ENTRY KIT Final entries/nominations deadline extended: 2359hrs, Friday, 1 February 2019

Page created by Keith Ayala
ENTRY KIT Final entries/nominations deadline extended: 2359hrs, Friday, 1 February 2019
Final entries/nominations deadline extended: 2359hrs, Friday, 1 February 2019

                        Awardsplease contact us at admin@iprs.org.sg.
Guidelines & Details
What is PRISM?                                      Eligibility
PRISM stands for “Public Relations in the Service   The Awards are open to all private, public and
of Mankind”. The Institute of Public Relations of   “not-for-profit” organisations; tertiary institutions;
Singapore (IPRS) introduced the PRISM Awards        and individuals, organisations and corporations
in 1987 to recognise and reward excellence in       who are based in Singapore, or where the work
Public Relations (PR) and Communication in          performed was demonstrably and primarily
Singapore and the region.                           done in Singapore.

The PRISM Awards are presented to encourage         Qualifying Period
and recognise creativity and originality and to
promote the best application of PR and              All entries/nominations for the Award categories
Communication practices across all sectors of       involving PR or Communication campaigns,
the economy – commercial, government and            programmes or projects, must have been
in the “not-for-profit” sectors.                    executed between 1 January 2017 and 31
                                                    December 2018.
Aim of the Awards
The PRISM Awards are presented to                   Final Close of Entries/Nominations Extended
organisations and individuals in recognition of
                                                    2359hrs, Friday, 1 February 2019.
their outstanding contributions and
achievements in the practice of PR and
Communication so as to raise the level of
professionalism in the PR industry.

The PRISM Awards are part of IPRS’ ongoing
goal of enhancing the standard of PR practice
in Singapore and the region through the
recognition of best effort.

Guidelines & Details
Entry Rules & Guidelines                            • If an entry is for a project on behalf      • Entries will only be accepted by the
                                                      of a client, a statement from the client      IPRS Secretariat upon receipt of
The following are the rules and guidelines of the     consenting to the nomination for the          cheque payment of the Nomination
PRISM Awards 2019. Failure to comply with these       project must be enclosed.                     Fee. Cheques are to be made
rules and guidelines will lead to a                                                                 payable to the “Institute of Public
disqualification of the entry.                      • Entries to be submitted either in:
                                                                                                    Relations of Singapore”.
                                                      1. Hardcopy
       • Any organisation or individual may           o Mail/Courier to:
                                                                                                  • All entries and entry fees are
         enter a maximum of three                    Institute of Public Relations of Singapore
                                                     43A South Bridge Road, #02-02,                 non-returnable and non-refundable.
         entries/nominations in each category.       Singapore 058677
                                                                                                  • The decision of the Judges and
       • Entries are to be on a single A4 page       OR                                             the IPRS Council is final. No
         (minimum: 11pt font) addressing three                                                      correspondence or appeals will be
         areas:                                      2. Softcopy                                    entertained.
               o Summary and scope of the            o Email to: prism@iprs.org.sg
               project that is subject of            Please adhere to the following               • IPRS reserves the right to retain and
               nomination (i.e. Why did you do       formats:                                       use the entries for educational and
               what you did?)                                                                       other purposes, including publicity.
               o What did you do and how did          - Documents
               you do it?                            File size: Less than 5MB
                                                     File formats: .doc, .ppt, .pdf               • Award winners will be required to assist
               o Share the outcomes.                                                                the PRISM Awards 2019 Organising
                                                      - Pictures/Photographs (At least              Committee in providing the necessary
       • Entries must be accompanied by up           300dpi,RGB)                                    materials and information for publicity
         to three attachments to show                File size: Less than 5MB                       and educational purposes.
         evidence of the outcomes.                   File formats: .jpg, .png, .gif
                                                                                                  • Entrants will assume full responsibility
       • Entries must be accompanied by a             - Audio                                       for the authenticity and accuracy of
         one to two-minute video or three to         File size: Less than 5MB                       information and contents provided,
         five pages PowerPoint slides used to        File formats: .mp3                             and for obtaining any consent for
         showcase the entry if awarded.                                                             publication of the projects, if selected.
                                                      - Videos
                                                     File size: Less than 25MB
                                                     File formats: .mov, .mpeg2, .wmv,
                                                     .mpeg, .mp4, .mpg
Guidelines & Details
Fees Payable                                    Payment Methods                                    Upon successful bank transfer payment, please
                                                                                                   email prism@iprs.org.sg (cc: finance@iprs.org.sg)
 • Award Nomination Fee                          • Cheque                                          a scanned copy of the bank transfer slip, clearly
                                                   All cheques should be made payable to           stating the entry of invoice numbers that the
  1st Entry/Nomination - $250                      “Institute of Public Relations of Singapore”.   payment is for.
  2nd to 4th Entries/Nominations - $200            Please attach it to the print out of your
  (IPRS Member)                                    confirmation email and send it to:

  1st Entry/Nomination - $300                     Re: PRISM Awards 2019
  2nd to 4th Entries/Nominations - $250           Attention: Lennette Koh
  (Non-Member)                                    Institute of Public Relations of Singapore
                                                  43A South Bridge Road, #02-02
                                                  Singapore 058677
  DEADLINE EXTENSION                              Tel:(+65) 6534 1841/6236 2903
  Final submission of entries/nominations by
  2359hrs, Friday, 1 February 2019.              • Bank transfer
                                                   For this option, you will have to bear ALL
  (For 5th entries/nominations onwards - Free      bank charges related to this transaction.
  for both Members and Non-Members.)               Please do indicate this to the bank clearly
                                                   when making the transfer.

                                                  Name of Account:
                                                  Institute of Public Relations of Singapore
                                                  Bank Address:
                                                  80 Raffles Place, UOB Plaza 1, #08-00,
                                                  Singapore 048624
                                                  Bank Code: 7375
                                                  Branch Code: 001
                                                  Account Number: 101-316-919-0
                                                  SWIFT Code: UOVBSGSG

Guidelines & Details
Judging                                           Gala Presentation Night                             Enquiries
 • All submissions will be judged on their        The PRISM Awards 2019 will be presented on          Kindly contact the IPRS Secretariat at
   concept and planning, execution,               Thursday, 7 March 2019.                             admin@iprs.org.sg or 6534 1841.
   outcomes and other factors as listed under
   each individual Award category.                Watch out for more details at www.iprs.org.sg.

 • The Panel of Judges will comprise senior PR
    & Communication practitioners, leading PR     Sponsorship and Table Bookings
    and Communication academics, senior
                                                  For more information on sponsorship
    media representatives, and IPRS Council
                                                  opportunities and table bookings, kindly
 • Judges reserve the right to move an entry
                                                         Lennette Koh
   between the different Award categories if it
   was deemed to be unsuitable for the
                                                         Institute of Public Relations of Singapore
   category that the entry had been entered
                                                         Tel: 6236 2903/9739 9042
   for in the first instance.
                                                         Email: lennette@iprs.org.sg
 • Awards will be made solely at the discretion
                                                         Donovan Khong
   of the Panel of Judges and the IPRS
                                                         Senior Executive
   Council. No appeals or any
                                                         Institute of Public Relations of Singapore
   correspondence will be entertained. The
                                                         Tel: 6236 2902
   judges’ decision and the results are final.
                                                         Email: don@iprs.org.sg

                                                         IPRS Secretariat
                                                         Tel: 6534 1841
                                                         Email: admin@iprs.org.sg

                                                  Watch out for more details at www.iprs.org.sg.

Categories & Criteria
1. Outstanding Overall Corporate Reputation Programme                      3. Outstanding Financial Communication Campaign
   - Singapore                                                               A major PR campaign designed for or by financial institutions or their
                                                                             PR consultancies to effectively engage stakeholders, build
  Programmes that were designed to build or enhance the
                                                                             relationships and trust, and enhance or transform a brand during the
  organisation and/or its overall reputation and image over the past
                                                                             24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. The
  24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.
                                                                             campaign should demonstrate the innovative and effective use of
  The organisation could have embarked on a corporate reputation
                                                                             PR and Communication strategies and tactics tailored for the
  repositioning programme. Alternatively, the activities could have
                                                                             financial sector and its audiences.
  been part of the organisation’s longer term strategic plan and vision.
                                                                             There should be an indication of the budget; the measurement tools
  Entries should demonstrate measurable reputation gains, preferably
                                                                             that were employed vis-à-vis the set objectives; and an account of
  against set targets and supported by objective/credible market
                                                                             the results or outcomes, including the impact on business results.
                                                                             Entries need to indicate and provide details if other professional
                                                                             assistance and resources were engaged in the campaign.

