EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent

Page created by Jon Webster
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
T HE 2018

                EV E RY T H I N G                                            GUIDE

  > arts + entertain m ent              > h ealt h + welln es s

                                                                               > an d m ore!
JASPER, AGE 8         > e d ucat i on                   > o ut + ab o ut
                                                                      pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   37
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
2017 PDX Parent Picks!                     20
                                                                                                                                                                                            P DX P 1 7
                                                                                                                                                                                               PICK! NT

                                                     < ARTS & E NTERTAI N M E NT >
         ART GALLERIES                            Northwest Dance Project - 211 NE                       attending an OCT production is their first      Moreland Theater - 6712 SE Milwaukie;
                                                  10th; nwdanceproject.org.                              experience with professional performing arts.   morelandtheater.com.
           & EXHIBITS                                                                                    1939 NE Sandy Bl
                                                  Oregon Ballet Theatre -                                                                                Valley Cinema Pub - 9360 SW Beaverton Hills-
     Oregon Historical Society                    0720 SW Bancroft; obt.org.                             Portland, OR 97232                              dale Hwy, Beaverton; valleycinemapub.com.
Visit our new permanent exhibit History                                                                  503-228-9571
                                                  The Portland Ballet - 6250 SW Capitol                  info@octc.org
Hub where families can explore the topic of
                                                  Hwy; theportlandballet.org.
                                                                                                                                                            MUSIC INSTRUCTION
diversity through fun, hands-on interactives.                                                            octc.org
With puzzles, touch screen activities, and        Center for Movement Arts - 1734 SE 12th;               Please see ad on page 36
board games, History Hub asks students to         cmadance.com.                                                                                            Bennett Suzuki Violin Studio
consider questions like “Who is an Oregonian?,”
and “How can you make Oregon a great place        Columbia Dance - 1700 Broadway, Vancouver;                Penny’s Puppet Productions                   Age 2 to adult. Private lessons, group lessons,
for everyone?”                                                                                                                                           parent/child lessons, sibling lessons, recitals.
                                                  columbiadance.org.                                     Penny’s Puppet Productions is a professional    Learn by listening with a gradual transition
1200 SW Park Ave                                                                                         one-woman puppet company dedicated to           to note-reading. Edie Bennett is a certified
                                                  Hollywood Dance Studio - 4419 NE Sandy
Portland, OR 97205                                                                                       making the world a better place, one puppet     teacher with a Masters Degree, and has over
                                                  Blvd; hollywooddancepdx.com.
                                                                                                         show at a time! Offering joyful programs        35 years of teaching experience, specializing in
                                                  Northwest Dance Theatre - 19318 SW Mohave              that ignite the imagination and fill the room   teaching young children. Your first appoint-
                                                  Court, Tualatin; nwdt.org.                             with excitement and laughter, Penny’s live
ohs.org                                                                                                                                                  ment is FREE.
                                                                                                         performances use puppets, story, and song to
Please see ad on page 43
                                                  Oregon Ballet School - 1017 SW Morrison;               inspire and entertain children of all ages.     8628 SW 50th Ave
                                                  oregonballetschool.com.                                                                                Portland, OR 97219
                                                                                                         PO Box 220238
                                                                                                         Milwaukie, OR 97269                             503-246-9945
       ARTS & CRAFTS /                            Portland Youth Ballet - 7901 SW Cirrus Bldg
                                                  27, Beaverton; pybdance.com.                           503-282-9207

        VISUAL ARTS /
                                                  Tualatin Dance Center - 8487 SW Warm                                                                   Please see ad on page 56
         FILMMAKING                               Springs, Tualatin; facebook.com.
                                                                                                         Please see ad on page 54
The Craft Factory - 7832 SW Capitol                                                                                                                          Music Together of Portland
Hwy, Ste B; craftfactorypdx.com.
                                                        DRAMA / THEATER                                  Tears of Joy Theatre -                          Join Music Together of Portland for classes in
Portland Child Art Studio - 1819 NW                                                                      323 NE Wygant, Ste 201; tojt.org.               your neighborhood! Music Together© is an in-
Everett, Ste 204; portlandchildart.org.                                                                                                                  ternationally recognized, research based music
                                                        Christian Youth Theater                          Corbett Children’s Theater -                    program for infants, toddlers, preschoolers,
SCRAP - 1736 SW Alder; scrappdx.org.                            Portland                                 corbettchildrenstheater.com.                    kindergartners and the adults who love them.
                                                  Christian Youth Theater is a nationwide theater                                                        Shake eggs, dance with scarves, sing, play
Smartypants - 5512 N Montana; smar-               training company helping youth become the              El Centro Milagro - 425 SE 6th; milagro.org.    instruments and experience the most talked
typantspdx.com.                                   best they can be. CYT offers quarterly classes                                                         about early childhood music program in town!
                                                                                                         Imago Theatre - 17 SE 8th; imagotheater.com.
                                                  in Portland & Vancouver in drama, voice, dance
Spark Arts Center - 1805 NE Cesar E                                                                                                                      1234 SE 53rd Ave
                                                  for students ages 5-18. Students, 8-18, are            Krayon Kids Musical Theater Co. - 817 12th,
Chavez; sparkartscenter.com.                                                                                                                             Portland, OR 97215
                                                  eligible to audition for quarterly Broadway-style      Oregon City; krayonkids.org.
Vibe of Portland - 5633 SE Division;              productions. CYT—Changing Lives. One Stage                                                             503-236-4304
vibestudio.org.                                   at a time!                                             Ladybug Theater - 8210 SE 13th;                 musictogether-pdx.com
                                                  20500 SW Boones Ferry Rd                               ladybugtheater.com.                             Please see ad on page 51
Collage - 1639 NE Alberta; collagepdx.blogspot.
                                                  Tualatin, OR 97062                                     Lakewood Theatre Company - 368 S State,
                                                  503-272-6600                                           Lake Oswego; lakewood-center.org.               Artichoke Community Music - 3130 SE Haw-
Confection Crafts - 3936 N Williams; confec-      mschelske@cytportlandvancouver.org                                                                     thorne; artichokemusic.org.
tioncrafts.com.                                   cytportlandvancouver.org                               Shakespeare in the Parks -
                                                  Please see ad on page 56
                                                                                                         portlandactors.com.                             Ethos Music Center - 2 N Killingsworth;
Mimosa Studios - 1718 NE Alberta; mimosas-                                                                                                               ethos.org.
tudios.com.                                                                                              Shaking the Tree - 823 SE Grant;
                                                                                                         shaking-the-tree.com.                           Music Seeds - 15080 SE Laurie, Milwaukie;
Multnomah Arts Center - 7688 SW Capitol                Northwest Children’s

                                                       Theater and School
                                                                                            PDX PARENT

Hwy; multnomahartscenter.org.
                                                                                                         Stumptown Stages - Brunish Theatre, 1111 SW
                                                  NWCT’s mission is to educate, entertain                Broadway; stumptownstages.com.                  MusikWerks Studio - 4518 NE 28th;
My Masterpiece Art Studio - 7905 SW Cirrus        and enrich the lives of young audiences.                                                               musicwerksstudio.com.
27G, Beaverton; mymasterpieceartstudio.com.       NWCT produces five Mainstage shows per
                                                                                                                                                         Oregon Music Teachers Assn. -
Vine Gogh Artist Bar & Studio - 11513 SW          year; administers one of the largest theater
                                                  schools on the west coast; and offers access
                                                                                                                 KID-FRIENDLY                            omta-portland.org.
Pacific Hwy, Tigard; vinegogh.com.
                                                  performances, which includes audio-de-                        MOVIE THEATERS                           Portland Piano Lab - 711 SW 14th;
Young Art Lessons - 7461 SW Bridgeport;           scribed, sign-interpreted, and sensory-friendly
                                                                                                         Academy Theater - 7818 SE Stark;                portlandpianolab.com.
youngartusa.co.                                   performances, so every child has access to the
                                                  magic of theater.                                      academytheaterpdx.com.
                                                                                                                                                         Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls -
                                                  1819 NW Everett St                                     Bagdad Theater & Pub - 3702 SE                  girlsrockcamp.org.
            DANCE                                 Portland, OR 97209                                     Hawthorne; mcmenamins.com.
                                                                                                                                                         Rose City Music Academy - 7905 SW
                                                  503-222-2190                                           Hollywood Theatre - 4122 NE Sandy               Matheny, Beaverton;
                                                  info@nwcts.org                                         Blvd; hollywoodtheatre.org/education/
                                                  nwcts.org                                              summer-film-camps/
                                                                                                                                                         Sound Roots School of Music - 11517 SW 58th
BodyVox - 1201 NW 17th; bodyvox.com.              Please see ad on page 46
                                                                                                         Laurelhurst Theater - 2735 E Burn-              Ct; soundrootsmusic.com/music2
                                                                                                         side; laurelhursttheater.com.
Classical Ballet Academy - 7970 SE
Milwaukie; classicalballet.net.                   Oregon Children’s Theatre                   2017
                                                                                                         McMenamins Kennedy School -
                                                                                                                                                          MUSIC PERFORMANCES
                                                                                           PDX PARENT

