Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council
Summer 2021                          www.gateshead.gov.uk

       Election results – Know your councillors
                Website upgrade – do more online
                              Summer of cycling
Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council
Dear resident
     Since the last edition of                                     Maintaining the ability to provide these essential
     Council News in December                                      services remains our top priority, which unfortunately
     2020, COVID-19 has                                            means we were unable to fully reopen all of our leisure
     continued to impact us all.                                   and library facilities in line with the government’s
     We have endured another                                       roadmap out of lockdown. I understand that many
     national lockdown and                                         of you will have been disappointed by this decision
     sadly, lost many more lives.                                  but adopting a phased approach to reopening has
                                                                   enabled us to continue protecting the health and
     However, we are now in
                                                                   wellbeing of our communities.
     a much stronger position
     than we were then. The vaccination programme is               Thank you for your patience and understanding.
     continuing to progress at pace and the infection rate         Thank you also to those who took part in our health
     remains much lower than it was, thanks to the efforts         and wellbeing survey a few months ago – your views
     of residents, our wonderful NHS and other partners.           will be used to shape how we deliver these services
                                                                   longer term. We will share more information on this
     I remain extremely grateful to all Gateshead Council
     employees who have continued to serve our
     communities throughout the pandemic. Many of                  Finally, although we have every reason to feel
     them have taken on different roles and new ways               optimistic, I must remind you that the pandemic is
     of working, from supporting NHS Test and Trace to             not yet over and as ever, we can’t afford to become
     providing practical assistance through our community          complacent. Thank you for continuing to protect
     hubs.                                                         yourself, your loved ones and the wider community.

     Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of Gateshead Council

    Newcastle                                Action on climate                              Help someone
    Gateshead                                change                                         live a thriving life
    Quays update                             Pages 8 & 9                                    Page 11
    Page 5

    Website upgrade                          Know your local                                Supporting you
    – do more online                         councillors                                    into work
    Page 12                                  Pages 15-18                                    Page 20

                                                      All information in this publication was correct at the time of going to print.
                                                                Cover image, Cyclists enjoying the great Gateshead countryside.

2     Gateshead Council News Summer 2021
Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

Stay safe this summer
As coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, it feels like the light at the end of the
tunnel is within touching distance. We’re able to see our friends and family again,
most local businesses have reopened and the majority of adults in Gateshead have
now received at least one dose of the vaccine.
But it’s not over yet. We’ve seen before how easing restrictions can lead to a surge in
infections so we must continue to tread carefully, and there are three key things that
you can do to help make sure that we can continue safely along the road to recovery.

Keep testing                                 Remain cautious
Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19           Even if you’ve had your vaccine or
don’t show symptoms, so twice-weekly         recently tested negative, it’s crucial that
lateral flow testing for all adults and      we all continue to follow the rules –
secondary school students is essential       particularly as our contact with others
for identifying those who could be           increases as restrictions lift.
spreading the virus without realising.                                                     • When seeing friends and family,
                                             • Keep washing your hands regularly.
You can pick up free home testing kits                                                       please don’t be tempted to break
from many local pharmacies and other         • Wear a face covering where needed.            the rules on group sizes and
locations across Gateshead, or order                                                         household mixing.
                                             • Maintain a safe distance from
online for home delivery.
                                               others.                                      For coronavirus advice and practical
If you develop a high temperature, a                                                        and financial support, go to
                                             • Remember outdoors is safer than
new, continuous cough or a change to                                                        www.gateshead.gov.uk/coronavirus
                                               indoors and good ventilation is
your sense of taste or smell, you should                                                    Call 0191 433 7112
arrange a PCR test straight away – even
if you’ve recently had a negative lateral
flow test result. Find out more at             A huge thank you to all of our COVID
nhs.uk/get-tested.                             Community Champions, who have
                                               played an important role in keeping
Get vaccinated                                 Gateshead residents safe and
The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and will          informed throughout the pandemic.
protect you and the wider community.            If you could help us shape and share important public health messages,
Please get your vaccination when it’s           find out more about becoming a COVID Community Champion at
offered to you and don’t forget you             www.gateshead.gov.uk/communitychampions
need a second dose for maximum

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Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

Thousands supported by hubs
Our community hubs have been a                                                               • supplied 1,400 ‘cook n’ eat’ boxes and
lifeline to many residents over the last                                                       school meal packed lunch parcels
12 months.                                                                                     plus over 6,200 school meal vouchers
                                                                                               at February half term
A year on, the eight hubs are still
operating and are at the heart of the                                                        • issued over 4,300 pre-pay cards to
ongoing community support to the                                                               households with children on free
pandemic.                                                                                      school meals
Staffed by council employees and key                                                         • provided 865 Christmas hampers
partners, the hubs initially focussed on
                                                                                             • delivered 54 oxygen monitors to
providing emergency food parcels, help
                                                                                               residents suffering from COVID-19
with routine shopping, collection of
prescriptions or other medical supplies                                                      Councillor Catherine Donovan, Deputy
and support if people wanted to talk.                                                        Leader of Gateshead Council said:
Over time, the number of residents                                                              “Thank you to everyone who’s
requesting help on a regular basis                                                            helped make the community hub
has decreased but the hubs are still
                                                                                              network and associated support
supporting 200 households who seek
help regularly:
                                                                                               such a success and ensured that
                                                                                             residents who have requested help
Below is just a small summary of the          Staff have been redeployed from Go Gateshead    have received support in a timely,
help provided over the last year.                           to support the hubs                  efficient and compassionate
• wrote to over 36,000 and called                                                                           manner.”
  27,000 residents to check they were       • made up, distributed and delivered
  okay                                        over 14,930 food parcels                        If you need support visit
• spoke to 11,000 residents classed as      • responded to over 8,500 requests for            or call 0191 433 7112.
  being clinically extremely vulnerable       help

#Brightentheday for more Gateshead children
Gateshead Council has once again            • 1,500 children’s activity packs
been awarded government funding
                                            • Daily TV programmes on Tyne &
to provide free activities and meals for
                                              Wear TV, which were accessible to
children during the summer holidays
and beyond.
                                            The summer programme, if restrictions
Funding of almost £850,000 from the
                                            continue to ease and COVID-19 cases
Department for Education’s Holiday
                                            stay low, will be the biggest ever. Last
Activities and Food Programme will
                                            summer over 10,500 places were
allow the Council and many of its
                                            provided throughout the seven weeks
partners to provide an extended
                                            of the summer holiday, and this Easter
programme of healthy food and
                                            alone over 2,650 places were delivered
fun activities for school age children
                                            through schools and community                     Bailey who took part in Brighten the Day activities
during the school holidays throughout
                                            partners over eight days.
2021. The Council will build on the
                                                                                             more school holidays will allow the
success of last year’s #BrightentheDay      Details of the next holiday programme
                                                                                             most vulnerable children to be able to
programme.                                  will be available soon and families who
                                                                                             access free activities and enjoy even
                                            qualify for activity places/packs and
During the Easter school holidays                                                            more healthy and nutritious meals
                                            meal packs will be contacted.
this year we provided:                                                                       during the school holidays.
                                            Councillor Catherine Donovan, Deputy
• 2,650 activity places, at venues                                                           “We are delighted with the plans in
                                            Leader of Gateshead Council, said: “We
  throughout the borough                                                                     place and will continue to work with
                                            are extremely pleased, once again, to
                                                                                             our partners and the wider community
• 1,050 hot meals                           be part of the Government’s Holiday
                                                                                             to offer our best #BrightentheDay
                                            Activities and Food Programme. This
• 1,761 ‘cook n’ eat’ packs, which                                                           programme to date.”
                                            programme has operated successfully
  included ingredients for five meals for
                                            in Gateshead for several years. Being             For more information visit www.
  four people
                                            able to extend our offer to cover even            gateshead.gov.uk/brightentheday

