Page created by April Sullivan
        Ellendale Public School
            Board Approved
            August 17, 2020
In accordance with the North Dakota K-12 Smart Restart (Fall 2020) and the Governor’s Executive Order
released July 2020, all district distance education plans must meet the purpose of educating our K-12
students and safeguarding the health and safety of student, teachers, staff, families, and the community
at large.

Equity is a critical consideration when designing learning structures. Districts must be intentional to
understand the needs of and to provide support/services to all students with special considerations for
subgroups. Only distance education plans outlining a full continuation of services for all students will be
considered as replacing instructional time.

Please note that this plan is subject to change due to a variety of factors. The Ellendale Public School
District Administrative Team will evaluate the contents of this plan and make updates and changes to
reflect current guidelines from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) and the
North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH). Any changes to the Ellendale Public School District
Distance Learning Plan will be communicated to the Ellendale Public School Board and stakeholders.

Our Mission
To educate and empower ALL to thrive as productive citizens.

Our Vision
Empower ALL to succeed in a student-centered environment that fosters learning and growth. We will
accomplish this by utilizing a standards-referenced curriculum that cultivates 21st Century learning,
technology literacy, and life skills.

Our Values
       Collaborative and safe learning environment
       Academic opportunities
       Respectful relationships
       Dedicated and caring staff
       Student learning and growth

Our Belief
ALL can succeed.

     Detailed process for determining assurance and adherence to North Dakota K-12 Smart
      Restart expectations.

         Ellendale Public School is prepared to educate our learners in accordance with the North
         Dakota K-12 Smart Restart (Fall 2020) expectations. All actions Ellendale Public School takes
         shall balance the North Dakota K-12 Smart Restart guidelines and local conditions. The
         school district has created appropriate protocols to meet the expectations of the K-12 Smart
         Restart and will continue to monitor these protocols. We will also continue to collaborate
         with the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI), North Dakota Department
         of Health (NDDoH), North Dakota Counsel of Educational Leaders (NDCEL), Dickey County
         Health District, Dickey County Emergency Management, local clinics and medical facilities,
         and the city of Ellendale.

     How will the school district ensure that all students have access to an educator?

           Ellendale Elementary Teachers in grades K-3 will be responsible to provide learning
           opportunities for their homeroom students. They will present activities that incorporate
           learning and application in all content areas. In cases where students normally receive
           instruction from different teachers (MTSS), teachers will partake in collaboration time to
           prepare appropriate instruction based on individual student needs with input from all
           team instructors.

               1. When possible, we will try to offer cross-curricular learning opportunities
               2. Reading, writing, and math will be a priority.
               3. Devices will be available to families. EPS has 1:1 device capabilities.
               4. Expectations will be realistic and activities will be meaningful.
               5. Teachers will be available for support during the hours that school is normally in
                  session (phone, email, video conference, etc.). If teachers so choose, they will
                  also be available during extended hours.
               6. All modifications and accommodations normally afforded for IEP, 504, and EL
                  students will be recognized and offered.
               7. Teacher teams are organized into PLC groups. Each group will submit weekly
                  plans in a shared Google Drive folder to the Elementary Principal.

           Ellendale Elementary Teachers in grades 4-6 teach in a departmentalized structure. They
           will be responsible to provide learning opportunities for the students they would normally
           teach during the normal school day. They will present activities that incorporate learning
           and application in individual content areas and will also strive to offer activities that
           incorporate all content areas together. Teachers will partake in team determined

collaboration planning time to prepare appropriate instruction based on individual
student needs with input from all team instructors.

     1. When possible, we will try to offer cross-curricular learning opportunities.
     2. Devices will be available to families. EPS has 1:1 device capabilities.
     3. Expectations will be realistic and activities will be meaningful.
     4. Teachers will be available for support during the hours that school is normally in
        session (phone, email, video conference, etc.). If teachers so choose, they will
        also be available during extended hours.
     5. All modifications and accommodations normally afforded for IEP, 504, and EL
        students will be recognized and offered.
     6. Teacher teams are organized into PLC groups. Each group will submit weekly
        plans in a shared Google Drive folder to the Elementary Principal.
     7. As we scaffold delivery, we will scaffold the learning opportunities available.

