Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue

Page created by Judith Sanchez
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
Vol. XV, Issue 6

The Trusted Source for Emerging Managers                                                                                                                                                                     June 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: AFP

Diverse Investment Manager Community
Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
Across the investment industry, investment professionals and                                                        “It is just not true. These decisions are being made to em-
organizations are speaking out about inclusivity and racism in                                                 power the same people over and over again and what we are
the country and the asset management industry following the                                                    trying to do is break that cycle and try and create opportunities
killing of George Floyd.                                                                                       and to do it in a way that is sustainable,” he added.
      Floyd, who is black, was killed by a white police officer on                                                  The John S. & James L. Knight Foundation has spearhead-
May 25, sparking protests across the country.                                                                  ed research that shows the structural inequity in investment
      Les Bond, ceo of emerging manager-of-managers Attucks                                                    management, finding that women- and minority-owned asset
Asset Management, said without the video footage of Floyd                                                      managers handle only around 1% of the industry’s $70 trillion
being restrained by the white police officer for nearly nine                                                   in total assets under management and that the top 50 nation-
minutes with his knee on his neck, there would continue to be                                                  al foundations have 13.5% of their assets with diverse-owned
assertions that these issues do not exist. In looking at the in-                                               firms.
vestment space, those same issues exist.                                                                            “Investing with diverse-owned firms is a way to address
      “Unfortunately, we don’t have people wearing body cams                                                   structural inequity without compromising performance,” said
into investment decision meetings because it does happen                                                       Juan Martinez, v.p., cfo and treasurer of the foundation, in a
and there is no way you can explain the disparity of oppor-                                                    statement.
tunities for minorities and women in this industry except for                                                       Matthew Wright, founder and cio of outsourced cio Disci-
racial preferences and the racism that we see in our industry,”                                                plina Group, said one aspect of investing in diverse managers is
he said, arguing against the common assertion that investment
decisions are based solely on merit.                                                                                                                                                  See PROTESTS, Page 4

Copyright Notice: Copyright 2020 by Financial Investment News (FIN) and GRLM, LLC. All rights reserved. Photocopy permission is available solely through GRLM, LLC, Financial Investment News, 15 West 26th Street, 4th
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Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
                                    OCIO Enhances Diverse Manager Research ► p. 10-11

        NSIDE                       Fairview Study Shows Opportunities In PE, VC ► p. 19

           THIS                     Calif. Health Care Foundation Seeks To Drive Diversity ► p. 22

        SSUE                        A Look At How Clients Transitioned From Progress ► p. 23

                                    Texas A&M Foundation Names CIO ► p. 25

                           Lenox Park Creates “FICO Score” For Diversity & Inclusion

                           ◄ p.7

                           Siris Co-Founder Gives Back, Reflects On Help

                           ◄ p. 9

                           Aubrey Remains Bullish On U.S. Investors

                           ◄ p. 17

                           Varuna Looks To Reel In Sustainable Seafood Investors

                           ◄ p. 20
Varuna Capital LLC
     +1 (858) 752-2803
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
From The Editor

     mmccue@fin-news.com | 646-810-1075
                                            I  ’m not going to pretend to understand, because I
                                                  I’m not going to act like I’ve been in the same
                                            situation, because I haven’t.
          EDITOR | ZACK CZIRYAK                   But I do know we all need to work together to
      zack@fin-news.com | 646-738-7337      make real, actual changes to how people of color are
                                            treated in this country.
    ASSOCIATE EDITOR | COLIN RAJALA               The death of George Floyd has awoken the voice inside many of us that
      colin@fin-news.com | 646-738-7336     has remained silent for too long. The actions of Amy Cooper, head of insur-
                                            ance investment at Franklin Templeton Investments before her firing, are a
       REPORTER | LINDSAY SAIENNI           symptom of the problem at hand and serve as an example of the racism and
     lindsay@fin-news.com | 646-738-7945    bias that continues to exist in our country and within our industry.
                                                  As the saying goes, one whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a
      REPORTER | JUSTIN SLAUGHTER           roar of discontent.
      justin@fin-news.com | 646-738-7943          I’d be delusional to think that this publication is going to change the
                                            world or convince all investors that diverse managers deserve a place in their
      REPORTER | DANIELLE CORREA            investment portfolio. But we won’t stop working to support the inclusion of
     danielle@fin-news.com | 646-738-7947   diverse asset managers in this industry.
                                                  I had a recent exchange with a black man in our industry who wisely
 ASSOCIATE REPORTER | LAUREN ALBANESE       told me “it’s up to the folks like us, to come together with some practical and
      lauren@fin-news.com | 646-810-1074    intentional solutions; a path that can actually lead to progress in addressing
                                            the underlying issue. And the solutions have to be big enough to match the
      teddy@fin-news.com | 646-738-7948           There isn’t one solution that solves this problem, but the success of
                                            black asset managers in building and sustaining firms is a critical component
               RESEARCH                     on many levels. It not only creates further wealth but also jobs, improves
                                            philanthropy and changes the image that too many have of minorities in this
   DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH | GAR CHUNG         country.
     gchung@fin-news.com | 646-810-1073           One example of that type of success is Frank Baker, founder and manag-
                                            ing partner of private equity firm Siris, who recently announced a $1 million
 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST | PAMELA COX       gift toward the establishment of a scholarship for Spelman College gradu-
                                            ates that will initially pay for the existing spring tuition balances of nearly
SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST | RONAN O’BRIEN     50 members of the college’s 2020 graduating class and thereafter provide
                                            support to ensure that future high achieving graduating seniors have the
 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST | JABEZ GRANT      financial resources to graduate. Check out his profile inside this issue.
                                                  Others are doing work to put real numbers behind the diversity initia-
                                            tives of allocators and managers. Inside, we highlight a new “FICO Score” for
         SALES & MARKETING                  asset managers put together by Lenox Park Solutions that aims to establish a
                                            standardized metric to assess diversity, equity and inclusion in a comparable
   SALES MANAGER | VICTORIA DORAGE          format across firms.
     vdorage@fin-news.com | 646-738-7339          The continued growth of the diverse asset manager space is just one
                                            way we can provide an opportunity to improve the inequities that exist
   OPERATIONS MANAGER | ROB REGAN           across our country. Now is the time for allocators to be intentional and
       rob@fin-news.com | 212-627-7615      transparent in their actions. Show what you are doing, be proud of it and
                                            promote it for others to see. Be the leaders that our industry needs, that
   ACCOUNT MANAGER | JOSH JENKINS           America needs.
      josh@fin-news.com | 646-738-7944            This is not a quick fix. It takes all of us—of all colors—to begin the long
                                            journey to creating the America that has been derailed on its path to equality.
          Financial Investment News               We need to reach one thousand roars. Maybe that will start leading to
         15 West 26th Street, 4th Floor     changes.
              New York, NY 10010                                                                               Matthew McCue
       www.emergingmanagermonthly.com                                                                                     Editor

