Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...

Page created by Grace Wilson
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
November 9, 2020, Issue 730

Finding Life Beyond Radio
     As companies continue furloughs and staff reductions, radio
pros may be considering a career change or wondering if their
                          skills and experience can translate to other
                          industries. Moving from one market or
                          station to another may be common in radio,
                          but leaving the industry entirely can be a
                          difficult and emotional leap, as Country
                          Aircheck learns from three industry vets.
                             Longtime Boston programmer Ginny
                          “Rogers” Brophey, who exited
                          iHeartMedia’s WBWL in January due to
                          budget cuts (CAT 1/15), is now a Patient
     Ginny Brophey        Care Tech at Fresenius Kidney Care. She
                          hit upon her newest career path during a
medical mission trip to Nicaragua with her daughter, a physician’s                                                A Nice Jester: The KFRG/Riverside team celebrates the kickoff of
assistant. “We barely made it out of Nicaragua before borders                                                     their month-long T-Mobile Text-a-Thon benefitting Inland Empire
started closing, and that’s when I realized there are other options                                               Ronald McDonald House. Pictured (l-r) are David Bugenske,
in this world other than in my bubble,” says Brophey, who                                                         Dana Swearingen, Anthony Donatelli, Ronald McDonald,
harbored a passion for the medical field before falling in love with                                              Heather Froglear, Kelli Green and Vicki Pepper.
radio. As months progressed and radio companies made further
cuts, Brophey gave herself a deadline: “If I didn’t find an industry
job by August, I’d go back to school for phlebotomy.” When the                                                  CMA Remotes Go Virtual
deadline passed, she found courses and in-person learning were                                                      Amid an ongoing pandemic, the Country Music Association
limited by the pandemic, so she applied for a job in a dialysis                                                 (CMA) staff and membership head into a CMA Awards week unlike
unit. “The benefits are great, the paid training was 12 weeks and                                               any other before – and hopefully unlike any
it includes phlebotomy,” shares Brophey. “I wear scrubs every day,                                              other to come. Ahead of Wednesday night’s
deal with sick patients on dialysis and, yes, I stick them with big                                             (11/11) 54th Annual CMA Awards, airing live
needles! I love it. It’s intense and exciting to know I am making a                                             from Nashville’s Music City Center on ABC
difference in their lives.”                                                                                     at 8pm ET, CMA VP/Marketing Catherine
     Then-Scripps KTTS/Springfield, MO Dir./Traffic & Promotions                                                Frizzell tells Country Aircheck how the
and on-air personality Jordan “Jay Cross” Norcross worked                                                       organization is executing this week’s virtual
for the station when the group won both ACM and CMA Small                                                       radio remotes.
Market Radio Station of the Year in 2016 and 2018 before he                                                         Taking place today and tomorrow (11/9-               Catherine
                                                                                                                10) at Music City Center, the radio row                     Frizzell
was let go. During his tenure, Norcross worked with The American
Cancer Society promoting the local Cattle Baron’s Ball, and the                                                 combines online elements and social distancing
organization’s leadership was so impressed with how he handled                                                  to execute a scaled back version of the traditional remotes. “CMA
that project and previous ones, they                                                                            is working with all national radio groups to share content across
                                                   (continued on page 9)
   © 2 0 2 0 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                             Page 3

                                                                                                WI TH      ... RAYN E JO HN SO N
     A day in the self-isolated life of Mountain        I look at quarantine affecting my creativity
Road Records’ Rayne Johnson:                       both ways. I still feel creative but have had to
     I’m a homebody, so I haven’t really missed    adjust my habits. I’m lucky to have been in the
going out. I’m lucky I can still spend any free    studio working within social distancing guidelines.
time I have outdoors with my family. Discovering   Writing has continued, but through virtual
grocery delivery has really been a game-           sessions. It’s also been fun coming up with new
changer, and I don’t know why I didn’t do that     ways to interact with fans via lives on social media
before quarantine.                                 platforms. I started a digital show eight weeks ago
     Coffee … always coffee first! After that,     called Rayne’n & Pourin’ that’s been a blast!
every day is different. Zoom calls and virtual          I know many of my fans even better now,
writing sessions change by the day. I live by my   and hopefully they feel the same. I even love
iCalendar. I’d be lost without it.                 going onto other artists’ live sessions to learn
     I live with my wife and kiddos. We’re         more about them and what they’re doing during
an outdoorsy family, so that helps a lot with      this time. It’s the closest thing to sitting in their
the stir craziness. We can hop in the Jeep and     living rooms as you can get.
be on a hiking trail in 15 minutes from our             I’m bingeing Yellowstone, Outer Banks
house. There’s a lot of driveway basketball and    and the Dr. Duck series on Realtree 365’s new
backyard football. Now that college football is    app with my go-to snacks: avocado toast, dove
back, that’s what Saturday afternoons are for.     poppers, smashed avocado with salsa and
     I’ve always enjoyed hunting, but during       jalapeños and chips for dipping.
this downtime in warm weather, I’ve gotten into         Embarrassingly enough, I even learned
fishing. My best friend is a seasoned fisherman,   how to play Fortnite. All-in-all, my family and
and I’ve learned from him and expanded my
fishing knowledge.
                                                   I have enjoyed our time together and a lot of           Matthew McCodaughhey
                                                   dinners at the table.

top markets,” explains Frizzell. “Many of the artists participating           we are providing the safest environment possible,” she says. “All
in the show will come through the remotes before or after they                staff and crew onsite are required to wear PPE and must practice
rehearse, just like usual, but instead of in-person interviews, the           social and physical distancing.” Additionally, every artist will receive
artists will interview with each radio participant virtually via Zoom,        their own sanitized, pre-packaged headphones and a mic with a
Skype, or the like.” The scaled-back nature of the event means                brand-new windscreen – it’s like Christmas for radio pros. “No
fewer interviews for the artists and more cooperative sharing of              gear will be reused during the remotes, and every person setting
assets within company-owned stations, similar in nature to the                foot onsite must be tested [for coronavirus] before arriving,” notes
workflow created by many groups during September’s 55th ACM                   Frizzell. “There will be daily medical checks with temperature
Awards event week (CAW 9/21).                                                 reading, as well.”
     In light of the current mask mandates in the greater Nashville               In addition to health screenings and sanitization protocols, safe
area and with the number of coronavirus cases on the rise, Frizzell           social distancing is a top priority. In lieu of an event that typically
and her team have put a hefty emphasis on safety for the remotes.             includes small booths of pipe and drape flooded with artists, their
“We are following all CDC guidelines and protocols to make sure               teams and multiple radio personalities, all moving about the room
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Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                      Page 5

