FALL/WINTER 2021-2022 - CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS - Chicago State University

Page created by William Obrien
FALL/WINTER 2021-2022 - CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS - Chicago State University
 The Program of Choice for Life-long Learning

 FALL Registration Begins Tuesday, September 7, 2021
 WINTER Registration Begins Tuesday, January 4, 2022

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

Workforce Development WIOA Approved Courses.................4
Community Offerings................................................................18
Program Partnerships and Online Programs...........................20
Registration and General Information......................................25


Workforce Development                              to-end business, cultural and human
                                                   outcomes as a successful Enterprise
WIOA Approved Courses                              Agility Leader. Processes, skills, tools,
                                                   and techniques that help to overcome
The Workforce Innovation and                       organizational dysfunctions and
Opportunity Act is designed to assist              impediments; how to design a system
unemployed and underemployed                       that would support high-performance,
individuals in returning to the workforce.         enhance customer focus, and facilitate a
To qualify for the grant applicants must           higher level of enterprise/business agility.
meet eligibility and suitability criteria.         How to assess the maturity of enterprise/
Students that qualify for WIOA can                 business agility components and take
receive a tuition waiver.                          actions for improving the status of low
                                                   maturity components.
                                                   Fee: $2,200

                                                   Agility Certification-Certified Agile
                                                   Coach (CAC)
                                                   Agility Certified Agile Coach (CAC)
                                                   The course will cover the various roles,
                                                   skillsets and disciplines of an Agile Coach:
                                                   coaching, facilitating, mentoring, teaching
                                                   and how to develop "your style," moving
Agility Cert-Certified Enterprise Agility          in and out of those roles while remaining
Coach (CEAC)                                       flexible, open and confident. It will also
The course focuses on four distinct aspects        cover the philosophy behind servant
in an integrated fashion: Leadership,              leadership and practices and techniques
Practices, Systems, and Culture. This is           to enable you to become a true servant
to equip enterprise agility coaches and            leader; putting the needs of others first
leaders with the skill to ensure smoother          to facilitate the development of high-
agile transformation. The training also            performance teams.
focuses on enhancing learner's skill in            Fee: $2,200
servant leadership, organizational change,
lean thinking, and professional coaching.
Some of the elements that participants             Agility-Certified Agile Transformation
will learn during the workshop are: How            Coach (CATC)
organizational culture, structure, and             The course focuses on four distinct
dynamics impact agile transformation               aspects in an integral fashion: Leadership,
efforts and how an Enterprise Agility              Change Management, People and Culture.
Coach could adjust his/her strategy to             These aspects equip agile transformation
achieve both team level and enterprise/            coaches and leaders to have smoother
business agility. How to improve the ability       agile transformation. The training also
to design and implement a successful and           focuses on enhancing a learner's skills
sustainable organizational transformation          in servant leadership, organizational
that would deliver breakthrough end                change, organizational health, people,


transformation and agile enterprise.              Basic Nursing Assistant
Some of the elements that participants            Basic Nursing Assistant Students will
will learn during the workshop are: How           receive comprehensive instruction and
organization culture, structure and               clinical training in an Illinois-approved
dynamics impact agile transformation              CNA program. Certified Nursing
efforts and how an Agile Transformation           Assistants work in all types of licensed
Coach could adjust his/her strategy to            health care facilities including nursing
achieve and sustain Enterprise Level              homes, home health agencies, hospices,
Transformation. What the goals of                 hospitals, and intermediate care facilities.
an Agile Enterprise are and how to                This is an eight (8) week program with
organize/transform to achieve agility.            an additional week for orientation and
How to successfully achieve Waterfall             three (3) review Session to prepare for
to Agile transformation at the Enterprise         the certification examination. Classes
Level. Examine what failures in Agile             meet three days a week for four hours
Transformation look like and how to               a day. Students will also complete 40
overcome such failures.                           hours of clinical (8 hours days) that are
Fee: $2,200                                       scheduled in health care facilities on Fris
                                                  or Sats 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. Participants
                                                  must pass a background check.
AWS System Operations Certification               Fee: $4,500
You will be introduced to Amazon Web
Services (AWS) products, services, and            BS Degree in Business and
common solutions. You will be provided            Administration/Accounting
with fundamentals to become more                  Accounting programs prepare individuals
proficient in identifying AWS services so         to be professional accountants, auditors,
that you can make well-informed decisions         budget analysts, tax accountants, or to
about IT solutions based on business              provide financial management services
requirements. Upon completion of this             to individuals, businesses, and/or
course you will be prepared to sit for the        corporations (profit and not-for-profit).
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator 6              Although the areas are not entirely
Associate exam. You will then learn how           distinct, accounting can be divided into
to create automatable and repeatable              two major fields: financial accounting,
deployments of networks and systems               which emphasizes the preparation and
on the AWS platform. AWS System                   analysis of financial information; and
Operations is a course for System                 managerial accounting, which emphasizes
Administrators and Developer Operations           the decision-making process based on
personnel and will cover the specific AWS         accounting data. The typical accounting
features and tools related to configuration       graduate enters the profession as a staff
and deployment, as well as common                 accountant in a public accounting firm,
techniques used throughout the industry           corporation, or governmental unit.
for configuring and deploying systems.            Students may aspire to higher level
52 Weeks                                          positions which include senior accountant,
90 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                 manager, controller, or partner of a CPA
Fee: $3,995                                       firm. Student must be currently enrolled at


