FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...

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FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
September 20–December 12
FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...

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FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971Entertainment                                                                                                                                                        49


For more information call (310) 825-9064.

Film & TV                                                                 MGMT X 403.01
                                                                          Legal Primer for the Entertainment Business
                                                                                                                                                      MGMT X 476.99
                                                                                                                                                      Marketing Entertainment:
For more information call (310) 825-9064, email entertainmentstudies@     4.0 units                                                                   Strategies for the Global Marketplace
uclaextension.edu, or visit entertainment.uclaextension.edu.              This unique course explores key legal principles and contractual            4.0 units
                                                                          relationships within the film and television industry through a dynamic     Today, marketing entertainment is a global enterprise, and motion
                                                                          assortment of lectures and hands-on workshops. You develop a core           pictures, television shows, streaming content, and video games are
Business & Management of                                                  understanding of subjects including idea protection, copyright, defa-       the assets that drive expanding ancillary markets. How these proper-
                                                                          mation, privacy, and the right of publicity. In addition, you are exposed   ties are marketed determines their financial success and future. The
Entertainment                                                             to key issues in manager agreements and in standard film and televi-        instructor and a select number of the industry’s top marketing profes-
                                                                          sion agreements, including literary option/purchase agreements, life        sionals address myriad issues on how entertainment content, includ-
MGMT X 403.31                                                             rights agreements, collaboration agreements, and talent employment          ing feature films, gets marketed in today’s increasingly competitive
The Business of Entertainment                                             agreements. The course concludes with exploring independent film            market. Topics include creating brand-centric franchise-driven strate-
4.0 units                                                                 finance and distribution deals. Through learning some essential             gies; positioning an entertainment property as a brand in popular
With the entertainment industry converging into a worldwide mass          “countermeasures” to use when reviewing such contracts, you are             culture; marketing and distribution strategies in a converging market-
media, both business and operation models continue to rapidly evolve.     empowered in a way usually only reserved for elite talent lawyers—and       place; secrets to creating compelling audio-visual, social/digital, and
This introductory course for producers, directors, writers, development   have a lot of fun in the process.                                           print advertising; the power of social media; the influence and use of
personnel, and aspiring media executives examines the changing            Reg# 382307                                                                 research; and leveraging international strategies and new media
business issues associated with the entertainment industry. Through               Fee: $699                                                           promotional and licensing strategies to create valuable partnerships
lectures, discussions with industry guests, and case studies, instruc-            No refund after 24 Sept.                                            and revenue streams.
tion focuses on current business and production issues and intro-            mOnline                                                                  Reg# 382779
duces new business models to navigate content onto new distribution               Sept. 20-Dec. 5                                                            Fee: $699
platforms. Some history is highlighted to provide a context for current   Early enrollment advised. c &                                                      No refund after 24 Sept.
practices and potential. The course also features opportunities to meet   David Wienir, business affairs executive at United Talent Agency and
                                                                                                                                                             Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c
senior entertainment industry executives in various sectors. Topics       author of four books, includingAmsterdam Exposed and Making It On
include financing, contracts, intellectual property issues, licensing,    Broadway. Mr. Wienir practiced law at two of the top entertainment          Scott Edwards, executive vice president of Creative Advertising for
worldwide theatrical marketing and distribution, worldwide home           law firms where he represented clients such as Steven Spielberg             Fox Entertainment, where he oversees advertising for countless televi-
entertainment marketing and distribution, worldwide television pro-       and Madonna.                                                                sion shows, including 9-1-1, BH 90210, Empire, Last Man Standing, and
duction and distribution, multi-channel network distribution and
                                                                                                                                                      The Masked Singer. Mr. Edwards also helped launch the shows 24: Live
opportunities, the impact of piracy, and leveraging new distribution      MGMT X 403.34                                                               Another Day, Gotham, and The X-Files.
platforms. By the end of the course, students should have an under-
standing of the opportunities available in the business of
                                                                          Entertainment Financing: From First $ to                                    Reg# 382776
entertainment.                                                            Distribution of Profits                                                            Fee: $699
                                                                          4.0 units                                                                          No refund after 4 Oct.
Reg# 382565                                                               This course covers the financial aspects of each step of the motion
        Fee: $699
                                                                                                                                                         A Remote Instruction
                                                                          picture value chain (from development through profit participation)                11 mtgs
                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30 c
        No refund after 6 Oct.                                            and considers the implications of financial choices. Designed to give
   A Remote Instruction                                                   you a general understanding of how financial deals are structured,
        11 mtgs                                                                                                                                       Scott Edwards, executive vice president of Creative Advertising for
                                                                          topics include how film financing is secured, connecting the produc-        Fox Entertainment, where he oversees advertising for countless televi-
        Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9
No meetings Nov. 11 & 25. c &
                                                                          tion budget to the financing, when a completion guarantor is required,      sion shows, including 9-1-1, BH 90210, Empire, Last Man Standing, and
                                                                          and the various types of domestic and international distribution            The Masked Singer. Mr. Edwards also helped launch the shows 24: Live
Randy Greenberg, executive producer of The MEG and Cowboys &              arrangements. You also learn about third-party profit participation         Another Day, Gotham, and The X-Files.
Aliens; founder of The Greenberg Group, a global entertainment            agreements and the practical aspects and procedures that underlie
investment and content strategy consultancy. He was previously the        them; terms and definitions that impact bottom line considerations,
SVP/head of international theatrical marketing and distribution for       including contingent compensation; distribution fees and expenses;
Universal Pictures.                                                       the producer’s share of profit; distinctions between production, distri-
                                                                          bution, and marketing costs; and how these costs may significantly
                                                                          impact recoupment and profits.
                                                                          Reg# 382867
                                                                                 Fee: $699
                                                                                 No refund after 24 Sept.

                                                                                 Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c

                                                                          Jeanette B. Milio, feature film and television producer and financier         m ONLINE COURSE, page 1.
                                                                          who ran a media fund that invested in the production, acquisition, and        g     HYBRID COURSE, page 1.
                                                                          worldwide distribution of over 40 television and theatrical projects for
                                                                          HBO, Showtime, ABC, USA Network, Disney, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures,                  WEB-ENHANCED COURSE, page 1.
                                                                          Warner Bros. and others.
                                                                                                                                                        A REMOTE INSTRUCTION, page 1.
                                                                                                                                                        v     CLASSROOM, page 1.
