E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.

Page created by Mary Rios
E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.
If you take a bulletin into church, please
                                                             take it home with you or throw it in a
                                                           trash container in the Gathering Space.

T S       O      T                                         O 24, 2021




The Lord has done great things for
    us; we are filled with joy.

1502 E W ALLEN R D , F OR T W AYN E , IN 46825 * (260)489-3537     EXT .   3*    SAINTV . ORG
E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.
This Sunday, a blind man                     Brothers and sisters, faith is more than what we
                    throws away his very livelihood out of      can see, it is more than what we hear, faith is an
                    faith that Jesus will heal him.             encounter and experience with the living God! Seeing
                            The blind man named                 helps, hearing helps, but what is most necessary is a
                    Bartimaeus, has never seen Jesus,           heart ready to receive God.
                    only heard about Him, perhaps                        Mark your calendar for November 15 at 6:30pm
                    sensed something about Him, about           in the Church where we will be hosting Tim Francis who
                    His miracles. After being rebuked and       will be offering a presentation on Eucharistic Miracles.
                    silenced by others Jesus calls for him      To hear stories that will captivate our hearts and
and, in that moment, Bartimaeus throws aside his                revitalize the truth that Jesus Christ is present to us
cloak, his livelihood. How would he ever be able to find        physically in the Eucharist, this would be a great event
that again? But it doesn’t matter, he is going to               for anyone to attend.
encounter Jesus and his faith tells him that the cloak                                            In the Love of Christ,
won’t be necessary, he will be able to see.
                                                                                                  Fr. Jay Horning
        The last words Jesus speaks to Bartimaeus,
“your faith has saved you.”

      Diocesan directives instruct that we should stay home (with Mass obligation lifted) if feeling unwell:
       “Anyone (whether vaccinated or not) with a cough or fever, or who may otherwise be feeling sick,
                                           should still remain home.”
                 The 9 AM Sunday Mass will continue to be streamed on the parish website,
                    on YouTube and on Facebook for those who cannot attend in person.

                                                                 SENSORY MASS TO BEGIN AT ST. VINCENT’S
      There will be NO CONFESSIONS                               St. Vincent’s will be adding a Sensory Mass to our
     on Wednesday, October 27                                    Sunday Mass schedule beginning Sunday, November 7,
                                                                 at 1:30 pm. More information about Sensory Masses on
PERPETUAL ADORATION AT                                           page 8.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
in the Oratory of St. Mary Magdalene                             ADORERS NEEDED AT ORATORY OF
is continuous with the exception of                              ST. MARY MAGDALENE
Mass at 5:30 pm on Fridays.                                      Sundays:     8 AM | 12 PM            Mondays: 11 PM
Our new adoration software allows us to sign up for monthly      Tuesdays:    3 AM | 4 AM | 10 AM     Thursdays: 1 AM
and biweekly commitments! Visit www.saintv.org/adoration         Fridays:     12 AM | 9 AM | 1 PM| 7 PM | 9 PM
and click "sign up for an hour." On our "We Adore Him"           Saturdays:   4 AM* | 9 AM | 7 PM | 8 PM | 9 PM*
homepage, click "log in" and then "create one now" in the
pop-up box to open your account. Enter your contact                                     * = biweekly commitment needed
information. If you'd like to be notified of sub requests,       LET US KNOW
click the hours that you are available on a daily basis;
otherwise, unclick "notify me of sub requests." Click "create    ... if you have a family member in the hospital who would
account" at the bottom of the box. The adoration schedule        like a visit from a priest (260-489-3537 ext. 3).
for this week will open for you; click the hour you'd like to
adore, enter the frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly) and        Until further notice, the section of pews near the
whether or not you'd like a reminder message, then click          confessionals will have every other pew roped off to
"sign up."                                                        provide social distancing during ALL weekend Masses
To request a substitute, you may enter the site through our       EXCEPT the 11 AM. Anyone sitting in this section
homepage or visit saintv.weadorehim.com. Click "login",           must wear a mask when the ropes are on the pews.
enter your name and password, then "my dashboard" from            This section will be open during the 11 AM Mass.
the "We Adore Him" homepage. Click "request substitute"           If you have health concerns, you are encouraged to sit
next to the date you need a sub. Names of adorers during          in this section. The rest of the Church will remain
your hour, as well as before and after, will appear. Contact      open, and you may choose to wear a mask or not.
them for coverage in an emergency; our software will not
accept a sub request with less than 6 hours until the             We are implementing this change as a true sacrificial
commitment. Otherwise, proceed to complete the request.           act of charity for our brothers and sisters who have
It will be sent when the date is one week away, and you will      health concerns. If you are not concerned about
receive a notification when it has been accepted. You may         social distancing or choose to not wear a mask,
visit your dashboard to make sure that you've sent the            please find another place in the Church to
request and see when it has been accepted.                        accommodate those in this section.
E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 25                                                Monday, October 25
    6:30 AM          SC † ONOFRE ESPINOSA
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch INT ED & MONICA ETTER (52ND ANNIV)          6:15 pm      AHG Troop Meeting [Parish Hall]
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26                                                 7:00 pm      Ignatius RDL [SC Room C (#3)]
    6:30 AM          SC INT GAIR FAMILY                             7:00 pm      S-Anon [SC Room G (#4)]
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch † JUDITH A. AMBURGEY                      Tuesday, October 26
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27                                               8:30 am      SVDP Society Carpenter’s sons [LC Cafe]
    6:30 AM          SC † GWEN JENNE                                9:00 am      Two by Two Bible Study [LC Red Conference Rm]
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch † JEANNE PETERSON                           4:30 pm      Shepherds of Christ [Blessed Sacrament Chapel]
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 [ Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles ]            6:00 pm      Training of New Ministers [Church Conf Rm]
    6:30 AM          SC † ROBERT LEE CUTLER                         6:45 pm      RCIA [SC Rooms A&B]
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch † RICK MARX                                 7:30 pm      AA [SC Room G (#4)]
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch † RICHARD & MICHAEL ZURBUCH               Wednesday, October 27
                                 ALL MASS                           9:00 am      WINGS [Life Center]
    5:30 PM          Or † CHARLIE COLLIGAN                          4:30 pm      NO Confessions
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30                                                6:30 pm      K of C Member Meeting [SC Rooms A&B]
    8:15 AM    (S)   Ch † JOHN EMERICK                            Thursday, October 28
    5:00 PM          Ch † PAUL & JEAN PARTEE                        9:00 am      WINGS II [SC Room A]
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31                                                  6:30 pm      Cub Scouts [Parish Hall ]
   7:00 AM           Ch    † CAROL NINE                             7:00 pm      Choir Rehearsal [Gathering Space]
   9:00 AM     (S)   Ch    INT FOR THE PARISH                       7:00 pm      Writer’s Group [SC Red Conference Room ]
  11:00 AM           Ch    † PATRICIA BADER
   1:00 PM           Ch    NO MASS                                  8:00 pm      Al Anon [SC Room G (#4)]
   5:00 PM           Ch    † DEC’D MEMBERS SHIVE FAMILY           Friday, October 29
       Ch: Church | SC: Spiritual Center Chapel                     9:15 am      Coffee & Conversations [Life Center]
              Or: Oratory | (S): streamed                           5:00 pm      Confirmation Retreat [Life Center]
 Masses streamed at SAINTV.ORG, Facebook and YouTube
     (8:15 AM Monday - Saturday and 9 AM Sunday).                 Saturday, October 30
                                                                    7:00   am    K of C Blood Drive [Parish Hall]
    PERPETUAL ADORATION AT ORATORY                                  8:30   am    Confirmation Retreat [Life Center]
              Sign up at saintv.org/adoration                       8:45   am    Confessions [Church alcoves & Confessionals]
                                                                    9:00   am    Overeaters Anonymous [SC Room C (#3)]
                                                                  Sunday, October 31
  4:30 - 5:30 PM          NO CONFESSIONS (our priests are away)     7:00 pm      Women’s AA [SC Room C (#3)]
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30                                               (#) indicates Door # | SC - Spiritual Center | LC - Life Center
  8:45 - 9:45 AM          Church alcoves & Confessionals

