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Guru Talk: Sajan Pillai, UST Global VC Talk: Bejul Somaia, Lightspeed Ventures Most Promising Mobile App Companies

EMPOWERING TECHNOLOGY LEADERS OF TOMORROW                                           January 2011           thesmarttechie.com

                                                               Sunil Rao
                                                               Head, Forum Nokia India

          Vol 7 Issue 1  January 2011
                                                                  NEXT ISSUE
                                   Alok Chaturvedi
                                   Pradeep Shankar
                                                                   February 2011
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                      Vimali Swamy

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Contents - January 2011


Forum Nokia
               By Vimali Swamy                                                                           Sunil Rao
                                                                                                         Head, Forum Nokia India

  [Guru Talk] 8                                  [Technology 38                          50
                                                 Evolution of Mobile Devices and         Future of Test Automation Tools & In-
                                                 Services                                frastructure
                                                 By Arun Samudrala,                      By Anand Bagmar, ThoughtWorks
                                                 United Mobile Apps
                                                                                         [Buyers Perspective] 54
  By Sajan Pillai
                                                 [Technology] 40
                                                 Mobile Data Growth in India an
  Beyond the Metros: Bringing IT                 Opportunity and a Challenge
                                                                                         [Events] 56
  Opportunities to Tier II and III Cities                                                siliconindia MentorGraphics Leadership
                                                 By Anjan Ghosal,
  By Sajan Pillai, UST Global                                                            awards for the Embedded/VLSI Industry
                                                 IntelliNet Technologies
                                                                                         By Eureka Bharali
  [In Focus] 10                                  42
                                                 Security Challenges in Using Social     59
  [Tech Buzz] 14                                 Media                                   Bug- Experts Throw Solutions for Bud-
                                                 By Gary Bahadur, KRAA Security          ding Testers
                                                                                         By Shwetha Raghavan
  [VC Talk] 16
  Financial Services & Education Potential       44
  Areas for Startups                             “3G & speech” reconnecting India        [Tech Products] 60
  By Bejul Somaia, Lightspeed Venture Partners   By Sunny Rao,
                                                 Nuance Communications                   [Leadership] 62
                                                                                         Move Beyond Logic
  [Venture Beat] 18
                                                 46                                      By Binu T Paul
                                                 Enterprise Level SAN Features and So-
  [Business] 19
  Indian Startup Founders Are They Serious
  on Sales?
  By Eurekha Bharali
                                                 lutions at SMB Prices
                                                 By Tad Lebeck, Huawei Symantec          Mobile App
                                                                                                ost Promissing
                                                 48                                      Interworld Commnet               28
  [Technology] 36                                Nonlinearity Initiatives in Software    Dot Com Infoway                  29
  Enhancing through Learning Collabora-          Testing Services Business               HiddenBrains.com                 30
  tive Technology                                By Ajikumar TN,                         Robosoft                         32
  By Minhaj Zia, Cisco                           Wipro Technologies                      o2s360                           33
                                                                                         Nex-G Exuberant Solutions        34

 The Smart Techie
                      January 2011
GURU TALK                     By Sajan Pillai
Author is CEO, UST Global
                                                                                                                                        displacement—the need for people to             For sustained commercialization        skills right from that level. If the ba-
                                                                                                                                        immigrate to find work. The Tier I          and confident investment, we need an       sics are in place, the skills and con-
                                                                                                                                        cities were becoming saturated with         amalgamation of four fundamental           cepts required in professional life can
                                    Beyond the Metros: Bringing IT                                                                      people and were nearing the limits of
                                                                                                                                        their infrastructures. It became very
                                                                                                                                                                                    aspects: government support, re-
                                                                                                                                                                                    sources, quality talent input, and fa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               be learned from the employer organ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               izations. We at UST Global have spe-
                                                                                                                                        apparent that these limits would have       cilities. There is no substitute for any   cial career development programs,
                                    Opportunities to Tier II and III Cities                                                             an adverse impact on our ability to re-                                                many of which focus on the new gen-
                                                                                                                                        duce costs while operating in these          Traditionally, businesses                 eration. We believe in giving our as-
                                                                                                                                                                                      have tried to speak the
                                                                                                                                        locations.                                                                             sociates the gift of lifetime
                                                                                                                                            Tier II and III cities were a re-                                                  employability.
                                                                                                                                        freshing alternative, once the model          language of “employee                        The government, for its part,
                                                                                                                                        was seen to work. Suddenly, there           satisfaction,” which is now                should ensure that we have the right
                                                                                                                                        were a whole lot of them to invest in.
                                                                                                                                        Competition among these cities is in-
                                                                                                                                                                                    being replaced in favor of                 kind of infrastructure to showcase to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               potential investors. Although we do
                                                                                                                                        tense, and this is where key differen-       “employee engagement                      have some infrastructure, it is not
                                                                                                                                        tiators can come into play to help                                                     enough to support the amount of busi-
                                                                                                                                        with cost reductions. In terms of so-       of these, but investors should be          ness that can potentially come to our
                                                                                                                                        cial displacement, the use of Tier II       made aware that these are available        shores. What I mean by “infrastruc-
                                                                                                                                        and III cities makes use of what you        together in one place. This calls for      ture” in this context goes beyond of-
                                                                                                                                        might call an IT “necklace strategy”        solid marketing on behalf of the gov-      fice buildings and telecom facilities
                                                                                                                                        that builds mega-centers offering em-       ernment. While a beautiful country-        to include aspects such as a decent
                                                                                                                                        ployment opportunities to the masses        side is nice to have, it is hardly         way of life, civic amenities, enter-

