Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association

Page created by Ida Gomez
Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
           home + housewares
                                     Highlights from the 2018 Show


Design + Innovation in
Five Great Expos............4

56,000 Attendees From
Around the World ..........8

Generating Media
Interest Globally ..........14

Bringing Buyers and
Sellers Together ............16

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
The International Home

         ens of thousands of innovative         Globally renowned speakers discussed
         new products from more than            all things retail and consumer trend-
         2,200 suppliers, assembled from 56     related in five keynote sessions and
    countries, made their debut at the 2018     more than 20 programs in the
    Show in March at Chicago’s McCormick        Innovation Theater.
    Place. The Show is the largest
                                                Special displays in the Hall of Global
    housewares-only fair in the world, and
                                                Innovation showcased what is new and
    56,000 homegoods professionals were
                                                innovative in the world of home and
    on hand to explore the 16 miles spread
                                                housewares, including Pantone
    across more than 800,000 net sq. ft
                                                ColorWatch, IHA Global Innovation
    (74,322 m2) of exhibit space.
                                                Awards (gia) for product innovation
                                                         and retail excellence and
                                                         the IHA Student Design
                                                         Competition. The future of
                                                         housewares through smart
                                                         and connected products was
    Owned and operated by the not-for-          featured in an expanded IHA Smart
    profit International Housewares             Home Pavilion in the Hall of Global
    Association, the Show is the premier        Innovation, as well as in exhibitors’
    housewares marketplace and attracts         booths throughout the Show.
    professionals from 130 countries. This
                                                The premier destination for design at the
    year, 99% of the top 200 key U.S. buyers
                                                Show, the Discover Design Expo,
    and 8,000 International attendees from
                                                included well-known brands and global
    six continents flocked to Chicago to
                                                market leaders from all Show categories
    spot future best sellers and source
                                                and attracted buyer attention in the
    products that will make their businesses
                                                North Building. Within the expo, the
    successful in 2018 and beyond.
                                                incubator program Design Debut
    Popular events included the Cooking         allowed 12 new-to-the-Show exhibitors
    Theater, which hosted more than two         whose product demonstrates high-
    dozen great chefs demonstrating their       design and innovation to experience
    culinary talents, including Rick Bayless,   the International Home + Housewares
    Will Brown, David Burke, Cat Cora, Alex     Show without having to create an
    Guarnaschelli, Bernard Guillas, Addie       entire display.
    Gundry, Ludo Lefebvre, Ming Tsai, Fabio
    Viviani, Greg Wade and Geoffrey
    Zakarian. The demonstrations were
    live-streamed on

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
+ Housewares Show
                  The International Home and Housewares Show
             is always a great forum for Robinson Home Products to
     showcase its entire portfolio of brands for buyers. At the 2018 show,
Robinson launched two new brands “Craft Kitchen” and “Studio Cuisine,” and
 buyers had the opportunity to see the entire assortments merchandised as in
  a retail environment. There is no better venue to introduce new brands to
      buyers and to display your capabilities as a supplier to housewares!
                                                              John White
                  Business Director - Housewares, Robinson Home Products

    Other highlights included the           exhibitors and the Show’s
    Inventors Corner, which featured 60     organizers. The Social Media and
    home and housewares inventors           Digital Marketing Center provided
    with smart new creations, and           resources and assistance for the
    Global Design Points, which             entire supply chain. The Inspired     For suppliers who aren’t part of the
    spotlighted the best of design-         Home, IHA’s consumer                  International Home + Housewares
    driven country pavilions from           engagement platform, introduced       Show, take the time to check out
    around the world.                       its inaugural issue of The Inspired   one of the most important, and
                                            Home Journal magazine. Through        inspiring, housewares marketplaces
    The burgeoning presence of digital
                                            The Inspired Home, exhibitors can     in the world, while also indulging in
    media was more obvious than
                                            interact directly with the            all that the great city of Chicago
    ever. Exciting Twitter streams from
                                            consumer year-round. Key              has to offer. Make a Smart Move. n
    the Show’s hashtag were
                                            influencers who write for The
    continually displayed, and people
                                            Inspired Home walked the Show
    directed themselves around the
                                            floors scouting for new
    Show according to social media                                                  The International Housewares
    reports by other attendees,
                                                                                 Association (IHA) is committed to
                                                                      maximizing the success of the global home
                                                                      products industry by providing a world-class

                          2018 Show by
                                                                              marketplace that facilitates global

                          the numbers...
                                                                          commerce between buyers and sellers

     2,244 exhibitors from                          812,000 net sq. ft
     56 countries                                                                      Thousands
                                                    of exhibit space
                                                                                       of new products for

                   56,000                                                              every room in the home

                   total attendees                    over   6,000 brands &
                   from 130 countries                 licenses on display

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
Explore Fashion-Forward
               Innovative Homegoods

                    he Dine + Décor Expo, located in               n Cook + Bakeware
                    the South Building, offers hundreds            n Cooking Theater
                    of the newest product innovations
                                                                   n Tabletop, Kitchen Essentials + Accents
               and designed-focused products for the
               kitchen and home. More than 1,000                     - Giftware         - Gourmet Food
               companies under one roof                              - Home Décor       - Home Textiles
               demonstrating the best of the best for
                                                                     - Kitchen Tools + Accessories

    Dine + Décor Expo
               dining and entertaining! n
                                                                     - Tabletop

