Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico

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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion

                       Mahbobeh Jafarpour

                   Ph.D Supervisor: Prof. Klaus Werner
            Prof. Elena Bratkovskaya & Dr. Vadym Voronyuk
               Collaboration of Nantes-Frankfurt-Dubna groups

                         RPP       6-9 Apr. 2021

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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
Outline   Outline

       QGP, Particle accelerators
       Heavy-ion collision Models
       Initial condition, PBGRT
       From participants to prehadrons
 EPOS2PHSD interface
       Non-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory
       QGP, DQPM, Generalized transport equation and hadronization
       Formation of hadrons and partons
       Particle Production, Elliptic Flow, Transverse Momentum,
       Transverse Mass
 Conclusion and outlook
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
Introduction    Quark-Gluon Plasma, Particle accelerators

From QCD to QGP:

    At low Tc and low µB → Hadronic
    At low Tc and high µB → gas of
    For Tc > 175M eV → QGP
    At high Tc and µB → 0, Big Bang
                                                Figure: Phase diagram of nuclear
                                                matter [1].

                                                    Current Accelerators:
                                                           SPS & LHC, CERN
                                                           RHIC, BNL, New York
                                                    Future Accelerators:
                                                           FAIR, Germany
Figure: Space-time evolution of                            NICA, Russia
HIC.                                                                                          3/27
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
Introduction    Heavy-ion collision Models

EPOS: Energy conserving multiple scattering Partons, parton ladder
and strings Off-shell remnantes Saturation [2, 3].
    INITIAL CONDITION:      A Gribov-Regge multiple scattering approach is employed (PBGRT).
    CORE-CORONA SEPARATION: based on momentum and density of string segments.
    VISCOUS HYDRODYNAMIC EXPANSION: Using core part and cross-over equation of state
    (EOS) compatible with lattice QCD.
    STATISTICAL HADRONIZATION:          employing Cooper-Frye procedure and equilibrium hadron
    FINAL STATE HADRONIC CASCADE: applying the UrQMD model.

PHSD: Parton Hadron String Dynamics [4, 5].
    INITIAL A+A COLLISION: leads to formation of strings that decays to pre-hadrons, done by
    QGP FORMATION:       based on local energy-density.
    QGP STAGE: evolution based on off-shell transport eqs. derived by Kadanoff-Baym eqs. with the
    DQPM defining the parton spectral function i.e. masses and widths.
    HADRONIZATION: massive off-shell partons with broad spectral functions hadronize to off-shell
    baryons and mesons.
    HADRONIC PHASE: evolution based on the off-shell transport eqs. with hadron-hadron
    interaction.                                                                                 4/27
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
Introduction   Purpose

 Purpose: We endeavor to employ a sophisticated EPOS approach to
determine the initial distribution of matter (partons/hadrons) and then
 use PHSD for the evolution of matter in a non-equilibrium transport

Figure:   EPOS particles production hyper-surface initial condition for PHSD model. Zero time

corresponds to maximum overlapping.

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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
EPOS    Initial Condition and PBGRT

Initial Condition in EPOS:

Parton Based Gribov Regge Theory (PBGRT) [6]:
    Hard/Soft processes, Energy conservation by multiple Pomeron
    Calculation of elastic/inelastic Cross-Sections (uncut ladder, soft
    Particle production [7] (cut ladder, semi-hard/hard contribution)

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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
EPOS    Pre-hadrons

From participants to pre-hadrons
Constituting the ”initial condition” to ”pre-hadronization”:

                                                                                ZB1      ZB1

                                                                                ZA1        ZA1

                                                                                ZB2      ZB2

                                                                                ZA2        ZA2

    projectile+target → pomerons → string segments → core/corona
    part → rope segments → core/corona pre-hadrons
    rope segments: longitudinal color field, consider in 3D, larger
    string tension and transverse momentum.
    core pre-hadrons : decay of rope segments/clusters based on
    Microcanonical treatment.
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
EPOS         Microcanonical decay