4      Gateshead Council News Summer 2021
Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

NewcastleGateshead Quays update
Quays scheme awarded £7m from government’s Getting Building Fund
NewcastleGateshead Quays has been
awarded £7m from government’s
Getting Building Fund to support the
creation of the new events destination
and a new link road.
£5m from the Fund has been awarded
towards the creation of a new North
South link road in Baltic Quarter. The
new road will connect Gateshead
Quays with the A184 and Quarryfield
Road, leading to the Felling Bypass and
across to the Freight Depot housing
                                            around the construction of the new            and the region. These funds will be vital
                                            arena, exhibition and conference              in achieving our ambitions for the wider
The plans also include a new Green Blue     centre, hotels, multi-storey car park, and    Quays project and the borough as a
corridor, containing new landscaped         public spaces.                                whole. We are aiming to future proof
walking and cycling routes, and the                                                       Gateshead and improve connectivity
                                            Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader
provision of habitats that encourage                                                      and infrastructure. This investment will
                                            of Gateshead Council said: “A lot of
biodiversity.                                                                             go some way to realising those plans
                                            time, hard work and commitment has
                                                                                          and help attract leisure and business
A further £2m has been awarded              been put into producing a plan for the
                                                                                          visitors to the North East.”
towards critical infrastructure works       growth and prosperity of Gateshead

  Work is set to begin on multi-storey car park to service Quays development.
                                                                                            Hospitality group
  Wilmott Dixon have been awarded the contract to build a 1,000 space ‘green’
  car park as part of the area’s regeneration. The development will mark the 12th           to bring two new
  project delivered for Gateshead Council by Willmott Dixon, a partnership that
  has generated more than £63m of local spend.
                                                                                            hotels to Gateshead
                                                                                            Hospitality group Accor is to open
                                                                                            new venues under its Novotel and
Tour of Britain to return to Gateshead                                                      ibis brands as part of the £260m
                                                                                            NewcastleGateshead Quays
Gateshead will return to the Tour of Britain route in 2021 hosting the finish of            regeneration scheme.
Stage Six on Friday 10 September.                                                           The 187-room Novotel will feature
It will mark the fourth time that           for hosting major international sporting        meeting rooms and conference
Gateshead has featured on the route of      events and we are thrilled to welcome           facilities, a gym and restaurant
Britain’s biggest professional cycle race   the return of this premier cycling event.       with views over Newcastle and the
and the first time that the borough has                                                     River Tyne. The 140-room ibis hotel
                                            “Gateshead’s iconic Angel of the North          will feature a public space and
held a finish of the race since 2009.
                                            and our beautiful countryside will              lounge.
Stage Six will begin in Cumbria, the        once again provide the riders with a
location of the start and details of the    spectacular backdrop to this stage of           The hotels will be developed
route and finish location in Gateshead      the race. Events of a national scale like       adjacent to the new 12,500
will be announced in the summer.            the Tour of Britain help inspire spectators     capacity international Arena,
                                            of all ages as well as providing a              Conference and Exhibition Centre
Councillor Angela Douglas, Cabinet                                                          which was approved by planning
                                            welcome boost to the local economy.”
Member for Culture, Sport and Leisure,                                                      last year and which will be
said: “Gateshead has a strong reputation                                                    operated by ASM Global.
                                                                                            The full scheme will see the
                                                                                            creation of around 2,000 new
                                                                                            jobs in the region and is expected
                                                                                            to attract more than 338,000
                                                                                            additional visitors each year giving
                                                                                            a £60m annual boost to the local

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Election results                                                                             Family Drug and
                                                                                             Alcohol Court to
Last month, local council elections took place. A summary of the results is given
below.                                                                                       help families
• Gateshead remains in Labour control                                                        The first Family Drug and Alcohol
  with 52 seats                                                                              Court (FDAC) in the North East
• 6 new councillors have been elected                                                        has been launched to try to
                                                                                             reduce the number of children
• Turnout was 38.1%
                                                                                             taken into long-term care.
Police and Crime Commissioner elections                                                      Gateshead Council, in partnership
also took place last month and Kim                                                           with Newcastle City Council, North
McGuiness (Labour) was elected for the                                                       Tyneside Council and the judiciary,
Northumbria Police Area. Turnout in                                                          have adopted this multi agency
Gateshead was 35%.                                                                           approach to support families
                                                                                             impacted by drug and alcohol
    You can find full election results at www.gateshead.gov.uk/results2021
                                                                                             abuse. The court will operate as
    You can see who represents you on Gateshead Council in the know your
                                                                                             part of an initial two-year pilot.
    councillors pull out in the inside of this issue of Council News or at
    www.gateshead.gov.uk/democracy                                                           Councillor Gary Haley, Cabinet
                                                                                             Member for Children and Young
    If you would like more information on local councillors, contact Emma Reynard            People, said: “We want to give our
    on 0191 433 2280 or email emmareynard@gateshead.gov.uk                                   families the best chance of staying
                                                                                             together and we feel that this

     New councillors                                                                         approach will help give them the
                                                                                             support they need to do this. This
                                                                                             is an innovative way of working
     The new councillors in the following wards are:
                                                                                             and research shows that, not only
     Birtley: Hazel Weatherley (Labour)                                                      are families more likely to stay
                                                                                             together, but parents are more
     High Fell: Jill Green (Labour) who replaces Councillor Jean Lee                         likely to address the issues they are
     Lamesley: Jane McCoid (Labour) who replaces Councillor Mary Foy and Judith
     Turner (Labour) who replaces Councillor Michael Hood                                    Families involved with the court
                                                                                             will not only get support from a
     Saltwell: Denise Robson (Labour) who replaces Councillor Jeannie Raine                  wide range of professionals but
                                                                                             will see the same judge every two
     Whickham South and Sunniside: Jonathan Mohammed (Liberal Democrat)
                                                                                             weeks which helps to achieve
     replaces Councillor John McClurey
                                                                                             significantly better outcomes than
                                                                                             normal proceedings.