in a bob-and-weave that leads to side conversations, hallway             Songwriters are Casey Brown, Parker Welling and Dickerson.
small talk and more hugs than handshakes, this year’s event will             Kudos to Jimmy Rector and the EMI Nashville crew on
include a barebones staff and a limited number of personnel              notching 46 adds for Eric Church’s “Hell Of A View,” landing
accompanying each artist. “The room will be setup in a one-way           atop this week’s board.
path, so once the artist enters,                                             And finally, a big cheer for Stacy Blythe, Ali Matkosky
he or she will move from                                                 and the entire Big Loud team for registering three of this week’s
interview to interview in one                                            top five songs: Morgan Wallen’s “More Than My Hometown,”
direction, never backtracking,”                                          Hardy’s “One Beer” (with Lauren Alaina and Devin Dawson)
notes Frizzell. “All crew, artists                                       and Chris Lane’s “Big, Big Plans.”
and staff will have clear enter
and exit signs that must be
followed, and while going through the remotes, only one person           News & Notes
may accompany the artist.”                                                   Scotty McCreery, Luke Combs, Lee Brice, Old Dominion
     Participating radio groups will each be represented with a          and Brett Eldredge will host USRN syndicated Backstage
laptop and tech setup in an individual booth, and upon entering          Country for the month of November. For affiliation information,
that area, the artist will plug in their provided headphones and         contact Andy Denemark here.
mic to complete the interview before traveling to the next station.          McVay Media Pres. Mike McVay is spearheading the
Onsite staff will handle tech and engineering needs as well as time      Veterans Matter Campaign for radio with Country partners
allotments and communications back to the radio teams offsite.           including WKKO/Toledo, WFMS/Indianapolis and WDRQ/
Cons? Less physical contact, fewer radio participants overall            Detroit. For information, email here.
and Zoom screen shots instead of photos of fully embracing                   Sharla McCoy is offering free a Veterans Day radio special,
colleagues. Pros? Fewer hours spent on hair and makeup, the              The Gift, benefitting Fisher House Foundation. Email McCoy
possibility of wearing pajama pants while working and, of course,        here for details.
protecting the health and safety of all involved.                            Major Triad Media partners Dave Bethell, Chris “UK”
     In exchange for participation in the virtual radio row,             Stevens and Greg Clancy have acquired jingle and production
“broadcasters are committing to various items for promotional            music house TM Studios from Westwood One and will
support, including live and pre-recorded on-air mentions, as             transition the company from being Dallas-based to becoming a
well as pre-recorded streaming spots, social media posts, email          multi-national entity with studios in Dallas, Los Angeles and the
marketing and website banner placement,” says Frizzell. Interviews       United Kingdom.
with artists can be used leading up to or immediately following              Saga Communications is purchasing WBQL-AM/
the CMA Awards broadcast with the hopes of further engaging an           Clarksville, TN and its FM translator at W288DQ from
at-home audience consuming a steady diet of online content in            Consolidated Media for $175,000.
a year mostly devoid of live entertainment. CMA is also making               FlyteVu has launched a donor-advised fund, managed by AB
content and assets available to stations unable to participate in        Bernstein and funded by FlyteVu employees, clients and partners.
the remotes; artwork, copy points, television and radio spots and        The first donation of $25,000 is being bestowed upon Music
digital promos are among the materials available here.                   Health Alliance.
                                     –Monta Vaden                            Nashville-based songwriter Aimee Mayo will release a
                                                                         memoir, Talking To The Sky, Dec. 1. Details here.
                                                                             TikTok and Sony Music Entertainment have inked a new
Chart Chat                                                               deal making songs from the SME catalog available across the
    Congratulations to Russell Dickerson,                                TikTok platform.
Kevin Herring and the Triple Tigers
promotion team on landing at No. 1 with
“Love You Like I Used To.” The song is the                               The Week’s Top Stories
lead single from Dickerson’s forthcoming                    Russell         Full coverage at
sophomore studio album, Southern Symphony.               Dickerson       • Radio vets talk buying and running their own stations; the
    ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                      Page 9

CMHoF has a Big Night; and programmers share election                         “When it happened to me, I didn’t know what to do,” admits
coverage plans in last week’s (11/2) Country Aircheck Weekly.            Norcross. “But I had a good support system. Relationships,
• iHeartMedia cutbacks continued.                                        networking and staying in touch with people you’ve had success
• Andrea Burtscher is relocating to Northern California to serve         with is key. I still stay in touch with people from the stations
as Entercom/San Francisco & Sacramento Dir./Promotions;                  and currently work with two KTTS personalities on one of our
Brooks O’Brian added MD duties for KMLE. (CAT 11/6)                      campaigns.”
• KSCS/Dallas Hawkeye In The Morning co-host Katelyn                          Trade Skills: For many, radio is the only industry in which
Maida departed. (CAT 11/5)                                               they’ve worked, but the tools in the broadcaster’s toolbox
• KILT/Houston’s Monica “Mo” Lunsford and Nick                           are varied. “You wear a lot of hats in radio: marketing,
Russo added APD and MD duties, respectively. (CAT 11/4)                  communication, social media, event management, leadership,
• Toni Marie joined WKDF/Nashville for afternoons. (CAT                  email marketing and promotions,” explains Norcross. Brophey
11/3)                                                                    expands the experience radio provides, noting, “Networking
• BMLGR’s was elevated to SVP/Promotion &                                helped me find another passion in my work life. Juggling hours
Marketing; BMLG accounting team made moves.                              with late night concerts and getting up early to listen to my
                                                                         morning show proved
Finding Life Beyond Radio                                                flexibility.”
                                                                         Norcross’ experience
                                            (continued from page 1)
                                                                         at the St. Jude Country
offered him a job. “I watched my former PD Mark Grantin battle           Cares seminar in
cancer for six of the seven years I knew him and saw firsthand what      Memphis inspired
he went through,” admits Norcross. “He taught me so much and             a new fundraising
really helped me grow as a person. Now, I work in his honor.”            program: Songs
   A 30-year radio career took DeAnna Lee all over the south             For Hope. “A lot of
before landing in Seattle for the last decade. After losing her job at   non-profits, including
KKWF in September (CAT 9/11), she switched her focus to a business       ACS, are struggling
she’d been building for decades: DeAnna Lee Dance and the Boot           with donations due
Boogie Babes. A unique example of brand extension, Lee started her       to COVID-19, as
dance business when she signed on with her first radio gig at KTCS/      in-person events are
Ft. Smith, AR. “I would teach line dancing at the country bar once       a major donation
a week, and it was supported by the station as a promotion,” says        creator.” After the
Lee. “I wasn’t just talking to listeners at concerts, on the phone or    idea of a local concert
                                                                                                                    Check Please: Norcross (l)
on social media, I was teaching them a life skill – how to dance. It     fundraiser came, he                              brings in a donation.
immediately connected me with listeners on a deeper level.” In every     wondered, “What
market thereafter, she had the support of the station as both a radio    would Mark Grantin
talent and dance instructor, and now, she’s “thriving.”                  do?” The answer: a virtual show. The Facebook Live performances
     Not An Easy Decision: “It was emotional,” says Brophey of           have helped raise more than $35,000 and are now being
taking a job outside of radio. “But when you need benefits and           replicated in other markets.
unemployment is running out, you have to prioritize.” Lee agrees,        “Radio provided me with ease of talking to people and finding
saying, “I had worked through those emotions for many years              the common thread to make them comfortable and trust me,”
knowing this was ultimately going to be my path.” She adds what          adds Brophey. “So many people have the compassion to work in
could be an uncomfortable truth: “Let’s be honest. If you’re in          medicine, but not the personality.” Working with St. Jude also gave
radio, you know it’s not forever. You need to have a plan.” After        Brophey a charity angle to help make people aware of the need for
her husband made it clear that his move from Nashville to Seattle        kidney donors. “It’s a personal decision, but I hope to make more
years ago was the last time, Lee knew when KKWF said goodbye, it         people aware of being an organ donor. It can save so many lives.”
would be the end of her radio career. “I had been preparing myself            “Relationships are important, and they don’t just fade away
for that for a while.”                                                   because you’re not on an FM signal anymore,” concludes Lee.
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Finding Life Beyond Radio - Country ...
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                                     Page 12