                                                                                                                                        in more dispersed areas around,             enough. Investors need to be con-          tainment options, and security. Em-
                                                                                                                                        rather than in the country’s biggest        vinced of the commercial advantages        ployees must be confident that there
                                                                                                                                        cities. Eliminating much of the social      they can expect from investing in a        is a sufficient supportive infrastruc-
                                                                                                                                        displacement in this way is one of the      country like India. I can speak from       ture in town to justify bringing their
                                                                                                                                        biggest social benefits of Information      UST Global’s experience of expand-         families to live there.
                                                                                                                       Sajan Pillai     Technology. And being a service in-         ing operations into Manila, Philip-            In fact, some of our clients, after
                                                                                                                                        dustry, there are no environmental          pines and Chile. In both cities, the       they have seen Kerala while visiting
                                                        hen we started our opera- the potential of a service economy. We de-            concerns to worry about, either.            governments welcomed us with open          our facilities, are so impressed that
                                                        tions in 1999, we were cided: Kerala had to be the right place.                     Attrition is a costly affair in most    arms. They promised us the best re-        they want to bring their own busi-
                                                        looking for the perfect loca-    Today, we have grown to 500 times our          organizations—the cost of replacing         sources, and most importantly, deliv-      nesses here. Unfortunately, a bit of re-
                                                        tion for our offshore devel- original strength, largely because about 60 per-   an employee is estimated to be 1.5          ered on their promises with prompt         search into the geographical,
                                                        opment centers. Our choice cent of our workforce is located in Kerala.          times the employee’s annual compen-         follow ups. These are the kind of          political, and economic climate of the
                                    surprised everyone around us. “Why would When we looked at the big cities—what we                   sation. UST Global has been success-        cities that are competing with India       state reveals an unattractive side as
                                    you choose Kerala?” asked our well-wishers. now call Tier I, at least in the Indian context—        ful in keeping attrition to a level well    for investments.                           well. While we might have convinced
                                    Kerala’s industrialization in 1999                                                                  below industry standards, primarily             Most cities in South East Asia         them in earlier times that the advan-
                                    included ER&DC, Keltron, and a Attrition is a costly affair in most                                 due to efficient employee engage-           have a rich culture and heritage like      tages we have to offer easily out-
                                                                                                                                        ment practices. Since employment            the one we often boast of. Cities like     weigh the disadvantages, there are so
                                    few small private companies pep-
                                                                            organizations—the cost of replacing an                      must have consequences more far-            Thailand and Shanghai offer the same       many options available today that
                                    pered over Technopark. No global
                                    company had a significant presence employee is estimated to be 1.5 times                            reaching than simple contentment            or even better cost advantages than        they just don’t have to take the risk.
                                    in the state, and prospects were hes- the employee’s annual compensation                            with a job well done, a well-engaged        India does. So these two points will           What we do have in our favor is
                                    itant to take the plunge.                                                                           workforce results in happy employ-          no longer set us apart from the crowd.     the abundance of skilled talent and
                                        We decided to look at the facts                                                                 ees, which in turn reduces attrition.       India still needs to work on a few crit-   the cost factor. If the government
                                    rather than believe the propaganda. The qual- we saw the advent of a whole lot of industrial        Traditionally, businesses have tried to     ical aspects like education, industry      steps in at the right time, bringing in-
                                    ity of education in Kerala is among the best in clusters, corridors, estates, hubs, and other       speak the language of “employee sat-        regulations, and communication.            vestment to our cities will be a cake-
                                    this part of the world. The people, too, are sur- business units. When looking at possible target   isfaction,” but that is being rapidly re-       When I speak of education in Tier      walk. But we cannot afford to wait
                                    prisingly cosmopolitan from years of exposure sites, we envisioned a model that took two            placed in favor of “employee                II and III cities, I should emphasize      another decade for the effects to
                                    to different cultures and from considerable mi- basic elements into consideration. First, that      engagement.” In this context, en-           that important personality develop-        trickle down. We must strike while
                                    gration to and from the state. The workforce is the concept of outsourcing was primarily            gaged employees are an essential fac-       ment is taking place during high           the iron is hot. India has many prom-
                                    highly stable and productive, while the gov- driven by the desire for cheaper talent and re-        tor for any business, but the               school. Schooling should be more           ising locales for an IT destination.
                                    ernment at the time was slowly waking up to duced operational costs. There was also social          requirements don’t end there.               oriented towards communication             Let’s make it work!

The Smart Techie
                     January 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Smart Techie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |9|   January 2011
in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in

 I                                                                                                                               I
 Indian Companies Adapting Best Global Practices                                                                                 ICT Can Reduce GHG Emission by 10 Percent
     ndian companies are keen in                                                   cially those associated to corporate              nformation, Communication and                     The report by the Digital Energy             the adoption of ICT in buildings,
     adapting best global practices                                                governance, should be framed after                Technology (ICT) solutions have                Solutions Consortium India (DESC)               transport and nine sectors under PAT
     and are increasingly doing so,                                                taking into account the view points               the potential to reduce India’s total          and CII-ICT Centre of Excellence for            (Perform, Achieve and Trade). This
 says an expert, though he warns that                                              of all market participants. He also           greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by                                        Sustainable De-           contributes to about 30 percent of the
 these companies need to have regu-                                                suggested that there should be an             10 percent by 2030. According                                              velopment in-           overall reduction. “Till date, no report
 lar evaluation at all levels to sustain                                           annual evaluation process in place            to a report this will result in                                             vestigated the         in India has quantified the specific
 good corporate governance. “Cor-                                                  to assess the effectiveness of the            energy cost savings of                                                      possible               savings possible using ICT solutions.
 porate governance has evolved enor-                                               board as well as the corporate gov-           around Rs 137,000 crore                                                     GHG reduc-             The report allows industries to quan-
 mously in India and many big                                                      ernance in companies.                         per annum. India is                                                         tion opportu-          tify their potential energy as well as
 companies in the country are com-         cial numbers while just having good         “Entities should anticipate and be        presently the third largest                                                nities via ICT          monetary savings by adopting ICT-
 mitted to embrace global best prac-       names on the (firms’) board need        more prepared to tackle risks and             emitter of GHG after China                                                 solutions    in         based solutions,” said Rahul Bedi,
 tices for their business,” said           not ensure the same,” he said. It was   shocks, mainly since the world is             and the U.S. The report named                                             three mitiga-            DESC Chairman.
 Stephen Wagner, Chairman Emeri-           the `14,000 crore accounting fraud      getting more interconnected that is           ‘ICT Contribution to India’s                                             tion-related                  The high technology costs, inade-
 tus of global consultancy Deloitte’s      of Satyam by its founder-chairman       also resulting in connectivity of             National Action Plan on Cli-                                             missions       of         quate energy benchmarks, weak regu-
 Global Centre for Corporate               Ramalinga Raju that brought the         shocks,” Wagner said while talking            mate Change (NAPCC)’, at-                                              NAPCC - National            latory norms on carbon emission
 Governance.                               issue of corporate governance into      about the change in taking and man-           tributed the maximum potential                                       Mission on En-                standard and low research and devel-
     “Good governance at companies         sharp focus in India. Wagner            aging risk by the companies in the            of saving of carbon dioxide emission                           hanced Energy Efficiency            opment support are the main factors
 usually translates into good finan-       pointed out that regulations, espe-     recent years.                                 to the construction industry with a                            (NMEEE), National Mis-              that are preventing the country from
                                                                                                                                 whooping 42 percentage, followed by                          sion on Sustainable Habitat           ICT adoption. The report recommends
                                                                                                                                 road transport with 30 percent while                     (NMSH) and National Solar                 to create a platform for green jobs, un-
                                                                                                                                 power sector came third with 16 per-                   Mission (NSM).                              dertake steps to develop ICT adop-

 Diamond Studded Planet Discovered by U.S. Indian                                                                                cent. The NAPCC was released by                     NMEEE has set targets to reduce 100            tions, rationalization of direct and
                                                                                                                                 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in                   million tonnes of carbon dioxide emis-          indirect taxes, funds allocation, and to
 Astronomer Led Team                                                                                                             2008 as part of the nation’s strategy to           sion by 2015, of which 31 million               encourage research and development,
                                                                                                                                 manage GHG emission.                               tonnes reduction comes as a result of           as remedies to these ailments.
          stronomers led by an Indian                                              made largely of gas and only its core
          American have discovered a                                               contains carbon-based minerals such

          giant planet with an atmos-                                              as diamonds and graphite. This planet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Expo Partner   Supporting Partner

 phere and a core dominated by carbon.                                             was discovered in 2009 by re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gold Sponsor