  To volunteer: 489-3537 ext. 3 or saintv.org/vocation-cross
                                                                  CEMETERY MASS FOR ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM                                     On Saturday, November 6, two 8:15 am Masses will be
Saturday      4:30-5 PM | after 5 PM Mass-6:30 PM                 celebrated for all the faithful departed: one in the Church
Sunday        after 7 AM Mass - 12:30 PM                          (livestreamed) and the other in the Spiritual Center
   The Church Office will NOT be open during Mass!
                                                                  Cemetery. Coffee and donuts will be served after Mass in
                                                                  the Parish Hall.
 Saturday:           after 5 PM Mass
 Sunday:             after 7 AM Mass until 9 AM &
                     after 9 AM Mass until 11 AM
             SCRIP will NOT be sold during Mass!
                                                                                       Hello everyone!
                                                                                       Today we hear about                 Fr.
ALL SAINTS & SOULS                                                                     Bartimaeus who, though            Eric’s 
The Solemnity of All Saints falls on Monday this year,                                 he could not see physically,
and so the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. Our                                    but had the eyes of faith,       Corner
Mass schedule on Monday, November 1, is: 6:30 am,                                      focused on Jesus. These
8:15 am, 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm. ALL MASSES will                                         eyes of faith were willing to call out
be celebrated in the Church. INCENSE may be used                                       to Jesus even at the rebuke of others
at the 8:15 am and 6:30 pm Masses.                                                     and then jumping up and throwing
On Tuesday, November 2, a 6:30 pm Mass will be                                         away the things to hinder him. He received
celebrated in the church to Commemorate the Souls                                      the sight to see and the first thing seen
of All the Faithful Departed. The 6:30 am Mass (in                                     was Jesus. May you call out and see Jesus
the Spiritual Center Chapel) and the 8:15 am Mass                                      in your life.
(in the Church) will also be celebrated that day.
                                                                                               ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH | 3
E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.
             EDGE ** MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY                                  SERVICE HOUR OPPORTUNITY
                                                                             Child care is offered during our monthly Families Living Faith
              WWW.SAINTV.ORG/MIDDLESCHOOL                                    sessions. Volunteers are needed to supervise children in the
             MIDDLESCHOOLMINISTRY@SAINTV.ORG                                 Nanny Room. If you have a student in middle school or high
                                                                             school who needs service hours, this is a great opportunity. Adult
                                                                             volunteers are welcome too! If interested, you may complete the
Next Edge: Bonfire with the Saints Come join us for a relaxing fall          volunteer application on the parish website at https://
evening of bonfire, s’mores, games, crafts, and more! We will have a         www.saintv.org/fff-volunteers or contact
variety of saints joining us for the evening as well, so make sure you get   debbieblackburn@saintv.org for more information.
a chance to meet them all!
                                                                             SUBSTITUTE CATECHISTS FOR THE SUNDAY OR WEDNESDAY
Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods Help support the St. Vincent de Paul         FAMILY FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM
Food Pantry by dressing up for Halloween and instead of collecting           The Family Faith Formation program holds monthly sessions on
candy, collecting canned goods to help feed those hungry in our              Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, or Sundays from 3:00 to
community! Food will be collected in the back of church until                4:30 PM for both parents and students. Volunteers from our
November 2nd.                                                                parish serve as catechists for the grades 1 – 6 children's
                                                                             sessions. There are times when catechist absences occur. On
Coming up in Edge:                                                           these occasions, people are needed to fill in for them in the
    October 25th: Bonfire with the Saints                                    children's classroom (parents attend a separate adult
                                                                             session). Lesson plans and material are provided to the
    October 31st: Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods!                           substitute catechist. If interested, you may fill out a volunteer
    November 15th: Weight of the World (Was Jesus ever Anxious?)             application at https://www.saintv.org/fff-volunteers, or contact
                                                                             Debbie Blackburn at debbieblackburn@saintv.org for more