Elementary students do not take their devices home under normal circumstances.
However, given the potential for prolonged closure of schools the devices may be sent
home with students and assignments will be posted online. The students can complete
the work either electronically or on paper to turn in to the teacher by special
arrangement. Teachers will be available during the regular school day to support student
learning and answer any questions. During a portion of the school day, teachers will be
working collaboratively to create learning opportunities and may not be available to

Special Education and 504 students will be provided the accommodations and
modifications as outlined in their IEP or 504 document. Special education teachers will
work with regular education teachers to determine appropriate modifications for any
electronic/home based learning materials. These assignments may include general
education teacher assignment, or it could be something completely different related to
one of the student’s goals. All teachers and co-teachers will be available during the school
day to support student learning and answer any questions. During a portion of the school
day, special education teachers will be working collaboratively with general education and
Title/MTSS teachers. Special education teachers and paraprofessionals will also
continually monitor to make sure IEP accommodations are met.

In grades 7-12, teachers will work individually or in grade-level teams to develop
engaging, standards-based lessons.

    1. Teachers may offer cross-curricular learning opportunities in content and/or
       grade level teams.
    2. Students have access to materials in a variety of formats (i.e., online offerings,
       book pick-up times, etc.).

3. Devices will be available to families. EPS has 1:1 device capabilities.
   4. Expectations will be realistic and activities will be meaningful. Quality over
      quantity will be encouraged.
   5. The initial focus will be on building relationship via the online platform and then
      transition to rigorous opportunities for learning.
   6. Teachers will be available for support during the hours that school is normally in
      session (phone, email, Schoology, video conference, etc.). If teachers so choose,
      they will also be available during extended hours.
   7. All modifications and accommodations normally afforded for IEP, 504, and EL
      students will be recognized and offered.

All 7-12 student have school issued devices (EPS is a 1:1 district). The students can
complete the work either electronically or on paper to turn in to the teacher by special
arrangement. Teachers will be available from 8:35-3:25 to support student learning and
answer any questions.

Special Education and 504 students will be provided the same accommodations and
modifications outlined in their IEP. Special education teachers will work with regular
education teachers to determine appropriate modification for any electronic/
homebased learning materials. These assignments may include general education
teacher assignment, or it could be something completely different related to one of the
student’s goals. All teachers and paraprofessionals will be available from (8:35-3:25) to
support student learning and answer any questions.

Maple River Colony Teachers in grades K-8 will be responsible to provide learning
opportunities for their students. They will present activities that incorporate learning
and application in all content areas. In cases where students normally receive
instruction from different teachers (EL), teachers will partake in collaboration time to
prepare appropriate instruction based on individual student needs with input from all
team instructors.

     1. When possible, we will try to offer cross-curricular learning opportunities.
     2. Reading, writing, and math will be a priority.
     3. By choice, Maple River Colony Governance does not allow internet access into
        their homes as it is not culturally acceptable.
     4. Students will complete paper/pencil work via correspondence. Assignments
        will be delivered and picked up daily.
     5. Expectations will be realistic and activities will be meaningful.
     6. Teachers will be available for support during the hours that school is normally
        in session via telephone. Video conferencing will also be explored as an option.

Additional communication between the school and home will happen via
              7. All modifications and accommodations normally afforded for IEP, 504, and EL
                 students will be recognized and offered.
              8. Teacher teams are organized into PLC groups. Each group will submit weekly
                 plans in a shared Google Drive Folder to the Elementary Principal.

   Detailed process for how districts will track participation and attendance for all students
    attending remotely, whether full time or intermittently.
           During an extended school closure, student engagement in learning opportunities is
           critical to student’s continued academic growth. Attendance shall be monitored by
           teachers through student logins in asynchronous learning experiences and
           participation in synchronous learning experiences (when available). Assignment
           completion may also be used to verify participation and attendance.
           Any student demonstrating prolonged absence or disengagement is a cause for
           concern. Teachers, the counselor, or administration shall contact that student’s
           guardian to seek input and assist them as needed to ensure student participation.
           Teachers are required to log their communication with students and share
           documentations with respective principals.

     Detailed job expectations regarding duties in a distance learning environment.

         Educational staff expectations are detailed in Ellendale Public School District
         ACAA-AR Telework Procedures.

         These guidelines outline procedures for eligible employees to telework on a temporary
         basis, when the Superintendent has determined that schools, offices, or school property
         must be closed due to hazardous weather conditions, an epidemic, or other unexpected or
         extraordinary circumstances. Teleworking is not an entitlement. It is an option that allows
         employees to complete their duties and responsibilities from a location other than their
         assigned school or office.