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                  3
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
News       Features         Columns          Marketing          Alternatives          Searches          Industry

PROTESTS: Diverse Manager Space Offers Opportunities For Communities
Continued From Page 1

It is up to each of us to determine whether we want our children to grow up
 with disappointment or hope that things can change. It is up to each of us,
      and specifically those who benefit the most from racism, to end it.
the impact element and how achieving further diversity across              Bancroft said he had to explain to his 17-year-old son,
industries creates more robust micro economies in areas such         15-year-old daughter and 10-year-old boy that “in America,
as philanthropy, family support, educational achievement and         ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ comes with a tax for
health and wellness, among others.                                   people of color, and at any moment that tax can be levied with
      “Just in my thoughts alone, regardless of the scale, just by   deadly force.”
making the investment into emerging managers you do expand                 “Samuel Huntington wrote ‘America is not a lie; it is a dis-
the opportunity to address a number of social ills that tend to      appointment’ and I have to believe that, because you can change
be basically concentrated in certain diverse groups,” he said.       disappointment, but you cannot change a lie. It is up to each of
      The current situation requires people of varying communi-      us to determine whether we want our children to grow up with
ties to acknowledge and recognize prior injustices, Wright said.     disappointment or the hope that things can change. It is up to
      “It is important for people to migrate from people being       each of us, and specifically those who benefit the most from
overly sensitive and getting their feelings hurt to the reality      racism, to end it,” Bancroft said.
of true injustices. I think the next iteration is really going to          Angela Matheny, director
require not just lip service in terms of support but a conscious     of investment staff and diverse
awareness of our decisions and the implications of those deci-       manager equity at investment
sions and how sometimes those decisions can be far reaching,”        consulting firm Colonial Con-
he said.                                                             sulting, said “it is no longer good
      Lawrence Bancroft, found-                                      enough to just not be racist,” in
er and ceo of emerging manag-                                        talking about how to address the
er-of-managers Bivium Capital                                        issues.
Partners, believes Floyd’s mur-                                            Colonial, which has been
der does not have to be in vain if                                   one of the more proactive and
it is used for growth and change.                                    transparent consultants with re-
      “I am encouraged by the                                        gards to identifying and invest-
work that we are doing in finding                                    ing with diverse managers has             Angela Matheny
opportunities for highly quali-                                      had further discussions in re-
fied women and people of color                                       cent days on how it can be more intentional in finding more di-
to help build this industry and                                      verse managers as well as becoming a louder voice in the public
country into what it can be,” he                                     domain, Matheny said.
said.                                   Lawrence Bancroft                  Michael Miller, cio of Colonial, said following a company
      He recommended three ac-                                       meeting this week that it was striking to hear the universal na-
tions to further that aim: individuals educating themselves on       ture of the bias that each of the firm’s minority employees had
the vast complexities of racism and white privilege; ceos utiliz-    been subjected to.
ing the most effective diversity and inclusion practices to hire,          “It was also good to hear how manager diversity has pro-
train and promote women and professionals of color; and lastly,      vided a source of pride and purpose. We have the privilege and
each citizen should, in his or her own way, “commit to disman-       responsibility of influencing the deployment of tens of billions
tling this nationwide system of hatred and oppression, which is      of dollars—money alone solves nothing but when it is directed
both overt and covert, ad hoc and institutionalized, physical-       in a purposeful manner, it can be a catalyst for real change.
ly violent and economically violent, local and global. Wheth-        Just as the forces of bias and inequity have systematically and
er you choose police reform, criminal justice reform, housing        persistently brought us to this place, we can do the same but in
discrimination, banking discrimination, environmental racism,        the service of equality and the just and safe place that should
employment discrimination, etc., select one and work diligently      simply be,” he said in a message to employees.
to ensure that America and our industry become the place of
freedom we all want our children to live and thrive in.”                                                 Continued On Next Page

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                          4
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
News        Features         Columns           Marketing           Alternatives            Searches          Industry

PROTESTS: Managers Discuss Frustrations, Obligation To Fix Racial Injustices
Continued From Previous Page