Chicago State University, already seeking a       industry certification. Microcomputer
BS Degree in Business and Administration,         Applications Lecture and Laboratory will
be at least nine (9) credit hours away            give you hands-on experience related
from completing their degree, and must            to business software using operating
have exhausted all other funding sources.         systems, and spreadsheets, database, word
The maximum tuition and fees amount               processing and presentation applications.
approved for this occupation is $5,000.           Prerequisites: consent of department.
                                                  The maximum tuition and fees amount
                                                  approved for this occupation is $5,000.
BS Degree in Business and                         Business Computer Applications
Administration/Finance                            Certificate
Finance students study corporate financial        Fee: $1,412
management, capital markets, investment
evaluation and decision making, and
portfolio management. They learn the              Business Essential Certificate
concepts and the methods of finance               Students taking the Business Essential
that are current in industry and research.        courses will acquire transferable skills to
Career opportunities are available in             become gainfully employed in a business
banking, finance, investment companies,           environment as a sales clerk, file clerk,
and the public sector. Finance programs           receptionist, administrative assistant,
prepare individuals to provide financial          or clerical assistant. Students will gain
or banking services to individuals or             knowledge of basic keyboarding skills
institutions. Occupations include financial       and Microsoft Windows Applications
managers, loan officers, securities sales         (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).
people, business executives, bank tellers,        Courses: Business and Professional
and budget analysts. Student must be              Communications, Microcomputer
currently enrolled at Chicago State               Applications, Business Mathematics,
University, already seeking a BS Degree           Office Management and Consumer
in Business and Administration, be at least       Education.
nine (9) credit hours away from completing        Fee: $5,145
their degree, and must have exhausted
all other funding sources.
Students that complete the Business               Certified Admin. Pro. with Microsoft
Computer Applications Certificate will            Master 2019 (Online)
acquire digital literacy and technical            CAP is one of the most valuable credentials
skills to become gainfully employed in            an administrative professional can hold.
a business environment as a customer              When held with a Microsoft Office
service representative, general office            Master certification, you demonstrate
work, receptionist, secretary and teller.         that you can perform all administrative
Students will become proficient in                assistant duties and responsibilities
industry software, Microsoft Windows              at the highest level. This course will
Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,            prepare you for the CAP exam, offered
Access, Outlook, MS Publisher). Students          by the International Association of
must successfully pass the Microsoft              Administrative Professionals (IAAP), and
Office Specialist Exam to obtain                  Microsoft Master certification. You will


learn the fundamentals of workplace                  fee. You will also be able to choose a
administration, including organizational             voucher for the professional certification
communication, records management,                   that best aligns with your interests and
and human resources. You will then learn             career goals related to medical billing
advanced skills for using programs in the            and coding.
Microsoft Office 2019 suite. Upon course             1. Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
completion, you will receive vouchers                exam offered by the American Academy
to take the CAP exam and the MO-                     of Professional Coders (AAPC)
201 (Excel), MO-101 (Word), MO-300                   2. Certified Coding Associate (CCA)
(PowerPoint), and MO-400 (Outlook)                   exam offered by the American Health
exams. The vouchers are prepaid access to            Information Management Association
sit for the certifying exams upon eligibility.       (AHIMA)
Proctor fees may apply, which are not                3. Certified Billing and Coding Specialist
included.                                            (CBCS) exam offered by the National
52 Weeks                                             Healthcareer Association (NHA)
335 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
Fee: $3,195
                                                     CPC Medical Billing and Coding Online
                                                     Course (Online)
CPC Certified Medical Administrative                 Medical billers and coders are in high
Assistant with Billing and Coding                    demand. This course offers valuable
(Online)                                             training in legal, ethical, and regulatory
Administrative medical assistants are                concepts central to this field, including
skilled multi-taskers who direct the flow            HIPAA compliance, official coding
of patients through an office. Effective             guidelines, and third-party payer
patient flow allows the practice to operate          requirements. You will also come to
efficiently, increase revenue, and provide a         understand all phases of the revenue
positive patient experience. Medical billers         cycle—from patient registration through
and coders are also in high demand. In               medical coding, claims submission,
addition to providing the knowledge and              reimbursement, and collections. You will
skills you will need to become a Certified           also learn common medical terminology
Medical Administrative Assistant, this               to help you converse with others in
course also offers valuable training in              healthcare easily and with confidence.
legal, ethical, and regulatory concepts              After successfully completing the course
central to this field, including HIPAA               requirements, you should be well prepared
compliance, official coding guidelines,              to find your place in this rewarding
and third-party payer requirements. Upon             healthcare career. You will receive a
completing this course, you should be                Certificate of Completion from the school
well prepared to find your place in this             through which you enrolled, and you will
rewarding healthcare career. You will                also be able to choose a voucher for the
be prepared for the Certified Medical                professional certification that best aligns
Administrative Assistant (CMAA) national             with your interests and career goals.
certification exam offered by the National           1. Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
Healthcareer Association (NHA) and                   exam offered by the American Academy
receive a voucher that covers the exam               of Professional Coders (AAPC)


