District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor

Page created by Kenneth Carpenter
District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
District A-1
    The District That Made
     Lions International


 Barb Tuxford
District Governor
District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor

                              Vision Statement

To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

                             Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian
needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through
Lions clubs.

                       Lions International Purposes

 To organize, charter and supervise service clubs to be known as Lions
 To Coordinate the activities and standardize the administration of Lions
 To Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the
 To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.
 To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of
the community.
 To unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual
 To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public
interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion
shall not be debated by club members.
 To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without
personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high
ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and
private endeavors.

District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
Table of Contents
District Governor/Message………………………….4

Lion Clubs International
LCI President………………………………… …….5
Canadian Director...................................................6

District A-1 Clubs
District A-1 Lions Club……………………………..…7
District A-1 Leo Clubs…………………………….. . 23
District A-1 Officers……………………….……… .. 24
District A-1 GLT, GMT……………….…………… . .24
District A-1 Zone/Region Chairs………………… .. .25
District A-1 Committee Chairs............................. .. 26
District A-1 Convention Team.............................. ..30
District A-1 Lions Sight Conservation Foundation...31

Dates to Remember
Meeting Dates…………………………….……….. 32
Governor’s Visits……………………..…….………. 33
Zone Chairs Visits /Advisory dates/………...34/35/36

District A-1 Awards
Club Excellence award………………………………37
100% Secretary………………………………………38
Governor’s Achievement Award……………..…… .39
Dick Kennedy Visitation Contest.............................40.
Membership Contest...............................................40
Bulletin & Social Media Contest.............................41
PDG Rob Spiering Leadership Award……….……..42

Information for Lions
Lions Foundation of Canada ...................................43
Leader Dogs for the Blind..................................... ...43
DA Legal Counsel…………………..…………..… …43
Funeral Protocol……………………………………….44
Active Past District Governors………………..… …. 45
District A-1 Past Governors/………………........ .....46/47
National Anthems and Lions Grace..........................48
Multiple District "A"
Governor’s Council - Multiple District “A”..................49.

District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
District Governor 2019-2020

Lion Barb Tuxford (PDG Mike)

     Res: 519-227-2252


District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
DG Barb’s Message
Greetings Lions, Lioness and Leo’s of District A1. I am looking forward to
visiting you and working with you over the next year and beyond. VDGs
Dan Armstrong and Val Burningham are helping me with the visits so they
are meeting more Lions in our District.
I want to encourage you to work extra hard at keeping your members, if
they aren’t at meetings please check on them, if they are moving, make
sure they know of active Lion’s clubs in their new area – Retention is a
very important part of having strong viable clubs.
You will notice that the Cabinet meetings are moving around a bit both
location and time, so everyone has a chance to attend a couple of
Different Committee Chairs will be reporting at each meeting, if there is a
committee you would like to know more about, just send me or the
committee chair an email and we will work at getting you the answers
you need.
Lots of Charter anniversaries in District A1 this year – Strathroy-Caradoc –
10 years; Hyde Park and Melbourne – 40 years; Glencoe – 45 years; Port
Stanley – 60 years; Belle River – 75 years and Windsor – celebrating their
Centennial – 100 years.
You will hear a lot about 2020 the Canadian Centennial celebration –
watch for more information in the District Bulletin.
Keep taking chances and having fun – yours in Lionism
                                 DG Barb

The Lions of Ailsa Craig wish to congratulate their
member Lion Barb Tuxford on her position as this
Year’s District Governor

District A-1 - Barb Tuxford District Governor
                            DR. JUNG-YUL CHOI
  Dr. Jung-Yul Choi of Busan, Republic of Korea, was elected to serve as president
  of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 102nd International Convention,
    held in Milan, Italy July 5 through July 9, 2019. A member of the Busan Jae-il
Lions Club since 1977, President Choi has held many offices within the association,
    including club president, cabinet secretary, district governor and international
 director. He also served numerous times as a DGE Group Leader and served on 11
committees as a member of the International Board of Directors. In addition, he was
a chairperson of the 39th OSEAL Forum in 2000 and a host committee chairperson
at the 95th Lions International Convention in Busan in 2012, the largest convention
   ever held in Lions history. In recognition of his service to the association, Vice
      President Choi has received numerous awards, including the Humanitarian
       Partnership, Senior Master Key Award, 100% District Governor Award,
 International President’s Leadership Awards, International President’s Awards and
   an Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows
 upon its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In addition to his
  Lion activities, Vice President Choi is chief executive officer of Koala Company,
    Ltd., an international trading company, and is also a past director of the Busan
   Sports Association. President Choi and his wife, Seung-Bok, have one son, four
                           daughters and two granddaughters.

International Director for Canada 2019-2021,
                    Allan Hunt

Allan was born and raised in Vernon BC. He obtained his education in
Vernon and New Westminster, BC as well as Ottawa.

Married to Lion Sonja (a MJF) for over 46 years and together they have one
daughter Kristen (Chad) (both Lions) and granddaughter Ella.

Employed by Transport Canada (Government of Canada) and subsequently
Nav Canada for more than 34 years. When Allan retired, he was the
manager of two Air Traffic Control Towers
in the lower mainland of BC. Allan held a variety of management positions for
more than 23 years and he has an extensive background in training and
management development.
Allan has served his community on the board of the Chilliwack YMCA as
President. He is currently the President of a Senior’s Society that is an
advocate for Seniors at Risk
Allan has been a Lion for over 40 years and is a member of the Mount
Cheam Lions Club (19H) in Chilliwack BC
•He has held all elected offices at the Club, Zone, District and Multiple District
except that of Tail Twister.
•Under his leadership as the 19H District Governor, all seven of the District’s
Zone Chairpersons earned their Zone Chairpersons Excellence Award.
•During his year as MD19 Council Chairperson, six of nine District Governors
received their Excellence awards. MD19 was the Membership Growth leader
in North America.
•Chairperson of Manpower Committee for 2011 International Convention in
•LCIF Campaign 100 Co-Chairperson Canada 2018-2021
•Chairperson Several Regional Lions Leadership Institutes.
•Presenter at District, Multiple District and USA/Canada Lions Leadership


            Ailsa Craig & District Lions Club Z 5
           Lions Club, 160 Main St. Ailsa Craig, ON
      Club mail c/o PO Box 56, Ailsa Craig, ON N0M 1A0
                (D) 2nd & 4th (B) Tuesday 7pm
President                      Secretary
Joe Mulhall                    Linda D. Ackworth
Home: 519- 293-3466            Home 519 495-3122
joemulhal@hotmail.com          Mshack5@hotmail.com

                    Arkona Lions Club Z 6
           1st (B)Tues.-7pm, Arkona School, Smith St
  3rd (D) Tues.-7pm Arkona Seniors Centre 7355 Arkona Rd.
      Club mailing address: Box 327, Arkona ON N0M 1B0

President                  Secretary
Paul W Percy               Cliff Ryan
Home:519-828-3439          Home: 519- 828-3951
pwpercy@execulink.com      crryan@execulink.com