                                                                                                             WITH      ... TRACI LEE
      A day in the self-isolated life of New South       My dad is high-risk, so for weeks, I couldn’t       been listening and
WUSJ/Jackson, MS PD/Morning Host Traci Lee:           see my parents; I normally would see them daily.       judging former
  More than 70% of our audience was                   I’m not married and don’t have children, so I          bosses. Just
considered essential according to a survey we         guess that makes it easier. I don’t like to brag,      kidding! Kinda...
conducted, so we knew we needed to be there           but I spend most nights in bed watching Murder,          I’m a chip
for them, providing information and lifting them      She Wrote on Peacock. I didn’t pick the gangster       person. Oh,
up. How do you navigate something for which           life, the gangster life picked me.                     and cookies. And
there is no playbook? You just do the best you           I do have a roommate who works here at              cakes and hot
can and hope your management protects you.            the same cluster on a different station. She does      dogs and wings.
Ours did, and I’m grateful for that.                  mornings, too, but we never see each other,            The occasional
  As a locally owned station, we were                 so we haven’t gotten on each other’s nerves,           pizza and fried
fortunate enough to not have anyone furloughed        although I’m not a fan of the way the house            chicken, too.
or see any job losses, and as we watched those        smells after she cooks cabbage. I’m pretty sure        Can’t forget the                Y’all Tales
numbers grow every day, our hearts broke seeing       hell will smell like cabbage cooking, so make          mac and cheese.
other broadcasters being cut.                         sure you’re right with the Lord, people. You don’t     And tacos!
  We never stopped going to the studio, so            want that for eternity.                                Atkin’s shakes are good, too ... #Balance
the days haven’t changed much, minus the                 I just moved offices at work, and it’s                This has been an exercise in perspective for
promotions and live shows. I’m on-air from            “my mama would be so ashamed” Carrie                   me. I struggled at the beginning, and I cried a
5-10am and recently picked up programming             Underwood singing kind of messy. I keep saying         lot. I prayed, journaled and read my Bible, and I
duties, so I’m trying to learn everything I can       it’s getting better, but I think it’s because I have   thought about things I never thought I would as
when I get off the air each day. There are a lot of   Milk Duds in my desk drawer now. That seems to         an adult. But even in the darkest days, the sun
meetings, and days are long right now, but that’ll    make everything okay.                                  would shine, and the humidity would be down,
get better – right?!                                     My newest hobby may fall under the TMI              and I would have enough hope to make it another
  As a cluster, we took $20,000 of our                category – I have started shaving my face. I read      day. Facing the unknown on a global level makes
promotional money and bought $100 gift cards          some stuff online about dermaplaning, and              you realize how small you really are, and being
from local businesses to give away on-air. It was     my Mississippi mind thought, “Well, that’s just        a person of faith, it made me realize how much I
such a win for us, because we supported our           shaving, Traci. Go get you a Bic and get to it!”       was loved when I didn’t have to be. I almost feel
local economy and were able to give listeners         So now that I’ve started, I can never stop, unless I   rescued and grateful to have gone through it.
something they needed.                                want to work for a carnival.                           I’m thankful for where it’s brought me, and I’m
  My cohost has been using TikTok live for               I finally read Where The Crawdads Sing, and         excited to see what’s next.
everything, and we have an audience of thousands      I also watched Tiger King. It’s all about balance. I     Share your favorite motivational verse with
of people we’d have never reached otherwise.          love Craig Groeschel’s leadership podcast, too. I’ve   Lee here.