                  The Show continues to be a critical part of our business strategy.
             We are able to meet with all business partners; reps, and existing customers
              and distributors in the U.S and overseas. Networking with industry peers is
              a vital aspect of gaining intelligence and sharing experiences that yield
                  valuable information. For any brand wishing to launch or prosper
                        within the housewares market, this Show is a necessity.
                                                                Michael Murray
                                                          President/CEO, Janus

               Celebrity Chefs Light Up the
               Cooking Theater

                        elebrity chefs demonstrated their         Fabio Viviani, Greg Wade, Andreas Willhoff
                        culinary talents by cooking up their      and Geoffrey Zakarian.
                        favorite recipes using products
                                                                  If your product line is associated with a
               that could be found throughout the Show.
                                                                  celebrity chef and you are interested in
               Proudly sponsored by KitchenAid and
                                                                  participating in the 2019 Cooking
               WellnessMats, performances were
                                                                  Theater, please contact Nancy Michael
               continuous all four Show days and can be
                                                                  at nmichael@housewares.org n
               viewed at TheInspiredHome.com/

               The line-up included Judson Todd Allen,
               Rick Bayless, Lanie Bayless, Will Brown,
               David Burke, Cat Cora, Alia Dalal, Tom &
               Patty Erd, Eric Greenspan, Alex
               Guarnaschelli, Bernard Guillas, Addie
               Gundry, Sandra Holl, Christopher Kimball,
               Manuela Kjeilen, Ludo Lefebvre, Tess
               Masters, Matt McMillin, Billy Parisi, Ming Tsai,
Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
Award-Winning Design
From Around the World

      ocated in the North Building, the Discover Design Expo is
      the premier design destination at the Show and features
      some of the world’s finest design and trend leaders, from

                                                             Discover Design Expo
all Show categories, offering high-end products and
collections. Exhibitors are selected by a panel of
industry experts comprised of retailers, design
journalists and peers.

Adjacent to Discover Design is The Aisle of Style featuring high-
design focused exhibitors from the Clean + Contain Expo. n

Design Debut

    he Show continues its commitment to develop design innovation
    with the incubator program Design Debut, which allows 12 new-to-
    the-Show exhibitors whose product demonstrates high-design and
innovation to come and experience the International Home +
Housewares Show without having to create an entire display. n

                                                         As a first-time exhibitor and beneficiary of the Design
                                                       Debut launch, we were thrilled with the encouragement
                                                        and support of the housewares team. With thoughtfully
                                                       directed exposure, there were many opportunities for us
                                                       to take advantage of and propel Verve Culture into the
                                                        marketplace. Looking forward to being back next year
                                                                           in a grown-up booth!
                                                                                  Jacquie Lewis
                                                                    President/CEO, Verve Culture

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
Uncover the Most Inventive and
                                Design-Focused Home Solutions

                                     he Clean+ Contain Expo, located              n Bath + Shower Accessories
                                     in the North Building, offers                n Cleaning
                                     thousands of environmentally-
                                                                                  n Home Organization + Clothing Care
                                friendly products that will optimize
                                space, clean your home, decorate your             n Luggage
                                bath and care for your pets. n                    n Pet Care

                                                                                  n Inventors Corner

    Clean + Contain Expo

                                Inventors Corner

                                     ocated in the Clean + Contain
                                     Expo, the Inventors Corner brings
                                     the raw edge of creativity to the
                                Show. Here you’ll find 60 clever
                                inventors showcasing their just-now-
                                ready inventions, giving you the first look
                                at some of the most ingenious minds at
                                work. The Inventors Corner also features
                                the Inventors Revue, where upstart
                                marketers present their creations to a
                                panel of experts and seasoned
                                inventors offer presentations on how to
                                succeed in business. Exhibitors are
                                encouraged to meet these emerging
                                Edisons and see how their work will help
                                drive the homegoods business in the
                                years to come. n

                                         Your Trade Show Sales Professionals

             Manager,                 Manager,                  Manager,                 Manager,              Trade Show Sales,
          Discover Design           Wired + Well            Tabletop, Kitchen     Clean + Contain, Cook +    International Sourcing,
          lpearsonwessels       afulton@housewares.org     Essentials + Accents          Bakeware                  Smart Home
          @housewares.org                                lklemme@housewares.org    kthill@housewares.org    rkulkarni@housewares.org

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
High Tech and Innovation from
Leading Global Industry Brands

    he Wired + Well Expo, located        n Household Electrics
    in the Lakeside Center,              n Kitchen Electrics
    showcases the best in
                                         n Floor + Carpet Care
innovative product trends for the
mind, body and home. Join the            n Home Environment (air/water)
best suppliers of energy efficiency,     n Home Healthcare
personal care, culinary expertise

                                                               Wired + Well Expo
                                         n Personal Care
and high-tech interconnected
home products. n

Value-Driven + Well Designed Products
from Global Suppliers

      he Show features more than 1,200 exhibitors from outside
      the U.S., providing opportunities to view value-driven and
      well-designed products from around the world. The
International Sourcing Expo, located on Level 1 of the North
Building, offers unlimited sourcing opportunities from China and
Taiwan. The Global Design Points pavilions, located in both the
North and South Buildings, showcase top-design products and

                                           International Sourcing Expo
global trends. Countries represented at
the Show include Brazil, Colombia,

