Page created by Warren Medina
PRELUDE   Changing customer demands and new competitors disrupt the
               Captive Finance and Mobility Service business heavily.

               P L AT F O R M B U S I N E S S A R E K E Y L E V E R S F O R

               This point of view provides insights on how Captives can
               leverage the latest disruptions to their advantage to remain
               relevant by 2030 and why business model transformation is key
               to meeting customer expectations in a digitized world. ​

               We bring our industry insight and multi-disciplinary expertise
               to support Captives on their transformation journey.​

Disruptive trends and changing customer needs ......................................................... 4

Building future capabilities ............................................................................................ 9

Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 12

How to become a leader with a platform ecosystem by 2030 ..................................... 16

About Us ............................................................................................................................ 17

The traditional business model of Captives will face forces of
disruption. In particular, each of the following six trends will have a
significant impact.

      Captives recorded double digit growth in the past years and are the most
      profitable companies in the banking sector. The financial subsidiaries of the
      automotive brands are the profit drivers for their parent companies. Yet,
      disruptive trends put them under pressure and raise the question of
      whether Captives’ traditional business model is still viable in the future.1

01         Urbanization &
           Sustainability                              02            Connected
                                                                     Services                                    03         Autonomous
According to the United Nations, global                The introduction of 5G will be the                        Worldwide up to 15% of new cars sold
population is projected to increase to                 foundation for realizing the whole                        in 2030 could be fully autonomous
around 8.5 billion by 2030, more than                  potential of Internet of Things5 –                        when the technological and regulatory
60% of whom will live in urban areas.2                 5G combined with an integrated                            issues have been solved.5 As soon as
Urbanization leads to increased traffic;               telematics interface will accelerate the                  autonomous driving reaches its final
hence city dwellers and commuters’                     development of connected services                         level of maturity, the potential pool
urge for fast and reliable ways of                     and related revenue structures.                           of users for the same car will be close
mobility. Over the last two years,                                                                               to infinite. As a result, vehicle users
                                                       Flat-rate fees for vehicles could then
there has been 20% compound annual                                                                               and vehicle owners will be no longer
                                                       cover the costs of automotive mobility
growth in car-sharing members in                                                                                 identical. ​
                                                       as well as the use of entertainment
Germany (compare figure 1), which can
                                                       services, for instance.                                   The technology will improve the
be attributed to urbanization.3​
                                                                                                                 customer experience of mobility
                                                        In this scenario, minute-accurate
Moreover, urbanization forces cities to                                                                          services significantly as autonomous
                                                        real-time billing for driver-specific
provide ecological travel alternatives                                                                           cars can be easier coordinated and
                                                        insurances is also conceivable.
to reduce carbon emissions according                                                                             provide door-to-door journeys.
to legal constraints. Also among                                                                                 Through connected services and
consumers a significant trend towards                                                                            AI, autonomous cars may be able to
ecological behavior can be recognized.4​                                                                         transport customers with low lead
                                                                                                                 times and provide faster trips from A
                                                                                                                 to B in real time.

1, Autobanken mit Rekordergebnis, 2019
2 UN, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division – World Urbanization Prospects 2018, 2018
3 Statista: Carsharing Users in Germany between 2008 and 2019, 2019
4 Business News Daily: Most Consumers Want Sustainable Products and Packaging, 2019
5, 5G and IoT: Ushering in a new era, 2019

Figure 1: Number of newly registered electric
     vehicles and plug-in hybrids worldwide
     Source: Statista 2019

                                                                                                   VEHICLE USAGE

                                                                                                 Driven by health and safety
                                                                                                  concerns resulting from
                                                                                                  COVID-19, customers are
                                                                                                       veering towards
                                                                                                     individual mobility⁹