2. Certified Coding Associate (CCA)                 Clinical Dental Assistant (Online)
exam offered by the American Health                 This online dental assisting course is the
Information Management Association                  most comprehensive you'll find. You'll
(AHIMA)                                             learn about every aspect of professional
3. Certified Billing and Coding Specialist          dental assisting, including invaluable
(CBCS) exam offered by the National                 real-world perspectives from experienced
Healthcareer Association (NHA)                      dental assistants and essential information
Voucher Is Included                                 about anatomy and physiology,
12 Months                                           preventive dentistry, patient care and
370 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                  communication, radiology, pharmacology,
Fee: $2,995                                         anesthesia, assisting in specialty practices,
                                                    employment strategies, and much more.
                                                    Toward the end of the course—or
Certified Paralegal (Online)                        after completion—you will have the
The Paralegal course will help you gain             opportunity to apply for an externship,
the skills you need to enter the paralegal          where you'll get real-life clinical assistant
workforce. You will learn how to conduct            experience. You'll also be ready to pursue
legal research and legal interviews, how            certification as a dental assistant by
to perform legal analyses, and more. As             passing the radiology and infection
you prepare for your paralegal career,              control portions of the Dental Assisting
you will also receive soft skills training          National Board examination. The exam
to increase workplace effectiveness. The            or one or more of its components is
course concludes with a capstone project            necessary in states where registration
and a portfolio review. You will first create       is required for dental assistants. The
a complete litigation file that includes:           40-hour Dental Externship is offered to
a legal analysis brief, an investigative            Clinical Dental Assistant students. The
report, client interview checklist, intake          application for the externship is within
memo, complaint, legal research, and                the course. You must be at least 80%
interoffice memorandum of law. Then, you            complete with the course before applying
will learn how to create a strong resume            but will also have up to 6 months after
that encompasses your specialized skill             completion to apply. The externship is
set and showcases the impact you would              not guaranteed. It is an optional part
make for your next employer. Through a              of the course, but highly recommended
partnership with the National Association           training for clinical assistant experience.
of Legal Assistants (NALA), you will also           Accepted externship students will be
receive membership and access to NALA's             assisted in finding local offices that they
Certified Paralegal (CP) Exam Review                are interested in. Externship students will
courses should you choose to take the               need to pass a background check and
NALA CP exam at a future time.                      a possible drug test. You will be asked
12 Months                                           to purchase liability insurance and be
255 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                  responsible for purchasing this on their
Fee: $2,495                                         own ($40 to $45 for an annual policy). You
                                                    will need to provide an updated resume,
                                                    current CPR certification and proof of
                                                    current Hepatitis B vaccinations or a


current negative test form provided by              cross-cultural competency. Program
a doctor, depending on the state or the             participants only need a smart phone,
doctor's office that has been selected              tablet, or laptop with reliable WIFI in
for the externship. There may be more               order to access class Session, readings
requirements depending on the state or              and materials, and submit assignments.
dental office selected.                             We welcome all applicants with a HS
6 Months                                            diploma or equivalent. The program
240 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                  focuses on the epidemiology of SARS-
$1,995                                              CoV-2, with attention to channels and
                                                    speed of transmission, incubation and
                                                    infectious periods, infection rats, and
CNC Machinist (Online)                              symptoms. Students will learn why
Computers control much of the world                 contact tracing is an essential public
today. The manufacturing industry is no             health intervention in stopping chains
exception, and you can make yourself                of transmission, in association with
an indispensable part of the future of              widespread community testing. Students
manufacturing by training to become                 will learn how to conduct effective contact
a Computer Numerical Control (CNC)                  tracing: investigation, tracing, cross-
Machinist. This online CNC Machinist                cultural communication, ethics, and
course will provide you with the                    accurate data collection. Students will
knowledge and skills you need to prove              also gain valuable employment-readiness
competency and begin your career quickly.           skills, including effective interviewing.
The course provides an intensive overview           3 Weeks
of the skills necessary to perform CNC              Fee: $281
machining, including work holding, math,
inspection, safety, metal cutting, materials,
quality, and grinding.
12 Months
195 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
Fee: $1,995

Contact Tracing (Online)
Covid-19 contact tracers track down who
may have had contact with someone who               Cyber Security Certificate
is sick with Covid-19 in order to alert them,       Undergraduate
and quarantine individuals who may be               The certificate in Cyber Security
contagious. Contact tracing is one of the           provides foundational knowledge
most important strategies, in conjunction           and technical skills in applied cyber
with testing, for containing the virus.             security. The coursework provides the
Learn the basics of virus transmission,             education required to sit for two popular
incubation and infection, and public health         industry certifications: the CompTIA A+
strategies to combat Covid-19, develop              examination and the CEH Ethical Hacker
strong communication skills, including              examination. This certificate provides
effective interviewing techniques and               the skills and qualifications necessary for