                                                                                                         5736 NE 33rd; mcmenamins.com.

Dance With Joy Studios - 7981 SE                  For nearly three decades, Oregon
17th; dancewithjoystudios.com.                    Children’s Theatre has been creating extraor-          Regal Bridgeport Village - 7329 SW
                                                  dinary theater for young audiences. We bring
                                                                                                         Bridgeport, Tigard; regmovies.com.
                                                                                                                                                                  Blueprint Ensemble
Echo Theater Company - 1515 SE                    great stories to life on stage, with productions                                                               Theatre Arts Initiative
37th; echotheaterpdx.org.                         distinguished by their professional polish             Clinton Street Theater - 2522 SE Clinton;       Blueprint Ensemble Arts Theatre Initiative is
                                                  and awe-inspiring staging. For many children,          cstpdx.com.                                     a Portland-based performing arts and choral

                                                                                                                                                         pdxparent.com         |    January 2018     39
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
organization with numerous ensembles under                           VENUES
                                        its banner, each rooted in harmonic fusion,
                                        musical versatility, and unity. Blueprint engages    North Clackamas Aquatic Park
                                        youths and adults through the appreciation of
                                                                                            Surf’s up at North Clackamas Aquatic Park!
                                        music and performing arts, and promotes these
                                                                                            Catch a ride in Oregon’s largest indoor wave
                                        mediums through accessibility for all.
                                                                                            pool, zip down thrilling water slides and scale
                                        2120 NE Tillamook St                                a 29-foot rock wall. This water park is perfect
                                        Portland, OR 97212                                  for birthday celebrations with plenty of party
                                        503-222-3284                                        packages to choose from.
                                        info@BlueprintArts.org                              7300 SE Harmony Rd
                                        blueprintarts.org                                   Milwaukie, OR 97222
                                        Please see ad on page 57
                                        Oregon Symphony - Performances at                   ncprd.com
                                        Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall;                      Please see ad on page 40


                                        Bravo Concerts Northwest - 601 Main STE 301,                Pietro’s Pizza &                     2017

                                        Vancouver; bravoconcerts.com.                              Pirate Adventure
                                                                                                                                      PDX PARENT

                                        Junior Symphony of Vancouver - 9503 NE              Pietro’s Pizza has been a Northwest
                                                                                            family favorite since 1957. Our menu features
                                        86th, Vancouver; oregonchamberplayers.org.
                                                                                            Pietro’s famous original then crust pizza and
                                        Metropolitan Youth Symphony - 4800 SW               much more. Pietro’s is the perfect place for
                                        Macadam, Ste 105; playmys.org.                      your next birthday party or family gathering.
                                                                                            Great Food & Beverages combined with great
                                        Oregon Repertory Singers - 5319 SW West-            Fun & Games will make Pietro’s a hit with the
                                        gate, Ste 134; orsingers.org.                       entire group. Milwaukie, Beaverton, Salem &
                                                                                            Hood River
                                        Pacific Youth Choir - 620 SW Main, Ste 203;
                                        pacificyouthchoir.org.                              13281 SW Canyon Rd
                                                                                            Beaverton, OR 97005
                                        Portland Boychoir - 1819 NW Everett;                503-536-7600
                                        portlandchoirs.org.                                 10300 SE Main St
                                        Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra -              Milwaukie, OR 97222
                                        columbiasymphony.org.                               503-659-7770
                                        Portland Youth Philharmonic - 9320 SW Bar-          pietrosrestaurants.com
                                        bur Blvd, Ste 140; portlandyouthphil.org.           Please see ad on page 58

                                                                                            Mad Science of Portland and
                                                                                            Vancouver - 1522 N Ainsworth; portland.

                                        < B I RTH DAYS >

                                                                                            Oaks Amusement Park - 7805 SE
                                                                                            Oaks Park Way; oakspark.com.
                                                                                            OMSI - Oregon Museum of
                                                   Party Animals NW                         Science & Industry - 1945 SE Water;
                                        Interactive animal shows for birthday parties,      programs.omsi.edu/camps-and-classes
                                        events, and educational programs! We bring
                                        our zoo to you!                                     Portland Children’s Museum -
                                                                                            4015 SW Canyon; portlandcm.org.
                                        Portland Metro Area
                                        503-714-6339                                        CeramiCafe Art Lounge - 12056 SE Sunnyside,
                                        info@partyanimalsnw.com                             Clackamas; ceramicafenw.com.
                                                                                            The GameRoom - 1926 SE Scott, Milwaukie;
                                        Circus Cascadia - 8563 SE 257th, Gresham;
                                        circuscascadia.com.                                 Jim Parsley Community Center -
                                                                                            4100 Plomondon, Vancouver; vansd.org/jpc.
                                        Dragon Theater Puppets & Princesses -
                                        dragontheater.com.                                  Metro Gymnastics Center - 18084 SW Lower
                                                                                            Boones Ferry, Tigard; metrogymnastics.com.
                                        Party Animals NW - Portland Metro Area, ;

                                        PegStilts.com - Peg Stilts for Kids and
                                        Adults - 8123 NE Skidmore; pegstilts.com.

                                                                                            < EDU CATI O N >
                                               PARTY SUPPLIES                                        CHARTER
                                        Hattie’s Sweet Shop - 7828 SW Capitol Hwy;               & PUBLIC SCHOOLS
                                                                                            Lewis & Clark Montessori Charter School -
                                        Parties Inc. - partiesinc.com.                      15600 SE 232nd, Damascus; lcmcs.org.
                                        Portland PartyWorks - 15521 SE For Mor Ct,          Oregon Virtual Education - 5825 NE Ray
                                        Clackamas; portlandpartyworks.com.                  Circle, Hillsboro; orved.org.

40   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
CHILDCARE / DAYCARE                                on weekends, after-school and during school           Scuola Italiana di Portland
                                                    vacations. Follow your curiosity!
       NANNIES                                      5000 N Willamette Bl
                                                                                                      Scuola Italiana provides authentic Italian
                                                                                                      language and culture classes for children,
    Creative Children’s Center                      Portland, OR 97203                                ages 1 to 12 years; 6:1 student-teacher ratio
                                                    503-200-5858                                      maintained. Native and native-fluent teachers
Creative Children’s Center is a learning commu-
                                                                                                      engage students in dynamic, student-cen-
nity for Elementary and Preschool students,         info@saturdayacademy.org
                                                                                                      tered classrooms. Programs include a Reggio
(toddlers to third grade). We hold true to an       saturdayacademy.org
                                                                                                      Emilia preschool, weekend and after-school
image of the child as a gifted learner; creative,   Please see ad on page 49
                                                                                                      classes, summer camps, and a Mommy and Me
intelligent, and engaged in the process.
Our curriculum is grounded in constructivist
philosophy and inspired by the Reggio Emilia        Camp Blue Spruce - Located near Banks,            1542 NW 14th Ave
Approach. Our days are filled with STEAM            Oregon, ; campbluespruce.org.                     Portland, OR 97209
experiences, innovative ideas, and creative                                                           971-270-0470
ways to learn! Full and half day programs are       Leach Botanical Garden - 6704 SE 122nd;           info@scuola.us
offered year round.                                 leachgarden.org.                                  scuola.us
2515 SW 185th                                                                                         Please see ad on page 56
                                                    Little Engineers - 9585 SW Washington Sq,
Beaverton, OR 97003
                                                    Tigard; little-engineers.com.
503-591-0604                                                                                          Portland Early Learning Project - 4330 NE
info@creativechildrenscenter.com                    MetroArts Inc. - 0240 SW Canby;                   37th; portlandearlylearning.com.
creativechildrenscenter.com                         metroartsinc.org.
Please see ad on page 22

                                                       FOREIGN LANGUAGE
         Portland Montessori                                                                                   RESOURCES
            Collaborative                                 INSTRUCTION
Montessori Preschool for children 3 months                                                                 Portland Child Art Studio
through Kindergarten. Located in the Bridle-                German International
                                                                                                      PCAS homeschool classes for ages 4-12
mile neighborhood of SW Portland. Founded                    School of Portland                       provide children with a studio immersion
in the spirit of environmental sustainability,      GIS is a collaborative community with a stu-      experience in drawing, painting, sculpting,
and inspired by the schools of Reggio Emilia.       dent-centered environment that encourages         clay, and printmaking. While children learn to
In house chef prepares organic snacks and           growth into bilingual world citizens. We strive   use different techniques and mediums, PCAS
meals. We use cloth diapers, and educate for        for academic and creative excellence, embrace     nurtures their unique creativity and curiosity
peace and ecological intelligence.                  healthy behavior, and value lifelong learning.    with open-ended projects, fostering indepen-
4817 SW 53rd Ave                                    Schedule a tour today to learn more about our     dence and confidence within a creative studio
Portland, OR 97221                                  über global curriculum!                           environment.
503-972-7100                                        3900 SW Murray Bl                                 1819 NW Everett St Ste 204
info@pdxMc.org                                      Beaverton, OR 97005                               Portland, OR 97209
pdxmc.org                                           503-626-9089                                      971-200-7554
Please see ad on page 40                            admissions@gspdx.org                              portlandchildart@gmail.com
                                                    gspdx.org                                         portlandchildart.org
                                                    Please see ad on page 59                          Please see ad on page 51
A Brilliant Nanny LLC - 4110 SE Hawthorne
Blvd, Ste 157; abnanny.com.