     Don’t fall for scams
     Throughout lockdown there’s been           often be threatening and say things
     an increase in the number of people        that they know will make you worry.
     who have fallen victim to scams.           If you think you have been a victim of
                                                fraud, don’t be embarrassed, just seek
     Fraudsters claim to be from trusted
                                                help as soon as you can.
     organisations such as HMRC, the
     police, the council and banks or from      Councillor Malcolm Brain, Cabinet
     organisations such as Amazon or            Member for Economy said: “There
                                                                                          away any of your information. If you
     Royal Mail. The one aim they have is to    are always people looking for an
                                                                                          have the slightest doubt, you should
     get people to part with their money.       opportunity to exploit any situation.
                                                                                          always seek advice before doing
                                                Our advice is that people should be
     These fraudsters can be cunning,                                                     anything further.”
                                                cautious about any unannounced
     claiming to know information about
                                                approach they might receive, either        If you think you’ve been a victim of
     you or that you have issues with your
                                                by phone, text or email. It’s important    fraud contact Action Fraud on
     bank account, that you owe money
                                                that you check and double-check            0300 123 2040 or visit
     or are entitled to a refund. They can
                                                exactly who they are before giving         www.actionfraud.police.uk

6        Gateshead Council News Summer 2021
Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

Don’t put batteries in the bin
Gateshead Council is urging people                                                       “These types of batteries can hold a
not to throw old batteries or battery-                                                   surprisingly powerful charge and when
operated devices into the bin due to                                                     they are thrown into a bin there is a
the risk of fire.                                                                        serious risk that they could be damaged
                                                                                         and touch something metal, like the
A council recycling lorry caused long
                                                                                         inside of the bin lorry or even an empty
delays on the A1 Western Bypass after
                                                                                         tin can. This is known to generate sparks
it caught fire, forcing the crew to dump
                                                                                         which can ignite everything around it.
their load at the side of the Western
Bypass where the fire service put it out.                                                “Please never throw old batteries or
                                            by a battery or a battery-powered
The fire-damaged vehicle had to be                                                       battery-operated devices like mobile
                                            device creating sparks which ignited
withdrawn from service.                                                                  phones into your bin. Instead, please
                                            the waste around it. A fortnight later a
                                                                                         recycle them at one of our Household
The incident has renewed concerns           similar fire broke out at the Middlefields
                                                                                         Waste and Recycling Centres, at
about the dangers of batteries and          Recycling Village in neighbouring South
                                                                                         battery recycling points in local shops,
small electrical items being thrown into    Tyneside.
                                                                                         supermarkets, public buildings,
household rubbish and recycling bins.
                                            Councillor John McElroy, Cabinet             electrical retailers and other high street
Earlier this year, a serious fire at        Member for Environment and Transport         stores.”
Gateshead’s Household Waste and             said: “Three fires in little more than a
Recycling Centre in Wrekenton forced        month shows the very real dangers of          For more details of what you can and
it to close for several days, with strong   throwing old phone or laptop batteries        can’t recycle in Gateshead visit
suspicions that the fire had been caused    into the bin.                                 www.gateshead.gov.uk/recycling

  Help us clamp down on anti-social                                                       Let us all enjoy the
                                                                                          great outdoors
  motorbikes                                                                              It’s great that things are opening
  The number of people riding                                                             back up and we can get out and
  motorcycles in parks and green                                                          meet up outdoors with people in
  spaces across Gateshead is increasing                                                   accordance with the government’s
  and we are seeing a rising number of                                                    roadmap. The nights are getting
  complaints.                                                                             lighter and hopefully warmer
  As well as being a nuisance, riding                                                     weather is on the way, so please
  motorbikes off road can endanger                                                        let’s enjoy it and make the most
  public safety. Remember it is illegal                                                   of our area without spoiling it for
  to ride a motorbike on any public                                                       others.
  footpath or bridleway, any public                                                       Please behave responsibly when
  open space (such as recreation                                                          you’re out and about. Remember to
  grounds, playing fields and country                                                     social distance, don’t gather in large
  parks) and on any footpath or                                                           groups, take your litter home and
  pavement alongside a road. If you do,                                                   respect other people, our buildings
  you are breaking the law and may be                                                     and our open spaces. They’re there
  prosecuted by police and if you are                                                     for us all to enjoy.
  a council house tenant you may also
  be in breach of your tenancy.                                                           And if you see anti-social behaviour
                                                                                          please report it to Northumbria
  Gateshead Council and Northumbria                                                       Police on 101. Reporting incidents
  Police are looking for the public’s       For the police to take action they            helps build up a picture of what’s
  help to clamp down on this anti-          need the following information - the          going on. Although they can’t
  social behaviour. If you see anyone       date, time, location, a description of        guarantee an officer will be able to
  riding a motorbike where they             the rider, the registration and colour/       attend, it will enable the police to
  shouldn’t, please report it. Although     make/model of the bike and any                target resources more effectively.
  the police may not be able to             details of other vehicles such as vans
  respond to incidents, it helps local      being used to transport the bikes.            Community safety partners will
  officers build up a picture of what is                                                  continue to work together to tackle
                                             Please report any sightings of anti-         anti-social behaviour and will use
  happening in an area so action can
                                             social motorbikes to 101 or via              powers available to address issues
  be taken with partners.
                                             Crimestoppers.                               and take action against individuals.

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Council adopts‘roadmap’
to zero carbon future
An ‘environmental roadmap’
setting out how Gateshead
can become carbon-neutral
by 2030 has been adopted by
Gateshead Council.
Councillors have adopted a
Climate Change Action Plan
which commits the Council to a
series of measures to drastically                                                                “I’m looking forward to a
reduce its carbon emissions.                                                                     future with warmer homes
The plan will ensure that all of                                                                 for people who are currently
the Council’s major decisions,                                                                   shivering in old energy-
its budgets and its approaches                                                                   inefficient housing, where local
to planning decisions will be                                                                    businesses are at the forefront
considered in line with the                                                                      of work to develop new green
Council’s determination to shift                                                                 technologies, to a Gateshead
to zero carbon use by 2030.                                                                      where everyone can genuinely
The action plan contains proposals to:      embedded in all areas of the Council’s
                                            work.                                        “There is already a huge amount going
• increase development of renewable                                                      on but there is a great deal more to do
  energy from solar and mine water          The Plan will also directly contribute       and plans such as this will help us to
  heat pumps                                towards the Council’s Thrive agenda          know the way we need to travel. We’ll
                                            by putting local people and families         be looking to others to join us on that
• expand the use of digital technology
                                            first, tackling inequality, investing in     journey and help us to create a zero
  to reduce staff travel and minimise
                                            Gateshead’s economy and developing           carbon future in Gateshead.”
  paper use
                                            new opportunities for employment,
• increase the use of electric and low-     innovation and growth.                       Gateshead Council declared a
  carbon vehicles within the Council’s                                                   Climate Emergency in May 2019 and
                                            Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of          committed the Council to becoming
                                            Gateshead Council, says: “I don’t believe    carbon neutral by 2030 and achieving
• protect existing woodland and plant       that adapting the way we work to a           100% clean energy across the Council’s
  an extra 250 hectares of woodland by      greener low-carbon future is a matter        full range of functions.
  2050                                      of choice – all the evidence shows that
                                            it’s absolutely essential that we do so.      Find out more at www.gateshead.
In adopting the Climate Change Action
                                            And I believe it’s not something that we      gov.uk/climatechange
Plan, councillors have ensured that
work to tackle climate change is now        should be afraid of.