 “Radio gave me the ability to lead and work a small or large            “Believe in yourself. Know you’re talented, loved and respected by
 crowd, make people laugh and to never, ever be scared of                your community. There are going to be days when you’re feeling
 being yourself.”                                                        down and don’t know how to put one foot in front of the other,
      Words of Encouragement: Before making a bold career                but you must be flexible and find your pivot. This year taught me
 move, Brophey recommends taking time to mourn the loss of a             how to do that.”
 radio job. “It is a grieving process, because we gave so much to            Reach Brophey here, Norcross here and Lee here. –Sue Wilson
 the industry,” she cautions. “Figure out what you love to do other                                                                     CAC
 than radio. It may be buried, but it’s there. Do not be afraid to start
 a new career. Think of it as a
 new adventure!”
 “Think about what you really
 want; don’t rush or make
 any drastic changes,” adds
 Norcross, who advocates
 writing down personal
 strengths and weaknesses and
 building your brand. “Think
 about your successful working
 relationships, and reach out to
 let them know you’re actively
 seeking opportunities.”
      “The way you presented
 yourself on the radio and at
 events with listeners is the
 way you have to feel about
 yourself every day,” says Lee,
                                                             Boot & Holler: Lee (third from right) and her pupils.
 who adds an enthusiastic,
      ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                SEEK & EMPLOY
                          MIDWEST                                         promotions, social media, voicing and producing                             Tracy Dixon. Reach Michel here, and apply here.
                                                                          commercials and website management as needed.                                    Frontier/Juneau, AK GM Cherie Curry
     Summit KFDI/Wichita OM Justin Case is                                Send résumés and airchecks to him here.                                     is seeking an OM/PD/on-air talent for the cluster
searching for a morning co-host. See the complete
                                                                                                                                                      that includes Country KTKU. Send résumés with
posting here; send résumés and airchecks to Case here.                                               SOUTHEAST                                        references and an aircheck to Curry here.
     Federated WQHK/Ft. Wayne, IN OM Jimmy
                                                                                                                                                           Townsquare KUAD/Ft. Collins, CO Dir./Content
Knight is searching for a morning co-host to join                              Cumulus WKAK/Albany, GA PD Bill Dollar is
                                                                                                                                                      Brad Hansen is looking for a morning host or team
incumbent Josh Michaels. Send résumés and                                 looking for an afternoon personality/Production Dir.
                                                                                                                                                      to succeed Jordan Soto and Michael Mason. View
airchecks to Knight here.                                                 Apply here.
                                                                                                                                                      the complete job description here; send résumés and
     Griffin KVOO/Tulsa OM Steve Hunter is                                     Cumulus/Shreveport, LA is searching for a VP/
                                                                                                                                                      airchecks to Hansen here.
seeking a morning show host or team. See the                              MM to succeed Aaron Criswell. See the complete job
                                                                                                                                                           Cox Country Format Leader & Country KKBQ/
complete job description here; send résumés and                           posting and apply here.
                                                                                                                                                      Houston PD Johnny Chiang is seeking a midday
airchecks to Hunter here.                                                      Sun WXNX (Trump Country 93.7)/Fort
                                                                                                                                                      personality for KKBQ to succeed Christi Brooks.
     MacDonald WKCQ/Saginaw, MI OM/PD                                     Myers, FL has an immediate need for on-air and
                                                                                                                                                      Complete job description and application here.
Jason Addams is looking to add a full-time on-air                         programming talent to join the private, family-owned
                                                                                                                                                           Entercom is now searching for a Regional Dir./
personality for nights. Send résumés and airchecks to                     television and radio company. Send résumés and
                                                                                                                                                      Promotions for the Mountain Region, including
him here.                                                                 airchecks here.
                                                                                                                                                      Denver, Las Vegas and Phoenix markets. The
     Alpha KZKX/Lincoln, NE PD Rob Kelley                                      Hall VP/Programming & Country WPCV/
                                                                                                                                                      position will manage all promotions and related
is searching for a morning co-host. Complete job                          Lakeland, FL OM/PD Bob Walker is seeking
                                                                                                                                                      activity for all brands in the region, including Country
description and application here; reach Kelley here.                      a morning co-host to join incumbents Julie Kay
                                                                                                                                                      KMLE/Phoenix. See the complete job description
     Midwest/Evansville, IN OM Aaron Santini is                           and Dale Roberts (a.k.a. DJ Thee Trucker).
                                                                                                                                                      and apply here.
seeking a Prod. Asst./on-air talent for the cluster that                  Send résumés, cover letters, social media links and
includes Country WLYD. Send cover letters, résumés                        airchecks to Walker here.
and airchecks to him here.                                                     Golden Isles/Brunswick, GA Dir./
     Townsquare KOEL/Waterloo, IA PD/morning                              Programming Mark “The Shark” Ediss is looking                                    Cherry Creek Media Group PD Mark Elliott
host Johnny Marks is looking for a morning                                to add a utility player to the four-station cluster that                    is searching for experienced OMs and PDs for
co-host who is “social media savvy and regularly                          includes Country WRJY. Duties include traffic, front                        future openings. The company’s Country properties
contributes content to the station’s website and social                   desk, promotions and on-air. Send résumés and                               include KAAR/Butte, MT; KCIN & KIYK/St. George,
media account. See the complete job description and                       airchecks to Ediss here.                                                    UT; KMON/Great Falls, MT; KGGL/Missoula, MT;
apply here.                                                                                                                                           KKXK/Montrose, MT; KWCD/Sierra Vista, AZ; KYSN/
		                                                                                                  SOUTHWEST                                         Wenatchee, WA; KYYZ/Williston, ND; and Classic
                      NORTHEAST                                                                                                                       Country KMON-AM/Great Falls, MT. Candidates with
                                                                              Townsquare KQBR/Lubbock, TX Brand
                                                                                                                                                      a minimum of three-to-five years of experience and a
     Forever WFGI/Johnstown, PA is seeking a full-                        Mgr. Lance Ballance is seeking an APD/on-air
                                                                                                                                                      background in programming multiple formats in small
time morning co-host. Send résumés, airchecks and                         personality to succeed Jan Miller. Send résumés and
                                                                                                                                                      to medium sized markets can send résumés, airchecks
salary requirements here.                                                 airchecks to him here.
                                                                                                                                                      and programming philosophies to Elliott here.
     WVRC WKKW/Morgantown, WV PD Mike
                                                                                                                                                           PLA Media Exec. Dir. Mark Logsdon is seeking
Vincent is searching for part-time on-air talent for                                                WEST COAST
                                                                                                                                                      a part-time Coord./Publicity to work a minimum of 30
weekend and fill-in positions. Send résumés and
                                                                               Badlands/Rapid City, SD is searching for a                             hours per week. Send résumés, references and writing
airchecks to him here.
                                                                          GM/DOS who can build, train and motivate a team                             samples here.
     Alpha/Fredericksburg, VA is looking for a
                                                                          for the cluster that includes Country KRKI. Interested                           RWPC Pres. JJ Jobe is looking for a hands-on
Market Mgr. for the cluster, which includes Country
                                                                          parties can send résumés and references here.                               GM for a small Southeast market. Send cover letters
WFLS. Interested candidates can see a complete job
                                                                               Ruby Radio/Elko, NV VP/Programming                                     and résumés to him here.
description and apply here.
                                                                          Tom Chase is seeking on-air talent for the cluster                               Kobalt Music Group is searching for a Mgr./
     Alpha WFLS/Fredericksburg, VA Dir./Content
                                                                          that includes Country KBGZ and Classic Country                              Midwest Promotion for the In2une team to handle
Bill West is searching for a morning co-host to
                                                                          translator K263BD. Applicants can send cover letters,                       multiple formats, including Country, Pop, Hot AC,
succeed the retiring Jessica Cash. Apply here; reach
                                                                          résumés and airchecks to Chase here.                                        Rhythmic, Alternative and Active Rock. See the
West here.
                                                                               Bonneville KYGO/Denver PD Brian Michel is                              complete job posting and apply here.
     Adirondack WFFG/Glen Falls, NY PD Chris
                                                                          searching for a morning co-host to join incumbent
O’Neil is seeking a morning host to also assist with

•Cactus Jack                                          •Doug Dodds                                             •AJ McCloud                                              •Brittany Tully
Former Entercom/Phoenix                               Former ZFKY/Grand Cayman PD/                            Former WWFF/Huntsville, AL                               Former WYNK/Baton Rouge PD
Dir./Production                                       morning host                                            APD/afternoons                                                                                   
602-430-5908                                                                                                  256-503-2301                        •Steve Knoll
                                                      •Marc Lavik (aka Dave Marcus)                                                               Former KMAG/Ft. Smith, AR PD/
•Heather Stevens                                      Former on-air talent                                    •Kristin Monica                     on-air talent
Former WQXK/Youngstown, OH                                                         Former WQNU/Louisville APD/mornings
middays                                               401-467-6737                                                                                                                                                       •Bill Hickok
                                                      •Denis “Catfish” Miller                                 •Paul Cannell                       Former KBMR/Bismark, ND
•Tony Kelly                                           Former KSNI/Santa Maria, CA                             Former WRKN/New Orleans PD          morning host
Former WUSN/Chicago morning                           afternoon host                                       
producer                                                                                                                            •Mac Daniels                                             •Amy Nic
708-642-8518                                          •Cory Mikhals                                           Former KPLX & KSCS/Dallas PD                             Former WAMZ/Louisville afternoon host
                                                      Former KIZN/Boise morning co-host                                           
•Greg Cole                                  
Former WKCQ/Saginaw, MI OM/PD                                                               •Tom Travis                           •Ron “Keyes” Stevens                                  •”Big” John Horton                    Former iHeartMedia/Oklahoma City SVPP Former WQRB/Eau Claire, WI
916-502-4734                                          Former KFSA/Ft. Smith, AR afternoons                  afternoon host
•Jonathan West                                                                              •Dave Schaefer
Former WKTI/Milwaukee afternoons                      •Kris Richards                        Former iHeartMedia/Farmington, NM     •Lee France                                    Former WKJO/Smithfield, NC afternoons SVPP & Country KTRA PD                Former KAGG/Bryan, TX PD/middays

   © 2 0 2 0 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
November 9, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                 SEEK & EMPLOY
 SEEKING JOBS                                              (continued)

                                                                                                                      SEEKER SPOTLIGHT
•Scott Davidson                                         •Guy David
Former WHOF-HD2/Canton, OH PD/                          Former KYGO/Denver mornings
on-air host                                                                     Agent: David Brody, 877-888-1267

