Page created by Nathan Freeman

Welcome – Vice-Chancellor                                   1          Child Health                                     37
Welcome – Director, Distance Learning                       1          Continence Management                            37
Distance Education                                          2          Dentistry                                        37
Enrolment and Fees                                          4          Family and Systems Therapies                     38
                                                                       Forensic Psychiatry                              38
Higher Education Development Centre                         5
                                                                       General Practice                                 39
Higher Education                                            5
                                                                       Hazard Assessment and Management                 41
Humanities                                                 7           Health Management                                41
Anthropology                                               7           Human Nutrition                                  42
Children’s Issues                                          7           Interpersonal Psychotherapy                      43
Education                                                  8           Medical Technology                               44
Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies                     11           Mental Health                                    45
Religious Studies                                         12           Musculoskeletal Medicine/Musculoskeletal
Social Work                                               14               Management                                   46
Theology                                                  17           Nursing                                          48
                                                                       Obesity Prevention and Management                50
Sciences                                                  23
                                                                       Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology               51
Aquaculture and Fisheries                                 23
                                                                       Occupational Health and Safety                   52
Bioengineering                                            23
                                                                       Ophthalmology                                    52
Chemistry                                                 23
                                                                       Oral Health                                      53
Introductory Chemistry                                    24
                                                                       Pain and Pain Management                         53
Chemical Hazards                                          24
                                                                       Perinatal Mental Health                          54
Computer Science                                          24
                                                                       Periodontology                                   55
Materials Science and Technology                          24
                                                                       Pharmacy                                         55
Science Communication                                     25
                                                                       Physiotherapy                                    57
Surveying                                                 25
                                                                       Primary Health Care                              58
Business                                                  26           Public Health                                    59
Business Administration                                   26           Radiation Therapy                                61
Entrepreneurship                                          28           Rehabilitation                                   61
Information Science                                       29           Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice           63
Tourism                                                   29           Sport and Exercise Medicine                      64
                                                                       Surgical Anatomy                                 65
Health Sciences                                           31
                                                                       Travel Medicine                                  65
Addiction and Co-existing Disorders                       31
                                                                       Ultrasound (for general medical practitioners)   66
Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport                       32
Aviation Medicine                                         32           Qualifications                                   68
Bioethics                                                 36

Most papers in this prospectus require access to both a computer and the internet.
Papers marked with this icon can be studied by students residing overseas AND have
no requirement to attend any course component in New Zealand.

While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information contained in this prospectus is
correct at the time of publishing, matters covered by this publication are subject to change. The University
reserves the right to introduce such changes (including addition, withdrawal, or restructuring of papers and
programmes) as it may judge to be necessary or desirable. The introduction of some papers and programmes
in 2019 is subject to final academic and resource approval. The detailed regulations of the University
concerning programme requirements and other matters are published in the University of Otago Calendar.
Welcome to the University of Otago                                  Welcome to Otago’s
Founded in 1869, the University of Otago is New Zealand’s
oldest university with an international reputation for excellence
                                                                    Distance Learning Programme
in teaching and research. We also have a long tradition of          The University of Otago has over 130 programmes (including
distance learning in fields where the University has specialist     endorsements) available for you to study by distance. With our
knowledge and expertise. From the very beginning, Otago             emphasis on providing distance programmes in areas where
professors worked hard to make our world-class education            we have specialist knowledge and expertise, it isn’t surprising
available to all. In the 1880s, James Gow Black, the foundation     to find that a majority of programmes focus on aspects of
professor of hemistry, would regularly tour the goldfields of       the Health Sciences. However, we also have a number of
  entral tago to teach and give scientific demonstrations in        programmes in Business, Sciences and the Humanities
those distant communities.                                          fields, in areas of particular e pertise such as usiness
                                                                    Administration, Entrepreneurship, Chemical Hazards, Science
Fast forward to the 21st century, and the University now            Communication, Indigenous Studies, Social Work, and
delivers a large number of courses by distance in the               Theology and Religious Studies.
Humanities, Sciences, Business, and Health Sciences. Our
courses are comprehensive, known for their rigour and               Our distance papers are taught by people who are wonderfully
relevance to the modern world. They are also highly accessible:     knowledgeable about, and interested in, the subjects they teach.
the latest technologies support students’ learning.                 Not surprisingly, given Otago’s research strength, they are also
                                                                    excellent and highly committed researchers. Another strength
All students who are enrolled at Otago, whether at any of the       is the support that comes from the administrative staff who
University’s regional hubs or through distance courses, can         underpin the workings of each paper. These people are pivotal
expect access to up-to-the-minute knowledge, guided by world-       in ensuring that the papers run smoothly.
renowned experts and delivered through sophisticated learning
technologies. Otago graduates are in high demand – both             It’s not all about us though! Many of you will be studying
within New Zealand and internationally.                             because you want to update your professional knowledge or
                                                                    advance your career. Others will be studying out of interest or
As an international university grounded in the South Island         to satisfy a sense of curiosity about a particular topic.
community, Otago welcomes enrolments from throughout the
  ustralasian and acific regions and e tends this welcome to        Whatever your motivation, our aim is to provide you with a
those from all parts of the world. I warmly invite you to join      great Otago learning experience and to help you attain the
our University by enrolling in one of our distance learning         goals you have set for yourself in your course of study.
programmes.                                                         Best wishes for your study this year.
Nau mai, haere mai.

PROFESSOR HARLENE HAYNE                                             DR SARAH STEIN
ONZM, PhD, HonDSc, FRSNZ                                            Director, Distance Learning

Distance Education
For more than 30 years, the University of Otago has been offering distance learning programmes that enable you to update your
qualifications wherever you live. Distance study connects you with the best minds without leaving your home or workplace. While the
University’s outstanding reputation for excellence in research attracts a diverse range of learners, a large number of distance students
are involved in postgraduate study, working to advance their careers or keep abreast of the latest developments in their field.

Unique programme                                Getting started                                  give opportunities for you to broaden
                                                                                                 your perspectives and develop critical,
Distance study at the University of Otago       Choosing the right paper to study is             analytical, and problem-solving skills.
is focused on those areas in which the          sometimes di cult. This Prospectus               Connection with other people who share
University has specific e pertise. While        describes the papers available. You              your enthusiasm for the subject you’re
you will see many Health Sciences papers,       will find out information about who to           studying enlivens your self-directed study
you will also see many papers from across       contact for advice about your academic           and links you to a broader community of
the other ivisions, all re ective of tago s     programme, and you will also read about          enquiry. You’ll be creating a learning space
reputation for excellence in a variety          the way in which your paper or course may        for yourself wherever you might be:
of fields. The full range of papers and         be organised. We strongly recommend
programmes draws on established strengths       that you consult a course adviser before         • talking with your lecturers and other
in responding to identified needs within the    selecting your papers. See otago.ac.nz/            students in real time to get immediate
widespread communities we serve.                course-advice. With the right advice, you
                                                                                                   feedback on ideas
                                                can enrol with confidence.                       • discussing ideas online, over time,
                                                                                                   allowing you to consider evolving
Flexible and personal                                                                              perspectives in a time e ible manner

