Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!

Page created by Derrick Romero
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
New Classes!
     January-May 2022
         -Messy Play
    -Blended & Beautiful
      -Is This a Phase?
         -Story Time

     Early Childhood &
     Family Education
            Classes for parents and children birth to five

osseo.ce.eleyo.com | 763-391-8777
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586   Early Childhood & Family Education
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
FAMILIES                                                Osseo Area Schools Early Childhood
                                                        and Family Education (EC&FE)
Our Locations
                                                        Building a foundation for lifelong learning
Arbor View Early Childhood Center
                                                        We provide high quality, developmentally appropriate classes and early learning
9401 Fernbrook Ln. N                                    opportunities for young children birth to five and their families. Our Early
Maple Grove, MN 55369                                   Childhood and Family Education staff are committed to providing safe and nurturing
                                                        environments that promote the physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, intellectual and
                                                        language development of each child—while being sensitive to the unique needs and
Nature Play Area                                        preferences of families. Some of our ECFE staff include:
9401 Fernbrook Ln. N
Maple Grove, MN 55369                                   Parent Educators
                                                        Our licensed parent educators offer support by facilitating a parent group or individual
Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
                                                        consultation by providing relevant, reliable, research-based parent education
7020 Perry Ave. N                                       curriculum and parenting practices that build conversation and knowledge about
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429                               parenting to guide and strengthen families. Through relationship building, parent
                                                        educators work to support and encourage the well-being, learning, growth and
                                                        development of families.

Table of Contents                                       Children's Teachers
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3   Our licensed children's teachers provide learning activities using play-based curriculum
                                                        for families during parent-child time and children's play time. Activities are designed
Infant classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5    to foster children's social, emotional, cognitive, physical, language and literacy
1-2s & 2-3s classes . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7           development through songs, stories, art, dramatic play, sensory, movement, games and
Multi-age classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8       more!
Nature Play Area classes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9      Educational Support Professionals (ESPs)
Play Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
                                                        Our educational support professionals (ESPs) are part of the classroom teaching team
More with EC&FE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13      to provide support and help to encourage positive learning experiences with children
How to Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14      and families in our program.
Fees and Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

                                       Facebook                                  Instagram
                                       facebook.com/osseoEC                      instagram.com/osseoearlychildhoodprograms
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Most classes include
What is ECFE?
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is based on the idea that parents
provide their child's first and most significant learning environment and
parents are children's first and most enduring teachers. ECFE works to support
you as a parent/caregiver and to strengthen and empower families. The goal is
to enhance the ability of all parents and other family members to provide the
best possible environments for their child's learning and development.

Who goes to ECFE?
l   Parents and other caring adults who have a significant relationship in a
    child's life.
l   Parents who are looking for friends for their child, parents who are looking
    for friends for themselves.
                                                                                                 PARENT- CHILD TIME
l   Parents who want to learn skills and strategies to help strengthen their                Activities where parents and children learn
    family’s overall well-being.                                                             and enjoy time together and in a group
                                                                                               and develop friendships with others
Types of ECFE classes                                                                                  from the community.

After attending class each week, families will leave with new ideas, resources
and activities to practice what they have learned to support and encourage the
growth and development of families.

     Non-Separating class
Parents and children will engage in classroom activities led by a teacher for the
entire class. During parent education discussion time, children and parents will
remain in the same classroom. Children will play nearby with other children
and the children's teacher. Children are able to visually see and connect with
their adult as needed.

     Gradual Separating class
                                                                                                         PLAY TIME
When the class begins, the start and length of parent and child separation time              Time for children to learn and interact
is determined by the needs of the group. In a gradual separating class, parents            with one another and a children's teacher to
and children remain together for part of the class in the same classroom.                        develop their physical, language,
When it is time to separate, parents will move to a different room for parent                  literacy, social and emotional skills.
education time with a parent educator while children participate in classroom
activities with a children's teacher.