                                                                             PRESCHOOL CATECHIST AND STUDENT VOLUNTEERS
   HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY                                                      Sunday Preschool classes are held for ages 3 - Kindergarten age
                                                                             students during the 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays; September
                                                                             through March. A catechist is needed for children in the 4 & 5
 WWW.SAINTV.ORG/HIGHSCHOOL                         YM@SAINTV.ORG             age group. The hours of service would be from 8:30 AM to
                                                                             10:30 AM. Also, students can earn service hours by helping in the
Sunday, October 24: NO HS MINISTRY NIGHT OR                                  Preschool classrooms. If interested in a service opportunity with
       SPORTS ACTIVITY HOUR—HS FALL TEEN                                     the Sunday Preschool program, or to serve as a catechist, you
       RETREAT                                                               may complete a volunteer application at https://www.saintv.org/
Tuesday, October 26:                                                         fff-volunteers, and you will be contacted with additional
     HS Girls Bible Study [ 6:30 - 7:30 pm | Life Center ]
Wednesday, October 27:                                                       SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION GRADES 1 & 2
     HS Boys Bible Study [ 6:30 - 7:30 pm |                                  Preparation for First Communion is a two-year Family Faith
                                    Spiritual Center Room C - Door #3 ]      Formation experience beginning in grade one. Families with a first
Sunday, October 31: NO HS MINISTRY NIGHT OR SPORTS                           grade child not attending St. Vincent School may enroll in our
                                                                             Family Faith Formation program online at https://www.saintv.org/
        ACTIVITY HOUR—HAPPY HALLOWEEN!                                       fff-registration

   October 10 thru November 1                                                If you have a child in grades 1 – 6 who needs to enroll in religious
                                                                             education classes, you may register for our Family Faith Formation
   We are collecting names and addresses of college freshmen                 program online at https://www.saintv.org/fff-registration.
   so we can send them a care package during their first
   semester of college. Send names & addresses to
 ACCEPTING DONATIONS: We will be collecting practical items
 for the college care packages for the next few weeks. You can
 help by placing your donations in the designated boxes in the
 church Gathering Space, next to the Church Office. Our HS                   Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required
 Ministry teens will be preparing the packages for the Freshmen.             before your child is baptized. You may attend Session II before
 Here is a list of ideas:                                                    Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It
                                                                             is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of
   1. PRE-SEALED food items. like fruit snacks, protein bars,                your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the
      assorted bags of chips, gum, and Microwaveable, non-                   baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome.
      perishable food, etc.                                                  At least one parent must be Catholic and at least one
      **We CANNOT send HOMEMADE food items**                                 Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. Parents must be
   2. Prayer cards, finger rosaries, etc…                                    registered in the Parish. Please call the Church Office 
                                                                             (4893537 ext. 3) or register online at saintv.org/Baptism.
   3. Chapstick, travel size hand sanitizer, hand wipes, hand lotion,        Session I (Christian Parenting):
      etc… (NO soap please)
                                                                              November 11                      (Spiritual Center A—Door #2)
                                                                             Session II (Baptismal Rite):
                                                                              November 18                      (Church Conference Room)
                                                                                         No Baptismal Prep classes in December!
E Lord has done great things for us; we are lled with joy.