                                                                                                                                                        & TEXTBOOK REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                                        C UC CREDIT
FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
50       Entertainment                                                                                                                               Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971
MGMT X 403.33                                                                                                                                          THEATER X 410.5
Independent Film Financing                                                  Acting                                                                     Acting for the Camera II
4.0 units                                                                                                                                              4.0 units
In today’s ever-changing market, filmmakers need to have a working          THEATER X 407.5                                                            Building on the skills learned in Acting for the Camera I, you prepare
understanding of a wide variety of financial models in order to suc-        Acting Techniques: The Fundamentals                                        for work professionally by practicing in all styles that you may audi-
cessfully fund the different phases of their entertainment projects. This   4.0 units                                                                  tion—features, sitcoms, TV dramas, and commercials. Focusing on the
course explores film finance methods, discusses the advantages and          In this introduction to acting, learn fundamental performance tech-        flexibility of the actor in front of the camera, you develop camera
disadvantages of each, and provides sources for additional informa-         niques and exercises, including relaxation, concentration, sense           techniques in scene study using scripts from TV series, sitcoms, and
tion. The goal is to become familiar with numerous ways to finance a        memory, emotional recall, improvisation, character tasks, and text         films. You also learn blocking and continuity with emphasis on master,
feature or documentary film that may vary at different stages of your       analysis. You then apply these techniques by rehearsing and perform-       two-shots, and close-ups. You perform individual and ensemble
career. In addition, you are exposed to many different sources of           ing monologues and two-character scenes. In-class partner work and         scenes increasing in complexity in terms of emotion and subtext, and
additional information regarding film financing so that you may be          weekly assignments are required.                                           the final project is a three-person scene. The material from the final
confident with your choices relating to film finance. You also gain an      Reg# 382273                                                                project is edited and becomes the basis for developing your show reel.
awareness of the many film finance scams that exist in the market-                  Fee: $699                                                          Prerequisite(s): THEATER X 410.3 Acting for the Camera I or previous
place so that you are in a better position to avoid such problems.                  No refund after 25 Sept.                                           acting on camera experience.
Topics include gifts and grants, active and passive investor financing,        A Remote Instruction                                                    Reg# 382751
federal and state securities law compliance, lender financing, studio/              11 mtgs                                                                     Fee: $699
industry financing, and the broader film finance environment.                       Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30                                           No refund after 25 Sept.
Reg# 382244                                                                 Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c                               A Remote Instruction
        Fee: $699                                                           Toni Attell, Emmy-nominated actor, comedian, and mime whose                         11 mtgs
        No refund after 24 Sept.                                            background includes a variety of work in theater, film, and television.             Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30 c
                                                                            Ms. Attell has opened for Jay Leno, Steve Martin, and Robin Williams       Ernesto Gonzalez, bilingual actor whose credits include co-starring
        Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c &
                                                                            and has guest-starred on numerous television dramas and sitcoms.           roles in TV shows such as Carol’s Second Act (CBS), Indebted (NBC),
John Cones, securities/entertainment attorney who advises indepen-                                                                                     Grace and Frankie (Netflix), and Alone Together (Freeform). He has also
dent feature film producers on matters relating to investor financing       THEATER X 422.12                                                           performed in regional theaters across the country and is a member
of feature films and entertainment projects. He has prepared or par-        Voice and Movement for the Screen Actor                                    of SAG, AEA, and the Television Academy.
ticipated in over 250 business offerings for feature films, TV pilots,      4.0 units
documentaries, and more.                                                    This holistic approach to movement, voice, and speech aims at liberat-     FILM TV X 438.40
                                                                            ing and enhancing the performer’s natural capacity for moving,             The Working Actor:
MGMT X 402.32                                                               sounding, and speaking as applied to performance on camera. Using          Get the Audition, Book the Job
Starting Your Own Entertainment Production                                  techniques developed by Alexander, Spolin, and Sills, learn to feel the    4.0 units
Company                                                                     way the human body naturally functions when it is free of adverse          This interactive course provides you with career strategies that help
4.0 units                                                                   conditioning. Exercises in posture and breathing, tonal quality, pitch     generate audition opportunities and skills that increase your ability to
A practical primer on starting a business, staying in business, and         range, projection, and body characterization lead to enhanced char-        book the job. Learn how to identify your unique product, position it
thriving—whether in motion pictures, television, or another entertain-      acter portrayal, emotional truth, and increased energy and mental          strategically in the marketplace, and develop effective auditioning and
ment industry venture. This course addresses essential issues regard-       alertness. You experiment with vocal and body energies, discover           meeting techniques. Topics include self-marketing, networking,
ing the legal and business affairs basics, planning, implementation,        numerous choices in communicating text, and find new ways of tap-          headshots and resumes, cold reading, obtaining and working with the
and management. Guest speakers include industry experts in enter-           ping into the imagination and soul of a character.                         five areas of representation, reviewing contracts, understanding union
tainment financing, intellectual property, union issues, distribution,      Reg# 382282                                                                issues, and selecting the best career services for actors. You also
film and television production, and other matters relating to managing              Fee: $699                                                          create a personalized business plan. Industry guest speakers include
and operating an independent production company.                                    No refund after 24 Sept.                                           casting directors, agents, and personal managers who offer advice
Reg# 382752                                                                    A Remote Instruction                                                    and networking opportunities.
                                                                                    11 mtgs
                                                                                    Monday, 7-10pm, Sept. 20-Nov. 29 c
       Fee: $699                                                                                                                                       Reg# 382276
       No refund after 3 Oct.                                                                                                                                  Fee: $699
   A Remote Instruction                                                     Kellynn Meeks, actor and producer whose credits include the Funny                  No refund after 25 Sept.
       11 mtgs                                                              or Die exclusive web series, The Snooze Room, and 10 years’ experience        A Remote Instruction
       Monday, 7-10pm, Sept. 20-Nov. 29 c                                   as a company member of the Los Angeles Women’s Shakespeare                         11 mtgs
David Pierce, attorney, Pierce Law Group, LLP, who specializes in           Company. She is a Lessac-certified trainer who has studied under                   Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30 c
representing entertainment companies in corporate operations, intel-        Arthur Lessac.                                                             Adam Lieblein, president for 16 years of Acme Talent & Literary, a
lectual property, and labor and employment issues. His clients include                                                                                 bicoastal agency, who represented actors for film, television, com-
Lionsgate Entertainment, Earthview, Inc. (The Amazing Race), and The        THEATER X 410.3                                                            mercials, print modeling, and voiceover work. After Acme’s several
Comedy Store.                                                               Acting for the Camera I                                                    divisions were sold at the end of 2008, Mr. Lieblein returned to produc-
Patrick J. Gorman, entertainment attorney in private practice. Mr.          4.0 units                                                                  ing and teaching across the country.
Gorman represents both established and start-up entertainment               Learn to get comfortable in front of the lens. Exercises begin with
companies, domestically and globally, in the motion picture, music,         on-camera interviews so students can view their screen images in           THEATER X 438.8
and television industries, as well as producers, actors, directors, and     playback. Instruction focuses on understanding technical and emo-          Delivering Memorable Auditions for Film and
screenwriters.                                                              tional adjustments required for working in front of the camera in a        Television: A Workshop for Actors in Cold
                                                                            relaxed and truthful way and developing intimacy with the camera.          Reading and Interview Techniques
                                                                            Topics include the difference between frame sizes and learning to hit      4.0 units
                                                                            marks. Hone your acting techniques through scene-study guidelines          Become an actor who gets noticed! Delivering a memorable perfor-
                                                                            and sensory and moment-to-moment exercises, as well as monologue           mance during an audition can be the key to getting parts and being
                                                                            work. Some exercises are performed on camera with emphasis on              called for future projects. Hone your craft and gain valuable informa-
                                                                            close-ups, simple scenes, and basic camera moves. The instructor           tion in this course, where you perform film and television scenes on
                                                                            critiques individual students’ work during playback.                       camera for video playback and critique by the instructor. You learn to
                                                                            Reg# 382665                                                                make better choices, trust yourself to make quicker choices, confront
                                                                                   Fee: $699                                                           your fear of auditioning, create a good atmosphere in the auditioning
                                                                                   No refund after 26 Sept.                                            room, and develop a winning audition work ethic. Cold reading tech-
                                                                               A Remote Instruction                                                    niques and exercises as well as the actor’s interview also are
                                                                                   11 mtgs                                                             covered.
