Effects of Acetone and Phenol on Established Cell Lines Cultivated in Vitro

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Effects of Acetone and Phenol on Established
                        Cell Lines Cultivated in Vitro*
                                  DONALDM. PACEANDALICEELLIOTT!
            (Institute for Cellular Research, Department of Physiology,   University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska)

            Two substances, acetone and phenol, common constituents of cigarette smoke,
         have been studied with reference to their short-term effects on mouse fibroblast and
         human skin cells cultivated in vitro.
            Concentrations of acetone, 10.0 mg/ml and above, are toxic to both types of cells.
         The skin cells are more sensitive to acetone effects than the fibroblast cells. Although
         5.0 mg acetone/ml is not toxic to fibroblasts within a 10-day period, it is noticeably so
         to the skin cells.
            Phenol in concentrations of 0.2 mg/ml and above is very toxic and kills the cells
         within an hour or 2. In concentrations of 0.1 and 0.16 mg/ml some of the Strain L
         cells are still living after 10 days, but there is a definite inhibitory effect indicated;
         only 15 per cent survived at this time.
            The skin cells appear to be less sensitive to the effects of phenol than fibroblast cells,
         as indicated by those surviving in 0.16 mg/ml at the end of the experiment—15 per
         cent of the Strain L cells, 57 per cent of the skin cells.

   This investigation is a continuation of studies           inhibitory effect within 1 minute on ciliary activity.
made on the effects of certain tobacco constituents          This was followed within 16 minutes by a slight
on tissue cells grown in vitro (13) and concerns             accelerating effect. Knowledge concerning the
short-term experiments made with acetone and                 germicidal or antiseptic effects of phenol upon
phenol.                                                      various types of living cells is common. Recent
   Phenolic constituents of cigarette smoke have             studies suggest that they may be mitotic poi
been reported by several investigators, and anal             sons (1).
ysis reveals varying quantities of these substances             Since the high toxicity of phenol has been
in different types of tobacco (6, 15).                       recognized for years, and since investigations sug
   Some workers (2, 3, 4, 16) have reported pro              gest its possible role as a carcinogen or co-carcino
duction of papillomas and carcinomas on the skin             gen, it seemed desirable to determine its effects
of mice treated with phenol and related substances,          upon cells in vitro.
but others (10, 17) did not observe this.                       Buyske et al. (5) reported the presence of ace
   Roe et al. (16) noted that, although the phenolic         tone in cigarette smoke, the quantity varying
fraction of cigarette smoke alone applied to skin            with different types of tobacco.
of mice did not produce tumors, if the same were                Little appears in the literature concerning the
applied along with 9,10-dimethyl-l,2-benzanthra-             effects of acetone upon cells grown in vitro. Smith
cene, tumors appeared. Falk, Tremer, and Kotin               et al. (18), in determining cytotoxicity of anti
(9) have shown that phenol (1-2.1 mg.) has a slight          biotics, chemicals, and solvents in respect to tissue
    * These investigations were supported by grants from the cells, found the dosage of acetone necessary to
Tobacco Industry Research Committee and the Cooper Foun      produce 50 per cent inhibition (ID6o) to be 5,000
dation through the University of Nebraska Foundation (Lin    mg/ml. Acetone has been employed as a solvent
coln, Nebraska).                                             for carcinogenic hydrocarbons used in studying
    t Present address: Department of Biology, Hope College, appearance of malignancy in tissue cells in vitro.
Holland, Michigan.
                                                             However, carcinogenic capacity has not been re
    Received for publication August 18, 1961.                ported for acetone (10, 17).

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108                                         Cancer Research                        Vol. 22, January     1962

