Page created by Bertha Terry

               IMPLEMENTED BY
Cover image: European Union,
                                                                                     3    INTRODUCTION
contains modified Copernicus Sentinel
imagery, processed by Annamaria
Luongo/SpaceTec Partners 2020.

                                                                                          GLOBAL CONTEXT IN 2020
Image below: The snow-covered Alps,
captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-3                                                4
mission. Credit: contains modified
Copernicus Sentinel data (2020),
processed by ESA.

                                                                                     5    EUROPE IN 2020

                                                                                     10   THE ARCTIC IN 2020

                                                                                     13   TRENDS IN CLIMATE INDICATORS

REPORT                                                                                    ABOUT THE REPORT

                                                                                     18   BEYOND THE ESOTC

        This is an interactive document                                              19   ABOUT US
        The top toolbar and contents buttons allow you to navigate
        through the different sections of the report.

Copernicus Climate Change Service               European State of the Climate 2020   20   CONTACT
GLOBAL CONTEXT           EUROPE       THE ARCTIC            TRENDS IN               ABOUT              BEYOND
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                 ABOUT US       CONTACT
                       IN 2020              IN 2020       IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS        THE REPORT          THE ESOTC


   European State of
   the Climate 2020
   —                                                                                                                                                      Image: Kiruna, the northernmost
   Welcome to the summary of the European State of the Climate                                                                                            town in Sweden. Credit: contains
   2020, compiled by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S),                                                                                         modified Copernicus Sentinel
                                                                                                                                                          data (2020), processed by ESA.
   implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
   Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission.                                                  Atmospheric concentrations       In early spring, there was a remarkable
                                                                                                            of the greenhouse gases          transition from wet to dry conditions in
                                                                                                            CO2 and CH4 continued to         northwestern and northeastern Europe,
                                                C3S provides climate monitoring for the                     rise and are at their highest    as captured in precipitation levels, river
               Explore the complete             globe, Europe and the Arctic, and annually                  levels on record. Globally, it   discharge and vegetation cover. Several
               ESOTC                            releases the European State of the           was one of three warmest years on record.       episodes of very warm weather occurred
               The complete report              Climate (ESOTC). For 2020, the ESOTC         Over northern Siberia, temperatures             during the summer and November.
               is available online at:          includes a short overview of the global      reached more than 6°C above average for         Although many temperature records were
                context in 2020, a more comprehensive        the year as a whole, with dry conditions        broken, the heatwaves were not as
               ESOTC/2020                       overview of conditions in Europe, and a      and record-breaking fire activity during        intense, widespread or long-lived as
                                                focus on the Arctic. This report provides    summer. In the adjacent Arctic seas, sea        others of recent years.
                                                a detailed analysis of the past calendar     ice was at a record low for most of the
               Throughout the report you        year, with descriptions of climate           summer and autumn.                              For Europe as a whole, 2020 showed
               will find symbols which          conditions and events, and explores                                                          close-to-average fire danger conditions,
               indicate the types of data       the associated variations in key climate     In 2020, the annual temperature for             with periods of locally above-average
               and the reference period         variables from across all parts of the       Europe was the highest on record. Winter        conditions, most notably in the Balkans
               used for each section.           Earth system. The ESOTC also gives           was particularly warm, also setting a           and eastern Europe during spring months.
               More information on these        updates on the long-term trends of           record, at more than 3.4°C above average.       Total emissions from wildfires in Europe
               are in About the report.         key climate indicators.                      This had an impact on snow cover and            were lower than average.
                                                                                             sea ice, particularly around the Baltic Sea.

   Copernicus Climate Change Service            European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                      3
GLOBAL CONTEXT          EUROPE         THE ARCTIC               TRENDS IN                        ABOUT              BEYOND
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                        IN 2020             IN 2020         IN 2020             CLIMATE INDICATORS                 THE REPORT          THE ESOTC

   Global                                                                                                                                                          Sea ice

                                                                                                                                                         Arctic sea ice reached its second lowest
                                                                                                                                                         extent on record, while Antarctic sea ice
                                                                                                                                                         extent was close to average around its
                                                                                                                                                         annual minimum.

   in 2020                                                                                                                                                         Sea level

