Extract Files for Staff Data

Page created by Clayton Lynch
Extract Files for Staff Data

  1. For all data elements with table lookups, include the name of the tables from TBL so
      vendors can cross reference them (they are listed in the layouts)
  2. Replace the error codes and messages with the information from EdLink (They indicated
                   User Guide for Creating and Loading
      they will be sending these at the end of the month)
  3. Ensure all fields are linked in the Crosswalk layouts to the EdLink Extract file (e.g.
      Beginning School Session Year linked to SCHOOL_YEAR)
                         Extract Files for Staff Data
  4. List the extract each data element can be found in (e.g. STAFF, STAFF_EXT,
  5. Document vendor concerns in this user guide (Sherry).
  6. Check all links
  7. List all user guides (Sherry)
                                       Version 1.1

                                  August 23, 2021

Staff User Guide                                                                              1
Extract Files for Staff Data
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF                       1.877.453.2721                            www.louisianabelieves.com

                            State Board of Elementary
                            and Secondary Education

                   Mr. James D. Garvey, Jr.                  Ms. Kathy Edmonston
                   President                                 6th BESE District
                   1st BESE District

                   Dr. Holly Boffy                           Mr. Preston Castille
                   Vice-President                            8th BESE District
                   7th BESE District

                   Ms. Kira Orange Jones                     Mr. Thomas Roque
                   Secretary-Treasurer                       Member-at-Large
                   2nd BESE District

                   Ms. Sandy Holloway                        Dr. Belinda Davis
                   3rd BESE District                         Member-at-Large

                   Mr. Tony Davis                            Ms. Doris Voitier
                   4th BESE District                         Member-at-Large

                   Ms. Ashley Elllis                         Shan Davis
                   5th BESE District                         Executive Director

           For further information, contact:   The mission of the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is to ensure equal access to
                                               education and to promote equal excellence throughout the state. The LDOE is committed to
             Email: EdLink360@la.gov           providing Equal Employment Opportunities and is committed to ensuring that all of its programs
                                               and facilities are accessible to all members of the public. The LDOE does not discriminate on
         Louisiana Department of Education     the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, or genetic information.
                                               Inquiries concerning the LDOE’s compliance with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be
                    P.O. Box 94064             directed to the Deputy Undersecretary, LDOE, Exec. Office of the Supt., P.O. Box 94064, Baton
                                               Rouge, LA 70804-9064; 877.453.2721 or customerservice@la.gov. Information about the
            Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064         federal civil rights laws that apply to the LDOE and other educational institutions is available on
                                               the website for the Office of Civil Rights, USDOE, at http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/llist/ocr/.

 Web-only document.

Staff User Guide                                                                                                                 2
Extract Files for Staff Data
Table of Contents

EdLink 360 ....................................................................................................................................... 7
The Legacy System Data Submission Process ................................................................................. 7
Data Flow for School System Submissions for EdLink 360 ............................................................. 8
EdLink 360 Extract File Details ........................................................................................................ 9
   EdLink 360 Extract File Types ...................................................................................................... 9
   EdLink 360 Extract File Attributes ............................................................................................... 9
   Submitting Partial Extract Files ................................................................................................. 10
Delivery Schedule and Uploading Of Files to the PowerSchool sFTP Server ................................ 11
   Getting Whitelisted to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP Server .............................................. 11
   Receiving User Credentials to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP Server................................... 12
   PowerSchool sFTP Server Folders and Extract File Structures.................................................. 12
   Automated Extract Uploads to the PowerSchool sFTP ............................................................. 14
   Manual Extract Uploads to the PowerSchool sFTP Using a Selected FTP Client ...................... 14
      Troubleshooting authentication or timeout issues: .............................................................. 14
   EdLink 360 Extract Files Processing and Error Handling ........................................................... 15
EdLink Security and Accessing EdLink 360 Dashboards ................................................................ 16
Legacy Systems File Delivery vs. EdLink 360 Extract File Delivery ............................................ 17
Legacy Systems and Crosswalk to EdLink Extract Files ................................................................. 18
   Schools, Courses, Programs and Diplomas Definitions Extracts ............................................... 18
   School Calendars ....................................................................................................................... 18
   Student Data ............................................................................................................................. 19
   Course, Class Schedule and Transcript Data ............................................................................. 20
   Staff Data ................................................................................................................................... 21
Staff Data Extracts......................................................................................................................... 22
   Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Demographic (100) ..... 22
      staff.tsv and staff_ext.tsv ...................................................................................................... 22
   Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Site-Position (200)....... 24
      staff_assignments.tsv, staff-assignments_ext.tsv and payroll_ldoe.tsv ............................... 24
   Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Class Schedule (210) ... 26
      staff_course_offering_link.tsv and staff_course_offering_link_ext.tsv ............................... 26
   Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Non-Attendance (300) 27
      staff_absences.tsv ................................................................................................................. 27
EdLink 360 File Layouts ................................................................................................................. 27