         Since acetone occurs in a relatively high con       maximum population and extent of proliferation
      centration and is used extensively as a solvent        for Strain L cells exposed to 2.0 mg and 5.0 mg
      in investigations upon carcinogenicity of certain      acetone/ml were slightly, though not significantly,
      substances, an investigation of acetone was also       below those of the controls (Table 1, Exp. A).
      undertaken to determine its toxicity and effects       In the cells exposed to 10.0 mg/ml, there was a
      upon the morphology and proliferation of cells         definite inhibition—the maximum population was
      in vitro.                                              not quite one-half that of the controls. After 8
                                                             days' exposure, 99 per cent of the cells in the
               MATERIALS AND METHODS                         control and in the 2.0-mg. cultures, 97 per cent
         Strain L cells (NCTC clone 929) and human           of those in the 5.0-mg., and 81 per cent of those
      skin cells (NCTC clone 2414) were used in these        in the 10.0-mg. cultures, were still alive.
      experiments. The nutrient medium employed for              Recognizable morphological changes were evi
      culturing was NCTC 109, supplemented with 10           dent in the cells in 10.0 mg. acetone. These changes
      per cent horse serum (7, 8, 11). Prodecures for        were not well defined until 7 or 8 days, at which
      maintaining and replicating both stock and ex          time the cells appeared larger and more granular
      perimental cultures were the same as those de          than normal. At the termination of the experiment
      scribed by Pace and Elliott (13).                      (14 days) another check on viability was made.
         The replicate method of culture as modified         At this time the controls, the cells in 2.0 mg. and
      by Pace and Aftonomos (12) was employed, and           in 5.0 mg. acetone were approximately 100 per
      approximately every 48 hours control and experi        cent viable; the 10.0-mg. cells, 92 per cent. In
      mental cultures in Carrel flasks (1) were randomly     other words, there were more viable cells in 10.0
      selected and sacrificed for counting, by means         mg. acetone after 14 days than at 8 days.
      of the Coulter Electronic Counter, Model A. Dur            In the second experiment (Experiment B) there
      ing the first 48-hour period the cells were allowed    were approximately twice the number of cells
      to "adjust" to the medium, following which in          at the time they were subjected to the acetone
      terval they were subjected to the conditions of        than in the first experiment. There was very little,
      the experiment. From time to time viability of the     if any, effect on the cells in 2.0 mg. and 5.0 mg.
      cells was ascertained by means of erythrosin B,        acetone. However, the cells in 10.0 mg. never
      as recommended by Phillips and Terryberry (14).        reached as great a maximum population as those
      For this purpose, three different samples were         in lower concentrations. The cells in the control
      obtained from each flask for observation. In each      and 5.0-mg. cultures reached a maximum popula
      sample, 400 cells were examined in order to record     tion about triple that of the cells in 10.0 mg.
      the number of living cells as compared with the        The maximum reached by the cells in 2.0 mg.
      number of dead cells.                                  acetone was not actually known for this experi
         The desired concentrations of acetone or phenol     ment, since the cells began to slough off the glass
      for the experimental solutions were prepared (a) by    before the 10th day. They may have actually
      adding the necessary quantity of acetone directly      reached a greater maximum than in the other
      to the culture medium, prepared in the same            tests. From direct observations it appeared so.
      manner as acetaldehyde solutions (13); or (6) in           In a third experiment with Strain L cells (Ex
      the case of phenol, by first diluting it in balanced   periment C) the results of the two previous ex
      salt solution before adding it to the culture medi     periments were substantiated. Acetone had very
      um. The latter step was taken to prevent the           little, if any, effect on these cells in concentrations
      phenol from coagulating the proteins present in        of 5 mg/ml or less, but when the cells were exposed
      the medium.                                            to 10.0 mg/ml growth was retarded.
                                                                 Human skin cells.—Inthe first experiment, the
                          RESULTS                            results were somewhat erratic, owing to the fact
                           ACETONE                           that rather extensive sloughing took place in all
         In preliminary experiments, in which prolifera      cultures within 5 or 6 days after the experiment
      tion of the cells was observed in several rather       was started (Table 1, Experiment D). However,
      low concentrations of acetone—0.02, 0.2, 0.5, and    even in this short time, proliferation of the cells
      1.0 mg/ml—no significant results, favorable or       exposed to 5.0 mg acetone/ml was inhibited, and
      otherwise, were observed. Consequently, higher         those exposed to 10.0 mg/ml were markedly in
      concentrations, consisting of 2.0, 5.0, and 10.0       hibited. The cells in 2.0 mg. acetone proliferated
      mg acetone/ml, were used. Three different experi       at about the same rate as did those of the controls.
      ments were conducted for each cell line.                   In the second experiment (E) of this series,
         Strain L cells.—In the first experiment, the      maximum populations in control, 2.0-mg., and

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                                                   and Phenol Effects on Cells                                                           109

5.0-mg. cultures were not attained until 13 days                           Even after 2 days' exposure, many of the cells
after initial exposure. The average total number                           in the 10.0-mg. cultures were rounded and slough
of cells in the controls and 2.0-mg. cultures was                          ing. The sheet of cells that formed on the floor
approximately equal; proliferation in those exposed                        of the flask was never as densely packed as in the
to 5.0 mg. acetone was inhibited. After 3 days, the                        controls, and much cellular debris was present.
cells exposed to 10.0 mg. acetone revealed an "un                          The attached cells, at first, closely resembled
healthy" appearance; many cells were rounded,                              those of the controls; later, however, they ap
granular, and considerable cellular debris was pres                        peared more granular and larger. After 11 days
ent in the cultures. This rather poor condition                            the difference in numbers was very pronounced,
of the cells continued throughout the experiment                           and only 31 per cent of the cells in the 10.0-mg.
at this concentration. On about the 10th day of                            cultures were viable as compared with over 90
exposure the cells in 5.0 mg. acetone appeared                             per cent of those in the controls.
similar to those in the 10.0 mg. Those in 2.0
mg. acetone resembled the cells in the controls.                                                           PHENOL
   In Experiment F (Table 1), only the 10.0 mg                               As in the previous experiments, Strain L and
acetone/ml was used to compare with the control.                           human skin cells were used for these tests. To