Students value distance education for the
                                                Learning with Otago                              • studying independently, accessing
                                                                                                   digital and hardcopy resources designed
 e ibility it offers. ost learning occurs       Once you’re enrolled, you’ll have access to
                                                                                                   to help focus your study
in your space, in your time. The emphasis       course materials and resources, and to a
of the way we teach is on understanding         range of ways of communicating with your         • engaging independently with lecturers
you as a learner and supporting your            lecturers and interacting with your fellow         as they present core teaching material
engagement within the course.                   students. n effect, you ll be able to create a     for your course of study.
                                                learning space for yourself.                     Your study may involve some or all of the
                                                The istance earning           ce collates        following:
Lifelong learning                               the Information and Support Booklet, which       Going online
Learning never stops! The University’s          contains useful information about the
                                                services the University provides for you         The opportunity to access course materials
excellence in research signals its
                                                while you study. It also gives advice about      and library resources online and to interact
commitment to understanding more about
                                                how you can make your study an enjoyable         with lecturers and fellow students via the
the world around us. In the same way, the
                                                and successful experience. This booklet          internet will considerably enhance your
distance education programme provides
                                                is available on our website at otago.ac.nz/      study. Most courses require access to both
opportunities for students to continue
                                                                                                 the internet and email.
learning, to build on current qualifications
and to stay up to date in their own areas
                                                Course material                                  Web-conference sessions
of expertise.                                                                                    Web-conference teaching promotes and
                                                You’ll receive information about how
                                                the course will be run, along with details       strongly emphasises participatory study.
                                                                                                 Sessions are a combination of lecture and
Professional or personal interest               of study modules and assessments and
                                                                                                 tutorial but will, more than likely, look very
                                                required readings. In most papers, course
University of Otago distance students are       material is accessed electronically through      different to the face to face e periences of
a diverse group. Many are professionals         the internet.                                    these that you may have had in the past.
who are studying to enhance their                                                                Whatever form they take, they can easily
qualifications. or them, the interplay of       Interaction with others                          involve a range of experts from throughout
work and study forms an important part          Distance learning provides you with              New Zealand or other parts of the world.
of enriching their understanding of what        considerable control over the time you           Residential schools/workshops
they are learning. Others are studying          spend studying.
for personal interest, drawing on the rich,                                                      Some programmes require you to attend
                                                At Otago we also recognise that learning         residential schools on campus in New
research-informed teaching expertise that
                                                on your own all the time isn’t always the        Zealand, although not necessarily for
  tago staff bring to their interactions with
                                                best way to develop your understanding           all papers. These schools vary in length
students. For both groups, Otago study
                                                of the topics you’re studying. Interactions      from a day to a week and may be held
means excellence.
                                                with your lecturers and your fellow students     in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin,

Wellington, or at various other locations        n the guide you can find information           Distance Learning Office
throughout New Zealand.                        about how to request books using Library
                                               Search | Ketu, to be sent to your home           Dr Sarah Stein
Papers that do not require attendance at                                                        Director, Distance Learning
any course component in New Zealand are        address (a free service within New
                                               Zealand), and have scans of articles and         Tel     64 3 479 5809
indicated with an icon in this prospectus.                                                      Email distance.learning@otago.ac.nz
                                               book chapters emailed to you.
                                               Please do contact us at any time if you have     Please note the availability of some
Supporting learners                            any queries:                                     papers may have changed since this
                                                                                                Prospectus was printed.
The University supports distance students      Email   ask.library@otago.ac.nz
in many ways.                                  Tel     0800 347 826 (0800 DISTANT)              For up-to-date information, contact the
                                                       within New Zealand                       department concerned.
Study support                                  Tel     64 3 479 8940
There is a wealth of information for           A Guide to Library Services for distance
students available on the University’s         students is available to all enrolled distance
distance learning website (distance.otago.     learning students at otago.ac.nz/courses/
ac.nz), including tips for successful study;   distance_study/#library
managing university communications;
accessing online resources; and web links      Disability Information and Support
for help with assignments such as finding      Disability Information and Support
and referencing information; academic          provides learning support, advice,
writing; changing your course; and             advocacy and information to students
examinations.                                  with disabilities, impairments, medical
                                               conditions or injuries.
University of Otago Library
The University of Otago has a world-           The support provided is varied and may
class library to support staff and             include access to specialised equipment,
students engaged in teaching, learning         quiet study rooms, note-taking, subject
and research. Library resources are            tutoring, reformatting of course materials,
increasingly available online as e-journals    and alternative test and examination
and e-books and these are particularly         arrangements. Our Student Advisers
useful for distance students.                  are available to discuss each student’s
                                               requirements and work collaboratively to
Subject guides are a valuable resource         put together a support plan.
when starting out or returning to study.
From the Library home page (otago.             Tel     0800 80 80 98 (New Zealand only)
ac.nz/library) click on Search > Subject               or 64 3 479 8235
guides and select your subject area to find    Email   disabilities@otago.ac.nz
recommended databases and other library        Fax     64 3 479 5873
tools to support your study. Also listed in    Web     otago.ac.nz/disabilities
each subject guide are the contact details     Teaching and counselling support
for the librarian who can offer specialist
help in your subject.                          As a distance student, you are encouraged
                                               to eep in regular contact with the staff
Distance students                              responsible for providing your course.
The Library has been supporting Distance       Coursebooks and the Distance Learning
students for as long as the University         Information and Support Booklet provide names
has been offering distance courses. We         and addresses of staff to contact should you
understand the challenges that go with         have concerns about any aspect of
studying off campus and have developed         your study.
a guide to Library services for distance
students. ou can find a lin to this on
the Library’s home page under “distance