Staff User Guide                                                                                                                                       3
Extract Files for Staff Data
APPENDIX A – Data Elements (Alphabetically) ............................................................................. 28
  ABSENCE_DATE ................................................................................................................... 28
  ANNUAL_MINUTES_WORKED .......................................................................................... 28
  CERTIFICATION_CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................. 28
  CONTENT_LEADER_INDICATOR ..................................................................................... 29
  CONTRACT_DAY_COUNT .................................................................................................. 29
  DEMAND_SALARY_AMOUNT ............................................................................................ 29
  DISTRICT_CODE................................................................................................................... 30
  ED_LEVEL_CODE ................................................................................................................. 31
  EMPLOYEE_STATUS_CODE ............................................................................................. 31
  FUNCTION CODE.................................................................................................................. 32
  FUND_CODE .......................................................................................................................... 32
  INTERVENTION_CONTENT_LEADER_INDICATOR ..................................................... 33
  LOCAL_ASSIGNMENT_KEY ............................................................................................... 33
  LOCAL_COURSE_OFFERINGS_KEY............................................................................... 34
  LOCAL_PAYROLL_KEY ....................................................................................................... 34
  LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY ........................................................................................................ 34
  LOCAL_STAFF_ABSENCE_KEY ....................................................................................... 35
  LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEY .................................................................... 35
  LOCAL_STAFF_KEY............................................................................................................. 35
  MENTOR_LOCAL_STAFF_KEY ......................................................................................... 36
  MENTOR_TEACHER_INDICATOR .................................................................................... 36
  MIDDLE_NAME ...................................................................................................................... 36
  OBJECT_CODE ..................................................................................................................... 36
  PART_FULL_TIME_CODE................................................................................................... 37
  PAYROLL_AMOUNT ............................................................................................................. 37
  PERFORMANCE_SALARY_AMOUNT .............................................................................. 38
  PIP_SALARY_INCREMENT_AMOUNT ............................................................................. 38
  PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_INDICATOR ............................................................................ 38
  RESIDENT_LOCAL_STAFF_KEY ...................................................................................... 39
  RETIRE_SYSTEM_CODE .................................................................................................... 39
  RETIREE_RETURN_CODE ................................................................................................. 40
  SABBATICAL_STATUS_CODE .......................................................................................... 40
  SALARY_REDUCTION_CODE ........................................................................................... 41
  SALARY_TYPE_CODE......................................................................................................... 42
Staff User Guide                                                                                                              4
SCHOOL_YEAR ..................................................................................................................... 43
  STAFF_ABSENCE_REASON_CODE ................................................................................ 44
  STAFF_ABSENCE_VALUE ................................................................................................. 45
  STAFF_ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE .................................................................................. 45
  STAFF_ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE ............................................................................. 46
  STAFF_BIRTHDATE ............................................................................................................. 46
  STAFF_CLASS_END_DATE ............................................................................................... 46
  STAFF_CLASS_ENGAGEMENT_LEVEL ......................................................................... 47
  STAFF_CLASS_MEETINGS ................................................................................................ 47
  STAFF_CLASS_PERCENT ................................................................................................. 47
  STAFF_CLASS_PRIMARY_INDICATOR .......................................................................... 47
  STAFF_CLASS_ROLE (STAFF_PRIMARY_INDICATOR)............................................. 48
  STAFF_CLASS_START_DATE........................................................................................... 48
  STAFF_CLASS_STATUS ..................................................................................................... 48
  STAFF_EMPLOYEE_ID ........................................................................................................ 48
  STAFF_ENTRY_DATE ......................................................................................................... 49
  STAFF_EXIT_REASON_CODE .......................................................................................... 49
  STAFF_EXPERIENCE_YEARS .......................................................................................... 50
  STAFF_FIRST_NAME........................................................................................................... 50
  STAFF_GENDER_CODE ..................................................................................................... 50
  STAFF_LAST_NAME ............................................................................................................ 51
  STAFF_MIDDLE_INITIAL ..................................................................................................... 51
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_ASIAN .............................................................................................. 52
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_BLACK ............................................................................................. 52
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_HISPANIC........................................................................................ 52
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_NATIVE_AMER .............................................................................. 52
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_PACIF_ISLND................................................................................. 52
  STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_WHITE.............................................................................................. 52
  STAFF_ROLE_CODE (OBJECT_CODE) .......................................................................... 52
  STAFF_SSN ............................................................................................................................ 53
  STAFF_TITLE_CODE (FUNCTION_CODE) ..................................................................... 53
  SUFFIX_NAME ....................................................................................................................... 53
  TENURE_ADD_DATE ........................................................................................................... 53
  TENURE_LOST_DATE ......................................................................................................... 54
  TENURE_LOST_REASON_CODE ..................................................................................... 54
Staff User Guide                                                                                                  5
TENURE_STATUS_CODE................................................................................................... 54
   TOTAL_SALARY_AMOUNT ................................................................................................ 55
   TWELVE_HOUR_FLAG ........................................................................................................ 55
   WORKDAY_MINUTES_COUNT.......................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX B – Table Lookups ........................................................................................................ 57
APPENDIX C – Audit Codes & Error Messages .............................................................................. 58
APPENDIX D- History of Revisions................................................................................................. 68

Staff User Guide                                                                                                                     6
EdLink 360
In order to address challenges with Louisiana’s aging and outdated education data systems, the
Department is developing a robust data repository with easily accessible data and data
EdLink will provide more easily accessible data for all stakeholders, it will also simplify data
submissions for school systems and early childhood providers.

Please refer to the EdLink 360 Support page for extract file layouts, sample extracts, user guides
and other EdLink resources.

The Legacy System Data Submission Process
The legacy system data submission process is described below:
   • Data managers from a school district’s local system download extract files from their
       local system.
   • The extract files are then loaded to the LDOE data systems (e.g. PEP, SIS, STS, etc.)
   • During loading, file and data validation occurs
           • Files may be rejected
           • Records will be rejected if they don’t meet all of the validation rules
           • Only error-free records are loaded to the databases.
   • After loading, reports are available for data managers to run to display what data was
   • Validation reports are provided to data managers for use in verifying their data
       submissions during all of the data collection periods.

Staff User Guide                                                                                     7
•   A snapshot of the data is taken after the close of each data collection period (e.g. for
       PEP-Budgeted and Actual; for SIS-Oct 1 MFP, Oct 1 CLASS, Feb 1 MFP, EOY, etc.).

Data Flow for School System Submissions for EdLink 360
This EdLink 360 data submission process is described below:
    • Rather than Data managers downloading files from their local system.
           • Vendors will program their systems to download extract files on an automated
    • Rather than extract files being loaded to the systems (e.g. PEP, SIS, STS, etc.)
           • Extract files will be dropped on the PowerSchool sFTP server, many on a daily
    • Same as in the current process, during loading, file and data validation will occur
           • Files and records may be rejected
           • It is anticipated that many more records will be loaded since only high-level data
              validations will be performed
    • Same as in the current process, once the data is loaded
           • An audit log of possible errors will be available for review and downloading.
    • Similar to the current process where validation reports are provided to data managers
           • Data quality dashboards will be available for further review and validation of the
              data to ensure it’s complete accurate and complete.
    • Similar to the current process a snapshot will be taken at specific times of the school

Staff User Guide                                                                                  8
EdLink 360 Extract File Details

EdLink 360 Extract File Types
The EdLink extract files are similar to the ones that data managers currently pull from their local
system for uploading data to the various LDOE application systems. The EdLink extract files
represent data currently sent to LDOE and new data fields that will be used to provide
additional functionality for data analysis, dashboard display and reporting.

