Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...

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Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...
Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana —
               a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill

                       Syed M. Khalil, Gregory M. Grandy, and Richard C. Raynie
              Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, 150 Terrace Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA, 70802
                                          Corresponding author: Syed.Khalil@LA.GOV

                           ABSTRACT                                        ration and protection program. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Louisiana has a long history of coastal management and resto-              (2005) compelled the state to take serious note of the vagaries
ration actions with multiple projects implementing common                  of nature, especially high-energy events like hurricanes, and to
approaches. Traditionally, most of the restoration efforts have            develop a comprehensive/robust coastal protection and restora-
been ongoing in Louisiana by state and federal agencies through            tion plan. Five years later, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil
the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act              spill exposed the fragility of the Louisiana coast but at the same
(CWPPRA). These activities are now being expanded signifi-                 time penalty monies provided much needed funding to imple-
cantly through additional funding and implementing entities                ment the state’s coastal protection and restoration plans. This
such as the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist               paper provides a high-level assessment of project implementa-
Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast                     tion and makes the case that Louisiana could move quickly in
States (RESTORE) Act of 2012 Council, National Resource and                the implementation of various restoration plans because robust
Damage Assessment (NRDA) through the Louisiana Trustee                     and comprehensive restoration plans were previously developed
Implementation Group (LA TIG), and the National Fish and                   and are available. Here, it must be appreciated that for the first
Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Considering a broader ecosystem                time, dedicated funding is available not only for regional pro-
or landscape context for implemented restoration projects can              grammatic monitoring to implement adaptive management, but
provide a framework for emphasizing commonality of restora-                also for development of the art and science of restoration. It is
tion goals. Such a framework allows for multiple benefits of               also suggested that for efficient and cost effective implementa-
restoration efforts to be quantified, including prioritized natural        tion of Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan federal agencies must
resources, ultimately assessing the effectiveness of large-scale           work in tandem with the state/CPRA who not only bring the
restoration efforts in coastal Louisiana. Three disasters have             most comprehensive plan but expertise along with institutional
completely changed the trajectory of Louisiana’s coastal resto-            knowledge to the table.
          INTRODUCTION                                                                            the rest of the United States and exports
                                                KEYWORDS: Coastal restoration,
   Historical perspective of land loss                                                            $36.2 billion internationally (CPRA
                                                Deepwater Horizon, adaptive man-
    in Louisiana — ecocatastrophe                                                                 2017). Before human intervention,
                                                agement, coastal management.

                                                                                                  Louisiana’s expansive and ecologically/
        o refer to the ecosystem degra-         Manuscript submitted 3 October 2019;              biologically rich coastal landscape was
        dation in Louisiana caused by           revised & accepted: 10 January 2020.              sculpted over the preceding 6,000-7,000
        unprecedented land loss as an                                                             years by avulsions of the Mississippi River
“ecocatastrophe” would not be an over-        environmental perturbations and physi-              as it shifted its course east and west, form-
statement. Since the coast of Louisiana       cal changes resulting from the combined             ing active and abandoned deltas through
is not a uniform single geomorphic            effect of natural and anthropogenic fac-            cyclic repetitions of active sedimentation
entity, the magnitude of degradation is       tors. Louisiana’s coastal problems are not          followed by subsidence and coastal retreat
not the same. It is a geologically diverse    restricted to the MRDP, but also extend             (Roberts 1997). Sea level rise and subsid-
system and could be broadly divided into      across the Marginal Delta Plain to the              ence were historically offset by the Mis-
three major physiographic provinces viz.      Chenier Plain in the southwestern part of           sissippi River’s land building processes in
Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP),         the state. Despite efforts to reverse land          the MRDP, and mud stream accretion in
Marginal Delta Plain, and Chenier Plain       losses in the late 20th century, Louisiana          the Chenier Plain (Stone et al. 2005; Pen-
(Figure 1). Like most of the deltaic plains   continues to lose wetlands at a rate of ap-         land et al. 2000). Geological studies have
of the world the MRDP, a partially sub-       proximately 28 square kilometers per year           shown that since the early 20th century the
merged landform that makes up Louisi-         (Couvillion et al. 2017). This high rate of         rate of land loss has accelerated due to the
ana’s southeastern coastal region, is an      land loss threatens coastal communities,            combined effects of natural causes and
example of a rapidly deteriorating major      industries and associated infrastructure,           multiple human interventions along the
delta plain made increasingly unstable        and a range of key local and national               Louisiana coastal plain and throughout
through sediment deficits, historical         physical, economic, ecological and cul-             the Mississippi River watershed (Boesch
engineering infrastructure, and climate       tural assets (Khalil et al. 2011). Coastal          et al. 1994; Gagliano et al. 1981). Coastal
change. With subsidence and erosion           Louisiana is vital not only to the state but        scientists and experts consider the Missis-
rates unparalleled anywhere else in North     the nation’s economic health and annually           sippi River Flood Control and Navigation
America, the MRDP is facing large-scale       sends more than $120 billion in goods to            System and the extensive matrix of oil and

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Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...
gas pipeline and navigation canals to be      in addressing a highly complex scientific     restore coastal Louisiana via a portfolio of
among the major anthropogenic inter-          and social problem that requires a shared     109 projects (CPRA 2012). Three restora-
ventions causing land loss in Louisiana       vision. Of late, in order to mitigate rapid   tion strategies that dominated the 2012
(Boesch et al. 1994; Turner 1997; Penland     degradation of coastal Louisiana in gener-    and 2017 CMP (river diversions, barrier
et al. 2000). During a short span of 70-      al, and the MRDP in particular, there have    island restoration, and marsh platform
80 years, the state’s coast has lost almost   been sustained efforts to plan and imple-     creation) are directly related to land build-
one quarter (25%) of the land built over      ment coastal restoration projects (CPRA       ing and are indicative of the importance
6,000-7,000 years of geological history.      2007, 2012, 2017; Louisiana Coastal           of sedimentological restoration creating
One of the main reasons is that currently     Wetlands Conservation and Restoration         geomorphic forms (Khalil et al. 2018).
