Original Article Effects of quality control circle on patients with neurogenic urination disorder after spinal cord injury and intermittent ...

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Original Article Effects of quality control circle on patients with neurogenic urination disorder after spinal cord injury and intermittent ...
Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(4):4132-4139
www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0087325

Original Article
Effects of quality control circle on patients with
neurogenic urination disorder after spinal cord
injury and intermittent catheterization
Xiaoliang Huang, Wenqing Hu, Yuhong Guo, Wei Li

The First Department of Rehabilitation, The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei
Province, China
Received October 25, 2018; Accepted November 27, 2018; Epub April 15, 2019; Published April 30, 2019

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the effects of quality control circle (QCC) activity on patients with neurogenic
urination disorders after spinal cord injury and treated with intermittent catheterization. Methods: A total of 80
patients with neurogenic urination disorders after spinal cord injury and treated with intermittent catheterization
were selected as research objects and randomly divided into the QCC group and the control group, with 40 patients
in each group. The QCC activity was carried out on patients in the QCC group, and health education of intermittent
catheterization was conducted in the control group. After 3 months of intervention, the awareness rate of neuro-
genic bladder, incidence of urinary tract infection and hydronephrosis, recovery of bladder urinary function, self-
management ability, and nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results: Patients in the QCC
group had higher awareness than those in the control group, with a statistically significant difference (P=0.006).
Patients in the QCC group had significantly lower rates of urinary tract infection and hydronephrosis than those in
the control group, with a statistically significant difference (both P
QQC on patient treated with intermittent catheterization

improvement measure that a group of grass-           reflex of the bladder; patients accompanied by
roots personnel, with similar work at the sa-        abnormal urethral anatomy; patients compli-
me job site, conduct quality control activities      cated with urethral neoplasm, urethral injury
automatically and spontaneously to improve           and significant hydronephrosis; patients with
quality and efficiency, by persisting to improv-     upper urinary tract infection; patients accom-
ing in the work and inspiring individual potential   panied by coagulation disorders; patients with
[8-10]. Studies report that the QCC activity in      severe liver and kidney dysfunction; patients
the operating room and ICU helps improve the         with no acute or chronic infection within the
quality of departmental infection control, as        past 1 month; patients with a history of mental
well as patients’ hand hygiene compliance [11,       illness; or patients contraindicated to intermit-
12]. However, few reports are about the effect       tent catheterization [15]. Patients enrolled in
of the QCC activity on patients with intermittent    the study signed written informed consent. The
catheterization. Therefore, in this study, 80        study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
patients with neurogenic urination disorders         The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University.
after spinal cord injury were selected as re-
search objects, and the QCC activity was car-        The above patients were divided into the QCC
ried out on patients with intermittent catheter-     group and the control group according to a ran-
ization, to provide experimental basis for           dom number table, with 40 patients in each
improving patients’ quality of life and nursing      group. The health education was routinely con-
service quality.                                     ducted on patients with intermittent catheter-
                                                     ization as the control group, and the QCC activ-
Materials and methods                                ity was carried out on them as the QCC group.