work in entry level information security             Dialysis Technician
analyst positions in government and the              This 50-hour Dialysis Technician Program
private sector. The program includes                 provides students with the knowledge
three main courses. TPS 3500 Computer                and skills needed to perform the duties
Systems Technologies: introduction to                required of Dialysis Technicians. Under the
computer hardware and knowledge of                   supervision of physicians and registered
computer hardware and software various               nurses, Dialysis Technicians operate
troubleshooting techniques and                       kidney dialysis machines, prepare dialyzer
hands-on real-world experience. TPS 4600             reprocessing and delivery systems as
Applied Cyber Security: covers applied               well as maintain and repair equipment.
cybersecurity techniques and tools in the            Furthermore, technicians work with
following areas: attacks and mitigation,             patients during dialysis procedures and
security applications, risk assessment,              monitor and record vital signs as well as
disaster recovery and incident response,             administer local anesthetics and drugs
mobile devices security, and vulnerability           as needed. Additionally, they may also
assessment. TPS 4605 Applied Ethical                 be involved in the training of patients
Hacking: Covers techniques for hacking               for at-home dialysis treatment.
applications, websites, database, hosts,             Note: This program does not include a
and networks. This includes foot-printing,           national or state certification as part
reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration,               of its overall objectives. Additionally,
malware, social engineering, and sniffing.           there is no student internship or clinical
16 Weeks                                             rotation offered as part of this program.
Fee: $3,026                                          Textbooks included
                                                     Fee: $1,199

Dental Assistant
This program is uniquely designed for each           EKG Technician
student to develop exceptional skills in             This comprehensive 50-hour EKG
the field of dental assisting. All training          Technician Certification Program prepares
takes place in a functional training facility        students to function as EKG Technicians
and each student will receive hands on               and to take the ASPT – Electrocardiograph
training for real world clinical experiences.        (EKG) Technician exam and other
Our Instrs have extensive experience in              National Certification Exams. This course
the field of dentistry and a combined                will include important practice and
goal to provide each student with the                background information on anatomy and
highest standards in dental education.               physiology of the heart, medical disease
Our objective is to provide the student              processes, medical terminology, medical
with basic dental knowledge and the                  ethics, legal aspects of patient contact,
experience to facilitate their career                electrocardiography and stress testing.
in dentistry. Upon completion of the                 Additionally, students will practice with
course each student will receive extensive           EKG equipment and perform hands on
training in sterilization and safe handling          labs including introduction to the function
and disposal of hazardous materials, basic           and proper use of the EKG machine, the
dental anatomy and general four-handed               normal anatomy of the chest wall for
chair-side assisting.                                proper lead placement, 12-lead
Fee: $7,175

placement and other clinical practices.             You will also receive a voucher package
National Certification: After the successful        for the HVAC Excellence Employment
completion of this program, students will           Ready Certificate exam and EPA 608
be prepared to sit for the American Society         Certification exam. However, please
of Phlebotomy Technicians, Inc. (ASPT)              research your state's requirements prior
Certified EKG Technician (CET) exam.                to enrollment to ensure this course is the
Textbooks included                                  right fit for you. This course will provide
Fee: $1,400                                         the necessary information to pass the
                                                    following entry-level certificate exams:
                                                    1. HVAC Excellence ESCO Group: 17
Home Health Aide/Personal Care                      Employment Ready Certificates, NATE
Assistant                                           2. Ready to Work Certificate, EPA
Home Health Aide/Personal Care                      608: Section 608 Universal Technician
Assistant Personal care/home care                   Certification.
assistants assist elderly and individuals           Upon course completion, you will also
with disabilities in the completion of              receive a voucher package for the HVAC
the individual’s activities of daily living         Excellence Employment Ready Certificate
in their homes or in care facilities.               exam that includes:
Home Health Aides can assist with                   Employment Ready Certificate for
basic housekeeping as well as meal                  Electrical
preparation. The occupational training              Employment Ready Certificate for Air
targets skills in administering personal            Conditioning
hygiene, dressing, and ambulation,                  EPA 608 Voucher
advising individuals in nutrition, household        12 months
cleanliness and hygiene, monitoring vital           162 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
signs and medication under supervision,             Fee: $2895
communication and working with families
on changes in lifestyle and companionship,
documentation of client status and case             HVAC/R Certified Technician (Online)
review and consultation with the care               If you have more than a year of HVAC/R
team on needs of the clients.                       experience, this course will prepare you
Fee: $1,290                                         for the next step—certification. HVAC/R
                                                    technicians are in demand, but certified
                                                    technicians can earn more and have
HVAC Technician (Online)                            better career opportunities. This course
This course will prepare you for an entry-          uses hands-on service call simulations
level career in the HVAC/R industry by              to prepare for the HVAC Excellence or
providing hands-on guidance for service,            NATE certification exams. By course
repair, and solutions. You will learn from          completion, you will be ready to pass the
in-depth materials, including service call          HVAC Excellence Core and Professional
simulations that bring concepts to life. By         Technician exams, the NATE Core and
course completion, you will be ready to             Specialty Test exams, and the EPA 608
pass all 17 HVAC Excellence Employment              certification exam. You will also receive
Ready Certificates, the EPA 608, and                a voucher package to take the HVAC
the NATE Ready to Work Certificate.                 Excellence exams. However, please


