business skills and financial literacy
concepts. This is provided by way of modules. Each module is completed in a term and will focus on basic skills and
concepts required for the subsequent study of Accounting and Economics. In the latter part of the year, the focus will
be on business skills and collaborative group work, which follows through an entire business project – including
developing, marketing and selling a product. It culminates in a Market Day in Term 4. In addition, students complete a
module on Financial Literacy, which introduces aspects of personal financial management, essential for success in
everyday life.

Assessment is completed throughout the year, by way of end-of-topic tests, a sharemarket project, a business plan
and an end-of-year examination.

Course Outline

The course is divided into four modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Economic Concepts

    •   Consumer and Demand
    •   Producer and Supply
    •   Market Equilibrium

Module 2: Financial Literacy

    •   Investment
    •   Kiwisaver
    •   Saving for retirement
    •   Budgeting
    •   Financial planning

Module 3: Accounting

    •   Accounting concepts
    •   Transaction analysis
    •   Financial statements

Module 4: Business and Enterprise

    •   Entrepreneurial skills
    •   The Business Plan
    •   Set-up and manage a small business
English                                                                                                 Year 10

English is compulsory in Year 10.

In Year 10 English, students study a rich variety of literature and language topics across a range of genres and themes.

Personal reading and writing are actively promoted and developed, as are oral presentations and performance skills.
Students are encouraged to be reflective about their learning and to goal set for personal improvement.

Key elements of this course are focussed on developing essential skills needed for NCEA Level 1 English, as well as
increasing students’ exposure to literature and fostering students’ love of reading.

Course Outline
The course is developed to cover the following learning areas:

Response to Written Text :
Students will study an extended text together as a class, focussing on the methods used by the author to tell a story.
This unit will conclude with an introduction to response to text essay writing, which prepares students for their study
of written text at NCEA Level 1.

Response to Film :
Students will also study an extended visual text, paying attention to the techniques used by film makers to tell their
story and to invoke thoughts and feelings in their audience. This unit will build on students’ response to text essay
writing skills, and will prepare them for their study of visual text at NCEA Level 1.

Personal Reading :
Students will self-select and independently study a range of texts to suit their individual interests and levels of
challenge. This unit is used to increase students’ exposure to a range of text type and sophistication and to foster
what we hope will become a lifelong love of reading.

Introducing Shakespeare :
Students will learn about the context of Shakespeare’s writing through the in-depth study of one of his great plays.
They will have the opportunity to perform Shakespearean text and, through this, will form a better understanding of
some of our most classic works of literature.

Formal Speaking :
Students will learn to structure and develop an argumentative speech which they will then present to their class as
part of the Year 10 Speech Competition. Through this, they will learn how to speak confidently, support ideas and,
ultimately, persuade their audience. This unit prepares students for their speaking assessment at NCEA Level 1.

Creative and Formal Writing :
Students will study great works of writing and learn the tools and structures used to create these. They will practise
writing in a range of styles, producing assessed pieces of formal and creative writing at different points in the year.
This learning prepares students for the writing units assessed at NCEA Level 1.
French                                                                                                    Year 10
French is a full-year course in Year 10.

Students wishing to continue with French in the future are encouraged to opt for this course, as it is impossible to
pick it up again later.

French is a cumulative subject, building on previous study. By the end of the year, student portfolios should
demonstrate the ability to: talk about their home, themselves and others, ask for and understand directions to places,
talk about means of transport, tell the time, talk about school and daily routines , discuss plans for the immediate
future, holidays, food preferences and the quality, quantity and cost of things and use correct structures for

Students should expect to complete at least one Intercultural Learning assignment per term, either as an individual or
group task. Intercultural learning is also a part of the timetabled programme.

Tests may include any or all of listening, speaking, reading, writing and intercultural learning sections. In the end of
the year examination, assessment is of the similar style to that which students can expect to meet in Level 1 NCEA.

Course Outline
The course is divided into modules during each term:

Term 1: Me, Myself, I; A bit about others; Things we do - boys learn more about describing themselves and others
and how to use common verbs to talk about their activities, sports, leisure activities, likes and dislikes.

Term 2: Routines at school and home; Likes, wants and obligations - boys revise telling the time, learn how to use
sequencing expressions, talk about their day at school or at home, say what they want to, can, must and know how to
do and talk about their homes and chores they do.

Term 3: Eating and drinking; Going shopping; Places and directions - boys learn to talk about common foods and
drinks, French meals and snacks, order things in a café or restaurant, use French to shop for food, drinks and clothes,
to describe what people are wearing, to name places in a town, to give and understand simple directions, say where
they go, how they get there and compare means of transport.

Term 4: Future plans; Consolidation - boys will learn how to talk about what they are going to do and plan weekends
and holidays, using the Close Future Tense. We will then do some consolidation and revision prior to the school

Each module may include any or all of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities, as well as intercultural
learning. A variety of resource material will be used, including authentic French materials via a number of online
Te Reo Māori                                                                                            Year 10
This is a full year option for Year 10 students wishing to continue in the Te Reo Māori Language programme and is a
pre-requisite for Year 11.