Providence Wee Care Child Development                     The International School                          The Reading Toolkit, LLC
Center - 830 NE 47th; oregon.providence.org.        Picture your child: fluent in another language,   The Reading Toolkit, LLC, provides private
                                                    at home in other cultures, and engaged in         tutoring for reading and spelling remediation
Spilt Milk Nannies - Greater; spiltmilknannies.
                                                    math, science, social studies and the arts!       to the school-age population using a phonemic
                                                    Children acquire Spanish, Chinese, or Japa-       awareness program to treat the weak skill
                                                    nese language and culture as they learn to        areas. This instruction does not constitute a
                                                    pursue knowledge beyond the classroom and         complete and integrated reading program,
      CLASSES / CAMPS                               throughout life. Inquiry-based International      but serves to move your child forward to the
                                                    Baccalaureate World School. Founded 1990.         next steps.
         Blueprint Ensemble                         025 SW Sherman St                                 3004 SE 57th Ave
        Theatre Arts Initiative                     Portland, OR 97201                                Portland, OR 97206
Blueprint Ensemble Arts Theatre Initiative is       503-226-2496                                      971-207-6600
a Portland-based performing arts and choral         admissions@intlschool.org                         jean@thereadingtoolkit.com
organization with numerous ensembles under          intlschool.org                                    thereadingtoolkit.com
its banner, each rooted in harmonic fusion, mu-     Please see ad on page 53                          Please see ad on page 54
sical versatility, and unity. Blueprint engages
youths and adults through the appreciation
of music and performing arts, and promotes            Oregon Hope Chinese School                            Village Home Education
these mediums through accessibility for all.
                                                    Oregon Hope Chinese School is a public                      Resource Center
2120 NE Tillamook St                                benefit nonprofit organization founded in         Village Home is a progressive learning com-
Portland, OR 97212                                  2005. OHCS provides Chinese Preschool             munity designed for family-directed learners.
503-222-3284                                        and Kindergarten, Summer Camp, Saturday           We provide classes, community, field trips, and
info@BlueprintArts.org                              Chinese lessons, and After-School Chinese         more in a family-friendly environment. Learners
blueprintarts.org                                   classes. Children as young as 2.5 years old can   choose from more than 200 classes per week
Please see ad on page 57
                                                    enroll. Our instructors make the learning fun,    in every subject area for ages preschool
                                                    entertaining, and educational for everyone.       through high school. Discover the joy of
                                                    4010 NW Kaiser Rd                                 learning!
          Saturday Academy                          Portland, OR 97229                                5150 SW Watson Ave
Founded in 1983, Saturday Academy offers            971-226-7240                                      Beaverton, OR 97005
hands-on classes and camps in science, tech-        info@oregon-hope.org                              503-597-9100
nology, engineering, math, the arts and college     oregon-hope.org                                   info@villagehome.org
prep to students in grades 2-12. Classes are        Please see ad on page 57                          villagehome.org
taught by professionals in their fields and                                                           Please see ad on page 56
are held throughout the Portland Metro area

                                                                                                                                                        pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   41
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
PRESCHOOLS                                       Franciscan Montessori
                                                                                                        Earth School
                                               AHSC Yu Miao Chinese                         At FMES, our mission is to provide students the
                                                Immersion Preschool                         skills to acquire individual fulfillment, academic
                                        Students at Asian Health & Service Center           excellence, moral and spiritual development,
                                        (AHSC)’s Yu Miao Chinese Immersion Preschool        confidence and independence for lifelong
                                        embrace multiculturalism by learning Mandarin       learning. We utilize a Montessori curriculum
                                        and Chinese cultures and customs. We enable         emphasizing independence, freedom within
                                        growth through an integrated language               limits and thoughtful guidance to match each
                                        immersion program. We spark interest in             student’s developmental needs. Experiential
                                        multiculturalism by teaching children Chinese       learning activities compliment classroom
                                        cultural dance, martial arts, poetry, literature,   academics with field trips, cultural activities and
                                        music, and more.                                    biannual Earth Experiences. Celebrating 40
                                        5239 SE Woodstock Bl                                years of service, our school is home to over 300
                                        Portland, OR 97206                                  students, ages 2 1/2 to 14. Call or visit us today!

                                        503-775-3767                                        14750 SE Clinton
                                        tyang@ahscpdx.org                                   Portland, OR 97236
                                        ahscpdx.org/yumiao.html                             503-760-8220
                                        Please see ad on page 50                            info@fmes.org
                                                                                            Please see ad on page 48
                                                Burlingame Preschool
                                        At Burlingame Preschool, we believe in a play-
                                        based curriculum. Our nature-based curriculum                  French American
                                        integrates concepts from science, technology,                International School
                                        engineering, music, arts and math to truly          FAIS is a preschool-grade 8 independent
                                        celebrate the holistic development of each          school authorized by the International
                                        child! We have classes available for children 2.5   Baccalaureate Organization and committed
                                        to 5 years old. Open House: Saturday February       to preparing students with the intellectual,
                                        10th from 10am-Noon!                                personal and social skills to live, learn and work
                                        4729 SW Taylors Ferry Rd                            in a rapidly globalizing world. A wooded 15-acre
                                        Portland, OR 97219                                  campus offers playgrounds, gymnasiums,
                                                                                            library, science labs, and creative arts center.
                                        info@burlingamepreschool.org                        8500 NW Johnson St.
                                        burlingamepreschool.org                             Portland, OR 97229
                                        Please see ad on page 53                            503-292-7776
                                           Childswork Learning Center                       Please see ad on page 49

                                        Childswork has a play-based, emergent
                                        curriculum where learning develops from the
                                        ideas and creativity of children. Childswork              The International School
                                        is a non-profit licensed facility and has been      Picture your child: fluent in another language,
                                        awarded 5 stars from the State of Oregon’s          at home in other cultures, and engaged
                                        Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS). We        in math, science, social studies and the
                                        are also certified as an Eco-Healthy Childcare      arts! Children acquire Spanish, Chinese, or
                                        facility. Childswork offers classes for children    Japanese language and culture as they learn
                                        from 2 years through Kindergarten, with a           to pursue knowledge beyond the classroom
                                        broad choice of days and hours. Extended            and throughout life. Inquiry-based International
                                        care, enrichment classes and camps are also         Baccalaureate World School. Founded 1990.
                                        offered throughout the year.
                                                                                            025 SW Sherman St
                                        4235 SE Salmon St                                   Portland, OR 97201
                                        Portland, OR 97215
                                        503-234-3611                                        admissions@intlschool.org
                                        info@childswork.org                                 intlschool.org
                                        childswork.org                                      Please see ad on page 53
                                        Please see ad on page 50

                                             Creative Children’s Center
                                                                                            MSB is where academics come alive, bound-
                                        Creative Children’s Center is a learning commu-
                                                                                            aries to success and progress are lifted and
                                        nity for Elementary and Preschool students,
                                                                                            children love to learn! In our 4th decade, MSB
                                        (toddlers to third grade). We hold true to an
                                        image of the child as a gifted learner; creative,   continues to provide Montessori education for
                                        intelligent, and engaged in the process.            children 3 through 12 years of age. Our stu-
                                        Our curriculum is grounded in constructivist        dents integrate academics with explorations in
                                        philosophy and inspired by the Reggio Emilia        nature throughout their school day on a private
                                        Approach. Our days are filled with STEAM            campus located in the west hills of Portland.
                                        experiences, innovative ideas, and creative
                                                                                            11065 NW Crystal Creek Lane
                                        ways to learn! Full and half day programs are
                                                                                            Portland, OR 97229
                                        offered year round.
                                        2515 SW 185th
                                        Beaverton, OR 97003
                                        503-591-0604                                        Please see ad on page 45
                                        Please see ad on page 22

42   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
Portland Child Art Studio                      engage in open-ended activities and struc-
                                                     tured group explorations. Contact us for a visit.
PCAS preschool classes for ages 3-6 provide
children with a studio immersion experience          4324 NE 17th Ave
in drawing, painting, sculpting, clay, and print-    Portland, OR 97211
making. While children learn to use different        503-281-3819
techniques and mediums, PCAS nurtures their          youngwonderspreschool@gmail.com
unique creativity and curiosity with open-ended      youngwonderspreschool.com
projects, fostering independence and confi-          Please see ad on page 49

dence within a creative studio environment.
1819 NW Everett St Ste 204                           Albina Head Start - 911 N Skidmore; albinahs.org.
Portland, OR 97209
                                                     Child’s View Montessori School - 4729 SW
971-200-7554                                         Taylors Ferry; childsview.net.
portlandchildart.org                                 Lakeshore Montessori - 4803 NE 15th, Van-
Please see ad on page 51
                                                     couver; lakeshoremontessori.com.

