Page created by Mitchell Wang
Fire • Flood • Hurricane • Subsidence • Severe Weather • Active Threat

Hurricane Evacuation Zone Map p. 14-15
WELCOME            We, as a community, have faced                The mission of Pasco County Emergency Management
                   emergencies in the past including             is to ensure we keep our open spaces and vibrant places
                   inclement weather, geologic subsidence,       protected from all threats and hazards that our commu-
                   and forest fires, and we will likely face     nity may confront. Pasco County Government and our
                   emergencies in the future. It is my goal as   Emergency Management Team works with the commu-
                   the County Administrator to ensure that       nity to educate our citizens in order to prepare, respond,
Dan Biles          during an emergency, Pasco County is as       recover, and to mitigate potential harm from any natural
                   prepared as possible.                         or manmade disaster.

Our Pasco County teams have prioritized planning,                Citizens and visitors are always welcome to email, call,
training, and getting the necessary public safety resources      or contact us with any questions.
in place to serve and assist our citizens in the event of any
emergency. Our experienced Emergency Management                  The best source for the latest information is always the
team is empowered to devise and implement action plans           MyPascoApp (which is available on the Google play and
to enact a comprehensive and coordinated response with           in the Apple app store platforms).
sound communication throughout an incident.
                                                                 We have created an online version of the Disaster
Additionally, there are actions that each of us can take as      Preparedness Guide which you can find on our website:
citizens to be as prepared as possible for whatever threats      mypasco.net/365.
or hazards that we may face. This guide is a resource to
help you prepare a plan to protect yourself, your loved          PASCO COUNTY EMERGENCY
ones, your home, and your place of employment. Please            MANAGEMENT TEAM
carefully review this guide and develop your plan. Being
aware and prepared will provide peace of mind, may
improve recovery times, and could ultimately save lives.

    Disaster Preparedness Videos
                      Watch Now!
                More information on p.4

                                                                 Front row (l-r): Gina Watson-Haley, Laura Wilcoxen, Andrew
                                                                 Fossa, Christine Cullen, Renee Borden, Krista Ditoro
                                                                 Back row (l-r): Steve Smith, Krysta Johnes, Nolan Ristau,
                                                                 Monica Santiago, Ryan McMahon, Heidi Gibson,
                                                                 Sarah Salgado

                                     ALERT PASCO is a mass notification
                    ALERT            service that allows us to alert you
                    PASCO            with emergency updates as they
                                     happen. To sign up for ALERT PASCO,
                                     visit bit.ly/AlertPasco today!                EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

If a disaster struck, would your family or business be                         MAKE A PLAN
ready? Taking simple steps today could save lives and                          Don’t wait for disaster to strike; start planning now!
prevent suffering later. This guide was developed to help                      The level of risk varies based on location within the
you make plans for your family, your home, and your                            county. It is important to understand the risks
business. It also directs you to additional resources where                    associated with where you live and to have a plan for
you can get more information and assistance.                                   each hazard.
COMMUNITY                                                                               Evacuation Zone Map. . . . . 14
Your government cannot do this alone. It takes the
whole community to effectively prepare for, respond to,                                 Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
and recover from a disaster. Find out how you can help
your neighbors and your community.                                                      Home/Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

          Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                    Special Needs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

KNOW YOUR HAZARDS                                                                       Important Documents.. . . . 19
Learn about the disasters that might affect your area. Are
                                                                                        Your Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
you in a Hurricane Evacuation Zone or FEMA Flood
Zone? (They are different!) Check the evacuation zone for                               Pets/Livestock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
your location at pascocountyfl.net/3610/evacuation-
zones. Pasco County residents are at risk for the following                             Evacuate/Stay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                                                                                        Final Preparations. . . . . . . . . . 24
          Flooding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
          Fires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6   RECOVERY
          Hurricanes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8              Recovery begins the moment a disaster strikes.
                                                                               Your community depends on civilians like you
          Subsidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10                   to volunteer and work together with emergency
                                                                               responders and neighbors. Communications is
          Severe Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11                           an essential part of recovery. Remember: “See
          Active Threat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12                      Something, Say Something.”

          Other Hazards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13                                 Cleanup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


                                                                                2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE                      3
                                            VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES                         TRAINING AND EXERCISES
When disaster strikes, the combined
                                            WHAT IS THE PASCO COUNTY                        Multiple opportunities are available to
efforts of government and the               CITIZENS CORPS COUNCIL?                         Pasco County Emergency Management
community are critical to minimizing        The mission of the Pasco County                 volunteers. Contact the Department
the impact of an emergency. This            Citizens Corps Council is to bring              of Emergency Management for more
includes our neighborhood and condo         together local leaders, citizen volunteers,     information or to register for a class.
associations; faith-based, volunteer,       and volunteer first responder
and civic organizations; schools; and       organizations to share resources and            G-317: BASIC COMMUNITY
the business community, as well as          training. The council aspires to provide        EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM
                                            citizens with the training they need to         (CERT) TRAINING
                                            prevent and respond to threats of all           Free training for any citizen interested
                                            kinds. The primary goal of the council          in becoming a CERT volunteer is
For more information on how to get          is to increase public awareness. The            offered quarterly if there are enough
involved, visit the Department of           secondary goal is to ensure the utilization     interested participants. Topics of
Emergency Management website at:            of these trained volunteers in the event of     training include: Disaster Preparedness,
pascocountyfl.net/365                       a local disaster or emergency.                  Fire Safety and Suppression, Disaster
                                                                                            Medical Operations, Light Search and
                                            WHAT IS THE CERT PROGRAM?                       Rescue Operations, Disaster Psychology/
The efforts of volunteers result in
                                            The Community Emergency Response                Communications, and Terrorism.
a community prepared to respond,            Team (CERT) Program educates people
recover, and be resilient in any hazard     about disaster preparedness for hazards         DISASTER SIMULATION EXERCISE
that may arise in our county.               that may impact their area. Training            This training is offered on an annual
                                            includes basic disaster response skills         basis (date and times can vary). Topics of
In addition, our emergency plans            such as fire safety, light search and rescue,   exercise include: Fire Suppression, Mass
should include the needs of children,       team organization, and disaster medical         Casualty Incident Operations, and Light
                                            operations. CERT members can assist             Search and Rescue.
seniors, people living with disabilities,
                                            in neighborhoods or the workplace
and people in poor mental or                following an incident when professional         VIDEO VIGNETTES
physical health. You can get involved       responders are not immediately available.       Pasco County has made getting ready
by helping to spread the word at            CERT members are encouraged to                  for any disaster a little easier with a
your school, work, club or place of         support emergency response agencies             series of Disaster Preparedness videos.
worship. Together, we can prepare           by taking an active role in emergency           Available on Pasco’s YouTube channel as
our community to be safer and more          preparedness projects.                          well as on the Emergency Management
resilient.                                                                                  web page, these short videos provide
                                            WHAT IS RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL                     information on a variety of topics, each
                                            EMERGENCY SERVICES (RACES)?                     less than two minutes in length, such as
                                            Founded in 1952, the Radio Amateur              what to include in a disaster supply kit
                                            Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is              for you, family members, your pets, or
                                            a public service provided by a reserve          someone with Special Needs. Learn about
                                            (volunteer) communications group                sandbags and how to use them, about
                                            within government agencies in times             evacuating with a pet, who qualifies
                                            of extraordinary need. During periods           as Special Needs, plus lots of other
                                            of RACES activation, certified unpaid           important information. These videos are
                                            personnel are called upon to perform            not meant to replace this Disaster Guide,
                                            tasks for the government agencies they          but to supplement and provide additional
                                            serve. The exact nature of each activation      information that may be useful to you.
                                            will be different, but the common thread        Visit bit.ly/PascoEMVideos to view the
                                            is communications.                              videos.
Know Your Hazards
COASTAL FLOODING                                INSURANCE
The flooding of land areas along the            Purchase flood insurance. Each flood                  AWARENESS
coast caused by higher than average high        policy is designed specifically to your      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
tide and worsened by heavy rainfall and         home/business location. Understand           Administration (NOAA) defines
onshore winds. Lower elevation increases        your policy and your coverage. If you        flooding as any high flow, overflow, or
the effects of coastal flooding.                have questions about your policy, ask
                                                                                             inundation by water which causes or
                                                your agent and request written copies.
STORM SURGE                                     Many policies cannot be changed within       threatens damage.
An abnormal rise in water levels near           days before or after a disaster. Don’t
coastal areas, over and above the regular       wait until a disaster is approaching to      Residents of Pasco County’s coastline
astronomical tide. The surge is caused          protect yourself and your property. For      and tidal rivers are most at risk from
by forces generated from a severe               more information on the National Flood       the high winds, flooding, and storm
storm through wind, waves, and low              Insurance Program, visit fema.gov.           surge that come with hurricanes. It is
atmospheric pressure. The effects of a
                                                                                             important to understand that every
storm surge are more severe when they           RIVER FLOODING
coincide with normal high tide. The             Water levels rise over the tops of river     hurricane/tropical storm is unique.
storm surge historically causes 9 out of
10 hurricane-related deaths.
                                                banks due to excessive rainfall. This can
                                                occur slowly over several days or rapidly
                                                                                               IMMEDIATE ACTION
                                                in a short period of time.                   If you are in danger from flood waters,
STORM SURGE vs STORM TIDE                                                                    get to higher ground. Stay away from
Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water        FLASH FLOODING                               flood-prone areas, including low spots,
generated by a storm, over and above the        Heavy rainfall in a short period of time,    ditches, etc. Take dry clothing, a flash-
predicted astronomical tides. Storm surge       typically less than 6 hours, can cause       light, and a portable radio with you.
should not be confused with storm tide,         raging torrents that rush down river beds,
which is defined as the water level rise        urban streets, or mountain canyons. The
due to the combination of storm surge           danger lies in the speed at which they       Avoid flooded areas or those with
and the astronomical tide. This rise in         wreak havoc. A flash flood can happen        rapid water flow. Do not attempt to
water level can cause extreme flooding          minutes after the beginning of excessive     cross a flowing stream or drive in
in coastal areas particularly when storm        rainfall.                                    water. The depth is not always obvious.
surge coincides with normal high tide,                                                       It takes only six inches of fast flowing
resulting in storm tides reaching up to 20                                                   water to sweep you off your feet.
feet or more in some cases.