As with the Year 9 programme, the Year 10 curriculum will continue to focus upon language structures in both
written and oral forms. The expansion of other elements in the current “Te Ia Reo” Māori Language programme will
occur at this level, and concepts and traditions will be extended further with a range of assignments and mini-
presentations implemented to reinforce pupils learning and understanding.

Course Outline
The course is divided into modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Korero / Speaking

Students will be able to:
    • engage in short personal conversations
    • make plans with friends, face to face and by telephone
    • initiate and sustain short conversations that involve polite social interactions (such as declining invitations)
    • give short prepared talks on familiar topics
    • use generally appropriate pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation.

Module 2: Panui/ Reading

Students will be able to:
    • understand a range of short written texts that consist mainly of familiar language
    • understand overall meaning and specific detail in contexts that may contain some unfamiliar language
    • guess the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases used in familiar contexts.

Module 3: Tuhituhi / Writing

Students will be able to:
    • use resources (for example, dictionaries and glossaries) to experiment with new language and to review
       writing for accuracy
    • write short texts on familiar topics
    • plan longer written texts and write parts of these
    • use appropriate writing conventions
    • send text and email messages.

Module 4: Whakarongo / Listening

Students will be able to:
    • identify the sounds of letters of the Māori alphabet (arapū), letter combinations, intonation, and stress
    • recognise and understand simple, familiar spoken words, phrases, and sentences.
Mathematics                                                                                            Year 10

The Year 10 Mathematics course covers learning of Number strategies, Algebra skills and problem solving,
Measurement, Geometry, Statistics and Probability for all students. Regular topic tests will be held to ensure all
students’ learning is developing and success can be accurately communicated to parents.

Mathematics classes are taught and resourced according to the level of challenge (or support) that boys need in their
mathematical learning. Based on testing done at the Rural Campus, and at the start of Year 10, boys will be put in
classes with boys of a similar ability level. This allows for the pace and focus of the teaching and resourcing to be
tailored to boys’ needs. There are opportunities for boys to move between classes at the end of Term One and at the
end of Term Two.

Course Outline

The course is divided into six modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Number

Module 2: Measurement

Module 3: Algebra

Module 4: Geometry: Angles & Transformations

Module 5: Statistics & Probability

Module 6: Geometry (Pythagoras & Trigonometry)
Drama                                                                                                 Year 10

Drama at Year 10 covers basic acting skills of body language, movement, space and voice. The course also includes
theatre and characterisation games, writing, acting and directing scripts, Shakespeare, physical theatre,
improvisation, NZ comedy, the history of theatre and watching live performances.

Course Outline

The course is divided into 6 modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Character in a Devised Performance

Module 2: Creating a Mask

Module 3: Devised Drama Performance

Module 4: Music Video

Module 5: Improvisation

Module 6: Staying in Role

Music                                                                                              Year 10

Music at Year 10 covers a range of topics that will be studied in future years within Senior Music courses. In addition
to the modules below, students will gain a general understanding and comprehensive overview of the music
elements – rhythm, melody, harmony, structure, texture, timbre, dynamics/tempo/articulation – that allows for the
accurate analysis of musical works from any context or style.

Course Outline

The course is divided into 4 modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Group Performance

Module 2: Solo Performance

Module 3: Composition

Module 4: Theory
Physical Education                                                                                     Year 10
In Year 10 Physical Education students will work through four themes to elicit learning at Level 5 of the Health and
Physical Education curriculum, those being:

    §   Au
    §   Whanaungatanga
    §   Mōhiotanga
    §   Ora

Through these themes students will implement strategies to improve their personal performance, demonstrate and
explain teamwork, devise strategies for success and evaluate physical activity options for lifelong wellbeing. These
objectives will be achieved through participation in a range of physical activities chosen between the teacher and
students, dependent on the learning specific outcomes and student interest.

The knowledge and skills gained in this course will not only prepare students well for Level 1 Physical Education, but
also an active lifestyle beyond school.

Health                                                                                             Year 10
In Year 10 Health, students will work through the same four themes as in Physical Education, those being:

    §   Au
    §   Whanaungatanga
    §   Mōhiotanga
    §   Ora

The learning objectives for this course are also based on Level 5 of the Health and Physical Education curriculum and
chosen to complement learning occurring in Physical Education lessons, however the Health specific concepts taught
within this course will help students understand personal identity, the characteristics of a good man, manage
healthy relationships, comprehend sexuality education, understand the risks inherent in alcohol and drugs, and trial
health promotion.

The knowledge and skills gained in this course will help students make fact-based decisions in their adult life in order
to maintain a balanced hauora.
Science                                                                                                  Year 10

Year 10 Science builds on the skills developed in Year 9 Science. Students will discover a wide range of scientific areas.
Some of the topics covered include plants, ecology, forces, acids and bases and astronomy.

The knowledge and skills learned are preparing them for Year 11 Science and NCEA.

