Page created by Gregory Mejia
ENERGY EVENTS CENTRE | ROTORUA                                                    11-14 JUNE 2020                               
ENERGY EVENTS CENTRE | ROTORUA                                                    11-14 JUNE 2020                               
You are invited to attend Rotorua GPCME 2020 to be held at the Energy Events                                            PLATINUM SPONSORS
Centre in Rotorua in June 2020. This has grown to be New Zealand’s premier medical
You   are invited
conference              to attend
                  providing      broadRotorua
                                          medical GPCME
                                                      update   2020 and to   be heldtake
                                                                          practical     at the
                                                                                             homeEnergy      Events
                                                                                                      information       PLATINUM SPONSORS
to improvein Rotorua      in Junemanagement
                 your patient        2020. This has        grown to be New
                                                         immediately.        A largeZealand’s
                                                                                                   of GPsmedical
each year, over   providing
                        700 inbroad
                                  2019.medical        update and practical
                                           This is complemented              by a verytake   home
                                                                                          large       information
                                                                                                 exhibition     from
to  improve
industry         your patient
             to inform     what ismanagement             immediately. Aand
                                      new on the pharmaceutical                 large  number
                                                                                   supply          of GPs attend
                                                                                            of equipment,       texts
each    year, over
and available           700 in 2019.
                    IT solutions,          This gaining
                                      all while   is complemented
                                                             sufficient CPD  by apoints
                                                                                    very to
                                                                                          large  exhibition
                                                                                             satisfy            from
                                                                                                       our College      SPEAKERS
of GPs and   to inform
                 Medical   what   is new
                             Council       on the pharmaceutical and supply of equipment, texts
and   available
Rotorua             IT solutions,
            is a great                all while with
                           central location,     gainingmany suffileisure
                                                                    cient CPD
                                                                            and points    to satisfy
                                                                                  fun options          our College
                                                                                                on offer    for time    SPEAKERSGAssoc Prof Barbara
                                                                                                                        A                                                      P
of GPs    and    Medical     Council    requirements.
out, especially for accompanying family members. Hotel accommodation is available                                       Mr Shahrukh Abdali                                     Dr Hussain Patel
                                                                                                                        Dr Brandon Adams             Galland                   Dr Alasdair Patrick
at groupisdiscounted
               a great central       location,
                               pricing,   with with
                                                 motels many     leisure
                                                            aplenty     forand    funwishing
                                                                              those    options to
                                                                                                on dooffer  for time
                                                                                                         their   own    A
                                                                                                                        Assoc Prof Simon             G
                                                                                                                                                     Prof Ed Gane              P Chrissie Patterson
                                                                                                                        Mr  Shahrukh Abdali          Assoc   Prof Barbara      Dr Nicky
                                                                                                                                                                                   Hussain    Patel
out, especially for accompanying family members. Hotel accommodation is available
thing.                                                                                                                  Adamson
                                                                                                                        Dr Rasha
                                                                                                                                                     Ms Sharryn
                                                                                                                                                                   Gannon      Dr
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Alasdair
                                                                                                                        Dr          Al Adams
                                                                                                                                       Taie          Dr Peter Gendall          Dr  John Perry
at group nurses
Practice      discounted and pricing,
                               practicewith      motelsare
                                           managers         aplenty     for those
                                                                essential      memberswishing   to do their
                                                                                            of general           own
                                                                                                           practice     Assoc
                                                                                                                        Dr BenProf    Simon
                                                                                                                                  Albert             Prof Ed Gane
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Nikhail  Ghallyan      MsCarl
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr   Chrissie
teams, with their own dedicated sessions on the Friday or Saturday, but able to attend
                                                                                                                        Prof Rohan Ameratunga        Ms  Sharryn
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Lucy       Gannon
                                                                                                                                                               Gibberd         Dr Sidhesh
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr  Nicky Perkins
                                                                                                                        Dr Paul
                                                                                                                        Dr Rasha    Al Taie
                                                                                                                                  Anderson           Dr Patrick
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Peter Gendall
                                                                                                                                                                 Gladding      Dr John
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr  ShaunPerry
the entirenurses
               meeting.  andWe practice    managers
                                  are grateful     for theare   essential
                                                             many              members
                                                                       presenters           of general
                                                                                      who give    of theirpractice
                                                                                                             time to    Dr Yvonne
                                                                                                                        Dr Ben Albert Anderson       Mr Nikhail
                                                                                                                                                     Ms          Ghallyan
                                                                                                                                                         Trish Gledhill        Dr Carl
                                                                                                                                                                               Mrs       Peters Plant
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Sidhesh Phaldessai
teams,    withmeeting
assist this      their own  sodedicated
                                well. The sessions
                                              strength of  onthe
                                                                     Friday or Saturday,
                                                                                   programme   butisable
                                                                                                     the to
                                                                                                          key attend
                                                                                                                 with   Prof
                                                                                                                        Dr    Rohan
                                                                                                                        Dr Caleb
                                                                                                                           Paul Anderson
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Kristin
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Lucy Gibberd
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Trevor
                                                                                                                                                                 Gladding      R
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr Shaun Phelan
                                                                                                                        Dr          Armstrong        Dr
many entire    meeting.practical
         concurrent         We are workshops
                                       grateful for throughout.
                                                       the many presenters who give of their time to                    Dr Yvonne
                                                                                                                        Dr            Anderson
                                                                                                                           Astrid Atlas              MsGraham
                                                                                                                                                     Dr  Trish Gledhill
                                                                                                                                                                               MrsMarius    Rademaker
                                                                                                                                                                                     Elizabeth   Plant
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Ashok Raj
assist   this meeting are
The presentations           so well.
                                 also The     strength
                                        available          of the academic
                                                     to delegates                  programme
                                                                         for 3 months’     post is   the key with
                                                                                                  conference       on
                                                                                                                        Dr April Armstrong
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Guy
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Kristin Good
                                                                                                                                                              Gudex            R
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Julie Roberts
                                                                                                                        Dr Caleb Armstrong           Dr Trevor Gray
many     concurrent        practical   workshops
the website for review as well.        throughout.                                                      Dr Bill Baber
                                                                                                                        Dr Astrid   Atlas            H
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Graham Gulbransen
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Marius
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms   PennyRademaker
                                                                                                                                                     Dr                        Dr Ashok     Raj
The   presentations         arethere
                                 also available                                                                         Dr Kate Baddock              Dr Fritha Hanning         Mr  Chris Ross
                                          will be to      delegates      for 3 months’     post conference         on                                   Guy Gudex
On Saturday            night,                        another        memorable        conference       dinner with       B
                                                                                                                        Dr Nicky Baillie             Ms Anastasia Hildred      Ms   Julie  Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr David Rowbotham
entertainment and a live band.    website    for review     as  well.                                                   Dr
                                                                                                                        ProfBill Baber
                                                                                                                              Alan  Barber           H
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Kuang-Chih Hsiao       MsGordon
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr   Penny Royle
                                                                                                                        Dr Kate
                                                                                                                           Rachel Baddock
                                                                                                                                     Barnes          Dr Fritha Hanning         Mr Chris Ross
On    Saturday
Registration      fees night,
                         caterthere       will be
                                 for trainees    andanother
                                                       practice memorable
                                                                    colleagues and   conference
                                                                                        spouses, kept dinnerat awith
                                                                                                                  low   Dr Nicky    Baillie
                                                                                                                        Dr Alex Bartle
                                                                                                                                                     J Anastasia Hildred
                                                                                                                                                     Ms                        S
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr David Rowbotham
                                                                                                                                                     Dr John   Jarvis Hsiao    Dr
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Sumit
level thanks to and         a live band.
                      the generous       support of industry, especially Boehringer Ingelheim and
                                                                                                                              Alan  Barber
                                                                                                                        Prof Richard Beasley         Dr Kuang-Chih
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Ryan Johnson-Hunt      Mr Sanjeewa
                                                                                                                        Dr Rachel
                                                                                                                           Emma Best Barnes          J
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Stu Jones              S
Medtech. fees cater for trainees and practice colleagues and spouses, kept at a low                                     Dr
                                                                                                                        Dr Alex
                                                                                                                                    Betty            Dr John Jarvis
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Anthony    Jordan
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Sumit
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms   BarbaraSamant
                                                                                                                        Prof  Richard   Beasley
level  thanksof
The stress        to busy
                      the generous
                              practices  support
                                           with everof industry,
                                                           increasingespecially     Boehringer
                                                                            consultation     ratesIngelheim
                                                                                                     dictates youand    Mr Kieran
                                                                                                                                     Bird            Mr RyanJordan
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Jody    Johnson-Hunt   Mr Richard
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr  Sanjeewa
                                                                                                                                                                                   Hayley    Scott
                                                                                                                        Dr Emma      Best
                                                                                                                           David Black               Dr Stu Jones              Samaraweera
deserve a break. We welcome you back for another great event in 2020, with over                                         Dr Bryan BettyBlincoe
                                                                                                                        Dr Annaliesse                K Anthony Jordan
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Anil
                                                                                                                        Mr  KieranBoberg
                                                                                                                                     Bird            Dr Jody
                                                                                                                                                                Kanji          Dr  Marc Sharma
The    stress of busy
100 workshops                 practices
                        and quality        with ever
                                        plenary            increasing
                                                    presenters.      One consultation
                                                                            lucky punter willrateswindictates    you
                                                                                                        the annual      Dr Chris
                                                                                                                                                     Dr                        Dr  Richard
