Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services

Page created by Evelyn Gonzales
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
Brevard Public Schools
       Guide to

        Updated April 2019

Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
Table of Contents

   Objectives                             3          Receiving and Paying Invoices                37
   The Rental Process – Start to Finish   4          Monthly Statements                           38
   IN ADVANCE: Get Your Billing Number(s) 5          Additional Information                       39
   STEP 1: Prepare a Requisition          6-8             Brevard County FAQs

   STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car        9-13            Brevard County Enterprise Locations
     Request Form                                          TollPass Guide
   STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online        14-31           Vehicle Information (Makes/Models by Class)
   STEP 4: Cancelling Your Reservation    32-33      Questions?                                   40
   Truck Rentals                          34-35

Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
                            …guide you step by step through
                             the online reservation process
                               and the payment process

    This                     …guide you through renting
presentation                 vehicles through the truck
                               division, which cannot
   will…                           be done online.

                              …direct you to additional
                                 help and resources
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
The Rental Process – Start to Finish

Get Your                    Complete the      Your Car
              Prepare a                                        Cancel     Pay the
 Billing                     Rental Car        Online
             Requisition                                    Reservation   Invoice
Numbers                       Request         (or through
                                                            (if needed)
                               Form            the truck

The next slides will explain each step of the process in detail.

Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
IN ADVANCE: Get Your Billing Number(s)
 Before making your first reservation, contact Mickey Mitchell for
 your site’s billing number(s).
   Email: Phone: 321-633-1000 extension 662                 Inactive*
 Schoolswill receive two billing numbers: one for their BRE link                            accounts will
                                                                                           NOT go through
 and one for their INT link.                                                                  the proper
      The same billing number will be used for each BRE or INT reservation and it is      billing process
       unique to your school.                                                              and the driver
                                                                                              may not be
      Please keep the BRE and INT numbers in a secure location for future                 able to pick up
       reservations.                                                                          the vehicle
      Do not share the billing numbers with others (your backup is an exception).          (refer to slide
 Departments        will receive one billing number.
      The same billing number will be used for each reservation.                         *An account becomes inactive if
                                                                                              not used for 13 months.
      Please keep the number in a secure location for future reservations.             *If you believe your account may be
                                                                                        inactive, contact Mickey at ext. 662
      Do not share the billing number with others (your backup is an exception).
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
STEP 1: Prepare a Requisition
You must have a PO number BEFORE you can make your reservation.
    Create   a separate requisition for each vehicle rented.
    Create   the requisition with vendor number V0000229723.
       Include
              in the requisition contract #SC 16-SC-017-CW; approved
       10/13/15; expires 09/29/20
    Blanket   purchase orders will not be created for this vendor.
    Pleaseprovide ample time for the requisition to be approved
    and rolled to a PO.
    Don’tdelay! Demand for rental cars fluctuates, and often
    spikes around weekends and holidays. Make your reservation
    as early as possible to ensure a car will be available for you.

Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
STEP 1: Prepare a Requisition (cont’d)
Use the State contracted rates as shown in this chart:                                               SEE SLIDES
                                                                        Daily Rate                    34-36 FOR
     Class (ACRISS CODE)                                                                                RATES
                                                        In-State                     Out-of-State
     Compact (CCAR)                                     $25.55*                          $31.50*     ASSOCIATED
     Intermediate (ICAR)                                $27.25*                          $34.00*     WITH LARGE
     Fullsize (FCAR)                                    $29.50*                          $38.25*        TRUCK
     Minivan (MVAR)                                     $35.00*                          $44.50*       RENTALS
     These are the most common vehicle classes rented; other vehicle classes have different rates.