 Nikku Madhusudan, a Banaras Hindu
 University (BHU) alumnus who
                                                                                   searchers in the UK-based consor-
                                                                                   tium called Wide Angle Search for
                                                                                                                               Bus ness                                          Jan 23, 2011 • Delhi
                                                                                                                                                                                 Jan 29, 2011 • Pune

 works at Princeton University, New
 Jersey, and his colleagues have ob-
                                                                                   Planets (WASP).
                                                                                       He also added that the structure of
 served that an extremely hot planet
 discovered last year has a never before
                                                                                   this planet might make us rethink our
                                                                                   long-ingrained ideas of planetary for-
                                                                                                                                                Conference                                                     Topics:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Business Intelligence Market

 seen characteristic of having more car-                                           mation and that with much hotness
                                                                                                                                                                                                               BI Design and Implementation Challenges
                                                                                                                                  In today’s economy, businesses need quality
 bon than oxygen. They said that this                                              and no solid surface the planet could
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Solution Centricity- The Pivot for Successful BI / DW Implementations

 actually raised the prospect that dia-                                            not support life. “If life exists on such
                                                                                                                                  insights driven by accurate data more than                                   Integrating Search and Business Intelligence

 mond-studded stars may exist.                                                     planets, it has to sustain low oxygen,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               SharePoint 2010 Insights: BI for Everyone
                                                                                                                                  ever. Yet many IT organizations struggle to
     A computational technique devel-      perature of this planet, named WASP-    low water and lots of methane and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Advisory board:
                                                                                                                                  provide easy-to-access data stores with the
 oped two years ago by Madhusudan,         12b, seems to be 2300°C, which          other hydrocarbons that would be in
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Andrew Oh, General Manager - Asia, Microstrategy
                                                                                                                                  right analytic capabilities, not to mention
 while he was at the Massachusetts In-                                             the atmosphere,” Madhusudhan said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rajgopal Kishore, VP & Global Head of BI, HCL Technologies
                                           makes it hot enough to melt stainless                                                  integrated systems with all the metrics
 stitute of Technology (MIT), used to                                              Scientists used U.S. space agency
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sanjay Mehta, CEO, MAIA Intelligence

                                           steel. Madhusudhan, who is now a                                                                                                                                    Dr. Gopala Krishna Chitta, Founder & CEO , INSTA Intelligence

 analyze the atmosphere of the planet      postdoctoral scientist in the depart-   NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to
                                                                                                                                  different business users need. At the Confer-                                 Vibhas Joshi, SAS R&D India, Head R&D

 which orbits a star about 1,200 light-    ment of astrophysical sciences at       observe light emitted by the planet
                                                                                                                                  ence, you will learn about the challenges,
 years from Earth. The surface tem-        Princeton, said that WASP-12b is        WASP-12b.                                      solutions and future of BI from top industry                                Don’t miss a power packed day with several BI developers, architects,
                                                                                                                                  experts and leading-edge peers.                                             project managers, IT managers and professionals, analysts and

                                                                                                                                                                                                              business decision makers.
 The Smart Techie          January 2011
                                                                                                                               Learn from the BI experts. Don't miss this unique opportunity. Limited Seats   For speaking and sponsorship opportunities write to
                                                                                                                               Register Now at www.siliconindia.com/events                                    events@siliconindia.com or call 080-43402006
in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in

 e-Waste Recycling
 Startups-VCs Confident, Yet Too Many Loopholes                                                                                         India Third Largest
 By Eureka Bharali

                                                                                                                                        Cloud Service User
              he green statement has         ganized e-waste recycling is achieved    the products once it reaches the unor-
              been luring a lot of           then there is no looking back for any    ganized scrap dealers’ hands. Herein,                 ndia is the third largest cloud             (22 percent).
              startup to grab a pie of the   firm in this sector.                     the work of the organized recycling                   service user in world and is                    The study assessed how IT man-
              huge e-waste market. The           The biggest snag is the lack of      companies comes. We, for instance,                    ahead of U.S. The ranking is                agers are evolving their data centers               (69 percent) and India (76 percent)
              computing devices, elec-       awareness and the urge to socially       use a specific technology to re-format            based on Cisco Connected World                  and taking advantage of new tech-                   in the near future.
 tronic garbage that piles up within         come to a conclusion. “One is paid for   the hard-disks to ensure no data can              Report, a new study commissioned                nologies, at the same time working                      The study conducted in 13 coun-
 every company, have always been a           giving out the garbage to an unorgan-    be retrieved from the product. Also               by network equipment vendor Cisco.              to accommodate new trends in the                    tries also revealed that just about 18
 source of the quick cash, thanks to the     ized recycler. Even if being socially    the hazardous bi-products are dis-                The study was conducted by the U.S.             workplace like social media, device                 percent of respondents are using cloud
 scrap dealers, and currently, just five     conscious about pollution is kept on     posed safely,” says Rohan Gupta, Co-              market-research firm InsightEx-                 proliferation, video and an increas-                computing today, while an additional
 percent gets recycled in an organized                                                founder of Attero Recycling. It serves            press. The countries that lead the list         ingly mobile workforce. It maintains                34 percent plan to use the cloud. Also
 way. In such a scenario, how would a                                                 more than 200 clients which include               by taking maximum advantage from                that globally 52 percent of the IT                  a large majority (88 percent) of IT re-
 company venturing into the realm                                                     Wipro, HCL, Tata Tele Services, and               cloud computing today are Brazil                professionals have stated that they                 spondents expect to store some per-
 bring in a better return on invest-                                                       Google among others. To some                 (27 percent) and Germany (27 per-               use or plan to use cloud computing.                 centage of their company’s data and
 ment? Sachin Maheshwari,                                                                       extent even electronic manu-            cent); followed by India (26 per-               Higher cloud adoption rates are pre-                applications in private or public clouds
 who has recently joined                                                                       facturing firms have started             cent), U.S. (23 percent) and Mexico             dicted in Brazil (70 percent), China                in the next three years.
 the boards of Zephyr Pea-                                                                    taking a notice of the re-usabil-
 cock as its Director                                                                       ity part. For instance, Nokia
 quickly pinpoints, “The                                                                  claims that 65-80 percent of the
 amount of recycled goods                                                                materials in their mobile phones
 that comes out of a product cov-                                                       can now be recycled and given a
 ers all the recycling cost.
 Whether it’s metal or gold, the
                                                                                        second life. Best practices can even
                                                                                        recover 100 percent of the materi-
 open market has a good price for
 it.” During his stints in Draper
 Fisher Jurvetson Maheshwari
                                                                                        als - partly as energy. The market is
                                                                                         huge, yet till a complete agreement
                                                                                          from every nook of the society
                                                                                                                                             2011 siliconindia                                                                                   Jan 29, 2011 • Chennai
 himself was a part of one of the re-                                                     comes it may not grow big.
 cycling startups.                                                                            A sneak view of the recent laws
                                                                                                                                  The testing community today, and test managers in particular, are facing a number of new problems such as increasing

     There are 58 million television                                                   show that the government has intro-
                                                                                                                                  complexity, ever-increasing demands to reduce time-to-market & the need for testers to take on more varied roles in the

 units in India which is expected to                                                  duced legal compliance whereby
                                                                                                                                  organization. The focus of this event will be how best to address the problems and cope with changing conditions and the                Platinum Sponsor

 reach 234 million by 2015. On the                                                    every company will have to give out
                                                                                                                                  need to optimize every effort. The conference provides clear guidance to the delegates and helps them understand the
                                                                                                                                  challenges and issues faced in testing today, how best to address them and how to cope with changing conditions and the
 other side, there are 75 million com-                                                the goods to the authorized recyclers.
                                                                                                                                  need to optimize every effort.