Fellow Parishioners,                                10/24/21                         One Church—One Family
Greetings in Christ! I reflect often on the passage from 1 Kings 19        The St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantry is in need of:
with Elijah, who was waiting for/looking for God. Elijah recognized        Cookie & muffin mixes               Corn bread mixes
God in a “light silent sound” after experiencing a violent wind,           Stuffing                            Canned meat
earthquake, and a fire – Elijah knew God was not appearing in              Bar soap & deodorant                Shampoo & conditioner
those forms. There is much we can learn from the passage, but one            Thank you for the donated items for our Kingston
I hold on to is that sometimes it’s that little and unexpected things       HealthCare Bingo. The residents particularly enjoy
often have more meaning/weight than we might first see. On that             the children’s letters and drawings. There is a box in
subject, sometimes it’s the little things that matter most; I have 3       the Gathering Space for these letters. Please continue
reflections.                                                                  this act of kindness. It really brightens their day!
                                                                            They are also in need of wire hangers which can be
We send out a weekly staff newsletter, though many schools don’t,           placed in the donation box in church. Thank you!!
and Mrs. Mulligan gets the credit for organizing this. Besides
ensuring everyone knows upcoming calendar and school event                 St. Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Families
info, the newsletter consistently encourages staff to do 2 things:         The holidays are fast approaching and we are accepting
one, to grow professionally (there is often/nearly always a link to a
highly relevant article on professional practice – a recent week was       applications for Christmas families with needs. If you are
on smart classroom management practices). Two, to pray – there is          a Small Christian Community, a bible study group or any
always some spiritual quote or reflection. A recent prayer, I had          other group, organization or family, please consider
not previously encountered, was “a prayer for positive thinking.” It       sponsoring one of these families. It would be a wonderful
was short, so I’ll share it: “dear God, I believe in the power of          Advent project and a true work of mercy. Contact Dee
positive thinking, but lately I need your help to get there. Please fill   Ann at 637-3690 or doddou@comcast.net. Please keep
me with faith, hope, and optimism. Thank you for helping me to             us in your prayers this Christmas Season. God Bless you!
be genuinely positive.” It actually didn’t include the word “amen,”
which might have been how it was formatted, but to me meant that
the “amen” was meant to be lived out in future positive thinking as          Coming Soon at St. Vincent’s:
the prayer requests, vs. being stated as a close – that the prayer in      November 1       Solemnity of All Saints (Masses: 6:30 AM,
some sense does not close/end because it needs to be lived.
                                                                                            8:15 AM, 12:30 PM, 6:30 PM. No obligation) |
Whatever the case, this level of professionalism in something
seemingly small – a staff newsletter – shows an underlying                                  Homeschool All Saints Party | Rosary
commitment to positivity and faith that is actually quite profound.                         Society
                                                                           November 2       All Souls Day (Masses: 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM
We have whiteboards by the door entering every classroom, and                               and 6:30 PM)
our teachers take seriously the effort to maintain positive quotes,        November 4       Little Children’s Adoration | Holy League
prayers, or academic reflections that rotate regularly. One might          November 5       Homeschool 1st Friday Mass & Potluck
have seemed as basic as it gets – “YOU matter. – God,” and yet             November 6       8:15 AM Masses (in Church & Spiritual
basic or not, it may be one of the most important messages a young                          Center Cemetery)
person, or an adult, could read at any given moment.                       November 7       Daylight Saving Time Ends
                                                                           November 8       Lunch N Learn
Recently, a young lady in jr. high gave me an incredible gift (I wrote     November 9       Bereavement Support
about this for a newsletter article, so I apologize to anyone reading      November 10      Pastoral Council | Finance Council
it twice). There was a quote I received from Joe Farris, from his          November 11      Kingdom Builders
week with us in early fall, that I was hoping to see about getting         November 13      Frozen Turkey Collection | Safe Harbor |
painted and putting outside my office. The quote boldly proclaims                           Called & Gifted Workshop
that if our mission does not call us to daily, passionate prayer, it is    November 14      Frozen Turkey Collection | Rite of
insufficient/irrelevant (a HUGE amen to center any principal                                Acceptance | Rekindle the Fire
there). Before I could really even ask for help on this, Mrs. Weber        November 15      Eucharistic Miracles (with Tim Francis) |
(grades 5-8 art) worked with a young lady in jr. high who agreed to                         Harvest House (55+)
volunteer her time and turn this quote into a beautiful work of art –      November 16      Bereavement Support
painted in calligraphy on canvas. And so now, besides the                  December 1       A Christmas Hope (John Angotti)
reminder of the deepest significance of prayer (without it, no             December 10      Lessons & Carols (Sacred Music)
Catholic leadership act is in any way relevant), this gift also speaks
to the goodness and love of our students—which really speaks to
the entire “why” of Catholic education.                                              ST. VINCENT’S SCHOOL IS HIRING!
                                                                           Please send inquiries to school@saintv.org or call
For God, we see so many cases in Scripture, or the history of the          260-489-3537, ext. 213, for any of the following openings:
Church or lives of the saints, that something that seems little                - Kindergarten Paraprofessional
actually is big – big in terms of the real meaning of life and its             - 6th Grade Paraprofessional
relevance for making more clear the kingdom of God. If faith                   - After School Care Support
abounds, it’s possible that a newsletter, a whiteboard, or calligraphy         - Recess Monitors (2 total)
on canvas can do just that. So can a smile or any kind act, and so         We are eager to find good candidates so please help us
this week, let’s live with that in mind.                                   spread the word! God bless you all!
In Faith,                                                                  PART TIME CUSTODIAN NEEDED
Mr. Coyle                                                                  St. Vincent’s is looking for a Part-Time Custodian. Hours are
Principal                                                                  flexible, 12-20 hours per week. Please contact Josh at
                                                                           joshbratten@saintv.org if interested.