                                                                                   Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 1
                                                                            Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c
                                                                                                                                                       Reg# 382662
                                                                                                                                                               Fee: $699
                                                                            Celeste Pechous, actor and educator with extensive training in the-                No refund after 24 Sept.
                                                                            ater and sketch comedy. Ms. Pechous’s work in film and television             A Remote Instruction
                                                                            includes such shows as One Day at a Time, Masters of Sex, and Sharp                11 mtgs
                                                                            Objects. She has performed around the world with theaters including                Monday, 7-10pm, Sept. 20-Nov. 29 c
                                                                            The Second City and The iO Theater.                                        Henry LeBlanc, actor whose TV credits include appearances on ER,
                                                                                                                                                       24, Everybody Loves Raymond, Law and Order, and Scrubs, and regular
                                                                                                                                                       appearances on The Jay Leno Show and The Bold and the Beautiful.
                                                                                                                                                       His film credits include lead roles in independent films, such as
                                                                                                                                                       Antebody, The Hit, and Fortune’s 500.
FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971Entertainment                                                                                                                                                              51
THEATER X 419.3                                                                                                                                           Reg# 382773
Playing the American:                                                          Cinematography                                                                     Fee: $999
An Acting and Accent-Reduction Workshop                                                                                                                           No refund after 10 Oct.
4.0 units                                                                      FILM TV X 478.27A                                                             A Remote Instruction
Participants who are not native speakers of American English hone              Introduction to Cinematography                                                     11 mtgs
                                                                               4.0 units                                                                          Monday, 7-10pm, Sept. 27-Dec. 6
                                                                                                                                                          Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c &
their craft and learn to perform credibly in mainstream America. The
ultimate objective is to achieve a seamless accent shift that does not         An introduction to the fundamental tools and principles used by the
call attention to itself or get in the way of the acting. Working in a safe,   cinematographer to create digital or film images generated from the        Roman Zenz, award-winning cinematographer. Mr. Zenz has served
supportive environment, you learn to build confidence and trust in             context of the story. The curriculum covers visualization, the negative,   as a director of photography on several TV documentaries and lifestyle
your creative process; modify voice, speech, and delivery; break               digital manipulation, sensitometry, filters and lenses, lighting, color,   shows, including the History Channel’s Million Dollar Genius and
through acting blocks and limitations; and develop tools for dealing           laboratory procedures, camera systems, special effects, and image          ARTE’s Tracks. He recently wrote, produced, and directed the docu-
with performance anxiety. Throughout the course, you perform mono-             control—all illustrated through video clips and other media. You gain      mentary, Urban Fruit, airing on Amazon Prime.
logues, scenes, cold reading, and improvisation.                               a solid foundation for applying the concepts presented, as well as
Prerequisite(s): All participants must speak English fluently.                 prepare for subsequent cinematography workshops. Students must             FILM TV X 478.301
Reg# 382317                                                                    have access to a digital camera for assignments.                           The Role of the Digital Imaging Technician in
        Fee: $699                                                              Prerequisite(s): Students will be required to complete camera assign-      Cinematography
        No refund after 27 Sept.                                               ments that will require both still and moving images. Student-provided     4.0 units
   A Remote Instruction                                                        equipment can be as simple as a smartphone camera or DSLR.                 With the prevalence of HD, 4K, and digital cinema technology, the
        11 mtgs                                                                Reg# 382755                                                                digital imaging technician (DIT) has become crucial in helping the
        Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9                                              Fee: $699                                                          director of photography achieve and maintain the desired look of
        Saturday, 2-5pm, Oct. 23                                                       No refund after 12 Oct.                                            the picture. There are growing entry-level opportunities in this field,
No meetings Nov., 11 & 25. c                                                      A Remote Instruction                                                    and the DIT is becoming a vital part of the camera department for
Cle Thompson, actor, director, jazz vocalist and educator with exten-                  12 mtgs                                                            all types of productions. The course is designed to train aspiring
                                                                                       Wednesday, 7:30-10pm, Sept. 29-Dec. 8                              cinematographers on the tasks of the DIT including workflow, color
                                                                                       Saturday, 10am-5pm, Nov. 13 c &
sive experience in film and theater whose credits include the Off
Broadway plays Stompin at the Savoy and Dunbar. Her film credits                                                                                          management, LUTs, ACES, data management, dailies generation, and
include Funny Valentines and The Cemetery Club.                                Deland Nuse, cinematographer and director of independent films             many other on-set tasks. Instruction also provides a basic introduc-
                                                                               whose credits include the indie feature The Chilling and the documen-      tion to the art and techniques of color correction and the digital
THEATER X 433                                                                  tary The Other Bridge. Mr. Nuse won the Triple Play Award for Cinema-      intermediate, including tutorials on industry-leading color and look
Pursuing a Career in Voice Overs                                               tography at the 2006 Long Island Film/Video Expo for the film The          management software.
4.0 units                                                                      Showdown.                                                                  Prerequisite(s): Students will be assigned a color correction project
Do people say you have a wonderful voice? Are you an actor missing                                                                                        and are expected to use some type of image manipulation software
out on opportunities in this exciting field? Gain a comprehensive              FILM TV X 478.27B                                                          to work with the images. Cost-free options will be described in class,
understanding of the tools needed to excel in TV and radio commer-             Visualization and Exposure                                                 and the instructor will work with each student to make sure they have
cials, animation, narration for documentaries, and other areas of voice        4.0 units                                                                  a usable software tool to complete the project.
over work. Instruction includes breath and microphone technique,               This course is designed to deepen the cinematographer’s understand-        Reg# 382672
script analysis, finding characters spontaneously, and how to keep it          ing of the principles and methods of visualization on-set and in pre-              Fee: $699
fun—even when the pressure’s on. You also learn how to pursue a                production with particular emphasis on digital exposure and                        No refund after 24 Sept.
                                                                               pre-visualizing lighting design and execution. Instruction covers
                                                                                                                                                                  Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c &
career in voice over.                                                                                                                                        mOnline
Reg# 382870                                                                    pre-production tools and techniques for cinematographers with
        Fee: $699                                                              emphasis on lighting, lenses, cameras, camera movement, and color.         Jason Knutzen, cinematographer on more than 30 narrative and
        No refund after 27 Sept.                                               Each week, you participate in exercises and workshops designed to          documentary projects, professional colorist, and expert in post-pro-
   A Remote Instruction                                                        help you master the skills used for visualizing the lighting, camera,      duction workflows. Mr. Knutzen is currently an educational contributor
        11 mtgs                                                                and exposure of the scene. You also practice the techniques of com-        to the Global Cinematography Institute in the areas of traditional, vir-
        Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9                                      position and framing (interior and exterior). You learn how to design      tual, and digital cinematography.
