Easter 2014 Touch Typing, A Level Revision, GCSE Study Skills and Personalised Learning

Easter 2014 Touch Typing, A Level Revision, GCSE Study Skills and Personalised Learning
Easter 2014

   Touch Typing, A Level Revision,
       GCSE Study Skills and
       Personalised Learning

        •    Touch Typing 10+
        •    Revision Toolkit – A level revision
        •    GCSE Study Skills Workshop
        •    Personalised Learning (KS 2-4)

                        "Early Bird" Bookings
    Substantial discounts if you book AT LEAST one month
                    before the course date
      See price list overleaf and at the top of each course page

                  All the courses will be held at
                 The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre

                    The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre
          Arkell Lane, Frensham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3BL
                           tel: 01252 792400
enquiries@arkellcentre.org.uk          www.helenarkelldyslexiacentre.org
    A Company limited by guarantee Registered in England No. 3432423
                      Registered Charity No. 1064646
Back to work?

If you are a parent who is already working in a
supporting role in school and would like to gain a
qualification as a Teaching Assistant or a qualified
teacher who is thinking of returning to the workplace
but would like to update your skills and train for
something with a different focus, why not consider
one of our Professional courses?

Full details of all our professional courses can be
found on our website www.arkellcentre.org.uk and
registration forms can be downloaded from the

For more information please contact the Centre on
01252 792400 or email

Easter Holiday Diary 2014
 Please note that the diary is subject to change. Please check with the
                      centre for any amendments.

7 - 10 April Touch Typing (Age 10+) 4 day course            5
             (booking form pages 9/10)

14 April     GCSE Study Skills Workshop                     6
             (booking form pages 15/16)
16 April     Revision Toolkit                               7
             (booking form pages 13/14)
Contact      Personalised Learning sessions                 8
Centre for   by appointment (registration form
details      page 11)

             Check List                                    17

             Map                                           18

Touch Typing 10+

Dates:      Monday 7 April – Thursday 10 April 2014
Time:       Time slot allotted after booking
Age:        10+
Places:     18
Fee:        £140
            Earlybird fee £100 if booked before 7 March 2014

•   A 4 day course taught in 3 daily one-hour sessions
•   Learners taught position of letters on keyboard using multi-sensory
•   By end of week learners will have progressed to simple punctuation
    and number keys
•   Short homework tasks after each session to consolidate skills
•   Sessions should be backed up by regular practice at home to
    promote automaticity
•   Upon completion of the course, learners should have gained a good
    basic knowledge of keyboard and have a sound foundation on which
    to build speed and accuracy
•   Our tutors also recommend the Typing Instructor Deluxe CD-Rom
    to further skills, available from the HADC bookshop

                 Booking form on pages 9/10

GCSE Study Skills Workshop
                      Monday 14th April 2014
                        1.00pm – 3.00pm
                            Fee £80

                    “Early Bird” Fee £60
              (book at least one month before)

Studying for formal examinations such as GCSEs can be a
challenging experience for many teenagers.

This workshop will give students studying for GCSEs a
chance to think about how to study. It will provide an
opportunity to try out strategies which will help them to
become more effective learners.

The workshop will include:

  • How do you learn best?

  • Revision and examination techniques

  • Effective reading skills

The session will be delivered by Janet Skinner who is a Dyslexia
Consultant and Helen Arkell Assessor. Originally trained as an English
teacher, she has worked for many years supporting students and
young people as an assessor and tutor in school, college and university

               Booking Form on pages 15/16

Revision Toolkit
                    Wednesday 16th April 2014
                       1.00pm – 4.00pm
                           Fee £105

                    “Early Bird” Fee £80
              (book at least one month before)

                  A Level Revision
       Develop your own ‘tool kit’ of strategies

Many students find exam preparation stressful. Being aware of the
purpose of thorough preparation, taking control and having a ‘tool kit’
of strategies to use can make a significant difference. This workshop is
designed to give students the opportunity to develop successful ideas
and strategies for revision and techniques to use during the exam.
Students will be able to practise their skills and take useful resources
home with them.

The session will include the following:

   • Organisation/time management/planning

   • Revising effectively

   •   Examination techniques

   • Reducing anxiety

   • On the day/tips for success

To gain the most from the workshop, students are advised to bring
with them a selection of their course notes from one of their chosen

The session will be delivered by Glynis Lavington who is a Consultant
and Practitioner specialising in the field of dyslexia and higher
education. She has worked for many years in the further and higher
education sectors as an assessor, tutor and trainer.