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Rob     ShawSeemann
                                                                                                                        Dr David
                                                                                                                           David Black
                                                                                                                                    Bratt            Ms Lynley Kerr            Dr Anil
                                                                                                                                                                                   Rob Sharma
travel prize,a break.
                 courtesy We ofwelcome       you back
                                   the conference           for another
                                                         committee,       forgreat
                                                                               someevent    in 2020,
                                                                                      real quality   time with
                                                                                                            out.over    Dr
                                                                                                                        MsAnnaliesse      Blincoe    K
                                                                                                                                                     Assoc Prof Gary Kilov     Dr
                                                                                                                             Karen Brown             Dr
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Giresh
                                                                                                                                                        AshleyKanji            Dr Marc
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr  Andrew Shaw
                                                                                                                                                                                   Gajendra    Singh
100   workshops
Feedback                and quality
                is utilised             plenary presenters.
                                in constructing         the followingOne luckyyear'spunter  will win the
                                                                                       programme,        andannual
                                                                                                                        Mr Chris   Boberg
                                                                                                                            Rab Burtun               Ms
                                                                                                                                                                 Koning        Dr  Rob
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr Andrew Shieff
                                                                                                                               Lynley Byrne          Ms Lynley
                                                                                                                                                         Sasha KydKerr         Ms   Liz Sommer
travel  prize,   courtesy      of  the conference        committee,       for  some
suggestions for desired topics or speakers are acted on. Thank you for your ongoing   real quality   time   out.        C Karen Brown
                                                                                                                        Ms                           Assoc Prof Gary Kilov     Dr  Gajendra
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Liz Spellacy
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr  Andrew
                                                                                                                        C Gavin
                                                                                                                        Dr          Cape             L
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Ashley Koning          MsRichard
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr   Liz Spellacy
                                                                                                                        Mr  Rab Burtun
support The   utilised
                                              Medicalthe      following supports
                                                           Association        year's programme,
                                                                                         this meetingand        your
                                                                                                           strongly     Dr ChengYee
                                                                                                                           Gavin CapeChan            Dr
                                                                                                                                                                 Kyd           Ms
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr   Liz Sommer
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Richard
                                                                                                                                                                                   Dwayne     Steele
                                                                                                                        C                            Ms Pru Lennox             Ms   Liz Spellacy
and our thanks    for todesired
                           Lesley, topics
                                                  their team are foracted
                                                                       theiron.  Thank you for your ongoing
                                                                              assistance.                               Ms
                                                                                                                             Shantelle Chan
                                                                                                                        Dr ChengYee
                                                                                                                                    CapeChandra      L
                                                                                                                                                     Ms Victoria Lessing
                                                                                                                                                                               Mr Dwayne
                                                                                                                        MsJohn     Chaplin
                                                                                                                             Shantelle                                         MsShanu
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr   Sue Stewart
support     too. The
If you require        anyNew      Zealand
                            further           Medical
                                       details,            Association supports
                                                  visit                  this meeting
                                                                                     or contact            strongly
                                                                                                   the academic         Dr ChengYee
                                                                                                                        Prof  Kenneth
                                                                                                                        Dr John          Chan
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Anna
                                                                                                                                                                 Liang         Mr  Dwayne
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Shanu
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms              Stewart
                                                                                                                                                                                    Caro Swanson
                                                                                                                                                     Ms  PruKaren
and   our   thanks     to  Lesley,
convenor or conference organiser.     Kate  and   their   team     for their  assistance.                               Ms
                                                                                                                        Dr   Shantelle
                                                                                                                        Prof             Chandra
                                                                                                                                 Chen Chapman
                                                                                                                              Kenneth                Dr Min
                                                                                                                                                                    Lo         Ms
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Sue
                                                                                                                                                                               Prof Caro
                                                                                                                                                                                     Boyd Stewart
                                                                                                                        Dr John
                                                                                                                        Dr Tim
                                                                                                                           Stephen Chaplin
                                                                                                                                 ChenChild           Ms Victoria  Lessing
                                                                                                                                                         Kathy Lowe            Dr
If you require any further details, visit or contact the academic                                       Prof  Kenneth
                                                                                                                        Dr Andrew
                                                                                                                           Stephen    ChoChapman
                                                                                                                                                     Dr James Liang
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Caro Swanson
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Min Karen Lo           T
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr  Ai Ling Tan
convenor or conference organiser.                                                                                       Dr
                                                                                                                        Rt Tim Chen
                                                                                                                        Dr Hon
                                                                                                                           Andrew David`
                                                                                                                                      ChoClark       Dr
                                                                                                                                                                               Prof Boyd
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr AiLynda
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ling Tan
Kind regards,                                                                                                           Dr
                                                                                                                        Ms Stephen
                                                                                                                        Rt Hon         Child
                                                                                                                                  David`  Clark      Smith                     T
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Lindsay
                                                                                                                                                                                    Lynda Taylor
                                                                                                                        MsAndrew      Cho            M                         Dr
                           Academic Convenor
                                                                                                                        Dr David
                                                                                                                                      Clarke         Dr Andy MacGill           MsAi   LingTuckey
                                                                          Conference Organiser                          Rt Hon
                                                                                                                        Dr Tim
                                                                                                                           David  David`
                                                                                                                                    CodyreClark      Dr
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Kerry  Macaskill-
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr   Lindsay
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Lynda Taylor
Kind regards,                                                                                                           Ms   Lesley
                                                                                                                        Dr Tim
                                                                                                                           Rob        Clarke
                                                                                                                                                     Mackenzie                 V
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Lindsay Tighe
                           Peter Chapman-Smith                            Conference Matters                            Dr
                                                                                                                        Dr David    Codyre           Dr
                                                                                                                                                     MsAndy    MacGill         Dr  MariusTuckey
                           Academic Convenor                              Conference Organiser                             Phyllida
                                                                                                                           Rob Corbett                   Kiri Mann             Dr John
                           e:                        Leon Olsen                                    Dr Tim   Cookson
                                                                                                                           Rob    Corbett
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Katarzyna
                                                                                                                                                        Richard Martin         Rijinsoever
                                                                                                                                                                               V Andy Veale
                                                                                                                                                     Mackenzie                 Dr
                           Peter   Chapman-Smith
                           p: +64 (0)21 949 310                           Conference      Matters
                                                                          e:               Prof
                                                                                                                              Peter  Crampton        Dr John Mayhew            Dr Marius Van
                                                                                                                        Dr Nicky
                                                                                                                                     Crampton        Ms  Kiri Mann
                                                                                                                                                     Mr John   McConnell       W
                           e:                        Leon    Olsen
                                                                          p: +64 (0)21 164 3815                         Cotton-Baker
                                                                                                                        Dr Nicky Crook               Dr
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Richard   Martin
                                                                                                                                                        Orna McGinn
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr  Clare Wall
                                                                                                                        Prof Peter Crampton          Dr John   Mayhew          Dr Andy    Veale
                           p: +64 (0)21 949 310                           e:
                                                                             + 64 (0)9 437 4089                         D Nicky
                                                                                                                        Dr Glen Davies
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Alastair McLean
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Ian Wallbridge
                                                                                                                                                     Ms John
                                                                                                                                                         Mary McConnell
                                                                                                                                                                McLean         Ms Melissa Warren
                                                                          p: +64 (0)21 164 3815                         Dr Alan
                                                                                                                           Glen Davis
                                                                                                                                  Davies             Dr
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Orna
                                                                                                                                                        Hamish McGinn
                                                                                                                                                                  McPhail      Dr Adam
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr  Clare Wall
                                                                                                                        Mr  DavidDavis
                                                                                                                        Dr Alan     Dawn             Dr Alastair McLean        Dr Ian  Wallbridge
                                                                          f: + 64 (0)9 437 4089                         Dr
                                                                                                                        Mr Glen
                                                                                                                        Dr  DavidDavies
                                                                                                                           Danny     De Lore
                                                                                                                                    Dawn             Mr Kali Mercier
                                                                                                                                                     Ms  Mary   McLean
                                                                                                                        Dr Alan
                                                                                                                        Miss      Davis
                                                                                                                        Dr Danny     DeDennis
                                                                                                                                         Lore        Dr David Merrilees        Dr Jan White
                                                                                                                        Mr  David   Dawn             Mr Hamish
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Zac       McPhail
