Electromagnetics Group Dept. of Information Technology (INTEC) Ghent University D. De Zutter - Department of Information Technology ...

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Electromagnetics Group
Dept. of Information Technology (INTEC)
Ghent University

D. De Zutter

Department of Information Technology – Electromagnetics Group
The Electromagnetics group
„   staff
     z seniors: profs. D. De Zutter (Fellow IEEE),

         F. Olyslager (Fellow IEEE), H. Rogier, T. Dhaene (Oct. 1st)
         A. Franchois, L. Knockaert
     z   postdocs: D. Vande Ginste (valorisation IOF), G. Lippens,
         B. Rehala
     z   Ph.D. students: 12

„   scientific output in the past 15 year
     z 30 PhD’s on electromagnetics

     z   180 papers in Science Citation Index journals
         (mostly IEEE)
     z   > 250 conference publications

    INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 2
Research topics

„   CAD for broadband interconnect

„   Modelling of large EM problems

„   Antennas and propagation

„   Metamodelling of complex systems

„   Inverse scattering and remote sensing

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group              p. 3
CAD for broadband interconnect

  „     responsable: D. De Zutter
  „     solution of Maxwell’s equations to predict and optimise
        signal integrity for board – package – chip interconnect
  „     from 2.5D tools towards full 3D approaches using a
       combination of MoM, Finite Elements and Finite Difference
       Time Domain (FDTD) methods
  „     RLC modelling on chip level, taking into account current
        crowding and skin effect at the higher frequencies
  „     long term cooperation with Agilent Technologies

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 4
Challenging simulation problems
      Flip chip                    BGA

    Build-up layer 2
                       Build-up layer 1


  Build-up layer 1
                                   Build-up layer 2

           INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                      p. 5
Current flow on a complex PCB

      current flow
      at 2.33 GHz



 0                                       0
-10                                    -10
-20                                    -20
-30                  S11 [dB]          -30    S12 [dB]
-40                                  -40
      0.0      1.0   2.0         3.0    0.0      1.0   2.0    3.0
            Frequency [GHz]                   Frequency [GHz]
            INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                          p. 6
Signal integrity

signal integrity is compromised over the whole board!
INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                   p. 7
On-chip interconnect
      1 1    1 2   3 1
        1    1 1 1 1                               σ = (1/2.8) 108 S/m - all dimensions in µm

  1                         4
                 11                                                                 inductance (nH/m)
   resistance (Ω/m)                                                                 1-1 & 3-3

                                 2-2                                 2-2

                                       1-1 & 3-3

                          1-2 & 2-3

                                                                        1-2 & 2-3


               frequency                                                      frequency

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                                                          p. 8
Modelling of large EM problems

„   responsable: F. Olyslager
„   solving Maxwell’s equation for large problems using
    method of moments (MoM) techniques
„   development of Multilevel Fast Multipole Methods (MLFMA)
    needing NlogN CPU-time and storage requirements
    with N the number of unknowns (typically 10 to 20 per wavelength)
„   2D and 3D techniques in the frequency domain for piecewise
    homogeneous materials
„   3D time-domain problems for the scattering of pulses
„   parallelization over multiple processors
„   modelling of hysteresis phenomena on a microscopic scale

    INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                  p. 9
Coated lens
         εr = 2

                  1000 λ
εr = 4

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group           p. 10
Imaging system

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group        p. 11
Highly reflective mirrors

                                                                    3 layers
                               3-layers         h l h l h l h
electric field EX

                                                                    7 layers


                          -6     -4        -2         0         2
                                      distance (mm)

 INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                                p. 12
Fresnel Lens

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group      p. 13
EMC - shielding

      50 x 50 cm 2D enclosure           E-field density at 2GHz

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                    p. 14
Antennas and propagation

 „     responsable: H. Rogier
 „     antenna and channel modelling for MIMO systems
       in indoor and mobile environments (C. Stevens - HoWest)
 „     direction of arrival estimation for smart antenna systems
       (J. Verhaevert - HoGent)
 „     mutual coupling in antenna arrays
 „     design, modelling, optimisation and experimental
       characterisation of planar antennas on flexible
       and on textile substrates

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 15
Switched-beam antenna system
„   Four-beam system for IEEE 802.11b protocol