    Heating buildings from old mines
    Gateshead’s award-winning district energy network could soon be incorporating green heat into its
    network - by tapping into heat stored in abandoned mine workings beneath Gateshead town centre.
    Gateshead Council has been granted       will mean new and existing homes           using the forgotten remains of an old
    £5.9 million of funding to install       and buildings connected to the             industry – and a heavily polluting one
    a 6MW mine water heat pump to            Gateshead District Energy Scheme           – to create clean green energy.
    extract heat stored in abandoned and     will receive a sustainable supply of
                                                                                        Around 25% of UK homes and
    flooded mines.                           affordable low carbon heat.
                                                                                        businesses are sited on former
    Mine heat is a renewable energy          There are hundreds of miles of             coalfields and it is expected that mine
    source that is constantly replenished    abandoned mine workings beneath            water energy could be an important
    from the earth’s geothermal              Gateshead and many are flooded,            energy source in the future.
    processes. Harnessing that heat          offering huge scope for more projects

8      Gateshead Council News Summer 2021
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Schools to go low-carbon
Fourteen schools in Gateshead are to        measures including replacing gas           Inefficient radiators and warm air
get a major make-over to reduce their       central heating with zero-carbon air       systems will also be replaced and
carbon footprint and make them more         source heat pumps, installing solar        windows replaced as required.
energy-efficient.                           panels on school roofs and connecting      The works are expected to lead to
                                            them to battery storage systems to         reductions in running costs and in
The Council has secured Government
                                            allow energy to be used later, and         lower carbon emissions. Work is due to
funding to carry out energy efficiency
                                            replacing lighting with low-energy LEDs.   start later this year.

  Bede Primary - new solar panels           Falla Park Primary - air source heat       St Joseph’s RC Primary - extend solar
  and battery storage, new LED              pump to replace gas central heating.       panels, battery storage system, new
  lighting, insulation works, prepare for                                              LED lighting, draughtproofing and
  connection to district heat network.      Glynwood Primary - battery storage         window replacement.
                                            system for existing solar panels.
  Bill Quay Primary - new LED lighting                                                 St Wilfrid’s RC Primary - prepare for
  throughout the school.                    Larkspur Primary - air source heat
                                                                                       connection to district energy network,
                                            pump to replace gas central heating,
  Caedmon Primary - new solar                                                          more solar panels with battery storage,
                                            new LED lighting.
  panels and battery storage, new LED                                                  LED lighting, draughtproofing and
  lighting, insulation works, prepare for   Lobley Hill Primary - works to combat      window replacement.
  connection to district energy network.    heat loss, new LED lighting.
                                                                                       Washingwell Primary - new battery
  Cloverhill Primary - air source heat      South Street Primary - extend solar        storage system for existing solar panels.
  pump to replace gas central heating,      panels, battery storage system, new
  new solar panels and battery storage,     LED lighting, draughtproofing and
  new LED lighting.                         window replacement.

Energy efficiency plans for Chopwell
The first 100 homes in Chopwell could       If the application is approved, private
soon be offered free wall insultation to    households within the scheme will
help reduce fuel poverty and deliver        receive up to £10,000 in insulation
greater energy efficiency.                  works free of charge with the grant
                                            covering 100% of the costs. Work to
Gateshead Council has applied to the
                                            properties owned by private landlords
government’s Green Homes Grant
                                            and social landlords will receive 66% of
scheme for £1.2m of funding to install
                                            the costs.                                 The measures will help reduce fuel
energy efficiency improvements to
                                                                                       poverty, cut carbon emissions and
up to 120 solid wall properties in the      Construction work could begin this
                                                                                       support housing market renewal and
so-called River Streets. The work will      summer and will take around six
                                                                                       form part of the Council’s 10-year plan
involve fitting external insulation to      months to complete. The Council is also
                                                                                       to regenerate Chopwell and Blackhall
homes which unlike modern houses            bidding for further funds to expand the
were built without cavity walls.            works to other streets.

  Gateshead goes solar
  Plans have been agreed to triple the      The proposals include creating
  amount of solar energy generated          two urban solar farms capable of
  by Gateshead Council – including          generating 4MW of clean energy -
  building two urban solar farms.           one on an unused site on the Baltic
                                            Quarter, and a second on vacant
  The Council has agreed a 4.5MW
                                            land next to Gateshead International
  programme of solar photo-voltaic
  (PV) installations both to new and
  existing buildings and sites linked       The solar farms would be among the         the scheme costs from a £3m Public
  to the Gateshead District Energy          first to be built to a modular design,     Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
  Network to reduce its reliance on         making them easier to relocate if the      grant. The project will also reduce
  energy generated from fossil fuels and    land is required for development.          the Council’s energy bills by around
  help to combat climate change.            The Council has secured most of the        £300,000 per year.

                                                               www.gateshead.gov.uk      @gateshead          gatesheadcouncil      9
Election results - Know your councillors - Website upgrade - do more online Summer of cycling - Gateshead Council

Could you start your own
fostering story with us?
Taking the first step into finding out about fostering is often the hardest…. but
that needn’t be the case. During the pandemic we introduced virtual information
events, which have proved a popular way to find out more.
Events are online and you can meet            to find out more, without making any
some of the team, listen to our foster        commitments.
carers’ stories and ask any questions.
                                              Some foster carers start fostering part
Everyone’s circumstances are different
                                              time and then become full time carers.
and the easiest way to find out if
                                              Karen said: “Originally we just did
fostering could be for you is to learn
                                              respite to get a taste for it. I still worked
about the process, what it’s like to foster
                                              part time. There are so many options
and have a conversation with us.
                                              to choose and we didn’t know if we
Debra, who recently attended an event         wanted to do short term, respite, parent
said: “There was a questions section          and child or long term.”
which was extremely helpful for
                                              Councillor Gary Haley, Cabinet Member
anything that you did not understand
                                              for Children and Families said: “We’d
or required knowledge of so everything
                                              love to welcome more foster carers for
was provided for.”
                                              children of all ages, including babies
Maybe your circumstances have                 as well as support for new parents and
changed recently, and you have more           their child. There are different types
time to consider fostering. Joining           of fostering and I would urge anyone
an event from the comfort of your             thinking about it to find out whether
own home makes it so much easier              fostering could fit into your lifestyle.”                  Karen, foster carer

 Find out more about fostering and when our next virtual information events are at www.gateshead.gov.uk/fostering
 or call 0191 433 8333

Are you affected by domestic abuse or                                                         Apply for EU
                                                                                              settlement status
worried about your behaviour?                                                                 Reminder - If you or a member of
Anyone can be affected by domestic                                                            your family are an EU, EEA or Swiss
abuse, at any time in their life and it is                                                    citizen, you need to apply to the
important to understand that there                                                            EU Settlement Scheme to continue
are many kinds of abuse. Recognising                                                          living in the UK after 30 June 2021.
that you, or someone you know, is
being harmed or mistreated is the first                                                       It’s free to apply and if your
step to getting help.                                                                         application is successful, you’ll get
                                                                                              either settled or pre-settled status.
If you are feeling controlled or                                                              You need to apply separately on
physically, sexually, financially or                                                          behalf of your children, even if they
emotionally abused by a partner, ex-                                                          were born in the UK.
partner or family member, this is abuse,
and help is available.                                                                        The EU Settlement Scheme
                                                                                              protects the rights you currently
You may also be struggling with your          you’re worried about your situation             have in the UK including access to
own emotions and behaviour towards            or someone you know please don’t                healthcare, benefits and pensions
others and feel you need help. We are         hesitate to contact us for support.             and failing to apply in time could
also here to listen and support you too.                                                      affect your housing tenancy.
                                               If you are in immediate danger or
Coronavirus has required us to stay at         suspect someone else is, call 999.              You can apply online and find
home more, to work or to self-isolate,                                                         further information, including in
and spending more time indoors has             For more information about how                  different languages, at
affected everyone. However, staying            we can help visit www.gateshead.                www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-
at home more shouldn’t mean that               gov.uk/domesticabuse or call our                citizens-families
you are at risk of domestic abuse. If          24-hour helpline on 0191 433 3333.