 puters in India since the life cycle of a                                            Yet till 2012, the law will not be im-
 PC has come down to 3-4 years from                                                   plemented on a full force. As per At-
                                                                                                                                  TOPICS                                                        Speakers
                                                                                                                                  • An optimum approach to n-tier architectured                 T.Ashok, Founder & CEO, Stag Software

 7-8 years a few years back. Similarly,                                               tero’s Founder, Nitin Gupta, the
                                                                                                                                    application testing                                         Prashant Lambat, Sr Manager-SQA Engineering, Symantec Corporation

 the Indian mobile handset market is         the sidelines for a minute, there are    country may also be seen as a hub for
                                                                                                                                  • Building an Automation Framework around                     Pichumani N, CEO,SoftSmith
                                                                                                                                                                                                Anuradha Biswas, Founder & CEO,Prakat Solutions

 set to zoom across the 200 million          also issues on security. For instance,   e-waste management considering the
                                                                                                                                    Open Source Technologies
                                                                                                                                  • Commercial Test Automation Tools and its real benefit       Samir Kulkarni, Project Manager, Kpit Cummins

 mark soon. E-waste management               recently, many of the U.S. companies’    fact that it takes $2 to recycle a single
                                                                                                                                                                                                Siddharth Gudagunti, Project Manager,Wipro
                                                                                                                                  • Software Security Testing

 firms claim that now it is possible to      crucial data were found openly dis-      PC in India compared to $20 in U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Keerthi Kulkarni, Technical Consultant,Micro Focus                            Silver Sponsor
                                                                                                                                  • Mobile/Infotainment Apps testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                Sathishkumar S, Manager-Test & Infrastructure and Tools,IBM

 recycle around 98 percent of a cell-        tributed on an online site of Nigeria.   But will it happen before 2012,
                                                                                                                                  • Cloud Testing: The future of software testing               Vinay Srinivasan, Senior Technical Associate- Testing CoE,Tech Mahindra
                                                                                                                                  • The Case for a Standard Uniform Test Modeling Language

 phone. If a general consensus on or-        This happens as there is no track of     chances seem to be meek.
                                                                                                                                  • Globalization testing- Getting your software World-ready
                                                                                                                                  • Avionics Testing

                                                                                                                                  Meet the Senior Testing Leaders and get practical solutions. Limited Seats
 The Smart Techie      January 2011
                                                                                                                                  Register Now at http://www.siliconindia.com/events
                                                                                                                                  For speaking and sponsorship opportunities write to events@siliconindia.com or call 080-43402006
Digital Vidya Camp: How to leverage social networks’
                                                                                                                                         potential for businesses
                                         Compiled By Hari Anil                                                                           Based on expert opinion social net-           Why do we need to have social
                                                                                                                                         works are the next big things in the          media marketing? How can it help us
                                                                                                                                         business world. In the U.S. compa-            to improve the business? What
                                                                 Intel’s new Atom E600 series processors
                                                                 Intel launched Atom processor E600 series, System-on-Chip (SoC)
                                                                                                                                         nies have already realized this and           should be the approach and what are
                                                                 technology based processor in India. According to Intel, these
                                                                                                                                         the social networks are spreading in          the ways it can be structured? These
SAP’s new High Performance Analytic
                                                                 processors with their open interconnect allows easier pairing with
                                                                                                                                         the business world like wild fire, but        are the normal set of questions that
Appliance (SAP HANA) software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Participants engrossed in discussion
                                                                 a various input/output devices. Intel South Asia Embeded & Com-
SAP AG unveiled High                                                                                                                     Indian companies are still shy. Indian        arises into one’s mind and the camp
                                                                 munications Group Managing Director (Emerging Markets), Sanat
Performance Analytic                                                                                                                     companies for some reason try not to          proved to be an opportunity to get
                                                                 Rao said that the E600 series is ideal for applications such as in-
Appliance           (SAP                                                                                                                 mix social networks and business,             these questions answered. It also pro-
                                                                 vehicle infotainment systems, internet phones and smart grid de-
HANA)           software                                                                                                                 and as a result are not leveraging the        vided the attendees with an opportu-
which is based on in-                                                                                                                    huge potential of the medium effec-           nity to be the early player to leverage
                                                                      The processor, earlier codenamed ‘Tunnel Creek’ put together
memory database com-                                                                                                                     tively. Pradeep Chopra, Co-founder            the advantage of social marketing
                                                                 additional capabilities onto the chip and accelerates connectivity to
puting. This first                                                                                                                       of Digital Vidya, and his team took           media and also gave them an under-
                                                                 the internet. The main benefit of the E600 series processor seems
version of SAP HANA                                                                                                                      this as their milieu when they organ-         standing on which channel one have
                                                                 to be its high performance on optimum power, enabling the small
is the result of a robust                                                                                                                ized their event on Social Media              to select to engage more on Twitter,
                                                                 form factor devices to be built on the chip. The total cost of the
co-innovation program                                                                                                                    Marketing. “In India, people have             Facebook, LinkedIn or any other
                                                                 material is also reduced due to the chip’s compact design.
between SAP and its                                                                                                                      still not understood the power of so-         platform, and the different ways to        Associate Architect at Yahoo!, Jessie
                                                                      Some of the third party vendors are optimizing the chip for
key partners and cus-                                                                                                                    cial media and that’s where the op-           strategize the marketing campaign.         Paul, CEO - Paul Writer Author of
                                                                 various embedded applications. OKI Semiconductor for in-vehi-
tomers.                                                                                                                                  portunity is,” said Chopra.                       The speakers in the camp in-           No Money Marketing, and Gaurav
                                                                 cle infotainment and telecommunications terminals, Realtec Semi-
    SAP HANA lever-                                                                                                                           What is Social Media Marketing?          cluded Pradeep Chopra, Manas Garg,         Dublish, Director, Wildcraft India.
                                                                 conductor for connected services gateways and medical devices,
ages the power of in- Vishal Sikka                               and STMicroelectronics for in-vehicle infotainment systems, are
memory               data                                        among the few.
processing by primarily relying on main memory for                                                                                                                     Cisco’s new VXI and Cius          HP Network University all set to create
computer data storage. The main memory databases are             Juniper to expand Indian Excellence Center                                                            Tablet                            next gen IT Professionals
faster than disk-optimized databases since the internal          California based network solutions vendor Juniper Networks plans                                       Cisco launched Cisco Virtu-      HP in association with International Institute of Information
optimization algorithms are simpler and execute only             to expand its India Excellence Center (IEC) by adding 750 seats                                        alization Experience Infra-      Technology, Bangalore (IIIT-B) launched HP Network Uni-
fewer CPU instructions. “SAP HANA and the first ap-              with 450 equipment racks at a new site in Bangalore over the next                                      structure (VXI), a system that   versity. Based out of the IIIT-B campus in Electronic City, the
plications built on it are already showing customers the         two years. The new office will be located at Bangalore’s new Pres-                                     addresses the current state of   university will allow IT professionals to advance their knowl-
unprecedented speed of in-memory computing, as well              tige Exora Business Park and is being developed in two phases.                                         fragmented solutions with        edge in the delivery of next-generation enterprise networks.
as the latency they have in the layers of their current IT       This expansion is part of Juniper’s plan to continue its expansion                                     complicate virtual desktop           The university will provide the tools, methodologies and
systems,” said Vishal Sikka, Executive Board Member,             in India.                                                               Dinesh Malkani                 deployment, and Cius tablet.     labs to teach the latest standards in networking solutions for
Technology and Innovations Platform, SAP AG.                         The IEC participate in activities including hardware and soft-                                         Cisco VXI helps enter-       both students and the employees. Spread over three to six
    As a part of the co-innovation program, SAP has              ware development, test engineering, field trials, program manage-       prises in attaining the financial, data security and work-      months, the course will cover basic to advanced levels of net-
used data from customers to demonstrate how particu-             ment, quality assurance, technical documentation and product line       force flexibility benefits offered by desktop virtualization    working, network security, consulting and converged infra-
lar business processes could be improved by SAP                  management. IEC also provides 12-hour-a-day global customer             and reduces the total cost of ownership of desktop virtual-     structure. “Organizations are increasingly network dependent
HANA, and these customers are already seeing valu-               support covering all Juniper products and operates a Finance            ization solutions by significantly increasing the number of     as they develop new ways to engage their customers, employ-
able results. Coca-Cola, Hellenic, Future Group, and             Shared Services Center, which delivers functions to Juniper Fi-         virtual desktops that can be hosted on each server. “Rather     ees and partners. This brings a challenge as well as an oppor-
Hilti are some of the key customers who provided data            nance, an open network infrastructure that allows financial service     than deploy a parallel IT infrastructure to support virtual     tunity for the IT community,” said Neelam Dhawan, Managing
for analysis. “We participated in the co-innovation pro-         organizations to keep up with business requirements in a rapidly        desktops, Cisco VXI helps businesses take advantage of          Director, HP India.
gram of SAP HANA and saw how SAP in-memory                       changing environment, organizations across the world.                   current investments by unifying data center, collaboration          “We bring together expert faculty, best in class infrastruc-
computing can dramatically improve our processes,”                   “Any Product that Juniper ships today will have a substantial       and networking architectures into one system,” said Di-         ture and a proven industry academia relationship. Our associa-
said Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti.                                   amount of its work done in India,” said dhar Sarathy, Managing          nesh Malkani, Managing Director-Collaboration, APAC-            tion with HP will add immense value to our education system
    Working together with its partner and customer               Director of IEC, Juniper Networks. Currently their India Excel-         Cisco.                                                          and bridge the gap of training between employers and academic
ecosystem, SAP plans in the next year to introduce new           lence Center (IEC) in Bangalore employs 1,800 staff and 300 de-             Their new WebEx High Quality Video turns web con-           institutions,” said Prof. Sadagopan, Director, IIIT-Bangalore.
applications based on SAP HANA that will help utility            velopment partners. “This expansion reflects our ongoing                ferencing into a virtual video conferencing room, as meet-          HP and IIIT-B will also establish up a dedicated lab to study
companies manage power supply in real time, provide              commitment to increasing the depth of experience and expertise in       ing participants can see other participants with exceptional    and analyze networking technologies. HP has already put in an
retailers more timely analysis of point-of-sale data and         the India region, which is becoming increasingly important not          clarity in full-screen video mode. The company expanded         investment of $1 million to set up the lab and is prepared to in-
enable more accurate sales pipeline forecasting for all          just as a source of engineering talent but also as a fast-growing       this capability by extending it to mobile users through the     vest more in the venture. The certification for all courses will
types of companies.                                              market for Juniper Networks,” said Sarathy.                             Cisco Cius tablet and the Apple iPad.                           be provided by Prometric.

