Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...

Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
Eucor – The European Campus
           On the path to a European University

Florence Dancoisne
Local Coordinator of Eucor – The European Campus in Freiburg
Enhancing Healthcare Cooperation in Cross-Border regions
Brussels, 04.12.2018, Freiburg

Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
The tri-national Rhine Valley

                        One of the most developed regions
                                    of Europe:

                       •   Gross domestic product (GDP): >
                           200 Billion €

                       •   Population of 6 Million habitants

                       •   High density of industry / small
                           and medium sized enterprises

                       •   High density of education and
                           research institutions


04.12.2018                                                               2
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
The European Campus in figures

      • 115.000

      • 15.000

      • 11.000
        PhD candidates

      • 2.300.000.000 €
        Total budget of the 5 universities

 A “critical mass” on the European
 and international scale

04.12.2018                                                                     3
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
The 5 member universities

  Eucor – The European Campus:
  • cooperation since 1989
  • legal entity since 2016: European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)

                    UNIVERSITÄT BASEL                      KARLSRUHE INSTITUTE
                    Founded in 1460                        OF TECHNOLOGY
                    10.052 students                        Founded 1825
                                    25.020 students
                    UNIVERSITÄT FREIBURG
                    Founded in 1457
                    23.632 students                        UNIVERSITÉ DE
                                                           Founded in 1621
                    UNIVERSITÉ DE                          48.018 students
                    Founded in 1975
                    8.394 students

04.12.2018                                                                                       4
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...

Eucor - The European Campus
the European future of the universities on
the Upper Rhine

Emergence of a clearly profiled science and
research area
• Enhanced visibility at the national and
  international level
• Establishment of strong partnerships for
  long-term collaborations in research,
  instruction and doctoral training.


  04.12.2018                                                      5
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...


Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
A European legal entity: EGTC

                     European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation

   •   Instrument of the European Union designed to support transnational cooperation
   •   EU regulation introduced in 2006 and revised in 2013
   •   Over 50 EGTC in Europe

   Central goals
   •   Creation of a legal entity for organisations in European border regions, to manage
       personal resources and funds
   •   Structuration and durability of the cooperation


04.12.2018                                                                                               7
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
EGTC Eucor – The European Campus

• Registered and with its office in Germany
  (Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg)
• Regulatory authority is the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg
• Coordination office in Strasbourg

                                                             Inauguration of the
                                                             EGTC “Eucor - The
                                                             European Campus”
                                                             11 May 2016 in
                                                              the first EGTC
                                                             created solely by

04.12.2018                                                                                 8
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...
Interreg-Project „Eucor – The
                                    European Campus“

     Developement of the Eucor-Grouping into a science and research area
                   with enhanced international visibility
        Time span: 01.01.2016 – 30.06.2019; volume: 2 Mio. Euro Interreg-funding (EFRE)

 Sharpening of profile in research and innovation
 • Jointly selected research areas:
      Quantum Sciences and Technology
      Sustainability Research
      Precision Medicine
      Cultural Sciences
 Bringing student mobility to the next level
 • Making student mobility easier (Semesterticket)
 • Promotion and internationalization of the curricula
 • Interculturality

04.12.2018                                                                                           9
Eucor - The European Campus - On the path to a European University Florence Dancoisne Local Coordinator of Eucor - The European Campus in Freiburg ...

• Governance
             •   A European legal entity
                 (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation)
• Mobility
             •   Free mover students in Eucor
             •   Free access to services (libraries, restaurants)
             •   Researchers and staff mobility
• Joint education programmes
             •   joint, double or triple degrees in various disciplines
             •   5 PhD programmes
             •   Summer schools
• Joint research projects
             •   Roughly 180 research projects (Interreg and other EU funded projects)
             •   Co-publications
             •   Seed Money

04.12.2018                                                                                               10
Studying in three countries
                                   at the European Campus

        Free Mobility – mobility „à la carte“
       Courses at all five partner universities –
    integrated in the course of study at the home
       university, and free of extra tuition fees

   Enroll in 1 University –
   Have access to 5 Universities
   • All courses
   • Ressources and Services


04.12.2018                                                                       11
Joint Study Programmes

    With double or triple degree

            Bachelor of Science Regio Chimica (Basel, UHA, Freiburg)
            Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) German Studies from a German-French
             (Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            Master of Arts International Economic relations(Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            Master of Arts German-French Journalism (Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            Master of Science Sustainable Materials Polymer Sciences (Freiburg,
            Master of Science Biochemistry and Biophysics (Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            LL.M. / Master of Law – Law (Basel, Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            LL.M. / Master of Law – German-French Law (Freiburg, Strasbourg)
            Master of Arts Classical Philology (Freiburg, Strasbourg)

    With integrated mobility phase and single degree
            Master of Arts / Trinationaler Master Ancient civilization Studies
            Joint Master Neuroscience (Strasbourg)
            Master Biotechnology, spécialité Biologie synthétique /Diplôme
             d’ingénieur en Biotechnologie (Strasbourg)                    