Microcanonical decay
The Monte Carlo approaches are applied to generate ensembles of n
hadrons hi with their four-momenta pi based on probability
distribution [8]:
                                 dP = Cvol Cdeg Cident Cf lav dΦN RP S                                     (1)

                       dΦN RP S = δ(M − ΣEi )δ(Σp~i )               d pi   f or large n                    (2)
                                  Z                   n
                                                    Z Y
                                       dΦN RP S =           2Ei × dΦLIP S                                  (3)

                                       π(2π)n−2 n−1
                                                 Y                               n−1
       dΦLIP S (M ; m1 , ..., mn ) =                      p(Mi+1 ; Mi , mi+1 )         dMi f or small n    (4)
                                          M         i=1                          i=2

ΦLIP S for two body decay:
   ΦLIP S (M ; ma , mb ) =       p(M ; ma , mb )    (5)

The integration limits for n-body:
                                                                    Figure: Successive two-body
             Mi−1 + mi ≤ Mi             (6)                         decays.                                 8/27
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
EPOS2PHSD      Interface

EPOS+PHSD overview


                       to PHSD


   The principle problem: EPOS uses light-cone dynamics, PHSD
   uses real-time dynamics.
   EPOS/PHSD ”core pre-hadrons”: parents/children of rope
   EPOS/PHSD ”corona pre-hadrons”: spectators, high pt particles,
   particles that formed before start time of PHSD
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Dynamical Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Indico
PHSD    Initial condition to start QGP

The energy momentum tensor T µν in PHSD in each cell [9]:

                                                 pµi pνi
                             Z ∞ 3
                                   d pi
                T µν (x) = g            fi (Ei )                                     (7)
                              0   (2π)3           Ei
                                  
               Qx      Qy     Qz            ( = energy density
        −Qx    P       π xy  π xz 
   µν             x                 with P = pressure
  T =  −Qy −π xy                                                                   (8)
                         Py   π yz              Q = momentum density
                                                 π = shear stress
          −Qz −π xz −π yz Pz
The energy density of the cells in Local Rest Frame (LRF) in PHSD4
                             E0      E/γ      
                        0 = 0 =          = 2                    (9)
                             V      V ×γ     γ
where p
γ = 1/ 1 − β 2 , β~ = Σi p~i /Σi Ei ,  = Σi Ei /Vcell , Vcell = ∆x∆y∆z

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PHSD            Energy density evolution in PHSD

Energy density evolution in PHSD
                                           Au-Au@200GeV,b=7fm,Num=20, STPHSD=0.05, yl=2.3, yr=0.9

                                   time = 0.055 fm/c                      .ime = 0.064 fm/c                     .ime = 0.699 fm/c
                                                             5000                                                                          30
                        10    Energy Density (GeV/fm^3)
                                                             4000                                                                          25
                                                                                                   3000                                    20
                         0                                                                                                                 15
                                                             2000                                  2000
                        −5                                                                                                                 10
                                                             1000                                  1000
                       −10 PHSD, P ,tons+Hadrons
                                                             0                                     0                                       0
                                   time = 1.504 fm/c                      .ime = 3.11 fm/c                       .ime = 6.31 fm/c
                                                                                                   2.5                                     1.0
                        10                                   8
                                                                                                   2.0                                     0.8
                         5                                   6
                                                                                                   1.5                                     0.6

                                                                                                   1.0                                     0.4
                                                             2                                     0.5                                     0.2
                                                             0                                     0.0                                     0.0
                                   .ime = 12.687 fm/c                     time = 33.5 fm/c                      .ime = 88.156 fm/c
                                                             0.35                                                                          0.04
                        10                                                                         0.10
                         5                                                                         0.08                                    0.03
                                                             0.20                                  0.06
                         0                                                                                                                 0.02
                                                             0.15                                  0.04
                        −5                                   0.10                                                                          0.01
                                                             0.00                                  0.00                                    0.00
                             −10    −5     0     5      10          210    25     0     5     10          −10    −5     0     5      10
                                                                                0(fm)                                                                      11/27
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PHSD    Non-equilibrium QFT

Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory in PHSD

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PHSD    Time evolution of particles in PHSD space time

Time evolution of particles in PHSD space time

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                           Comparing the
Particle Production, Elliptic Flow (v2 ), Transverse Momentum (pT )
          and Transverse Mass (mT ) for Au-Au@200GeV
                    With different simulations:
      EPOS+PHSD, EPOS+hydro, EPOS-hydro, pure PHSD

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Results   Particle Production

Particle Production:

                                         (b) EPOS+PHSD, EPOS+hydro
             (a) EPOS+PHSD               EPOS-hydro

Good agreement to the real DATA X

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Results    Elliptic Flow

Elliptic Flow v2 :
    3              2         P∞
E d 3N = 2π   d N
            pt dpt dy
                      (1 +    n=1   2vn cos(n(φ − ΨRP )))
  d p
vn (pt , y)   =<   cos(n(φ − ΨRP ))     >,   v2   = elliptic flow,

ΨRP =reaction plane angle [10].


          Figure: EPOS+PHSD, EPOS+hydro, EPOS-hydro, pure PHSD

NEAR TO THE THERMALIZATION X                                                                    16/27
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Results   Transverse Momentum and Transverse Mass

Transverse Momentum and Transverse Mass: Au-Au@200GeV

     Figure: EPOS+PHSD, EPOS+hydro, EPOS-hydro, pure PHSD

     Figure: EPOS+PHSD, EPOS+hydro, EPOS-hydro, pure PHSD
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Conclusion and Outlook   Summary and Conclusion

Summary and Conclusion:
    The project done to merge the two models commenting the issue of
    different framework (Miles coordinates and Minkowski space-time).
    Comparison of space-time evolution by EPOS+PHSD with
    EPOS+hydro also EPOS-hydro and pure PHSD.
    Considering observables like charged particles production, v2 , pT ,
    mT . High pT has not been improved yet by EPOS+PHSD.
    Comparison EPOS+PHSD with different range energies from
    RHIC to LHC for various systems like p-p and Au-Au collisions.
    Investigation of other ”flow behaviors”; vn =1; 3; 4; ...
    Investigation of electromagnetic probes, photon and dilepton
    Checking heavy flavor particles behavior
    Checking EPOS(+hydo)+PHSD to study the high pt part
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Appendix   Elliptic Flow


Anistropic radial Flow (Depends on Initial State Fluctuation):
Fourier expansion:
    3       1 d2 N          P∞
E dd3Np = 2π pt dpt dy (1 +  n=1 2vn cos(n(φ − ΨRP )))
vn (pt , y) =< cos(n(φ − ΨRP )) >, v1 =directed flow, v2 = elliptic flow,
v3 =triangle flow, ΨRP =reaction plane angle

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Appendix   PHSD Group

PHSD group:

 Figure: https://theory.gsi.de/ ebratkov/phsd-project/PHSD/index5.html

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Appendix   PHSD, QGP, DQPM

QGP phase in PHSD

To investigate the dynamics and properties of the medium, one can
employ the transport equation and spectral function:
    Using spectral function A in DQPM [11]:
    A(p) =           2γp0
             (pµ pµ −M 2 )2 +4γ 2 p20
                                      , Γ̃ = 2γp0 , M2      = m2 + Re R
    To   have Masses M 2 and widths γ of partons.
    Entropy density sdqp is a grandcanonical quantity in DQPM which
    leads to measure the pressure s = ∂P
                                       ∂T , energy density  = T s − P ,
    interaction measure W (T ) = (T ) − 3P (T ) and scalar mean-field
              dVp (ρs )
    Us (ρs ) = dρ  s

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Appendix      QGP, Transport equation and Hadronization