The Smart Techie
                   |14|   January 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Smart Techie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |15|   January 2011
VC TALK                    By Bejul Somaia
Author is Managing Director, Lightspeed Venture Partners

                                                                                                                                                                                                             the recession but it also recovered very                             In India where ever you look there
                                                                                                                                                                                                             strongly and fundamentally whether you                          are opportunities to innovate and apply
                                                           Financial Services & Education                                                                                                                    look at credit cards or home loans or in-                       technologies in interesting ways. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                             surance products the penetration is tiny                        limitations are only by the entrepreneur’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                             compared to any other markets including                         imagination and knowledge of a sector,
                                                           Potential Areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                             other emerging markets. This means that                         so it is not fair to say that there are only

                                                                                                                                                                                                             the head room is significant and an en-                         limited ways to innovate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             trepreneur has to find the right way to                             Entrepreneurs need to make sure that
                                               for                                                                                                                                                           serve those needs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 There are opportunities for innovat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             they are solving a large painful problem.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sometimes we see solutions looking for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ing really across the board. The power re-                      problems and sometimes we see really in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             lated sectors are going through a lot of                        teresting technologies or ideas that no one
                                                                                                                                                                                                             changes now. One of our recent innova-                          is willing to pay for. In India the willing-
                                                                      he areas we invest in India are fairly broad. Currently we focus                                                                       tions is in Power Exchange. This is a                           ness to pay is often a challenge. That is
                                                                      on four investments— power sector, financial services, edu-            Bejul Somaia                                                    company that is now a couple of years                           why it is important to solve a large and
                                                                      cation and media. These sectors seem to be reflective of the                                                                           old so it is essentially a start up and it is                   painful problem, because if it is painful
                                                                      opportunities set in India. Even though they sound like tradi-             When a financial recession comes                            being a transparent competitive market                          then people will pay. Another thing is to
                                                                      tional sectors we have actually invested in the non-traditional        there is generally nowhere to hide, but                         for electricity. That is something that                         have a great team. This helps to increase
                                                       segments of these sectors. In these large traditional sectors there are pock-         what an entrepreneur must to do is stay                         India needs, to create the right kind of in-                    your chances of success. Building busi-
                                                       ets of emerging subsectors that create a lot of opportunity for entrepreneurs.        focused as if there is a large unmet con-                       centives for investments and price sig-                         nesses are not easy, it is an unnatural act to
                                                       For example, in power we are investing in the Power Exchange and in the               sumer need. If you are solving it well,                         nals. Now this is an innovation in a very                       build something from nothing and so the
                                                       financial segment we have invested in a prepaid card company. Then there              then over time you will be able to build a                      large, very mature market but still it is a                     human capitol that you assemble is the
                                                       is technology and technology enabled sectors like the internet and e-com-             business that can survive recession. Fi-                        disruptive innovation that has a signifi-                       most prudent weapon you have. And fi-
                                                       merce, which are seeing a revival of activity. The same is the case with mo-          nancial services were quite badly hit by                        cant impact on the industry.                                    nally the focus should be on execution.
                                                       bile sector with the 3G and BWA rollouts.
                                                            This is a growing trend. A lot of activities are being registered around
                                                       the cloud, though it is not generally focused on the domestic market. Areas
                                                       that are gaining speed more than others would be Internet and e-commerce.
                                                       We are also witnessing a lot of activity in the education sector, not just
                                                       schools but in IP related businesses and content driven businesses. Take a
                                                                                                                                           Subscribe today & save                                                                                                                20%                                       
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                                                       ucation. So curriculum services, curriculum products and technology prod-                                                   get 12 issues for only ` 250 and save 20% off the news-stand price!
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BUSINESS           By Eureka Bharali

                                                                                                                                            Indian Startup Founders
                            Compiled by ST Team
                                                                                                                                            Are They Serious on Sales?