LEA vendors will program specific extracts using both standard and extension file extract
specifications. The extension extract is joined on the primary key which essentially adds more
fields to the standard extract:
    • standard extracts – include standard fields defined in the EdLink 360 Data Warehouse
    • extension extracts (_ext )– include additional fields not already available in the EdLink
        360 Data Warehouse but are required by LDOE.
    • partial file extracts – includes a subset of records that would normally be included in a
        standard extract. (e.g. one enrollments_partial.tsv record, one
        enrollments_ext_partial.tsv record)

EdLink 360 Extract File Attributes
The extract files must be programmed by the vendors exactly as described in the extract file
   • File names should be in lowercase the same as the extract name (e.g. calendars.tsv,
        calendars_ext.tsv, etc.)
   • All extract files including partial file extracts should be tab delimited, with .tsv extension
   • Files should have UTF-8 encoding without BOM (byte order mark)
   • The column header names must match the extract file layout exactly and be in UPPER
        case. Underscores must be included. DATE_TYPE_VALUE, DISTRICT_CODE, etc.
   • Optional fields may be omitted (omit the header and the data)
   • All date fields must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY (including the slashes)
   • Character fields:
            • Character fields should not include quotes, embedded tabs, or newlines.
            • All character fields must be trimmed (no trailing blanks).
   • Required Fields
            • Column header and data must be sent.
   • Non-required Fields
            • Send data if it is available.
            • If data is sometimes not available or applicable, send nulls (,tab>)
            • If you never have data, do not send the column header either.
   • Numeric Fields
            • Include the number before the decimal even if it is zero e.g. 0.5
            • A whole number can be submitted as 1 or 1.0.

Staff User Guide                                                                                      9
Submitting Partial Extract Files
When submitting partial extract files, please note:
   •    Partial extract files should only include a subset of records that would normally be
        included in a standard extract (e.g. 1 staff_assignments_partial.tsv record and 1
        staff_assignments_ext_partial.tsv record).
   • Partial extract files must follow the same file attribute rules as other extract files
        (required fields, optional fields, numeric fields, character fields, date fields, etc.).
   • Normal file rejection errors will occur for partial extract files due to misspelled file
        name, missing columns, misspelled column names, etc.
   • Partial extract files should include “_partial” in the file name (e.g.
        staff_assignments_partial.tsv, staff_assignments_ext_partial.tsv )
            o Failure to add “_partial” to the partial extract file name will result in the data in
                EdLink being overwritten for all records for that specific extract
                      (e.g. if a file with 5 records is sent that is named improperly (e.g.
                         staff_assignments.tsv), all enrollment records in EdLink will be deleted
                         and replaced by the 5 records contained within the improperly name
                         partial extract file)
Partial extract files should be dropped into the same PowerSchool sFTP folder (directory) as the
regular extracts based on the type of data (i.e. enrollments, students, etc.).

Staff User Guide                                                                                      10
Delivery Schedule and Uploading Of Files to the PowerSchool sFTP
All vendor or in-house programmed extract files must be loaded to the PowerSchool sFTP
        • Extract files should be delivered nightly in most instances.
        • Extract files may be delivered on a different schedule based on volume, snapshot
           dates or other measures as established by LDOE.
        • Extract files should be delivered no later than 7:00pm

Getting Whitelisted to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP Server
Security Coordinators and data managers should be aware of the servers that will be used to
drop files on the PowerSchool sFTP server for overnight loading to EdLink 360. These include
local servers as well as any servers used by your vendor if you are being hosted. Please use the
following steps to verify your whitelistings.

   •   Identify your IP Address(es):
           o Please verify with your IT staff and/or use whatismyip.com to identify the IP
               Address(es) that will be used to drop files on the PowerSchool sFTP.
           o Once all of the IP Addresses have been identified for your school system, email
               edlink360@la.gov to verify what IP addresses have actually been whitelisted for
               your school system.
   •   Request updates if all of the IP Address needed have not been whitelisted. Security
       Coordinators should send an email to LDOE_LEA_Support@powerschool.com
       (formatted as per the instructions below):
           o In the subject line, include the Sponsor Code and Name (e.g. 001 Acadia Parish)
               and the IP Address or range of IP Addresses for the School System
           o In the body of the email, include any other pertinent information (e.g. identify
               other technical contacts and/or vendors who may require whitelisting of their IP

NOTE: Home or private IP addresses cannot be whitelisted. When working from a location other
than your school system office, work with your IT staff to set up VPN into your school system

Staff User Guide                                                                                   11
Receiving User Credentials to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP Server
Security Coordinators and data managers should be aware of the credentials (username and
password) needed to access the PowerSchool sFTP server for submitting files.
• Username: The username you should be using is your 3-digit sponsor code. (e.g. “001” for
• Password: If you don’t remember your password or did not receive a password from
   PowerSchool during the EdLink 2020-21 Parallel data collections or during the historical file
   drops for this year or last year, the Security Coordinator should email
   LDOE_LEA_Support@powerschool.com to request a new one (formatted as per the
   instructions below, please do NOT include your password or any previous passwords you
   have used. Also do not include LDOE staff on this email as we are not allowed to see your
   credentials due to security reasons.
   o Subject: PowerSchool sFTP Credentials request and in the subject line include the
     Sponsor Code and Name (e.g. 001 Acadia).

   o In body of the email, include any other pertinent information (e.g. identify other
     technical contacts and/or vendors who may need credentials, list the sponsor codes and
     sponsor names if support is provided for multiple school systems, etc.).