•Trace Hamilton                                         •Jason Pullman
Former WEBG/Chicago night host                          Former WUSN/Chicago mornings                                                                                        AMBER RAINEY
•Daryl Thomas Ledyard                                   •Jeff Hunt                                                                                 Former KSON/San Diego middays
Former WBBS/Syracuse on-air talent                      Former WXCY/Wilmington, DE MD/evenings                        
•Shawn Carey
Former KXXY/Oklahoma City on-air                        •Brent Jones
talent                                                  Former Capitol Dir./Midwest Promotion                                                      Hear her airchecks here.                        
•Ryan McCall
Former WGLR/Platteville, WI                             •Kim Brixton                                                  “My strongest skills are creativity, sense of humor, social
MD/afternoons                                           Former WNWN/Battle Creek, MI                                    mornings/middays                                              media and the ability to connect with my listeners on a
•David Dean                                                                                                           personal level. I keep it real and am never out of reach.
Former KXDD/Yakima, WA afternoons                       •Mark McKay                                                   On the business side, I am easy to work with; I don’t enjoy                                     Former Riser House Dir./
                                                        Southeast Promotion                                           conflict, love helping others, and love laughing – often times
Former WUSN/Chicago afternoons                                                                                        at myself – and being a positive person.” and www.                           •Fletcher Keyes                                          Former WWQM/Madison, WI PD
•Brian “Wookie” Kostek                                                            •Erin Austin                                             •Nicholas Nixon
Former WDSY/Pittsburgh APD/MD/afternoons
                                                                                                                 Former KILT/Houston Asst. MD/middays                     Former KFRG/Riverside personality                                     •Steve Richards                                                     
                                                        Former Townsquare/Albany, NY OM                                                                                   909-754-3031
•Chuck Edwards                                                                    •Greg Raneiri
Former WYCD/Detroit mornings                            901-481-2669                                             Former KSON/San Diego APD/MD/nights                      •Kerry Wolfe
                                                                                                                                             Former WMIL/Milwaukee SVPP & PD
                                                        •Jody Wheatley                                                                                          
•Terry Phillips                                         Former WQMX/Akron MD/Promotions Dir.                     •Amber Rainey                                            414-788-3764
Former Entercom/Detroit Dir./Creative Services                                 Former KSON/San Diego middays
                                                                                                                                      •Chase Daniels
                                                        •Kelley Bradshaw-Brock                                                                                            Former WRWD/Poughkeepsie, NY PD/
•Bernadette Gibbons                                     Former WKDF/Nashville afternoons                         •Jared “Marshall” Goldberg                               afternoons
Former Entercom/New York                                                          Former KMLE/Phoenix APD/middays &              
Coord./Promotions                                       423-802-4987                                             Cluster Dir./Digital Programming
                                                                                                                                       •Keith Abrams
                                                        •Tim Taylor                                                                                                       Former iHeartMedia/Cleveland OM
•Jeff Pierce                                            Former KWJJ/Portland afternoons                          •Tami Rumfelt                                  
Former Saga/Portland, ME OM                                                     Former WPAW/Greensboro afternoons
                                                                                                                                           •Mark Lillie
                                                        •Tim Richards                                                                                                     Former iHeartMedia/Farmington, NM
•Blair Thomas                                           Former Entercom/Phoenix VP/Branding,                     •Mike Allan                                              Cluster PD
Former WXCY/Wilmington, DE mornings                     KMLE PD                                                  Former WNSH/New York nights                                                                                                              303/704-0700
•Brad King                                              •Alek Halverson                                          •Darlene Evans                                           •Michael Rivera
Former WBYT/South Bend, IN                              Former KKWF/Seattle Interim                              Former WKIS/Miami middays                                Former KHEY/El Paso, TX & KBQI/
APD/MD/middays                                          PD/afternoons                                                                       Albuquerque PD and here                                                                                             
                                                                                                                 •Nathan Cruise
•Dr. Don Carpenter                                      •Mandy James                                             Former In2une Dir./Regional Promotion                    •Mike McKay
Former WYCD/Detroit mornings                            Former KMNB/Minneapolis mornings                                                     Former WQRB/Eau Claire, WI Brand                                                          615-496-6356                                             Mgr./mornings
•Jake Byron                                             •Chris “Fish” Shatek                                     •Mark “Skid” Lavin
Former KUPL/Portland mornings                           Former KMNB/Minneapolis middays/Dir.                     Former WOTW/Orlando Dir./Production                      •Jimmy Elliott                                Creative & Imaging                                       & On-Air                                                 Former WOVK/Wheeling, WV WPP/PD/
•Adam Rondeau
Former WCVL/Charlottesville, VA mornings                •Ginny Harman                                  Former KFRG/Riverside mornings                           •“Wes McShay” Gardipe                                    •JJ Cook
•Corey Dillon                                                                   Former Appaloosa Dir./Western Region                     Former iHeartMedia/Cedar Rapids,
Former KNUC/Seattle afternoons/Social                                                                            Programming                                              IA SVPP
Media Mgr.                                              •Nina D.                                                                                                Former KMLE/Phoenix afternoons                           307-899-0007
                                                                                                                                             •Jim O’Hara
•Brian McKay                                                                                                     •JD Justice                                              Former iHeartMedia/Quad Cities, IA
Former WXTU/Philadelphia middays,                       •Chris Huff                                              Former KCTO/Duluth, MN Brand Mgr./mornings               SVPP & Country WLLR PD/on-air
Dir./Production                                         Former KILT/Houston PD                                                                             

    © 2 0 2 0 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
November 9, 2020
LW    TW     Artist/Title (Label)                                        Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience +/- Aud Stations ADDS

2    1       RUSSELL DICKERSON ✔                                            27648     2682      8842      1038      50.94    4.811     158      0
             Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)

3    2       MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                 23246     1678      7545       678     42.427 1.987        159      0

5    3       BLAKE SHELTON f/G. STEFANI/Happy Anywhere (Warner/WMN)         22298     1223      7121       287     38.346 2.072        159      0

7    4       HARDY f/L. ALAINA & D. DAWSON/One Beer (Big Loud)              21312      884      6847       181     36.723 1.922        159      0

8    5       CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud) ✔                         20659     2988      6743      1025     36.376 5.757        156      1

1    6       MATT STELL/Everywhere But On (Records/Arista)                  19728     -6569     6540     -2038     37.433 -9.691       159      0

9    7       PARKER MCCOLLUM/Pretty Heart (MCA)                             18858     1543      5961       521     32.806 2.032        157      0

10   8       JON PARDI/Ain't Always The Cowboy (Capitol)                    16664      948      5289       253      31.73    2.326     159      1

12   9       DAN + SHAY/I Should Probably Go To Bed (Warner/WAR)            16028     1660      5135       532     28.354 3.479        156      0

6    10      JAMESON RODGERS/Some Girls (River House/Columbia)              15428     -5138     4953     -1678     30.077 -6.353       159      0

11   11      KENNY CHESNEY/Happy Does (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)               15162      215      4811       99      27.097 0.589        159      0
LW    TW     Artist/Title (Label)                                        Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience +/- Aud Stations ADDS
13   12      LADY A/Champagne Night (BMLGR)                                 14790     1181      4634       339     25.189 1.415        159      0