                                                                                                          A R O UND
                                                                                                     TURN ROWN
                                                                              17 ft
                                                                           storm tide        Do not allow children to play in or near
                                             15 ft surge                                     high water, storm drains or ditches!
                                                                                             Flood waters may be contaminated
                                                                           2 ft normal
                                                                            high tide        with oil, gasoline, or raw sewage.
           Main sea level

                                                                            2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE                5
Know Your Hazards
                                               HOUSE/STRUCTURE FIRE                         FIREWISE CONSTRUCTION
             AWARENESS                         According to the National Fire Protection    ROOFING AND VENTS:
    Pasco County has two major fire            Association, “Experiments, models and        Class “A” fire-rated roofing products offer
    hazards. Both wildfires and house/         post-fire studies have shown homes ignite    the best protection. Inspect shingles and
    structure fires are often preventable if   due to the condition of the home, and        tiles. Replace or repair any that are loose
                                               everything around it, up to 200’ from the    or missing. Box-in eaves, but provide
    you take the necessary precautions.
                                               foundation.”                                 ventilation. Roof and attic vents should
                                                                                            be screened to prevent ember entry.
      IMMEDIATE ACTION                         Parents and guardians should talk to kids
    If you are inside a building and/or        about using matches and candles. Talk        DECKS AND PORCHES:
    structure and see and/or smell smoke       about the dangers of fires. In the event     Never store flammable materials
    and/or flames, GET OUT, STAY OUT and       of a power outage, use flashlights instead   underneath decks or porches. Remove
    CALL 9-1-1.                                of candles. Always use proper storage for    dead vegetation and debris from under
                                               batteries.                                   decks or porches and between deck board
    Yell “Fire!” several times and go
                                               Remember to thoroughly clean dryer
    outside immediately. DO NOT use the        vents regularly. Check power cords in        SIDING AND WINDOWS:
    elevator. Take the stairs. Leave your      your home for frayed wires. Keep fire        Embers can collect in small nooks and
    belongings and save yourself.              extinguishers accessible on each level       crannies. Radiant heat from the flames
                                               of your home/business and have them          can crack windows. Use fire-resistant
    If doors or handles are warm, use your     routinely checked for proper function.       siding and dual-pane tempered glass
    second way out. NEVER open doors                                                        windows.
                                               FIRE DRILLS
    that are warm to the touch.
                                               Make sure everyone knows at least            EMERGENCY ACCESS:
                                               two escape routes from your home or          Ensure your home and neighborhood
    If smoke, heat or flames block all of      business. Share your plan with family        have legible, marked street names and
    your exit routes, stay in the room         members or neighbors.                        numbers. Driveways should be at least
    with doors closed. Get a wet towel                                                      12’ wide with a vertical clearance of 15’
    and cover the crack under the door.        EVACUATION PLAN                              for emergency vehicle access.
    Immediately CALL 9-1-1. Open a             The time to plan for a fire emergency is
                                               now. Take a few minutes to discuss with
    window and wave a brightly-colored
                                               your family or colleagues what actions
    cloth or flashlight to signal for help.    you will need to take as you make your
                                               Disaster Plan. Contact numbers are
    Once you are outside, go directly to       extremely important. Have working
    your meeting place. Send one person        smoke alarms in your home and test
    to CALL 9-1-1. If you cannot get to        them monthly.
    your meeting place, follow your family
    emergency communication plan.              Decide where you will go and how you
                                               will get there. Unlike evacuating for a
                                               hurricane, with fire you may only have
    If you or your clothing catch on fire,     a moment’s notice. Two escape routes
    STOP, DROP, and ROLL!                      out of your home and out of your
                                               neighborhood are preferable. Include
                                               your pets or service animals in your
                                               evacuation plan.

