Falmouth Community Programs Fall 2021 - Activities & Programs for Youth, Adults and Seniors

Falmouth Community Programs Fall 2021 - Activities & Programs for Youth, Adults and Seniors
Falmouth Community Programs
         Fall 2021

Activities & Programs for Youth,
       Adults and Seniors
Please be mindful that programming is subject to change due to the uncertainty of the current pandemic
situation. FCP closely monitors and follows federal and state CDC guidelines and recommendations
which may result in programming modifications and/or cancellations. Additionally, some programming
may require masks indoors regardless of vaccination status and specific off-site programming may in-
quire about vaccination status. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Thank you.
                                                           FCP Staff

             Cancellation Notices                                      Pick-Up Policy
FCP reserves the right to cancel any program          FCP requires staff to remain with youth program
which fails to meet minimum enrollment require-       participants until they are released to a parent or
ments, so please register early! Deadlines are        guardian. Please meet your child at the designat-
generally one week prior to the first class un-       ed pick-up time. A $10.00 late fee will be charged
less otherwise noted.                                 for each ten-minute increment that your child has
                                                      to remain with us past the designated pick-up
    Inclement Weather/Free Programs...                time.
When schools are cancelled due to inclement                          Course Guidelines
weather, all youth programs beginning prior to        Course guidelines are designed to be appropriate
4:00pm are also cancelled. Adult program cancel-      for the enjoyment and safety of all participants. If
lations are at the discretion of FCP and the In-      an emergency/circumstance arises, or if you are
structor. Decisions regarding evening programs        dissatisfied with any program, please contact our
will be made by 2:00pm. For free programs,            office as soon as possible. Concerns will be re-
please call 699-5302 prior to attending as unfore-    viewed on an individual basis.
seen cancellations may occur.
                                                      Our Adult Enrichment classes are reserved for
After business hours please call 699-5302 or visit    individuals 18 years of age and older who are not
our website at: www.falmouthme.org for Commu-         currently enrolled in high school, unless other-
nity Programs News and Announcements or               wise indicated.
check Facebook for program notices, updates
and cancellations.                                        Parks & Community Programs Staff

                   Refunds...                                    Lucky D’Ascanio, Director
If FCP cancels/changes a course, we will refund               Matt Gilbert, Assistant Director
or credit 100% of class fees. On-line convenience              Jeff Mason, Parks Supervisor
fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.                                      Sam Hazelton, Parks Assistant
**A processing fee ranging from $5.00-$10.00 will           Kate Harris, Recreation Coordinator
be charged for each course from which you with-           Ashlee Quirrion, Programming Assistant
draw no less than five full business days prior to       Kim Doyon, Senior Services Coordinator
the start of the program unless otherwise noted.       Denise Macaronas, Sr. Programs Coordinator
After this time, you may receive a 50% refund if a    Beth Benson, Administrative/Programming Asst.
replacement can be found (waiting list has priori-       Amanda Stearns, Open Space Manager
ty), the withdrawal does not affect course mini-           Caleb Hemphill, OS Property Manager
mum enrollment, there is unlimited enrollment or
the set date of withdrawal has not passed.            Parks & Community Programs Advisory Committee
                                                                 Karen Jones, Chairperson
We reserve the right to credit your account for all          Janet Lane-Dye, Vice-Chairperson
refunds under $10.00. If requesting a check for a                       John Lane
larger refund, please allow a minimum of two                            Doug Zlatin
weeks for processing.                                                  Robert Carter
                                                                      Melanie Collins
WE DO NOT GIVE REFUNDS AFTER THE                                     Scott Simmonds
START OF THE SECOND CLASS                             *The Advisory Committee generally meets once a
                                                         month and meetings are open to the public.
                                                          For FMI contact the FCP office 699-5302

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
          Contact/Registration Information
                                                                     Table of Contents
                                                       2      Policies/Procedures
                                                       3      Contact/Registration Information
              “Like us” on Facebook!                   4      Tourists in our own Backyard
         to find up-to-date program news,              5      Travelogues/Let’s Eat Out
        cancellation information and more.             6      Trips & Tours
                                                       7      Crafts & Hobbies/FCP Thank you
                                                       8      55+ Programs & Activities
          Registration Information                     9      More 55+ Programs & Activities
Please register early by registering on-line via our   10     More 55+ Programs & Activities
website, dropping off forms in person or mailing       11     Adult Wellness, Fitness & Fun
them to: FCP, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine         12     More Adult Wellness & Fitness
04105-2005.                                            13     More Adult Wellness & Fitness
        No phone registrations, please.                14     Community Health & Awareness
Currently, we accept cash, checks, Visa, Master-       15     Registration Form
Card, American Express and Discover. Please            16     Early Release Days/No School Day Fun
make checks payable to “Town of Falmouth”.             17     Afterschool Enrichment
Registration forms can be found in this brochure       18     More Afterschool Enrichment
and in the FCP office. You may also download           19     Preschool Activities
forms from our website:                                       Middle School Enrichment
              www.falmouthme.org                       20     Martial Arts/Youth Sports
Unless we notify you, please assume that you are       21     More Youth Sports
enrolled in your choice of programs.                   22     More Youth Sports
  We send e-mail receipt confirmations only.           23     Youth Basketball/Coaching Clinics
                                                       24     Community Event Reminders
A limited number of Partial and Full Scholar-
ships are available for many youth programs
using a sliding fee scale. Please apply early!

Seniors, age 60 and over, receive a 25% dis-
count off course fees unless otherwise stated.
Non-residents can register on September 3rd.                            FCP Notes…
             FCP Office Hours
                                                       We reserve the right to revise dates, times and/or
         Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm                     prices due to changes that occur after publica-
              Friday 8am-12pm                          tion. Thank you for your cooperation!

                                                       The Town of Falmouth will try to make reasona-
                                                       ble accommodations for alternative access and
                                                       participation when events or meetings are sched-
       Non-refundable on-line convenience fee:         uled on religious observances.
              6.2% or minimum $2.00
              www.falmouthme.org                       If you have a disability or injury and need addi-
Visit our on-line registration system where you        tional accommodations to participate in any of our
can register for programs anytime and anywhere.        programs, please contact our office 699-5302.
By adding your e-mail address, we can send you
regular updates about exciting new activities and      Changes, additions and updates for FCP activi-
programs – you won’t miss a date! Set-up your          ties can be found on Facebook, in The Notes and
private account today so that you are ready when       on our website at the following address:
registration opens!                                     www.falmouthme.org/parks-and-community-programs

If you have already set up an account and              We reserve the right to use any photos and/or
have forgotten your password, please call and          videos of programming in future brochures and/or
we can reset it for you.                               advertisements.
         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
4             Tourists in Our Own Backyard
These day trips are designed for adults of all ages. Enjoy being a tourist in your own backyard. All trips
depart from the Plummer Lot (Lunt Road). Return times are approximate. All discounts included in the
fee. Transportation is in a 15-passenger van or mini-bus.
Leader: FCP Staff                Depart/Return: Plummer Lot (Lunt Rd.)              Min: 7       Max:12