     Portland Jewish Academy                               PRIVATE SCHOOLS
PJA’s early childhood programs offer a warm
and stimulating environment that encourages                  A Renaissance School
learning through exploration, play, and the arts.            of Arts and Sciences
We value each child as an individual who learns      Welcome to an environment for children, 4-14,
in a multitude of ways. We provide welcoming         where questions lead learning, innovation is in-
and inclusive settings that recognize children’s     tegral to daily work, and collaboration taps into
                                                     the developing expertise of each child. Depth,
diverse abilities, interests, needs, and learning
                                                     application, and craftsmanship are hallmarks of
styles.                                              our school. Your child will encounter small class-
6651 SW Capitol Hwy                                  es for personal attention, powerful strategies
Portland, OR 97219                                   and curriculum, multiple forms of assessment,
503-244-0126                                         civic engagement and service opportunities,
                                                     specialized classes, mentorships, and travel.
                                                     We offer a life-safe building, air conditioning,
                                                     clean water, extended year and extended day
Please see ad on page 52
                                                     schedule with aftercare until 6:00 pm, and a
                                                     caring community.
            Schoolita Alegria                        0234 SW Bancroft St
Schoolita Alegria, a bilingual (Spanish)             Portland, OR 97239
preschool, ages 3-5yrs, focuses on bilingual         971-221-2311
education with Spanish as a second language.         castleattheedge@gmail.com
The structure and discipline follows the Mon-        renaissanceschoolportland.org
tessori philosophy. We encourage creativity          Please see ad on page 58
and exploration through play, movement,
music, and art. Our goal is to provide a safe
environment in which the children experience                 Bridges Middle School
self worth, confidence, and respect for others.
                                                     Bridges Middle School is an independent
1814 NE 33rd Ave                                     nonprofit school that provides a highly creative
Portland, OR 97212                                   and focused school setting for 5th - 8th grade
503-288-5574                                         students with learning differences. In our
alegria@schoolita-alegria.com                        small classes, Bridges’ students flourish in a
                                                     community of supportive teachers and peers.
                                                     We strive to maintain a student-teacher ratio of
Please see ad on page 54
                                                     9:1 and often even lower.
                                                     2510 SW 1st Ave
         Tucker Maxon School                         Portland, OR 97201

Tucker Maxon is the preschool for parents who        503-688-2922
want education, not just daycare, for their child.   info@bridgesms.org
We offer an 8:1 average student-to-teacher ra-       bridgesms.org
tio. Masters-level teachers focus on academics,      Please see ad on page 55
communication, and emotional intelligence,
with art, music, PE, rock-climbing, organic
gardening, a treehouse-classroom and goats.               Creative Children’s Center
Where Every Child Has a Voice. Come visit!           Creative Children’s Center is a learning commu-
2860 SE Holgate Blvd                                 nity for Elementary and Preschool students,
Portland, OR 97202                                   (toddlers to third grade). We hold true to an
                                                     image of the child as a gifted learner; creative,
                                                     intelligent, and engaged in the process.
info@tuckermaxon.org                                 Our curriculum is grounded in constructivist
tuckermaxon.org                                      philosophy and inspired by the Reggio Emilia
Please see ad on page 48                             Approach. Our days are filled with STEAM
                                                     experiences, innovative ideas, and creative
                                                     ways to learn! Full and half day programs are
     Young Wonders Preschool                         offered year round.
We provide a positive, nurturing, space to have      2515 SW 185th
fun, try new things and explore. We encourage        Beaverton, OR 97003
self-initiative, resourcefulness, a sense of
community and respect for each other. Our
students thrive in a safe and supportive
environment where they can play, discover and        creativechildrenscenter.com
                                                     Please see ad on page 22

                                                                                                          pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   43
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
The International School                             Portland Jewish Academy                        TUTORING / EDUCATION                               Market of Choice - 5639 Hood St., West
                                                                                                                                                             Linn; marketofchoice.com.
Picture your child: fluent in another language,
at home in other cultures, and engaged
                                                      PJA students, 6 weeks through 8th grade,                 SERVICES
                                                      thrive in an academically rich environment                                                             New Seasons Market -
in math, science, social studies and the                                                                        The Reading Toolkit, LLC
                                                      that inspires positive Jewish engagement,                                                              Multiple locations throughout Portland;
arts! Children acquire Spanish, Chinese, or                                                               The Reading Toolkit, LLC, provides private
Japanese language and culture as they learn           respect, and responsibility for all. PJA’s unique                                                      newseasonsmarket.com.
                                                      curriculum integrates project-based learning        tutoring for reading and spelling remediation
to pursue knowledge beyond the classroom                                                                                                                     Trader Joe’s Portland SE - 4715 SE
                                                      with Jewish studies and values, providing the       to the school-age population using a phonemic
and throughout life. Inquiry-based International
                                                                                                          awareness program to treat the weak skill areas.   Cesar Chavez Blvd; traderjoes.com.
Baccalaureate World School. Founded 1990.             foundation for success in high school, college,
                                                      and life.                                           This instruction does not constitute a complete    WinCo Foods - 3025 SW Cedar Hills Blvd,
025 SW Sherman St
                                                                                                          and integrated reading program, but serves to      Beaverton; wincofoods.com.
Portland, OR 97201                                    6651 SW Capitol Hwy
                                                                                                          move your child forward to the next steps.
503-226-2496                                          Portland, OR 97219                                                                                     Alberta Co-op Grocery - 1500 NE Alberta;
admissions@intlschool.org                                                                                 3004 SE 57th Ave
                                                      503-244-0126                                                                                           albertagrocery.coop.
intlschool.org                                                                                            Portland, OR 97206
Please see ad on page 53                              pjaproud.org                                        971-207-6600                                       Green Zebra Grocery - 3011 N Lombard;
                                                                                                          jean@thereadingtoolkit.com                         greenzebragrocery.com.
                                                      Please see ad on page 52
                                                                                                                                                             Peoples Food Coop - 3029 SE 21st;
        Living Wisdom School                                                                              Please see ad on page 54
LWS serves children from preschool through                     Tucker Maxon School
8th grade through the lens of Education for           Tucker Maxon is a parent’s first choice for                                                            Portland Farmers Market - 1717 SW Park;
                                                                                                          Oregon Connections Academy -
Life, a holistic educational model that seeks                                                                                                                portlandfarmersmarket.org.
                                                      outstanding private education for children          833 NW Santiam Blvd, Mill City;
to bring out the best in each child through
                                                      preschool to 5th grade. Masters-level teachers      oregonconnectionsacademy.com.                      Whole Foods Market - Multiple Locations;
a balanced curriculum and a supportive,
nurturing environment. Our aim is to bring            focus on academics, communication, and                                                                 wholefoodsmarket.com.
                                                                                                          Pacific Academic, LLC - 3900 Douglas Way,
universal spiritual principles into the daily lives   emotional intelligence, plus STEM, art, music,
                                                                                                          Lake Oswego; pacificacademic.org.
of our students through direct experience and         PE, rock-climbing, robotics, organic gardening,
practical skills for living.                          a treehouse-classroom and goats. 8:1 average        Successful Learning Educational Services,
                                                                                                          LLC - 10000 NE 7th, Ste 120, Vancouver;
                                                      student-to-teacher ratio. Where Every Child
4855 SW Watson Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005                                   Has a Voice. Come visit!                            successfullrng.com.