research your state's requirements prior             16 Weeks
to enrollment to ensure this course is the           492 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
right fit for you. By course completion,             $3,999
you will be fully prepared to sit for the
HVAC Excellence Core and Professional
Technician exams, the NATE Core and                  Medical Scribe (Online)
Specialty Test exams, and the EPA 608                Medical scribes aren’t on the frontlines
certification exam. Upon completion of               of healthcare, which is good for those
this course, you will receive an HVAC                who prefer a little more predictability
Excellence ESCO Group Voucher Package                in their daily routines. They generally
that includes:                                       work behind the scenes, sometimes
1. Principals of Electrical and Refrigeration        from the comfort of their own home,
(Core)* exam voucher                                 listening to dictations and converting
2. Professional Technician exam                      them into written documents. Their daily
 oucher (Residential Air Conditioning                responsibilities might include: Listening
recommended)                                         to the recorded dictation of a doctor or
3. EPA 608 exam voucher                              other healthcare worker. Interpreting
To sit for the HVAC Excellence Core                  and transcribing dictation into patient
exam, you must provide two years of                  history, exam notes, and other documents.
documented work experience. Exam                     Reviewing and editing drafts prepared by
proctor fees may apply.                              speech recognition software. Translating
12 Months                                            medical abbreviations and jargon into
162 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                   the appropriate long form. Following up
Fee: $2,895                                          with the healthcare provider to ensure
                                                     that reports are accurate. This 80-hour
                                                     curriculum is divided into bite-sized
Medical Assistant (Online)                           modules. The course will cover Medical
This online medical assistant program                Scribe Foundations, Medical Terminology,
is developed by industry professionals               Anatomy, Physiology, EHR Guidelines,
with decades of real-world experience.               Medico-Legal Rules and Regulations
The over-achieving curriculum for                    HIPAA. Once you complete your program,
this course trains participants on both              you’ll be set to take the Medical Scribe
routine patient care and clinical office             Certification exam through the American
procedures. But it’s much more than just             Healthcare Documentation Professionals
training. It’s preparation for immediate             Group.
certification and employment. This                   4 Months
medical assistant program will empower               80 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
participants with the knowledge to earn              Voucher Included
the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant             $3,499
(CCMA), Certified Phlebotomy Technician
(CPT), and Certified EKG Technician (CET)
credentials. Most importantly, the training
infuses students with the critical skills,
and confidence to start working and
earning right away.


Medical Billing and Coding                         and will assure employers that you have
The Medical Billing and Coding program             the skills they need. Upon successful
is a 12-week program which includes four           completion of this course, you will be
(4) courses that are WIOA approved. The            prepared to sit for the following exams:
Medical Billing and Coding career field is         CompTIA A+ Exams 220-1001 and 220-
for those who want to work in health care.         1002, CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-007,
Medical Billing and Medical Coding are             and CompTIA Security+ Exam SY0-601.
actually two distinct jobs. Medical Billers        This course offers enrollment with or
are responsible for making sure everyone           without vouchers. The vouchers are
is billed correctly; which involves talking        prepaid access to sit for the certifying
with patients and/or health insurance              exams upon eligibility. At the end of
companies on a regular basis to make sure          this CompTIA training, you'll also be
all invoices are paid. Medical Coders do           proficient in basic cyber security concepts
not have much interaction with insurance           such as attacks and mitigation, security
companies nor patients. This job is perfect        applications, risk assessment, disaster
for someone who would prefer to spend              recovery and incident response, cloud
time analyzing and coding data. Every              computing, mobile devices, BYOD and
duty performed in a medical office has             SCADA, in addition to vulnerability
a particular code assigned to it, and it           assessment.
needs to be coded properly in order for            12 Months
proper billing. The Medical Coder and              480 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
Biller often work together to make sure            $3,495
all invoices are paid properly.
Fee: $3,090
                                                   Oracle SQL and PL/SQL+ Python
                                                   Developer +Java Programmer (Online)
Course CompTIA Certification: A+,                  This course will teach you how to use SQL
Network+, Security+ (Online)                       to build applications and generate business
An important way you can demonstrate               reports, master SQL using an Oracle
your knowledge and skillset to potential           database, and learn PL/SQL extension
employers in information technology is             language to write sophisticated queries
through CompTIA certifications. The A+,            against an Oracle database. You will also
Network+, and Security+ credentials are            learn to write useful Java classes, applying
the best CompTIA certifications to have            Object-Oriented concepts such as
in order to jumpstart or advance your IT           inheritance, and create Java programs that
career. If you're interested in the often          work with these classes. The introductory
flexible and well-paid opportunities of IT         section will show you how Python works
and cyber security jobs, get started today         and what it's good for. You will also gain
with CompTIA certification training. This          an understanding of Python's place in
course will prepare you for three CompTIA          the wider programming world. You will
IT certifications that are ideal for entry-        begin coding quickly after starting the
level and mid-level professionals: A+,             course. Afterwards, you'll move on to
Network+ and Security+. The CompTIA                advanced methods in which you'll learn
certifications are the most-recognized,            how to work with iPhone Notebook, the
vendor-neutral credentials in the industry,        Collections Module, regular expressions,


databases, CSV files, JSON, and XML. You            training of a personal care aide prepares
will also learn advanced sorting, how to            participants to work for home care
write object-oriented code in Python,               agencies and long-term residential care
and how to test and debug their Python              facilities that service individuals who are
code. In the last section, you get a rapid          incapacitated, convalescing or disabled.
introduction to NumPy, pandas, and                  This is a two-week training program. As
matplotlib, which are Python libraries.             direct service professions, the training in
This course will prepare you for entry              personal care aide provides basic skills in
into the job market as a Java or Python             activities of daily living, communication
programmer or an entry-level Oracle SQL             and safety. All of which are part of the
Developer or allow you to take on more              basic skill sets that are utilized within
responsibility using new skills gained in           nursing and occupational therapy.
a current job.                                      This training would allow individuals
12 Months                                           to complete a short-term training and
375 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                  gain employment to support them while
$2,595                                              completing basic skills training and/or
                                                    course prerequisites.
                                                    2 Weeks
                                                    Fee: $1,275