                                                                                                                                                              Moaveni          Dr  Adam    Watson
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Graeme Whittaker
                                                                                                                        Mr Peter Dine                                          Ms Courtney
                                                                                                                        Dr Danny     De  Lore
                                                                                                                        Prof Richard Douglas
                                                                                                                                                     Ms Kali
                                                                                                                                                                Morphet        Assoc    Prof West
                                                                                                                        Miss   Patrice  Dennis       Dr
                                                                                                                                                     Mr David
                                                                                                                                                                   Morrison    Dr Jan White
                                                                                                                                                                               Siouxsie   Wiles
                                                                                                                        Dr Alistair  Dunn            Dr                        Dr Sheridan
                                                                                                                                                                                   Graeme Whittaker
                                                                                                                        Mr Peter Dine                Dr Zac
                                                                                                                                                              Mostafa          Dr              Wilson
                                                                                                                        E                            Ms  Jane   Morphet        Assoc Prof
                          “Rotorua GP CME 2020” - has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand                            Prof Richard Douglas
                                                                                                                        Dr Simon Edmonds
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Miriam Mullard
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Malcolm    Morrison    Y
                                                                                                                                                                               Siouxsie Wiles
                                                                                                                        Dr Alistair  Dunn            Dr Mark   Muller
                           College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for                          F                            Dr Sam Mostafa            Mr  Clyde Young
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Sheridan     Wilson
                                                                                                                        E                            N Miriam Mullard          Ms Jane Young
                           up to 31GP  CMECME
                                    credits 2020”
                                                for- has
                                                     the been endorsed
                                                         General        byEducational
                                                                 Practice  The Royal New  Zealand
                                                                                      Programme                         Dr
                                                                                                                        Dr Tony
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Mark
                                                                                                                                                        Rachael   Niederer     Y
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Laura Young
                                                                                                                                                     Dr        Muller
                           College of
                           (GPEP)     General
                                   Years      Practitioners
                                          2 and             (RNZCGP) and
                                                 3 and Maintenance          has been approved
                                                                        of Professional        for
                                                                                        Standards                       Dr James Fingleton
                                                                                                                        F                            Dr Richard North          Mr Clyde Young
                                                                                                                        Dr Siale Foliaki             N                         Ms Jane Young
                           up to 31purposes
                           (MOPS)   credits CME for the General Practice Educational Programme                          Dr
                                                                                                                        MsTony     Farrell
                                                                                                                             Rebecca    Ford-Ripia   O
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Rachael Niederer       Dr
                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Mo
                           (GPEP) Years 2 and 3 and Maintenance of Professional Standards                               Dr
                                                                                                                        MsJames      Fingleton
                                                                                                                             Kim Fuller              Assoc   Prof North
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Richard   Amanda
                           ACLS Level 7 = 12 CME credits ACLS Level 5 = 4 CME Credits                                   Dr Siale Foliaki             Oakley                    Z
                           (MOPS) purposes                                                                              Ms Rebecca Ford-Ripia        O
                                                                                                                                                     Dr Paul Oei               Dr Mo Ziaei
                                                                                                                        Ms Kim Fuller                Assoc   Prof Amanda
                                                                                                                                                     Ms Theresa    O'Leary
                           ACLS Level 7 = 12 CME credits ACLS Level 5 = 4 CME Credits                                                                Oakley
                                              The professional sessions of this conference are                                                       Ms Jeannie Oliphant
                                                                                                                                                     Mr Paul
                                              endorsed by PSNZ ENHANCE, as suitable to be                                                            Ms Theresa O'Leary
                                              The       as part ofsessions
                                                    professional    a pharmacist’s
                                                                           of this CPD  for group
                                                                                   conference    are1                                                Ms Jeannie Oliphant
                                              learning and
                                              endorsed   bypharmacists   may allocate
                                                             PSNZ ENHANCE,            group 1 points
                                                                                 as suitable  to be                                                  Mr Sean O'Sullivan
                                              for each session
                                              included  as partattended. Accreditation
                                                                 of a pharmacist’s CPD#for
                                                                                            group 1
                                              learning and pharmacists may allocate group 1 points
                                              for each session attended. Accreditation # 2019/01
                                                                                                       A trade exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall
                                                                                                       and will be an integral part of the meeting. The welcome
    CONFERENCE CONTENT                                                                                 reception, morning and afternoon refreshments and
                                                                                                       lunches will be served in the exhibition area. Exhibition
                                                                                                       attendees at the 2019 meeting included:
    Pre-Conference Workshops
    Thursday 11 June 2020, Rotorua Energy Events Centre                                                ACC
                                                                                                       AFT Pharmaceuticals
    To provide further practical updates, there is an optional pre-conference workshop day             Apex Medical
                                                                                                       Aspen Pharmacare
    covering a broad range of hands-on topics, including an option to register for Basic and           Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ
    Advanced Surgical skills training. Please note topics are repeated content, not part 1 and 2.      Auckland Eye Ltd
                                                                                                       Australasian Menopause Society
    Some workshops have a limit on the numbers that can attend. Book early to avoid disappointment     Bay Audiology
    as some workshops will book out.                                                                   Beating the Blues
    Main Conference                                                                                    BioOil distributed by Douglas Pharmaceuticals
                                                                                                       Blackmores New Zealand
                                                                                                       Boehringer Ingelheim
    Friday 12 - Sunday 14 June 2020, Rotorua Energy Events Centre                                      Boehringer Ingelheim
                                                                                                       Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
i   Due to the popularity of the meeting, further workshop options have been added to the Saturday     Cannasouth Plant Research New Zealand Limited
    programme. All GPs, Practice Nurses, Practice Managers, GP Registrars and Students are             Canopy Cancer Care
                                                                                                       Capes Medical
    welcome to attend.                                                                       
                                                                                                       Centre for Advanced Medicine
                                                                                                       Clinicians owned by Douglas Pharmaceuticals
    Practice Managers Programme                                                                        Comprehensive Care
                                                                                                       Cooney Lees Morgan
                                                                                                       Dilworth Hearing
    Friday 12 June 2020, Rotorua Energy Events Centre                                                  Douglas Pharmaceuticals
                                                                                                       Eau Thermale Avène
    A dedicated Practice Managers programme has been developed to ensure all areas of General          EBOS Healthcare
    Practice interest are covered for this national conference. All Practice Managers are invited to   Esteem Healthcare
                                                                                                       Eye Institute
    attend and are welcome to attend any other sessions of interest.                                   Fertility Associates
    Practice Nurses Programme                                                                          Foot Mechanics
                                                                                                       Fragile X New Zealand Trust
                                                                                                       FUJIFILM SonoSite
    Saturday 13 June 2020, Rotorua Energy Events Centre                                                GlaxoSmithKline
                                                                                                       Green Cross Health
                                                                                                       Health TV
    A dedicated Practice Nurses programme will run concurrently with the main conference on            HealthLink
    Saturday. Practice Nurses are encouraged to register for the entire conference and are welcome     Heart Foundation
                                                                                                       Helius Therapeutics
    to attend all sessions.                                                                            Hikurangi Cannabis Company
                                                                                                       Homecare Medical
    Eqalis Welcome Function                                                                            Hope for Hearts
                                                                                                       Independent Living Service
    Friday 12 June 2020                                                                                Indivior
    6:30pm - 7:30pm, Exhibition Area, Energy Events Centre                                             La Roche-Posay
                                                                                                       LEO Pharma
                                                                                                       Lifestyle Insurance Consultants
    Unwind after a busy first day with drinks and canapés in the Exhibition area. A chance to catch    Macular Degeneration New Zealand
    up with colleagues and meet other delegates and industry.                                          McLaren Medical
                                                                                                       Medacs Healthcare
    Conference Dinner                                                                                  Medent Medical
                                                                                                       Medical Books
                                                                                                       Medical Devices and Testing Ltd
    Saturday 13 June 2020                                                                              Medical Protection Society
                                                                                                       Medical Specialists & Hospitals NZ
                                                                                                       MedicAlert Foundation
    7:30pm - 11:00pm, Millennium Hotel, $110 per person                                                Medical-Objects
                                                                                                       medi'Ray New Zealand Ltd
    Join your colleagues for an evening of relaxed fun. Buffet dinner, entertainment and live band.    MedRecruit
    Resuscitation Courses for GPs                                                                      MercyAscot
                                                                                                       Ministry of Health
    "CORE Skills" without exam (Previously Refresher Level 5)                                          MSD
                                                                                                       Mylan NZ Ltd
    This is an NZRC CORE Skills course (previously Level 5 Refresher non-assessed). Approved (4        Neilmed Pharmaceuticals
                                                                                                       New Zealand Defence Force
    hrs) course run by Jason Burns (NZRC Instructor CORE Advanced & Immediate, NZDA Approved           New Zealand Doctor
    Instructor, RNZCGP Endorsed Instructor, Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care instructor)       New Zealand Medical Association
                                                                                                       New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders
    Course Times: Friday 12 June, from 8:30am-1:00pm • Friday 12 June, from 2:00pm-6:30pm              Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    Saturday 13 June, from 8:30am-1:00pm • Saturday 13 June, from 2:00pm-6:30pm                        NZLocums
                                                                                                       Ochre Recruitment
    Cost: $230                                                                                         OptiPharm Pty Ltd
                                                                                                       Osteopaths New Zealand
                                                                                                       Pacific Edge Diagnostic Ltd
    “CORE Advanced" with exam (Previously Level 5 / 6 / 7 with exam)                                   Patney
                                                                                                       Pharmaco (NZ) Ltd
    Course duration for Resuscitation CORE ADVANCED is a minimum of 8 hours with expected              PMAANZ Education
                                                                                                       Procare Health Ltd
    pre-reading preparation time of at least 3 weeks prior.                                            Radiant Health
                                                                                                       Research Review
    Course Times: Thursday 11 June, from 8:30am – 6:30pm                                               Reserved
                                                                                                       REX Medical
    Cost: $530                                                                                         Roche Diagnostics
                                                                                                       Rural Doctors Workforce Agency
    Recording of Sessions                                                                              Safe Network Charitable Trust
    All main sessions will record a video image of the speaker, the audio of the speaker and the       Seqirus
                                                                                                       Southern Cross Health Society
    speakers actual slide presentations. All workshop sessions will capture the audio of the speaker   Southern Cross Hospitals
                                                                                                       St John
    and the speakers actual slide presentations.                                                       The Goodfellow Unit
                                                                                                       The Hemp Foundation (CME)
                                                                                                       The Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand
                                                                                                       The Pindrop Foundation
                                                                                                       USL Medical
                                                                                                       William Buck (NZ) Limited
                                                                                                       Work and Income
                                                                                                       Worldwise EDU
                                                                                                       Wyeth Nutrition
                                                                                                       ZOOM Pharmacy
             Thursday 11th June