   —                                                                                                                                                     Data are only available until June 2020,
                                                                                                                                                         however, during this period, global mean
                                                                                                                                                         sea level continued to rise.
   The evolution of key climate
   indicators provides the global                                    -7   -5   -3   -2   -1   -0.5   0   0.5   1    2   3   5   7 °C
   context for 2020.                             Surface air temperature for 2020, shown relative to the 1981–2010 average.
                                                 Data source: ERA5 Credit: C3S/ECMWF.
                                                                                                                                                         Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                         several field campaigns were delayed
   The global context is given by the Climate                                                                                                            or cancelled, affecting the availability of
                                                            Temperature                                             Greenhouse gases                     comprehensive data coverage for 2020
   Indicators for which data are available for
   the majority of the year. These indicators                                                                                                            at the time of publication.
   typically build on multi-source or            Globally, 2020 was one of three warmest                 Atmospheric concentrations of the
   community estimates, leading to a delay       years on record. Over parts of the Arctic               greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O
   for producing final data records, and so      and northern Siberia, temperatures                      were at their highest since satellite-based
   not all indicators are covered here.          reached more than 6°C above average.                    observations started in 2003. Preliminary
                                                 Below-average temperatures were                         analysis indicates that CO2 increased at a
   Additional information about the global       recorded over the eastern equatorial                    somewhat lower rate than in recent years,
   climate during 2020 can be found in the       Pacific later in the year, associated with              while CH4 increased more rapidly. These
   World Meteorological Organization (WMO)       cooler La Niña conditions.                              changes are likely due to a slight reduction
   statement on the State of the Global                                                                  in emissions linked to the COVID-19
   Climate in 2020.                                                                                      pandemic and to warm temperatures                         Click here to
                                                                                                         leading to increased CO2 and CH4 fluxes                   find out more
                                                                                                         associated with land surfaces.

   Copernicus Climate Change Service             European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                                    4
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                          ABOUT US        CONTACT
                        IN 2020          IN 2020       IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS   THE REPORT   THE ESOTC

   Europe                                       Winter in northeastern Europe
                                              was nearly 1.9°C warmer than the
                                                                                                                                 Image: The Copernicus Sentinel-2
                                                                                                                                 mission takes us over Zeeland – the
                                                                                                                                 westernmost province in the
                                                                                                                                 Netherlands. Credit: contains

   in 2020
                                                                                                                                 modified Copernicus Sentinel data
                                               previous record, with low sea ice                                                 (2020), processed by ESA.
                                                 cover for the Baltic Sea and a
                                                low number of days with snow
   —                                                     in some areas.

   Europe saw its warmest year,
   winter and autumn on record.
   Wet and dry conditions varied
   substantially across the region
   and the year.                                 The start of the year saw a
                                               remarkable transition from wet
   This section provides the 2020 view
   for Europe compared to the long-term
                                              to dry conditions. In northwestern
   trends of variables across the climate      Europe, it was one of the driest
   system. Key events that occurred during            springs on record.
   the year are also described within a
   climatic context.

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               find out more

   Copernicus Climate Change Service         European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                        5
GLOBAL CONTEXT          EUROPE       THE ARCTIC            TRENDS IN             ABOUT             BEYOND
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                        IN 2020             IN 2020       IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS      THE REPORT         THE ESOTC

   Temperature                                  Heat and cold stress                        Lake surface                                 Clouds and
               The annual temperature for                 eat stress levels are
                                                          H                                 temperatures                                 sunshine duration
                Europe was the highest on                 increasing across Europe.
                record.                                                                               T he surface water                           unshine duration is
                                                                                                       temperature of European                     increasing across Europe.
   In 2020, the annual temperature for          During the summer months, the number                   lakes is increasing.
   Europe was the highest on record; at least   of days with high heat stress levels
   0.4°C warmer than the next five warmest      are increasing throughout Europe. The       The surface water temperature of             2020 saw the largest number of sunshine
   years, which all occurred during the last    number of winter daytimes with cold         European lakes was just 0.03°C above         hours since satellite records began in
   decade. Winter and autumn were the           stress has decreased over time in           the 1996–2016 average during their           1983. This large annual anomaly was
   warmest on record; the winter record         northern Europe.                            2020 warm season, from July to               driven by significantly above-average
   was particularly substantial, at more than                                               September. This is a small positive          sunshine duration from January to May.
   3.4°C above the 1981–2010 average            For summer 2020, only a few regions of      anomaly, especially when compared with       The largest anomaly values were found
   and around 1.4°C warmer than the             western, central and northern Europe saw    the record of over 0.8°C above average       in parts of central and eastern Europe.
   previous warmest winter.                     a maximum heat stress level that was        reported in 2018. While temperatures
                                                very different to average. During winter,   were close to average for the year as        In line with the high number of sunshine
   The regions with the largest anomalies       the region of ‘moderate cold stress’        a whole, there was wide variability          hours, cloud cover was at a record low
   during winter and autumn were in the         reached less far to the south and west      throughout the warm season, with             for 2020. The largest below-average
   northeastern and eastern parts of            than on average, both for nighttime and     temperatures both above and below            anomalies were found over central
   Europe, respectively.                        daytime cold stress levels.                 average. The warm season European lake       Europe and across the land areas
                                                                                            surface temperatures are increasing at an    bordering the central and eastern
   During winter, maximum and minimum                                                       average rate of around 0.4°C per decade.     Mediterranean Sea.
   temperatures over northeastern                            1981–2010
   Europe were up to 6°C and 9°C warmer,                                                                                                              1991–2020
   respectively, than the 1981–2010 average.                                                            1996–2016