the sediment load of Mississippi River has    Task Force 1998). Land building is one of     The intent is to strategically restore criti-
been reduced by large-scale human ac-         the two main objectives of 2017 Coastal       cal landforms that have been lost and to
tivities to approximately 145 MMT from        Master Plan (CMP) (CPRA 2017). Land           re-establish land-sustaining processes
historically 400 MMT per year (Blum and       building helps recreate and/or replace the    to achieve a no net loss scenario in the
Roberts 2009; Meade and Moody 2010).          degraded or lost geomorphic forms from        future. As stated earlier, the 2017 CMP
                                              the coastal Louisiana landscape. Sedi-        carries forward on the same trajectory by
    The fragility of this system was pal-
                                              mentological restoration helps replicate/     laying equal emphasis on land building via
pable first during Hurricanes Katrina and
                                              create the geomorphic forms that serve        river diversions as well as marsh platform
Rita in 2005, and then during the DWH
                                              as a foundation for ecological restoration    creation and maintaining robust barrier
oil spill five years later in 2010. These
                                              which in turn helps restore the ecological    islands as the first line of defense. Its suc-
three extraordinary disasters — two natu-
                                              functions (Killebrew and Khalil 2018).        cess critically depends upon an aggressive
ral and the third anthropogenic — were
                                              It is important to emphasize that a bal-      schedule of implementation. Several new
wake-up calls. In 2007, in response to
                                              anced approach to sedimentological and        funding sources for coastal restoration
the hurricane events, Louisiana’s Coastal
                                              ecological restoration completes the loop     (mentioned above) in Louisiana have re-
Protection and Restoration Authority
                                              for sustainable ecosystem restoration of      duced the budgetary constraints faced by
(CPRA) produced the first Ecosystem
                                              coastal Louisiana.                            large, ecosystem scale projects and have
Restoration and Hurricane Protection
                                                                                            provided an impetus to expedite project
Plan (Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master                  History of restoration
                                                                                            development and construction.
Plan for a Sustainable Coast) pursuant to              strategies in Louisiana
Act 8, analyzing and synthesizing decades        Louisiana coastal restoration plans        DWH OIL SPILL EVENT/DISASTER1
of thinking about coastal projects and        and programs, in their various manifesta-         On 20 April 2010, approximately 3.19
technical designs from previous plans,        tions, have been in existence for several     million barrels (134 million gallons) of oil
and emphasizing coordinated storm risk        decades. The state has worked with lo-        were released into the ocean (U.S. v. BP et
reduction and coastal restoration plan-       cal and federal entities to implement a       al. 2015) from BP’s Macondo well due to
ning (Killebrew and Khalil 2018). Its         large number of ecosystem restoration         the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon
focus was to achieve a sustainable coastal    projects to sustain and restore coastal       drilling unit. This is by far the largest
landscape using structural and nonstruc-      Louisiana. These projects were conceived      offshore oil spill in U.S. history with the
tural approaches as a prerequisite for both   and implemented to address a wide vari-       total volume of oil released about 12 times
storm protection and ecological restora-      ety of perceived issues such as saltwater     more than the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill.
tion (CPRA 2007). Lessons from the 2005       intrusion, shoreline erosion, tidal scour,    For 87 days after the explosion, oil and
hurricanes provided the impetus to con-       and sediment starvation. In addition,         natural gas continuously and uncontrol-
solidate the various plans contemplated       enactments of state and federal legisla-      lably flowed into the northern Gulf of
for decades and the subsequent 2010 oil       tions over the years have resulted in the     Mexico. Oil moved with deep-sea cur-
spill provided the financial resources to     development of numerous programs and          rents, creating a plume of oil within the
fulfill these plans.                          plans as consequences of several studies      deep sea. Oil and associated “marine oil
                                              (Killebrew and Khalil 2018). Though           snow” also settled on the sea floor. More
          Concept of sustainable
                                              never articulated, there appears to be        buoyant oil traveled up through about 1.6
          ecosystem restoration
                                              unanimous consensus about some of             kilometers of water column and formed
   Building, maintenance, and dissolu-
                                              the most effective mitigative strategies      large surface slicks. At the slick’s maxi-
tion of the coastal landscape is primarily
                                              viz. river diversions, barrier island res-    mum extent on 19 June 2010, oil covered
a mass-balance between sediment input
                                              toration, marsh platform creation, and        more than 40,000 square kilometers of the
and accommodation space created due to
                                              shoreline protection.                         ocean. Cumulatively, over the course of
various natural and anthropogenic causes
                                                                                            the spill, oil was detected on over 112,100
(Khalil et al. 2018). Plans and projects to      Since 2007, state-legislated CMPs eval-
                                                                                            square kilometers of the ocean. Currents,
restore coastal Louisiana have existed in     uate projects through a set of linked pre-
                                                                                            winds, and tides carried these surface
some form or fashion at least since 1927,     dictive models and risk assessment (CPRA
                                                                                            oil slicks to the Northern Gulf states,
and both state and federal governments        2012, 2017). Among the constraints
                                                                                            polluting more than 2,100 kilometers of
have expended considerable time and           considered are other funding sources,
                                                                                            shoreline, including beaches, bays, estu-
funds in plan development (Killebrew          sediment, and river uses. The 2017 update
                                                                                            aries, and marshes from eastern Texas
and Khalil 2018). These efforts, while lay-   to the CMP acknowledges that efficient
ing the foundation for future actions, also   use of funding and sediment resources is      1) For details on DWH Funding, please see the
                                                                                            paper entitled “A short history of funding and ac-
suggested the need for a single, overarch-    required. The state’s 2012 CMP envisaged      complishments post-Deepwater Horizon” by Alyssa
ing strategic approach to guide the state     nine different strategies to be adopted to    Dausman and Jessica Henkel in this dedicated issue.