*ADDITIONAL FEES WHEN USING AN AIRPORT AS THE PICKUP LOCATION:                                       There are no
     Add an extra line to the requisition for an additional 10% of the rental
      amount to cover the airport fee, which includes tire and vehicle licensing                       fees when
      fees of $0.02 and $0.69, respectively.                                                          returning a
     Orlando MCO has additional fees. See next slide.
                                                                                                     vehicle to a
     Out-of-state airports may include additional charges. See next slide.
     Out-of-state airports are not tax exempt.
     There are no airport fees if the airport is used as the return location only.
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
STEP 1: Prepare a Requisition (cont’d)
  Adding these fees to your requisition will save time later for the work of getting
  additional approvals because the invoice is higher than the PO.
     Melbourne
          Add and additional 10 percent to the In-State daily rate.
     Orlando MCO
          Add an additional $2.50 to the In-State daily rate (up to 5 days).
     Chicago
          Add an additional $10.00 to the Out-of-State daily rate.
                                                                                           SEE SLIDE 36
     NY/NJ/CT Metro Area; Westchester, Islip, Stamford, Jersey City
          Add an additional $18.00 to the Out-of-State daily rate.                        FOR ADDT’L
     Manhattan                                                                             INSURANCE
          Add an additional $25.00 to the Out-of-State daily rate.
       Other Airports
             You can contact us and we can find out if there are fees at other airports   ASSOCIATED
                                                                                           WITH LARGE
     After that there is an hourly charge until it reaches the daily rate.                   TRUCK
      The rental is not closed until the location reopens; add an extra day of charges.
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car Request Form
                                             The Rental Car Request Form* documents
                                              the details of the rental and is signed by the
                                              Principal/ Director/Cabinet Member and the
                                              driver to indicate his/her understanding of
                                              the rules.
                                                  The approver cannot be the same person as
                                                   the driver.
                                             You must submit the completed, signed
                                              form to Accounting Services before making
                                              your reservation.
                                             Accounting Services will match any
                                              incoming reservations from Enterprise to
                                              approved forms on file. If no form is on
                                              file, your reservation may be cancelled.
                                             Only district employees can be listed as
                                              drivers of rental vehicles. Volunteers are
                                              not covered as an employee, agent, or
                                              officer of the district.
    *The Rental Car Request Form is on the Accounting Services website.                   9
Brevard Public Schools Guide to - Updated April 2019 - Office of Financial Services
STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car Request Form                                              (cont’d)

                                                                        Obtain the Rental
                                                                        Car Request Form*

                                                                          Fill in the details
                                                                          about the rental

                                                                        Get it signed by the Driver
                                                                                  and the


  *The Rental Car Request Form is on the Accounting Services website.
STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car Request Form                                      (cont’d)

   Scan the signed form and name the file using this format:
                    YYYYMMDD_LASTNAME_BRE (or INT)
                           (1)          (2)       (3)

          (1)                                                         (3)
   Year/Month/Day                                              A District (BRE)
    the vehicle is                                               or Internal
    scheduled for                      (2)                     Accounts (INT)
        pickup                    Last Name of                  string will be
                                   the Driver                      charged

Email the scanned form to
      Keep the original at the site.
      Provide a copy to the driver after they’ve signed it.                                 11
STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car Request Form                                                             (cont’d)

                          IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER:
    Complete one form for each vehicle you are renting.
         If there is more than one driver, complete a form for each driver.
         Remember, volunteers cannot be drivers; district employees only.
    All rentals must be compact class unless justification for a larger vehicle is documented on the
     Rental Car Request Form.
    Board Policy prohibits renting passenger vans with seating capacity greater than ten (10)
     persons. Enterprise’s largest van holds a maximum of seven (7) people.
    Do not add any insurance, accessories, or other extra items. Insurance coverage is already
     included in the daily rate, and additional items will not be paid or reimbursed by the
         Exception is insurance for large truck rentals (see slide 36).
    Tolls –
              Within the State of Florida, driver should use their SunPass device or pay cash for
               tolls. If you drive through without paying, the driver will personally receive a bill,
               including a convenience charge. The driver’s bill will have a separate remittance
               address from the rental car bill that the district receives. Driver must retain and
               submit receipts from toll payments or invoice payment to be reimbursed.
              Outside of Florida, driver must pay cash for tolls and retain and submit receipts to be
STEP 2: Complete the Rental Car Request Form                                               (cont’d)