   Copernicus Climate Change Service            European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                  6
GLOBAL CONTEXT         EUROPE        THE ARCTIC            TRENDS IN               ABOUT                 BEYOND
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                        IN 2020            IN 2020        IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS        THE REPORT             THE ESOTC

                                                                                            Number of 'ice days' – Winter 2020
   Warm winter                                  Heatwaves and
               Record-breaking warmth          warm spells                                                                                                   80

                across a large area of                                                                                                                        70
                northeastern Europe.                       ummer heatwaves
                                                          were less intense, less
   Winter in northeastern Europe was                      widespread, and shorter-
   exceptionally warm, with average                       lived than in recent years.
   temperatures nearly 1.9°C higher than
   the previous record. This led to unusually   Several episodes of very warm weather
   low sea ice cover in the northern part of    occurred during the summer, affecting                                                                         40

   the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland,      different regions each month. In June,
                                                Scandinavia and eastern Europe                                                                                30
   and a low number of days with snow in
   the area around the southern Baltic Sea.     experienced a high number of ‘warm
   The area of Europe where the daily           daytimes’. In August, a ridge of high
   maximum temperature stayed above             pressure brought warm air up from Africa,
   freezing in winter was the largest on        driving surface temperatures up and
   record, in keeping with a general increase   resulting in remarkably warm nighttime
                                                                                            Number of 'ice days' – Winter 2020 relative to 1981–2010          0
   since the early 1980s, and the number        temperatures in western Europe. In
   of days with ‘very strong’ and ‘strong’      France, several maximum temperature
   cold stress during daytime was the           records for the month of August were
   lowest on record.                            broken; high temperatures were observed                                                                       -20
                                                in other parts of Europe as well. None
                                                of the heatwaves were as intense,                                                                             -30
                            1981–2010           widespread or long-lived as others
                                                of recent years. In early November,                                                                           -40     The number of days
                                                Scandinavia experienced a warm spell,                                                                                 during which the
                                                breaking daily maximum temperature                                                                            -50     daily maximum
                                                records.                                                                                                              temperature was
                                                                                                                                                              -60     below freezing
                                                                                                                                                                      during winter 2020
                                                                          1981–2010                                                                        No. days
                                                                                                                                                                      (top) and for winter
                                                                                                                                                                      2020 relative to the
                                                                                                                                                                      1981–2010 reference
                                                                                                                                                                      period (bottom).
                                                                                                                                                                      Data source: E-OBS.
                                                                                                                                                                      Credit: C3S/KNMI.

   Copernicus Climate Change Service            European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                      7
GLOBAL CONTEXT        EUROPE        THE ARCTIC            TRENDS IN               ABOUT             BEYOND
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                         IN 2020           IN 2020        IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS        THE REPORT         THE ESOTC