 Generalized transport equation [12]:
 1              <    1             <
                                          P¯< > P¯> <
 2 ĀΓ̄[{M̄ , iG } − Γ̄ {Γ̄, M̄ .iG }] = i   iḠ − iḠ
 Ā =spectral function, Γ̄ =Width, M̄ = mass function in Wigner-space, ¯ =self-energy

 Collision term = i ¯< iḠ> − ¯> iḠ<
                   P         P

 Employing the test-particle Ansatz
 iG< (P0 , P, t, X) ≈
                        PN    1
                         i=1 2P0   δ (3) (X − Xi (t))δ (3) (P − Pi (t))δ(P0 − i (t))

 to transport equation → derive the equation of motion by
 neglecting the collision term → dXi /dt, dPi /dt, di /dt, obtain the
 coordinates, momentum and energy of particles in time t.
 As the system expands and cools down, the energy density drops
 until hadronization occurs. The colored off-shell partons with
 broad spectral function are combined into off-shell colorless

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Appendix         DQPM

 Masses and widths of quarks/antiquarks and gluons in DQPM:
              2                      P µ2                    2
 Mg2 (T ) = g6 [(Nc + 21 Nf )T 2 + 12 g πq2 ], γg (T ) = Nc g8πT ln g2c2
                  Nc2 −1 2 2           µ2q/q̄                              Nc2 −1 g 2 T 2c
  2 (T ) =
 Mq/q̄             8Nc g [T        +    π2
                                                ],          γq/q̄ (T ) =    2Nc 8π ln g 2
 g 2 (T /Tc ) =running coupling, µ=chemicl potential, Nc , Nf : Number of color and flavor

 Entropy density in DQPM:
             R d4 p ∂nB (p0 /T )
 sdqp = −dg (2π)     4    ∂T     (Imln(−∆− 1) + ImΠRe∆) −
    R d4 p ∂nF ((p0 −µq )/T )
                              (Imln(−Sq−1 ) + Im q ReSq ) −
 dq (2π)4         ∂T
    R d4 p ∂nF ((p0 +µq )/T )
                              (Imln(−Sq̄−1 ) + Im q̄ ReSq̄ )
 dq̄ (2π) 4       ∂T
 Bose distribution function=nB (p0 /T ) = (exp(p0 /T ))−1
 Fermi distribution function=nF ((p0 − µq )/T ) = (exp((p0 − µq )/T ) + 1)−1
 propagator of gluon: ∆−1 = pµ pµ − Π, quasiparticle self-energy for gluon= Π
 propagator of quark: Sq−1 = pµ pµ − q ,
                                      P                                           P
                                             quasiparticle self-energy for quark:   q
 propagator of antiquark: Sq̄ = pµ pµ − q̄ ,
                                        P                                               P
                                               quasiparticle self-energy for antiquark:   q̄

 degeneracy: dq = dq̄ = 2Nc Nf = 18,     dg = 2(Nc2 − 1) = 16

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Appendix      DQPM

 The equation of motion for testparticles in transport equation:
                             P˜R    2i −Pi2 −M02 −Re R
 dXi     1   1
  dt = 1−Ci 2i [2Pi + ∆pi Re (i) +           Γ˜
                                                           ∆pi Γ˜(i) ]
                          P˜                2i −Pi2 −M02 −Re R
       = 1−C    1
             i 2i
                   [∆xi Re R(i) +                      Γ˜(i)
                                                                       ∆pi Γ˜(i) ]
                       P˜R                                 P˜
 di         1   1 ∂Re (i)            2i −Pi2 −M02 −Re R           ˜
                                                             (i) ∂ Γ(i)
 dt    =   1−Ci 2i [ ∂t          +              Γ˜(i)             ∂t ]
 Ci stands the function of a Lorentz-factor and transforms the system time t to the eigentime of

 particles i which is given by the energy derivatives:
                      P˜R                           P˜
             1 ∂Re (i)           2i −Pi2 −M02 −Re R   (i)   ∂ Γ˜(i)
 C(i) =    2i [    ∂i     +              Γ˜(i)              ∂i ]

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