Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION

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Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited

     C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION

This presentation and the accompanying slides (the “Presentation”), which have been prepared by Dixon Technologies Limited (the “Company”),
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Certain matters discussed in this Presentation may contain statements regarding the Company’s market opportunity and business prospects
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                                                                                                        Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION

       Corporate    Industry            Road                                                                 03

       Overview    Landscape            Ahead
           05         25                       29

                               Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION

            Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION
About Dixon Technologies Limited

Leading                 Diversified           Leading                 Integrated                      Vision
Player in Electronic    Product portfolio     Brands of electronics   Business model has              To be the most preferred
Manufacturing Service   covering multiple     and home appliances     helped derive greater           & trusted manufacturing &
(ESM) space in India    electronic segments   as our clients          operating efficiencies          solution partner to brands
                                                                                                      operating across verticals

                                                                            Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Our Journey

                Mid to Late 90s            2000 - 2008              2008 - 2010                      Last 9 Years

Assembly        CTV and VCR               Added assembly of PCBs,   Added ODM for CTV,               Started LCD/LED TVs,
Capability      assembly started          DVDs, CFL bulbs & STBs    DVD & CFL bulbs                  Mobile Phones, CCTVs

Achievements    Joined hands with         Acquired leading Indian   1st Indian company               Reverse Logistics operations                          06
                the Global Consumer       Consumer Durable brands   to develop STB-ODM               with multi-location presence
                Electronics Giants        as Customers              solution

Manufacturing   First manufacturing       Established Multi-        Started Sheet metal &            Washing Machine & LED
                facility operational at   location footprint        plastic moulding                 Lighting, Magnetic and power
                Noida                                                                                supplies , Security Cameras.

                Prescriptive              Operational               ODM &                            High Value- Added
                EMS                       Sophistication            Backward                         Products
                Operations                                          Integration

                                                                             Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Our Product Segments

          Consumer Electronics

                 40%                                                                                          Security Devices
          share in total Revenue
                                                              Home Appliance                                   3.8%                                                                07

                                    Lighting Solutions                                                     share in total Revenue

                                   share in total Revenue
                                                            share in total Revenue

                                                                                     Mobile Phones

                                                                                                                                     Reverse Logistics

                                                                                share in total Revenue                                       1%
                                                                                                                                   share in total Revenue

Note: Figures as on FY 2019

                                                                                                     Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited - CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Consumer Electronics

                       Key Highlights

                       • We have the largest capacity of LED television in India of
                         4.4 million units p.a.

                       • Our product offerings include a range of products such                                08
                         as LED TVs ranging from sizes 19 to 65 inches include
                         ATV, 2k, 4k, Smart, Semi smart, Android certified , Linux
                         based TV with AIOT platform and voice control features

                       • Through this vertical we provide ODM solutions to our

                       • We also provide end-to-end solution including Auto
                         Insertion, SMT, LCM Module Assembly

                       • Dixon manufactures and supplies to marquee clients both
                         customers domestic as well as international customers

                                 Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Consumer Electronics


                       Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Home Appliances

Key Highlights

• The segment is completely based on ODM business model
• We offer the largest product portfolio right from 6 kg to 10 kg
  with 140 odd models of multiple Washing Machines.                                                                                               10

• We are in the process of initiating production of top loading
  fully automatic washing machine from 6kg to 8kg.
• Our cumulative capacity stands at 1 million units p.a
• Leveraging from our strong R&D capabilities in the segment,
  we are able to design and produce technologically advanced
  washing machine for our customers.

                                                                    Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Home Appliances


                  Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Lighting Solutions

                     Key Highlights
                     • Through this division, we offer smart lighting solutions including LED
                       bulbs, emergency bulbs and battens to leading brands in Indian and
                       International market
                     • Capacity of the segment is 250 million LED bulbs p.a., which is almost
                       50% India’s requirement
                     • While, for down lighters our capacity as on September, 2019 is 12 million
                       p.a. which is almost 25% of Indian requirement.
                     • Our Lighting division ranks amongst the top ten in the world in terms of
                       production capacity
                     • Our products are backed by our strong research and development
                       capabilities which enables us to develop new and innovative products

                                                 Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Lighting Solutions


                     Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Mobile Phones

Key Highlights

• We have set-up a new capacity for mobile
  phones in Noida which is around 224,000
  square feet.
• Our cumulative capacity stands around 40
  million units p.a.

• We have initiated the commercial
  production of our marquee customers
  feature phones in our Noida facility.

• We have installed State-of-the-art
  infrastructures with SMT and other testing

                                               Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Mobile Phones


                Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Security Devices

                              Key Highlights

                              • Through our fully integrated plant, Dixon
                                is India’s first Company to manufacture
                                security devices such as CCTV & Digital
                                Video Recorders (DVR’s)

                              • The capacity of CCTV is 0.7 million per
                                month while for DVR is 0.15 million per

                              • Over the coming quarters, we expect
                                significant growth in the vertical with
                                improvement in capacity utilization.