                                                 + Global Design Points
France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
Italy, Japan, Korea and Turkey

The best-of-the-best from these country
pavilions were highlighted in the Global
Design Points Showcase, located by the International Business
Center in the South Building. n

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
Buyers from
    Around the
    The Show attracts 99% of the top 200 U.S. retailers, representation from key retailers in
    13 channels and 1,000’s of independent specialty stores throughout the U.S.:
    Department/               Catalog/Internet            Design Stores           Value                  Home + Hardware
    Specialty & Multi         Amazon                      Denver Art Museum       99 Cents Only          Ace Hardware
                              Cinmar Frontgate            Milwaukee Art Museum    Big Lots               Do It Best
    Bed Bath & Beyond
                              Gilt                        Museum of               Dollar General         Gordons Ace
    Best Buy                                              Contemporary Art,
                              Groupon Goods                                       Fred’s                 Home Depot
    BJ’s Wholesale Club                                   Chicago
                              Hammacher Schlemmer                                 HomeGoods              Lowes
    Bloomingdales                                         Museum of Science and
                              Harriet Carter              Industry                Ross Stores            True Value
                              Hayneedle                   National Building       TJX
    Cost Plus World Market
                              Jet.com                     Museum                  Tuesday Morning
                              King Arthur Flour           NY MOMA
    Crate & Barrel            Company                     Placewares              Thousands of independents including…
    Dillard’s                 Overstock                   SF MOMA
    JC Penney                 Pampered Chef                                       A Cook’s Companion      Kitchen Window
    Kmart                     Princess House              Supermarket + Drug      (Brooklyn, NY)          (Minneapolis, MN)

    Kohl’s                                                Ahold USA               Cooks Corner            Kitchenware on
                              Publishers Clearing House
                                                                                  (Green Bay, WI)         the Square
    Macy’s                                                Albertsons/Safeway
                              Rue La La                                                                   (McKinney, TX)
                                                                                  Cook’s Warehouse
    Meijer                                                CVS
                              Seventh Avenue                                      (Atlanta, GA)           Leon & Lulu
    Nebraska Furniture Mart                               H-E-B                                           (Clausen, MI)
                              The Grommet                                         Cook’s World
    Nordstrom                                             Kroger                  (Rochester, NY)         Marcels Culinary
                              Vermont Country Store
    Pier 1 Imports                                        Rite Aid                                        (Glen Ellyn, IL)
                              Wayfair                                             Fante’s
    QVC                                                   Walgreen’s              (Philadelphia, PA)      Peppercorn
                                                                                                          (Traverse City, MI)
    Sam’s Club                                            Wegmans                 In The Kitchen
                                                                                  (Pittsburgh, PA)        Rolling Pin Kitchen
    Sears                     Independent Specialty       Whole Foods
                              Buying Groups                                       Kitchen Collage
    Shopko                                                                                                (Barnden, FL)
                              Both major independent                              (Des Moines, IA)
    Sur La Table              specialty buying groups                                                     Sign of the Bear
                                                                                  Kitchen Kaboodle
                              are present…                                                                Kitchenware
    Target                                                                        (Portland, OR)
                                                                                                          (Sonoma, CA)
    The Container Store       Gourmet Catalog                                     Kitchen Kapers
                                                                                                          Todd & Holland Tea
                              HTI                                                 (Cherry Hill, NJ)
    Walmart                                                                                               Merchants
                                                                                  Kitchen Store at JK     (Forest Park, IL)
    Williams Sonoma
                                                                                  (Dorset, VA)

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
Global Buyers Represented
       3.4%               Australia/ New Zealand

   22.2%                  Canada

         10%              Mexico

   18.6%                  Central & South America, Caribbean

       2.1%               Eastern Europe

   17.1%                  Europe

       9.8%               Middle East & Africa

   16.8%                  Asia

International key buyers from more than 130 countries. Examples include:
Ace International Hardware (Indonesia,   GS Shop (Korea)                              Ripley (Chile, Peru)
Kuwait, Panama, United Arab Emirates)    Harrods (United Kingdom)                     Robert Dyas (United Kingdom)
Alibaba (China)                          Harvey Norman (Australia, New Zealand)
                                                                                      Robinsons Handyman (Philippines)
Almacenes Exito (Colombia)               Home & Shopping (Korea)
Almacenes Siman (Costa Rica,                                                          Royal Design (Sweden)
                                         Home Centre (United Arab Emirates)
El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicagarua)                                                    SACO (Saudi Arabia)
                                         Home Depot (Mexico)
Amazon (Brazil, Canada, Mexico,
                                         Homestore & More (Ireland)                   Sainsbury's (United Kingdom)
United Kingdom)
                                         Hudsons Bay (Canada)                         Sams Club (Brazil, Mexico)
Bed Bath & Beyond (Canada)
                                         ICA (Sweden)                                 Sears (Mexico)
Best Buy (Canada, Mexico)
                                         Isetan (Malaysia)
Canadian Tire (Canada)                                                                Shoppers Stop (India)
                                         JD.com (China)
Carrefour (Taiwan)                                                                    Smith & Caugheys (New Zealand)
                                         John Lewis (United Kingdom)
Casa Palacio, El Palacio De Hierro
                                         Kop & Kande (Denmark)                        Spencer's Retail (India)
Cemaco Nuevos Almacenes (Guatemala)      Lakeland (United Kingdom)                    Steamer Trading (United Kingdom)
Cencosud (Chile, Peru)                   Liverpool (Mexico)                           Tchibo (Germany)
City Club Soriana (Mexico)               Lulu Hypermarkets (United Arab Emirates)
                                                                                      Technopark (Russia)
COOP (Denmark, Italy)                    Magasin (Denmark)
                                                                                      Test Rite (Taiwan)
Coppel (Mexico)                          Manor (Switzerland)
                                         Mercado Libre (Latin America)                The Loft (Japan)
Costco Wholesale (Australia, Canada,
Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan,            Metro (Germany)                              Tia (Ecuador)
United Kingdom)                          Monoprix (France)                            TJX (Australia, Canada, Italy,
David Jones (Australia)                  Morrisongs (United Kingdom)                  United Kingdom)
Debenhams (United Kingdom)               Myer (Australia)                             Tokyu Hands (Japan)
Ek/servicegroup (Germany)                Plaza Style (Japan)
                                                                                      Tugo (Colombia)
El Corte Ingles (Portugal, Spain)        PriceSmart (Caribbean, Central America)
Etna (Brazil)                                                                         Vip.com (China)
                                         QVC (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United
Falabella (Argentina, Chile, Peru)       Kingdom)                                     Walmart (Argentina, Canada,
Gourdo's (Philippines)                   Rewe (Germany)                               Central America, Chile, Mexico)