                    Tour of Maine Cooperative Extension Farm Operations
                                       Tidewater Farm, Falmouth
Join us for a guided tour of this beautiful property, a portion of which is managed by Maine Cooperative
Extension. Tidewater Farms boasts extensive shoreline along the Presumpscot Estuary and Scittery
Gusset Creek with trails overlooking both. During this tour, we’ll discuss the expansion of our Maine
Harvest for Hunger project, tips and tricks for growing a productive vegetable garden, and how to incor-
porate cut flowers into your landscape. In addition, we’ll highlight dozens of pollinator-friendly plants,
native species, and herbs that are scattered throughout the property. Please wear walking shoes and
weather appropriate attire.
Date: Thursday, September 16                                          Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Fee: $5                                                               Session:11165.2A

      Snell Farms ~ Apples and More!                               Baxter House Museum
                       Buxton                                              Gorham
Enjoy a variety of apples (pick your own or grab       James Phinney Baxter was born in the Baxter
some already picked) and choose from a variety         House in 1831 and served six terms as Mayor of
of farm-fresh vegetables in the farm market. The       Portland. The entire Baxter family played an im-
newest addition to the farm is the Farm Kitchen;       portant role in Maine’s history. In 1907, James
tasty treats made with fruit, vegetables, and herbs    Phinney Baxter submitted a proposal to fund the
grown right on the farm. We will stop for lunch        building of a public library in Gorham. Baxter’s
(not included in fee) after our visit.                 offer was made on the condition that his child-
Date: Tuesday, September 14 (Register by 9/10)         hood home be made into a museum. Baxter him-
Time: 9:00am-1:00pm                                    self furnished an entire room with furniture and
Fee: $8                                                books belonging to his family.
Session: 11126.2A                                      Date: Wednesday, September 29
                                                       (Register by 9/21)
                                                       Time: 12:30-4:00pm
    “Seafaring Portlanders” Walking Tour               Fee: $13
         Evergreen Cemetery, Portland                  Session: 11146.1A
This tour includes stories of shipowners, captains,
crew and passengers. During the 19th century,                            Go Go Refill
Portland was a bustling port. Coasters, merchant                         South Portland
and passenger ships connected it to nearby ports       Visit this one-of-a-kind store and learn about the
and to others hundreds or thousands of miles           owner's goals and visions of saving the planet
away. Shoreside workers such as sail makers            one container at a time. Think REFILL, not land-
and chandlers are also part of maritime history.       fill. See the wide selection of quality all-natural
Monuments at the site range from the imposing          home and body products that are sold by the
Captain Jacob S. Winslow statue to the humble          ounce. Buy only what you need; no waste. This
gravestone for Captain Mason Hume, Jr. Mari-           tour is educational and fun; no purchase neces-
time symbols such as a tilted anchor or the words      sary. If you would like to try some of these prod-
“Lost at Sea” are reminders that not all seafarers     ucts, bring your own containers or purchase plas-
returned home.                                         tic-free containers there with a 10% discount.
Date: Wednesday, October 27(Register by 10/19)         Date: Monday, November 8 (Register by 11/1)
Time: 12:45-3:00pm                                     Time: 1:00-3:15pm
Fee: $14                                                Fee: $8
Session: 11196.2A                                      Session: 11188.3A

          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
Travelogues                                                        5
Join us as we explore the beauty and customs of lands both far and near as presented through the eyes
of guest speakers. Programs are free and open to the public; all ages are invited. Pre-registration ap-
preciated, please leave a message at 699-5302. OceanView follows specific protocols for
guests. Please bring a mask with you, in case it is required
Location: Hilltop Lodge, OceanView                Time: 6:30-7:30pm                    Fee: FREE!
Step Back in Time: Riverton Trolley Park                    New Zealand: Birding and More
Speaker: Nan Cumming                                  Speaker: Marie Jordan
Date: Wednesday, September 15                         Date: Wednesday, October 20
Session: 33333.2A                                     Session: 33333.2B

 Andes Mountains: From Top to Bottom                                 Bill Green’s Maine
Speaker: Ginger Jones                                 Speaker: Bill Green
Date: Wednesday, November 17                          Date: Wednesday, December 15
Session: 33333.2C                                     Session: 33333.2D