                Booking Form on pages 13/14

Personalised Study Skills or
                  Literacy Sessions
Dates:      appointments available during the Easter break
            Contact Centre for details (morning sessions)
Times:      one hour long sessions by appointment
Age:        KS2 – KS4
Fee:        One-to-One session: £55.00

Sessions will be individually tailored to the student’s
needs but sessions could include the following

  •   Organisation of time
  •   Motivation
  •   Understanding of left and right brain
  •   Memory
  •   Learning styles
  •   Writing skills
  •   Reading accuracy
  •   Reading comprehension
  •   Spelling strategies
  •   Proof reading
  •   Revision techniques
  •   Mind mapping
  •   Listening skills
  •   Basic literacy skills (if necessary)

In the first instance please contact Julie Hall at the Centre who
will advise you on availability – jhall@arkellcentre.org.uk or
01252 792400.
Use separate booking form on page 11 after you have
booked your appointment(s) by phone.
Please attach a
                                                                     recent photo of

Touch Typing Registration Form
Please tick your course choice(s) below:

       Touch Typing, 7 - 10 April (allotted time slots)
       £140 (Early Bird fee £100 if booked at least 1 month before)

Child/Student Details                       Children/Students Only
 Surname                                    Forename

 Date of Birth               M/F            School

Parent/Guardian Details             All registrations
 Surname                             Forename                               Title
 Home Address
                                                         Post Code
 ℡ Home                                        ℡ Work

 ℡ Mobile                                       Email

In an Emergency                             All registrations
 Contact Name                                  Telephone Number
 Is your child on medication, or have any allergies or dietary restrictions? Please give

Please ensure that this form is returned with (if applicable):
 9   Completed questionnaire overleaf           9   Recent photograph
 9   Cheque for relevant amount payable         9   A recent assessment or school
                                                    report (this MUST be included for
     to HADC
                                                    all courses or registration will not
                                                    be processed)

Private and Confidential              Questionnaire
This questionnaire will be given to the tutors to enable them to plan the most helpful
programme for all the pupils. If on receipt of this information it appears that your
child/student would not benefit from the group programme we will let you know as
soon as possible and return your cheque. All information sent by you will remain
confidential. Please affix an additional sheet of paper for any further information. By
signing below you acknowledge that you have read and understood our
cancellation policy.
 What do you feel are his/her strengths?

 What do you feel are his/her weaknesses?

 How would you describe his/her listening skills and concentration??

 Is there anything else you feel it is important for the tutors to know?

 Signed                             Print name                          Date

 How did you hear about this course? (please be specific!)

Cancellation Policy: the following terms apply to all registrations:
Included in the price is a booking fee of £30. This is not refundable unless the course is
cancelled by the Centre.
   ● no fee will be refunded if we receive less than one month’s notice of cancellation ●
   50% of the course fee paid, less the booking fee, will be refunded for cancellation made
   more than one month before the course date.
  ●   Please note that course fees are non-transferable.

Personalised Learning                               Easter 2014
Booking Form

Please book the date(s) with the Centre before completing this form.
You will be sent a Family Questionnaire to complete and return with
this form.

Child/Student Details -        Key Stage:             Year:
 Surname                            Forename

Date of Birth           M/F           School
Parent/Guardian Details
 Surname                       Forename                         Title
Home Address
                                                Post Code
℡ Home                                ℡ Work

℡ Mobile                               Email
In an Emergency
 Contact Name                         Telephone Number
Is your child on medication, or have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
Please give details:

Please ensure that this form is returned with (if applicable):
 9    Completed Family           9   Cheque for relevant amount payable
      Questionnaire & Report         to HADC
      (if available)

Cancellation Policy: the following terms apply to all registrations:
Included in the price is a booking fee of £30. This is not refundable
unless the session is cancelled by the Centre.

Terms and Conditions – the Terms and Conditions for tuition will be
sent out with your booking confirmation

Please note that session fees are non-transferable.

Space for recent
                                                                     photo of student

                                Easter 2014
Registration Form

                         "Early Bird" Bookings
         Substantial discount if you book AT LEAST one month
                          before course date

 16 April Revision Toolkit – A level Revision                   £105      £80

Student Details -
 Surname                                    Forename

Date of Birth               M/F             College/University

Programme of Study                          Year of study

Home Address

                                                        Post Code

Term time address if applicable

℡ Home                                       ℡ Work

℡ Mobile                                      Email
In an Emergency
 Contact Name                                Telephone Number
Are you on medication, or you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
Please give details:

Please ensure that this form is returned with (if applicable):
 9    Completed                  9   Cheque for relevant amount payable
      questionnaire overleaf         to HADC
                       Recommended book for this course –
     Effective Study Skills – unlock your potential by Geraldine Price and Pat Maier
 £14.99 available from the Bookshop ( enclose a cheque made payable to HADC to pre-
                order this book and collect it on the day of the course)

                          Private and Confidential
This questionnaire will be given to the tutor to enable her to plan the most
helpful programme for all the students. If, on receipt of this information, it
appears that you would not benefit from the group programme we will let
you know as soon as possible and return your cheque. All information sent by
you will remain confidential. Please affix an additional sheet of paper for any
further information. By signing below you (or your parent or guardian if
under 18) acknowledge that you have read and understood our
cancellation policy.
   What do you feel are your strengths?

  What do you feel are your weaknesses?

  How would you describe your listening skills and concentration?

  Is there anything else you feel it is important for the tutors to know?

  Signed                         Print name                       Date

  How did you hear about this course? (please be specific!)