   Precipitation                                Soil moisture                                 River discharge                              Wildfires
               Precipitation across Europe                arts of western Europe
                                                          P                                              iver discharge in April and
                                                                                                        R                                             T otal European wildfire
                was near average in 2020.                 saw a long period of drier-                   May was the lowest since at                    emissions were low
                                                          than-average conditions.                      least 1991.                                    compared to the
                                                                                                                                                       2003–2019 average.
   While precipitation levels were average      The year as a whole saw below-average         In parts of northwestern Europe, there
   for the year as a whole, there was a wide    soil moisture conditions of a similar         was a remarkable transition from             Wildfires in Europe occur throughout the
   range of anomalies between regions and       magnitude to 2019, and these were the         exceptionally high river discharge from      year, although peak activity is normally
   between different times of year. For         second lowest since at least 1979. Most       January to March, to exceptionally low       during the summer months in the
   example, February saw higher levels          of Europe was dominated by soil moisture      river discharge in April and May. Across     Mediterranean region. For Europe as a
   of precipitation than average, while         deficits, especially in France and near the   Europe, average river discharge in April     whole, 2020 showed close-to-average
   November saw lower than average              Black and Caspian Seas.                       and May was the lowest in records which      fire danger conditions, however, there
   precipitation.                                                                             date back to 1991.                           were periods of locally above-average fire
                                                In winter and spring, northeastern Europe                                                  danger in winter and spring, most notably
   A wetter-than-average winter transitioned    experienced above-average soil moisture       River discharge in October was above         in the Balkans and eastern Europe,
   into a dry spring in northwest Europe, and   conditions. Below-average soil moisture       average across large parts of Europe in      associated with regional events outside
   then across western continental Europe,      conditions occurred during spring in a        response to the heavy rainfall from Storm    the main fire season. One indicator of
   where persistent dry conditions were         band from the UK and Ireland to the           Alex. Correspondingly, over 60% of the       wildfire activity is total wildfire emissions.
   present from spring through to autumn. In    Caspian Sea. In summer and autumn,            river network in northwestern Europe         2020 European emissions were lower
   summer, wet conditions were experienced      western central Europe continued to see       experienced above-average discharge.         than average, possibly due to very few
   in a band from the Adriatic Sea to the       below-average soil moisture conditions,                                                    wildfires during the summer, which are
   Baltic countries.                            whereas eastern central Europe had                                                         typically those with the highest emissions.
                                                above-average soil moisture conditions.
   On the whole, there is no significant
   long-term trend in European precipitation.

                       1981–2010                                                                                                                  ildfire danger 1981–2010
                                                                                                                                                 Wildfire emissions 2003–2019

   Copernicus Climate Change Service            European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                     8
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   Transition from a wet                            Storm Alex
                                                                                                                                                              In early spring, there was a
   winter to a dry spring                                      torm Alex brought
                                                                                                                                                              remarkable transition from
                                                              exceptional levels of rain in
               There was a remarkable                        a short period of time.                                                                           wet to dry conditions, as
                transition from a wet winter                                                                                                                    captured in precipitation
                into a dry spring.                  Storm Alex, in early October 2020, was the
                                                    first storm of the 2020–21 European winter                                                                 levels, river discharge and
   In February 2020, a large area of                storm season. The storm brought unusually                                                                       vegetation cover.
   Europe was affected by above-average             high levels of rainfall in a short period of
   precipitation from several heavy rainfall        time and broke many one-day precipitation
   events. However, northern parts of               records in the UK, northwestern France and
   western Europe experienced one of the            in the southern Alps.
   driest springs of the last 40 years, in                                                         -15     -10    -5       0     5      10     15 %
   terms of both rainfall and soil moisture.        The precipitation was particularly high
                                                    across the French and Italian sides of the     March                                                 April
   This wet to dry transition had an                Maritime Alps, with daily rainfall in some
   appreciable impact on vegetation growth          places more than three times the October
   and soil moisture across the continent.          average. Storm Alex led to above-average
   On a regional scale, the impacts were            river discharge over large parts of western
   seen in river discharge in northwestern          Europe resulting in devastating floods in
   and northeastern Europe, notably for             some regions.
   the Rhine river basin.


         River discharge 1991–2019
                                                                                                   -15     -10    -5       0     5      10     15 %     -15      -10    -5      0      5      10     15 %
                                                                                                   Monthly soil moisture anomalies for February, March and April 2020 relative to the respective monthly
                                                                                                   average for the 1981–2010 reference period. Data source: ERA5. Credit: C3S/ECMWF.

   Copernicus Climate Change Service               European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                                      9
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                          IN 2020                    IN 2020       IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS   THE REPORT         THE ESOTC

   Image: Sea ice patches south of Pioneer Island
   (Russia), on 14 August 2020. Credit: European
   Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery, processed
   by Pierre Markuse for C3S.
                                                                                                                      The Arctic
                                                                                                                      in 2020
                                                                                                                      Temperatures in the Arctic were
                                                                                                                      remarkably warm, particularly
                                                                                                                      over northern Siberia, which
                                                                                                                      also saw low snow cover, dry
                                                                                                                      conditions and high wildfire
                                                                                                                      The Arctic section provides an overview
                                                                                                                      of key climate events in high northern
                                                                                                                      latitudes during 2020, both at the
                                                                                                                      surface and higher up in the atmosphere.