                                                                                                      ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH | 5
The St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                    Bereavement Support Group
                                                                   will meet on Tuesday evenings this fall
                                                                    (November 9 through December 14)
                                                                            6:30 - 8:30 pm in the
                                                                     Life Center Red Conference Room.
                                                                  It is our hope to provide a comforting
                                                                 atmosphere in which to offer emotional
                                                               support. Your loss need not be recent for the
                                                                           sessions to be helpful.
                                                                  Please register in advance by contacting
You are invited to experience how several well-                      Claire at rmcm0813@gmail.com or
documented miracles stand up to scientific                                calling 260-489-3537 ext. 3.
investigation and discover what implications these
miracles have for you!
             Monday, November 15
                6:30 - 9:00 pm | Church
     (same presentation on Wednesday, November 17,
        6:30 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church)
  Tim explains what this is all about on a short video at

                                                             DIVINE MERCY FUNERAL HOME Q & A
                                                             Representatives from the Divine Mercy Funeral Home at
                                                             Catholic Cemetery will be in the Gathering Space
                                                             following all Masses the weekend of November 6-7. They
                                                             will have literature and be happy to answer any questions
                                                             you may have regarding their services. A follow-up
                                                             Dinner and Discussion Q&A Session is scheduled for
                                                             Tuesday, November 9, at 5:30 pm at Hall’s Factory
                                                             (Coldwater Rd) Banquet Room. No obligation is expected -
                                                             this session is being held to allow families to ask
                                                             questions and receive guidance in being better prepared
                                                             for a death of a loved one. Please contact The Divine
   Do you ever wonder how you get involved in a ministry?    Mercy Funeral Home, 426-2044, to register and reserve
   Do you find yourself realizing you have time to give to   a seat at Hall’s Factory.
     others but aren’t sure where to fit in?
   Have you volunteered for years out of duty?
   When you return from working in a ministry, do you find
                                                             K OF C BLOOD DRIVE
     yourself wondering if your efforts made a difference?   Knights of Columbus will sponsor a blood drive on
   Are you reconsidering where you are best suited to        Saturday, October 30, (7:00 am - noon) in the Parish
     offer love and grace to others?                         Hall. The Red Cross has an emergency blood shortage
                                                             which is a greater degree of need than a critical shortage
 If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions then        of blood. Contact Jeff at 489-1965 or Ed at 442-2501 to
 plan to attend the next                                    make an appointment.
           Called & Gifted Workshop
                                                             MEN’S BASKETBALL AT ST. VINCENT
      Saturday, November 13 | 9 AM – 4 PM                    All men of the Parish 18 and older are invited to play
 By attending, you will learn much about your spiritual      pick-up basketball in the St. Vincent Gym, beginning
 giftedness, and how God has best equipped you to            November 7, from 12:00 until 2:00 pm. We will play
 fulfill His mission to love others. Please contact the      almost every Sunday through April. This is recreational
 Church Office today to register ʡ 260ʣ489ʣ3537 ext. 3       basketball for fun, fitness, and fellowship. If you have
 or visit the parish website at saintv.org/calledʣgifted.   questions, please call/text Mike at 437-9735.
  If you did not make your Annual Appeal pledge,            Through October 31, you are invited to join other
  please take time to do so today. No gift is too small     Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and
  (or too big). Please give from the heart. Thank you       fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to
  for your support of our diocesan ministries and           stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the
  services.                                                 public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood
                                                            (2930 Lake Ave). Contact is Annemarie at
                                                            260-797-3144 or annemariedeville@gmail.com.
                                                            Our local 40 Days for Life website (sign up and parking
                                                            map) is https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/fortwayne.

                                                            ONLINE SAFETY
                                                            If you receive a text or email that seems unusual and
                                                            appears to be from Fr. Dan, please contact the Church
                                                            Office (260-489-3537 ext. 3). Do not call a number that is
                                                            unfamiliar to you, do not reply to the email and do not click
                                                            on an attachment or website link unless you are familiar
                                                            with the contents.

                                                            ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY
                                                            CARPENTER’S SONS
                                                            Recently retired? If you are looking for a sense of
                                                            purpose in your retirement, the Carpenter’s sons get
                                                            together every Tuesday to serve low income homeowners
                                                            in the community with minor home repairs. Most
CARDINAL MULLER TO LECTURE AT NOTRE DAME                    projects are for older adults and persons with disabilities.
The University of Notre Dame Law School's Religious         If interested in participating, call Mark at the St. Vincent
Liberty Initiative and the Department of Theology invite    de Paul Society, 260-414-6109.
you to a lecture titled “The Popes as Guardians of
Human Dignity” with Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former         WEDDING BANNS
Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
This free, public event will be held on Wednesday,           Let us pray for our sons and daughters of St. Vincent’s
October 27, at 4:00 pm in Carey Auditorium (located          as they prepare for their wedding day.
within the Hesburgh Library). A campus map may be            III Joseph Gigli & Lovelee Sayomac
found at map.nd.edu.                                         III Benjamin Mauch & Taylor Foutz