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                        Page 39
Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...
Table 1.                                                                                     tion in all five Gulf states. Together these
Table showing dollar amount of various funding sources.                                      funding streams total approximately $7.1
                                                                                             billion projected out for the next 15 years
        Total restoration funds to the State of Louisiana = $7.1 billion
                                                                                             (Killebrew and Khalil 2018).
Louisiana NRD allocations                        Dollar amount
Louisiana total                       $5 billion                                                 To date, about $510 million paid by
Early Restoration Phases I-IV         $368 million                                           BP and its partners has already been used
Approximate balance remaining         $4.6 billion                                           to complete restoration work on seven
                                                                                             major projects. Another $6.8 billion will
                      Clean Water Act Allocation
                                                                                             be used on several other projects through
Louisiana Total (RESTORE 1, 3, and Centers of Excellence) = $787 million
                                                                                             2032, the deadline for BP to pay money
Centers of Excellence                 $22 million                                            owed under various court settlement
Bucket 1 — Direct component           $308 million                                           agreements. Louisiana’s share of NRDA
  30% coastal parishes                $92 million                                            payments required under the Oil Pol-
  70% state                           $216 million                                           lution Act of 1990, totaling at least $5
Bucket 3 — Spill impact component     $457 million                                           billion, was agreed to by BP as part of a
                                                                                             global settlement with federal, state and
to the Florida Panhandle. In addition,         royalties, bonuses, and severance taxes       parish governments. More than $787 mil-
some lighter oil compounds evaporated          that are used primarily as a state match      lion in Clean Water Act civil fines have
from the slicks, exposing air-breathing        for CWPPRA funded projects. This is the       also been directed to Louisiana under
organisms like marine mammals and sea          only recurring state revenue in the coastal   the federal RESTORE Act. Much of that
turtles to noxious fumes at the sea surface.   program. The amount varies each year          money is being paid to the state in incre-
                                               and fiscal year 2020-2021 projections are     ments over 15 years ending in 2032. The
   As a result of the spill, consequences
                                               at about $25 million. The CWPPRA Pro-         state was also provided $360 million di-
were measured from the deepwater drill-
                                               gram provides $75 million to $80 million      rectly by BP in the weeks after the spill in
ing site through the nearshore oceanic
                                               per year through the current authoriza-       2010 to build sand berms along existing
environment, along the Gulf shoreline
                                               tion. USFWS’s Coastal Impact Assistance       barrier islands along the coast to intercept
and into the sensitive estuaries of the Gulf
                                               Program (CIAP) in Louisiana contained         oil before it moved beyond the islands
states. Offshore impacts resulted from
                                               99 projects funded with state and/or par-     into the more fragile wetlands. When the
the release of oil and natural gas itself,
                                               ish CIAP funding totaling approximately       well was capped, BP agreed to allow the
dispersants, drilling mud, and in situ
                                               $496 million. The Gulf of Mexico Energy       state to use more than $120 million of the
burning. As the oil reached the shoreline,
                                               Security Act (GOMESA) established a           remaining berm money for barrier island
consequences resulted not only from
                                               revenue sharing arrangement for OCS           restoration (Table 1 and Table 2).
exposure to oil, but also from response
                                               oil and gas revenues for the Gulf Coast
activities viz. skimming, freshwater                                                              Restoration plans and programs
                                               producing states. Estimates for Louisiana
releases, shoreline protection activities,                                                       It has been mentioned that, although
                                               (Fiscal Year 2021) are approximately $88
boom placement, construction of berms                                                        Louisiana has had a coastal wetland eco-
                                               million with 80% (~$70 million) of the
and wildlife rehabilitation and relocation.                                                  system restoration program for several
                                               Louisiana share allocated to CPRA.
                                                                                             decades, the first integrated hurricane
   Through the Emergency Sand Berm
                                                  New funding streams have largely           protection and ecosystem restoration
Project, 6.2 million cubic yards of sand
                                               been associated with the DWH oil spill        “Coastal Master Plan” (CPRA 2007),
were placed on 15.7 miles of Chandeleur,
                                               of 2010 stemming from violations of           was produced in 2007 following Hur-
Scofield, Pelican, and East Shell Islands
                                               the Oil Pollution Act, Clean Water Act,       ricanes Katrina and Rita (Khalil and
(CPE 2013) to prevent oil from reaching
                                               and injuries to natural resources and         Raynie 2015a). This was followed by the
sensitive marshes and the only significant
                                               have included projects funded through         2012 Coastal Master Plan that included
community of submerged aquatic vegeta-
                                               the Berm-to-Barrier, Natural Resource         a detailed prediction of the future of the
tion in coastal Louisiana (LaRoe et al.