04            New Distribution
              Models                                  05            Electric
                                                                    Mobility                     06         Flexible Mobility
Customers’ preferences for a seamless                 In 2018, the number of electric vehicles   In recent years, many consumers
online and offline experience as well                 globally rose by approximately 64%.7       started to enjoy services that enable
as the desire of companies to obtain                  For 2030 the compound annual growth        flexible access to assets, providing a
a 360° view of their customers are                    rate is forecasted to increase up to       real alternative to ownership. ​
resulting in new distribution models                  88% (compare figure 1).
                                                                                                 New ways of car usage which rival
like direct sales. In order to not exclude
                                                      New uncertainties like the provision       traditional car ownership are emerging.
dealers from the business, agency
                                                      of charging infrastructure or the sales    Car subscriptions, flexible contracts
models6 are emerging – especially in
                                                      of used electric cars will arise from      and special offers are all highly
the battery electric vehicle sector.​
                                                      that trend. Especially electric used car   customer centric and fixing customer
It becomes obvious that separated                     business bears a lot of uncertainties      pain points.9 ​
customer journeys are no longer                       due to missing benchmarks.
                                                                                                 As technological advancement,
conceivable, but must be integrated
                                                      In addition, subscription models           on-demand solutions and tailored
to strengthen the future market
                                                      become particularly popular in the         experiences became available to
positions of all parties – OEM, Captive
                                                      field of electric mobility as many         customers, they come to value the
and Dealer. To survive, all three
                                                      customers are still uncertain about        convenience of flexibility and low
parties must take up on new roles and
                                                      owning an electric vehicle (compare        responsibility they offer.
collaborate more closely.
                                                      Capgemini Car Subscription Survey).8

6 Automobilwoche, Agenturmodell im Autohandel, 2020
7 Statista: Number of existing electric vehicles worldwide, 2019
8 Capgemini Car Subscription Survey, 2019
9 Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, 04/2020

Generation Z will shape the future of mobility. Now is the time to learn
more about its needs to meet the expectations.
Generation Z sets                                        Generation Z wants                             Generation Z wants
the course for the future                                to stay in control                             to stay connected
As addressed in the previous chapter                     Gen Z is reaching the threshold of             Generation Z, who grew up in a hyper-
the traditional customer journey                         its prime spending years and has               connected world, a
                                                                                                                         ​ ttaches great
is blurring, which is attributed to                      high demands when it comes to                  importance to connectivity.13​
Generation Z (or Gen Z), who were                        the usage of product and services –
                                                                                                        Generation Z wants to be heard and
born between 1995 and 2015. Even                         simplicity, flexibility, transparency and
                                                                                                        to exchange its views and opinions
though, people of this generation are                    on-demand availability is key to them.12
                                                                                                        with both its peers and companies.
propagated to be bicycle riders and                      People of that generation prefer
                                                                                                        Channels which enable customer-
public transportation commuters, a                       staying in control of their expenses
                                                                                                        to-customer communication like
large portion of this generation is keen                 which is why complex products like car
                                                                                                        ratings & comments are highly valued
to get behind the wheel just as much                     financing or insurances are becoming
                                                                                                        product features.​
as their parents and grand parents.10                    less attractive to them.​
Especially as through the pandemic                                                                      Furthermore, a direct communication
                                                         As of today, very successful
COVID-19 the need for individual                                                                        channel to the company, which is quick
                                                         comparison platforms like Check24
mobility increased.​                                                                                    and easy to use, gives customers the
                                                         excel in fulfilling these ​needs in
                                                                                                        feeling that their opinion matters.
Generation Z has a significant                           presenting a wide range of products
                                                                                                        Moreover, it provides companies with
preference for living in urban areas                     while providing the best prices
                                                                                                        prompt feedback that can be used
and its preferences differ a lot to older                and direct comparison between
                                                                                                        to customize their offerings to fit its
generations (Gen X, born between                         providers in real-time. Future younger
                                                                                                        customer needs.14 ​
1965 and 1979, and the Baby Boomers,                     generations will expect the same
born between 1944 and 1964) – while                      standards when it comes to mobility –          ​ en Z will prefer a complete digital
older cohorts favor the ownership of                     and car subscription is the first step         experience with access to all products
luxury cars, Gen Z instead prefers a                     towards it.                                    and services via one digital platform of
flexible mobility enablement.11​                                                                        choice (compare figure 2).

         CHARACTERISTICS                                                                                       EXPECTATIONS
                                                                  Generation Z
           Tech Savvy                                             grew up in a                          Personalization of services
                                                              hyper-connected world
           Difficult to satisfy                                                                               Simplicity and flexibility

           Socially active                                                                                  On-demand availability

           Seek inter                                                                                Seamless customer experience

               Figure 2: Post-millennial profile: Generation Z; Source: Capgemini Financial Services Analysis, 2019

10 Transunion, Millenial Credit Study, 2017
11 Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, 04/2020
12 Entrepreneur Europe, 3 Tips to Keep Millennials Engaged, 2019
13; Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z explained, 2019
14 Lyfe Marketing, The Solution to Connecting with Marketing to Millenials, 2019