2. Outstanding Overall Corporate Reputation Programme
   - International
  Successful reputation campaigns by Singapore-based companies in
  three or more overseas markets, over the past 24-month period
  - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. Entries should detail
  campaign objectives, the various campaign elements and
  programmes, budgets, resources expended and actual quantitative
  and qualitative results achieved.

  There should be clear statements on the short term as well as the
  longer term objectives and how the campaign helped lay a solid
  foundation for the organisation in its overseas markets.

Categories & Criteria
4. Outstanding Public Sector Campaign                                    6. Outstanding Internal Communications Programme
  Public Relations programmes or campaigns that advance the                Programmes that were strategically designed to reach out to internal
  public’s understanding of policies, societal issues or concerns, or      stakeholders associated with the participating organisation (for
  those that seek to influence public behaviour and attitudes, that        example, employees, members, franchisees, affiliates, unions and
  were organised by public sector organisations, or agencies on behalf     trade groups) using a diverse range of communications tools such as
  of public sector organisations, during the 24-month period -             intranet, newsletters, corporate videos, dialogues and town hall
  1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.                                      meetings to build or sustain corporate reputation, provided that the
                                                                           work was undertaken in the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31
  Entries should include the campaign objective(s), duration,              December 2018.
  implementation methods and the budget. The entries must explain
  how the target audiences have benefited from the campaign, with          Entries must show how internal communications programmes were
  clear measurable outcomes.                                               integrated into the overall transformation or business plan and the
                                                                           results achieved.
  Advertising materials and media schedules, if any, should be
  included. Project sponsors or partners should also be mentioned.

                                                                         7. Outstanding Content
                                                                           PR or Communication campaigns that effectively use content
5. Outstanding Campaign by a Non-Government                                marketing, where content is defined as “owned media”, during the
   Organisation (NGO)                                                      24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. These
                                                                           should demonstrate creativity and originality of content, media
  Programmes or campaigns mounted by, or by agencies on behalf             strategy, and how the execution was delivered vis-à-vis the brand’s
  of, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) to explain and promote           PR and business objectives.
  their agenda and causes during the 24-month period - 1 January
  2017 to 31 December 2018. These could also include campaigns for         This category may include print publications, online newsletters and
  welfare organisations and/or charities to promote public                 videos.
  acceptance and to raise funds. Or they could also be aimed at
  fostering understanding of societal issues or concerns or seek to
  influence public behaviour and attitudes.

  Entries should clearly spell out campaign objective(s), duration,
  implementation methods, the budget and results achieved.

Categories & Criteria
8. Outstanding Corporate Responsibility Programme                        9. Outstanding Crisis/Issues Management Programme
  Public Relation programmes that have sought to support corporate         Programmes undertaken by organisations, industry bodies or
  values on community, social, ethical and reputation issues and to        states/nations/governments (or agencies on their behalf) to deal
  improve the well-being of specific groups of people or the general       with a crisis or an issue that has already happened or could
  community during the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31              potentially happen, and which has had/would have an
  December 2018.                                                           extraordinary impact on the organisation’s reputation, provided that
                                                                           the work was undertaken in the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to
  These would invariably entail the conduct and/or sponsorship of          31 December 2018. These could be pro-active in nature, showing
  Community Relations programmes and form part of the                      how the organisation develops structures and plans to respond, and
  organisation’s discharge of its Corporate Responsibility (CR). Such      how team members are trained and exercised. These could also
  programmes help to generate support and understanding for the            describe how an organisation responds to a specific crisis and the
  sponsoring organisation and generally benefit them directly through      outcomes achieved. (Due to the sensitive nature of such
  corporate reputation, indirectly or for the longer term.                 programmes, applicants may request to have certain sections of
                                                                           their submissions marked “Confidential”.)
  The criteria will not be the CR programme itself, but the way the
  organisation integrates the CR programme into its broader message
  outreach and stakeholder communications programmes, with clear
  evidence needed to show the effort to integrate, and the success of
                                                                        10. Outstanding Social/Digital Media Campaign
                                                                           This may include Corporate Reputation or PR-led marketing
                                                                           campaigns which made creative and effective use of digital or other
                                                                           online media channels such as the blogs, social media, YouTube and
                                                                           others, to achieve or toset reputation or brand awareness and/or
                                                                           boost sales goals during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31
                                                                           December 2018.

