Fact Sheet 2019 2020 - MYSTFX | St. Francis Xavier University

Page created by Kimberly Maxwell
Fact Sheet 2019 2020 - MYSTFX | St. Francis Xavier University
Université Catholique de Lyon

                     ESDES Business School of UCLy

                             Fact Sheet 2019 - 2020

                             ESDES Lyon Business School
                             ESDES International Office
Mailing address              Université Catholique de Lyon
                             10, Place des Archives
                             69288 LYON Cedex 02
Phone (front desk)           +33 4 72 32 50 48
Fax                          +33 4 72 32 51 58
E-mail                       esdes.rel.int@univ-catholyon.fr
Website                      www.esdes.fr
Erasmus Code                 F LYON10
Languages of instruction     English and French

                            useful information
                             The Catholic University is composed of five faculties:
                             - Economics (ESDES)and Law
                             - Social Sciences
                             - Language and Literature
                             - Philosophy and Humanities
                             - Theology and Religious Sciences
                             5 professional schools incl. ESDES, 15 academic and research units.

                             ESDES is the business school of the Catholic University of Lyon.
ESDES                        Highly reputed in France as a leading higher education and research
                             institution. It has more than 130 partner universities in 40 countries and
                             offers French and English business classes for exchange students.

                             With its 1.5 million inhabitants, Lyon is the 3rd biggest city in France
Lyon                         Located 2 hours by train from Paris and Geneva, 2 hours from the
                             French Alps (Chamonix),the Mediterranean sea (Marseille),
                             the capital city of gastronomy in France (e.g. home to Paul Bocuse)
                              ESDES Business School of UCLy
Fact Sheet 2019 2020 - MYSTFX | St. Francis Xavier University
International Department
Dr. Kevin Pon                    Associate Dean for International        kpon@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 Development and Accreditations          +33 72 32 50 48

Ms. Barbora Russell                                                      brussell@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 International Partnership Coordinator
                                                                         +33 4 72 32 67 35

                             International Office – Incoming students

                                 Head of Global Business
                                 Development Bachelor and
                                 international exchange program for
Ms. Katherine Maquin             incoming students                       kmaquin@univ-catholyon.fr
                                                                         +33 4 26 84 52 12

Ms. Haike Maréchal               Administrative officer for incoming     hmarechal@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 international students                  +33 4 72 32 67 37

                             International Office – Outgoing students

Ms. Véronique Sapin              Head of international exchange          vsapin@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 program for outgoing students           +33 4 26 84 52 48
                                 (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Ms. Marion Couturier             Administrative officer outgoing         mcouturier@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 students (Undergraduate)                +33 4 72 32 58 84

Ms. Betty Col                    Administrative officer outgoing         bcol@univ-catholyon.fr
                                 students (Graduate)                     +33 4 72 32 67 34

                  Programs and course information
                           for exchange
Bachelor and Master levels               Business Courses in English (BCIE)
classes taught in English

Bachelor and Master levels               Business Courses in French (BCIF)
taught in French

                                   ESDES Business School of UCLy
Exchange students
                         nomination and application
All applications are to be sent     esdes.rel.int@univ-catholyon.fr

Nominations                         All exchange students must be formally nominated by their home
                                    institution to kmaquin@univ-catholyon.fr

Nomination and application          Autumn semester (September – December) - May 31
deadline                            Spring semester (January – May) – October 31

Application procedure               https://www.esdes.fr/en/apply/application-form-exchange-students-

Learning Agreements (LA)            ESDES provides students with a learning agreement which needs to be
                                    completed and signed by their home university coordinator

                           Application Requirements
                                       1.   Must have completed at least 1st year at home university
                                       2.   Must have a minimum B2 level in English.
                                            Non-Anglophones must provide a TOEFL, FCE, CAE, IELTS or a
                                            letter of recommendation from an English professor. Students
Business Courses in English                 are required to have the equivalent of a B2/C1 level of English
(BCIE)                                      as established by the common European Framework. If
                                            students choose to have a language teacher’s
                                            recommendation, the letter of recommendation must state
                                            explicitly that they have at least a B2 level (or 550 on the TOEFL
                                            or 6.0 on the IELTS exam).

Business Courses in French             1.   Must have completed at least 1st year at home university
(BCIF)                                 2.   Minimum level required of French language is B2 (DELF scores
                                            are accepted)

                                       -    Application Form
                                       -    A Curriculum Vitae
                                       -    A passport-sized photograph (a good quality scanned version
                                            is acceptable)
The following documents must be
                                       -    Letter of application indicating your reasons for applying to
submitted electronically to the
                                            one of the exchange programmes
International Office for Incoming
                                       -    Transcript in English /official copies from the home university
                                       -    Proof of the level of English (or French for BCIF)
                                       -    Bachelor degree diploma (for Master’s level students only)
                                       -    Two academic or professional recommendation letters (for
                                            Master level students only). Letters must be printed on letter
                                            head paper, signed and dated

                                     ESDES Business School of UCLy
Academic Calendar Bachelor level 2019 - 2020
                     First Semester (Autumn Semester: September – December)

May 15                               Closing date for applications
June                                 Online registration for classes
August 28 & 29                       ESDES check in - mandatory
August 30                            Orientation-mandatory
September 2                          Classes start
December 20                          Last day of final exams

                         Second Semester (Spring Semester: January – April)

October 31                           Closing date for applications
November                             Online registration for classes
January 6                            ESDES check in-mandatory
January 7                            Classes start
April 24                             Last day of final exams

          Academic Calendar Master level 2019 - 2020
                     First Semester (Autumn Semester: September – December)

May 15                               Closing date for applications
June                                 Online registration for classes
August 28 & 29                       ESDES check in - mandatory
August 30                            Orientation-mandatory
September 2                          Classes start
December 6                           Last day of final exams

                                  Second Semester (Spring Semester)

October 31                           Closing date for applications
November                             Online registration for classes
December 9                           Classes start
February 28                          Last day of final exams

              Please note that we do not organise resit exams for exchange students.

Just like many French universities, the Université Catholique de Lyon does not have on-campus
residence halls. ESDES students live in many different places, not only in the city center but also
on the outskirts of town. The Lyon public transport network is quick and efficient and gives
students additional options for accommodations.

More information about our housing offers can be found at: https://www.esdes.fr/student-life-

                                    The Student Service Office / Service aux étudiants
                                    Université Catholique de Lyon
                                    10, Place des Archives

                                      ESDES Business School of UCLy
69288 LYON Cedex 02
Phone   +33 4 72 32 51 73
Email   sl@univ-catholyon.fr

         ESDES Business School of UCLy
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