Personalization is                                        Implications of trends and customer needs, as well
key to reach Gen Z                                        as key areas in which Captives must take action
Younger generations expect
                                                           •     Urbanization as well as customers’ need for simplicity, convenience
personalized experiences tailored
                                                                 and flexibility pushes Captives to include alternative offerings like car
to their needs. As their needs are
                                                                 subscription or car sharing into their business model in order to not
constantly changing, they expect
                                                                 lose the customer touchpoint.
products to change with them. They
want to be treated individually with                       •     Due to electric mobility, Captives may find it increasingly difficult to
their specific preferences addressed.                            forecast accurate residual values for their fleet, which poses a risk
                                                                 to their asset-based business model. Hence, recycling and second life
A crucial component when delivering
                                                                 business models are going to become lucrative market segments.
personalized experience is guiding
customers through all phases of a                          •     Captives need to utilize collected customer data more efficiently. It
user journey. Treating each member of                            will provide them with new value propositions, business models and
the younger generations as a unique                              help them innovate. Yet, data safety must remain a priority to build
individuals and providing outstanding                            trust and loyalty with customers.
user experience to them, will
                                                           •     Intuitive mobility is the future – combining car connectivity, new
encourage them to return.16
                                                                 shared services as well as autonomous driving will fascinate customers.
Nike, Levi’s and other retail companies
                                                           •     Captives need to focus on brand equity, when providing direct-to-
are forerunners when it comes to
                                                                 consumer products in the future. Trust, customer satisfaction,
providing individualized customization
                                                                 and sustainability are important metrics consumers use to make
programs through their web site.
                                                                 purchasing decisions.
Customers can alter mass products
to match their personal aspirations.                       •     Customers are better informed and more sophisticated than ever
Such customization programs                                      and will set the pace for mobility. They will choose products and services
help millennials to express their                                by criteria (like personalization), which Captives are not competing with
individuality and set themselves apart                           yet, but need to focus on in order to survive.
from others.17
                                                           •     The traditional customer journey will vanish – instead unlimited door-
                                                                 to-door user journeys per service from one single platform will
Data security builds                                             unfold. Fit-for-purpose mobility solutions is an interesting area for
loyalty with Gen Z                                               Captives to extend their product portfolio to.

Comparison platforms, personalization
tools as well as customer product

                                                           “ Byto anticipate
reviews all require personal customer
data. The collection of personalized                              2030 it will be important more than ever
data can be a potential pitfall as 65% of
respondents would stop using a brand                                            customer needs and approach
that was dishonest about how it was
using their data.18                                              them individually.
Furthermore, 49% of respondents
would not engage with a service or
application that experienced a recent
data breach.19

16 Samsung, Case Study: Connecting With Millennials Through Personalization, 2017
17 FinancesOnline, Understanding The Rise of Personalized Products Ecommerce, 2020
18 Acquia, Data privacy survey, 2019
19, Consumer are more concerned with data privacy in 2018, 2018

“Captives cautiously are
taking first steps in adapting
to new market

08   © Capgemini Invent 2020
Captives started building the required capabilities towards becoming a
mobility powerhouse – still they hesitate to take a pioneering role.

Weekly news of intentions to partner, new mobility concepts                     Captives started extending their product and service
to serve customers’ demand or start-ups that already left the                   portfolio within various market segments, entering
market again, create the impression that there is a green field                 cooperations with peers or investing in start-ups. Still the
in the industry where providers are still in an enthusiastic                    amount of third-party players within the mobility start-up
testing phase, being motivated by failing fast rather than                      landscape is much larger than that of Captives and their
missing the trend. Between 2014 and 2019, the investment                        OEMs (compare figure 3). Especially, in Germany investments
volume into mobility services was sevenfold higher than                         into mobility are reasonably low compared to the United
between 2010 and 2013.20                                                        States, China or Israel.21

Car Sharing
Parking & Charging
Other services

                                      Amount of OEM/Captive providers​                           Amount of third-party players​

         Figure 3: Sample selection of mobility companies that Captives, OEMs or third parties either invested in or created

       The amount of third-party players within the mobility start-up landscape
       exceeds that of Captives and their OEMs.21

20 Statista, Annual average worldwide investments in mobility start-ups, 2019
21 Automotive World, US leads global investment in mobility start-ups, 2019