Enrolment and fees
Enrolment                                        A student who has previously been                 The due date for the submission of
                                                 admitted to another New Zealand                   your application depends on the type
  s a first step, if you are intending to ta e   university can normally transfer their            of programme you are applying for.
any distance learning papers, you are            entrance qualification from that university       See otago.ac.nz/important-dates for the
encouraged to contact the department             to the University of Otago.                       applicable dates.
or departments concerned to check your
eligibility to take your planned course.           university entrance qualification is            If you are currently enrolled at Otago, and
                                                 essential for admission to the University.        wishing to continue in the same programme,
Every distance learning student must             However, most programmes have higher              you do not need to submit a new application,
complete enrolment for study online for          requirements, and not all students with           but you will need to complete course
every year in which papers are being taken.      a university entrance qualification will          enrolment. For applicable dates, see
This is in addition to any correspondence        necessarily be admitted.                          otago.ac.nz/news/events/keydates
with teaching departments. We have
developed a helpful step-by-step guide           Students applying for admission to the            Course enrolment must be completed by
about the enrolment process for distance         University must also be competent in the          all students via eVision and consists of the
learning students:                               use and understanding of written and              following steps:
                                                 spoken English and may be required to             • Annual details
                                                 provide evidence of proficiency in nglish
otago090601.html                                                                                   • Paper selection
                                                 as part of the application process.
To enrol at the University of Otago you must                                                       • Course approval
                                                   ll students are classified as either domestic
hold a University ntrance qualification                                                            • Course enrolment declaration.
                                                 or international students. Domestic
and be admitted to a programme of study.
                                                 students are those who are New Zealand            Payment of fees must be arranged by:
Enrolment in some papers may be subject to
                                                 citizens (including citizens of the Cook
additional approval.                                                                               • 11 January (for Summer School papers),
                                                 Islands, Tokelau and Niue), permanent
                                                 residents of New Zealand or Australia who
                                                 are resident and studying in New Zealand,         • 10 February (for courses beginning in
University Entrance                              or Australian citizens resident and studying        the first semester), or
Every student must be aged 16 or over by         in New Zealand. All other students are            • 10 July (for courses beginning in the
the first day of formal classes in his or her    international students.                             second semester).
course and:                                      International students (including New             Fee invoices will be available via your
• have obtained a university entrance            Zealand permanent residents studying              eVision portal once you have completed the
  qualification from the ew ealand               outside New Zealand and Australian                enrolment process:
  school system (NCEA Level 3 passes or          citizens and permanent residents studying         otago.ac.nz/evision
  earlier ew ealand qualifications), or          outside New Zealand) will normally be
                                                 charged international fees.                       Penalty fees will be imposed where full
• be granted admission ad eundem
                                                                                                   payment is not received by the due date on
  statum (i.e., “at an equivalent level”) at
                                                                                                   your tuition fee invoice.
  entrance level (normally on the basis
  of overseas school qualifications) or on       The enrolment process
  the basis of tertiary-level passes (for
  students with university-level passes,
                                                 For information on the enrolment process          Further information
                                                 at Otago see:
  but not a completed degree, from an                                                              Tel   0800 80 80 98 within New Zealand
  overseas institution or from a non-                                                                    1800 468 246 from Australia
  university institution in New Zealand),        Or consult the Guide to Enrolment, which is             64 3 479 7000 from outside
  or at graduate level (for students who         available in hardcopy or online:                        New Zealand
  have completed a degree (or equivalent         otago.ac.nz/publications                          Email university@otago.ac.nz
  qualification) at an overseas institution                                                        Web   ask.otago.ac.nz
                                                 Or visit our step-by-step guide to
  or at a non-university tertiary institution
                                                 enrolment for distance learning students:
  in New Zealand), or
• be granted discretionary entrance (for         otago090601.html
  domestic students under 20 years of age
  applying on the basis of NCEA Level 2          You can apply online at the University’s
  results or equivalent), or                     website otago.ac.nz
• be granted special admission (for              Applications should be submitted by the
  domestic students aged 20 years or             due dates. Later applications may be
  over, who do not otherwise qualify for         accepted if facilities for tuition remain
  admission).                                    available, but you may be liable for an
                                                 additional fee.


The University of Otago’s Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC) offers three distance programmes for those wanting to
enhance their knowledge and understanding of teaching, learning, and academic practice in higher education.

Qualifications                                                                                       s a c in i             ucation
                                                                                     30 points (first semester)
 ost    a uat          tificat in i           ucation              t i               An introduction to qualitative approaches to research of teaching
 ost    a uat         i lo a in i           ucation        i       i                 and learning in higher education. Using individual and peer
  ast    o    i           ucation                                                    supervision, participants explore methodological issues and plan
                                                                                     a research project that is the focus of HEDU 510 or HEDU 590.
Note: The Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma may be
endorsed in Clinical Education and the Master of Higher Education may be             Prerequisite: HEDU 502 or HEDX 502 or EDUC 505
endorsed in Educational Technolog y.
                                                                                     Restriction: HEDX 503, EDUC 506
                                                                                     Limited to: PGDipHighE, MHEd
Programmes of study
 ost a uat               tificat in i            ucation                 t i                       ca    ic a          s i in i           ucation
The PGCertHighE is restricted to graduates and consists of                           30 points (second semester)
two papers that can be completed in a minimum of one and a                           A critical examination of academic leadership using
maximum of three years’ part-time study.                                             contemporary leadership theories. Understanding how academic
 ost a uat            i lo a in i             ucation          i       i             leadership is situated in a contemporary higher education sector.
The PGDipHighE is restricted to graduates who have experience                        Limited to MHEd
in teaching in the tertiary sector. The diploma consists of
                                                                                     Note: HEDU 504 is a compulsory paper within the Master of Higher
three taught papers (HEDU 501, 502 and 503) and a research
                                                                                     Education programme (MHEd).
dissertation (HEDU 510) and can be completed in a minimum of
two and a maximum of four years’ part-time study.
                                                                                                     cial o ic
  ast     o       i        ucation                                                   30 points (second semester)
The MHEd is restricted to graduates who have experience in                           Educational research of a topic that is situated within the context
teaching in the tertiary sector. The Master’s consists of four                       of teaching and learning in higher education.
taught papers (HEDU 501, 502, 503 and 504) and a research
                                                                                     Prerequisite: HEDU 503 or HEDX 503
dissertation (HEDU 590) and can be completed in a minimum of
two and a maximum of six years’ part-time study.                                     Restriction: HEDX 510
As one of the principal modes of teaching is online learning, all                    Limited to: PGDipHighE
students are required to have access to the internet.                                Note: Students may be admitted with approval from the Head of Department
The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019                                              of the Higher Education Development Centre.
                itical        ction on i              ucation
                                                                                                    s a c       o ct
30 points (full year)
                                                                                     60 points (8 Jul - 14 Feb; 18 Feb - 5 Jul)
A critical examination of personal theories of tertiary teaching
within a comparative framework of contemporary literature and                        Supervised educational research of a topic that is situated within
practice.                                                                            the context of teaching and learning in higher education.