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                    p. 16
Co-optimization of (active) planar antennas
2.45 GHz ISM-band antenna

                                w W

                   εr = 2.35     d = 1.57 mm
                   εr = 3.38     d = 0.78 mm

        INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                  p. 17
Antenna design

 Focus on planar antennas
     Š Use of special materials
            – Flexible antennas (polyimide)
            – Textile garment antennas

 Involvement in the ProeTEX Integrated Project
      Š Design of garment antennas for intelligent firemen suits

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 18
Adaptive and MIMO antennas

Mutual coupling in arrays
     Compact description for uniform circular arrays
     Dedicated mutual coupling compensation for
        direction-of-arrival estimation

Antenna correlation vs. MIMO capacity

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                         p. 19
Full-anechoic chamber

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                p. 20
Metamodelling of complex systems

„     responsables: T. Dhaene (Oct. 1st) and L. Knockaert
„     multi-port broadband macromodelling to obtain
      SPICE compatible models for high-speed and microwave
      circuits and for seamless integration of EM tools in
      circuit level system simulations
„     scalable metamodels for multiport circuits and their automatic
      generation for computationally expensive problems
„     model order reduction techniques reducing very large dynamical
      systems to smaller ones with similar input-output behaviour (either
      differential equation based or pole/zero based)

    INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 21
Coaxial line simulated with FDTD

total number of E and H field variables: 555 248           reduced to 70!
              Coaxiale transmissielijn – 557.248 toestandsvariabelen

                                                                 20 x 20 x 288
                                                      Rc = 50Ω


         load plane                                                   load plane

                                       input plane

     INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                          p. 22
Laguerre-SVD MOR

Input impedancemet
                as aresultaat
                     function uit transmissielijn-theorie
                              of frequency
   Reductie : 555.248 Æ 70


   INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                           p. 23
Metamodelling – example: gap coupling

                                                                                       NG = 7

                100 µm         100 µm

                W     G

                                                G                                      NW = 6
100 µm                        εr=12.9

W: 40 µm Æ 100 µm
G: 1 µm Æ 21 µm                                     1
freq.: 0 Æ 60 GHz                                       40        W              100

accuracy: -60 dB
                                   5     3
                    S(f, W, G) = ∑∑ Cij (f) G i W j + C04 (f) W 4 + C14 (f) G W 4 + C60 (f) G 6
                                  i = 0 j= 0

         INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                                           p. 24
Metamodelling engine

    Flow chart of up-front calculation


                                 EM simulation
   adaptive                        Forsythe Fit     Multinomials:
   sample                                                Pm         model
   selection                                                        selection
                                  Fit error < ∆
   loop                                               Increase      loop
                                    Reflective        order
                  Add data         exploration        if needed
                  if needed
                                 Write model file

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                              p. 25
Inverse scattering and remote sensing

„   responsable: A. Franchois
„   new numerical methods for quantitative microwave imaging
     of inhomogeneous objects
„   fast quantitative and qualitative millimeter wave imaging for
    security applications
„   non-destructive testing and imaging for reinforced concrete structures
„   breast tumor detection by microwave imaging

    INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                  p. 26
Millimeter wave imaging (SBO)

Concealed objects
strategic system                                Lens   Polarizing
                                                                    Rec eiver array

                                                                             (Xm0,yn 0) pixel

                        n1,pco-/p cro ss-

  INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                               p. 27
Detection capability





                                 Without object   With metal concealed object

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                           p. 28
3D inversion set-up

            z   3D inhomogeneous (lossy) dielectric object in domain D
            z   reconstruct complex permittivity profile
            z   illumination: time-harmonic with elementary dipoles



      INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                     p. 29
Institut Fresnel – Marseille set-up

                                 „ polyethylene cube of side 8cm and εr = 2.4
                                 „ 48 illuminations, 43 receivers each i.e. 1800
                                   independent data points
                                 „ measurement at 2 and 4 GHz

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                            p. 30
reconstruction example
                 real part                    lossess

2 GHz

4 GHz

        INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                  p. 31
Fibre reinforced concrete

  quality control for metal fibre        remote sensing of rebar content
  reinforced concrete                    (with Labo Magnel)
  (with Labo Magnel)

INTEC – Electromagnetics Group                                        p. 32
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