        Saturday, 2-5pm, Oct. 16                                               shots, achieve compositional balance, tracking, gear-heads, fluid
No meetings Nov. 11 & 25.                                                      heads, eye-lines, and two-shots.
Students record voice over exercises directly onto their own record-           Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in      Directing
ing devices. c &                                                               FILM TV X 478.27A Introduction to Cinematography.
Janet Wilcox, writer, producer, and actor. Ms. Wilcox has written and          Reg# 382724                                                                FILM TV X 476.581
produced promos for HBO, ABC, and The History Channel, among                           Fee: $699                                                          The Language of Filmmaking
others. As a voiceover talent, she has been heard on Lifetime, HBO, E!,                No refund after 29 Oct.                                            4.0 units
Cinemax, and AMC. She is the author of Voiceovers: Techniques and                 F Hybrid                                                                Designed for filmmakers who need to develop the necessary skills
Tactics for Success.                                                                   7 mtgs                                                             to make better films and viewers who want to better understand and
                                                                                       Tuesday, 7-10pm, Oct. 26-Nov. 9                                    appreciate the complexity of the cinematic text, this course outlines
                                                                                       Saturday, Sunday, 10am-1pm, Oct. 30-Nov. 7                         the many components of film language used by great directors to
                                                                               Discounts cannot be applied to a portion of fees for this course.
                                                                               Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c
                                                                                                                                                          tell their stories in the most effective way. Through a wide selection
                                                                                                                                                          of multimedia material—including film and sound clips, pictures,
                                                                               Instructor to be announced                                                 articles, and interviews—you analyze shooting and editing tech-
                                                                                                                                                          niques employed by the greatest filmmakers of all time. Topics range
                                                                               FILM TV X 478.282                                                          from functional usage of image composition and lighting to camera
                                                                               The Craft of the Cinematographer                                           movements, editing, and sound. The purpose of this course is to give
        Course Icons                                                           4.0 units                                                                  clarity to the filmmaking process and to enhance the enjoyment of
                                                                                                                                                          film viewing.
                                                                               In this capstone course of the Cinematography Certificate program,
        Provide                                                                apply your knowledge of the principles and elements of cinema-
                                                                               tography through several short filmmaking assignments. Lectures
                                                                                                                                                          Reg# 382247
                                                                                                                                                                  Fee: $699
        Information                                                            and discussion cover various advanced lighting and shooting
                                                                               techniques and the examination of film genres and visual styles.
                                                                                                                                                                  No refund after 24 Sept.

                                                                                                                                                                  Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c
        At-a-Glance                                                            You are asked to test your creativity and understanding of different
                                                                               cinematography concepts, techniques, and genres presented by               Peter Hanson, screenwriter, director, producer, and educator. Among
                                                                               completing shooting exercises using your own camera outside of             his credits are hundreds of print and online articles, three books on
      m ONLINE COURSE                                                          class. Student work is screened and critiqued in class. You must           cinema, and films including the feature-length documentary Tales from
            Technical requirements, page 1.                                    provide your own video camera, have access to editing equipment            the Script, which features interviews with dozens of Hollywood
                                                                               and software, and be able to output your assignments to various            screenwriters.
      g     HYBRID COURSE, page 1.                                             media sources. This course also provides a bridge to the profes-
                                                                                                                                                          Reg# 382281
                                                                               sional world by discussing various paths of entry and employment
            WEB-ENHANCED COURSE, page 1.                                                                                                                          Fee: $699
                                                                               opportunities into the cinematography field.
                                                                                                                                                                  No refund after 6 Oct.
                                                                               Prerequisite(s): Students must have access to a digital video camera
      A REMOTE INSTRUCTION, page 1.                                                                                                                          A Remote Instruction
                                                                               and editing equipment and software. Successful completion of FILM
                                                                                                                                                                  11 mtgs
      v     CLASSROOM, page 1.                                                 TV X 478.27A Introduction to Cinematography and FILM TV X 478.283
                                                                                                                                                                  Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9
                                                                               Lighting for Emotional Impact is required.
                                                                                                                                                                  Saturday, 10am-5pm, Oct. 30
                                                                                                                                                          No meeting Nov. 11 & 25. c &
      & TEXTBOOK REQUIRED                                                                                                                   kkk
            Visit our website for textbook information.
                                                                                                                                                          Michael Green, has taught film studies and screenwriting for a
      C UC CREDIT                                                                                                                                         decade. His film writing has appeared in Film International, Senses of
        May be t­ ransferable to other colleges and                                                                                                       Cinema, Bright Lights Film Journal, and The Journal of Film and Video,
        universities.,Learn more on our website.                                                                                                          among others. He is also the co-editor of Race in American Film: Voices
                                                                                                                                                          and Visions that Shaped a Nation.
FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
52       Entertainment                                                                                                                                   Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971
FILM TV X 476.39                                                             Reg# 382762                                                                   FILM TV X 478.432
Making Your First Short Film                                                        Fee: $699                                                              Direct and Produce Reality and Documentary
4.0 units                                                                           No refund after 8 Oct.                                                 Television
Always wanted to make your own short film but thought you had no                A Remote Instruction                                                       4.0 units
experience and no money? In this class for aspiring directors, writers,             11 mtgs                                                                Discover what it takes to be an effective producer and director in the
                                                                                    Saturday, 10am-1pm, Sept. 25-Dec. 11
                                                                             No meeting Nov. 27. c
and producers, you use your own camera to learn how to write, pro-                                                                                         flourishing genre of unscripted television and gain insights in the
duce, direct, and edit a three-to-five-minute short film. Emphasis is                                                                                      process of creating a valid series concept that can sell. Through lec-
placed on maximizing the on-screen value of the project using avail-         David Martin-Porras, director and writer whose credits include                tures, discussion with industry guests, and analysis of landmark
able resources. The first part of the class is devoted to understanding      the shorts Inside the Box, which was nominated for a Goya Award,              shows, this course navigates the cluttered landscape of non-fiction
the pre-production process, highlighting the role of the story, and          La Viuda (The Widow), for which he won the DGA Student Film Award,            broadcast and cable television and focuses on how to succeed as a
providing an overview of affordable shooting equipment and editing           and Ida y Vuelta (Round Trip), which was a finalist for a Student             strong producer and director. You develop an idea from scratch and
technologies. You then develop and write your project, which is filmed       Academy Award.                                                                learn how to complete a total package that is ready to be pitched to
outside of class. Instruction includes a primer on the fundamentals of                                                                                     a TV network and/or a streaming service. Topics include developing
shooting and directing actors, as well as the basics of editing and          FILM TV X 475.44                                                              your idea, pitching, getting the job, prepping the shoot, directing/
outputting assignments. The completed films are screened and dis-            Directing Actors for the Screen                                               producing on location, interview techniques, what to do once it’s in
cussed during the last class.                                                4.0 units                                                                     the can, tech talk, post-production tips, the life of a director/producer
Prerequisite(s): Students must have access to a digital video camera         If directors are the architects of film, then actors are the artisans of a    in the field, and looking ahead to the future of the genre.
and editing equipment and software.                                          collaborative team working together to realize a singular vision. Through     Reg# 382587
Reg# 382373                                                                  discussions, exercises, casting sessions, and the presentation of                     Fee: $699
       Fee: $699                                                             scenes, you analyze and apply the directorial skills required for a suc-              No refund after 3 Oct.