Experience home + housewares - International Housewares Association
The Future of Housewares
        Connectivity that is here to stay…

        T                                            T
             his year saw a growing focus on             he Smart Talks stage featured 30-
             smart and connected products with           minute sessions led by established
             the IHA Smart Home Pavilion                 experts who discussed food trends
                 expanded to 28 new and current      and data security for businesses and
                 exhibitors displaying products      consumers, along with innovators offering
                 featuring emerging technologies     new retail models for reaching consumers
                 and trends, along with the          and strategies for developing and
                 addition of the Smart Talks stage   managing data-driven connected
                 and the Smart Bar, where            products and their services. The sessions
                 attendees could relax and           were live-streamed on IHA’s website and

     HOME        network with colleagues.            can be viewed here:

                                                     home n

        Excellence in Booth Design

               ight exhibitors were honored with     Dine + Design            Clean + Contain
               Global Innovation Awards (gia)        • Corelle Brands         • Neatfreak
               for Booth Excellence with two           Large Booth              Large Booth
        companies named Global Honoree.                Global Honoree
                                                                              • MadeSmart
        Two finalists                                • Laura Ashley             Housewares
        were selected                                  (Wegter                  Small Booth
        in each Show                                   Consumenten B.V.)
                                                                              Wired + Well
        expo, one each                                 Small Booth
                                                                              • SodaStream
        for large and                                  Global Honoree
                                                                                USA, Inc.
        small booths.                                Discover Design            Large Booth
        A distinguished panel of visual              • Kvell (div. of The
                                                                              • BONECO North
        merchandising experts walked the               FHE Group Inc.)
                                                                                America Corp
        aisles and reviewed exhibit booths to          Large Booth
                                                                                Small Booth
        select the winners. n
                                                     • Witloft bv
                                                       Small Booth
        Congratulations to the 2018 finalists
        and Global Honorees!! (at right)

Finding Design
                                                                                   “The success of the student
                                                                     design awards is essential to help develop

Throughout the Show
                                                                   the future design leaders of our industry! The

                                                                    IHA should be commended for providing a
                                                                   superb platform for design students to learn
                                                                      more about our industry, and we hope it
       esign can be defined in many ways, including                    becomes a possible career choice.”
       cutting-edge, contemporary, form & function, energy
                                                                                             Philippe Trudeau, President
       efficient and environmental. One constant, however, is                                       Trudeau Corporation
the central role design plays in the innovation and creation of
housewares products.

The International Home + Housewares Show recognizes design’s
critical importance in the housewares industry. We celebrate the
idea that well-designed products bring vitality to the market,

                                                            IHA Student Design
offer better value to consumers and increase sales.

Find design throughout the entire Show, and don’t miss

these innovative displays in the Hall of Global
Innovation that emphasize its importance. n

                                                            Energy, Passion, The Future of Housewares
                                                                 or 25 years, IHA’s Student Design Competition has
                                                                 celebrated the future of design through promotion
                                                                 of young, creative talent. This is a favorite spot for

                                                            exhibitors to recruit new designers and find potential
                                                            best-sellers. IHA’s program has become known as the

                                                            gold standard for college-level competitions. Many U.S.