                                                    Pharmacy Technician
                                                    Pharmacy Technicians have become
                                                    indispensable to the health care industry,
                                                    and it's a great time to join this growing
                                                    field. Pharmacy Technician classes can
                                                    get you started on this fulfilling career
Patient Care Aide                                   path. You'll gain the skills and knowledge
The Personal Care Aides assist elderly              to qualify for entry-level positions in
and individuals with disabilities in the            pharmacies and be prepared for national
completion of the individual's activities           certification. Upon completion of this
of daily living in their homes or in care           course, you will be prepared to sit for
facilities. Personal care aides can assist          the Pharmacy Technician Certification
with basic housekeeping as well as meal             Exam (PTCE), offered by the Pharmacy
preparation. The occupational training              Technician Certification Board (PTCB).
targets skills in administering personal            This course also includes a voucher which
hygiene, dressing, and ambulation;                  covers the fee of the exam. Pharmacy
advising individuals in nutrition, household        technician certification is an important
cleanliness and hygiene; monitoring vital           issue for many industry employers and
signs and medication under supervision;             state legislatures, some of which now
communication and working with families             require national certification. You will
on changes in lifestyle and companionship;          also have the opportunity to apply for a
documentation of client status and;                 100+ hour externship. The externship is
case review and consultation with the               not guaranteed, and is contingent upon
care team on needs of the clients. The              successfully completing a background


check and/or drug screening that is                   Resources course will prepare you for the
consistent with the requirements of                   Senior Professional Human Resources
both state and federal laws. Also, clinical           (SPHR) exam, which measures your ability
externships are based on individual state             to manage and lead HR processes. You will
board requirements.                                   gain skills in the five primary areas of an
12 Months                                             HR department: Business Management
400 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours                    and Strategy, Workforce Planning
$2,495                                                and Employment, Human Resource
                                                      Development, Compensation and
                                                      Benefits, and Employee Relations and Risk
Retail Pharmacy Technician                            Management. Payroll is a vital extension
If you are a high school senior, young adult          of most human resource departments.
or a senior citizen considering a change,             The Payroll Practice and Management
this training will get you off to a fast start        course covers all critical areas of payroll
toward a new career. This eight-week class            administration and management. You
will introduce you to the responsibilities            will gain an understanding of the major
of a community pharmacy technician                    components of the state labor code in
as well as teach you how to interpret                 your chosen state.
prescriptions. Class will also include in-            12 Months
depth coverage of dosage calculations,                220 Course Hours/0.00 Credit Hours
medication classifications and federal                $3,295
laws. You will receive an application for
state licensing and after completion of
the course, with regular attendance, a
certificate will be issued. Workbooks                 Entrepreneurship
are required and can be purchased from
the Instr for $60. Enrollment is limited.
8 Weeks                                               Cannabis Certificate Program
Fall Session Begins                                   If you take all five of the classes: Practical
Tues, October 5, 2021                                 Cannabis and Pre-Grow, Indoor Cannabis
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm                                     Cultivation: How to Home Grow,
Winter Session Begins                                 Chemistry and Pharmacology of Cannabis-
Tues, January 25, 2022                                derived Compounds, Recreational
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm                                     Cannabis: Legal and Social Implications,
Fee: $542                                             and Cannabis Entrepreneurship, you
                                                      receive a certificate.
                                                      Fee: $495
Senior Professional in Human Resources
with Payroll Practice
Senior HR professionals play a critical
role in managing the strategic vision of a
human resources department. This online
course bundle will help you advance your
career in human resources to a more senior
level. The Senior Professional in Human