            Fee applies - Energy Events Centre, Rotorua

                              Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.
                                           Some workshops have a maximum number of attendees.
                             WS #1                                          WS #2                                      WS #3
                        Better Questions                                    Diabetes                             Dermoscopy Workshop
                Empower, Engage, Motivate Patients                           Basic                                      Part 1

                            Tim Chen,                                     Carl Peters,                              Amanda Oakley
                          Lindsay Tighe                                   Rab Burtun

1030-1100   Morning Tea
                                              Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.

                             WS #9                                         WS #10                                      WS #11
                        Better Questions                              Diabetes - Advanced                        Dermoscopy Workshop
                Empower, Engage, Motivate Patients                    Insulin Masterclass                               Part 2
1100-1300                   Tim Chen,                                     Carl Peters,                              Amanda Oakley
                          Lindsay Tighe                                   Rab Burtun

1300-1400   Lunch
                                              Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.

                            WS #16                                         WS #17                                      WS #18
                        GP Surgery - Part 1                              Diabetes Basic                          Dermoscopy Workshop
                           Basic Skills                                   (Repeated)                               Part 1 (Repeated)

1400-1600               Brandon Adams,                                    Carl Peters,
                      Katarzyna Mackenzie,                                Rab Burtun                                Amanda Oakley
                           Jane Young
                            Max 30

1600-1630   Afternoon Tea
                                              Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.

                            WS #23                                         WS #24                                     WS #25
                       GP Surgery - Part 2                            Diabetes - Advanced                        Dermoscopy Workshop
                          Basic Skills                                Insulin Masterclass                          Part 2 (Repeated)
1630-1830               Brandon Adams,                                    Carl Peters,                              Amanda Oakley
                      Katarzyna Mackenzie,                                Rab Burtun
                           Jane Young
                            Max 30

1900-2330   Trivialitis Competition/Dinner
                                                                                         Thursday 11th June

                                             Please note: workshop content is repeated,not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.
                                                          Some workshops have a maximum number of attendees.
                      WS #4                          WS #5                             WS #6                                    WS #7
              Managing Mental Health in     Musculoskeletal Medicine 1       Contraception, LARC Insertion,              NZRC CORE Advanced
                Primary Care - Part 1         Cervico Thoracic Pain            and Menstrual Challenges               “With Exam / Assessment”
                                                                                                                (8 hours including written exam) - $530
0830-1030                                                                                                               (includes ACLS Manual)
                   Trish Gledhill,                Ian Wallbridge,                    Orna McGinn,
                                                                                                              This course has been endorsed by The Royal
                   Patrice Byrne                  Gajendra Singh                    Simon Edmonds             New Zealand College of General Practitioners
                                                                                                              and has been approved for 12 CME credits
                                                                                                              for maintenance of Professional Standards
                                                                                                              MOPS purposes.
                                                                                                              This course requires pre-reading of the
                                                                                                              NZRC Resuscitation – “A Guide for Advanced
                                                                                                              Rescuers” manual in order to successfully
1030-1100 Morning Tea                                                                                         complete the NZRC written test. The
                                                                                                              recommended pre-reading time is 3 weeks
                                                    Please note: workshop content is repeated                 prior. We recommend you order the manual
                                                                                                              at the time of registration with Conference
                     WS #12                          WS #13                            WS #14                 Matters (may be obtained online through
                                                                                                              Conference Matters or directly online through
              Managing Mental Health in     Musculoskeletal Medicine 2       Contraception, LARC Insertion,
                                                                                                              the NZRC website)
                Primary Care - Part 2          Cervico Thoracic Pain           and Menstrual Challenges
                                                                                                              The course covers and includes:
                                           Self care, Alignment Stability,            (Repeated)
                                                                                                              • (Pre-course reading purchased by
                                                       & Stress
1100-1300          Ashley Koning,                  Ian Wallbridge,                   Orna McGinn,
                                                                                                                   yourself - in advance to prepare for the
                                                                                                                   written test)
                   Caro Swanson                    Gajendra Singh                   Simon Edmonds             • Basic Life Support (Adult, child and baby
                                                                                                                   including choking)
                                                                                                              • Advanced airway management (single
                                                                                                                   and double person bag masking, guedel
                                                                                                                   airway insertion, LMA’s insertion)
                                                                                                              • A chance to practice Intubation (not
                                                                                                                   assessed now in Advanced)
1300-1400 Lunch                                                                                               • AED and rhythm recognitionM
                                                                                                              • Adult and child collapse algorithms
                                                    Please note: workshop content is repeated                 • Anaphylaxis management
                                                                                                              • Scenario based training including adult
                     WS #19                         WS #20                             WS #21                      and child
                                                                                                              • A compulsory multi choice test and skills
              Managing Mental Health in     Musculoskeletal Medicine 3         Deaf Culture and Improved           evaluation of airway management, safety
                Primary Care - Part 1         Cervico Thoracic Pain                 Communication                  using a defi brillator and cardiac rhythms
                    (Repeated)                 Putting it Together,                                           • This is a NZRC CORE Advanced course
1400-1600          Trish Gledhill,             & Self Management                    Victoria Lessing
                                                                                                                   (previously Level 7) Approved (8 hrs)
                                                                                                                   course run by Jason Burns (NZRC
                           Byrne                 Ian Wallbridge,                    plus interpreter               Instructor CORE Advanced & Immediate,
                                                 Gajendra Singh                                                    NZDA Approved Instructor, RNZCGP
                                                                                                                   Endorsed Instructor, Royal New Zealand
                                                                                                                   College of Urgent Care instructor).
                                                                                                              • Attendees will be registered nurses,
                                                                                                                   medical practitioners or people who have
                                                                                                                   the skills contained in the course as part
                                                                                                                   of their scope of practice. It is expected
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea                                                                                            that students will already have the skills
                                                    Please note: workshop content is repeated                      and knowledge required for Resuscitation.
                                                                                                                   Course duration for Resuscitation CORE
                     WS #26                          WS #27                           WS #28                       ADVANCED is a minimum of 8 hours with
                                                                                                                   expected pre-reading preparation time of
              Managing Mental Health in     Musculoskeletal Medicine 4         Deaf Culture and Improved           at least 4 hours.
                Primary Care - Part 2         Cervico Thoracic Pain                 Communication             • You are expected to access resources at
                    (Repeated)                Key Radiology Points,                   (Repeated)                   your disposal.
                                                 & Percutaneous                                               Examples of suitable texts may include:
1630-1830          Ashley Koning,           Radiofrequency Neurotomy                Victoria Lessing          • PRIME course material on resuscitation
                   Caro Swanson                   Ian Wallbridge                    plus interpreter          • NZRC Resuscitation – “A Guide for
                                                  Peter Gendall,                                                   Advanced Rescuers” manual in order to
                                                  Gajendra Singh                                                   successfully complete the NZRC written
                                                                                                                   test. The recommended pre-reading time
                                                                                                                   is 3 weeks prior.

1900-2330                                 Trivialitis Competition/Dinner
              Friday 12th June

0700-0800    ACC Breakfast Session - Key Conversations with GP’s in 2020
0800-0805    Conference Opening and Welcome
0805-0830    Peter Foley Memorial Oration
0830-0855    The Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa Inquiry into Health: Implications for Primary Care
0855-0920    Achieving a Healthy and Sustainable Diet
0920-0945    Endovascular Clot Retrieval for Stroke
 0945-1010   Topic to be confirmed
 1010-1030   Panel Discussion
 1030-1100   Morning Tea and Exhibition
                       NZMA Election 2020 Political Debate
1100-1300             Your profession, Your views, Your issues
                              Facilitator: Karen Brown
                          Welcome from NZMA Chairman
 1100-1110                       Kate Baddock
                                  Minister of Health
 1110-1130                           David Clark                         Concurrent Sessions
                           National Health Spokesperson                          WS #39                       WS #40                          WS #41
 1130-1150                          Shane Reti                           Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes        Herbal Medicine                 Cellphones and
                            Green Health Spokesperson                       with Low Carbs and          Safe and Effective Use in          Technology/ Falls
 1150-1210                      Julie Anne Genter                             Ketogenic Diets               General Practice               and Depression in
                           NZ First Health Spokesperson
 1210-1230                        Jenny Marcroft
                                                                                 Glen Davies                  Nicky Baillie                   Astrid Atlas
1230-1300                         Panel Discussion

1300-1400    Lunch & Exhibition
                                                                         or Concurrent Sessions
1400-1600                   Plenary Session: Respiratory                      WS #50                WS #51                WS #52                 WS #53
                                 Chair: Buzz Burrell
                                                                             Immunology            Hereditary         Digital Health and      Around the World
                        Anti-Inflammatory Reliever Therapy                     Forum:             Gynaecologic         Practice Portals         in 60 Minutes -
1400-1425                         Richard Beasley                                                   Cancers                                  Investment Outlook
                                                                            (Not Repeated)                                 Sanjeewa            Shahrukh Abdali,
             Treatable Traits - One Step Closer to Personalised Medicine                            Ai Ling Tan          Samaraweera           John McConnell,
1425-1450                          James Fingleton                       Rohan Ameratunga,                                                         Peter Dine
                                                                            Richard Steele,
                           Optimal Management of COPD                      Anthony Jordan,      Repeated Sessions
 1450-1515                                                                Annaliesse Blincoe
                                    Stu Jones                                                      WS #63                 WS #64                 WS #65
                                                                                                   Hereditary         Digital Health and      Around the World
                        What To Do in Severe Asthma/COPD                                          Gynaecologic         Practice Portals        in 60 Minutes -
 1515-1540                          Andy Veale                                                      Cancers                                  Investment Outlook

                                                                                                    (Repeated)            (Repeated)              (Repeated)
1540-1600                         Panel Discussion