PowerSchool sFTP Server Folders and Extract File Structures
The PowerSchool sFTP server (IP address of will house a folder for each school
system with a district rooted in their own directory (e.g. 001 for Acadia school system’s
directory name)
   • Extract files should be placed in the appropriate directory. Case of the directory name
       does not matter.
   •   The extract file name must be in lower case along with the .tsv extension (e.g.
         e.g. /File_Extracts/Name of the directory/name of the extract file
   •   Specific extract files should be submitted along with their corresponding extension file
       (e.g. students.tsv and students_ext.tsv)
   •   At any given time, only 1 file should exist in a directory. Vendors should overwrite
       their existing extract files for each submission as EdLink will not delete any of the files.

Staff User Guide                                                                                      12
The following are the directories and PowerSchool sFTP folders for the staff extracts that are
delivered by school systems.

** For information about partial files, see the section Submitting partial extract files

    o /File_Extracts/Staff/staff.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Ext/staff_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Assignments/staff_assignments.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Assignments_Ext/staff_assignments_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Staff/staff_partial.tsv      **
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Ext/staff_ext_partial.tsv   **
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Assignments/staff_assignments_partial.tsv **
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Assignments_Ext/staff_assignments_ext_partial.tsv **

    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Absences/staff_absences.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Staff_Absences/staff_absences_partial.tsv **

    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff/vacant_staff.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Ext/vacant_staff_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Assignments/vacant_staff_assignments.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Assignments_Ext/vacant_staff_assignments_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff/vacant_staff_partial.tsv     **
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Ext/vacant_staff_ext_partial.tsv  **
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Assignments/vacant_staff_assignments_partial.tsv **
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Staff_Assignments_Ext/vacant_staff_assignments_ext_partial.tsv **

    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff/contract_staff.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Ext/contract_staff_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Assignments/contract_staff_assignments.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Assignments_Ext/contract_staff_assignments_ext.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff/contract_staff_partial.tsv **
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Ext/contract_staff_ext_partial.tsv **
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Assignments/contract_staff_assignments_partial.tsv **
    o /File_Extracts/Contract_Staff_Assignments_Ext/contract_staff_assignments_ext_partial.tsv **

    o /File_Extracts/Mentor_Teacher_Link/mentor_teacher_link.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Mentor_Teacher_Link/mentor_teacher_link_partial.tsv **

    o /File_Extracts/Payroll_LDOE/payroll_ldoe.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Payroll_LDOE/vacant_payroll_ldoe.tsv
    o /File_Extracts/Payroll_LDOE/payroll_ldoe_partial.tsv  **
    o /File_Extracts/Vacant_Payroll_LDOE/vacant_payroll_ldoe_partial.tsv            **

Staff User Guide                                                                                 13
Automated Extract Uploads to the PowerSchool sFTP
School systems who work with vendors may be able to use vendor established procedures for
uploading extracts to the PowerSchool sFTP. Job scheduler software such as CRON can be used
to set up jobs to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals for the automated delivery of
extract files to the PowerSchool sFTP server. Data managers should contact their vendor for
information and guidance.

Manual Extract Uploads to the PowerSchool sFTP Using a Selected FTP Client
For manual uploads, school systems may also select a FTP client of their choice in order to
upload their extract files to the PowerSchool sFTP.
       Using an FTP client:
          • enter the IP address,
          • Port 22
          • Enter Username and Password.
See FileZilla as an example below:
       Host IP:
       Protocol: SFTP
       Port: 22
       Username: Enter your Username
       Password: Enter your Password
       Click Quickconnect.

       You will then need to navigate to /File_Extracts.

Troubleshooting authentication or timeout issues:
Please verify the following:
   •   Ensure you are using the correct credentials and password
          o Username will be the Sponsor Code
          o Verify your password
   •   Verify the Host is the IP address of the server that was whitelisted
   •   Verify Port 22 is not blocked

If you continue to have issues, please email LDOE_LEA_Support@powerschool.com.

Staff User Guide                                                                                       14
EdLink 360 Extract Files Processing and Error Handling
Once the LEA extract files have been uploaded to the PowerSchool sFTP server, files and
records will be staged and validated prior to loading to the data warehouse:
   • File and Record Validation
           • Files can be rejected and records can be rejected
           • Table lookups are performed to load additional information about the data (field
               descriptions, calculated fields, etc.)
           • File information and records in error are placed in an audit table along with error
               messages that identify the rejection reason.
   • Error Handling
           • Files and records that pass high-level validations are loaded into the Data
           • Using data quality dashboards additional data reviews can be performed
           • Records requiring further review can also be downloaded in EXCEL.

Staff User Guide                                                                                   15
EdLink Security and Accessing EdLink 360 Dashboards

In order to access the EdLink 360 dashboards, the following steps must be performed:
    • StaffID: A StaffID must be assigned in eScholar in order to report staff in the EdLink 360
       extracts. In addition, a StaffID is required for EdLink 360 security in order to establish
       access to the EdLink 360 dashboards. Please contact your Security Coordinator or your
       eScholar StaffID administrator to verify a StaffID has been created. Refer to the StaffID
       FAQ posted on the EdLink 360 Support page
    • Credentials: A Username and Password are required to access the PowerSchool sFTP for
       uploading extract files. These credentials are assigned by PowerSchool. See the section
       in this guide Receiving User Credentials to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP Server
    • Whitelist IP Address: Servers must be whitelisted in order to upload extract files to the
       PowerSchool sFTP. Whitelisting is performed by PowerSchool. See the section in this
       guide Getting Whitelisted to Submit to the PowerSchool sFTP server
    • EdLink Security Username/Password: The school system Security Coordinators are
       responsible for establishing access to EdLink 360.
            o Refer to the EdLink Frequently Asked Questions and the EdLink Security section
                of the EdLink 360 Support page
            o Security Coordinators will need to first request security coordinator access in
                order to be able to establish access for others in their school system. These
                approvals are performed by LDOE.
            o Security Coordinators will also need to request data analyst access in order to log
                into the EdLink 360 dashboards. These approvals are performed by LDOE.
            o Once security coordinator access has been established, the Security Coordinator
                will then be able to assign EdLink 360 dashboard access for other staff within
                their school system.
            o Once EdLink 360 dashboard access has been established, a user can use their
                credentials to log into the EdLink at https://reports.edlink.la.gov.

