ABN AMRO Credit Card Guide

Page created by Valerie Ryan
ABN AMRO Credit Card Guide
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                                          ABN AMRO
                                          Credit Card

Table of contents
3   Introduction
       A safe way to pay
       Expiry date
       Loss or theft
3   Stay in control of your finances
       Creditcard Online
       Spending Limit
       Disputed transactions
4   Transfers, withdrawals, bill payments
       Cash withdrawals
       Bill payments with ICS
5   Free services offered with your Card
       Purchases protection insurance
       Delivery warranty
       Prevention of fraud
       Internet warranty
       Parking convenience
       Comfortable Hotel Service
       Your ABN AMRO Credit Card as a security deposit
       Supplementary Travel Insurance
       Card Alerts
6   About International Card Services

    The information contained in this guide applies to the ABN AMRO Credit Card. Any supplementary or deviating information
    applicable to the ABN AMRO Gold Card, ABN AMRO MeesPierson Card and ABN AMRO MeesPierson Gold Card is specifically
    indicated as such in this guide.

Enjoy the convenience of using your ABN AMRO Credit Card, wherever you are in the world, and
take advantage of the many extra benefits on offer. For instance, free insurance products that are
not available through other payment products. Furthermore, the Card is accepted at well over
27 million addresses worldwide. With this Card, you always carry the proper currency. Please
read this guide carefully before using your Card. That way, you are certain to get the most out
of your new Card. We hope you enjoy the convenience of using your Card.

A safe way to pay                                                                   expiry date. Once you have received your new credit
Your Card offers a safe and convenient way to pay,                                  card, please cut your old Card in four and throw it away.
wherever you are in the world. For instance, in shops,
hotels or restaurants and of course online. You can use                             Loss or theft
your Card wherever you see the MasterCard logo.                                     In the event of loss or theft of your Card, you must take
The points listed below are intended to make paying                                 action. As soon as you discover that your Card is missing,
with your Card even safer. Please read them carefully.                              please notify:
                                                                                    	1. International Card Services (ICS). ICS can be
 	To guard yourself against credit card abuse, sign the                               	contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on this
   back of the Card with a ballpoint pen.                                                 special telephone number: +31 (0)20 - 6 600 611.
 	When making payments and cash withdrawals,                                       	2. The police.
   you will be asked to enter your PIN. It is important                             Once you have reported your Card lost or stolen, your
   therefore to remember your PIN. Never write down                                 Card will be blocked immediately. If necessary, you will
   your PIN on any documents that you keep with                                     usually receive a replacement Card within a few days,
   your Card. Never disclose your PIN to someone else,                              wherever you are in the world. If you happen to be
   and make sure that nobody sees you entering                                      overseas, you can get an emergency cash advance
   your PIN. Your credit card provider (ICS), banks                                 from a local bank that accepts MasterCard.
   and public sector organisations will never ask you
   for personal information, such as your PIN. This
   includes via e-mail. It is important therefore that                              Stay in control of your finances
   you never respond to e-mails that ask you for
   personal information.                                                            Creditcard Online
 	Online payment is made even safer with MasterCard                                Creditcard Online allows you to manage practically all your
   SecureCode. You enter an extra password when                                     Card business online. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Among
   making purchases from online merchants. This                                     other things, www.icscards.nl/abnamro allows you to:
   ensures that nobody can pay online with your                                       pay your Card bill from ICS;
   MasterCard without your permission. Please visit                                   view transactions;
   www.abnamro.nl/3dsecure for more information                                       request a Spending Limit increase or decrease*;
   about the MasterCard SecureCode and how it works.                                  transfer money*;
 	When making an online payment, make sure that                                      apply for a replacement Card.
   you can see a key symbol or a locked padlock in the
   browser window. This indicates that your Card details                            You will receive an e-mail message as soon as your online
   have been securely encrypted. In addition, make sure                             account statement has been placed on Creditcard Online.
   that the URL in your address bar starts with ‘https’.                            Do you still need to activate Creditcard Online? To activate
   This indicates that the page is secure.                                          Creditcard Online, go to www.icscards.nl/abnamro. Once
                                                                                    you have completed the activation process, you can start
Expiry date                                                                         using Creditcard Online immediately. If you prefer not to
Your Card is valid from the date of receipt until the last                          use Creditcard Online, you will receive your statements
day of the month that is printed under ‘valid thru’. You                            by post. International Card Services charges € 1,- for an
will automatically receive a new credit card before this                            account statement you receive by post.

* If you have an ABN AMRO MeesPierson credit card, please contact your private banker.