                         IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER:
    You DO NOT have to wait for approval of your form from Accounting before making
     your reservation. Once the form is submitted, move forward with your online
    Note the hours of operation for the Enterprise location where you will be picking
     up and dropping off the vehicle. Using a key drop off box to return a vehicle after
     hours will result in an extra day of charges.
    It is the Driver’s responsibility to:
          NOT upgrade the vehicle or add on any insurance, accessories, or other extra
           items when picking up the vehicle. This includes toll devices.
          Note the condition of the vehicle upon pickup and return.
          Refuel the vehicle PRIOR TO return (retain your receipts for reimbursement).
           The District will not pay or reimburse a refueling charge imposed by
          Report to an Alamo or National desk (or kiosk if at an airport) if the
           Enterprise desk is closed.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online
                                                                                     The link will
Go to the BPS Enterprise Rental page at:                                            be emailed to       you (typing it
                        The page looks like this:                                   directly does
                                                                                      not work).

                                                                                      Save the
                                                                                       link as a
                                                                                     Favorite for
                                                                                     future use.

                                                                                 Inactive accounts
                                                                                     will NOT go
                                                                                through the proper
                                                                                billing process and
                                                                                the driver may not
                                                                                 be able to pick up
                                                                                 the vehicle (refer
                                                                                    to slide 27).
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)

                           Notice that each school
                           has a BRE link AND an INT

                            Notice that there is only
                            ONE link for Departments

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)

                                     Schools use the BRE link to
                                     pay for a rental with
                                     District funds.

                                  Schools use the INT link to pay
                                    for a rental with Internal
                                          Account funds.

                                     Departments always use
                                     the DISTRICTWIDE
                                     DEPARTMENTS link.

                                     Site Coordinators use the
                                  DISTRICTWIDE DEPARTMENTS
                                  link. Do not use school links.    16
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                        When you click the link for your site this form
           See slides   appears.
           34-36 for
          large truck
          rentals not                 Enter the ZIP code or city & state of
           available                 the Pick Up Location or click Airport.
                                     This is detailed in slides 20 through 23.

                                Specify when you will pick up and return the
                                 car. The system will tell you if you choose
                                 times outside business hours and give you
                                      the option to change or continue.

                                         Vehicle Class MUST be
                                       Compact unless otherwise
                                      justified on the Rental Car
                                             Request Form.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                    Pick Up Location:
                    Local Pick Up:
                     Enterprise has several rental locations
                      in Brevard County. A list is available
                      on the Accounting Services website.

                     You can also use the “Pick Up
                      Location” field to search for the
                      location closest to you:
                        Type in the ZIP Code where you’d
                          like to pick up the car (e.g.,
                          32940), OR
                        Type in the city/state (e.g.,
                          Melbourne, FL)

                    When you click           a list will appear.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                           Local Pick Up:
                            Locations that match your search
                             criteria appear.

                            You can click view branch details for
                             the location’s phone number and
                             hours of operation.

                            Click                 for the desired

                            If no vehicle is available at your desired pickup
                             location, contact Denise Berthiaume. She may
                             be able to find one for you! Her contact info
                             is on slides 37 and 38.
                                Have your PO number, account number,
                                   and billing number available.
                                Mickey Mitchell (ext. 662) can provide
                                   you with your account number.                 19
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)

                        Pick Up Location (cont’d):
                        Airport Pick Up

                         Click Airport.
                         A new window will open with a
                          list of airports in alphabetical

                         If no vehicle is available at your desired pickup
                          location, contact Denise Berthiaume. She may
                          be able to find one for you! Her contact info
                          is on slides 37 and 38.
                             Have your PO number, account number,
                                and billing number available.
                             Mickey Mitchell (ext. 662) can provide
                                you with your account number.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                       Airport Pick Up (cont’d):
                        The list defaults to airports in the United
                         States sorted alphabetically by City Name
                         (clicking Airport Name or Airport Code will
                         re-sort the list accordingly).