Developments in start-up                            single offers. These holistic umbrella      cooperations. Thorough negotiations
                                                    brands are primarily initiated by the       are key to staying in the ownership and
investments                                         large OEMs.                                 can take a long time. ​
Captives are already acquiring
                                                                                                Another reason, is the IT landscape
interesting start-ups or entering                   OEMs already started                        legacy, which creates a burden for
into cooperations. These steps open
new possibilities: Toyota Financial                 building platforms                          Captives to fully emerge given the right
                                                                                                opportunities. It is very expensive and
Services, for instance, invested in                 As Daimler and BMW joined forces,22         difficult to reach a seamless technical
Faxi, which enable them to establish a              it became clear that even giants need       integration without partnerships.​
Toyota-branded, real-time carpooling                to bring their knowledge together in
platform. Such investments make                     order to have a chance to win the race      Furthermore, the operating model
Captives’ main business – being the                 in the next decade. While Captives          and business model of OEMs and
fleet and data manager for their OEMs               are involved in parts of the offerings      Captives are increasingly blurring. As
– redundant.                                        on the platform, they do not have a         the illustration of mobility investments
                                                    leading role, yet.                          show (compare figure 3), both, OEMs
Moreover, there are no limits to
                                                                                                and Captives, try to strengthen their
partnerships anymore when it comes                  The Volkswagen Group started                competitive position through mobility
to potential investment areas: With                 building an ecosystem under the brand       offerings, but the future roles of both
the Share companies – different                     name Volkswagen We that includes            organizations in this ecosystem have
on-demand mobility services like car                different services like parking, charging   not been defined yet.​
sharing, ride hailing, parking and others           and the delivery of packages in the
– Daimler and BMW provide already the               trunk. Also Daimler has an ecosystem        Another major hesitancy occurs in the
technology and interface to customers               of services known as Mercedes Me            talent acquisition. Not only cost-cutting
in cities. Captives and OEMs who have               that includes services like door-to-door    measures, but the general war for
always stood for their established                  navigation and the control of a vehicle     talents – especially, for experts in new
and well-known brand, seem to also                  from an app.                                technologies – makes it increasingly
become the silent partner of others.                                                            difficult to hire the right people.​
                                                    While OEMs are beginning to bundle
As there is no single service provider              various services, Captives have been        At the same time, regulations and
reaching the majority of market share,              hesitant to take a pioneering role          the legal set-up makes them more
we are still in the era of testing, failing         and set the course for the future           cautious and risk averse. Especially,
and joining forces. Although services,              proactively.                                automotive banks are monitored by
such as subscription models are                                                                 regulatory institutions, which leads
dominating mobility trends, it is still                                                         to the need to balance the increasing
not clear if customers will apply and               Reasons for hesitation                      regulatory effort with new business
demand them as expected by OEMs                     of Captives to take a                       opportunities. ​
and Captives.                                       pioneering role                             Last but not least, there is a strong
Depending on the overall strategy                   ​ artnerships still create the fear
                                                    P                                           dependency on the OEM, which in
of each firm, mobility services differ              of losing data ownership and the            turn is challenged by the power of the
a lot in their maturity level. While                associated direct customer contact          dealer network. These circumstances
some providers have already initiated               with third parties, which is why            lead to internal political affairs and
a whole umbrella brand, other firms                 Captives cautiously enter into              often impede quick decision-making.
are still fragmentedly investing in

22 orange by Handelsblatt, DriveNow und Car2Go werden ShareNow, 2019

The future of Captives                                      business models and services in              The core competence of Captives is
                                                            close alignment with the OEM                 customer centricity, therefore they
As already touched upon in our
                                                                                                         should not only invest and cooperate
Captive Finance Study 2.0, Captives                    •    Digital mobility platform –
                                                                                                         with partners fragmentally, but also
need to map their future role. From                         developing and offering new
                                                                                                         bring together many relevant mobility
the suggested four possible business                        innovative services, not just for
                                                                                                         services on the same platform, which
models, Captives need to carefully                          one OEM but as a platform for
                                                                                                         will ultimately translate into more
evaluate their strategic position                           the industry
(compare figure 4).
                                                       As it is the most disruptive and
The possible business model as                         innovative business model for Captives,         “ In the future, the supreme
described in the study are:                            this point of view focuses on the                discipline for Captives will
                                                       digital mobility platform provider and           be creating an ecosystem
•      Multi-brand Captive – the
                                                       evaluates the four possible roles within
       Captive might offer financial
                                                       that business model.                             based on a platform to
       products for a different brand
       in addition to those for its own                The best example of a platform and
                                                                                                        deliver a seamless customer
       OEM                                             ecosystem business model is Amazon               experience and scale its own
•      Traditional Captive –staying
                                                       that evaluates relevant customer data            business”
                                                       to present personalized offers to the
       competitive by improving
                                                       customer. If Captives were Amazon,
       operations across the business
                                                       they would know that customers
•      Internal innovator and partner                  buying a baby car seat need to be
       for mobility – driving new                      offered a family van.