                                                            professors assign the program annually to industrial
                                                            design students because it is a real-world exercise and
                                                            every entry receives
     he housewares industry understands the                 feedback from two industry
     importance of color. The Pantone ColorWatch            professionals. Since the
     display reveals Pantone’s forecast for the colors      competition began in 1993,
that will drive consumer purchases for the following        more than 5,400 college
year. Through IHA’s long-standing relationship with         students have entered and
Pantone, this is a no-cost opportunity for your             163 winners have launched        anniversary
company to showcase your products that illustrate           their careers at the Show. n
Pantone’s palettes. n

IHA Global Innovation Awards
                           – Product Design

                               he IHA Global Innovation Awards (gia) for product
      Information on           design honor exhibitors’ latest creations and cutting-
     entering the gia          edge innovations with award recognition. At the
     awards and the New    2018 Show, 13 Global Honorees were selected from 65
     Product Showcase      product finalists in 13 housewares categories.
     will be in the
     Exhibitor Marketing   How do I enter a product for a gia award?
     Kit, available
                           Entries for the gia awards are taken directly from New Product Showcase entries and
     Fall 2018.
                           must be submitted by the New Product Showcase deadline date for consideration.
     www.housewares.org/   Don’t miss this opportunity to be honored for your product design and innovation!
                           To view all of the 2018 Global Honorees and finalists, visit
                           www.housewares.org/show/gia-product. n

                            IHA Global Innovation Awards
                            – Retail Excellence

                                he IHA Global Innovation Awards (gia) for Retail
                                Excellence honor retailers from around the world.
                                At the 2018 Show, five best-of-the-best Global
                            Honorees were selected from 27 national winners. Two
                            other retailers were honored with the Martin M. Pegler
                            Award for Excellence in Visual Merchandising and the
                            gia Digital Commerce Award for Excellence in Online Retailing.

                            During the Show, see how retailers around the world are merchandising housewares
                            by visiting the display in the Hall of Global Innovation.

                            To view all of this year’s honorees and national winners, visit
                            www.housewares.org/show/gia-retail. n

Pre-Show Events: New Exhibitor Preview,
Trending Today Preview

     he Show offered buyers and
     news media two opportunities
     to see 150 exhibitors and
hundreds of new products on
Saturday morning before the Show
floor opened.

The New Exhibitor Preview featured
90 first-time exhibitors from all Show
categories. The inaugural Trending
Today Preview focused on a trending
category, this year highlighting
hydration. Trending Today featured
60 current and new exhibitors with
hydration-related products. The          TODAY
events ran concurrently on Saturday
from 8 -10 a.m., drawing more than       preview
700 buyer and media attendees.

The Show: A Media Magnet

                     he Show generates intense interest
                     among consumers. The global
                                                                  Learn Tips on Attracting
                     media covering the Show share
                                                                  Media at the Show
               insights about exhibitors and their latest
               products while creating more than 375              Join IHA’s live or recorded webinar
               million consumer impressions in the U.S.           series “Getting the Most From Your
               alone. Some of the most energetic                  Show Experience” starting
               Show coverage is coming from the                   in the fall.
               large group of bloggers and YouTube                Visit www.housewares.org/education

     Press + Media
                            influencers who eagerly
                            share their discoveries with
                            their ever-growing
                            audiences. Below left are
                            a few examples of the
               headlines that helped get the message
               out to information-hungry consumers. n

                  A Sampling of the U.S. Consumer Media in Attendance:
                  Allrecipes Magazine          EatingWell Magazine            Reviewed.com/USA Today
                  America’s Test Kitchen       Fine Cooking                   Taste of Home
                  Better Homes & Gardens       Gate House Media               The Epoch Times
                  BOTTOMLINE                   Gluten Free & More             The Kitchn/Apartment
                  BRIDES                                                      Therapy
                                               Good Housekeeping
                  CBS MarketWatch                                             The Talk (CBS)
                                               Hearst Design Group
                  Chicago Sun-Times                                           The Times Media Co
                                               Hearst Lifestyle Group
                  Chicago Tribune                                             Today Show (NBC)
                                               HouseSmarts TV
                  CNET                                                        Traditional Home
                  Consumer Reports                                            Wirecutter/New York Times
                                               O-The Oprah Magazine
                                                                              Xinhua News Agency
                  Cook’s Illustrated           QVC
                  Country Living               Rachael Ray Every Day

 With Consumers

       he Inspired Home, IHA’s consumer-focused digital
       platform, spotlights IHA’s mission to help our
       exhibiting members reach the consumer through
 lifestyle-oriented content to ultimately increase sales of
 home and housewares products.
                                                                    The Consumer Voice for Our Industry
 Each month, up to 30 original articles and videos are
                                                                    n Powerful Influencer Network
 curated and produced by an extensive network of key
 bloggers and influencers, many of whom attended the                n Robust Website
 2018 Show to scout for new products and ideas to
                                                                    n Engaging Social Channels
 include for the The Inspired Home. All products included
 in the articles feature “shop” links for direct purchase.          n Shareable Content
 At the 2018 Show, The Inspired Home expanded its                   n Media Relations
 brand with the launch of the inaugural issue of The
 Inspired Home Journal magazine. This print publication             n Print Magazine
 will reach consumers through online and retail
 distribution. n

 For more information and to view the editorial calendar,
 go to www.housewares.org/theinspiredhome

 • More than 5 million
   annual pageviews                                                                          Follow The Inspired Home:

 • 3 million annual users

 • 200K social connections

                                                                                           www.The InspiredHome.com

     Key Influencers                        Thirty key experts were at the Show to scout for new products and ideas for

       At The Show
                                            The Inspired Home, as well as for their own websites, blogs, YouTube
                                            channels and other social media outlets.

  Colleen Jeffers     Manuela Kjeilen      Carley Knobloch        Billy Parisi      Jeffrey Phillip     Elizabeth van Lierde
thegooddrink.com    passionforbaking.com    carleyk.com        billyparisi.com    jeffreyphillip.com thecollegehousewife.com
Bringing Buyers and
     Sellers Together

        he International Home + Housewares Show is your opportunity to join the world’s
        largest audience of home goods and housewares professionals.