      Tina Byles Williams, found-                                       ciety immediately, but we can each contribute the love and un-
er and cio of manager-of-man-                                           derstanding in our hearts and in our souls to our families and our
agers Xponance, is the moth-                                            communities. Take the time to reach out to the communities that
er of two sons and also has a                                           are grieving most, and let them know that you support them and
grandson. She talked about her                                          we are one,” he wrote in the letter, which was first obtained by
feelings of frustration.                                                the New York Times.
      “It is personal and it is pro-                                          Industry organizations also expressed their views.
fessional for me. You weigh the                                               The Toigo Foundation highlighted its 30 years of helping mi-
professional implications [of                                           norities working in the investment and finance industry in a June
speaking out] but I assure the                                          1 letter from the organization’s leadership.
professional implications pale                                                “We view our work as an essential move toward financial eq-
in the light of the maternal con-                                       uity and inclusion, as well as a step to dispel the myth that mi-
cerns,” she said, adding that “ev-      Tina Byles Williams             nority talent does not exist,” the letter states.
erybody has an obligation to fix                                              “Now is the time for all of us, together, to appropriately
this.”                                                                  address the pervasive, systemic and institutional racism in our
      She has published an open letter on the issue that is available   country. We cannot allow it to go unnamed and unchecked. To-
on the firm’s website.                                                  gether, we must dismantle the overt and covert structures and
      Harlem Capital, which recently announced the closing of           practices that make a mockery of every well-meaning corporate
its first fund with more than $40 million in capital that included      policy promoting diversity and inclusion,” the letter later said.
commitments from investors like TPG, the State of Michigan Re-                SEO President and CEO William Goodloe said people must
tirement Systems, Vanderbilt University, the Harry and Jeanette         stand together as a community in fighting systemic racism and
Weinberg Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, issued a           injustice everywhere in a statement sent out on June 1.
statement on LinkedIn on June 2.                                              “The blatant disregard for the value of Black lives is evidenced
      “It is standard in business to wait until you have ‘made it’ to   by an education system that is consigning millions of Black chil-
start speaking out on issues, but this standard significantly slows     dren to a woefully inadequate K-12 public education system. A
down progress on our big-
gest challenges. There is
no time to waste,” Jarrid
Tingle, managing partner
                                                  The optimist in me says this is different
at the firm, wrote in a post
preceding the statement.
                                     and encouraging. The realist in me and the historian
      “Words can be mean-
ingful, but actions speak
                                         in me says this has happened before. I am going
louder. Actions like texting
a Black colleague, educat-
                                               to hold onto the optimistic interpretation.
ing yourself and your net-
work, speaking up publicly,
voting in elections, and voting with your dollars are the start of      system that leaves them under-educated and unequipped for ful-
meaningful change. As a firm with a mission focused on increas-         filling adult lives, multiplying the probability of (continued) pov-
ing access for minorities and women, we continue to focus on            erty, or even incarceration, as adults,” he wrote. “The SEO Family
economic empowerment and using our energy to make the world             is filled with grief, while simultaneously ignited by the ever-im-
a more equitable place. We cannot achieve this mission alone and        portance of our mission to close the opportunity gap and propel
will need your support to help uplift our communities,” the firm        people of color into positions of leadership and influence – creat-
said.                                                                   ing a more equitable, just, and democratic society.”
      Robert Smith, founder of private equity firm Vista Equity               How the protests continue to play out and the impact on
Partners and the richest black man in America, called it a “heart-      the racial divide in America will not be known for some time, but
breaking and painful week for America and a reminder that in            most believe progress can be made.
our endless pursuit of a ‘more perfect union,’ a great deal of work           “The optimist in me says this is different and encouraging.
remains,” in a letter to employees that also reflected on his expe-     The realist in me and the historian in me says this has happened
riences as a youth.                                                     before. I am going to hold onto the optimistic interpretation,”
      “We may not be able to mend all the broken parts of our so-       Byles Williams said.

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                                 5
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue

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Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
offering statistics across multiple categories, including                                  reported firm data within RoundTables, which currently has
       Asset Class, AUM, Firm Size, Geographic Region, and sub-                                   approximately 300,000 data units on DEI.
       categories of gender and ethnicity that reveal relative
       performance in selected peer sets                                                          As detailed below in Figure 3, LPI is currently comprised of 10
 News             Features               Columns                Marketing                 Alternatives     Searches
                                                                                              components, each of which are Industry
                                                                                                                             awarded sub-scores between
  § Expand the Pool of Asset Managers that contribute to DEI         0.00 and 1.00. Firms are then assessed a final score that ranges
    by ‘Impact-Weighting’ allocator portfolios, and tracking the     from 0.00 to 10.00 based on a comprehensive set of diversity
             of capitalCreates       Standardized
                       that has DEI impact as a percent of totalMetric  To Assess Diversity & Inclusion
    allocations to asset managers over time
  Lenox Park Solutions has created a “FICO Score” for asset manag-
                                                                                            Figure 3Park             Diversity Impact Score Components
                                                                                                          : LPI Components
   § that
              ide a diversity,
                                       nt Roand adminclusion
                                                     ap within the       investment
                                                                    a scoring
  management industry.
        methodology that all firms (not just those with diverse                                               Women in Workforce
        The Lenox Park Diversity Impact Score is a standardized met-                                                                                % POC Ownership
        ownership)     can   reference   to improve,   participate   in,  and  be                                     10%
  ric that assesses diversity, equity and inclusion in a comparable                                                                                       10%
                                                                                                                                                                 POC: Ownership
               accountable      for around
                      a wide range           theiradvancing
                                       of firms,   DEI effortsbeyond ownership                         Women in                                                        30%
  percentages to a more comprehensive assessment that also incor-                                      Leadership                                                         # of POC Owners
                                                                                                          10%                                                                    10%
Weporates    firm leadership
     are pleased     with the dataandgravity
                                       total workforce    data,
                                               taking place   in said  Jason Lamin,
  founder and ceo of the firm.                                                                               Gender                                                POC
as the book of record for DEI, and we want to encourage the                                                   50%                                                  50%
        “The overall agenda is to promote a more advanced and sus-
                                                                                             Duration of Women
Industry    to  continue    contributing    data  from   their own
  tainable approach to measuring the impact of dollars allocated      firms   and                Ownership
                                                                                                                                                                       Duration of POC
their  investments.
  across    the asset management industry and across asset classes,                                  10%                                                                     10%
  with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion—and not just for di-                          # of Women Owners                                             POC in Leadership
  versely owned firms, but all asset managers,” he said.                                                 10%                                                         10%
Scoring Methodology
        The scores were developed using data from the firm’s Round-
                                                                                                                           % Woman
                                                                                                                                                           POC in Workforce
     develop      LPI, we
            platform          started with
                        in concert      by using
                                              a Ph. advanced      tools in ourteam
                                                     D level econometrics                                      30%            10%
  and looks at ownership,
RoundTables         platform toleadership
                                                    total and
                                                           workforce     across gen-
                                                                then applied
  der and ethnic diversity. The score is currently comprised of 10
statistically   rigorous analysis and vast amounts of expertise and
  components, each of which are awarded sub-scores between 0.00                                                             Gender               Ethnic
context   from    a broad   network    of institutional  stakeholders.
  and 1.00, with firms assessed final scores that range from 0.00 to       It was                                           D iver sity         Diversity                  Total
  10.00.        that we establish a robust scoring methodology that                           Ownership                        30%                30%                      60%
        The RoundTables
was sound      today, but that   platform  currently
                                   would also    evolverepresents
                                                         as we add$945morebillion
                                                                              DEI in          Leadership                       10%                10%                      20%
  limited partner assets under management with 1,300 users from                               Total Workforce                  10%                10%                      20%
components.         We expect the components to become more
  750 organizations, with more than 500 investment managers across                            Total                            50%                50%                     100%
  asset classesas data
                    also becomes
                          included. more readily available, and as the
definitions        said DEI
                                beyondmorecreating   a standardized
                                               encompassing.       Today,metric,
                                                                            LPI is the
  scores   aim    to open   up   the metrics   to non-diverse
calculated using gender and ethnic diversity data for firm       owned     managers      hasOwsignificant
                                                                                                 nership Cimpact  ontribuontionthes overall industry.”
  in order to welcome and reward all firms for their diversity and                             Lamin said that Lenox Park’s subscribing clients can request
Ownership,       Leadership, and Total Workforce.                                           At 60% of the final LPI score (Figure 3), diverse Ownership
  inclusion efforts and provide allocators with broader insights and the data from managers, however, the scores are not published
  accountability measures.                                                                  comprises
                                                                                         without              the greatest
                                                                                                      a manager’s         consent.proportion of LPI compared to diverse
         2: Current
Figure“One              &  Future   Components      of LPI
                of the things I am excited about is finally, for the LPs that                  For managers,
                                                                                            Leadership         or Totalonce    invited onto
                                                                                                                           Workforce.     Andthe
                                                                                                                                                   good reason:  they can       provide
  are serious about this, there is now a way to measure progress,” he their information and see their score at no cost. They also have the
                                                                                            is still an undeniably strong indicator of how firms perform in
  said, adding that the scores “encourage the investment profession- ability to subscribe for a fee to see their scores alongside industry
  als to consider the impact of every dollar that goes out the door.”
                                                                                            hiring and promoting Women and POC. In the RoundTables LPI
                                                                                         benchmarks and see how they stack up in specific groups segment-
        “To be clear, diverse ownership is still an extremely important edUniverse,          by assets under  we see       that firmsasset
                                                                                                                       management,         scoring
                                                                                                                                                           the top region  decile and  for
  indicator of a firm’s culture of inclusion, and the weightings of our size                   of workforce.
                                                                                            Ownership          also scored 1.8x better than the remaining firms on
  score reflect that. The data also tells us, however, that some firms                         “No matter where you are with your score, there is always
                                                                                            Leadership and Total Workforce diversity. Despite some of its
  that are not diversely owned are also making an impact on diver- an area to improve, and sometimes very specific challenges are
                                                                                            shortcomings as a standalone metric, percentage of diverse
  sity, equity and inclusion. Our data shows a cohort of roughly 35 brought to light,” he said.
  or 40 firms out of approximately 500, that even though they are                           Ownership
                                                                                               The scores      stillalso
                                                                                                                          are not a key  indicator
                                                                                                                                       meant       for assessing
                                                                                                                                             to restrict    allocators  diversity.
                                                                                                                                                                               from in-
  not diversely owned—so they will never be qualified or certified as vesting in firms with lower scores, but instead allow them to work
  MWBE—those same 35 or 40 firms are performing in the top quar- with firms to provide a roadmap for how to improve, according to
  tile in terms of diverse leadership and diverse workforce and they Lamin.
  employ tens of thousands of women and people of color,” Lamin                                The scores will also evolve over time as additional components
  said.                                                                                  and factors are added in to paint a complete and accurate picture
        The scores are also designed to incentivize firms outside of of a diverse and inclusive culture. Some areas where data are al-
  ownership—particularly at larger firms.                                                ready being aggregated is LGBTQ, veteran or disability status, first
        “If you are Blackstone, you can’t do much about your owner- or second generation immigrants and portfolio company diversity
  ship, but you can still do a lot with your leadership and your total for private markets firms.
  workforce,” Lamin said, for example. “Any encouragement that                  Pagewe3 of 11 “If you really want to do something about this, start measuring
  can give them to hire, retain and promote women, people of color and assessing the managers in your portfolio today with respective
  and other underrepresented groups is meaningful progress, and to diversity, equity and inclusion,” he added.

  Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020										                                                                                                                                         7
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
News   Features   Columns   Marketing   Alternatives       Searches          Industry


                                            ► Callan CEO and Chief Research Officer Greg Allen has
                                            joined a coalition of ceos pledging to take action to advance
                                            diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
                                                 The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion coalition is
                                            currently made up of more than 900 ceos.

   IMAGINE YOUR                                  “We are proud to become signatories in this unique col-
                                            lective,” Allen said, in a statement. “It is important for us and
                                            our industry to ultimately reflect the diversity of the com-

   ADVERTISEMENT                            munities that we serve. We are mindful that this is an evolu-
                                            tionary process, and that it requires thoughtful and proactive

   HERE                                          Currently, 52% of Callan’s management team and 57% of
                                            its employees are female and/or diverse, the firm said. The
                                            firm has also run its Callan Connects program, which engages
                                            with emerging and women-, minority- and disabled-owned
                                            managers, since 2010.
                                                 Further information on CEO Action is available on the

        Click here for pricing              organization’s website.

                                            ► Chrissie Chen Pariso, senior portfolio manager for private
       or contact Rob Regan                 equity and head of the women and minority manager pro-
                                            gram at Exelon Corporation, has left the plan.

       at rob@fin-news.com                      There has not been a determination about who will take
                                           over her responsibilities for the women and minority manager
                                           program at this time, but “the program will of course continue,”
          to request a quote.              Drew Ierardi, head of private markets at the company, said.
                                                Pariso joined Resan Partners as a managing director last
                                           month, according to her LinkedIn profile. She did not immedi-
                                           ately respond to a message seeking further details on her new
                                                She joined Exelon in November 2012.

                                            ► The Investment Diversity Exchange has begun a new
                                            web series that offers brief discussions with allocators from
                                            across the globe.
                                                 Already released TIDE Ten episodes include discussions
                                            with Andrew Junkin, former president of Wilshire Consulting,
                                            Brian O’Neil, cio of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
                                            and Steve Yoon, investment officer at the Municipal Employ-
                                            ees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago.
                                                 The next episode will feature Dennis Chu, an investment
                                            committee member at the Ford Family Foundation.
                                                 The episodes are available on TIDE’s YouTube channel.