WILDFIRES                                   FIREWISE VEGETATION
Every year, thousands of acres of           • Maintain 30 feet or more of                IMMEDIATE ACTION
woodland and homes are destroyed by            defensible space around any              If you are in danger of an
wildfires. The causes of wildfires vary        structures.                              approaching wildfire, be sure to:
and can include arson, lightning, and       • Keep your defensible space free of        Shut windows and doors, but leave
irresponsible debris burning. The spread       leaves and debris.                       them unlocked. Remove flammable
of a fire through the woods can happen      • Mow and irrigate (within limits of
                                                                                        window shades and curtains. Move
any time of year. The culmination of           any existing water restrictions).
hot, dry weather patterns make it more      • Clean roofs and gutters and keep          flammable furniture to the middle of
likely. Wildfires often go unnoticed at        them free of leaves, pine needles,       the room. Leave house lights on so
first and can spread quickly through           twigs, and branches.                     firefighters can see your house.
trees, brush, and homes.                    • Structures should be built with fire-
                                               resistant materials for roofs, siding,   Shut off gas and turn off pilot lights.
You can check with your local fire             and decks.                               Shut off the air conditioner and close
department to get more information          • Maintain a clean yard.
                                                                                        all vents. Evacuate to a safe zone and
about burning on your own property.         • Remove any combustibles including
                                                                                        notify your emergency contact that you
Restrictions for burning may apply             wood, propane tanks, gas grills,
during certain times of the year when          motor homes, boats, ATV, and cars        are safe.
the risk for wildfires is increased.           under or near structures.
                                            • Trim branches 10’ from the ground.        If you are in danger of an
Many Local Forestry and Fire Agencies       • Remove any vines that are climbing        approaching wildfire, and you live in
implement Fire-Risk Assessments.               up trees or structures.                  a rural area or on a farm, be sure to:
They can provide you with information       • Mulch with crushed stone, gravel, or      Open gates so livestock can escape.
specific to your property. Make a plan         chunky bark.
                                                                                        Load animals into your stock trailer.
to prevent and prepare in the event of a    • Install spark arresters on chimneys.
wildfire.                                   • Landscape with FIREWISE plants.           Close gates behind horses; they will
                                            • Keep highly flammable plants away         run into a burning building. Move
If you have acreage, coordinate                from structures.                         equipment to a safe zone away from
firefighting with Florida Forest Service.   • Have a driveway 12 feet wide.             combustibles. Shut off gas supply and
Keep copies of keys and a list of combi-                                                propane tanks.
nations. You can make arrangements
and contracts in advance if you would
like to offer use of equipment (water
tanks, tractors, etc.). Include a map of
water sources on the property and GPS

                                                                       2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE              7
Know Your Hazards
      HURRICANE                                                                                THE SCIENCE OF THE STORM
            AWARENESS                                                                          The State of Florida is affected by
    Over the past 200 years, research             alphabetically, on a yearly basis, with      approximately 40% of all hurricanes that
    estimates that 1.9 million people             the first storm beginning with the letter    make landfall in America. The effects of a
    have been killed as a direct result of a      “A”. The names are reused after 6 years      hurricane can last for days leading up to,
                                                                                               and following, the storm. However, the
    hurricane. Hurricanes kill more people        unless it is declared as a major hurricane
                                                                                               storm itself usually lasts around 12–24
    than any other type of storm. Historically,   or deals catastrophic damages, in which      hours. Wind and rain can begin long before
    Pasco County has taken a direct hit from      case, the name is retired and cannot be      the storm ever arrives. It begins to break
    31 tropical cyclones since 1872. The          used again.                                  apart when it makes landfall. It can be most
    county has also activated or responded                                                     dangerous if part of the storm remains
    to 37 tropical cyclones that have made        A tropical storm becomes a hurricane         over water and follows the coastline. This
    landfall either inside county boundaries      when wind speeds exceed 74 mph. A            gives the storm the ability to maintain its
    or within 50 miles.                           hurricane is a severe tropical storm that    integrity as a hurricane and lift water from
                                                                                               the Gulf or Atlantic, causing more flooding
                                                  forms in the Southern Atlantic Ocean,
                                                                                               and higher storm surges.
    The latest hurricane to hit Pasco County      the Caribbean Sea, or the Gulf of Mexico.
    was Hurricane Irma in 2017. County            They typically develop in warm, tropical     THE EYE OF THE STORM
    officials estimated more than 200 homes       waters and produce violent winds,            The center of the hurricane is called the
    were damaged with 56 homes suffering          incredible waves, and torrential rains and   eye. This part of the storm, however
    major damage, and 4 homes destroyed.          flooding.                                    brief, is usually calm and quiet. The eye
    Of the 261,000 addresses in Pasco County,                                                  wall is the middle of a ring of clouds
                                                                                               (similar to a tornado) caused by high
    approximately 217,000 addresses were          While a hurricane can often be tracked
                                                                                               winds with heavy rainfall. The eye wall
    reportedly without power.                     and/or predicted in a forecast, the exact    is often the most destructive; having the
                                                  path of a hurricane is determined by         highest winds, largest clouds, and most
    A tropical depression becomes a tropical      weather patterns that may alter from         collective rainfall. The northeast side
    storm when wind speeds exceed 39              the predicted paths. Hurricanes are one      of the storm tends to have the highest
    mph. At this point, a tropical storm is       natural disaster that can include all of     probability of causing damage as a result
    given a name. The names are given             the hazards covered in this guide.           of tornadoes, higher rainfall, and greater
                                                                                               storm surge.

    You will get some warning with a                                                           Hurricanes can be unpredictable. There
                                                                                               can be potential error in the forecasted
    TROPICAL STORM or HURRICANE                                                                track from the National Hurricane
                                                                                               Center. Updated information can be
                                                                                               found at: weather.gov.

                                                                                                  STAY INFORMED!
                                                                                                                 DOWNLOAD THE
                                                                                                                 APP TODAY!
If county officials issue an evacuation order     Hurricane Season
for your area, it is highly recommended that
you heed these instructions. Firefighters,      June 1 – November 30
law enforcement, and volunteers will not
be able to get to you during the storm.
This order is released in an effort to help
you take necessary precautions. You should
begin your preparations to protect your
safety and belongings.

Even emergency numbers such as 9-1-1
may not be available if communications
are damaged during the storm. You may
find yourself in a situation where you
cannot ask for help and help cannot
reach you. One plan is never enough.
Always have a backup plan in the event
the path or structure of the storm changes.

If you own a business, follow your
Business Continuity Plan. For more
information on how to create a Business
Continuity Plan, go online to:

                                                                          STORM FACTS
                                                                  SAFFIR-SIMPSON HURRICANE WIND SCALE
                                                                  Tropical Depression   < 38 mph
                                                                  Tropical Storm		      39–73 mph
                                                                  Cat. 1 Hurricane		    74–95 mph
                                                                  Cat. 2 Hurricane		    96–110 mph
                                                                  Cat. 3 Hurricane		    111–129 mph
                                                                  Cat. 4 Hurricane		    130–156 mph
                                                                  Cat. 5 Hurricane		    156+ mph

                                                                  HURRICANE WATCH
                                                                  Predictions have determined that your
                                                                  location is in a possible path of the storm
                                                                  within the next 48 hours. Have a plan in
                                                                  place if the WATCH becomes a WARNING.

                                                                  HURRICANE WARNING
                                                                  You are in the projected path of the
                                                                  hurricane. A WARNING will be issued to
                                                                  the affected areas 36 hours in advance.
                                                                  All hurricane watches and warnings are
                                                                  issued by the Hurricane Center.