                                   Let’s Eat Out
All adults are invited to enjoy a good meal in the company of old and new friends. Transportation is in a
15-passenger van or mini-bus. Prices reflect senior discount and lunch is on your own unless otherwise
specified. Return times are approximate.
Leader: FCP Staff               Depart/Return: Plummer Lot (Lunt Rd.)             Min: 7         Max: 12
        Huot’s Seafood Restaurant                                        Lobster Shack
                   Camp Ellis                                             Cape Elizabeth
Huot’s restaurant has been a Camp Ellis favorite      Our Fall tradition continues this year with lunch at
since 1935. Enjoy your lunch inside or bring a        the Lobster Shack. Enjoy scenic views at this
beach chair, order take-out and sit on the beach      popular eatery and a menu that includes a wide
overlooking Saco Bay.                                 variety of fish as well as non-seafood items and
Date: Thursday, September 9                           homemade desserts. The program will happen
Time: 11:00am-2:30pm                                  rain or shine.
Fee: $8                                               Date: Thursday, October 14
Session: 31071.2A                                     Time: 10:45am-1:30pm
                                                      Fee: $8
                                                      Session: 31015.2A
                                          The Maine Event
Let’s start our day enjoying brunch at the Maine Diner in Wells and enjoy “food like grandma used to
make”. We will then continue our trip south to York and the home of Stonewall Kitchen where you can
get a jump start on your holiday shopping or grab some goodies for yourself.
Date: Thursday, November 4                                Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
Fee: $8                                                   Session: 31068.2A
        Stone Mountain Arts Center                       “Mystery” Dinner and Holiday Lights
                   Brownfield                         Join us for our annual trip for an early dinner at a
Nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains in    “mystery” location and enjoy good food with new
Brownfield, Maine, SMAC is a beautiful timber         and old friends. After dinner sit back and get into
frame music hall hosting national acts up close       the holiday spirit as we ride through residential
and personal in an equally beautiful setting. We      neighborhoods and delight in the holiday lights.
will enjoy generous portions of a homecooked          Date: Tuesday, December 14*
meal served with love all the while listening to      (*Snow date is Tuesday, December 21)
Maine’s own Carol Noonan perform.                     Time: 3:15-7:30pm
Date: Wednesday, December 1                           Fee: $8
Time: 10:00am-2:30pm                                  Session: 31020.2A
Fee: $50 (includes lunch)
Session: 11179.2A
         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
6                                  Trips & Tours
                                             Fryeburg Fair
                                      Maine’s Blue Ribbon Classic
Join us at one of the best agricultural fairs in the United States. Highlights include a full museum of old
farm equipment and memorabilia with live demonstrations, exhibition halls and more. Admission is free
for age 65+. Under 65 is $12 at the gate. All discounts included in fee.
Leader: FCP Staff                                                Date: Tuesday, October 5
Time: 8:30am-3:30pm                                              Depart/Return: Plummer Lot, (Lunt Rd.)
Fee: $10                                                        Session: 11174.2A
                                         Foliage Railway Tour
                                                Meredith, NH
Come ride the rails and enjoy the day viewing scenic foliage. Starting in Meredith, NH, travel across the
Ashland High Trestle, pass through the Bonnie Brae Deer Farm and the Glove Hollow Christmas Tree
Farm in Bridgewater before arriving in Plymouth, NH and our lunch stop at the Common Man Inn where
a full buffet lunch will be waiting for us. After lunch we will stop in Ashland, NH at the recently restored
1869 Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad Station where members of the Ashland Historical Society,
dressed in 1860’s attire, will greet us and provide guided tours of the historic station. This trip is co-
sponsored with Gorham and Standish. All discounts are included in fee. No refunds after September 17.
Face coverings will be required while on the train due to TSA requirements.
Leader: FCP Staff                                                  Date: Friday, October 22
Time: 7:45am-5:30pm                                                Depart/Return: Plummer Lot, (Lunt Rd.)
Fee: $84                                                           Session: 11178.2A
                                       Cirque Dreams Holidaze
                                  Cross Insurance Arena, Portland
The one and only Cirque Dreams Holidaze has been hailed by the New York Daily News as “A delicious
confection of charm, sparkle and talent by the sleigh load”. Set in a multi-million dollar wonderland of
elaborate scenes and dozens of original holiday production numbers, audiences will celebrate the most
wonderful time of the year as they experience over 300 spectacular costumes and 20 of the world’s
most astonishing acts. All discounts included in fee.
Leader: FCP Staff                                         Date: Wednesday, December 8
Time: 6:30-10:00pm                                        Depart/Return: Plummer Lot, Lunt Rd
Fee: $65                                                  Session: 11703.2A
                       Garden’s Aglow, Coastal Maine Botanical Garden
Join us for the largest light show in Maine. See hundreds of thousands of lights, strung through the
upper gardens in a beautiful display. Grab a friend, enjoy the experience of an enchanting evening of
festive lights and displays. We will make a stop for dinner on the way home. All discounts included in
Leader: FCP Staff                                             Date: Thursday, December 16
Time: 2:15-8:00pm                                             Depart/Return: Plummer Lot, (Lunt Rd.)
                                         Our Nation’s Capital
                                           Washington, D.C.
Join us for guided tour of Washington DC. Visit many of DC's attractions including memorials for Martin
Luther King Jr, Jefferson and Lincoln, the U.S. Capitol, White House, National Archives, Embassy Row,
and Georgetown. Tour Arlington National Cemetery including the Kennedy gravesites and Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier. We will have opportunities to visit the many museums of the Smithsonian Institute,
and will visit George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens. Additionally, we will spend time
in Baltimore at the National Harbor; a unique waterfront area with many shops and restaurants. The trip
includes 6 nights lodging, 10 meals: 6 breakfasts and 4 dinners. All discounts included in fee. Trip is co-
sponsored with Standish and Gorham Recreation departments. Please indicate roommate at time of
Leader: FCP Staff                                             Date: April 7-13, 2022
Fee: $769 do/$1044 single                                     Session: 11159.2A
        Deposit of $100 due at time of registration and final payment is due by February 2, 2022.
          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
Crafts & Hobbies                                                         7
                                    The All Support Art Group
If you are inspired by being in the company of other artists, join us Thursday afternoons. Bring your wa-
tercolors, oil paints, pastels or other painting medium and learn from each other as you enjoy support
and companionship of fellow painters. Drop-ins welcome for $2 a class. OceanView follows specific
protocols for guests. Please bring a mask with you, in case it is required.
Leader: Jane Volin                                           Location: OceanView Lodge
Time: 12:30-3:00pm                                           Fee: $12
Session 1: 11213.2A                                          Session 2: 11213.2B
Dates: Thursdays, September 2-October 21                     Dates: Thursdays, October 28-December 23

               Fall Garden Workshop: Dividing and Transplanting Perennials
Tips and tricks will be shared on how to divide and transplant perennials that overwinter in your gar-
den. Participants will take home a number of plants, including peonies, daylilies, ornamental grasses, Jo
Pye Weed and Cushion Spurge Euphorbia. Please bring work gloves, spade or flat edge shovel and if
you have one, and a box to carry your plants home.
Instructor: Ellen Klain                                     Location: Ellen’s garden*
Date: Saturday, October 9 (Register by 9/29)                Time: 9:00-11:00am
Fee: $15                                                    Session: 11230.2A
Min: 4          Max: 10                                     *Directions provided upon registration.

                                      Holiday Wreath Making
                                        with Skillins Greenhouse
The Holidays will soon be here. Make them more of a family tradition by creating your own Holiday dec-
orations. This hands-on class will have you in the holiday spirit. When you leave, you will have complet-
ed a fully decorated, door size, double-sided balsam fir wreath: materials include ring, wire, balsam fir,
bow, cones, and berries. Please bring pruners and gloves. Great activity for a group of friends!
Instructor: Wendi Allen, Skillins Designer                  Location: Mason-Motz, Presumpscot Room
Date: Wednesday, December 1                                 Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Fee: $46                                                    Session: 11247.2A
Min: 5         Max:10

                          Thank you from FCP
 To all of our Concerts in the Park sponsors and supporters, FCP says “THANK YOU!”
  It was certainly a great comeback after missing the 2020 season and our music-filled
 summer success was due in-part to generous donations from the following sponsors:

                                  Ensemble Sponsors ($100-$499)

                                  Falmouth Lions Club
                          Cumberland County Federal Credit Union

                                     Refreshment Sponsors
                                        Poland Spring Water

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
8                  55+ Programs & Activities
Mark your calendars and bring a friend for informative, stimulating, social activities. Pre-registration
required. FMI contact Kim Doyon, Senior Services Coordinator at 699-5330.
Leader: FCP Staff & Community Volunteers                              Location: Presumpscot Room

                                         Pseudo Book Club
Ever wanted to stay away from your book club because you didn’t finish the book or didn’t like it? Join
us for a less structured experience where we pick a theme for the month and pick our own books. Top-
ics will be picked at the scheduled book clubs.
Date: Mondays, 8/30, 10/4, 11/1, 12/6                             Time: 12:00-1:30pm
Fee: FREE!                                                        Session: 31103.2A

                            Senior Property Tax Credit/Assistance
                                           Information Forum
Join Falmouth’s Finance Director to discover how Falmouth senior residents may be eligible for property
tax assistance. Learn about who is eligible and get a start on the application process.
Leader: Pete McHugh, Falmouth Finance Director                               Fee: FREE!

Session 1: 31114.2A                                        Session 2: 31114.2B
Date: Tuesday, September 7                                 Date: Tuesday, September 21
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm                                      Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

                                 Welcome Back Celebration Day!
It is been a long year and a half for many of us. Programs have returned to Mason-Motz and we could
not be happier and want to share this happiness with you. Join us for a day full of outdoor and indoor
Leaders: Kim Doyon & Denise Macaronas           Date: Wednesday, September 22           Fee: FREE!
                                        Lawn Games
Come join us in the fresh air, good company and enjoy a fun game of bocce ball or corn hole on the
well manicured lawn at Village Park. Let’s get reacquainted with each other in the beautiful outdoors.
Please feel free to also bring a picnic lunch to enjoy after we play.
Location: Village Park in Falmouth             Time: 10:30am-12:00pm            Session: 31124.2A

                                 Activities in Presumpscot Room
After our fresh air and lawn game fun at Village Park, come to the Presumpscot Room at Mason-Motz
Activity Center for some stimulating fun! Enjoy some get to know you games, tongue twisters, brain
teasers and more.
Location: Presumpscot Room                   Time: 1:00-3:00pm                Session: 31124.2B

                   Virtual Programs with Southern Maine Agency on Aging
       Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA), is offering many programs virtually via Zoom
       that can be accessed from the convenience of your home. Programming ranges from
       wellness programming to support physical, mental and social health, caregiver education
       programming and support groups, and Medicare seminars. Registration is required for
       programming. Please visit our web calendar for full program offerings and to register.