                 Belle River Lions Club Z 1
           41 Lions Club Rd, Belle River/Lakeshore
      Club Mail: PO Box 1314, Belle River ,ON, N0R 1A0
      (D):1st Thursday 7pm        (B): 3rd Thursday 7pm

 President                        Secretary
 Sharon Hillier                 Joyce Mahovlich
 Home: 519-258-5764            Home 519-682-9422
 Shno85@mnsi.net               lionjoycemahovlich@bell.net

Belmont Lions Club Z 3
                Belmont Community Centre
              14020 Belmont Road, Belmont
             Dinner:1st & 3rd Wednesday 7pm

 President                     Secretary
Gerald Smith                   Lorne Dale
Home: 519-644-0264            Bus:519-644-0553
gmsmith89@hotmail.com         daleeq@rogers.com

              Bluewater Lions of Sarnia Z 6
        John’s Restaurant, 1643 London Line, Sarnia
       Club Mail: PO Box 2903, Sarnia, ON, N7T 7W2
                 2nd & 4th Wednesday 7pm
President                      Secretary
Frank VanKempen               William Bissonnette
Home 519- 491-5275            Home 519- 383-1483

                 Chatham Lions Club Z 2
      Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham
         Club Mail: Box 794, Chatham, ON, N7M 5L1
    (B): 2nd Monday 6:30pm       (D): 4th Monday 6:30pm

President                     Secretary
John Spears                   Seppo Kuokkanen
Home 519-354-7574             Home (519) 352-8732
johnspears@teksavvy.com       lionseppo@cogeco.ca

Delaware Lions Club Z 7
                 Delaware Community Centre
                2652 Gideon Drive, Delaware
       Club Mail: PO Box 51, Delaware, ON, N0L 1E0
      Bus: 2nd Monday 7pm Dinner 4th Monday 7pm

President                           Secretary
Eric Cornelis                     Steve Scott
Home 519-203-0360                Home 519-652-2061
ericcornelis@hotmail.com         jackmazur@yahoo.ca

                Dorchester Lions Club Z 4
           North Dorchester Community Centre
            2066 Dorchester Road, Dorchester
     Club Mail: P.O. Box 326, Dorchester, ON, N0L 1G0
              Dinner: 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7pm

President                           Secretary
Michelle Mundy                  Nancy Irving
Home 519-871-9889               Home 519-268-7007
michellemundy@live.com          lionclubsec@gmail.com

            Dutton and District Lions Club Z 3
                         Lions Den
            Club mail 1A Scotland Street, Dutton
                        ON, N0L 1J0
               Dinner: 1st & 3rd Thursday 7pm
President                          Secretary
John Hughes                      Dianne Purcell
Home 519-762-2960                Home (519) 762-3341
j_hughes_rt40@hotmail.com        depurcell@bell.net

Essex & District Lions Club Z 1
                  2nd & 4th Tuesday 7pm
               Salvation Army Church Essex
             26 Talbot Street South Essex ON
          Club mail: Box 154, Essex, ON N8M 2Y2

President                         Secretary
Robert Garrod                 Jacqueline Flood
Home 519-253-1341             Home 519-776-8880
robpamgarrod@cogeco.ca        jdflood2016@gmail.com

              Glencoe District Lions Club Z 7
                       Glencoe Arena
                  138-2 Mill Street, Glencoe
            Website: www.glencoedistrictlions.org
        (D):1st Monday 7pm (B): 3rd Monday 7:00pm
President                            Secretary
Sue MacFadden                      Douglas Reycraft
Home 519-287-3909                 Home (519) 287-3113
suemacfadden@execulink.com reycraft@sympatico.ca

           Highgate & District Lions Club Z 3
                        Lions Hall
                   Duart Road, Duart
    Bus: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Dinner: 4th Tuesday 7pm

President                      Secretary
Jerry Corneilus DeNijs        Scott Jay
Home 519-678-3002.            Home 519-359-8191
jdenijs22@gmail.com           w.scott.jay@gmail.com

Hyde Park & District Lions Club Z 4
             Saint Andre Bessette High School
            2727 Tokala Trail, London N6G 0L8
Club Mail: Box 28045; RPO Oakridge London, ON, N6H 5E1
              Website: www.hydeparklions.ca
     Bus: 2nd Monday 7pm Dinner: 4th Monday 7pm

President                        Secretary
Sydney MacLean               Denise Bell-Copeland
Home 519-282-3700             Home 519-857-7673
l                  liondenisebellcopeland@gmail.com

            Ilderton & District Lions Club Z 5
                 Ilderton Community Centre
                13168 Ilderton Road, Ilderton
                Club mail c/o Club Secretary
                    2nd & 4th Tuesday 7pm

President                         Secretary
Glenn Phillips                    Eric Martin
Home: 519-666-0996                Bus. 416-236-2081
phillipsgd18@hotmail.com          eric@evideo.ca

                Kingsville Lions Club Z 2
                   Lions Community Hall
               23 Mill Street West, Kingsville
     Club Mail: P.O. Box 392, Kingsville, ON, N9Y 2G1
     (D):1st Tuesday 6:00        (B): 4th Tuesday 7:00

President                          Secretary
Joan Cope                          Wendy Durante
Home:519-733-2711                  Home:226-347-4522
joanswin@yahoo.ca               kingsvillelions@gmail.com

Lambeth Lions Club Z 4
                Lambeth Community Centre
             7112 Beattie Street West, Lambeth
                Club mail c/o Club Secretary
    Bus: 1 Thursday 7pm         Dinner 3rd Thursday 7pm

President                      Secretary
Dale Taylor                    Peter Koning
Home:519 652-5856              Home:519- 652-5897
l.dale.taylor@gmail.com        marlene_koning@hotmail.com

                Leamington Lions Club Z 2
      Erie shores Golf & Country Club 305 Robson Rd.
     Club Mail: PO Box 122, Leamington, ON, N8H 3W1
                 Dinner: 4th Tuesday 6:30pm

President                      Secretary
Steven Lashmar                 Candy Westlake
Home: 519-322-5993             Home 519-326-2205
bully4u@hotmail.com            candywestlake@hotmail.com

        Lighthouse Cove & District Lions Club Z 2
                        Lions Park
            248 Quenneville Dr Lighthouse Cove
           Club Mail: RR#5,Tilbury ON, N0P 2L0
                Dinner: 1st & 3rd Wed 7pm

President                           Secretary
Jack Clifford                      Joe Renaud
Home 519-682-3237                  Home 519- 682-0090

London Central Lions Club Z 4
                   Trinity Lutheran Church
              746 Colbourne Street, London
            Club mail c/o PO Box 24121 RPO
       CherryHill 301 Oxford St. W, London N6H 5C4
           2nd B 7pm & 4th Thursday D 6:30pm

  President                      Secretary
Tricia Lystar.                   Joanne Lystar.
Home 519- 868-3054               Home 519-452-3935
tlystar@hotmail.com              lystarjo@gmail.com

               London East Lions Club Z 4
               Email: londonlionsclub@live.ca
 Club Mail: Box 28061, Oakridge RPO London, ON N6H 5E1
      Dinner: 1st Tuesday 6:30pm Wortley Roadhouse
  Bus: 3rd Tuesday 7pm CNIB building 749 Baseline Rd E.