1600-1630    Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
                         Plenary Session: Gastroenterology               or Concurrent Sessions
                               Chair: Luke Bradford
                                                                             WS #80                 WS #81                WS #82                 WS #83
               Irritable Bowel Syndrome - More Than Just FODMAPS          Skin Cancer Forum:   Developing New           Case Studies in        Healthy Aging
1630-1645                           John Perry                             Early Detection   Frontiers to Manage         Occupational         Hearing Loss and
                       GORD - How to Optimise Management                    and Prevention       Depression               Medicine            Managing Tinnitus
1645-1700                       Alasdair Patrick
                                                                            (Not Repeated)
                    ammatory Bowel Disease from a GP’s Perspective                                 Giresh Kanji           David Black         Shantelle Chandra
 1700-1715                     David Rowbotham                             Amanda Oakley,
                                                                          Marius Rademaker,
                 Hepatobiliary Lesions on imaging - What Matters,           Richard Martin,     Repeated Sessions
                      What Doesn’t - Marius Van Rijinsoever                  Chris Boberg,
                                                                                                   WS #93                 WS #94                 WS #95
                                                                             Jody Jordan
                     The Microbiome - Are Probiotics Any Use?                                     Developing New        Case Studies in        Healthy Aging
1730-1745                          Ashok Raj                                                    Frontiers to Manage      Occupational         Hearing Loss and
                   Bowel Screening - New Zealand and the World                                      Depression            Medicine            Managing Tinnitus
1745-1800                          John Jarvis
                                                                                                    (Repeated)            (Repeated)              (Repeated)
1800-1830                         Panel Discussion

1830-1930    Eqalis Welcome Function - Exhibition Hall
1930-2100    Novartis Evening Symposium - Heart Failure - What a General Practitioner Needs to Know in 2020 - Plenary Room
                                                                                                                                          Friday 12th June

                                                                                        John Robson                                                            Chair: TBA
                                                                                        GPC Chair: Jan White                                                   Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
                                                                                        Marc Shaw
                                                                                        Peter Crampton
                                                                                        Boyd Swinburn
                                                                                        Alan Barber
                                                                                        Siouxsie Wiles

              12:05pm-1:00pm (Not repeated)
        WS #42                          WS #43                        WS #44                     WS #45                    WS #46                       WS #47                   WS #48
Transcranial Magnetic               Childhood Trauma -              How Effective            A Short History of the    Recognition and           An Interactive Quiz         An Interdisciplinary
    Stimulation in                 Impacts and Infl
                                                   uence           Governance Can             Medicine of Mobile      Response - Intimate         - How Well Do You           Team Approach
Treating Depression -               on the Development              Improve Clinic             Telephony to 5th       Partner Violence in        Understand Hearing            to Concussion
     Newsflash                     of Problematic Sexual             Profitability          Generation and Beyond        Primary Care                   Loss?                   Management
                                                                 Malcolm Morrison,                                       Penny Rollo,                                        Richard Seemann,
         Rob Shieff                     David Dawn               Anastasia Hildred               David Black          Rebecca Ford-Ripia         Ryan Johnson-Hunt              Sasha Kyd

              (55mins, 2:00pm-2:55pm repeated at 3:05pm)
      WS #54                       WS #55                  WS #56                       WS #57              WS #58                WS #59                  WS #60                   WS #61
Everyone is stressed and            The Young            Reducing Inequity -         HPV and Head and    Pearls on Eyes for    AF and Polygenic           Women’s Health        End of Life Care
 refl uxing (including us):          Athlete          Practical Skills for Working     Neck Cancer         the Busy GP           Risk Scores            - AbnormalUterine
                                                                                                                                                          Abnormal Uterine       & Intellectual
  Maximise lifestyle and                              Alongside the underserved                                                                         Bleeding Pathways          Disability
pharmacological interventions                            Alastair McLean,                                 Shanu Sabbiah,                                                          Kim Fuller,
  David Rowbotham                  Mark Muller            Danny De Lore                Andrew Cho         Adam Watson           Patrick Gladding           Guy Gudex              Pru Lennox

              (55mins, 3:05pm-4:00pm)
     WS #66                        WS #67                  WS #68                      WS #69               WS #70                 WS #71                  WS #72                 WS #73
Everyone is stressed and            The Young            Reducing Inequity -         HPV and Head and    Pearls on Eyes for    AF and Polygenic         Women’s Health -        End of Life Care
 refl uxing (including us):          Athlete          Practical Skills for Working     Neck Cancer         the Busy GP           Risk Scores             Abnormal Uterine        & Intellectual
  Maximise lifestyle and                              Alongside the underserved                                                                         Bleeding Pathways          Disability
pharmacological interventions
       (Repeated)                   (Repeated)              (Repeated)                  (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)              (Repeated)              (Repeated)

              (55mins, 4:30pm-5:25pm repeated at 5:35pm)
      WS #84                       WS #85                  WS #86                       WS #87              WS #88                WS #89                  WS #90                   WS #91
    Getting Your                Screening and Brief        Case Studies               Diving Medical      Team Turmoils           4 Fatal Health          Workshop on           Understanding
   Practice Ready                 Intervention for           in ENT                    Assessment          – Pitfalls and      Conditions Affecting     Managing Anxiety       Hi Tech Imaging;
      For Sale                   Substance Abuse                                                            Pleasures of           People with           and Depression        How to Fine Tune
                                                                                                         Working in a Team    Intellectual Disability     - Bring Your          Referrals and
    Clyde Young,                                                                                           Tim Cookson,             Lynley Kerr,           Questions           Decode Reports
   Courtney West                  Ashley Koning         Richard Douglas                 Andy Veale         Lucy Gibberd,             Kim Fuller,           Rob Shieff           Peter Gendall
                                                                                                          Sean O’Sullivan           Pru Lennox

              (55mins, 5:35pm-6:30pm)
     WS #96                        WS #97                  WS #98                      WS #99              WS #100                WS #101                 WS #102                WS #103
    Getting Your                Screening and Brief        Case Studies               Diving Medical      Team Turmoils           4 Fatal Health          Workshop on           Understanding
   Practice Ready                 Intervention for           in ENT                    Assessment          – Pitfalls and      Conditions Affecting     Managing Anxiety       Hi Tech Imaging;
      For Sale                   Substance Abuse                                                           Pleasures of            People with           and Depression        How to Fine Tune
                                                                                                         Working in a Team    Intellectual Disability     - Bring Your          Referrals and
                                                                                                                                                            Questions          Decode Reports
      (Repeated)                    (Repeated)              (Repeated)                  (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)              (Repeated)             (Repeated)

                                                                                                                                                   Chair: To be confirmed
              Saturday 13th June

0700-0755    GSK Breakfast Session: Treating for Asthma Outcomes – from Basics to Biologics
0700-0755    AbbVie Breakfast Session: GPs Role in Eliminating Hepatitis C by 2030 / Update on Hidradenitis Suppurativa

             Plenary : Your Patients Are Started on Insulin             or Concurrent Sessions
0800-1030        – What’s Next? Chair: Nic Crook
                                                                           WS #105              WS #106              WS #107            WS #108
               Introduction to Diabetes Management Issues in 2020            Child and         Management of       Managing Cows’     Can I Go Back to
0800-0820                            Nic Crook                              Adolescent            Thyroid           Milk Allergy       Work Doc? – A
                                                                          Obesity Forum          Nodules                              Quick Structured
                               The Glycaemic Tetrad                       (Not Repeated)                                                Assessment
0820-0840                           Gary Kilov
                                                                           Ben Albert,          John Chaplin      Kuang-Chih Hsiao       David Bratt
                                                                        Yvonne Anderson,
                          Options for Intensifying Insulin
0840-0900                          Bryan Betty
                                                                         Boyd Swinburn
                                                                                              Repeated Sessions

                           New Technologies in Diabetes                                          WS #118             WS #119            WS #120
                                   Gary Kilov
                                                                                               Management of       Managing Cows’     Can I Go Back to
                                                                                                  Thyroid           Milk Allergy       Work Doc? – A
                             Case Studies in Diabetes                                            Nodules                              Quick Structured
0920-1000                           Nic Crook                                                                                           Assessment

1000-1030                           Discussion                                                   (Repeated)          (Repeated)         (Repeated)

1030-1100    Morning Tea and Exhibition
                          Plenary Session: Sexual Health                or Concurrent Sessions
1100-1300                  Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
                                                                           WS #130               WS #131             WS #132            WS #133
              Common presentations: Vaginal and urethral discharge         Eyes Forum:          How Better        Secondary Stroke      Obesity and
 1100-1115                      Nicky Perkins                             (Not Repeated)       Business Skills       Prevention         Endometrial
                                                                                              Can Improve Your                            Cancer
                 Common presentations: Lumps bumps and ulcers
 1115-1130                      Min Karen Lo
                                                                           Trevor Gray,            Career
                                                                             Mo Ziaei,
                                   Beyond HPV                             Hussain Patel,       April Armstrong       Alan Barber        Ai Ling Tan
 1130-1145                         Min Karen Lo                           Rasha Al Taie,
                                                                         Rachel Niederer,
                       The Relevance of Resurging Syphilis               Rachael Barnes       Repeated Sessions
1145-1200                        Nicky Perkins
                                                                                                 WS #143             WS #144            WS #145
                                Transgender Issues
1200-1215                        Jeannie Oliphant
                                                                                                How Better        Secondary Stroke      Obesity and
                                                                                               Business Skills       Prevention         Endometrial
                            What is Healthy Sexuality?                                        Can Improve Your                            Cancer
1215-1230                          David Dawn                                                      Career