                                                                                      ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH | 7
SENSORY-FRIENDLY MASSES                                      MEMORIAL MASS FOR THOSE
A sensory-friendly Mass provides a safe and comfortable      WHO HAVE LOST A CHILD
setting for children and adults with sensory challenges,     If you have lost a child before or after birth - whether
mental illness or any kind of disability.                    recently or long ago - you are invited to a special
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: 1st Tuesday of month | 6:00 pm      Memorial Mass on Friday, October 29, at 5:45 pm at
St. John the Baptist: 2nd Friday of month | 5:45 pm          St. John the Baptist Parish (4500 Fairfield Ave). Siblings,
Livestream: facebook.com/belongingFWSB. Contact              grandparents, and other family members are also
Allison at asturm@diocesefwsb.org or 260-399-1452.           welcome. For more information, contact Caty at
Beginning November 7, St. Vincent’s will be offering a       260-422-4611 or cburke@diocesefwsb.org. Also, see
Sensory Friendly Mass each Sunday at 1:30 pm.                information about ava’s grace support group.
Miriam’s Blessing is a diocesan peer-mentor ministry         The 2022 Diocesan March for Life Pilgrimage is
that provides comprehensive support to parents who           scheduled for Thursday, January 20 – Sunday,
receive a difficult prenatal diagnosis, whether it is the    January 23. Join Bishop Rhoades as we pray and march
detection of a chronic condition (like Down Syndrome,        for the protection of human life! Reserve your spot at
Spina Bifida, or Cystic Fibrosis), or a life-threatening     diocesefwsb.org/march-for-life.
disorder (like anencephaly, Trisomy 13, or Trisomy 18).
Support spans the pregnancy, the birth, and the              THE MARRIAGE COURSE ONLINE
postpartum period and offers unique insight and              Strengthen your marriage from the comfort of your own
sensitivity regarding difficult issues such as mourning      home with The Marriage Course Online! Featuring
the loss of the anticipated baby, maintaining hope when      “regular” couples and relationship experts from around
a prognosis is poor, and neonatal critical care. Visit       the world, this free 8-week program will take place online
diocesefwsb.org/miriamsblessing.                             over Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 8 - 10 pm from
                                                             October 26 through December 14. There is no group
AVA’S GRACE:                                                 discussion, but rather, time built right into each session
MISCARRIAGE, STILLBIRTH OR INFANT LOSS                       for you and your spouse to discuss the topic in the
This group is for those who have experienced                 privacy of your own home using prompts from The
miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss and would like to    Marriage Course journal. Topics include Strengthening
listen to, learn from, and pray with others who know this    Connection, The Art of Communication, Resolving
deep suffering. This group meets online on the 3rd           Conflict, The Power of Forgiveness, The Impact of Family,
Wednesday of the month (8:00 - 9:30 pm) and offers           Good Sex, and Love in Action. The program will conclude
spiritual, emotional, and practical support to families      with a Q & A panel discussion session with other Catholic
who have lost a baby before or after birth. Contact Lisa     couples. For more information and to register, please
at leverett@diocesefwsb.org for the Zoom meeting link        visit diocesefwsb.org/marriage-course.
and password. For more information about ava’s grace,
visit diocesefwsb.org/avasgrace.                             ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE - NEW DATE
ONLINE NFP SUPPORT GROUP                                     With praise and thanksgiving to almighty God, Bishop
If you are looking for some support and fellowship in        Kevin C. Rhoades will call LeeAllen Fortin to the
using NFP or have questions about NFP that you wish          diaconate through the laying on of hands and the
you could ask in a confidential environment, you are         invocation of the Holy Spirit on November 27 at
invited to the online support group for NFP users on the     11:00 am at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
4th Wednesday of the month (8:00 - 9:30 pm). To              in Fort Wayne.
register, email Caty at cburke@diocesefwsb.org.
                                                             DIVORCED AND SEPARATED GROUP
PARISH EMAIL NEWSLETTER                                      St. Charles Borromeo hosts the DVD series for those who
Have you been receiving the parish email newsletter? If      have suffered from divorce: The Catholic’s Divorce
not, that means we don't have a good email address for       Survival Guide. Join them on Monday evenings (through
you. Get added to the e-news by filling out the short form   March 21) in the church’s gathering space community
on the website at saintv.org/parish-email or emailing        room from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Call Casey at the parish office
Monica at monicaaquila@saintv.org.                           for complete schedule at 969-4026.
Q OF A CARD PARTY & SOCIAL                                   ST. JUDE PARISH MISSION
You are invited to Queen of Angels’ Card Party & Social      Do you want to grow spiritually and in your relationship
Luncheon on October 29, Noon - 4:00 pm, at Queen of          with God? Recharge and re-energize yourself? Build
Angels Activities Center (1600 West State Blvd). $10 per     friendships with others? You are invited to join us for
person. Socializing, raffles and attendance prizes!          St. Jude Parish Mission featuring Fr. Peter Schavitz,
                                                             C.Ss.R. Fr. Pete is a seasoned parish mission preacher
MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD:                                         whose faith, stories, humor, and words continue to
ROSARY SOCIETY CRAFT SHOW                                    spiritually impact thousands. Join us October 24 -27,
You are invited to the Craft Show at Most Precious Blood     6:30 pm at St. Jude Catholic Church (2130 Pemberton Dr).
on November 6, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Come and enjoy             The Mission is appropriate for adults and students ages
Crafts, Bake Sale, Snack Bar, Pampered Chef,                 10 and up. Children's program for students in
Tupperware, Young Living Oils and Mary Kay Cosmetics.        Kindergarten through Grade 3. Babysitting available for
Show is at the School Gym (1529 Barthold St) and is          students up to kindergarten. Reception with food and
wheelchair accessible.                                       fellowship following the program each night!
October 30/31                     Saturday                    Sunday                      Sunday                 Sunday                        Sunday
                                   5 PM                        7 AM                        9 AM                  11 AM                          5 PM
                                                                                     J Carlston
                                                                                                            C & C Ehinger
                                                         J E Praul                   E Layton                                              M A Magda
Greeters                   M & T Wolfe                                                                     L Falter
                                                         P Steffens                  A McKeever                                            NEEDS FILLED
                                                                                                            T Van Antwerp
                                                                                     A Reuille
                                                                                     S Dundon               J Burkhardt
                            S Armstrong                  D Barrett                                                                         M Stroud
                                                                                     P Goffer               E Falter
                            J Craw                       T Bowers                                                                          C Wright
Ushers                                                                              M Hunnicutt            R Hunert
                            K Thompson                   N Hayes                                                                           NEEDS FILLED
                                                                                     J Linder               D Kern
                            E Koors                      T Herber                                                                          NEEDS FILLED
                                                                                     A Noyes                R Tirpak
Lead Server           J Schiffli                        J Moran                     W Gray                 J Cortezano                    D Adams
                       J Perkins, Jr                     C Schreck                   E Dumford              M Tippmann                     NEEDS FILLED
Servers:              W Perkins                         J P Martinez                G Hilger               K Crummey                      NEEDS FILLED
I, II, Candle Bearers F Sokolich                        M Moran                     T Hope                 S Bauer                        NEEDS FILLED
                       J Tippmann                        E Moran                     M Keefer               M Cortezano                    L Schenkel                            To volunteer for an
                                                                                                                                                                                   open position,
                       J Weigand (1)                     NEEDS FILLED                A Dumford (1)          M Kalb (1)                     T Solosky (1)                          request a sub or
Lectors               S Weaver (2)                      J Harlan (2)                R Rogers (2)           C Dunmire (2)                  E Madueke (2)                         update your profile,
                       B Buescher                                                    J Becker               S Cortezano                    C Adams                                click on “Ministry
                       M Buescher                        M L Arnold                  P Jackson              T Fean                         NEEDS FILLED                             Scheduler” at
Extraordinary          T Nierman-Wyckoff                 D Schuerman                 L McCarthy             A Guedea                       NEEDS FILLED
Ministers of                                                                                                                                                                     saintv.org on the
                       J Rahrig                          NEEDS FILLED                D Mitro                P Moreau                       NEEDS FILLED                          “PARISHIONERS” tab.
Holy Communion NEEDS FILLED                             NEEDS FILLED                K Sorg                 T Olinger                      NEEDS FILLED
                       NEEDS FILLED                                                  L Williams             K Stanley                      NEEDS FILLED
Sacristans                 M Osborn                     B Richardson                K Sorg                 T Olinger                      J Beeching
  (S) =   Mass is open to the public AND livestreamed via the internet. By virtue of                     of respect for your privacy, but cannot preclude your incidental appearance in the
           your attendance at these Masses you give St. Vincent de Paul Parish                             background or in wide angle shots of the Sanctuary. Should you have a good
        permission to have your image incidentally appear in these livestreams and                        and valid reason your image cannot appear in these livestreams, please visit the
     recordings thereof. We will not focus or concentrate on individual worshipers out                        Church Office for advice on places to sit that will not appear on camera.

  ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - CHURCH                                                                 MASS SCHEDULE:
  Church Office .. (8:30 am - 4:30 pm, M-F) ....... (260) 489-3537 (ext. 3)                            (S) Mass     is streamed on SAINTV.ORG, Facebook & YouTube
  Mailing Address ................. 1502 E Wallen Rd, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825                              Weekends:
  Church Fax ..................................................................... (260) 497-9405         Saturday: 5 PM
  E-Mails .............................. church@saintv.org / bulletin@saintv.org                          Sunday: 7 AM | 9 AM(S) | 11 AM | 5 PM
  Pastor ...................................................................... Rev. Daniel Scheidt                               [ 1 PM MASS WILL RESUME ON NOVEMBER 28 ]
  Parochial Vicar ...............................................Rev. Polycarp Fernando                Week Days:
  Parochial Vicar ..........................................................Rev. Jay Horning              Monday-Thursday: 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM(S)
  Parochial Vicar ........................................................Rev. Eric Burgener              Friday:          8:15 AM(S) & 5:30 PM [ Oratory ]
  Deacon.......................................................... Deacon James Fitzpatrick               Saturday:        8:15 AM(S)
  Pastoral Associate ................................Dorothy Schuerman (ext. 207)
  Pastoral Associate ..................................................Julia Thill (ext. 208)         PERPETUAL ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT
  Pastoral Associate ........................................... Jessica Hayes (ext. 224)              Oratory of St. Mary Magdalene (1711 E Wallen Rd)
  Pastoral Associate Communication.............. Monica Aquila (ext. 230)                              Unlocked 5AM - 10PM | You may sign up for weekly
  Business Manager....................................... Tom Schuerman (ext. 209)                     adoration at saintv.org/Adoration.
  Director of Religious Education..............Debbie Blackburn (ext. 204)                            SACRAMENTS
  Director of Music ........................................... Tony Andorfer (ext. 210)               Reconciliation: See page 3 (Church Alcoves & Confessionals)
  Facilities ............................Joshua Bratten | Ed Soberalski (ext. 217)                     Baptism: Sunday, following the 11 AM Mass.
  High School Youth Director .......................Scott Nguyen (ext. 4001)                                  Baptismal catechesis is required prior to baptism.
  Middle School Youth Director .................. Lindsay Lushis (ext. 4230)                                  Please call the Church Office (260-489-3537 ext. 3).
  Youth Ministry Office...............................Melanie Rohloff (ext. 4228)                      Matrimony: Arrangements must be made at least six months in
  Parish Bookkeeper ....................................... Mary Berkshire (ext. 202)                         advance of date of wedding.
  Parish Secretary ............................................Marie Andorfer (ext. 206)               Sick and Communion Calls: Please keep us informed of the sick
  Parish Secretary ............................................... Geri Schmidt (ext. 243)                    and homebound, particularly when there is a serious illness.
  Receptionist ....................................................... Sheila Burns (ext. 201)        ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - SCHOOL
  Receptionist ....................................................... Holly Dailey (ext. 266)        A Catholic education for children (grades K-8)
  RCIA for Children ............................................ Sarah Falbe (ext. 201)               School Office .......... (7:15 am-3:15 pm, M-F) ................(260) 489-3537
  Prayer Line ................................Laurie - 755-0816 / Mary - 483-4369                     Mailing Address................. 1720 E Wallen Rd, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
  NEW PARISHIONERS                                                                                    School Principal............................................................... Zachary Coyle
   Visit Church Office (in the Gathering Space) (hours on page 3).                                    School Assistant Principal....................................... Kathleen Mulligan
                                                                                                      School Office ............... Janice Bobay | Heather Strzelecki (ext. 213)
  CATECHUMENATE                                                                                       School Attendance Line .......................................Julie Ware (ext. 214)
   We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith.                                     School Kitchen .................................................. Andy Dailey (ext. 220)
   Please call the church office (260-489-3537 ext. 3).                                               School Secretary......................................... Jane Christensen (ext. 212)
  BULLETIN DEADLINE                                                                                   Scout Lodge ...............................................................................489-1763
   Send items to bulletin@saintv.org by Monday at 9 AM                                                SCRIP Office ...........................scrip@saintv.org | 489-3537 (ext. 234)