President                        Secretary
Shawn Davison                    Bill McLaughin
Home 519-471-4521                Home 519-472-5977
Cell 519-854-4521                Cell 519-657-5343
shawnwd@yahoo.com                mr.waem@gmail.com

                 London West Club Z 4

President                           Secretary
Nikhil Patil                        Alyssa Yantis
Cell 519-498-4904                   Cell 519-588-6628
patilnikhil1002@gmail.com           ayanysis@uwo.ca

Lucan Lions Club Z 5
           Lions Den-Lucan Community Centre
                263 Main St., Lucan
    1st Monday @Lions Shed & 3rd Monday 7pm Dinner
               Club mail c/o Club Secretary

President                           Secretary
Wayne Carroll                     Samuel Cassady
Home:519-227-4079                  Home 403-607-7176
waynecarrollfarmer@yahoo.ca       samuel350@yahoo.ca

          Melbourne & District Lions Club Z 7
                Melbourne Agricultural Hall
            21888 Melbourne Road, Melbourne
                Club mail c/o Club secretary
        B: 2nd Tuesday 8pm D: 4th Tuesday 7pm

President                            Secretary
Fred McRoberts                      Jerry Zimoch
Bus. 519-289-5587                   Home (519) 264-9859
fredmcroberts@xplornet.com        jpzslzimoch@gmail.com

                Mt. Brydges Lions Club Z 7
                 Caradoc Community Centre
              116 Lions Park Drive, Mt. Brydges
 Club Mail: 580 Lions Park Drive, Mt. Brydges, ON, N0L 1W0
      (B):1st Monday 7:00pm (D): 3rd Monday 7pm

President                       Secretary
Ted Sinclair                  George Whitney
519-264-1864                  Home (519) 264-2937
teddersinc@live.com          gwhitney@ execulink.com

Parkhill Lions Club Z 5
           Goal Post Hall, North Middlesex Arena
                   225 McLeod St, Parkhill
        Club mail c/o PO Box 207, Parkhill N0M 2K0
                 2nd & 4th Monday 6:30pm

President                           Secretary
Carrie Muma Brophey               Bonnie Romphf
519-719-5876                      Home (519) 851-5949
cmuma@execulink.com             bonnieromphf63@gmail.com

                  Petrolia Lions Club Z 6
                     Petrolia Lions Hall
           451 Huggard St, Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0
        Website: e-clubhouse.org/sites/Petrolia/index
     Dinner: 1st Monday 7pm        Bus: 3rd Monday 7pm

President                      Secretary
Charlie Conrod               Marlene Conrod
Home 519 882-2807            Home 519-882-2807
m                           marleneconrod@hotmail.com

                Poplar Hill Lions Club Z 5
              Coldstream Community Centre
               10227 Ilderton Road, Ilderton
        Club mail c/o Larry Griffith 10094 Ilderton Rd.,
                RR#2 Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0
              Dinner: 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7pm
President                            Secretary
Earl Crisp                          Mark Gellner
Home (519) 666-3072                 Home (519) 666-0637

Port Stanley Lions Club Z 3
                Port Stanley United Church
           239 Colbourne Street, Port Stanley
     Club Mail: PO Box 10 ,Port Stanley, ON, N5L 1J4
           Dinner: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7pm

President                      Secretary
Richard Nemett                Doris Heisler
Home 519- 631-3831            Home 519-765-4850
rpnemett@gmail.com            dorisheisler@yahoo.ca

               Rodney Lions Club Z 3
                     Rodney Legion
                Victoria Street, Rodney
            Club mail: Apt. 1---229Fourth St.
                 Rodney ON, N0L 2C0
           Dinner: 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7:00pm

President                          Secretary
Sarah Bechard                   Corrie Monaghan
Home (519) 768-3236             Home (519) 785-0879
s.bechard@live.ca            corrie.monaghan@gmail.com

                 Sarnia Lions Club Z 6
      Moose Lodge 874 Phillip St Sarnia N7T 1Z6
     Website: www.sarnia.com/groups/sarnialionsclub
           (D) 2nd and 4th (B) Tuesday 6:30pm
               Club mail c/o Club Secretary

President                           Secretary
Ronald Armstrong                 Don McKessock
Home 519-337-1630               Home 519-332-5401

St. Thomas Lions Club Z 3
                 St. Thomas Seniors Centre
             225 Chestnut Street, St. Thomas
     Club Mail: PO Box 22005 RPO Elmwood Square,
                      St. Thomas, ON,
          Website: www.lionsclubofstthomas.com
                   2nd & 4th Monday 7pm

President                           Secretary
Rob Neill                         Anne Neill
Home 519-633-3603                Home 519- 633-3603
lionrobneill@rogers.com          lionanne@rogers.com

               Stoney Point Lions Club Z 1
      Sportsman Club, 6348 St. Clair Rd. Stoney Point
    Club Mail: PO Box 246 Stoney Point, ON, N0R 1N0
   Dinner: 1st Tuesday 7pm Bus: 3rd Tuesday 8:00pm

President                          Secretary
Sherry Shearer                  Robert Sylvestre
Home 519- 798-3707              Home (519) 798-3088

                Strathroy Lions Club Z 7
                   Strathroy Lions Hall
              Club Mail 432 Albert Street, Strathroy
                         ON, N7G 3J1
                Website: www.strathroylions.com
                  D: 2nd & 4th Thursday 7pm

President                          Secretary
Keith Ryan                     W Mark Iggulden
Home:519-245-7434              Home: 519-245-3544
kwryan@fanshawec.ca            katiemark99@gmail.com

Strathroy-Caradoc Lions Club Z 7
                1st B &3rd D Thursday 7pm
            Strathroy and Area Seniors Centre
                   137 Frank St. Strathroy
         Club Mail: PO Box 35, Strathroy N7G 3J1

President                         Secretary
Mariette Desjardine               Sharon Small
Home:519- 205-0437                Home:519-245-5686

      Tecumseh Lakeside & District Lions Club Z 1
                 Royal Canadian Legion #261
                 12326 Lanoue St. Tecumseh
             1st (D) and 3rd (B) Wednesday-7pm
                 Club mail c/o Club Secretary

President                         Secretary
Margaret Hutchinson             Glenn Hutchinson
Home: 519-728-1991              Home: 519-728-1991
gemmargaret@xplornet.com        ghutch12@xplornet.com

                 Thorndale Lions Club Z 4
           Lions Hal lThorndale Community Centre
                265 Queen Street, Thorndale
  (D):1st Wednesday 7:00pm (B): 3rd Wednesday 7:00pm

President                          Secretary
Bruce Monteith                    Keith W Paterson
519-461-0981                      Home 519- 461-0069
519-679-1216 C                   tlc.kpaterson@gmail.com