     Separating class
Parents and children will engage in classroom activities led by a teacher for part
of the class and then separate into a parent only group and children's group,
each led by teachers. When separation occurs, parents will join together for
parent education discussion time with a parent educator in another classroom.
During parent education discussion time, children will remain in their original
classroom and participate in classroom activities with a children's teacher.

     Parent and Child Play Time
Parents and children will engage in classroom activities led by a teacher for the
entire play time. Group sizes will be up to twelve children with their adult in
a classroom or Nature Play Area including up to two staff. Play time does not
include parent education discussion time.                                                             PARENT TIME
                                                                                            Parent education time with other parents
                                                                                              and a parent educator to learn about
     Online class
                                                                                            positive guidance, child development and
Online ECFE classes give parents and children a chance to meet other families              opportunities to reflect on short and long-
from the community and engage in early learning activities together led by a               term goals, values, and parenting practices
children's teacher or parent educator.                                                            in a supportive group setting.

            Twitter                                                       OsseoEC.org                                                     3
            twitter.com/OsseoEarly                                        Our program website with resources for families
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
           FREE                                                                                   Infant Class
    Welcome Baby
                                                                                                  Parents and Infants
    Expectant Parents and                                                                          Birth to 12 Months
     Parents with Infants
      Birth to 12 Months
                                                  Infant Massage
                                                      Parents and Infants
                                                       Birth to 9 Months                  Talk, sing, read and play:

                                                                                          Join us to share your ideas,
Classes are offered in partnership                                                        experiences and concerns in a
with HUG (Helping Us Grow) and                                                            supportive, relaxing community
focus on introducing early literacy                                                       environment.
skills. Each family will leave with a         Infant Massage provides
copy of the book Brain Games for              many benefits to babies!                    This three-week class is designed
Babies and a set of board books                                                           to give you time to relax and enjoy
                                              Learn how to understand and
for your home library. Sandwiches,                                                        your new baby. While you are
                                              respond to your baby’s cues and
fruit and water provided.                                                                 playing with your baby, a parent
                                              signals as you deepen your bond
                                                                                          educator will facilitate discussion
Participants will learn:                      through the relaxing practice of
                                                                                          and provide relevant information

                                              massage. Great for moms, dads and
                                              grandparents!                               about:
     Connection with other parents in the
     community that are also expecting or
                                              Participants will learn:                    •   Sleep schedules.
     have a new baby.

•                                             •   Better sleep and digestion.
                                                                                              Infant development.

     Sample activities to do at home with                                                     Infant Massage.
     your baby based on the book Brain            Increased brain and nervous system
     Games for Babies.                            development.

Willow Lane                                   •   Deeper sense of safety and attachment
                                                  to caregivers.
                                                                                          Willow Lane
                                                                                          Saturdays         9:30-10:45 a.m.
2000W      Tues.     Jan. 18       6-7 p.m.                                               2004W      Sat.     Feb. 5, Feb. 12, Feb. 19
                     No sibling care.         Arbor View                                                      No sibling care.
                                              Tuesdays     9:30-10:45 a.m.
Arbor View                                                                                Arbor View
                                              2801A    Tues.    Feb. 1 and Feb. 8
2001A      Thurs.    Jan. 20       6-7 p.m.   2802A    Tues.    March 1 and March 8       2005A      Sat.     March 5, March 12,
                     No sibling care.         2803A    Tues.    April 5 and April 12                          March 19
                                              2804A    Tues.    May 3 and May 10                              No sibling care.