Staff User Guide                                                                                    16
Legacy Systems File Delivery vs. EdLink 360 Extract File Delivery

    Legacy Systems                                 EdLink 360
  •    Legacy systems use record types         •    EdLink 360 uses column headers and individual
      • 010 Record identifies the system            records
      • Additional record types identify           • There is a column header record for each
         similar data types                           field.
      • Record types are combined within a         • All other records contain the data that
         record set                                   corresponds to the column header.
                                                   • Records are combined within an extract file

  •    The record set must be a zip file.      •    The extract file must have the “.tsv” extension

  •    The zip file is uploaded on demand to   •    Through automation or manual procedures,
       the LEADS Portal. Data manager access        the extract files are uploaded (daily when
       is provisioned by the Security               available) to the PowerSchool sFTP server.
       Coordinators using TAS.                      Login credentials are required.

Staff User Guide                                                                             17
Legacy Systems and Crosswalk to EdLink Extract Files
The following are a list of the legacy systems and a Crosswalk to the EdLink extract files. Please
refer to the EdLink 360 Support page for:
    • individual extract file layouts,
    • user guides
    • other EdLink resources.

Schools, Courses, Programs and Diplomas Definitions Extracts
            Legacy System Records                                    EdLink Extract File

 Schools, Courses, Programs and Diplomas Definitions Extracts – EdLink connections to eScholar,
 legacy Curriculum System (CUR) and legacy Student Transcript System (STS).
 These extracts are used to report detail information about schools, state defined courses, programs,
 diplomas, and diploma requirements.
     eScholar LocationID                              ● schools.tsv and schools_ext.tsv
     Sponsor Site System (SPS)
     Curriculum System (CUR)                          ● courses.tsv and courses_ext.tsv
     eScholar DirectMatch                              ● programs.tsv

     Student Transcript System (STS)                   ● diplomas.tsv
                                                       ● diplomas_requirements.tsv and

  School Calendars
     Legacy system records                              EdLink Extract File
 School District Calendars
 These extracts are used to report detail information about district and school calendars.

     Calendar System (SPC)
      ● Basic Calendar (10)                            ● calendars.tsv and calendars_ext.tsv
      ● Event (20, 30, 40, 50, 60)

Staff User Guide                                                                                     18
Student Data
     Legacy system records                                EdLink Extract File

 Student Data Extracts
 These extracts are used to report detail information about students within a school district including
 attendance, students, enrollments, discipline, class schedules, program membership, transcripts,
 credentials and assessments.
     Student Information System (SIS)
       ● Demographic (010)                             ● students.tsv and students_ext.tsv
       ● Address (120)                                 ● students.tsv and students_ext.tsv
       ● Section 504 (130)                             ● students.tsv and students_ext.tsv
       • Enrollment (040)                             • enrollments.tsv and enrollments_ext.tsv
       ● Discipline Event (007)                       ● discipline_incidents.tsv and
       ● Student Perpetrator/Instance (091)           ● discipline_offenses.tsv and
         Non-Student Perp/Instance (094)                discipline_offenses_ext.tsv
       ● Victim (093)                                 ● discipline_persons.tsv
       ● Actions and Intervention (092)               ● discipline_actions.tsv and
       ● Class Schedules (110)                        ● student_schedules.tsv

       ● Programs (050)                               ● program_membership.tsv

     Homeless Tracking System (HTS)
       ● Homeless services updates for students       ● homeless_services.tsv
          identified as homeless including
     Student Information System (SIS)
       ● K-3 Assessments (141)                        ● k3_assessments.tsv
       ● Aggregated Absences
          (040 Enrollment record)                     ● attendance.tsv – Daily absences

Staff User Guide                                                                                 19
Course, Class Schedule and Transcript Data
   Legacy System Records                          EdLink 360 Extract Files
   Curriculum (CUR)
      • Master Class Schedules (10)               •       course_offerings.tsv
   Student Information System (SIS)
      • Student Class Schedules (110)             •       student_schedules.tsv

   Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP)
      • Staff Class Schedules (210)               •       staff_course_offering_link
       •   Vacant Staff Class Schedules (210)     •       vacant_staff_course_offering_link.tsv
       •   Contract Staff Class Schedules (210)   •       contract_staff_course_offering_link.tsv
   Student Transcript System (STS)
      • Demographics (020)                            •     sts_demographics.tsv
      • Transcript (030)                              •     sts_transcript.tsv
      • IBC Credentials (050)                         •     sts_ibc.tsv

Staff User Guide                                                                                 20
Staff Data
     Legacy system and record type                       EdLink Extract File

 Staff Data Extracts
 These extracts files are used to report detail information about staff within a school district, vacant staff
 and contract staff including demographics, assignments, absences, class schedules and payroll data.
 Please refer to the individual extract files for additional information..

     Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP)
      ● Staff Demographics (100)                         ● staff.tsv and staff_ext.tsv,
      ● Staff Site Position (200)                        ● staff_assignments.tsv and
      ● Vacant Staff Demographics (100)                  ● vacant_staff.tsv and vacant_staff_ext.tsv
      ● Vacant Staff Site Position (200)                 ● vacant_staff_assignments.tsv and
                                                         ● vacant_staff_assignments_ext.tsv
      ● Contract Staff Demographics (100)                ● contract_staff.tsv and contract_staff_ext.tsv
      ● Contract Staff Site Position (200)               ● contract_staff_assignments.tsv and
                                                         ● contract_staff_assignments_ext.tsv

      ● Staff Class Schedules (210)                      ● staff_course_offering_link.tsv
      ● Vacant Staff Class Schedules (210)               ● vacant_staff_course_offering_link.tsv
      ● Contract Staff Class Schedules (210)             ● contract_staff_course_offering_link.tsv

      ● Non-Attendance Record (300)                      ● staff_absences.tsv – Daily absences

     HR Payroll Systems                                  ● payroll_ldoe.tsv,
      • Payroll                                          ● vacant_payroll_ldoe.tsv
     Mentor Teacher and Resident Teacher                 ● mentor_teacher_link.tsv (new)

Staff User Guide                                                                                    21
Staff Data Extracts
These extract are used to report detail information about staff within a school district including
demographics, assignments, absences, class schedules and payroll data.