04.12.2018                                                                                           12
Seed Money - joint initial
                                       funding for new projects
                                                                               Data Analysis for Improving
 Inititiation of new, innovative Projects                                      HPC Operations and Research

 • Yearly budget: 300.000 € - provided by the
   EGTC member universities for 2018-2020
 • At least 2 Universities from 2 countries
 • Maximal funding per project: 60.000 €
 • Maximal project duration: 18 months
                                                      Advanced modelling of hybrid
                                                      interfaces towards innovative
                                                                               Synergies from an Integrated
Upper Rhine Science Trails                                                     Renewable Energy Supply and Storage
                                                                               System in the Upper Rhine Region

                                 TREE MSc

Strasbourg – Freiburg – Basel:
Zusammenführung und                         Using optogenetics to visualize
Internationalisierung des                   histone H2AX phosphorylation in             Aesthetics of Protestantism
mediävistischen Lehrangebots                living cells with high precision            in Northern Europe
 27.09.2018                                                                                                  13   13
Main challenges and perspectives

•     Bringing the student mobility to the next level: “à la carte”
                A European Campus semester ticket/European Student Card
                Internationalisation of the curricula
•     Developing joint research and teaching hubs
                Large Scale Infrastructure and Core facilities
                Graduate Academies: QUSTEC, SERIOR
                Liberal Education Program
•     Establishing joint professorships
                Defining a clear legal framework for joint scientific staff
•     Becoming eligible for National funding
                Fostering the cooperation in the research and teaching hubs
•     Creating joint support services
                To submit joint proposals
                To promote the European Campus                      

Universités européennes

26th September 2017: Speech of French
President Macron at the Sorbonne
„Je propose la création d’universités européennes
qui seront un réseau d’universités de plusieurs pays
d’Europe, mettant en place un parcours où chacun
de leurs étudiants étudiera à l’étranger et suivra des
cours dans deux langues au moins. (...) Nous devons
nous fixer, d’ici à 2024, d‘en construire au moins une
vingtaine. Mais nous devons, dès la prochaine
rentrée universitaire, structurer les premières, avec
de véritables semestres européens et de véritables
diplômes européens.“


On the path to a European University

•     12 April 2018: French-German
      Declaration of support signed by
     Winfried Kretschmann, Baden
      Württemberg Minister-President
     Nathalie Loiseau, French
      Minister for European Affairs
     Jean Rottner, Grand Est Region
     Sophie Béjean, Strasbourg
      Academy Rector


On the path to a European University

•     September 2019: Pilote phase for European universities
•     September 2021: New funding instrument for European
      Universities by the EU

•     Call for European Universities pilots
      •     Submission deadline: Feb. 28, 2019
      •     Eucor – The European Campus is preparing an application
      •     Switzerland cannot apply as a full partner
      •     EGTC cannot apply as a full partner
       Funds will support European cohesion as a whole but not regional


European University: vision 2025

European Center for Top Level Research
• Internationally visible Research &
   Teaching Hubs in all four Research
Joint Research Infrastructures
• Optimized, trinational use of existing
• Investment in joint research
Joint Professorships
• To foster the research domains of the
   European Campus or to reinforce so-
   called “small disciplines”


04.12.2018                                                                18
Vision 2025: Studying à la carte

Magnet for the best students worldwide
15-20 internationally attractive study
programms with bi- or trinational degrees
(with financial support of the German-French

Pionneer for a Liberal Arts Education
in the European spirit
Free mobility for students and teachers is
natural part of all study programms at all
partner Universities

European multilinguism and interculturality
Language courses and intercultural trainings
are integral part of all teaching and training
04.12.2018                                                                  19
Thank you for your attention!

                  Florence Dancoisne
   Local Coordinator Eucor – The European Campus
             at the University of Freiburg

                 Coordination Office
      Fahnenbergplatz, 79085 Freiburg, Germany
11 Presqu’île André Malraux, 67100 Strasbourg, France





A concrete example of cooperation in
the healthcare sector
Project ID

A trinational network for the education and study of complex and
rare diseases caring within the Upper-Rhine Region.
           - Rare Auto-immune diseases
           - Oral rare diseases

    Project length                  4 years (01/01/2016 – 31/12/2019)

    Total Project budget            3 979 174 €

    Financial contribution of the EU 1 989 587 €
    (European Regional Development Fund
    INTERREG V Upper Rhine cross-border cooperation programme)
Project ID card

COORDINATION Université de Strasbourg
Pr Agnès Bloch-Zupan / Pr Anne-Sophie Korganow
Mrs. Labouheure Valentine (Manager)