General information                                  Research methods

A total of 80 patients with neurogenic urination     Routine health education: Routine health edu-
disorders after spinal cord injury who were          cation was conducted on patients in the con-
treated in The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical       trol group. Patients and their families were
University from January 2016 to December             informed that intermittent catheterization (ma-
2017 were selected as research objects. Based        terials were purchased from Jiangsu Huadong
on the Frankel Spinal Cord Injury Classification     Medical Device Industrial Co., Ltd., China) was
of American Spinal Cord Injury Association,          designed to intermittently empty the bladder to
they were divided into grade A or B [13]. Grade      avoid excessive bladder inflation and obstruc-
A was complete injury, with no sensory or motor      tion of bladder blood circulation, and also
function retention in saddle area S4-S5. Grade       reduce the resistance to bacteria and injury to
B was incomplete sensory injury, with no motor       the upper urinary system, thereby preventing
function but sensory function retention below        vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis and uri-
the nerve plane including the saddle area            nary tract infection. They were also informed of
S4-S5, and with no motor function retention          the instruments and articles to be prepared
more than 3 segments below the motion plane          before catheterization, specific intermittent
on either side of the body. Inclusion criteria:      catheterization procedures and attention to
Patients older than 18 years old and confirmed       problems during catheterization such as hema-
with spinal cord injury by MRI examination [14];     turia, turbid or odorous urea and abnormal
patients with a disease duration of more than 2      body temperature. Meanwhile, education book-
months who have lived through the period of          lets for intermittent catheterization and blad-
spinal shock; patients with normal functions of      der muscle function training were distributed to
the upper limbs; patients diagnosed with low         enable patients and their families to master
tension bladder with a residual urine volume of      them. A drinking plan was formulated, with the
more than 100 mL by urodynamic examination;          drinking amount controlled in the range of
patients and their families agreed to receive        1,500-2,000 mL, and no drinking from 8:00
intermittent catheterization treatment. Exclu-       pm to 6:00 am. The catheterization was
sion criteria: Patients in the period of spinal      arranged 4-6 times a day, once every 4-6 h.
cord shock; patients with high paraplegia            Bladder diary was recorded that included the
accompanied by upper limb disorders; patients        daily and each drinking volume, each catheter-
accompanied by abnormal autonomic nerve              ization time and urinary volume, as well as

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QQC on patient treated with intermittent catheterization

residual urine volume. Patients and their fami-     assessed. The bladder diary was recorded, and
lies were encouraged to master the skills and       its implementation was taken seriously. The
knowledge of intermittent catheterization, as       education of aseptic knowledge was strength-
well as enhance nursing diuresis. They were         ened such as maintaining good habits of per-
correctly guided to participate and learn. Clean    sonal hygiene. Patients’ self-immunity was en-
intermittent catheterization was demonstrated       hanced to prevent infection through rehabilita-
to them 1-2 times in a relatively aseptic condi-    tion exercise. Their bladder self-management
tion, and they were guided until they could         ability was improved with the help of physi-
operate independently. In order to reduce uri-      cians, nurses and patients and their families.
nary tract infection, they were instructed to       Through simulation training and theoretical
wash their hands according to the clean hand        examination, circle members’ on-site operation
washing diagram for more than 5 minutes.            levels of intermittent catheterization and com-
                                                    munication skills were improved.
QCC activity: QCC group formation: Eight me-
dical personnel from this department were           Outcome measures
selected to form a QCC activity group. One cir-
cle leader was set up headed by the head            The awareness of neurogenic bladder was com-
nurse, 1 counselor by the associate chief physi-    pared between the two groups of patients by
cian of the rehabilitation department, and 6        questionnaire survey, which involved clinical
circle members by the nurses. Circle name           symptoms, complications and their treatments,
and emblems were determined by vote with            bladder training methods, drinking planning,
brainstorming.                                      residual urine measurement, rehabilitation
                                                    therapy, intermittent catheterization, and blad-
Determination of topics: Through evidence-          der types. Each item had 10 points, with a total
based method, the group found relevant litera-      score of 80 points. More than 48 points was
ture on intermittent catheterization at home        considered as known, less than 48 points as
and abroad, and encouraged circle members to        unknown. The awareness rate = the number of
propose problems in intermittent catheteriza-       the known/total number of cases * 100%.
tion linked with actual work conditions, thereby
analyzing and summarizing the proposed prob-        After 3 months of intervention, the rates of uri-
lems. As a result, the theme of QCC was deter-      nary tract infection and hydronephrosis were
mined as “Reducing the incidence of urinary         compared between the two groups of patients.
tract infection and hydronephrosis in patients      Bacterial culture in the middle urine of patients
with intermittent catheterization”.                 was used. Bacterial colony counting more than
                                                    105 cfu/m was considered as urinary tract
Analysis of reasons for problems in intermit-       infection. B-ultrasound was used to examine
tent catheterization: Members of the QCC activ-     the hydronephrosis of the two groups of pa-
ities group analyzed reasons for problems in        tients. If the above complications occurred,
intermittent catheterization, including improper    regular catheterization was performed, and
hand washing, lack of attention to asepsis,         correct urination was guided according to the
casual catheterization operations, bladder tr-      number of catheterization and the prescribed
aining errors and poor personal hygiene, self-      drinking volume. If necessary, levofloxacin
immunity and self-management ability. The           could be used for anti-infection.
cause was determined through “the two-eight
Principle”, and finally the real cause was deter-   After 3 months of intervention, the recovery of
mined through physical examination.                 bladder urinary function was compared be-
                                                    tween the two groups of patients. The residual
Countermeasure development and implemen-            urine volume less than 100 mL after spon-
tation: The training of health education knowl-     taneous urination indicates that the urina-
edge on intermittent catheterization was str-       tion function was basically restored, while the
engthened on members of the QCC group to            volume still more than 100 mL indicates that
enhance their subjective management aware-          the urination function was not restored. The
ness and sense of responsibility. Urine routine     number of catheterization was continuously
was detected weekly; patients and their fami-       adjusted based on the residual urine volume
lies were regularly guided to conduct intermit-     until recovery, with no more than 6 times every
tent catheterization; their master degree was       day.