Please refer to the EdLink 360 Support page for extract file layouts, user guides and other
EdLink resources.

Key fields are identified in each extract.

Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System -
Demographic (100)

staff.tsv and staff_ext.tsv
The staff.tsv and staff_ext.tsv extracts are used to report demographic data and specific
attributes for staff.

Data Element                            EdLink Extract                 EdLink Field Name
System Indicator                 N/A                        N/A
Transaction Code                 N/A                        N/A
Beginning Session Year           staff.tsv                  SCHOOL_YEAR
Sponsor Code                     staff.tsv                  DISTRICT_CODE
Social Security Number           staff.tsv                  LOCAL_STAFF_KEY
Last Name                        staff.tsv                  STAFF_LAST_NAME
Suffix                           staff_ext.tsv              SUFFIX_NAME
First Name                       staff.tsv                  STAFF_FIRST_NAME
Middle Name                      staff.tsv                  STAFF_MIDDLE_INITIAL
Sex Code, Employee               staff.tsv                  STAFF_GENDER_CODE
Ethnic Code, Employee            N/A                        N/A
Teaching Certificate             N/A                        N/A
   Type                          N/A                        N/A
   Number                        N/A                        N/A
   Suffix                        N/A                        N/A
Teaching Certificate Exception
                                 N/A                        N/A
Educational Level Code           staff_ext.tsv              ED_LEVEL_CODE
Experience, Years Allowed
Count                            staff.tsv                  STAFF_EXPERIENCE_YEARS
(For Salary Level)
Retirement System Code           staff_ext.tsv              RETIRE_SYSTEM_CODE
Retiree Return to Work Code      staff_ext.tsv              RETIREE_RETURN_CODE
Sabbatical Status Code           staff_ext.tsv              SABBATICAL_STATUS_CODE
PIP Salary Amount                staff_ext.tsv              PIP_SALARY_INCREMENT_AMOUNT

Staff User Guide                                                                                     22
Data Element                        EdLink Extract            EdLink Field Name
Total Salary Amount           staff_ext.tsv          TOTAL_SALARY_AMOUNT
Salary Reduction Code         staff_ext.tsv          SALARY_REDUCTION_CODE
Employee Type Code            staff_ext.tsv          PART_FULL_TIME_CODE
Contract Day Count            staff_ext.tsv          CONTRACT_DAY_COUNT
Workday Minute Count          staff_ext.tsv          WORKDAY_MINUTES_COUNT
Employee Status Code          staff_ext.tsv          EMPLOYEE_STATUS_CODE
Highly Qualified Flag
                              N/A                    N/A
Hispanic/Latino               staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_HISPANIC
American Indian Or Alaskan
                              staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_NATIVE_AMER
Native Race
Asian                         staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_ASIAN
Black Or African –American    staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_BLACK
Native Hawaiian Or Other
                              staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_PACIF_ISLND
Pacific Islander
White                         staff.tsv              STAFF_ORIGIN_IND_WHITE
District Employee Hire Date
                              staff.tsv              STAFF_ENTRY_DATE
(Date of Hire)
Tenure, Status                staff_ext.tsv          TENURE_STATUS_CODE
Tenure, Date Added            staff_ext.tsv          TENURE_ADD_DATE
Tenure, Date Lost             staff_ext.tsv          TENURE_LOST_DATE
Tenure, Reason                staff_ext.tsv          TENURE_LOST_REASON_CODE
Demand Salary Amount          staff_ext.tsv          DEMAND_SALARY_AMOUNT
Performance Salary Amount     staff_ext.tsv          PERFORMANCE_SALARY_AMOUNT

Staff User Guide                                                                    23
Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Site-
  Position (200)

  staff_assignments.tsv, staff-assignments_ext.tsv and payroll_ldoe.tsv
  These extracts are used to report information that describe staff job assignments.

                    Data Element            EdLink Extract                EdLink Field Name
   1       System Indicator         N/A                         N/A
   4       Transaction Code         N/A                         N/A
   7       Beginning Session Year   staff_assignments_ext.tsv   SCHOOL_YEAR
  11       Sponsor Code             staff_assignments_ext.tsv   DISTRICT_CODE
  14       Site Code                staff_assignments.tsv       LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY
  20       Social Security Number   staff_assignments.tsv       LOCAL_STAFF_KEY
  29       Employment Begin Date    staff_assignments.tsv       STAFF_ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE
  37       Object                                               OBJECT_CODE
  40       Function Code                                        FUNCTION_CODE

           Employment End Date      staff_assignments.tsv       STAFF_ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE
           Annual Minutes Worked
  52                                staff_assignments_ext.tsv   ANNUAL_MINUTES_WORKED
           Salary Amount
  58                                payroll_ldoe.tsv            PAYROLL_AMOUNT
           (1st occurrence)
           Salary Fund Account
  64       Code                     payroll_ldoe.tsv            FUND_CODE
           (1st occurrence)
           Salary Type Code
  66                                payroll_ldoe.tsv            SALARY_TYPE_CODE
           (1st occurrence)
           Salary Amount
  67                                payroll_ldoe.tsv            PAYROLL_AMOUNT
           (2nd occurrence)
           Salary Fund Account
  73       Code                     payroll_ldoe.tsv            FUND_CODE
           (2nd occurrence)
           Salary Type Code
  75                                payroll_ldoe.tsv            SALARY_TYPE_CODE
           (2nd occurrence)
           Salary Amount
  76                                payroll_ldoe.tsv            PAYROLL_AMOUNT
           (3rd occurrence)