                                                                                                                                            The start of the year brought
                                                                                                                                         colder-than-average temperatures
                                                                                                                                          to much of the Arctic. In addition,
                                                                                                                                             March saw a record ozone
                                                                                                                                         depletion event in the stratosphere.
               Click here to
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                         IN 2020              IN 2020       IN 2020            CLIMATE INDICATORS           THE REPORT                THE ESOTC

   Temperature                                    Heat in Siberia                                                                                       180°

               For the Arctic as a whole,                   It was by far the warmest
                2020 was the second                          year on record in Arctic
                warmest year on record.                      Siberia.                                             135°W                                                                       135°E

   2020 was the second warmest year               The average 2020 temperature over the
   on record for the Arctic, with a surface       whole of Arctic Siberia was 4.3°C above
   temperature anomaly of 2.2°C above             the 1981–2010 average; 1.8°C above the
   the 1981–2010 average.                         previous record.
   The first three months of 2020 were            Record temperatures in spring and
   colder than average over large parts of        autumn led to lower-than-average snow
   the Arctic. At the same time, most of          cover. This in turn likely contributed to the
   Europe and Siberia were experiencing           heat, as less solar energy was reflected
                                                                                                    90°W                                                                                                    90°E
   much warmer-than-average temperatures.         and instead was absorbed by the darker
   Later in the year, the Arctic saw its          snow-free surfaces.
   warmest summer and autumn on record.
                                                  During the summer, Arctic Siberia saw
   The year was marked by exceptional             widespread wildfire activity, which resulted
   warmth over large parts of Arctic Siberia,     in the largest amounts of CO2 emissions
   where annual temperature anomalies             from wildfires since at least 2003.
   reached more than 6°C above average,
   the largest anomalies worldwide.
                                                                                                                  45°W                                                                       45°E

                                                                                                  Soil moisture anomaly (%)

                                                                                                  -30       -24           -18     -12        -6          0         6         12         18          24        30

                                                                                                  Wildfire radiative power (W m )-2

                                                                                                    1–10     10–50     50–100    >100

                                                                                                  Summer 2020 soil moisture anomalies relative to the 1981–2010 average (brown/blue) and wildfire
                                                                                                  locations (red dots). The shades of the dots denote the total wildfire radiative power, a measure of intensity.
                                                                                                  Data source: ERA5, CAMS GFAS v1.2. Credit: C3S/CAMS/ECMWF.

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   Image: The Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden
   Ice Shelf, also known as 79N, is the
   floating front end of the Northeast
                                                                                          Sea ice                                       Cold winter and record
   Greenland Ice Stream. Credit:
   contains modified Copernicus data
                                                                                                     rctic sea ice extent in
                                                                                                    A                                   ozone depletion
   (2020), processed by ESA.
                                                                                                    September was the second
                                                                                                    lowest on record.                              strong polar vortex led to
                                                                                                                                                  record stratospheric ozone
                                                                                          In September 2020, Arctic sea ice                       depletion in March.
                                                                                          reached its second lowest minimum
                                                                                          extent since 1979, behind the record          The first three months of the year
                                                                                          minimum of 2012, with a monthly               brought colder-than-average
                                                                                          mean extent 35% below the                     temperatures to most of the Arctic.
                                                                                          1981–2010 average.                            One notable exception was Arctic Siberia
                                                                                                                                        which, along with the rest of Siberia
                                                                                          Arctic sea ice extent was the lowest on       and most of Europe, experienced much
                                                                                          record for the time of year in July and       warmer conditions than normal.
                                                                                          October, primarily due to record low sea
                                                                                          ice cover along the coast of Siberia.         Both the colder Arctic and warmer
                                                                                                                                        Eurasia in early 2020 can be linked to an
                                                                                          The unusually low cover along the             exceptionally strong Arctic Oscillation and
                                                                                          Siberian coast resulted in part from rapid    its influence on wind and temperature
                                                                                          sea ice retreat in early summer linked to     patterns. In the stratosphere, a
                                                                                          record high air temperatures over Arctic      persistently strong polar vortex led to
                                                                                          Siberia.                                      record ozone depletion in March in the
                                                                                                                                        Northern Hemisphere.

   Copernicus Climate Change Service          European State of the Climate 2020                                                                                                12
GLOBAL CONTEXT          EUROPE       THE ARCTIC            TRENDS IN                 ABOUT               BEYOND
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                      IN 2020             IN 2020       IN 2020          CLIMATE INDICATORS          THE REPORT           THE ESOTC

   Trends in climate
                                                                                                                Between 1993
                                                                                                                and 2020, a                       Sea level
                                                                                                                mean increase
                                                                                                                                                  Between 1993 and 2020, the global

                                                                                                                Globally, of around               mean rise in sea level has been around
                                                                                                                3.1 mm                            3.1 mm ± 0.4 mm per year; a total
                                                                                                                                                  increase of around 8 cm. Regional trends
                                                                                                                                                  can deviate considerably from the global
                                                                                                                In Europe, of around
                                                                                                                                                  mean. For example, across Europe, sea
                                                                                                                2–4 mm                            level changes differ between the open
                                                                                                                                                  ocean and coastal areas due to various
   Climate Indicators show the long-term evolution of                                                                                             geophysical processes.
                                                                                                                Per year
   several key variables which are used to assess the global
                                                                                                                                                         Sea level data record covering
   and regional trends of a changing climate. These also                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                         January 1993 to June 2020
   provide the wider context in which to read the report.