Appnomic Systems Receives $2.5 Million in Series B Funding                                                                                                    f a product can not be sold   factor is always about doing for the first
                                                                                                                                                              by the makers themselves,     time. “They are initially hesitant as it takes
                                                                                                                                                              no sales team perhaps can     time to move out of their comfort zone,”
         ppnomic Systems, a provider              frastructure Perform-                                        one of the leading host-                       make the sale,” says          says Abhishek Goyal, Associate at Accel
         of application aware IT infra-           ance Management solu-                                        ing and cloud compa-                           Bharat Goenka, the Tally      Partners. They move forward with a better
         structure management solu-               tion has been adopted                                        nies, and continue to        Chief. Goenka jumpstarted the accounting        goal in mind and as their hands get full with    also contributed immensely. So, for a
tions to large and growing enterprises,           by many customers in-                                        experience high demand       software firm by selling the first 700 prod-    the other core activities they tend to side-     startup it’s important that they do look at
has closed a $2.5 million Series B                cluding one of the                                           for its services offering.   ucts on his own, before passing on the          line the sale proposition.                       the sales proposition of the CEOs. How-
round of funding led by existing in-              largest banks in India, a                                        The company head-        league to a set of sales managers. But how          And of course, a look at product com-        ever, only if the CEO has unmatched tech
vestor Norwest Venture Partners                   leading travel portal and                                    quartered in Palo Alto       far are today’s startup founders and CEOs       panies, we would see more of technocrats         knowledge, sometimes sales might be
(NVP). NVP had previously invested                a mid-sized bank in                                          also has its presence in     in India willing to put their hands on sales?   towing the entrepreneurial line. “In terms       compensated by bringing in an expert,”
$4 million in the company. “NVP has               West Africa. Appmeter,                                       India with offices in            “One has to sell the vision of the com-     of sales and marketing, the CEO doesn’t          says Gaurav Saraf of Epipheny Ventures.
been very supportive of Appnomic’s                the cloud based version                                      Bangalore, Chennai, Hy-      pany at every point. Whether it is to the       handle any of it he is a core IT person,”            However, there are founders who have
growth and we are happy to be ex-                 of their solution, has                                       derabad and Mumbai;          employees or to the investors, the selling      says an Associate VP of a learning solution      plunked their hands on every possible do-
tending our relationship with them                been featured on the                          D Padmanabhan  Europe and Middle East.      does happen. In direct selling of the prod-     provider. In such a scenario, they are more      main. Gautam Rage, Founder and Director
with this round of funding,” said D               Rackspace and Amazon                                         “We believe Appnomic         ucts, at times CEOs are not ready and rely      oriented towards building a taut product         of Josh Software quickly pinpoints, “We
Padmanabhan, CEO of Appnomic.                     cloud for monitoring transaction per-       continues to be well positioned to ad-        on a more business-experienced person,”         without much loopholes instead of moving         make sure that either me or the other co-
The company’s total financing to date             formance of cloud-based applications.       dress IT management requirements of           says an ex-business developer of a loan         across the market and making the sales           founder are the only ones who become the
stands at $6.5 million. The company               Their existing clients include Red-         growing enterprises that are working          startup.                                        pitches. “When we as VCs look towards            face of the company while doing sales. In-
plans to use this series B funds to fur-          iff.com, Tata Business Support Serv-        with         both      on-premise       and       What is not realized, if one has a com-     investing, the company needs to have an          fact, at times, we tend to work on the prod-
ther enhance its sales presence in the            ices Ltd, Tata Sky, Yatra.com, Ramco,       hosted/cloud-based technologies. We           pany, one is in some way or the other in-       amiable CEO. Look at every big product           uct development, do the coding and at the
U.S., launch operations in Europe and             DataCore Software, Everest Bank Ltd,        look forward to partnering with App-          volved in selling whether in a conventional     firm, Sony, LG and you can see the CEOs          same time make time for proper research
enhance the application aware IT in-              and Karnataka Bank. They have also          nomic to help grow the company fur-           or in an unconventional way. The deterring      with significant sales experience and have       to pitch in for sales”.
frastructure management platform.                 acquired key U.S. customers such as         ther.” said Promod Haque, managing
    Appnomic’s Application Aware In-              Cypress Semiconductor, Stratus ASP,         partner, NVP.

                                                  largest independent remote consumer         model and believe that we have estab-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Platinum Sponsor                                 Gold Sponsor
iYogi Raises $30 Million
                                                  tech support company which has driven       lished the new market standard for tech                                                       Jan 22, 2011
                                                  an impressive 300 percent growth for its    support and related services through a
    Yogi, the first consumer service
                                                  premium annual subscription service         consistent user experience. Our planned
    brand from India, has raised $30 mil-
    lion in a new round of funding lead
by Sequoia Capital. With this invest-
ment iYogi will expand services outside
                                                  alone, and solved more than two million
                                                  tech problems for consumers since its
                                                  inception. The company’s existing mar-
                                                                                              expansion includes making our services
                                                                                              available in any geography, across any
                                                                                              platform, for any device, and at afford-
                                                  ket includes North America, Canada,         able price-points,” said Uday Challu,
the existing consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lanyard Sponsor                          Exhibitors
                                                                    the United Kingdom        Co-founder and CEO of iYogi.
market and the Windows
                                                                    and Australia, and with       “I believe that iYogi will be cited
Operating System plat-
                                                                    the funding the com-      amongst case studies of disruptive busi-
form. It will provide the
                                                                    pany has plans to in-     ness models delivering world-class
company with the capabil-
                                                                                                                                                   The Siliconindia Mobile Developer Conference brings
                                                                    creases its services to   service to global consumers from
ity to extend its platform to
                                                                                                                                                   together thought leaders and experts from different                       We have 4 exciting tracks:
                                                                    other countries in the    India,” said Shailendra Singh, Manag-
the global SME market
                                                                                                                                                   aspects of the mobile ecosystem. Tailored specifically                    iPHONE                ANDROID
                                                                    Europe, Middle East       ing Director of Sequoia Capital India.
and also aggressively ad-
                                                                                                                                                   for mobile application developers and technologists                       BLACKBERRY            QT
                                                                    and India. “We have in-   Apart from Sequoia Capital, iYogi’s ex-
dress the growing need for
                                                                                                                                                   this conference will help startups, investors, mobile
                                                                    vested significantly in   isting investors Canaan, SVB Capital
supporting mobile con-
                                                                                                                                                   carriers, device manufacturers to better understand                        Listen to some of the brightest minds in mobile
                                                                    extending our game        Partners, SAP Ventures and Draper
sumer devices.
                                                                                                                                                   the latest technologies that will define the mobile                        industry discuss the future of mobile technology.
                                                                    changing platform-as-     Fisher Jurvetson, also took part in this
     iYogi is the world’s
                                                                                                                                                   market of tomorrow. A one of its kind event covering                       Don't miss this unique opportunity. Learn from the
                                                        Uday Challu a-service      delivery   round of fund raising.
                                                                                                                                                   all aspects of mobile content development –                                mobile experts!
                                                                                                                                                   jam-packed with presentations, demonstrations, and

                                                                                                                                                   panel discussions. With some of the most interesting                      Register now at
The Smart Techie          January 2011
                                                                                                                                                   and engaging presenters from the Mobile industry                          http://www.siliconindia.com/events
                                                                                                                                                   this conference is for beginners, intermediate, and                        For speaking and sponsorship opportunities write to
                                                                                                                                                   advanced programmers of mobile content.                                    events@siliconindia.com or call 080-43402006
COVER STORY                                                                                                                                                                          COVER STORY
                                                                                                The mobile industry has al-        Indian market a decade ago,
                                                                                            ways been the biggest driver of        Nokia continues to rule the mo-
                                                                                            entrepreneurial ecosystem in           bile handset market with a 49.2
                                                                                            India, earlier with Mobile VAS         percent hold in terms of revenue