Tilbury Lions Club Z 2
                Tilbury Lions Club House
                3347 Quinn Line, Tilbury
         Club Mail: Box 805 ,Tilbury,ON, N0P 2L0
                Website: tilburylions.com
             Dinner: 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7pm

President                      Secretary
Ralph Roels                   Marc Steyn
Home 519- 682-3644            Home 226-626-2420
rroels@xplornet.com           msteyn@cogeco.ca

                 Wheatley Lions Club Z 2
              Wheatley Car Barn Restaurant
             23 Talbot Street East, Wheatley
      Club Mail: PO Box 865, Wheatley ON, N0P 2P0
             Dinner: 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7pm

President                         Secretary
Robert Springthope             Jodi Lynn Turner
Home (519) 825-4785            Home 519-326-5819
Springy1@sympatico.ca      turnerlove@sympatico.ca

                 Wyoming Lions Club Z 6
                    Wyoming Lions Hall
                   554 Main St, Wyoming
     Club mail c/o PO Box 550, Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0
                   2nd & 4th Monday 7pm

President                         Secretary
Steve Steinman                    Michael Smith
C:519-339-6885 W:519-845-3914     Home: (519) 845-0479
stevesteinman@outlook.com         jms2255@gmail.com

Windsor Downtown Lions Club Z 1
       Lions Manor 230 Strabane Avenue, Windsor
             1st and 3rd Wednesday- 6:30pm
           2nd Wednesday for Board mtgs 7pm
         Club mailing address: c/o Club Secretary

President                       Secretary
Sean M Hunt                    PDG Ron Devos
 519-972-6389                 Home 519- 966-2592
sean.hunt@edwardjones.com    ron_marg@sympatico.ca

March of 2020 Canadian Lions
Celebrate 100 years of Lions in
Come celebrate With the Club that
made Lions International
Border city/Windsor Lions to
celebrate 100yrs March 21st, 2020

     PCC Dave Balmos
davecarol@sympatico.ca for more

District Leo Clubs

     District Chair Carol Stankevich

          Port Stanley Leo Club
St. Joseph’s High School Library St Thomas
         1st and 3rd Thursday 7pm
        Advisor        Rick Nemett
           Phone: 519-661-6825
        email: rpnemett@gmail.com

           Petrolia Leo Club
            Petrolia Lions Hall
       451 Huggard Street, Petrolia
         Advisor: Tony Beaulieu
          Phone: 519-882-1123
       email: tony.beaulieu@sympatico.ca

           East Elgin Leo Club
       H.U.B. in downtown Belmont
         2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7pm
Advisors :Dave Baughman & Brenda Buis
Phone: 519-644-2796 phone:519-870-5579
      email: buis01@execulink.com

          Lakeshore Leo Club
 Lions Hall, 41 Lions club Rd. Belle River
        2nd Wednesday 4:30pm
     Advisor        Mary Mahovlich
          Phone 519-728-9637

                   A-1 CABINET 2019– 2020

District Governor                  Immediate Past DG
Barb Tuxford                       Mary Mahovlich
Res: 519-227-2252                  Res: 519- 728- 9637
lionbarbtuxford@gmail.com          lionmary@kelcom.net
Club: Ailsa Craig                  Club Belle River

1st V D Governor                    2nd V D Governor
Dan Armstrong                      Val Burningham
Res: 519- 268-6361               Res: 519-790-9056
dan-armstrong@rogers.com         valerieburningham@gmail.com
Club: Dorchester                  Club: WindsorDowntown

Cabinet Secretary                Cabinet Treasurer
Cheryl Schleihauf                PDG Eric Dolansky
382-5700 Blackwell Sd Rd         598 Ontario St.
Sarnia ON N7W 1B7                Box 656 Watford N0M 2S0
Cell: 519-330-1621               Res: 519- 859-3351
lioncheryl368@gmail.com          districta1lioneric@gmail.com
Club: Petrolia                   Club: Hyde Park

G L Team                         G M Team
PRC Doug Crockett                PCC John Johnston
Res: 226-927-3216                Cell 519-280-1629
dcrock5188@rogers.com            lionjohnjohnston@gmail.com
Club: Lambeth                    Club: Belmont

               A-1 CABINET 2019- 2020

Zone 1 Chair                      Zone 2 Chair
Danielle Meneguzzi                Bill Finlay
519-254-0499                      519-352-4986
dwayeanddanielle@cogeco.ca         finfms4@hotmail.com
Windsor Downtown                   Chatham

Zone 3 Chair                     Zone 4 Chair
Bruce Campbell                   Pam Harbottle
519-644-0824                    519-457-7095
bcampbell79@hotmail.ca          pammycda@gmail.com
Club: Belmont                    Club: Hyde Park

Zone 5 Chair                     Zone 6 Chair
Mark Heffernan                   Frank VanKempen
519-227-1841                     519-491-5275
heffymx@msn.com               vankempenfrank@hotmail.com
Club: Lucan                   Club: Bluewater Lions of Sarnia

Zone 7 Chair
Mary Hamilton
Club: Glencoe District

                      2019 – 2020
     Constitution & by-Laws                     Finance
           Rick Waite                        PDG John Ross
          Port Stanley                        Thorndale
        (519)859-3286                       (519)461-0955
      waiter@rogers.com                   lionjohn@bell.net

            Hearing                              Vision
         Pam Harbottle                        Robert Neill
           Hyde Park                           St Thomas
        (519)457-7095                       (519)-633-3603
       hozer@rogers.com                lionrobneill@rogers.com

            Diabetes                         Gift of life
         Beverley Wirta                      Jim Rigney
           Bluewater                          Windsor
(519)384-4385/(519)-344-4385(H)            (519)-253-1446
  beverleywirta@hotmail.com               jdrigney@yahoo.ca

     Lion's Camp Dorset                       Peter’s Bus
      Murray Sutherland                       Peter Best
          Bluewater                            Windsor
       (519)-336-7756              (519)984-8595/(519) 944-5595(H)
   msutherland3@cogeco.ca             peterbestwb@outlook.com

Environment                        Quest
         Tricia Lystar                PDG Mike Tuxford
       London Central                       Lucan
        519-868-3054                   (519) 227-2252
    tlystar@hotmail.com          lionmiketuxford@gmail.com

Lions Foundation (Dogguides)      Leader Dogs for the Blind
       Wendy Durante                    Will Raymond
            Kingsville                    Windsor
        226-347-4522                    519-564-0421
  kingsvillelions@gmail.com      Will.Raymond@bellmedia.ca

     Lioness Liaison East           Lioness Liaison West
       Shawn Davison                    PDG Cliff Ryan
         London East                       Arkona
       (519) 854-4521                  (519) 828-3951
   shawnwd@yahoo.com               crryan@execulink.com

Opportunities for Youth
       Youth Exchange                 Peace Poster/Peace Essay
        Dianne Piggott                     Sidney Maclean
           Belmont                            Hyde Park
        519-312-8645                       (519) 282-3700
liondianne.piggott@gmail.com lionsydneymaclean@gmail.com