                                               Damage Assessment (NRDA), Resources           Louisiana coast without action, and an
1995). This sand was mined from “outside
                                               and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist        objective evaluation of the performance
the system,” from either Mississippi River
                                               Opportunities, and Revived Economies          of hundreds of previously proposed proj-
maintenance dredging spoil deposits or
                                               of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE         ects over the next 50 years (CPRA 2012).
from Hewes Point. On the positive side,
                                               Act), and the Gulf Environmental Benefit      Subsequently the 2017 Coastal Master
these berms added a significant amount
                                               Fund administered by the National Fish        Plan proposes to build and maintain over
of sand to the barrier island system.
                                               and Wildlife Federation (NFWF). The           2,000 square kilometers of coastal land in
        DETAILS OF VARIOUS                     NFWF grants (approximately $1.272 bil-        the next 50 years (CPRA 2017). It is also
         FUNDING SOURCES                       lion) resulting from criminal settlements     mentioned that barrier island restoration,
    History of funding in Louisiana            are restricted to barrier island and river    marsh platform creation, and sediment
   Traditionally, restoration and protec-      diversion projects in Louisiana. The RE-      diversions, are most-emphasized resto-
tion efforts are funded from multiple rev-     STORE Act directs 80% of the Clean Wa-        ration strategies by both 2012 and 2017
enue streams that have significant com-        ter Act penalties into five different fund-   Coastal Master Plans and are directly
pliance requirements. Funding sources          ing streams directed at restoring coastal     related to land building (Killebrew and
include constitutionally dedicated state       and Gulf ecosystems and is an additional      Khalil 2018). The intent is to restore/create
mineral revenues derived from oil and gas      source of revenue for ecosystem restora-      critical landforms/geomorphic forms (viz.
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Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...
Table 2.
Table showing status of various active Deep Water Horizon projects.
Barrier island restoration projects                                               Funding   Status 2020
BA-0040        Riverine Sand Mining/Scofield Island Restoration                   BERM      Completed
BA-0076        Cheniere Ronquille Barrier Island Restoration                      NRDA      Completed
BA-0110        Shell Island East — Berm                                           BERM      Completed
BA-0111        Shell Island West — NRDA                                           NRDA      Completed
BA-0143        Caminada Headland Beach and Dune Restoration Incr2                 NFWF      Completed
BA-0197        West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Stabilization               RESTORE   Construction
BA-0202        Queen Bess Island Restoration                                      NRDA      Construction
BS-0029        North Breton Island                                                NRDA      E&D
CS-0080        Rabbit Island Restoration                                          NRDA      Completed
TE-0100        NRDA Caillou Lake Headlands                                        NFWF      Construction
TE-0143        Terrebonne Basin Barrier Island and Beach Nourishment
Marsh platform creation, marsh nourishment and ridge restoration projects         Funding   Status 2020
BA-0042      Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation                                        NRDA      Completed
BA-0141      NRDA Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation Increment                         NRDA      Completed
BA-0203      Barataria Basin Ridge and Marsh Creation — Spanish Pass Increment    NRDA      E&D
BA-0207      Large-Scale Barataria Marsh Creation                                 NRDA      E&D
BA-0240      Grand Cheniere Ridge Marsh Creation                                  NRDA      E&D
BS-0034      Lake Lery Marsh Creation                                             RESTORE   Construction
PO-0163      Golden Triangle Marsh Creation                                       RESTORE   E&D
PO-0180      Lake Borgne Marsh Creation — Increment 1                             NRDA      E&D
TE-0139      Terrebonne Basin Ridge/Marsh Creation — Bayou Terrebonne Increment   NRDA      E&D
Sediment diversion projects                                                       Funding   Status 2020
BA-0153      Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion                                     NFWF      E&D
BS-0030      Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion                                        NFWF      E&D
PO-0029      River Reintroduction Into Maurepas Swamp                             RESTORE   E&D
TE-0110      Increase Atchafalaya Flow to Terrebonne                              NFWF      E&D
Recreational use projects                                                         Funding   Status 2020
AT-0019       Atchafalaya Delta WMA Boat Access                                   NRDA      E&D
AT-0020       Atchafalaya Delta WMA Campground Improvements                       NRDA      E&D
BA-0208       Science Center and Educational Complex                              NRDA      E&D
BA-0213       Bayou Segnette State Park Improvements                              NRDA      E&D
BA-0214       Grand Isle State Park Improvements                                  NRDA      Construction
BS-0036       St. Bernard State Park                                              NRDA      E&D
CS-0083       Elmer’s Island Access Enhancement                                   NRDA      E&D
CS-0084       Sam Houston Jones State Park                                        NRDA      E&D
ME-0036       Rockefeller Piers and Signage                                       NRDA      Construction
MR-0168       Lowermost Mississippi River Management Program                      RESTORE   Program
MR-0169       Pass a Loutre Crevasses NRDA                                        NRDA      Construction
MR-0170       Pass a Loutre Campgrounds NRDA                                      NRDA      Construction
NA-1          Belle Chasse Boat Launch                                            NRDA      E&D
NA-2          Chitimacha Boat Launch                                              NRDA      E&D
NA-3          Des Allemands Boat Launch                                           NRDA      E&D
NA-4          Grand Avoille Boat Launch                                           NRDA      E&D
NA-5          The Wetlands Center                                                 NRDA      E&D
NA-6          WHARF Phase 1                                                       NRDA      E&D
NA-7          LDWF Artificial Reefs (Not on Map)                                  NRDA      Construction
PR-0001       Middle Pearl River WMA Boat Launch                                  NRDA      E&D
TE-0144       Island Road Fishing Piers                                           NRDA      Construction
TE-0145       Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction                               RESTORE   E&D
TE-0146       Pointe-Aux-Chene WMA Enhancement                                    NRDA      E&D
TV-0081       Cypremort Point State Park Improvements                             NRDA      E&D
Other project types                                                               Funding   Status 2020
CS-0065       Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control Measures                    RESTORE   E&D
ME-0035       Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization                                 RESTORE   E&D
PO-0174       Biloxi Marsh Living Shoreline                                       RESTORE   E&D
PO-0183       Manchac Landbridge Shoreline Protection                             RESTORE   E&D
TE-0113       Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex                                 RESTORE   E&D
TE-0145       Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction                               RESTORE   E&D
TV-0079       Freshwater Bayou Bank Stabilization                                 RESTORE   E&D
BA-0209       Paradis Canal Gate                                                  RESTORE   Construction

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Ecosystem restoration in Louisiana - a decade after the Deep Water Horizon oil spill - Coastal Protection and ...