      The International Home + Housewares Show is a great mix of big
     brands and smaller innovators. It allows us to see a broad scope of
      what is out there in a well organised environment. This Show has
        opened up new opportunities that other fairs do not provide.
                             I'll definitely be back.
                 Samm Swain, Buying and Merchandising Director
                                              United Kingdom

     Visit us at www.housewares.org
How to Apply
               “Sometimes it is truly                New to the Show?
       amazing when you realize that the             Complete a corporate profile for category approval review.
    International Home + Housewares Show             Once approved you will receive your official space application!
   has been at the forefront of bringing the         You can find the corporate profile at:
latest designs and new product launches from
                                                     Please contact Radha Kulkarni for more information
 the industry to retailers for over 80 years. The
   excitement that began at the beginning
 continues to live on, and with each discovery       Returning to the Show?
       of new products every year there is           If you have not exhibited in the Show for three years or more, please
      confirmation that the Show continues           contact IHA to receive an official space application contract.
      to be the most important trade show            Please contact Radha Kulkarni for more information
              for buyers to attend.”
                       Michael Higdon
                                Buyer                Booth Information & Rates
           National Building Museum –
                       Washington, DC                2019 Dates: March 2-5, McCormick Place, Chicago

                                                     2019 Booth Space Cost
                 The International                   Cost to Exhibit:                   Standard Size
           Home + Housewares Show                    Member: $16.50/sq. ft.             10’w x 10’d or 10’w x 15’d
     in Chicago is a fantastic opportunity to        Non-Member: $22.00/sq. ft.         * 10’ x 10’ booth (100 sq.ft.) /3mx3m
   get a truly holistic grasp of the latest trends   Corner fees: $350 per corner         (9 sq. m)

and innovations from not only US brands but also                                        • The booth space cost covers the
                                                     Membership Annual Dues:              raw square footage only. Booth
global suppliers. We loved the focus on creativity                                        structures and services are not
                                                     Housewares annual sales
 and were particularly impressed with the large      under $10 million: $450
                                                                                          included in the cost. Exhibitors must
number of brilliant startups and emerging brands                                          make their own booth
                                                     Housewares annual sales              arrangements, including back wall,
demonstrating unique products. The IHA team's        over $10 million: $750.              carpet and furnishings.
meticulous attention to detail resonates through     *Membership is non-refundable      • The use of pipe & drape is
     every organizational level of the event.                                             prohibited and is not provided.
      Matt Ryan, Partner Success Manager
                                                     Early Bird Rates
                                                     TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY BIRD COST SAVINGS!
                                                     • Save 50 cents per square foot with Early Bird rates for members
                                                       and non-members.
                                                     • Early Bird rates apply only to applications that are received with
                                                       full payment by July 2, 2018.
                                                     For additional information or questions, please contact
                                                     Radha Kulkarni at rkulkarni@housewares.org
                                                     Member: $16.00/sq. ft.
                                                     Non-Member: $21.50/sq. ft.

                                                     Housing: Reserve your rooms for the
                                                     2019 Show!
                                                     View our special low hotel rates and “Housewares only" incentives for
                                                     your stay in Chicago. IHA negotiates the lowest rates in the city!
                                                     Early Bird special rates expire on December 31, 2018, so be sure to book
                                                     your hotel accommodations now at www.housewares.org/show/hotels.

Exhibitor Services &
     Marketing Opportunities:

        HA offers marketing, promotion and           New Product Information
        public relations opportunities to make
                                                     Exhibitors are encouraged to continually
        the most of your time at the world’s         update their new product information in
     largest housewares marketplace.                 their Housewares Connect 365 listing. Buyers
                                                     and Media search this tool year-round.
     2018 Show Buyers List
     Exhibitors can create a mailing list of         Special Events/Product
     potential U.S. and Non-U.S. customers           Demonstrations
     by downloading this free list of registered
                                                     Promote your designers, celebrities, special
     buyers from the 2018 Show.
                                                     media events and product demonstrations
                                                     to attendees via Housewares Connect 365!
     myLeads Lead                                    Listings can be searched online and through
     Retrieval Program                               the Show Mobile App. Don’t miss an
     Exhibitors can double their effectiveness in    opportunity to draw attention to your booth.
     following up on sales leads with a free lead
     retrieval unit, compliments of IHA.             Marketing Webinars
                                                     IHA offers a plethora of services and
     New Product Showcases                           programs to help exhibitors reach buyers
     These showcases, featuring the newest and       and news media. Most of these programs
     most inventive products of the Show, are        are free. Beginning in November, IHA will
     located in the Buyers Clubs in each building.   hold a series of webinars explaining in detail
     All New Product Showcase submissions            the services offered in the Exhibitor
     have a chance at winning an IHA Global          Marketing Kit. Don’t miss this informative
     Innovation Award (gia). Ten days before         hour to make the most of your Show ROI.
     the Show, all registered buyers receive an
     Innovation Alert email directing them
     to a list of innovative, new products in
     all categories.