Restriction: HEDX 501, EDUC 507                                                      Limited to MHEd

Limited to: PGCertHighE, PGDipHighE, MHEd
                                                                                     Further information
Note: Restricted to selected professional students.
                                                                                     Mr Russell Butson
                a nin          o     an      actic in i                    ucation   Higher Education Development Centre
30 points (full year)                                                                Tel     64 3 479 5789
Examination of contemporary research on student learning.                            Email russell.butson@otago.ac.nz
  ploration of the effects of participants teaching practices on                     Web     otago.ac.nz/hedc
how students learn in order to enhance student learning outcomes.
Restriction: HEDX 502, EDUC 505
Limited to: PGCertHighE, PGDipHighE, MHEd

 Logan Skerrett
Bachelor of Theology with Honours

                                    Logan Skerrett worked as a bricklayer after leaving school, but his religious
                                    convictions led him to change direction and begin studying to become an
                                    ordained minister.
                                    He was happy to start a degree course, but work and family commitments and
                                    deep connections with his community and church meant he really didn’t want
                                    to leave his Mount Maunganui home.
“We could stay                      So Logan enrolled for a Bachelor of Theology endorsed in Biblical Studies
                                    taught through Otago’s distance learning programme.
close to our family
                                    “It meant that as a family we could maintain our life here and stay with our
and lifelong friends                local church that we were heavily involved with and didn’t want to leave. We
while I furthered                   could also stay close to our family and lifelong friends while I furthered my
my education and                    education and forged a different path for our future.

forged a different                  While many distance students go part-time, Logan completed his
                                    undergraduate degree mainly full-time.
path for our future.”               “The set up at Otago is amazing. Everything is readily available online and it’s
                                    really easy to access the lecturers who are quick to respond to your questions.
                                    Study gets better and better as you progress through the course and get to
                                    understand what the University wants and how to best provide it.
                                    “There’s good interaction with other students on teaching days, and I didn’t
                                    feel at all isolated being off campus.
                                    After graduating, Logan found himself with a gap year before he could enter
                                    training to become an ordained minister, so he enrolled in a distance-taught
                                    Bachelor of Theology with Honours in Biblical Studies, giving him the
                                    potential for further advancement such as a PhD.
                                       tago offers a very robust and ecumenical course denominationally sourced
                                    from a lot of different perspectives. ve very much enjoyed my distance
                                    learning e perience with tago. t s wor ed for me on so many different


Anthropology                                                              Children’s Issues
The nthropology and rchaeology epartment offers                           The hildren s ssues entre offers three main distance learning
the following two papers by distance learning as part of                  papers. A fourth research-only paper is available to a small
its postgraduate programme for the Bachelor of Arts with                  number of students with a strong research background and
Honours in Anthropology and Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                  access to research data. These interdisciplinary papers are
in Anthropology. We also welcome students from outside of                 primarily designed as professional development opportunities
our programme who have a cross-disciplinary interest in these             for practitioners working in a range of areas with children,
particular topics, but who may not have the prerequisite papers for       young people, and their families wh nau, including social
entry, to request special permission to take these papers. Students       workers, teachers, nurses, family lawyers, police, psychologists,
from the sciences, health sciences, bioethics, gender studies and         policy analysts, researchers, family support and community
other social science programmes are all welcome to apply.                 development workers.

              o i s     c nolo i s an          icin s                     Qualifications
20 points (full year)
Anthropological analysis of what it means to be human in living            ost   a uat      tificat in        il        n s ssu s        t           s
and working with innovative medical technologies such as                   ost   a uat     i lo a in     il             nt       actic       i
genetic testing, xenotransplantation, intensive care units, organ
transfers and gender reassignment surgeries.
                                                                          Programmes of study
Prerequisite: 72 300-level ANTH or ARCH points
                                                                           ost a uat         tificat in            il        n s ssu s           t       s
Note: May not be credited together with ANTH 411 passed in 2002-2004.     The PGCertChIs comprises two compulsory papers, CHIC
                                                                          401 Understanding Children and Childhood: Theory into
                   nt   o olo     o    il                                 Practice, and CHIC 402 Promoting Children’s Participation and
20 points (full year)                                                     Protection.
A cross-cultural and historical investigation of beliefs and activities
seen as manifestations of evil in the world, drawing on ethnographic      These interdisciplinary postgraduate papers are intended to
research, historical studies and anthropological theory.                  meet the needs of a diverse group of professionals who work
                                                                          with children, young people, and their families wh nau in such
Prerequisite: 72 300-level ANTH or ARCH points                            fields as social wor , education, justice, law, health, psychology,
                                                                          family support and community development, and who have an
Further information                                                       interest in studying current research, policy and practice issues
                                                                          which affect the development, well being, and rights of children
Professor Ruth Fitzgerald
                                                                          and young people. The courses are also an option for internal
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
                                                                          postgraduate students at the University of Otago studying in
Email ruth.fitzgerald@otago.ac.nz
                                                                          relevant disciplines.

Applicants for CHIC 401 and/or CHIC 402 must be graduates
or possess an appropriate professional qualification requiring at                     Education
least three years of full-time tertiary study, or have alternative                    The University of tago ollege of ducation offers internet
qualifications or e perience related to hildhood tudies that are                      based postgraduate papers ideal for practising teachers looking
acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).                                   to upgrade or e tend their e isting qualifications, and for other
                                                                                      graduate professionals with an interest in education.
    ost a uat      i lo a in            il      nt          actic          i
The PGDipCCP (120 points) comprises two compulsory papers:
CHIC 401 and 402; and two optional papers drawn from the
following distance-taught papers when available: CHIC 407, 480,                        ac     lo o         ts     it            onou s            ons in      ucation
SOWK 520, and CHHE 701; or one substituted optional paper                              ost    a uat         i lo a in               ts        i     ts in     ucation
(30 points), with the approval of the Director of the Postgraduate
                                                                                        ast    o      ts               in        ucation           sis
Diploma programme, drawn from existing University of Otago
papers.                                                                                 ast    o      ts               in        ucation      ou s        o
                                                                                       ost a uat                 tificat in          ucation an            a nin            t       n
The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019
                                                                                       ost    a uat         i lo a in               ucation an            a nin         i       n
       8       s a c tu
                                                                                        ast    o      ucation an                   a nin              n
30 points (first semester or second semester)
This single-semester paper, within the Postgraduate Diploma in                         octo o         ucation
Child-Centred Practice, involves the undertaking of a small-scale                      octo o         iloso
independent research study on a child-centred practice issue.
It results in an 8,000-word research report. Supervision and
                                                                                      Professional qualifications
support are available from an assigned supervisor. The topic is
selected by the student, with its nature and scope being refined                      In addition to the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PGDipArts),
and negotiated in consultation with the supervisor.                                     aster of rts (    ), h , three professional qualifications are
Note: Admission requires approval from the Director of the Children’s
Issues Centre.                                                                         ost    a uat              tificat in              ucation an         a nin
                                                                                              t   n
              o     unit      il    alt                                                ost    a uat         i lo a in               ucation an            a nin         i       n
30 points (first semester or second semester)
                                                                                        ast    o      ucation an                   a nin              n
Community aspects of child health and child health services.
                                                                                      These programmes are designed to meet the professional
Restriction: CHHX 701
                                                                                      development needs of teachers in the early childhood, primary
Limited to: DCH, MHealSc, PGDipHealSc                                                 and secondary sectors, and to help teachers further develop
Note: A compulsory paper for DCH; may also be taken by other approved                 their critical knowledge and understanding of issues related to
health professionals.                                                                 teaching and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand, including their
                                                                                      own teaching practices.
The follo ing papers are not o ered in 2019                                           Admission requirements for the professional programmes
             n     stan in         il        n an    il     oo         o       into   include e perience of wor ing in a relevant field of education and
Practice                                                                              evidence of ability for advanced academic study.
              o otin        il     n s a tici ation an               ot ction         The Doctor of Education degree (EdD) is designed with an
              il      nt          actic                                               explicitly professional orientation as an alternative to the PhD.
              ocial        ic s     s a c an              aluation                    The internet is the main delivery system. Students will require
                                                                                      access to an internet-connected computer. Previous computing
Further information                                                                   experience is not required. All papers are internally assessed.
                                                                                      There are no final e aminations.
Children’s Issues Centre                                                               lease note that not all papers may be offered in any one year.
Tel     64 3 479 5038                                                                 For the most up-to-date information on paper availability visit
Email cic@otago.ac.nz                                                                 the University of Otago College of Education website:
Web     otago.ac.nz/cic

