Page created by Donald Herrera
Panel Systems testing

 Verification of Flight Attendant Panels (FAPs)
 requires an interdisciplinary approach. TestPlant
 and Vector have combined their domain tools for
 efficient testing of the entire system

     ver since Flight Attendant Panels          pose new challenges to the development
     (FAPs) were first introduced in the        process. Trends such as extending
     Airbus A320 series, the number of          functionality by adding new software
 checking and monitoring functions which        components or flexibly adapting the user
 they control has grown regularly (Figure 1).   interface can further increase this
 Improved touchscreen technologies are          complexity. Consequently, the test phase
 continually making the human-machine           is assuming growing importance in the
 interface more efficient and convenient.       development of user interfaces.
 In modern aircraft, the crew uses FAPs to         To properly address this increasing
 control and monitor many cabin functions,      importance, it is necessary to validate
 among them lighting, announcements,            functions in the early phases of
 door status indication, smoke detection        development. Often the target hardware
 and temperatures. The units are also used      is still unavailable or at least incomplete
 for functions relevant to maintenance, for     by the time testing needs to start.
 instance to add entries to the digital cabin
 logbook used to log faults. Furthermore,
                                                Frequently, the validation must be
                                                performed in a purely virtualized
                                                                                                   “The challenge
 the FAP indicates safety information such
 as smoke detection or emergency signals.
                                                environment or on an isolated subsystem
                                                using remaining bus simulation.
                                                                                                   is to design fap
 Easy, efficient and reliable operation of
 FAPs with graphic user interfaces plays an
                                                   Desirable user interfaces are
                                                characterized by visualizing the underlying         systems to be
 important role in the airlines’ satisfaction
 with the units.
                                                cabin applications in a way that is both
                                                clear and easy to understand – despite               as smart as
    Quality assurance measures must be
 adapted to meet the increasing prevalence
 of software-based user interfaces. Complex
                                                their complexity – and by offering intuitive
                                                and simple operation (usability). The
                                                challenge is to design FAP systems to be as
 logic must be applied, especially in the       smart as smartphones. This leads to highly
 operation of embedded systems, which           responsive touch-based infotainment user

Panel Systems testing

                                  1 // Flight Attendant
                                  Panels, an essential part
                                  of modern aircraft, need
                                  reliable quality assurance
                                  and testing before aircraft
                                  test flights begin

Panel Systems testing


 interfaces with a broad range of functions,    mouse inputs. KVM switches are typically        2 // The FAP serves as a      explicitly designed to be an open
 and these must also be validated. The          located on the hardware level to implement      central control and display   environment, and it offers numerous
 customer always expects the FAPs to show       the same functionality in transmitting          element for a wide variety    interfaces for linking to external programs
                                                                                                of cabin functions
 state-of-the-art technology in its operating   input and output information. This makes                                      (Figure 2). These include Vector’s own
 concept and supported periphery. The           it unnecessary to modify the testing                                          UDP-based Fast Data Exchange (FDX)
 units must also lend themselves to reliable    software to achieve testability.                                              interface, the Functional Mockup Interface
 software updates at regular intervals. In         Such a non-invasive approach ensures                                       (FMI) and MATLAB. It is also possible to
 turn, these constraints place stringent        that changes which would otherwise only                                       integrate external DLLs. The latter is used
 requirements on testing that should be         be performed to test the software do not                                      to link eggPlant Functional to CANoe.
 repeatable, automatable and maintainable.      have any effects on the actual test. Any                                      eggPlant Functional offers access to
                                                ECUs can be checked using this approach,                                      external applications over an XML-RPC
 INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH                     because remote control mechanisms now                                         interface (Extensible Markup Language
 To satisfy these requirements, an              exist in all commonly used operating                                          Remote Procedure Call); this is executed
 interdisciplinary approach is needed that      systems (Android, iOS, Linux, QNX,                                            by eggDrive in a mode without a graphic
 combines the tools from both GUI and ECU       VxWorks, Windows, etc.). eggPlant                                             user interface.
 testing in order to assure comprehensive       Functional is operated as a distributed                                          The interface lets CANoe call functions
 verification in all development stages.        system, in which the host application                                         and test scripts in eggPlant and read out
    eggPlant Functional, the software from      with test flow control is executed on a                                       individual (partial) results of the overall
 TestPlant for functional GUI tests, enables    conventional PC. Only the remote control                                      test report. TestPlant offers an
 testing of embedded software applications      component is needed at the ECU under                                          implementation in the form of a .NET
 via the user interface. This approach          test. By using different interfaces, eggPlant                                 assembly for use of the XML-RPC interface.
 assures greater testing depth compared to      Functional can interact with the systems                                      This makes it possible to link to the
 testing on the program code or functional      of other test automation suppliers, and has                                   combination of CANoe and vTESTstudio
 level. Here, test automation utilizes image    been designed to be an open system.                                           (Figure 3). Encapsulation of the necessary
 and text recognition algorithms to detect         CANoe (oe = open environment)                                              calls in a C# test library and mapping of
 switch surfaces and displays. For instance,    software from Vector handles the                                              the test results to the CANoe test report
 if a surface switch should be activated, its   remaining bus simulation for the ECU                                          results in an easy-to-use interface for
 position is identified by image recognition,   under test and the analysis of bus                                            combining CANoe and eggPlant
 and a button push is initiated. Remote         parameters. In addition, it provides a test                                   Functional. The test designer creates the
 control mechanisms such as Virtual             environment that includes a test sequencer                                    ECU tests in a familiar environment such
 Network Computing (VNC), Remote                and test reporting. The tests themselves                                      as vTESTstudio and accesses the functions
 Desktop Protocol (RDP) or Keyboard-Video-      are created in the Vector tool vTESTstudio,                                   of eggPlant Functional in the same way as
 Mouse (KVM) over IP (Internet Protocol)        an authoring tool for editing test flows for                                  the functions of CANoe are accessed.
 are used on the system level to transfer       embedded systems. Programming
 screen contents and initiate user              language based methods (CAPL/C#),                                             BENEFITS
 interactions. VNC and RDP are protocols        spreadsheet-based methods or graphic                                          The integrated approach of Vector and
 commonly used in the PC area to transmit       test notation and test design methods are                                     TestPlant gives the user a test environment
 screen contents as well as keyboard and        available for this purpose. CANoe was                                         in which, in addition to the ability to