         The Superintendent shall determine telework eligibility and work functions of district
         employees during the telework period. Not all district positions may be eligible to telework.

         Work Location
         The employee’s remote location must be free of distractions. The employee must be
         accessible by email, phone or other technological means during work hours. Employees are
         required to attend meetings in person when directed by their supervisor.

         Guidelines for Telework
         The employment relationship for an employee teleworking stays the same as for employees
         working on-site. Compensation does not change, and employees are expected to follow
         existing job requirements, contracts, district policies and procedures, and all expectations
         that are in effect on school property. Teleworking employees shall:
             1. Be available by phone and e-mail during normal work hours. Absences (including
                unavailability during work hours) must be pre-approved.
             2. Promptly notify their supervisor when unable to perform work assignments due to
                illness, equipment failure, or other unforeseen circumstances.
             3. Alter their schedule to attend mandatory meetings or other situations needing a
                physical presence and/or as needed by the supervisor. For overtime eligible
                employees, certain activities, such as travel to and from required meetings that
                occur during scheduled work time, are included as hours worked.
             4. Report, at once, to the supervisor any work-related injuries that occur in the
                alternative work location during work hours. Teleworking employees are covered by
                workers’ compensation for job-related injuries that occur in the course and scope of
             5. Maintain and protect equipment on loan from the district. Equipment on loan shall

be used for work-related purposes only and use is governed by the district’s
               Acceptable Use Policy (ACDA).
           6. Protect all data and ensure compliance with all regulations regarding confidentiality of
              materials. Records generated or accessed during teleworking remain subject to
              applicable open records laws.
       Supervisors shall regularly check employee compliance with the teleworking procedure,
       relevant policies and guidelines, performance standards, expectations for work products,
       productivity and time accountability. An employee’s performance when teleworking shall be
       monitored in the same manner as employees at their assigned school or office.

   Commitments on delivery of employee support services including, but not limited to the
         o Human resource policies:

               Ellendale Public School will adhere to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
               (FFCRA). The FFCRA requires certain employers to provide employees with paid sick
               leave or expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-
               19. The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division administers and enforces
               the new law’s paid leave requirements. These provision will apply from the
               effective date through December 31, 2020. For more information, contact the
               Ellendale Public School Business Manager.

       o   Professional development opportunities:

               Ellendale Public School District has implemented and sustained a one-to-one
               technology initiative for nearly a decade. This initiative has allowed each child to
               have a device. Since the onset of this 1:1 initiative, teachers have been participating
               in professional development centered on technology integration. Our technology
               department has already provided training for online platforms such as SeeSaw and

               Since the spring of 2020, teachers have engaged in professional development on
               transitioning to distance learning. In March, teachers worked collaborative around
               building their distance learning curriculum. During the summer all teachers
               participated in Schoology training. Additional professional development
               opportunities will be provided during back to school professional development in
               the fall of 2020. Moving forward, we are planning to partner with our local REA and
               Virtual Learning Consortium for ongoing teacher support for distance learning.

               The technology department will be available by phone, email, and video conference
               in the event of a school closure.

o   Regular communication and opportunities for input with district/school administration
    and colleagues:

       In the event of an extended school closure, regular communication opportunities
       will be made available through virtual Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and
       committee meetings (Professional Development Committee, Emergency Response
       Team, etc.).

     Plans and examples of how the school district will provide substantive distance learning such
      as a description of models of instruction, methods of content delivery, and a process for
      monitoring learning, including, but not limited to the following:
          o Student access to devices, if necessary

                 Ellendale Public School has had 1:1 device connectivity for nearly a decade, so the
                 technology infrastructure is already in place for distance learning. In the event that
                 devices need to be distributed to families, a deployment schedule will be created.
                 For example:

                 Last Name      Pick Up Option 1            Pick Up Option 2

                 A-D            9:30 - 10:30 AM             4:30 - 5:30 PM

                 E-K            10:30 AM - 12:00 PM         4:30 - 5:30 PM

                 L-P            12:45 - 1:45 PM             6:00 - 7:00 PM

                 Q-Z            2:00 - 3:00 PM              6:00 - 7:00 PM

         o   Student access to reliable, high-speed internet, if necessary

                 Dickey Rural Networks (DRN) is a reliable, high-speed internet provider in our
                 community. Ellendale Public School will work with DRN to provide Internet service
                 to families that need it during a prolonged school closure. Alternative instruction
                 formats will be provided for students whose family refuses free Internet or the use
                 of school devices.