                                                   2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE                9
Know Your Hazards
  SUBSIDENCE                                  FORMATION OF A SUBSIDENCE                    FIXING A SUBSIDENCE
          AWARENESS                           Excessive rainfall or drought can increase   It can be costly to repair damages caused
 A subsidence is a common, naturally          the chances of a subsidence forming.         by a subsidence. It is important to check
 occurring geologic phenomenon.               They are considered a geological hazard      with your insurance company in advance
 Also referred to as a sinkhole, or a         with the potential to cause damage to        to verify your coverage.
 depression, a subsidence is a hole           properties, roads, and structures. They
                                              have even caused injuries to include loss    If you believe that you have a depression,
 in the land surface. The hole can be
                                              of life.                                     a sinkhole, or a subsidence on your
 shallow, deep, or wide. They are the
                                                                                           property, it is vital that you keep your
 result of limestone under the surface        DANGERS IN DEPTH                             distance and call the proper authorities
 dissolving in acidic water.                  There is no way to know in advance if        to verify that the land is stable. Your
                                              your home/business/property will be          insurance company should send the
     IMMEDIATE ACTION                         affected by a subsidence. However, there     appropriate professionals to survey, take
 If you believe you have encountered a        are maps available which show where          soil samples, and establish a plan of
 depression, a sinkhole, or a subsidence,     previous subsidences have been reported.     action to begin repairs.
 call 9-1-1.

 Notify the call taker if you or others are
 in immediate danger. Let them know
 if any buildings or infrastructure are
 affected (i.e. houses, buildings, roads,
 sewer/water lines, cable, etc.).

 Is it on public property?
 If it is on public property, the county
 will arrange for professionals to assess
 damages and survey the land. If repairs        HOW SINKHOLES FORM
 are necessary, the county will be
 responsible for making those repairs.

 Is it on private property?
 If it is on private property, the owner
 of the home or business is responsible
 for repairs. They will need to contact
 their insurance company to send out
 engineers and other professionals to
 assess the damage.

Know Your Hazards
                                     SEVERE WEATHER
During a heavy fog advisory, visibility is                AWARENESS
reduced to a 1/4 mile or less. A dense fog        Weather hazards can happen anywhere       •   Mobile homes are not safe during
can be hazardous to drivers, pedestrians,         and at any time. There are severe             tornadoes. Abandon mobile homes
mariners, and aviators. Make sure your            weather occurrences that can be               and go to the nearest sturdy
headlights, not high beams, are turned on         dangerous to your safety and your             building immediately.
and reduce speed if necessary.                    property. Always have a plan and know
                                                  how to react. Make sure your address      •   If you cannot quickly walk to a
Hail is an accumulation of ice pellets that       number is clearly marked on your home.        sturdy building, immediately get
can range in size and fall in showers. Hail       Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio and/or          into a vehicle, buckle your seat belt
is typically seen either leading up to or         a battery-powered commercial radio and        and try to drive to the closest sturdy
directly before a severe thunderstorm or          extra batteries. Many mobile phones are       building. DO NOT try and outrun a
tornado forms. Seek shelter immediately           capable of receiving Wireless Emergency       tornado.
if you see hail falling from the sky.             Alerts (WEAs). These alerts can inform
                                                  you about life-threatening weather        •   If flying debris occurs while you
High winds can occur with or without              conditions in your immediate area.            are driving, pull over and park. The
warning and exceed 58 mph. They can                                                             following options are available as a
have the same effects as a thunderstorm               IMMEDIATE ACTION                          last resort:
or tornado. Older homes are more at risk          Tornadoes in Florida appear quickly
of damage if they have not been updated           and move fast. They are typically less            - Stay in your vehicle with the
to code. To minimize damage in high               destructive than tornadoes in the                 seat belt on. Put your head
winds, keep your home in good repair.             Midwest. However, they are just as                down below the windows.
Tack down loose roofing, trim trees, and
                                                  dangerous if you find yourself in their           Cover your head with your
keep gutters clean.
                                                  path. Know where the safe room is in              hands and a blanket if possible.
LIGHTNING                                         your home and/or business and be ready
Lightning can strike at any time without          to seek shelter immediately.                      - If you can safely get lower
warning. If you hear thunder, seek shelter.                                                         than the level of the roadway,
On average, Florida has over 1.2 million          •   Seek shelter in a small, windowless           exit your car, and lie in that
cloud to ground lighting strikes per year.            interior room or hallway on the               area, covering your head with
According to research from Vaisala, from
                                                      lowest level of a sturdy building.            your hands.
2008–2017 there were 279 deaths as a
result of lightning strikes in the US and 47          Now is the time to wear a helmet if
of those deaths were in the state of Florida.         you have one.

THUNDERSTORMS                                   TORNADOES
The National Weather Service defines            TORNADO WATCH
a severe thunderstorm as one which              Tornadoes are possible. Remain alert for
produces winds of 58 mph or greater,            approaching storms.
1” hail or larger, or tornadoes. Severe         TORNADO WARNING
factors common to all storms are strong         A tornado has been sighted or
winds, large waves, and storm surge.            indicated by weather radar. Take shelter
Thunderstorms can begin at any time             immediately if a tornado warning is
and cause severe damage.                        issued for your area.

    Pasco County Property Appraiser: www.pascopa.com
                                                                           2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE             11
Know Your Hazards
 ACTIVE THREAT                                                                               AFTER A THREAT
         AWARENESS                                                                           Keep hands visible and empty. Know
 An active threat is defined as any           HIDE                                           that law enforcement’s first task is to end
 incident, which by its deliberate nature     You won’t always have the opportunity          the incident and they may have to pass
 creates an immediate threat or presents      or ability to run away. Look around for        injured persons along the way. Officers
 an imminent danger of bodily harm,           the closest place to HIDE. Try to hide         may be armed with rifles, shotguns, and/
 serious injury, or death to anyone in        under a sturdy object that provides some       or handguns and may use pepper spray
 the community. An active threat can be       protection, a large metal or wood desk, a      or tear gas to control the situation. If
 an individual, or group of individuals,      bookcase, a closet, or a bathroom out of       an officer shouts commands and/or
 displaying a weapon(s), having made          view of the threat.                            pushes individuals to the ground, it is
 threats, and showing intent to cause                                                        for their safety. Follow law enforcement
 harm or act out in violence. A weapon        Barricade your hiding place using              instructions and evacuate in the direction
                                                                                             they come from, unless otherwise
 is defined as any firearm, knife, or any     furniture and heavy items. Pay attention
 other instrument that can cause bodily       to which way the doors swing. Lock
 harm, serious injury, or death. A threat     and block doors, close blinds, and turn        If the injured are in immediate danger,
 can take place in any environment. Be        off lights. Try to spread out along walls      help get them to safety and provide first
 aware of your surroundings and be            or hide separately. Staying in a group         aid. Consider seeking professional help
 prepared to act using these skills.          makes you an easier target. Silence all        for you and your family to cope with the
                                              electronic devices. To communicate with        long-term effects of the trauma.
     IMMEDIATE ACTION                         police silently, instead of with a phone
 RUN                                          call, text to 9-1-1 or share your location     TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN
 If you are aware of a threat and you have    and situation on social media. Remain          Open a conversation with your children
 a chance to get away...RUN. This is your     quiet and keep your hands over your            about the training and drills that they
 first and best option to remove yourself     head. Stay in place until law enforcement      are practicing in school. Ensure that they
                                              gives you the all clear.                       understand what to do in the event of
 from the situation safely. Getting away
                                                                                             a threat in any environment. Teachers
 from the threat is the top priority. Leave
                                              FIGHT                                          and staff instruct students to follow “the
 your belongings behind and get away.
                                              As a last resort, if you find yourself face-   ABC’s of surviving an active
 Every opportunity you have to create                                                        threat”. “A” defines ALERT/AVOID, “B”
 distance between you and the threat          to-face with an attacker, now is the time
                                                                                             defines BARRICADE, and “C” defines
 increases your chances of escaping and       to FIGHT. Commit to your actions and
 surviving. Not everyone has the ability to   act as aggressively as possible. Act with
 run, but it is important to keep moving      intention. Recruit others to ambush with       For more information, a detailed
 any chance you get. Continually assess       makeshift weapons. Look around for             procedure is available at your child’s
 your options of finding a way toward         items such as:                                 school and through the Pasco County
 safety. Help others escape only if you       • Chairs                                       Schools website. To learn more about
 can do so safely. Evacuate even if others    • Fire extinguishers                           the training program in Pasco County
 choose not to follow. Warn and prevent       • Scissors                                     schools, go to:
 individuals from entering an area where      • Books
 the threat may be.                           Be prepared to cause severe or lethal          pasco.k12.fl.us/school_safety
 • When you are safe, call 9-1-1              injury. Throw items within reach.              pascosheriff.com/community-outreach.html
 • Give your location first                   Improvise weapons to distract and
 • Describe the threat                        disarm. Your main objective is to open an
 • Describe any weapons                       avenue of escape so you can transition
                                              back to RUN.