Forum Nokia
                                                                                            (example OnMobile, mCheck,             share. And with its global devel-
                                                                                            AdMob) and now a bigger push           oper community and support pro-
                                                                                            seems to be from Mobile App            gram, Forum Nokia, the
                                                                                            development. The app develop-          company ensures that its reach
                                                                                            ment is one area which has             across the developer community

                                                                                            hooked every one from an indi-         in India is as wide and in depth as

                                                                                            vidual developer to a startup to       it is with the consumers. The fact
                                                                                            an established mobile solutions        that India is one of the top five
                                                                                            company. With a plethora of plat-      markets for Ovi, it is understand-

                                                                                            forms like iPhone, Andorid,            able why Nokia is bullish on the
                                                                                            BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows           developer community here. And
                                                                                            CE, Palm, MeeGo, the play-             ensuring this is Sunil Rao, Head
                                                                                            ground is wide open for Indian         of Forum Nokia in India.
                                                                                            Mobile developers to test their             Of the 62.4 million smart-
                                                                                            skills.                                phones       shipped      globally,
         By Vimali Swamy                                                                        One of the first entrants in the   Nokia’s market share with its

                t is an era of unprecedented of growth for smartphones with 62.4 mil-
                lion smartphones having been shipped globally in second quarter of             OVI Store Trivia
                2010. It is an era of unprecedented mobile connectivity with people
                using their mobiles to access email, IM, VOIP, and social networking            Ovi Store attracts 3.5 million downloads a day, with an average of
                sites. According to a report by Morgan Stanley, in the next four years,          2.6 apps downloaded per visit.
                                                                                                About 90 percent of Ovi Store traffic converts to downloads.
         number of people accessing the internet from their mobile will be much more            Of Ovi Store's signed-in users, 85 percent are repeat visitors.
         than those accessing Internet from their PCs or laptops. It is an era of un-           Each active user averages 8.5 downloads per month.
                                                                                                                                                                         Sunil Rao
         precedented device convergence from maps, games, photos, camera, video                 Active users represent more than 190 countries.

         and everything else coming to one single device. It is an unprecedented era of         Games are No. 1 among paid downloads, and apps are No.1 among
                                                                                                 free downloads.
         adoption of the apps. Analysts predict that by end of 2012, 50 billion apps            40 percent of the content downloaded are games and 30 percent are
         will be downloaded globally. These statistics bring color a rosy picture for the        apps.
         mobile market globally. And the case in India is no different, the future looks        In India, the top apps downloaded are Utilities followed by Games