                                                                                                                                                   ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH | 9
Dr. Marcus W. Martin                                                       JOSEPH G. BONAHOOM, Attorney at Law
                                                            Dr. Lynn P. Martin                                                                                Elder Law/Medicaid Planning
                                                               Parishioners                                                                                   Wills/Trust/Probate
                                                              7505 Lima Road                                                                                  General Corporate Counsel/Real Estate
                                                               (260) 489-5611                                                                                 Business Transactions/Commercial Litigation
                                          www.ftwaynepethospital.com                                                                                              (260) 420-4055 joeb@b-blegal.com

                                          Commercial • Industrial                     DR. AILEEN HEASTON
                                          Design Build
                                                                                      AICO OPTICAL
               Construction & Engineering, Inc.                                       10301 Dawsons Creek Blvd.                                                                          Get directions
               John Schenkel                                                                                                                                              7677 Maplecrest Rd | Fort Wayne, IN 46835
               Matt Schenkel                       (260) 489-1234                     (260) 489-3996                                                                                    260-627-5580

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              www.SVNParkeGroup.com | Parishioner
            Brokerage • Property Management                                                                                               www.dignitymemorial.com
                                                                                                                                                            &                            Personalized Care and Prevention
                                                                                                                                                                                           Michael F. Barlic, DS, PT
                                                                                                                                                   MILLER                                   3030 Lake Ave., Suite 26
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                                                                                       Specializing in Cosmetic & Reconstructive
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  415 East Cook Road, Suite 600 | Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825                           Gensheimer Construction
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                                                                                          Contact Heather Benefiel
Epco Insurance Agency                           WERNER’S GARAGE, INC.
     Troy Wooten
                                             7801 FRITZ ROAD, FORT WAYNE, IN 46818          to place an ad today!
                                              PHONE: 260-489-0783 FAX: 260-489-8223
     6010 E. State Blvd.                         EMAIL: office@wernersgarage.com            hbenefiel@4LPi.com
       260-493-6661                             Werner Niederholtmeyer Owner
     www.epcoins.com                     HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00AM-5:00PM                or (800) 477-4574 x6464
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                                                                                                                                                                                         M-D Choice Medical Supply
                                                                                                                               FURNITURE AND                                                     Cindy Offerle-Wright
                                                                                                                             COMPLETE INTERIORS                                                   Owner/Parishioner
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                                   DON POLLEY, JR. • JEANNE BAKER DICK                                                                                                      2413 Hobson Rd • Fort Wayne, IN 46805
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                                   President • Parishioner                    Design – Parishioner                                            (260) 489-5526                         Offerle Apothecary, Inc.

			                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                           St. Vincent DePaul, Fort Wayne, IN.                      C 4C 01-0974
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Experienced guidance                                                                                                                                                                                        Patrick T. Houlihan
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                                                                                        Contact Guy Dupuis, Parishioner
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                                                                                                                      260-740-7961                                                                                      With more than 80 years of combined experience, the staff
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    Contact Heather Benefiel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with kind, empathetic service, unassailable credentials, and a
      to place an ad today!
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      hbenefiel@4LPi.com                                                                                                             Serving the Parish of St. Vincent
                                                                COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR                                                Bill, Steve, Scott, & Tim Arnold
     or (800) 477-4574 x6464                                          DESIGN BUILDERS
                                                                  Chris Schenkel, Parishioner
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                                                                                                                                                (260) 497-0520
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (260) 424-5000                                 fairhavenfortwayne.com
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			                                                                          For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                      St. Vincent DePaul, Fort Wayne, IN.                                  B 4C 01-0974
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2530 N. Clinton at Spy Run u (260) 483-0511                                                                                                                                                     COMPLETE CAR                                Off: (260) 482-4557                                                                      Engine • Front End
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Robin Steffanus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         921 E. Dupont Rd. #250
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fort Wayne, IN 46825
                                                                                                                                                                                           260.515.9423 • LOCAL. ORIGINAL. AUTHENTIC

                               Marcus Jimenez, MD, FACS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Contact Heather Benefiel
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