       No refund after 3 Oct.                                                cessful artistic collaboration with performers. You select one dramatic          A Remote Instruction
   A Remote Instruction                                                      and one comic scene, then cast, rehearse, and present the scenes in                   11 mtgs
       10 mtgs                                                               class. Topics include analyzing the script, the Method approach to                    Monday, 7-10pm, Sept. 20-Nov. 29 c
       Monday, 6:30-10pm, Sept. 20-Nov. 22                                   acting, defining objectives, creating dramatic conflict, and the elements
Students must have access to a camera and editing equipment. c
                                                                                                                                                           Jim Milio, award-winning producer and director who has created more
                                                                             of characterization. Actors for class scenes are selected during in-class     than 400 hours of TV for such networks as National Geographic
Arkesh Ajay, award-winning director, producer, writer and editor of          auditions, and final scenes are performed on camera.                          (Dog Whisperer), Discovery Channel, and CBS (Rescue 911). Mr. Milio
numerous short films and theater productions. Mr. Ajay’s recent awards       Reg# 382876                                                                   has received three People’s Choice Awards and multiple Emmy and
include the Hollywood Foreign Press Award for Artistic Merit and Alfred              Fee: $699                                                             WGA nominations.
P. Sloan Screenwriting Award for a feature film screenplay.                          No refund after 4 Oct.
                                                                                 A Remote Instruction
FILM TV X 476.95                                                                     11 mtgs                                                               Film & TV Development
Directing Workshop I: Composition and                                                Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30
Movement                                                                     Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c &                             FILM TV X 476.22
4.0 units                                                                    Julian Goldberger, screenwriter/director, WGA member, whose credits           Story Analysis for Film and Television
As the first hands-on course in the directing series, you complete four      include The Hawk Is Dying starring Paul Giamatti and Michelle Wil-            4.0 units
short films using your own video camera. Instruction focuses on the          liams, and the critically acclaimed indie trans. He has written scripts       Designed for aspiring readers, development executives, producers, and
basic building blocks of narrative filmmaking: the shot, mise-en-scene,      for Universal Studios and Lionsgate, as well as major producers               storytellers, this course offers a pragmatic, comprehensive overview of
concept, the actor, environment, sound, and montage. Assignments             including Marc Platt, Ted Hope, and Ed Pressman.                              story analysis and the tools used by the professional reader. Throughout
explore aspects of visual expression through the use of composition,                                                                                       the course, you learn and practice coverage skills while gaining an
rhythm, and point-of-view; moving from black and white/silent com-           FILM TV X 476.271                                                             understanding of the elements of story. Topics include various types of
positions to the use of color; non-sync sound; and editing. Your work        Production Sound for Directors                                                coverage, how to compose story notes, comparative coverage, charac-
is screened and critiqued by the instructor and class.                       2.0 units                                                                     ter breakdowns, treatments, and outlines. Through weekly assignments,
Prerequisite(s): Students must provide their own digital video camera        The importance of quality sound in a movie cannot be overstated. Of           you are required to practice reading and writing for several formats and
and have access to editing equipment and software.                           particular interest to directors and independent filmmakers who want          to deadline. In addition, the current job market and the various expecta-
Reg# 382359                                                                  to understand the production and post-production workflow, this               tions of studios and independent producers are discussed. Upon
        Fee: $699                                                            overview course covers such topics as the nature of sound and its             completion of the course, you have written at least two pieces of full
        No refund after 5 Oct.                                               aesthetics, microphone characteristics, the sound recording chain,            coverage that can be used as part of a professional portfolio or for
   A Remote Instruction                                                      budgeting and scheduling, and what can be fixed in post versus what           auditioning for a job as a reader or an assistant.
        11 mtgs                                                              can only be done during production. Instruction includes equipment            Prerequisite(s): Strong English composition skills.
        Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 8                                   and listening demonstrations. Many of the practical techniques pre-           Reg# 382302
No meeting Nov. 24. c                                                        sented are suitable for student productions.                                          Fee: $699
Navid Sinaki, an experimental filmmaker and artist whose works have          Reg# 382849                                                                           No refund after 24 Sept.
screened at museums and art houses around the world, including                       Fee: $499                                                                mOnline
Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Lincoln Center, British Film Institute,                 No refund after 25 Sept.                                                      11 mtgs
REDCAT, and Cineteca Nacional in Mexico.                                        F Hybrid                                                                           Sept. 20-Dec. 5
Reg# 382391                                                                          4 mtgs                                                                Enrollment limited. c
                                                                                     Sunday, 2-6pm, Sept. 26-Oct. 17
                                                                             Visitors not permitted. c
        Fee: $699                                                                                                                                          Joanne Moore, producer, film and TV executive. Former president of
        No refund after 5 Oct.                                                                                                                             Dustin Hoffman’s production company, Ms. Moore has developed
   A Remote Instruction                                                      Third class meeting will consist of asynchronous content to be com-           projects for Warner Bros, Universal, Disney, and more. She also pro-
        11 mtgs                                                              pleted outside of Zoom and a one-on-one meeting with the instructor           duced the award-winning film Swimming with Sharks and the shorts
        Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 8                                   scheduled during or around class time.                                        Rockboy and Big Al.
No meeting Nov. 24. c &                                                      Ashley Maria, production sound mixer whose many credits include               Reg# 382347
Lori Balaban, Award-winning filmmaker who has produced two fea-              the documentary Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton and the                   Fee: $699
tures and written and directed web series and shorts, including              short Night Shift, both of which were selected for Sundance, and a                    No refund after 6 Oct.
Irrelevant White Girl, The Dogstalker, Die Un Ze Spat, and Property Vets.    commercial for Reebok starring Ronda Rousey. She is the recipient of             A Remote Instruction
Ms. Balaban also created branded content for A+E, The Today Show,            the DGA student minority award.                                                       11 mtgs
The Walking Dead, and Ron Howard’s Rush.                                     Reg# 382858                                                                           Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 2
                                                                                     Fee: $499                                                                     Saturday, 2-5pm, Oct. 16-23 c &
FILM TV X 478.9                                                                      No refund after 23 Oct.                                               Instructor to be announced
The Craft of the Director                                                       F Hybrid
4.0 units                                                                            4 mtgs
A director must have the ability to interpret and translate the written              Sunday, 10am-2pm, Oct. 24-Nov. 21
                                                                             No meeting Oct. 31.