Course Outline

The course is divided into 6 modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Living World

Module 2: Material World

Module 3: Physical World

Module 4: Food & Genetics

Module 5: Chemistry: Acids & Bases

Module 6: Forces & Motion
Social Studies                                                                                      Year 10
Social Studies is about how societies work and how people can participate in them as critical, informed and
responsible citizens. Learning contexts are drawn from the past, present and future and from places within New
Zealand and beyond. Through Social Studies, students develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to better
understand and contribute to the local, national and global communities in which they live.

In Year 10 we emphasise skills which will be useful in Year 11 History and Geography.

Current Events are also discussed in Year 10. A formal assessment is undertaken for each of the four modules, with an
end of year examination in Term 4.

Course Outline
The course is divided into four modules covering the following topics:

Module 1: Human Rights

    ●   A study of how and why people seek to gain and maintain social justice and human rights.
    ●   We examine the meaning and origins of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, examples
        of how human rights have been neglected in the past and today and how people have fought for the
        advancement of their rights.

Module 2: Our Treaty

    ●   A study of the Treaty of Waitangi and its impact up until today.
    ●   We examine why and how the Treaty was signed, what each side understood by it, how it was neglected
        under the impact of colonisation and what the Treaty means today for Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Module 3: Olympics of Controversy

    ●   A study of ancient Greek origins of the Olympic Games as well as the values and ideals.
    ●   We examine the changes that have occured over time and look into Controversial Olympic Games of the past.

Module 4: The World of Work

    ●   A study of the Economic Strand of Social Studies allowing boys an understanding of the changing nature of
    ●   Boys will participate in ‘the Real Game’ that introduces boys to Career paths and life beyond Dilworth.
Art                                                                                                 Year 10
In Year 10 Art, students will study landscape painting, cultural patterns, and portraiture using a range of methods
including drawings, painting, printmaking, and photography. They will also study a selection of artist models and
their methods, process, and techniques. Skills learned will be through a series of guided exercises to develop
understanding of conventions and methods using various media.

A Level 1 NCEA Achievement Standard 90914 using Photography and Design may be offered as part of this course.

Course Outline
The Year 10 Art course consists of four units:

Unit 1: Landscape Painting

Plein air sketching in the Auckland volcanic landscape towards watercolour and acrylic paintings.

Unit 2: Visual Cultural Patterns

A trip to the Auckland Museum enables the students to research cultural patterns towards various printmaking

Unit 3: Self-portrait

Students learn proportional drawings and develop skills in the conventions of portraiture and apply this to a
range of media.

Unit 4: Personal identity in Photography and Design

Students will explore darkroom magic, pin-hole photography, and digital design in an individual reflection on self,
whanau, and community.
Design & Visual Communication                                                                          Year 10
DVC (Digital and Visual Communication) focuses on communication ideas and precise information through the
medium of drawing. Through graphic communication, students are able to give directions to others, plan a
procedure or system of operation, exactly describe a mechanism, and realistically portray the shape and form of an
object. The skills of developing ideas through drawing, interpreting the graphic ideas of others, and communicating
technical information through the medium of DVC are important skills in today’s society.

The word “Design” has a variety of meanings. It can describe the work of an engineer in planning a bridge or
structure; the activities of a craftsperson or in the development of a child’s toy, or the work of a graphic artist in
producing a stamp or company logo. To design is to establish some form, structure or pattern for a product, system
or event. The solution of design problems requires an enthusiasm to view and make new things and to exercise
analytical skill, judgment and imagination.

Course Outline
The course is divided into 6 modules covering the following topics:
Module 1: Basic Freehand Sketches & Rendering
Module 2: The Designing Process
Module 3: Geometric Construction
Module 4: Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Module 5: Instrumental Working & Pictorial Drawings
Module 6: Presentation

Hard Materials Technology                                                                          Year 10
Students work through the Design Process to make 3 – 4 projects for the year’s programme, using a range of
different materials. The materials used will be wood, metal and plastic. The programme includes instruction on the
use and care of tools and machines.. The three aspects of Materials Technology, design, related studies and practical
work are stressed, and the programme content is based on these aspects.

Projects could include small table, cheese board, clock, and possible lathe work. Students will also use electrical
hand tools such as: sanders, dominos, biscuit machines, routers and drills.

Course Outline
The course is divided into 4 modules covering the following topics:
Module 1: Brief development to address a need or opportunity
    § Boys will need to research into the problem, discover the stakeholders and decide upon a course of action
       with attributes and specifications. Links to Brief development and Technological Products curriculum
Module 2: Implement basic procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product
    § Learn accuracy during practical.
    § Links to planning for practice and outcome development and evaluation curriculum strands.
Module 3: Use conceptual design ideas to produce a conceptual design for an outcome to address a brief.
    § Develop skills in freehand sketching, functional modelling and prototyping.
Module 4: Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief.
    § Students to develop their idea through modelling, testing and evaluation.
    § Development must link to the brief and the stakeholders.
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