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020										                                                              8
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
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A Little Help Goes A Long Way For Baker
Siris Co-Founder Looks To Help Next Generation
Frank Baker has seen how far a little bit of     neapolis, which are heartbreaking,” he said.
help can go.                                          Baker’s discussions with Spelman be-
      From taking part in an SEO program         gan after Vista Equity Partners Founder
that led to his first job on Wall Street to      Robert Smith announced he would pay off
finding traction for his fledgling private       the student loan debt of the 2019 graduat-
equity firm through emerging manager             ing class at Morehouse College.
programs, “when I think about the success             “Robert’s gift, which inspired me, was
I have had in my career, there is an element     clearly a gift as well as a challenge. To the
of ‘a little bit of help’,” the co-founder of    Morehouse graduating seniors last year,
Siris said.                                      the gift was paying off their college debt.
      Now he is making the effort to offer a     The challenge to them was to ensure that
little bit of help to the next generation.       they, when in a position to do so, would
      Baker and his wife Laura Day Baker re-     also give back. He also challenged the
cently announced a new $1 million schol-         Morehouse alumni to think about what
arship with Spelman College that will ini-       they could do to support their own com-
tially pay existing spring tuition balances      munity,” he said.
of nearly 50 women in the 2020 graduating             Through his discussions with Spelman
class and thereafter is committed to sup-        President Mary Schmidt Campbell, trust-
porting the next three classes to ensure         ees and students, the conversations ze-
seniors have the financial resources to          roed in on what was forcing them to leave
graduate.                                        without their degrees, with many of them
      Baker said he and his wife have tended     citing money as the biggest issue. “ It was                   Frank Baker
to focus their support on education.             very troubling to me that, after four years
      “When you look at our world of haves       of hard work, these talented young women             “That first close really put us in busi-
and have nots, the biggest distinguish-          would not be able to graduate just because      ness and allowed us to start deploying
ing factor is did you graduate from high         they owed a few thousand dollars,” Baker        capital, gradually proving to the broader
school, did you graduate from college and        said.                                           LP market that we were capable investors.
are you able to go on and have a productive           While Baker is nowhere near the finish     We went on to close on $641 million in that
career thereafter,” Baker explained.             line of his career, the start involved a sum-   fund, and the emerging manager programs
      The support that has helped Baker rise     mer program with Goldman Sachs through          were critical in helping us get there,” Baker
to where he is today is also synonymous          SEO that turned into a full-time job in the     said.
with how he views the steps that will bring      firm’s mergers and acquisitions group in             That success translated into a $1.8 bil-
America to a place of greater quality and        1994. Eventually, he joined private equity      lion second fund raised in 2015.
equal access to justice that the killing of      firm Ripplewood Holdings and ultimately              “Almost all of the demand for our sec-
George Floyd has amplified.                      in 2007 started Siris with Peter Berger and     ond institutional fund came from LPs who
      “Obviously, I am profoundly affected       Jeffrey Hendren.                                had moved us from the ‘emerging’ program
by it, but it just inspires me to work harder         The firm began raising its first tradi-    to the ‘core’ program,” Baker explained.
and do more, because of the magnitude of         tional institutional fund in 2010.              Fast forward to today, and Siris is currently
the change that is required. I believe that           “We were a classic emerging manag-         deploying its most recent fund of $3.45 bil-
many micro changes will be required to           er. We were minority controlled, we were        lion in commitments.
help facilitate that change. It’s an incre-      raising our first institutional fund, we were        Baker’s successes along his path show
mental 50 girls graduating from Spelman          targeting $400 million. We checked a lot        the importance of helping the community
College and entering the workforce, it’s an      of the boxes for the dedicated emerging         and he hopes his most recent donation will
incremental afterschool program in math-         manager programs. We held our first close       be that little bit of help that spurs those
ematics that inspires a young 8th grade          in September 2011 on $120 million, and al-      Spelman women to be impacted in the
class to enter high school with a lot more       most all of that capital came through LPs’      same way.
confidence. It’s all of these little pieces of   emerging manager programs,” Baker said.              “Hopefully that inspires them to give
a complicated puzzle that can be put to-              That initial support gave the firm the     back when it is their turn, and that is how
gether to solve the problem. And until it is     assets it needed to catch the eye of other      this virtuous cycle starts to repeat and
solved, you see issues like we had in Min-       investors.                                      build off of itself,” he said.

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                                9
Diverse Investment Manager Community Speaks Out As Demonstrations Continue
News       Features         Columns          Marketing           Alternatives          Searches         Industry

Dedicated Origination Team,                                              Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared in
                                                                                   Nonprofit News on May 21.
Partnership Crucial To Diverse
Investing: Outsourced CIO
Outsourced cio Global Endowment Management has stepped up             tional investment space.
its diverse manager sourcing and investing through a dedicated             Having a dedicated orig-
origination team and a new partnership with the National Asso-        ination team has allowed the
ciation of Investment Companies, an association of more than          firm to build upon its commit-
80 diverse- and women-owned private equity firms and hedge            ment to diverse and impact in-
funds.                                                                vesting, which has been a part
      The firm’s initiative to improve its diverse and impact man-    of the GEM model since its
ager sourcing came about largely by asking themselves the             founding in 2007.
same questions they ask their managers, according to Director              There are “excellent, di-
of Investment Sourcing Sam Cannon, who oversees the private           verse managers out there, but
investment origination group out of the firm’s Charlotte, N.C.        regardless of whether they are
office.                                                               well-known or not, many face
      “We’ve always asked managers what their edge is in sourc-       significant barriers to getting           Sam Cannon
ing. In 2014, we turned that question on ourselves, and we didn’t     access to and/or securing
have an exceptional answer,” said Cannon, who joined in 2012.         commitments from endowment investors,” Cannon said.
      As a result, the firm “undertook a year-long project to learn        Partly because of the barriers to entry, the firm decided
what the best GPs do, and one differentiator the firm identi-         early last year that it was not engaging with enough diverse
fied was that many of the best GPs have a dedicated origination       managers and that it should be more proactive in its efforts, so
group,” Cannon said.                                                  it started a search for organizations that provide opportunities
      In 2016, he helped build out GEM’s dedicated manager            to engage with more diverse investment firms.
sourcing and investment origination practice.                              “What we found was that our pipeline did not represent the
      “I came back to firm leadership with a roadmap to hire a        universe of a diverse slate of managers. Why? We weren’t ac-
head of origination to lead a dedicated investment sourcing           cessing channels that other people were. We needed to take a
team. I had no idea they would turn that on me. But they asked        more proactive approach,” he said.
if I would take the role,” he said.                                        As a result, GEM began speaking with the National Associa-
      GEM’s private investment practice is currently comprised        tion of Investment Companies—one of the country’s largest net-
of 10 professionals and divided by private equity and real assets,    works of diverse hedge funds and private equity firms—before
with the origination group sourcing and qualifying opportuni-         extending a dinner invitation.
                                                                                                                  “Our first dinner
                                                                                                              meeting was fantastic.