                                              Internal Innovator and                        Digital
                                               Partner for Mobility
                                                                                       Mobility Platform
                                               OEM supporting                          OEM independent

                                               Traditional Captive                        Multi-brand Captive

                                                   Figure 4: Possible future roles of Captives23

23 Capgemini Invent, Captive Finance Study 2.0, 2019

Digital platforms and ecosystems are the cornerstones of future
business growth.

The difference between                                  The more providers on the platform,        The strengths of an ecosystem are:
platform and ecosystem                                  the greater the range of products
                                                                                                   •     Focus:
                                                        and services, and the more attractive
Digital platforms and ecosystems                                                                         Companies no longer need to
                                                        the platform becomes for customers.
are described as innovative and key                                                                      be strong in every aspect of the
                                                        The more customers there are on the
to business success. Depending on                                                                        value chain but can focus on
                                                        platform, the more lucrative it is for
experts’ opinion, either the one or the                                                                  specific steps.
                                                        providers to offer their products and
other is the true key success factor to                 services there. In combination with        •    Efficiency:
survive. Nevertheless, there seems                      the first strength there is an incentive        The readiness to pay for end-to-
to be no common understanding.                          for cooperation and exponential                 end services as well as customer
The terms are often confused and                        network effects.                                satisfaction increases, which
rarely distinguished from each other.                                                                   means that despite an increased
However, before Captives can derive                     To sum up, a digital platform provides
                                                                                                        number of service providers, a
strategic measures for action, the                      the infrastructure to connect
                                                                                                        higher return remains for the
terms need first to be sharpened.​                      providers and customers. The added
                                                                                                        individual provider.
                                                        value is not only generated through
Traditional marketplaces have been                      the sale of products and services, but     Similar to the platform, the added
around since the very beginning of                      also by bringing competitors together,     value for both the customer and the
mankind. The digital platform24 is                      which creates increased transparency       provider is increased by additional
basically an online marketplace                         for the customer.                          participants in the ecosystem and
where supply and demand also                                                                       associated network effects.
come together. Companies can offer                      An ecosystem25 is an orchestrated
product and services and compete on                     combination of multiple providers          Both concepts require multiple service
the platform. The best example is the                   that tailor their products and services    providers – platforms in form of a
Amazon marketplace. The possibilities                   to customers’ needs. An ecosystem          competitive situation and ecosystems
of digitization are creating changed                    can address one or more customer           in form of synergy effects.
strategic implications that allow                       needs. Supply and demand between
                                                        customers and providers is also            The main difference is that an
platforms to leverage their strengths:                                                             ecosystem can consist of several
                                                        existent in an ecosystem, but in this
•      Scalability:                                     case different providers combine           digital platforms – an isolated digital
       The cost structures of platforms                 their individual range of services in      platform, however, cannot function as
       are characterized by high fixed                  order to better satisfy the customer’s     an ecosystem. That means a platform
       costs and low marginal costs for                 overall needs. Another important           enables customers to compare
       additional customers - platform                  aspect is the direct focus on end-to-      providers, products and services.
       providers therefore profit from                  end solutions. Through the combined        If there are price or performance
       each additional customer.                        services of different providers,           differences the user can easily see that
                                                        the customer is offered a higher           and increases his benefit by selecting
•      Network effects:                                                                            the best offer. In the case of the
                                                        benefit than if he would use the
       The value added of a platform for                                                           ecosystem, the service is completed by
                                                        services individually.
       both providers and customers                                                                several providers. Provider A fulfils one
       depends on the number of each                                                               part of the total service and provider B
       other.                                                                                      another part. The service is therefore
                                                                                                   provided cooperatively.

24 FH Münster, Digital Platforms – Vom Pipeline- zum Plattform Business; 2017
25 The Telegraph, What is a digital ecosystem and how can your business benefit from one, 2017

Captives can explore four different strategic positions within the digital
platform business

In the future role of a digital mobility
provider there are four strategic
positions for Captives to get involved                                               3                                                  4
into digital platform business
(compare figure 5):                                                                   Platform                         Platform
•     Option 1 – Captives purchase                                                     Owner/                         Ecosystem
                                                     E2E CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

      mobility services from start-ups,                                              Orchestrator                      Provider
      for instance and provide them on
      existing platforms.
•     Option 2 – Captives build their
      own mobility services and
      provide them on other platforms,
      e.g. on the platforms of OEMs.
•     Option 3 – Captives are the                                                    1                                                  2
      platform owner, i.e. they
      provide the infrastructure and                                                      Mobility                     Mobility
      orchestrate mobility services of                                                    Services                      Service
      third parties.                                                                     Purchaser                     Provider
•     Option 4 – Captives are a
      platform ecosystem provider,
      i.e. they not only provide the

      necessary infrastructure for
      an ecosystem and orchestrate
      mobility services from third                                             low            COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                         high
      parties, but also build and offer
      their own mobility services on                                             Figure 5: Possible strategic positioning of Captives
      the platform.