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QQC on patient treated with intermittent catheterization

Table 1. Comparison of general information                                     total score of 100 points.
                                      QCC group Control group                  More than 90 points was
Group                                                          t/χ2   P        considered as satisfactory,
                                       (n=40)      (n=40)
Age (year)                            56.7±4.3    57.3±4.8    0.589 0.558
                                                                               and less than 90 points as
                                                                               unsatisfactory [17].
Male/female (n)                        25/15       24/16      0.053 0.819
Body mass index (kg/m2)               23.5±1.7   23.8±1.9     0.744 0.459      Statistical processing
Spinal cord injury site (n)                                   0.621 0.892
  Cervical vertebra                       6           8                      Statistical software SPSS
  Thoracic vertebra                       9           7                      19.0 was used for data
  Lumbar vertebra                        15          16
                                                                             analysis. Measurement da-
                                                                             ta are expressed as mean_
  Cauda equina nerve                     10           9
                                                                             ± standard deviation ( x ±
Hypertension (n)                         11          13       0.238 0.626    sd), and an independent
Diabetes (n)                              9          12       0.581 0.446    sample t test was used for
Spinal cord injury classification (n)                         0.453 0.501    comparison between the
  Grade A                                17          20                      groups. Count data are
  Grade B                                23          20                      expressed as case num-
Note: QCC, quality control circle.                                           ber/percentage (n/%), and
                                                                             a χ2 test was used for com-
                                                                             parison between the gro-
                                                          ups. When P0.05). See Table 1.

                                                          Comparison of awareness rate of neurogenic
Figure 1. Comparison of awareness of neuro-
genic bladder. Compared with the control group,           The awareness rate of neurogenic bladder
   P=0.006.                                               was 77.5% (31 patients) in the QCC group of
                                                          patients, and 47.5% (19 patients) in the control
                                                          group, with statistically significant difference
After 3 months of intervention, the self-man-             between the two groups (χ2=7.680, P=0.006).
agement ability of patients was compared be-              See Figure 1.
tween the two groups. It included drinking man-
agement, residual urine monitoring, symptom               Comparison of incidence of urinary tract infec-
management, adherence to bladder training,                tion and hydronephrosis
complication management, and correct inter-
mittent catheterization. Less than 60 points              There were 4 patients with urinary tract infec-
was considered as poor, 60-79 points as gen-              tion and 3 patients with hydronephrosis in the
eral, and more than 80 points as good [16].               QCC group; in the control group, there were 13
                                                          patients with urinary tract infection and 10
The nursing satisfaction was compared be-                 patients with hydronephrosis. There were sta-
tween the two groups of patients. The satisfac-           tistically significant differences in the incidence
tion questionnaire included nursing profes-               of urinary tract infection (χ2=6.050, P=0.014)
sional skills, service attitudes, and the proce-          and hydronephrosis (χ2=4.501, P=0.034) be-
dures of intermittent catheterization, with a             tween the two groups of patients. See Figure 2.