4    Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Parents and Infants
Non-Separating classes
Relaxing classes designed to give you time to enjoy your
baby, meet other parents and talk with a parent educator.
The parent educator will lead the group in songs, stories,
                                                                        Help Me Grow connects Minnesota children
sensory and movement activities to engage infants'
                                                                        and their families to early intervention
curiosity, exploration, cognitive and social development.
Conversations may focus on sleep schedules, infant
development, infant massage, sensory/motor play,                        If you are concerned about a child’s development,
nutrition, adjusting to family life, etc.                               you can refer the child through Help Me Grow for
                                                                        a free screening or evaluation. Services are free
Registration is based on the age of the child at the start              to eligible children ages birth-5, regardless of
date of each class.                                                     income or immigrant status.
                                                                        To refer a child, visit: helpmegrowmn.org or call 866-
FREE Birth to 9 Months                                                  Interpretation services are available for referrals by phone.
                                                                        For more information visit helpmegrowmn.org.
Arbor View
2004A     Mon.        Jan. 24-May 16           10:30-11:45 a.m.
2006A     Thurs.      Jan. 27-May 12           1:30-2:45 p.m.

                                                                        We offer more FREE opportunities for
2007      Fri.        Jan. 28-May 13           2-3 p.m.
                                                                        parents and infants birth to 12 months:
FREE Birth to 12 Months                                                 l   Birth to Five classes
                                                                            Learn more on pages 8-9
Arbor View
2008A     Mon.        Jan. 24-May 16           6:15-7:30 p.m.           l   Play Times
		                    No sibling care is available during this class.
                                                                            Learn more on pages 10-11

       NEW! FREE 6 to 18 Months                                         l   Home Visits and Parent Consultations
                                                                            Learn more on page 12
Arbor View
2009A     Wed.        Jan. 26-May 11           10:30-11:45 a.m.
2010A     Thurs.      Jan. 27-May 12           9-10:15 a.m.

 Join when you can.                                                     Stay informed about ECFE
 We undestand flexibility is important. Register                        Does your family receive our brochures by
 and join in a class during a parental leave or at any                  mail? If not, you may not be on our birth to
 time. Parents are welcome to attend online classes                     age five mailing list! You can stay informed
 with or without infants-do what works best for                         about ECFE opportunities by requesting
 your family!                                                           your home address be added to our mailing
                                                                        list. Contact our program at 763-391-8777 or

                                                                            REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                              5
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!

    Parents and Children 1-2
    For children 1 or older by September 1, 2021
    Our 1-2s classes provide many opportunities for your child to develop social, emotional and problem solving
    skills. The teacher will lead the group in songs, stories, art, dramatic play, sensory, movement, games and
    other activities during parent-child time and play time. A parent educator will lead discussion with the
    parent group during parent time.

    Non-Separating class
    During parent education and discussion time children and parents will remain in the same classroom.

    Arbor View
    13-2100A     Mon.     Jan. 24-May 16     6-7:30 p.m.          No sibling care is available during this class.

    Gradual Separating class
    When the class begins, the start and length of parent and child separation time during parent education
    and discussion time is determined by the needs of the group.

    Arbor View
    13-2101A     Mon.     Jan. 24-May 16     9-10:30 a.m.
    13-2102A     Mon.     Jan. 24-May 16     11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
    15-2103A     Tues.    Jan. 25-May 10     9-10:30 a.m.
    15-2105A     Wed.     Jan. 26-May 11     11 a.m.-12:30 p.m
    15-2106A     Thurs.   Jan. 27-May 12     9-10:30 a.m.
    14-2109A     Fri.     Jan. 28-May 13     9-10:30 a.m.

6     Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Parents and Children 2-3
For children 2 or older by September 1, 2021
In this class, parents discover teachable moments and techniques to
promote their child’s learning, development, social, emotional and
problem solving skills. The teacher will lead songs, stories, art, dramatic
play, sensory, movement, games and other activities during parent-
child time and play time. Children will gain confidence and trust as
their parents separate for parent education and discussion time.

Separating class
Arbor View
13-2200A          Mon.           Jan. 24-May 16            9-10:30 a.m.
15-2202A          Wed.           Jan. 26-May 11            9-10:30 a.m.                                      Join Us
15-2203A          Thurs.         Jan. 27-May 12            9-10:30 a.m.                                        for
15-2204A          Thurs.         Jan. 27-May 12            11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                               Play Time
                                                                                                             See page 11

Parents and Children Practice Preschool
For children 2½ or older by September 1, 2021
This parent-child class is designed for 2½ year olds that are ready for
more activity, learning and separation time!