Figure 1. Map showing three major geomorphic environments, Bird’s Foot Delta and barrier island restoration
projects under various stages of completion (Active Deep Water Horizon Projects).
delta, barrier islands, marsh platform)       (Table 2; Figure 1). The following barrier      6) Rebuilding Scofield Island in
that have been lost, and to re-establish      islands, which were all directly impacted    Plaquemines was completed in 2013.
land-sustaining processes to achieve a        by oil during the spill, were restored in
                                                                                               In addition to the projects above,
point of no net loss in the future. Vari-     an expedited manner as they were under
                                                                                           the Terrebonne Basin Barrier Island
ous restoration projects funded by DWH        various stages of readiness from a design
                                                                                           (TE-0143) project is currently under
related funding sources under various         standpoint with funding from other res-
                                                                                           construction whereas West Grand Terre
stages of completion are listed in Table 2.   toration initiatives:
                                                                                           Beach Nourishment and Stabilization
   Barrier island restoration projects           1) Restoration of Shell Island West,      (BA-0197) project is anticipated to be
    The restoration of Louisiana’s barrier    in southern Plaquemines was completed        advertised for construction in 2020.
islands has been a priority for a number of   in 2017.                                     Breton Island Restoration by NRDA Early
programs over the past several decades. In                                                 Restoration Phase 3 funds is currently
                                                 2) Reconstruction of Shell Island East
the 1990s, barrier island restoration was a                                                advertised for construction. Queen Bess
                                              in Plaquemines was completed in 2016.
primary focus for the CWPPRA program,                                                      Island is under construction and antici-
which funded construction of several of          3) Reconstruction of the Caillou Lake     pated to be complete in early 2020. The
barrier island restoration projects. Since    Headlands on Whiskey Island in Ter-          Rabbit Island Restoration is currently
then, the state of Louisiana and federal      rebonne Parish, was completed in 2018.       in the Engineering and Design (E&D)
partners have used funds from other pro-                                                   phase and anticipated to be advertised
                                                 4) The second increment of the Cami-
grams and sources to construct more than                                                   for construction in 2020. These last two
                                              nada Headlands in Lafourche and Jef-
40 barrier island restoration projects over                                                islands are not barrier island restoration
                                              ferson parishes was completed in 2017.
the past two and a half decades (Khalil                                                    projects, but they are being restored to
and Raynie 2019). DWH funds helped               5) Rebuilding Cheniere Ronquille Bar-     provide bird habitat for the purpose of
complete the loop by providing funding        rier Island in Plaquemines was completed     mitigating the impacts to bird popula-
for construction of six of these large-       in 2017.                                     tions from the oil spill.
scale barrier island restoration projects

Page 42                                                                        Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
Figure 2. Map showing marsh platform creation, marsh nourishment, and ridge restoration projects under various
stages of completion (Active Deep Water Horizon Projects).
    These constructed restoration projects    any single barrier island may compromise    also provide a second line of defense
have been studied and their perfor-           the system as a whole, especially after     (behind barrier islands) against flood-
mance assessed to adaptively improve          catastrophic events such as future hur-     ing from frontal passages, sea-level rise
resilience of these barriers. Khalil and      ricanes. This program will provide a tool   and hurricane induced storms by acting
Raynie (2015b) suggested a system-wide        for CPRA to prioritize and implement        as “horizontal levees.” In addition to the
approach over restoration and mainte-         future projects based on sound science,     projects listed in Khalil et al. (2011), Loui-
nance of individual barrier islands. Such     while maintaining the ability to respond    siana has continued to create thousands
a holistic approach is essential as indi-     to unexpected coastal changes. Process      of acres of new marshes through marsh
vidual barrier islands are interrelated as    formalization will include development      nourishment/enhancement projects
a system. The 2017 Coastal Master Plan        of the Structured Decision Making           (Khalil and Raynie 2015a). The Missis-
recommended development of a barrier          (SDM) model to evaluate morphologic         sippi River Sediment Delivery System
island management program to meet             changes in the barrier island systems       is an example of utilizing renewable
the need for ongoing maintenance of the       and identify opportunities to improve       sediment resources of the Mississippi
state’s barrier island systems. The basic     the geomorphic forms and ecological         River for marsh restoration (Khalil et al.
premise is that maintaining and manag-        functions of the barrier systems (Khalil    2011). This concept of using renewable
ing barrier islands as a system is not only   et al. 2019). BISM is funded by NFWF.       river sediment to build marsh platforms
scientifically appropriate but technically                                                has subsequently led to the construction
                                                 Marsh platform creation, marsh
efficient and fiscally cost-effective. The                                                of thousands of additional acres via the
                                                nourishment, and ridge restoration
state proposes a comprehensive program-                                                   same process (Khalil and Raynie 2015a).