                    Since 1850–1900,                                                                  Global 60-month average temperature (°C)          Relative to the 1850-1900 reference period
                    an increase               Surface temperature                                               ERA5               GISTEMPv4                NOAAGlobalTempv5

                    Globally, of around                                                                         JRA-55             HadCRUT5                 Berkeley Earth
                                              For surface temperature, the aim of the Paris
                    1.2°C                     Agreement, adopted in 2015, is to hold the increase
                                              in the global average temperature to well below

                                              2°C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue
                    Europe, of around         efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C. The latest
                    2.2°C                     five-year average global temperature is the highest                                                                                                 0.5
                                              on record, and shows a warming of around 1.2°C
                                              above 1850–1900 levels. Since the mid-1970s,
                    Arctic, estimate          temperatures over land have, on average, been                                                                                                       0
                    of around                 rising about twice as quickly as those over the sea.

                    3°C                                    Six
                                                            temperature datasets covering all or
    Click here                                             parts of 1850–2020. Values for Europe                                                                                                  -0.5
                                                                                                      1860                1900                   1940               1980                  2020
    to find         For five-year                          and the Arctic are over land only.
    out more        averages                                                                         Estimated difference in global surface air temperature relative to the 1850–1900 reference
                                                                                                     period, according to six datasets. Credit: C3S/ECMWF.

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                                                                                                                                                          Increase at
   Greenhouse gases       Greenhouse gas                                                    Greenhouse gas fluxes                                         Earth’s surface

   driving climate change concentrations                                                    The difference between the amount                             CO2 net fluxes,
                                                                                                                                                          of about
                                                                                            of a gas added to the atmosphere by
   Greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the               The amount of a gas contained in a
   atmosphere trap heat close to Earth’s        certain volume of air.
                                                                                            emissions from various ‘sources’ and
                                                                                            the amount taken up by various
                                                                                                                                                          5000 TgC
   surface. Although they are essential                                                     ‘sinks’, which remove that gas from
   for a habitable climate, their heat-         The atmospheric concentrations of CO2
                                                                                            the atmosphere.                                               CH4 net fluxes,
   trapping capacity means that if their        and CH4 continue to increase.
                                                                                                                                                          of about
   levels rise, Earth’s temperature also                                                    Estimated net surface fluxes of CO2,
   rises, with significant global impacts.
                                                                  Increase since 2010
                                                                                            CH4 and N2O have been increasing during                       420 TgC
                                                                  CO2 of about              recent decades. Anthropogenic emissions
   Human activities lead to the emission of
   GHGs in various ways, including the                            0.6%                      of CO2 have been partly compensated
                                                                                            for by a natural uptake by oceans and
                                                                                                                                                          N2O net fluxes,
                                                                                                                                                          of about
   combustion of fossil fuels for energy,                                                   vegetation. In some countries, the
   deforestation, the use of fertilisers in
   agriculture, livestock farming, and the
                                                                  CH4 of about              variation in these fluxes is mainly driven                    18 TgN
                                                                                            by fossil fuel burning, while for others the
   decomposition of organic material in                           0.4%                      dominant process is the natural uptake by                     Per year
   landfills. Of all the long-lived GHGs that                                               vegetation through photosynthesis.
   are emitted by human activities, the ones                      Per year in atmospheric
   that have the largest impact on the                            concentrations                                                                       O2: 1979–2019
   Earth’s climate are carbon dioxide (CO2),                                                                                                          CH4: 1990–2019
   methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).                                                                                                             N2O: 1996–2018
                                                       Concentrations  (column-averaged
                                                       mixing ratios) for CO2 and CH4
                                                       covering 2003–2020

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   The cryosphere in a
   changing climate
   The cryosphere encompasses all
   the parts of the Earth system where                                   Glaciers

   water is in solid form, including
   ice sheets, glaciers, snow cover,
   permafrost and sea ice.                                                                                                                                     Ice sheet

   The cryosphere exerts an important                                                                    Sea ice                               Ice shelf
   influence on Earth’s climate. Due to its
   high reflectivity it impacts the amount                                          Lake/river ice
   of solar energy taken up by the planet’s              Snow cover
   surface, and consequently temperatures.
   Due to the vast amounts of water stored
   on land in glaciers and ice sheets, there is
   a direct impact on global mean sea level.
   As the climate changes, the cryosphere
   changes with it, and these changes
   themselves have an influence back
   on the climate.