10     Gateshead Council News Summer 2021

Could you help someone live a thriving life?
Do you have room in your                                                                           Councillor Michael McNestry,
heart and your home to                                                                             Cabinet Member for Adult
become a Shared Lives carer?                                                                       Social Care said: “Shared Lives
Being a Shared Lives carer is                                                                      is an alternative to care homes
a rewarding care job where                                                                         and day centres and can really
you can help someone really                                                                        enrich people’s lives. We know
thrive.                                                                                            that people feel settled, valued
                                                                                                   and like they belong for the first
Whether for a few hours a week
                                                                                                   time in their lives.
or a longer-term placement
in your home, you can help                                                                          “They make friends and get
someone with additional needs                                                                       involved in clubs, activities and
live their very best life.                                                “The money is good,        volunteering, often for the
                                                                      the hours are flexible and       first time. We want everyone
About Shared Lives carers                                             most important of all, you        in Gateshead to be living
As a Shared Lives carer, you’ll              • going on                  are providing a loving         thriving lives and schemes
open up your home and family life to           holiday together        and supportive home for          like Shared Lives can help
include someone who needs care and                                      someone who needs it.”         make that happen. We’d love
                                             • going to family
support.                                                                    Shared Lives carer        to  hear from anyone who’s
                                               parties and events
                                                                                                   interested in joining our fantastic
This might include:
                                             You could do this for a                           team of carers.”
• supporting them with everyday tasks        few hours a week, for example
  such as getting up or cooking              as a regular daytime visitor, a short time      To find out more visit
                                             such as coming to stay for a weekend            www.gateshead.gov.uk/sharedlives
• teaching them new skills or how to                                                         and fill in the online form or call
                                             or respite period or you could support
  live independently                                                                         0191 433 2461.
                                             someone full time, where they come
• assisting them to do social activities     and live with you.
  or access the local community

  Support if you need it
  Many people have experienced a change of circumstance this year and may find
  themselves needing to claim benefits for the first time.
  If you do suddenly find you are on a low income, you may be able to get financial
  help from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) or from the Council to
  pay all or some of your rent and Council Tax.
  What are the main benefits people can claim?
  Universal Credit – if you are of working   your housing costs will be included in
  age and have a low income you could        with your payment.
  get financial help from the DWP.                                                        amount of your rent, you could apply
                                             Free school meals - If you have made
                                                                                          for extra financial help.
  Council Tax Support - If you               a claim for Universal Credit you could
  have experienced, or are likely to         also be entitled to free school meals,       Crisis Payments - If you are on means
  experience a drop in income, you           this could be a hot meal if your child       tested benefits you may be entitled
  might be eligible for Council Tax          is attending school or a supermarket         to crisis support through the Local
  Support which would reduce the             voucher.                                     Discretionary Payment Scheme,
  amount of council tax you need to                                                       support is only given in exceptional
                                             Pension Credit – If you are of pension
  pay.                                                                                    circumstances.
                                             age and have a low income, even if
  Housing Benefit - Housing benefit          you are getting your pension.                  For more information and to apply
  helps pay all or part of your rent if                                                     for benefits visit
                                             Discretionary Housing Payments
  you are on a low income. If you are                                                       www.gateshead.gov.uk/benefits
                                             - If your housing benefit or Universal
  claiming Universal Credit help with                                                       or call 0191 433 3677/3675.
                                             Credit award does not cover the full

    The self-isolation scheme has been extended to cover parents or guardians who need to take time off work to look
    after a child or young person who is self-isolating on or after 8 March. Eligibility criteria applies.
    For details visit www.gateshead.gov.uk/sip

                                                                 www.gateshead.gov.uk        @gateshead         gatesheadcouncil   11

New website features put you
in the driving seat
A major upgrade to the Council’s website is set to give the public
much more control over the services they receive this summer.
A brand-new series of features will          In total, around 40 new services are
make contacting the Council easier,          being introduced over the coming
more convenient and more efficient           months, each one offering the public
after a number of trials proved their        direct access to the services they need
popularity.                                  via their computer, tablet or mobile
The COVID-19 pandemic saw a huge
shift in the public’s willingness to move    For some it will mean not having to
online, with daily page views of the         spend time on lengthy phone calls –
Council website increasing by more           instead, all it will take is just a few clicks.
than a third during that time. The new       You will also be able to set up your own
digital services build on the public’s       account which will make reporting
growing expectation to interact with         even quicker and will ensure that you
the Council via the internet.                receive regular updates on the issues
                                             you have reported to us.
Previously the Council developed and
launched an online app for reporting         This has proved so popular with the
fly tipping which allows the public to       people who have used it that we
report fly tipping incidents 24 hours        will be rolling it out shortly to other
a day using their phone, tablet or           services where people need to book an
computer. Two of the key features of         appointment, such as pest control.
the app is the use of Google maps
                                             However, for those that don’t have
to allow someone to identify exactly
                                             access to the internet all these services
where the incident is and attach photos
                                             will still be available over the phone but
of the incident site to their report using
                                             with the added benefit that Council
the camera in their phone – features
                                             staff will be using the same efficient
which will now help the public to report
dozens of other problems too.

The new services will be rolled out during the summer. Here’s a taste of what you can expect.

     My account
  You can set up your own account on the Council website that
  will automatically bring information you might need into one
  easy-to-find place and where appropriate, track your requests
  and reports.
  You can see when your next bin collections are due, any garden
  waste subscriptions, who your local councillors are and how to
  get in touch with them, where your nearest polling station is and
  much more.
  You’ll also be able to view your
  Council Tax, housing rent and
  garage rent balances in one place,
  plus any online payments you have
  And for some of these new services,
  it will keep you informed by giving
  you regular updates on how and
  when it’s being dealt with.

12     Gateshead Council News Summer 2021

Make a request
Sometimes bin collections can get missed – due to bad weather,
access problems caused by parked cars, all manner of reasons.
Our new system will allow you to report a missed collection
yourself using your phone, tablet or computer. That report will
immediately go to the team responsible who will arrange for
another vehicle to come and empty your bin. And we’ll know the
address has been written down correctly because you will have
written it!
You will also be able to request a bin repair, buy a replacement
bin, request a quote for a bulky waste collection and lots of
other waste services online too.

You and the community
Our new online system makes it easy to report problems
you see out in your local community, especially if you have
a mobile phone with internet access.
You can report issues like blocked drains, fly posting, or
littering as soon as you see them. It’s particularly good for
reporting dangerous waste like discarded syringes because
the Google map feature means you can pinpoint exactly where
it is and that will help us to get to it quickly.
If you report a lost dog, our system will automatically try to match reports
of dogs that have been found. It also provides an easy way to report damaged
street lights, litter bins or pedestrian barriers. And you can use it to request salt
for your street, or to top-up to an existing grit bin.