  Staff User Guide                                                                            24
                  Data Element            EdLink Extract            EdLink Field Name
           Salary Fund Account
  82       Code                   payroll_ldoe.tsv         FUND_CODE
           (3rd occurrence)
           Salary Type Code
  84                              payroll_ldoe.tsv         SALARY_TYPE_CODE
           (3rd occurrence)
           Salary Amount
  85                              payroll_ldoe.tsv         PAYROLL_AMOUNT
           (4th occurrence)
           Salary Fund Account
  91       Code                   payroll_ldoe.tsv         FUND_CODE
           (4th occurrence)
           Salary Type Code
  93                              payroll_ldoe.tsv         SALARY_TYPE_CODE
           (4th occurrence)
           Salary Amount
  94                              payroll_ldoe.tsv         PAYROLL_AMOUNT
           (5th occurrence)
           Salary Fund Account
 100       Code                   payroll_ldoe.tsv         FUND_CODE
           (5th occurrence)
           Salary Type Code
 102                              payroll_ldoe.tsv         SALARY_TYPE_CODE
           (5th occurrence)
 103       Home-based Site flag   staff_assignments.tsv    PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_INDICATORr

  Staff User Guide                                                                      25
Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Class
Schedule (210)
These extracts are used to report information that describe staff class schedules.

staff_course_offering_link.tsv and staff_course_offering_link_ext.tsv
This extract is used to report information that describe staff job assignments related to class

Data Element                               EdLink Extract                      EdLink Field Name

System Indicator              N/A                                   N/A
Transaction Code              N/A                                   N/A
Beginning Session Year                                              SCHOOL_YEAR
Sponsor Code                                                        DISTRICT_CODE
Social Security Number                                              LOCAL_STAFF_KEY
                              staff_course_offering_link.tsv        LOCAL_COURSE_OFFERINGS_KEY
Class Code
                              staff_course_offering_link_ext.tsv    TWELVE_HOUR_INDICATOR
Twelve Hour Flag
Total Class Time Pct                                             STAFF_CLASS_PERCENT

Staff User Guide                                                                                   26
Crosswalk to Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) Legacy System - Non-
Attendance (300)

These extracts are used to report information about staff absences.

Data Element                            EdLink Extract                  EdLink Field Name

System Indicator                    N/A                      N/A
Transaction Code                    N/A                      N/A
Beginning Session Year              staff_absences.tsv       SCHOOL_YEAR
Sponsor Code                        staff_absences.tsv       DISTRICT_CODE
Social Security Number              staff_absences.tsv       LOCAL_STAFF_KEY
Non-Attendance Event Start Date     staff_absences.tsv       ABSENCE_DATE
Non-Attendance Event Category
                                    staff_absences.tsv       STAFF_ABSENCE_REASON_CODE
Non-Attendance Event End Date       N/A                      N/A
Non-Attendance Event Day Count      staff_absences.tsv       STAFF_ABSENCE_VALUE

EdLink 360 File Layouts
Please see the EdLink Support page for all Staff Extract Layouts and sample extracts.

Staff User Guide                                                                            27
APPENDIX A – Data Elements (Alphabetically)
Data Elements


 Definition: The day that the employee was away from his or her normal work activity for a specific
 occurrence of non-attendance. Formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.

  by EdLink for historical data.

 Extract: staff_absences.tsv


 Definition: For the October (Budgeted) snapshot:
 These data will reflect the total number of minutes the employee is projected to work within the current
 fiscal year at the specific site for the specific job assignment (classification) at the specific site.

 For the June 30 (Actual) snapshot:
 These data will reflect the total number of minutes the employee worked or was paid to work within
 the fiscal year at a site for a specific job assignment (classification).

 Special Note: For the October (Budgeted) snapshot, the sum of the Annual Minutes projected to work
 should not exceed the product total of the Contract Day Count multiplied by the Workday Minutes

 Extract: staff_assignments_ext.tsv


 Identifies certification status of the staff for the class taught. Categories include Certified, Out of Field,
 and Uncertified. Certification status is determined based on connection between Teacher Certification
 database and areas of certification associated with each course being taught

 Extract: staff_course_offering_link.tsv


Staff User Guide                                                                                       28


 Identifies if the staff record is serving in the role of a Content Leader. Content Leaders provide content-
 and curriculum-specific professional development to teachers in their school and school system using
 turnkey session materials. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to: Redelivery of content
 modules at school and school system professional development days and leading professional learning
 communities in schools.

 Extract: staff_ext.tsv



 Contract Day Count is defined as the annual total of workdays required and/or governed by one or
 more school district contracts (for an employee class) under which the staff member was employed
 for the school year being reported. Due to changes in an employee’s contract(s), the October 1 and
 June 30 Contract Day may be different.

 Special Notes:
 For the October snapshot, the staff data will reflect the Contract Day Count derived from the
 contract(s) applicable for the reported individual as of October 1; i.e., the contract(s) from which
 budgeted salary data are determined.

 For the June 30 snapshot, the staff data will reflect the number of contract days derived from the
 combined contracts under which the person actually worked throughout the school year.
 Caution: Changes in Contract Day Count may result from contract revisions and/or from modifications
 to the positions or responsibilities of the employee during the school year. The Contract Day Count
 must always reflect the full time standard contract for the employee class that the employee is a
 member of.

 Extract: staff_ext.tsv


 Used to indicate the total amount paid to an employee based on the demand-based compensation
 requirements outlined in revised statute 17:418 (Salaries; teachers and other school employees). The
 amount awarded is based on the demand-based position held by the employee during the current
 academic year. The performance-based pay amount may be part of the total salary amount.
 Extract: staff_ext.tsv

Staff User Guide                                                                                    29

Historically is the 3-digit sponsor code assigned by the Sponsor Site (SPS) legacy system.
By the 2022-23 school year, school systems will have fully transitioned to the new LocationID that uniquely identifies a school system, school, agency,
the state, and/or providers where students and staff receive or provide services. These locations are grouped together in a hierarchy, within location
groups and within organizations.. The source of this data will be the eScholar LocationID system.