Separating class
Arbor View
29-1707A            Thurs.        Sept 16-May 12           9-11 a.m.
This class started in September. Registration based on space available.

       Drop off Preschool for Young Threes
For children 2½ or older by September 1, 2021
This is a drop off class for children who are ready for more separation
time. The teacher will encourage a child’s natural curiosity with peers
of similar ages in early literacy, language, observation, problem solving
skills through songs, stories, art, dramatic play, sensory, movement and
games and introduce preschool readiness skills.
Students currently registered in Practice Preschool will be given priority to register for the
Preschool for Young Threes class. The lottery will fill remaining spots in the class.
Children need to be mostly self-sufficient in the bathroom, know when they need to use
the bathroom and are having few accidents. For this class the fee is $300 per child. The fee
is divided into three equal monthly payments.

Drop off child only class
Arbor View
15-2901A          Tues.          Jan. 25-May 10            9-11 a.m.

                                                                                     REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM        7
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Multi-age classes benefit families attending
                                                                          Parents and Children Birth to 5
                                                                          Classes are for all children in the family, age birth to 5.
together with children of different ages and
                                                                          Children will gain confidence and trust as their parents
families attending with one child. Multi-age
                                                                          separate for parent education discussions.
learning encourages a child’s natural curiosity
with peers of different ages in early literacy,                           There is no charge for children birth to 12 months to
language, observation, problem solving skills                             attend Birth to 5 classes. No sibling care is available.
and more!
                                                                          Separating class
                                                                          15-2511W         Tues.        Jan. 25-May 10          9-10:30 a.m.
                                                                          *15-2512W        martes       25 de enero-            11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Parents and Children 2 to 5
                                                                          7-2513W          Tues.
                                                                                                        10 de mayo
                                                                                                        Jan. 25-March 8         6-7:30 p.m.
For children 2 or older by September 1, 2021                              8-2514W          Tues.        March 15-May 10         6-7:30 p.m.
Separating class                                                          15-2516A         Wed.         Jan. 26-May 11          9-10:30 a.m.
                                                                          15-2517A         Wed.         Jan. 26-May 11          11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
13-2501A         Mon.         Jan. 24-May 16       11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                          15-2519W         Thurs.       Jan. 27-May 12          11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
15-2503A         Thurs.       Jan. 27-May 12       6-7:30 p.m.
                 No sibling care is available during this class.
                                                                          EC&FE para familias hispanas
  NEW! Blended and Beautiful
Parents and Children 2 to 5                                               *15-2512W

                                                                                           martes       25 de enero-
                                                                                                        10 de mayo
                                                                                                                                11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

2 or older by September 1, 2021                                           Para los niños, EC&FE es un lugar seguro para jugar libremente,
A group designed to share experiences, grow together and learn key        convivir con otros niños, y aprender. Para sus padres, EC&FE es un
strategies for successfully blending your family.                         lugar para recibir apoyo de otros padres de familia, hacerle preguntas
                                                                          sobre la crianza o educación de su hijo a una maestra licenciada, y
Separating class                                                          reflexionar sobre sus valores y prácticas familiares. La clase de EC&FE
15-2520A    Thurs.            Jan. 27-May 12         11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.   para familias hispanas se dirige a los que hablan español en casa y que
                                                                          quisieran participar en la conversación entre los padres en español.
  NEW! Messy Play
Parents and Children 2 to 5
2 or older by September 1, 2021
                                                                                NEW! Is This a Phase?
Parents and children will explore a variety of materials which could      For Parents and Children Birth to 5
include shaving cream, fingerpaints, kinetic sand, water, clay, etc.      Your child is learning and growing every day! In this class, we will
Dress for mess!                                                           look at development, temperament, love languages and challenging
                                                                          behaviors to get to know your unique child better.
Separating class
                                                                          Separating class
15-2504A         Tues.        Jan. 25-May 10        11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
15-2505W         Thurs.       Jan. 27-May 12        9-10:30 a.m.          14-2521A         Fri.       Jan. 28-May 13           11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                 No sibling care is available during this class.                           No sibling care is available during this class.