Know Your Hazards
                                               OTHER HAZARDS
                                     PANDEMIC/COVID-19 INFORMATION
   THREE IMPORTANT WAYS TO SLOW                       more layers of washable,               COVID-19 SYMPTOMS TO WATCH FOR
   THE SPREAD:                                        breathable fabric that fits snugly     The Most Common Symptoms:
   • Wear a mask to help stop the                     against the sides of your face.        • Fever             • Cough
      spread of COVID-19 to others.            •   Stay 6 feet apart and avoid crowds        • Headaches • Fatigue
   • Stay at least 6 feet (about 2                 when possible.                            • Sore throat • Nausea
      arm lengths) from others who                 - The more people you are in contact      • Diarrhea
      don’t live with you, particularly in            with, the more likely you are to be    • Muscle or body aches
      crowded areas.                                  exposed to COVID-19.                   • Loss of taste or smell
   • Wash your hands with soap and             •   Avoid indoor spaces as much as            Other symptoms are signs of serious
      water for 20 seconds or use hand             possible, particularly ones that aren’t   illness. If someone has trouble
      sanitizer with at least 60%                  well ventilated.                          breathing, chest pain or pressure, or
      alcohol.                                     - You may find it harder to stay 6        difficulty staying awake, get medical
                                                     feet apart in indoor spaces.            care immediately
   HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF WHEN                •   Wash your hands often
   GOING OUT:                                      - Use soap and water for 20               ONLINE RESOURCES:
   • Wear a mask that covers your                     seconds, especially after you          CDC: bit.ly/3sXRTa2 bit.ly/3c5Nyvg
      nose and mouth to help protect                  have been in a public place or         Florida DOH: bit.ly/FLHealthCOVID
      others.                                         hand sanitizer if soap and water       Pasco County Information:
      - Choose a mask with two or                     are not available.                       bit.ly/PascoCOVID19

BOATING HAZARDS                                EXTREME HEAT                                  IF YOU ARE TOLD TO STAY
Water vehicles follow the same guidelines      Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water          INDOORS AND SHELTER-IN-PLACE:
as motor vehicles on the roadways. DO          even if you don’t feel hot or thirsty. Wear   Stay inside until local officials say you can
NOT Drink and Drive. Operating a               protective clothing, hats and/or sunscreen    leave safely. Bring pets indoors.
vehicle while under the influence is           while outdoors. Seek shaded areas or go
punishable by law.                             indoors if the heat index is high or you      Close all doors and windows. Seal all
                                               feel weak. Never leave your children/pets     gaps under doorways and windows with
Be aware of your surroundings. Hazards         in a parked car. Even with the air con-       damp towels and duct tape. Turn off
can occur both under and around your           ditioning running, they can overheat and      heating, cooling or ventilation systems.
water vessel. It is always best to travel at   suffer heat exhaustion, stroke, or death.     If you are told to protect your breathing,
a safe speed that allows you to react in a                                                   cover your nose and mouth with a damp
timely manner to your surroundings.            HAZARDOUS MATERIALS                           handkerchief or other cloth folded over
                                               INCIDENT                                      several times.
Do not swim near boats that are being          IF YOU’RE TOLD TO EVACUATE:
operated. You put yourself at risk of          You should move to the place/shelter          TERRORISM/VIOLENT CRIME
severe injury or even death.                   designated by public officials.               See Something—Say Something. Call
                                                                                             local law enforcement, then Florida’s toll-
The weather can change quickly. Check          Stay calm. Quickly gather what you            free hotline 1-855-352-7233
if any small craft advisories have been        will need, unless you are told to leave       (1-855-FLA-SAFE) to report any
issued. Notify your emergency contact of       immediately. Keep car windows and vents       suspicious activity. If it is an emergency,
your plans and route. If severe weather is     closed. Do not use the air conditioner        CALL 9-1-1!
expected, plan accordingly.                    until you are out of the evacuation area.

                                                                            2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE             13
                                                                                                                                                                                                            N  578
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    P A SC O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               COUNTY LINE RD                                                                                                 HE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                                        P A SC O

                                                                                               Aripeka                                         595

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SHADY HILLS RD
                                                                                                                                                    COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                 PEA CE BLVD

                                                                                                                                                                   DENTON AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         E          R O AD 4

                                                                                                                                                                   HUDSON AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             US HIGHWAY 41,
                                                                                              STATE ROAD 5


                                                                                                                                         P A SC O

                                                                                                                                        COUN T Y
                                                                                       AY 19,

                                                   Bayonet Point

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STATE ROAD 589, SUNCOAST PKWY
                                                                                                                                                                                  COUN T Y

                                                                                                                COUNTY ROAD 1, LITTLE

                                        Port Richey
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                                                               0 M
                                                                                                                                           COUN T Y

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                                                               1                                                                                                          S RD
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                                                                                                                                                B                  ELL                                                                                                               Land O'
                                                                                                                                          DE                                                                                                                                          Lakes
                                       New Port

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                                                                     COUN T Y

                                                                        C R EEK
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                                                   518                       RD
                                                   COUN T Y

                                                               STATE ROAD 54                                                P A SC O

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                                                                                                     MITCHELL                                                  D

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                                           0                                                           BLVD                                         TRIN
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                                             U S

                                            19A                                                                                                                                               COUN T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               F LO R I D A

                                                                                  PINELLAS                     COUNTY

          Evacuation Routes             Evacuation Zone                                                                                                                          LEGEND                                                                                Potential Storm
          Arterial Road                     Level A                               Evacuation Levels                                                                                                                                                                   Tide Heights (FT)