                                                                           Entries should conclude with a clear account of the success metrics
                                                                           that was set at the commencement of the campaign; the results
                                                                           achieved; and lessons learnt. Should also include the effective
                                                                           monitoring of and response to stakeholders’ feedback, including
                                                                           negative feedback. Recognising that digital and social media are
                                                                           critical elements of every PR campaign today, the criterion focuses
                                                                           specifically on aspects of the campaign that demonstrates pioneer
                                                                           thinking and execution in the digital space.

Categories & Criteria
11. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Hospitality                             13. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Luxury
   Communication campaigns designed to support the introduction of               Communication campaigns designed to support the introduction of
   new products/services or those that promote existing products/                new luxury products/services or to promote existing luxury products/
   services to a consumer or business audience pertaining to the                 services to a consumer or business audience during the 24-month
   hospitality industry during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31        period – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. The campaign should
   December 2018.                                                                demonstrate the effective, successful and creative integration of PR
                                                                                 strategies and tactics with other promotional marketing
   The campaign should demonstrate the effective, successful and                 communications programmes. There should be an indication of the
   creative integration of PR strategies and tactics with other                  budget and the measurement tools that were used vis-à-vis the set
   promotional marketing communication programmes/activities; an                 objectives and an account of the results or outcomes. Entries need
   indication of the campaign budget; and the measurement tools set              to indicate and provide details if other professional assistance and
   against the objectives. Entries need to indicate and provide details if       resources were engaged in the campaign.
   other professional assistance and resources were engaged in the
   campaign.                                                                     Luxury products/services could include top brands for homes and
                                                                                 living, fashion, nightlife, travel, hospitality, shopping, and the arts.

12. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Lifestyle
                                                                              14. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Healthcare
   Communication campaigns designed to support the introduction of
   new lifestyle products/services or those that promote existing lifestyle      Communication campaigns designed to support the introduction of
   products/services to a consumer or business audience during the               new healthcare products/services/programmes or to promote
   24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.                         existing healthcare products/services/programmes to a consumer or
                                                                                 business audience during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31
   The campaign should demonstrate the effective, successful and                 December 2018. The campaign should demonstrate the effective,
   creative integration of PR strategies and tactics with other                  successful and creative integration of PR strategies and tactics with
   promotional marketing communication programmes/activities; an                 other promotional marketing communications programmes. There
   indication of the campaign budget; and the measurement tools set              should be an indication of the budget and the measurement tools
   against the objectives. Entries need to indicate and provide details if       that were used vis-à-vis the set objectives and an account of the
   other professional assistance and resources were engaged in the               results or outcomes.
                                                                                 Entries need to indicate and provide details if other professional
   This category may include lifestyle aspects such as homes and living,         assistance and resources were engaged in the campaign.
   fashion, nightlife, travel, hospitality, shopping, and the arts.
Categories & Criteria
15. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Financial Services                   17. Outstanding Product/Service Launch
   Communication campaigns designed to support the introduction of            Communication campaigns designed to support the launch of a
   new financial products/services/programmes or to promote existing          new product or service during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017
   financial products/services/programmes to a consumer or business           to 31 December 2018.
   audience during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31
   December 2018. The campaign should demonstrate the effective,              Entries should demonstrate the role and effective contribution of PR
   successful and creative integration of PR strategies and tactics with      in the campaign in the creation of brand buzz, public awareness,
   other promotional marketing communications programmes. There               enhanced online presence and an overall growth of the brand.
   should be an indication of the budget and the measurement tools
   that were used vis-à-vis the set objectives and an account of the
   results or outcomes.
                                                                           18. Outstanding Product/Service Re-launch
   Entries need to indicate and provide details if other professional
                                                                              Communication campaigns designed to support the re-launch of a
   assistance and resources were engaged in the campaign.
                                                                              product or service during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to
                                                                              31 December 2018.