Panel Systems testing


stimulate and analyze parameters                3 // CANoe offers an    validate daily builds, for example, enabling     testing. The test automation tools eggPlant
transmitted over the databus in the             open environment with   quick responses to any problems in new           Functional and CANoe come into play
airplane, the FAP’s graphic user interface      various interfaces to   software releases. It lends itself to frequent   here. With their open interfaces they
                                                third-party tools
can also be monitored and stimulated.                                   software releases and short development          represent a simple tool combination that is
From the perspective of the test developer,     4 // Toolchain for      cycles and ensures timely reactions to new       ideal for such testing. Domain specialists
the level on which the information is           integrated functional   requirements and constraints.                    can implement tests in their familiar
                                                GUI testing of a FAP                                                     environment and then integrate the tools
accessed does not matter. Similarly, one
advantage of CANoe is that testing is                                   SUMMARY                                          into an overall test suite. This eliminates
performed independently of the bus                                      Software-based embedded systems that             the effort involved in creating additional
physics. It is only necessary to interchange                            are operated via graphic user interfaces         tests. It also enables shorter development
the hardware interface to match the bus                                 are becoming increasingly more important         cycles with frequent software releases,
system being used. Consequently, the                                    in airplane development. To meet quality         and this produces a clear competitive
same models can be used to test the next                                assurance requirements, it is not only           advantage for the aircraft manufacturer
generation of FAPs, even if a different bus                             necessary to test the individual software        and the supplier. \\
system is used.                                                         components but also their user interfaces.
   Since it is also possible to run existing                            Therefore, the goal is to verify the             Sebastian Mezger is team and project leader
eggPlant Functional test scripts, scripts                               functionality of the embedded systems            with Vector Informatik, and Mingzhi Deng
from the pure user interface test can be                                completely and reliably in automated             is a technical consultant at TestPlant
used again in an integrated functional GUI
test. The tools that the domain specialists
already have and are familiar with can also
be used in a combined application case.
Such an approach increases the depth of
testing or degree of test automation and
ensures in-depth and extensive functional
testing of an ECU, including in cases where
there are frequent software releases. Even
in early development stages, such a test
setup enables validation of an isolated ECU
including the user interface. CANoe is used
to simulate ECUs that communicate with
the ECU under test and do not need to be
present in real form. Functional GUI tests
thereby enable validation with modest
hardware resources at a very early time.
   This test setup is also ideally suited for
creating a development environment with
continuous testing. It can be used to

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