Practical Cannabis and Pre-Grow                      of the chemistry and pharmacology of the
Interactive and entertaining cannabis                major chemical components of cannabis.
industry overview including what you                 The course will examine the differences
need to know for: better health and usage,           in secondary metabolites for different
professional job development, licensing,             species/ subspecies of cannabis.
and small business planning. This class              Fall Session Begins
will be held via Zoom.                               Fri, November 5, 2021
Instr: Deborah Dillon                                5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
A MANDATORY Workbook Fee of                          Winter Session Begins
$37.50 is payable to the Instructor.                 Fri, March 4, 2022
Fall Session Days                                    5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Weds, October 6, 13, 20, 27, 2021                    Fee: $99
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Winter Session Days
Weds, February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022                    Recreational Cannabis: Legal and Social
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm                                    Implications
Fee: $99                                             Study the laws and regulations involved
                                                     with the cannabis industry in Illinois.
                                                     Differences between recreational and
Indoor Cannabis Cultivation: How to                  medical marijuana will be highlighted
Home Grow                                            as well as the personal and community
This cultivation class takes the confusion           impacts of recreational marijuana use
out of where to start and how to grow for            and related social justice issues.
legal self-consumption by IDPH medical               Fall Session Days
cannabis cardholders and others seeking              Sat, October 9, 16, 23, 30, 2021
knowledge for cultivation jobs in hemp               9:00 am – 12 noon
and cannabis industries. NOTE: This slass            Winter Session Days
has an optional hands-on laboratory kit.             Sat, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2022
This class will be held via Zoom.                    9:00 am – 12 noon
Instr: Deborah Dillon                                Fee: $99
A MANDATORY Workbook Fee of
$37.50 is payable to the Instructor.
Fall Session Days                                    Cannabis Entrepreneurship
Fri, October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2021                     Study the basic business concepts for
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm                                    cannabis entrepreneurs, product vs.
Winter Session Days                                  services, businesses, managing inventory,
Fri, February 4, 11, 18, 25, 2022                    and cash flow cycle impacted by the
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm                                    particular characteristics of the product.
Fee: $99                                             It assists the entrepreneur in developing
                                                     a business plan specific to the cannabis
                                                     business, including how to raise capital
Chemistry and Pharmacology of                        given the regulatory context.
Cannabis-derived Compounds                           Fall Session Days
Study the types of cannabinoid receptors             Sat, October 9, 16, 23, 30, 2021
and their activities, as well as a comparison        12:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Winter Session Days                                 partnership with mortgage companies,
Sat, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2022                   nationwide agencies, and be their own
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm                                  boss and earn income. Class meets for
Fee: $99                                            two days.
                                                    Instr: Beverly Singleton
                                                    A MANDATORY Workbook Fee of $55
Thinking About Buying                               is payable to the Instructor.
Foreclosure Property?                               Fall Session
Today, more than ever, there are vast               Mon & Wed, September 27 and 29, 2021
opportunities to invest in real estate.             Winter Session
Regardless of credit, income, or social             Mon & Wed, February 7 and 9, 2022
status, anyone can invest in real estate            6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
or make money within the industry.                  Fee: $195
Foreclosure investing is one of the most
profitable ways of investing in real estate.
Learn how to: become an investor, buy               Hair Braiding - Part I
and flip property, use no money down                Learn to hold and start the individual
techniques, and make money before                   braid. Individual braids include box braids,
investing in property.                              regular size braids, micros and micromini.
6 Weeks                                             Learn to do goddess braids, casamas, and
Instr: Howard Naugles                               sculpture and design. We’ll also learn
Fall Session Begins                                 kinky twist, Senegalese, regular, flat twist,
Thurs, September 30, 2021                           twistees/comb twist and sculpture twist.
Winter Session Begins                               6 Weeks
Thurs, January 27, 2022                             Instr: Charlotte Henderson
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm                                   Fall Session Begins
Fee: $83                                            Sat, October 23, 2021
                                                    Winter Session Begins
                                                    Sat, January 22, 2022
Jump Start Your Notary Business                     11:00 pm - 12:15 pm
Become a Notary Signing Agent and                   Fee: $113
earn $100 to $150 per assignment in
this challenging economy. Students will
learn how to effectively execute loan
documents, how to become a notary and
how to seek agencies who are seeking
highly qualified notary signing agents.
At the end of the class, students will
know how to perform a loan closing,
and be efficient in understanding the
loan process. This course will enable the
participants to become notary signing
agents within the Chicagoland and
suburban areas. The goal of the training is
to prepare students to establish a business


Hair Braiding - Part II                            practicing / teaching yoga for over 20 yrs.
Advance to more complex styles. Learn              He often used different yoga techniques
more about dreadlocks, silky dreads,               in his clinical practice and when working
natural dreads, and cork screws. We’ll             with trauma victims.
cover interlocking/tree braiding, strand           Instr: Larry Turner
by strand, weaving/sew on, lacing,                 Fall Session Begins
bonding and fusion knots, and care and             Tues, September 28
maintenance. Materials not included.               Winter Session Begins
6 Weeks                                            Tues, January 25, 2022
Instr: Charlotte Henderson                         10:00 am - 11:00 am
Fall Session Begins                                Fall Evening Session Begins
Sat, October 23, 2021                              Weds, September 29
Winter Session Begins                              Winter Evening Session Begins
Sat, January 22, 2022                              Weds, January 26, 2022
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm                                 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Fee: $113                                          Fee: $75

South Side Executive Entrepreneurial               Weight Training
Training Program                                   This class, designed for men and women,
If you have been in business for at least          introduces the principles and skills of
two years, have $50,000 in annual revenue          weight training for health, fitness, athletic
and at least two employees including               conditioning and body composition
yourself (1099s and part-time employees),          on state–of–the–art equipment. Your
then you qualify. All Session will be              workout is closely supervised. Register
conducted via Zoom with in-person                  early!
graduation at Chicago State University             Instr: John Mammie
September 20 - November 8, 2021                    Fall Session Begins
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm                                  Sat, September 25, 2021.
                                                   Winter Session Begins
                                                   Sat, January 22, 2022
                                                   9:30 am - 11:00 am
Community Offerings                                Fee: $83

Yoga                                               Total Body Fitness
Yoga is a way of living that includes              Watch those pounds melt away! This
physical exercise, meditation and                  class is designed for all fitness levels. You
breathing techniques. During this five             will work the whole body using weights
(5) week course, each person works at              and machines. It incorporates strength
their own level to increase strength,              training for fitness, and health and body
flexibility and relaxation. One goal is            conditioning.
to increase self-awareness and muscle              Instr: John Mammie
control. Larry Turner is a retired Licensed        Fall Session Begins
Clinical Psychologist and RN who has been          Sat, September 25, 2021.