                                     “I’d like to thank you for all of
                             your precious help during the IHHS Show 2018.
                           I followed closely most of your webinars on how
                     to attract buyers and media to your booth. As a first-time
                 exhibitor, I couldn’t tell you how helpful they were to us. We really
                  appreciate your hard work at making sure exhibitors like us have
                 the best knowledge and tools in hand to have a successful show!
                  We relied a lot on your webinars to reach out to US retailers and
                                       invite them to our booth.”
                                                                           Pierre Taillandier,
                                                                           Tarrerias Bonjean

ih+hs Mobile App
                                                                                    IHA offers a Mobile App that puts the
                                                                                    power of Housewares Connect 365–
                                                                                    and all its valuable information–in the
                                                                                    palm of your hand. Designed for iPhone,
                                                                                    Android and Blackberry, the mobile app
IHA Press Events                                                                    allows attendees to:

Exhibitors can add to their PR efforts   2019 International Home +                  • Search companies, products,
by participating in these New York-      Housewares Show Preview                      categories, brands and events
based events, which attract
                                                                                    • View product images, catalogs and
housewares-focused consumer and          January 17, 2019, New York City
                                                                                      link to YouTube videos
trade editors. IHA offers two events,
                                         Open to Show exhibitors only
including a Show Preview in January.                                                • Download Show floor maps
The press events are a wonderful                                                    • Utilize all
                                         The Inspired Home
opportunity to show off new                                                           forms of
                                         Presents Housewares
products to media focused                                                             social
                                         for the Holidays
                                         June 14, 2018, 2-6 p.m.
specifically on housewares.                                                           media,
                                                                                                            ih+h 2019 Mobile App
                                         Metropolitan Pavilion, NYC
                                         Open to IHA members only                     and more
                                                                                                        The mobile app puts the power of the
                                                                                                        Show and Housewares Connect 365
                                                                                                        right in the palm of your hand.

                                                                                                            Download the mobile app now!

                                                                                                              Visit m.housewares.org
                                                                                                        Then use it to:
                                                                                                        •     Learn about the Show including
                                                                                                              onsite events.
                                                                                                        •     Search for exhibitors by name
                                                                                                              or product.
                                                                                                        •     View exhibitors/products
                                                                                                        •     Find exhibitors’ booth locations on
                                                                                                              the Show floor!
                                                                                                        •     Enter notes about product
                                                                                                        •     Link to IHA’s social media platforms.

                                             With a Housewares Connect 365 listing, exhibitors
  More than 300,000 searches                 attract Buyers, News Media and Consumers FREE!
  were conducted on Housewares               • Feature your products and latest innovations
  Connect 365 by buyers,                     • Use words, pictures, catalogs and videos
  consumers and news media for               • Generate interest in your company – tell them who you are
  the 2018 Show. This number will            • Easy to update, as often as you like – listing is year-round
  grow throughout the year.
                                             • Plan for the Show. Identify specials, new products, product demos and
                                               in-booth appearances for attendees
  housewaresconnect365                       • Include on-site contacts
                                             • Searchable by company, product, booth number and more!

Meaningful Member Services
                       from IHA
                        Networking Groups: Where                             Programs to support your
                        Members Help Members                                 business fundamentals

                                                          CORE is a unique
                                                          resource of        repCONNECT
                                                          networking peer    RepConnect is a resource for
                                                          groups designed    housewares manufacturers who are

                         exclusively for industry decisionmakers.            seeking U.S.-based sales reps. The
                         Since 1998, CEOs in the housewares                  list catalogs all reps who attend the
                         industry have been using CORE groups                International Home + Housewares
                         as a sounding board and a special                   Show and is sortable by state, products
                         resource to help meet professional                  and retailer types.
                         challenges. Meetings are held quarterly             www.housewares.org/RepConnect
                         in Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Ft. Lee
                         (NJ), Los Angeles, Seattle, San                                           The IHSA is a not-
                         Francisco, Toronto, and Weston (FL).                                      for-profit
                         www.housewares.org/members/core                                           association
                                                                                                   formed to benefit
                                              CHESS is IHA’s                                       companies
                                              annual strategic,              belonging to the International
                                              senior-level                   Housewares Association. Through the
                                              conference for                 combined leverage of members, IHSA
                        industry leaders. Held every fall, CHESS             negotiates freight contracts and
                        attracts more than 150 chief officers                partners with other logistics providers to
                        from IHA’s most prominent member                     lower supply chain costs. Enrollment is
                          companies. The program includes                    complimentary for IHA members.
                             keynotes, panel discussions,                    www.housewares.org/members/freight
                              general sessions and networking
                              opportunities—the most valuable                Contact Ginny Costello for more

     CHESS 2018               part of the two-day event
                              according to past participants.
                                                                             information on all member services and
                                                                             benefits. gcostello@housewares.org
       October 2-3            www.housewares.org/chess
     Hilton Rosemont
       Rosemont, IL

Global Trade – Helping Members Succeed
in International Markets

IBC                   International
                      Council is a
INTERNATIONAL special interest        IHA-IBC Trade Missions offer a solid    COLOMBIA
                                                                              TRADE MISSION
                      group of IHA    introduction to international
members, dedicated to helping its     markets through buyer meetings
membership market and sell their      and home and housewares retail          Bogota, Colombia
products internationally by sharing   tours, allowing for extensive           June 10-15, 2018
information, providing networking     networking with other industry
                                      participants who share common           Targeted Retailer Meetings:
opportunities and offering programs
                                      interests and goals. IHA handles the    Almacenes Éxito, Cachivaches,
to assist, support and educate.
                                      meeting, travel and housing             Cencosud, Falabella, Home Center
                                      logistics so attendees can focus on     (Sodimac), Home Sentry, INDEX
                                      the business meetings.                  Organiza-lo, Pepe Ganga, Tugó