         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
55+ Programs & Activities                                                              9
        Home Fire and Life Safety                                  Heart Healthy Eating
         for those Aging in Place                     Join your local Hannaford Dietitian to learn “how
Join State Fire Marshal, Joe Thomas and learn         to fill your cart to protect your heart”. She will take
about fire and life safety challenges in our homes    a close look at foods that can help improve your
for those who are aging in place. The highest fire    blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall health.
fatalities in Maine are individuals 65 years and      Instructor: April Byron, MS, FD, LD
older. Discover how can they best be protected        Date: Wednesday, October 13
safely and not become a fire fatality.                Time: 10:30-11:30am
Instructor: Maine Fire Marshal, Joe Thomas            Fee: FREE!
Date: Wednesday, September 29                         Session: 31118.2A
Time: 10-11:00am
Fee: FREE!
Session: 31146.2A
                                                                         Greek Glendi
       How to Protect Your Posture                    Glendi means “good time” and that’s what we will
Posture refers to the alignment and positioning of    have as we celebrate all things Greek. Explore
the body in relation to gravity, center of mass and   the beauty and history of Greece, learn about
base of support (BOS). If our BOS narrows this        customs, enjoy the music, and learn a few dance
may have a direct impact on your balance and we       steps too (optional). Expand your Greek vocabu-
need better postural awareness to avoid falling.      lary, (you already know many Greek words but
This class will explain in more detail how to pro-    may not know it). Some familiar Greek recipes will
tect your posture with exercises.                     be shared.
Instructor: REFORM Physical Therapist                 Leader: Denise Macaronas
Date: Monday, October 18                              Date: Tuesday, October 19
Time: 10:00-11:00am                                   Time: 10:00-11:30am
Fee: FREE!                                            Fee: FREE!
Session: 31123.2A                                     Session: 32012.2A

                                        Cooking with Stacey
Come experience cooking classes and a delicious lunch with Stacey Stolman, an accomplished culinary
educator, cookbook developer and food stylist. Stacey is experienced in recipe development, food styl-
ing, cooking classes and projects for Kitchen Consultants, Gibbs Smith Publishing House, The Semi-
nole Casino and Garden of Life. Join us for one or all three classes. Each class will be Chef’s choice
with a focus on seasonal dishes. A minimum of 10 participants per class required.
Instructor: Stacey Stolman          Time: 12:00-1:30pm            Fee:$26 per session (includes lunch)

Session 1: 31102.2A                                                Session 2: 31102.2B
Date: Monday, October 25                                           Date: Monday, November 22
                                     Session 3: 31102.2C
                                     Date: Monday, December 20

                       How to Protect Yourself from Scams:
                            Learn How to be a Fraud Fighter
Scams and identity theft rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money every year. Scammers
are smart, creative and relentless, but there are simple steps each of us can take to protect ourselves
and our families, from these crimes. AARP is proud to be a leader in the fight to combat fraud every-
where, and right here in Maine, too. Join us for a workshop that will help you recognize common scams
and what you can do to avoid them. You will learn about useful resources and receive your own fraud
prevention guide. If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam!
Instructor: AARP Fraud Watch Network Volunteer                     Date: Wednesday, October 27
Time: 10-11:00am                                                   Fee: FREE!
Session: 31117.2A

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
10          More 55+ Programs & Activities
              All About Balance                              Caregiving Program with AARP
A free, educational, exercise workshop where          Caregiving may be one of the most important
participants learn about the anatomy and physiol-     roles you will ever take on in your life. You may
ogy of balance systems and how these systems          have become a caregiver suddenly or perhaps
change with age. Evidenced based interventions        your role has evolved over time. No matter
help to improve the function of these balance sys-    where you are in the continuum of caregiving;
tems. Additionally, the class includes a 30-minute    starting to plan, helping to coordinate a big
exercise component and all participants will be       move, or taking care of a family member in your
provided with written balance exercise ideas to       home, having resources at your fingertips will
take home. All levels and balance abilities are       make the process easier.
welcome.                                              Instructor: AARP Network Volunteer
Instructor: Jason Adour, Physical Therapist           Date: Wednesday, November 10
Date: Wednesday, November 3                           Time: 10:00-11:00am
Time: 10:00-11:30am                                   Fee: FREE!
Fee: FREE!                                            Session: 31108.2A
Session: 31107.2A
                                                                 Mindfulness Meditation
                                                     Meditation has many health benefits and remains
                                                     a holistic treatment path for many symptoms from
           Good-Hearted Living™                      insomnia and pain management to memory loss
Learn six daily practices that will help prevent     associated with aging. Participants will be guided
“hardening of the attitudes”. Schedule joy into      on breathing, posture and imagery to enjoy an
your life, add laughter and youthful playfulness,    effective experience. Pre-registration required.
and you have the tools for more positive             Instructor: Leslee Clark
thoughts, emotions, feelings and interactions.       Date: Mondays, November 22-December 20
Once these practices become habits, you can          Time: 10:00-11:00am
improve the natural way you live your life.          Fee: $10 per class
Leader: Denise Macaronas                             Session: 31116.2A
Date: Tuesday, November 16
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Fee: FREE!
Session: 31118.2B

                       Mood Boosting Foods on the Mediterranean Diet
Did you know that being dehydrated can have an impact on the brain chemicals that effect mood? Ever
felt “hangry”? Eating the wrong foods or not eating enough in general are just a few habits we can work
on to prevent food related grumpiness. Keeping your mood up is not just about what you eat, but how.
This class will explore the benefits that the right nutrition can have on our mood.
Instructor: April Byron, MS, RD, LD                                    Date: Wednesday, December 8
Time: 10:30-11:30am                                                    Fee: FREE!
Session: 31109.2A

                                  “Bring and Brag” Celebration
As we celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year, let’s take time to celebrate
ourselves! Share a memento from the past and tell a story behind that treasure. Use your imagination
as to what you could bring to brag about: a photograph, an award, a hand-made item, a recipe or any-
thing that holds a pleasant memory. If you prefer not to share, come and enjoy socializing with old and
new friends.
Leader: Denise Macaronas                           Date: Tuesday, December 14
Time: 10:00-11:30am                                Fee: FREE!
Session: 31045.2A

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
Adult Wellness, Fitness & Fun                                                         11
                    Cribbage                                               Mahjong
Come play cribbage, meet new people and make           Similar to the card game rummy, Mahjong is a
friends. No registration is required. Join us and      game of skill, strategy and calculation involving a
enjoy some camaraderie and fun.                        degree of chance. Sessions are for those familiar
Location: Mason-Motz Presumpscot Room                  with Mahjong; if interested in beginner sessions,
Morning Cribbage                                       let us know. No registration required.
Thursdays, 9:30am-12:00pm                              Location: Mason-Motz Presumpscot Room
Afternoon Cribbage                                     Afternoon Mahjong
Tuesdays, 12:00-3:00pm.                                Thursdays, 1:30-4:00pm
Fee: FREE                                              Fee: FREE