                                                                             Visitors not permitted. c
ideas of the screenplay into cinematic form. This overview lecture
course gives the aspiring director a comprehensive practical under-
standing of the film director’s craft—the language, grammar, and tools       Third class meeting will consist of asynchronous content to be com-
of the medium—from the first script reading to the last day of principal     pleted outside of Zoom and a one-on-one meeting with the instructor
photography and into post-production. Lectures, discussions, screen-         scheduled during or around class time.
ings, assignments, and class projects guide you through the process          Ashley Maria, production sound mixer whose many credits include
of preparing a film for shooting. Topics include script analysis, casting,   the documentary Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton and the
directing the actor, acting for the camera, collaborating with the           short Night Shift, both of which were selected for Sundance, and a
creative team, camera blocking, planning the shot list, photographing        commercial for Reebok starring Ronda Rousey. She is the recipient of
the subtext, film grammar, visual composition, the role of music, and        the DGA student minority award.
sound effects.
FALL QUARTER 2021 COURSE OFFERINGS - September 20-December 12 - Entertainment ...
Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971Entertainment                                                                                                                                                              53
FILM TV X 476.244                                                            FILM TV X 476.894                                                          FILM TV X 479.613
Story Development Workshop: Crafting Your                                    Introduction to Feature Film Development                                   The Art and Craft of Film Editing
Original Story                                                               4.0 units                                                                  4.0 units
4.0 units                                                                    What happens to a script or novel when it is submitted to a buyer and      Editing is storytelling. Throughout the process, from first assembly to
Producers, development executives, directors, and writers gain practi-       what happens after it’s optioned or sold? In this introductory course,     final delivery, editors are responsible for fulfilling the film’s potential
cal experience adapting and developing their own stories for motion          students interested in a career in development or filmmakers looking       through a full command of craft, as well as an aesthetic understanding
pictures, movies-of-the-week, and miniseries. Emphasis is placed on          to guide their projects towards a green light learn the essential steps    of story, character, and rhythm. By examining different editing styles,
studying dramatic structure, learning techniques that strengthen             in the development process. Sessions focus on the key positions and        this course covers the elements of storytelling, performance, pace,
character development, and understanding the importance of col-              roles in that process, from the story department and its readers to        emotion, action, continuity, and time manipulation. Instruction includes
laboration with writers. You are called upon to write development            studio and production company executives. Topics include finding new       lectures, discussion, and viewing exercises. You also learn to select
notes; compile directors/writers lists; and learn the difference             talent and generating ideas, talent lists, networking and tracking,        the most appropriate editing systems and technology by evaluating
between beat sheets, step outlines, and story outlines. You also learn       pitching, and moving up. Weekly assignments include reading screen-        the limitations of budgets and time.
how to assess the marketplace by determining what network and                plays, writing synopses, development notes, script coverage, and           Reg# 382357
studio executives are looking for, as well as the best way to quickly        developing pitches and ideas. Upon completion of the course, you                  Fee: $699
and effectively pitch an idea. You are welcome to submit written works       have gained an understanding of the development process and the                   No refund after 6 Oct.
in progress for in-class critiques. At the end of the course, you have       entry-level jobs available in development, such as reader and assistant       A Remote Instruction
honed your storytelling craft by writing original treatments based on        to the producer, actor, or creative producer.                                     11 mtgs
your story outline developed in class.                                       Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with the production process for film and             Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9
Prerequisite(s): Good written communication skills. Previous training        television through training and/or experience.                             No meeting Nov. 25. c &
in story analysis is recommended but not required.                           Reg# 382158                                                                Tyler Danna, filmmaker who has edited and produced content for
Reg# 382324                                                                          Fee: $699                                                          Sony Pictures, Fox, Disney, Universal, Fremantle, Riot Games, Verizon,
       Fee: $699                                                                     No refund after 25 Sept.                                           and more. He offers training in editing software: Avid, Premiere, and
       No refund after 24 Sept.                                                 mOnline                                                                 Final Cut Pro. He has also written pilots and feature screenplays for
   mOnline                                                                           Sept. 21-Dec. 6                                                    production companies.
       Sept. 20-Dec. 5                                                       Students interested in development are strongly encouraged to take
Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c                              this course first. c &                                                     FILM TV X 477.84
Scott Agostoni, SVP of Development & Production and in-house                 Monika Skerbelis, author, producer and programming director for The        Introduction to Adobe Premiere
consultant at Dick Cook Studios. Scott also runs his own management          American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film           4.0 units
and consulting practice. Previously, Mr. Agostoni was a Motion Picture       Festival. Her former positions include VP of creative affairs and execu-   Adobe Premiere Pro is used by professionals across the spectrum of
& TV literary/graphic novel agent with WME and Non-scripted &                tive story editor at Universal Pictures Story Department and story         filmed entertainment, including feature films, music videos, and docu-
Alternative TV agent with WMA.                                               editor at 20th Century Fox.                                                mentaries. You learn how to use this powerful program, from simple
Reg# 382248                                                                                                                                             editing techniques to more complex compositing, layering, tilting,
       Fee: $699                                                                                                                                        motion graphics, and sound design. Instruction includes illustrated
       No refund after 4 Oct.                                                Post-Production                                                            lectures, demonstrations, discussion, and class projects. Topics include
   A Remote Instruction                                                                                                                                 starting a project, organization and subclipping, timeline and basic
       11 mtgs                                                               FILM TV X 404A                                                             editing tools, editing audio, video effects, color correction and grading,
       Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30                                     Post-Production for Film and Television                                    titles and motion, exporting, and posting online.
Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c &                            4.0 units                                                                  Prerequisite(s): You are required to have a working, current copy of
Marla White, development consultant for Sony International Television        Emphasizing how new technologies continue to impact post-produc-           Adobe Premiere Pro CC, as well as have video and audio files ready
Networks through her company, Marla White Consulting. Ms. White              tion, this course provides an overview of the post-production pipeline     for use while learning Adobe Premiere Pro.
has also served as the Vice President of Development at Fedora               from dailies through delivery. Class topics include a step-by-step         Reg# 382380
Entertainment and Longbow Productions, where she contributed to              overview of each stage of the process and building the post-production             Fee: $699
the feature, A League of Their Own.                                          team: editors, audio mixers, composers, sound-designers, visual effects            No refund after 24 Sept.