                                                  across the Arctic. In March, at the annual                          In the Arctic during
   Sea ice                                        maximum, long-term retreat is greatest in                           1979–2020
                                                  the Barents Sea. In the Antarctic, sea ice
   Arctic sea ice extent has declined                                                                                 March sea ice                September sea ice
                                                  extent shows no clear long-term trend,
   markedly in all months of the year, as                                                                             extent, per decade           extent, per decade
                                                  although more marked changes are seen
   recorded by satellite observations since       in parts of the Southern Ocean.                                     -2.6%                        -12.2%
   1979. The decline has been largest
   around the annual minimum in                                Sea ice data record covering
                                                                                                                      ±0.4%                        ±1.8%
   September, with widespread retreat                          1979–2020
                                                                                                                      In the Antarctic
                                                                                                                      No clear trend in total sea ice extent

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                                                                                                Image: The Pine Island Glacier,
   Glaciers                                        Ice sheets                                   captured by the Copernicus
                                                                                                Sentinel-2 mission. Credit: contains
                                                                                                modified Copernicus Sentinel data
   Both globally and in Europe, glaciers are       Between 1992 and 2018, the Greenland
                                                                                                (2020), processed by ESA.
   seeing a substantial and prolonged loss         and Antarctic Ice Sheets lost over
   of ice mass.                                    6520 Gt of ice, causing global sea levels
                                                   to rise by more than 18 millimetres. In
   Globally, an average of about 30 m loss of      Greenland, just over half of this ice loss
   ice thickness has been observed since 1957.     has been through reduced surface mass
   Since 1997, glaciers in Europe have lost        balance and the remainder from ice
   between 8 m and 30 m of ice. However,           discharge. In Antarctica, increased ice
   over most of the 20th century, the rate         losses have been driven by increased
   of mass loss was lower, and there have          glacier discharge.
   been intermittent periods of mass gain.                            Between 1992
                     Since 1957                                       and 2018

                     Global loss of ice                               In Greenland
                     thickness of around
                     30 m                                             ±340 Gt
                     Since 1960s                                      Between 1992
                     European loss of ice                             and 2017
                     thickness                                        In Antarctica
                     4–35 m                                           -2720
                     Scandinavia and the
                                                                      ±1390 Gt
                     Alps, respectively
                                                          Satellite data from 11 missions
                 eference glacier network
                of more than 30 years of
                ongoing observations

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   About the
                                                                                           The data behind the ESOTC                  The ESOTC 2020 sections rely more
                                                                                           2020 and the Climate Indicators            extensively on the datasets provided
                                                                                           Climate Indicators provide the long-term   operationally and in near real-time by the
                                                                                                                                      Copernicus Services, to give an overview

                                                                                           context for the globe, Europe and the
                                                                                           Arctic, and build on datasets and          of 2020 in the long-term context. The
                                                                                           estimates which are brought together to    operational data are freely accessible via
                                                                                           provide a comprehensive multi-source       data catalogues such as the C3S Climate
                                                                                           reference, based on data from Copernicus   Data Store (CDS). These operational data

   —                                                                                       and from other monitoring activities.
                                                                                           Where data do not yet fully cover the
                                                                                                                                      services build on extensive research and
                                                                                                                                      development undertaken by institutions
                                                                                                                                      across Europe and the rest of the world.
   Contributors                                European national and regional              reporting period, the most up to date
                                               meteorological and hydrological             information is included.
   The ESOTC’s findings are based on
   expertise from across the C3S community,    services: ARPA Piemonte (Italy), DMI
   as well as other Copernicus services        (Denmark), DWD (Germany), KNMI
   and external partners. The sections are     (Netherlands), Met Norway, Météo-France,
   authored by the data providers from         Met Office (United Kingdom), and indirect
   institutions across Europe and edited by    contributions from many others.                        By comparing 2020 against a reference period, we can see how the
   the C3S team. This report is reviewed       Universities and research                              year fits within a longer-term context. Generally, the reference period
   by colleagues across the Copernicus         organisations: AWI (Germany),                          used is 1981–2010, but where less extensive data records are
   network.                                    University of Bremen (Germany), CEA/                   available, more recent and shorter periods are used.
   The EU Copernicus services:                 LSCE (France), CLS (France), EODC
                                               (Austria), JAXA (Japan), University of                 Satellites                                 Reanalysis
   C3S, CAMS, Copernicus EMS, CMEMS,
                                               Leeds (United Kingdom), University of                  Providing information about                Using a combination of
                                               Leicester (United Kingdom), NASA (USA),                Earth’s surface and its                    observations and computer
   International organisations and             NILU (Norway), NIES (Japan), SRON                      atmosphere from space.                     models to recreate historical
   initiatives: ECMWF, EC JRC, EEA, ESA,       (Netherlands), University of Reading                                                              climate conditions.
   EUMETSAT SAF Network, GCOS and              (United Kingdom), University of Zurich
   WMO RA VI RCC Network.                      (Switzerland), TNO (Netherlands), TU Wien
                                               (Austria), VanderSat (Netherlands), VITO              In situ                                     Model-based estimates
                                               (Belgium), VU Amsterdam (Netherlands),                Measurements from an                        Using the laws of physics and
                                               WGMS (Switzerland).                                   instrument located at the                   statistics to build large-scale
                                                                                                     point of interest, such as a                models of environmental
                                                                                                     land station, at sea or in                  indicators.
                                                                                                     an aeroplane.