          Literacy                                    Leos
    PDG Joyce Mahovlich                         Carol Stankevich
         Belle River                                Petrolia
      (519) 682-9422                             (519) 381-4154
  lionjoycemahovlich@bell.net             carolstankevich@hotmail.ca

      Effective Speaking             ********************************************
         Chatham Lions               :District A1 Effective speaking March 8th, 2020
       Seppo Kuokkanen               Held in Chatham
        (519) 352-8732               :MDA Effective Speaking April 17-19, 2020
    lionseppo@cogeco,ca              Held at the Holliday Inn in Point Edward

Long Range Planning                 LCIF Campaign 100
   IPDG Mary Mahovlich                    PCC Bob Tanner
         Belle River                          Petrolia
       (519) 728-9637            (519)339-6606/(519) 882-0765(H)
   lionmary@kelcom.net                  lionbobt@bell.net

 Social media & Reporter           Bulletin, Social Media Contest
        Adrian Roes                       Michelle Mundy
         Delaware                             Dorchester
     (519) 652-6214                        519-871-9889
     adroes@bell.net               michellemundy@live.com

   Information Technology            GOVERNOR'S Newsletter
       DG Barb Tuxford                  Henry Vanderweyst
          Ailsa Craig                        Delaware
       (519)-227-2252                     (519) 652-3738
lionbarbtuxford@gmail.com            lionhenry@sympatico.ca

 Global Action Team
  Global Action Team Lead               Global Leadership
      DG Barb Tuxford                     Doug Crockett
         Ailsa Craig                        Lambeth
      (519) 282-8897                     (519) 927-3216
lionbarbtuxford@gmail.com            dcrock5188@rogers.com

     Global Membership                     Global Service
      PCC John Johnson                     Shelley Alford
          Belmont                             Lambeth
       (519)280-1629                      (519) 851-2556
lionjohnjohnston@gmail.com          sealion22124@gmail.com

Convention Committee
Chair                          Vice chair
PDG Ev Spiering                PDG Eric Dolansky
519-631-1625                   519-859-3351
pdglionev@gmail.com            districta1lioneric@gmail.com

Registration & Treasurer       Voting & Credentials
PDG Joyce Mahovlich            IPDG Mary Mahovlich
519-682-9422                   519-728-9637
lionjoycemahovlich@bell.net    lionmary@kelcom.net

Memorial                       LIONESS CONVENTION REP
PCC John Johnston              PDP Bev Filewood
519-280-1629                   519-782-4308
lionjohnjohnston@gmail.com     bevfilewood@rogers.com

Lioness President              District Governor
DP Kim Garside                 DG Barbara Tuxford
519-828-3482                   519-227-2252 Home
kimmy_garside30@live.ca        519-282-8897

              District A1 Convention
 Best Western Plus Stoneridge Inn & Conference Centre
       6675 Burtwistle Ln, London, ON N6L 1H5
                    3 - 5 April 2020

District A-1
          Sight Conservation Foundation Board
                      Eyes Right

Chair Regional Rep             Vice Chair Regional Rep
Gail Tanner                    PZC Murray McDonald
RR# 4 3848Petrolia Line        Box 366 18Heritage Pl.
Petrolia N0N 1R0               Ilderton N0M 2A0
Res: 519- 882-0765             Res. 519-666-2823
liongailtanner@hotmail.com     mcdonalds.rm@gmail.com

Regional Rep.                     CNIB Rep.
Treasurer                         PDG Joe Elliott
PDG Mark Mahovlich               Cell: 519- 661-8824
4800 Richardson SdRd             joe_elliott@bell.net
RR#5 Tilbury N0P 2L0
Res: 519- 682-9422

Past District Governors           Regional Rep.
PDG Don McKessock                PDG Jacqui Flood
Res: 519- 332-5401               Res: 519- 776-8800
liondon@cogeco.ca                jdflood2016@gmail.com

Secretary Lioness Rep             Sight/Work with the Blind
Sherry Wismer                     Rob Neill
Res:519-782-3869                  Res: 519 633-3603
wismer@sympatico.ca              lionrobneill@rogers.com

Regional Rep                     Past Chair/ Regional Rep
Larry Badder                     Harry Wismer
Res: 519-350-4269                Res: 519-782-3869
lawrencebadders@gmail.com        wismer@sympatico.ca

                    Dr. Bruce Nichols

                           2019 – 2020

1st Cabinet Meeting       Highgate           22- Aug-2019
2nd Cabinet Meeting       Chatham            29- Oct-2019
3rd Cabinet Meeting       Chatham            26-Jan-2020
4th Cabinet Meeting       Convention          04-Apr-2020
5th Cabinet Meeting       Petrolia           07-Jun-2020

1st Long Range Planning Chatham          Sept. 30, 2019
2nd Long Range Planning TBA

                    District A1 Convention
      Best Western Plus Stoneridge Inn & Conference Centre
            6675 Burtwistle Ln, London, ON N6L 1H5
                        3 - 5 April 2020
1st Council Meeting      Markham              13/14-Sep-2019
2nd Council Meeting      Markham              15/16-Nov-2019
3rd Council Meeting      Markham               21/22 Feb-2020
4th Council Meeting      Convention            01/02-May-2020

      MDA Convention: JW Marriott the Rosseau Muskoka
         Resort & Spa Minett         1-3 May 2020

            103 Singapore                June 26-30, 2020
            104th Montreal               June 25-29, 2021
            105th New Delhi, India       July 1-5, 2022
            106th Boston Mass. USA       July 7-11, 2023
            107th Melbourne Australia    June 21-25, 2024

                      USA/Canada Forums
              Sept 19-21 2019  Spokane Washington
              Sept.15-17,2020  Louisville Kentucky
              Sept. 9-11, 2021 Des Moines, Iowa


Windsor Downtown             Sept. 04, 2019 Barb
Dutton & District            Sept. 05, 2019 Val
St Thomas                     Sept. 09, 2019 Val
Parkhill                      Sept. 23, 2019 Dan
Chatham                       Sept. 23, 2019 Barb
Sarnia                       Sept. 24, 2019 Dan
Essex & District             Sept. 24,2019 Barb
Stoney Point                  Oct. 1,2019 Barb
Kingsville                   Oct. 1, 2019 Dan
Lighthouse Cove & District    Oct. 2, 2019 Barb
Glencoe                       Oct. 7, 2019 Barb
Dorchester & District        Oct. 8, 2019 Val
Bluewater Lions of Sarnia    Oct. 9, 2019 Val
Lambeth                      Oct. 17, 2019 Val
West London                  Oct.     2019 Barb
Highgate & District          Oct. 22, 2019 Barb
Wheatley                     Oct. 22, 2019 Val
London Central               Oct. 24, 2019 Val
Delaware                     Oct. 28, 2019 Barb
London East                  Nov. 5, 2019 Barb
Tilbury                      Nov. 5, 2019 Dan
Port Stanley                 Nov. 6, 2019 Barb
Rodney                       Nov. 12, 2019 Val
Strathroy                    Nov. 14, 2019 Barb
My Brydges                   Nov. 18, 2019 Dan
Arkona                       Nov. 19, 2019 Barb
Strathroy Caradoc            Nov. 21, 2019 Barb
Hyde Park & District         Nov.25, 2019 Barb
Wyoming                      Nov. 25, 2019 Dan
Leamington                   Nov.26, 2019 Val
Belmont                      Dec. 4, 2019 Dan
Thorndale                    Dec. 4, 2019 Barb
Belle River                  Dec. 7, 2019 Barb
Petrolia                     Dec. 13, 2019 Barb
Alisa Craig                  Jan. 28, 2020 Dan
Lucan & District             Feb. 3, 2020 Barb
Poplar Hill & District       Feb. 4, 2020 Dan
Tecumseh-Lakeside            Feb. 5, 2020 Dan
Ilderton & District          Feb. 11, 2020 Barb
Melbourne & District         Feb. 25, 2020 Barb