No paperwork
One of the big benefits of the new system is that
it significantly reduces paperwork. That boosts
efficiency and saves money, and means our staff
have more time to deliver the services that matter
to you because they’re spending less time inputting
And because it’s all done
electronically, the information
you send us won’t just go to
someone sitting at a desk - it will
go to an iPad carried by the crew
whose task it is to deal with it.
They’ll see exactly what you’ve
reported, where it is and what
needs to be done.

     To access these new website features visit www.gateshead.gov.uk
                        Have your say on Gateshead’s digital services
   We’re building a panel of Gateshead residents to help us develop our website and online services based on
               your vital feedback. You can find out more at www.gateshead.gov.uk/digitalpanel

                                                                 www.gateshead.gov.uk   @gateshead   gatesheadcouncil   13

A new future for housing
On 1 April this year, Gateshead Council took on the direct management and maintenance of
its housing stock, closing down its former managing agent, The Gateshead Housing Company.
The decision was in response to an extensive review of housing services, which was followed
by a survey of all tenants and leaseholders, with an overwhelming 95% of respondents in
favour of the move.
Now all housing in Gateshead, including ownership and private renting, is looked after by one
team. Joining up these services will allow us to provide better customer service and operate
more efficiently.
This is just the first step of a transformation that will bring real improvements for all residents.

Investing in Gateshead                         • Lettings Policy and Processes -              Regulation and scrutiny
We are committed to investing in                 which includes a review of our existing
                                                 Choice Based Lettings Scheme.                It’s important that we have measures
council homes and the communities                                                             in place to regularly review our
around them. We aim to invest £104             We are doing this to ensure we:                performance and identify areas for
million in council homes over the next         • meet local housing need                      improvement. We will establish a new
four years.                                                                                   Strategic Housing Board, which will
                                               • address local challenges
A new Asset Management Strategy                                                               be a formal advisory committee of
                                               • make best use of our stock
will identify the investments we need                                                         the Council. The Board will include
to make, setting out our long-term             • make renting a new home as fair, open        non-council representatives, including
approach to sustainable housing. The             and as simple and straightforward as         tenants.
final version of this fully funded 30-year       possible
                                                                                              This new Board will consider a range of
strategy will be presented for council         • create sustainable communities that
                                                                                              proposals relating to housing strategy,
approval this autumn.                            thrive
                                                                                              homelessness, independent living and
To understand the investment that’s            Campbell Tickell have consulted with           residential growth.
required, we’ll carry out a stock              members of our housing, social care
condition survey of all council homes.         and public health teams to seek views          Listening to the tenant voice
We will also create a new Gateshead            and feedback. They have also surveyed
Standard for investment work. It will                                                         During the housing review, tenants
                                               recently housed customers to learn about
show how we will maintain homes                                                               told us they want opportunities to
                                               their experiences of finding a home.
in a safe and compliant way, to the                                                           influence priorities, be involved in
                                               For more information please contact            decision making, help shape services
Government’s Decent Homes Standard             vickysibson@gateshead.gov.uk or on
and meeting our commitments to a                                                              and recommend improvements.
                                               0191 433 3013.
zero-carbon future.                                                                           We recently worked with TPAS, the
                                               Repairs                                        country’s leading independent tenant
                                               Last summer’s customer survey                  organisation, to make sure we offer a
                                               highlighted the repairs service as             wide range of opportunities for tenant
                                               the main priority for improvement.             and leaseholder engagement and
                                               In March and May we hosted online              involvement.
                                               workshops to share with customers              Cllr John Adams, Cabinet Member for
                                               our improvement plans in more                  Housing, said: “It’s vital we continue
                                               detail. We’re already making changes,          to consult with tenants on service
                                               including upgrading IT systems and             improvement plans. Only by asking
                                               increasing the stock we carry in vans.         customers can we truly understand
Allocations and tenancy reviews                A new online repair reporting service          their priorities and what we need to
                                               will launch in late June.                      focus our efforts on.”
Consultancy firm Campbell Tickell are
                                               Repair reporting will be part of               If you want to find out more,
currently working with us to complete
                                               “My housing account”, a facility which         contact the Involvement team at
reviews of our:
                                               already lets customers check their rent        involve@gateshead.gov.uk
• Strategic Tenancy Policy, developing         and service charges and update their           or on 0191 433 5357.
  a new broader Tenancy Strategy               personal details. To register for
  in partnership with other housing            My housing account, visit
  providers operating in the area              www.gateshead.gov.uk/housing

  Find us online - All housing content is now on the Gateshead Council website at www.gateshead.gov.uk/housing
  Follow us on Facebook (@HousingGateshead) and Twitter (@Housing_Ghead)

14     Gateshead Council News Summer 2021

Know your councillors 2021 -22
Although there are no face to face surgeries running at the moment, your local
councillor can still be contacted and is there to help you.


                 Paul Foy                                   Catherine Davison                           Hazel Weatherley
                 (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                    (LABOUR)
                 6 The Avenue                               Civic Centre                                5 Poplar Crescent
                 Birtley                                    Regent Street                               Birtley, Chester-le-Street
                 Co Durham DH3 1AA                          Gateshead NE8 1HH                           DH3 1EH
                 Tel: 07803 440 920                         Tel: 07525 802693                           Tel: 0191 410 9585
Email: cllr.pfoy@gateshead.gov.uk           Email: cllr.cdavison@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.hweatherley@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Malcolm Brain                              Kathryn Ferdinand                           Steve Ronchetti
                 (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                    (LABOUR)
                 Civic Centre                               Civic Centre                                53 Theresa Street
                 Regent Street                              Regent Street                               Blaydon
                 Gateshead NE8 1HH                          Gateshead NE8 1HH                           NE21 4QE

                 Tel: 07795 812 292                         Tel: 0191 659 8833                          Tel: 07966 496 971

Email: cllr.mbrain@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.kferdinand@gateshead.gov.uk     Email: cllr.sronchetti@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Angela Douglas                            Bob Goldsworthy                              John Eagle
                 (LABOUR)                                  (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                 Civic Centre,                             Civic Centre                                 35 Ellison Villas
                 Regent Street                             Regent Street                                Mount Pleasant
                 Gateshead NE8 1HH                         Gateshead NE8 1HH                            Gateshead NE8 3RX

                 Tel: 0191 460 3477                        Tel: 0191 469 5082                           Tel: 0191 422 4874
Email: cllr.adouglas@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.bgoldsworthy@gateshead.gov.uk   Email: cllr.jeagle@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Lynne Caffrey                              Dave Bradford                               Michael McNestry
                 (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                    (LABOUR)
                 60 Hugar Road                              Annfield House                              34 Mill Road
                 High Spen                                  Hall Road                                   Chopwell
                 Rowlands Gill NE39 2AN                     Chopwell NE17 7AD                           NE17 7HA