                                                 The coastal marshes of Louisiana
matic system approach (Barrier Island                                                     The 2012 Coastal Master Plan stressed
                                              are vital not only to recreational and
System Management or BISM) to moni-                                                       the creation of marsh platforms via
                                              agricultural interests but also provide
tor and assess barrier islands as a system                                                dedicated dredging. Similarly, the 2017
                                              nursery habitat to support the state’s
of islands to drive project investment and                                                Coastal Master Plan also emphasizes the
                                              multimillion-dollar seafood industry
provide a framework to promptly react                                                     need for marsh platform creation using
                                              (Khalil and Raynie 2015a). These marshes
when maintenance and management of                                                        dedicated dredging and long distance

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                  Page 43
Figure 3. Map showing sediment diversion projects under various stages of completion (Active Deep Water Horizon
pipeline transport, in combination with      Creation, which are anticipated to begin      river diversions designed to reconnect
sediment diversions, and ridge features.     the construction phase in 2020 (Figure 2).    the river to its coastal plain (Killebrew
                                                                                           and Khalil 2018) (Figure 3). The state/
    In 2016, Increment 2 of the Lake                 Sediment diversion projects
                                                                                           CPRA is moving forward with two diver-
Hermitage wetlands restoration project            Sediment/river diversions are struc-
                                                                                           sion projects; Mid-Barataria Sediment
in Plaquemines Parish was completed          tures designed to mimic the natural pat-
                                                                                           Diversion and Mid-Breton Sediment
(Figure 2). The initial increment of the     tern of deltaic land formation by recon-
                                                                                           Diversion (Table 2). This is a step in the
Lake Hermitage project was funded            necting the river to the coastal system.
                                                                                           right direction, as it is understood and
through the CWPPRA Program. Through          The primary purpose of river diversions
                                                                                           appreciated that to maximize efficiency
the second increment, approximately          is to supply freshwater, nutrients, and
                                                                                           diversions should be sited high up in
104 acres of new wetlands were built         sediments to aid in the restoration and
                                                                                           the estuary, which will not only mimic
with $14.4 million in BP NRDA Early          maintenance of coastal wetlands (Khalil
                                                                                           natural delta building processes but will
Restoration money, using about 1 MCY         et al. 2010) and intercept sediment before
                                                                                           also provide a receiving basin with higher
of sand from the Lower Mississippi River     it is transported to the Gulf and lost from
                                                                                           sediment retention capacity, which is cru-
leveraging the work from the initial phase   the system. All previous restoration plans
                                                                                           cial for the land building process (Khalil
of construction.                             generated over the past 30 years have
                                                                                           and Freeman 2014). River diversions are
                                             identified the need to reconnect the Mis-
   Currently, the State of Louisiana/                                                      not exclusive to the Mississippi River
                                             sissippi River to its deltaic plain through
CPRA is advancing the engineering and                                                      in Louisiana. The “Increase Atchafalaya
                                             freshwater and/or sediment diversions
design of several large scale marsh cre-                                                   Flow to Terrebonne” project (Figure 3)
                                             (Khalil and Raynie 2015a). Extensive
ation projects viz. Barataria Basin Ridge                                                  is targeted to utilize freshwater and sedi-
                                             modeling supports CPRA’s selection of
& Marsh Creation, Terrebonne Ridge                                                         ment from the Atchafalaya River in order
                                             the “Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion”
& Marsh Restoration, Barataria Basin                                                       to build, sustain, and maintain wetlands
                                             (Barataria Basin) and “Mid-Breton Sedi-
Restoration Plan, Orleans East Land                                                        within the Terrebonne Basin. Terrebonne
                                             ment Diversion” (Breton Sound) projects,
Bridge Marsh Creation, Golden Triangle                                                     Basin has experienced very high rates
                                             originally included in the 2012 Coastal
Marsh Creation, and Lake Borgne Marsh                                                      of wetland loss in recent decades due to
                                             Master Plan among several large-scale

Page 44                                                                        Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
Figure 4. Map showing recreational use projects under various stages of completion (Active Deep Water Horizon
the combined effects of isolation from         to the Lake Charles Science Center in            including nearly $1 million toward a
riverine influence, canal construction,        Calcasieu Parish and The Wetlands Cen-           boardwalk for fishing and wildlife view-
fluid withdrawal, global sea level rise, and   ter in Jefferson Parish to promote conser-       ing, fishing piers, restrooms and lighting
subsidence (Khalil and Raynie 2015b).          vation; and enhancements to 11 existing          as part of the first phase of the Wetlands
In addition, the Maurepas Diversion, a         artificial reef sites across the coastline are   Harbor Activities Recreational Facility
freshwater river diversion, is currently in    some items on the list, which has been           project in Westwego. Grand Isle State
the Engineering and Design Phase.              in development for more than two years.          Park will receive $6.1 million in upgrades,
                                               Work on some projects began mid-2018             and $6 million will go toward enhanced
         Recreation use projects
                                               as the settlement money became available         access to and recreational features on
   In addition to the injuries to natural
                                               for design and construction.                     Elmer’s Island. The Lake Charles Science
resources caused by the DWH oil spill,
                                                                                                Center will get $7 million, the largest
recreational use of Louisiana’s coast suf-         The final project list was drafted by the
                                                                                                individual project award, to construct a
fered a substantial setback. Louisiana is      Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
                                                                                                visitor’s center, youth fishing pond and
nicknamed “Sportsman’s Paradise” largely       (LA TIG) after a thorough process that
                                                                                                other educational exhibits.
in part due to the abundance of and easy       included months of public hearings and
access to natural resources for recreation.    input. The projects selected include a mix                  Other project types
An amount of $60 million was allocated         of state and local, as well as one that falls       Other project types include bank-line
to Louisiana through NRDA to enhance           under the U.S. Department of the Interior        stabilization (one project), hurricane
outdoor recreation opportunities through       and another under the Chitimacha Tribe.          protection (one project), hydrologic
23 recreational improvement projects in        Projects are meant to encourage tourists         restoration (three projects), oyster reef
coastal parishes (Figure 4). Fishing piers     and Louisiana residents to fish, camp,           restoration (one project), and shoreline
in Cameron, Jefferson, St. Mary and            boat, and take part in other outdoor             protection (two projects; Figure 5).