         o   Student access to assistive technology and/or appropriate device(s) to meet needs, if

                 Special Education and 504 students will be provided the same accommodations and
                 modifications outlined in their IEP. Special education teachers will work with regular
                 education teachers to determine appropriate modification for any distance learning
                 materials. These assignments may include general education teacher assignments,
                 or it could be something completely different related to one of the students’ goals.

         o   Communication and support to all families, including those families whose native
             language is not English

                 Ellendale Public School will provide regular and routine updates via the current
                 notification system. Technology support resources will be shared with parents.

o   Exposure to high-quality, standards-based skills and content

       For grade K-3, emphasis of instruction from our highly qualified instructors will be
       placed on reading, writing, and math with opportunities to apply skills and
       knowledge in other content areas. Our school is committed to offering personalized
       learning opportunities, teachers will adjust time, pace, and means of learning based
       on our data gained throughout the school year. Our school uses standards based
       instruction, assessment, and reporting which allows us to focus on individual
       student needs.
       For grades 4-6, we are a departmentalized school, instruction from our highly
       qualified instructors will focus on cross-curricular opportunities to align with our
       reading, writing, and math priority. Our school is committed to offering
       personalized learning opportunities, teachers will adjust time, pace, and means of
       learning based on our data gained throughout the school year. Our school uses
       standards based instruction, assessment, and reporting which allows us to focus on
       individual student needs.
       For Grades 7-12, student engagement and unique needs will be monitored by
       teachers in the following ways: assessment monitoring, participation in online
       learning platforms, participation in class meetings (video conference), and individual
       contact through email/phone. Moreover, students will meet twice a month with
       their homeroom mentors.
       Ellendale Public School Career and Technology Education (CTE) and Southeast
       Region Career and Technology Center (SRCTC) courses are addressed separately
       from the High School. These courses include: Technology and Engineering
       Education, Family and Consumer Science, and Business Education. These courses
       will focus on project based learning opportunities.

o   Academic progress monitoring and provisions for instructional support (including
    assessment and evaluation of work)

       Teachers at Ellendale Elementary and Maple River Colony will continually monitor
       participation, quality of work submitted, and will provide feedback to students and
       parents. Through the use of selected online learning programming, teachers at
       Ellendale Elementary will be able to monitor progress, provide support, and adjust
       instructional needs for each individual student. Teachers at Maple River Colony will
       monitor progress, provide support, and adjust instructional needs without the use
       of online learning.
       Teachers at Ellendale High School will utilize numerous resources to align state
       standards to content and assessments. Students will be able to access these
       materials through online platforms, along with various websites. Grade-level
       content will be adjusted and personalized for students based upon their unique
       needs. Progress monitoring will occur through various means which include:
       assignment completion, participation in video conference meetings and discussions,
       quality of completed work, etc. Teachers will provide support/feedback, adjust

instruction, and continue assessing the learning of our students. Teachers will
intensify interactions with those students who need additional assistance.
PowerSchool will continue to be utilized for grade reporting for our 7-12th students
and parents.

School districts must include provisions for addressing the unique needs of all grade levels, classes,
and courses as well as address processes for ensuring both equity and access to high-quality, age-
appropriate instruction at each level to ensure full continuity of the regular school experience. All
plans should including the following:

       Special Education Considerations – Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) and 504s:
        All educational decision for students with IEPs must be made on an individual basis and be
        consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the North Dakota Department
        of Instruction’s Office of Special Education guidelines. More information regarding Special
        Education can be found online.
             o Procedures for ensuring each student on an IEP or a 504 plan is continued while
                 maintaining student and staff safety.

                    Ellendale Public School is a member of the James River Special Education Cooperative. In
                    partnership with James River Valley, Ellendale Public School Teachers will ensure each student
                    on and IEP or 504 plan is provided services.

                    Case managers will review each student’s goal(s) and objective(s) on current IEP and create
                    deliverables. Special education teachers will be working in coordination with the general
                    education teacher to ensure materials meet the goals and objectives of each student and
                    provide accommodations and modifications, as needed for general education content.
                    Teachers are encouraged to supplement any materials with online resources.

                    Case managers will be available through virtual meeting hours. During this time, case
                    managers will be accessible to support families and students. This may be done through
                    telephone, teleconference or any online platform. IEP meetings will be scheduled through
                    virtual methods. In addition, all case managers will meet with each family they case manage a
                    minimum, but not limited to, one hour per week using virtual methods.