Option 1: Mobility Services                 They cost time and money. Time,                               skilled employees.
                                            because the goals of the investment
Purchaser                                   should be well defined beforehand
                                                                                                          Although, acquisitions take time
                                                                                                          and cost money, it is generally
The first option for Captives is the        and a suitable start-up has to be found,
                                                                                                          easier and cheaper to buy existing
purchase of mobility product and            which can take several months.
                                                                                                          services instead of investing into new
services. Especially, start-ups are
                                            Money, as not only the investment                             technologies and IT infrastructure.
known for their innovative strength.
                                            itself is expensive, but also the process                     Moreover, Captives as part of OEMs
This strategic position seems to be
                                            of administration and assessment of                           face the challenge of being caught
the easiest for Captives to explore
                                            the desired candidate.                                        up in idleness – mobility services
and indeed the chances outweigh the
                                                                                                          purchase therefore can strengthen the
challenges, still the risks should not be   In terms of recruiting, however,
                                                                                                          innovation dynamic. The competitive
underestimated when purchasing or           investments in start-ups pay off: In
                                                                                                          advantage and customer centricity of
investing in third parties. Investments     times of a lack of skilled workers,
                                                                                                          this strategic positioning is the lowest
in third parties need to be well            Captives can acquire new groups
                                                                                                          compared to the other three options.
considered.                                 of international, young and

Option 2: Mobility Service                 Option 3: Platform                           Option 4: Platform
Producer                                   Owner/Orchestrator                           Ecosystem Provider
Another option for Captives when           The third option for Captives is being       The last option with the highest end-
positioning themselves within the          a platform owner that orchestrates           to-end customer experience as well
digital platform business is to focus      products and services of other parties.      as the highest competitive advantage
on providing technical components to       What sounds to be simple, is in fact         is the combination of option 2 and 3 –
an already existing platform provider.     very complex. As a platform owner the        thus, building an ecosystem on their
                                           key success factor is to add value to all    own platform, integrating services
As a technology provider, Captives
                                           participants (supply and demand side)        or even platforms of third parties
would act as a mobility service
                                           on the platform by providing the legal       and offering self-produced services.
producer and exploit competitive
                                           and commercial framework and at the          This option offers an extremely high
advantage in a product category they
                                           same time to capture value for oneself       customer reach.
are strong in, for instance leasing
                                           (e.g. by charging transaction costs).
offers. Besides the development                                                         This strategic position is by far the
of the mobility services, Captives         Crucial for the growth and value             most complex type, especially when
would also be responsible for the          creation of a platform is a good             it comes to the integration of several
marketing and sales of that services       management of network effects for            platforms into one integrated service.
to platform providers, as well as for      the demander and supplier. If this           However, this option has the highest
consulting and after-market services.      capability is mastered well, being           value proposition for customers.
                                           a platform owner has basically no
This option bears risks like losing the                                                 Besides the already mentioned
                                           negative side-effects, but helps to
direct customer touchpoint as well                                                      strengths in option 3, this strategic
                                           scale business.
as losing customer data ownership.                                                      position has extremely valuable data
The dependency on the platform             An effective data strategy is another        flows. Gathering and analyzing this
provider is high. If it is a third-party   important lever for Captives that want       customer data helps to identify new
platform provider, this option requires    to succeed with their own platform. In       revenue streams by creating new
a good relationship and contract as        this context it is also important to look    products and services. If the business
frequently platforms have premium          at the impact of regulations, which may      and data processes are automated,
partners, which are preferred in terms     hinder the data collection capabilities      operational costs can be reduced.
of product placement, for instance.        of Captives. Major risks of this strategic
                                                                                        Special attention should be attached
                                           positioning are high investment costs
Providing services on the branded                                                       to the structure of networks on the
                                           in IT and missing benchmarks in the
platform of their OEMs, however,                                                        platform as it will affect the scalability.
                                           financial services sector.
can leverage the end-to-end                                                             Network effects are strongest, when
customer experience as Captives            However, this scenario gives Captives        they are built on a global scale instead
can build on their joint strong            the greatest freedom in taking               on a local one. This prevents rivalry
brand name that many customers             decisions and therefore can accelerate       with local threats.​
trust in. Moreover, Captives could         time-to-market.​Moreover, the first
                                                                                        A major risk when offering self-
benefit from OEMS cooperation              mover advantage takes effect giving
                                                                                        produced services within an ecosystem
with tech giants and hyperscalers.         Captives the chance to snatch the
                                                                                        with third parties is focusing only on
                                           pioneering role as a platform provider
The challenge of this option,                                                           your own services. An ecosystem lives
                                           among other Captives.
though, is the dependency on the                                                        from network effects, which means
OEM, which might affect time-to-                                                        that the other participants within it
market. OEMs are known for their                                                        should not be cannibalized.
decision-making inertia – therefore,
Captives need to take a pushing role
when thinking of this scenario.