503-671-9112                                          2860 SE Holgate Blvd                                                                                            Pietro’s Pizza                    2017

office@livingwisdomportland.org                       Portland, OR 97202                                                                                           & Pirate Adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PDX PARENT

livingwisdomportland.org                              503-235-6551                                                                                           Pietro’s Pizza has been a Northwest
                                                                                                                   < FOO D                                   family favorite since 1957. Our menu features
Please see ad on page 45

                                                      tuckermaxon.org                                                                                        Pietro’s famous original then crust pizza and
                                                                                                                                                             much more. Pietro’s is the perfect place for

                                                                                                                 & DI N I N G >
                                                      Please see ad on page 48
             Micha-el School                                                                                                                                 your next birthday party or family gathering.
The Micha-el School offers a complete K-8 Wal-                                                                                                               Great Food & Beverages combined with great
dorf education with a full array of academics,        Cedarwood Waldorf School - 3030 SW 2nd;                                                                Fun & Games will make Pietro’s a hit with the
and subject classes. Micha-el’s Waldorf certified     cedarwoodschool.org.                                     COOKING CLASSES                               entire group. Milwaukie, Beaverton, Salem &
teachers offer a balanced, comprehensive cur-                                                                                                                Hood River
                                                      L’Etoile French Immersion School -                  Kids Central Kitchen - 7327 SW Barnes #501;
riculum that weaves academics with creativity
                                                      5839 SW Hood; letoilefrenchschool.com.              kidscentralkitchen.com.                            13281 SW Canyon Rd
to inspire joyful learning. Blending language
                                                                                                                                                             Beaverton, OR 97005
arts, math and sciences with music, foreign
languages, practical crafts and movement, we                                                              The Merry Kitchen - 5202 NE 72nd;                  503-536-7600
                                                               SPECIAL NEEDS
fully engage children at every developmental                                                              themerrykitchen.com.                               10300 SE Main St
age. Micha-el School’s affordable tuition makes                                                                                                              Milwaukie, OR 97222
                                                                                                          Portland’s Culinary Workshop - 807 N Russell;
us one of the most accessible and inclusive           Earthtones Music Therapy Services - 5441 SE                                                            503-659-7770
private schools in the Portland area.                                                                     portlandsculinaryworkshop.com.
                                                      Belmont; earthtonesmusictherapy.com.                                                                   beaverton@pietrosrestaurants.com
13515A SE Rusk Rd                                                                                         Sur La Table - Multiple Locations; surlatable.     pietrosrestaurants.com
Milwaukie, OR 97222                                   HELP Eliminate Learning Problems, Inc.              com.                                               Please see ad on page 58

503-882-3322                                          (HELP) - 17600 Hwy 43, Marylhurst University
michaelschooloffice@gmail.com                         Campus, Davignon Hall #326, Marylhurst;
micha-elschool.org                                    helpadd.com.                                               GROCERS                                     Annie’s Donuts - 3449 NE 72nd
                                                                                                                                                             Baker & Spice - 6330 SW Capitol Hwy;
Please see ad on page 57                                                                                    & FARMERS MARKETS                                bakerandspicepdx.com.
                                                                                                          Costco - 4849 NE 138th; costco.com.                Batter Griddle and Drinkery -
                                                                                                                                                             4425 NE Fremont; batterpdx.com.
                                                                                                          Fred Meyer - fredmeyer.com.

44       January 2018        |   pdxparent.com
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   45
EVERYTHING GUIDE THE 2018 - arts + entertainment health + wellness - PDX Parent
Bipartisan Cafe - 7901 SE Stark;             Sizzle Pie - 624 E Burnside; sizzlepie.com.
                                                                                     Slappy Cakes - 4246 SE Belmont;
                                        Blue Star Donuts - 3549 SE Hawthorne         slappycakes.com.
                                        Blvd; bluestardonuts.com.
                                                                                     Tin Shed Garden Cafe - 1438 NE
                                        Cloud City Ice Cream - 4525 SE Wood-         Alberta; tinshedgardencafe.com.
                                        stock; facebook.com.
                                                                                     Toadstool Cupcakes - 3557 SE Haw-
                                        Coco Donuts and Coffee - 4790 SE             thorne Blvd; toadstoolcupcakes.com.
                                        Milwaukie; cocodonuts.com.
                                                                                     Voodoo Doughnut - 1501 NE Davis;
                                        Cultured Caveman - 8233 N Denver;            voodoodoughnut.com.
                                                                                     Zoiglhaus Brewing Company -
                                        Eb & Bean - 1425 NE Broadway;                5716 SE 92nd; zoiglhaus.com.
                                                                                     Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, Inc. - 5000 SE
                                        FAT Cupcake - 6011 SE 72nd;                  International Way, Milwaukie; bobsredmill.com.
                                                                                     Hopworks Bike Bar - 3947 N Williams;
                                        Fifty Licks Ice Cream -                      hopworksbeer.com.
                                        2021 SE Clinton; fifty-licks.com.
                                                                                     John’s Incredible Pizza - 9180 SW Hall,
                                        Hopworks Urban Brewery - 2944 SE
                                                                                     Beaverton; johnspizza.com.
                                        Powell; hopworksbeer.com.
                                                                                     Laurelhurst Cafe - 4611 E Burnside;
                                        Hot Lips Pizza - Multiple Locations;
                                                                                     Miss Zumpstein Bakery & Coffee Shop -
                                        JaCiva’s Bakery & Chocolatier -
                                                                                     5027 NE 42nd; misszumstein.com.
                                        4733 SE Hawthorne; jacivas.com.
                                                                                     Mississippi Pizza - 3552 N Mississippi;
                                        Jam on Hawthorne - 2239 SE Haw-
                                        thorne; jamonhawthorne.com.
                                                                                     Munchkin Playland - 18335 NW West Union;
                                        Jim and Patty’s Coffee People -
                                        4951 NE Fremont; jimandpattys.com.
                                                                                     Out of this World Pizza and Play - 6255 NW
                                        Know Thy Food Cooperative -
                                        3434 SE Milwaukie; knowthyfood.coop.         Century, Hillsboro; outofthisworld.net.

                                        Laughing Planet Cafe - SW Jefferson:         Pastini Pastaria - Multiple Locations;
                                        1755 SW Jefferson; laughingplanetcafe.com.   pastini.com.

                                        Laurelwood Public House and                  Poa Cafe - 4025 N Williams; poacafe.com.
                                        Brewery - 5115 NE Sandy;                     Porque No? - 3524 N Mississippi;
                                        laurelwoodbrewpub.com.                       porquenotacos.com.
                                        Maplewood Coffee and Tea - 5206              Posies Bakery & Cafe - 8208 N Denver;
                                        SW Custer; maplewoodcoffeeandtea.com.        posiescafe.com.
                                        Nectar Frozen Yogurt Lounge -                Stacatto Gelato - 232 NE 28th;
                                        7847 SW Capitol Hwy; nectarfroyo.com.
                                        Off the Waffle - 2601 SE Clinton;
                                                                                     Sugar Cubed Cakes - 101 N Main, Gresham;
                                        Oregon Public House - 700 NE
                                                                                     Vita Cafe - 3023 NE Alberta; vita-cafe.com.
                                        Dekum; oregonpublichouse.com.

                                        The Original Pancake House -
                                        8601 SW 24th; originalpancakehouse.com.

                                        Papaccino’s Coffee - 4411 SE Wood-
                                        stock Blvd; facebook.com.                       < H EALTH &
                                        Piece of Cake Bakery - 8306 SE 17th;
                                        pieceofcakebakery.net.                          W ELL N ESS >
                                        Pizza Jerk PDX - 5028 NE 42nd;
                                                                                                ADULT /
                                                                                             YOUTH FITNESS
                                        Pizzicato - Multiple Locations;              24 Hour Fitness - Multiple Locations;
                                        pizzicatopizza.com.                          24hourfitness.com.
                                        Roseway Play Cafe - 7135 NE Fremont;
                                                                                     Alma Midwifery - 1608 SE Ankeny;
                                        Ruby Jewel Scoops -
                                                                                     Baby Boot Camp - 1145 NW Jericho;
                                        3713 N Mississippi; rubyjewel.com.
                                        Saint Cupcake - 1138 SW Morrison;
                                        saintcupcake.com.                            Cascade Athletic Clubs - 19201 SE
                                                                                     Division, Gresham; cascadeac.com.
                                        Salt & Straw Ice Cream - 2035 NE
                                        Alberta; saltandstraw.com.                   Club Sport - 18120 SW Lower Boones
                                                                                     Ferry, Tigard; clubsports.com.
                                        Scottie’s Pizza - 2128 SE Division;
                                        scottiespizzaparlor.com.                     Fit4Mom - 8327 SW 62nd; fit4mom.com.

                                        Sesame Donuts - 6990 SW Beaverton            Healthy Muhm Bootie Camp -
                                        Hillsdale Hwy; sesamedonuts.com.             4580 NE 35th Pl; healthymuhm.com.

46   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
Hike it Baby - 7046 N Mobile;                       adolescence. Come visit Dr. Patty and Dr. David!
hikeitbaby.com.                                     SE Woodstock location opening soon.