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   Data for assessing                                                                             Could 2020’s exceptionally
                                                                                                   warm winter have had an
                                                                                                                                            Could the wet to dry transition
                                                                                                                                           in 2020 have had an impact on

   climate impacts                                                                               impact on the energy sector?                  the agriculture industry?

   Beyond the ESOTC, C3S offers a range of products and tools to
   explore the impacts of climate change and variability.

   The ESOTC provides monitoring of the          C3S investigates how these sectors
   past year, based on data available from       respond to the interplay of different       Impacts of temperature                        Potential impacts of unusually
   the Copernicus Services and other             climate variables by looking at, for        variations on the net energy                  wet or dry conditions on
   agencies. C3S extends this offer by           example, extreme values, frequency of       demands of buildings                          agriculture
   providing a sectorally-focused service        certain events, or cumulative climate
   that delivers data, tools and example         conditions over long periods. The data,
                                                                                             The net energy demands of buildings           Throughout a crop’s lifetime, availability
   workflows to support public and private       tools and example workflows are
                                                                                             is dependent on the surrounding air           of water is vital. Water availability
   stakeholders in their climate-sensitive       provided for the past and the present, as
                                                                                             temperatures. Information on the              for crops can be estimated from data
   decisions and solutions. This service helps   well as for the future; the last based on
                                                                                             cumulative number of days that are            on evaporation and transpiration.
   identify the impacts of climate change        climate projections.
                                                                                             above or below temperature thresholds         Such information, together with crop
   and variability on vulnerable sectors such
                                                                                             for specific regions allows users to          productivity data, has been produced
   as infrastructure, agriculture, food
                                                                                             estimate this demand. This information,       by C3S and will soon become part of
   security, water, energy, tourism and
                                                                                             as well as related variables, such as         the global agriculture service.
                                                                                             energy production, is part of the offer of
                                                                                             the C3S energy service.

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   About us
                                                                                                 Image: Copernicus Sentinel-3
                                                                                                 mission shows us a rare, cloud-free
                                                                                                 view of Iceland. Credit: contains
                                                                                                 modified Copernicus Sentinel data
                                                                                                 (2020), processed by ESA.

                                                  The Copernicus Climate Change
   ECMWF Copernicus                               Service (C3S)
   services                                       The Copernicus Climate Change
                                                  Service adds value to environmental
   Vital environmental information                measurements and provides free access
   for a changing world                           to quality-assured, traceable data and
                                                  applications, all day, every day. C3S offers
   The European Centre for Medium-Range           consistent information on the climate
   Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has been             anywhere in the world, and supports
   entrusted by the European Commission to        policymakers, businesses and citizens
   implement two of the six services of the       to deal with the consequences of
   Copernicus programme: the Copernicus           climate change and help them prepare
   Climate Change Service (C3S) and the           for the future.
   Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring
   Service (CAMS). In addition, ECMWF             The Copernicus Atmosphere
   provides support to the Copernicus             Monitoring Service (CAMS)
   Emergency Management Service
   (Copernicus EMS).                              The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring
                                                  Service adds value to air quality and
   To meet the challenge of global climate        atmospheric composition measurements,
   change, accurate, reliable and timely          and provides free access to quality-
   data are key. The Copernicus Services          assured, traceable data and applications.
   at ECMWF routinely monitor data on
   a global scale, including surface air
   temperature, precipitation, sea ice area       20210421
   and atmospheric greenhouse gases.

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