          Collector Road                    Level B                                       Level A - Evacuate red areas and all manufactured                                                                                                                                To 11'
          Residential Road                  Level C                                                 home residents
          City Limits                       Level D                                            Level B - Evacuate red and orange areas                                                                                                                                     To 17'
                                                                                                         and all manufactured home residents
                                            Level E                                                   Level C - Evacuate red, orange, and yellow areas                                                                                                                     To 22'
                                            None                                                                and all manufactured home residents
                                                                                                           Level D - Evacuate red, orange, yellow, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           To 30'
                                                                                                                      green areas and all manufactured homes
                                                                                                                 Level E - Evacuate red, orange, yellow,
                                                                                                                           green, and purple areas and all                                                                                                                 To 36'
                                                                                                                           manufactured homes

acuation Zones                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0 1g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             U S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                É                 301
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       U S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HERNANDO                  COUNTY
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                            P A SC O

                                                         2              1
                                                                                                                                           COUN T Y


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               U S


                                                                                                                                          COUN T Y

                                                                       P A SC O

                                                                                                                                                        P A SC O

                                                                                                                                      578                                                                                                                                                              Dade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     U S
                                                                      COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                                       COUN T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      P A SC O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       City                                                                                                          471
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COUN T Y



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           N AVE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            P A SC O

                                     STATE ROAD 52                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   52A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                P A SC O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COUN T Y


                                                                                                           INTERSTATE 75

                                                                                                                                                                                                              COUN T Y
   F LO R I D A

                                                                                                                                                       M                                                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                   P A SC O

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U S

                                                                                                                                                       577                        COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                41                                                              98

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     301                                                                              GH





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     35A                      Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             US HIGHWAY 301,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     F LO R I D A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               GALL BLVD

                                                                                                                                                                                                  P A SC O


                                                                                                         q                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M

        P A SC O                                                                                                                                                                                COUN T Y

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                                                                                                          75                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           54A
       COUN T Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       COUN T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           P A SC O

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Zephyrhills                                                           COUNTY ROAD 54                                                                       COUN T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               POLK     COUNTY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      F LO R I D A

                                                                                                                                                                                               P A SC O

                                                                                                                                                                                              COUN T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      U S


                                              P A SC O

                                             54                                                                                                                      54

                                             COUN T Y                                                                                                              F LO R I D A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CHANCEY RD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          P A SC O


                                                                                   P A SC O                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COUN T Y


                                                                                  COUN T Y

                                             E RO

                                     S                       D
                      g                                                                 É

                      É 54                                                                    56

                                                                                          F LO R I D A

                      F LO R I D A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0                          1.5             3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HILLSBOROUGH                                         COUNTY                                                                                   Miles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This map is for informational purposes only. The data contained herein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is not collected under the supervision of, or approved by, a licensed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          surveyor. It is not intended for any legal use. The data does not meet the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          minimum technical standards under the Florida Administrative Code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          61G17-6. The Pasco County Board of County Commissioners does not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          accept any responsibility for errors or omissions of any kind contained in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the data herein. All products and derivations from the data contained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          herein must retain this disclaimer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE                                                                                                                                   15
Make a Plan
Prevent panic and confusion by making       THINK AHEAD ABOUT EVACUATION                 PICK TWO MEETING PLACES
sure everyone knows where to go and         Determine if and when you need to            One meeting place should be close to
what to do in an emergency, whether at      evacuate, where you need to go and how       your home or business for sudden events
home, at school, or at work.                you will get there. Ask friends or family    such as a fire. The second should be
                                            if you could stay with them. If you are in   outside your neighborhood, in case you
CHOOSE YOUR                                 a safe area, invite them to stay with you.   can’t get home or family members get
CONTACT PERSON                              For more disaster planning information,      separated.
Ask someone out of the area to              contact the Department of Emergency
coordinate communications in the event      Management (phone numbers are listed
of an emergency situation. During a         on the back of the guide) or go online to:
disaster, communications can be affected,
making it difficult to make phone           pascocountyfl.net/365
calls. Family members should contact        tampabayprepares.org
their emergency contact to report their     floridadisaster.org
location. Send your contact copies of       ready.gov
important papers (ID, insurance, etc.)
now, before a disaster strikes. Prepare a   Remember, community shelters are
checklist of important information to       locations of last resort. Now is the time
share with your emergency contact. Your     to plan and prepare for yourself, your
checklist should include the following      family, and your community.

•    Location (street name/landmarks)
                                                         Fill in your personal
•    Safety (immediate/future threats)
•    Medical (injuries/prescriptions)                    information and                 KEEP YOUR CONTACT
•    Check in (set up a time to check in)                contact info and                INFORMATION UP-TO-DATE
•    Future (locations & times where you                 keep with you.                  Include contact information in your
     can be found)                                                                       phones and make emergency contact
                                                                                         cards to carry with you. It is important
                                                                                         that you write your contacts down on
                                                                                         paper. Laminate the pages if you have
                                                                                         the ability to do so. Don’t just rely on
                                                                                         electronic devices to store essential
                                                                                         information such as a close family
                                                                                         member’s phone number and address–
                                                                                         they may not work when you need them.

Make a Plan
There are actions you should take to make      As a storm approaches your home may            SHEDS, BARNS, AND
your home and business protected and           be in danger of flooding. Local media          OTHER STRUCTURES
secure. To make some of these improve-         will provide locations and instructions        If you have a structure on your property
ments, you will have to get up in the attic    of where to fill sandbags to protect your      that cannot be taken apart and stored, be
or crawl space with a flashlight. You may      property. Sandbags should be filled            sure to anchor it properly. This includes
feel more comfortable with an experienced      halfway and will weigh approximately 30        the following:
and licensed inspector, architect, engineer,   lbs. First, lay down plastic sheeting to act   • Barn		          • Shed
or contractor. Take the time to do this well   as a waterproofing layer. Then, lay the        • Gazebo          • Chicken Coop
before any storm threatens.                    sandbags over the plastic like bricks from     • Dog House • Lanai
MOBILE HOME OR RV RESIDENTS                    one end to the other. After you lay down       • Carport         • Boat Dock
All mobile home and RV residents must          all the sandbags, pull the plastic over        BEFORE YOU BUILD
evacuate for any hurricane evacuation          the top and tuck it under the top row of       OR REMODEL
order issued in Pasco County, regardless       sandbags.                                      There is no need to wait for a disaster to
of your location within the county. Never      PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY                          protect your home and/or business from
stay inside a mobile home or RV to ride        FROM WIND                                      destruction. Pasco County, the State
out the storm. Evacuate to the home of         Check your walls and roofing; repair           of Florida, and FEMA have programs
a friend or relative, a hotel, a motel, or a   what you can in advance to minimize            in place that can help you bring your
nearby designated shelter/evacuation center.   damage and flying debris. To withstand         residence up to code. For tips on how
Anchor your mobile home or RV with tie         the forces of wind associated with severe      to make your home safer, call (Federal
downs and inspect the tie downs annually.      weather, remember your ABCs:                   Alliance for Safe Homes) Toll-Free (877)
PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY                          • Anchor Your Roof                             221-SAFE (7233) or visit: www.flash.org
FROM FLOODING                                  • Brace Entry/Garage Doors                     The county also offers programs to
ANCHOR AND ELEVATE: If                         • Cover Your Windows                           mitigate your property. Mitigation
vulnerable, electrical panel boxes, heat       • Safe Room—DO NOT stay in a room              can reduce loss of life and property
pumps, washers, dryers, water heaters,         which has unshielded windows/glass             by lessening the impact of disasters.
fuel tanks, etc. should be elevated            doors. Find an interior room–a bathroom,       Preparedness and recovery are specific
or relocated to areas less likely to be        hallway, or closet–which will help buffer      to hurricanes, sinkholes, tornadoes, and
subjected to flood waters.                     you from the storm’s winds and any flying      flooding.
RETROFIT: There are things you can do          debris. Safe rooms can also be site-built or
to minimize the flood risk to your home.       manufactured and can be installed in new       WEB RESOURCES TO LEARN MORE
Options to consider:                           or existing homes. Make sure all family        flash.org
• Elevation                                    members know where the safe areas are          floodsmart.gov
• Flood barriers                               in your home. Take your disaster supplies      highwindsaferooms.org
• Dry or Wet flood proofing                    with you into your safe room.                  mysafeflorida.org
Making improvements to your property                                                          pascocountyfl.net/365
can lower your chances of unnecessary                                                         pascocountyfl.net/3184/
damages caused by a storm and can also                                                        www.pascopa.com
lower your insurance rates.