                                                                                                 (Repeated)          (Repeated)         (Repeated)
1230-1300                           Discussion

1300-1400    Lunch and Exhibition
              Plenary Session: Haematology and Thromboembolism          or Concurrent Sessions
1400-1600                         Chair: TBA
                                                                           WS #155               WS #156            WS #157            WS #158
                              Update on Thrombosis                         Mental Health          Abnormal        Hand Problems,      Everything You
1400-1420                        Gordon Royle                                 Forum:           Immunoglobulin    and Painless Local   Need to Know to
                                                                           Let’s Get Real          Results          Anaesthesia       Manage Kidney
                         Managing VTE in the Community                    (Not Repeated)                                                  Stones
1420-1440                          Kiri Mann                                                  Rohan Ameratunga      Zac Moaveni        John Tuckey
                                                                           Trish Gledhill,
                         Cancer - Associated Thrombosis                   LynleyDennis,
                                                                          Patrice  Byrne
1440-1500                          Laura Young                            Ashley Koning,      Repeated Sessions
                                                                          Caro Swanson
                       Myeloproliferative Disorders in 2020                                      WS #168            WS #169            WS #170
                                   James Liang                                                    Abnormal        Hand Problems,      Everything You
                                                                                               Immunoglobulin    and Painless Local   Need to Know to
                              Approaches to Anaemia
1520-1540                         James Liang
                                                                                                   Results          Anaesthesia       Manage Kidney

1540-1600                           Discussion                                                   (Repeated)          (Repeated)         (Repeated)

1600-1630    Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
                                                                                                                  Saturday 13th June

                                                             Kenneth Chapman                                                   Chair:
                                                             Tony Farrell, Amanda Oakley                                       Chair:

         (55mins, 08:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
   WS #109              WS #110              WS #111             WS #112               WS #113               WS #114               WS #115             WS #116
 Everything a GP      Management of        From Diffi
                                                        cult    No One Should Die    Head and Neck       Immunotherapy and         Exercise in       Telepsychiatry
 Needs to Know to    Acute and Chronic   Bowels to Broken         of Melanoma          Pearls from          Gene-testing-          Pregnancy
   Manage ED          Rhinosinusitis           Bottoms                              Plastics and ENT     directed Therapy in
                                              John Perry,                                                     Oncology
                                             John Jarvis,         Chris Boberg,      Zac Moaveni,
   John Tuckey        Richard Douglas    Marius Van Rijinsoever   Andy MacGill       Andrew Cho            Richard North          Mark Muller       Caleb Armstrong

         (55mins, 9:35am-10:30am)
   WS #121              WS #122             WS #123              WS #124              WS #125               WS #126               WS #127             WS #128
 Everything a GP      Management of       From Diffi
                                                    cult     No One Should Die       Head and Neck       Immunotherapy and         Exercise in       Telepsychiatry
 Needs to Know to    Acute and Chronic   Bowels to Broken      of Melanoma             Pearls from          Gene-testing-          Pregnancy
   Manage ED          Rhinosinusitis        Bottoms                                 Plastics and ENT     directed Therapy in

   (Repeated)           (Repeated)          (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)          (Repeated)

         (55mins, 11:00am-11:55am repeated at 12:05pm)
   WS #134              WS #135             WS #136              WS #137              WS #138               WS #139               WS #140              WS #141
Living and Driving  Practical CBT       The GP’s Role in       Update on ECGs          Abnormal            Why Practice         Spirometry Case     To be confi
- Decision Making Tools for Anxiety to Childhood Obesity                                LFT’s            Alignment Matters          Studies
   in the Older    Use in a 15 Minute    Management -
 Impaired Person     Consultation      Solving the World
                                         in 15 minutes!                                                     Clyde Young,
    Alan Davis        Rob Shieff       Yvonne Anderson         Patrick Gladding     Alasdair Patrick       Courtney West           Andy Veale             TBC

          (55mins, 12:05pm-1:00pm)
   WS #146              WS #147             WS #148              WS #149              WS #150                WS #151              WS #152             WS #153
Living and Driving  Practical CBT       The GP’s Role in       Update on ECGs          Abnormal            Why Practice         Spirometry Case     To be confirmed
- Decision Making Tools for Anxiety to Childhood Obesity                                LFT’s            Alignment Matters          Studies
   in the Older    Use in a 15 Minute    Management -
 Impaired Person     Consultation      Solving the World
                                         in 15 minutes!
    (Repeated)        (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)          (Repeated)

          (55mins, 2:00pm-2:55pm repeated at 3:05pm)
  WS #159                WS #160           WS #161              WS #162              WS #163                WS #164           WS #165               WS #166
 Analysis of the     IBD Management:      The First Steps       Spinal Pain:         Medtech User        A New Sustainable    Cardiovascular     Retirement Planning
 Tectonic Shift      What Can You Do       after Cancer       Updates from the          Group             Guide to Healthy Genomics and Familial - The Prognosis for a
  in Glycaemic        in Primary Care?      Diagnosis         Mercy Fast Track                           Eating and Weight Hypercholesterolaemia Medical Practitioner
 Management                                                     Pain Clinic                                     Loss                              Shahrukh Abdali,
   Gary Kilov,                                                                                                                                    John McConnell,
    Nic Crook        David Rowbotham      Fritha Hanning         Giresh Kanji       Chrissie Patterson     Paul Anderson     Patrick Gladding         Peter Dine

         (55mins, 3:05pm-4:00pm)
   WS #171               WS #172           WS #173              WS #174               WS #175               WS #176           WS #177                WS #178
  Analysis of the    IBD Management:      The First Steps       Spinal Pain:          Medtech User       A New Sustainable    Cardiovascular     Retirement Planning
 Tectonic Shift in   What Can You Do       after Cancer       Updates from the          Group             Guide to Healthy Genomics and Familial - The Prognosis for a
   Glycaemic          in Primary Care?      Diagnosis         Mercy Fast Track                           Eating and Weight Hypercholesterolaemia Medical Practitioner
  Management                                                    Pain Clinic                                     Loss

   (Repeated)           (Repeated)          (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)          (Repeated)
              Saturday 13th June

                      Plenary Session: OSA and Sleep Apnea             or Concurrent Sessions
1630-1815                           Chair: TBA
                                                                          WS #180                WS #181             WS #182                  WS #183
                       OSA From a Rhinologist’s Perspective            Professional Digital       Ears Made            Genital               The Sharp Edge of
1630-1645                       Richard Douglas                          and Telehealth             Easy          Dermatology, Pain          Immunisation: The
                                                                             Forum                                  and Discharge         Latest Tips and Updates
                                                                         (Not Repeated)                                                   on Vaccines for Whole of
                                It Takes Two to Tango                                                                                          Life and Travel
1645-1700                           Sumit Samant                          Kristin Good,                             Nicky Perkins,             Emma Best,
                                                                         David Codyre,         Theresa O’Leary      Min Karen Lo              Jane Morphet
                    Finding Patients with OSA in Your Practice          Simon Adamson,
1700-1715                          Andy Veale                             Siale Foliaki,
                                                                        Sharryn Gannon,       Repeated Sessions
                                                                         Andrew Slater,
                          A New Primary Care OSA Service
 1715-1730                                                                 Sanjeewa              WS #193             WS #194                  WS #195
                                    Andy Veale
                                                                         Samaraweera              Ears Made            Genital               The Sharp Edge of
                                                                                                    Easy          Dermatology, Pain          Immunisation: The
                            Why Can’t My 16yr Old Sleep?
1730-1745                           Alex Bartle
                                                                                                                    and Discharge         Latest Tips and Updates
                                                                                                                                          on Vaccines for Whole of
                                                                                                                                               Life and Travel

1745-1800                            Discussion                                                   (Repeated)           (Repeated)              (Repeated)

1930-2300    Conference Dinner - Speaker: Marc Shaw                    Mokoia Room, Millennium Hotel

               MAIN PROGRAMME
               Sunday 14th June

0730-0830    Breakfast session - Radiant Health:

                                   Plenary Session
                                                                       or Concurrent Sessions
0830-1030                             Chair: TBA                          WS #205               WS #206             WS #207             WS #208
                                                                        Cannabis Reform         Rhinoplasty:     Pharmacogenomics -    Doc, the Internet
              The First and Last National Hep C Elimination Strategy          in NZ           Fusion of Form and Taking the Guesswork  says I Have IBS.
0830-0855                            Ed Gane                             (Not Repeated)            Function        Out of Prescribing What Do You Think?

                                                                       Graham Gubransen,
                          What Matters to You, Matters to Us              Alistair Dunn,                              Sam Mostafa,          Alasdair Patrick,
0855-0920                        ewa,Stewart,
                            Dwayne     rtt, Hayley
                                                Hayley Scott             Elizabeth Plant,       Sumit Samant      Kerry Macaskill-Smith     Miriam Mullard
                                                                           Gavin Cape,

               Changing Shots: What’s News With the Immunisation
                                                                          Tony Farrell,       Repeated Sessions
0920-0945                                                                  Kali Mercier
                  Schedule for 2020 and Beyond - Emma Best                                       WS #218            WS #219             WS #220
                                                                                                Rhinoplasty:     Pharmacogenomics -    Doc, the Internet
              Beyond Binary: General Practice as Leaders in Reducing                          Fusion of Form and Taking the Guesswork  says I Have IBS.
0945-1010          Inequity - Alastair McLean, Danny De Lore                                       Function        Out of Prescribing What Do You Think?