Terrebonne parishes; boating access im-        activities and recreation along the coast.
                                                                                                      ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT
provements in Jefferson, Plaquemines, St.
                                                 Jefferson Parish will receive $18.5                Adaptive management is notably
Charles, St. Mary, St. Tammany and Ter-
                                               million for six recreational use projects,       critical in coastal Louisiana as most of the
rebonne Parishes; educational upgrades

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                      Page 45
Figure 5. Map showing other projects (including bank-line stabilization, hurricane protection, hydrologic restoration,
oyster reef restoration, and shoreline protection) under various stages of completion (Active Deep Water Horizon
strategies adopted for restoration of this         Approximately $285 million have been            Monitoring (BICM) program and par-
highly degraded ecosystem are a first-of-      set aside from NRDA and RESTORE                     tially support the Coastwide Reference
their-kind, either in scale or scope, and      specifically for adaptive management and            Monitoring System (CRMS).
do not have well-established textbook          its implementation (via various monitor-
templates to follow (Killebrew and Khalil      ing programs) as the importance of the
                                                                                                       Land loss is an ongoing process and
2018). At the same time, Louisiana has a       role of adaptive management is appreci-
                                                                                                   coastal Louisiana is losing land at an
long history of coastal management and         ated in the ongoing restoration effort in
                                                                                                   astounding pace as we write this. Un-
restoration actions with multiple projects     Louisiana. Louisiana has developed an
                                                                                                   derstanding the gravity of the situation,
implementing common approaches.                Adaptive Management Implementation
                                                                                                   numerous studies have been conducted
CPRA has practiced informal adaptive           Plan (AMIP) along with a handbook.2
                                                                                                   over decades and several comprehensive
management as key personnel pass on            In order to implement adaptive manage-
                                                                                                   plans were developed to mitigate the
accumulated wisdom and lessons learned.        ment in Louisiana monitoring of various
                                                                                                   situation. Most of the time, the focus of
There is currently an increased need for       parameters are important. This is being
                                                                                                   these studies and plans was on land loss
large-scale restoration due to ongoing         done under the overarching umbrella of
                                                                                                   and hence coastal restoration took the
land loss as well as major new restoration     the System Wide Assessment and Moni-
                                                                                                   front seat. However, the events of 2005
funding entities resulting from the DWH        toring Program (SWAMP).3 The state was
                                                                                                   prompted the state of Louisiana to re-
spill. Thus, there is increased incentive to   also able to continue implementation of
                                                                                                   evaluate and change its approach to deal-
develop processes that formalize com-          its other regional monitoring programs
                                                                                                   ing with coastal restoration. For the first
mon learning to improve decision mak-          like the Barrier Island Comprehensive
                                                                                                   time in the state’s history, coastal pro-
ing. We know that environmental systems
                                               2) For details on adaptive management, please       tection and restoration were combined
are inherently complex and non-linear,         see the paper entitled “Current status of adap-
and consequently, predicting the success       tive management related to coastal restoration in   3) For details on SWAMP, please see the paper
of restoration projects is challenging (Na-    Louisiana with recommendations for improved         entitled “ Statewide monitoring for restoration of
tional Research Council 1992).                 implementation” in this dedicated issue by Tim      coastal Louisiana and data management” in this
                                               Carruthers and others.                              dedicated issue by Richard Raynie and others.

Page 46                                                                               Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
under Act 8 of the First Extraordinary                     attributed to multiple stressors resulting        While DWH funding on the one
Session of 2005.4 In order to implement                    from natural variabilities and human          hand has opened up unprecedented
Act 8, the CPRA was established and                        interventions. Therefore, a broad knowl-      opportunities, it has at the same time
flood risk was added to the portfolio of                   edge of coastal environments, including       introduced several significant gover-
land loss and land building projects. The                  the human component, is necessary to          nance and bureaucratic challenges due to
DWH oil spill in 2010 further highlighted                  enable their management in a manner           various settlements and several decision-
the vulnerability and fragility of coastal                 consistent with ecological, social and        making entities and governing bodies.