                            Walk Safely (and stay out of the rain!)
Get into a good walking routine by coming to the Mason-Motz Activity Center to walk at your own pace
and in comfort. Open during our regular business hours, you can walk the hallways and in the gym
(when available). Be sure to sign in at the office and pick up your walking tag. Please no street shoes in
the gym. All are welcome.
Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center                     Date/Time: Mondays-Thursdays 8:00am-5:00pm

          Adult Tennis ~ Mornings                                 Adult Tennis ~ Evenings
            Beginners & Beyond                         No matter your skill level, we have a place for
No matter your skill level, we have a place for        you. This program will cover fundamentals of ten-
you. This program will cover fundamentals of ten-      nis and also fine tune your existing game. All ses-
nis and also fine tune your existing game. All ses-    sions include instruction, drills and match play.
sions include instruction, drills and match play.      Players will be grouped based on ability.
Players will be grouped based on ability.              Instructor: St. Peter’s Grand Slam Tennis Staff
Instructor: St. Peter’s Grand Slam Tennis Staff        Location: FMS, Tri-Courts
Location: Huston Park Tennis Courts, Winn Rd.          Fee: $80                              Max:18
Date: Thursdays, September 2-30
Time: 9:00-10:00am                                     Evening Tennis-Beginners & Beyond
Fee: $80                                               Date: Mondays, September 13-October 4
Session: 11310.2A                                      Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Max: 18                                                Session: 11310.2B
(No class on September 9)
                                                       Evening Tennis-Intermediate & Advanced
                                                       Date: Mondays, September 13-October 4
                                                       Time: 7:00-8:00pm
                                                       Sessions 11310.2C

      Laughter Yoga Club for Adults
A simple yet very powerful form of exercise that                         Clutter Club
everyone can do anywhere and anytime. Learn            Get ready to de-stress and de-clutter. Come with
how to laugh at nothing at all and gain all the        a sense of humor and a positive outlook as you
health benefits of laughter. No previous experi-       meet others who can encourage and support
ence necessary. The Yoga portion involves vari-        you. Bring a box of “stuff” to go through and get
ous breathing exercises all done in a chair or         it done! Learn a variety of techniques to help you
standing (no poses). Pre-registration appreciated.     simplify your life and share strategies that have
Leader: Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders                worked for you with others.
Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center                   Leader: FCP Staff and Community Volunteers
Dates: Wednesdays, 9/15 10/20, 11/17 & 12/15           Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Time: 12:00-1:00pm                                     Dates: Wednesdays, 9/15, 10/20 11/17 & 12/15
Fee: FREE!                                             Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Session: 11206.2A                                      Fee: $5 or $2 drop-in fee
                                                       Session: 11261.2A

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
12            More Adult Wellness & Fitness
                  Gentle Yoga                                    Evening Flow Yoga/Stretch
This class is an “all level’s” gentle yoga flow.        Evening Yoga is back! Flow Yoga/Stretch is
Gentle yoga is an accessible way to slow down,          geared for those who are interested in a gentle
connect with your body, and calm your mind. “All        practice and incorporates simple flowing se-
levels” practice is ideal for anyone new to yoga        quences to warm up the body, as well as slower
but everyone will enjoy the opportunity to move         relaxed movements focusing on alignment,
your body, breathe deeply, and simply feel good.        strength, balance, and flexibility. No yoga experi-
Classes will move through a series of stretches,        ence or flexibility required. This is a great way to
yoga poses, and guided breathing focusing on            end your day.
alignment strength, flexibility and balance. Dress      Instructor: Kim Wilson
comfortably, bring a mat and enjoy.                     Location: Mason-Motz, Gym
Instructor: Robin Payton                                Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Location: Mason-Motz, Gym                               Fee: $86
Time: 9:30-10:30am                                      Session 1: 11314.2A
Fee: $86                                                Wednesday, September 15-October 20
Session 1: 11315.2A                                     Session 2: 11314.2B
Tuesday, September 14-October 26                        Wednesday, October 27-December 17
Session 2: 11315.2B
Tuesday, November 2-December 14

                                              Tone & Burn
This interval class will offer cardio and strength training in a fun, comfortable atmosphere. The instructor
will provide modifications for the exercises so you can choose your own level of intensity. Please bring
water and a yoga mat or towel.
Instructor: Celeste Long                                        Location: Mason-Motz, Gym
Time: 9:30-10:30am                                              Fee: $68
Session 1: 11322.2A                                             Session 2: 11322.2B
Thursday, September 16-October 21                               Thursday, October 28-December 9
                                                                (No class November 25)

                                        Low Impact Aerobics
Perfect for the 55+ group. Join us for slow warm ups, sitting abdominal work, body sculpting and aero-
bic dances led at a walking pace with ample cooldown. Heart rates are monitored. All levels welcome
and participants are encouraged to work at a personal tempo.
Instructor: Karan Miller                                     Location: Mason-Motz, Gym
Date: Tuesdays & Fridays, Sept 21-Dec 17                     Time: 10:30-11:30am
Fee: $3.00 drop in fee                              Session: 31301.2A

                                Moving Meditation ~ T’ai Chi Chih
A moving meditation, with nineteen movements/poses done with softness and continuity. Clinical stud-
ies supporting the many and varied mental and physical benefits of regular practice of T’ai Chi Chih are
numerous. Fun to do and doable just about anywhere: standing, seated, inside, outside, young and
old. Wear comfortable clothing and come with an open mind and learn about this non-aggressive, heal-
ing practice. All discounts included in the fee.
Instructor: Sara Leonard                                 Location: Mason-Motz, Gym
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm                                    Fee: $71 or $15 drop-in fee
Session 1: 11138.2A                                      Session 2: 11138.2B
Date: Wed, September 22-November 3                       Date: Wed., November 10-December 22
(No class October 20)                                    (No class November 24)

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
More Adult Wellness & Fitness                                                        13
                  As with any sports and exercise program, there are inherent risks.
                        Participation in drop-in programs are at your own risk.

                                    Adult Pick-Up Basketball
These pick-up games are primarily for residents but basketball enthusiasts from other communities are
welcome as space allows (determined by the gym supervisor). All ability levels welcome. Different
teams selected each week. Pre-registration is required in order to hold your spot and is good for the
dates listed. You must be out of high school and a minimum of 18 years old. Please bring a dark and a
white shirt. Leader: Ralph Warnock, FCP Staff             Location: FMS, Large and Small Gym
Fee: $40 punch card purchased at the door. Cash and check only (punch card does not expire).