                                                                             artists, and post-production management. The latest trends in post-            mOnline
FILM TV X 476.243                                                            production are covered. Instruction may include guest speakers.                    Sept. 20-Dec. 5
Developing Your Short Film                                                   Reg# 382303                                                                Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c
4.0 units                                                                            Fee: $699                                                          Joel Austin Higgins, editor specializing in the Adobe Creative Cloud
Learn the development process as it relates to short films with the                  No refund after 24 Sept.                                           Suite. Mr. Higgins has executed After Effects projects for clients like
focus on developing a short film treatment, first draft, and second draft.                                                                              D.A.R.E. International, Mercedes-Benz, and Hasbro and is a recurring
                                                                                     Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c
You gain an understanding of the basics of story structure and how                                                                                      editor for a myriad of YouTube creators and online enterprises. He is
the specific storytelling elements—theme, plot, characters, and dia-         Barry Goch, post-production professional with 15 years of hands-on         also a writer, actor, and filmmaker.
logue—work in synergy toward the goal of an effective short story.           experience. His credits include Spiderman: Homecoming, Passengers,
Topics include character development, creating realistic dialogue,           Money Monster, Eye in the Sky, and Game of Thrones. He is currently        FILM TV X 477.85
discovering what you are driven to say through your story’s theme,           working on Black-ish, and Grown-ish.                                       Adobe After Effects for Filmmakers:
and planning the scenes with a limited budget in mind. Lectures and          Reg# 382304                                                                An Introductory Workshop
exercises illustrated with film clips and readings emphasize the role                Fee: $699                                                          4.0 units
of story, creating original characters and developing plot points for                No refund after 24 Sept.                                           Using Adobe After Effects, learn to produce projects similar to those
different genres of films. You submit your work-in-progress throughout                                                                                  found in the real entertainment media world of digital effects and
                                                                                     Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c
the quarter for evaluation and feedback by the instructor and the class.                                                                                animation. Topics include an introduction to the interface, working
At the end of the course, you have honed your idea and have a final          Robert Scheid, Apple-certified Final Cut Pro, Motion, and DVD Studio       with layers and masking, rotoscoping, motion graphics, tracking and
short script or treatment ready for shooting.                                Pro instructor; television producer; film and television editor and        stabilizing with Mocha for After Effects (a plug-in that is included with
Reg# 382358                                                                  colorist.                                                                  AE), creating set extensions, compositing computer-generated imag-
        Fee: $699                                                                                                                                       ery over video footage, and color correction. Finally, put it all together
                                                                             Reg# 382300
        No refund after 4 Oct.                                                                                                                          with practical projects where you will learn shortcuts, tips, and tricks.
                                                                                     Fee: $699
   A Remote Instruction                                                                                                                                 Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with digital video and basic Photoshop and
                                                                                     No refund after 6 Oct.
        11 mtgs                                                                                                                                         Illustrator techniques. Students must have access to Photoshop, After
        Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30 c &
                                                                                 A Remote Instruction
                                                                                                                                                        Effects, Illustrator, and Adobe CS6 or higher.
                                                                                     11 mtgs
Cynthia Riddle, MFA award-winning writer/producer, former develop-                   Thursday, 7-10pm, Sept. 23-Dec. 9                                  Reg# 382387
ment exec at MGM and WGA member whose credits include Cross-                 No meetings Nov. 11 & 25. c                                                        Fee: $699
roads, Puppy Love, Brittany Murphy Story and Poisoned Love: The              Richard Greenberg, Former Head of Post Production at Miramax                       No refund after 24 Sept.
Stacey Castor Story. She has written projects for Netflix, Showtime,         where he was responsible for defining workflow, scheduling,                   mOnline
Disney, Lifetime, Starz, Hallmark and others.                                                                                                                   Sept. 20-Dec. 5
                                                                                                                                                        Early enrollment advised. c
                                                                             budgeting and guiding studio product through the post production
                                                                             process from image capture, through picture editing, to visual
                                                                             effects and sound finishing. Over the years has also written and           David Dodds, Los Angeles-based motion graphics designer; his
                                                                             produced marketing materials, sold new product-placement                   experience spans a decade in motion graphics, special effects, broad-
                                                                             ­technologies, and been a senior executive at several prominent            cast design, character animation, and infographics. He has worked for
                                                                              Hollywood post-production facilities.                                     studios such as Stardust, Mirada, Logan, and NFL Networks. Author of
                                                                                                                                                        Hands-On Motion Graphics with Adobe After Effects CC: Develop Your
                                                                                                                                                        Skills as a Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Artist.
54       Entertainment                                                                                                                                Enroll at uclaextension.edu or call (800) 825-9971
FILM TV X 478.311                                                           FILM TV X 478.13A                                                           FILM TV X 479.088
Editing with Final Cut Pro X:                                               The Art of Line Producing                                                   Movie Magic Budgeting
A Comprehensive Workshop                                                    4.0 units                                                                   2.0 units
4.0 units                                                                   This comprehensive, step-by-step overview of physical production            For production managers, producers, corporate finance personnel, and
In this hands-on course, master the feature set of Final Cut Pro X in       processes covers the tangible and intangible aspects of line produc-        production accounting professionals, this course provides you with a
the context of several real-world projects. Starting at an easy to follow   ing, including budget; breakdown and scheduling; hiring and working         practical understanding of the budgeting process, including how to
introductory level, this course guides you through even the most            with cast, director, staff, crew, and outside vendors; choosing loca-       use Movie Magic Budgeting, a budgeting software application. You
advanced features of this professional editing software, covering           tions; equipment and music; how to deal with divergent personalities        prepare a movie-of-the-week budget based on information that typi-
topics which include but are not limited to: project management and         and specific problem solving during production; and the differences         cally would be available during pre-production, including a script,
organization, capturing and editing techniques, audio editing and           between producing a movie independently versus with a studio. The           day-out-of-days, one line schedule, shooting schedule, departmental
mixing, motion, and filter effects.                                         course also includes a comprehensive introduction to Movie Magic            budgets, and other hypothetical parameters. This is not an introduction
Prerequisite(s): You must have your own Mac computer with a mini-           scheduling software. This is not an introduction to production course.      to production course.
mum of 15 GB of free space and Final Cut Pro X (10.1) installed and fully   Prerequisite(s): A basic knowledge of film production is highly             Prerequisite(s): Students must purchase the latest version of Movie
updated. Basic Macintosh skills; knowledge of editing very helpful.         recommended.                                                                Magic Budgeting software.
Reg# 382355                                                                 Reg# 382923                                                                 Reg# 382812
        Fee: $699                                                                   Fee: $699                                                                  Fee: $499
        No refund after 24 Sept.                                                    No refund after 5 Oct.                                                     No refund after 24 Sept.
   mOnline                                                                     A Remote Instruction                                                        mOnline
        Sept. 20-Dec. 5                                                             11 mtgs                                                                    Sept. 20-Oct. 25
Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. c                                     Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 1                                  Students enrolled in this section may be eligible to purchase Movie
                                                                            Students enrolled in this section may be eligible to purchase Movie         Magic Budgeting at a discount.