Imagination Yoga - 12755 NW Dog-                    2323 NW Westover Rd
wood; imaginationyoga.com.                          Portland, OR 97210
Mittleman Jewish Community                          info@portlandpedo.com
Center - 6651 SW Capitol Hwy;                       portlandchildrensdentistry.com
                                                    Please see ad on page 44

Root Whole Body - 2526 NE 15th;
                                                           World of Smiles                        2017

Roseway Yoga & Movement -                                 Pediatric Dentistry
                                                                                               PDX PARENT

6529 NE Sandy Blvd; rosewayyoga.com.
                                                    At World of Smiles we partner with
Southwest Community Center -                        families to provide education and motiva-
6820 SW 45th; portlandonline.com/parks/             tion for healthy dental habits. We strive for
finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=1132&ac-                excellent patient care with a holistic, integrative
                                                    approach. Our hope is to inspire children
                                                    through a positive dental experience by
VillaSport Athletic Club and Spa -                  creating an atmosphere of imagination, travel
13900 SW Meridian, Beaverton;                       and adventure.
villasport.com/bv.                                  11790 SW Barnes Rd Ste 280
                                                    Portland, OR 97225
Woodstock Wellness Center -
4629 SE Woodstock Blvd;                             503-626-9700
woodstockwellnesscenter.com.                        4548 N Albina Ave
                                                    Portland, OR 97217
Yoga Playgrounds - Multiple schools in              503-626-9711
Portland, ; yogaplaygrounds.com.                    north@visitworldofsmiles.com
Yoga Shala of Portland -                            west@visitworldofsmiles.com
3808 N Williams; yogashalapdx.com.                  visitworldofsmiles.com
                                                    Please see ad on page 54
Yoga Union - 2305 SE 50th;
                                                    Greenburg Pediatric Dentistry -
Barre3 - 2523 SE 22nd; barre3.com.                  9370 SW Greenburg Rd,, Ste T;
Northwest Women’s Fitness Club - 2714 NE            greenburgpediatricdentistry.com.
Broadway; nwwomensfitness.com.
                                                    Hollywood Children’s Dentistry -
                                                    Dr. Krista Badger and Dr. Sheena
                                                    Kansal - 3839 NE Tillamook; hcdpdx.com.
                                                    Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry -
                                                    8708 SE 17th; portlandslittlesmiles.com.
Clark County SELF (Support for Early Learn-
                                                    Sprout Pediatric Dentistry - 1401 SE
ing & Families) - 13504 NE 84th, Ste 103-137,
Vancouver; selfwa.org.                              Morrison, Ste 120;
Healthy Families Oregon of Clackamas
County - 13455 SE 97th, Clackamas;                  Must Love Kids Pediatric Dentistry - 601 SE
healthyfamiliescc.org.                              117th #150, Vancouver; mustlovekids.com.

Multnomah County Early Childhood Services           Providence Specialty Pediatric Dental Clinic
- ddouglas.k12.or.us.                               - 830 NE 47th; providenceoregon.org.

Washington County Healthy Start -                   Vancouver Pediatric Dentistry - 300 SE 120th,
co.washington.or.us.                                Vancouver; vancouverpediatricdentistry.com.

                                                    Young Kidz Dental - 14210 SE Sunnyside, Ste

                                                    100, Clackamas; youngkidzdental.com.

      Dentistry for Kids                                 DOULAS, MIDWIFES
   (Dustin James DMD PC)

                                                          & BIRTH CENTERS
                                       PDX PARENT

This is a children’s dental office
designed from the ground up to be a happy           Alma Midwifery - 1608 SE Ankeny;
and comfortable place. From our waiting room        almamidwifery.com.
to our treatment rooms it was created with
children in mind. Most major insurance plans        Kaiser Permanente - Sunnyside
accepted.                                           Medical Center - 10180 SE Sunnyside,
29615 SW Park Pl Ste A                              Clackamas;
Wilsonville, OR 97070
                                                    Legacy Health Systems - Multiple
                                                    Locations; legacyhealth.org.
Please see ad on page 3                             OHSU - 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park;

  Portland Children’s Dentistry                     Women’s Healthcare Associates
Portland Children’s Dentistry provides              - Eastbank Office - 502 N Graham, Ste 525;
exceptional dental care from infancy through        whallc.com.

                                                                                                            pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   47
INSURANCE SERVICES                                              Pacific Crest
                                                                                                    Children’s Urgent Care
                                               Health Share of Oregon                       Offering high quality, evidence based, com-
                                        Health Share serves Oregon Health Plan (Med-        passionate urgent care services specifically
                                        icaid) members in Clackamas, Multnomah, and         for kids, teens, and young adults. Featuring
                                        Washington Counties. With Health Share, you         expert pediatric providers and onsite x-ray as
                                        can get care from the largest network of health     well as lab services in a modern, clean, friendly
                                        plans, doctors, counselors, dentists, and more,     environment.
                                        through health plans you know and trust, like
                                                                                            6924 NE Sandy Blvd
                                        Kaiser Permanente, Providence, CareOregon
                                                                                            Portland, OR 97213
                                        and Tuality Health Alliance. To apply, visit:
                                        healthshareoregon.org/enroll                        503-963-7963
                                        2121 SW Broadway Dr Ste 200                         info@pacificcrestchildrens.com
                                        Portland, OR 97201                                  pacificcrestchildrens.com
                                                                                            Please see ad on page 51
                                        healthshareoregon.org                                   Portland Pediatric Nutrition
                                        Please see ad on page 60
                                                                                            Katharine Jeffcoat, owner and founder of Port-
                                                                                            land Pediatric Nutrition, is a Registered Dietitian
                                                                                            with over 20 years of experience working in nu-
                                                 OPTOMETRY /                                trition with families, teens, and young children.

                                               VISION SERVICES
                                                                                            She works with ADHD, vegetarians, pregnancy
                                                                                            nutrition, eating disorders, food allergies and
                                        Alberta Eye Care - 2021 NE Alberta;                 all families needing support to improve their
                                        albertaeyecare.com.                                 overall health with nutrition.
                                                                                            1730 SW Skyline Blvd, Ste #226
                                        Child Eye Care Associates - 9735
                                                                                            Portland, OR 97221
                                        SW Shady Ln, Ste 203, Tigard;
                                        childeyecare.net.                                   971-319-1288
                                        EyeHealth Northwest - 10819 SE                      portlandpediatricnutrition.com
                                        Stark #200; ehnpc.com.                              Please see ad on page 44

                                        Hawthorne Vision Center -
                                        4704 SE Hawthorne Blvd;
                                        hawthornevisionsource.com.                             Sellwood Medical Clinic                    2017
                                                                                                                                       PDX PARENT

                                                                                            At Sellwood Medical Clinic, we believe

                                        OHSU Casey Eye Institute - 3181 SW                  you shouldn’t have to choose between
                                        Sam Jackson Park; ohsu.edu.                         getting in to see a doctor when you need one,
                                                                                            and seeing someone you know and trust. We’re
                                                                                            your neighborhood clinic, and we understand
                                                                                            that providing quality health care starts with
                                          PEDIATRICS / HEALTH                               having a positive and lasting relationship with
                                           FAMILY MEDICINE                                  our patients.
                                                                                            8332 & 8333 SE 13th Ave
                                              Kartini Clinic for Children                   Portland, OR 97202
                                                      & Families                            503-595-9300
                                        Kartini Clinic is an internationally recognized     Sellwood Medical Clinic-North
                                        pediatric eating disorder treatment program.        6234 N Greeley Ave
                                        Since 1998 we have treated more than 3000           Portland, OR 97217
                                        patients with all forms of disordered eating.       sellwoodmd.com
                                        Treating children ages 6-18 is all we do. We take
                                                                                            Please see ad on page 45
                                        an evidence-based, medical approach to the
                                        treatment of eating disorders.
                                        3530 N Vancouver Ste 400                            Broadway Medical Clinic - 4212 NE
                                        Portland, OR 97227                                  Broadway; broadwaymedicalclinic.com.
                                        503-249-8851                                        Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic - 6125 NE
                                        help@kartiniclinic.com                              Cornell Road,, Ste 240, Hillsboro;
                                        kartiniclinic.com                                   hillsboropeds.com.
                                        Please see ad on page 43
                                                                                            Metropolitan Pediatrics, LLC -
                                                                                            Gresham Office - 25050 SE Stark STE
                                            Neurotherapeutic Pediatric                      300, Gresham; metropediatrics.com.
                                             Therapies - Oregon City                        OHSU - 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park;
                                        Specialists in outpatient Occupational and          ohsu.edu.
                                        Physical Therapy for children and adolescents,
                                                                                            Pediatric Associates of the
                                        and Mental Health Therapy for children, individ-
                                        uals, couples, and families. Our team provides      Northwest - 2701 NW Vaughn, Ste 360;
                                        individualized, person-centered, treatment          portlandpediatric.com.
                                        programs which address the unique needs of          Adventist Medical Center - 10123 SE Market;
                                        each individual we serve.                           adventisthealth.org.
                                        610 High St
                                                                                            Evergreen Pediatric Clinic - 2101 NE 139th,
                                        Oregon City, OR 97045
                                                                                            Ste 370, Vancouver; evergreenpediatrics.com.
                                        info@nt4kids.org                                    Kaiser Permanente - Multiple Locations;
                                        nt4kids.org                                         kaiserpermanente.org.
                                        Please see ad on page 47                            OHSU Center for Women’s Health - Multiple
                                                                                            Locations; ohsuwomenshealth.com.