  We’ve always asked managers what their edge is in                                                           They were willing to col-
                                                                                                              laborate on managers

  sourcing ... We turned that question on ourselves, and                                                      we have in the portfolio,
                                                                                                              and we were impressed

  we didn’t have an exceptional answer.                                                                       by the organization’s
                                                                                                              meaningful      relation-
                                                                                                              ships with a large num-
                                                                                                              ber of diverse manag-
ties for both asset classes.                                          ers,” Cannon said.
     Cannon finds that a dedicated origination team improves               The Washington, D.C.-based association is not just finding
efficiency by dedicating one team to origination and others to        investment managers but helping the firms access capital, he
the time-consuming duties of negotiating legal issues and ad-         said.
vanced due diligence.                                                      “NAIC has been supporting these types of diverse manager
     “What you see on a typical team is everybody does every-         networks for a long time, giving them an early advantage com-
thing. The issue with that model is that if the team finds a good     pared to groups that are beginning this type of work more re-
investment opportunity, they dive deep into diligence, which          cently,” according to Cannon.
can take three to six months, and when they come up for air,               Founded in 1971, the association has built an organization
their pipeline is empty. We don’t ever want that to happen. The       with more than 80 member firms and is focused on access to
key is to be sourcing constantly,” Cannon said, noting that he
believes the dedicated origination team is unique in the institu-                                         Continued On Next Page
Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                        10
News       Features         Columns           Marketing           Alternatives           Searches         Industry

GEM: OCIO Teams With NAIC To Build Out Diverse Manager Research
Continued From Previous Page
capital, improving the performance of their portfolio companies              In addition to seeking out the best managers through the
and generating a successful exit or capital return to the limited       NAIC partnership and elsewhere, GEM’s commitment to diversi-
partners, President and CEO Robert L. Greene said.                      ty includes a robust impact investing program, including invest-
     “As far as building the network, the legacy and history play       ments in renewable energy, funds investing in diverse entrepre-
a role, but people are attracted to us because our programs and         neurs, healthcare-focused funds and affordable housing.
services are good for business,” Greene said.                                Many of the firm’s clients are looking to generate positive
     The association has a suite of programs to assist GEM and          social or environmental impact with comparable returns to
all of its members grow the value of their business, particularly       more traditional investments, Cannon noted.
research programs that identify LPs looking to invest, diverse               “Clients say they aren’t willing to sacrifice returns, and we
members in private equity that are actively raising capital and         don’t believe they have to,” he said.
the investment performance of diverse private equity managers.               Impact investing requires understanding an investment’s
     That performance research has demonstrated that diverse            social or environmental impact on all stakeholders and GEM an-
private equity managers have outperformed the market over the           alyzes its portfolio using a leading impact measurement frame-
last fifteen years, he noted.                                           work, called the Impact Management Project, which measures
     “Those programs add value, and then members refer us to            the impact of portfolio companies on key stakeholders and each
other members, so the value created at the center radiates out-         investment manager’s contribution to impact, Cannon explained.
wards,” he said. “Our ecosystem is alive and growing because we              GEM’s portfolio impact map shows the makeup of the port-
add value, in the form of increased capital allocation and man-         folio in terms of how companies or managers act to avoid harm,
agers.”                                                                 benefit stakeholders, or contribute to solutions, Cannon said.
     The network and suite of program offerings are especial-                Ultimately, diversity “bolsters judgement and respect for all
ly important, given how crucial manager selection is for clients        and is important both internally at GEM, as well as externally
to garner outperformance with alternative strategies like hedge         with the managers we invest in,” Cannon said, adding that being
funds and private equity.                                               on a team that “fosters an environment of diverse individuals
     “We are betting that our private equity and hedge funds will       encouraged to challenge and question” made him proud.
outperform if we select superior managers. Investing in an aver-             Overall, across asset classes, the firm now serves a total of
age private equity or venture firm is not worth it, in my opinion,      38 clients, including 34 nonprofit clients, with combined assets
because the average private equity or venture fund doesn’t beat         under management of $9.1 billion.
the public markets,” Cannon said.                                            Some of its endowment and foundation clients include
     “If we don’t find something compelling on the private in-          McCallie School, Nathan Cummings Foundation, University of
vestment side that can beat the public market, we don’t need to         North Carolina at Charlotte, University of California-Davis and
make the investment,” he added.                                         Willamette University, among others, according to its website.

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Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                            11
News           Features              Columns    Marketing          Alternatives           Searches                   Industry

             Guest Column                                                                       Elizabeth Cope has over 15 years of experience working
                                                                                                with investment advisers of all sizes, across all asset classes,
                                                                                                within the United States and parts of Asia and Europe.
                                                                                                She currently assists investment advisory firms and
                                                                                                their CCOs with policies and procedures development,
Compliance During The Pandemic                                                                  regulatory filings, annual review planning and oversight,
                                                                                                forensic testing, marketing material reviews, and mock SEC
By Elizabeth Cope, SEC Compliance Solutions