                   Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Security Devices


                   Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Reverse Logistics

Key Highlights

• Through this vertical we offer repair
  services of LED TV panel, mobile and set
  top box and refurbishment for STBs, LED
  TVs, Mobiles, Modems and Computer

• Dixon is one of the few companies to
  have Panel Repairing Facility

• Dixon is one of the leading company
  who offer LED TVs refurbishment

                                             Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Reverse Logistics


                    Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Our Plant Locations

                                                   Dehradun Plants
                                                   270 KM from Delhi
                                                   UNIT 1 – Lighting
                                                   UNIT 2- Washing Machine

    HO R&D Centre for
    CTVs and Lighting

    Noida Factories
    20 KM from Delhi
    UNIT 1 – PCB Lighting
    UNIT 2 – Mobile Phones
    Unit 3 – Reverse Logistics
    Unit 4 – LED Lighting
                                                      Tirupati Plants
                                                      LED TVs CCTV/DVR

                                 Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Key Statistics

 Total Revenue                                            EBITDA                                             ROCE
 (J in million)                                           (J in million)                                     (in %)









                        6 %
                G R
              CA                                                               %
                                                                           4 3                                                                                                           21
                                                                     G R

 FY15     FY16     FY17        FY18     FY19 H1, FY20     FY15   FY16      FY17    FY18    FY19 H1, FY20     FY15     FY16   FY17   FY18   FY19 H1, FY20

                                                                                                           Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Dixon’s Diverse customer base
           Dixon’s    serve
                     Diverse    customer
                               customer        base
                         LED TV customer base
       Dixon’s Diverse
                   Diverse customer base base

                           customer         base
                                                   Phones          Machines
               Dixon’s  Diverse
                    Lighting      customer
              Dixon’s Diverse customer base
             Dixon’s     Diverse     customer
                                    LED TV
                                    LED TV   base
                                                 Phones Mobile
                                                                               Logistics         Reverse
                 Dixon’s Diverse
           Lighting        LED TV customer base
                                    LED TV
                                    LED TV
                                                                            Washing              Logistics
           Lighting                LED  TV              Mobile
                                                        Mobile              Washing
                                                                            Washing              Reverse
           Lighting                LED
                                   LED  TV
                                        TV              Phones Mobile
                                                                  Mobile    Machines Washing
                                                                                      Washing    Logistics Reverse
                Lighting Lighting        LED TVLED TV   Phones
                                                   Mobile  Mobile
                                                        Phones        MobileMachines
                                                                 Washing      Washing
                                                                            Machines     Washing Logistics
                                                                                      Washing     Reverse
                                                                                                 Logistics  Reverse
           Lighting  Lighting
                  Lighting      LED
                            Lighting TV
                              LightingLED TV
                                        LED TV LED TV
                                                 LED  TV MobilePhones
                                                                  Phones        Washing
                                                                                     Machines           Reverse
                                                                   Phones             Machines         Logistics
                                                                                          Machines Logistics Logistics
                                                   Phones        Machines      Logistics
                                                       Phones                      Machines
                                                                                  Machines               Logistics

xon’s Diverse customer base
                                    Mobile         Washing            Reverse
Lighting          LED TV
                                    Phones         Machines           Logistics

                                  Dixon’s Diverse customer base
                                                                      Mobile               Washing                  Reverse
                                   Lighting         LED TV
                                                                      Phones               Machines                 Logistics

                                                                                                  Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Environment, Community and People Highlights

Environment                        Community care                                                              People
• We are undertaking               Our focus areas of CSR activities include the following:                    • 28% female employees
  initiatives to minimize our      • Promotion of Child Education                                              • 33 employees in R&D
  impact on the eco-system
                                   • Contributed to old Age Homes towards the upkeep of                          team                                            23
• Electricity saving initiatives     destitutes and abandoned elderly                                          • H 95.346 million spent
  within the organisation
                                   • Contributed towards eradicating hunger through mid-day                      towards employee
• Proper disposal of                 meal programme                                                              welfare and benefit
  hazardous waste                  • Contributed towards Natural disaster relief fund                            expenses

                                   • Conducted sanitation drive to ensure free flow of rain
                                     water into sewage and to prevent the clogging of rain
                                     water/ sewage on the road.