                   Zone 1 Danielle Meneguzzi
Club Visits                                Zone Advisories
Belle River Nov.14 , 2019                  Tecumseh Lakeside Nov.6th
Lighthouse Cove Sept. 18th, 2019           Belle River Feb 6th
Essex Dec. 10th, 2019
                                           Windsor Downtown May 6th
Tecumseh Lakeside March 4th ,2020
Stoney Point Oct.15th, 2019
Windsor Downtown Feb 5th, 2020

                             Zone 2 Bill Finlay

Club Visits                                  Zone Advisories
Wheatley Oct. 8                                Chatham Oct 28th
Tilbury Nov. 5, 2019                        Tilbury Jan 21st, 2020
Chatham Nov. 25th                         Wheatley March 24th, 2020
Kingsville March 3rd
Leamington April 28th

                    Zone 3 Bruce Campbell
Club Visits                               Zone Advisories
Rodney Oct.8                              Highgate & District Sept24th
St Thomas Oct 28th                        Rodney Jan. 14, 2020
Dutton & District Nov.21                  Port Stanley March 18, 2020
Highgate & District Nov.26
Port Stanley Feb 5th

Zone 4 Pamela Harbottle
Club Visits                                    Zone Advisories
Dorchester Sept.24 , 2019
Hyde Park & District Oct 28th, 2019            Thorndale Oct 2nd 2019
Thorndale Nov 6th, 2019                        London East Jan 7th
Lambeth November 21, 2019                      Lambeth April 16th. 2020
London Central Nov 28th
London East Dec. 3rd, 2019
London West TBA

                  Zone 5 Mark Heffernan
           Club Visits                      Zone Advisories
         Ailsa Craig Oct.22                  Lucan Nov. 18, 2019
         Parkhill Nov. 12th                PoplarHill Jan 20, 2020
      Ilderton Jan, 14th 2020
                                           Ilderton March 10, 2020
        Lucan Jan. 20th 2020
     PoplarHill March 2nd 2020

                Zone 6 Frank VanKempen

           Club Visits                      Zone Advisories
                                            Sarnia Oct 8h
        Arkona October 1
          Petrolia Nov 4th                  Petrolia Jan 20th
     Bluewater Sarnia Feb 26th
                                            Wyoming May 25th
         Wyoming Dec9th
          Sarnia Jan 24th

Zone 7 Mary Hamilton

    Club Visits                        Zone Advisories
 Delaware Sept 23rd                   Strathroy Oct 10th
 Glencoe Nov 4th                      Melbourne Jan 28th
 Mt Brydges Oct 21stth
                                     Delaware March 23th
 Strathroy Oct 10th
 Strathroy Caradoc Oct 17th
 Melbourne Nov.26th

                Lions Clubs International

300 W 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-8842
Telephone: (630) 571-5466 Fax: (630) 571-8890
Hours 8:00 am – 4:30 pm EST


International President Dr. Jung-Yul “Yul” Choi Busan Republic of

Immediate Past President Gundrun Yngvadottir Gardabaer, Iceland

First Vice President Haynes Townsend Dalton, Georgia, USA

Second Vice President Brian Sheehan Bird Island, Minnesota, USA

Third Vice President Patti Hill, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Club Excellence Award Criteria
In order to receive the Club Excellence Award, each
club must have the Club Secretary fill out form (da-
1) and have it approved and signed by the District
Governor. The following information is required:
Club Number; Club Name & Date; 2017-2018 Club
President’s Name and Member Number.
Please confirm completion and supply requested
1. Service: The club has completed at least 3
    service projects during the year. Please explain
    briefly what activity was conducted.
2. Donation to LCIF: The Club made a donation to
3. Membership Development: The Club has
    achieved a net increase of 1 member.
4. Communications: Keep members and public
    aware of your activities which will increase
    participating and visibility.
5. Leadership Development: Ensure proper club
    elections and that club officers attend training
    and zone meetings.
6. Club Activity: The club must meet regularly and
    submit the membership report, service activity
    report, and club officer report for the incoming
7. Club Maintains Good Standing: The club must
    be in good standing at the end of the fiscal year.

Each year all Secretaries are eligible to receive the
100% Secretary Award. To qualify the Secretary of
the Club must fulfil the following requirements:
 All monthly reports must be submitted by the end
  of the month. Filled out on-line @lionsclubs.org
  (MyLCI). You must hit the SHARE button on all
  activities so that the Governor is able to see your
 All reports must be filled out completely.
 Must attend all 3 Zone Advisory Meetings in own
 Club Officers Report (PU 101 Report) filled out in
  MyLCI by May 15th, and you must send a copy to
  the Governor and the 1st Vice-District Governor by
  the same date.
             (NEW LIONS ONLY)
This award is only available to new Lions during
their first year. Each of the following requirements
is mandatory and must be verified by the
Sponsoring Lion.
1. Read and review the Lions Manual contained in
    the New Lions Membership Kit.
2. Act as a Greeter for at least 2 meetings.
3. Attend 2 Board of Directors Meetings.
4. Attend 1 Zone Advisory Meeting.
5. Actively participate in 2 Club projects.
6. Attend 2 inter-club visits.
7. Attend 75% or more of own Club Meetings.
8. Attend 2 club social functions.
9. Invite a guest to a Lions meeting.
10. Attend the Member Orientation Seminar held in
    your District (if such a seminar is scheduled.)