                                                  TABLE 1
                           GROWTHOFSTRAINL (NCTC 929) ANDHUMANSKINCELLS(NCTC 2414)
   Initial cell number per ml. in A—363,000;B—368,000;C—437,000;D—450,000;E- 479,000; F—348,000.Each figure repre-
sents an average count for three cultures selected at random.

EXPERIMENTCONCEN                                                   NO. CELLS IN MILLIONS PER ML.PER                                ATMAXIMUM


                                                             Strain L (NCTC      9a9)

                                          day3.510a.      day1.2703.5941.14412th
                                                                                                        day5           day5




                                                         Human skin cells (NCTC 2414)

                                                  day1                     day2.8872.206Util     day3.0781.91913th   day3.1922.9692.082.51081894775505053244367235

                                                    1. 72.8529th

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110                                                             Cancer Research                                               Vol. 22, January 1962
        obtain concentrations of phenol that could be used                                     an hour or 2, and all cells, Strain L and skin,
        experimentally, so that its effects on cells culti                                     exposed to concentrations of 0.5 mg. and above
        vated in vitro could be tested, preliminary experi                                     were dead within 24 hours. Those in 0.2 mg
        ments were carried out with concentrations of                                          phenol/ml were dead within 48-72 hours.
        phenol varying from 10.0 to 0.2 mg/ml, all of                                             Strain L cells.—Since the cells proved to be
        which were toxic. This effect was apparent within                                      affected in concentrations of phenol as low as
                                                                                  TABLE 2
                                             L (NCTC929)ANDHUMANSKINCELLS
          Initial cell number per ml. in A—278,000;B—315,000; C—328,000; D—315,000; E—357,000; F—374,000; G—314,000;
        H—848,000.Each figure represents an average count for three cultures selected at random.

        EXPERIMENTCONCEN-TBATIONOFPHENOL(HO/ML)Av.                              NO. TELLS IS MILLIONS PEU ML.PER                                                   ATMAXIMUM

                                                                     Strain L cells (NCTC 9ÃŽ9)

                                       day.390a.uu.624UIItÃ-a.700Uuu.570ua6th                  day3.2803.3943.1302.8512.5693
                                                                                                                      day3.686.885.788lOth     day3.4814.1143.4072.5964.2173.4132.768793955774566426444402




                                                                   Human        skin   cells    (NCTC   24H)

                                                     day1.1381.2471.166.9096th          day2.1652.3822.3231.7961.9239th
                                     day.236UUa.740atiu**.522ilUU.658aa3d                             day2.8821.97910th
                                                                                                                     day2.7502                    day3.2902.5082.2931.0651.02342819322221414316053038033



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                                             and Phenol Effects on Cells                                 111