                                                                                      Programmes of study
                                                                                       ac lo o              ts     it            onou s          ons an             ost a uat
                                                                                       i lo a in           ts               i      ts in      ucation
                                                                                      EDUC 407, 480, and 60 further 400-level EDUC points

                                                                                        ast    o      ts                in        ucation t        sis o tion
                                                                                      The MA in Education (thesis) can be completed in either one (if
                                                                                      students already have a relevant postgraduate qualification) or
                                                                                      two years of full time study. The first year comprises completion
                                                                                      of papers, including a research methods paper, and the second
                                                                                      year comprises completion of a 120-point thesis.

ou s   o            ou s     o       in       ucation o tion                 u nt ssu s in          ucation
The Coursework MA programme is designed to provide a multi-            20 points (first semester)
disciplinary grounding for Humanities students in a range of           An introduction to postgraduate study and its required academic
subjects as preparation for further study or future employment.        skills through discussion and critical evaluation of national and
The programme will take either 12 months or three semesters of         international trends in education.
full-time study to complete. The programme can also be studied         Limited to: PGCertEdLn, PGDipEdLn, MEdLn
part-time. The Coursework MA option consists of HUMS 501 or
HUMS 503, HUMS 502, and three EDUC 400-level 20-point                                onc tualisin an           si nin Qualit        ucational
papers.                                                                  s a c
                                                                       20 points (first semester)
 ost a uat             tificat o     ucation an        a nin           Issues of research design and methodology for students who are
     t   n                                                             studying policy, practice and professional issues in education.
The PGCertEdLn (60 points) may be completed in the
equivalent of one year of part-time study (to be completed within      Restriction: EDUC 412
three years of admission) enabling teachers to continue teaching       Limited to: PGDipEdLn, MEdLn
while they study. The PGCertEdLn consists of EDUC 402 plus
EDUC 400-level papers to the value of 40 points.                                      s a c       si n an       t o olo         i   nc
                                                                        as       actic in ucation
 ost a uat         i lo a o        ucation an         a nin
                                                                       20 points (first semester)
    i   n
                                                                       Issues of research design, methodology and practice for
The PGDipEdLn (120 points) is normally completed in one year
                                                                       researchers inquiring into professional practices of teaching and
of full-time study (and must be completed within two years of
                                                                       learning as they arise in education settings.
admission) or the equivalent in part-time study (to be completed
within six years of admission) enabling teachers to continue           Restriction: EDUC 411
teaching while they study. The PGDipEdLn consists of EDUC              Limited to: PGDipEdLn, MEdLn
402, 403; 411 or 412; plus optional 400-level EDUC papers to the
value of 60 points.                                                                    c nolo       n anc       a nin
                                                                       20 points (full year)
  ast    o     ucation an          a nin          n                    Introduces various theoretical perspectives on the use of
The MEdLn (180 points) may be completed in eighteen months             technology to enhance teaching and learning and discusses
(two semesters of full-time study followed by completion of the        the practical issues resulting from this. Issues on knowledge
Research Project or Professional Inquiry focusing on the area of       construction and creation, and the culture of change, are also
endorsement), but will normally be completed in three years of         considered.
part-time study (to be completed within eight years of admission)
enabling teachers to continue teaching while they study. Students      Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points
can choose the amount of research they include, focusing either        Restriction: EDUX 423
on classroom-based research or research in education more
broadly. The MEdLn consists of EDUC 402, 403, 411 or 412,                               cial o ic
and 495; plus optional 400-level EDUC papers to the value of 60        20 points (full year)
points; and EDUC 591 or 592.                                           This paper involves advanced, independent study. You will study
                                                                       a topic of your choice, with the support of a lecturer in the field.
 octo o        ucation                                                 Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points
The EdD is a doctoral programme developed for educational
professionals which takes 6–8 years of part-time study. The            Restriction: EDUX 429
programme of study includes a year of half-time coursework
                                                                                    nt o uction to nt n t as              a nin
EDDC 911 (running July-June) followed by the completion and
                                                                       20 points (first semester)
presentation of a research proposal over the next 6–9 months.
                                                                       Focuses on the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web
Once this is approved, students move to the thesis stage of the
                                                                       as tools for teaching, learning and research. Examines how
research. During this stage they will conduct a research study,
                                                                       teaching resources can be searched, gathered and evaluated on
and write up the results. As they do this they will also complete
                                                                       the Internet. Ethical issues relating to use of the Internet are also
a research to practice portfolio, highlighting the impact of their
EdD experiences on their practice.
                                                                       Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points
 octo o        iloso                                                   Restriction: EDUX 317 and EDUC 317
Entry to PhD study normally requires at least a BA(Hons)
or PGDipArts, and students must be able to show they have              Note: Not available to students who have already completed EDUX 413,
advanced knowledge of the educational area in which they wish          which is an advanced paper that follows on from EDUX 435.
to study, experience in conducting research and knowledge of
research methods.                                                               8 a          s i   o   a nin
                                                                       20 points (full year)
The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019                                A critical examination of theory, research and practice relating
(* Students who have not passed the normal prerequisites may           to leadership for learning in educational settings. Students will
be admitted with approval from the Dean of the College of              review a range of models, case studies and research findings.
Education.)                                                            This paper uses print-based material and the Internet as the
                                                                       principal delivery systems.
                                                                       Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points