All Clubs in District A-1 are entered. Points will be
tabulated from the Monthly Reports (September to
April) of the current Lion’s fiscal year. This involves
the whole club. The top club will receive a District
trophy plus a banner patch.
Category 1 - Membership: New, reinstated,
transferred members 20 points each; for each
member dropped or lost MINUS 20 points; each
club with net increase 10 points each; Sponsorship
of a new Lions, Lioness, or Leo Clubs 100 points
Category 2 – Participation: Supporting each District
or Multiple District Project such as Effective
Speaking, Lions Quest, Diabetes, LCIF, Leader Dog,
Eyes Right Foundation, Effective Speaking MDA,
Diabetes Cavalcade, LFC, Youth Exchange, Hearing
Conservation 25 points each. Donating to other
MDA or International Projects 25 points; A
Committee Chair speaking at your meeting 50
points; Attend Zone Advisory Meetings 15 points;
Attend District Cabinet Meeting 15 points;
Secretary’s Year End Attending Leadership Training
15 points; Attending MDA/District Conv. 15 points
each; Attending USA/Canada Forum each member
25 points; Visiting all clubs in your Zone (2 members
minimum) 50 points;
Category 3 - Reporting: Report on MyLCI 50 points;
District A-1 Dues paid by October 31 100 points; If
Club owes $50 US or more over 90 days each month
MINUS 25 points

The Dick Kennedy Visitation Contest is held annually to
encourage more visits by Club members, thus bringing
A-1 closer together. Governor’s, 1st Vice District
Governor’s and 2nd Vice District Governor’s Official
visits are not included. Validation contest is the
current Lions Year.
1. For each member accompanying Zone Chair on
    official visits (minimum 2 members)      5 points
2. For each member visiting a club in own Zone for any
    function (minimum 2 members)             10 points
3. For each member visiting another Club in another
    Zone for any function (min 2 members) 15 points
4. For each member visiting another Club in another
    District at least 40 km away, any function
    (minimum 4 members)             20 points
4. For each member visiting a Lions Club 500 miles (800
    km) away from home Club
    ( must have proof of visit)              20 points
The Dick Kennedy Award will be given to the top Club in
A-1 at the District A-1 annual Convention. (Note: To
receive points, the information must be on the
MyLCI/My Lion monthly reports for the month
                MEMBERSHIP CONTEST
All Clubs in District A-1 are entered. The Club with
the largest percentage (%) increase in membership
will be presented with an award. The percentage
will be tabulated from July 1 to June 30 of the
current year.
Example 1: If a Club shows 15 members on July’s
monthly report and 18 on June’s monthly report,
the increase of 3 members is equal to 20%.
Example 2: If a Club shows 50 members on July’s
monthly report and 53 on June’s monthly report,
the increase of 3 members is equal to 6%.
The Club with the 20% increase (Example 1) would
receive the Membership Award.

             Paper and Electronic
Format – 5 Points
Only 5 points are allotted to the format so that clubs which can
spend $1,000 or $10 will have equal chance to win. We hope
that this will encourage more participation. The main
requirement for the format (cover page) is to identify the name
of the club, bulletin editor’s name and address, the district and
zone number must be shown. The format may also contain
such other information which the club considers appropriate.
The major emphasis will be placed on content. The Contest
runs from October to February inclusive and points will be
awarded for 2 categories.
Content – 70 Points
   Date, time, place and program for the next       7 Points
   Report of club activities                        7 Points
   Report on previous meetings including any        7 Points
    action by the Board of Directors
   Coming events & information at the Club,         7 Points
    Zone, District & International
   Constructive editorials                          7 Points
   Personal news of members                         7 Points
   Continuous receipt of bulletin                   7 Points
   Information relative to membership,              7 Points
    development & retention
   General information as it concerns your          7 Points
    District & International
   Effective use of humour                          7 Points
General Effect – 25 Points
 This is the overall general readability and style of bulletin
 Bulletins are classified by frequency of publication of bulletins
  (monthly, bi-monthly)
 Immediately following our District contest the winners and
  runners up are entered for competition at the Multiple
  District A Level
Deductions: minus 10 points for each use of humour in bad
taste and for plagiarism.

  1. Any Lion who through their dedication or
     commitment either took a leading role, or
     encouraging others to take a lead in providing
     Leadership to their Club, or the District.
  2. Any Lion who is always striving to learn and help
     others learn and progress.
  3. Any Lion who displays leadership by their actions,
     their commitment, consideration and compassion
     for others inside and outside the organization.
  4. Any Lion who is a willing participant in Lion’s
     projects and prepared to step up and help lead the
     project to its completion.
The award is not limited to the current Lion’s year . . . in
other words a Lion who has worked tirelessly in the past
could also be recognized for their efforts and
The selection committee shall be chaired annually by the
1st VDG and 2nd VDG, plus a St. Thomas Club
Representative, will be the selection committee who will
select the best candidate for this award from those
The Zone Chairs and the members of the above
committee can submit at least one (1), name of a
deserving Lion, to the 1st VDG no later than 60 days prior
to the date of the District Convention. The name of each
nominee shall be accommodated in writing, listing the
reason(s) for their nomination, having regard to, but not
limited to the criteria outlined above.
The 1st VDG shall arrange for a meeting of this sub-
committee, as soon as possible thereafter (either in
person, or by e-mail or whatever method is agreed upon)
with a view to selecting one (1) recipient.
Once there is a recipient, the St. Thomas Lions Club
Representative will arrange to have the award properly
engraved and prepared for presentation at the District
A-1 Convention, by the 1st VDG or their representative.


Lions Foundation of Canada
P.O. Box 907,
Oakville, ON L6J 5E8
Bus: (905) 842-2891 Fax: (905) 842-3373
Toll Free: 1-800-768-3030 TDD 905-842-1585
Email: info@dogguides.com www.dogguides.com

Leader Dogs for the Blind
P.O. Box 5000
1039 S. Rochester Road,
Rochester, Michigan, USA 48307-3115
Bus: (248) 651-9011 C Fax: (248) 651-5812
Toll Free 1-888-777-5332
Email: info@leaderdog.org www.leaderdog.org

MDA Legal Council
James Morgan of
Mandryk, Stewart & Morgan
65 Bidwell Street
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3T8
Bus: (519) 842-4228 Fax: (519) 842-7659

Funeral Protocol

On the death of a fellow Lions

1.The Club President or Secretary
will contact the District Governor &
Cabinet Secretary

2.The Cabinet Secretary emails the
notification to all Cabinet Officers,
Past District Governors and all Club
Presidents and Secretaries by email.

3. The Club Presidents or Secretaries
should contact their Club members.

Please remember, that not everyone
 checks their email all the time, so
 also use the phone to pass on this