Sunday Mornings - over 40                    Monday Nights                     Thursday Nights
Dates: Aug. 29-Dec. 26                      Dates: Aug. 30-Dec. 27             Dates: Sep. 2-Dec. 30
Time: 8:00-10:00am                          Time: 7:00-9:00pm                  Time: 7:00-9:00pm
(No session on 10/10)                       (No session on 9/6 )               (No session on 11/25)
Session: 11414.2A                            Session: 11414.2B                  Session: 11414.2C

                                     Adult Pick-Up Volleyball
These pick-up games are primarily for residents but volleyball enthusiasts from other communities are
welcome as space allows (determined by the gym supervisor). All ability levels welcome. Different
teams selected each week. Pre-registration is required in order to hold your spot and is good for the
dates listed. You must be out of high school and a minimum of 18 years old. Please bring a dark and a
white shirt.
Leader: Louise Tammaro, FCP Staff                                 Location: FES Gym
Date: Mondays, October 18-December 20                             Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Fee: $40 punch card purchased at the door. Cash and check only (punch card does not expire).
Session: 11414.2D

                                          Adult Pickleball
Pickleball is a fun game played on a badminton court with a low 34-inch net at the center. It’s easy for
beginners to learn and can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players.
This is a great workout and a great way to meet new friends. Pre-registration not required.
Leaders: Community Volunteers                              Location: Mason-Motz, Gym
Tuesday Nights                                             Friday Nights                        .
Dates: Oct. 19-Dec. 28                                     Dates: Oct. 22-Dec.17
Time: 7:00-9:00pm                                          Time: 6:00-8:00pm
  Fee: $40 punch card purchased at the door. Cash and check only (punch card does not expire).

                                Seniors 55+ - Tuesdays &Thursdays
                               Dates: Oct.5-Dec.23
                               Time: 1:00-3:00pm
                               Fee: FREE!

Please be mindful that programming is subject to change due to the uncertainty of the current pan-
demic situation. FCP closely monitors and follows federal and state CDC guidelines and recommenda-
tions which may result in programming modifications and/or cancellations. Additionally, some pro-
gramming may require masks indoors regardless of vaccination status and specific off-site program-
ming may inquire about vaccination status. We appreciate your understanding and coopera-
tion. Thank you.
                                                            FCP Staff

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
14          Community Health & Awareness
                                          ATV Safety Class
Participation in the ATV education course will teach you how to properly operate and maintain an ATV.
We will cover the laws, personal safety, use of maps, and rider’s responsibilities pertaining to the envi-
ronment, landowners, and ethics. You must be in attendance for the entire class and pass the final ex-
am to receive your certificate. Sponsored by and certificates provided by Maine Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife. Please note: Persons 10-16 years of age must complete this course in order to
legally operate an ATV. All Students 16 years and younger must be accompanied by a parent or
guardian. All Students 17 years and younger must have parental consent to attend the class. This is
done by signing the registration card at the start of class. All discounts included in fee. Min: 6 Max: 12
Instructor: Dave White                                        Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Date: Saturday, October 2                                     Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Fee: $5                                                       Session: 11522.2A
                                     Community First Aid & CPR
Learn the proper action steps that can be applied in any emergency. Upon successful completion, par-
ticipants will receive a two year certificate in Standard First Aid and/or Adult/Child/Infant CPR from the
American Heart Association.
Instructor: Kate Harris                                       Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Fee: $54 per session
Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED                                    Basic First Aid
Date: Tuesday, October 19                                     Date: Tuesday, October 26
Time: 5:00-9:30pm                                             Time: 5:00-9:00pm
Session: 11511.2A                                             Session: 11511.2B

                            Senior Outdoor Adventures in Recreation
Let’s continue to S.O.A.R. this fall. If you enjoy getting outdoors and exploring, join us the second and
fourth Thursdays* (typically) of the month for some outdoor adventures in our own backyard. We will
visit Falmouth’s Open Space properties for trail hikes and discover how and why the properties were
conserved, learn about the management goals of each property, a little about the flora and fauna and
just enjoy some fresh air and “socially distanced” camaraderie. Make sure to dress appropriately for the
weather, bring hiking staff or poles, water and a snack. Please no dogs. Pre-registration required as lo-
cations will be determined as the date approaches. A minimum of 4 participants for walks to be sched-
uled required. Register online or contact FCP office at 699-5302 or fcp@falmouthme.org
Leader: Amanda Stearns, Open Space Manager & Caleb Hemphill, OS Property Steward
Locations: Meet at trail head parking. Participants will receive location and directions one week prior via
email or phone.
Dates: September 9, 23 October 14, 28 November 10 (Wednesday), December 9
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm (Times may vary from property to property)
Session: 31305.2A

                            Guided Walks with Falmouth Land Trust
The Falmouth Land Trust is excited to host guided walks on their beautiful properties once again. Join
us on the 3rd weekend of each month, a Maine Master Naturalist will be leading a guided nature walk
in Falmouth. Additional walks will be planned throughout the winter and continuing into 2022. If you
would like to attend one of these events, please email: aperry@falmouthlandtrust.org. Emailing ahead
of time helps to plan for the right number of people and it enables us to contact you if an event is can-
celled due to weather.

Hurricane Valley Farm                 Morrill-Stillings Farm          McCrann/McLaughlin Preserve
Date: Saturday, September 25          Date: Saturday, October 23      Date: Friday, November 26
Time:10:00 am                         Time:10:00 am                   Time:1:00 pm

          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
                                                                          *PARTICIPANT First Name:                    *Last Name:
                                                                          *Address:                                                  Falmouth, ME 04105 *Day/Cell Phone:

                                                                          Non-resident Town/Zip:                                                              *Night Phone:
                                                                          School Attending:                       Grade September 2021        M/F Age Now           *Birthdate:

                                                                          SPECIAL NEEDS OR CONCERNS:                                             *E-mail:
                                                                          *EMERGENCY CONTACT:                                                          *PHONE:
              The undersigned hereby releases and holds harmless the Town of Falmouth, Falmouth Community Programs (FCP) and its agents and employees from and against any and all suits, actions and damage arising out of, con-
              nected with, or resulting from participation in this program/event sponsored by Falmouth Community Programs. The undersigned further authorizes anyone working for FCP to call for medical care for any participant if,
              in the opinion of the program supervisor, medical attention is needed. In addition, FCP is given permission to use your or your child’s photograph in any FCP promotional material such as brochures, flyers or videos.
                                                                          *Participant/Parent Signature:                              PRINT Name:                                        *Birthdate:

                                                                                         STOP! Have you checked out our        *Denotes required information for ALL participants including adults.
                                                                                           on-line registration option?                 Parents please make sure you have signed this form.
                                                                                           Go to www.falmouthme.org                   We cannot process the registration without a signature.

                                                                                              Course Name                      Session Code          Fee

                                                                                                                                                                     Payment can be made by check made
                                                                                                                                                                     out to the TOWN OF FALMOUTH or by
                                                                                                                                                                     credit card. If paying by credit card,
                                                                                                                                                                     please fill out the following information:

                                                                                                                                                                     Card #__________________________

                                                                                                                                                                     Exp Mo/Yr ___________________
                                                                                                                                                                     Card Security Code ______________

                                                                                                                                                                     Signature of Card Holder

Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org

For Office Use Only:
                                                   Tally:                                        Reg Input:                  C & Ch Log:                        Amt:                                      Check No:
16                           Early Release Days
                                             Games Galore
                                                  Gr. 3-5
Children will spend the afternoon improving their fitness levels, self-esteem and group cooperation. Em-
phasis is on FUN, participation, creativity, and cooperation. Participants will develop personal, interper-
sonal skills, use critical thinking and problem solving skills all while having FUN. Sneakers and comfort-
able, loose clothing are required. Please send a water bottle & healthy snack.
Leader: Kim Wilson                                            Location: FES Large gym
Time: 1:30-3:00pm                                             Fee: $20 per session
Session 1: 41311.2A Wednesday, Sept. 22                       Session 2: 41311.2B Wednesday, Oct. 6
Session 3: 41311.2C Wednesday, Oct. 20                        Session 4: 41311.2D Wednesday, Nov. 3
Session 5: 41311.2E Wednesday, Dec. 1                         Session 6: 41311.2F Wednesday, Dec. 15
Max: 20 participants