14   113     RUSSELL       DICKERSON
             KELSEA BALLERINI/Hole
                                   In The Bottle (Black River)              27648
                                                                            12910     2682
                                                                                       594      8842
                                                                                                4227      1038
                                                                                                           201      50.94
                                                                                                                     19.9    4.811
                                                                                                                             0.654     158      0
             Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)
15   14      DARIUS RUCKER/Beers And Sunshine (Capitol)                     11519     1030      3817      383      17.938    1.833     158       0
3    2       MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                 23246     1678      7545      678      42.427    1.987     159      0
20   15      LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia) ✔            11227     2138      3513      714      19.513    3.075     154      3
 5   3       BLAKE SHELTON f/G. STEFANI/Happy Anywhere (Warner/WMN)         22298     1223      7121      287      38.346    2.072     159      0
16   16      CHRIS STAPLETON/Starting Over (Mercury)                        10844      687      3474      205      18.154    1.348     157       0
 7   4       HARDY f/L. ALAINA & D. DAWSON/One Beer (Big Loud)              21312      884      6847      181--    36.723    1.922     159       0
17   17      NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                      10825      766      3517      285      15.852    1.298     152       4
 8   5       CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud) ✔                         20659     2988      6743     1025      36.376    5.757     156      1
18   18      RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)              10605      592      3342      233      16.816    0.928     157       1
1    6       MATT STELL/Everywhere But On (Records/Arista)                  19728     -6569     6540     -2038     37.433    -9.691    159       0
19   19      DUSTIN LYNCH/Momma's House (Broken Bow)                        10172      426      3351      135      15.752    1.099     157       2
 9   7       PARKER MCCOLLUM/Pretty Heart (MCA)                             18858     1543      5961      521      32.806    2.032     157       0
21   20      FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE/Long Live (BMLGR)                         9430      1158      3030      378      14.824    2.193     154       1
10   8       JON PARDI/Ain't Always The Cowboy (Capitol)                    16664      948      5289      253       31.73    2.326     159       1
23   21      TENILLE ARTS/Somebody Like That (19th & Grand)                 8430       990      2671      292      10.744    1.325     154       1
12   9       DAN + SHAY/I Should Probably Go To Bed (Warner/WAR)            16028     1660      5135      532      28.354    3.479     156       0
28   22      LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                               7370      1695      2157      562      12.853    2.514     140      17
 6   10      JAMESON RODGERS/Some Girls (River House/Columbia)              15428     -5138     4953     -1678     30.077    -6.353    159       0
24   23      JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                               7326       695      2400      183      10.604     1.24     147       1
11   11      KENNY CHESNEY/Happy Does (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)               15162      215      4811       99      27.097    0.589     159       0
26   24      BROTHERS OSBORNE/All Night (EMI Nashville)                     6579       306      2178       92       8.125     -0.01    148       1
13   12      LADY A/Champagne Night (BMLGR)                                 14790     1181      4634      339      25.189    1.415     159       0
25   25      DYLAN SCOTT/Nobody (Curb)                                      6436       139      2119       55       9.208    0.173     144       1
14   13      KELSEA BALLERINI/Hole In The Bottle (Black River)              12910      594      4227      201       19.9     0.654     158       0

15   14      DARIUS RUCKER/Beers And Sunshine (Capitol)                     11519     1030      3817       383     17.938 1.833        158      0

20   15      LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia) ✔            11227     2138      3513       714     19.513 3.075        154      3

16   16      CHRIS STAPLETON/Starting Over (Mercury)                        10844      687      3474       205   18.154 1.348          157      0
17   17      NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                      10825      766      3517       285   15.852 1.298          152      4

18   18      RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)              10605      592      3342       233     16.816 0.928        157      1

19   19      DUSTIN LYNCH/Momma's House (Broken Bow)                        10172      426      3351       135     15.752 1.099        157      2

21   20      FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE/Long Live (BMLGR)                         9430      1158      3030       378     14.824 2.193        154      1

23   21      TENILLE ARTS/Somebody Like That (19th & Grand)                 8430       990      2671       292     10.744 1.325        154      1

28   22      LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                               7370      1695      2157       562     12.853 2.514        140      17

24   23      JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                               7326       695      2400       183     10.604     1.24     147      1

26   24      BROTHERS OSBORNE/All Night (EMI Nashville)                     6579       306      2178       92       8.125    -0.01     148      1

25   25      DYLAN SCOTT/Nobody (Curb)                                      6436       139      2119       55       9.208    0.173     144      1
      ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All rights reser ved. Sign up free at www.countr Send news to news@countr

                                                                                                                                         Chart Page 1
November 9, 2020

  LW    TW      Artist/Title (Label)                                             Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience +/- Aud Stations ADDS

  27    26      MORGAN WALLEN/7 Summers (Big Loud)                                 6305        283      1917       83      10.656 0.618        126      3

  31    27      PARMALEE f/B. BROWN/Just The Way (Stoney Creek)                    5510       1027      1840       317      6.728    1.244     123      6

  29    28      MAREN MORRIS/To Hell & Back (Columbia)                             5283        312      1733       123      6.168    0.266     134      0

  30    29      GABBY BARRETT/The Good Ones (Warner/WAR)                           5197        539      1711       167      7.149    0.939     138      6

  33    30      KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                      4845        648      1552       261      7.22     1.074     126      13

  32    31      BRETT YOUNG/Lady (BMLGR)                                           4792        369      1438       104      7.336    0.081     124      1

  45    32      DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol) ✔                                    4458       2214      1407       761      7.428    3.508     126      22

  35    33      SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The 90’s (MCA)                    4401        569      1312       168      6.113    0.845     109      5

  34    34      TAYLOR SWIFT/Betty (Republic/MCA)                                  4214         36      1339        -1      5.41     -0.284    128      1

  36    35      BRANTLEY GILBERT/Hard Days (Valory)                                3819        341      1249       108      3.619    0.093     128      5

  38    36      RUNAWAY JUNE/We Were Rich (Wheelhouse)                             3516        218      1203       87       4.088    0.376     118      1

  39    37      LITTLE BIG TOWN/Wine, Beer, Whiskey (Capitol)                      3290        213      1100       90       3.134    0.122     106      3

  41    38      JAKE OWEN/Made For You (Big Loud)                                  3267        526      1031       190      3.385    0.346      93      5

  40    39      MIRANDA LAMBERT/Settling Down (RCA)                                3083        326      1000       123      3.75     0.437      89      7

  42    40      J. ALLEN & N. CYRUS/This Is Us (Records/Columbia/Stoney Creek)     2729        170       981       63       2.052    0.149     104      0

  78    41      LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb) ✔                        2648       2191       676       565      5.813    3.754      65      19

                CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                               2623        466       829       131      2.96     0.807     102      14

  44    43      COLE SWINDELL/Single Saturday Night (Warner/WMN)                   2582        216       770       53       3.747    0.292      78      0

  43    44      ROBERT COUNTS/What Do I Know (Arista)                              2408        -25       733       -15      2.444    -0.05      85      0

  46    45      PRISCILLA BLOCK/Just About Over You (InDent/Mercury)               2341        166       660       58       2.984    0.165      63      4

  48    46      CAROLINE JONES/All Of The Boys (Mailboat)                          2304        322       853       100      1.279    0.294      88      1

  37    47      BRETT ELDREDGE/Gabrielle (Warner/WMN)                              2274       -1202      626      -435      3.36     -0.745    115      0