          Université de Strasbourg                            Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
- Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire (15)               - Klinik für Rheumatologie und klinische Immunologie R VOLL (6)
- UMR INSERM1112                                   - Zentrum für Kinder und Jugendmedizin E LAUSCH (3)
 Laboratoire de génétique médicale H DOLLFUS (5)   - Klinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde und Parodontologie P FISCHER

  Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
- 2 CRMR (Pr MC MANIERE, T MARTIN) (6)                           Universitätsmedizin Mainz
- Unité de génétique moléculaire (4)                                      Rheumatologie (6)
 J CHELLY, B GÉRARD, M DELBARRE                                           A SCHWARTING
- Biological collection (3)

     Centre National de la Recherche
                                                             Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
       Scientifique Alsace (CNRS)                                        Innere Medizin V (3)
                                                                           H-M LORENZ
- UPR3572 Immunopathologie et Chimie S MULLER

  GIE Centre Européen de Recherche en
    Biologie et en Médecine - IGBMC
14 Health Structures
•      Universitätskliniken für Zahnmedizin Basel (C VERNA)
•      Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg (U MOOG)
•      Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe
•      ACURA Rheumazentrum Baden-Baden
•      Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar
•      GHR Mulhouse et Sud Alsace                             10 Patients organisations
•      CHU de Reims                                           • Hypophosphatasie Europe
•      CHRU de Besançon                                       • Hypophosphatasie Deutschland
•      CHU Dijon Bourgogne                                    • Lupus Erythematodes Selbsthilfegemeinschaft
•      Hôpital Nord Franche-Comté                             • Association Lupus France
•      CHRU de Nancy                                          • Association française du lupus et
•      CHR de Metz-Thionville                                       autres maladies auto-immunes
•      Hôpitaux Privés de Metz                                • AFM Téléthon
•      Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris                  • Rheumaliga – Baden-Württemberg
                                                              • CHARGE Syndrom e.V.
3 Professional consortiums                                    • Bundesverband Williams-Beuren-Syndrom
•       Centre de Santé Dentaire de la Ville et               • Familienhilfe-Polyposis coli
             Eurométropole de Strasbourg
•       SVK-ASP - Association d'odontologie pédiatrique suisse
•       Groupement Odontostomatologique de la Région Rhénane supérieure (Oberrheinische Zahnärztegesellschaft)

3 Companies
•    Lupus diagnostic EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG Lübeck
•    Inoviem Scientific
•    Phadia GmbH

• Group of experts among the project partners (RARENET
  consortium) : practitioners, researchers, teachers, students,
  computer scientists
• Health professionals from both private and public sectors
• Technical staff : technicians, research engineers, clinical
  research associates
• Patients and associations
Interdisciplinary trainings
- Franco-German professional trainiships                    Developping a distance learning tool
- Videoconferences to discuss complexe clinical             - Access to pedagogical , video of conferences and
cases                                                          seminars, to practical informations, to a
- Conception of education modules                              mediatheque, and a bank of images.

 Health professionals’ trainings
- Seminars for liberal practitioners                        Bringing together all actors
- Working group « Centre de Santé Dentaire de la ville de
Strasbourg »                                                •    Sharing a biological sampling collection     - --
 - Conception of synthetic chartes of rare diseases             Duplicating French and German biological sample
diagnosis                                                       collection
                                                            -   Standartised protocoles to collect and manage
 Informing patients and the general public                      clinical and biological data
- Workshops bewteen patients and health professionals       -   Analyses of biological samples
- Conception of educational tools                           -   Genetical dignosis and research
- Participating in general public days
Cross-border added value

•   Training across the Metropolitan Trinational Region
•   Broad recruitment of patients
•   Gathering data
•   Confronting various care modalities
•   Direct job creation : 5,5
Sharing a biological sampling collection

• Duplication of French and German
  biological sample collection
• Standartising protocoles to collect
  and manage clinical and biological
• Analysing biological samples
• Genetical dignosis and research
7. Medical Scientific Progress
Discovery of new rare diseases and causative genes led to
a large number of research publications.

1. Genetic Evidence Supporting the Role of the Calcium
Channel, CACNA1S, in Tooth Cusp and Root Patterning

2. GenoDENT: A targeted next-generation sequencing assay
for the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders with orodental
Involvement (2018)

3. Adolescents and young adults affected by chronic
immunological disease: a tool-box for success during the
transition to adult care. (2018)
                   All Funding participants are mentionned on the scientific plateform
« Les Maladies Rares pour les Nuls » Congress
8-12.10.2018, Elunda, Greece

                                                      TUNISIA 5.11.2016
                                                      CEC d’Odontologie Pédiatrique, Monastir

                                                Strasbourg 04.2016
                                                Working Session
                                                Centre de Santé Dentaire de la Ville
                                                et Eurométropole de Strasbourg
Rare Disease Day 2018, Rivetoile Strasbourg
MERCI – Danke – Thank you

                            Actualités d’odontologie
                            pédiatrique et génétique
                                 de Strasbourg
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