         equally promising. At 15 million mobile users being added monthly, the In-              and Entertainment
                                                                                                90 percent of Ovi Store users have Ovi Store in their local lan-
         dian mobile industry is hot on the radar of OEMs, operators and mobile en-            guages.
         trepreneurs.                                                                           Publishers from more than 90 countries distribute their content
                                                                                                 through Ovi Store.
                                                                                                400,000 new Forum Nokia developers were added in the last 12
                                                                                                92 publishers have over 1 million downloads each on Ovi Store.
                                                                                                Ovi Store supports 135 devices models, including 80 Symbian device
                                                                                                Touch devices account for 6 of Ovi Store's top 10 downloading device
                                                                                                 models: 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 mini, 5530 XpressMusic, 5230
                                                                                                 Nuron, and X6 where available.
                                                                                                The 10 most active countries are (in alphabetical order) China, Ger-
                                                                                                 many, India, Indonesia, Italy, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the U.K.
                                                                                                 and Vietnam.
                                                                                                Over 80 percent of Ovi Store users can purchase content from Ovi
                                                                                                 Store using their local currencies.
                                                                                                More than two-thirds of customers choose the mobile-billing pay-
                                                                                                 ment option in countries where it's available.
                                                                                                With support for 30 languages, 90 percent of visitors are using their
                                                                                                 local languages in Ovi Store
from around the world. With its ven-
                                                                                                                                                                                   Qt: The ‘cute’ software for Developers                                                                         ture fund arm Nokia Growth Partners
                                                                                                                                                                                   The Nokia Qt is a single, easy-to-use software developer kit for rapid develop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  founded in 2004, the company offers
                                                                                                                                                                                   ment, testing and deployment of native applications for millions of Nokia smart-                               growth-stage fund to mobile startups
                                                                                                                                                                                   phones and mobile computers around the globe. Nokia has multiple platforms to                                  across U.S., India, China, and Eu-
                                                                                                                                                                                   serve different purposes and address different markets. Its Symbian platform is                                rope.
                                                                                                                                                                                   known to bring in smartphones to the masses having more than 40 percent of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   global smartphone market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The forum also works closely
                                                                                                                                                                                        The primary benefits of Qt SDK are productivity (ease of use) and distribution                            with the local developer communities
                                                                                                                                                                                   (cross platforms). For instance, if a developer wants to access specific feature of                            like the Mobile Monday in India and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Symbian or MeeGo devices to further differentiate their application the Nokia Qt                               actively supports several mobile de-
                                                                                                                                                                                   SDK enables them to integrate the Symbian and Maemo SDK and make use of
                                                                                                                                                                                   any other the APIs these platforms offer in their application. Additionally, Qt will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  velopment events including the Sili-
                                                                                                                                                                                   play in bridging the gap between Symbian and MeeGo, the open source mobile op-                                 conIndia      Mobile        Application
                                                                                                                                                                                   erating systems that Nokia uses on its phones. Mobile Qt applications can support                              Conference among others. Apart from
                                                                                                                                                                                   the two operating systems, which means that the third-party application develop-                               the events, the company is also ac-
                                                                                                                “We are not chasing numbers                                        ers won't have to write their software twice if they want to reach users of both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tively engaged in simplifying its de-
                                                                                                                of total apps downloaded or                                        platforms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  veloper platform and recently its new
                                                                                                                available in the store but rather                                       Nokia has been constantly innovating to aid developers and ensure that they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Qt (pronounced as ‘cute’) SDK (Soft-
                                                                                                                empowering the developers,”
                                                                                                                                                                                   have the right platform to maximize downloads of their applications irrespective of
Symbian OS stood at 43.5 percent                             oper competition that was launched in                                                                                 the operating system in use. As per the Nokia’s developer strategy, Qt is one such                             ware Development Kit) for develop-
followed by others. Its Ovi store                            2008. In the first year, the forum saw             Purnima Kochikar, VP for Forum                                     cross-platform application and UI framework that is the sole development platform
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ers. This software makes it simpler
today clocks 3.5 million downloads a                         almost 1,000 developers from 57                    Nokia and Developer Community                                      for Nokia smartphones moving forward, enabling the developers reach hundreds of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and less laborious for developers to
day. Though it is comparatively be-                          countries participating in the compe-                                                                                 thousands of smartphones with one development platform.
                                                                                                              software engineer from India. The                                         Post the introduction of the Qt application; developers have seen a 70 percent                            create an app by reducing the number
hind world’s biggest app store, Apple                        tition and competing for a cash award
                                                                                                              Toddler Tutor app, a voice-based in-
                                                                                                                                                                                   reduction in code – saving development time, project costs, language international-                            of lines required to write a code by
iTunes Store that has over 300,000                           of $40,000. The following years saw                                                                                   isation, and code maintenance. Using Qt, developers are able to write web-en-
                                                                                                              teractive teaching aid app for toddlers,                                                                                                                                            about 70 per cent.
third-party applications available on                        close to 2000 submissions from over                                                                                   abled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded
                                                                                                              ultimately created by Spice Labs                                                                                                                                                        “Mobile Applications is making
it and has hit 7 billion download mark                       85 countries competing for the prize                                                                                  operating systems without rewriting the source code.
                                                                                                              bagged the third position.                                                                                                                                                          its way to be an inseparable part of a
as of October 2010, Nokia is not per-                        purse of $250,000. In all the three                                                                             skills, new connections, and new                         this will be the first step in creating a
                                                                                                                  The company also holds an an-                                                                                                                                                   mobile users life and it is this that will
turbed. “We are not chasing numbers                          years, Indian developers put in a                                                                               ideas to create future technologies.                     highly collaborative ecosystem that
                                                                                                              nual developer conference in India.                                                                                                                                                 drive the next wave of mobile entre-
of total apps downloaded or available                        spectacular show, some of whom                                                                                  The conference also has information                      will grow and thrive by sharing best
                                                                                                              Aimed at bringing together attendees                                                                                                                                                preneurship. At Nokia, we do not look
in the store but rather empowering the                       went on to grab top awards.                                                                                     sharing sessions by Industry, Busi-                      practices and setting a high bar for in-
                                                                                                              from across India to learn, share and                                                                                                                                               at app development as a technology
developers,” says Purnima Kochikar,                               ‘Hackathon’ is another such pro-                                                                           ness and Technology experts.                             novation,” says Kochikar.
                                                                                                              explore the latest in application and                                                                                                                                               differentiator anymore but rather our
VP for Forum Nokia and Developer                             gram where Forum Nokia called for                                                                                   “The convergence of mobility and                         Other programs include Forum
                                                                                                              content development, integration and                                                                                                                                                focus is on understanding the chal-
Community.                                                   developers to create an app based on                                                                            the internet is creating unprecedented                   Nokia Launchpad, a program de-
                                                                                                              distribution opportunities for Nokia                                                                                                                                                lenges from a developer stand point
                                                             ideas submitted from users all over the                                                                         opportunities to create innovative mo-                   signed to accelerate mobile applica-
                                                                                                              devices and services, the forum en-                                                                                                                                                 and in return help them understand the
Engaging the Developer                                       world, in 36 hours! 13 professional de-                                                                         bile apps that transform the way we                      tion development for companies and
                                                                                                              ables developers to utilize the poten-                                                                                                                                              facts, feelings, interactions and prob-
Community                                                    velopers from around the world                                                                                  live and access information. The In-                     individual developers in order to ele-
                                                                                                              tial of Nokia’s Ovi Store by ensuring                                                                                                                                               lems that a consumer may potentially
In just a few years of its launch,                           worked through 36 grilling hours to                                                                             dian developer is uniquely positioned                    vate their business visibility through
                                                                                                              easy access to publish applications                                                                                                                                                 face and the role of all the stake hold-
Forum Nokia has managed to quickly                           create real applications for the new                                                                            to leverage this opportunity. Forum                      Ovi store;Forum Nokia PRO, an invi-
                                                                                                              and content to millions of Nokia de-                                                                                                                                                ers in the value chain. At the end of
grasp the interest of developers across                      Nokia N8 using the Qt framework ,                                                                               Nokia is excited about partnering with                   tation-only program for companies
                                                                                                              vices. The conference further helps                                                                                                                                                 the day, we want to empower every
the world, especially India. To ac-                          based solely on ideas submitted by                                                                              and supporting this vibrant community                    and Nokia growth partners currently
                                                                                                              developers acquaint themselves with                                                                                                                                                 mobile app developer and make him
tively engage with the developer                             consumers during the Nokia N8 Make                                                                              of developers to find success not only                   working with it; and Forum Nokia
                                                                                                              dynamic technology platforms for                                                                                                                                                    realize the opportunities that are out
community, it runs a multitude of                            My App contest. One of the winning                                                                              in the Indian market but also in the                     Champion, a recognition and reward
                                                                                                              creating truly compelling user expe-                                                                                                                                                there for him This is what Forum
programs, the major one being “Call-                         app ideas at the 2010 Hackathon was                                                                             markets worldwide. Conferences like                      program for top mobile developers
                                                                                                              riences, equipping them with new                                                                                                                                                    Nokia is all about,” explains Rao.
ing all innovators”, a global devel-                         by Revathi Sreedharan, a 29-year-old

Calling All Innovators: Indian Developers hit jackpot

Toddler Tutor – Runner-up at Calling All Innovators                                                           Green Plaza - Second Runner-up at Calling all Innovators       Nano Ganesh – Winner of Calling all     Comics Creator – Winner of Calling       PlanEasy2D - Second Runner-up of Call-         Socially - Most downloaded social app on
                                                         Green Phone – Runner-up at Calling all Innovators
Hackathon                                                                                                     2010 in Eco-challenge Category                                 Innovators 2008 in Emerging Mar-        all Innovators 2010 in Entertainment     ing all Innovators 2010 in Productivity        Ovi Store
                                                         2008 in Eco-challenge Category
Developed by Delhi based Spice Labs, Toddler Tutor                                                            Developed by Webdunia.com , Green Plaza is an innova-          ket Category                            Category                                 Category                                       Developed by Bangalore based Antarix,
                                                         An S60 application maximizing battery life through
is a talking app that teaches children alphabets, num-                                                        tive Green application where individuals can test their        Developed by Ossian Agro Automa-        Developed by Nextwave Multimedia,        Developed by InfiMatra Technologies            Socially utilizes the rich data emerging
                                                         improved regulation of device backlight, WLAN,
bers and common words. The app displays flash                                                                 everyday life, know their carbon footprints and get learn-     tion, this application allows farmers   it is an easy-to-use mobile applica-     Planeasy2D application allow users to          from your social networks to enrich your
                                                         Bluetooth and charger power consumption.
cards that can be swiped through and a speak button                                                           ing tips/hints to maintain an eco-friendly lifestyle. Appli-   in India to establish remote contact    tion that allows you to create your      start drawing rooms and walls of their         phone's Address Book, Calendar, Cal-
that speaks out the displayed card. The app also in-                                                          cation is well categorized to check out emerging 'Green'       with distant, modem-equipped elec-      own comics, cartoon strips, photo        dream home in the dimension of their           lerID, Idle screen and more. Available on
cludes a coloring book with lots of images where chil-                                                        conceptions and technologies that will change the way we       tric irrigation pumps , to check on     journals, and more. With this applica-   choice on a sq.ft , on a basic blank screen    Ovi Store since August 2010, the app has
dren can select different colors to fill in.                                                                  live. Users can play an interesting green Quiz and can get     power supply and pump operation         tion, you can turn your ideas into a     of their mobile or desktop. One can also       seen over a million downloads.
                                                                                                              quick Go Green Tips that assist to reduce carbon foot-         without the need to travel long dis-    comic format that you like, and share    use it to draw floor plans, building exit
                                                                                                              prints and help people to make environment sound deci-         tances .                                it with your friends.                    plans and other plans easily and quickly
                                                                                                              sions in day-to-day life.
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