                                   SPARK! Wilderness Girls Club
                                                Gr. K-3
Nature-based workshops for girls aimed to SPARK! curiosity and comfort in the natural world. Students
will gain a sense of adventure and exploration skills and become responsible stewards of Falmouth’s
wild places. We will meet in the outdoor classrooms and woods around FES. Some days we will travel
to explore wild places within the community such as Riverpoint, Suckfish Brook or other hidden gems.
Leader: Rae-a Moughty, Registered Maine Guide             Location: FES
Time: 1:30-3:30pm                                         Fee: $30 per session
Session 1: 41316.2A Wednesday, Sept. 22                   Session 2: 41316.2B Wednesday, Oct. 6
Session 3: 41316.2C Wednesday, Oct. 20                    Session 4: 41316.2D Wednesday, Nov. 3
Session 5: 41316.2E Wednesday, Dec. 1                     Session 6: 41316.2F Wednesday, Dec. 15
Min: 6          Max: 12

                           No School Day FUN!
                                              Around Town
                                               Gr. K-6
No school today, but don’t worry, we have you covered! Come spend the day with us as we go bowling
and then to different parks and playgrounds around the area.
Leader: FCP Staff                                         Location: Mason-Motz Activity
Date: Friday, October 8                                   Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Fee: $61                                                  Session: 41032.2B
Min: 10         Max: 26

                                  Jump, Jump, Jump Around
                                                Gr. K-6
What do you get when you combine games in the gym, arts & crafts and then throw in a trip to Urban
Air? A fun-filled day for everyone. Come join us as we spend the day playing and just being kids.
Leader: FCP Staff                                          Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Date: Friday, November 12                                  Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Fee: $61                                                   Session: 41032.2A
Min: 10          Max: 26

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
Afterschool Enrichment                                                            17
                                      Advanced Basketball Clinic
                                               Gr. 4 & 5
The Advanced Basketball Clinic is geared toward players who understand the basics and can grasp
more advanced drills and concepts. The goal is to improve your basketball IQ and improve skills. Ses-
sions will include ball handling, passing, shooting, and defensive drills along with competitive 3 vs. 3
games. Please bring two basketballs and a water bottle with your name on it.
Coach: John Carter, FCP Staff                                     Location: FES, Gym
Date: Fridays, September 10-October 15                            Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Fee: $78                                                          Min: 12         Max: 20
Session: 41130.2A

                                            Musical Theatre
                                            Gr. K-2
Explore the wonderful world of Broadway in this fun and lively class! Students will learn songs and
dances from popular shows. This high energy class strengthens coordination, encourages creativity,
and improves self esteem.
Instructor: Barry Brinker                                      Location: FES, Multi-Purpose Gym
Date: Mondays, September 13-November 8                        Time: 3:15-4:15pm
(No class October 11)                                         Fee: $80
Session: 41033.2A                                             Min: 10         Max: 20

                                     Fun Chefs Cooking Academy
                                                 Gr. 1-5
Each week participants will prepare delicious recipes and create a journal/cookbook to keep and bring
home to show off their new skills. Participants will learn the art of cooking along with lessons in nutrition,
sanitation, geography, and culinary math.
Leader: Fun Chef’s staff                                             Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Date: Mondays, September 13-October 18                               Time: 3:30-4:30pm
(No class October 11)                                                Fee: $112
Session: 41053.2A                                                    Min: 10         Max: 20

                                               Garden Club
                                                 Gr. 2-4
Do you enjoy exploring the outdoors and the gardens on campus? Be a part of the garden community
at FES this fall and help with the final harvest, cook some simple snacks, see what it takes to put the
garden to "bed" for the winter, and plant bulbs that will color the grounds in the spring.
Instructor: Farmer Justin Deri & Rachel Solomon                    Location: Hoop House
Date: Wednesdays, September 15-October 27                         Time: 3:15-4:30 pm
(1:30-4:30 on Early Release: 9/22, 10/6 & 20)                     Fee: $92
Session: 41046.2A                                                 Min: 6             Max: 14

                                         Brick By Brick Maine
                                  Lego Woodland Creatures, Gr K-3
Join us as we investigate Maine animals and their habitats! Our Lego builds will include a friendly fox, a
hairy hedgehog and a rambunctious rabbit. Class begins with a short lesson specific to the theme, fol-
lowed by students creating their own build of the week. Once complete, students can free build with a
huge assortment of Lego bricks!
Instructor: Brick by Brick Maine Staff                      Location: FES
Date: Wednesdays, September 15-December 8                  Time: 3:15-4:15 pm
(No class on Early Release Days)                           Fee: $96
Session: 41050.2A

          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
18               More Afterschool Enrichment
                                       Afterschool PE, Gr. 1-3
Physical activity is a necessary part of daily life for children of all ages. This class will focus on physical
activity, games, and fun. Please pack an extra snack and water bottle as we will be burning lots of calo-
ries and going outside to capture that fresh air.
Instructor: Jen Doe                                             Location: FES, Multipurpose Gym
Time: 3:15-4:15pm                                               Fee: $48
Session 1: 41010.2A                                             Session 2: 41010.2B
Date: Thursdays, September 23-October 21                        Date: Thursdays, October 28-December 9
                                                                (No class on November 11 & 25)
                                     Earthscapades, Gr. K-2
From the creepy crawlies that live on the surface of the beautiful gems buried way deep….learn all
there is to know about the Earth.
Instructor: High Touch/High Tech Staff                                 Location: FES, Room
Date: Thursdays, September 23 – October 21                             Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Fee: $90                                                               Session: 41059.2A
                                           Girl Pop, Gr. 2-5
Calling all future female pop stars! Join Ms. Hansen and explore current woman artists of pop. We will
add fun moves and do an informal concert during the last session. Come sing!
Instructor: Diana Hansen                                                 Location: FES, Music Room
Date: Thursdays, October 7-December 9                                    Time: 3:15-4:15pm
(No class November 11 & 25)                                              Fee: $89
Session: 41056.2A
                            Mad Science Innovation-Nation, Gr. K-4
Embark upon a quest for alternative energy and experiment with solar power and fuel cells. Explore the
planet’s atmosphere and make a meteorological station. Learn about robots as you laugh hysterically at
an animated automaton. Learn the principles of radar technology, and so much more!
Instructor: Mad Science Staff                                           Location: FES, Rm
Date: Tuesdays, October 12-December 7                                   Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Fee: $126                                                               Session: 41415.2A