Louisiana. Coastal Louisiana’s natural                     economic benefits.                            The individual trustees that make up the
resources were impacted more than                                                                        various governing bodies have different
                                                               Further it is realized and appreci-
any other northern Gulf of Mexico state                                                                  perspectives and different approaches
                                                           ated that the natural resources of coastal
due to its fragility and proximity to the                                                                depending upon the mission of their
                                                           Louisiana support communities and
spewing oil well. Both geomorphologi-                                                                    respective agencies. This has, at times,
                                                           the economy of Louisiana as well as the
cal damages and ecological injuries were                                                                 complicated our ability to move forward
                                                           entire United States. However, future
significant, not only directly due to the oil                                                            despite the fact that our overarching goal
                                                           conditions of coastal Louisiana are
spill but also due to recovery and mitiga-                                                               is the same. Such diversity in approach
                                                           highly uncertain due to the dynamic
tive actions.                                                                                            and perception is healthy as long as it
                                                           processes of the MRDP, unpredictable
                                                                                                         does not impede productivity due to
    The funds that resulted from the                       storm events, subsidence, sea level rise,
                                                                                                         bureaucratic delays. The challenge is how
civil and criminal penalties of the DWH                    and increasing temperatures. Extensive
                                                                                                         to make this diverse group efficiently and
disaster helped Louisiana to make great                    human interventions intended to protect
                                                                                                         cost effectively coordinate, cooperate, and
strides towards fulfilling its plans for the               communities and infrastructure have
                                                                                                         collaborate to achieve the common goal
completion of many restoration projects.                   additionally altered or ceased natural
                                                                                                         as envisaged in Coastal Master Plan. This
The magnitude of funding suddenly                          processes. Adaptive management is a
                                                                                                         will come with the realization that CPRA
changed from millions to billions of dol-                  great help, and has been rightly funded,
                                                                                                         is ultimately responsible for implementa-
lars. The confluence of additional funding                 to allow us the opportunity to modify and
                                                                                                         tion of protection and restoration strate-
and existence of comprehensive coastal                     adjust these plans, but we can’t afford to
                                                                                                         gies to mitigate the rapidly degrading
restoration plans has aptly positioned                     have “do-overs”. Adaptive management
                                                                                                         coastal area of Louisiana. CPRA plays this
CPRA to address coastal land loss in                       in deltaic environments encourages an
                                                                                                         important role as it is well positioned with
particular and ecosystem sustainability                    integrated and flexible approach to land
                                                                                                         the institutional knowledge and experi-
in general. For example, for decades it                    and water management that considers
                                                                                                         ence to fulfil its commitment to imple-
was common knowledge that the long-                        risk and uncertainty. It promotes solu-
                                                                                                         ment its legislated duty. The importance
term solution to Louisiana’s perpetual                     tions that are sustainable under dynamic
                                                                                                         of this responsibility cannot be overstated
land loss problem was reconnecting the                     or unknown conditions by providing a
                                                                                                         and we must never let our guard down
river with surrounding marshes, restora-                   science-based and -structured process for
                                                                                                         as “…posterity will judge (us) critically
tion of barrier islands, and creation of                   making decisions and programmatic or
                                                                                                         how wisely and effectively these funds
marsh platforms via dedicated dredging.                    project adjustments. Connecting short-
                                                                                                         were expended in implementation of the
These concepts were put into plans and                     term investments with long-term changes
                                                                                                         plans as they will have or not have the
the availability of DWH funds helped to                    and the selection of actions that allow for
                                                                                                         coastal landscape we propose to build…”
make these plans a reality. Without this                   maximum flexibility of future decisions
                                                                                                         (Killebrew and Khalil 2018).
funding, the state could not implement its                 are two of the key concepts of “Adaptive
plans to build large sediment diversions,                  Delta Management” (Delta Alliance                          CONCLUSIONS
which is the only long-term solution to                    2014). As mentioned earlier, the develop-         The State of Louisiana has been able
the land loss problem.                                     ment of an AMIP is not only very much         to efficiently and effectively implement
                                                           needed but would be very effective in         restoration projects funded through re-
   Coastal Louisiana, especially its south-
                                                           developing the most appropriate strategy      cent programs because of the hard work
eastern deltaic environment, is uniquely
                                                           for coastal protection and restoration.       done through previous programs and
challenged due to the interdependence
                                                                                                         planning efforts. Decades of progress
and delicate balance of land, water, and                       In the past, due to limited funding,
                                                                                                         by a critical mass of experts made up of
ecosystems, along with the future un-                      monitoring of various parameters on a
                                                                                                         local, state and federal natural resource
certainties regarding the magnitude and                    regional scale could not be undertaken at
                                                                                                         agency staff, academia, political leaders,
rate of climate change impacts (Killebrew                  the magnitude desired. However, recent
                                                                                                         volunteers, nongovernmental agencies,
and Khalil 2018). Killebrew and Khalil                     funding has helped alleviate the situation.
                                                                                                         and concerned citizens funded through
(2018) state that “…management of such                     While the state/CPRA has proceeded
                                                                                                         the State Coastal Protection and Resto-
a complex ecosystem in which the natural                   aggressively with project implementa-
                                                                                                         ration Trust Fund, CWPPRA Program
and socioeconomic systems are highly                       tion and monitoring, funding provided
                                                                                                         and planning initiatives like the COAST
integrated is inherently difficult....” This               through the DWH settlement provides an
                                                                                                         2050 Plan paved the way for the expe-
complexity is further compounded by                        opportunity to assess the effects of eco-
                                                                                                         dited implementation of recent work.
widespread degradation, which can be                       system protection and restoration on the
                                                                                                         It is expected that the results of science
4) Louisiana state legislature passed Act 8 of the First   entire coastal system—a vital component
                                                                                                         and engineering research on the state’s
Extraordinary Session of 2005, which required an           of adaptive management at programmatic
integrated coastal protection and restoration policy                                                     coastal landscape will provide a showcase
                                                           and project levels.
and program for the first time in the state’s history.                                                   for coastal protection, restoration, and

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                               Page 47
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                                                     ris, W.K. Nuttle, C.A. Simenstad, and D.J.P.              availability of sediment and its management.
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                                                     Baton Rouge, LA: 189 pp. (Available at http://            Plan, Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana.”
Wager (USGS) for help with the figures.                                                 Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation
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                                                     (CPRA), 2017. “Louisiana’s Comprehensive                  Conservation and Restoration Authority. LA.
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Page 48                                                                                    Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
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