    001   Acadia Parish                  060   Webster Parish                                       W2B   Willow Charter Academy
    002   Allen Parish                   061   West Baton Rouge Parish                              W31   Dr Martin Luther King Charter School for Sci Tech
    003   Ascension Parish               062   West Carroll Parish                                  W32   Joseph A Craig Charter School
    004   Assumption Parish              063   West Feliciana Parish                                W33   Lincoln Preparatory School
    005   Avoyelles Parish               064   Winn Parish                                          W37   Greater Grace Charter Academy Inc
    006   Beauregard Parish              065   City of Monroe School District                       W3B   Iberville Charter Academy
    007   Bienville Parish               066   City of Bogalusa School District                     W4A   Delta Charter Group
    008   Bossier Parish                 067   Zachary Community School District                    W4B   Lake Charles College Prep
    009   Caddo Parish                   068   City of Baker School District                        W5B   Northeast Claiborne Charter
    010   Calcasieu Parish               069   Central Community School District                    W6B   Acadiana Renaissance Charter Academy
    011   Caldwell Parish                101   Special School District                              W7A   Louisiana Key Academy
    012   Cameron Parish                 300   New Beginnings Schools Foundation                    W7B   Lafayette Charter Foundation
    013   Catahoula Parish               302   Louisiana School for Math Science & the Arts         W8A   Impact Charter School
    014   Claiborne Parish               304   LA Schools for the Deaf and Visually Impaired        WAG   Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy
    015   Concordia Parish               306   Louisiana Special Education Center                   WAK   Southwest Louisiana Charter Academy
    016   DeSoto Parish                  318   LSU Laboratory School                                WAL   JS Clark Leadership Academy
    017   East Baton Rouge Parish        319   Southern University Lab School                       WAQ   Baton Rouge University Preparatory Elementary
    018   East Carroll Parish            321   New Vision Learning Academy                          WAU   GEO Prep Academy of Greater Baton Rouge
    019   East Feliciana Parish          329   V. B. Glencoe Charter School                         WAV   Democracy Prep Baton Rouge
    020   Evangeline Parish              331   International School of Louisiana                    WAZ   Audubon Charter School
    021   Franklin Parish                333   Avoyelles Public Charter School                      WA7   RSD-Capitol Education Foundation
    022   Grant Parish                   334   New Orleans Center for Creative Arts                 WBA   Einstein Charter School at Village De L'Est
    023   Iberia Parish                  336   Delhi Charter School                                 WBB   Benjamin Franklin High School
    024   Iberville Parish               337   Belle Chasse Academy                                 WBC   Alice M Harte Elementary Charter School
    025   Jackson Parish                 340   The MAX Charter School                               WBD   Edna Karr High School
    026   Jefferson Parish               341   D'Arbonne Woods Charter School                       WBE   Lusher Charter School
    027   Jefferson Davis Parish         343   Community School for Apprenticeship Learning, Inc.   WBF   Eleanor McMain Secondary School
    028   Lafayette Parish               344   Voices for International Business & Education        WBG   Robert Russa Moton Charter School
    029   Lafourche Parish               345   University View Academy, Inc. (FRM LA Connections)   WBH   Lake Forest Elementary Charter School
    030   LaSalle Parish                 346   Lake Charles Charter Academy Foundation, Inc.        WBI   New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics HS
    031   Lincoln Parish                 347   Lycee Francais de la Nouvelle-Orleans                WBJ   ENCORE Academy
    032   Livingston Parish              348   New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy              WBK   Bricolage Academy
    033   Madison Parish                 360   Educators for Quality Alternatives                   WBL   Wilson Charter School
    034   Morehouse Parish               363   Crescent City Schools                                WBM   Einstein Charter High School at Sarah Towles Reed
    035   Natchitoches Parish            364   Community Leaders Advocating Student Success         WBN   Einstein Charter Middle Sch at Sarah Towles Reed
    036   Orleans Parish                 368   Morris Jeff Community School                         WBO   Einstein Charter at Sherwood Forest
    037   Ouachita Parish                369   ReNEW-Reinventing Education Inc.                     WBP   McDonogh 42 Charter School
    038   Plaquemines Parish             373   ARISE Schools                                        WBQ   New Harmony High Institute
    039   Pointe Coupee Parish           374   Success Preparatory Academy                          WBR   Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish
    040   Rapides Parish                 381   Akili Academy of New Orleans                         WBT   Audubon Charter School - Gentilly
    041   Red River Parish               382   Collegiate Academies                                 WBU   Rosenwald Collegiate Academy
    042   Richland Parish                385   New Orleans College Preparatory Academies            WBV   Dwight D. Eisenhower Charter School
    043   Sabine Parish                  389   Pelican Educational Foundation                       WBW   Living School
    044   St. Bernard Parish             390   Dryades YMCA                                         WBX   GEO Next Generation High School
    045   St. Charles Parish             393   Choice Foundation                                    WBY   Red River Charter Academy
    046   St. Helena Parish              395   Algiers Charter Schools Association (ACSA)           WBZ   McDonogh 35 Senior High School
    047   St. James Parish               396   Recovery School District-LDE                         WC2   Opportunities Academy
    048   St. John the Baptist Parish    397   Institute for Academic Excellence                    WC3   IDEA Public Schools
    049   St. Landry Parish              398   Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) N.O.               WJ5   Collegiate Baton Rouge
    050   St. Martin Parish              399   FirstLine Schools, Inc.                              WZ8   GEO Prep Mid-City of Greater Baton Rouge
    051   St. Mary Parish                3A5   Better Choice Foundation
    052   St. Tammany Parish             3AP   Redesign Schools Louisiana
    053   Tangipahoa Parish              3C1   Thrive Academy
    054   Tensas Parish                  A02   Office of Juvenile Justice
    055   Terrebonne Parish              W18   Noble Minds
    056   Union Parish                   W1A   JCFA-East
    057   Vermilion Parish               W1B   Advantage Charter Academy
    058   Vernon Parish                  W1D   JCFA Lafayette
    059   Washington Parish              W1E   Youth Force NOLA

Extract: staff.tsv; staff_ext.tsv; staff_assignments.tsv; staff_absences.tsv; staff_course_offering_link.tsv;
staff_course_offering_link_ext.tsv; payroll_ldoe.tsv; mentor_teacher_link.tsv


Staff User Guide                                                                                                                                30
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