                                                                                                 (Repeated)           (Repeated)               (Repeated)
1010-1030                            Discussion

1030-1100    Morning Tea and Exhibition
 1100-1125   Never-Ending PTSD after a Terrorist Shooting
 1125-1150   The Relationship Between Primary and Secondary Care
 1150-1215   Insurance - a Risky Business?
 1215-1240   The New Zealand Health and Disability System Review - Where To From Here?
1240-1300    Discussion
   1300      Conference Closes
                                                                                                                     Saturday 13th June

         (55mins, 4:30pm-5:25pm repeated at 5:35pm)
   WS #184              WS #185             WS #186               WS #187                WS #188               WS #189                WS #190                 WS #191
   First Episode       Patient Centric    Advanced Breast        Investment in a        What Matters to       Psychodynamic         Prostates, Periods,   Advances in Hearing
Psychosis in Youths   Referral Pathways        Cancer           Low Interest Rate      You, Matters to Us   Aspects of the Doctor      Peeing and         Technology – What
                        Beyond DHBs       A Toolkit for GPs     World – Options                              Patient Interaction         Prolapse           Does the Future
                                          Sheridan Wilkson,     for Building Your                            - Approach to the                                  Hold?
                                           Melissa Warren,           Wealth                                  ‘Diffi cult’ Patient
                                                                                                             ‘Difficult’              Anil Sharma,
                                           Phyllida Cotton-     Hamish McPhail,        Dwayne Stewart                                Anna Lawrence,
 Caleb Armstrong         Alan Davis             Barker
                                                Baker              Sue Stewart         Dwayne
                                                                                               Scott        Sidhesh Phaldessai       David Merrilees      Kaushi Ambepitiya

        (55mins, 5:35pm-6:30pm)
   WS #196              WS #197             WS #198               WS #199               WS #200                WS #201                WS #202                WS #203
   First Episode       Patient Centric     Advanced Breast      Investment in a Low     What Matters to       Psychodynamic         Prostates, Periods,   Advances in Hearing
Psychosis in Youths   Referral Pathways        Cancer          Interest Rate World –   You, Matters to Us   Aspects of the Doctor      Peeing and         Technology – What
                        Beyond DHBs        A Toolkit for GPs    Options for Building                         Patient Interaction         Prolapse           Does the Future
                                                                    Your Wealth                              - Approach to the                                  Hold?
                                                                                                             ‘Diffi cult’ Patient

    (Repeated)           (Repeated)           (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)              (Repeated)             (Repeated)

                                                                                                                   MAIN PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                     Sunday 14th June

         (55mins, 8:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
 WS #209                WS #210                WS #211           WS #212                 WS #213               WS #214                WS #215                 WS #216
   Psycho-                Gender          Cochlear Implants DNA Technologies               Financially      Your Supporting Role      Identifying          The Development of
Pharmacology in          Affirming         - Indications and in General Practice         Preparing for       For Young People’s     Medically at Risk       the Microbiome in
 Older People          Healthcare for     Benefits
                                          Benefi ts for Those                          Retirement – What      Ongoing Medical           Drivers           Infants - Human Milk
                        Transgender           With Severe                               Do I Need to Do?      Care After Cancer                             Oligosaccharides
                           Clients            Hearing Loss        Paul Oei,                                       Treatment                                  and the Effect of
                                                              Cheng Yee Chan,          Hamish McPhail,                                                          Weaning
Sidhesh Phaldessai    Jeannie Oliphant         Bill Baber      Nikhil Ghallyan           Sue Stewart           Rob Corbett            Julie Roberts            Clare Wall

         (55mins, 9:35am-10:30am)
  WS #221              WS #222                WS #223           WS #224                  WS #225               WS #226               WS #227                 WS #228
   Psycho-                 Gender         Cochlear Implants DNA Technologies               Financially      Your Supporting Role      Identifying           The Development of
Pharmacology in           Affirming        - Indications and in General Practice         Preparing for       For Young People’s     Medically at Risk        the Microbiome in
 Older People          Healthcare for     Benefits
                                          Benefi  ts for Those                         Retirement – What      Ongoing Medical           Drivers            Infants - Human Milk
                                                                                                                                                           Oligosaccharides and
                        Transgender           With Severe                               Do I Need to Do?      Care After Cancer
                                                                                                                                                           the Effect of Weaning
                           Clients            Hearing Loss                                                        Treatment
   (Repeated)            (Repeated)            (Repeated)        (Repeated)               (Repeated)            (Repeated)             (Repeated)             (Repeated)

                                                                      Paul Anderson                                                         Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
                                                                      Stephen Child
                                                                      John Mayhew
                                                                      Peter Crampton
                      Friday 12th June

 0800-1830                     Practice Managers Programme - Location: Sportsdrome                                                            Chair: TBA

0800-0820           Smart Procurement                                                                Chris Ross
0820-0840           Governance and Strategy                                                          Malcolm Morrison
0840-0900           Best Practice Organisation Design                                                Anastasia Hildred
0900-0930           GP Nurses Moving Health Care into the Community                                  Mary McLean
0930-1030           Small Groups Discussion
  1030-1100         Morning Tea and Exhibition
  1100-1300         NZMA Election 2020 Political Debate Your profession, Your views, Your issues - Main Programme
 1300-1400          Lunch and Exhibition
 1400-1500          Team Turmoils – Pitfalls and Pleasures of Working in a Team                      Tim Cookson, Lucy Gibberd
 1500-1545          Managing Social Media Exposure in the General Practice Setting                   Sean O’Sullivan
 1545-1600          Discussion
 1600-1630          Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
 1630-1730          Tools to Encourage Patient Compliance                                            Kieran Bird
 1730-1830          A Financial Health Check for your Practice, Your Team and You                    Lynda Taylor
 1830-1930          Eqalis Welcome Function

                      NURSES PROGRAMME
                      Saturday 13th June

0830-1800                            Nurses Programme - Location: Sportsdrome                                                            Chair: Barbara Schon

0830-0910 Recognition and Response - Intimate Partner Violence in Primary Care                       Penny Rollo, Rebecca Ford-Ripia
0910-0930 Have I Lost My Virginity?                                                                  Kathy Lowe
0930-1015 Fundamentals of Tele-triage - Tips and Tricks for Nurses                                   Sharryn Gannon
 1015-1030 Discussion
 1030-1100 Morning Tea and Exhibition
  1100-1130 Better Questions - Empower, Engage and Motivate Your Patients                            Lindsay Tighe
 1130-1200 EarsMadeEasy                                                                              Theresa O'Leary
1200-1230 Deaf Culture & Improved Communication                                                      Victoria Lessing plus interpreter
1230-1300 Issues Around Fitness to Drive                                                             Julie Roberts
1300-1400 Lunch and Exhibition
1400-1430 Elder Abuse and Neglect                                                                    Liz Spellacy
1430-1500 Psycho-Pharmacology in Older People                                                        Sidhesh Phaldessai
1500-1530 STI Screening, HPV and More                                                                Min Karen Lo
1530-1600 The Latest Tips and Updates on Vaccines for Whole of Life and Travel                       Jane Morphet
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
1630-1645 Diabetes in the Older Patient                                                              Gary Kilov
1645-1700 CVD and Diabetes                                                                           Nic Crook
1700-1730 GP Nurses Moving Health Care into the Community                                            Jane Morphet
1730-1800 Successful Re-entry into Life – The Nurses Support Role for Young Adult Cancer Survivors   Mary McLean
1800-1830 Panel Discussion
ENERGY EVENTS CENTRE | ROTORUA                                  11-14 JUNE 2020                        

Block bookings at negotiated rates have been made at three hotels in Rotorua. Please                                                               Rating    Price (from)
book your accommodation on the enclosed registration form.                                        Millennium Hotel Rotorua - (5min walk)               $165
                                                                                                  Novotel Rotorua - (15min walk)                            $210
Registration and accommodation should be made at your earliest opportunity as hotel                                                             
                                                                                                  Sudima Hotel Rotorua - (5min walk)                    $145
rooms are not guaranteed until your registration is confirmed.

Millennium Hotel Rotorua
Eruera Street, Rotorua (Cnr Hinemaru Street)
Located on the shores of Lake Rotorua and just a brief walk from the central business district,
the Millennium Hotel Rotorua is conveniently sited for conference visitors and an ideal base
for partners/families exploring the wide variety of leisure pursuits in the Rotorua region.
Premium Room                            $165
Premium Lake View Room                  $185
Deluxe Club Room - 5th Floor            $215

Novotel Rotorua
Lake end Tutanekai Street
Novotel Rotorua Lakeside is a leading 4 star hotel located on the shores of Lake Rotorua. The
resort features an indoor spa and fitness centre, offering geothermally heated pools, a Cafe,
restaurant and bar, and complimentary car parking. Guests can make the most of nearby
attractions, including water activities on the lake and the famous thermal reserves.
Superior Room (1-2 people)              $210
Lake View Room (1-2 people)             $240

Sudima Hotel Rotorua
1000 Eruera Street
“Location, location, location” best describes Rotorua’s largest hotel. Set on the shores of
beautiful Lake Rotorua, adjacent to the famous Polynesian Spa complex, Government
Gardens, and only a five minute stroll to the city centre is Sudima Hotel Lake Rotorua.
Superior Room (1-2 people)              $145

                                                                                                                                               Bungy Jumping Rotorua

                                                                                                                                           Skyline Gondola over Rotorua
Rotorua’s Energy Events Centre is located in Government Gardens, immediately behind the iconic Bath House building
    housing the city’s Museum of Art and History. The Energy Events Centre is a purpose-built events complex incorporating
    the Southern Trust Sportsdrome, BayTrust Forum, Unison Arena, Grand Hall, and a number of breakout rooms. It is just
    a few minutes walk from its sister facility, the Rotorua Convention Centre, and from major hotels, cafes and restaurants.