1                           2                          3                             4
                         Mobility                   Mobility                 Platform                       Platform
                   Services Purchaser           Service Producer         Owner/Orchestrator            Ecosystem Provider

                                                                                                        Captives are not only
                     Captives purchase          Captives build their          Captives are the            the infrastructure
                   mobility services from      own mobility services       platform owner, i.e.       provider and orchestrator
 Operating             start-ups, for            and provide them            they provide the         of third parties’ services,
  Model            instance and provide         on other platforms,         infrastructure and            but also build and
                     them on existing          e.g. on the platforms       orchestrate mobility            offer their own
                        platforms.                    of OEMs.           services of other parties.     mobility services on
                                                                                                            that platform.

E2E Customer
                          medium                      medium                       high                          high

                          medium                      medium                        high                         high

                                               Low IT investments as                                   First mover advantage
                   The purchase of third                                  No dependency on other
                                               platform already exists                                 and extremely valuable
                     party services can                                   parties; the freedom of
  Strength             strengthen the
                                               and joint strong brand
                                                                            taking decisions can
                                                                                                         data flows that can
                                                 name can leverage                                      help to identify new
                    innovation dynamic                                   accelerate time-to-market
                                                customer experience                                       revenue streams

                      Negotiations of                                      High IT infrastructure      Risk of only focusing on
                                               Dependency on OEM,
                 acquisitions can be costly,                              investments and skilled      self-produced services
    Risk                                        which might affect
                 time consuming and bear                                     talents to operate          thereby destroying
                    the risk of failure                                        it are required             network effects

                              Figure 6: Four digital mobility platform options for Captives

  Captives need to leverage their existing capabilities
  Captives are the asset manager for their OEMs and therefore are in regular exchange with customers. With their core
  capability of customer centricity and customer insight, Captives are best equipped to orchestrate customer data,
  products and services.
  This close customer touchpoint can enrich every OEM’s service and defend their position on the market by becoming a
  partner for innovation. The market, OEMs and Captives operate in, is taking one of the most drastic changes since the
  emergence of automobiles.
  Captives have the ability to anticipate demands early and use disruption to their advantage. Taking these capabilities
  into account, Captives are in a great position to take a leading role in being a platform orchestrator or providing an
  ecosystem based on a platform.

  “ Attracting many services to the same platform sharing infrastructural
    components will translate ultimately into more growth.

     1                                                                                                              2
         Define your vision and develop a clear                   Make or join decision: define your role
         strategy towards it                                     within the platform ecosystem

         Business performance and the potential for              Each company can find a place within the
         significant revenue growth are at the heart of           platform business model. Do you want to be a
         platform business. To realize the full potential, all   platform participant or the platform orchestra-
         involved stakeholders need a clear vision and a         tor? Key guiding questions to the answer are:
         roadmap that outlines how the network effects            Who are your clients? What do they want? Who
         will scale.                                             are your partners? What are your strengths?

         Think about platform value-creating                     Focus on end-to-end customer experience

         To be a successful platform provider companies          Think of new products and services as a way for
         must provide value-creating mechanisms:                 your customers to experience your brand.
         (1)network effects that enable consumers and             Develop convenient solutions which solve
         demanders to benefit from each other;                    customer pain points to gain rapport. Provide an
         (2)innovation capabilities to create solutions that     end-to-end experience to your customer as this
         complement to the platform ecosystem.                   creates a unique value proposition.