Family Literacy
                                                                                NEW! Story Time
Separating class for parents & children 2½ to 5
                                                                          ONLINE class for Parents and Children Birth to 5
Osseo Area Schools Adult Basic Education partners
with Early Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE) to
                                                                          Parents and children will enjoy a book read aloud each week with a
                                                                          teacher and have fun learning through language and literacy!
offer family literacy in-person classes. Parents study
English, participate in a parenting education class                       For this online class the fee is based on household income:
and have learning time with their children.
                                                                           $50,000 and above the fee is $20
To register or for information, call 763-566-5452.                         $0-$49,999 the fee is $10
Continuous registration available.
                                                                          9-2802            Thurs       Jan. 27-March 24         1-1:30 p.m.
Willow Lane
Monday, Wednesday, Friday        9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sept. 8, 2021-June 9, 2022                                                Classes at Willow Lane end in a "W". Classes at Arbor View end in an "A".

8     Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Nature Play Area

Parents and Children Birth to 5
Our Nature Play Area classes are for all children in the
family, age birth to 5 and held outdoors in the Nature Play                      In the Nature Play Area families will
Area. Classes benefit families attending together with                           enjoy time together through a variety
children of different ages and families attending with one                       of play, exploration and experiences
child.                                                                           in our outdoor spaces designed to
                                                                                 support young children’s learning and
Parent-child time, play time, parent education and                               development.
discussion time are held outdoors during class time unless
severe or inclement weather.                                                       l   Mud Kitchen
Learn more about Nature Play Area weather related guidelines for ECFE classes      l   Giant Bird's Nest
on our website osseoec.org.                                                        l   Hammock Village

Separating class
                                                                                   l   Sand Play
                                                                                   l   Little Library
Arbor View Nature Play Area                                                        l   Slack Line
7-2523A          Thurs.         March 24-May 12          1:30-3 p.m.               l   Tree Cookie Trail
14-2521A         Fri.           Jan. 28-May 13           9-10:30 a.m.              l   Water Play and more!
14-2522A         Fri.           Jan. 28-May 13           11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
There is no charge for children birth to 12 months to
attend. No sibling care is available.

                                                                                REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM           9
Early Childhood & Family Education - New Classes!
Play Time                                               PLAY. EXPLORE. LEARN TOGETHER.

     Parent and Baby Play Time with a Parent Educator
     FREE Open Play for Parents & Babies Birth to 24 Months
     Enjoy play time with your child and get a chance to meet other families with similar age children! A parent
     educator will lead songs, stories, art, dramatic play, sensory, movement, games and more for the group to
     foster infant and toddler learning and development and can answer and discuss your parenting questions.
     Participants can come regularly or join when they can. Sibling care is not available during play time.

        Location                  Monday                     Wednesday                               Thursday

        Arbor View             8:30-10 a.m.                    8:30-10 a.m.                       10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
                              Jan. 24-May 16                  Jan. 26-May 11                         Jan. 27-May 12

     Registration is required in advance.
             Online                            763-391-8777
             osseo.ce.eleyo.com                Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

                                                                               No Play Time
                                                                               Jan. 31, Feb. 21, March 28-April 1,
                                                                               April 15 and May 2

10     Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Parent and Child Play Time
Open Play for Parents & Children Birth to 5
Enjoy play time with your child! The teacher will lead songs, stories, art, dramatic play, sensory, movement,
games and more for the group to foster learning and development. Children will learn a variety of skills as they
explore and interact with other children. Parents will have the opportunity to connect with other parents from
the community with young children and a teacher. Participants can come regularly or join when they can.
Sibling care is not available during play time.

l   Cost: $3 per child, per time with max of $8            l   Play time is led by a children's teacher
    per family, per time. No charge for children               unless otherwise listed.
    birth to 12 months to attend.                          l   Parent and Child Play Times are for children
l   Cash or credit card payments accepted.                     birth to age five unless otherwise listed.

     Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday                Friday              Saturday
                                                                                  with a Parent

        1:45-3:15 p.m.

   1:30-3 p.m.   11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 6-7:30 p.m.   Jan. 27-March 24                                      9:30-11 a.m.
                                                                    9-10:30 a.m.
Jan. 24-March 21  Jan. 25-May 10 Jan. 26-March 23    Arbor View    Jan. 28-May 13                       Feb. 5 & 19
  Arbor View        Willow Lane     Arbor View       Small Gym       Arbor View                         Willow Lane
                                    Small Gym       Parents and
                        								                    Children 2-5

   1:30-3 p.m.                            6-7:30 p.m.                                                   9:30-11 a.m.
 April 4-May 16                          April 6-May 11                                                 March 5 & 19
  Arbor View                              Arbor View                                                    Arbor View
Nature Play Area                        Nature Play Area

    Registration is required in advance.
                                                                          Did you know?
           Online                                                         Parent and child play time passes can be
           osseo.ce.eleyo.com                                             purchased at either site and do not expire.

           Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
                                                                          No Play Time
                                                                          Jan. 31, Feb. 21, March 28-April 1,
                                                                          April 15 and May 2

                                                                  REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                        11
More with EC&FE
                                  Individualized Family Education
                                  An opportunity for our family educators to come to you wherever
                                  you are in the community to support you through home visits or
                                  parent consultations.

                                  When you have questions about your infant, toddler, preschooler or
                                  elementary school-age child, our family educators can support you
                                  with a parent consultation by:
                                  l   Providing creative, fun activities to encourage the growth and development of
                                      your child.
                                  l   Address your parenting concerns and connect your family to resources in the

                                  To request a FREE home visit or parent consultation call 763-391-8777 or email

                                  The Early Childhood Parent Advisory Council (ECPAC) meets to
                                  discuss program policy, program fees and services, and parents’
                                  perspectives on ways to improve quality and accessibility. Free
                                  child care is available during each in person meeting.

                                  Meetings are held monthly and all parents/guardians currently
                                  in the program are invited to participate.

                                  For general questions for ECPAC email ecfechairperson@district279.org

                                  Volunteer Opportunities
                                  Research continues to show the positive impact between a child’s
                                  learning and parent involvement at school which leads to greater
                                  educational success. There are many opportunities to support
                                  our children, school and our community, including working with
                                  children and/or adults and helping at events!

                                  To learn more about volunteer opportunities, call 763-391-8777 or email

12   Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Early Childhood
                                                                               A FREE service for all
                                                                               children age three to five
                                                                               Screening is a simple check of
                                                                               a child's development to help
                                                                               identify children who may
                                                                               benefit from resources to help
                                                                               in their development.

                                                                               Schedule an appointment:



                                                                               En Espanol, Lus Hmoob,
                                                                               Bang Tieng Viet: 855-938-0586

                                                                               Preschool for Threes
                                                                               For children 3 or older by September 1

Preschool and PreK Programs                                                    Locations:
                                                                               Arbor View Early Childhood Center
Building a foundation for life-long learning                                   Cedar Island Elementary
                                                                               Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
For children three or four by September 1
                                                                               PreK for Fours and Fives
Our high quality, comprehensive programs are designed to prepare
your child for success in kindergarten with emphasis in school                 For children 4 or older by September 1
readiness skills and development in the areas of:
l   Personal and Social Development
                                                                               Cedar Island Elementary
l   Physical Development and Health                                            Elm Creek Elementary
                                                                               Fernbrook Elementary
l   Mathematical Thinking                                                      Oak View Elementary
l   Language and Literacy                                                      Rice Lake Elementary
                                                                               Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
l   Art and Creativity
l   Scientific Thinking                                                        Preschool for Three to Fives
                                                                               For children 3 or older by September 1
Our small class sizes, highly trained licensed staff and developmentally
appropriate curriculum ensures that children will have a variety of            Locations:
learning experiences to support their growth and learning!
                                                                               Arbor View Early Childhood Center
Learn more at osseoec.org