                                                                              FRANCE & SPAIN
                                      Attendees will:

                                                                              TRADE MISSION
                                      • Visit home and housewares retail
  Joining the International
                                        stores during retail tours to learn
  Business Council is                   about the competitive and             Paris, France & Madrid, Spain
  complimentary to all                  complementary products offered        November 3 - 10, 2018
  IHA members upon                      by key retailers in the targeted
                                        markets.                              Targeted Buyer Meetings France:
  completion of a                                                             Alice Delice, Auchan,
  membership survey.                  • Meet one-on-one with targeted         EK/servicegroup France, Galeries
                                        retail buyers to take advantage       Lafayette, Leroy Merlin, Monoprix,
                                        of sales opportunities within the     Printemps, Zôdio
                                        targeted markets.
                                                                              Targeted Buyer Meetings Spain:
Contact Lori Szudarek for             • Learn from networking with other      Alcampo, Casa Viva, Carrefour,
information on all                      housewares suppliers attending        Conforama, Culinarium, El Corte
International Services                  the missions.                         Ingles, Eroski
lszudarek@housewares.org                www.housewares.org/

Housewares Charity Foundation Raises
$1.8 Million at 21st Annual Gala

             he housewares industry came together to “Unite, Celebrate, Support” and
             raised $1.8 million during the Housewares Charity Foundation’s (HCF) 21st
             annual gala on Monday, March 12. The 2018 theme, “Unite, Celebrate,
        Support,” reflected the philosophy and mission of the HCF, which brings the
        housewares industry together to unite and promote its philanthropic image,
        raise fund for charities and celebrate the honorees who are selected for their
        humanitarian support and exceptional leadership.

        Proceeds benefited the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), the HCF’s
        legacy charity. Since the first gala in 1998, HCF has raised more than $50 million
        and has been credited with donating more than $28 million to BCRF.

                Held annually in conjunction with the International Home +
                Housewares Show, the gala honors retailers, manufacturers and
        others in the industry for their philanthropic efforts. This year’s honorees were:

            2018 Lifetime Humanitarian        2018 Humanitarian of the Year   2018 Lifetime Achievement
              Shelley Salomon                      Bill Dillard III             Georg J. Riedel
         Vice President Home, Pets and Toys       Senior Vice President                Owner
                      Amazon                            Dillard’s                      Riedel

        The event was co-chaired by Phil Brandl, president & CEO of the International
        Housewares Association, and Herb Landsman, executive vice president of
        merchandising at TJX Companies. Nearly 1,000 attendees enjoyed a cocktail
        reception featuring eight tasting stations hosted by James Beard Foundation
        chefs including Jimmy Bannos Jr., Rick Bayless, Abraham Conlon, Gale Gand,
        Sarah Grueneberg, Beverly Kim & Johnny Clark, Bruce Sherman and Lee Wolen.
        Dinner featured a three-course meal designed by Tony Mantuano,
        chef/partner, Spiaggia Restaurant.

        The evening also included silent and live auctions, where guests bid on an
        extraordinary collection of relaxing get-aways, dinners, unparalleled culinary
        experiences, sports and entertainment happenings. Offerings included a trip to
        Anguilla, British West Indies; tickets to the James Beard Awards in Chicago;
        dinner at the James Beard House in New York; a private dinner at Fat Rice in
        Chicago with Herb Landsman of TJX Companies; a barbeque extravaganza
        with the Williams Sonoma executive team; and a private dinner with Shelley
        Salomon at Willmott’s Ghost in Seattle. The Cache for a Cause auction featured
        gift packages with 19 products valued at more than $4,000.

        The 22nd HCF gala will be held March 4, 2019. To become involved in HCF or for
        more information about the Foundation, its honorees and its charities, please
        visit http://www.housewares.org/show/charity.
Be Inspired By Chicago
• Do a benchmarking tour and go shopping
  at innovative Chicago home and
  housewares retailers.                               To plan your visit to Chicago and for information on
• Enjoy live music at a blues or jazz club.           Chicago home and housewares retailers, download the:

• Experience a Chicago sporting event.                • Experience Design + Inspiration in Chicago brochure
• Explore top-choice museums.
                                                      • Chicago Retail brochure
• See world-renowned architecture and
  spectacular attractions.                            www.housewares.org/show/register-plan
• Visit some of the exciting neighborhoods...         www.choosechicago.com
  all full of life and character.
• Have an excellent dinner… Chicago is one
  of the world’s culinary epicenters offering endless
  options from inspirational fine dining to great steaks,
  traditional American fare, Italian favorites and Mexican
  and Nuevo Latin cuisines. Bon Appetit! n


+   where high-design and intelligent                    +      2,200 exhibitors from 6 continents

    innovation are on display

                                                                world-class education and
                                                                benchmarking opportunities


                    UNITED STATES                 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES
                    6400 SHAFER COURT, STE. 650   IHA CANADA
                    ROSEMONT, IL 60018 USA        IHA GERMANY
                    TEL: +1 847.292.4200          IHA MEXICO
                    FAX: +1 847.292.4211
                    www.housewares.org            www.housewares.org/iha/offices-representatives
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