                                                                            2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE            17
Make a Plan
SPECIAL NEEDS OR DISABILITIES                    If you evacuate, remember to take                 Pasco County Emergency Management
If you or a relative are living with             medications, written instructions regarding       reviews plans for different types of
disabilities or in poor health (either           your care, any special equipment, and             healthcare facilities including:
mentally or physically), you should              bedding with you. If you will need assistance
plan ahead for an emergency. You may             in an evacuation or need to go to a special       •   Ambulatory surgical centers
need special assistance from family              needs/medically dependent shelter, please         •   Adult daycare centers
members, friends, neighbors, or social           register with the county Department of            •   Assisted living facilities
service agencies. Please ask for help if you     Emergency Management NOW, during                  •   Nursing homes
need it or volunteer to help those who           “blue sky” (non-emergency) conditions. Visit      •   Hospitals
do. Remember that older adults who               bit.ly/PascoEMVideos to view the special          •   Intermediate care facilities for the
are caregivers may also require outside          needs qualifications video.                           developmentally disabled
assistance. Excessive stress and anxiety can                                                       •   Residential treatment centers for
contribute to increased episodes of illness,     Special needs/medically dependent                     children and adolescents
particularly for persons with heart disease      shelters do not provide hands-on medical
and other illnesses. If you or a relative live   care–only medical monitoring. You will            At a minimum, a CEMP should address:
in a nursing home, assisted living facility      need to bring one caregiver with you.
(ALF), or residential facility, you should                                                         •   Emergency evacuation transportation
contact the administrator to learn about         Request a copy of all medical records             •   Adequate sheltering arrangements
the disaster plan for that facility. Pasco       on CD. Keep these records updated.                •   Post-disaster activities (i.e., food,
County keeps records of residents living         Bring them with you if you evacuate. In               water, and emergency power)
with disabilities and/or special needs           the event that you need to seek medical           •   Post-disaster transportation, supplies,
within the county. Contact the Emergency         attention elsewhere, records can be                   staffing, and equipment
Management team to register for special          difficult to obtain.                              •   Identification process for residents,
needs assistance prior to a disaster. Be                                                               transferring of records, and
sure to notify them if you have a service        Your medical facility can provide tags or             responding to family inquires
animal. For more information about               jewelry with medical alert information. If
special needs, visit:                            you are unable to obtain them from your           For more information about Pasco
pascocountyfl.net/3735/SpecialNeeds              doctor, they can be found at medical              County Health and Medical, go to:
                                                 supply stores and online.                         pascocountyfl.net/2854
HOMEBOUND PATIENTS                               HEALTHCARE FACILITIES                             WHAT TO BRING TO A SHELTER
Talk to your health agency and oxygen            COORDINATION AND PLANNING                         • Medication/Diabetic Supplies in their
company. Let them know where you                 Pasco County Emergency Management is                original packaging (14 days’ supply)
will be during a hurricane. Ask them             responsible for reviewing healthcare facility     • Special Dietary Foods (food and
about their plans to provide care during         Comprehensive Emergency Management                  special dietary food might not be
a disaster. Speak with your insurance            Plans, also known as a CEMP. A CEMP is              provided at a shelter)
company and find out what your options           a plan created to reduce vulnerability to all     • Medical Supplies (oxygen masks,
are in the event that your normal                hazards. It is an in-depth document that            e-tanks, concentrators, regulators)
providers are not available.                     describes how a facility will provide care        • Blankets/Pillows/Change of clothes
                                                 for clients in an emergency (i.e., shelter-in-    • Wheelchair/Walker
If you are homebound, but not under the          place, evacuating to another facility, etc.),     • Personal Hygiene Items/wash cloth
care of a home health agency, contact your       provides a legal basis for actions taken          • List of Emergency Contacts & next
physician to determine your best plan of         in an emergency, arrangement of post-               of kin
action. If you require respirators or other      disaster priorities, and can help facilities      • Your physician’s and home health
electric-dependent medical equipment             understand lessons learned from prior               agencies’ contact information
you should make arrangements with your           disasters. The Agency for Health Care             • ONE Caregiver (if applicable)
physician. You should also register with         Administration (AHCA) requires specific           • To view the special needs kit video,
your local power company.                        criteria for the different types of facilities.     visit bit.ly/PascoEMVideos

Make a Plan
IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS                            INSURANCE                                   STEPS TO INSURANCE
                                               Read your policy. Understanding             PROTECTION
                                               what is—and is not—covered in your          • Insure your home for its
                                               homeowner’s or renter’s insurance              reconstruction cost, not its real
                                               policy is a necessity. Take time now to        estate value. Any repairs to your
                                               learn about the risks you may face and         home/property fall under your
                                               build confidence that you are properly         homeowner’s policy.
                                                                                           •   If you rent, you need insurance
                                               Talk with your agent. Reviewing your            to protect your belongings.
                                               insurance coverage annually is an               Replacement of personal belongings
                                               important step to maintaining the level         falls under your renter’s insurance
                                               of insurance protection necessary to be         policy.
                                               able to rebuild your home and replace
                                               your personal belongings. Ask your agent    •   Know your flood risk. Standard
                                               if there are any discounts for performing       homeowner’s policies do not cover
                                               mitigation measures to your home or             damage from flooding. This includes
                                               business.                                       storm surge from a hurricane. Flood
                                                                                               insurance is effective 30 days after
                                               If a disaster is approaching, start             purchase. Don’t wait until a storm is
                                               collecting photos and records to begin          threatening.
                                               an insurance claim. Reach out to your
                                               insurance company or agent. Notify          •   Find out your deductible and set
                                               them that you are in a disaster area.           aside funds to pay your hurricane
                                               This does not necessarily begin a claim,        deductible.
                                               however, it does let them know you may
                                               need to file a claim if you have damages.   •   Get coverage for the costs of building
Keep important documents in a fireproof        At this time, they can assign you an            code upgrades. If you live in an older
safe or box. Store a second copy in a          adjuster or case worker as a point of           home, it can be costly to update
secure location away from your home            contact. This can save time later.              things such as electrical, plumbing,
or business. You can e-mail copies to                                                          and other code-related regulations.
yourself, e-mail to a friend, create folders
in a Cloud/Google/Dropbox account,                                                         •   Inventory your home’s contents.
or even burn a CD and mail copies to                                                           This can speed up the claims process.
people you trust. It is important that                                                         The Insurance Information Institute
you have more than one copy of original                                                        offers free, secure, online home
documents.                                                                                     inventory software available at:

Inventory your property and possessions.                                                                 www.iii.org
If you have access to a camera or video
recorder, take pictures and video survey                                                   Acknowledgement: Insurance Information
of your property. Create a binder, a                                                       Institute.
folder, or online storage with records
of your belongings. Include the value
of each item at the time of purchase,
and the current replacement value. If
you have receipts of expensive items
or collectibles, include them in your
inventory prior to any disaster.
                                                                          2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE            19
Make a Plan
PACK YOUR KIT                           Here are the most important items for your disaster supply kit. Start by going through
          THE BASICS                    your home and finding what you already have on hand. For any items that you
                                        don’t have, stock up today (or a little at a time) and store items where you can get to
                                        them quickly. Many items can be improvised. Items highlighted in orange should be
           14 Days                      included in your shelter kit. This list is merely a guide. You should create a kit that
                                        suits your household needs.
                                        HOME & SHELTER KIT                       Visit bit.ly/PascoEMVideos to watch
 Medication: Keep updated lists                                                  evacuation kit video.
 of family medications and dosages          Water
 along with doctor and pharmacy             Food (non-perishable)
                                                                                         Quiet games, books, playing
 phone numbers. Keep a two week                                                          cards, favorite toys for children
 (14-day) supply of prescription            Medications                                  Important Documents (p. 19)
                                            Infant Items                                 Chargers
              7 Days                         Formula/bottles
                                            Batteries                                    Paper Map

 Food: Keep enough food to feed             Flashlights & Extra Batteries                Toilet Paper
 the whole family for seven to ten
                                            Non-Electric Can Opener                      Pre-Moistened Towelettes/Wipes
 days. Choose things that don’t need
 refrigeration or cooking (canned           Personal Hygiene Items
                                                                                         First Aid Book and Kit
 goods, protein bars, peanut butter,                                                     Blanket/Sleeping Bag/Pillow
                                             Hand sanitizer
 etc.). Don’t forget any special             Toothbrush/Toothpaste
 dietary foods or baby food and                                                          Pet Supply Kit (p. 21)
 formula, if needed. Replenish every        Extra Clothing/Shoes                         Mask
 six months.
                                        HOME ONLY KIT

              7 Days
                                          Portable Radio                                 Water Purification Kit
                                            Fire Extinguisher (small canister,            Tablets
                                            ABC type)                                     Chlorine–plain
 Water: One gallon of water                                                               Iodine
 per person, per day for drinking           Emergency Car Kit                            Clean-Up Supplies
 and water for cooking/washing                                                            Mop
                                            Whistle/Distress Flag
 (minimum 7 days). Stock up on a                                                          Buckets
 few cases of bottled water in the          Mosquito Repellent                            Towels
 event there is a “boil water” order.                                                     Disinfectant
                                            Sunscreen                                    Camera

                                            Tool Kit                                     Bucket with lid and kitty litter
                                              Hammer & nails                             (for emergency toilet)
                                              Screwdrivers                               Plastic Trash Bags
 Batteries: Have a supply of extra
                                              Cordless Drill
 batteries for cameras, flashlights,          Pliers                                     Paper Towels
 radios, portable TV’s, lamps, etc.           Plastic tarp
                                              Duct tape
Make a Plan
                                              FINDING ROVER
Make a plan for your pets now. Pasco          Animal Services takes in lost and                   PET DISASTER
County Animal Services offers a low-
cost vaccination clinic that includes
                                              surrendered pets every day. If a lost
                                              animal is brought to the shelter, it will
                                                                                                   SUPPLY KIT
microchipping. The clinic is offered          be held for 72 hours. After 72 hours, the     •   Proper ID collar and rabies tag/
weekly at the shelter.                        animal becomes property of the shelter            license
                                              and will be fostered out or re-homed.         •   Vaccination paperwork*
Don’t leave your pet and                      With so many shelters in the area, it         •   Carrier or cage (large enough
don’t use your pet                            can be hard to locate your pet. Animal            for your pet to move around)
as an excuse not to                           Services has had great success using a new    •   Leash
evacuate. You are                             app called Finding Rover. This app uses       •   Ample food supply (min. 2
putting yourself,                             facial recognition to reunite pets with           weeks)
your family and your                          their owners. You can download it for
                                                                                            •   Water (minimum 7-day supply)
pet at risk! If you are                       free and post a lost or found animal in
                                                                                            •   Water/food bowls
ordered to evacuate,                          your area. Register your pet today. For
take your pet and                             more information, go to:                      •   Any necessary medication(s)
your pet supplies with                                                                      •   Specific care instructions
you. Seek shelter with                        findingrover.com                              •   Newspapers, cat litter, scoop
friends or relatives or                                                                     •   Plastic trash bag for handling
at a hotel. Many                              YOUR LIVESTOCK                                    waste
shelters/evacuation                           There are many resources to keep you          •   Proper ID on all belongings
centers will not turn away pets. Watch        and your livestock safe as a disaster             (include emergency contact
the pet evacuation video here:                approaches. It is important to tag your           information if you evacuate)
bit.ly/PascoEMVideos                          animals with identifying markers. If          •   Photo of you with your pet
                                              possible, keep a photo log of livestock.
                                                                                            •   A comfort item such as a
If you plan to take your pets with you to     Check regularly that your fences are
                                                                                                favorite toy or blanket
a shelter, YOU are responsible for your       intact. Remove any trees and repair any
pet while staying in the shelter. You will    structures that could fall on the fence or    •   Non-electric can opener
need to bring your own crate and any          injure an animal.                             •   Microchipping your pet is
supplies that apply from the list provided.                                                     strongly recommended
                                              If you plan to evacuate your animals,
If you plan to go to a hotel or motel, go     coordinate transportation in advance.         *Make sure your pets have had
online to: petswelcome.com                    Remember that gas may not be as readily       all their shots within the past 12
                                              available, and traffic will increase as the   months. Pet-friendly shelters/evacu-
After the storm has passed, be careful        disaster approaches. Plan accordingly         ation centers and boarding facilities
allowing your pet outdoors. Familiar          when you begin evacuating livestock.          will require proof of vaccinations.
scents and landmarks may be altered and
your pet could easily be confused and         If you plan to stay, your livestock should
become lost. Downed power lines, other        have access to clean water and enough
animals, and insects brought in with high     food for at least 2 days. Provide adequate
water could present real dangers to your      cooling options and a warm bed to use.
pet. Nearly 80 percent of pets displaced      For more information about planning for
by a disaster are never reunited with their   your livestock, go to:
Take care not to allow your pet to
consume food or water which may have
become contaminated.

                                                                          2021 PASCO COUNTY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS GUIDE        21
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