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QQC on patient treated with intermittent catheterization

                                                          bladder urinary function between the two
                                                          groups of patients (P
QQC on patient treated with intermittent catheterization

Table 4. Comparison of nursing satisfaction (n, %)                mittent catheterization, demonstration
                                                 Satisfactory     and guidance of clean catheterization
                     Satisfactory Unsatisfactory                  and active communication with pati-
                                                   rate (%)
QCC group (n=40)          37            3            92.5         ents enable them to know and master
Control group (n=40)      29           11            72.5         disease knowledge. They also actively
χ2                                                  5.541         participate in nursing care of intermit-
P                                                   0.019
                                                                  tent catheterization. As a result, their
Note: QCC, quality control circle.
                                                                  self-management ability is improved.
                                                                  Studies by Hartmann et al. report that
                                                                  the QCC activity can improve the self-
Jiang et al. included 253 patients with granulo-          management ability of diabetic patients, similar
cytopenia in hematologic disease for the QCC              to the results of this study [24]. This suggests
activity; the perianal infection rate of patients         that the QCC activity can significantly improve
in the QCC group decreased from 17.2% to                  patients’ self-management ability.
5.93% [20]. This is similar to the results of this
study. Similar studies show that the QCC activi-          The foundation of self-management ability is
ty can significantly improve the nursing mea-             based on the perception of the disease knowl-
sures of ventilator-associated pneumonia and              edge. In terms of the awareness rate, the
reduce its incidence [21]. This suggests that             results of this study showed that patients in the
the QCC nursing program does improve associ-              QCC group had a higher awareness rate of
ated infection complications.                             intermittent catheterization than those in the
                                                          control group, with a statistically significant dif-
The QCC activity is a scientific and long-lasting         ference. This may be due to the strengthening
management mode. During the activity, circle              of patients’ health education of disease-relat-
members constantly communicate with pa-                   ed knowledge during the QCC activity, which is
tients and their families, to discover actual             conducive to improving their cognition. In terms
problems in time and solve them. The QCC                  of the recovery of bladder urinary function, the
activity carried out in this study was reviewed           results of this study showed that patients in the
and approved by the counselor, supervised and             QCC group had a higher recovery rate of blad-
implemented by the circle leader. Assistance              der urinary function than those in the control
and guidance were given to patients with inter-           group, with a statistically significant difference.
mittent catheterization in terms of drinking              This may be because the QCC activity can help
management, residual urine monitoring, symp-              to improve bladder function and the incompati-
tom management, adherence to bladder train-               bility between detrusor and external urethral
ing, complication management and correct in-              sphincter after spinal cord injury, thereby estab-
termittent catheterization. The “assessment-pl-           lishing a certain urinary rhythm and promoting
anning-implementation-evaluation-reform” wo-              bladder emptying. This also indicates that
rkflow was repeatedly performed to continu-               patients and their families got the mastery of
ously improve quality management. Effective               bladder function training methods out from the
self-management maintains patients’ satisfac-             QCC activity. In addition, studies show that the
tory quality of life. Self-management ability,            participatory management method of QCC can
which plays an important role in the recovery of          significantly improve the job satisfaction and
patients with neurogenic urination disorders              enthusiasm of nurses [25]. Other studies re-
after spinal cord injury, refers to management            port that the QCC activity has a significant
ability that changes and develops in response             effect on improving nurse satisfaction [26]. It
to chronic diseases [22]. Studies show that               can improve nurses’ job satisfaction and pride
self-management is an effective treatment for             when giving full play to individual talents [27].
chronic diseases, which is more economical                The results of this study showed that patients
than drugs [23]. The results of this study                in the QCC group had higher nursing satisfac-
showed that the self-management ability of                tion than those in the control group, with a
patients in the QCC group was significantly bet-          statistically significant difference. Studies by
ter than that in the control group, with a sta-           Hosseinabadi et al. showed that the QCC activ-
tistically significant difference. This may be due        ity in emergency care can improve nursing sat-
to the fact that the active education of inter-           isfaction, which is similar to the result of this

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