District A1
                        Active Past Governors

NAME             PHONE #        E-MAIL
Dave Balmos      (519) 948-9465 davecarol@sympatico.ca
Bill Bissonnette (519) 383-1483 pdgbill0506@gmail.com
Allister Cameron (519) 657-2004 a.c.cameron@sympatico.ca
Fred Cross       (519) 733-3349 lionfred@hotmail.ca
Wayne Cudney (519) 631-2148 lionwayne@bell.net
Ron Devos        (519) 966-2592 ron_marg@sympatico.ca
Eric Dolansky    (519) 859-3351 districta1lioneric@gmail.com
Joe Elliott      (519) 461-0759 joeelliott@execulink.com
Jacqui Flood     (519) 776-8880 jdflood2016@gmail.com
Mary Jane Gagnier 519-798-3506 mj.rick@wavedirect.net
Rick Gagnier     (519) 798-3506 mj.rick@wavedirect.net
Chandra Gajjar (519) 472-2567 chandugajjar@yahoo.com 37E
Peter Geene      (519) 657-1533 geene@bell.net
Walt Grieve      (519) 681-9922 waltgrieve@rogers.com
Keith Grigg      (519) 666-1026 ksgrigg@execulink.com
Pat Howe         (519) 969-2041 howe3929@aol.com
John Johnston (519)280-1629 lionjohnjohnston@gmail.com
Bob Lake         (519) 542-3559 bobglake@gmail.com
Joe Madacsi      (519) 882-1183 fonenet.madacsi@golden.net
Joyce Mahovlich (519) 682-9422 lionjoycemahovlich@bell.net
Mark Mahovlich (519) 682-9422 brlionmm@aol.com
Mary Mahovlich (519) 728-9637 lionmary@kelcom.net
Steve Mahovlich (519) 728-9637 stevena1@kelcom.net
Don McKessock (519) 332-5401 liondon@cogeco.ca
Bob Nuttall      (519) 641-2052 bnuts1947@gmail.com A-16
Bill Overchuk    (519) 472-4522 wmoverchuk@gmail.com A-16
John Ross        (519) 461-0955 lionjohn@bell.net
Cliff Ryan       (519) 828-3951 crryan@execulink.com
Bill Sasse       (519) 693-9951 billsasse@sympatico.ca
Evelyn Spiering (519) 631-1625 pdglionev@gmail.com
Bob Tanner       (519) 882-0765 lionbobt@bell.net
Mike Tuxford     (519) 227-2252 lionmiketuxford@gmail.com
Dale Taylor      (519) 652-5856 l.dale.taylor@gmail.com
George Vary      (519) 825-7628 gangv@mnsi.net
Ken Werboweski (519) 245-4454

   We know that the example set by these Lion leaders in their lifetime will serve to
         inspire and strengthen Lion members this day and in the future.

     1920-21                 1921-22                   1922-23               1923-24
 Fred Ketcheson         Louis Livingstone          Ernest E. Linger       C.M.R.Graham
     Toronto                Windsor                   Hamilton               London

      1924-25                1925-26                   1925-26               1926-27
   Fred Avery              Jack Arnott            Dr.H.Irvine Wiley       Alex Morrison
  St. Cathernes               DIST A                    DIST B               London

    1927-28                  1928-29                   1929-30               1930-31
 William Glintz           Jack Connell             Joseph Sheedy           E.C.Thomas
 Niagara Falls              Toronto                   North Bay              London

    1931-32                  1932-33                  1933-34                1934-35
   H.A.Soper             Ralph Sheppard            Thomas Wiley           Osmond Howe
   Hamilton                 Windsor                St.Catherines             Ottawa

    1935-36                  1936-37                  1937-38                 1938-39
Reid A.Murdock           Harry E.Lambert          Leland Peterson        PCC Dr.F.M.Deans
    Toronto                Newmarket                  Windsor                Oakville

   1939-40                   1940-41                  1941-42                1942-43
  Wm. Carroll            Charles Bennett           George Lavelle         Earl P.Nichols
   Mitchell                   Paris                 Palmerston               London

     1943-44                 1944-45                  1945-46                1946-47
   Nelson Hill         William R.Waterman        PCC W.Dalton Higgs       Harold G.Meir
    Goderich                 Windsor                  London                Seaforth

    1947-48                  1948-49                  1949-50                1950-51
Lloyd Edighoffer        Clayton B.Rawling         Arnold D.McNair        Gordon Hargrave
    Mitchell                 Windsor                 Milverton              Fordwich

     1951-52                1952-53                   1953-54                1954-55
Clayton B.Rawling       PCC Victor Dinnin          Carlton Wells           Ward Bolton
     Windsor                 Zurich                   London                St. Marys

    1955-56                   1956-57                  1957-58               1958-59
 Edward J.Atkin          A,.Jake Sweitzer        PCC J.J.McLaughlin         Ben Bolton
  Leamimgton                  Exeter                  St Marys               Windsor

 We know that the example set by these Lion leaders in their lifetime will serve to
       inspire and strengthen Lion members this day and in the future.

    1959-60              1960-61                       1961-62              1962-63
   Jack Antil          Don J.Cochran               Cameron McLean        Dick Kennedy
 London West              Sarnia                      Strathroy          London South

   1963-64                 1964-65                        1965-66          1966-67
 Jack Misner             Alf Critchio                    Len Snider      PCC Bill Amos
 Port Stanley             Thedford                        Waterloo         Parkhill

    1967-68               1968-69                       1969-70             1970-71
   Cec Vyse             Herman Rahn                Clarence Kennedy       Joe Kovacs
   Ingersoll            London East                    Kitchener          Mt. Brydges

   1971-72                1972-73                         1973-74          1974-75
  Bob Sloan             Fred Jenkins                    Bill Malkin      Howard Scott
    Sarnia                London                         Windsor           London

    1976-77               1977-78                       1978-79              1979-80
   Jim Stott           Percy Fillmore            Don (Spike)McDougall   PCC Stew O'Brien
Windsor SOUTH           Leamington                     Delaware            Wyoming

    1981-82                1982-83                     1989-90               1996-97
Alvin Betterley      Adriaan VanDongen              Tim Blackburn         Rob Spiering
 Mt. Brydges              Lambeth                     Delaware             St. Thomas

                                        INACTIVE PDGs

    1983-84               2000-01                         2004-05
Pete Andersom          Dennis Minor                      Ray Adams
   Strathroy            Port Stanley                    Harrow Col S

Lions’ Ode
O Lord Thy Blessing Now Let Fall
Upon Thy Lions As They Call
May All Our Ties Of Friendship Be
Forever Strengthened Lord By Thee.

Lion’s Toast

Not above you
Not beneath you
But with you

National Anthems and Lions Grace

O Canada

O Canada, our home and native land
True patriot love in all of us command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
the true north strong and free
From far and wide, O Canada
We stand on guard for thee,
God keep our land, glorious and free,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee
O Canada we stand on guard for thee.

Star Spangled Banner

Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.
Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Lion’s Grace

     Lord-we thank you for the food we are about to receive
     And as we all gather here this evening
     We pause to offer up this prayer
     Where Lions (Lioness & Leo’s) meet be present lord
     To weld our hearts in one accord
     To do thy will, lord, make us strong
     To aid the weak, and right the wrong

                       MDA Executive

     Council Chair                   Vice Council Chair
Kevin Banfield (Jennifer)         Barb Tuxford (Mike)
(519) 501-3014                  H: (519) 227-2252 (519) 282-8897
 kjbanfield930@gmail.com           lionbarbtuxford@gmail.com
councilchairperson@mdalions.org      Alisa Craig & District LC
Kitchener LC

      Secretary                          Treasurer
David Mills (Betty)                  Dave Hewitt (Barb Ennis)
209 Lakeview St. PO Box 704          18-4182 Muskoka Road 169
Halburton, ON K0M 1S0                Port Carling ON P0B 1J0
Home:705-457-1354                     Home: (705) 765-6092
Cell: 705-475-0391                    treasurer@mdalions.org
secretary@mdalions.org                Peninsula L C
 Haliburton L C

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