                        Click on a letter of the alphabet to find the
                         desired city (or airport name or code).

                        Select an airport clicking on the item in the
                         list. The pop-up window will close
                         automatically. The airport code will now
                         appear in the Pick Up Location field for your

                        NOTE: Remember the additional airport
                         fees mentioned in STEP 1.

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online                                (cont’d)

A Reservation Summary similar to the one below will appear for your review.

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online         (cont’d)

Highlights of the Reservation Summary:

                                                    Use the change links
                                                     to correct errors…

                                               …or Start over to go back
                                                   to the beginning.

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online                              (cont’d)

                                                                DON’T PANIC!
Highlights of the Reservation Summary (cont’d):

                                                      You MAY see fees here that are NOT
                                                      listed in the State contract. This is
                                                      because Enterprise’s reservation website is not
                                                      customized for the State contract.

                                                      DISREGARD any fees listed here that
                                                      are not in the State contract and
                                                      PROCEED with your reservation.
                                                      Enterprise will review all reservations before
                                                      invoicing. Fees that are not listed in the
                                                      State contract will NOT appear on the

                                              Click                  to proceed with the reservation.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
    The Renter’s Details screen appears next.

                                                    See slide 26.

                                                See slide 27.

                                                See slide 28.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
              Renter’s Details

                                          Fill in the name & contact info for the
                                               person who will drive the car.
                                        This should be the same person listed on the
                                                  Rental Car Request Form.
                                          District employees only (no volunteers).

                            The renter will be required to present a valid
                            driver’s license at the Enterprise counter.

                            Be cautious of any field’s pre-filled data from
                            a prior reservation. Make sure such fields are
                            updated to the correct information pertaining
                            to the new reservation.
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
               Renter’s Details

                                                       If your account is inactive,
                                                      the Billing Number field will
                                                               not appear.
                                                      DO NOT CONTINUE THE
                                                      The driver may not be able
                                                        to pick up the vehicle.
                     Fill in your Billing Number
                                                       (Call Mickey at ext. 662)

                             Fill in your PO Number                                   27
STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)

                            Get Your Rental Started!
                            This section is OPTIONAL. The
                            renter/driver will have to provide
                            their driver license at the counter
                            when they pick up the vehicle
                            whether this section is completed
                            or not.


STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                          The Reservation Summary appears
                          for one more review.

                                  Optional Items & Protection
                                  DO NOT ADD any of these items.
                                  Insurance is already included, and all other
                                  add-ons are PROHIBITED.
                                  The district will not pay or reimburse
                                  charges for add-ons!

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)

                            If the details of your rental
                            are correct, click
                            to complete your

STEP 3: Reserve Your Car Online (cont’d)
                            The reservation is now complete and
                            the confirmation number appears.

                            Click                  for a printed copy of
                            the reservation.

                            Email confirmations will automatically go to:
                             The renter/driver.
                             The school bookkeeper (for INT
                              reservations only).
                                   Please contact Mickey Mitchell (ext. 662)
                                    if you are not receiving INT email
                             Accounts Payable (for INT and BRE
                             Use Send this confirmation to a friend if
                              you will not automatically get a
                              confirmation, but would like your own.

STEP 4: Cancelling Your Reservation
                    Oops! Need to cancel?

                    Go back to the online BPS
                    Enterprise Rental page.

                    Select Modify or Cancel an
                    Existing Reservation and
                    follow the prompts.

                              Also be sure to cancel your PO with
                           Purchasing. However, if you are cancelling
                            just because the dates for the same trip
                           have changed, you can keep the same PO.