                                 Mixed Media Workshop, Gr. 1-2
We will experiment with different types of painting, some hand-building with clay, and we'll get outside to
do some drawing in nature. The little artist workshop will give students a chance to experiment with dif-
ferent media and create their own masterpieces.
Instructor: Kirsten Hackett                                                Location: FES, Room B109
Date: Tuesdays, November 2-30                                              Time: 3:15-4:30pm
Fee: $84                                                                   Session: 41027.2B
                                Engineering and Energy, Gr. 3-5
Learn all about physics from Newton to flight, light, and electricity. Find ROY G BIV, launch a rocket and
Instructor: High Touch/High Tech Staff                       Location: FES, Rm
Date: Thursdays, November 4-December 9                       Time: 3:15-4:15 pm
(No class November 11 & 25)                                  Fee: $90
Session: 41059.2B
                                       Yoga for Kids, Gr. 3-5
Yoga comes to life in this fun, energetic, and creative class. Explore yoga poses, breathing exercises,
and imaginative story telling in a class that promotes body awareness, motor coordination, flexibility,
and positive thinking.
Instructor: Barry Brinker                                   Location: FES, Music Room C110
Date: Mondays, November 22-December 20                      Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Fee: $62                                                    Session: 41042.2A

          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
Preschool Activities                                                       19
                                          Little Tikes Tennis
                                                 Ages 4-7
Come experience the joy of tennis: throwing, running, jumping, catching, swinging and hitting. Children
will learn the fundamentals of this lifetime sport in a safe and enjoyable way. Equipment is scaled down
to be size and age appropriate. Players use modified equipment (nets, racquets, and balls) while the
emphasis is on having FUN! Please bring your own racquet.              Min: 6       Max: 10
Instructor: St. Peter’s Grand Slam Tennis Staff                Location: Huston Tennis Courts
Date: Tuesdays, August 31-September 28                         Time: 4:00-4:45pm
Fee: $65                                                       Session: 41611.2A
4 classes                                                       (No class on September 7)
   Parents/Caregiver must accompany their children for all Little Tikes Programs. Participants
        must wear sneakers to play tennis! Transportation is not provided for this program!

                                            Preschool Dance
                                               Ages 3-5
Come join our exciting introduction to movement class. In this 8 week session, kids will have the oppor-
tunity to find new ways to move their body and express themselves while also focusing on honing in on
their motor skills and coordination. Not only will your child be practicing a variety of dance styles, but
also using imagination and creativity to play fun games, practice listening skills, and learning to focus
alongside other dancers. Miss Lauren has been dancing for over 12 years and is eager to share her
knowledge of dance and have fun. Parents are always welcome to stay nearby for the duration of the
class but are not required to be present.
Instructor: Lauren Benson                                    Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Date: Mondays, September 13-November 1                       Time: 1:30-2:15pm
Fee: $68                                                     Session: 41623.2A

                   Middle School Enrichment
                                     Middle School Fitness Fun
Don’t know what to do on the early release days? Here’s a way to stay busy and have some fun at the
same time. This program will encourage fitness through a mix of group movement games as well as
fitness interval training focused on both cardio and strength. Students should bring a snack, water and
exercise mat.
Instructor: Celeste Long                                    Location: FMS small gym
Time: 1:00-2:30pm                                           Fee: $22
Session 1: 41541.2A Wednesday, Sept. 22                     Session 2: 41541.2B Wednesday, Oct. 6
Session 3: 41541.2C Wednesday, Oct. 20                      Session 4: 41541.2D Wednesday, Nov. 3
Session 5: 41541.2E Wednesday, Dec. 1                       Session 6: 41541.2F Wednesday, Dec. 15

                                          Babysitting Course
                                              Ages 11-14
Participants age 11 and older will learn about the responsibilities of babysitting while obtaining all safety
requirements. Topics include security, fire safety, emergency procedures, first aid, child care, amuse-
ment of children and more. Upon completion, participants will receive American Red Cross certification.
Please bring a bag lunch and snacks. Full attendance mandatory.
Instructor: Megan Shean                                     Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm                                         Fee: $78
Session 1: 41512.2A                                         Session 2: 41512.2B
Date: Saturday, September 18                                Date: Saturday, October 2
Min: 8       Max: 14

         Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
20                                     Martial Arts
                                Falmouth Martial Arts, Ages 3 & Up
This Martial Arts program imparts traditional Taekwondo which enhances character development skills
such as respect, integrity, courtesy, self-confidence, self-esteem and friendship. Whether the goal for
your child is to achieve better grades in school, gain self-control, improve confidence, increase fitness
or engage in competition, Falmouth Martial Arts is ready to help your child be successful! Uniforms are
included for first time FMA students.
Instructor: FMA Staff                  Location: Mason-Motz Activity Center               Fee: $170
Session 5- Little Ninjas Mon/Wed Ages 3-6               Session 6 - Little Ninjas Mon/Wed Ages 3-6
Date: Mon. & Wed., September 13-November 3              Date: Mon. & Wed., November 8-December 22
Time: 5:00-5:30pm                                       Time: 5:00-5:30pm
Session:41142.2A                                        Session: 41142.2C
Session 5 - Little Ninjas Tues/Thurs Ages 3-6           Session 6 - Little Ninjas Ages 3-6
Date: Tues. & Thurs., September 14-November 4           Date: Tues. & Thurs., November 9-December 23
Time: 5:00-5:30pm                                       Time: 5:00-5:30pm
Session: 41142.2B                                       Session 41142.2D
                                       Beginner Class ~ Fee: $180
Session 5 - Beginner Mon/Wed Ages 6-14                  Session 6 - Beginner Mon/Wed Ages 6-14
Date: Mon. & Wed., September 13-November 3              Date: Mon. & Wed., November 8-December 22
Time: 5:30-6:00pm                                       Time: 5:30-6:00pm
Session: 41134.2A                                       Session: 41134.2C
Session 5- Beginner Tues/Thurs Ages 6-14                Session 6 - Beginner Tues/Thurs Ages 6-14
Date: Tues. & Thurs., September 14-November 4           Date: Tues.& Thurs, November 9-December 23
Time: 5:30-6:00pm                                       Time: 5:30-6:00pm
Session: 41134.2B                                       Session: 41134.2D
                                      Advanced Classes ~ Fee: $200
Session 5 - Advanced                                    Session 6 - Advanced
Date: Mon-Thurs., September 13-November 4               Date: Mon-Thurs., November 8-December 23
Time: 6:00-6:45pm                                       Time: 6:00-6:45pm
Session: 41136.2A                                       Session: 41136.2B

                                      Youth Sports
                            Fall Falmouth Striders - Gr.5 (6 openings)
                             (As listed in the Summer 2021 Brochure)
This running program for youngsters is similar to cross-country running, but without the difficult terrain.
The group practices on Mondays with meets in the Coastal Running League held on Wednesdays (final
meet is on a weekend day). A schedule of the meets will be forwarded to participants at the first prac-
tice. Meets are held at approximately 4:15pm. A bus will pick-up and drop-off ALL participants at Fal-
mouth Elementary School on meet days. No refunds after August 29. There will be a mandatory par-
ent meeting on September 7 at 6pm at the Mason-Motz Activity Center.
Coach: Alice Outslay, Head Coach                                    Location: Falmouth School Complex
Date: Mon. & Wed., September 8-October 18                           Practice Time: 3:10-4:15pm
Fee: $86                                                            Session: 41118.2C
Max: 15
 Striders shirts are available for $15.00. You must purchase a shirt if you do not already have one. Please indi-
                  cate your shirt size on the registration form. Sizes are Youth S-L and Adult S-L.

                      Shawnee Peak Ski Program Dates ~ Gr. 4-12
                (Registration will be in the 2021-22 Winter/Spring Brochure)
                            Dates: January 13-February 17, 2022

          Falmouth Community Programs, 190 Middle Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105 www.falmouthme.org
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