t at ic         ucational     ana        nt                         8          iss tation
20 points (full year)                                                    60 points (25 Feb 2019 - 10 Feb 2020)
A critical examination of contemporary literature and research           Aims at developing students’ professional skills as teachers.
on the theory and practice of strategic educational management            tudents will engage in critical re ection on their professional
across a range of education sectors.                                     practice by documenting their goals, growth, achievement and
Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points                           professional attributes developed throughout the course of study.
                                                                         (Only available to currently enrolled MEd students.)
              tu i s in ac               ucation           lo   nt       Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUC or EDUX points
an     a nin
20 points (first semester)                                               Restriction: EDUX 580
Inquiry into teacher education in its international context,             Limited to: MEd
addressing issues of programme design, implementation,                   Note: The duration of this paper is 12 months
evaluation, and teacher educator development and learning.
Limited to: PGCertEdLn, PGDipEdLn, MEdLn                                               o ssional actic o t olio
                                                                         60 points (25 Feb 2019 - 10 Feb 2020)
                ualit   i      sit an       ucation                      Aims at developing students’ professional skills as teachers.
20 points (first semester)                                                tudents will engage in critical re ection on their professional
Investigates theories of equality and applies them to poverty, gender,   practice by documenting their goals, growth, achievement and
ethnicity, culture and ability. Critically addresses the question of     professional attributes developed throughout the course of study.
why educators should be concerned about societal inequalities.           (Only available to currently enrolled MTchg students.)
Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points                           Prerequisite: (EDUX 440 or EDUC 440) or (EDUX 423 or
                                                                         EDUC 423)
        6        nto in    ac       s
                                                                         Restriction: EDUX 590
20 points (first semester)
Critical examination of mentoring practice related to professional       Limited to: MTchg
growth of teachers at all levels.                                        Note: (i) The duration of this paper is 12 months. (ii) Intake for the first
Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUC or EDUX points                           semester only
Restriction: EDUX 462
                                                                                       s a c      o ct
Notes: May not be credited with EDUX 433 passed in 2011 or 2012.         40 points (22 Feb 2019 - 15 Feb 2020)
                                                                         A supervised research dissertation of up to 15,000 words on an
        8       s a c     tu                                             approved topic.
40 points (full year)
                                                                         Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 411
Independent in-depth exploration of an educational issue,
comprising either a review of relevant literature, or completion of      Limited to: MEdLn
a study approved by the Dean of the College of Education.                Note: The duration of this paper is 12 months
Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUC or EDUX points
                                                                                       o ssional n ui
Restriction: EDUX 480, EDUC 481                                          40 points (22 Feb 2019 - 15 Feb 2020)
Limited to: BA(Hons), MEd, PGDipArts                                     Development of professional skills as a teacher and engagement
Note: The duration of this paper is 12 months                            in critical re ection on professional practice by documenting
                                                                         goals, growth, achievement and professional attributes developed
                ou t in ction                                            throughout the course of study. Requires students to identify a
20 points (first semester or second semester)                            need in their profession.
Students make explicit links between research, theory, and               Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 412
practice, re ecting on how their learning e periences continue to
                                                                         Limited to: MEdLn
in uence their practice.
                                                                         Note: The duration of this paper is 12 months
Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 591 or EDCU 592
Limited to: MedLn                                                                      octo o       ucation ou s             o
                                                                         60 points (3 Jan - 21 Jun; 8 Jul - 20 Dec)
               s cti s on           ac in an       a nin                  ngages students in critical re ection on their professional
20 points (second semester)                                              practice and prepares them for their thesis and research to
An exploration of current theory and research on learning and            practice portfolio research.
teaching relevant to a broad range of educational settings.
                                                                         Limited to: EdD
Limited to: PGDipEdLn, MEdLn
                                                                         Note: Students must enrol for EDDC 911 twice: in the second half of the
                cial o ic
                                                                         first year of study and the first half of the second year of study.
20 points (second semester)
The paper is arranged around several discussion conferences,             The follo ing papers are not o ered in 2019
each looking at a separate topic related to the knowledge-                               ucation in             alan     olic an         at   ssu s
building communities (KBC) model. Conferences normally run                            no      ation an      o      unication      c nolo      in
for two weeks and involve a combination of readings and online              ucation
asynchronous discussions.
                                                                                         s a c in        ucational ssu s
Prerequisite: 54 300-level EDUX or EDUC points
                                                                                        at      atics     ucation      a nin an         ac in
8      cial o ic        co in a             s a c ca a l            ac                       oit t       nua         an    o     an    olonialis
               unio an       oun       ult it atu               in ultu al ont      ts   20 points (first semester)
                                                                                           n e amination of    ori attitudes to whenua (land) through
                  cial o ic                                                              ti anga (customary lore), and the in uence of colonialism in the
                  cial o ic     i ital        c nolo i s an             no l                 ori world using and ourt inute oo s.
 uil in
                                                                                         Prerequisite: 36 300-level ANTH, GEOG, HIST, MAOR,
                itical nal sis o         ac in                                           MFCO or POLS points or 30 LAWS points at 300-level or above
                 s a c in          sonal       ac in            actic                    Restriction: MAOX 404
               acific      ucation ssu s           ultu            ntit an
 c oolin                                                                                                   s ntin acific isto i s
               nclusi       ucation                                                      20 points (first semester)
                                                                                         Themes and theories in the representation of Indigenous histories
                   cisin     o ssional             a      s i
                                                                                         of otearoa and other slands of the acific.
                  a o      in a l        il    oo          ucation
                                                                                         Prerequisite: 36 300-level HIST, MAOR or PACI points
       6            onst uction o          u iculu           in a l       il   oo
  ucation                                                                                Restriction: MAOX 407

                                                                                                          ta i i t au a a             o i an     n i       nous
Further information                                                                        ucation
                                                                                         20 points (second semester)
Postgraduate Administrator
University of Otago College of Education
                                                                                         A critical analysis of the inter-relationships between language,
Tel    64 3 479 4974
                                                                                         knowledge, culture and power in education in the struggle
Email postgrad.education@otago.ac.nz
                                                                                         of indigenous peoples for self-determination, with a focus on
Web    otago.ac.nz/education
                                                                                         empowering communities.
                                                                                         Prerequisite: two 300-level MAOR, PACI, INDV or EDUC
Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies                                                    Limited to: BA(Hons), PGDipArts, MInDs
Te Tumu, the chool of      ori, acific and ndigenous tudies,                             Note: May not be credited together with MAOR 410 passed in 2015.
offers the degree of aster of ndigenous tudies by distance
learning.                                                                                              cial o ic
                                                                                         20 points (second semester)
                                                                                           political and historical perspective on leadership in the acific
Qualification and programme of study                                                     and how indigenous acific people are affected by and also
  ast     o n i         nous tu i s            n                                         in uence leadership processes and changes in their communities,
The MindS programme of study consists of EITHER a research                               societies and states. Analysis of leadership theories and models
thesis (INGS 5) and a core paper (INGS 501), or a research                               for their relevance in specific societal and state conte ts from
report (INGS 590), and a core paper (INGS 501) and two                                   the acific.
approved elective papers at 400-level.                                                   Prerequisite: PACI 301 or PACI 310 or 36 300-level ANTH,
                                                                                         GEND, HIST or MAOR points
The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019
            n i nous               o   an              t o                               The follo ing papers are not o ered in 2019
20 points (first semester)
                                                                                                         s a c      iss    tation
Introduces key theory and method questions for Indigenous Studies,
focusing on the central challenge of defining ndigenous .                                           in    asifi a      o     n in ol n sian o       uniti s
                                                                                                      sou c      ons       ation an   ana        nt in t      acific
Restriction: INGX 501
Limited to: MIndS
                                                                                         Further information
              s a c       o t                                                            Postgraduate Administrator
60 points (25 Feb 19 - 21 Feb 20)                                                        Te Tumu
A supervised research project of no more than 18,000 words                               School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies
(excluding notes, appendices, bibliography) on an approved topic.                        Tel    64 3 471 6946
Restriction: INGX 590                                                                    Email minds@otago.ac.nz
                                                                                         Web    otago.ac.nz/tetumu/
Limited to: MIndS
Note: May not be credited together with the Master of Indigenous Studies
thesis (INGS 5)