                 Tel: 01207 545 511                         Tel: 01207 561 983                          Tel: 01207 561 166
Email: cllr.lcaffrey@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.dbradford@gateshead.gov.uk      Email: cllr.mmcnestry@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Maureen Goldsworthy                        John McElroy                                Keith Wood
                 (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                    (LABOUR)
                 Civic Centre                               40 Cromer Avenue                            24 Long Bank
                 Regent Street                              Low Fell NE9 6UJ                            Gateshead NE9 7HH
                 Gateshead NE8 1HH
                                                            Tel: 0191 487 2844                          Tel: 0191 487 5867
                  Tel: 0191 469 5082
Email: cllr.mgoldsworthy@gateshead.gov.uk   Email: cllr.jmcelroy@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.kwood@gateshead.gov.uk

                                                                www.gateshead.gov.uk     @gateshead          gatesheadcouncil        15

                 Hugh Kelly                                   Helen Haran                                    Kathleen McCartney
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                       (LABOUR)
                 60 Hugar Road                                13 North View                                  55 Garden House Estate
                 High Spen                                    Clara Vale                                     Crawcrook
                 Rowlands Gill NE39 2AN                       NE40 35X                                       NE40 4PR

                   Tel: 01207 545 511                         Tel: 0191 413 1973                             Tel: 0191 413 7601
Email: cllr.hkelly@gateshead.gov.uk          Email: cllr.hharan@gateshead.gov.uk            Email: cllr.kmccartney@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Leigh Kirton                                 Martin Gannon                                  Bernadette Oliphant
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                       (LABOUR)
                 Civic Centre                                 Civic Centre                                   Civic Centre, Regent Street
                 Regent Street                                Regent Street                                  Gateshead
                 Gateshead NE8 1HH                            Gateshead NE8 1HH                              NE8 1HH

                 Tel: 07703 379 839                           Tel: 0191 482 6314                             Tel: 0191 433 2074
Email: cllr.lkirton@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.mgannon@gateshead.gov.uk           Email: cllr.boliphant@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Brenda Clelland                              Dot Burnett                                    Gary Haley
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                       (LABOUR)
                 Civic Centre                                 15 Beverley Drive                              31 Foxhills Covert
                 Regent Street                                Swalwell                                       Whickham
                 Gateshead NE8 1HH                            NE16 3EH                                       NE16 5TN
                 Tel: 0191 413 8227                           Tel: 0191 433 2074                              Tel: 07525 802 673
Email: cllr.bclelland@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.dburnett@gateshead.gov.uk          Email: cllr.ghaley@gateshead.gov.uk

                 Vicky Anderson                               Kevin McClurey                                 Peter Maughan
                 (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                           (GATESHEAD INDEPENDENT                         (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)
                 151 Windsor Avenue                           GROUP)                                         24 Whaggs Lane
                 Gateshead                                    Civic Centre, Regent Street                    Whickham
                 NE8 4NX                                      Gateshead NE8 1HH                              NE16 4PF
                 Tel: 07568 600 397                           Tel: 07468 565 574                             Tel: 07786 647 333
Email: cllr.vanderson@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.kmcclurey@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.pmaughan@gateshead.gov.uk

                 Bill Dick                                    Paul McNally                                  Sonya Dickie
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                      (LABOUR)
                 42 Follingsby Drive                          Civic Centre                                  Civic Centre
                 Wardley                                      Regent Street                                 Regent Street
                 NE10 8YH                                     Gateshead NE8 1HH                             Gateshead NE8 1HH
                 Tel: 07794 600 430                           Tel: 0191 478 1636                            Tel: 0191 478 6482
Email: cllr.wdick@gateshead.gov.uk           Email: cllr.pmcnally@gateshead.gov.uk          Email: cllr.sdickie@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Judith Gibson                                Jennifer Reay                                 Jill Green
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                      (LABOUR)
                 128 Church Road                              Civic Centre                                  159 Sherburn Way
                 Low Fell                                     Regent Street                                 Wardley
                 NE9 5XD                                      Gateshead NE8 1HH                             Gateshead NE10 8TZ
                 Tel: 0191 421 6890                           Tel: 07711 290 996                            Tel: 0191 433 2074
Email: cllr.jgibson@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.jreay@gateshead.gov.uk             Email: cllr.jgreen@gateshead.gov.uk

16      Gateshead Council News Summer 2021

                Sheila Gallagher                           Jane McCoid                                  Judith Turner
                (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                Civic Centre                               5 Aged Miners Homes                          Civic Centre
                Regent Street                              Kibblesworth                                 Regent Street
                Gateshead NE8 1HH                          Gateshead NE11 0XHL                          Gateshead NE8 1HH
                   Tel: 07825 114 703                      Tel: 0191 433 2074                             Tel: 0191 433 2074
Email: cllr.sgallagher@gateshead.gov.uk   Email: cllr.jmccoid@gateshead.gov.uk        Email: cllr.jturner@gateshead.gov.uk

                Kevin Dodds                                Catherine Donovan                            Eileen McMaster
                (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                240 Windsor Avenue                         31 Liddell Terrace                           2 Sidney Grove
                Gateshead                                  Bensham,                                     Gateshead
                NE8 4PA                                    Gateshead NE8 1YN                            NE8 2XD
                Tel: 07825 114 692                         Tel: 0191 420 5091                          Tel: 0191 478 2215
Email: cllr.kdodds@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.cdonovan@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.emcmaster@gateshead.gov.uk

                Ron Beadle                                 Susan Craig                                  Daniel Duggan
                (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                         (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                           (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)
                21 Beaconsfield Avenue                     73 Whaggs Lane                               37 Larne Crescent
                Low Fell                                   Whickham                                     Low Fell NE9 5RP
                NE9 5XT                                    NE16 4PQ
                                                                                                        Tel: 0191 487 4613
                Tel: 0191 421 1269                         Tel: 0191 488 0787
Email: cllr.rbeadle@gateshead.gov.uk      Email: cllr.scraig@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.dduggan@gateshead.gov.uk

                Rosy Oxberry                               Paul Diston                                  Ian Patterson
                (LABOUR)                                   (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                           (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)
                3 Woodbine Terrace                         98 Wealcroft, Leam Lane                      6 Loveless Gardens
                Gateshead                                  Gateshead                                    Wardley
                NE10 0QJ                                   NE10 8QR                                     NE10 8ER
                Tel: 0191 469 5309                         Tel: 0191 442 3219                           Tel: 0191 469 4531
Email: cllr.roxberry@gateshead.gov.uk     Email: cllr.pdiston@gateshead.gov.uk        Email: cllr.ipatterson@gateshead.gov.uk


                Alex Geddes                                Chris Buckley                                Freda Geddes
                (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                Moorside, Barmoor Lane,                    89 King Oswald Drive                         Moorside, Barmoor Lane
                Ryton                                      Blaydon                                      Ryton
                NE40 3AN                                   NE21 4FD                                     NE40 3AN
                Tel: 0191 413 1574                         Tel: 07718 696514                            Tel: 0191 413 1574
Email: cllr.ageddes@gateshead.gov.uk      Email: cllr.cbuckley@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.fgeddes@gateshead.gov.uk