Cancellation Policy: the following terms apply to all registrations:
Included in the price is a booking fee of £30. This is not refundable unless the
course is cancelled by the Centre.

  ● no fee will be refunded if we receive less than one month’s notice of
  ● 50% of the course fee paid, less the booking fee, will be refunded for
  cancellation made more than one month before the course date.
  ●   Please note that course fees are non-transferable.

                      Please register as soon as you can

Space for recent
                                                           photo of student

                           Easter 2014
Registration Form
                        "Early Bird" Bookings
        Substantial discount if you book AT LEAST one month
                         before course date

 14 April GCSE Study Skills Workshop                 £80     £60

Student Details -
 Surname                             Forename

Date of Birth          M/F           College/University

Programme of Study                   Year of study

Home Address

                                               Post Code

Term time address if applicable

℡ Home                               ℡ Work

℡ Mobile                              Email
In an Emergency
 Contact Name                        Telephone Number
Are you on medication, or you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
Please give details:

Please ensure that this form is returned with (if applicable):
 9    Completed                  9   Cheque for relevant amount payable
      questionnaire overleaf         to HADC

                          Private and Confidential
This questionnaire will be given to the tutor to enable her to plan the most
helpful programme for all the students. If, on receipt of this information, it
appears that you would not benefit from the group programme we will let
you know as soon as possible and return your cheque. All information sent by
you will remain confidential. Please affix an additional sheet of paper for any
further information. By signing below you (or your parent or guardian if
under 18) acknowledge that you have read and understood our
cancellation policy.

  What do you feel are your strengths?

  What do you feel are your weaknesses?

  How would you describe your listening skills and concentration?

  Is there anything else you feel it is important for the tutors to know?

  Signed                         Print name                       Date

  How did you hear about this course? (please be specific!)

Cancellation Policy: the following terms apply to all registrations:
Included in the price is a booking fee of £30. This is not refundable unless the
course is cancelled by the Centre.

  ● no fee will be refunded if we receive less than one month’s notice of
  ● 50% of the course fee paid, less the booking fee, will be refunded for
  cancellation made more than one month before the course date.
  ●   Please note that course fees are non-transferable.

                      Please register as soon as you can

When booking …

9    Please fill in and sign the reverse of the registration form as well
     as the front, making sure you have read the cancellation policy

9    Make sure you include a school or assessment report with your
     registration form if appropriate

9    Please photocopy the registration form if you have more than one
     child: and don’t forget the reverse!

9    Please let us know how you heard about our children’s courses

9    Let us know about any allergies or illnesses

    Please return completed form and any relevant documents to:

          Head of Services, Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre,
         Arkell Lane, Frensham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3BL

              Tel. 01252 792400      Fax. 01252 795669
                Email: enquiries@arkellcentre.org.uk
               Web: www.helenarkelldyslexiacentre.org
On the day…

9    The Centre provides drinks and biscuits for break times
9    Please check your directions and make sure you know where you
     are going on the day

        Please be aware that course fees are non-transferable.
                    If your child is absent from a course
                 your child will not be permitted to transfer
                       to another in lieu of a refund.

The map above shows HADC’s location, in Frensham, and the main
routes into and around Farnham.

Note: On entering the Centre’s postcode into your Sat Nav the
result might take you to Broomfield Lane! The centre is located
on the main A287 near the junction with Fifield Lane.

We stock over 450 titles and specialist resources (teaching
materials of proven value) in our bookshop.

The shop is open every day and orders can be made by telephone, fax or by

Details of all our resources are available by catalogue, online bookshop or
website:- www.arkellcentre.org.uk

Some popular titles:

Dyslexia - A Parent’s Survival Guide
Christine Ostler ((£8.95)

Help Your Child to Succeed – The Essential Guide for Parents
Bill Lucas & Alistair Smith £6.95)

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Adele Faber and Ealine Mazlish (£12.99)

Study Skills – A Pupil’s Survival Guide
Christine Ostler (£9.95)

Dyslexia – A Complete Guide for Parents
Gavin Reid (£15.99)

The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre offers a wide spectrum of learning, assessment and
training opportunities:

    o    In-service training for schools

    o    Study skills courses

    o    Consultations

    o    Assessments

    o    Individual tuition

    o    Summer courses and tuition for students and professionals

    o    Specialist dyslexia services for businesses and employers

    o    Professional qualification in supporting and assessing learners with specific
         learning difficulties

Individuals can learn about themselves, their challenges and how to compensate for them.

Parents can learn about their child’s strengths and weaknesses, how they can support
learning and how to talk to and liaise with the professionals in their child’s life.

Teachers and educationalists can learn about dyslexic students and how their learning
can be supported so that they can achieve their potential.

Employers can learn to understand their role in providing support for dyslexic workers.

        The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre, Arkell Lane, Frensham, Farnham, Surrey
            GU10 3BL Tel: 01252 792400 email: enquiries@arkellcentre.org.uk
         A Company limited by guarantee           Registered in England No. 3432423

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