0.2 mg/ml, tests were carried out in which they          reveal that detectable toxic effects of phenol ap
were subjected to lower concentrations (Table            peared in much lower concentrations than they
2). As may be noted, 0.16 mg phenol/ml has a             did with acetone.
definite inhibitory effect on proliferation in Strain       All the cells of both Strain L and skin exposed
L cells, although they were still living after 10        to 0.5 mg. acetone and above were dead within
days. The same is true for cells in 0.1 mg/ml,           24 hours. Both were markedly affected within
although the effect is not nearly so noticeable.         24 hours after exposure to 0.2 mg/ml, and within
In fact, in the latter condition no morphological        72 hours all were dead. It appears as though this
alterations could be noted by ordinary microscopic       concentration is near the lower limits that will
examination. However, quite detectable differ            produce a rather prompt action—i.e., within 24-48
ences were evident in the cells in 0.16 mg.—           hours.
they appeared large and vacuolated, soon became             In concentrations of 0.1 mg and 0.16 mg phenol/
rounded, and later disintegrated. After 10 days'         ml, both types of cells survived for about 10 days,
exposure only 15 per cent of the cells in both           although proliferation was definitely inhibited.
0.1 mg. and 0.16 mg. phenol were viable—many           When viability of Strain L cells was checked after
of them had disintegrated, as indicated by the           7 days, it was found that about 95 per cent of the
large amount of cellular debris in these cultures.       cells in the 0.1-mg. and 0.16-mg. concentrations
Although a concentration of 0.05 mg/ml apparent          were alive. The number of cells, however, were
ly had no effect on the cells, 0.025 mg. proved          somewhat less than those of the controls and those
to be favorable—proliferation at this concentra        in lower concentrations. After being subjected
tion was actually greater than for the cells in the      to phenol for a period of 10 days, 99 per cent
control cultures.                                        of the controls, but only about 15 per cent of those
   Human skin cells.—Although an injurious effect      in the 0.1- and 0.16-mg. groups, were viable.
was observed on the skin cells in 0.2 mg phenol/ml,      On the other hand, in human skin cells, 90 per
they proved to be less sensitive to phenol at lower      cent of the controls, 66 per cent of the cells in
concentrations than did the Strain L cells. The          0.05 mg., and 57 per cent of those in 0.1 mg.
results presented in Table 2 indicate that concen        and 0.16 mg. phenol were alive.
trations of 0.025 or 0.05 mg/ml have little, if             Both cell types seemed to be relatively unaf
any, effect (Experiments E and F).                       fected by a concentration of 0.025 mg phenol/ml.
   The cells exposed to 0.1 mg. or 0.16 mg. phenol       However, from observations made in these investi
never attained a maximum population as great             gations, it appears that concentrations between
as that in the controls. It is interesting to note,      0.05 mg. and 0.1 mg. might be capable of produc
however, that those in 0.16 mg. reached a maxi           ing adverse effects, if the period of exposure is
mum within 6 days—more quickly than the others.        sufficiently lengthy.
At the termination of the experiment, however               Primarily because of its protein-coagulating
(10th day), the cells in the control cultures were       capacity, phenol has long been used as a germicidal
much more numerous than in either 0.1 or 0.16            agent. Perhaps the deleterious effects upon the
mg phenol/ml.                                            cells might be explained in part by alteration of
   From time to time, a check was made on via            the protein in the medium or within the cells,
bility, with erythrosin B. After 7 days (Experiment      or, since, phenol also acts as a mitotic poison,
F), 89 per cent of the cells in the controls, 66         it could retard cell division and proliferation by
per cent of those in 0.05 mg phenol/ml, but only         this means.
57 per cent of those in both 0.1 mg. and 0.16               Acetone proved to be less toxic than phenol.
mg. were viable.                                         A concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, or even 5.0 mg/ml,
   As in the case of the Strain L cells, several days'   appeared to have negligible, if any, effect upon
exposure were required to produce morphological          either Strain L cells or human skin cells. There
changes in the cells subjected to 0.16 mg phenol/        was, however, a noticeable difference in the effects
ml. The cells in 0.16 mg. were affected more than        of acetone on fibroblasts as compared with skin
any of the others—they were rounding up and            cells. The skin cells were more sensitive to the
detaching within a few days after exposure. Those        acetone. In all the experiments completed, the
that remained attached were very granular in             human skin cells in 5.0 mg acetone/ml, or above,
appearance.                                              were definitely inhibited, but those in 2.0 mg.
                                                         were apparently not affected.
                  DISCUSSION                                Strain L cells, however, seemed to be relatively
  In these short-term experiments, in which phe          unaffected by 5.0 mg/ml. Ten mg acetone/ml
nol and acetone were investigated, the results           was definitely harmful to both types of cells.

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112                                            Cancer Research                           Vol. 22, January 1962
            It is interesting to note that, although 10.0           6. COMMINS,B. T., and LINDSEY,A. J. Some Phenolic
         mg acetone/ml was harmful and that maximum                    Constituents of Cigarette Smoke. Brit. J. Cancer, 10:
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                                                                    7. EVANS,V. J.; BRYANT,J. C.; FIORAMONTI,       M. C.; MC
         controls, 81 per cent of the cells were viable after          QUILKEN,W. T.; SANFORD,K. K.; and EARLE, W. R.
         8 days (as compared with 99 per cent for the con              Studies of Nutrient Media for Tissue Cells in Vitro.
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         14 days' exposure, the cells of the control cultures          tion of Strain L Cells. Cancer Research, 16:77-86, 1956.
         were still 99 per cent viable and those in 10.0            8. EVANS,V. J.; BRYANT,J. C.; McQuiLKEN, W. T.; FIORA
                                                                       MONTI,M. C.; SANFORD,K. K.; WESTFALL,B. B.; and
         mg. acetone were now 92 per cent viable. This is              EARLE,W. R. Studies of Nutrient Media for Tissue Cells
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         cell lines to the extent that, even in vitro, these           Medium NCTC 109. J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 19:885-904,
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Effects of Acetone and Phenol on Established Cell Lines
Cultivated in Vitro
Donald M. Pace and Alice Elliott

Cancer Res 1962;22:107-112.

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