                Robert Waugh                               John Adams                                   Denise Robson
                (LABOUR)                                   (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                Civic Centre,                              351 Rectory Road                             13 Claremont North Ave
                Regent Street                              Gateshead                                    Gateshead
                Gateshead NE8 1HH                          NE8 4SR                                      NE8 1RH
                  Tel: 07704 514 130                        Tel: 07747 617 665                          Tel: 0191 433 2074
Email: cllr.rwaugh@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.jadams@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.drobson@gateshead.gov.uk

                                                               www.gateshead.gov.uk    @gateshead           gatesheadcouncil     17


                 Linda Green                                  Stuart Green                                  Anne Wheeler
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                      (LABOUR)
                 161 Sherburn Way                             161 Sherburn Way                              52/52a High Street
                 Wardley                                      Wardley                                       Felling
                 Gateshead NE10 8TZ                           Gateshead NE10 8TZ                            NE10 9LT

                 Tel: 0191 438 0625                           Tel: 0191 438 0625                            Tel: 0191 469 3723
Email: cllr.lgreen@gateshead.gov.uk          Email: cllr.sgreen@gateshead.gov.uk           Email: cllr.awheeler@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Peter Craig                                  Christopher Ord                               Sonya Hawkins
                 (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                           (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                            (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)
                 73 Whaggs Lane                               35 Fellside Road, Whickham                    50 Kingsley Place
                 Whickham                                     Newcastle upon Tyne                           Whickham
                 NE16 4PQ                                     NE16 4JR                                      NE16 4BQ
                 Tel: 0191 488 0787                           Tel: 0191 488 2545                            Tel: 0191 422 2206
Email: cllr.ptcraig@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.cord@gateshead.gov.uk             Email: cllr.shawkins@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Jonathan Mohammed                            Marilynn Ord                                  Jonathan Wallace
                 (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                           (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)                            (LIBERAL DEMOCRAT)
                 14 Coach Road                                29 Carrsyde Close                             7 Laburnum Grove
                 Lobley Hill                                  Whickham                                      Sunniside
                 Gateshead NE11 0DY                           NE16 5UD                                      NE16 5LY
                 Tel: 0191 433 2074                           Tel: 0191 488 2873                            Tel: 0191 488 3190

Email: cllr.jmohammed@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.mord@gateshead.gov.uk             Email: cllr.jwallace@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Tom Graham                                   Jim Turnbull                                  Rachel Mullen
                 (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)                                      (LABOUR)
                 34 Westfield                                 17 Rectory Road                               Civic Centre
                 Felling                                      Felling                                       Regent Street
                 NE10 8NW                                     NE10 9DH                                      Gateshead NE8 1HH

                 Tel: 0191 469 8730                           Tel: 0191 469 7036                            Tel: 07802 873 650
Email: cllr.tgraham@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.jturnbull@gateshead.gov.uk        Email: cllr.rmullen@gateshead.gov.uk


                 Marilyn Charlton                              Julie Simpson                                Maria Hall
                 (LABOUR)                                      (LABOUR)                                     (LABOUR)
                 ‘Fourstones’,                                 Carmyllie, Thornley Lane                     17 Valley Crescent
                 Thornley Lane                                 Lockhaugh                                    Mount View
                 Rowlands Gill NE39 1AX                        Rowlands Gill NE39 1AX                       Blaydon NE21 4HJ

                 Tel: 01207 542 043                            Tel: 01207 545 427                           Tel: 07865 189 987
Email: cllr.mcharlton@gateshead.gov.uk       Email: cllr.jsimpson@gateshead.gov.uk         Email: cllr.mhall@gateshead.gov.uk

     Further information about councillors and Gateshead Council can
     be found at www.gateshead.gov.uk/councillors
     or contact Councillors Support on 0191 433 2074

18      Gateshead Council News Summer 2021

New beginnings for an Old Mill
Path Head Watermill, in Summerhill,
Blaydon, lies in a tranquil dell just off
the Blaydon Burn Trail.
The Mill has been lovingly restored
by the Vale Mill Trust, and with new
staff and a new board of Trustees
working with the local community
and organisations such as Pumphreys
Coffee and Gateshead Council
learningSkills, the Trust is making the
eighteenth-century heritage site a hub
for wellbeing, heritage and family visits.
One aim is to widen participation of
the local community by inviting and            The water wheel at Path Head is fully operational
welcoming volunteering, and making
the site a family-friendly site for free     The water wheel itself was restored             The Trustees are working on re-opening
picnicking, encouraging local people         using pieces from derelict mills at             as soon as it is practical, providing
to enjoy the fresh air, open spaces and      Guyzance and Acomb, and is now                  heritage open days, wellbeing sessions,
local heritage.                              fully functional. Demonstrations of             family friendly activities, art and craft
The Mill was started in 1730 by the          the wheel take place upon request,              workshops, and breathing new life into
Townley family and worked as a corn          and visitors are encouraged to walk             the old place, whilst also giving people
mill until 1828, by which time it was in     around the site, relax with a picnic            from diverse backgrounds hands-on
the possession of the Cowen family;          or refreshments from the café in                experience in the ongoing restoration,
both of these families were well-known       the beautiful grounds, or follow the            preservation and sense of community
industrialists, with links to the Durham     Heritage Trail up past a willow arch, a         spirit that Path Head provides. Facilities
mining industry, railways and shipping       wildflower meadow, a mill pond and              include on-site parking, toilets and
in the North East. Path Head fell into       some interesting, unusual displays              refreshments.
disrepair in the 1970s and was rescued       using bricks from Cowen’s factory. And
                                             with free entry, it’s the perfect place to        To find out more email
by the Trust in 1995. The Mill was fully
                                             step back from real life and soak up the          pathheadwatermill6@gmail.com
opened to the public in 1998.
                                             peaceful atmosphere.                              or visit www.gatesheadmill.co.uk

  Free exercise classes for over 50s
  This summer, Gateshead Older
  People’s Assembly (OPA) is offering
  free outdoor exercise activities for
  people aged over 50 at their base in
  Deckham. Gateshead residents can
  choose from dancercise, strength
  and balance, tai chi, yoga, and
  walking football.
                                              Get fit in the great outdoors
  The classes take place in the charity’s
  Covid-secure outdoor exercise area
                                             The charity is still running a number           socially with friends. Our activities
  and are led by qualified instructors.
                                             of free Zoom classes for people aged            provide a chance to socialise as well as
  Nicola Bruce, Gateshead OPA’s Health       over 50 and these include yoga, tai             exercise, which is good for the mind
  and Wellbeing Coordinator said,            chi, dancercise, and pilates.                   and the body.”
  “We offered free outdoor classes
                                             As well as helping people stay fit              The charity is also running weekly
  throughout the summer last year and
                                             and healthy, the classes are also a             health walks across the borough
  they were very successful in helping
                                             chance for people to meet with other            this summer to help improve older
  to improve people’s physical health
                                             people and have a chat. Nicola added,           people’s health and wellbeing.
  and connectedness. When the weather
                                             “Many of the people coming along
  turned too cold, we offered lots of free                                                    For more information,
                                             to our classes have been shielding
  exercise and social activities on Zoom,                                                     call 0191 438 1721 or visit
                                             and haven’t had the chance to meet
  which were very popular with over 50s.”                                                     www.gatesheadopa.org.uk

                                                                  www.gateshead.gov.uk         @gateshead        gatesheadcouncil   19
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