Spending Limit                                                                      Transfers, withdrawals, bill payments
The standard Spending Limit of an ABN AMRO Credit
Card is € 2,500. For the Gold Card, the standard                                    Transfers
Spending Limit is € 5,000. If you have a ABN AMRO                                   You can transfer money to your Card any time you like.
MeesPierson credit card, your standard Spending Limit                               For example, because you wish to change your Spending
is € 15,000. Your Spending Limit may vary. If you have                              Limit, to save or to make extra repayments. You can also
an Extra Card, please note that a joint Spending Limit                              transfer money via:
applies to the Main Card and Extra Card. A separate                                  	Creditcard Online at www.icscards.nl/abnamro.
notification will be sent to inform you of your Spending                               Via Creditcard Online, you can also set your preferred
Limit. Your Spending Limit can also be found on the                                    payment method (for example direct debit).
statement. Please ensure that you do not exceed your                                 	Online banking or a transfer form issued by your bank.
this limit. Requesting a change to your Spending Limit                                 When transferring your payment, quote ICS account
can be easily done via Creditcard Online.                                              number and the 16-digit payment
                                                                                       reference shown on your statement.
A Card is a safe and convenient way to pay.                                         Cash withdrawals
Paying with your Card is the same wherever you are in                               Using your Card and your PIN, you can make cash
the world:                                                                          withdrawals worldwide. This can either be done at ATMs
 	Simply hand over your Card to the Acceptant                                      bearing a MasterCard logo, or over the counter with
   (shopkeeper, waiter, cashier).                                                   a valid proof of identity. The maximum amount you
 	Check the transaction details, and enter your PIN                                can withdraw from an ATM is usually €2,000 per day,
   or sign the receipt.                                                             and over the counter usually €7,500 per day. However,
 	Your Card will be handed back to you, along with                                 these amounts vary depending on the Card. Banks apply
   a copy of the receipt.                                                           maximum amounts for every cash withdrawal from their
You have agreed to the transaction being charged to                                 ATMs. You may withdraw the maximum amount, but you
your account. The transaction can no longer be reversed.                            need to spread it out over several transactions.
If you use your Card to make a payment via the internet                             Cash withdrawal fee:
or by telephone or postal order, the (web) store will                                	Cash withdrawals are subject to a charge of 4%
ask for your details. By entering these details, you                                   on the amount withdrawn, with a minimum
acknowledge that the transaction is definite. ICS will                                 of € 4.50 per transaction.
charge these transactions to your Card account. The details                         Cash withdrawals and charges are shown separately
of each transaction can be found on your statement.                                 on your statement.
ICS will ensure that the Acceptant is paid. In some
cases, the Acceptant may request authorisation. This                                Bill payments with ICS
simply involves a quick phone call (to protect your and our                         If you use your Card, you will receive a statement once a
interests). Some payments require proof of identity.                                month. If you have activated Creditcard. Online, you will
                                                                                    receive a monthly reminder by e-mail to let you know that
Disputed transactions                                                               your new account statement is available for viewing in
Occasionally, you may see a transaction on your                                     your personal Creditcard Online environment. You have 21
statement that you believe is incorrect. If you see a                               days to pay your bill from the date your statement was
transaction that you do not recognise, please notify the                            created. You can change your preferred payment method
Transaction Information department in writing, as soon                              via Creditcard Online*. If your Card is in credit, your
as possible after the statement date. The website                                   transactions will be offset first against the amount that you
www.icscards.nl/abnamro contains a Disputed                                         are in credit. If you do not have an outstanding balance,
Transaction Declaration form. Complete this form and                                and there have been no transactions on your account in the
return it to us along with a copy of the statement. Please                          last month, you will not receive a statement.
also mark the transaction in question on the statement.
Subject to further investigations, ICS will reconcile
the amount on your next statement. If after further
investigation it transpires that you did in fact make the
transaction, you will be notified accordingly. In that case,
you will of course be required to repay the amount to ICS.

* If you have an ABN AMRO MeesPierson credit card, please contact your private banker at the bank.