48   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   49
Oregon City Pediatrics - 14279 S Glen Oak,                 EVENTS &
                                        Oregon City; ocpeds.com.
                                        Providence Health System - Multiple
                                        Locations; providence.org.                       Butterfly Boxes -
                                        Vilhauer Rosenberg Pediatrics - 5920 NE Ray
                                        Circle, Ste 220, Hillsboro; vrpediatrics.com.    Children’s Book Bank - 1915 NE 7th;
                                        Westside Pediatrics Clinic - 9555 SW Barnes
                                        Rd,, Ste 270; westsidepediatrics.com.            Children’s Healing Art Project -
                                                                                         8065 SE Grand, Ste 160; chappdx.org.

                                                                                         Friends of Trees - 3117 NE ML King Jr
                                                  SPAS /                                 Blvd; friendsoftrees.org.
                                              WELLNESS CLUBS                             Oregon Food Bank - 7900 NE 33rd;
                                        Blooming Moon Wellness Spa -                     oregonfoodbank.org.
                                        1920 N Killingsworth; bloomingmoonspa.com.
                                                                                         SOLVE Oregon - 2000 SW 1st, Ste 400;
                                        Common Ground Wellness Center                    solveoregon.org.
                                        - 5010 NE 33rd; soakandsauna.com.
                                        Loyly Sauna - 3525 NE Martin Luther
                                        King Jr Blvd; loyly.net.                                          FARMS
                                        Luna Wellness - 333 NE Russell, Ste
                                                                                         Baggenstos Farm - 15801 SW Roy Rogers,
                                        200; lunachiropractic.com.
                                                                                         Sherwood; baggenstosfarms.com.
                                        VillaSport Athletic Club and Spa -
                                                                                         Draper Girls Country Farm - 6200 Hwy 35,
                                        13900 SW Meridian, Beaverton;
                                                                                         Parkdale; drapergirlscountryfarm.com.
                                        Zenana Spa and Wellness Center                   Fazio Farms - 8433 NE 13th; faziofarms.com.
                                        - 2024 SE Clinton; zenana-spa.com.               French Prairie Gardens - 17673 French Prairie,
                                                                                         St. Paul; fpgardens.com.

                                                                                         Heiser Farms - 21425 SE Grand Island Loop,

                                                  < OUT &
                                                                                         Dayton; heiserfarms.com.

                                                                                         Moonridge Farms - 25113 S Ridge, Beavercreek;

                                                  ABOUT >

                                                                                         Sauvie Island Farms - 19818 NW Sauvie Island;
                                           AMUSEMENT PARKS,
                                              ARCADES,                                   Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm - 33814 S Meridian,
                                                                                         Woodburn; woodenshoe.com.
                                                                                         Zenger Farm - 11741 SE Foster; zengerfarm.org.
                                        Big Al’s Vancouver - 16615 SE 18th, Vancouver;

                                        The GameRoom - 1926 SE Scott;                              FOUNTAINS
                                        gameroompdx.com.                                         & SPLASH PADS
                                        Ground Kontrol - 511 NW Couch;                   Children’s Fountain - 410 NE Second, Gresham;
                                        groundkontrol.com.                               greshamoregon.gov.
                                        Portland Underground Tours -                     Columbia Park - N Lombard & Woolsey;
                                        shanghaitunnels.info.                            portlandoregon.gov/parks/.
                                        Tree to Tree Adventure Park - 2975 SW Nel-       Director Park - 815 SW Park; portlandoregon.
                                        son, Gaston; treetotreeadventurepark.com.        gov/parks/.
                                        Ultrazone Laser Tag - 16074 SE McLoughlin,       Earl Boyles Park - SE 112th & Boise;
                                        Milwaukie; ultrazoneportland.com.                portlandoregon.gov/parks/.

                                        Y Not Have Fun - 6540 SW Fallbrook Pl,           Elizabeth Caruthers Park - 3508 SW Moody;
                                        Beaverton; ynothavefun.com.                      portlandoregon.gov/parks/.

                                                                                         Farragut Park - N Kerby & Farragut;
                                                 BOATS, TRAMS                            Irving Park - NE 7th & Fremont;
                                                  & TROLLEYS                             portlandoregon.gov/parks/.
                                        Columbia Gorge Sternwheeler -                    Jamison Square - 810 NW 11th;
                                        portlandspirit.com.                              portlandoregon.gov.
                                        Portland Aerial Tram - 3303 SW Bond;             Magnolia Park - 1810 NW 192nd, Hillsboro;
                                        gobytram.com.                                    hillsboro-oregon.gov.
                                        Portland Spirit - 110 SE Caruthers;              Max Patterson Memorial Park - 400 E Exeter,
                                        portlandspirit.com.                              Gladstone; ci.gladstone.or.us.
                                        Willamette Jet Boat Excursions -                 Murase Plaza - 8300 SW Memorial, Wilsonville;
                                        1945 SE Water; willamettejet.com.                wilsonvilleparksandrec.com.

                                        Willamette Shore Trolley - 311 N State,          Raymond Park - SE 118th & Raymond;
                                        Lake Oswego; wst.oregontrolley.com.              portlandoregon.gov/parks/.

50   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
Rivercrest Park - 131 Park, Oregon City;

Robinwood Park - 3600 Fairview Way,
West Linn; westlinnoregon.gov.

Snyder Park - 15527 SW Sunset Blvd,
Sherwood; sherwoodoregon.gov.

Tualatin Commons - 8325 SW Nyberg, Tualatin;

           Al’s Garden & Home
Al’s Garden & Home is a third generation owned
and operated local family business. Four retail
stores offer an extensive selection of plants,
plant care essentials, garden accessories, out-
door living, home decor, and women’s apparel.
Al’s Kids’ Club provides fun, educational classes
designed to nurture your child’s awareness,
confidence, and connections to the natural
world through a hands on planting project.
16920 SW Roy Rogers Rd
Sherwood, OR 97140
27755 SW Parkway Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070
7505 SE Hogan Rd
Gresham, OR 97080
Please see ad on page 41

Portland Japanese Garden - 611 SW
Kingston; japanesegarden.com.                               VOTE
Columbia Springs Environmental Education              for your favorite
Center - 12208 SE Evergreen Hwy, Vancouver;
                                                     spaces, places and
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden -
                                                      people (and tell
6015 SE 28th; portlandoregon.gov.                      your friends to
Lan Su Chinese Garden - 239 NW Everett;                do the same)!
                                                                  PAR T P


       HISTORIC &                                            VOTE
  LIVING HISTORY SITES                                            2018

      Powerland Heritage Park                       pdxparent.com/2018picks
14 heritage museums filled with vintage cars
and fire trucks, BIG Caterpillars, antique John
Deere tractors, real logging mill and more.
Miniature trains and vintage trolley rides. Call
ahead for museums’ times and train/ trolley ride
schedules. Extra fee for rides. Kids 12 years and
under free. General admission $6.00.
3995 Brooklake Rd NE
Brooks, OR 97303
Please see ad on page 49

Fort Vancouver National Historic Site -
1501 E Evergreen, Vancouver; nps.gov.

Hoover-Minthorn House - 115 South River,
Newberg; newbergoregon.gov.

Jenkins Estate - 8005 SW Grabhorn,
Beaverton; thprd.org.

                                                                                pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   51
McLoughlin House / Memorial Association -            programs designed to inspire everyone to care
                                        713 Center, Oregon City; mcloughlinhouse.org.        for and make wise decisions about water. Kids
                                                                                             and families will discover interactive exhibits,
                                        Phillip Foster Farm National Historic Site -         toddler-friendly Puddles Place, natural gar-
                                        29912 SE Hwy 211, Eagle Creek;                       dens, wetland walks and more! Free admission.
                                                                                             4600 SE Columbia Way
                                        Pittock Mansion - 3229 NW Pittock;                   Vancouver, WA 98661
                                        pittockmansion.com.                                  360-487-7111
                                        Pomeroy Living History Farm - 20902 NE
                                        Lucia Falls, Yacolt; pomeroyfarm.org.
                                                                                             Please see ad on page 50
                                        Stevens-Crawford Heritage House - 603 6th,
                                        Oregon City; clackamashistory.org.
                                                                                             Portland Art Museum - 1219 SW Park;

                                                INDOOR PARKS                                 Portland Children’s Museum -
                                                & PLAY GROUPS                                4015 SW Canyon; portlandcm.org.

                                                                                             Clackamas County Library - clackamas.us/lib/.
                                        G6 Airpark - 10414 SE Washington;
                                        g6portland.com.                                      Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum - 500
                                        Lumberyard Indoor Bike Park -                        NE Capt Michael King Smith Way, McMinnville;
                                        2700 NE 82nd; lumberyardmtb.com.                     evergreenmuseum.org.

                                        The Play Boutique - 464 1st,                         Fort Vancouver Regional Library District -
                                        Lake Oswego; playboutique.com.                       fvrl.org.