Religious Studies                                                                         The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019
                                                                                                       6        li ious          o        nts
Religious Studies seeks both to understand religion as a universal                        18 points (Summer School)
human phenomenon and to explore the variety of ways in which                              A study of new religious movements (NRMs) in the modern
people express their religious commitments in thought and                                 world.
action. Since Religious Studies students study a wide variety of
                                                                                          Prerequisite for RELS 214: 36 points
societies and cultures, this is a subject which can be profitably
included within most courses of study.                                                    Restriction for RELS 214: RELS 306, RELX 214, RELX 306
Papers in Religious Studies are designed to be accessible to                              Prerequisite for RELS 306: 18 200-level RELS or RELX points
everyone, irrespective of religious background. The subject                               Restriction for RELS 306: RELS 214, RELX 214, RELX 306
would be particularly useful to students of History, Philosophy,
Political Studies, Classical Studies, Education, Psychology,                                               li ion a         an       olitics
Anthropology, and Art History. Students who have majored in                               18 points (Summer School)
Religious Studies at Otago have gone on to careers in teaching,                           The interplay of religion, law and politics in contemporary India,
religious and social work, counselling, librarianship, business                           Sri Lanka, America, New Zealand, Canada and elsewhere. Case
(especially marketing) and government.                                                    study and theory. Themes include secularism, religious freedom,
                                                                                          pluralism and others.
Qualifications                                                                            Prerequisite for RELS 235: 36 points
 ac     lo o         ts        in     li ious tu i s                                      Restriction for RELS 235: RELS 335, RELX 235, RELX 335
 ac     lo o         ts   it        onou s                      ons in   li ious tu i s   Prerequisite for RELS 335: one 200-level RELS or RELX paper
 i lo a o            a uat s          i            a       in    li ious tu i s           Restriction for RELS 335: RELS 235, RELX 235, RELX 335
 ost    a uat         i lo a in               ts            i     ts
  ast    o      ts        ou s       o                                                                nt o uction to in uis            an        u   is
                                                                                          18 points (first semester)
                                                                                          The ancient origins, classical traditions and contemporary
Programmes of study                                                                       forms of Hinduism and Buddhism including Hindu mythology,
 ac     lo o         ts in       li ious tu i s                                           teachings of the Buddha, religious disciplines such as yoga and
The papers that have to be included in a BA in order to major                             meditation, expression of devotion in art and architecture, spread
in Religious Studies are as follows: 100-level - RELS 101 and                             of Indian religions to the West.
RELS 102; 200-level - three 200-level RELS papers (54 points);                            Restriction: RELX 102
300-level - four 300-level RELS papers (72 points); plus 198
further points; must include 18 points in BIBS or CHTH and 54                                          nt o ucto       ans it
points at 200-level or above. Up to 90 points may be taken from                           18 points (first semester)
outside Arts.                                                                             A reading-based beginners’ paper covering the basic elements of
Note: Every programme must also include at least one BIBS or CHTH paper.                  Classical Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, designed to develop
                                                                                          reading skills in Classical Sanskrit.
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Religious Studies (BA(Hons))
and Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects (PGDipArts)                                     Restriction: SANX 111

RELS 490; RELS 415; plus two further 400-level RELS papers.                                                    cial o ic u aisi           in t       o    n   o l
An approved paper may be substituted for one 400-level RELS                               18 points (first semester)
paper.                                                                                    An introduction to Judaism in the modern world, with emphasis
                                                                                          on contemporary issues and debates.
 i lo a o             a uat s             i            a
                                                                                          Prerequisite for RELS 230: 36 points
The DipGrad can be used for many purposes, and in some cases,
effectively provides an additional major. t requires you to do                            Restriction for RELS 230: RELX 230
at least seven papers, of which at least four are at 300-level or                         Prerequisite for RELS 330: 18 200-level RELS or RELX points
above. The programme is designed for graduates and may be
completed by full-time candidates in one year or by part-time                             Note for RELS 230: May not be credited together with RELS 330 when
candidates over more than one year. A DipGrad is a great way                              taken with the same content.
to retrain or to update e isting qualifications. any students
also find it a convenient way to continue learning and that it is a                                          s c olo    o        li ion
                                                                                          18 points (first semester)
useful bridge to postgraduate study. Must include papers worth
                                                                                          An introduction to the psychology of religion, with emphasis
at least 54 points from those prescribed at 300-level for the major
                                                                                          on what research in contemporary cognitive and evolutionary
subject requirements for the subject concerned and/or from those
                                                                                          psychology says about human religious belief and behaviour.
available at a higher level in the subject concerned.
                                                                                          Prerequisite for RELS 237: 36 points
(* Students who have not passed the normal prerequisite may be
admitted with approval from the Head of Department.)                                      Restriction for RELS 237: RELS 337
                                                                                          Prerequisite for RELS 327: 18 200-level RELS or PSYC points
                                                                                          Restriction for RELS 327: RELS 237
                                                                                          Note: May not be credited together with RELS 231 or RELS 331 passed
                                                                                          in 2016.

8     8 li ion an       u an        a iou                        Prerequisite for RELS 225: 36 points
18 points (first semester)
                                                                          Restriction for RELS 225: RELS 325
An overview of the study of religions as cultural phenomena,
with an emphasis on scientific e planations for what religions            Prerequisite for RELS 325: one 200-level RELS, RELX, or
have in common and for the differences between them.                      PHIL paper
Prerequisite for RELS 238: 36 points                                      Restriction for RELS 325: RELS 225
Restriction for RELS 238: RELS 338                                                6     6 a a ana u                              is
Prerequisite for RELS 338: one 200-level RELS paper                       18 points (second semester)
                                                                          The origins of Mahayana Buddhism in India, its spread to Tibet
Restriction for RELS 338: RELS 238
                                                                          and East Asia and its relationship to other forms of Buddhism,
                                                                          including Theravada.
             iss tation
60 points (full year)                                                     Prerequisite for RELS 226: 36 points
  ither a piece of original wor on a specified research question,
                                                                          Restriction for RELS 226: RELS 326, RELX 226, RELX 326
or a more wide-ranging discussion which gives a critical account
of existing literature and knowledge.                                     Prerequisite for RELS 326: one 200-level RELS or RELX paper
Prerequisite: three 300-level RELS or RELX papers                         Restriction for RELS 326: RELS 226, RELX 226, RELX 326
Restriction: RELX 490
                                                                          The follo ing papers are not o ered in 2019
Limited to: BA(Hons), PGDipArts                                                                            li ions o           out      ast sia