Note: Figures as on FY 2019

                                                                                   Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N

Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
EMS and ODMs Industry Overview

Global Scenario
• The global EMS (Electronic Manufacturing services) and ODM (Original Design manufacturer) is
  currently valued at US$ 525.99 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to reach US$ 734.40 billion by
  2026 growing at a CAGR of 4.26% between 2019 to 2026.                                                                                                                 25

• Consumer devices such as mobile phones and digital camera accounts for the largest share in
  the total revenue of EMS market i.e. 39.5%.
• The ODMs are developing at a faster rate in sectors such as Consumer electronics as compared
  to other sectors because of growing demand in the downstream industry and more brands
  looking to outsource their manufacturing in order to ensure cost-effective pricing
• On account of untapped market potential in developing nations such as India, China and
  Taiwan, Asia-Pacific region for EMS and ODM market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.8%,
  remain the highest growing segment between 2019 to 2026.
Source: Reports and Data

                                                                                          Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
India Scenario

                 • The Indian EMS market is growing at a phenomenal growth
                   rate and is anticipated to continue the same in the next five
                 • Factors such as favourable Government policies, Make in India                             26
                   initiatives and rising input cost in neighbouring country has
                   augur well for indigenous EMS providers
                 • The sectors that contribute significantly to the growth of EMS
                   includes mobile phones, consumer electronics and appliance
                 • Global giants are exploring opportunities to re-locate their
                   manufacturing base to alternate location such as India. This
                   is anticipated to provide strong impetus to Indian electronic
                   industry going forward.

                               Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Unique Business Model

ODM and EMS companies like Dixon are more preferred because of the following distinct features:

Focus on precision              One-stop solutions              Cost-effective                     Creative solutions
On the back of their            Large brands generally          Owing to their strategic
                                                                                                   and continuous
technology advancement          prefer companies who can        alliance, global sourcing
and strong R&D team,            provide end-to-end solution     and backward integration,          ODMs constantly monitor the                                  27
manufacturers are more          i.e. right from designing and   they tend to provide               market trends and upgrade their
focused on bringing precision   manufacturing to assembly       cost effective solution to         designs accordingly, providing
to the manufacturing            and distribution of products.   Companies with superior            innovative and improved solution
process to minimize defects,                                    quality and minimal defects.       to their customers. As a result,
while optimising assembly                                                                          Consumer durable brands prefer
operations to improve                                                                              to outsource it to the ODMs as
productivity.                                                                                      they have the required expertise
                                                                                                   in designing and manufacturing
                                                                                                   of the products.

                                                                                  Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N

        Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Focus areas

                 • Constantly innovate and expand product
                   portfolio with new products
                 • Capitalise new business opportunities
                 • Continue to focus on shifting towards ODM
                   business model across all verticals
                 • Leverage our Industry experiences and
                   economies of scale to gain competitive edge
                   over our competitors
                 • Leverage our Integrated business model to
                   ensure healthy margins, strong relationship
                   with customers and expand our presence In
                   the international market.
                 • Build long-lasting relationship with customers
                   on the back of mutual benefit and trust

              Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Profile of Chairman and MD

                     Mr. Sunil Vachani                                                            Mr. Atul B Lall
                     Executive Chairman                                                           Managing Director

                   Mr. Sunil Vachani is currently the Executive Chairman                      Mr. Atul B. Lall, is the Managing Director of
                  of our Company. He holds a degree of Associate of                         our Company. He holds a master’s degree in
Applied Arts in business administrations from the American College         management studies from the Birla Institute of Technology
in London. He is also the Promoter of our Company and has been             and Science, Pilani. He has been associated with our Company
associated with us since inception. He is responsible for our Company’s    since inception. He is responsible for our Company’s overall
growth and business development. He has over two decades of                business operations. He has more than 26 years of experience
experience in the EMS industry. He has been awarded the “Man of            in the EMS industry. He has served as a member of the
Electronics Award” by CEAMA, the “Outstanding Citizen Award” by            Technical Evaluation Committee for Electronic Manufacturing
the Sindhi Chamber of Commerce and one of the “Top 100 people              Services under M-SIPS (Electronic Manufacturing Services-
influencing EMS” by the ventureoutsource.com. He has held positions        EMS) constituted by the DeitY and served as a representative
like chairman of the Electronics and Computer Software Export              of ELCINA on the Committee for Reliability of Electronic and
Promotion Council of India, Co-Chair of the CII ICTE Committee and         Electrical Components and Equipment (LITD. 02) of the BIS.
vice president of CEAMA.                                                   He has also authored the book, ‘Gita and India Inc.’.

                                                                                        Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Management team

Mr. Sunil Vachani (KMP)     Mr. Atul B. Lall (KMP)        Mr. Abhijit Kotnis          Mr. Vineet Kumar Mishra
   Executive Chairman          Managing Director       President – COO - Television   President – COO - Lighting

   Mr. Rajeev Lonial         Mr. Pankaj Sharma         Mr. Saurabh Gupta (KMP)        Mr. Ashish Kumar (KMP)                Mr. Muneesh Dhawan
President – COO - Washing   President – COO - Mobile      Chief Financial Officer     Group Company Secretary                   Vice President,
         Machine                     Phone                                             and Head of Legal & HR                Business Development

                                                                                       Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
Awards and Recognition


                         Dixon Technologies (India) Limited   C O R P O R AT E P R E S E N TAT I O N
B 14 & 15, Noida Phase II, Pin – 201305, U.P. India
Phone: +91-120-4737200 | E-Mail: info@dixoninfo.com
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