                                        Playdate PDX - 1434 NW 17th;                         Multnomah County Library - multcolib.org.
                                                                                             Museum of the Oregon Territory - 211 Tumwa-
                                        Portland Children’s Museum -                         ter, Oregon City; clackamashistory.org.
                                        4015 SW Canyon; portlandcm.org.
                                                                                             Ping Pong’s Pint Size Puppet Museum -
                                        Portland Parks & Recreation -                        906 SE Umatilla; puppetmuseum.com.
                                        1120 SW 5th, Ste 1302; portlandparks.org.
                                                                                             Rose City Astronomers - 1945 SE Water;
                                        Camas-Washougal Indoor Play Park -                   rosecityastronomers.org.
                                        2436 NW Astor, Camas;
                                        meetup.com/cwindoorplaypark/.                        Washington County Library - wccls.org.

                                        Noah’s Ark Indoor Play Park - 4300 Main,
                                        Vancouver; 1stpresvanc.org.                          NATURE PLAY AREAS
                                        Northeast Indoor Park - 1820 NE 21st;
                                                                                                   Metro Parks and Nature
                                                                                             Spot birds of prey at Smith and Bybee, or
                                        Open Arms Play Group - 1700 NE 132nd;                watch salmon spawn in the Sandy River at
                                        nwdsa.org.                                           Oxbow. Wherever you
                                                                                             go in Metro’s unique system of parks, trails and
                                        Pump It Up - 9665 SW Allen, Ste 110,
                                                                                             natural areas, you can count on clean water,
                                        Beaverton; pumpitupparty.com.
                                                                                             healthy fish and wildlife habitat, and opportuni-
                                        Southeast Indoor Park - 3915 SE Steele;              ties to connect with nature close to home.
                                        playinside.org.                                      600 NE Grand
                                        Tigard Indoor Play Park - 9845 SW Walnut Pl,         Portland, OR 97232
                                        Tigard; tigardumc.com.                               503-665-4995
                                        MUSEUMS & LIBRARIES                                  natural-areas
                                                                                             Please see ad on page 38

                                        OMSI - Oregon Museum of                    2017

                                          Science & Industry
                                                                                PDX PARENT

                                                                                             Broughton Beach - 4356 NE Marine;
                                        OMSI ignites curiosity through hands-
                                        on science and brain powered fun! Every visit
                                        is a new adventure with several exhibit halls,       Camille Park - Access off of west end of Marjo-
                                        a planetarium, giant screen theater, and a real      rie / south end of 105th, Beaverton; thprd.org.
                                        submarine. Plus, through OMSI’s all ages sum-
                                        mer camps (day and overnight) participants           Canemah Bluff Nature Park - 815 4th,
                                        can build and program robots, dig for fossils,       Oregon City; oregonmetro.gov.
                                        animate their own movies, and more!
                                        1945 SE Water Ave                                    Engleman Park - 29987 SW Montebello,
                                        Portland, OR 97214                                   Wilsonville; wilsonvilleparksandrec.com.

                                        503-797-4000                                         Hyland Woods Natural Area - Access off
                                        register@omsi.edu                                    135th or Sexton Mountain, east of Murray,
                                        omsi.edu                                             Beaverton; thprd.org.
                                        Please see ad on page 51
                                                                                             Mason Hill Park - 16377 NW Johnson, Hillsboro;
                                                    Water Resources
                                                                                             Mount Talbert Nature Park - 10945 SE Ma-
                                                    Education Center                         ther, Clackamas; oregonmetro.gov.
                                        Overlooking the Columbia River, the City of
                                        Vancouver’s Water Resources Education                Nadaka Nature Park - 17550 NE Pacific,
                                        Center offers exhibits, events and educational       Gresham; friendsofnadaka.org.

52   January 2018   |   pdxparent.com
Oxbow Regional Park - 3010 SE Oxbow Pkwy,              POOLS, WATERPARKS
Gresham; oregonmetro.gov.
                                                        & SWIMMING HOLES
Pioneer Park Natural Play Area - Corner of
152nd and Pioneer, Clackamas; ncprd.com.              North Clackamas Aquatic Park
Roger Tilbury Memorial Park - 965 NW 93rd            North Clackamas Aquatic Park is the perfect
Avenue; thprd.org.                                   destination for affordable entertainment and
                                                     water-focused education. Dive into fun with
Scouters Mountain Nature Park - SE                   Oregon’s largest wave pool, a toddler splash
Boyscout Lodge and SE 147th, Happy Valley;           zone, diving and lap pools, water slides and a
oregonmetro.gov.                                     29-foot rock wall.
Spring Garden Park - 3332 SW Spring Garden;          7300 SE Harmony Rd
portlandoregon.gov.                                  Milwaukie, OR 97222
Trillium Creek Park - 16803 SE Anderegg Pkwy,
Damascus; ncprd.com.
                                                     Please see ad on page 40

       & PLAYGROUNDS                                 Beaverton Swim Center - 12850 SW Third,
                                                     Beaverton; thprd.org/aquatics/beaverton/home.
        North Clackamas Park                         cfm.
This 47-acre park located in Milwaukie includes      Creston Outdoor Pool - SE 44th & Powell;
a playground, picnic shelter, walking trails,
baseball fields, natural area, off-leash dog area,
restrooms and parking.                               Firstenburg Community Center - 700 NE
5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr                             136th, Vancouver; cityofvancouver.us.
Milwaukie, OR 97222                                  Glen Otto Community Park - 1102 E Historic
503-742-4348                                         Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale; ci.troutdale.or.us.
                                                     Grant Park - NE 33rd & US Grant Pl;
Please see ad on page 40
                                                     Harman Swim Center - 7300 SW Scholls Ferry,
                                                     Beaverton; thprd.org/aquatics/harman/home.
Harper’s Playground at Arbor
Lodge Park - N Bryant & Delaware;
harpersplayground.org.                               Jim Parsley Community Center - 4100 Plo-
                                                     mondon, Vancouver; vansd.org/jpc.
Khunamokwst Park - 5200 NE Alberta;
portlandoregon.gov.                                  Mt. Hood Aquatic Center - 26000 SE Stark,
                                                     Gresham; mhcc.edu.
Marshall Community Park - 1009 E
McLoughlin, Vancouver; cityofvancouver.us.           Pier Outdoor Pool - N Seneca & Johns;
Peninsula Park - 700 N Rosa Parks Way;               portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?
portlandoregon.gov/parks/article/512467              action=ViewPark&PropertyID=1126.

Washington Park International                        Shute Park Aquatic & Recreation Center -
Rose Test Garden - 400 SW Kingston;                  953 SE Maple, Hillsboro; hillsboro-oregon.gov.
portlandoregon.gov.                                  Somerset West Swim Center - 18300 NW Park
Westmoreland Park - SE McLoughlin                    View; thprd.org/facilities/aquatics/somerset.
Blvd and Bybee Blvd; portlandoregon.gov.             Tualatin Swim Center - 22380 SW Boones
Columbia Park/Imagination Station - 1900 SW          Ferry, Tualatin; ttadpools.com.
Cherry Park, Troutdale; ci.troutdale.or.us.
Cook Park - 17005 SW 92nd, Tigard;
tigard-or.gov.                                              ZOOS, WILDLIFE
George Rogers Park - 611 S State,                         & ANIMAL EXHIBITS
Lake Oswego; ci.oswego.or.us.
                                                                 Oregon Zoo                        2017
Ibach Park - 10455 SW Ibach, Tualatin;                                                          PDX PARENT
                                                     OREGON ZOO is never the same                  PICK!

                                                     zoo twice! Only 5 minutes west of
Laurelhurst Park - SE Cesar E Chavez & Stark;        downtown and easily accessible by MAX,
portlandoregon.gov/parks/.                           this beautiful zoo is nestled in the trees of
                                                     Washington Park. Connect yourself to wildlife,
Memorial Park - 8100 SW Wilsonville,
                                                     meet animal ambassadors from around the
Wilsonville; wilsonvilleparksandrec.com.
                                                     world, and get inspired to take small actions
Mt. Tabor Park - SE 60th & Salmon;                   that make a big impact on wildlife. Members
portlandoregon.gov.                                  roam free all year, and you can apply same-day
                                                     admission fees to a membership. Explore kids
Salmon Creek Park - 1112 NE 117th, Vancouver;
                                                     camps, wildlife conservation lectures, private
                                                     event hosting opportunities, and fun events for
Sellwood Park - SE 7th & Miller;                     everyone, from ZooLights to summer concerts.
portlandoregon.gov/parks/.                           4001 SW Canyon Rd
Tualatin Hills Nature Park Interpretive              Portland, OR 97221
Center - 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton;           503-226-1561
thprd.org/nature/programs/natureparkinterpre-        info@oregonzoo.org
tivecenter.cfm.                                      oregonzoo.org
Willamette Park - 1100 12th, West Linn;              Please see ad on page 4


                                                                                                             pdxparent.com   |   January 2018   53
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