                                                                   REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                 13
How to Register
Online                                              Phone                                           In Person or Mail
osseo.ce.eleyo.com                                  763-391-8777
                                                                                                    Arbor View Early Childhood Center
                                                                                                    9401 Fernbrook Ln. N
                                                                                                    Maple Grove, MN 55369
               Scan this code to go to the
               registration website.
                                                    Language Line                                   Phone: 763-391-8777

                                                    1-855-938-0586                                  Willow Lane Early Childhood Center

Convenient, secure and accessible                   En Español                                      7020 Perry Ave. N
twenty-four (24) hours a day. Visa,                 Lus Hmoob                                       Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
Mastercard, American Express or                                                                     Phone: 763-585-7330
Discover credit cards or electronic                 Bằng Tiếng Việt
bank payments accepted.                                                                             Office hours at both locations:
                                                    Office hours:
                                                                                                    Monday - Friday
                                                    Monday - Friday                                 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
                                                    8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Course Confirmation                                 Immunizations                                   Registration Lottery
A course confirmation and payment receipt           To go to school in Minnesota, students          Dec. 17, 2021
will be emailed to participants once placed in      must show they've had the required
a class.                                            immunizations, or must file a legal             Registrations for all 1-15 week classes will
                                                    exemption* with the school.                     be "waiting for lottery" once completed.
Fees                                                You or your clinic can fax or email
                                                                                                    Registrations completed by 10 a.m. on Dec.
Fees will not be processed until the day of the                                                     17 will be entered in the random lottery
                                                    immunization records, document of
lottery Dec. 17, 2021. Charges will appear as                                                       drawing. After the lottery, registration will
                                                    conscientious opposition or medical
Osseo Area Schools.                                                                                 continue until classes are full.
                                                    exemption to: 763-391-8762 or
If participants register for a class after the                                                      Selecting a Class
lottery date, fees will be charged at the time of   For more information, call your doctor,
                                                    clinic, or health plan.                         l   Registration for infants 0-12 months
                                                                                                        is based on the age of the child at
                                                    Immunizations are required for children             the start date of each class. There is
No one will be denied participation due to          birth to five years of age. Immunizations are
inability to pay.                                                                                       no charge for infants under 12 months
                                                    not required for adult participants.                to attend class or play times.
                                                    We do not ask for proof of or require           l   Registration for children 12 months
Health Related Needs                                COVID vaccine for any participant.                  and older is based on the age of
                                                                                                        the child as of September 1, 2021.
Health forms (e.g., asthma action plan, diabetes    * Parents may file a medical exemption
                                                                                                    l   Classes at Willow Lane end in a "W".
action plan, medication administration consent,     signed by a health care provider or provide
                                                                                                        Classes at Arbor View end in an "A".
severe allergy action plan, etc.) are required      conscientious objection signed by parent/
to be submitted at the time of registration         guardian and notarized.
by parents/guardians if a child has a health
related need that requires medication or special    Payment
                                                    Payment is required at the time of
For more information, call 763-391-8777.            registration. Payment can be made by: cash,
                                                    check (payable to ISD 279), credit card:
                                                    Discover, MasterCard, VISA or American
                                                    Express or electronic bank payments. For
                                                    financial assistance call 763-391-8777.