  49    48      OLD DOMINION/Never Be Sorry (RCA)                                  2225        245       677       89       2.44     0.203      65      2

Debut 49        KANE BROWN/Worship You (RCA)                                       2042        898       571       229      2.394    1.067      69      12

Debut 50        JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                          2029        349       682       128      2.736    0.574      68      8

       ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com

                                                                                                                                                 Chart Page 2
November 9, 2020
Country Aircheck Add Leaders                                 Adds         Activator Top Point Gainers
ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)                       46       DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                1784 ✔
JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow)            37       CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud)                         1250 ✔
DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                    22       RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers) 1130 ✔
LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                        19       LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                              913 ✔
LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                                 17       MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                798 ✔
CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                             14       LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)             508
KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                    13       KELSEA BALLERINI/Hole In The Bottle (Black River)             471
KANE BROWN/Worship You (RCA)                                     12       DARIUS RUCKER/Beers And Sunshine (Capitol)                    394
JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                         8       KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                 359
TEDDY ROBB/Heaven On Dirt (Monument)                              8       NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                     310

Country Aircheck Top Point Gainers                                        Activator Top Spin Gainers
CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud)                           2988   ✔   DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                  376
RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)      2682   ✔   MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                 276
DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                  2214   ✔   CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud)                           235
LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                      2191   ✔   RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)      232
LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)              2138   ✔   LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                               187
LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                               1695       LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)              155
MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                 1678       KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                  118
DAN + SHAY/I Should Probably Go To Bed (Warner/WAR)            1660       KELSEA BALLERINI/Hole In The Bottle (Black River)              103
PARKER MCCOLLUM/Pretty Heart (MCA)                             1543       JAKE OWEN/Made For You (Big Loud)                               85
B. SHELTON w/G. STEFANI/Happy Anywhere (Warner/WMN)            1223       NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                       74

Country Aircheck Top Spin Gainers                                         Country Aircheck Top Recurrents                              Points
RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)     1038        LEE BRICE/One Of Them Girls (Curb)                            23035
CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud)                          1025        JASON ALDEAN/Got What I Got (Macon Music/Broken Bow)          19514
DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                   761       LUKE COMBS/Lovin' On You (River House/Columbia)               18576
LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)               714       GABBY BARRETT/I Hope (Warner/WAR)                             11205
MORGAN WALLEN/More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)                  678       MORGAN WALLEN/Chasin' You (Big Loud)                          10343
LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                       565       MADDIE & TAE/Die From A Broken Heart (Mercury)                10199
LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                                562       SAM HUNT/Hard To Forget (MCA)                                  9241
DAN + SHAY/I Should Probably Go To Bed (Warner/WAR)             532       LUKE BRYAN/One Margarita (Capitol)                             8942
PARKER MCCOLLUM/Pretty Heart (MCA)                              521       B. SHELTON w/G. STEFANI/Nobody But You (Warner/WMN)            8451
DARIUS RUCKER/Beers And Sunshine (Capitol)                      383       MAREN MORRIS/The Bones (Columbia)                              8371

    ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com

                                                                                                                                      Chart Page 3
November 9, 2020

COUNTRY AIRCHECK ACTIVITY                                                          A D D DAT E S
PRISCILLA BLOCK/Just About Over You (InDent/Mercury)                        November 16
   Moves 46-45*                                                             ADAM DOLEAC/Whiskey’s Fine (Arista)
   2,341 points, 660 spins                                                  TROY CARTWRIGHT/Hung Up On You (Warner/WAR)
   4 adds: KBEQ, KPLM, WDAF, WNSH
                                                                            FAITH SCHUELER/March On Girl (Faith Newman Music)
CAROLINE JONES/All Of The Boys (Mailboat)                                   THOMAS RHETT/What’s Your Country Song (Valory)
   Moves 48-46*
   2,304 points, 853 spins
                                                                            November 23
                                                                            None Listed
   1 add: WKIS
                                                                            November 30
BRETT ELDREDGE/Gabrielle (Warner/WMN)                                       None Listed
   Moves 37-47                                                              Send yours to
   2,274 points, 626 spins; no adds

                                                                                         CHECK OUT 11/6
   Moves 49-48*                                                                           Shenandoah Every Road (Foundry)
   2,225 points, 677 spins                                                                The group’s first album with all-new music since 1994
   2 adds: KAWO, WKXC                                                                     boasts collaborations with Luke Bryan, Blake Shelton,
                                                                                          Ashley McBryde, Dierks Bentley, Lady A, Carly Pearce, Cody
KANE BROWN/Worship You (RCA)                                                              Johnson, Brad Paisley and Zac Brown Band, who are featured
                                                                                          on the lead single, “I’d Take Another One of Those.”
   Debuts at 49*
   2,042 points, 571 spins                                                                Josh Abbott Band The Highway Kind (Pretty Damn Tough)
   12 adds including: KCCY, KKBQ, *KPLX, *KSCS, WAVW,                                     Recorded at Sonic Ranch in El Paso, TX, the project was
     WDAF, WGAR, WIRK, WWGR                                                               produced by Marshall Altman and features ten tracks,
                                                                                          including the lead single, “Little More You,” previously
JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn’t Have Much (Valory)                                                 featured on 2019’s Catching Fire EP and penned by Troy
                                                                                          Cartwright, Benjy Davis and Neil Medley.
   Debuts at 50*
   2,029 points, 682 spins                                                                Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
   8 adds: KMLE, WAVW, WCTQ, WGNE, WNSH, *WQNU,                                             (Columbia/Legacy)
     WSOC, WUSJ                                                                           Produced by Nick Patrick and Don Reedman and recorded
                                                                                          at Abbey Road Studio 2, the release is the latest in a series
C. JOHNSON & R. MCENTIRE/Dear Rodeo (CoJo/Warner/WMN)                                     of RPO albums showcasing classic recordings in new
                                                                            musical settings. The selection of 12 Cash master recordings include
    1,798 points, 424 spins
    1 add: WDAFCHECK OUT 11/6                                               “Man In Black,” “Ring Of Fire,” “Girl From The North Country,” and
               Chris Stapleton Starting Over (Mercury)
ELVIE SHANE/My    BoyCobb-produced
            The Dave    (Wheelhouse) album finds Stapleton back                           Easton Corbin Didn’t Miss A Beat (—)
   1,742 points, 623 spins;
            in Nashville’s RCAno addsA, with additional work done
                               Studio                                                     The six-track EP follows 2015’s About To Get Real and
               at Muscle Shoals Sound and Compass Sound Studio,                           includes the Corbin, Brad Clawson, Shane Minor and Wade
                                                                                          Kirby-penned title track and current single; “Turn Up,”
LOCASH/Beers   To Catch Up
            collaborating withOn
                              his (Wheelhouse)
                                  wife, Morgane (vocals, tambourine),
            longtime                                                                      released earlier this summer; and his second collaboration
   1,409 points, 456bandmates    J.T. Cure (bass) and Derek Mixon
                      spins; no adds                                                      with EDM’s Lost Frequencies, “One More Night.”
 (drums), musicians Mike Campbell (electric guitar), Benmont Tench
SCOTTY       B3 organ) and Paul
         MCCREERY/You           Franklin
                             Time (Triple(pedal steel) as well as the All
                                          Tigers)                                         Kameron Marlowe (Columbia)
 Voices Choir
    1,352     who are
           points, 416featured
                         spins on “Watch You Burn,” written by Stapleton                  Marlowe’s six-song, self-titled debut EP was produced by
 and Campbell.                                                                            Brad Hill and includes his self-penned “Giving You Up”
    6 adds: *KIZN, KNCI, KXLY, WBEE, *WQYK, WRBT
                                                                                          and “Burn ‘Em All.”
    ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com