Winter Session Begins                               Introduction to Excel 2010
Sat, January 22, 2022                               Excel is a powerful application designed
8:00 am - 9:30 am                                   to manage financial information, perform
Fee: $83                                            mathematical calculations, track database
                                                    information, and more. Although the
                                                    spreadsheets you create do not necessarily
Martial Arts for Kids (Ages 5 - 10)                 have to contain numbers, the strength of
Children can apply the physical and                 Excel lies in its capabilities to manipulate
mental skills learned in martial arts into          numeric information. The most common
all aspects of life. The class is jam-packed        uses of Excel are to create spreadsheets,
with excitement and fun to keep students            lists, tables, and charts. Students must
interested and motivated so they can                bring a USB to each class for their
reap the long-term benefits of training.            assignments and homework.
Minimum age: 5.                                     Instr: TBA
Instr: Larry Tankson                                Fall Session Begins
Fall Session Begins                                 Sat, September 25, 2021.
Sat, September 25, 2021.                            Winter Session Begins
Winter Session Begins                               Sat, January 22, 2022
Sat, January 22, 2022                               11:00 am - 1:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm                                   Fee: $83
Fee: $67

                                                    Photography: Shooting Like a Pro for
Word Basics with Microsoft 2010                     Fun, and Profit
Learn the basics of word processing with            Learn how to take great pictures with any
Microsoft Word. Learn how to create,                digital camera. Learn for fun and for profit.
save, edit and print documents. Also learn          Understand basic lighting, off camera
how to move, copy, format documents                 lighting, and the right equipment to buy.
using proofing tools, tabs and indents.             Also, learn the right resolution to shoot
You will create, sort, format, merge                photos, how to market, and how to sell
and perform calculations in tables. This            photos online. At the end of the course,
beginning level class will help you with            you will be able to take great photos with
basic document preparation. Students                any digital camera, better understand
must bring a USB to each class for their            photographic lighting, and money-making
assignments and homework.                           markets with your digital camera, and how
Instr: TBA                                          to make great enlargements suitable for
Fall Session Begins                                 framing.
Sat, September 25, 2021.                            6 Weeks
Winter Session Begins                               Instr: Carey Williams
Sat, January 22, 2022                               Fall Session Begins
9:00 am - 11:00 am                                  Weds, September 29, 2021
Fee: $83                                            Winter Session Begins
                                                    Weds, January 26, 2022
                                                    6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
                                                    Fee: $83







REGISTRATION                                        PARKING DECALS
                                                    Parking decals are available for $10.00
INFORMATION                                         for students enrolled in Options classes.
                                                    There is a $5.00 fee to enter the campus.
BY MAIL                                             Please note, decals can be purchased in
Complete the attached registration form,            the Parking Department after students
sign and mail with your check. Make                 have registered. Students enrolled in
checks/money orders payable to Chicago              the university's academic courses are
State University. Mail registration form            not eligible for Options parking decals.
and payment to Options Program – JDC                Seniors, 60 and over, enrolled in Options
201, CSU, 9501 S. King Drive, Chicago, IL           courses, receive FREE parking decals.
60628. Please use one registration form
for each person registering.                        CLASS SIZE
                                                    The university reserves the right to limit
BY PHONE                                            the size of classes and to cancel classes
Register by phone at 773 995- 4466 with a           due to insufficient enrollment.
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American
Express. Be sure to have all the requested          CANCELLING YOUR REGISTRATION
information on your registration form               Cancelling your registration: In the
when you call.                                      event that you must cancel your course
                                                    registration, we encourage you to send
BRING IN YOUR REGISTRATION                          someone in your place by simply informing
Register in–person in the Options Program           the Options department of the name
office, Jacoby Dickens Athletic Center,             change. Registration cancellations by
Room 201. Office hours are 9:00a.m. -               phone or in writing must be received at
5:00p.m., Mon through Fri.                          least seven days prior to the published
                                                    course start date. Cancellation requests
GENERAL INFORMATION                                 received before the seven day deadline will
                                                    result in fees being refunded, less a $10
COURSE FEES                                         administration fee. Processing may take six
Refer to course description for fees.               to eight weeks. We regret that no refund
Fees are payable by check, money order,             is available when a course registration is
American Express, Discover, Visa, or                cancelled after the seven-day deadline.
MasterCard.                                         Failure to read the information contained
                                                    in this schedule does not constitute
CLASS MEETINGS                                      exemption from stated regulations.
The Fall session begins Saturday,
September 25, 2021, and ends Friday,                FOR MORE INFORMATION
November 5, 2021. Winter session begins             CALL US
Saturday, January 22, 2022, and ends Friday,        773-995-4466
March 4, 2022. See course descriptions              VISIT OUR WEBSITE
for exceptions.                                     csu.edu/ContinuingEducation/Options.
                                                    EMAIL US



Course #/Section    Course Title                  Day                Time              Fee


Student Name: ______________________________________Are you currently attending CSU? ______

Address: _______________________________________________________________Apt: __________

City: __________________________________________________State: __________Zip: ____________

Has your address changed? __________ Previous Address: _____________________________________

If minor, parent’s name: ___________________________Is this your first Options class? _____________

Day phone: ________________Evening phone: _________________________Email ________________

The Program of Choice for Life-long Learning

 Fall/Winter 2021-2022        773.995.4466
                                         9501 South King Drive
                                         Chicago, Illinois 60628
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