16. Outstanding Integrated Campaign - Technology                              Entries should demonstrate the role and effective contribution of PR in
                                                                              the campaign in the creation of brand buzz, public awareness,
   Communication campaigns that effectively use technology tools to           enhanced online presence and an overall growth of the brand.
   drive it and to engage with audiences during the 24-month period –
   1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. The campaign should
   demonstrate the effective, successful and creative integration of PR
   strategies and tactics with other promotional marketing
   communications programmes. There should be an indication of the
   budget and the measurement tools that were used vis-à-vis the set
   objectives and an account of the results or outcomes. Entries need
   to indicate and provide details if other professional assistance and
   resources were engaged in the campaign.

   The campaign may cover event technology, interactive digital
   screen technology, or the implementation of Big Data, actionable
   metrics, SEO measurement tools and others, prior to and during the
Categories & Criteria
19. Outstanding B2B Campaign - Singapore                               22. Outstanding B2C Campaign - International
   This award honours outstanding campaigns in Singapore that is           This award honours outstanding multi-market PR campaigns that are
   targeted at business-to-business audiences.                             conceptualised and driven in Singapore and targeted at consumers
                                                                           in three or more overseas markets.
   Entries should clearly spell out campaign objective(s), duration,
   implementation methods, the budget and results achieved during          Entries should clearly spell out campaign objective(s), duration,
   the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.               implementation methods, the budget and results achieved during
                                                                           the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.

20. Outstanding B2B Campaign - International
                                                                       23. Outstanding PR Campaign of the Year
   This award honours outstanding multi-market PR campaigns that are
   conceptualised and driven in Singapore and targeted at
                                                                           [No nominations are required for this award]
   business-to-business audiences in three or more overseas markets.
                                                                           This award will be solely selected by the judging panel and IPRS
   Entries should clearly spell out campaign objective(s), duration,       Council and will be solely based on the winners for other PRISM
   implementation methods, the budget and results achieved during          categories.
   the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.
                                                                           This award honours a PR campaign that has clearly demonstrated
                                                                           smart and effective use of various communications tools and
                                                                           platforms, and strategies and tactics that resulted in the
21. Outstanding B2C Campaign - Singapore                                   achievement of outstanding outcomes based on the goals set for
                                                                           the campaign.
   This award honours outstanding PR campaigns in Singapore targeted
   at consumers.

   Entries should clearly spell out campaign objective(s), duration,
   implementation methods, the budget and results achieved during
   the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.

Categories & Criteria
24. Outstanding New PR Consultancy                                             25. Outstanding PR Consultancy of the Year
   This Award honours a highly-successful, newly-established                      This Award honours a PR consultancy that is based in Singapore for its
   (incorporated between 2013 and 2017), Singapore-based, PR                      achievements on the local and/or international scene during the
   consultancy, for its achievements on the local and/or regional/                24-month period – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018. Both local
   international scene for the period - 1 January 2017 to 31 December             (Singaporean) as well as international or regional PR consultancies
   2018. Both local (Singaporean) as well as international or regional PR         are eligible. The criteria will be on the work done in Singapore or by
   consultancies are eligible.                                                    the Singapore office.

   The achievements, which could be in Singapore or in the region,                The achievements, which could be in Singapore or in the region,
   should be in at least three of the following areas: the consultancy’s          should be in at least three of the following areas: the consultancy’s
   growth and expansion; client growth and retention; financial success;          growth and expansion; client growth and retention; financial success;
   creativity of its Singapore or international PR campaigns; thought             creativity of its Singapore or international PR campaigns; thought
   leadership; and the ability to attract top PR talent.                          leadership; and the ability to attract top PR talent.