                                                                                                                                             Chart Page 4
November 9, 2020
LW   TW     Artist/Title (Label)                                                           Points   +/- Points   Plays   +/- Plays Stations ADDS

             MORGAN WALLEN ✔
2    1       More Than My Hometown (Big Loud)
                                                                                           11010       798       2350      276      48      0

1    2       BLAKE SHELTON f/G. STEFANI/Happy Anywhere (Warner/WMN)                        10865       202       2251      53       47      0
5    3       RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers) ✔                   10425      1130       2274      232      46      0
6    4       HARDY f/L. ALAINA & D. DAWSON/One Beer (Big Loud)                             8936       -153       1908      -15      47      0
3    5       MATT STELL/Everywhere But On (Records/Arista)                                 8137      -1893       1695     -502      44      0
13 6         CHRIS LANE/Big, Big Plans (Big Loud) ✔                                        7773       1250       1640      235      46      3
8    7       JON PARDI/Ain't Always The Cowboy (Capitol)                                   7635        -84       1583      -13      46      0
10 8         PARKER MCCOLLUM/Pretty Heart (MCA)                                            7375        193       1559      42       46      0
9    9       KENNY CHESNEY/Happy Does (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)                              7196        -16       1402      -12      47      0
11 10        DAN + SHAY/I Should Probably Go To Bed (Warner/WAR)                           7063        191       1436      41       47      0
12 11        LADY A/Champagne Night (BMLGR)                                                6876        255       1420      42       47      0
14 12        DARIUS RUCKER/Beers And Sunshine (Capitol)                                    6267        394       1215      67       47      0
15 13        CHRIS STAPLETON/Starting Over (Mercury)                                       5770        -16       1157       -1      48      1
7    14      JAMESON RODGERS/Some Girls (River House/Columbia)                             5737      -2951       1133     -640      44      0
16 15        LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)                             5520        508       1127      155      47      4
18 16        KELSEA BALLERINI/Hole In The Bottle (Black River)                             5462        471       1181      103      47      3
17 17        FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE/Long Live (BMLGR)                                        5284        281       1056      57       47      0
20 18        RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)                             4624         81       964       20       44      0
21 19        DUSTIN LYNCH/Momma's House (Broken Bow)                                       3851        165       846       21       43      1
25 20        LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol) ✔                                            3649        913       684       187      46      8
23 21        BROTHERS OSBORNE/All Night (EMI Nashville)                                    3482        255       687       42       46      3
22 22        JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                                              3353         2        643        8       44      1
26 23        NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                                     2990        310       651       74       44      1
24 24        MORGAN WALLEN/7 Summers (Big Loud)                                            2916        172       556       21       48      4
39 25        DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol) ✔                                               2784       1784       579       376      40     22
28 26        KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                                 2657        359       500       118      42      8
27 27        TENILLE ARTS/Somebody Like That (19th & Grand)                                2645        226       556       21       44      2
31 28        MAREN MORRIS/To Hell & Back (Columbia)                                        1937        293       378       51       41      1
29 29        MIRANDA LAMBERT/Settling Down (RCA)                                           1838         20       324        5       27      0
32 30        GABBY BARRETT/The Good Ones (Warner/WAR)                                      1776        278       433       58       42      2

     ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All rights reser ved. Sign up free at www.countr Send news to news@countr

                                                                                                                                     Chart Page 5
November 9, 2020

  LW   TW      Artist/Title (Label)                                                            Points +/- Points   Plays   +/- Plays   Stations Adds

  30 31        DYLAN SCOTT/Nobody (Curb)                                                      1742         8        379         6       41      0
  33 32        TAYLOR SWIFT/Betty (Republic/MCA)                                              1461        -27       302        -2       37      0
  35 33        BRANTLEY GILBERT/Hard Days (Valory)                                            1422        64        253        18       36      0
  37 34        BRETT YOUNG/Lady (BMLGR)                                                       1368        122       267        31       34      0
  38 35        LARRY FLEET/Where I Find God (Big Loud)                                        1192        32        183         4       20      0
  36 36        LITTLE BIG TOWN/Wine, Beer, Whiskey (Capitol)                                  1191        -83       222        -13      28      1
  42 37        SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The 90’s (MCA)                                1144        214       205        40       23      2
  40 38        JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                                      1125        148       206        23       15      2
  41 39        ELVIE SHANE/My Boy (Wheelhouse)                                                1036        80        190        18       19      1
  45 40        PARMALEE f/B. BROWN/Just The Way (Stoney Creek)                                943         130       223        33       31      1
  43 41        PRISCILLA BLOCK/Just About Over You (InDent/Mercury)                           924         39        165        17       14      0
  46 42        CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                                           899         167       134        22       17      0
  44 43        RUNAWAY JUNE/We Were Rich (Wheelhouse)                                         860          -4       192         8       29      1
  50 44        JAKE OWEN/Made For You (Big Loud)                                              841         271       217        85       15      1
  47 45        CHRIS JANSON/Waitin' On 5 (Warner/WAR)                                         713         97        108        19       14      1
  49 46        JIMMIE ALLEN & NOAH CYRUS/This Is Us (Records/Columbia/Stoney Creek)           638         55        124        12       18      0
  48 47        DALLAS REMINGTON/Uncommon Man (Road Warrior)                                   610         10        116         1        6      0
  51 48        CAROLINE JONES/All Of The Boys (Mailboat)                                      584         42        147        15       19      0
  52 49        BOBBY MCCLENDON/Maybe Tonight (Star Farm)                                      528          8        102         2        6      0
  56 50        RYAN HURD/Every Other Memory (RCA)                                             500         20        50          2        1      0
Debut 51       ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)                                     497         173       94         28       21      3
  58 52        PARKER MCCOLLUM/Like A Cowboy (MCA)                                            496         50        55          4        2      0
  53 53        LAUREN ALAINA f/L. GRAHAM/What Do You Think Of (Mercury)                       480         -20       48         -2        1      0
  55 54        CODY JOHNSON & REBA MCENTIRE/Dear Rodeo (CoJo/Warner/WMN)                      473         -14       92         -7       10      0
  57 55        DREW PARKER/While You're Gone (Make Wake)                                      470         10        47          1        1      0
  60 56        GONE WEST/I'm Never Getting Over You (Triple Tigers)                           450         50        45          5        1      0
  59 57        MITCHELL TENPENNY/Broken Up (Riser House/Columbia)                             401          6        91          0       17      0
Debut 58       LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                                      395         124       71         36        7      5
Debut 59       LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia)                            369         63        39         -12       4      0
Debut 60       ROBERT COUNTS/What Do I Know (Arista)                                          356         -18       92         -6       17      0
       ©2020 Countr y Aircheck™ — All rights reser ved. Sign up free at www.countr Send news to news@countr

                                                                                                                                         Chart Page 6
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