Free services offered with your Card                                               Your ABN AMRO Credit Card as a security deposit
                                                                                   When hiring a car or a boat, a Card is often required as
Purchases protection insurance*                                                    a security deposit. You can also use the Card to make a
Practically all in-store and online purchases made with                            hotel reservation. Instead of leaving cash, the reservation
your Card are insured free of charge. Purchases protection                         is made on the Card. If no claim is made against the
insurance covers practically all purchases for a standard                          security deposit after the rental period or your stay,
period of 180 days from the date of purchase against loss,                         the deposit will not be charged to your Card.
theft and damage. If you have a ABN AMRO Gold Card or
ABN AMRO MeesPierson Gold Card, you are covered for                                Supplementary Travel Insurance
one year.                                                                          If you use your Card to pay for your overseas trip, you will
                                                                                   automatically be entitled to free:
Delivery warranty*                                                                  	Flight Delay Insurance. Covers additional expenses
In the event that an item ordered online is not delivered,                             up to € 140 per person. You are covered for a period of
ICS will reverse the payment and you do not need to pay                                60 days for practically every scheduled flight paid for
anything. The Delivery warranty offers added peace of                                  with your Card, up to € 140.
mind when you shop online.                                                            Luggage Delay Insurance. Covers additional expenses
                                                                                       up to € 410 per event.
24/7 Prevention of fraud
ICS monitors payments made with your Card day and                                  If you are a Gold Cardholder, you can also benefit from:
night. If there are serious suspicions that a fraudulent                            	Car Hire Excess Insurance. Covers your excess up to
transaction has taken place, ICS will contact you as                                  € 500 in the event of damage to a rental vehicle paid
soon as possible to verify this payment with you. It is                               for in full with the Gold Card.
important therefore that you keep your personal details                             	Car Hire Legal Expenses Insurance. Covers legal
held by ICS up to date.                                                               expenses up to € 10,000 in non-EU countries if you are
                                                                                      involved in an accident with your rental vehicle.
Internet warranty*
Peace of mind for purchases not made by you. ICS offers a                          If you wish to claim on one of these insurance
money-back guarantee in the event of fraud. If somebody                            products, please contact ABN AMRO Creditcard Services,
abuses your Card details, you are completely covered with                          via +31 (0)20 6 600 123. Please visit www.icscards.nl/abnamro
no risk to you. We would however advise you to use your                            for detailed information about the insurance products and
Card only on reputable websites that you trust.                                    the terms and conditions.

Parking convenience                                                                Card Alerts
You can use your Card to pay for your parking. No need to                          Card Alerts is an additional service offered by ICS. These are
queue in front of the ticket machine, saving valuable time.                        messages sent by text or e-mail are in Dutch. The service
                                                                                   consists of both free and paid Alerts. You can choose which
Comfortable Hotel Service                                                          Alerts you want to receive. The subscription fee for paid
As a Cardholder, you are not restricted to a fixed check-in                        Alerts is € 0.50 per month. The maximum you pay each year
time when you book a hotel room. Irrespective of how                               is € 6, irrespective of the number of paid Alerts you choose
late you arrive, your room will remain reserved. It is also                        and the number of messages you receive. The subscription
possible to cancel your reservation free of charge.                                fee is automatically charged to your Card after 12 months.
How does it work?                                                                  Free and paid Alerts can be requested in Creditcard Online
 	Always check with the hotel in advance that it                                  at www.icscards.nl/abnamro.
   participates in the Hotel Service of MasterCard.
 	Upon making your reservation, you will receive                                   Free Card Alerts include:
   a reservation code. Write down this code.                                        	Never miss a payment deadline. This Alert sends out a
If you do not wish to keep the reservation, please                                     payment reminder near the payment due date, helping
telephone the hotel as soon as possible and give your                                  you to avoid unnecessary charges.
reservation code. You will be issued with a cancellation                              Stay in control of your limit. You will receive this Alert
code that allows you to cancel the room free of charge.                                once you have reached 80% of your Spending Limit.
If you do not call to cancel, you will be charged one                                  This Alert tells you exactly how much you have left to
night’s accommodation.

* For the terms and conditions, please refer to the Algemene Voorwaarden (General Terms and Conditions) of your ABN AMRO Credit Card and the
  Verzekeringsvoorwaarden ABN AMRO (the terms and conditions of the ABN AMRO Insurances) at www.icscards.nl/abnamro.

            spend on your Card, ensuring that there are no nasty               About International Card Services
            surprises at the checkout.                                         Your credit card is issued by International Card Services
          	Payment received. This Alert tells you exactly when ICS            BV (ICS). ICS is a subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank NV (ABN
            updated your account. This gives you a clearer insight             AMRO). ICS has been granted a banking licence by De
            into how much you have left to spend on your Card.                 Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB), and is registered with
                                                                               and regulated by the DNB and the Netherlands Authority
          Paid Alerts include:                                                 for the Financial Markets (AFM). ICS does not provide
             Big purchases. You will receive this Alert when a big            financial advice. The information provided by ICS is not
              purchase or cash withdrawal is made. You can set the             intended to replace expert advice.
              amount at which a Card Alert is triggered. This enables
              you to keep track of how much you have spent on the              ABN AMRO performs brokerage services for the credit
              Card and the Extra Card(s).                                      card and any extra facilities, such as credit facilities.
           	Online payment. This Alert is sent when you make an
              online payment. You can set the amount at which an               We will be happy to be of service to you.
              Alert is triggered.                                              If you have any more questions, please visit

          Wisselwerking 32   Postbus 23225   1100 DS Diemen   KvK Amsterdam nr 33.200.596
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