   Entries should include an overview of the firm, including practice             Entries should include an overview of the firm, including practice
   areas; number of employees; list of major accounts and top                     areas; number of employees; list of major accounts and top
   campaigns executed during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to              campaigns executed during the 24-month period – 1 January 2017 to
   31 December 2018; notable achievements for the period; how                     31 December 2018; notable achievements for the period; distinction
   distinct it is from other firms of similar size; two client testimonials;      from other firms of similar size; two client testimonials; industry
   industry partnerships; details of pro bono work and other Community            partnerships; details of pro bono work and other Community Rela-
   Relations initiatives.                                                         tions initiatives.

Categories & Criteria
26. Outstanding PR Professional (IPRS Council reserves the                     28. Outstanding PR Student (IPRS Council reserves
    right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]                             the right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]
    This Award recognises an outstanding local (Singapore) PR practitioner        This Award is presented to a promising student, studying in a PR or
    for his/her contributions and achievements in reputation                      Communications related course at a recognised tertiary institution -
    management during the 24-month period - 1 January 2017 to 31                  university or polytechnic. The student should demonstrate leadership
    December 2018.                                                                qualities, service to community and to his/her school, excellence in
                                                                                  non-academic activities and an active interest in current
    The individual could be a successful PR practitioner in the corporate         developments pertaining to PR and Communication.
    sector or in consultancy; in a senior public sector appointment; or in a
    “not-for-profit” organisation; or in a voluntary capacity.                    The judges shall take into account projects related to
                                                                                  Communication, practical experience, successful completion of
    The achievements should be in the successful discharge of his/her PR          internship or work experience, including results achieved in any
    responsibilities as well as in mentoring and sharing.                         relevant work experience. Extra-curricular activities in a field related to
                                                                                  media and Communication will be advantageous.

27. Outstanding Young PR Professional (IPRS Council reserves
    the right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]
    This Award is presented to a promising, young professional with not
    more than four years of PR experience, who has consistently
    produced good quality work and is committed to building a career in
    Public Relations. Young PR professionals below 30 (or below 35 with not
    more than four years prior work experience in PR if the person has
    changed career stream to specialise in a public relations role) are
    eligible for consideration for this Award.

Categories & Criteria
29. Outstanding PR Project - Student (IPRS Council reserves                     31. Outstanding PR Mentor (IPRS Council reserves the right
    the right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]                          to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]
   This Award is presented to a PR or Communication student or a group              This Award recognises a PR practitioner who has distinguished
   of students, from a recognised tertiary institution (polytechnic or              himself/herself in effective PR mentorship, thus helping to develop and
   university), for the successful development and implementation of a              nurture PR talent and professionalism.
   PR or Communication project. The project could be part of the tertiary
   institution’s curriculum; an extra-curricular activity; part of an               Professional trainers will not be considered for this Award.
   inter-school competition; or done for a “not-for-profit” organization.
   The project should have been completed during the 24-month period
   – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.                                        32. Outstanding PR Champion (IPRS Council reserves the
   The submission should include an overview of the project; its                    right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]
   Communication goals and objectives; the PR/Communication
   strategies and tactics employed; the measurement tools; and an                  This Award honours a Chairman, CEO or top executive who recognises
   evaluation of the outcomes. Testimonials to support the effectiveness           the value of PR to the success of his/her organisation. He/she has
   of the project will be an advantage.                                            consistently supported PR budgets and PR activities while at the same
                                                                                   time, committed significant human and other organisational resources
                                                                                   towards the strengthening of corporate reputation.
30. Lifetime PR Achievement Award (IPRS Council reserves                           This individual will also need to be personally “PR-savvy”, especially in
    the right to nominate) [No cost to submit nominations]                         terms of media interviews and public engagements.

   This Award recognises an outstanding and well-known local
   (Singapore) PR practitioner for his/her well-recognised contributions
   and achievements in reputation management over an extended
   period of time, typically of more than 10 years.

   The individual could be a successful PR practitioner in a corporate
   role, senior public sector capacity, or with a “not-for-profit”
   organisation or in a voluntary capacity. The achievements would be
   both in the successful discharge of his/her responsibilities as well as in
   mentoring and sharing.

             Tel: +65 6534 1841
        Email: admin@iprs.org.sg

                 PRISM Awards 2019
     Institute of Public Relations of Singapore    14
43A South Bridge Road, #02-02A, Singapore 058677
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