     3                                                                                                              4

“ Who  will be the winner in the world of platform ecosystem? Captives‘ customer
  centric business model can be a great lever for building products and services on
     a platform. To keep pace with the innovation speed of start-ups Captives need
     to create their own platform on which they can build strong partnerships. A            “
     platform is the best possibility to create network effects.

The race is on – the winner will take it all!


         Justina Loewen
         Manager Captive Finance
         Office: Nuremberg                      Special thanks to my co-author Diana   Veit.


         Michael Zellner
         Global Head Captive Finance
         Office: Zurich

         Felix Gerstenberg                                      Anthony Gauchier
         Senior Manager Captive Finance                         Senior Manager Captive Finance              
         Office: Munich                                         Office: Hamburg

         Franck Dansaert                                        David Pitoiset​
         Head of Automotive | FR                                Director Automotive Captive Finance                
         Office: Paris                                          Office: Paris

         Will DuPont                                            Peter Alsterberg
         Automotive Practice Lead | NA                          Head of Brand & Experience​                    
         Office: Atlanta, Georgia                               Office: Gothenburg

         Carlos de Moura Cortes                                 Wei Song
         Head of Brand & Experience | Belux                     Director Automotive​         
         Office: Brussels                                       Office: Beijing


Our various Strategic Sales Offers make us the ideal partner for Captives
to support the transformation to a digital mobility platform:
Smart Mobility Connect                                          Efficiency and Scalability Strategy
Do you want to establish connectivity in your automotive        A roadmap for efficient scaling of organizations​
product portfolio? Capgemini Invent has the necessary
capabilities to make you build the connected cars of the
future                                                          Tailored Efficiency & Scalability Assessment​
                                                                Capgemini Invent unlocks the massive potential of new
                                                                technologies and business models by analyzing the gaps
Connected Customer ​
                                                                in an organization’s focus areas – governance, structure,
​ apgemini Invent’s offering creates seamless customer-
C                                                               technology, capabilities, culture and partners.​
centric strategies and solutions, using advanced technologies
to heighten the impact of customer experience. It leverages
real-time data to provide actionable insight, resulting in      ​Efficient scaling operating model​
quick turn-around innovative solutions. It creates customer
loyalty by anticipating future needs along the holistic         Capgemini Invent provides a blueprint of an efficient scaling
customer journey.                                               operating model that is fitted to the individual needs of
                                                                our clients. Based on the tailored Efficiency & scalability
                                                                Assessment we jointly define the target picture dimensions
                                                                and detailed characteristics for each identified focus area. ​​
Connected Services & Products​
​ nlock untapped business potential with new connected
services and products including our end-to-end mobility         ​Efficiency & Scalability Transformation Ramp-up​
solutions, which are tailored to the clients needs and
capabilities by Capgemini Invent.                               Rapid Start is Capgemini’s global standard for early
                                                                mobilization of projects in established partnerships to
                                                                accelerate the ramp-up phase and to establish consistent
                                                                method and tool usage through minimal local adaptation.
Connected Ecosystem​
                                                                In this important phase Capgemini Invent supports through
Capgemini Invent helps businesses define their future           intensive training and coaching.
positioning within the digital value chain. We create
cooperation models with non-traditional partners and
activate our clients’ vision through carefully-designed and
agile business and operating models.

Customer Engine​
The Customer Engine demonstrator connects these three
core pillars providing the architectural framework to
reimagine the customer experience of the future. With
the technical blueprint Capgemini Invent delivers an
implemented set of innovative future-ready use cases,
connecting all involved parties of the mobility ecosystem.

As the digital innovation, consulting and transformation brand of the
Capgemini Group, Capgemini Invent helps CxOs envision and build
what’s next for their organizations. Located in more than 30 offices
and 25 creative studios around the world, its 7,000+ strong team
combines strategy, technology, data science and creative design with
deep industry expertise and insights, to develop new digital solutions
and business models of the future.

Capgemini Invent is an integral part of Capgemini, a global leader
in consulting, digital transformation, technology and engineering
services. The Group is at the forefront of innovation to address the
entire breadth of clients’ opportunities in the evolving world of cloud,
digital and platforms. Building on its strong 50-year+ heritage and
deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables organizations
to realize their business ambitions through an array of services from
strategy to operations. Capgemini is driven by the conviction that the
business value of technology comes from and through people. Today,
it is a multicultural company of 270,000 team members in almost 50
countries. With Altran, the Group reported 2019 combined revenues of
€17billion. People matter, results count.

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                               ©2020 Capgemini Invent. All rights reserved.
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