We have settled into work from home             material facts relating to your advisory             Also, the FAQ doesn’t say the receipt
life and found a (somewhat) new normal          relationship with clients, it is the staff’s    of the PPP must be disclosed in your
of work during the pandemic. When the           view that your firm should provide disclo-      Firm’s ADV. It says “…if your firm is ex-
dust settles, we expect the SEC to fo-          sure of, for example, the nature, amounts       periencing conditions that are reasonably
cus on areas such as business continui-         and effects of such assistance. If, for in-     likely to impair its ability to meet con-
ty and supervision of employees during          stance, you require such assistance to          tractual commitments to its clients, you
the pandemic. We also wouldn’t be sur-          pay the salaries of your employees who          may be required to disclose this financial
prised if the SEC conducts sweep exams          are primarily responsible for performing        condition in response to Item 18 (Finan-
of pandemic responses. For compliance           advisory functions for your clients, it is      cial Information) of Part 2A of Form ADV
professionals, there are some important         the staff’s view that you would need to         (brochure), or as part of Part 2A, Appen-
elements of your compliance program to          disclose this fact. In addition, if your firm   dix 1 of Form ADV (wrap fee program bro-
review, document and possibly change.           is experiencing conditions that are rea-        chure),” (emphasis added by SCS).
While you should still be conducting your       sonably likely to impair its ability to meet
normally scheduled annual review test-          contractual commitments to its clients,         SCS Suggests
ing and documentation, we suggest a few         you may be required to disclose this fi-        If your firm received the PPP loan to pay
areas of focus to ensure you are prepared       nancial condition in response to Item 18        for payroll expenses, review the condi-
to demonstrate how your firm responded          (Financial Information) of Part 2A of Form      tions in which you received the loan, your
during the pandemic.                            ADV (brochure), or as part of Part 2A, Ap-      firm’s financial situation and its ability to
     Here are some things to think about        pendix 1 of Form ADV (wrap fee program          contractually meet your commitments
and prepare when documenting your               brochure).                                      to your clients to determine whether or
firm’s experiences during the pandemic                                                          not disclosures are warranted. Naturally
and preparing for a possible exam.              Before we dissect this FAQ, we want to          the most conservative approach would
                                                point out that the SEC indicates on the         be to disclose in your ADV, but like we
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)               FAQ page that these answers “…represent         mentioned before we believe this to be
Loan                                            the view of the staff of the Division.” They    a “facts and circumstances” review and
On April 27, 2020 the SEC issued Fre-           are not “…a rule, regulation or statement       not a hard line in the sand. Regardless of
quently Asked Questions about pandem-           of the Securities and Exchange Commis-          your decision to disclose or not, it is of
ic related issues, including one question       sion (SEC).”                                    the utmost importance to document your
about the disclosure obligations if in re-           Given the fact that the answer in-         review to demonstrate your professional
ceipt of the PPP loan.                          cludes , “…if the circumstances leading         judgement. Evidence in your review that
                                                you to seek a PPP Loan or other type of         your firm reviewed the FAQs and made
Q. I am a small advisory firm that meets        financial assistance constitute material        an informed and well-thought-through
the requirements of the Paycheck Pro-           facts relating to your advisory relation-       decision based on your unique facts and
tection Program (PPP) established by the        ship with clients, it is the staff’s view       circumstances. If your firm received a
U.S. Small Business Administration in           that your firm should provide disclosure        PPP Loan, you should evaluate the facts
connection with COVID-19. If I receive          of, for example, the nature, amounts and        and circumstances surrounding your de-
or have received a PPP loan, what are my        effects of such assistance,” (emphasis          cision to apply and obtain the loan.
regulatory reporting obligations under          added by SCS) makes the requirement
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to          to disclose a “facts and circumstances”         Option 1: Regardless of why you took the
my firm’s clients?                              test. Some might interpret this to mean         loan (insurance plan or necessity) you
                                                disclosure is required if you take the PPP      could opt to disclose to your clients. The
A. As a fiduciary under federal law, you        Loan. Others would say only if the loan         FAQ indicates disclosure in ADV Part 2A,
must make full and fair disclosure to your      is material to business continuation. You       Item 18 is warranted if your firm cannot
clients of all material facts relating to the   should take into consideration the facts        meet its contractual obligations to the
advisory relationship. If the circumstanc-      related to your firm, your clients and ma-      client. If that is not the case, one could
es leading you to seek a PPP loan or oth-       teriality to determine whether the dis-
er type of financial assistance constitute      closure is warranted.                                                   Continued On Next Page
Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                                                       12
News        Features          Columns            Marketing          Alternatives          Searches          Industry