STEP 4: Cancelling Your Reservation             (cont’d)

                       Email confirmations of the
                       cancelled reservation will go to:

                          The renter/driver.
                          The school bookkeeper (for INT
                           reservations only).
                               Please contact Mickey Mitchell
                                (ext. 662) if you are not
                                receiving INT email
                          Accounts Payable (for INT and BRE

                          Remember you can still send a
                           confirmation to yourself if you will
                           not automatically get one.             33
Truck Rentals
   In Central Florida, car rental locations carry light duty pick up trucks (no towing),
    but they DO NOT carry larger trucks. These have to be reserved through the truck
    division, which is not part of the online reservation system.
        In Brevard, the two truck division locations are in Cocoa and in West Melbourne.
        Larger trucks may still appear as a selection in the drop down of the online reservation
         system because some regions either do not have truck divisions OR because that region’s
         car rental location does carry larger trucks.

   The following slide shows rates for larger trucks.

   To reserve through the truck division, contact Denise Berthiaume directly (see
    slides 37 and 38 for her contact information).
        Please have your PO number, account number, and billing number available.
        Mickey Mitchell (ext. 662) can provide you with your account number.

Truck Rentals (cont.)
   The contract rates for larger trucks are shown in this chart:

                                                                     These are
                                                                      for both
                                                                    In-State and

Truck Rentals (cont.)
   Larger trucks (shown on the previous slide) do NOT include roadside assistance
    or liability coverage and loss damage waiver.
   To add these costs to your requisition, the set rates provided by Enterprise are:
        All Vehicles - $5.99/day for roadside assistance protection
        All Vehicles - $24.59/day for supplemental liability protection
        Light Duty Vehicles - $24.99/day for collision damage waiver
             Cargo Vans, ½ Ton ¾ Ton Pickup Trucks, 15’ Box Trucks
        Medium Duty Vehicles - $29.99/day for collision damage waiver
             1 Ton Pickup Trucks, 16-26’ Box Trucks, 12-24’ Stake Beds

Receiving and Paying Invoices
BRE and Districtwide Department Invoices                                                               Reminder:
   Accounts Payable will receive and pay all invoices generated from school                       After the travel
                                                                                                      takes place
    BRE links and from the Districtwide Department link.
                                                                                                    please receive
                                                                                                      on your PO.
INT Invoices                                                                                       Only receive on
   The school bookkeeper will receive and is responsible for paying rental                         the number of
    invoices generated through INT links. The school bookkeeper should:                            days traveled if
                                                                                                     the vehicle is
        Compare the invoice pricing to the state contract/PO (refer to slides 7, 8, 35 and 36).   returned earlier
        If any charge differs from the contract/PO, contact Denise Berthiaume for assistance in   than expected.
         resolving discrepancies. Denise is the Senior Business Rental Sales Executive. She is
         available at or 407-770-2971.
        If charges agree with the contract/PO, enter the invoice in the financial system for
         payment against the PO.
        IMPORTANT: Enter the Rental Agreement # (NOT the Consolidated Invoice #)
         as the invoice number to appear on the check. This will allow
         Enterprise/National to post the payment correctly.
Monthly Statements
BRE Statements
   Accounts Payable will receive and review all monthly BRE and
    Districtwide Department statements.

INT Statements
   The school bookkeeper is responsible for reviewing INT statements
    and ensuring all invoices are paid.
   If there are any disputed charges, the bookkeeper should contact
    Denise Berthiaume for assistance. Denise is the Senior Business Rental
    Sales Executive. She is available at or

Additional Information
Please visit the Accounting Services website for links to the following additional

   Brevard County FAQs
   Brevard County Enterprise Locations
   TollPass Guide
   Vehicle Information (Makes/Models by Class)


Didn’t find the answer you were looking for in this presentation?

Contact Mickey Mitchell at
or 321-633-1000 extension 662.

You can also read