    Conference Matters .................................................................................... 021 164 3815                       Ambrosia Restaurant & Bar ....................................................................07-348 3985
    Academic Convenor .................................................................................... 021 949 310                         Lake End 1096 Tutanekai Street
                                                                                                                                               The Pig and Whistle Historic Pub..........................................................07 347 3025
    Millennium Hotel .......................................................................................... 07 347 1234
                                                                                                                                               Cnr Haupapa and Tutanekai Streets
    Sudima Hotel...................................................................................................07 348 1174
    Princes Gate Hotel ........................................................................................ 07 348 1179                    Brew Craft Beer Pub ................................................................................. 07 346 0976
    Novotel Rotorua ..........................................................................................07 346 3888                      1158 Whakaue Street
                                                                                                                                               Bistro 1284 .....................................................................................................07 346 1284
    Alpha Displays ...........................................................................................027 495 1053
                                                                                                                                               1284 Eruera St - Judged Rotorua’s best restaurant
    Energy Events Centre .................................................................................07 349 5631
                                                                                                                                               Lonestar ........................................................................................................ 07 349 4040
    Super Shuttle................................................................................................07 345 7790                   Cnr Arawa & Amohia St
    Taxi ........................................................................................................................07 348 1111
                                                                                                                                               Amazing Thai Restaurant ........................................................................ 07 343 9494
    Polynesian Spa ............................................................................................07 348 1328                     1246 Fenton Street
    Spa Treatments .............................................................................................07 343 1665                    Lovely India ..................................................................................................07 348 4088
a   Life Pharmacy..............................................................................................07 348 8749                     1123 Tutanekai Street
ENERGY EVENTS CENTRE | ROTORUA                                                                                            11-14 JUNE 2020                                                                                       

Queens Drive, Government Gardens

 Exhibition Map

                           29   28      27   26         25    24       23     22   21          20         19   18    17
                                                                                                                                                       16        15        14


                      31                                                                                                                                                             12
                                163   162         147   146        131      130         115         114        99    98            83        82              67       66
                      32                                                                                                                                                             11

                                164   161         148   145        132      129         116         113        100   97            84        81              68       65
                      33                                                                                                                                                             10

                      34                                                                                                                                                             9

                                165   160         149   144        133      128                                101   96            85        80              69       64             8

                                166   159         150   143        134      127               110              102   95            86        79              70       63             7

                                167   158         151   142        135      126                                103   94            87        78              71       62             6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Main Conference Room
            11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Practice Managers
                      38        168   157         152   141        136      125         120         109        104   93            88        77              72       61
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Practice Nurses
                      39        169   156         153   140        137      124         121         108        105   92            89        76              73       60

                      40        170   155         154   139        138      123         122         107        106   91            90        75              74       59


                           42   43      44   45         46    47       48     49   50          51         52   53    54       55        56        57        58


                            5                      4                        3                              2                       1
                                                                                                                                                                                              Information Boards

                                                                                                                                                                                          7                                                         6
                 10                                                9                                                      8                                                                                             Grand Hall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Blue Baths, Rotorua

                Rotorua Energy Events Centre | 11-14 June 2020 |
                                                                                   PERSONAL DETAILS
  Title: Miss / Mrs / Ms / Mr / RN / Dr / Prof / Assoc Prof
  First Name: _________________________________Surname: __________________________________                                                            Phone Bus: ________________________
  Company / Clinic Name: ________________________________________________________________                                                             Fax: _______________________________
  Clinic location: City/Town
                   _________________________________________________________________________                                                          Mobile: ___________________________
  Preferred Contact Address: _____________________________________________________________
                             Street                                                                                                                   Medical Council No: ________________
                            Suburb                                Country                                                                             RNZCGP No: _______________________
  (Email required for
  registration confirmation) City/Town                             Post Code                                                                           Special requests: (ie
                                                                                                                                                                            dietary requests, disabilities, etc)

  Email: _________________________________________________________________________________                                                            ___________________________________
           Yes, I would like to receive email updates regarding products and special offers from attending industry exhibitors
  Additional Attendees: __________________________________________________________________
                        Title, First Name, Last Name                                                                                                  ___________________________________
   CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations can only be received in writing, and incur a loss of 50% of registration fees within 21 days of the conference commencing. Later cancellations forfeit
   registration fees paid. Any other refunds are at the discretion of the organisers.
   PRIVACY: The contact information supplied on the registration form will be distributed to the attending industry sponsors. Please tick this box if you do not wish to be included on this list.

         REGISTRATION FEES (GST Inclusive - NZD)                                                                     CONCURRENT WORKSHOP OPTIONS
  Delegate NZMA Members (Fri-Sun) .................. $775                           $ _______           Please indicate your preferred workshop option number for each
  Delegate Non-Member (Fri-Sun) ....................... $925                        $ _______           time slot. Please note numbers are restricted with spaces allocated
                                                                                                        when registration received. Tickets required for entry.
  Less early bird discount if booked before Friday 27 March Deduct                  $ 100.00
  Nurse Practitioner (Fri-Sun) ............................... $295                 $ _______           Fri   12pm ______ 2pm ______ 3pm ______ 4:30pm ______ 5:30pm______

  Pharmacist (Fri-Sun) ........................................... $350             $ _______           Sat   8:30am ______ 9:30am ______ 11am ______ 12pm ______ 2pm ______ 3pm ______
  GPEP1 Registrar (Fri-Sun) ................................... $295                $ _______           Sat   4:30pm _____5:30pm _____    Sun 8:30am _____ 9:30am_____ Mar 2020 Office use only
  GPEP2 Registrar (Fri-Sun) ................................... $425                $ _______
  Student (Fri-Sun) ................................................ $135           $ _______                            ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE
  Exhibition Attendees ......................................... $345               $ _______
                                                                                                        Arrival Date _________ June                   Departure Date _________ June
  Practice Manager All               or Fri only                     $185           $ _______
  Practice Nurse       All          or Sat only                      $135           $ _______           Special Requirements/ Comments ___________________________________
  Spouse (non medical)......................................... $135                $ _______           ___________________________________________________________________
                      Or Daily Registration                                                             ___________________________________________________________________
  Friday $400    Saturday $400                 Sunday $250                          $ _______
                                                                                                        Millennium Hotel Rotorua (5 mins walk)
  Late Registration Fee if booked after Friday 15 May                               $ 50.00
                          Optional Registration                                                          Premium Room                            ______ nights x ______$165                      $ _______
  Friday - ACC Breakfast Session         No. ...........                            $ No Fee             Premium Lake View Room                  ______ nights x ______$185                      $ _______
  Friday - Novartis Symposium            No. ...........                            $ No Fee             Deluxe Club Room                        ______ nights x ______$215                      $ _______
  Friday - Eqalis Welcome Function       No. ...........                            $ No Fee            Sudima Hotel Rotorua (5 mins walk)
  Saturday - AbbVie Breakfast Session    No. ...........                            $ No Fee
                                                                                                          Superior Room (1-2 people) ______ nights x ______$145                                  $ _______
  Saturday - GSK Breakfast Session       No. ...........                            $ No Fee
  Saturday - Conference Dinner           No. ........... @ $110                     $ _______           Novotel Hotel Rotorua (15 mins walk)
  Sunday - ZOOM Health Breakfast Session No. ...........                            $ No Fee              Superior Room (1-2 people) ______ nights x ______$210                                  $ _______
                     TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE (TOTAL A) $                             ________             Lake View Room (1-2 people) ______ nights x ______$240                                  $ _______
                                                                                                                      TOTAL ACCOMMODATION FEE (TOTAL D)                                          $ _______
  NZMA Member Thursday .................................. $375                      $ _______           A+B+C+D = TOTAL ENCLOSED (GST Inc)                                               $
  Non Member Thursday ...................................... $475                   $ _______
  GPEP .................................................................... $275    $ _______             PAYMENT DETAILS GST Tax Invoice Number 95-598-579
  Basic & Advanced Surgical Skills Course .......... $695                           $ _______
  CORE Advanced NZRC Course (with exam)...... $530                                  $ _______           I authorise Conference Matters to charge my Visa / Mastercard
  TOTAL PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP FEE (TOTAL B) )                                     $ _______           as detailed below, with the amount of $ _______________________________
    Please indicate your preferred workshop option number for each time slot.                           Card Number:
    _____ 8:30am _____ 11:00am _____ 2:00pm _____ 4:30pm

              EMERGENCY RESUSCITATION FOR GPs                                                           Card expiry date ______ /______                          Date______ /______ /_______
  I wish to attend the NZRC CORE Skills Approved (4 hrs) course (previously Level 5                     Print Cardholder’s Name ______________________________________
  Refresher non-assessed) @ $230.
                                                                                                        Cardholder’s Signature _______________________________________
        Friday 8:30am-1:00pm                           Friday 2:00pm-6:30pm
                                                                                                              Cheque:$____________ (NZD) payable to: Conference Matters.
        Saturday 8:30am-1:00pm                         Saturday 2:00pm-6:30pm
                                                                                                              Direct Credit 03-0498-0809412-00 Ref: Surname ROTGPCME
            EMERGENCY RESUSCITATION FEE (TOTAL C)                                   $ _______

       Return this form to Conference Matters, Fax +64 (0)9 437 4089 or post to PO Box 1661, Whangarei, New Zealand
                          All Enquiries to Leon +64 (0)21 164 3815 or

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