COLUMN: Compliance During the Pandemic
Continued From Previous Page

argue disclosure in another fashion could        changes and implementation are still fresh     tronic use policies if you are going to limit
be acceptable. The benefit to disclosing is      in your mind, take the time to document        how the technology can be used and train
you opt for complete transparency with           how your BCP worked.                           employees on these requirements. Final-
your clients and you take the conservative                                                      ly, have employees attest to their under-
approach that the SEC will expect all PPP        SCS Suggests                                   standing.
Loan recipients to disclose the loan. The        For documentation, we suggest laying out
downside is you could alarm your clients         a simple timeline of how you responded to      Supervision
and cause unwanted inquiries into the fi-        the pandemic. Some of the areas we sug-        With a majority of firms having employees
nancial strength of your firm. If you dis-       gest you cover, where applicable, are:         working remotely it is important for com-
close, document in your annual review why             • If employees had to work from home,     pliance to adjust how they “supervise” the
you chose to disclose. Pay close attention       how systems and controls were imple-           compliance functions and activities of its
to the FAQ which suggests the SEC wants          mented.                                        employees.
the “nature, amount and effects of such as-           • If your firm had to change policies,
sistance.”                                       either temporarily or permanently, docu-       SCS Suggests
                                                 ment the rationale.                            Communication and training are important
Option 2: If you took the loan and after a            • If your plan or elements of the plan    during this time. Here are our suggestions:
thorough analysis decide to not disclose         were not found to be effective, document            If you have not already, make sure to
that fact on your ADV, you must document         how your firm responded and corrected.         send e-mail reminders, train employees or
your rationale. Take language from the                • Note any new technology or process      schedule 1x1 check-ins to remind employ-
FAQ and explain how it does not apply to         implemented to assist the firm and its em-     ees of best practices like:
your circumstances. For example, if you          ployees.                                            • shredding documents with sensitive
did not need the loan to “pay the salaries of                                                   client information,
your employees who are primarily respon-         Use of New Technology                               • not opening attachments from sus-
sible for performing advisory functions for      Many firms have taken this time to im-         picious email addresses or clicking links
your clients,” use this fact to substantiate     plement new technology in order to con-        from unknown email addresses,
why you are not disclosing the loan. If your     tinue collaborating while working in a              • proper use of technology such as
firm is not experiencing “conditions that        remote situation. The use of new technol-      Zoom and Microsoft Teams,
are reasonably likely to impair its ability to   ogy should be reviewed by compliance to             • encrypting sensitive e-mails,
meet contractual commitments to its cli-         determine if additional procedures and/             • updating virus and malware software
ents,” document this fact to support your        or training are warranted. Some areas          (if not centralized by your firm), and
decision. Document your rationale and            of concern are a) whether the use of this           • documenting client conversations in
evidence your thought process to support         technology generates records that need         your CRM.
your decision so you are prepared in the         to be retained b) whether the technology            Document any training with a list of
event you are examined and the SEC ques-         has the proper safeguards to protect the       attendees, copies of materials used or a
tions your decision.                             firm and clients against cyber threats and     summary of the training topics to show
     Ultimately, this is a business decision     c) whether use of this technology requires     supervision of employees during the pan-
that your firm should take time to discuss       supervision of staff to reduce the risk of     demic. Additionally, you can ramp up
and document with professional judge-            compliance violations.                         e-mail and chat reviews.
ment. Consider the facts and circumstanc-
es pertinent to a client in their evaluation     SCS Suggests                                   Conclusion
of you, their advisor.                           We suggest documenting the review of any       As firms have been adapting and adjusting
                                                 new technology, taking into consideration      operations due to the pandemic, it’s just as
Business Continuity Plan Implementa-             the aforementioned areas to determine          important for compliance to adapt and ad-
tion and Review                                  if additional policies need implementa-        just. The SEC hasn’t slowed down their ef-
Chances are you implemented your Busi-           tion, new safeguards with the assistance       forts and will continue its mission of pro-
ness Continuity Plan (BCP) and employ-           of IT need to be added, and/or employee        tecting the investor. Please don’t panic or
ees are working from home. You may have          training needs to be conducted. If it’s cost   feel the need to do “extra.” We just want to
changed some procedures, such as deliv-          effective for your firm, we recommend          remind you to be diligent and, with oper-
ering documents electronically instead           archiving technology used for chatting         ations being slightly different, adjust your
of hardcopy because of the inability to          internally and with clients, as is current-    risks and reviews. And most importantly,
process mail delivery services. While the        ly expected for e-mails. Adjust your elec-     document it all!

 Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020									                                                                                               13
News        Features           Columns              Marketing              Alternatives              Searches        Industry

There Is So Much Noise In
The Market. How Can
We Make Our Story
Resonate Now?
Sandra Powers Murphy, author of The Road to AUM: Driving Assets Under Management through
Effective Marketing and Sales, and CEO of Noble Ark Ventures, a business development and
organizational consulting firm, provides the following tips on breaking through market noise.

First, we are glad you asked how to make your ‘story’ resonate. At the end of the day, good markets
                                                                                                               "ASK SANDRA"
or bad, it is your team’s ability to tell your story that will drive interest and assets. It is also ideally        Submit your Questions!
the clearest set of statements about what makes your firm unique. Its mere existence contributes
notably to team member engagement. A simple team meeting around the firm’s Unique Selling                      Have a question about organizational
Proposition (USP) will tell you all you need to know about the power of the firm’s story, and what             dynamics, business development best
makes it so important. As a Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), I regularly find my mental                practices and/or how to effectively
health training coming into play in the consulting work we do around both team engagement and                  build market presence and AUM?
process improvement. Regarding our collective mental health, we could (and someday should) do
an entire column around remaining positive, motivated, and engaged during these challenging                    The Noble Ark Ventures team will be
times. However, for today, let us focus on a universal premise— that success in business feeds on              answering questions submitted by
itself, creating the motivation and engagement we need to keep moving forward. Building our                    EMM subscribers each month.
businesses creates positive energy and by focusing on building our businesses we can effect
positive change beyond ourselves, as well. Ultimately, your team’s ability to tell the firm’s story is
                                                                                                               Send your questions to:
central to successful business development AND team engagement.

Your Story x 3
The notion of story development is not new. Yet, many will focus first on the story itself. We would like to suggest that understanding how far
reaching this story must go—and how consistently it must go there—is paramount to success. Why? It is common in organizations to have the
marketing person or sales professionals cheering on a certain version of what the firm is and does. This version may even have the benefits of
being clear, concise, and constructive. Then, to the prospects surprise, a very different version of the firm’s story is told by research
professionals, by different channel teams and on the firm’s website and social media platforms. What really is the firm’s story? Do we care
enough to take the time to figure it out? Confusion, excess wording, lack of clarity and purpose reign supreme within many organizations. The
smaller the organization, the greater the lack of clarity and consistency, in our experience. To ensure you have your story fully vetted, keep in
mind that there are three core media interfaces for implementation of that story that require consideration, team engagement and ongoing
oversight: core collateral, presenting and the firm’s digital profile.

Be Your Own Prospect
Picture your prospects and clients. They are either finding you in the digital world for an anonymous assessment, talking to your team on a call
or in meetings, or reviewing words and graphics you’ve put on a page. How well are these three interactions telling your story? Are they telling
the same story? For each of these media sources, the consistency should be evident in word usage, depth, focus and clarity. In working with
clients across business lines, products and firm size, we find that we can always find a lack of consistency across these three areas. Also, that
the less structure the firm has in place around protocol and collateral customization, the more varied the story. Make a commitment to take
the position of the prospect, and ‘receive’ these three media sources all on a single day. Compare what you heard in the presentation, to what
you read in the presentation, to what you see online about your firm. What stories did you hear? Which one did you like best? What do you
remember exactly about the firm from these stories? What questions were not answered that you need answered in order to justify moving
ahead? If you are wondering why it matters so much, consider the potential audience for these various media sources. Often, content is utilized
by competitors to poke holes in your story, or by researchers searching for red flags and inconsistencies as if it were a sport. Don’t give them
the satisfaction. Keep it clean, clear, concise and consistent across media. Your team will benefit immensely from that same clarity of purpose;
it will ensure consistency and build confidence.

Emerging Manager Monthly, June 2020
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