                                                                            Magic at a discount. c                                                      Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. & c
Robert Scheid, Apple-certified Final Cut Pro, Motion, and DVD Studio
Pro instructor; television producer; film and television editor and
colorist.                                                                   Instructor to be announced                                                  Instructor to be announced

                                                                            FILM TV X 408                                                               MGMT X 403.61
Producing                                                                   Building an Online Audience                                                 Marketing and Distributing Independent Films
                                                                            4.0 units                                                                   Across All Platforms
FILM TV X 404                                                               In the Internet age, uploading your work to YouTube or Vimeo is             4.0 units
Pre-Production and Production for                                           imperative, and successful producers/directors/actors can now               What are the considerations involved in financing, packaging, selling,
Film and Television                                                         demonstrate a growing online audience. This course shows you how            or acquiring a financially viable film? Producers, filmmakers, and
4.0 units                                                                   to create a public face and promotional platform for your creative          screenwriters learn what makes a project attractive to potential buyers,
This survey course presents an overview of the real-world aspects of        content. Using relevant video platforms, social media, and available        study a variety of deal structures, and learn how to find domestic and
producing as practiced in the various sectors of filmed entertainment,      website creation tools, learn to present and promote your body of           overseas distribution for theatrical, television, DVD, and alternative
from script development through pre-production and production.              work. Instruction emphasizes group discussion and interaction, as you       markets. You gain knowledge on how to craft a distribution strategy
Topics include the producer’s interface with the writer, director,          are encouraged to use each other’s sites and platforms in various           from the earliest stages of project development. Topics include choos-
and other key personnel; pitching and selling ideas; script breakdown       assignments. Topics include identifying different audiences; basic          ing materials, budget, and casting; selling the film through festivals
and scheduling; budgeting; and all the critical on-the-set issues facing    video and audio production; mastering available video and audio;            and markets; key buyers; evolving distribution outlets, such as Internet
the producer.                                                               review of social media branding sites; creating an individual brand         and cell phones; the roles of producer, marketing and sales executives,
                                                                            and brand messages; understanding design as it relates to presenta-         and executive producers; and an overview of film financing models.
Reg# 382320                                                                 tion; audience building tools such as fan pages, tweet marketing,           Reg# 382316
        Fee: $699                                                           cross-commenting strategies and “response-to” uploading; responding                Fee: $699
        No refund after 24 Sept.                                            to audience; and professional interaction. The course goal is to create            No refund after 4 Oct.
   mOnline                                                                  an individual presentation plan across chosen platforms that is cri-           A Remote Instruction
        Sept. 20-Dec. 5
Refer to course syllabus for online session details. c &
                                                                            tiqued by your peers.                                                              11 mtgs
Amotz Zakai, vice president, Echo Lake Productions. Mr. Zakai has           Reg# 382322                                                                        Tuesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 21-Nov. 30
                                                                                   Fee: $699                                                                   Saturday, 2-5pm, Nov. 13
                                                                                                                                                        No meeting Nov. 2. c
worked on such projects as Tsotsi (Oscar winner, 2006), Water (Oscar
nominated, 2007), Away from Her, and Thirteen Conversations About                  No refund after 24 Sept.
One Thing.                                                                     F Hybrid                                                                 Mark Padilla, senior vice president of Sales and Acquisitions at Double
                                                                                   4 mtgs                                                               Dutch International. Mr. Padilla manages the worldwide sales for
Reg# 382866                                                                        Sept. 20-Dec. 5                                                      numerous films, including Nostalgia, Romans, and Super Troopers 2.
        Fee: $699                                                                  Wednesday, 6-9pm, Sept. 22; Oct. 13; Nov. 10; Dec. 1
                                                                            Early enrollment advised. c
                                                                                                                                                        He previously oversaw sales, acquisitions, and distribution at Myriad
        No refund after 24 Sept.
                                                                                                                                                        Pictures and Essential Entertainment.
        Sept. 20-Dec. 8 c &
   mOnline                                                                  This course includes four live sessions offered on Wednesdays,              Reg# 382321
                                                                            6-9pm PT, via Zoom. See schedule for details.
Jennie Tugend, producer with more than three decades of expertise                                                                                              Fee: $699
                                                                            Noemi Zeigler, producer, director, screenwriter, and comedian. Ms.                 No refund after 26 Sept.
in the Hollywood motion picture business, including film and TV             Zeigler is an award-winning screenwriter and the co-producer and
                                                                                                                                                               Sept. 22-Dec. 5 c &
development, production financing, marketing, and distribution. Her                                                                                        mOnline
                                                                            host of the web series, The Minx Mandate with Madeline Minx and Hot
producing credits include: Free Willy, Lethal Weapon, and HBO’s Tales       Flash AF. Her work has screened at top festivals including South by
from the Crypt.                                                                                                                                         Kevin Mardesich, former head of the story department at Oliver
                                                                            Southwest and the Ann Arbor Film Festival.
Reg# 382319                                                                                                                                             Stone’s development company, Ixtlan. He currently runs KevinMar-
        Fee: $699                                                                                                                                       desich.com, a communications practice specializing in written com-
                                                                            FILM TV X 476.6                                                             munications for film, television, and industry leaders.
        No refund after 5 Oct.                                              Low-Budget Filmmaking
   A Remote Instruction                                                     4.0 units
        11 mtgs                                                                                                                                         FILM TV X 475
                                                                            In this detailed exploration of low-budget filmmaking, learn techniques
        Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 8                                                                                                              Producing Commercials for All Platforms:
No meeting Nov. 24. c &
                                                                            and theories examining all phases of the process, from development
                                                                            to production to post-production. The focus is on translating a mini-       A Practical Workshop
Bridget Terry, award-winning producer and writer whose credits                                                                                          4.0 units
                                                                            mum budget into maximum quality on screen. Topics include the
include Showtime film They, PBS documentary The Kennedys: Ameri-                                                                                        From concept to completion, learn to produce commercials for TV as
                                                                            script, financing the production, evaluating the marketplace, analyzing
ca’s Emerald Kings, and projects for Netflix and NBC-Universal. Ms.                                                                                     well as for all integrated marketing platforms (video games, cinema,
                                                                            and breaking down the screenplay, learning to apply creativity to a
Terry formerly served as a showrunner at Showtime and is currently                                                                                      Internet, TV, and cell phones). You break down storyboards; write
                                                                            budgetary plan to maximize on-screen value, casting, selecting key
the owner of Chaise Lounge Productions.                                                                                                                 specifications; create bids; estimate special FX, editorial, talent, and
                                                                            production personnel, production design, music, editing, sound design,
                                                                                                                                                        music; and prepare a final estimate and production schedule for
                                                                            marketing, and distribution. Throughout the class, you are able to apply
                                                                                                                                                        presentation and critique in class. You also learn how to get the best
                                                                            concepts learned to your own projects.
                                                                                                                                                        prices, stay on budget and schedule, and use the tools of advanced
                                                                            Reg# 382157                                                                 media. Instruction includes industry guest speakers with discussion
                                                                                     Fee: $699                                                          and screenings of the best current spots.
                                                                                     No refund after 24 Sept.
                                                                                                                                                        Reg# 382345
                                                                                     Sept. 20-Dec. 5 c &
                                                                                                                                                               Fee: $699
                                                                                                                                                               No refund after 5 Oct.
                                                                            Kim Adelman, filmmaker who co-produced the independent feature                 A Remote Instruction
                                                                            Just Friends and has produced 19 shorts that have played in more than              11 mtgs
                                                                                                                                                               Wednesday, 7-10pm, Sept. 22-Dec. 1 c
                                                                            150 festivals, winning more than 30 awards. She has authored two film
                                                                            books, Making It Big in Shorts and The Ultimate Guide to Chick Flicks,
                                                                                                                                                        Instructor to be announced
                                                                            and currently writes for Indiewire.
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