                    Necessary meetings, such as the annual IEP meeting, will continue to be held virtually. Case
                    managers will communicate with families throughout the school closure and prior to the
                    beginning of distance/virtual learning instruction, during instruction, and when the extended
                    closure has been completed.

                    It may be necessary to adjust special education and related services, such as physical therapy,
                    occupational therapy, and speech services, while students are receiving distance/virtual
                    learning. Any changes to services will be reflected in the child’s IEP per an individualized
                    contingency plan. The ability to provide related services will be determined based on school
                    closures, risk assessments, and student needs.

                    Upon the completion of the school closure, the district will determine if the closure has
                    impacted each student. This will be determined through progress monitoring and applying
                    regression/recoupment measurements. Additional services may be utilized to support the
                    child’s learning based on those measurements.

   English Learner Considerations
        o Process for the continued identification of English learners within 30 days of the first
            day of school or two weeks of enrollment during the school year

                Home language surveys will be provided to families that enroll during distance
                learning. School personnel will review the Home language survey and educational
                records to determine if the student is potentially EL. If necessary, the student will
                be given the WIDA screener (online or paper) to determine EL services.

        o   Process for appropriate scaffolding of instruction for English learners to ensure
            accessibility to content

                English Learners (EL) will access instruction through distance/virtual methods.
                These students will continue to be serviced by the EL instructor through virtual
                supports. Additionally, the EL instructor will communicate with the family to
                address individual issues. The EL instructor will support the general education
                teacher to accommodate, as necessary, for the specific needs of the EL student.

        o   Process for adapting the language instruction educational program (LIEP) for distance

                Case managers will review each student’s goal(s) and objective(s) on current ILPs and create
                deliverables. English language teachers will be working in coordination with the general
                education teacher to ensure materials meet the goals and objectives of each student and
                provide accommodations and modifications, as needed for general education content.
                Teachers are encouraged to supplement any materials with online resources.

                Case managers will be available through virtual meeting hours. During this time, case
                managers will be accessible to support families and students. This may be done through
                telephone, teleconference or any online platform. ILP meetings will be scheduled through
                virtual methods.

   Federal Title Considerations
       o Process for appropriate instruction to ensure accessibility to content, dependent on
            federal title designation (schoolwide).

                Ellendale Elementary School is a Title I Schoolwide program. To ensure equitable
                services to these students during the closure, Title I / MTSS teachers will
                communicate with classroom teachers to provide additional supports as needed in
                general education courses. Title I / MTSS teachers will also provide intervention
                services to students in reading and mathematics virtually or online.

Schools must continue to provide school counseling services, even if this is done electronically. School
counselors must still follow all ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors. School Counselors
should also work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure equity, access and success of all
student whether virtual school counseling is offer synchronously or asynchronously.

       Description of plans and examples of how the school district will provide social and emotional
        support to students, including counseling services.

            Ellendale Public School Counseling services will be made available through individual
            appointments, which will include virtual opportunities. The school counselor will have
            scheduled office hours and individual sessions to meet with students needing support. The
            school counselor will adhere to the ASCA virtual learning guidance and ethics. Online
            documents will be shared with families and are available on the school website.

     Description of how the school district will require students to demonstrate ongoing
      understanding and growth toward academic proficiency in grade level or advanced grade level

          Student learning and growth is a core value of Ellendale Public School District. All students
          are required to demonstrate ongoing understanding and growth towards the identified
          curriculum. We will know that students are making progress towards their learning through
          informal assessments of the whole class and formal assessments of individual students.
          Additionally, students will be asked to reflect on their learning and track their own progress.

     Description of the mechanisms in place for assessing students and assigning grades in
      continuation of your school districts grading policies

          Teachers will provide support/feedback, adjust instruction, and continue assessing the
          learning of our students. Teachers will intensify interactions with those students who need
          additional assistance. PowerSchool will continue to be utilized for grade reporting. Some
          grading practices and policies may be suspended or modified.

     Plans on how the school district will assess student within the first four weeks of the school
      year for all students, kindergarten through grade twelve

          Ellendale Public School will administer an interim assessment (such as NWEA or STAR) for all
          students in grades kindergarten through grade twelve. Ellendale Public School has the
          capability to administer the assessment in-person or via distance.

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