14     Welcome Families | Bienvenidas Familias | Nyob zoo | Chào Mừng Các Gia đình | Soo dhowaada
Fees and Policy
Cancellation                                        Photo/Image Agreement                           Space is Limited
Classes may be canceled by the program due          A parent or guardian photo/image and            Participants will be limited to attending one
to lack of enrollment. Effort will be made          or a photo/image of their child may be          type of class (e.g., 1-2s, 2-3s) each session
by the program to help participants select          used by the program in print, computer or       with a child as curriculum may repeat in
another class or provide a full refund.             electronic media, video or audio recording      multiple classes. If space allows, families
                                                    and film. If a parent/guardian wishes to        may be able to participate in more than one
Covid Guidelines                                    deny this, follow the school Board Policy       class. Please contact the office two weeks
Osseo Area Schools Early Childhood and              and Procedure 515 found on the district         after classes have started and ask about the
Family Education (EC&FE) programs                   website www.district279.org.                    possibility to join another class.
follow health and safety guidelines as
directed by Osseo Area Schools. Layered             Refunds                                         Support for Participation
mitigation strategies may include but               Full refunds will be provided if cancellation   If adult participants are in need of auxiliary
not be limited to: lower class sizes, one           occurs before class begins. After a class       aids or services to participate in a class,
adult attending with child(ren), scheduled          begins refunds will be pro-rated based on       please call 763-391-8777 or TDD: 763-391-
cleaning, and adults and children age two           the weeks remaining of the class. To cancel     7250. Please allow at least seventy-two (72)
and older required to wearing masks.                a registration and receive a refund, contact    hours notice (a two week notice is preferred)
Program practices will adapt to meet                the program office at 763-391-8777.             to accommodate a request. Osseo Area
guidelines as information is updated or
                                                                                                    Schools does not discriminate on the basis of

                          Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Fee
Class Fee                                                         Annual        1 week 2 weeks 3-5 weeks       6-8 weeks 13-15 weeks Practice
                                                                  Income                                                             Preschool
Select your annual gross income level                             $115,000 plus   $13    $21       $41            $106      $212       $548
and the number of weeks of the class to
determine fee.                                                    $90-$114,999    $11    $19       $37             $91      $182       $476
                                                                  $75-$89,999      $8    $17       $33             $76      $151       $377
Program fees are based on annual family income. No
one will be denied participation due to inability to pay.         $50-$74,999      $6    $15       $28             $61      $121       $334
Participants can select the fee at the time of registration       $35-$49,999      $4    $13       $24             $54      $106       $268
that works best for their family. For financial assistance        $20-$34,999      $2    $11       $20             $40       $82       $186
call 763-391-8777.                                                $00-$19,999      $0     $8       $16             $23       $45       $120

Sibling Care Fee                                                  Annual          1 time 2 weeks 3-5 weeks     6-8 weeks 13-15 weeks Practice
Select your annual gross income level and                         Income                                                             Preschool
the number of weeks to determine fee.                             $115,000 plus   $11       $18       $37          $68      $137       $282
Sibling Care is for families who need care for children           $90-$114,999     $9       $16       $33          $61      $121       $245
when attending a class with another child. Sibling care
is for children age five months to five years. Babies             $75-$89,999      $8       $14       $28          $53      $106       $209
under five months of age are welcome to attend class              $50-$74,999      $7       $12       $26          $45       $90       $172
with a parent for no additional charge. At the time of            $35-$49,999      $6       $10       $21          $38       $76       $135
registration, if your child will turn five months or older        $20-$34,999      $5        $7       $16          $30       $61        $98
during class, please call the office to register. Sibling care    $00-$19,999      $4        $5       $12          $18       $35        $62
is offered during class unless otherwise listed.

                                                                                        REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                              15
Nonprofit Org.
                                                                                            US Postage
11200 93rd Avenue North                                                                     Permit #3
Maple Grove, MN 55369                                                                    Osseo, Minnesota

       Register Now!
           Classes offered
         January to May 2022
         Registration Lottery
               Dec. 17!

         Early Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE)

                  SCAN CODE
                                  Arbor View Early Childhood Center
                                  9401 Fernbrook Ln. N Maple Grove, MN 55369

                                  Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
                 TO REGISTER
                                  7020 Perry Ave. N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429

                Osseo Area Schools mission is to inspire and prepare all students with
                  the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams;
                   contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.
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