            nt o uction to u ais            istianit an     sla                                  o l           istianit
18 points (second semester)                                                                      o     an           ois               li ions o    out    n ia
An introduction to the three major religions which originated in
                                                                                  6        6         n u       is
the Middle East.
                                                                                           li ion      ci nc        an           a ic
Restriction: RELX 101
                                                                                                        s ntin           sla
            nt o ucto     ans it                                                                 u      ist      ou        t
18 points (second semester)                                                       8 i          o t         u        a          t an         cono a
A continuation of SANS 111, including the study of passages
from the Bhagavad Gita and other texts.                                                          a anis
                                                                                            cial o ic
Prerequisite: SANS 111 or SANX 111
                                                                                          sian        li ions an t                    st
Restriction: SANX 112
                                                                                                 li ion an                ntit
                 nci nt li ion            t to     so ota ia                      6        6 u          is          tat an             oci t
18 points (12 Nov - 14 Dec)
                                                                                           t o an               o         in t         tu      o     li ion
The religious practices, beliefs and texts of ancient Egypt,
Mesopotamia and the Levant, ca. 3000–300 BCE.                                     6       sian        li ions an t                     st

Prerequisite for RELS 203: 36 points
                                                                          Programme of study
Restriction for RELS 203: RELS 303
                                                                           ou s       o          ast       o        ts
Prerequisite for RELS 303: 18 200-level RELS or BIBS points               The Coursework MA programme is designed to provide a multi-
Restriction for RELS 303: RELS 203                                        disciplinary grounding for Humanities students in a range of
                                                                          subjects as preparation for further study or future employment.
                     o in sian           li ions                          The Coursework MA requires that you take two 30-point papers
18 points (second semester)                                               in Religious Studies, two further 30-point Humanities papers
An examination of some of the ways in which body, gender and              and complete a 60-point dissertation (RELS 590 or 591).
sexuality are constructed and practised in cultures dominated by
Hindu and Buddhist ideals.                                                                  olution o                      li ion
                                                                          30 points (second semester)
Prerequisite for RELS 209: 36 points
                                                                          A survey of major theories and writings on the evolution of
Restriction for RELS 209: RELS 309, RELX 209, RELX 309                    religion. Provides an introduction to the methods appropriate to
Prerequisite for RELS 309: 18 200-level RELS or RELX points               the study of ancient texts.
Restriction for RELS 309: RELS 209, RELX 209, RELX 309                    Limited to: MA
Note: May not be credited together with RELS 233 or 333 passed in 2005.                 a in s in in u                           ts
                                                                          30 points (second semester)
                 ci nc      li ion an      no l                           A critical study of a selected Hindu text or texts. Provides an
18 points (second semester)
                                                                          introduction to the methods appropriate to the study of ancient
  re science and religion in con ict eginning with this
question, the nature of religion and science and the differing
conceptions of nowledge found in scientific and religious                 Limited to: MA
communities are examined.

a in s in u          ist        ts                           of this programme. Entry is by selection, and distance students
30 points (4 Feb - 19 Jun)                                                 who hold either an existing related bachelor’s degree or other
A critical study of a selected Buddhist text or texts. Provides an         related qualifications and e perience are welcome to apply for
introduction to the methods appropriate to the study of ancient            acceptance to the BSW programme. Distance students may also
texts.                                                                     qualify for the Honours programme after completing the third-
Limited to: MA                                                             year papers. The degree is not currently available to students
                                                                           studying outside New Zealand. All papers have compulsory on-
             ali o ost a uat s                                             campus workshops. Information about these workshops will be
30 points (full year)                                                      provided in course books.
Intensive Pali, reading both scriptures and commentaries from
the Tipitaka. Particular attention is paid to grammatical and              The follo ing papers are o ered in 2019
stylistic features and to the manner in which ideas are presented.         *Non-BSW students may be admitted to these papers with
Limited to: MA                                                             approval from the Head of Department of Sociology, Gender and
                                                                           Social Work.
             s a c      iss tation
60 points (25 Feb 19 - 21 Feb 20 or 1 Jul 19 - 26 Jun 20)                                    o i s an       t o so       ocial    o
A supervised research dissertation of up to 20,000 words on an             18 points (first semester)
approved topic.                                                            An introduction to the main theoretical traditions informing the
                                                                           practice of social work in the Aotearoa/New Zealand context,
Limited to: MA
                                                                           their expression in Social Work methods, and the location of
                                                                           these theories and models within an overview of theoretical
The follo ing papers are not available in 2019
            u       ist isual ultu       in out     ast sia
                                                                           Restriction: SOWK 551, SOWX 301
                     at s in u       ist tu i s
                                                                           Limited to: BSW

Further information                                                                       ocial o     o         il   n an   a ili s       nal sis
Administrator                                                              an       o
                                                                           18 points (first semester)
Department of Theology and Religion
                                                                             elected social issues commonly affecting children and families
Tel    64 3 479 8901
                                                                           in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Social work responses and related
Email religion@otago.ac.nz
                                                                           conceptual issues in social work assessment.
Web    otago.ac.nz/religion/courses/index.html
                                                                           Restriction: SOWK 316, SOWK 552, SOWX 302, SOWX 316
                                                                           Limited to: BSW
Social Work
                                                                                          o    uniti s an            anisations       nal sis
The papers in this discipline utilise an ecological approach to            an       o
understanding and intervening on social problems. Key values               18 points (first semester)
of social justice and human rights, together with acknowledging            Organisational and community theories, patterns and change
the challenge of biculturalism and the Treaty of Waitangi, are             and their application within community and social services in
fundamental to understanding contemporary Social Work.                     Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Students are encouraged to engage in these papers through the              Restriction: SOWK 553, SOWX 303
development of personal re ection, understanding ey evidence
                                                                           Limited to: BSW
and theories, critical analysis, and direct skills to prepare them
for social work practice. Practice includes work with individuals,         Note: May not be taken by students who have passed both (SOWK 234 or
families, communities, organisations and in social policy                  SOWX 234) and (SOWK 235 or SOWX 235).
                                                                                         nt o uction to         o ssional    actic
                                                                           18 points (first semester)
Qualifications                                                             Introductory study and application of social work roles and skills
 ac lo o        ocial o            an         ac   lo o   ocial   o   it   in preparation for practice.
 onou s             ons
                                                                           Restriction: SOWK 420, SOWK 570, SOWX 320, SOWX 420
  ast   o   ocial an      o   unit        o          li
            li                                                             Limited to: BSW
  ast   o   ocial    o                                                                   i l o          actic
                                                                           36 points (full year)
Programmes of study                                                        Introduction and orientation in social service and community
                                                                           settings and supervised practical wor in the field.
 ac     lo o    ocial    o
 ac     lo o    ocial    o    it     onou s               ons              Restriction: SOWK 491, SOWK 592, SOWX 491, SOWX 392
The epartment of ociology, ender and ocial Wor offers                      Limited to: BSW
a 4-year degree recognised by the Social Workers Registration
  oard. istance papers are offered from year three ( 00 level)

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